#THIS POST DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE IM putting it in the shredder
violexides · 2 years
i have so many neat articulated thoughts on so many issues it is a shame that i accidentally convinced everyone i know in my personal life that i am extremely stupid in order to shield myself from failure and boost other people’s ego 👍
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maythray · 3 months
dreamt of a game last night. its display looked like a bunch of large pixels. like 2but sized. you played as one white pixel. the background was black but on it were several blobs of differently colored pixels that were procedurally generated. the goal of the game was to move around and hit the dark blue pixels in order to "grow" them. you had a timer for how much time you had left to hit the blue pixels, and a health bar which would deplete as the timer went down. hitting the blue ones would add to both of these bars. hitting differently colored pixels would only deplete the health bar.
the movement was icy, you slingshot around the map and have to control your velocity speed acceleration all of that stuff. and it was very easy to start moving Extremely fast.
in my dream i remember this game having a cult following and it being related to some form of apocolypse. gotta go back and explain this part. hang on.
between bits of gameplay i kept seeing a character (originally it was caliborn but they changed to someone else quickly, but they had an original personality like caliborns which is relevant for this) who lived in a bunch of old ruined metal scaffolding. they were bored and immortal and watching time slip by extremely quickly. eventually they decide to leave and begin sailing on a giant pirate ship to the main populated area. by this time the world has already become post-apocalyptic, but theres still established society. the first character decides to set up shop in a building with metal shutters. he doesnt do much else differently here than just waiting, but he does begin to collect items, seemingly with no theme. this continues for several years before he eventually just disappears completely. forgotten and largely unknown.
from here theres another two characters which appear and i begin to follow. one is a large older man, kind of close to what senshi looks/acts like, but not really. he carries a big wooden backpack thats beautifully carved and has tons of little drawers. the top of a cuckoo clock is in the center. im gonna call them sen for this. sen is being trailed by a very generic apocalyptic looking character, theyre scrappy and dirty.
sen combs over the area hes walking through very meticulously. he will occasionally pick something up from the dirt and put it into one of his drawers. he gives a wide berth to anyone else whos in the area, and sticks to the darker, less treaded areas of this street. this is until the road ends and branches off into pathways and allyways through an overgrown forest. sen sits down and begins looking over what he collected. this is when scrap approaches him and begins to ask questions. what hes doing there and what he has "stole." the first question goes unanswered but the second is "items that resonate" with the cuckoo clock and the backpack. this makes no sense to scrap and so sen demonstrates.
in one drawer there is a shredder-like mechanism when opened. you place anything inside it and it rattles around before being caught and pulled under. it is not meant to damage. sen places a long broken gold necklace into the mechanisim and it makes a gentle clunking sound before disappearing. this somehow is "resonating" with the whole backpack. scrap still doesn't understand any of this and sen offers to show them.
this takes us to a place seemingly inside of the backpack. the place is teeming with people all dressed in similar styles to sen. they pay him little mind as he comes in, just greeting him mostly. scrap is taken through here to the location where it opens up to a large screen and the pointed roof of the clock. the screen has this game on it, ready to play.
the entire group here is centered around this one game, which appeared out of nowhere during the post-apocalypse, when no other games were being made. it has no history no author no discernable source. but it plays easily and without the need of much power. only the power the resonance of the items found give it.
sen allows scrap to play several rounds of the game to learn what it is. they are not very good at it and have to keep restarting. however they do eventually unlock something on the menu. its a boss type level, completely different to the rest of the game, verses shadow. the game still displays in 2 bit type graphics and you now control a tiny character (seemingly meant to be sonic?) and have to traverse a rundown metal cityscape while being chased/fending off/fightinb shadow. this battle isnt new to the group in the clock, however its never been beaten, nor is it even assumed to have a win condition at all. shadow has no health bar, and the terrain appears generated like the first game.
regardless, scrap continues playing and gets considerably far after a few attempts. they begin drawing attention as people in the room start to think there might actually be an ending. scrap gets extremely close to whats being predicted as the end, but dies at the very last moment. i wake up before i see what happens next.
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