powerovernothing · 5 years
What would the other two bros do if one of them was really terrified of something?
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Dear sweet lovely Anon, I do believe you have just said the magic words. After all, I consider hurt/comfort to be my all-time favorite sort of genre to write about in general, and when it comes to Korbin and his siblings, I rarely do anything angsty without including something near the end to make the pain and the tears all better… so really, what I’m trying to say here is that you really don’t have to twist my arm to get me to answer your adorable question~
In fact, I believe I shall go a step beyond just the regular and long-winded answer I normally do when you send me these wonderful messages and will actually give you a few snippets of my writing based around this very concept! So, in other words, my friend! Buckle up, prepare your feelings, and get ready to do some reading down below!
And, if I didn’t already say it at some point recently, thank you – and everyone else – so very much for the continued and wonderful support! It means more to me than you guys will ever know~!
(*~*Underneath is six different snippets of writing from my Oblivion Verse, some that have actually been unseen as of now on this blog, and all of which involve tons of emotions from all three of the boys. Lots of reading involved, proceed with caution!*~*)
If Korbin Was The One Afraid:
When it comes to Korbin and the subject of fear, the things that he is quite often afraid of is based around the aspects of mental terror. Whether it is because of intense nightmares of past mistakes, or the torment he endures at the hands of Sheogorath and what may happen if he goes against his abuser, those are the things he is afraid of most. So, if he was in the trying process of suffering through either of those outcomes – or both at the same time, imagine that – I believe his chosen siblings would react as follows:
(In the aftermath of Sheogorath’s latest ‘play sessions’ with his Little Raven, Lucien soothes Korbin’s mangled nerves)
“Mydear Silencer, look at me,” He calls to him softly, his voice reassuring andgentle. Yet, when his words are unable to breach through the darkening cloud surroundingKorbin’s mind, his tenderness fades and is replaced with as much firmness as hedares to allow himself to be in this moment. “No, Korbin, you will do exactly asI say, and will look at me when I tell you to.”
It takes a rather long while, butKorbin finally does as he is prompted, and when their eyes meet, Lucien noticeshis normally sparkling gaze is now terrified and filled with overwhelmedtears.
“My brother, you are allright,” He says matter-of-factly, and lowers Korbin’s trembling hands tohis lap, so he might hold them both tightly in his own as their fingers intertwinewith one another. “Simply breathe deeply, and know you are not in any formof danger. Do this as many times as you need, as many times as you believe are required, until you find, and at last grasp the truth behindthe words I speak.”
An extended silence falls over thecamp, and Korbin’s shoulders continue to shake violently; the tears in his eyesfalling from his eyes and down his cheeks even amid attempting to make sense ofhis brother’s instruction. Lucien remains where he is, hardly daring to moveeven an inch from his side, and only squeezes Korbin’s hands when he believes hisSilencer falls prey to whatever unspeakable horror he is attempting to fightwithin his own mind.
And when Korbin is carefully pulled from the depths andrealizes the touch he is feels is Lucien’s own, he grasps onto his brother’s handswith white knuckles, and holds on as though they were truly the only possible thingin time itself that could keep him afloat.
“Can you hear the sound of myvoice?” He asks after a moment.Korbinsays nothing in response to his brother’s questioning, and simply nods; hisbreathing rough and ragged, but calming slightly.Lucien then takes one of hishands away from Korbin’s tight grip and returns his palm back overthe side of his cheek.“Are you able to feel mytouch upon your face?” Another nod, and Lucien’s tonesoftens once again.“And you know for absolute certainthat it shall not harm you?” “…I do,” Korbin finally speaks, and he struggles to find his words.“I know… very well that you… that you would never hurt me, Lucien. Even when… evenwhen I’m like this…”“Yes, very good,”Lucien replies with a genuine smile. “And indeed, you are correct in whatyou say, my Silencer, for I would never think to harm you in any way.”And although he cherishes the soothing words his brother speaks to him, and howthe Madness is beginning to subside the longer he remains underneathLucien’s careful touch, the lingering fear of somehow falling back to sleep, only to find himself suffocated underneath never-ending chains, before being broken from an all too different, and oh-so sickening touch, only causes his shoulder to tense and whatever reassurance he thought to heave leave him almost instantly.“But even if you wouldnever hurt me… I know… I know someone who would,” He pulls away from Lucien’s touch, and wraps his arms around himself. “Someone who did. In my mind, before you came tome. You have no idea what it was like, brother, it was simply…”However, Lucien refuses to allowsuch a thing to happen, and reaches to pull Korbin back before he has a chanceto get too far.“It was simply a terribledream, and nothing more,” He explains in a gentle tone, placing one hand in hishair and the other around his shoulders as he holds him close. “It cannot physicallydo any damage to you.”Korbin shakes his head. “But,you don’t –”“—Silence now, and know Iam here,” He whispers, lowering Korbin’s head to his chest before he thinks to speak another wordand runs his fingers through his brother’s tousled locks of grey affectionately. “Whatsoever yousaw surely does not matter any longer, for you are safe within my embrace, and Ishall never let anything come to harm you, Korbin. Not now, and not even whilstyou sleep.”
(Martin tends to Korbin after an ambush by the Mythic Dawn, and Korbin blames himself for needing help at all)“There is no shame indesiring protection, and comfort; or coming to my side and allowing me to healyour injuries, you know that I would never –”
“–You very nearly passed outbecause of me, Martin.” Korbin interjects softly, cutting him off as hefeels the tears pooling in his eyes. “You wasted too much energy, and Iwould have been the reason for you hurting yourself…”
Martin breathes out, andthen begins to stand to his full height; touching both of his hands to Korbin’scheeks affectionately, and carefully lowering his tone.
“And yet do you see merefusing, or turning you away, even if such words were true?”
Korbin shakes his head, attemptsto wiggle out of the touch he does not deserve, but his brother onlyholds him in place.
“No, it is not as thoughyou would slam the door in my face,” He tells him, his eyes nearlyoverflowing. “But it does not mean that you should help me,or that I deserve such…kindness.”
Martin places a hand againstKorbin’s neck, and slowly pulls him forward. Korbin does not fight him, he onlyreaches out and grabs a part of Martin’s robe to clutch onto. Grounding him andkeeping him afloat in this dark raging sea. Just another weakness, just another act born ofshame.
“And just why do youbelieve that?” Martin whispers, allowing his brother to hold on ashe runs a hand through his hair. “Why do you believe that you, mydearest little brother, is unworthy of my affection, or my love?”
Korbin buries his head intoMartin’s robe and chokes out a quiet sob. “…Because what if in thenext instance that this happens, you are with me?” The tears run freelydown his face. “What if you are injured somehow, or you expend too muchenergy, or my own actions cause you to leave me?”
Martin pulls back andgives him a curious stare as he tries to dry his tears with his thumbs. “What do you mean by–”
“–You know exactly what Imean by my words, Martin!” Korbin shouts, jerking back as tears runincessantly down his cheeks. “I cannot bear the thought of my mistakescausing you to die in my arms or turn away in shame and anger! And yet, with asmany missteps as I take, it surely means that is only a matter of time before Istumble down the mountain entirely, and you or Lachance fall along with me! Itonly makes sense! Perfect, terrible, awful sense!”
Martin feels his heart breakinganew, and yet he only moves forward to pull Korbin back against him. He husheshis frantic cries and tries to calm his shaking shoulders.
“…Korbin, neither I nor Lachance would ever think to leave your side,” Martin slowly rocks himin place, attempting to soothe him in action as well as words. “We loveyou far too dearly to ever think of doing anything of the sort.”
“What I am attempting tosay, however,” Martin slowly turns Korbin’s face back around, and lockseyes with him as his voice turns serious. “Is that even though you may beafraid, and that the path before you may be treacherous, and overwhelming tobehold… there is certainly no shame in how you feel, as you are not alone infeeling them. Nor are you alone whatsoever.”
Martin leans forward, and Korbinis surprised when he places a gentle kiss upon his brow. “And if you find that toohard to accept,” He whispers gently, the firmness in his voice gone as quickly as it had come. “Then simply allow me to fightoff whatever frightens you the most.”
If Martin Was The One Afraid:
Being the chosen heir of the Imperial throne in the midst of the great Oblivion Crisis, there is no limit to the things that Martin would end up being afraid of. From dealing with the constant onslaught of Daedra forces, to knowing he will have to bear the weight of the crown by the end of the Crisis, to even witnessing his brothers constantly putting themselves at risk for his own sake… there are many things that could make Martin frightened for one reason or another. Thus, if something like that occurred at any point, I believe his siblings would react as follows:
(Martin has sleeplessness from the Mysterium Xarxes, and Lucien tends to him)
“When was the last time that you slept?” He says,reaching out his hand and turning Martin’s face to the side with a singletouch. “And slept more than a few hours at a time?”
Martin touches the hand that is on his face and lowers itwith a small – rather nervous, sheepish – chuckle. “Would you possiblybe satisfied in any way, if I told you that I simply cannot remember?”
Lucien frowns in response, quite obviously not pleased in anyway regarding Martin’s words, and he exhales a soft sigh. “Ah, then it is justas I thought.”
Lucien pulls his hand away from Martin’s grasp, and thenslowly begins to shuffle backwards upon the large bed until his back is laidpropped against the headboard. When he stills, he crosses his arms overhis chest, and gestures towards Martin with his chin.
“Then I shall ask you again,” He says, and heshakes his head in knowing that Martin managed to have him repeat himself afterall. “Come here and allow me to rectify your terrible choices atonce.”
Martin pauses, genuinely surprised by what he was hearing,and what Lucien was doing – for him,and not their youngest, more troubled brother for once – and he just smilesfaintly.
“Are you suggesting that I come lay beside you?” Heslowly moves forward, but pauses half way, as though he was awaiting voicedapproval of such actions. “As you would with Korbin?”
Lucien holds out his hand; an invitation. “Do you have issuewith that?”
Martin shakes his head and takes the offered hand willingly. “No,not at all,” He tells him simply. Letting himself be pulled forward untilhe was directly beside Lucien against the pillows. “I was just… rathersurprised that you would choose to do this. For me, that is.”
Lucien wraps an arm around Martin’s back, and slowlyreadjusts the Emperor Priest until his head was laying upon his robedshoulders. He listens carefully to the words in which his brother speaks, and asmall amused chuckle escapes him before he realizes it.
When Martin looks up, due to the sudden sound, Lucien justsoftens and tightens his almost protective grip around him.
“You are my brother, are you not?”
Martin nods, nestling himself further within Lucien’s grip,and finding the embrace of The Assassin comforting despite everyknown reason that it shouldn’t.
“Indeed; or at the very least, I was the last Ichecked.” Martin smiles slightly playfully.
“And you have gone without sleep for many nights;possibly brought on due to a certain Daedra Artifact and its influence overyou?” Lucien turns his head, casting Martin back underneath his darkstare. But instead of the Septim Heir desiring nothing more than to wiggleaway, and escape from Lucien’s eyes, he notices a hint of concern lurkingbehind his elder brother’s eyes.
Martin merely nods and allows him to continue. To piece togetherthe puzzle pieces he had already gathered, and to admit the truth in which wasalready clearly known.
“…Or perhaps, it was not simply that damnable bookitself, but the nightmares seeking to torment you when you longed for asoundless rest?”
In response, almost as though he could sense where thisthought process was heading just from the whisper of his name alone, Lucienhushes Martin, and pulls his brother closer.
“…I am not going anywhere, Septim,” He reassures him,hoping it is enough even as he wraps his other arm around him just in case itproves otherwise. “Sleep and know that I am here. You are perfectly safe.”
(Martin is temporarily blinded by Akatosh’s great power, and Korbin tries to see the bright side of things)“Martin, what in all of Sithis himself were you thinking?!“Korbin shouts, kneeling in front of his brother and grasping onto his shoulderstightly as his concern and anger combine into an uncontrollable emotion seeking to overwhelm.“I told you I would have beenfine! You had no reason to give yourself over to that sort of magic, especially whenyou barely understand such power to begin with!” He shakes Martin slightly in emphasis to his heated words, and then his emotions shift from the intense mixture of worry and rage, to a much more selfish line of thought. “You could have hurt yourself back there! Burned yourself from the extent of the flames, did terrible things to your body, or you could haveeasily died by unknowingly expending too much energy! And just what would I have done then? What would I have done if youdied in the process of protecting me?!”Korbin pulls his hands away, and impatiently awaits a reply. But whenone does not come, and instead his brother simply continues to stare at him blankly, hardly reacting to his words, or even the sudden shaking, his expression twists in frustration.
“Are you merely going to let me ramble on without end? Without hardly saying asingle word in response?” He asks in an offended tone, and then touches his shoulder once againwith one hand, patting it lightly in an effort to gain his attention. “Did you evenhear a single word I said to you at all?”
Martin inhales a deep breath in the hopes of somehow composinghimself, but it does very little to soothe his nerves. His shoulders beginto shake as he desperately scrambles to reach for the hand he feels restingagainst his shoulder. His voice stammers, and his unfocused eyes fill to therim with terrified tears.
“…I can… I can hear you justfine, Korbin,” He tells him when he finds his brother’s hand at last. He turnshis head, and the tears slip down his cheeks as he clutches the hand pitifullyagainst his chest. “It is only because I cannot… see you… that I said nothing. Know that I… that I can hear you just as clearly as I would naturally… but your face… noteven your place in, where I assume, you are in front of me… I can no longer see it… Isimply cannot see anything…”
“All right, this doesn’t… this doesn’t mean it isn’t something we can learn to deal with, and come to terms with, yes?” Korbin mutters with a nervous chuckle, one hand resting against Martin’s face so that his brother might know he is still there outside of voice alone, and the other running through his hair almost frantically before he stands.
“We have faced all manner of things before now, and dear Sithis, we have even faced the very worst that Oblivion itself had to offer! So, a little thing like… like a sudden loss of sight doesn’t mean it takes away who you are! You are still very much my beloved brother, and I care for you even if you have bright and shining eyes much like my own, or dimmed and faded ones!”
Martin sits with his hands folded in his lap where Korbin had placed him beside what he assumes is the feeling of the heat of the fire lightly warming against his skin as it crackles and pops. He listens intently to his brother as he rambles on and finds it curious how his voice fades in the distance, and then rises in volume at least half a dozen times.
He can only surmise, from behind his still darkened eyes, that his brother is pacing about the grounds of their campsite.
“And if that is not enough to soothe you,” Korbin begins, halting his step and coming to stand in front of his brother with his hands outstretched to gesture. “Then we could always locate a healer of some kind! I mean, there must be some amount of magic, or magical being in this Void cursed world we inhabit that could make you better! I mean, whatever else is that damn magic good for if not for healing! Or, if you simply do not want to involve an alternate means of magic – considering it was Divine tampered magic that caused this to happen to begin with – then I simply stay beside you and help whenever you needed to see.”
Korbin kneels in front of Martin and reaches to take his brother’s hands in his own, and Martin tilts his his head and blinks in surprise.
“After all, considering that my honored title is the Knight of the Emperor, I see very little reason why I cannot be considered the Eyes of the Emperor just the same,” Korbin tells him with a genuine smile. “I can assist whenever you need to pass judgement, or when you need to write out papers, or even when you need to go from one room to the next. Whatever is needed my dear brother, you have me. As long as it helps… and as long as you know, without a doubt, that I am with you in this darkness….”
If Lucien Was The One Afraid:
Now, this is where things become quite tricky, and just a touch complicated in the long run. Mostly because, as the eldest sibling out of the three, there are very seldom moments where Lucien allows himself to be seen as weak in front of both Korbin and Martin. As he deems himself to be their protector, and the one who keeps them safe whenever something dangerous or frightening arises.However, this is also where it backfires on him, as while he is indeed the eldest, that just means he has so much more to lose. Worrying over their safety, and fearing the moment he would be too late, sometimes it just overwhelms him in uncontrollable ways. And while there aren’t exactly many moments where he is the one receiving comfort from his younger brothers, you have just managed to inspire me to create more, my dear Anon!
But here’s hoping these will sate you until that time comes~
(Lucien is haunted from nightmares of his previous Silencer, and his brother’s death, and Korbin calms him unintentionally)
“What good is your trustand love, dear Speaker,” Lara whispers; her fingernails digging into hisforearm and drawing blood, as her lips twitch with a demented smile. “Whenyou knew in your cold and selfish heart that you would never be able to carefor them as much as they cared for you?”
Lucien’s eyes dart quickly fromboth Lara’s bloodied and torn face, to where Korbin stands far too still as heslices his throat with The Assassin’s own dagger, and he feels himselfdrowning. Being pulled under the weight of his own choices, his own mistakes,his own foolish heart that should have never tried to love whatsoever, and allhe wishes to do is scream until his throat is raw.
“Whatever you thought were yours to hold, shall againbe taken!” Lara squeals happily; pulling Lucien into her embrace, as hervoice shifts from playfulness, to quiet anger. Lucien feels a cold sweat formover his forehead as he listens to her words. “And yet, why do you look sosurprised, dear Lachance? Have you not realized by now that your love is simplya death curse written in the bloodstains of those you foolishly sought to carefor?”
Lara finally lets him go, andLucien falls to his knees in tearful heap. Watching helplessly as Korbin chokeson his blood, and falls backwards away from the cliff side, and down into thedepths of the abyss below. As he does, and Lucien’s hand remains outstretchedtowards a brother he knows he can no longer save, he finds his voice at last.
“Dear sweet Dread Father make itall stop!”
“By Sithis, I surely cannot explainit,” He mutters to himself; his tone quiet, far softer than the mosttender whisper. “…But the mere thought of losing you in any way; why, itis enough to bring me to my knees in sheer grief alone.”
As his hand moves away fromKorbin’s head, a small grumble – caught between another snore and a groan –reaches his ears, and his brother begins to stir from where he lay.
“…Lucien?” He says ashe attempts to raise his head; his eyes still closed as he speaks. “W-Whatdid… what did you say?”
Lucien chuckles warmly despite it all and leansdown on one knee. “Nothing, my Silencer,” He whispers; pulling the blankets back up around Korbin’sshoulders. “Or at the very least, nothing of grand importance.”
Korbin lowers his head back ontohis pillow when he feels the warmth of the blanket envelop him, and he smilessleepily.
“Are you certain?” Comespart of his question, and his head rolls several times to the side and backuntil he is able to find enough willpower to finish what he was saying. “Afterall, if there is… something you need from me, I could try… and assist?”
‘All I need from you, my brother, is for you to simply stayalive.’
It goes unspoken, unsaid, and asLucien muses silently over the thoughts in his own mind, he slowly brushes theback of his hand against Korbin’s cheek in a candid moment of affection.
“Yes, I am quitecertain,” He answers simply; his gentle actions betraying his otherwiseunemotional tone of voice. “Go back to sleep now, and we shall speak againcome morning.”
Korbin nods in response to hisbrother’s commands, incredibly eager to follow them to the letter withouthardly a word in complaint for once. Lucien continues to watch Korbin for amoment, and when he believes him to be back within the realm of sleep, hefinally stands; moving away from the beds before heading back towards thecracked door of their shared chambers.
But before he reaches connectinghallways, he hears a familiar voice sound from the shadows once again.
“Goodnight, brother,”Comes Korbin’s fading tone from behind; already consumed by his tiredness whenthe words leave him, and yet still desiring to have the final word even still.
Lucien merely smiles sadly whenhe hears his Silencer’s incredibly innocent – and yet far too ironic – wellwishes, and he slowly shakes his head as he whispers his faint reply under hisbreath.
“Sleep well, my dearKorbin.”
(Lucien breaks down whilst on the search for Mehrunes Razor to save Korbin from Sheogorath, and Martin soothes him)
Lucien buries the sharp edge of his blade into the bark of the tree and forces down the scream rising in his throat. From the corner of his eyes, he sees Martin’s hands trembling in front of him, uncertain as to what he could possibly do to make this moment better. And all Lucien can do is laugh bitterly at the sight.
“…How is it that no one, in the entirety of this unjust and vile land, has come to realize that we, as his chosen eldest siblings, only want him to be safe?! To at last be set free from his seemingly unending torment and have some manner of the peace so wrongfully denied him!” He slams his fist against the harsh bark and cares very little for the blood running down his hand in response to his actions. His eyes are downcast, and he stares at the pebbles at his feet as the memory that drove him to such a state repeats without end in his mind, and he becomes more emotional.
“Is the sight of him lying in broken tears not already enough to feel utterly helpless? Knowing there is very little we can do at this point to soothe him? Is the sound of his near constant begging for the sweet release of death far too much of a grand request in the eyes of for any possible Divine or Dread Father to somehow grant their mercy?”
Another laugh escapes him, and he slowly pulls his hand back to wipe the blood upon the surface of his armor before turning around around and locking eyes with Martin as angry tears slip down his cheeks. When he began weeping, he surely does not know, but he makes no effort to stop them from falling, even when he sees Martin’s own eyes go wide in shock.
“Of all things… of all things that would prompt them to shun us both away they are needed the most… why must it be this? Why must it be him?” He asks miserably, forcing himself not to step back as his brother begins to move forward. He simply remains fixed in place, all his energy spent on giving life to the words, and the emotion, he had kept within him for too long.
“Tell me, oh wise Emperor… For all your knowledge, all your reassurances, and all the Void-Damned hope you continue to carry alongside that ever-damnable Light, merely answer me this…” Lucien feels his legs beginning to tremble alongside his hands, and he hates every part of the weakness he is allowing himself to give into. But it was too late now, and if he did, indeed somehow fall, then perhaps Martin would catch him. Perhaps then, the two of them could make sense of this all, instead of choosing to shoulder it solely on their own.
Perhaps that is what Korbin needed.
“If you are so content to stand silent and bear witness to me in such a state, lost and near breaking just the very same as you, then surely you must have the answer which eludes me,” Lucien shuts his eyes before he continues, allowing himself to shed broken tears. His anger now having faded away, and simply replaced with genuine pain. He takes a breath, and speaks from behind closed lids. “Why is the one thing I know we both truly desire above all else, for our brother to be alive and to simply feel joy once again, why must it seem so utterly imposs–”
His words are cut off before he has a chance to complete his sentence, for he suddenly feels arms wrapping around his shoulders, and his breathing catches in his throat. Rising his head, he opens his eyes, and sees the faint shape of Martin resting against his shoulder. His hands begin trembling more fervently as they linger just above his brother’s back.
“It is not impossible, and we shall fight back againstevery thought saying otherwise, until we are able to finally save him,” Martin whispers softly, pulling the Assassin close, and tightening the grip he has around him. “He will live through this, Lucien, for we will not let him go so easily. You simply have to keep trusting thatthere will come a day where this will at last be over…and he will be his smiling self once again.”
Lucien says nothing, only nods and slowly wraps shaking arms around Martin’s shoulders. The Emperor Priest rubs a hand over his brother’s back in comfort, as he tries to calm Lucien’s raging emotions with whatever gentle words he believes that he needs to hear the most.
“And if such a thing proves too difficult at first, or you are unable to continue to uphold your self-imposed image of unshakable strength for whatever reason,” He whispers into his ear. “Then understand that it is quite all right, and I shall simply believe enough for the both of us…”
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Oh goodness, this ended up way longer than I first expected it to when I was first compiling my ideas, but I honestly couldn’t help myself by the halfway point! Your question was so lovely, and I got so inspired by it, that I couldn’t help but give you something special in return for you taking the time to drop this in my askbox! Did I possibly overwhelm you with all the various snippets of writing from so many different scenarios? Most likely, but I hope that even despite that, you enjoyed reading all of this over!
As you may have already guessed, most of these came from different points in the boy’s lives – some during the Crisis, a little while after, and some even post the two-year time skip – so there’s a touch of flip flopping around, and some of these were actually quite old before character development actually set in. Meaning I had to do a little flash editing to make them presentable to how Korbin and his brothers act nowadays. But as I said, I hope you end up getting some feelings while reading, and you are satisfied with all the new information and scenarios involving these three!
If you have any further questions about the boys, are curious about one of the snippets above that you wish to see more of, or you just wish to poke my brain a little further in the near future, please feel free! I am always overjoyed and honored whenever you prompt me like this, and I always enjoy taking the time to answer you in full! Thank you so much again for leaving this message, sorry for making you wait a while – as well as possibly overwhelming you with all my writing lmao – and I hope that your days are filled with lots of love, hurt/comfort, and tons of hugs and kisses!
All the best to you, lovely Anon~ ♥
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powerovernothing · 6 years
So like when Martin becomes emperor and gets married then has kids, does this mean Korbin and Lucien will be their crazy uncles?
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Dear Lord above, this is by far one of the most adorable questions I have ever been asked in regards to the storyline and ongoing trainwreck based around Korbin and his adoptive brothers. Like, oh my goodness, you precious little Anon! I quite literally just want to scoop you up in my arms, and give you the biggest hug for popping into my askbox and giving me a rush of adorable images, because this is overwhelmingly precious, and I am sitting here melting in my chair with the biggest smile on my face!
But to stop flailing about in glee for a moment, and to properly answer your question: Yes, without a doubt, completely and one hundred percent yes. Korbin and Lucien would most certainly be the eccentric, yet still very loving, Uncles to Martin child whensoever the Emperor Priest ended up having a heir. In fact, in my own Lore, I have played around with this concept once or twice for the sake of warm and fuzzy feelings!
So, if you’re rather curious about this, allow me to go into detail for a moment.
(*~*Lengthy details of Korbin, Martin, and Lucien being fathers and uncles underneath the cut!*~*)
Even though this actually happens way down the line, and I am still in the process of working out most of the details, Lucien and Martin actually do end up having children at some point. Martin ends up having a son named Darius – named for his adoptive father who raised him upon the farmlands, and who ended up dying at some point when he was in the Mages Guild, causing him to fall down the path towards Sanguine in his own grief – with his wife who is based around, and inspired by the wonderful Dragon Age character Josephine.
I have yet to find out exactly what I wish for her to be within my own lore, but I know for a fact that she would be a book keeper of some kind. And that her and Martin, quite literally, bumped into one another. They were both shy, but enjoyed one another’s company, and bonded over their passion for books. She also would, mostly likely, keep her past as a Bard – or in this case, an assassin of some kind – which would match well with Martin’s darker tendencies, and the fact that his adoptive siblings are assassins themselves.
Darius would have her mother’s eye and skin color, and the hair color, facial shape, and freckles of his father. He is a little ray of sunshine, and unfortunately has a strained relationship with his Uncle Lucien. (When Darius was born, and introduced to Lucien, he frowned and bapped The Assassin on the nose. Lucien was both annoyed, and amused; as he knew in that moment this was most certainly Martin’s child.)He gets along well with his Uncle Korbin, and his Aunt Ath – who I shall be speaking of in a moment – but him and Lucien have a long road towards becoming close. It is not as though they hate one another, it is just that Darius has difficulties trusting the man at first, and struggles to understand the reasoning behind his father and The Assassin’s tight bond. But once Lucien went out of his way to protect Darius from some threat, then things became much easier. By the end of Septim Heir’s teenage years, him and Lucien developed a much steadier relationship.
As for Lucien, he ends up having a daughter named Eleanor with his wife – and amazing and wonderful character whom I adore and cherish belonging to my friend @fruity-pies​ – Aðísla Bjǫrnsdóttir (Or Ath for short). She has her mother’s eyes, and her father’s hair, and a mixture of their skin tone. She gets along extremely well with both her Uncle Korbin – with him, the two of them are always finding ways to get into trouble, always laughing and enjoying themselves, and always finding ways to spring some prank on those least expecting –  and Uncle Martin – she feels protected and comfortable around him, always going to him for advice or emotional support when things become just a little bit too confusing or overwhelming – and is basically a bit of a bookworm with a hidden adventurous side, and slight protective temper.
And for Korbin, well… to be perfectly honest, he wouldn’t actually have a child in the Revised – or Normal, in my lore – Timeline, as he has an incredible amount of trouble with intimacy of any kind, but especially sexual because of Sheogorath. (You can ask more about this if you’re curious, but be aware I may tiptoe over some things.)
However, if there was a chance for it to happen outside of an alternate timeline, he would end up having a daughter named Lucille Maria Redd – her first and middle name coming from his beloved brothers, of course – with a lover of his own who is actually based around another Dragon Age character, and that is the ever lovely and strongwilled Cassandra. I chose her for Korbin, as when I really started developing his story more seriously, I was going through another playthrough of Inquisition, and their interactions together just really stuck with me.
Thus, when thinking about Korbin’s romantic history, I couldn’t help myself.
Lucille has a mixture of both his parents hair, dark brown with light grey streaks and tips at the bottom, her mother’s skin color, and her father’s golden eyes. She is remarkably close to both of her beloved Uncles – Lucien was one of the first people she saw outside her parents, and she started giggling with a large smile on her face when she saw him, and she cherishes the warmth and protection Martin’s magic brings her – and always enjoys being with them when they are stuck with babysitting duty. She’s dubbed ‘Little Shadow’ by Lucien, and ‘Lil Heart’ by Martin.
And much like their father’s before them, Lucille, Eleanor, and Darius stick to one another’s sides like glue, and often get into all manner of adventures together while growing up. Darius is the eldest of the group, but his younger cousins are fiercely, and overly protective of his general well being, much to the Septim Heir’s embarrassment.
But overall, the three of them do have quite the crazy types of Uncles in their lives! Lucille has her protective Uncle Lucien who gave her a dagger for her tenth birthday, and her soft Uncle Martin who magically enchanted her necklace with a protective light spell. Eleanor has her best friend Uncle Korbin who she is always getting into mayhem with, and her wise and gentle Uncle Martin who is always there with a kind word and reassuring embrace.
And Darius has his humorous Uncle Korbin who is always sneaking him sweetrolls when he needs a boost because of Princely stress, and his strange, and yet surprisingly effective guardian Uncle Lachance who always keeps him out of harms way. But, considering who these wonderful kid’s Uncles are, and the bond the three of them shared together throughout so many long years, what else would they truly be if not slightly crazy and over the top!?
So yes, dear wonderful Anon, to answer your question, yes Korbin and Lucien would most certainly be Darius’ eccentric Uncles, but Martin gets a chance to be one of them himself to Lucien and Korbin’s children just as well!
I realize that this post wound up becoming quite the lengthy read, but considering I adored your question so much, I honestly couldn’t help myself! I hope the above ended up giving you some warm fuzzies, because rest assured that I certainly got them from your ask!
Thank you again for sending it my way, and I hope you enjoy reading over the above! And if you’re curious about anything else involving the boys, feel free to send me any questions that may enter your mind! As you can see, I never mind taking a moment or two to answer them!
All the best, and have a fantastic and wonderful day, my sweet Anon friend!
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powerovernothing · 5 years
What does Korbin's voice sound like? Do you have faceclaims for him?
Oh, hello there, my sweet Anon friend! Thank you so much for popping into my askbox and leaving this wonderfully curious question! To answer, yes! Korbin does indeed have both a faceclaim, and a voiceclaim! I first spoke about them in a post I made about three months back, detailing various character information and a full story summary about Korbin -- which you can find here, if you’re curious -- but I have no issue talking about them once again just for you!
His faceclaim is Matthew Mcnulty, in his role as Lucien Grimaud from the BBC version of The Musketeers, and he looks quite like this:
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His voiceclaim, however, is a bit of a special blend of two different voices actually! The first part is a lower pitch of A. J. Locascio, in his role as Prince Lotor from Voltron: Legendary Defender.Which you can listen to various clips of the character behind this link here~
The second part of his voice is actually inspired by Richard Armitage, in his role as Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit Movie Trilogy. Which, of course, you can find various clips of scenes that inspire me most behind these links right here~!
The reasoning behind this choice is first, because of my dear friend @fruity-pies​ wonderful and fantastic suggestion, but also because of Richard’s amazing skill in going from loud shouting, to quiet whispers, and then from soft and gentle, to fierce and dangerous mere seconds apart. A.J also does this with Lotor’s character, especially near the end of his role on the series where he becomes more passionate in bringing an end to his enemies, and a certain essence overtakes him and turns him practically mad.
This sort of thing reminds me very much of Korbin’s general character, and how he occasionally flips from one mood to the next between depending on the situation and whom he’s speaking to at the time. Thus, if you took both of these wonderful actors during their roles, and combined them together, it would be the perfect blend for how Korbin would sound in my opinion.
But in any case, there is my answer for you, my lovely friend! I hope this sheds a little light on the subject of how Korbin would look in real life, and how he would sound! Thank you so very much for sending this question my way, and as I always say, it’s incredibly appreciated! Just as your presence is dearly appreciated the very same!
Thanks again, and tons of hugs and kisses for your wonderful support and self!
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powerovernothing · 6 years
What are the zodiac and astrology signs of your characters?
Oh my, what a fascinating type of question to see awaiting me within my askbox! Thank you so very much for taking the time to send this my way, dear curious Anon; for it honestly means a great deal to know you wanted information in regards to my characters! You are incredibly sweet, and I just want to wrap you in the biggest hug there is! As this is the kind of thing that never fails to put a massive smile on my face for the whole remainder of my day!
Ah, but I do believe I am getting a bit off track in the midst of my own emotions! To take a moment and go about answering your question properly… well, my friend, I hope you do not mind too much if I assume you were referring to Korbin and his adoptive brothers when you said you wanted to know about the astrology signs relating to my characters. (Even though Lucien and Martin technically aren’t, but still~)
Mostly because, well, they are actually the only three I have really taken the time to flesh out to such a degree, and the only ones I have really put such thought into regarding their birth dates, years, and signs. However! If this is not at all what you had in mind, and you were actually, in fact, talking about and wanting to know more about my other characters – outside of my Elder Scrolls related ones – then simply ask, and I will do my very best to provide any and all answers you may be interested in!
It may take a little while, as I said my other characters aren’t nearly as fleshed out as the boys, but if you are indeed curious, then who am I to really deny you of such! Anyway, to get back onto answering your question:
(*~*Birthdates, signs, and other astrological type info related to Korbin and his siblings underneath the cut!*~*)
Within the realm of The Elder Scrolls, Korbin was born on the 14th of Evening Star, during the Year 401 of the Third Era. And yes, I realize how confusing that may be at first, if you are unfamiliar with the way The Elder Scrolls marks it’s dates, but basically it just means Korbin was born on December 14th, thirty two years before the events of the Oblivion Crisis.
So with that in mind, Korbin’s astrological sign would be Sagittarius, represented by the centaur. And, if you’re curious about his Elder Scroll related birthsign, it would be The Thief. Meaning that he gets a ten point boost to his Agility, Luck and Speed. But it also means, in an ironic sense according toThe Firmament, he is also incredibly unlucky as well:
“Those born under the sign of the Thief are not typically thieves, though they take risks more often and only rarely come to harm. They will run out of luck eventually, however, and rarely live as long as those born under other signs.”
My version of Martin was born on the 21st of Sun’s Height, during the Year 396 of the Third Era. Once again, it may look a bit intimidating at first glance, but it actually translates into Martin being born on July 21st, thirty seven years before the events of the Oblivion Crisis. Meaning that in this case, his astrological sign would be Cancer, represented by the crab.
As for his birthsign, his would be The Apprentice, meaning that while Martin has a remarkable boost to his overall magic and the amount of spells that he is able to cast at a time, it also comes with a massive weakness to all magic as well. Which is why he is more susceptible to magic based attacks, and why he often gets incredibly tired, and mentally spent whenever he casts any type of powerful spell.
“Those born under the sign of the apprentice have a special affinity for magick of all kinds, but are more vulnerable to magick as well.”
And finally, we have our dear Lachance! My version of Lucien was born on the 7th of Second Seed, during the the Year 389 of the Third Era. Meaning that, when you take away all of the Elder Scrolls related words and phrases one final time, Lucien was born on May 7th, forty four years before the events of the Oblivion Crisis. Thus making his astrological sign be Taurus, represented by the bull.
Now, as for what his birthsign actually is… well, haha, in the risk of having all those lovely folks reading over my answer assume that I may have ended up taking the easy way out in regards to our favorite Assassin, Lucien’s birthsign is actually The Shadow. Yes, yes, I know; incredibly shocking isn’t it?
But even despite the lack of creativity in his choice, what this actually means is that he is gifted with the power of Moonshadow, and he is able to become invisible for sixty seconds once per day. And, all things considered, I believe that would oftentimes come in quite handy for a high ranking member of The Dark Brotherhood, wouldn’t you agree?
“The Shadow grants those born under her sign the ability to hide in shadows.”
Goodness, that wound up being quite the mouthful by the end there, didn’t it? Although to be fair, the reasoning is most likely because I got somewhat carried away, and I just couldn’t stop myself before this turned into something far more than I first expected!
But regardless of a slightly lengthy read, I do so hope that you enjoy my answers to you, and that you also find this information interesting in some way, my dear curious Anon! I truly want to thank you, once again, for sending this question my way, and want you to know that if you ever have any other questions based around my characters – any of them! – know that you can always send any type of message that you please, and there is no need to be shy!
I always appreciate these kind of things, love taking the time to answer them, and they always mean the world top me! Just as you do for your curiosity and support, sweet Anon friend! But in any case, I do believe I have rambled on quite enough for now!
Thank you once again, have an amazing day, and may tons of hugs and kisses be sent your way!
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powerovernothing · 5 years
If Korbin lived in our time, what would his favorite tv show be? Would he use the internet? Is he a memer? Give me Modern Korbin AU pls
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Awww, dear sweet TKTEATA!Anon! I always love whenever you pop into my askbox, because you always end up sending me such wonderful questions and messages that put such a huge smile on my face! Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this! It really is such and adorable little question, and it makes me flattered and overjoyed to know that you are interested in a Modern AU revolving around Korbin and are curious about what he would be doing in such a scenario!
That really means a lot, and you are, as always, very cherished and highly appreciated! Now, to answer your question, I believe it would be easiest if I answered it in two ways~
(*~*Modern Korbin Related Answers And Screenshots Underneath The Cut!*~*)
Firstly, if Korbin existed and lived in our current timeline, I believe he would enjoy the comforts of animation. Considering the fact that he tends to be very childish in nature, and tends to have that kind of mindset in general, I can easily see him enjoying a combination of both Western Animation, as well as Japanese Animation from time to time.
Would he be the type to get overly excited whenever a new animated Disney film comes out? Absolutely! Would he end up dragging both of his siblings to the premiere and make certain they not only gets the special tub of popcorn, but also the free posters and other little childish trinkets? You know it!
Would he stay up late watching reruns of old school cartoons such as Scooby Doo, Loony Tunes, and Tom & Jerry, but also enjoy the occasional nineties classics such as Batman, Gargoyles, X-Men and even lighter ones like Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, or Animaniacs? Without a doubt!
Korbin would also unironically quote early season Spongebob Squarepants related memes, much to his brother’s chagrin, and would regret absolutely nothing. He would also enjoy indulging in certain Anime series now and again whenever the curious urge arises. His favorite series being, unsurprisingly to anyone who knows him well, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Now, as for whether or not Korbin would use the internet to spread his meme related madness to the unsuspecting… he absolutely does, and quite repeatedly within the events of my Sims 4 related adventures with The Knight, The Emperor, and The Assassin!
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Most of the time, you can very easily catch him stealing away Martin’s computer and trolling the forums, or causing drama, or just attacking those with out of date memes that he still finds hilarious.
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…Even when said brother is meant to be sleeping in preparation for work the next morning. Whoops. But you know what they say! High quality memes wait for no man, and as you can see from the above, there are even times when he is feeling particularly devious, and brings Lachance into the fold to help create a stir, and then share a laugh at the expense of those fools who are too easily bothered by the smallest possible thing.
So yes, my dear sweet TKTEATA!Anon! Korbin most certainly is a creator and user of various memes, and oftentimes logs onto certain social media, or internet forums to torment unsuspecting souls with the very best he has to offer! After all, Lucien taught him far too well, and he is always proud to see his beloved Silencer wrecking havoc upon the world wide web.
(If you’re wondering what Korbin and his siblings’ professions are within the modern timeline, there really isn’t all that much that has changed. Korbin and Lucien are still assassins -- although they’re actually hitmen here, and may or may not be apart of their own family existing within the mafia -- and Martin spends his time working as a Sunday School teacher, and occasionally writing on the side.)
Also, my friend, while we are still upon the subject, if you are interested or searching for more Modern Korbin related silliness or inspiration, then please allow me to give you my personal tag for the brothers and their Sims 4 related adventures!
Ponnie Attempts To Play The Sims~
There isn’t that much there at the moment, as it has been a while since last I leapt into the game – for one reason or another – but I still have several screenshot posts that I never really got around to uploading currently collecting dust in my drafts… so, if you like what you see, then I will certainly do my best to finally get around to uploading them! And in your honor!
But in any case, I really want to thank you for popping into my askbox and leaving me this incredibly cute question and message! It’s always so flattering to know that there are those interested in Korbin’s character, and wanting to know more details about him and his ongoing story with his adoptive siblings!
Honestly, I’m just beaming from ear to ear, and you are simply adorable. Thank you so much again, and if you have any other questions, about anything really, know that you are always welcome to slide into my askbox whenever your curiosity abounds once again!
Have a wonderful and great day, and tons of hugs and kisses to you~ ♥
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