#TIBLS 2018
The Feminine Rhythm Log: Cancer ♋
The Feminine Rhythm Log: Cancer 
 Despite the countless studies debunking the moon cycles relation to the bleeding cycle, I beg to differ, and my study specifically honors the reality of the relationship between my womb cycle and the lunar cycle.  
 The archetype of the moon in nature shows the reflection of the sun exposing the dark. In astrology, the moon is symbolic of the mother, the home (cooking, gardening, atmosphere), ancestral land/culture, reactions, and feelings respectively. In astrological houses, the 4th house which governs that of the moon, as well as the womb, is before the house of Leo representing children, joy, entertainment, pleasure, and performance respectively. Before the female can produce a child, her egg must plant itself inside of her and be re-absorbed by the body as the lining of the uterus sheds through the vagina, also known as menstruation. The menstruation cycle is repeated every month for an average of 28 days. The lunar cycle, similarly, is repeated every month for an average of 29.5 days.
Menstruation takes place for about 7 days while the moon changes phases every 7.4 days. The correlation between both synchronistic durations have been studied for centuries and even holds meaning in ancient civilizations, although we must keep in mind that contraceptives and other means to stop periods long-term exist and thus will alter this study case by case.
 The moon sign and phase that falls on the first day of the cycle holds importance in by which vital information is being shown to the woman (relating to her inner life). For example the signs element and modality may explore the current feelings of the woman or what she desires. In my case when my period followed through on waxing gibbous Libra moons, this led me to follow my own symbology as it stands with them both. Each woman has the ability to trust her own intuition as it pertains to her cycle and her own personal meanings behind what words and energy mean in her own life. It is important to note the ebbs and flows of the energy being experienced throughout time and focused themes and feelings in ones life when taking into account what moon phase and sign is repeating; if at all.
 The waxing gibbous is the moon phase that is presented anywhere from 3-5 days before the full moon. It is a time for preparation and harvesting what we have gathered from the previous moon days as well as checking and perfecting. Sounds a lot to me like the archetype of Virgo LOL. The waxing gibbous urges us to take one last check around our surroundings before the party truly begins; a party where we can either sit and relax/ be confronted with the shadow energy of that which we have been ignoring.
The astrological sign of libra is associated with relationships, partners, contracts, justice, truth, and (outer) beauty respectively. It is represented by the scales and is the only astrological symbol represented by an inanimate object, pointing toward its detachment and sense of order to achieve balance. In medical astrology it rules over the kidneys and some of its functions include:
maintaining overall fluid balance
regulating and filtering minerals from blood
filtering waste materials from food,     medications, and toxic substances
creating hormones that help produce red blood     cells, promote bone health, and regulate blood pressure[1]
Libra is a cardinal (initiator) air (mind, thoughts, communication) sign, ruled by the planet Venus (love, resources, grace) and characteristics of Libras tend to include charming, flirtatious, vain, ditsy, and clingy. So what did it mean when my periods began on Friday (ruling day of Venus), moon in Libras? Well around these times I was focused heavily on my relationship to femininity and how expressing it, authentically and naturally, looked to me. Throughout my childhood and adolescence I longed for tenderness, and lacked that from most female figures but especially my mother. When I reflected over my own symbology of femininity, a new softer, aware version of what I needed and how I was going to give it to myself exploded. My relationship to solar and lunar Libras around me followed suit as well, being introduced to many new Libras in my life and the overwhelming amount of conversation around me whether publicly or personally surrounded the notion of balance.  Even my solar return ascendant for the year was in Libra.
 My feelings about the lack of nurturance received as a child and growing up was pushed to the background because it was too difficult to innerstand and thus I chose to ignore it. I believe that Libra was presenting just how imbalanced my inner life was, being that I barely received or gave physical affection to anyone. In my natal astrological chart, Libra sits on the cusp of the 8th house. The 8th house in the astrological houses governs intimacy, shared resources, exchanges (whether through sex, the mind, or monetary), death, and transformation respectively. I also natally work with Venus in Capricorn opposite moon in Cancer, which is the push and pull between what you need and how you receive it. Oftentimes oppositions can show struggle, in my case between how I wish to give and receive affection and my feelings inside. Also with moon square Saturn being one of the two tightest aspects in my chart, my moon was stuck between a rock and hard place.
 In Human Affection Exchange: XV. Metabolic and Cardiovascular Correlates of Trait Expressed Affection by Kory Floyd, Colin Hesse, & Mark T. Haynes relay their study on the correlation between physical affection and blood pressure.
 Introduction of study: Recent research on the communication of affection has begun to illuminate its implications for mental and physical health. Specifically, when compared to non-affectionate people, self report studies have indicated that highly affectionate people are less suscep-tible to depression and stress, and endocrine studies have shown that highly affectionate people have more differentiated 24-hour cortisol rhythms (a pattern indicative of adapt-ive physiological stress management). The present studies extend this knowledge by focus-ing on the associations that trait affection has with cardiologic (resting heart rate),vascular (resting blood pressure), and metabolic (glycosylated hemoglobin) properties of physical health. Participants in both studies provided self-assessments of their trait levels of expressed affection and received affection (the latter for use as a covariate). Resting heart rate and blood pressure were assessed in the first study, and glycosylated hemoglobin was assessed in the second study. Results indicate that when the influence of received affection is controlled for, trait expressed affection was inversely related to resting blood pressure and glycosylated hemoglobin (but not heart rate), suggesting that the expression of affection is associated with a healthy vascular and metabolic profile.[2]
[1] Jewell, Tim. Kidney: Function and Anatomy, Diagram, Condition, and Health Tips. (2018).
[2] Floyd, Kory , Hesse, Colin and Haynes, Mark T.(2007) 'Human Affection Exchange: XV. Metabolic and Cardiovascular Correlates of Trait Expressed Affection', Communication Quarterly, 55: 1, 79 — 94
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licensingcorner · 6 years
TIBLS 2018 witness an array of industry stalwarts. This is what they had to say
TIBLS 2018 witness an array of industry stalwarts. This is what they had to say
The grand corporate event ‘The India Brand Licensing summit’ 2018 ended on a high note with more than 100 attendees attending the conference at Mumbai’s Grand Hyatt on December 5.
The event featured who’s who from the brand and retail space exploring the driving factors and changing dynamics of the India brand licensing sector such as Celebrity Chef Harpal SinghSokhi, Renowned designer Krsna…
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zakshoping · 5 years
zakshoping ⋆ zakshoping
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lovacedon · 7 years
Delação dá força a Doria na corrida presidencial
A bomba era esperada. Os estragos dela, no entanto, surpreenderam. A divulgação dos conteúdos da delação da empreiteira Odebrecht, na semana passada, atingiu figuras emblemáticas e estraçalhou partidos a pouco mais de um ano da eleição presidencial. O jornal O Estado de S.Paulo ouviu estudiosos e políticos de diferentes matizes e quase todos concordam que o prefeito de São Paulo, João Doria (PSDB), por enquanto, é o maior beneficiado pela hecatombe.
Depois dele, Ciro Gomes (PDT), Marina Silva (Rede) e até Jair Bolsonaro (PSC) podem se fortalecer para uma eventual disputa se permanecerem fora do extenso grupo de implicados na Odebrecht.
Mas a vantagem de Doria é que as revelações feitas pelos executivos da Odebrecht e a amplitude da lista de implicados podem reforçar nos eleitores uma forte reação aos chamados políticos tradicionais, alvo do discurso e do marketing pessoal do prefeito paulistano.
"Está mais fácil pensar 2022 do que 2018", ironizou Marco Antônio Teixeira, professor de Ciência Política da FGV-SP. "Tudo indica que a força da gravidade vai levar o Doria às eleições."
Alguns dos ouvidos pelo jornal O Estado de S.Paulo ainda apontaram alternativas para políticos atingidos em cheio pelas delações, mas lembram que, além das condições políticas e eleitorais, eles terão de reunir as jurídicas. Nesse grupo, quem tem a situação mais complicada é o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula Silva, que já se lançou candidato pelo PT e, em pesquisas recentes, tinha mais de 20% de intenção de voto.
"A semana passada destruiu a respeitabilidade ou o pouco que restava dela de todo o mundo político", resumiu o professor da USP Lincoln Secco. "O PT, embora atingido pelas delações, tem o principal candidato, que ninguém sabe se vai poder concorrer", afirmou.
Não bastasse o desgaste político provocado pelas delações da Odebrecht, Lula é alvo de inquéritos na Justiça (é réu em cinco casos). Desde terça-feira passada, quando o Estadão revelou a lista com os pedidos de investigação do ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Edson Fachin, cresceu dentro do PT o temor de que Lula seja impedido pela Justiça, por meio de condenações e até de uma prisão, de concorrer em 2018.
"O status do Lula com o Judiciário será muito importante porque, neste momento, não há outro candidato no PT. No PSDB, o grau de implicação de cada um na Lava Jato poderá desempatar, digamos assim, eventuais disputas", afirmou o cientista político Rafael Cortez, da Tendências Consultoria.
O governador de São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, e os senadores Aécio Neves e José Serra são os tucanos sempre lembrados como presidenciáveis. Os três estão na lista de Fachin. Doria, até agora, não apareceu na investigação. "Uma candidatura Doria pode oxigenar o PSDB e ainda resolver um problema crônico, que é a dificuldade de unir o partido", disse Cortez.
O prefeito de São Paulo disse ao Estadão, quando questionado sobre os efeitos da delação da Odebrecht, que "essa será uma manifestação do eleitorado".
Políticos com cargos de direção no PSDB, PMDB, DEM e até no PT também afirmaram, sob a condição de anonimato, que a candidatura presidencial de Doria tornou-se uma realidade porque ele comanda o terceiro maior orçamento do País, está bem avaliado (43% aprovam a gestão dele, segundo o Datafolha) e, apesar de estar há meses no cargo, mantém a imagem de ainda ser um empresário.
As chances de Ciro dependem de Lula. Caso o petista viabilize sua quinta candidatura a presidente, Ciro terá de disputar com ele o voto do campo da centro-esquerda e do Nordeste, onde ambos têm força. "Ele justamente tem tentado se colocar como uma volta do lulismo sem o Lula, principalmente na questão regional", disse o cientista político da Unicamp Jean Tible.
Sobre Marina, Carlos Melo, do Insper, afirmou que ela perdeu capital político após o terceiro lugar nas eleições de 2014. Para ele, contudo, ela ainda pode surpreender. Mesmo não aparecendo tanto, ela tem o que ele chama de "recall alto" e sempre arremata bom número de votos.
Delação dá força a Doria na corrida presidencial
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licensingcorner · 6 years
The grand corporate event ‘The India Brand Licensing summit’ 2018 ended on a high note with more than 100 attendees attending the conference.
The event featured who’s who from the brand and retail space exploring the driving factors and changing dynamics of the India brand licensing sector.
CLICK HERE for key highlights
Check out the pictures from the event here:
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The India Brand Licensing Summit 2018 took place at Mumbai’s Grand Hyatt on December 5. The event was powered by Shemaroo Entertainment in association with Green Gold Animation.
The event was conceptualized by Licensing Corner and executed by Rooh entertainment, CEO Editor-in-chief, Rutika Malaviya, who was also a former LIMA (The International Licensing Industry Merchandiser’s Association) Official Representative in India.
The India Brand Licensing Summit was founded in September 2017 with a vision to bring together thought leaders and executives from all segments of brand licensing and retail to discuss the trends that will shape the future of our industry.
TIBLS 2018: Check out the final glimpses from the event The grand corporate event ‘The India Brand Licensing summit’ 2018 ended on a high note with more than 100 attendees attending the conference.
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licensingcorner · 6 years
TIBLS 2018: Here are the key highlights
TIBLS 2018: Here are the key highlights
The grand corporate event ‘The India Brand Licensing summit’ 2018 ended on a high note with more than 100 attendees attending the conference.
The event featured who’s who from the brand and retail space exploring the driving factors and changing dynamics of the India brand licensing sector.
Here are the key highlights:
The summit was attended by top industry bigwigs and key decision makers such…
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licensingcorner · 6 years
With an array of corporate honchos and people from industry, The India Brand Licensing Summit 2018 is currently underway at Mumbai’s Grand Hyatt today. The event is powered by Shemaroo Entertainment in association with Green Gold Animation.
Check it out here:
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The event is conceptualized by Licensing Corner and executed by Rooh entertainment, CEO Editor-in-chief, Rutika Malaviya, who was also a former LIMA (The International Licensing Industry Merchandiser’s Association) Official Representative in India.
The Indian Brand Licensing Summit was founded in September 2017 with a vision to bring together thought leaders and executives from all segments of brand licensing and retail to discuss the trends that will shape the future of our industry.
TIBLS 2018: Check out few glimpses from the event With an array of corporate honchos and people from industry, The India Brand Licensing Summit 2018 is currently underway at Mumbai’s Grand Hyatt today.
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licensingcorner · 6 years
Stage is all set for TIBLS 2018: Meet the licensing leaders today!
Stage is all set for TIBLS 2018: Meet the licensing leaders today!
The stage is finally set for the grand corporate event ‘The India Brand Licensing Summit 2018’, which is going to take place at Mumbai’s Grand Hyatt today. The event is powered by Shemaroo Entertainment in association with Green Gold Animation.
The event will witness top corporate honchos who will give their insights and views on the Indian licensing sector.
The summit is going to be attended by…
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licensingcorner · 6 years
YRF signs two-film distribution deal with Green Gold Animation
YRF signs two-film distribution deal with Green Gold Animation
Yash Raj Films (YRF) has entered into an agreement with Green Gold Animation. As per the pact, YRF will distribute two animated movies produced by Green Gold — Hanuman vs. Mahiravana and Chhota Bheem: Kung Fu Dhamaka across India.
Both the locally animated films will be released nationwide in Hindi and Tamil, in both stereoscopic 3D and standard versions.
Hanuman vs. Mahiravana will hit the…
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licensingcorner · 6 years
TIBLS 2018: Chhota Bheem’s Green Gold Animation CEO to deliver keynote address
TIBLS 2018: Chhota Bheem’s Green Gold Animation CEO to deliver keynote address
India’s most loved character Chhota Bheem, which has become a household name, has recently celebrated its 10th Anniversary.
Licensing Corner announced that Rajiv Chilaka, CEO, Green Gold Animation, will lead the opening keynote at The India Brand Licensing Summit 2018.
Green Gold presently has presence in 2D animation, 3D animation, move distribution, merchandising and others. The popularity of…
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licensingcorner · 6 years
Globally accredited MEAI joins The India Brand Licensing Summit 2018
Globally accredited MEAI joins The India Brand Licensing Summit 2018
In just mere two years, The India Brand Licensing Summit (TIBLS 2018) has become a mainstay on the events calendar for the global brand licensing community, bringing together thought leaders from the industry’s largest players and key decision-makers from the top licensees, retailers.
After the grand success of TIBLS 2017, Licensing Corner is all set to present yet another one in June 21, 2018…
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zakshoping · 5 years
zakshoping ⋆ zakshoping
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zakshoping · 5 years
zakshoping ⋆ zakshoping
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licensingcorner · 6 years
With just 2 days to go for TIBLS 2018, are you excited?
With just 2 days to go for TIBLS 2018, are you excited?
The countdown has finally started! With just two days to go, Licensing Corner is all set to present its corporate event ‘The India Brand Licensing Summit’ or commonly known as TIBLS on December 5 at Mumbai’s Grand Hyatt.
The event is powered by Shemaroo Entertainment in association with Green Gold Animation.
The summit will be attended by top industry bigwigsand key decision makers such as…
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licensingcorner · 6 years
Save the date! Licensing Corner organizes 'TIBLS 2018' on December 5
Save the date! Licensing Corner organizes ‘TIBLS 2018’ on December 5
Licensing Corner is all set to present its corporate event ‘TIBLS’ on December 5 at Mumbai’s Grand Hyatt.
In just mere two years, The India Brand Licensing Summit (TIBLS 2018) has become a mainstay on the events calendar for the global brand licensing community, bringing together thought leaders from the industry’s largest players and key decision-makers from the top licensees, retailers.
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licensingcorner · 6 years
TIBLS 2018: Meet the speakers
TIBLS 2018: Meet the speakers
The countdown has already started! After the grand success of #TIBLS2017, Licensing Corner is all set to yet another one on December 5, 2018, at Grand Hyatt Mumbai.
Licensing corner established the event to bring together thought leaders and executives from all segments of brand licensing and retail to discuss the trends that will shape the future of our industry.
With an aim to sync with the…
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