#and my son told my husband that ever since he learned that school has been a lot less enjoyable
lululawrence · 1 year
14 notes · View notes
syntheticavenger · 3 months
On My Mama - Two
Thank you to @cocobutterqwueen for the support while I was trying to map out this second chapter!
Santiago 'Pope' Garcia x Female Reader
Tyler Rake x Female Reader
Andy Barber x Female Reader
Jax Teller x Female Reader
Word Count: 6.2K
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, language, more angst, jealousy, a lot of male posturing, persuasiveness.
Summary | Being a single mom with a complicated relationship with your ex-husband makes for an interesting summer after a school event and an unexpected errand puts you front and center with some eligible contenders for your attention.
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True to Jax’s word, you’re in and out in less than fifteen minutes, happy to leave Melanie as she gave you a polite but pointed stare when you tried once more to pay him. He wouldn’t have it, slipping you his card in case you needed anything else, his cell written on the back. Not wanting to get in between Melanie’s distraction, there’s nothing left to say but to lobby another gracious thank you his way and slip into the driver’s seat. 
You found out much more than you ever wanted to in those short moments, Melanie whispering in your ear whenever he was out of earshot every detail that she had gathered about him. A single father to a son, a seven-year-old named Abel, rumored to be part of a biker gang – Vice President, Melanie had told you dramatically, her eyelashes batting when she says it like a secret – and more importantly, the best mechanic she’s ever had. 
Nevermind that her husband doesn’t particularly like that she takes her car to get repaired here, a fact she reminded you about at least three times. Melanie’s daughter tells every single bit of her mother’s business and Mia, at her young age, parrots it right back to you, laughing when you sometimes widen your eyes at the somewhat scandalous details, such as when Melanie bought store bought cookies and passed them off as her own, telling her daughter to stay quiet.
But as you had learned, there was no such thing as a secret to a five-year-old.
The late 90’s music blares through the speakers, pushing your cart down the aisle to continue your search  for marinara sauce. School nights are hard to plan for, especially with Mia’s ever changing appetite. 
This week it’s all about pasta, opting for spaghetti for dinner, even as you feel a small wave of guilt for the vegetables you will puree in the sauce. Reaching for a jar, a familiar face catches your attention, Laurie Barber giving you a wave when she approaches.
You know Laurie well enough to know that she has some gossip to share, usually between her and Melanie trading stories during field trips or snack day rotation.
“How have you been?” she asks, a hint of mischief in her smile. “I’m so happy I ran into you.”
“Oh?” you reply, noticing that she looks around before she finally speaks to make sure the coast is clear.
“You didn’t tell me your ex came to the parents’ lunch,” Laurie accuses playfully. “I had to find out from pictures?”
“Pictures?” you repeat, Laurie nodding her head, digging her phone out of her purse. 
“Of course there are pictures! I’d seen him with Mia when you had pictures of him with her as a baby but holy hell, that man is handsome,” Laurie praises, showing you a photo of Mia in Santiago’s arms, both of them looking intently at a finger painting. “Him being at the school is a good sign, right?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble, Laurie slipping her phone into the pocket of her pants. “It’s a start.”
“Still not on the mend, huh?”
“We’re divorced, Laurie. There’s no going back.”
“Don’t I know it,” she agrees. “It’s been at least three years since Andy and I divorced and I never look back. We got a great kid out of it and Andy’s moving on up in the world and he’s up for pretty big promotion.”
“Andy? That’s great.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t see him. He saw you,” Laurie teases, seeing you shake your head in response.
Every single mother throws themselves at Andy Barber.
You aren’t one of them.
“I guess I must have missed him,” you reply, Laurie shrugging her shoulders.
“You know Andy. I wish he wasn’t married to his work that much so he could get out and see the world, maybe date a nice girl who understands that sense of righteousness that he can’t seem to shake.”
“It’s nice that you’re on good terms.”
“Are you and Santiago not?”
“No,” you say quickly, hating that you feel like you’re now put on the spot. “I mean, we’re good, I guess. I was surprised that he wanted to see the school, he’s pretty much been against her going to public school since before she could even talk.”
“Avon Academy isn’t close to being terrible. He’s always had impossibly high standards, hasn’t he? Didn’t he go to a boarding school in Switzerland?”
“He did. If he had his way that is probably where our daughter would be right now.”
“Alone?” Laurie says incredulously. “She’s five!”
“No, not alone. I’d most likely be in some apartment in Zurich, trying to keep myself busy.”
“Sounds like a dream.”
“It’s lonely,” you respond, Laurie nodding, realizing that you aren’t willing to give up more details.
“Well, selfishly, I’m glad you and Mia are here. I’m also thankful for Santiago for gracing us with his presence.”
You crack a smile then, Laurie trying to contain her laughter as you both laugh. It’s absurd to discuss anything regarding your ex-husband but you know that Laurie is a safe space for you and that little bit of relief is what you need.
“Speaking of hot dads, Melanie told me you got your tire fixed. Jax Teller, huh?”
“Oh, God,” you mutter, running a hand down your face. “She really tells everything, doesn’t she?”
“Your fault for giving her a ride. Come on, don’t be shy.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Well, I’ve seen him like once and he wasn’t even on a motorcycle. He showed up in a truck to pick up his son.”
“Abel is seven, Laurie.”
“Still disappointing,” Laurie reminds you. “Barely got to see him up close and personal.”
“He’s nice.”
Laurie lets out an inelegant snort at your response.
“Nice? Nice is my neighbor across the way who wears a cardigan and a polo shirt and offers to water my lawn. Jax Teller is not nice. He looks like he could rail you into next week and send you off with a pat on the -”
“Laurie!” you admonish, hearing her laugh.
“I’m kidding but also,” she trails off, tapping the tip of her nose. “You know it’s true.”
Laurie’s cell goes off in her purse, picking up her basket.
“Shit, it’s Andy,” she mutters. “Probably needs me to pick up Jacob. I’ll see you at Jacob’s birthday party. Can’t wait to have a slice of your homemade cake!”
With a nod, she rounds the corner, speaking quickly while you add a box of noodles to the cart when you realize what she told you.
Birthday party?
Birthday cake?
“You said what?” you ask softly, Mia chewing as she hums.
“I said you could make Jacob’s birthday cake,” Mia offers proudly.
Placing your fork down on your plate, you stare at the wrinkled birthday party invitation that you had to dig through Mia’s unicorn backpack.
“Sweetheart, remember we talked about this? You ask Mommy first.”
“I did,” Mia insists, a smear of marinara at the corner of her lips. “You made mine when I asked.”
“Yes, you asked me to make yours. You did not ask me to make Jacob’s.”
Her little face scrunches up in displeasure at your hesitation, swallowing her food before she defends herself.
“But you’re good at it! Jacob’s daddy said you make the best cake in the whole world!”
“Mia,” you warn, seeing her little shoulders slump.
“No cake?” she asks pitifully, her lower lip trembling. “Please, Mommy? It’s his birthday. He has to have cake.”
“I don’t even know what flavor he likes.”
“He likes banilla!”
“Vanilla,” you correct gently.
“Vanilla and he likes vanilla frosting,” she enunciates. “He told me so.”
With a sigh, you get up, Mia following suit, nearly on your heels when you check the pantry to make sure you have everything you need.
“You’re going to make it?!” she asks, clapping her hands together excitedly. “You’re the best mommy in the whole world!”
“I’ll make it if you promise to finish your dinner.”
Mia gasps, running back to her chair as she climbs up, ignoring your warning for her to wait for you to help her, slurping spaghetti into her mouth.
“We gotta get a gift,” Mia reminds you, as if she didn’t just tell you last minute. “He likes cars.”
“We’ll go tomorrow after school, how does that sound?”
She finishes her food, watching as you pick her empty plate up from the table, remembering her manners as she wipes her sauce coated fingers with a napkin.
“May I be scused?”
“You may,” you agree, seeing her jump off the chair as it slides backward slightly, nearly giving you a heart attack when she bolts up the stairs.
“Don’t forget to brush your teeth!” you call out, hearing her slam the bathroom door.
Pulling out a mixing bowl, you start adding in the ingredients, hearing Mia singing loudly at the top of her lungs.
You have to hand it to Laurie.
The woman knows how to throw a birthday party. As if directly ripped from a Pinterest page, you and Mia walk through a blue and silver balloon, Laurie’s headband green with alien googly eyes that move back and forth when she hugs Mia.
“Jacob’s out back,” she tells Mia, holding out a pair of headbands – one like hers and another that is hot pink with the same eyes but with lashes. Mia plucks the hot pink ones from her hand, handing them to Laurie so that she can place them on her head, smoothing out her hair before she does so, both of you knowing that she’ll either lose it or break it by the end of the day.
Laurie spies the cake you hold, the piping in blue with an astronaut on the left.
“God, I love your cakes,” Laurie murmurs with glee, taking it from your hands. “I was so happy that Mia said you would do it because I was at my wit’s end with him and trying to make up his mind. First it was a western themed party and then it was a dinosaur party and finally, at the very last minute, he wanted a space party. Gotta love the indecisiveness.”
She looks at your green sundress, settling on your white Mary Janes.
“Finally,” Laurie teases. “You got smart and finally wore flats.”
You were never sure of a dress code, especially with a child’s party. Every party in the city that you attended, kid or not, you were dressed up, right down to the sky high heels. After the last birthday party, you’d gotten wise once your heels had sunk into the grass, leaving a stain that you couldn’t get out.
You pass a contingent of parents, mostly fathers, talking in a huddle, beers in hand while you follow her into the kitchen.
“Andy will be so thrilled that you made a cake. I swear he kept asking. Do you know those peppermint brownies you made last Christmas? He took half the pan home and -”
“I did not,” Andy denies, his gaze settling on the cake when he steps into the kitchen. “Well, well, well. Looks like Jacob got his wish after all.”
You forgot how handsome Andy Barber is up close and personal, his mischievous smile on display when Laurie rolls her eyes.
“Jacob got his wish,” Laurie repeats to you, moving behind you after she sets the cake down. “I’m going to check on the bounce house. Make sure he doesn’t take a slice before the birthday boy, hmm?”
She’s out of your line of sight before you even have a chance to answer, Andy opening the fridge, pulling out a beer before he pauses.
“Do you drink?” he asks cautiously.
“I do.”
Still holding the beer in his hand, he glances at the pitcher on the top shelf.
“Beer or what I think may be a cosmopolitan. Laurie always has some sort of signature drink for these types of things.”
“I’ll take a beer,” you offer, Andy placing it into your hand after lobbing off the cap.
“Good choice. Last time we had a mom who downed three Tom Collins before she realized what hit her.”
You don’t dare share that you’re a lightweight, taking a swig of your beer while Andy leans back against the counter.
“I saw you at the parent luncheon, didn’t I?”
“I was there,” you confirm.
“That lunch was something else,” Andy comments, making a face. “I thought Jacob was teasing when he mentioned glue. Turns out the kid was onto something.”
“You didn’t try the sandwiches?”
“No,” you say, trying to stifle your laughter at the look of pure disgust on his face. “I’m sure we’ll get a letter of an apology like we did with the dirt pudding cups last year.”
“I must have missed that.”
“You’d remember,” you point out, suddenly feeling self-conscious when you notice his eyes lingering on you. “What?”
He straightens up, looking over your shoulder, his index finger moving in a circle.
“Turn around?” he asks, your eyes narrowing suspiciously as you turn, seeing the ties of your dress float around you.
“Shoot,” you mumble, placing your beer down to try to reach behind you.
“I can help you,” he offers, keeping still when you feel his hands pick up the fabric, carefully drawing them together, the warmth of his breath on your back as he checks to make sure you’re comfortable. “Too tight?”
“No,” you respond, feeling him tie it quickly, the faint scent of his cologne lingering as he ties it slowly, your eyes looking up at the ceiling, staying still, feeling the slight tug of the bows before you feel him step back to look in approval.
“Thank you,” you mumble, feeling embarrassment wash over you when he waves your appreciation away.
“I was hoping I didn’t touch you with cold hands,” he answers. “Or get into your personal space.”
“I didn’t feel a thing.”
“No comment about the personal space?”
He smiles, lifting his beer to you before taking a sip. 
“Seriously though? Thanks for the cake for Jacob,” Andy thanks you, nodding toward the cake. “This kid hasn’t stopped talking about it once he found out. I gotta admit, they’re pretty damn good. I don’t know what you put in them but I can’t just have one slice.”
“I do the buttercream by hand.”
“Really? Tastes like heaven, that’s for sure. Not sure what you do for a living but if you made that career, I’m just you’d make a fortune.”
“Project manager,” you say, Andy nodding in response. “Wish I had the time. Baking relaxes me.”
“I’d be happy to eat your cake anytime,” he says, trailing off when he realizes what he’s said, laughing to himself as your eyes widen, biting down on your lips at the comment to keep from laughing yourself, when you hear Laurie coming back inside. Eyeing the cake, she looks up at you, turning to Andy.
“Cake is still intact. Guess she distracted you enough.”
Pete nudges Tyler in the side when you pass by, herding a small group of Jacob’s friends outside who were late arrivals, Laurie calling out to them outside to get their gift bags.
“You’re a married man, Pete,” Tyler reminds him.
“And I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I have eyes, you know,” Pete counters. “Judging by the rest of us gawking, we all have eyes.”
Tyler can see Hunter running, playing tag with the other kids as they laugh and scream. He catches a glimpse of you, beer in hand as he sees Andy next you and Laurie. It’s a scene he’s still getting used to, seeing Laurie and Andy divorced but still cordial. It’s wistful thinking to believe he could have the same, knowing that the shared custody took years to be processed.
“Does Barber know that Mia’s dad is back in the picture?” another father asks, raising an eyebrow at the sight outside. “Bold move, Andy. Right next to your ex-wife.”
“He never left,” another man chimes in. “Look at her. You really think he wasn’t that far behind? Surprised he showed up, he never comes to these things.”
“Reconciliation,” Pete says with a confident nod.
“He came because it was a special occasion,” Tyler points out, the men turning to look at him.
“How do you know? She told you?”
“Hunter knows Mia through school, and she told him that her father was going to be there because it was important.”
“So, he’s still out of the picture,” one of them hints.
“I don’t hear any of you offering to step up and take care of his child so unless you’re willing to break up your marriages or take on another responsibility, you’re all creeping on a single mother who doesn’t know that you’re looking at her. Excuse me,” Tyler responds, breaking away from the group as he heads outside.
“Honey, it’s alright,” you say softly, holding onto the boy’s arms gently to keep him steady after he was dropped off unceremoniously on the door step. “It’s alright. You don’t need a gift, okay? Your gift is that you’re here. Your presence is enough, I promise.”
Tyler peers over to look at the boy who is nodding, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. 
Abel Teller.
No doubt his mother had dropped him off without a word, a far cry from his father, Jax, who would have come in to say hello. He would have most certainly provided a gift, even though it wasn’t required, seeing Abel shake his head when he’s asked a question.
“What’s your name?” Tyler hears you ask, soothing him as you dab at his tears that slide down his cheeks. 
“Hi Abel,” you respond, introducing yourself. “Jacob’s outside. I’m sure he’ll be happy you’re here. Are you ready to go in and have some fun?”
He sniffles, nodding his head when Tyler clears his throat.
“Hunter’s here as well, Abel,” Tyler speaks up. “They’re playing tag, I think. You like that game, don’t you? Why don’t you come with me? They’re still in the thick of it.”
Abel’s eyes light up at the game, following Tyler to the boisterous crowd of children. A few of them recognize him, calling out to him before he leaves Tyler’s side. He can feel you standing next to him, your gaze settling on your daughter who is climbing up the ladder to the slide.
“You know him?” you ask, Tyler nodding as Abel takes off running.
“Yeah,” Tyler says after a pause. “He’s a good kid. His mother… she’s not always present. Father does what he can but when it’s her weeks to take him, it gets a little complicated.”
“I can’t imagine.”
He can hear the uncertainty in your tone, your fingers gripping your beer bottle tighter. He can tell you’re thinking about Abel and before it can go deeper, he nods at the beer in your hand.
“Need another one?”
At his question, you look at him in confusion before he smiles. You’ve been nursing that same beer since he’s seen you, absentmindedly ripping at the wrapper with your nail when no one is looking, a nervous habit that he finds adorable.
“I’m good,” you answer. “Thanks though.”
“How’s it taste?”
You look up at him, unsure of why he’s asking by the way you raise an eyebrow.
“Great,” you tell him, forcing cheerfulness into your confirmation.
He laughs then, seeing how stubborn you are. 
“Never met a woman who liked room temperature beer. You’re one of a kind.”
He sees you smile then, nodding at your lie.
“It tastes terrible,” you admit with a laugh. “But I was running around and by the time I got back to it, I didn’t want to ask for another one. It’s like coffee. I end up reheating it at least four times because I don’t have the time to finish it in one sitting.”
“I can get you another one, you know. No pressure, of course,” Tyler says, putting up his hands.
“I would like one,” you tell him, placing the bottle in his outstretched hand. “Thank you.”
“Thought so. I’ll be right back.”
Mia stops mid run to wave at you, grinning wide when you wave back, taking off after Hunter and Abel when Tyler hands you a beer.
“Thank you,” you say, looking back at the kids when Laurie gives you a pleading look, motioning with her hand that the cake needs to be cut.
“Shall we?” Tyler says.
Laurie calls out to Jacob, the kids lifting their heads so quickly that it reminds Tyler of meerkats, nearly a stampede as the dads remind them to slow down as they head toward the table.
Forks clink dully on the paper plates, frosting smudging on faces and clothing, moms swooping in to wipe mouths and clean off messes. Mia sits between Hunter and Abel, picking up a buttercream star and eating it, eyes closing in bliss as she dances in her seat.
Collecting discarded plates, you nearly run into Andy, who holds out a trash bag for you to toss them in.
“They’ll sleep good tonight,” Andy assures you, seeing the trio run into the house. “And I know I said this already but the cake… you just knocked it out of the park. Amazing.”
“Thank you, Andy.”
Between the number of kids and adults moving around you both, you focus on cleaning up the leftover cups of juice and water while Andy picks up the plates, working together in unison. 
You don’t really know the ins and outs of his and Laurie’s former relationship, only that they seem to have the co-parenting thing down to a science, no ill will, just a simple partnership that works well for them. Without meaning to, your mind wanders to if they sleep together, much like you and Santiago, watching his tongue run over his lip as he focuses the tower of plates in his hand to the trash.
You blink the impending thought out of your mind. It definitely isn’t any of your business and it only makes you more embarrassed that you have no self-control with Santiago.
Which is only half-true. You’ve been cordial when he asks about Mia, sending him pictures of her at the birthday party.
And you’ve conveniently ignored his text from the picture with you and Mia under the balloon arch.
Nice dress.
“Seriously though,” Andy says, any hint left of Santiago disappearing in a flash as he smiles at you. “Thanks for coming and helping. Laurie couldn’t do this without you, and I know I couldn’t clean this up alone. Crazy how people love coming to parties but when it’s time to clean… it’s suddenly time to go home.”
“I’m still here, Barber,” Tyler interrupts, holding up a trash bag. “Did you forget about the poppers with the streamers in them? They’re everywhere.”
“When Laurie throws a party, she goes all out, I told you,” Andy informs him.
Laurie stands, rubbing her lower back with her fingers when the doorbell rings. The small clean-up crew continues on, tidying up before the vendors come and finish up. A soft whisper of your name from Laurie makes you move away from the Andy and Tyler, both of them engaged in sports talk.
Hunter and Mia are asleep on one side of the large sectional, Jacob laid out in the middle and Abel on the other side. Standing in the entryway, Jax zeroes in on his son before he engages in a hushed conversation with Laurie for a moment, both of them turning their attention on you when you approach.
“Sorry,” Laurie says, frustration in her voice as she gives you a small squeeze of your hand. “I’m going to send Abel home with a gift bag. Would you mind showing Jax where he is?”
Jax gives you a glance when you give him a smile, hearing him sigh behind you.
“Sorry to come so late,” he says in a hushed voice as he looks on at the sleeping kinds. “Got word last minute that my ex wasn’t going to pick up Abel and I was doing a double at the shop.”
“He’s been fine,” you assure him, watching as he carefully picks up his son without waking him, brushing back his hair as he focuses on his son’s face for a moment. It’s a tender moment, one that you don’t pay attention to for too long, unsure of what to say. You can feel the anger radiating off of him, muttering to himself as he places a kiss on Abel’s head.
“We’re going home, buddy,” he says, Abel’s eyes opening for a scant second before closing once more.
Laurie meets you at the door with Abel’s gift bag, Jax extending his hand to you as you shake it, Laurie giving him a hug, careful not to wake Abel.
“You know he’s welcome here anytime,” Laurie tells him, the sliding glass door closing in the distance.
“I appreciate that, Mrs. Barber.”
“Laurie is fine, Jax. Do you have my number?”
When he shakes his head, Laurie has her phone in hand, waiting for Jax to recite his number.
“I’ll make sure she has it too,” Laurie promises, referring to you as he nods, giving you a hint of smile.
“Have a good night, sorry again for being so late to pick him up.”
Laurie closes the door after you both see Abel get settled into the truck, turning around to face Tyler and Andy.
“Teller?” Andy asks Laurie.
“The one and only.”
“Pity I missed that,” Andy murmurs. “I would have liked to ask him a few questions.”
“You leave your interrogations at work,” Laurie fires back softly, keeping her voice down. “He’s a father doing his job.”
“Oh, he’s got a job, alright.”
Tyler checks his watch, heading toward the couch where he looks over the remaining sleeping kids. You follow suit, your cell phone vibrating in your purse that is on a chair.
“Need some help?” Tyler asks, Laurie and Andy still in the foyer, their hushed voices a cue that he’s not ready to let whatever he knows about Jax Teller go.
“Actually,” you pause for a moment, looking at how peaceful Mia looks. “I think I’ll take you up on that.”
He’s gentle when he scoops her into his arms, cradling her to his chest as Mia doesn’t move, her breathing steady as he carries her toward the door.
“Not everything has to be investigated, Andy. Sometimes people can make mistakes and learn from them,” Laurie says, her words fading out when she sees Tyler holding Mia.
“I hope my spirited debate with Andy didn’t scare you away,” Laurie says, shooting Andy a glare. ‘We differ on justice and knowing when to pick our battles.”
Andy stays silent, his eyes locking with yours.
“Thanks again for today,” he says, Laurie nodding in agreement. “Get home safe.”
Tyler waits until you collect your purse, hug Laurie goodbye and give Andy a quick hug, inhaling the scent of his cologne once more that is intoxicating. Underneath that Henley, you realize there is a solid wall of muscle, something you weren’t expecting to feel before you head out the door and down the steps, opening the backseat for Tyler to place Mia in her car seat. Her head falls back on the headrest, still fast asleep when you close the door, checking to see if the movement woke her.
“Thank you,” you tell him softly, waving to Laurie, who is standing in the doorway.
“Don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do.”
Warmth radiates off of him, trying to get the picture of how quickly he had lifted Mia into his arms so smoothly out of your mind.
“I was thinking,” Tyler says, looking over behind you to see Mia still asleep. “If you’re interested, maybe you’d like to go to dinner with me.”
It’s finally cool now that the sun has gone down but your face is warm, nearly burning with anxiety on what to say. You haven’t been asked out on a date since your ex, let alone even entertaining the thought if you were ever asked.
But now you have been asked and you need to give an answer.
You only get one chance at this.
“Sure,” you reply. “I’d like that.”
“Great,” he says. “I can give you my number. There’s no pressure, of course, if you find that you want to cancel or that you’re not interested then let me know and -”
You recite your number, Tyler realizing almost too late as he punches in the number, sending you a text.
“Get home safe and uh, just let me know when you’re interested in going. My schedule is pretty open this week and next.”
You see Andy standing next to Laurie, both of them waiting until you get into the car, turning on the lights and the engine starting before they take a step back into the house. Easing out of the parking spot, you see Tyler heading back inside to presumably get Hunter, text messages popping up on the screen during your drive home.
Birthday party? Is that why you’re all dressed up?
Need a favor.
I’ll be there in an hour.
At the last message, you look at the timestamp when you pull over. The time is nearly ten and the message was sent almost an hour ago. With Mia still fast asleep, you take the quickest way home, unsure if he’s already beat you there.
Pulling into the garage, you see him leaning against his SUV, your resolve hanging on by a thread.
He never visits at night. Always morning, always in between meetings or a flight, or some appointment.
When the car is turned off, you hear the back door open, looking over as he studies Mia’s sleeping face.
“Out like a light,” he murmurs, smoothing back her hair. “She must have partied hard.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask quietly, his dark eyes snapping up to look at you.
“You didn’t get my texts? Got a late flight out tomorrow, Derek was able to charter it at the local airport, so I figured I’d come and see my girls.”
He unlatches Mia from her car seat, careful when he lifts her into his arms while you get out of the car. In a way, it feels like this should be a snapshot or normalcy, domestic life that you had a taste of once that had been snatched away without having properly processed what had transpired before it was too late.
The promise you had made to yourself still lingers in the depths of your thoughts, propelling you forward when you open the door, letting Santiago carry Mia across the threshold, heading up the stairs slowly while you watch him disappear.
It would be so easy to fall into the same routine. To have him share your bed, to give and give as he takes, lusty promises against your skin that he doesn’t intend to keep because he knows you well enough that you won’t hold him to it.
Placing Mia’s gift bag on the kitchen island counter, you know you could follow him, let his lips trace a line down your neck.
Picking up your phone, you send off a text, heart skipping a beat at what you’ve done. For a moment, you don’t think there will be a reply.
Your answer comes swiftly, Santiago coming down the stairs.
I’m glad you made it home safe.
Santiago follows you up the stairs, your silk robe billowing out behind you.
“I liked the pictures,” he tells you once you reach the top of the stairs. “I’ve always loved the color green on you.”
“Why are you really here?” you ask, turning around to face him. His shirt is half unbuttoned, revealing a hint of the chest tattoo.
“I told you,” Santiago reminds you. “I wanted to see my girls.”
“Since when?”
He leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest when he narrows his gaze.
“Since I saw the pictures you sent me. You’ve always held people’s attention. A child’s birthday party is no different.”
“I wasn’t sending them to you to make you jealous.”
He smirks at your passionate denial.
“And I’m not jealous. I know every inch of your body, every little nook and cranny that makes you come apart. They don’t know you the way I do so no,” Santiago says with a sigh. “I don’t think you were trying to make me jealous, but I think you’re lonely. I think the men in that picture know it too, judging the way they were staring..”
“I’m not.”
He gives you that perfect smile, looking you up and down.
“We both know how this always ends. We’re good for each other. Maybe not emotionally but physically, we’re compatible and we always have been. There’s no one else I would have wanted to have my child, to be the mother of my precious daughter. I can’t get enough of you still.”
He pushes himself off of the wall, settling his hands on either side of your face, your fingers wrapping around his wrists. It feels euphoric, his lips close to yours, body pressed against you, and it feels familiar, like you aren’t living separate lives when he kisses you.
“I can’t,” you whisper against his mouth, his forehead resting against yours.
“You can. I’ll take care of you like I always do.”
Your hand flattens on his chest, feeling his heartbeat when you close your eyes. You want to, you already know how it would end, tangled in sheets and alone when you wake.
Satisfied but alone, yet again.
“I can’t sleep with you anymore. This isn’t healthy for either of us. You can have the guest bedroom,” you answer, moving away from him as he lets you go.
“Guest bedroom,” he repeats, seeing you head toward your bedroom. “I’ll leave the door open if you need me.”
Closing the door behind you, you lean against it, squeezing your eyes shut as you ignore the ache between your thighs.
Sun shines in your eyes, startling you when you toss away the blanket, looking down to find yourself still clothed, clad in your shorts and t-shirt. The sigh of relief that flows from your lips gives you a sense of calm, nearly laughing to yourself that you had the willpower to deny the man who you’ve willingly given your body to after the divorce.
The savory scent of breakfast hangs in the air, scrambling to get up when you look at the time. It’s well past the time you had meant to wake up, running down the stairs to stop in your tracks.
Santiago cracking another egg in the bowl while Mia carefully picks out pieces of fruit to place them on a tray. Bacon, pancakes and oatmeal is on the table, something you haven’t had the time to make in at least six months with Mia’s busy school schedule.
“Oh, you’re finally up,” Santiago greets you, Mia dropping a strawberry on the counter as she hops off the step, running after you when she clings to your legs.
“Hi Mommy! Daddy and I are making breakfast!” Mia announces loudly, standing on her tiptoes to see what her father is doing. “I want an o-mel-le.”
“Omelet,” Santiago corrects gently, Mia nodding.
“Yeah, one of those!” Mia agrees.
Santiago cleans as he works, wiping off a counter before he checks on the omelet he’s making for Mia. 
A ripple of resentment goes through you at the thought of what this means. He and Mia always make breakfast together when it’s his week with her. It’s something Mia looks forward to when she’s packing her suitcase to see her father, knowing that the best you and Mia can do is a rushed breakfast of toast or instant waffles.
Father of the beginning of the day, you think, sitting at the table after Mia points to your chair, Santiago placing a glass of orange juice in front of you.
“Breakfast is almost done,” he reminds you. “Coffee?”
Before you have a chance to answer, a mug of hot coffee is placed next to the orange juice, Mia giggling when he turns back to the stove, flipping the omelet over as she claps her hands excitedly.
Mia whispers to her father, the hushed discussion reaching you. Curious, Mia covers her mouth when she sees you staring.
“Secrets don’t make friends,” you tease her gently.
“We’re going on a tour!” Mia blurts out, Santiago plating her omelet, holding it high above her head.
“A what?” you ask, Santiago placing her plate down and lifting Mia onto the chair.
“A tour,” Santiago repeats.
“I heard her,” you protest, Mia grabbing her fork as she stabs into her breakfast. “A tour where?”
Santiago sits across from you, Mia focused on shoving a piece of fruit in her mouth as he looks at the breakfast spread and back to you.
“We’re touring St. Mary’s today.”
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heartsforvin · 5 months
Heyyy loveee!!!🫶🏻
All your latest stories have been so beautiful and interesting, I love them!!😮‍💨
dad!Vinnie lives free in my head forever was so beautiful😭🫶🏻 If it's not too much trouble you could do another one where it's Vinnie and the Reader's daughter (or son) first day of school As if it were her first day in life and they take her to class and everything becomes emotional because her baby has grown quite a bit🥹💕
I hope you can do it if you want obviously, I send you all my love and I hope the work becomes less burdensome 💌🫂
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this is sooo cute 🥹
thank you for the request !!!!
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pairing; vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings; a bit sad, crying, use of pet names, pure fluff otherwise !!
summary; it’s your son’s first day of school and you can’t help but be an emotional wreck at the fact your baby’s growing up
ever since your son was born you dreaded the day he started his first day of school. he was a pretty easy newborn and toddler, so you figured the first days of school would go smoothly, right?
wrong. well, it went smoothly for your son and husband, but for you not so much.
you woke up to vinnie peppering kisses all over your face as he whispers for you to get up.
“c’mon, baby, i got wes all ready.” he told you as you slowly sit up and rub your eyes.
yawning, vinnie slowly drags you out of the bed. you slip on your slippers as you and vinnie make your way to the kitchen.
“mama!” your five year old son exclaims as he sees you enter the kitchen with his father.
you smile and ruffle his hair as he finishes up his breakfast. “what’cha got there, bubba?” you ask him.
“dad made me french toast with strawberries,” he replies with a smile. “said i need a good breakfast for today.”
you smile and nod. “first day of school, you excited?” you ask as you take a seat next to your son.
meanwhile, your husband is plating up more french toast with strawberries just for you. he hands them to you and kisses your head.
wesley nodded as he finished chewing his food. “so excited!” he exclaims.
he soon finishes his breakfast and vinnie goes to help him brush his teeth. you finish up breakfast yourself and decide to get dressed.
about ten minutes later the three of you were finally ready to leave. you helped your son slip on his shoes and vinnie helped him with his backpack before you headed out the door.
your foot anxiously shook against the car as the three of you were on your way to the school. vinnie held your hand, squeezing it occasionally to try and calm you down.
“you’re more nervous than wes,” vinnie lightly chuckled as he took a quick glance at you. “he’s gonna be fine, babe.” he reassured.
you smiled at vinnie then took a glance at your son in the backseat. he was kicking his feet while looking out the window.
you knew he was going to be fine. he’s never had a problem with other kids, and was honestly the most extroverted five year old you’ve seen.
ten minutes later you arrive to the school. vinnie parks the car and the two of you unbuckle and turn to face your son.
“you ready, bubba?” vinnie asks wesley as you watch your son grab his backpack.
the boy gives you both a smile and basically out of the car before he can respond. you and vinnie smile to each other before getting out of the car.
vinnie grabs wesley’s hand as you hold your hand in his, the three of you making it to the entrance of the school.
once inside and guided to the classroom, you can see the smile on your son’s face widen at your excitement.
you’re excited for him, proud of him, but a little bit of you is sad at this milestone. it’s a bittersweet moment to watch your son grow up, learn new things, experience life. part of you wishes you could just hold onto him forever.
rounding the corner, vinnie notifies you that the room you’re looking for is the second door to your left.
the three of you stoped a few inches from the classroom to say one last goodbye to your son before the end of the day.
you and vinnie crouched down to wesley’s height and smiled up at him. “you’re gonna do great, wes. mama and i wanna hear all about your day when we pick you up, okay?” vinnie says.
wesley smiles as he tugs on his backpack straps, ready to go into the room and finally start his first day.
he turns his gaze to you and sees that you’re crying. “don’t cry, mama.” he says as he hugs you tightly.
you hug him tightly even if the backpack on him is in the way. you laugh lightly before you kiss his head.
“i’m just so proud of you, baby,” you inform your son as you hold his face in your hands. “you’re gonna do great and meet some great friends, you got it?”
wesley smiles and hugs both you and vinnie. “i got it,” he smiles. “can i go now?”
you chuckle softly and ruffle his hair before you and vinnie tell him you love him. before you know it your son is in the classroom and the door is shut.
you and vinnie look into the window as he hugs you, kissing your cheek as he reassures you your son will be okay.
as the two of you walk back to the car hand in hand. its quiet for a minute before vinnie speaks up.
“you know what this means,” vinnie speaks. you already know where this is going, you playfully roll your eyes at him but let him continue. “now we have more time for ourselves.”
you laugh and hit his chest. “you’re insufferable,” you tell him. “you’re lucky i love you.”
vinnie laughs as he holds you tighter, the two of you getting into the car quickly after.
“as much as i love him, im glad it’ll just be us for a few hours now.” vinnie says as he starts up the engine.
you laugh again. “that sounds terrible, vin,” you tell him. “but i’m glad we do too.” you smile before kissing him.
you knew your boy would be just fine at school, that he’d make good friends and learn good things. you knew you’d be fine, too. you just might need a little more time than others.
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hiii !!! i loved writing this , it was so cute !!! i hope you all enjoyed reading it !!!
oh also !! for some reason tumblr isn’t showing some of your guys’ users that are on my taglist. so i swear im not forgetting you, it just won’t let me tag you for some reason 🥲
tags: @cosmicanakin , @anqeliclust , @forevergirlposts , @leqonsluv3r , @bernelflo , @visualbutterflysworld , @louloulemons-blog , @lovingsturniolo , @violet0182 , @laylasbunbunny , @hallecarey1 , @kriissy4gov , @supabhad , @slvthrs , @kayleiggh , @st4rswrld ,
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
The Bake Sale
Husband!Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Summary: When Grogu brings news of an upcoming Bake Sale hosted by the little school he attends between missions with the New Republic on Nevarro, his father enthusiastically throws himself into baking the the sweetest treats to impress his classmates. Din's devotion to the task makes you feel like there is a third person in your marriage as he constantly asks for your opinions on recipe combinations. Still, you are nevertheless charmed by his determination. Ultimately, while the fruits of his labour are delicious, you soon discover that Din Djarin's love is the sweetest treat of them all…
Word Count:  3.8k ✯ Rating:  General ✯ Content Warnings: One suggestive line, but apart from that, fluff (and cakes) so sweet they might rot your teeth! ✯ Author's Note: Took me like a month, but I finally got around to finishing this fluffy little baking oneshot inspired by a conversation I had with the lovely @suresnips about Din being a chaotic but enthusiastic baker! This one is also dedicated to you, Senna. Thank you for all of your help on TBOBW, much appreciated! Anyway it was a DELIGHT to imagine Din doing something so sweet and soft, now that he finally has his own home. I would love to explore more of this in the future! I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
✯ My Masterlist ✯ Read on AO3 ✯
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Din Djarin is a man who throws himself into any task with every atom of his being. Your riduur’s determination is never more apparent than when said task is for the benefit of someone he loves.
You have been privileged enough to observe Din’s love language firsthand and experienced how his love is all-encompassing, absolute and unconditional without suffocating. You know that if Din truly cares about someone, he will stop at nothing, no matter how tall the task, to improve their lives and ensure their happiness, even if the task demands everything of him for only a fractional improvement in their lives in return. 
That fact is particularly evident when it comes to his son.
Since their first meeting on Arvala-7, Din has been wrapped around each of Grogu’s tiny green talons. The hulking Mandalorian would do anything to ensure his boy’s contentment. 
Lately, that pursuit of Grogu’s happiness involves an activity utterly alien to Din—baking. 
Training his son in the ways of being a Mandalorian is important to Din. A task he has thrown himself into with the absolute devotion it requires. 
However, it is also important to Din that Grogu mixes with other children and learns how others view the galaxy. Din has told you on numerous occasions that he wants Grogu to be the best Mandalorian possible. 
Yet, even more than being a great warrior, it is more important to Din that he brings his son up to have a well-rounded perspective. 
After all, Din would never want Grogu to swear the Creed when he is old enough because it was the only path his father ever showed him. Din is determined to ensure that Grogu wants to be Mandalorian. 
Din is also in the unique position of raising a child who is actually older than him. As such, Din is not blind to the fact that Grogu’s lifespan will be far longer than his. There will come a time when Grogu has to fend for himself. Din wants to ensure that his boy is well prepared for that eventuality. He wants to ensure Grogu is well prepared for the multitude of fates and destinies which possibly await him throughout the galaxy.
That is precisely why Din insists on sending Grogu to the local school on Nevarro whenever there is a gap between their missions with the New Republic. It allows Grogu to be around other children, while also granting you and Din the opportunity to spend some precious time alone together. 
For the few hours that Grogu spends at school each day, you and Din enjoy time together without a mischievous toddler running around and causing mischief. 
However, as soon as Grogu returns from school, Din’s attention is fully turned towards his boy. You love watching Din as he dutifully helps Grogu with whatever projects or homework he brings home from the small school which Grogu attends whenever there is a gap in the steady stream of jobs that flow in from the New Republic. 
You are eager to see how Din is progressing with the task you left him in the middle of when you departed the small cabin you share near the lava flats to pick Grogu up from the repurposed Cantina in the centre of town. 
Din had been busy weighing out the ingredients to make Uj’alayi or Uj cakes, a Mandalorian delicacy that Grogu will take for his school’s Bake Sale. You are eager to see his progress when you arrive home. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the sight that greets you in the cabin’s small kitchen when you return home, however.
You and Grogu can barely stifle your giggles as you notice how the shine of Din’s gleaming beskar armour has been dulled drastically by the flour that, somehow, Din has managed to cake himself in from head to toe. 
“Oh, hi there, you two!” Din exclaims, slightly flustered at your presence, “Wasn’t expecting to see you back so soon!”
“Patu!” Grogu chirps from your arms and nods towards the chronometer on the wall above the stove. 
You smirk at the child’s sassiness, a trait he has learned well from his father. 
“Sorry, pal, I must have lost track of time,” Din apologetically shrugs. 
It is not the first time that Din has unintentionally let time get away from him. Baking the perfect Uj cake for Grogu’s upcoming Bake Sale has consumed Din’s every waking thought for the past few days. You and the little boy who brought home the assignment have served as Din’s tasters, checking each combination of ingredients until he settles on one that he is happy with. 
A few hours later, after dinner, it is a role you find yourself fulfilling once again. 
Usually, you and Din would spend quality time with Grogu, either inside or outside the cabin; mainly in an attempt to wear him out so he settles in his bunk without much fuss.
Tonight, however, as evening descends across Nevarro, you are alone with the tiniest member of Clan Mudhorn. Din has once again excused himself to the kitchen, mumbling something about how he needs to get the combination of nuts and dried fruits just right so that the sticky batter is not overwhelmed and weighed down by the fillings.
You would never have considered Din to be a baker when you first met him. You would certainly never have imagined he would throw himself into the pastime with as much enthusiasm as he has. 
Grogu’s task has seemingly reawakened the passion for baking that had lay dormant for some time. He told you it reminded him of his childhood, and you had learned that food played an integral role in Mandalorian culture. 
Despite his imposing demeanour, you have been privileged to see Din’s softer side evident beneath his armour. As you grew closer to him, you learned that he not only enjoyed baking and cooking but also tended to the assortment of plants he was cultivating in the fertile volcanic Nevarrian soil on his tract of land. 
Your husband is a man of multitudes, and Din continues to surprise you each day. 
As he does, once again, when he stands in the cabin's doorway and softly calls your name. His familiar deep voice travels through the warm Nevarrian evening towards the spot by the pond where you have crouched next to Grogu, who is enjoying his favourite pastime, levitating frogs. 
“I’ll be right back, pal. I think your father wants me to be a test subject for his latest creation,” you say as you playfully roll your eyes at Grogu, who responds with a giggle. 
You cannot help but smile as you return to the cabin, amused by Din’s determination to create the perfect Uj cake. Despite how endearing it is, you cannot help but be somewhat relieved the Bake Sale is tomorrow. If only because you fear the toll it is taking on your husband’s sanity. And his bank balance. 
Even though he is one of the New Republic’s most valuable employees with the wage to match, you fear you may have to take on debt to keep up with Din’s supply of ingredients. 
You hold your breath as you enter the cabin, mentally preparing yourself for the sight you that will greet you after Din’s latest attempt at baking. 
Fortunately, the kitchen is mostly clean. 
The same cannot be said of the man who occupies it. 
Din’s mouth is smeared with batter from his creations. His dark hair, which curls slightly at the ends, is stood up in every direction as though he has been furiously running his hands through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down. Your gaze travels down his body. You notice that he has changed into comfortable cotton clothes. It is an outfit you know is supposed to be cream-coloured, but in reality, Din's garments are stained with various shades of brown from the Uj cake batter.
You cannot stop and gawp at him any longer as Din motions for you to come closer to him. A giggle escapes from somewhere in your chest. You are so endeared by his determination to perfect the recipe. 
“Try this, cyar’ika,” Din rasps as he holds the wooden spoon covered in a dark, lumpy batter towards your lips. 
Din watches as you lick the batter from the spoon he is holding. You savour the sweet flavours as they dance across your tongue, forming your opinions with a thoughtful expression. When you look at Din again, you see his eyes momentarily darkened with an emotion you might even consider lust. It marks the first time he has allowed himself to think of anything except crafting the perfect Uj’alayi for the past few days. 
Before the moment can continue, Grogu chirps from behind the two of you. In response, you and Din hurriedly jump apart as though you have been caught in a compromising position rather than the entirely innocent gesture of tasting the batter. 
The child whines unimpressed at the sight of his buirs dedicating more attention to the Uj cakes than towards him. To keep him happy, you scoop Grogu up into your arms and take him to the fresher for a bath before you put him down to sleep. 
With Grogu finally tucked up between a mountain of plushies, you wander through the narrow hallway of the cabin in the direction of the kitchen. Unsurprisingly, Din is still hunched over the countertop, working on the Uj’alayi. 
“Din, it’s getting late,” you sigh, gesturing towards the chronometer, much like Grogu had hours before. 
“Just one more batch!” Din pleads, turning towards you with a frenzied look across his features. 
You shake your head and let out an exasperated sigh, simultaneously amused and concerned by his antics. Din throws himself into everything with nothing less than one hundred per cent devotion, so you know better than to fight him on this matter.
Slipping beneath the blankets on your own is a lonely, miserable experience. You are used to it when Din is away, of course. But it is a strange sensation to know he is here in the cabin, and yet he is unable to be here with you. 
Too devoted to baking to cuddle you.
You sigh forlornly at the emptiness next to you, a stark reminder of Din’s absence. Hoping that sleep, instead, will cocoon you in its warm embrace…
The other half of the bunk is still empty and ice cold to the touch when your eyelids flutter open sometime later. When you reach out to feel for him, the frigidity of the bunk beneath your fingertips makes it obvious that Din has not joined you. His absence is confirmed when your eyes finally focus and recognise the light streaming in from the hallway outside.
Din is still up in the kitchen. You groan, far too comfortable and warm to truly want to leave. Still, the buckethead’s well-being is somehow more important than your own.
You pad down the hallway towards the kitchen, groggily rubbing your eyes as you go. As expected, Din is still furiously mixing the batter.
“Din, have you seen the time?” you ask exasperatedly. Despite the late hour, Din is determined to perfect the recipe ahead of the Bake Sale. 
“I have to get it perfect,” he mutters, shaking his head in exasperation as he looms over the mixing bowl. 
“Darling, you look exhausted,” you whisper against Din’s neck as you wrap your hands around his waist, looking concernedly at the dark bags underneath his eyes as you pepper kisses along his neck. 
It might be a shameless attempt to seduce him. At least it would get him into your bunk. Still, Din is too hyper-focused on baking to acknowledge your advances.
“I’m fine,” he huffs, continuing to mix the batter, “Go back to sleep.”
You shake your head and retreat, knowing when you are not wanted. You know that Din will make it up to you and apologise once the Bake Sale is over. Although if he offers to bake you something to make up for his behaviour over the past few days, you may resort to using one of his weapons against him… 
You drift off for the second time, fantasising about which blaster from his armoury you would turn your hand to first…
When the alarm sounds next to your bed the next morning you thrust a clumsy hand towards the buttons to turn it off. You immediately notice that you are, once again, alone.
Din is nowhere to be seen.
It is a miracle that he hasn’t burned the cabin down.
Before waking Grogu up, you decide to see what kind of condition his silly buir is in. The rage that burns in your belly is extinguished the second you make it to the kitchen and lay eyes upon the adorable sight before you.
The golden light streaming in through the windows illuminates the entire room, where Din is slumped over the kitchen table, surrounded by plates piled high with Uj cakes. You shake your head and smile at him, not wanting to wake him just yet.
You busy yourself by getting Grogu up and ready for school, which is easier said than done, considering how lazy the child can be at times. 
When you return to the kitchen, you place a soft kiss on Din’s forehead. He stirs slightly, warm brown eyes flecked with honey in the sunlight and as thick with sleep as Uj’alayi batter. 
“Come on, sleepyhead,” you grin when Din finally focuses on you, “We need to leave for the Bake Sale in a few minutes.”
While Din dashes to the fresher and hurriedly pulls his beskar’gam on, you carefully pack up the Uj cakes. Grogu watches you, doing his best impression of a Porg as he looks up at you with pleading eyes, desperate for a taste of the sweet snack.
“You can have one later, Grogu,” you tell him, tone firm. 
You ignore Grogu’s whines as Din reappears, fully armoured and ready for the Bake Sale. Enthusiastic, despite how little he has slept.
The enthusiasm gives way to darker emotions when you and Din finally make it to the town centre of Nevarro.
As you begin setting up your stall, it appears that the other parents at Grogu’s school have not taken the assignment as seriously as your household. Most of them, it transpires, have used self-rising mixtures to hastily contribute to the Bake Sale. A fact that disappoints you as you watch them setting up their respective stalls, ready for the children to take over shortly.
Only Din had taken the task seriously, a fact that fills you with pride rather than embarrassment. How lucky are you to have someone as dedicated and driven as your riduur?
Despite how much more impressive your wares are than other stalls, the flow of customers is slow at first. Not helped by the fact that every unfortunate soul who comes to examine the Uj’alayi gets a lecture on their origins from an overly enthusiastic, sleep-deprived Mandalorian. 
When Grogu and his classmates appear to take over from their parents, you and Din make yourselves scarce. It is their Bake Sale, after all. 
You are intent on enjoying the rest of the fair; by exploring the stalls, sampling the food and playing traditional games which have been set up by the children.
You begin wandering through the fair, appreciating the effort that has gone into each stall. The children deserve a better school building and you have no doubt the fair will raise enough money to move them out of the former cantina.
But, when you do not feel the presence of your riduur at your side, you halt in your tracks and look around for him as panic sets in. 
Being the only Mandalorian on Nevarro, Din is not difficult to spot. You discover him pacing up and down, arms behind his back and helmet tilted in the direction of the stall. Although you cannot see his face, you are fairly certain that anxiety lingers behind the blackness of his T-visor. 
“Din, why don’t we go and enjoy some of the other stalls?” you plead, hoping that Din will relax and enjoy what should have been a fun event. 
Din shakes his head, “Can’t,” he murmurs. 
“Standing and watching them is not going to make them sell any quicker,” you huff, growing increasingly exasperated by his antics.
“You go on, I’ll catch up to you,” Din murmurs as he waves you away absentmindedly.
“Please, Din,” you beg, reaching out to take his gloved hand in yours, forcing him to look at you, “You’ve been so preoccupied with those kriffing Uj’alayi, it’s like you’ve been having an affair! Now that they’re finally out of your hands, can’t we please spend some time together?” you plead, hating how desperate you sound.
Din stands there motionless for a few seconds. Your breath catches in your throat as you notice him clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides, a mannerism of his that you have come to understand is a sign of anxiety. Your heart drops as you realise you have upset him.
“Of course, cyare,” Din finally breathes, clearly conciliatory and not annoyed as you had feared, “I'm sorry for neglecting you. Let's go."
Din follows you without hesitation.
You are ecstatic at finally having a chance to enjoy the delights of the fair. So much effort has been put into organising such an event by the people of Nevarro, and you are happy to support them.
The Mandalorian by your side seems less awed by the assortment of stalls, however. The various traditional games and food are tricky for Din to enjoy from behind his helmet.
There is one stall you suspect he may succeed at, however. 
Your eyes lock onto a high striker, a familiar game synonymous with fairs. You stand back, watching a man cockily sidle up towards the stall. After exchanging credits, he picks up a heavy mallet and nods towards the woman who accompanies him. You think you sense him straining under the weight slightly. Especially when he draws it back to strike the base of a tower with a heavy mallet.
The puck rises pathetically, not even managing a third of the tower's height. Yet, if struck with enough force, the puck would strike a bell and the competitor wins a prize.
You do not doubt that Din could win. 
“Din, why don’t you have a go?” you nod in the direction of the high striker.
Din looks towards the stall, as the man who just attempted it murmurs something about how they are rigged. You aren’t so sure, convinced that your hulking Mandalorian could win you a prize.
“Sure,” Din shrugs, clearly not fazed by such a challenge.
Unlike the cockiness of the previous contender, Din approaches the stall with his usual calm, understated confidence. You enjoy watching him swagger towards the man, getting a kick out of the fact he is all yours. 
After exchanging credits, Din picks up the mallet without a hint of strain, nodding towards you as he raises it above his head. Sure enough, when he brings it back down in one smooth movement and strikes the base of the tower, the puck seamlessly rises to the top and strikes the bell. Announcing Din’s victory to the entire fair with a ding, to which he receives a smattering of applause.
“Congratulations!” the stall owner chirps, “Which prize would you like?”
The man gestures towards a collection of brightly coloured plushies in various shapes and sizes. Your eyes roam across them, stunned by the collection. 
“I want that one,” Din nods without hesitation, pointing towards a bright green frog plushie. 
You smile, knowing precisely who that is for. Grogu can barely sleep in his cot as it is, but you have no doubt he will find room. Especially for a frog. 
Yet, Din is unable to bask in the glory of his victory for much longer. A familiar booming voice behind you soon causes both of you to turn around.
“Mando!” High Magistrate Greef Karga exclaims, “I hear your Uj’alayi went down a treat. Perhaps if your job with the New Republic does not work out, a future as a baker lies ahead of you,” the kindly old man chuckles as he brings a hand to clasp Din’s vambrace in greeting.
“Seriously?!” Din questions, clearly taken aback by the apparent success of his Uj’alayi. 
“All sold out! Before I even got a chance, can you believe that?” Greef smirks, “Perhaps you’ll have to bake me some?”
You cannot help the way your entire body tenses up at the thought of your kitchen once again being overtaken by Din baking. Still, as Greef disappears into the crowd, those thoughts are far from your mind as Din laces his fingers with yours. 
Now he has confirmation that the Uj’alayi were a hit, perhaps your husband will finally return to you.
As you stroll through the remainder of the stalls together, the sweet treats that Din had been so preoccupied with are far from your mind. The sweetest thing is being in his presence, proudly strolling around the Bake Sale and being unable to stop the feeling of pride that spreads through your chest at the knowledge this man is yours.
No matter how many passersby stare at him admiringly, Din Djarin’s heart belongs only to you. 
Later that evening, the two of you are standing in your kitchen back at your cabin long after the sun has set. Din is clearly in a pensive mood as you work together, drying the last of the plates which you used for the Bake Sale. 
“Cyare, I’m sorry for being so focused on making the Uj Cakes that you felt neglected,“ Din offers apologetically.
“It’s okay, Din,” you smile, “Thank you for apologising.”
“I was thinking,” Din pauses, raising a single eyebrow cheekily at you, “That I could bake you a cake to make up for it.”
“Din Djarin, you better sleep with one eye open tonight or so help me Maker, I will help myself to your arsenal!”
“I’d like to see you try,” Din smirks smugly, as he snakes his arms around your waist and brings his lips to yours. 
The sound of your laughter carries throughout the cabin, all the way to Grogu in his room. Cuddled up to his new froggy friend, with his little belly full of Uj cakes, he is blissfully unaware of the strain his school’s Bake Sale placed upon his parents’ marriage.
Follow @thefrogdalorianfics for updates on my latest fics!
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harrowclare · 2 months
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Siraj and her family need $500 to secure a truck in order to move herself, her disable husband, and her 5 children to a safer location.
In addition to this, she needs new shoes, and one of her sons needs access to emergency medical supplies, including colostomy bags. Long-term, they need food, water, and enough money to relocate permanently.
Siraj and her family are currently in Nuseirat, weighing their options. it is difficult to relocate with so many kids and an adult with a disability, and they have already had to do it twelve times. we are hoping to ease their troubles by helping them get access to a truck, as mentioned above.
Siraj keeps us posted, and despite everything her spirits are high. she was excited to let us know that she used some of the funds to buy an avocado as a treat. please, if you have anything to spare, help us help our friend's family. a reblog also goes a long way.
for updates on how the fund is going, and news from Siraj and her family, Beth, who runs the gfm, posts on instagram, and you can follow her here.
from the gfm page:
Siraj is a 32 year old mother of 5 children. Siraj met her husband Mohammad and married him in 2010 while she was attending Al Asqa university in Gaza, where she graduated in 2012 with a degree in public and media relations. She and Mohammed opened their own business, a clothing store, and worked very hard to provide for their family. They had a successful business and a beautiful home they shared with Mohammed’s family as well. When they first started their business it was an online store, but they were in the process of opening a physical storefront last fall. When their home was destroyed in October they also lost all of the merchandise they had purchased to open their store. Their home was in Nuseirat in Gaza City. The family was at home on the 17th of October when their home was hit. The entire family was trapped and injured in this event. Mohammed suffered an injury to his foot and has been disabled ever since. The parents also had to go through the horror of digging their babies out from the rubble and trying to get their injuries treated. After they lost their home in October, they have been displaced and ordered to move 12 different times. You can imagine the physical and emotional toll this must take on someone. This family currently lives in a tent somewhere southeast of the city. They do not have the means to move again should they be ordered to at this time. The long term goal for this family is medical evacuation for the child Eyad, as he is suffering the most. Realistically medical care for the entire family is needed.
Their oldest children are twins Maya & Yazan who are 11. Siraj has told me that Yazan had dreams of being in the Olympics and mom said he competed in swimming and martial arts and horseback riding. Maya is a gifted artist who misses her school and classmates. Their second son is Eyad who is 7. Eyad is special because he requires medical supplies that aren’t available to the family right now; a colostomy bag, which the family is forced to improvise for him, as none are available. Having a need like this go unmet will cause more issues for Eyad in coming days and his parents are distraught that they can’t care for him. He could suffer from skin breakdown from having his waste touch his skin without these supplies. Part of the funds we raise will be saved for future medical supplies. Siraj will keep some funds on hand to purchase things for Eyad when they are available. Next is Ibrahem, who is only 3 years old. Ibrahem is a toddler who should be at the playground or the chalet with his cousins and instead has to make due at camp. Baby Ahmed just turned one in July. He has spent more of his life dodging bullets than he has got to spend feeling safe with his family. The last reported costs at Rafah crossing to Egypt were $5000 -$7000 per person. All funds are going directly to this family. Funds that are withdrawn now will be used to purchase needed items like food or repairs for their tent. Any withdrawn funds that are left will be saved to purchase future supplies when they are available and for future living expenses. It is our intention that the children will continue to benefit from this fund should something happen to their parents.
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photos are from "before".
this campaign is run by one of Siraj's family members who lives in the US, with the help of one of my best friends, who is assisting with writing in English and posting to social media. my friend and Siraj have been getting to know one another over the past couple of months, and we have all come to view her as a friend. for her birthday, we all sent her a video wishing her a happy birthday, and she was delighted to see the faces of people on the otheer side of the world who care about her. this is very personal to me. please please help if you can.
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eletricheart · 2 years
(Mother Miranda x fem!reader)
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*image creds to the owner
Word count: 1.945
"things that only Carolina will ever know"
You and Miranda were childhood friends, living next to each other made it all easier. You would have cooking lessons together, sewing, etiquette, everything proper for a woman to learn at school during those times.
Miranda's father was an apothecary, having countless books and scrolls in his office.
One day, after the daily classes, Miranda left her house claiming she was looking for flowers for decoration. You knew the girl hated doing that, so you went after her. She was sitting under a tree near the lake reading when you found her.
That was the first time you heard her talking about leaving the village.
At 12 years old, you both had to leave school and prepare for house work duties, meeting only for evening readings at the lake. You weren't interested in becoming an apothecary, but you would always listen to her, and so you did.
At 13 years old, you explored the castle on the hill. It was when you told her about becoming an explorer.
At 14 years old, your parents married you to the farmer's son, "he had lands" they said. Miranda was furious. That's when you both became just acquaintances.
At 15 years old, Miranda married an apothecary, her father's apprentice. You met at the lake for the first time in two years, she didn't want to marry him.
At 16 years old, it was at the castle. Your husband was upset, you weren't pregnant yet. Miranda told you stories about the sea.
At 17 years old, Miranda was pregnant with Eva. You met each other less often, she was busy and your husband didn't like you outside.
Eva - 1 year birthday
You congratulated little Eva during your market visit the day before, knowing that the small party would be only for family.
However, you and Miranda made your own celebration at the lake on a saturday, both of your husbands were busy working, or at the tavern believing they fooled you.
It was a sunny day, perfect for a picnic, you were in charge of bringing the food while Miranda brought some books and refreshments.
Eva was restless, running around, laughing, eating, she wouldn't stop, looking as happier than ever. Miranda was obviously worried, but after Eva falling for the third time and laughing it off, she relaxed a bit.
Eventually, Eva got tired and layed on the blanket. Leaving you and Miranda talking alone.
It had been a while since you were alone, without the constant pressure of marriage and pregnancy. It was good to be heard and seen.
"You seem well, Mira, happier. Eva is good for you." You said looking at the little girl sleeping.
"To be honest, she truly is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never expected for something so perfect to come out of this marriage." She said, chuckling.
"I hate him too." You whispered.
"Would you run away with me?" Miranda asked, looking at you.
You smiled at her. "Of course, you were always a part of my dreams."
You talked for a few more minutes before Eva woke up and called you to play with her.
Eva - 2 years birthday
Your husband was mad, it's been 5 years and you haven't given him a child. You didn't see Miranda for the next few days.
She wanted to stop by your house but your husband would never let her in.
Around the fifth day with no sign of you, she waited until your husband left to jumped inside your window.
Miranda promised she would kill him.
Eva - 3 years birthday
You were pregnant.
Your husband was out celebrating with the boys so you left to meet with Miranda and Eva, taking a birthday present for the girl.
This time, you met at the castle, setting up flowers and candles to make it seem like a fairytale, with Eva being the most adorable princess ever. The games possibilities were endless, you would play pretend, hide and seek, tag. Anything the little girl asked, you and Miranda would do with no hesitation.
If she wanted to explore the castle, you became an adventure seeker with compasses. If she wanted to climb the walls, you happily carried her around.
The day after, you and Mira went back to clean up early on the day, taking a break to see the sunrise on the roof.
She looked beautiful.
"I read a book." You confessed to the woman.
She smiled at you. "What a rule breaker. Which book?"
"It was about sea animals. There are countless living beings out there, free." You sighed.
"Can you tell me about them?" 
You fully turned to her. "Well, I have a favorite one, it's a white whale. Apparently many men have tried to find them, but they always escape. So they roam free around the ocean, bringing men to their demise by just living."
Miranda laughed and got closer in a way that both could feel each other's breath. "But…are they alone?"
"I don't think so."
"Would you like to be alone?"
You stared at her for what felt like an eternity until she touched your cheek. It was faint, close enough to being only imagination, but it was there.
You've known each other for years, every fear, every dream, every desire.
Miranda was hesitant, nothing like the little girl who would bravely steal books from her father mostly to impress you.
So you took the first step, you got close enough for your lips to touch but yet neither dared to move, as if it would fade away.
You stayed like that for a while before Miranda stood up and left to finish cleaning.
Eva - 4 years birthday
You had lost the baby, the apothecary said it was God's will. A new disease was coming and it was best to bring the child after it. 
When the plague arrived in the village, you were one of the first to get it, staying in complete isolation, and missing Eva's birthday.
Miranda was stressed, having to deal with not seeing you and her idiotic husband bringing patients into the house. They argued every day, her daughter was to remain in her room so as to not get in contact with the sick.
One day, Miranda left for five minutes in order to pick up more fruits, just five minutes.
Her husband wanted someone to bring him water, so he ordered Eva to assist him while the woman was out. She got sick two days later, he didn't care.
She died five days after the first fever.
Miranda was devastated, furious at him for killing her baby, upset for not being enough to save her. So she left.
The mother wandered around the forest for days, most of the time walking in circles, always coming back to the lake. She cried, she screamed, she said things that only the lake would know, and then she left.
There was no one else, you were unreachable, most town gossip claimed you died, Eva died, her husband was useless and her family was unbearable.
However, the woman found a cave, believing she would die in there, but instead came across an unexplainable being. It promised her Eva. Therefore, she accepted it's help.
Miranda's first act with her new abilities was to kill her daughter's murderer. Later on she went after you, finding only your husband passed out on the couch with a bottle of whisky.
She encountered you at the lake, you seemed fragile, not only more pale than usual but also skinnier. 
The woman approached you slowly, scared that you would fade away. Once getting by your side, she sat down.
You kept looking at the water, hugging your blanket. "I'm sorry about what happened."
Miranda stiffened and held back tears. "It's okay. I can fix it."
You gave her a faint smile, noticing the slight differences in her appearance. "Are you sure?"
"Do you trust me?"
You scoffed at her question. "I asked first, Mira."
She rolled her eyes. "I am sure."
You gave a faint laugh. "I trust you."
You held her hand and stayed for a few more minutes enjoying the peace.
4 years later
You and Miranda were living in a cabin with a complete view to the village and castle. Miranda, keeping her promise, killed your husband, as for you to be free.
You stayed together, she would perform her experiments and you would take care of the house. It was peaceful.
1 year later
Miranda tried to transport you through the mutamycete. It took some tries but once you stopped throwing up she deemed it a success and took you for a surprise.
It was the first time you had seen the ocean, becoming completely mesmerized by it's grandiosity. 
She made sand castles with you, swam in the water, had a water fight.
During moments like these, the mother forgot about the projects, forgot about the pain, all she could think and feel was you.
Miranda's Birthday
You walked with her through the old paths leading to the lake, saying jokes and new flowers you planted.
You read scientific books and listened to Mira's explanation of every single term.
You were laying next to her when the first snow of winter arrived. The woman wanted to bring you home but you convinced her to stay a few more minutes, just to watch.
She was enchanted by you and how your eyes glistened every time a snowflake would fall near.
This time, she took the first step, she got closer to you, she brought her lips to yours, she kissed you, with everything she had, all the love, happiness, care. And you kissed her back, just as intensely, with all the unspoken words, that only the lake would know.
The experiments were going well, two patients had survived but not enough to become a vessel, therefore received a part of the land and was asked to administrate the village for Miranda.
You, on the other hand, was tired during most of the day, feeling cramps pain every day even without your period.
The newly priestess was terrified, she kept trying to find disease symptoms but nothing would match. You kept telling it was fine, it happened sometimes, but she didn't believe you.
The days were each harder for you, sometimes you couldn't move out of your bed. So, Miranda kept trying, she kept looking for an answer.
When you passed out in the garden, the mother worked on automatic, running to the lab and starting to examine you.
After this incident, she became more alert as you got sicker. She couldn't allow this to happen again.
The number of lycans and corpses increased as Miranda attempted to improve the Cadou for you.
The villagers believed you were her assistant, nothing more. After all, it would be more harm than good if they discovered that the Goddess doesn't live without you. She has lost so much, you were the last of her sanity.
March 29, 1920
Miranda performed the implant on you. Hours earlier you had started to throw up blood and passed out. She waited for you to stabilize before doing anything.
But you didn't wake up, you survived but your body wouldn't respond, as if it was healing slowly.
Miranda knew you were alive, so she would wait for you, as long as it took.
And the priestess did, she created more Lords, built an empire, all for you and Eva.
Some say she lost herself on the way, but how would they know. Her story is between only herself, the sand and the woods. Only the lakes would truly know.
"It's between me, the sand, and the sea
Carolina knows"
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hello-there-world · 17 days
so. thought about the MCI's families in the Rewrite. so have my fun headcanons!
Naomi's Family:
hardworking upper-middle class family.
her parents work a lot, so they seem rather distant. they do love their daughters, though.
Susie and Samantha are her younger sisters. Samantha was born a couple of years after Naomi died, though.
they kept promising to get Naomi a dog, but kept putting it off due to not having much time. they were, however, planning to get Naomi a dog before school started back up.
her parents didn't talk about her too often after she died, mostly because it was a sore subject for them.
they did get Susie and Samantha a dog, though! a golden retriever :]
if the girls ever went somewhere without their parents post-MCI, they'd usually make sure that Susie and Sam stayed together. a bit annoying for Susie, but she didn't mind too much.
the girls didn't learn about Naomi and what happened to her until sometime in the mid-90s to early 2000's. they barely even knew she existed.
i mean...technically they met her ghost in the Fnaf 2 location...but still. they didn't know who she was, much less that she was their sister.
Gabrielle/"Gabi's" Family:
not...the wealthiest. they're getting by just fine, but they don't have a lot of extra income or anything.
her mother is Mexican and her father is black. they had gotten together sometime in college, and they had twins first. several years later, they had Gabi.
alongside the twins (Mia and Martin, who were around 14-15 when Gabi was murdered), Gabi has a baby brother (Leo) who was around 4 when she died.
most of Gabi's more feminine clothing came from Mia as hand-me-downs.
the Franklin-Martinez family were close to the Aftons because of how close Gabi and Liz were.
they tried to tell William "hey, uh we think two of your sons might (cough definitely) have severe anxiety issues, and maybe getting them medicated for that?? would be good actually?? i mean, we did it for Gabi, and while nothing's perfect, it's made a drastic difference in her life, so maybe it'll help Mike and Cass??" and William went "Nah, I think they're fine, but I appreciate the concern 😊"
so yeah, Rewrite Fun Fact: Gabi had anxiety meds. it's one of the reasons she gets along with Cass so well (both have horrible anxiety).
they were fucking devastated when Gabi disappeared. on her birthday no less.
the family never really recovered from it. when Martin finally had a family of his own, he named his daughter after her.
final fun fact: Mia and Martin were some of Alex's classmates, but they kinda. Fucking Hated him. understandable. they only tolerated him for three reasons: 1) for Liz and Gabi's sakes, 2) he's one of the few people that didn't deadname/misgender Gabi, and 3) They Aren't Getting On The Bad Side Of The Afton Family. They Just Ain't.
Baker (+ Jeremy)'s Family:
pretty well off! not exactly middle class, but not really struggling, either.
both Jeremy and Baker are AuDHD, but...to put it one way, it was much more obvious with Baker.
their parents were very loving, even if their dad had to work a lot.
Jeremy and Baker were really close, despite how far apart they were in age (Jeremy being in middle school and Baker not even starting kindergarten yet).
since Jere's mom had asked him to look after Baker due to the disappearances of Naomi and Gabi the day before, Jeremy blames himself for Baker going missing. he'd been playing in the arcade and told Baker to stay in the area in front of the stage and to not follow any strangers (unfortunately, "O'Hare" didn't count as a "stranger" to Baker). his parents, however, don't blame Jere for what happened.
Jeremy is of course our good old boy Mr. Fitzgerald, so...he has a Lot of plot things that i can't put here because then it'll be LONG, but have a few: Fnaf 2 Main Guard, Bite of '87 Victim, Beloved Husband of one Michael Afton, Father of two lovely boys (Cameron and Gregory), you get the gist.
Jeremy struggled with the guilt of what happened his whole life. i'd say he made peace with it around Pizzeria Sim, though.
Felix's Family:
he and his Dad...they're doing their best!
Felix's mom left when he was young. he's doing fine, though! (...kinda)
he and his dad are both Irish. he uses the accent to make his "pirate accent" sound more accurate.
Fritz drank a lot, but he was never abusive. he loved his son dearly, and he was trying his absolute best. sometimes, though, that...wasn't really enough for Felix (mostly because it meant Fritz was never there as much as Felix would've liked).
their relationship was a bit...strained. but they still loved each other.
Fritz actually witnessed Felix being taken and tried to go after him and William, but there were too many kids in the place, and he couldn't get around them in time.
(he knows it was William. there's no way in hell it wasn't. it doesn't matter if he claims to have an alibi, or if he claims that someone else could've fit in a suit that size using stilts; it's all bullshit. as far as Fritz cares, the bastard can rot.)
so...yeah. Fritz Smith and William fucking hate each other.
Kelsey (+ Andrew)'s Family:
uh...not doing so hot in the money department.
their parents are divorced, but they live with their dad (because their mom wanted to make some more money before she tried taking the kids).
their dad Fucking Sucks. physically abusive to Andy, verbally abusive to both, and he throws his empty beer bottles at either one of them.
Kelsey was technically "the favorite," but...that ain't saying much. it's pretty much code for "Mr. Schmidt tolerates this kid more than the other one."
Andrew stayed over at the Afton Household pretty often due to this. the longest he stayed over there for any prolonged period of time was for like. a month.
due to the concerns over the other missing children, and Mr. Schmidt wanting to at least pretend he was a good father, he pretty much sprung Babysitting Duty onto Andrew last minute. Andy wanted to go help comfort Jeremy after Baker's disappearance, but since Kelsey wanted to go spend time at Fredbear's, their dad forced him to take him to Fredbear's.
in Andrew's eyes, it wasn't fair. this always happened; he'd make plans, clearly state those plans, and then his dad would just! fuck them up last minute!
besides...it's not like anyone had gone missing at Fredbear's. only Freddy's. why would the killer suddenly switch it up?
so, they leave. Kelsey stays behind, drawing at one of the tables. he promises to draw a picture for Andrew when he gets back.
he was only gone for a couple of hours.
they were only gone for a couple of hours.
they find Kelsey's sketchbook and crayons, the promised drawing being on the open page. Andrew searched the diner top to bottom...nothing. Kelsey fucking vanished.
their father blamed them for what happened to Kelsey. he was supposed to watch him, after all.
and Andy internalized it. it was his fault. he blamed himself for it hard.
(Kelsey never did, though)
Andrew also inherited the alcoholism issues. so. Fun (sarcasm).
Mr. Schmidt tried to eventually reconcile with Andy later on, but...well, Andy was hesitant to fully let him back into their life after all of that (which included some homophobia and transphobia. Andrew is a demiboy and aroace, for context). but Andy was willing to give him that second chance.
Andy eventually gets better and starts going to therapy. good for them <3
Andy also lives with Mike and Jeremy and the kids. just thought i'd mention that. :]
anyway, my beloveds <3
Oh, god. The families are suffering. Poor Andrew, too. It's not his fault. Andy couldn't have saved him...
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fxllen-rxse · 1 year
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//The frustration is so real.... Here comes a work vent... If it's not you're thing, just ignore. I'll delete later, but I'm desperately needing to get this off my chest.
I've never been so utterly frustrated with work.
We have a young clerk that we hired back a little over a year ago. She's 21 now, has a one year old and is dealing with the kid's father, who is younger and cheated on her. So he's not really in the picture, so to speak. She lives with her mom right now.
She worked here when she was in school, but when c/vid hit, the owner "furloughed" her and someone else. Both ended up quitting. She was hired back when we had someone else quit last year since she was already somewhat trained.
Was fine at first, but her attitude towards others, we have learned, isn't the best. We've had mentions that she has been rude and at least 1 customer literally said that she has the personality of a tree. She has also been "written up" once or twice before.
She is currently less than part time so she can keep her state health insurance.
I've given her the benefit of the doubt, of course. Maybe it's just being blown out of proportion, but as time went on, she's become more and more flaky and undependable. Almost every pay period since she's been back she has missed a day a two. Either due to her kid or herself constantly being sick, which I get. It happens, but it's become such a regular thing anymore. Sometimes she'll also say she has some kind of emergency and is very vague about details and when or if she will be at work, which gives us little time to get coverage for her, if any. One time she was supposed to cover for someone on Saturday, but the day of, she was suddenly sick. This has happened on more than one occasion.
When she does mark herself off, she tends to either forget to tell anyone or just assumes it's fine. For example, a couple days prior, she half heartedly mentions that she won't be in on a Monday because it's her son's first birthday and it's special. Mondays are normally busy and she didn't even mark it down.
On top of this, she is supposed to take 30 minute lunch breaks. She marks herself down for such, but spends an additional 20 or so in the restroom afterwards. It might as well be an hour, but it's clearly not marked that way. Let alone the fact that she just randomly disappears in the middle of stuff for the same amount of time without saying anything multiple times per day.
So recently, several of us has voiced our frustrations with her. My husband, who is mostly in charge of the scheduling, talked with the owner, who already isn't fond of her because she has a nose ring, among other things. Supposedly he just wanted to fire her, but they're going with another approach. Getting fazed out, in a way. She will get her hours cut starting next week when school is out and two of our other employees can actually show up and work.
My husband informed her of this last Wednesday, after she somehow suddenly became sick and wanted to leave at 3. Afterwards, she left upset, and later texts him asking if she were to "accept" these new hours, which would be 3-6 m-f (because she doesn't want to work Saturdays, which is just 9-1), if she could get a raise...
When I was told about this, I couldn't wrap my head around it.... So she wanted more money for less work?!! And the fact that she assumed it was a choice?? I'm just.... I don't....
I have worked here for more than ten years and I don't think I've ever dealt with this amount of stress with another clerk. I am also a clerk. I am full time and, anymore, I feel like I'm babysitter when she's here just to make sure she isn't rude with people.
Maybe this is selfish of me. I'm older than she is, obviously. I have no kids and don't plan on having any, but as someone who doesn't and has had to work since I was 18, lost 2 parents at 20, and moved out shortly after to get away from my abusive step mother, I've been fortunate enough to work my way up to this point where my husband and I are stable with money and stuff and still have some luxuries sometimes. It wasn’t easy by any means.
And to some extent, I have some of my mom's leftover life insurance money to thank for a few things, but aside from that, neither of us were never just handed anything. We both have had to work our asses for this.
I will admit, her situation sucks all around. We have at least one tech who is against the idea of cutting her hours. He told my husband that it's "evil" and she's just a kid.
Maybe I am selfish. I have no kids and I don't know what it's like, but it's increasingly difficult for me to feel sorry for someone who's work ethic is almost nonexistent and just thinks she can get away with being paid more for doing as little as possible. Let alone made some poor life choices. I hate that I have think of it this way and I feel terrible, but I'm just frustrated to no end anymore.
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teenmomcentral · 6 months
Let's talk about sex. Because 17 months into her marriage with Zach Davis, Teen Mom: Family Reunion star Cheyenne Floyd has discovered the secret, she told E! News in a new interview.
Champagne and roses are nice and all, but have you ever watched your partner mop the floors unannounced? 
Because if you ask the stars of Teen Mom: Family Reunion (season three of the MTV spinoff airs at 8 p.m. on March 13), getting down and dirty should start with some good clean fun. "You have to make love to your partner through their mind all day," Cheyenne Floyd, wed to husband Zach Davis since September 2022, explained in an exclusive interview with E! News, "before you try to get sexy time in."
It's a lesson that has also made Jade Cline's newlywed phase with husband of five months Sean Austin particularly spicy. 
"Because you wake up every day and you're like go, go, go, I have stuff to do," she said of the you-know-what block that used to stand in her way. "And it doesn't make you feel sexy after a long day of school and house cleaning and running around the city. At the end of the day, I'm not thinking, like oh, let's jump in bed together. That was my mindset. And now I feel like there's different things we do all day to make me ready to get nasty."
Which begs the question...
"I like when people do things for me to make my day easier," Jade explained, noting that Sean is particularly dedicated to lightening the load. "I'll wake up and he's already been up at 6 a.m. He's cleaned the whole house. I'm like, 'It's about to get nasty.'" 
It's a lesson the Indiana resident mastered as she was struggling to juggle filming commitments with running her Mane & Marble salon, launching her real estate career and taking care of their 6-year-old daughter Kloie. 
"Because I'm doing so much—I feel like I'm in business mode, I'm in mom mode all the time—that I had to learn how to be able to do both at the same time and let him love me and let him turn me on and let him do all these things for me," explained Jade. "I was letting the busyness of the world take me away from my partnership. And that's something I would never do again."
Los Angeles-based Cheyenne and Zach—who parent both their 2-year-old son Ace and her 6-year-old daughter Ryder with Cory Wharton—turned up in Colombia with a similar focus. 
"We got married and we never really had a honeymoon phase," explained Zach. "We got married and we went back to our normal, everyday lives—went to the kids, went home and back to work for a whole year." 
Signing on to shoot the Teen Mom spinoff just ahead of their first anniversary, "we got a chance to get out of the country and be able to focus on each other and also work on our relationship," continued Zach. "So I feel like we got a lot out of it. We took a lot home." 
Including a relatable AF goal for their relationship moving forward. 
"We spent the past two years knocking things off our list," noted Cheyenne. "We wanted to have a baby, we had Ace. We wanted to get married, we had our wedding. We wanted to buy a house, we bought our house."
And now, she continued, "I don't want to do anything. I don't want to set a goal. I want to sit down. I want to be really still. My goal is to be still and just to be happy with where we're at. And just to like each other. That's it. I want nothing else."
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journeydb · 1 year
August 30 2022 Boulder
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One of the strongest and most resilient people I have ever known is my friend Lori Canova.  Lori was the CEO of the I Have a Dream Foundation of Boulder County for nearly twenty three years.  She and I first met when she was interviewing for the position and I was on the board.  I helped to hire her and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.  She was one of the best Executive Directors with whom I’ve ever worked and she led the organization to become one of the strongest in Boulder County and one of the leading I Have a Dream franchises in the country.
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This is a picture of Lori with Bob Greenlee, one of the sponsors of the first I Have a Dream class in Boulder County, and Eugene Lang, the founder of the I Have a Dream national foundation.  In 1981 Eugene Lang returned to the elementary school he had attended in East Harlem to speak to the graduating sixth graders about their future.  On the way to the podium the principal told him that three quarters of the students would probably never finish high school.  Mr. Lang changed his speech and told them if they finished high school he would provide them with college tuition.  Now I Have a Dream foundations across the country are helping kids from underserved populations stay in school and graduate!
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One of the keys to Lori’s success in life is probably her creative partnering with her husband, Brent, who is equally successful in his life.  They are a loving, supportive couple who inspire me to believe that true love and a sustaining partnership are not only ideals but possible in the real world.  They are models for not only their children, Andrea and David, but also for the rest of us.  And now they are grandparents because Andrea and her partner are the proud parents of a baby girl born in June!  So Lori and I get to be grandmothers together!
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Into all seemingly perfect lives at least a little rain must fall and Lori has experienced a torrential amount of disasters in the last year.  In December of 2021 Lori had a lot of pain in her back and they rushed her to the hospital, where she had emergency surgery for a tumor on her spine.  It was a tremendously complicated surgery and left her paralyzed from the waist down.  For the last year she has been in therapy and rehabilitation to learn to walk again.  Since she was admitted to Craig Rehabilitation Center she has made tremendous progress and is now walking with a walker and riding a recumbent bike.
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The next disaster that befell Lori’s family was that while she was in the hospital after her surgery their home in Superior burned to the ground in the Marshall fire.  Brent and their son, David, tried to save whatever they could but it happened so quickly that nearly everything was lost.  Now they are living in an apartment in Boulder while they work on the reconstruction of their home on the same site where it burned.  I visited them there today and brought lunch.  Lori and I sat outside on their balcony overlooking the city and the mountains and talked about the amazing, terrible, and wonderful things which have happened in our lives in the last few years.
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Despite everything that has happened in the last few years Lori maintains an attitude of hope and joy.  She is one of the most positive, uplifting, happy, and inspiring people I’ve ever known and I’m blessed to have her as a dear friend as we navigate the waters of our lives in the future and continue working together to build a stronger and more resilient community.
0 notes
gatorbites-imagines · 3 years
Sung Jiwoo childhoodfriend to lovers with male reader please ( he can be a hunter or normal human )
Sung jin woo my beloved
Till death do us part
Sung Jin woo x male reader
Summary: Reader has had feelings for Jin Woo since they were children, but hasn’t been able to confess in fear of losing him. What happens when during the Jeju raid, (Y/N) gets hit and thinks he will die, so he confesses to his childhood friend?
Requests open
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there really arent that many solo leveling gifs
Reader is a mage who specializes in elemental magic but knows some healing spells, I’m not sure what rank but a high enough rank to go into dungeons with Jin woo.
This is set after the jeju island arc but before the recruitment arc
You had known Sung Jin Woo since the two of you were children. Since before the rifts between worlds appeared, and long before either of you became hunters. Your family had moved in on the same floor as his, and you just so happened to be neighbors. When your parents went to introduce themselves, did they learn that the neighbor had a son your age.
The Sung Jin Woo you met was small and scrawny, and almost pathetic to look at. His appearance and meek nature made you quite protective of him. It was when you started at the same school as he went too, did you learn that he was being picked on. You felt the protective fire burn in your chest, and charged at the bullies and chased them off. You’d do this every time someone picked on Jin Woo and would turn your nose up at the comments, they made at you.
It was then that some of your female classmates, who also picked on Jin Woo, started making insulting comments about you being married. That you were like a protective husband over their weak wife. You were sure they meant it in an insulting way, but little did they know that as the years went on you wished you could be his husband. You wished you could protect Jin Woo for the rest of your life, that you could bundle him up and hold him close, that maybe you could even kiss him.
Then the gates appeared, and Jin Woo´s dad disappeared, and soon after his mom entered eternal sleep. It was soon after the both of you learned you were what the world called Hunters. You hadn’t planned on entering the dungeons, but when Jing Woo ran off to become a hunter to pay for bills, you followed. It seemed your protective streak didn’t disappear.
Jin Woo became the worlds weakest hunter, or that’s what people called him. You thought he was strong, the strongest person you had ever met. He just kept going and going, never slowing down because he wanted to support his family. You started saving money as well, slipping them into Jin Woos wallet when he wasn’t looking.
During these raids Jin Woo became very close to the healer Lee Joohee, who would heal him every time he got hurt. It made jealously bubble in your chest, so scorching hot and acidic it felt like you were gonna throw up. So, being a mage, you decided to learn healing spells. You weren’t meant to heal, you were an elementalist, but for Jin Woo, you would learn it. And you did, they were in no way as strong as Joohee, but they were good enough that Jin Woo didn’t have to go to her after every raid.
But of course, you got hurt during a raid and couldn’t go with Jin Woo. And it was during this raid he got hurt, some claiming he died. You stayed with him every day in the hospital until he woke up, and cried when he woke up. He started working out every day, but you didn’t question it and followed along, working out with him.
It was after a while he told you about his leveling abilities. It warmed your heart that he trusted you so much as to tell you. You promised to keep it a secret and not tell anyone. After this he would disappear for longer periods of time, out grinding his levels. You were happy for him of course, now he didn’t have to get hurt every raid, but you didn’t spend much time together.
You bit it down, and kept doing what you were doing before. Going on raids and saving all the money you could for Jin Woo. It went on like this, Jin Woo being busy and you working tooth and nail. Maybe part of you hoped you would gain an ability like his too, so you could level up together and maybe spend more time with each other.
It was during this time the hunters in multiple countries planned to attack the jeju island gate. Shorty after Jin Woo was announced as an S rank. You were proud, but maybe you also felt kinda lost since you couldn’t protect him anymore. Maybe it was because of this you were so dead set on helping during the raid. Sure, you weren’t allowed onto the island itself, but you could help from the outside.
Maybe it was because of these feelings you got distracted, and didn’t realize the ant monster coming up behind you and piercing your stomach. You didn’t realize the ant monster get slashed in two as you collapsed to the ground, blood filling your mouth as you coughed, clutching at your stomach. You didn’t know what was happening until Jin Woo was above you, his face the only thing you could focus on as your vision blurred.
You felt like you were gonna die, and you couldn’t let yourself die without telling him how you felt. You choked out your confession, tears gathering in your eyes and blood pouring from the edges of your mouth. You swore you could see Jin Woo cry, but that couldn’t be right. He´d become so emotionless and cold after he gained his leveling abilities. There was no way he would cry for someone like you.
In your state of blood loss, you choked out your deepest desires. How you wanted to be with him, marry him, take care of him. Your vision was fading, and you didn’t even realize he had forced a liquid down your throat before you passed out.
You thought you were dead. It felt like floating in an endless darkness, no pain, no feelings that weighed down on you like a ton. But then you woke up. Above you were a ceiling, of a hospital, you were sure. But there was no pain in your stomach, like it hadn’t just been pierced.
“(Y/N)” a voice spoke up, wobbly like the person was trying not to cry. You turned your head to the side, where Jin Woo was sitting on a hospital chair, clutching your hand you realized. His eyes were red from crying, and his nose looked like he had been blowing it for a long time. He looked so much like little Sung Jin Woo who you used to protect.
“You’re okay” He choked out, shakily getting to his feet like he couldn’t believe it. That’s when it hit you, that you had confessed. You felt your eyes widen as fear gripped your heart, you tried to stutter something out as you forced yourself to sit up. Your entire body felt sluggish like you had been asleep for a long time. A blush spread on your face as you tried to make up an excuse.
You couldn’t force yourself to look at him, and when you felt his hand on your shoulder you wanted the world to swallow you whole. “(Y/N)… please look at me” he softly said, his hand on your shoulder clenching slightly like you were gonna disappear. With great effort, you did, slowly looking up to meet his eyes as the shame almost became unbearable.
Jin Woo looked like he was at a loss for words. He looked lost and confused like he couldn’t really explain what he was thinking. “I don’t… I don’t know how to say this… let me just… let me show you” he murmured, his eyes glued on the sheets of the bed you were in. Before you could ask what, he meant, he surged forward and placed his lips on yours.
You froze, eyebrows shooting up and hands freezing in the air. You stayed still, and he must have thought you didn’t like it as he started to pull away. But before he could fully pull away, you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him close again, planting your lips back on his and shutting your eyes tight.
You felt like butterflies, fireworks and magic explosions were going off at the same time, as he snaked his arms around your torso and pulled you even closer to himself. You two stayed locked together for a long time, before he slowly pulled away. When you opened your eyes, he was looking at you with a softness and love you’d always wished he would, before he spoke up.
“I love you too. Ever since we were little. And whenever they would joke about us being married, I wished it would happen. I never said anything, because what if you didn’t like me back, but… now? Now that I know you feel the same? I want you to marry me” he choked out, seemingly filled with emotions he wasn’t used too.
“Men can’t marry in Korea Jin Woo” you chuckled, at a loss of words at his confession. He had liked you too, for so long? The whole time he felt the same? You could barely believe it, and you were half convinced you were in a coma and dreaming.
He scoffed, pulling you close again and looking into your eyes. There was a mischievous glint in them as he spoke. “I’m Koreas number 10 S-rank, and I just defeated the entire Jeju island gate myself, I’m sure they’ll let me marry whoever I want. Then we can be together, forever. Till death do us part”.
736 notes · View notes
streetlight11 · 3 years
Cat Café
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Summary: Every year, your parents would set you on a date with any eligible guy that is of a wealthy family background so that your parents could expand their wealth and business. You were never looking forward to any of the dates until one fateful day, where the café worker attracted your attention.
Theme: cat café au, wealthy family au, strangers to lovers
Genre: fluffy
Warnings: none
WC: 4.4k
Pairing: Café Worker!San x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello again! Decided to write a cute kitty fic for San since he loves Byeol 💜 I hope he's resting well :'(
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Being the daughter of someone who seems to be well-known as a millionaire in your country, there are pros and cons to it. The pros are that people would do anything and everything for your family, you lived in a mansion, you have a personal chauffeur but would prefer driving on your own, you can literally snap your fingers and anything can come to you except, you don’t like that.
The cons are that some people tend to envy your family, some even throw threats at you with ransom. And then there’s a handful of people who tries to befriend you just for your wealth but you’re not dumb. You’re smarter than people think.
However, one thing you never liked about this whole being born rich and having a family business fiasco, is that one of your parents would tend to be money minded and would do anything to gain power over their company. Which is exactly what was happening to you for the past few years ever since you turned 18.
Your father had been sending you on blind dates with a bunch of different guys who were sons of rich family business owners.
However, thankfully, your father wasn’t the kind to force you into marriage if you didn’t want to. But with that being said, every guy you rejected, results in a new guy for you and you hate this.
This year, your dad found you a guy who was around your age.
His parents owned a well-known wine company in the country. He was the youngest in his family. His name was Park Seonghwa and no doubt he was good looking and rather charming in personality, you just don’t feel the spark with him either.
And yet, here you are on your third date with him. You could tell that this person was a very kind-hearted man and that he was nothing but genuine with you.
But everything just feels out of place.
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For this third date with him, he told you to choose where to go so you decided to bring him to a cat café that you knew of downtown. You walked with him side by side down the pavement after having dropped off by his chauffeur.
It was quite a chilly day, light snow cascading down on you as you walked.
Seonghwa was just listening to you talk about your school when he saw the way you were hugging yourself to shield your body from the cold breeze despite the three layers you had on.
He chuckled softly to no one as he soon wrapped an arm around your shoulder to pull you against his side, causing you to softly gasp.
Your words got stuck in your throat as you looked up at him with a bashful smile.
“Sorry, I guess you knew I was cold…” You apologized, earning a soft nod from him followed by a cute little giggle. You continued walking with him against your side, glancing up at him every now and then only to find him staring down at you with such warm eyes.
Both of you finally arrived at the cat café you wanted to bring him to, only to find it quite empty save for the two couples already in the booths with the kitties.
You entered the cosy premise of the café, immediately greeted by one of the staff there behind the counter.
“Hi! Welcome to Cuddles ‘N’ Coffee! Table for 2?” She asked with a cheery smile on her face.
“Yes please.” Seonghwa responded as she nodded before walking out the back and towards the glass door that shields the cats from leaving the front entrance.
“You can have that table booth right at the back. Just press the button on the wall and we’ll come over to take your orders.” She smiled as you thanked her for her great customer service before she returned your gesture with a sweet smile that turned her eyes into slits.
You and Seonghwa walked over to the table, careful not to step on any cats laying on the ground.
Some were already trailing behind you and the minute you placed your purse down and sat on the cushioned bench, a chunky brown cat leaped onto your lap and purred.
A soft giggle left your lips as you turned to Seonghwa who was also in the same situation as you but with a slimmer white cat in his lap.
“You make me want to adopt them really badly.” Seonghwa said under his breath, making you laugh.
After a few minutes of just bonding with the cats, you finally made your orders. The same girl came back about 5 minutes later with your orders, telling you to enjoy your drinks. You were just listening to Seonghwa talking about his boring lecturer when your eyes naturally glided over towards the front counter.
That’s where you saw a guy who looks to work there too considering the same polo tee and apron that Yeji, the girl who served you and Seonghwa earlier was wearing.
His smile was captivating as he joked around with Yeji, throwing balls of tissue at each other.
You watched as he seemed to have said something to her, causing her to slap his arm a little too harshly. That’s when he curled his body while holding onto the spot she hit.
But his frown was quickly replaced by a smile, watching her leave the counter with a middle finger in the air, directing it to him. Right when you were about to look away, his eyes happened to catch sight of yours. You’re supposed to be focusing on Seonghwa!
What are you doing? Look away!
Everything around you was a blur until you felt a warm touch to your knee, making you flinch and was soon turned back to Seonghwa who had a frown on his face.
“Hey? You okay? What’s wrong?” He asked out of pure concern.
“N-Nothing. Sorry, my mind went elsewhere for a moment. I’m so sorry, Seonghwa.” You apologized, already feeling bad for ignoring him like that whilst on a date. But all he did was chuckle and tell you it was fine.
After a few more minutes, you finally called it a night. You both reused your coats and checked to make sure you didn’t leave any belongings behind before making your way to the door to make your payment.
“Hello! I hope you enjoyed your time with the cats!” Yeji smiled to you two as she keyed in your orders.
“Yes we did. Thank you for having the cute fur balls.” You giggled, earning a laugh from her as well. Just when Seonghwa was handing his card to Yeji, you happened to turn right when her co-worker left the back room.
It was him.
He made eye contact with you briefly before turning away to enter the cat room. But you could’ve sworn you saw the small pout on his face. Unless your eyes were playing tricks on you.
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Seonghwa’s car was now parked right outside your estate, with him insisting on walking you to your front gates while his driver stayed behind in the car. Once you were both there, he reached down to grab your hand gently making you turn around. You saw a frown decorating his face, instantly knowing something wasn’t right.
“Seonghwa? Is everything okay?” You asked as he stayed quiet for a while before he let out a soft sigh. And that’s when he explained everything.
“I know this might not be the best time to say this, but I have to. The past two dates were amazing. I never thought I’d find someone as down to earth and humble like you. And I did. Today was as amazing as those dates. The simple sushi dinner, the walk by Han River, the cat café as our last destination for this night’s date, I loved every second of it. And I really wish I could have more of this with you. I really do.”
He paused briefly before he continued, seeing that you were listening to him intently.
“But… my parents have decided… that they’re setting me up for marriage with someone else.” You weren’t going to lie, this news made your heart sink just a bit.
“Oh…” That was all you can muster and he knew you were upset.
“But it’s okay. We can still be friends if you’ll let me? The past three dates made me learn so much about you as a person and I couldn’t ask for more.” Seonghwa smiled, making you tear up feeling slightly overwhelmed.
“Hey, don’t cry…” Seonghwa whispered in between chuckles as he wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m just touched that you feel that way for me.”
“Well, then I’m glad I managed to make you cry.” He teased, earning a soft slap to his broad chest. Seonghwa laughed again but then got quiet for a split second before he spoke up cautiously, hoping you weren’t offended by his request.
“Can… Can I kiss you?” Seonghwa asked and you weren’t going to reject him this time.
So when you didn’t reply to him, he mistook it for rejection. But instead, you carefully slide your hands around his neck, pulling him close until you feel his lips against your own.
Seonghwa smiled into the kiss as his hands wrapped itself around your waist, instinctively pulling you closer to his body. Your fingers tangled into his soft hair gently, feeling him squeeze your sides a little before he chuckled against your mouth.
“You really are something else, you know that? Whoever dates you, is gonna be the luckiest guy on earth.” Seonghwa complimented you, making you blush.
“And to the girl who’s about to be your future wife, she better be grateful to have such a handsome, kind hearted young man as her husband.” You returned as he kissed you again before pulling away.
“Goodnight Y/N. I’ll see you around. Promise we’ll stay friends okay?” Seonghwa said, making you hug him.
“I promise.” You whispered against his chest, pulling away from him. You gave him a final wave as you watched his car descend down the road. Seonghwa was an angel and whoever he ends up with, will be the luckiest girl on earth.
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It has been 2 weeks since your last date with Seonghwa and you’ve been coming to the cat café. Probably 3 times in each week. Sometimes to do your assignment, sometimes to just chill and hangout with the kitties. But in all honesty, you were lowkey expecting to see the guy working there the other day and you did.
Almost all your visits there.
Little did you know, he too was kind of looking forward to seeing you there.
It was a Saturday evening and you were out and about in town. Your parents didn’t have any guys for your blind date recently so you took this chance to leave the house and just spend time alone.
You managed to find your way back to the café, parking your car at an empty parking lot down the street.
You had just entered the café and it was slightly more occupied than the last time you came. But since you were alone, it wasn’t actually a problem. You were standing by the door, looking around at the people queueing at the counter to make their payments when a voice snapped you out of your trance.
“Hi, welcome to Cuddles ‘N’ Coffee. For how many people?”
You turned to look at who greeted you, only to lock eyes with the same ones you had been hoping to see every time you came there.
“Just 1.” You said with a small smile, only to catch the inner corner of his lips twitch upwards.
“Right this way.” He said as he led you towards the room where the cats were in. You followed behind him closely, only for him to lead you to one of the booths near the back.
“Call me if you need anything.” He said as you noticed the smile that appeared on his face before he left. And you caught a glimpse of his nametag right before he turned.
Choi San.
A few minutes later, you were too busy petting the fluffy white cat in your lap, you didn’t even realize more people had left the café and there were only 3 tables left occupied. The cat in your lap was purring as it nuzzled its face into your stomach, not knowing you were currently a topic of conversation that was happening on the other side of the room.
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San had just finished charging one of the customers only to let out a long sigh.
“Tired already?” Yeji asked with a teasing smile as she approached him. San grumbled, leaning against the counter with his back facing where the customers would be.
“Today’s been a full house since afternoon and I’m dead, gone.” He said, leaning his head back to close his eyes.
San couldn’t see what Yeji was doing until he heard her voice from beside him.
“Go and talk to her.”
“Huh?” San snapped his head towards her with a confused look on his face, earning a giggle from her.
“You yourself told me you were upset that she wasn’t alone the other day, and now she is. So go talk to her!” Yeji encouraged him.
“What if her boyfriend just can’t make it?”
“San, she’s been coming here alone for the past two weeks in case you haven’t noticed. Maybe she’s here to see you? Come on, just keep her company. Nothing would go wrong with that.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I’m a girl and I’d do the same if I wanted to be discreet about seeing my crush at his workplace?”
To that, San sighed as he turned to look over at you across the room, only to see you nuzzling your face against the cat’s head that was in your lap. This made his heart flutter as he saw the little smile on your face upon feeling the cat licking your nose.
He didn’t realize he had a silly smile on his face until Yeji pushed him gently to get his attention, “Just go, silly! That dumb smile on your face is telling a lot!” She laughed as he glared at her but without any venom in them.
He finally mustered up the courage thanks to Yeji as he was now making his way towards you where there’s only a couple who was left in the room with you.
Once he was a few feet away, his voice caught your attention, making you look up.
Immediately, your heartbeat started picking up speed.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” San asked politely, earning a soft shake of your head and a smile.
“No thanks, I’m good actually…” You said.
San nodded as he wasn’t sure if he should stay or leave. But you seem to have read his mind by asking him the question he never expected would have come from you.
“Do you… wanna sit down?” You asked as he glanced down at the empty spot beside you before looking back into your eyes.
“Uh.. y-yeah… are- are you okay with that?”
“Of course.” You smiled as you scooted over a little for him.
San carefully sat down beside you and almost instantly, a fluffy brown cat leaped into his lap. You giggled when the cat stood up with its back legs on his thighs while its front paws rested on his chest. Licking San’s chin cutely as the other cats started to surround him by the legs, begging for his pets.
“They seem to love you.” You commented with a genuine smile, making him chuckle.
“I own a cat myself so I guess I’m just used to being loved by them.” San said before turning to look at you, only to be flustered by the way you were staring at him.
“Wow… That’s sweet.”
“Do you have any pets?” He asked.
“No… Although I do wish to have one. I think it would be nice.” You said softly, only to hear him shift in his seat. Just then, his knee accidentally brushed against yours but you didn’t mind it.
A few seconds of peaceful silence went by, only for him to speak up, “Are you heading home soon?”
“I think I should? You guys are closing up soon right?”
“Yeah… Do you have a ride home?” He asked almost out of instinct, feeling sorry that he just blatantly asked you that when you barely knew each other.
“S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to be weird…”
“No. No. It’s fine. But yes, I do.” You smiled at him.
San awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck out of nervousness, only for you to speak up.
“Well, I think I should make a move soon. Thank you for sitting here with me.” You said as he smiled again.
The two of you began making your way back to the front counter as Yeji keyed in your order. After you’ve paid, she hands you back your card and receipt, only for you to smile at both Yeji and San.
“Thank you. Goodnight.” You said as they nodded whilst she replied the same to you.
All San could do was smile, not able to move or say anything to you. The minute you left, Yeji turned to him and asked why he never replied to you. That’s when he finally told his co-worker that he was head over heels for you.
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A few weeks passed and you had been going to that café a little more frequently now solely to see San. It was a Sunday afternoon, a bright, cold day. You were just making your way to San’s workplace when you got a call from him. You answered his call, only to hear his eager voice from the other side of the line.
“Hey! Where are you?” He asked.
“On my way to the café actually.”
“Nice. I’m a little caught up in the back so just come inside and find a seat near the back. Yeji’s working upfront.”
“Okay San, see you.”
“See you, cutie.” You could’ve sworn you heard his smirk creeping up on his face only for you to giggle.
You and San haven’t properly confessed anything yet, but you could definitely tell that both of you liked each other. Although San already knows about your family background, he was pretty chill about it. You could tell that he was a genuine person and wasn’t one who would just date you for money.
You even told Seonghwa about him and he feels that San is someone you could trust. So when you made it to the café and you saw Yeji talking to a customer alone by the cashier, you figured San was in fact in the back room.
So after the customer left, Yeji’s eyes travelled to you and immediately her smile beamed, causing her eyes to disappear.
“Y/N! Hey!”
“Hey Yeji.” You giggled.
“San’s a little busy with paperwork in the back but he told me to save a seat for you at your usual spot!”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that though.”
“It’s okay, his words anyway.” Yeji giggled before bringing you to the table.
A few minutes passed, you were just kissing one of the cat’s cute pink nose when a familiar voice spoke up from above you, making you look up to see San standing there with his apron discarded.
San smiled as he sat down beside you only to reach over and gave the cat a few strokes. You were about to turn and talk to him but instead, you got flustered with how close his face was with yours. The minute San looked up at you, you could literally feel his warm minty breath hitting your lips.
His eyes glanced down to your lips and you could see the corner of his lips curve up slightly. This in itself, made your heart pound against your chest as you turned away to hide your blush on your face.
“Uhh, I- I umm, are you hungry?” You asked, earning a soft chuckle from him.
He went to order for you two, also making the drinks for you before coming back. You spent the next hour with him during his lunch break, not forgetting to share some skin ship with him. Something you’ve grown used to.
San was ending his shift in two hours and you definitely didn’t mind staying there for another few hours for him since he himself said you could wait for him there.
And so you did.
After he ended his work, both of you left his workplace not without saying bye to Yeji.
You hang out with him for a bit before he invites you over to his apartment. You’ve been there more than five times and he has never done anything inappropriate to you. So you trusted him with all your life.
A few hours passed and you were now seated on his couch, watching the Disney movie ‘Frozen’ with him. “Omg, look at this jerk! He’s totally using her!” You ranted with an unconscious pout, earning a little chuckle from him.
“Well, at least I know I wouldn’t do that to someone.” San shrugged, making you turn to him. He had a silly smirk on his face but you weren’t going to comment on it. You were just blushing at his indirect flirty comment towards you despite not mentioning who he was talking about.
San was definitely talking about you and he knows you know it too. And seeing the blush on your face could only make him burst into a laughter that left you pouting.
“Shut up! Don’t make fun of me!” You whined as San wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his side.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry but you’re just too cute!” San said as you froze.
Sure he has called your choice of outfits pretty before but this time, it felt so raw and you were slightly taken aback by it. San definitely noticed this as he pulled away from you to look into your eyes. At first he was frowning but then it got replaced with a smile, melting you instantly.
The room fell quiet as you noticed the way his eyes fell to your lips and lingered there for a bit, making you nervous.
Just then, your breath hitched in your throat when he reached up slowly to cup your face and caress your cheek with his thumb. Nobody dared to say much but he had to make sure you were alright with where this is going so he spoke up.
“Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” He whispered, his voice soft and gentle.
You gave him a nod to answer him as you watched him lean closer until his sharp nose lightly brushed against the side of your nose, lips barely an inch apart from each other.
You closed your eyes, too nervous to keep looking. San smiled at this as he gave your lips one last glance before he too closed his eyes and pressed his lips gently on yours. San felt you move your lips against his. He smiled into your lips as he caressed your cheek while he kissed you.
He was being so gentle with you, it definitely melted your heart.
He pulled away for a breath, letting his fingers lightly ghost over your features before you reopened your eyes to look at him.
“Was that okay?” He asked, his voice quiet.
“Yeah…” You whispered as you wrapped your fingers around the wrist of the hand that was holding your face.
“Good… Because I wasn’t sure if I trusted myself with words to confess to you.” San chuckled, earning a soft giggle from you before you replied to him.
“It’s okay… I like this better.”
With that being said, San smiled in victory as he kissed you again.
You spent the day with him, cuddling on his couch after a long but innocent make out session. Never did you think you would fall for a boy who worked at a cat café but you did. And you were more than happy you did.
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Together Forever Chap. 3
The war ended, all of New York was celebrating, wives finally had their husbands back and kids were able to see their dads without having to worry about them being shipped off. Bucky was ecstatic, he had always looked up to his dad and wanted to spend more time with the man that his mom often told him stories about before bedtime.
Bucky had watched his parents get ready before Winnifred came over to him wife the biggest smile on her face that he had ever remembered seeing "Hey James, you're going to see Steve and Y/n tonight while your dad and I go out for a little bit" she said while fixing the hat on his head that the twins had given him for his birthday. "Where are you going mama?" He asked right when George came in the room while finishing buttoning up his shirt. "I'm taking your mom dancing" George said and winked at his son, who looked so much like him even at such a young age. "Tomorrow we can spend the day together, your mom has been telling me that you like to play with your ball, we can practice playing together" he said and picked his son up before kissing his cheek. Bucky scrunched his nose after the kiss making his mom and dad laugh.
Bucky was happy to see his friends even though it had only been a few days since he last saw them for his birthday. "Where's your dad taking your mom?" Steve asked when Bucky sat down between him and his sister. "They're going dancing" Bucky said and both boys immediately looked over at Y/n when she gasped "That's so romantic, I want a boy to take me dancing one day" she said dreamily making both boys laugh. Y/n felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment as they laughed at her. "All the boys in the books mama reads to me takes the girl that he loves dancing" she said defensively.
Steve, Bucky, and Y/n jumped up when they heard loud explosions going off, they ran to the window to see fireworks in the sky. Bright reds, blues, and whites lit up the night sky as people celebrated the end of the war. From their small apartment complex in Brooklyn, they were able to see most of them go off throughout the night.
Y/n, Steve, and Bucky were able to start school together, out of the three Bucky was quick to make friends. Steve was often bullied due to his abnormally very small size, the other kids would push him around, in gym he was always the very last to be picked for any games. Y/n would always come to her brother's defense, she hated how different they treated him.
"You got another black eye" Y/n said frowning when she gently touched his face and he winced. "Who did it?" She asked angrily. "I don't know" Steve muttered walking with his head down low. Before Y/n could say anything else a small group of boys approached them one of them pushed Steve hard making him drop the books in his frail arms "Oops sorry Roger's didn't see you" the kid said but had a malicious grin on his face. When Steve went to pick up his books one of the other boys behind him kicked him in the back of his legs making him fall over.
"STEVE" Y/n yelled "leave him alone" she said hitting the boy that pushed him over. One of the other boys grabbed her arms and put them behind her back roughly "you need to learn your place" another one said grabbing her jaw. Y/n had tears in her eyes as she looked down at her brother who was struggling to get up. "Leave my sister alone" she heard him say as he raised up his fist. "Look at that Roger's wants to fight" the one holding her back said. All she could do was watch as the one who had started all of this punched Steve in his stomach immediately making him fall to his knees.
"STOP IT" she screamed as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Were just having fun" the boy said getting in her face "look she's crying" he mocked her. Y/n looked him in the eye as she spit in his face "you little-" he didn't have the chance to finish before Bucky angrily came over "leave them alone" he said before pushing one of the boys as hard as he could making him fall to the ground. "BUCKY WATCH OUT" Y/n said as one boy was about to hit him but Bucky was quick and hit him first. The one that was holding her let her go and raised his arms up "I'm sorry" he said and ran off.
"Stevie are you okay?" Y/n asked immediately running over to check on him as she could see already new bruises forming where he was hit "I could have taken them" he said looking at Bucky who rolled his eyes "Yeah I could see that punk" Bucky said smiling sadly as he helped the twins pick up their books. "Oh no my dress is torn, mama just made this for me" Y/n said her eyes filling up with tears as she looked at the big rip in one of the seams "My mama can fix it" Bucky said as they started walking home.
Winnifred got something cold for Steve to hold over his eye as she worked on fixing y/n's dress. "Bucky" they heard a small voice say as Becca walked into the room after hearing all the commotion. "Hey Becca" he said smiling as he kissed her cheek. "Stevie, Y/n" she said as she saw the others. "Hey Becca" they said in unison making the girl smile brightly at them.
"Thank you, Mrs. Barnes, for fixing my dress" Y/n said when Winnifred had finished "No problem, dear" she replied smiling fondly at the kids. "You can stay for dinner; I think your mom picked up an extra shift at the hospital" she said before making her way to the kitchen.
Bucky took the twins to his room to work on their homework together as his mom prepared dinner. "Hey Doll what did you get on the test in English?" Bucky asked Y/n and couldn't help but laugh at the way she was looking at him. "Doll?" She questioned him. "Yeah, Doll. Whenever we play together you always play with your Doll so that's my name for you now" Bucky explained. "Oh" was all she said and felt silly when she felt her cheeks heat up with a blush when she remembered when she overheard a few girls in class talk about how cute Bucky looked compared to the other boys in their class.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Omotober Day Two- Faraway
You can also read it here on ao3
In a small town like Faraway, gossip is a ritual. The intricate ways of being nosey and knowing everything about your neighbors must be carefully taught to all new inhabitants.
“No matter what you do, someone always knew you would.” ― Ami McKay
“Country folk talked, that was all. Whether in the borderlands or the baronies, gossip was ever the chief sport.” ― Stephen King
Faraway is a town with only two thousand seven hundred and fourteen people. It just barely crosses the threshold of rural to suburban, and despite what the mayor promised with all of the new construction plans, the people of the town didn’t expect that there would be many more people coming anytime soon.
Faraway was perpetually sleepy, and when you combined that with how much it lived up to its name in being far from any city, most newcomers either left quickly or never stayed in the first place. Everything closed at nightfall, and the worst crime was high school ruffians who occasionally spraypainted a wall or smashed in a mailbox or two. The town was little, but the residents liked it that way. They liked not having to worry about locking their doors or watching their backs as they walked around. They liked being able to poke their heads into each others backyards and always being invited to every party and outing.
But Faraway did have one detraction. As with pretty much every small town, most of the residents were terrible gossips. Such was the fate of a place without much to do, neighbors found their entertainment in one another.
“Did you hear Perdita’s husband finally got sick of her and left? It was only a matter of time, she’s a complete alchie”
“Greg finally found out that Emily was cheating on him and now they’re getting divorced. It is going to be meeeeessy. They’re fighting over the house and the kids!”
But the biggest piece of gossip was what happened to Sharon.
Anyone who moved into the town learned the story quickly. Once the new neighbors had a chance to settle in, a group would come over with a plate of cookies or a casserole after church, and wait until they were offered a cup of coffee and a chat. It was the neighborly thing to do after all, and it was important that anyone coming into their world know what they were getting into. Once the coffee was poured and the trivial compliments about the layout of the house were given, then it would start.
First with some simple things- who was going behind whos back, which couple was doomed to get a divorce before too long. It was important to gauge here if this new neighbor would be one of them or not. If the new arrival seemed put off or uncomfortable, a few feelers would be put out. They might just be new to small town life and not aware of the importance of knowing all of this. If all attempts to chat were rebuffed, then the rest of the town knew that this person wouldn’t last long among them.
But sometimes a new neighbor showed potential, promise in their willingness to listen and participate. If that happened, then it was time to move onto the main story that plagued the town even four years after it had happened. No one ever meant to talk about it, but it was inevitable that it would be brought up. It wasn’t every day that one of the darlings of the town ended up dead after all.
“A tragedy, such a shame.”
“Hung herself! Poor thing,”
“The girl had been only fourteen- oh wait fifteen. Yes Mari had been fifteen.”
“No, she hadn’t left a note, but everyone could guess. Her parents were always such strange people, so strict and demanding of their children. It was inevitable that one of them would snap, but no one expected it to be Mari. She seemed so happy, so above it all.”
“She was in a relationship with Teresa’s boy. Not the one still here, of course, but the one who’s in college now, studying to be a doctor. All the way on the other side of the country if you can believe it!”
“It only got worse from there though. Sharon’s husband had left her afterwards, and she never told anyone why...He probably blamed her for it. Men can be that way, can’t they?”
“Now she goes around acting like nothing happened at all. It’s bizarre. If I lost my daughter you wouldn’t catch me acting like she never existed.”
“I hear she’s moving. Yes I’m sure, the manager over at Fix-Its told me that she asked him for a moving company reference,”
“I saw a For Sale sign in the front yard. It make sense though, I have no idea how she could have possibly lived in that house for the last four years, knowing what her child did there,”
“‘How could she live in that house’? What I want to know is how could she let her son stay in there day in day out! After what happened to him,”
“Oh, sorry honey, let us explain. So Sharon has, well had, two children. Mari, her daughter and Sunny, her son. I can’t for the life of me remember how old he is. High school age now I suppose...but no one has seen him in years,”
“ Years . We’re completely serious. Sharon does errands and goes to work in an office nearby as a secretary, and she shows up sometimes for a cup of coffee or the occasional church meeting, but no one has seen Sunny since his sister died. He’s the one that found her, and he completely lost his mind. He’s psychotic now,”
“Now that isn’t fair. That child went through something no person should ever have to, and at such a young age. It’s no wonder the boy has issues, but Sharon should have done something. At least forced him to keep going to school,”
“You can’t deny that the child is strange, Margaret. He was strange before he found his sister hanging from a tree. My Ethan was in classes with him, and he said he used to see Sunny staring out the window for the entire class period without blinking. Like he was possessed,”
“He was friends with Perdita’s girl, and we all know how that child turned out. She’s going to end up making license plates and eating gruel before she turns twenty, mark my words,”
“And what about what happened to the cat? You can’t deny that’s strange,”
“Oh that’s just a rumor. I don’t believe it,”
“Rumors, but no ones seen it since she died. Lacey swears that she saw a dead cat in their trash bin only a week after Mari’s funeral. Don’t look at me that way, I’m just saying. I certainly don’t have any plans to let my children near that house,”
“Even if you did, they wouldn’t let you in! Teresa’s boy goes there every afternoon, and no one ever answers the door. He’s such a sweetheart, you should introduce your kids to him. Kel’s always been a rather lonely boy for some reason, even though he’s such a nice child. He’s been practically distraught since his brother left for school, the one we told you is going to be a doctor?”
“Oh by the way, make sure you don’t say any of this to Teresa or her husband. She’s still very close with Sharon and views Sunny like one of her own. If only Kel had rubbed off a little more on him,”
“I’m just glad that Kel got out of that group of kids before it completely devolved. Teresa’s boys are far to good to be around children like Sunny and Aubrey,”
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Seasons of PD and Med: Season 0: The Backstory (A Halstead! Brothers + Halstead Sister! imagine)
Hey, I had an idea to pick episodes from every season of PD and Med and write them as if Will and Jay had a younger sister involved. This is the first installment and it will deal with some big things in Jay and Will's young adult years and Y/N's childhood years! Stay tuned for the next update which is season 1 of PD (I'm not gonna say what ep it is yet because I want you guys to be surprised.) I just made up a name for Mama Halstead since she hasn't been named in the show...I'm still waiting on that crumb that the writers neglected to add.
Anyway, enough of the long note, enjoy!
Will's age: 20
Jay's age: 18
Your age: 4
"Dad, I'm leaving tomorrow! It's not like I can change it now!" Jay yelled at his father as he paced the living room, his mom and dad sitting on the couch. His mom was trying to calm his dad, but that wasn't working very well.
"Both of you, keep your voice down," Amelia Halstead hissed at her husband and youngest son. "Y/N's sleeping. And if either of you wakes her up, there will be hell to pay tomorrow."
"Sh- Crap," Jay fixed his language quickly, knowing that he shouldn't swear around his parents. "Y/N."
Amelia's eyes went wide. "Jayson Halstead! You haven't told her yet? You said you wanted to be the one to tell her!"
"He won't have to tell her anything if he doesn't go," Pat Halstead shrugged.
"Patrick." Amelia gave Pat a warning look. "He's his own person and as much as we both hate it, he's an adult in the eyes of the law and can make his own decisions. One of which is whether or not he wants to join the military."
"I just think he should go out and get a real job. Why is it that none of my sons want to do that? Will wants to become a doctor and waste God knows how much time and money in school and this one wants to go and get himself killed. And for what? Because you want to play with guns?"
"Dad," Jay groaned. "We've been over this. I want to help protect people and I want to do that somewhere outside the country because there are others over there who really need it. Also, I like the adrenaline rush."
"Jay, not the time," Amelia scolded in reference to the last part.
"Sorry, Mom," Jay mumbled.
"I'm still not okay with this, no matter your reasoning. I don't need you to come home in a coffin!" Pat yelled.
You heard the booming voice of your dad down the hallway and jumped awake. Why was he yelling? Shouldn't he be sleeping just like you had been? But, maybe he was just yelling at the Blackhawks game as he did that often. Maybe if you got up he'd give you some juice. Your mom was always strict about no sugar before--or during--bedtime, but your brothers and your dad were a lot more easygoing.
So, you slid out of bed and walked down the hallway, excited to see if you'd be able to get some grape juice in your favorite princess cup. You clutched your Build-A-Bear in your hand, which was also dressed in pajamas, as it was bedtime, and walked down the hall. But, you stopped short when you heard that Jay was yelling as well.
"I'm leaving tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it, Dad! If you hate it so much, feel free to stay home when we all go to the airport!"
Jay was leaving? Did he have another seven-sleep-long soccer camp? He always had those in the summer. And, when you went to his games with your mom when the leaves changed, he scored lots of goals.
"Jay wait--"
"Mom, I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
Jay got halfway down the hall before he saw you.
"Hey, what are you doing up? Isn't it way past your bedtime?" Jay asked, his voice softening as he crouched down in front of you.
Your lower lip started to tremble and you pulled your Build-A-Bear, who you had affectionately named Beary, close to your chest. "You go to soccer for lots of sleeps again, Jay Jay?"
Jay sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Of course, you had heard him say he was leaving. And of course, the only thing you had to compare it to was him leaving for his soccer camps which he always went to at the end of July.
"What's the biggest number you can count to?" he asked, trying to sound excited.
"Um...um...um," you furrowed your eyebrows, trying to remember what you had learned at daycare. "Ten," you finally answered.
"I'm gonna be gone a long time," he told you.
"So, ten sleeps?" Ten was a long time. It had two numbers!
"Longer than that." He placed a hand on your shoulder and went to hug you because he saw the tears in your eyes, but you ran away from him. "Y/N, wait--"
"Mommy!" you yelled as you ran into the living room as fast as your little legs could carry you.
Amelia Halstead jumped up from her place on the couch. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" She crouched down and then picked you up.
"Jay Jay," you hiccupped as tears rolled down your face. "Jay Jay leaving for more than ten sleeps! He not my favowite broder anymore!" you wailed.
The door opened, revealing Will who had just returned from the library since he was taking some summer classes. "What am I, kiddo? Chopped liver?"
"Will my favowite now."
Will put his backpack in his room and then entered Jay's, who was sitting on his bed with what looked like a new outfit for your Build-A-Bear right next to him.
"So, I'm assuming you told her?" Will asked after he had sat down next to his younger brother.
"Yeah. And she hates me now, so there's that."
"Nah, she's just confused. She's four, Jay."
"I know that."
"Did you tell her why you're leaving? Where you're going?"
"No. When I told her I'd be gone for more than ten sleeps she started to cry and then ran to Mom. I made her cry, Will. You're the only one who's supposed to do that."
"Hey," Will smacked Jay upside the head. "I stole her bear once and I'm forever dubbed the horrible brother, yeah okay."
Jay laughed. "I mean, it's true, though. She hated you and cried for hours until you came home and gave it to her because you hid it in your car."
"I agree. It was a dick move." Will picked up the bear outfit. "What's this?"
"I got her a military outfit for her bear. Figured maybe it'd help her feel like I'm not so far away. And, it wouldn't freak her out when she sees me in my uniform tomorrow."
Jay and Will looked up at the sound of his door being opened. "Someone wanted to see you," their mom said, still holding you in her arms. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
You nodded. "Down peas," you said, trying your best to say please.
The minute you were safely on the floor, you ran to Jay's bed and hauled yourself up all by yourself. "I sowwy," you told your big brother.
"It's okay. But you know what will make me feel better?" you shook your head no. "A hug."
"Okay!" you jumped into Jay's lap and hugged him, unknowingly jumping somewhere that hurt him, causing him to grimace and Will to burst out laughing. After a warning glance from your mom though, Will stopped.
Once Jay regained his composure, he grabbed the bear outfit from next to him. "I have a present for you."
You pulled away from him and looked at him expectantly. "Weally? But I was mean."
"I know you didn't mean it. I forgive you."
You had no idea what he was talking about, but nodded anyway.
"You know how the good guys fight the bad guys?" Jay started. You nodded. "I'm leaving to fight some really bad guys."
"So you a good guy?"
"Yes," he chuckled. "And I wear something that looks like this. So, I thought maybe Beary would like his own. That way, you know that me and him are both the good guys and when I'm gone, he'll fight off all the bad guys in your bad dreams."
"Beary can fight da bad guys?"
"Yes, it's because he has this. He can even just wear the hat and be fighting bad guys."
He handed you the camo shirt, pants, and hat for your bear.
"You not wearing dis," you told him.
Now it was your mom's turn to butt in. "It's because he's sleepy. He doesn't wear it to sleep. But, he'll wear it tomorrow and Beary and Jay will match."
"Beary match Jay Jay 'morrow?" you asked, looking up at your mom expectantly.
"Yes. And they'll match faster if both you and Beary go to sleep."
"Really. Now, how about we go to sleep and you can put Beary's new outfit on tomorrow?"
"Okay. Night night, Will. Night night, Jay Jay."
Once your mom had taken you out of the room, Will spoke up. "Damn, now I'm gonna have to get that bear a white coat once I graduate from med school just to one-up you."
"His name's Beary," Jay told him.
Will rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'm gonna have to get Beary a white coat when I graduate from med school. Happy now, little brother?"
"Beary happy."
You, your mom, dad, and Will all walked into the airport to say goodbye to Jay before he boarded his flight. Beary was dressed in his camo, but you hadn't seen Jay dressed in his yet as he had left early to say goodbye to Allie and some other friends before you had gotten the chance to see him this morning.
"Look, there's Jay," your mom said, trying to be as happy as she could so that you wouldn't get sad. But, on the inside, her heart was breaking. But, once again, this is what her son wanted to do, so she wouldn't stop him.
"Hey guys," he said as he walked up to you, again, trying to be as happy as he could. But, since you couldn't really read the tone yet, you missed the nervousness in his voice.
"You and Beary match!"
"I told you we would! Would I ever lie to you?"
You shook your head no. You trusted both your big brothers to always tell you the truth.
"C'mere." Will was the first one to give Jay a hug. "I'm gonna miss your annoying--" Will leaned in to whisper in Jay's ear, knowing that if his mom heard him swear around you, he'd never hear the end of it. "--ass."
"I'll miss you, too. And all that annoying school talk you do. Dad?"
He turned to his dad and he hugged him, shocking both Jay and Will. "Stay safe out there, son."
"I will."
"Mom, please don't cry," Jay said as he turned to your mom, who was still holding you in her arms.
"I just love you so much. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Mom," he said as he swallowed a lump in his throat and hugged her. "I love you, too."
He pulled away and then looked at you. "And you, I am gonna miss you the most."
"Yes, don't tell Will, but you're my favorite."
"Mommy! I'm Jay Jay's favowite."
"Flight 51163 now boarding."
"I gotta go. But, remember what I told you, okay? Beary will always fight your bad dreams for you because he has his own uniform now."
"Just like you?"
Jay nodded. "Now, can Mommy put you down so I can get a big Y/N hug?"
Your mom set you on the ground and Jay crouched down to your level and enveloped you in a hug. "I gotta go," he said as he pulled away. "Be good for Mommy and Daddy."
"I will. I love you Jay Jay."
"I love you, too." He stood up and looked at the rest of his family. "All of you."
He turned and started to walk away. More than ten sleeps is too long! And, before your mom could pick you back up, you ran towards him, dropping Beary in the process.
"No no no Jay Jay, peas stay!" you yelled.
Jay's head whipped around just as you attached yourself his leg with tears running down your face.
"Y/N, Jay's gonna be home before you know it," your mom said.
"But- But I don't want Jay Jay leave. I want Jay Jay home!"
"I know, I know. But remember what he told you last night? He's gotta get all the bad guys. And, you want him to get all the bad guys, don't you?"
"You pwomise to get all da bad guys, Jay Jay?" you asked, still holding onto his leg.
"I promise."
Your mom reached down to grab you and then lifted you up into her arms.
Another guy wearing the same clothes as Jay came up to you. "Is this yours?" he asked you.
"Beary! I dropped Beary, Mommy!" you exclaimed as you reached out and took your bear from him.
"I see that. Now, what do you say?"
"Tank you!"
"You're welcome," he said.
Then, you waved goodbye as your mom walked away with you and returned to Will and your dad. All the while, you clutched Beary, making sure he didn't fall out of your grasp again.
"Kid sister?" the guy who handed you Beary back asked Jay.
"Yeah, she's four. Doesn't really get what's going on. Thanks for giving that back. She would've gone crazy if she got in the car and it wasn't there," Jay answered. "I'm Jay Halstead by the way."
"Greg Gerwitz," he replied. "But everyone calls me Mouse."
Will's age: 22
Jay's age: 20
Your age: 6
"Mom is gonna be shocked, man," Will said to Jay as he parked his car in the driveway. "I just hope she doesn't me kill for keeping it a secret from her."
"I think that'll be the last thing on her mind when she sees me. Now, you said that her and Y/N are leaving at 8:15, right?"
"Yeah, so you better go stand outside my car now because it's 8:14."
Meanwhile, inside you ran back down the hallway to your room. "Y/N!" Your mom shouted after you. "We have to go! You don't want to be late on your first day of kindergarten, do you?"
You ran to your room and then grabbed Beary. You had changed him back into his military uniform outfit--or, what you called Jay Jay's clothes--earlier this morning. It was the only thing Beary wore during the day since Jay's been gone. You'd put him into his pajamas at night and then right back into the military uniform outfit when you woke up.
"I'm back, Mama! Beary's coming to school with me!"
"That reminds me," she pulled out a small toy backpack from behind her back. "Beary can't go to school without a backpack now, can he?"
"No, Mommy! Thank you!" you quickly put the red backpack on Beary's back and then your mom took a picture.
Then, you and your mom stepped out the front door.
Jay and Will were both leaning against Will's car. Tears came to Jay's eyes when he saw that your bear was still in that military outfit he'd gotten you two years ago before he left for basic training and then for Afghanistan.
Through a rushed phone call a few months ago, Jay had asked Will when your first day of school was. He didn't want to miss it, being the good big brother he was. So, once he had a date, he went on a mission to get himself off his tour one week early. Somehow, he was successful. Then, he coordinated with Will about what time his flight was landing in Chicago and he'd picked him up. The two brothers spent the night at a hotel--Will saying he was staying at a friend's house--and then driven home that morning.
You were having a very intense conversation with your mom about what you hoped kindergarten would be like when she stopped in her tracks and put her hand over her mouth.
"Mommy, what's wrong?" you asked, looking up at her with wide eyes.
"Hi, Mom."
You knew that voice. But, usually, it only came through the phone and your mom wasn't holding the phone right now.
You looked away from your mom and towards the sound of footsteps.
There, right in front of you, was your big brother in his military uniform that matched Beary's.
"Jay Jay!" you yelled and sprinted towards him.
"There's my favorite kindergartner!" Jay exclaimed when he picked you up. "Did you miss me?"
"I missed you this much!" You spread your arms out as far as they could go.
"Really?" You nodded your head. "You missed me a lot, huh? Well, I missed you more!"
"Did you get the bad guys?"
Jay swallowed, images from his deployment and having people bleed out in front of him coming to the forefront of his mind. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, Y/N. I got all the bad guys."
"How did you- How did you both do this?" your mom choked out, in tears.
"Mommy, don't cry," you told her, still in Jay's arms. "Jay Jay's home, be happy."
"I am happy, baby. These are happy tears. But how did you do this? I thought you weren't supposed to be home for another week, Jay!"
"Me and Will talked about it. I found out when Y/N's first day of school was, and the rest just fell into place. I couldn't miss walking my favorite sister to her first day at big kid school, now could I?" he asked, tickling your stomach, causing you to giggle.
"No, stop! Jay Jay stop!" you giggled and he set you back down on the ground.
"How about you walk to school with us and then the three of us go out for breakfast?" your mom suggested.
"What about me?" you asked, looking up at your mom. "Can I come?"
"You'll be in school, honey. And, remember what I said you'd get after school?"
"A donut!" you exclaimed.
"Wow! Someone's lucky!" Jay said, overexaggerating it.
"Make sure you tell them it was your first day of school, Y/N," Will started, "because I know they'll be sure to put extra sprinkles on it."
"Mommy! I get extra sprinkles!"
"So, I heard. But, we better get going, we don't want to be late."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Mom," Will started, "But I gotta start heading back to New York."
"Med school can't wait another day, huh?" Jay asked.
"I've already missed one lecture, but it was on the ethics and implications of not respecting a DNR...which is common sense in the medical world. But, I don't think I can afford to miss anymore. Sorry guys."
"You'll be back soon though, right?" you asked.
"Yup, I'll be back for Thanksgiving. A lot faster than Jay got back."
"Okay!" you exclaimed. Then, you grabbed your mom's hand and Jay's and walked to school in the middle of them, excited to have your big brother who fought the bad guys back home.
Will's age: 25
Jay's age: 23
Your age: 9
It's been three years since Jay's first tour ended, and he was currently overseas on his second tour. You were in third grade now, so you enjoyed getting to write letters to him and tell him all about school. You'd also send some to Will in New York so that he didn't feel left out. And, Will would send you these super cool things called postcards with pictures of different places in New York on them!
Overseas in Afghanistan, all hell had broken loose. Jay and Mouse were in the same unit again, which was great, but what wasn't so great was what happened with his Humvee. The Humvee had hit an IED and left Jay and Mouse as the only two survivors. Jay was trying to do his job the best he could, but he wasn't sleeping, the images of that day etched in his mind and always there, even when his eyes were closed.
In the northeastern part of the US, Will was procrastinating all his homework--but somehow still turning it in on time and doing well on exams--while he worked long, unpaid hours at a hospital, learning everything there was to know about treating patients and performing surgery. He was also partying a lot in his spare time. He had seen one of his professors, Yates, at a party, so that was weird and freaked him out. A grown man partying with his students? Why? But, Will had more important things going on to worry about than why the hell one of his professors was at a big ass house party.
Back at home, your mom was crying and you had asked her what was wrong, but she told you not to worry about it. Despite that, you were worried. You had never seen your mom cry like this. She didn't even cry this much when Jay and Will left!
"Mom?" you asked when you got home from school to see her sitting at the kitchen table crying.
She frantically wiped away her tears to try and play off that nothing was wrong. You looked down at the stack of papers in front of her and noticed that one said something about a will. There wasn't an "a" in front of Will's name! He was just Will!
"Mom! They messed up Will's name! See? I'll fix it!" You picked up the pen next to you and uncapped it.
"No!" your mom yelled.
"Why? It's wrong."
"I'm sorry,  baby. These are just really important papers that you can't write on, okay? They're adult papers."
"Will and Jay are adults?" you asked, your eyes going wide. No, they weren't; your mom still called them her baby boys.
"They are!" She laughed at your expression.
"When will I be an adult?"
"You've got nine years yet, baby. You have to wait until you're-- until you're eighteen," she stuttered, trying not to get choked up as she realized that she probably wouldn't be here when you turned eighteen. If the doctors were right, she wouldn't even be here for your tenth birthday.
"Mom, why are you crying?" You sat in the kitchen chair next to her and looked up at her with curiosity in your eyes.
Now was as good a time as any, your mom thought to herself. Both Will and Jay knew and Jay said he'd be home any time now since he had been honorably discharged between the Humvee and IED incident and your mom getting sick.
"Sweetie, mom's really sick," she told you.
You cocked your head to the side. "So, you just need to go to the hospital or get Will to fix you up."
"I wish it were that simple, baby. But, the sickness is way inside my body and is moving around too much to have Will fix it."
"But can't they go inside with those fancy tools that Jay's scared of?"
"It's not as simple as going in with a few needles, baby."
"But what about that yucky stuff you give me?" you asked, referring to the grape flavored medicine.
You heard the door open. "The important thing is that I'm okay right now. I'll just be a little tired and we might have to go to the hospital soon."
"Mom? You here?"
"Jay!" you yelled and ran to the living room, the emotional talk with your mom long forgotten the moment you heard your older brother's voice.
"Y/N!" Jay yelled, matching your enthusiasm as he crouched down and opened his arms wide.
"I missed you!" you told him as you squeezed him tightly.
"I missed you, too! Now, is Mom here?" he asked as he stood back up.
You grabbed his hand. "She's here. Did you know she's sick, Jay?"
You led him to the kitchen, where your mom was still sitting at the table.
Jay glanced over at the paper sitting in front of your mom. He swallowed as it all quickly became real for him.
His mom was dying and he was home. But, his older brother wasn't. Will was off partying while their mom was dying.
"No, chocolate's better than vanilla," you argued as you and Jay both walked the short walk home holding your ice cream cones.
"No, vanilla's better. You're just a weirdo. Now, how about you eat your ice cream before it melts and drips on you and you get all sticky?"
It was the first day of May and Jay had been home since February. Your mom's condition was rapidly deteriorating as the cancer spread throughout her body. You had noticed she had been more tired than usual and that your dad hadn't been as excited to watch you at soccer practice. He didn't even want to come with you and Jay when you went to the ice cream shop today. It was opening day for the season, and it was a Halstead tradition that the whole family go get ice cream together. And, Jay wasn't going to let his dad wreck that for you, so he took you.
Jay had finished his ice cream and you were at the bottom of your cone when you walked up the front porch steps.
"You're just going to give up, Amelia? You do know that's what this is right?"
Luckily for you, you were so focused on finishing your ice cream, that you didn't hear the yelling between your mom and dad right away. But, Jay did.
"Hey, Y/N?" you looked up from your cone at your older brother.  "How about you go grab your soccer ball from the garage and I'll get some water bottles and we can go to the park and practice for your game on Saturday, how does that sound?"
"So I can get better at stealing the ball from the other team?" you asked.
"Yup. Now, let's hurry up, okay?"
As soon as your back was turned and you ran off to the garage in search of your soccer ball, Jay entered the house.
"Pat, that's not what this is and you know it!" Amelia argued, using what little strength she had after chemo to stand up.
"Then what is it?" Pat roared.
"I don't want Y/N to see me deteriorate!"
Jay rushed into his parents' bedroom. His mom was clutching the bedpost as if her life depended on it.
"Mom," he started, causing both his parents to focus their attention on him. "How about you sit down? You're tired."
"Jay, will you get me the phone please?" she asked, still standing.
"Amelia, you are not making that call!"
"It is my life! You are not taking this last big decision away from me!" Her voice softened. "Jay, sweetheart, the phone please."
"What's going on?"
"Your mom wanting to stay at the hospital is what's going on," Pat spat.
"Mom, no. You- you can't. Stay here. Please," he begged. He knew this was the last straw. Staying in the hospital likely meant she'd die there. She only had a limited time left. And, he wanted her to be here, at home with him. He had missed so much when he was away in Afghanistan. He just wanted more time of her staying home, of them being a normal family, despite her battling cancer with all her might.
"It'll be better for me there, Jay. They can give me painkillers and probably other things to help me feel better."
Jay hated it, but his mom was right. It probably was what was best for her.
"Okay, I'll get you the phone."
He walked into the kitchen to grab the phone and walked back to the bedroom to give it to his mom.
He reached out his hand to hand it to her, but it hit the floor with a thud.
"Dad! What the hell?" Jay yelled.
"You know what! She's staying here, Jayson!"
"Last I checked, it was mom's decision, not yours! And, she said she wants to go to the hospital! Respect that!"
"Like you and her respected what I had to say when you wanted to leave for the army? You didn't respect what I had to say then, so why should I respect what she's saying now?"
"Because she's your wife and she's dying!" Jay yelled. "You're stressing her out and stress is bad for her."
He picked up the phone and went to hand it to his mom. She took it.
Pat reached out his hand, but Jay stopped him. "You touch her or that phone, and I will lay you out where you stand. It's mom's decision."
"You'd really hit your old man?"
"Try me."
There was silence for a moment before Pat turned. "I'm going for a drive. I'll be back later."
"You didn't have to do that, you know," Amelia said to her son once Pat was out of the room.
"You did the same thing for me when I left to go to the army. You respected my decisions, so I'm respecting yours, Mom."
"When did you grow up so much?" A tear rolled down her cheek.
Jay sat down next to her. "Army will do that to you."
"Jay? You ready?" Jay heard you call for him.
"I'll be right there, Y/N!" he hollered back. Then, he turned back to his mom. "I was gonna take Y/N to the park, but I can stay here if you want me to?"
"No, go, Jay. You're a good brother. Promise me you'll watch over her when I'm gone?"
"Mom don't say--"
"Promise me. She needs you, both you and Will to look out for her. Who knows how your dad will get through all this. She needs her big brothers."
"I promise, Mom."
"Jay?" he heard you yell for him from outside.
"Be right there!" he yelled back.
After grabbing and filling up two water bottles, he walked outside to be met with your puzzled face. "What's wrong?"
"Why'd dad leave?" you asked, holding the soccer ball under your arm.
"Uh," Jay faltered. No way in hell was he going to be the one to explain this to you. Him leaving for the military, yeah, he could explain that one. But your guys' mom dying and telling you that she was going to the hospital because the end was near? Yeah, not gonna happen. He'd leave that to someone else...someone that was not him. "He's running a few errands," Jay answered.
"Oh, okay. Can Ben come to the park with us, too?" you asked.
Ben was your best friend and also your neighbor. Jay had dated his older sister before he left to fight the bad guys far away. Sometimes, when Jay had to babysit you, Allie would come over and bring Ben. And then, you'd get lots and lots of candy and get to watch movies for a bit. And, they'd promise you both Mcdonald's if neither you nor Ben said that Allie had come over. It always worked. You didn't know what the two teenagers were doing, but all you knew was that you got french fries and candy out of it, so both you and Ben had kept your mouths shut...despite it being against both your parents' rules to have a boyfriend or girlfriend over when they weren't home.
"You know what, I think that's a great idea," Jay answered. And then, you made your way to the Corson's and then to the park, thinking nothing of it.
Jay was sitting in the hospital room, clutching his mother's hand, just wondering how his life had turned out like this. Will was almost to the hospital; he'd gotten a last-minute flight from New York to Chicago, knowing that that would be faster than driving. Your dad was picking you up from school an hour early on a Friday. But right now, right now Jay was alone. And his mom, well she was still here, but he knew it wouldn't be for long. He knew that she was sleeping right now, and he wanted that for her because at least she wouldn't be awake to feel the pain of death, but at the same time, God, he wanted her to wake up. He wanted her to wake up so bad. He wanted to tell her that she was the best mom in the world. He wanted to tell her that he should never have had gone to Afghanistan, that maybe Dad was right, maybe he should've stayed in the States. Maybe he should've stayed in Chicago. He should've stayed home, just so that he could have had those three missed years with his mom. So that there could've been those extra two years before Will went to med school where the five of the Halsteads would be a real family. Because, in a matter of hours, hell in a matter of minutes, the Halsteads would dwindle down to a family of four forever. And, then, when Will left to go back to New York, it would dwindle down to three, at least for the time being.
Damn it. He just wanted more time. More time with his mom. He'd give anything for just a little more time.
"Jay! Jay! How is she?" Will burst into the quiet hospital room looking more worse for wear than normal. He had just gotten off an eighteen-hour shift of his med school rotation when he had gotten the call from his dad to get to Chicago as soon as possible. He found the first available flight--not caring about cost--and left, not even glancing at the clothes he threw in a duffle bag.
"Shhh!" Jay hissed at his older brother. "She's sleeping. And, shouldn't you know from your fancy schooling that as long as those monitors are still beeping, that she's still alive? Or did you just get too drunk and not even study and leave me to deal with dad and a very distraught and scared Y/N?"
"Man, you know I stopped doing that once I started working long shifts at the hospital!" Will whisper-yelled, trying to keep his voice down.
Jay sighed. "I'm sorry. We can deal with this later."
"You said Y/N's scared. What's she actually doing?"
Jay swallowed, trying to hold back the tears of what you'd been asking him those last two and a half weeks. "Um, every morning when she wakes up, she asks me if Mom went to heaven when she's sleeping. And then- And then before she leaves for school, she tells me to tell Mom she loves her if I go to see her."
Will rubbed a hand down his face. He didn't know what to say. He knew he should've been in Chicago for his little brother and sister, but he hadn't been. And, he couldn't change the past now. And, he knew he couldn't stay in Chicago after the funeral. It was no use telling Jay and you that he could stay; it'd just be an empty promise.
"William," Amelia's hoarse and groggy voice broke through the silence.
Will rushed to the opposite side of the bed to grab his mom's hand, the one that had the pulse-ox on it. "Mom, I'm here. I'm here."
"I need to- I need to tell..."
"Here, Mom." Will held the water cup with a straw in front of his mom. "Drink a bit. Please."
Amelia obliged and listened to her oldest son. After all, he was going to be a doctor one day. And, she hoped a damn good one at that.
"Thank you, baby," she said once she had taken a few sips. "My ring."
"What about your wedding ring, Mom?" Jay prompted.
"It's not a race...but whoever finds...the right girl first...gets it."
"Mom, don't say that," Will choked out. "You'll be okay. Everything will be fine."
Jay wanted to scoff. Leave it to Will to say that. He wasn't the one sitting in the hospital every damn day just watching their mom deteriorate and waiting for the inevitable.
"But, I'm supposed to wait until Sunday," you told your dad as you entered the hospital room, clutching the present you had made in art class for Mother's Day.
"I think it's close enough. And, it'll make Mom super happy," your dad answered you.
You nodded, the clay heart clutched in your hand. "Will!"
"Hey, kiddo."
"I missed you."
"I missed you, too. Now, what about this mother's day present? Why don't you come over here and give it to mom?" God, he didn't know how he did it, how he talked to his little sister like this was just a normal day and their mom wasn't minutes away from leaving them forever. He thought that his time working in a hospital and watching doctors and nurses deliver devastating news to families might have something to do with it, though.
"Mom." You stood on your tip-toes so that you could fully see her since her bed was tipped so that she was in a semi-sitting position.
"Yes...baby?" she asked, her voice no more than a whisper.
"I made this for you. I'm supposed to give it to you on Sunday since that's when Mother's Day is, but Dad said I can give it to you now." You passed the ceramic heart which was painted a shade of lavender and had I love you, Mom carved into it in your messy third-grader handwriting. "Do you like it?"
"I love...it, baby...I'll...cherish it...forever."
"I love you, Mommy." You hadn't called her Mommy in years. But, you knew it always made her happy when you called her that. Maybe, this would make her feel happy.
"Where's...Dad?" she asked weakly.
"He had to go to the bathroom," you answered.
"I love...you...my three...babies."
The sound of the monitor flatlining filled the room. Jay let out an agonizing scream, one unlike you had ever heard before.
"No," Will sobbed. You'd never seen him do that before. He always tried to be the big brother who didn't cry. Both your big brothers did.
Will wanted to start chest compressions, but he knew they'd be no use.
"Mommy," you whispered, shaking her shoulder. You knew it was no use, but maybe, just maybe she'd wake up. "Mommy, come back. Please."
"She's gone, Y/N," Jay said. "She's not coming back."
"Jay!" Will yelled.
"She needs to know that! Mom's gone, dammit!"
Jay slid down the wall, his anger, sadness, frustration, all of it, getting the best of him and he cried. Sobs racked his body.
He heard whispering near him and vaguely made out that Will was telling you that Jay didn't mean to sound so mean. And, then, he felt a pair of little arms wrap around him.
"Jay Jay," you whispered.
And that just made Jay cry harder.
Will came over and joined the hug, all three of you sobbing.
You heard a gasp and the sound of someone running into the room. Then, you heard a blood-curdling scream, the sound of a husband losing his wife way too soon.
The ceramic heart you had made for your mom fell to the floor, finally becoming too heavy to stay put in her lifeless hand now that there was no grip left. It shattered into sharp, lavender pieces, much like your real hearts. Despite still beating, they may as well stop, too. Because, just like how that ceramic heart would never be whole again, without your mom, your heart would never be whole again either.
Jay's age: 24
Your age: 10
It had been about a year since your mom had died. Day by day everything was getting easier. But, a part of you was missing, and you'd come to accept that it'd never be filled. Jay moved out right after your mom died and you'd see him sometimes. He worked different hours now since he was a police officer. But, even if you wanted to watch one more movie with him at his apartment, he wouldn't let you and he'd never let you spend the night. He'd always bring you back home to your dad.
You were in bed, Beary laying next to you since you had let go of him in your sleep, when you were woken up by the sound of sirens.
You located Beary from beside you and walked out into the hallway. The light was on as you still didn't like it when you woke up to go to the bathroom and it was dark. So, you walked to your dad's bedroom and pushed to door open.
"Dad," you whispered as you placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hmmm?" he asked, opening his eyes. "What's wrong, honey?"
Since your mom died, you and your dad had grown a lot closer. You'd always watch hockey games with him and he'd come to every single one of your soccer games and take you out for a snack after. He always made sure he was home from work before it got too late so that he could help you with your homework and make sure you weren't scared of a thunderstorm at night. He was the dad that Will and Jay never had. He just hated that it took the death of his wife for him to become a better father.
"Why- Why are there police officers at Ben's house?"
"Police officers? At the Corsons?" your dad asked.
"Yeah, from my window I saw the flashing lights. What's going on?"
"Just give me a minute and we'll go see if they need anything, okay?" he asked, not knowing there was crime scene tape everywhere.
Once your dad was ready, you walked outside, holding tight to his hand and to Beary.
"Uh, yeah, tender-age male. From the looks of it raped and possible cause of death being asphyxiation."
You had no idea what anything he was saying meant, but you knew that Jay was the one who was talking. He was here! Maybe he'd know what was going on! And, maybe he'd know where Ben was, because, from the people around, you hadn't spotted Ben yet.
"Jay!" You let go of your dad's hand and ran towards him, ducking under the bright yellow crime scene tape.
"Shit," he muttered as he ran towards you, trying to block your best friend's body from your view.
But, he was too late.
Jay grabbed you and pulled you close to him so that his body was blocking you from seeing the body any more than you already had. But, he knew that it was no use; the image of your best friend laying in the grass with a rope tied around his neck and duck tape on his mouth and wrists, pants on backward and shirt haphazardly threw on, would forever be etched in your mind.
"Ben!" you wailed.
"I'm gonna take her back to the house. You got it from here and I'll meet you back at the station?" you heard Jay say to who you assumed was his partner.
"Yeah, who is she?"
"My little sister. Kid was her best friend."
"Take as much time as you need, Halstead. I'll tell the sergeant that you might not be back tonight."
"Thank you."
Your dad stayed with Danny and Gail, while Jay brought you home.
"Do you want some water?" Jay asked quietly as you entered the house.
You shook your head. "What happened?"
"Maybe when you're older I can explain, okay?"
"So, he's with Mom now?" you asked, looking into his teary eyes.
"Yeah, he's with Mom now. She'll look after him." He pulled you into a hug. "I love you, kid. You're my favorite sister."
"I'm your only sister, Jay."
"That's why you're my favorite."
Jay took a deep breath as he held you tight. That could've easily been you laying on the ground instead of Ben.
After that night, any day that Jay didn't have to work in the mornings, he'd walk you to school. He did that for the rest of the year. He never told you why; he'd only say that he wanted to spend time with his little sister and sometimes he'd even bring you a donut. But, you knew it had something to do with Ben...and the fact that the person who hurt him had never been found.
You weren't supposed to know that information, but you figured it would've been on the news if they found the person who did it. After all, the case was on the news when it first happened.
Little did you and Jay know, that it would be three years until justice would be served and that Jay would almost lose his badge over it.
A/N: Hey, sorry this took me so long to post! It took me a while to write since most of the scenes were sad. Anyway, as I mentioned at the beginning, this will be a series, so look for the next installment! Those will be better because the age will be when Y/N's a teenager...and I write those a lot better than I do when I have to write times when Y/N is a kid.
Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment! It gives me so much motivation to continue writing!
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buckleyblueyes · 3 years
Buddie + 11 or 37? :)
Alright, so this got way too long and kind of...emotional? But I really hope you like it. I went with 37!
Eddie wakes to the sound of clattering from the kitchen and cold sheets where his boyfriend should be. He rolls over and checks the time on his phone. 8 AM. Immediately, he’s frowning. It’s a Sunday morning, they should definitely be sleeping in. Maybe he still can, he thinks, letting his eyes slide shut. Then he hears Christopher’s giggles and he sighs, curiosity getting the better of him. He pushes the covers off, pulls himself out of bed, and shuffles down the hallway.
He expects to see Buck cooking breakfast--probably pancakes, if Chris had anything to say about it--but the scene he walks into is a complete surprise. Buck stands at the counter, pouring over a cookbook with a picture of some very intricately frosted cupcakes on the cover, brow furrowed in concentration. The counter itself is littered with ingredients--flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla, butter, baking powder and baking soda. Chris is standing next to him in an apron that somehow already had flour all over it. There are two cereal bowls in the sink. So. Not breakfast, then.
Chris notices his presence first. “Dad! You’re up!”
Eddie smiles, and leans down to press a kiss to the top of Chris’s head. “Morning, kid.”
Buck’s head snaps up from the cookbook, which he sets down on the counter so he can pull Eddie into a hug, pressing a kiss to his temple. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty.”
“You say that like I slept in.”
Buck chuckles. “I’ve been up since six thirty, babe.”
Eddie groans and leans his head on Buck’s shoulder. “God Why?”
“Because I have a lot to do today,” Buck says simply.
Eddie looks up at him. “A lot of baking, it seems like.”
Buck grins. “You know it.”
“Need any help?” Eddie asks, knowing what the answer is going to be before says it.
Of course, Buck scoffs and rolls his eyes. “I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don’t trust your cooking. Stay out of my kitchen.”
“Yeah, Dad,” Chris chirps. “Leave the baking to the professionals.”
Eddie snorts a laugh, raising his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. Just let me get some coffee.” He maneuvers around his family to grab a mug from the cupboard. Of course, Buck already has coffee prepared since he’s the only one in the house who actually knows how to work the Hildy machine. Eddie refuses to learn, no matter how good the coffee Buck makes with it is. He fills his mug and heads out of their way, deciding to seat himself at the table where he can watch them.
Buck and Christopher return their focus to the cupcake book.
Buck points to the page. “I think this recipe is a winner, what do you think?”
Christopher nods vigorously. “Yeah!”
Eddie smiles into his coffee. “So, what brought this on?”
“School bake sale,” Christopher responds breezily.
Eddie frowns. He doesn’t remember anything about a bake sale. “You didn’t--”
Christopher rolls his eyes. “I told Buck last week, Dad.”
Eddie turns his gaze on Buck. His blue eyes are wide. “I assumed he already told you. I didn’t mean--”
Eddie shakes his head. “You didn’t overstep, Buck.”
Buck’s shoulders sag in relief.
“We all know I’m a disaster in the kitchen,” Eddie shrugs, sipping his coffee. “Chris clearly went to the right par-person for the job.” He just barely stops himself from calling Buck a parent. He knows it’s what he wants, that it’s what Christopher wants, and that it’s the emotional reality for all three of them. But he has a plan to make this all official.
Buck grins. “It’s a charity fundraiser the school is doing to raise money for the ASPCA, so we’re going to frost the cupcakes to look like puppies and kittens.”
“We’re gonna make noses and ears out of candies!” Christopher adds excitedly. “It was Buck’s idea.”
Eddie melts. He looks up at Buck and can’t help beaming at him. “It’s a really good idea.”
Buck flushes slightly. “Thanks.”
“You’re gonna have the best treats there tomorrow, I guarantee it.”
Christopher giggles again. “The bake sale is on Wednesday, Dad.”
Eddie feels his brow crease again. “Then why are you baking today?”
“Practice batch,” Buck says, like it’s obvious. “I’ve never made these particular cupcakes before, nor have I ever frosted cupcakes to look like animals. I’m not sending Christopher to his school bake sale with rough draft cupcakes.”
Eddie shakes his head. He loves how much Buck cares, but multiple batches of cupcakes in a week seems like a dangerous amount of sugar. “Buck.”
“I’ll take the practice batch into the station,” Buck continues, somehow knowing exactly where Eddie was going. “I just want to make a good impression. This is the first time I’ll be baking something for him to take to school, and I know how gossipy PTA moms are.”
“And it’s fun!” Chris adds, smiling.
“And it’s fun,” Buck agrees.
All Eddie can do is stare at Buck for a moment because God he loves this man. This man, who woke up at 6:30 in the morning on his day off to start prepping ingredients for a practice batch of cupcakes for a school bake sale, is almost certainly going to be making the real batch after a 12 hour shift on Tuesday. This man who loves his son so much, exactly the way he deserves to be loved. This man who loves him.
Screw the plan.
“Marry me.” The words fall out of Eddie’s lips before he can stop himself.
Buck freezes.
“Daad!” Christopher whines. “We had a plan!”
“Eddie…” Buck’s voice is thick with emotion.
“I mean it, Buck,” Eddie presses on, unable to go back on his decision now. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be my husband.”
And Buck is looking at him with such awe and wonder, but he shouldn’t be because this moment was inevitable. “I--”
“You don’t even have the ring, Dad!” Christopher cuts in, tone somewhere in between genuine irritation and sarcastic teasing. “You’re doing a terrible job.”
Buck’s voice cracks. “Ring?”
“Maddie helped me pick it out, it’s in my sock drawer if you want me to go get it,” Eddie explains, starting to get up.
“No.” Buck stops him.
Eddie’s heart clenches. It’s too soon, you’re so stupid, Buck isn’t ready--
Buck seems to sense Eddie’s spiral. “I mean, we can get the ring later. I want you to stay here. Of course I want to marry you.”
Eddie is out of his seat in an instant to kiss his boyf--fiance. It’s a short kiss, because Eddie still has morning breath and Christopher is right there. But it’s sweet and loving and he can feel Buck’s heart beating against his chest.
Christopher is frowning when they pull back, arms crossed. “You ruined it, Dad!”
Buck’s face morphs into one of horrible, confused, devastation, and Eddie can’t stand it.
“Chris, I know this isn’t how we planned to do it,” Eddie starts calmly.
“We don’t have the papers yet!” Chris nearly shouts. “You were supposed to wait until we had the papers!”
Buck blinks once, twice, three times. “What papers?”
Eddie looks at Christopher. “You want to tell him?”
Chris nods, and focuses his attention on Buck. “The adoption papers. Dad was supposed to wait until we got the adoption papers. We’re gonna be a family for real.”
Buck is crying now. “Oh my God.”
“We had a whole plan,” Christopher continues. “But Dad just couldn’t wait.”
“I got caught up in the moment, sue me.”
Buck laughs through his tears. “I already made that mistake. Never again.”
Eddie and Christopher are both quiet for a moment, waiting for Buck to compose himself and speak.
Finally he does. “I love you both so much. Of course I want all of that.” He opens his arms wide, and they both take the hint and fall into his embrace. Eddie smiles, his face pressed against Buck’s shoulder, one arm around Christopher.
“It’s us,” he says, to both of them. “The three of us. Forever.”
Buck says it back, softly. A promise. “Forever.”
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