#Korbin and Lucien Related Things~
powerovernothing · 4 years
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(The artwork included in this tale belongs to the amazing artist by the name of @evisen​! Thank you ever so much for taking the time to capture the scene absolutely perfectly~)
The fading warmth of an evening sun cascaded across lush emerald hilltops nestled beside the outskirts of the city of Cheydinhal. Night was fast approaching and would soon come to blanket the quiet streets with an all too familiar darkness, and although it beckons him to venture into the depths of abandoned homes, and hollow wells… he ultimately decides to remain hidden.
Resting upon his back from within shadow kissed branches of the oak he had so masterfully stolen away for himself only prior, he lies in wait. As the golden hues, and rich sanguine gradually shifts into colors of twilight, and the cooling breeze brushes over leaves and tickles his skin, he chuckles under his breath with a secret smile.
The plan was proceeding almost as perfectly as he had hoped it would, and the glorious moment he had been dreaming of was within his grasp at last. Perhaps just out of reach, just enough that he could only brush his fingertips against it, but not for very much longer.
For he knew the dedication he had spent in preparation was about to pay off in a matter most grand. And from it he could nearly taste victory upon his lips as the seconds passed by, and a wave of intense glee coursed through him at the oh-so wonderful thought. All that remained was simply watching for the moment in which his mark would fall into their proper place, and he would finally have his rightful due.
It was only a matter of time, and although he was so much more than eager... what was truly just a few moments more? After all, he had studied his target’s movements for several days, and knew their schedule inside and out.
He knew they would rise early, long before the other members of their family; and, upon waking, spend at least two full hours gathering the appropriate equipment, and tools needed for their profession, make their way out of their home via a backdoor – his mark was paranoid, so very paranoid, and it made what he had in store all the sweeter – avoiding any and all that passed them by on the path connected with the eastern gate, and proceed towards the Nibenay Basin.
Only then would they carry out one of the following depending on the hour, as well as the day: either disappear into the secluded wilderness to partake in a ritualistic hunting session to appease the deity they so fiercely worshiped, or bypass the hunt altogether, and merely take shelter within the lair they had devised for themselves and did, Sithis only knew what, until nightfall.
Where they would then leave the confines of their makeshift hideaway, return home, and begin the cycle anew with the coming of the dawn.
Thankfully, or perhaps not so thankfully for his target’s dwindling wellbeing, the dates of the calendar seemed to align on one of the latter days. Meaning there would be no grueling hunt taking countless hours, or a careful disappearance into the depths of the forests, only to return days later, bruised, bloodied, and with gruesome evidence of a fresh kill.
Instead, they would depart their so-called fortress, embark on their short journey back into the protective walls of the city, and cross underneath where he waited not so patiently for his moment of glory.
Of when he would lash out, take them by surprise, and have one of his deepest desires finally be achieved.
It was flawless, foolproof, and absolutely brilliant! Nothing could dare to go wrong, or think to sour the wonderfully sadistic image that danced in his mind as he counted the rays of sunlight peeking through the leaves from where he laid upon the bark, and yet...
The longer he lingered within his clever perch; arms folded comfortably underneath his head, and the longer he watched out of the corner of his eye as the sun dipped beneath the distance mountains, and night slowly took its place in the sky above... the more he came to realize that he was very much a lone hunter without the presence of his chosen prey.
Where in all the infinite shadows of the Void itself was his expected target?
By his perfectly flawless calculations, they should have already been on the curving path leading back to the city by now. The exact same pathway that would lead them beneath numerous trees much like the one he hid himself in.
He planned for this; he knew they would pass this way – they always did – but to his keen gaze they were seemingly nowhere to be found.
The sounds he was certain to hear upon the wind – distinct rustling of bushes as a darkly dressed stranger navigated through them to make his presence less obvious to any that may have been watching, a muffled groaning as they breathed in the cool air for the first time in hours, followed by a stretch to release tension in their back after spending a full evening hunched over a dreadfully uncomfortable desk, before running a tired hand through barely maintained grey streaked hair – only brought forth bitter silence to his ears, and his delighted smile in regard to his impish intentions is soon replaced with a wave of dread.
What could have suddenly changed, and caused a vast difference from the set schedule he thought he knew so well? What could he have overlooked in all his careful planning? Could it have been that he greatly underestimated the intelligence his mark possessed then he first assumed? Or missed a step somewhere, or overstepped, and been found out before he could put his plan into motion?
And if that was surely the case, were they now already on an entirely different portion of Cyrodiil altogether? And he was simply wasting precious seconds alone, waiting in a damn oak tree, when he could have already been acting, scouting, trying so very desperately to grasp onto the fragile remains of an already rapidly crumbling –
No, no, no, wait – there.
And just when he was prepared to admit defeat to a far superior adversary that had, by some means, managed to outsmart him, and choose to abandon his treetop vigil for another attempt on another day, does he witness a fairly recognizable shadow skulking out of the main gate of the ruined fortress.
His brows furrow in confusion at the peculiar, and strangely out of character sight. He had expected them to venture out via the trapdoor – quite similar to the back entrance of their own home – just as they always had come the ending of their days spent within their hideaway, and yet there they were… apparently going entirely off script.
But no matter how bewildering it was to his eyes, no matter how much he questioned the reasoning behind this change, and his mark’s newly formed motives, he knew that could still easily make do with an all too irrelevant shift.
As it meant that it was not nearly as hopeless as his overly frantic mind first thought it to be. There was no hasty escape to relocate to a remote corner of the province, or even some well-crafted and entirely unforgivable counterattack about to befall him when he least expected it.
It was a slight delay, and nothing more.
Now his target was here at last; blissfully unaware of their impending fate, and he could feel his excitement overtaking him once again.
Slowly rolling onto his stomach – ever careful not to creak over the wood, or shake loose the leaves, and give away his location prematurely – he watches as they walk with their arms neatly tucked within the long sleeves of their robing, and he forces himself not to cackle with sheer glee when he sees them slowing their pace, before leaning back against the trunk of the tree.
Leaving themselves wide open for the perfect ambush.
‘The fool, the absolute fool!’ He thinks excitedly to himself. ‘They just sealed their fate! They just dropped themselves into my lap for my greedy, eager little hands to take advantage of! Topped with a soon-to-be bloodstained bow! And that means... that means it’s actually going to work this time! I’m actually going to win! At long last!’
With a barely contained giggle, he shifts his body until he is able to secure his legs around the length of the branch, and then swiftly drops upon his ill-fated, unsuspecting target with a sudden fierce scream.
"Oh, you thought you were being so clever, didn’t you?" Korbin happily cries out with an upside-down grin spread over his lips. Swinging forward with legs bent, he tightly grips his now trapped target's robing to hold them in place while openly taunting them over their failure.
"You actually thought your surprise delay would somehow save you from my wrath! And yet, in the end, it was all for nothing! For it did not matter how brilliant you thought you were being with your actions, as I finally have you exactly where I want you, and there is no possible hope of escaping me now!"
Lucien chuckles warmly as he listens to Korbin ramble on about his triumph in a single excited breath, and he reaches to clasp his hands over Korbin's forearms in the hopes of balancing him as he sways back and forth. When Korbin finishes speaking and is left panting – still with the same overjoyed, infectious grin – Lucien cannot help but mimic it with a shadow of a smile of his own.
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"Why yes, it does seem as though you do indeed have me precisely where you want me," He tells him as he frees one of his hands to place it upon Korbin's face with a gentle pat. "Quite a remarkable display of skill, I must say; very well done."
Korbin swings back, pulling himself from Lucien's grip, and his grin grows wider as he claps his hands together in response to the candid praise.
"Ah, thank you, Lachance!" He says with a bright twinkle in his eye. Turning his gaze and watching as Lucien dips underneath his arms – circling where he dandles from the tree – his voice shifts from pleased excitement to a more composed murmur.
"But while I so dearly cherish your admiration of my skills..." He starts to say, trailing slightly as he watches Lucien go around his body several times in a row and feels his head beginning to spin. Refocusing his vision, he then points to Lucien as he returns to the front of the trunk after the third loop. "Do you not realize why I am so happy with the outcome of this? Even more so than I am usually?"
Lucien leans back and folds his arms over his chest. "Because you are easily amused by childish games?"
"No!" Korbin shouts almost instantly; a pout taking the place of his grin as he adverts his gaze and reaches to scratch his beard. "Well, I mean, all right... yes, I am easily amused, but!"
He turns his head, and then swings himself forward once more; jabbing a finger into Lucien's chest with every spoken word. "But... that... isn't the reason... I’m happy... right now, thank you very much!" He pulls his hand back. "Because you see, the reason why I am so damn delighted about this is because of what my hard-earned victory actually means!"
"And what is it that it means, exactly?"
"It means that I did it, brother! I was finally able to get one up on you!" Korbin exclaims with an upside-down pump of his fist. "And not only that, but I was also able to strike from the deepest of shadows! Without you ever knowing I was there in the first place!"
"So, I see..." Lucien mutters to himself as he unfolds his hands, and presses against Korbin's chest to push him. "Well, I suppose if you wish to see this joyful excursion of yours as finally earning your long-sought victory... then by all means, do not let me stop you in your celebrating."
Korbin sways from side to side, raising his hands over his head in an effort to maintain his balance. Feeling the grip that his legs have around the tree branch beginning to give way the longer he remains in place, and the longer he endures Lucien's shoving, circling, and whatever else he surely had planned.
But even from where he lingers – and starts to slip – he is able to make out the faintest of smirks twitching over the corner of Lucien’s lips, and his eyes narrow in suspicion.
"...What do you mean 'if I wished to see it as a victory?'" Korbin questions; paraphrasing slightly and jerking his legs to move closer to his brother's face. "And what’s with the smirk? I may be upside down, but I can still see clearly enough to know that is the very same smirk I positively hate you wearing! It never means anything good; and likely means you're plotting something horrible!"
Lucien's smirk widens as he moves Korbin back by touching a finger to his forehead with one hand – rewarding him with a groan of annoyance from him as he does – and waves dismissively with the other.
"Now, now, my beloved Silencer," He chides in a near sing-song tone of voice. "I do believe that you have stayed dandling from this tree for far too long, and the blood has rushed to your head, and muddied your thoughts. As you are seeing threats where there are surely none to be found."
Korbin frantically waves his arms. "No, no! See, now you're doing the other thing I hate!" He puffs out his cheeks in irritation, and then points to Lucien a second time. "You're trying to distract me with your words! And you're using that tone of voice as you speak them! The tone you only use when want to protect my pride after I did something foolish! Despite me assuming it would be fool-proof, and it wasn't, and now you’re lying to soften the harsh blow of reality, and..."
"And?" Lucien prompts when Korbin trails off; moving the palm of his hand in a half circle and signaling for him to continue. "Why brother, do not leave me hanging in the air as you currently are. Grant me the right to hear your finished thought, unless" – He looks up, and his smirk is so mischievous that it makes Korbin retch – "you are mere moments away from losing consciousness, and I should do my best to catch you?"
However, Korbin says nothing in response to Lucien’s characteristic dry wit and surrenders himself to his own thoughts as he recalls the events that led him to this moment.
The sudden delay that went against Lucien’s set schedule Korbin thought he knew so thoroughly, and how it made him question whether he was away on some sort of assignment outside of Cheydinhal and had missed his chance.
How, when Lucien did appear amid his frantic worrying, he chose to exit from the main gate of Fort Farragut, and not use the hatch hidden in the hollowed-out trunk further in the forest, just as he had done so many times before.
And then, instead of using the natural shadows of the hillside, Lucien walked upon the path leading directly to the tree that he was waiting within, and so casually leaned back against the trunk without any reason to do so, and began counting down on his fingers, and –
Korbin clutches the sides of his head, and howls in rage as the truth becomes all too brutally clear. "You manipulative little bastard!" He cries out as though he is in genuine pain. "Are you trying to tell me that you knew where I was all along?! That you knew from the very beginning of all of this?!"
He clutches his hands into white knuckled fists. "This is the reason why you smirked, isn't it?!" He spits his accusation; summoning forth a great deal of self-restraint to keep himself from strangling Lucien for daring to play with his emotions in such a way. "And why you didn't stop me in my celebrating when I already thought I won! Because you were waiting for the moment where I realized my success was nothing more than an illusion!"
"Ah yes, perhaps that is all indeed the truth, Korbin," Lucien says smoothly; his back against the trunk as speaks. "And perhaps it is the reason behind my every action throughout this evening: the sudden shift in my voice, and the sight of my unnerving smirk, and so much more that you have plainly stated in the fervent heat of your own anger..."
A dark chuckle then slips from his lips, and he moves to grab a fistful of Korbin's armor; pulling him close enough to whisper into his ear. "Or, perhaps, just as I said, you have simply been within that tree far too long, and I should rectify such a foolish decision immediately."
Korbin opens his mouth to speak – to properly question Lucien's obvious ulterior motives, and make sense of the secret meaning behind his words – but before he has a chance to do as much, he feels his brother's grip tighten considerably, while his other hand slowly comes to curve around his shoulders... and then all at once, Lucien roughly yanks him from his tree branch perch, and sends him crashing to the ground below.
A scream is ripped from Korbin’s throat as he collides into the dirt, and a sudden heat rushes to his cheeks with equal amount of embarrassment and frustration, as the sound of Lucien's satisfied laughter rings in his ears. Raising his head, he mutters certain choice swears under his breath – all the while spitting the gravel that had made its way into his mouth – and glares angrily.
"Dammit, Lachance!" He shouts; attempting to force himself upright so he might accuse Lucien of his truly terrible behavior more easily. "Why must you be so terribly unfair to your poor innocent Silencer time and time again!?"
However, despite his valiant efforts, Korbin ultimately ends up stumbling back onto the ground with a light thud after a single pushup. And from such a display – coupled with the blush over his cheeks, and the furious look in his eyes – Lucien's laughter greatly amplifies, and Korbin becomes increasingly more flustered as a result.
"You see?! This is exactly what I mean!" He rests his arms under his chin to serve as a makeshift prop with a hardened scowl. "First, you choose to make my task next to impossible, as you outright despise seeing me succeed in any possible way, then you stand there and mercilessly taunt me when my plans end in heartbreaking failure! And yet, somehow, even that is not enough for you! Because you go one step further in your twisted games and toss me to the ground just to rub salt in my open wounds!"
Korbin unfolds his arms – ignoring how his chin falls and kicks up dirt into the air in the instant he does so – and waves them about as he wails on. "Which makes all of this utterly unfair, I say! Unfair, cruel, vicious, and any other word that comes to mind to describe what you are doing!"
Lucien runs a careful hand over the corner of his eyes where tears of amusement gather as Korbin reaches a new personal record in the sacred art of melodrama.
"...Yes, yes, I am indeed a terrible human being," He muses with a smile; speaking with a slight gasp to his words as his laughter at his brother’s expense slowly subsides into lighter chuckling. "In any case, is my 'poor, innocent' Silencer quite finished with all his needless rambling?"
"No, he most certainly is not!" Korbin all but shrieks; twisting his body and sitting crossed legged in front of Lucien instead of face down at his feet. "There is much more that I have to say, I will have you know"–He holds out his hand, counting on his fingers as Lucien shakes his head–"As I haven't reached the point where I accuse you of being an awful sibling for cruelly mocking me, or where I demand an answer as to why you didn't just be honest about knowing where I was hiding all along; thus sparing me from the countless embarrassment that I am feeling now!"
Lucien raises a curious eyebrow in response; his faint smile transforming into a knowing smirk, and Korbin rests his cheek against his knuckles with a heavy sigh. "...And I just answered my own damn question, didn't I?"
"I do believe you have," Lucien replies, pulling away from where had been leaning, and gestures theatrically with his arms spread wide. "After all, if I had thought to be so straightforward, I would have denied myself the pleasure of witnessing you in the childish state you are in now."
He turns his head and places a palm against his forehead; unable to resist the urge to mock his brother anew for the way he is behaving. "And to miss out on such a remarkable sight, why... it is enough to shatter my Assassin’s heart into countless pieces from the mere thought of such an unfathomable tragedy!"
Korbin’s expression darkens as he watches Lucien intentionally act utterly ridiculous, and positively loathes just how quickly his anger rises the longer he suffers his brother’s horrendous imitation of his beloved flair for all things dramatic, and over the top.
"...Were you listening when I said there was a part in my rant where I accuse you of being awful for daring to mock me in my most humiliating moment?"
Lucien turns back to address Korbin in a more natural tone. "But of course," He says, as he slowly closes the distance between them. "I heeded your every word with rapt attention... although I am quite certain you said nothing about this being your most humiliating."
"Well, it is! Even if I did or did not say it!" Korbin quickly corrects; pointing a finger in emphasis. "And that hour of accusation? It is now! Right now! Right in this very moment! And when I take back every breath I have wasted in all my arguments, then I will gladly proceed into the many, many different ways that you are, without a doubt—"
Korbin feels a sudden weight come to press down over his head and temporarily obstruct his eyesight underneath his messy bangs. Effectively stealing his words before he has a chance to state even a single reason why Lucien is indeed being one of the very worst possible siblings in all of Nirn itself with all his teasing – the very same teasing causing his, already blurry, vision to cloud over with a thick red haze – and how Martin would never even consider acting in such a way!
With a low grumble in regards to one thing, or perhaps many at this point, Korbin jerks his head upright to lock golden eyes with brown, and then comes to realize that the weight he feels is actually Lucien’s hand as he runs his fingers through his hair in a strange show of gentle affection.
"Are you aware there is actual reasoning behind why I often seek to make your efforts to take me by surprise nearly impossible to achieve?"
"...You mean outside of the twisted joy you feel from my constant suffering?" Korbin questions with a frown as he struggles to pry Lucien's hand from his hair.
Lucien scoffs in response at first; his grip remaining firm within the messy grey locks nestled upon his brother’s head as Korbin wiggles underneath the extended touch.
"Yes, a reason outside of that," He tells him as he steps back – granting Korbin and his hair the freedom they so desired in the process. "You see, I do all of this as I only wish to remind you of what it is you have so clearly forgotten in your profound delusion of accomplishing your – at this point – futile little goal."
Korbin blinks in genuine confusion. "Wait...what are you...? What are you talking about?" He asks with the slightest stutter, as he smooths down the awkward strands of hair gained by Lucien's tousling. "Other than the offensive jab at my fragile hopes and dreams... I don’t quite understand. What do you believe I have forgotten?"
"That it is I, alone, who holds the responsibility of teaching you the very same skill set you think to use against me time and again," He proclaims; circling around Korbin as he explains, and the younger of the two Assassins chokes back an oncoming wave of nausea as he mistakenly follows him with his eyes. "Your tactics were once my own. Your experience in the art of stealth? Refined from my present mastery of the craft. Meaning that I surely know your actions long before you, yourself, even begin to formulate them."
With a shake of his head, Korbin brings his fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose in a means of composing himself with an uncomfortable groan; deliberately ignoring the devious chuckle that escapes under Lucien’s breath as he does so.
"And from your grievous oversight – now brought kicking and screaming into the light – you should realize one thing, and one thing only... that no matter how many times you attempt this task in vain, no matter how often you revise your plans in the hope of some alternate outcome, and – most importantly – no matter what comforting shadow, or shaded tree you shelter yourself within to await your chance" –Lucien continues on without pause to neither his movements, or his words; slamming his hand down upon an open fist as he finally reaches his point –"The truth of the matter is that, unless I personally deem it otherwise, I shall always have the advantage over you in the end."
Lowering his hand from his face, Korbin stiffens considerably; deeply offended by Lucien's incessant lecturing. "Now, wait just a moment there, Lachance! I don’t think that’s–!" He cries out in the fervent tone commonly preceding another equally as passionate ranting session, as he rocks in place and pulls himself from where he had been sitting.
But in the moment that he lifts partway from the ground, the very same hand comes down upon one of his shoulders and prevents him from rising completely.
Lucien pauses at Korbin's side, and bends with his freehand intentionally hidden from view. "However, if you refuse to believe the words that I speak," He whispers carefully into his ear, and Korbin braces himself for whatever horrific misfortune he is about to endure. "Then allow me the honor of providing you an appropriate demonstration."
When he finishes speaking, he then pulls away from Korbin's shoulder, and quickly snaps the fingers behind his back. Deftly triggering the use of his Greater Power and vanishing from Korbin's line of sight in the blink of an eye.
Korbin staggers back with a cry as he witnesses Lucien stand beside him one moment, and then disappear seemingly into thin air the very next.
"Lu-Lucien?" He stammers as confusion and unease overtake his tone at the use of a familiar – and yet unfamiliar all the same – source of Magicka. "What are you...? Where did you... go?"
Slowly scrambling to his feet, Korbin walks along the base of the oak; scanning as best he is able for any trace of Lucien's sudden invisible presence with heightened desperation.
"If... if this is what you meant by demonstration, then you should know that I am… that I am not very amused!" He shouts to his surroundings, utterly blind to the shimmering figure lingering directly in his shadow. "Because at least when I was hiding, I actually thought to use the environment around me, and didn't just cheat my way to victory with the help of some fancy little spell! Which obviously means that I’ve won, as you went against the rules by using magic!"
Shifting his weight, he leans partially against the bark, and unknowingly leaves himself open. "So, why don't you go ahead and de-cloak yourself from wherever you’re skulking about from, and let me prove to you, once and for all, that my abilities most certainly–"
Korbin’s words die in his throat, rendering the remainder of his playful taunting incomplete as some unknown force suddenly captures his arm in a death grip behind his back, and a flash of green mist envelops in the edge of his vision.
Feeling as though he is caught in a sudden loop of repeating events, he turns to glance over his shoulder – somehow hoping to make sense of what is happening – and is met with a stern gaze as Lucien reappears from what Korbin could only assume to be the very depths of the Void itself.
"...As you were saying, my Silencer?"
Korbin opens his mouth to explain that he was only joking, but that, too, goes unheard as Lucien spins him on his heel, and roughly shoves him back with an open palm to his chest in a single fluid motion.
Far too quickly for Korbin's mind to even begin to process how long Lucien must have been listening to him in silence, when he chose to make himself known by grasping his arm, and why exactly – for the love of the Dread Father himself – he allowed himself to be overtaken and tossed helplessly to the ground for the second time.
In the instant awareness returns to him, thankfully just before he crashes face first, he throws his hands out to prevent himself from crumpling in a miserable amalgamation of pained limbs and flushed cheeks... yet is not nearly fast enough to spare himself from the sound of Lucien’s arrogant laughter.
"Oh, you foolish boy," Lucien murmurs between amused breaths. The words being spoken less as an insult, and more as a term of endearment. "Now, do you see my meaning? I have just single-handedly proven that—"
"—That your abilities certainly outshine my own?" Korbin interrupts with a deep grumble; cutting Lucien off and saying what he had intended to use at his brother's expense to spite himself before Lucien could in his place. "That I was being too overzealous with all my taunting, and deserved your sneak attack, perhaps? Or that what you said of my desires being so impossible was very much the truth, and I should have learned to listen long before I ended up face down once again?"
Turning his cheek, he sighs and looks away. "...Feel free to tell me when I'm getting close."
"And indeed, I gladly would... were it not for the fact that you aren't close. Not even remotely," Lucien says with a shake of his head; coming to stand at his side. "And while you carry some manner of truth with your suggestions, and I could very easily ridicule you just as playfully as I had throughout our time together, that was surely not my intention..."
His voice trails, and he lowers himself into a more causal sitting position. "For in reality, all I wished to say was simply how obvious it had become that you still have so much left to learn from me, and nothing more. Which, you would have realized, had you only thought to let me finish before choosing to interrupt."
"W-Wait... really?" Korbin stammers; unable to mask the genuine surprise in his voice as he turns his head and glances up at Lucien. "That's it? No hidden tricks, or clever spells? No playful teases, or sudden attacks when I least expect it? You're just going to half compliment me, and half insult me with the very same breath?"
"All whilst I sit beside you and catch said breath; yes."
Korbin runs a hand over his chin in thought. "Well, if that really is the case, then... do you want to know what I personally think about this, brother?"
"Oh, do enlighten me." Lucien prompts with a tired chuckle.
"And thus, I shall! And rather happily!" Korbin exclaims as he pushes himself up from where he laid upon his stomach and presses a finger into Lucien's cheek. "As I will have you know that after everything that happened between us: my failed sneak attack, your successful one, the teasing, the roughhousing, your joy, my embarrassment, as well as everything else I am possibly forgetting, I have come to the shocking realization that I am" –He pulls back his hand, and grins from ear to ear –"quite man enough to admit defeat when clearly bested by my superior."
"Well now, consider me thoroughly astonished then," Lucien says; resting his arm over his knee when Korbin finishes speaking. "As I half expected you to throw no more than three more full fits of childish rage before finally relinquishing victory to me."
Korbin laughs. "Well, I suppose if you're so eager to see me react in that way... I could always toss a handful of leaves into the air or kick up various clouds of dust with my feet!"
"As wonderful as that sounds to my ears, I do believe I will unfortunately have to pass on that such honor for the time being," Lucien replies simply. "I'm sure you can understand."
"Yeah, I kind of thought you would say something like that," Korbin mutters as he lays back against Lucien's shoulder. "Regardless, I do hope that you won't let this miracle success of yours go to your head, and make you feel as though you've won so wholly... as you should be aware of the fact that I am walking away from our battle with half a win myself!"
"...Whatever do you mean?" And then it is Lucien's turn to blink in confusion...
And Korbin's turn to bend forward with a far deeper, far more genuine laugh.
"Well, it is just as you said! About how you believe that there is still so much left for you to teach me," He tells him in an almost excited breath as he wraps Lucien's arm more tightly around his shoulder. "Do you not realize what a wonderful opportunity this is for me? Not only is there still so much that I wish to learn from you, but with us training so closely to hone my skill in stealth, I will be able to notice even your most hidden flaws, your most secret of weaknesses, and use them to my advantage for all future attempts against you!"
Lucien's confusion leaves his eyes, and a faint smile takes its place. "Because even after what transpired here, your stubborn, unending pride still persists in having you believe that you will, one day, finally succeed in taking me by surprise?"
"Yes, precisely!" Korbin shouts as his words mix with a yelp of surprise when he feels Lucien suddenly rising; the action causing him to fall backward into the dirt when his short-lived prop rises back to his full height.
With a shake of his head, Korbin stares up at Lucien while grinning – upside down, just as he had from within the tree branch – before he extends his hand to him.
"However, it isn't just some sort of foolish belief, or pleasant fantasy of mine!" He informs him. "It is so much more than that! For I do not stubbornly believe that I will one day manage to triumph over you... I stubbornly know that I will!"
"Hm, is that so, my Silencer?"
"It most certainly is!" Korbin exclaims with a wider, more boyish smirk as Lucien helps him to his feet, before wrapping his arm around his brother's shoulder in a half embrace. "In fact, you should know that I am already contemplating various ideas in my mind’s eye even as we speak! And do believe me when I say that it shall be glorious! A duel of Assassin pit against Assassin! Brother daring to face off against brother! Once my utterly genius plan is brought to life, you shall be the one who is left speechless by the sheer amount of my skill!"
Lucien turns his gaze; looking towards the ground as the two of them round the winding path away from the grassy hilltops, and back towards the city's main gate as Korbin continues to ramble with a sparkling glint in his eye.
As he listens somewhat absentmindedly, Lucien shuts his own eyes for a moment, and smiles fondly to himself.
"Ah, my dear Korbin," He thinks aloud as his brother squeezes him close to his side as he speaks of his plans in childish joy. "May there never come a day in our lives where you dare to change even slightly. For I would hardly know what to do if you did."
"–And when you collapse upon the ground, overwhelmed by the outstanding, remarkable show of skill that I have managed to achieve in just a few scarce lessons, then that will be the moment in which you finally realize, once and for all, that I am in fact..." Korbin's words slowly trail off as he becomes quite aware of Lucien's sudden silence, and he shakes his shoulder to pull his attention back onto the moment at hand – the moment in which he describes his fated victory with as many details as he can muster to hopefully leave his brother in awe.
"Lucien?" He calls to him; his voice soft at first, gradually turning louder as he does so a second, and then third time. "Uh, hello, Lucien? Brother of mine? I know the ground below our feet might just be the most exciting thing you have seen in quite some time... but I would very much like to know whether or not you heard a single word that I just said to you; especially considering how important it was for future events."
"Rest assured that I heard nearly everything that you have said, my Silencer," Lucien tells him as he smiles with the same fondness as before. "From the honored duel taking place between brothers, and Assassins alike, to where you will slay me with the skill you have mastered far more quickly than I could have dared to believe humanly possible."
He places a hand over his chest to emphasize his sincerity. "It seems to me as though you have every known detail planned out to the very letter, and I would do well to sharpen my dagger in preparation for such a grand, historical moment soon coming to pass"
"As you so rightfully should!" And once more Korbin's gruff features bloom with an almost childlike spark of innocence. He breaks from their shared contact, and mimics Lucien's prior mockery of himself with a hand dramatically placed against his forehead.
"For what you do not yet realize is that, in that pivotal moment upon the battlefield, I shall not be your brother taking you by surprise!"–He lowers his hand, and then wags his finger–"No, no, no! You see, with my newfound knowledge and skill, I will be as nothing more than another target! One of your numerous enemies come to claim your life – or, in this case, your dignity – and when you are left hopelessly confused by the sudden change, ready to bury your blade deep within me, it will be more than enough to seal your fate!"
Coming to stand in front of the eastern gate of Cheydinhal, Lucien lets out a faint laugh. "So, it would seem..." He mutters as he begins to push open the metal doorways; but when he notices that Korbin remains in his shadow – rather than at his side as he had been – he stops to look over his shoulder.
"Is something the matter, Korbin?"
Korbin shakes his head. "Well, no; not really, I was just thinking for a moment..."
"About what other plans you could utilize to help bring about my downfall, I presume?"
"...About what it is I will tell Vicente when we return home, actually." Korbin clarifies as he runs a nervous hand over the back of his neck.
Lucien raises an eyebrow as confusion takes hold once more.
"Oh, uh, right – right, I never really had the chance to explain before now," Korbin begins with a shrug. "You see, I kind of owe a lot to Vicente for this entire setup, as he was the one who wrote your schedule down for me, and wished me the best of luck on my task"–He then quickly waves his hands in front of him as a sudden, deeply red blush flush over his cheeks–"But, but, but! Ev...Everything else – the time I chose, the location in the tree, my method of attack and so much more – that... that was all from me! S-So, so don't just... don't just assume that I had help the entire time, and still managed to lose somehow!"
Lucien places his hands against his hips and lowers his chin to his chest with a scoff. "Well, if that is surely the case," He murmurs in an almost tickled tone of voice. "Then I suppose that we could always tell Valtieri that you effectively managed to get halfway this time."
"Halfway?" Korbin repeats in curiosity.
"Indeed, as you came remarkable close to catching me unaware this one time than any that had come before," Lucien says he turns on his heel, and proceeds through the gate; gesturing to Korbin to follow with fingers plucking the air. "And, just as we had agreed upon, with more training there may undoubtedly come a day where you do finally succeed."
He turns his head and smiles up at Korbin. "How does that sound to you, my Silencer?"
"Why, I think that it sounds absolutely perfect," Korbin replies; matching Lucien's smile with one of his own.
And as the pair of Assassins trail the cobblestone path that would lead them to the comforts of a familiar, downtrodden house causally placed amid rows of far more elegant homes, they steadily become aware the warmth of torchlight guiding their way to Sanctuary grounds.
As well as the excited, overjoyed waving coming from their youthful Bosmer guardsman when he sees them appearing in the far distance, and they share a good-humored laugh among themselves over the events of the evening shared as they ruffle the boy's blond hair in passing, and head back inside the Abandoned House.
The pleasant sound of their joy echoing over the walls of the city and fading into the welcoming shadows of a twilight kissed night.
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reureuby · 6 years
Loving Lucien hours? Hell yes. Lucien is actually quite the affectionate person in my Lore, and cares deeply to a possessive level. Vicente is his adoptive father, and the one who brought him into the Brotherhood, and his previous Silencer was a Dunmer named Lara who fell in love with him -- it was sadly one sided -- and who tragically died in his arms, her final wish to be a kiss from the man who meant everything to her. Thus, he always fears failing and losing Korbin in the very same way~
oh my god ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :’’( 
Loving Lucien Lachance Hours are open!!
Send me things on how your HoK/LDB acts with him!! Or any headcanons you have for him?? Send me anything and everything Lucien related!!!
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powerovernothing · 6 years
So by some sheer miracle of fate itself, this ended up happening during Bethesda’s latest Twitch stream that I sat in for, and I’m just perfectly fine about it, no big deal, how are you guys today?
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powerovernothing · 5 years
What would the other two bros do if one of them was really terrified of something?
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Dear sweet lovely Anon, I do believe you have just said the magic words. After all, I consider hurt/comfort to be my all-time favorite sort of genre to write about in general, and when it comes to Korbin and his siblings, I rarely do anything angsty without including something near the end to make the pain and the tears all better… so really, what I’m trying to say here is that you really don’t have to twist my arm to get me to answer your adorable question~
In fact, I believe I shall go a step beyond just the regular and long-winded answer I normally do when you send me these wonderful messages and will actually give you a few snippets of my writing based around this very concept! So, in other words, my friend! Buckle up, prepare your feelings, and get ready to do some reading down below!
And, if I didn’t already say it at some point recently, thank you – and everyone else – so very much for the continued and wonderful support! It means more to me than you guys will ever know~!
(*~*Underneath is six different snippets of writing from my Oblivion Verse, some that have actually been unseen as of now on this blog, and all of which involve tons of emotions from all three of the boys. Lots of reading involved, proceed with caution!*~*)
If Korbin Was The One Afraid:
When it comes to Korbin and the subject of fear, the things that he is quite often afraid of is based around the aspects of mental terror. Whether it is because of intense nightmares of past mistakes, or the torment he endures at the hands of Sheogorath and what may happen if he goes against his abuser, those are the things he is afraid of most. So, if he was in the trying process of suffering through either of those outcomes – or both at the same time, imagine that – I believe his chosen siblings would react as follows:
(In the aftermath of Sheogorath’s latest ‘play sessions’ with his Little Raven, Lucien soothes Korbin’s mangled nerves)
“Mydear Silencer, look at me,” He calls to him softly, his voice reassuring andgentle. Yet, when his words are unable to breach through the darkening cloud surroundingKorbin’s mind, his tenderness fades and is replaced with as much firmness as hedares to allow himself to be in this moment. “No, Korbin, you will do exactly asI say, and will look at me when I tell you to.”
It takes a rather long while, butKorbin finally does as he is prompted, and when their eyes meet, Lucien noticeshis normally sparkling gaze is now terrified and filled with overwhelmedtears.
“My brother, you are allright,” He says matter-of-factly, and lowers Korbin’s trembling hands tohis lap, so he might hold them both tightly in his own as their fingers intertwinewith one another. “Simply breathe deeply, and know you are not in any formof danger. Do this as many times as you need, as many times as you believe are required, until you find, and at last grasp the truth behindthe words I speak.”
An extended silence falls over thecamp, and Korbin’s shoulders continue to shake violently; the tears in his eyesfalling from his eyes and down his cheeks even amid attempting to make sense ofhis brother’s instruction. Lucien remains where he is, hardly daring to moveeven an inch from his side, and only squeezes Korbin’s hands when he believes hisSilencer falls prey to whatever unspeakable horror he is attempting to fightwithin his own mind.
And when Korbin is carefully pulled from the depths andrealizes the touch he is feels is Lucien’s own, he grasps onto his brother’s handswith white knuckles, and holds on as though they were truly the only possible thingin time itself that could keep him afloat.
“Can you hear the sound of myvoice?” He asks after a moment.Korbinsays nothing in response to his brother’s questioning, and simply nods; hisbreathing rough and ragged, but calming slightly.Lucien then takes one of hishands away from Korbin’s tight grip and returns his palm back overthe side of his cheek.“Are you able to feel mytouch upon your face?” Another nod, and Lucien’s tonesoftens once again.“And you know for absolute certainthat it shall not harm you?” “…I do,” Korbin finally speaks, and he struggles to find his words.“I know… very well that you… that you would never hurt me, Lucien. Even when… evenwhen I’m like this…”“Yes, very good,”Lucien replies with a genuine smile. “And indeed, you are correct in whatyou say, my Silencer, for I would never think to harm you in any way.”And although he cherishes the soothing words his brother speaks to him, and howthe Madness is beginning to subside the longer he remains underneathLucien’s careful touch, the lingering fear of somehow falling back to sleep, only to find himself suffocated underneath never-ending chains, before being broken from an all too different, and oh-so sickening touch, only causes his shoulder to tense and whatever reassurance he thought to heave leave him almost instantly.“But even if you wouldnever hurt me… I know… I know someone who would,” He pulls away from Lucien’s touch, and wraps his arms around himself. “Someone who did. In my mind, before you came tome. You have no idea what it was like, brother, it was simply…”However, Lucien refuses to allowsuch a thing to happen, and reaches to pull Korbin back before he has a chanceto get too far.“It was simply a terribledream, and nothing more,” He explains in a gentle tone, placing one hand in hishair and the other around his shoulders as he holds him close. “It cannot physicallydo any damage to you.”Korbin shakes his head. “But,you don’t –”“—Silence now, and know Iam here,” He whispers, lowering Korbin’s head to his chest before he thinks to speak another wordand runs his fingers through his brother’s tousled locks of grey affectionately. “Whatsoever yousaw surely does not matter any longer, for you are safe within my embrace, and Ishall never let anything come to harm you, Korbin. Not now, and not even whilstyou sleep.”
(Martin tends to Korbin after an ambush by the Mythic Dawn, and Korbin blames himself for needing help at all)“There is no shame indesiring protection, and comfort; or coming to my side and allowing me to healyour injuries, you know that I would never –”
“–You very nearly passed outbecause of me, Martin.” Korbin interjects softly, cutting him off as hefeels the tears pooling in his eyes. “You wasted too much energy, and Iwould have been the reason for you hurting yourself…”
Martin breathes out, andthen begins to stand to his full height; touching both of his hands to Korbin’scheeks affectionately, and carefully lowering his tone.
“And yet do you see merefusing, or turning you away, even if such words were true?”
Korbin shakes his head, attemptsto wiggle out of the touch he does not deserve, but his brother onlyholds him in place.
“No, it is not as thoughyou would slam the door in my face,” He tells him, his eyes nearlyoverflowing. “But it does not mean that you should help me,or that I deserve such…kindness.”
Martin places a hand againstKorbin’s neck, and slowly pulls him forward. Korbin does not fight him, he onlyreaches out and grabs a part of Martin’s robe to clutch onto. Grounding him andkeeping him afloat in this dark raging sea. Just another weakness, just another act born ofshame.
“And just why do youbelieve that?” Martin whispers, allowing his brother to hold on ashe runs a hand through his hair. “Why do you believe that you, mydearest little brother, is unworthy of my affection, or my love?”
Korbin buries his head intoMartin’s robe and chokes out a quiet sob. “…Because what if in thenext instance that this happens, you are with me?” The tears run freelydown his face. “What if you are injured somehow, or you expend too muchenergy, or my own actions cause you to leave me?”
Martin pulls back andgives him a curious stare as he tries to dry his tears with his thumbs. “What do you mean by–”
“–You know exactly what Imean by my words, Martin!” Korbin shouts, jerking back as tears runincessantly down his cheeks. “I cannot bear the thought of my mistakescausing you to die in my arms or turn away in shame and anger! And yet, with asmany missteps as I take, it surely means that is only a matter of time before Istumble down the mountain entirely, and you or Lachance fall along with me! Itonly makes sense! Perfect, terrible, awful sense!”
Martin feels his heart breakinganew, and yet he only moves forward to pull Korbin back against him. He husheshis frantic cries and tries to calm his shaking shoulders.
“…Korbin, neither I nor Lachance would ever think to leave your side,” Martin slowly rocks himin place, attempting to soothe him in action as well as words. “We loveyou far too dearly to ever think of doing anything of the sort.”
“What I am attempting tosay, however,” Martin slowly turns Korbin’s face back around, and lockseyes with him as his voice turns serious. “Is that even though you may beafraid, and that the path before you may be treacherous, and overwhelming tobehold… there is certainly no shame in how you feel, as you are not alone infeeling them. Nor are you alone whatsoever.”
Martin leans forward, and Korbinis surprised when he places a gentle kiss upon his brow. “And if you find that toohard to accept,” He whispers gently, the firmness in his voice gone as quickly as it had come. “Then simply allow me to fightoff whatever frightens you the most.”
If Martin Was The One Afraid:
Being the chosen heir of the Imperial throne in the midst of the great Oblivion Crisis, there is no limit to the things that Martin would end up being afraid of. From dealing with the constant onslaught of Daedra forces, to knowing he will have to bear the weight of the crown by the end of the Crisis, to even witnessing his brothers constantly putting themselves at risk for his own sake… there are many things that could make Martin frightened for one reason or another. Thus, if something like that occurred at any point, I believe his siblings would react as follows:
(Martin has sleeplessness from the Mysterium Xarxes, and Lucien tends to him)
“When was the last time that you slept?” He says,reaching out his hand and turning Martin’s face to the side with a singletouch. “And slept more than a few hours at a time?”
Martin touches the hand that is on his face and lowers itwith a small – rather nervous, sheepish – chuckle. “Would you possiblybe satisfied in any way, if I told you that I simply cannot remember?”
Lucien frowns in response, quite obviously not pleased in anyway regarding Martin’s words, and he exhales a soft sigh. “Ah, then it is justas I thought.”
Lucien pulls his hand away from Martin’s grasp, and thenslowly begins to shuffle backwards upon the large bed until his back is laidpropped against the headboard. When he stills, he crosses his arms overhis chest, and gestures towards Martin with his chin.
“Then I shall ask you again,” He says, and heshakes his head in knowing that Martin managed to have him repeat himself afterall. “Come here and allow me to rectify your terrible choices atonce.”
Martin pauses, genuinely surprised by what he was hearing,and what Lucien was doing – for him,and not their youngest, more troubled brother for once – and he just smilesfaintly.
“Are you suggesting that I come lay beside you?” Heslowly moves forward, but pauses half way, as though he was awaiting voicedapproval of such actions. “As you would with Korbin?”
Lucien holds out his hand; an invitation. “Do you have issuewith that?”
Martin shakes his head and takes the offered hand willingly. “No,not at all,” He tells him simply. Letting himself be pulled forward untilhe was directly beside Lucien against the pillows. “I was just… rathersurprised that you would choose to do this. For me, that is.”
Lucien wraps an arm around Martin’s back, and slowlyreadjusts the Emperor Priest until his head was laying upon his robedshoulders. He listens carefully to the words in which his brother speaks, and asmall amused chuckle escapes him before he realizes it.
When Martin looks up, due to the sudden sound, Lucien justsoftens and tightens his almost protective grip around him.
“You are my brother, are you not?”
Martin nods, nestling himself further within Lucien’s grip,and finding the embrace of The Assassin comforting despite everyknown reason that it shouldn’t.
“Indeed; or at the very least, I was the last Ichecked.” Martin smiles slightly playfully.
“And you have gone without sleep for many nights;possibly brought on due to a certain Daedra Artifact and its influence overyou?” Lucien turns his head, casting Martin back underneath his darkstare. But instead of the Septim Heir desiring nothing more than to wiggleaway, and escape from Lucien’s eyes, he notices a hint of concern lurkingbehind his elder brother’s eyes.
Martin merely nods and allows him to continue. To piece togetherthe puzzle pieces he had already gathered, and to admit the truth in which wasalready clearly known.
“…Or perhaps, it was not simply that damnable bookitself, but the nightmares seeking to torment you when you longed for asoundless rest?”
In response, almost as though he could sense where thisthought process was heading just from the whisper of his name alone, Lucienhushes Martin, and pulls his brother closer.
“…I am not going anywhere, Septim,” He reassures him,hoping it is enough even as he wraps his other arm around him just in case itproves otherwise. “Sleep and know that I am here. You are perfectly safe.”
(Martin is temporarily blinded by Akatosh’s great power, and Korbin tries to see the bright side of things)“Martin, what in all of Sithis himself were you thinking?!“Korbin shouts, kneeling in front of his brother and grasping onto his shoulderstightly as his concern and anger combine into an uncontrollable emotion seeking to overwhelm.“I told you I would have beenfine! You had no reason to give yourself over to that sort of magic, especially whenyou barely understand such power to begin with!” He shakes Martin slightly in emphasis to his heated words, and then his emotions shift from the intense mixture of worry and rage, to a much more selfish line of thought. “You could have hurt yourself back there! Burned yourself from the extent of the flames, did terrible things to your body, or you could haveeasily died by unknowingly expending too much energy! And just what would I have done then? What would I have done if youdied in the process of protecting me?!”Korbin pulls his hands away, and impatiently awaits a reply. But whenone does not come, and instead his brother simply continues to stare at him blankly, hardly reacting to his words, or even the sudden shaking, his expression twists in frustration.
“Are you merely going to let me ramble on without end? Without hardly saying asingle word in response?” He asks in an offended tone, and then touches his shoulder once againwith one hand, patting it lightly in an effort to gain his attention. “Did you evenhear a single word I said to you at all?”
Martin inhales a deep breath in the hopes of somehow composinghimself, but it does very little to soothe his nerves. His shoulders beginto shake as he desperately scrambles to reach for the hand he feels restingagainst his shoulder. His voice stammers, and his unfocused eyes fill to therim with terrified tears.
“…I can… I can hear you justfine, Korbin,” He tells him when he finds his brother’s hand at last. He turnshis head, and the tears slip down his cheeks as he clutches the hand pitifullyagainst his chest. “It is only because I cannot… see you… that I said nothing. Know that I… that I can hear you just as clearly as I would naturally… but your face… noteven your place in, where I assume, you are in front of me… I can no longer see it… Isimply cannot see anything…”
“All right, this doesn’t… this doesn’t mean it isn’t something we can learn to deal with, and come to terms with, yes?” Korbin mutters with a nervous chuckle, one hand resting against Martin’s face so that his brother might know he is still there outside of voice alone, and the other running through his hair almost frantically before he stands.
“We have faced all manner of things before now, and dear Sithis, we have even faced the very worst that Oblivion itself had to offer! So, a little thing like… like a sudden loss of sight doesn’t mean it takes away who you are! You are still very much my beloved brother, and I care for you even if you have bright and shining eyes much like my own, or dimmed and faded ones!”
Martin sits with his hands folded in his lap where Korbin had placed him beside what he assumes is the feeling of the heat of the fire lightly warming against his skin as it crackles and pops. He listens intently to his brother as he rambles on and finds it curious how his voice fades in the distance, and then rises in volume at least half a dozen times.
He can only surmise, from behind his still darkened eyes, that his brother is pacing about the grounds of their campsite.
“And if that is not enough to soothe you,” Korbin begins, halting his step and coming to stand in front of his brother with his hands outstretched to gesture. “Then we could always locate a healer of some kind! I mean, there must be some amount of magic, or magical being in this Void cursed world we inhabit that could make you better! I mean, whatever else is that damn magic good for if not for healing! Or, if you simply do not want to involve an alternate means of magic – considering it was Divine tampered magic that caused this to happen to begin with – then I simply stay beside you and help whenever you needed to see.”
Korbin kneels in front of Martin and reaches to take his brother’s hands in his own, and Martin tilts his his head and blinks in surprise.
“After all, considering that my honored title is the Knight of the Emperor, I see very little reason why I cannot be considered the Eyes of the Emperor just the same,” Korbin tells him with a genuine smile. “I can assist whenever you need to pass judgement, or when you need to write out papers, or even when you need to go from one room to the next. Whatever is needed my dear brother, you have me. As long as it helps… and as long as you know, without a doubt, that I am with you in this darkness….”
If Lucien Was The One Afraid:
Now, this is where things become quite tricky, and just a touch complicated in the long run. Mostly because, as the eldest sibling out of the three, there are very seldom moments where Lucien allows himself to be seen as weak in front of both Korbin and Martin. As he deems himself to be their protector, and the one who keeps them safe whenever something dangerous or frightening arises.However, this is also where it backfires on him, as while he is indeed the eldest, that just means he has so much more to lose. Worrying over their safety, and fearing the moment he would be too late, sometimes it just overwhelms him in uncontrollable ways. And while there aren’t exactly many moments where he is the one receiving comfort from his younger brothers, you have just managed to inspire me to create more, my dear Anon!
But here’s hoping these will sate you until that time comes~
(Lucien is haunted from nightmares of his previous Silencer, and his brother’s death, and Korbin calms him unintentionally)
“What good is your trustand love, dear Speaker,” Lara whispers; her fingernails digging into hisforearm and drawing blood, as her lips twitch with a demented smile. “Whenyou knew in your cold and selfish heart that you would never be able to carefor them as much as they cared for you?”
Lucien’s eyes dart quickly fromboth Lara’s bloodied and torn face, to where Korbin stands far too still as heslices his throat with The Assassin’s own dagger, and he feels himselfdrowning. Being pulled under the weight of his own choices, his own mistakes,his own foolish heart that should have never tried to love whatsoever, and allhe wishes to do is scream until his throat is raw.
“Whatever you thought were yours to hold, shall againbe taken!” Lara squeals happily; pulling Lucien into her embrace, as hervoice shifts from playfulness, to quiet anger. Lucien feels a cold sweat formover his forehead as he listens to her words. “And yet, why do you look sosurprised, dear Lachance? Have you not realized by now that your love is simplya death curse written in the bloodstains of those you foolishly sought to carefor?”
Lara finally lets him go, andLucien falls to his knees in tearful heap. Watching helplessly as Korbin chokeson his blood, and falls backwards away from the cliff side, and down into thedepths of the abyss below. As he does, and Lucien’s hand remains outstretchedtowards a brother he knows he can no longer save, he finds his voice at last.
“Dear sweet Dread Father make itall stop!”
“By Sithis, I surely cannot explainit,” He mutters to himself; his tone quiet, far softer than the mosttender whisper. “…But the mere thought of losing you in any way; why, itis enough to bring me to my knees in sheer grief alone.”
As his hand moves away fromKorbin’s head, a small grumble – caught between another snore and a groan –reaches his ears, and his brother begins to stir from where he lay.
“…Lucien?” He says ashe attempts to raise his head; his eyes still closed as he speaks. “W-Whatdid… what did you say?”
Lucien chuckles warmly despite it all and leansdown on one knee. “Nothing, my Silencer,” He whispers; pulling the blankets back up around Korbin’sshoulders. “Or at the very least, nothing of grand importance.”
Korbin lowers his head back ontohis pillow when he feels the warmth of the blanket envelop him, and he smilessleepily.
“Are you certain?” Comespart of his question, and his head rolls several times to the side and backuntil he is able to find enough willpower to finish what he was saying. “Afterall, if there is… something you need from me, I could try… and assist?”
‘All I need from you, my brother, is for you to simply stayalive.’
It goes unspoken, unsaid, and asLucien muses silently over the thoughts in his own mind, he slowly brushes theback of his hand against Korbin’s cheek in a candid moment of affection.
“Yes, I am quitecertain,” He answers simply; his gentle actions betraying his otherwiseunemotional tone of voice. “Go back to sleep now, and we shall speak againcome morning.”
Korbin nods in response to hisbrother’s commands, incredibly eager to follow them to the letter withouthardly a word in complaint for once. Lucien continues to watch Korbin for amoment, and when he believes him to be back within the realm of sleep, hefinally stands; moving away from the beds before heading back towards thecracked door of their shared chambers.
But before he reaches connectinghallways, he hears a familiar voice sound from the shadows once again.
“Goodnight, brother,”Comes Korbin’s fading tone from behind; already consumed by his tiredness whenthe words leave him, and yet still desiring to have the final word even still.
Lucien merely smiles sadly whenhe hears his Silencer’s incredibly innocent – and yet far too ironic – wellwishes, and he slowly shakes his head as he whispers his faint reply under hisbreath.
“Sleep well, my dearKorbin.”
(Lucien breaks down whilst on the search for Mehrunes Razor to save Korbin from Sheogorath, and Martin soothes him)
Lucien buries the sharp edge of his blade into the bark of the tree and forces down the scream rising in his throat. From the corner of his eyes, he sees Martin’s hands trembling in front of him, uncertain as to what he could possibly do to make this moment better. And all Lucien can do is laugh bitterly at the sight.
“…How is it that no one, in the entirety of this unjust and vile land, has come to realize that we, as his chosen eldest siblings, only want him to be safe?! To at last be set free from his seemingly unending torment and have some manner of the peace so wrongfully denied him!” He slams his fist against the harsh bark and cares very little for the blood running down his hand in response to his actions. His eyes are downcast, and he stares at the pebbles at his feet as the memory that drove him to such a state repeats without end in his mind, and he becomes more emotional.
“Is the sight of him lying in broken tears not already enough to feel utterly helpless? Knowing there is very little we can do at this point to soothe him? Is the sound of his near constant begging for the sweet release of death far too much of a grand request in the eyes of for any possible Divine or Dread Father to somehow grant their mercy?”
Another laugh escapes him, and he slowly pulls his hand back to wipe the blood upon the surface of his armor before turning around around and locking eyes with Martin as angry tears slip down his cheeks. When he began weeping, he surely does not know, but he makes no effort to stop them from falling, even when he sees Martin’s own eyes go wide in shock.
“Of all things… of all things that would prompt them to shun us both away they are needed the most… why must it be this? Why must it be him?” He asks miserably, forcing himself not to step back as his brother begins to move forward. He simply remains fixed in place, all his energy spent on giving life to the words, and the emotion, he had kept within him for too long.
“Tell me, oh wise Emperor… For all your knowledge, all your reassurances, and all the Void-Damned hope you continue to carry alongside that ever-damnable Light, merely answer me this…” Lucien feels his legs beginning to tremble alongside his hands, and he hates every part of the weakness he is allowing himself to give into. But it was too late now, and if he did, indeed somehow fall, then perhaps Martin would catch him. Perhaps then, the two of them could make sense of this all, instead of choosing to shoulder it solely on their own.
Perhaps that is what Korbin needed.
“If you are so content to stand silent and bear witness to me in such a state, lost and near breaking just the very same as you, then surely you must have the answer which eludes me,” Lucien shuts his eyes before he continues, allowing himself to shed broken tears. His anger now having faded away, and simply replaced with genuine pain. He takes a breath, and speaks from behind closed lids. “Why is the one thing I know we both truly desire above all else, for our brother to be alive and to simply feel joy once again, why must it seem so utterly imposs–”
His words are cut off before he has a chance to complete his sentence, for he suddenly feels arms wrapping around his shoulders, and his breathing catches in his throat. Rising his head, he opens his eyes, and sees the faint shape of Martin resting against his shoulder. His hands begin trembling more fervently as they linger just above his brother’s back.
“It is not impossible, and we shall fight back againstevery thought saying otherwise, until we are able to finally save him,” Martin whispers softly, pulling the Assassin close, and tightening the grip he has around him. “He will live through this, Lucien, for we will not let him go so easily. You simply have to keep trusting thatthere will come a day where this will at last be over…and he will be his smiling self once again.”
Lucien says nothing, only nods and slowly wraps shaking arms around Martin’s shoulders. The Emperor Priest rubs a hand over his brother’s back in comfort, as he tries to calm Lucien’s raging emotions with whatever gentle words he believes that he needs to hear the most.
“And if such a thing proves too difficult at first, or you are unable to continue to uphold your self-imposed image of unshakable strength for whatever reason,” He whispers into his ear. “Then understand that it is quite all right, and I shall simply believe enough for the both of us…”
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Oh goodness, this ended up way longer than I first expected it to when I was first compiling my ideas, but I honestly couldn’t help myself by the halfway point! Your question was so lovely, and I got so inspired by it, that I couldn’t help but give you something special in return for you taking the time to drop this in my askbox! Did I possibly overwhelm you with all the various snippets of writing from so many different scenarios? Most likely, but I hope that even despite that, you enjoyed reading all of this over!
As you may have already guessed, most of these came from different points in the boy’s lives – some during the Crisis, a little while after, and some even post the two-year time skip – so there’s a touch of flip flopping around, and some of these were actually quite old before character development actually set in. Meaning I had to do a little flash editing to make them presentable to how Korbin and his brothers act nowadays. But as I said, I hope you end up getting some feelings while reading, and you are satisfied with all the new information and scenarios involving these three!
If you have any further questions about the boys, are curious about one of the snippets above that you wish to see more of, or you just wish to poke my brain a little further in the near future, please feel free! I am always overjoyed and honored whenever you prompt me like this, and I always enjoy taking the time to answer you in full! Thank you so much again for leaving this message, sorry for making you wait a while – as well as possibly overwhelming you with all my writing lmao – and I hope that your days are filled with lots of love, hurt/comfort, and tons of hugs and kisses!
All the best to you, lovely Anon~ ♥
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powerovernothing · 5 years
Lucien and Cass in "If you break his heart I'll tear off your limbs." "Bold of you to assume I'm scared of you."
Thank you so much for the wonderfully adorable prompt, my dear! I super appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy the final outcome! Sorry for taking so long to get around to this, but I believe you can clearly see why it did when you notice the length! But in any case, thanks again~
Introducing your family to the one you are dating is never easy foranyone; but for some, it is even more of an ordeal when your family consists ofseveral high ranking members of the local mafia faction, and the one you aredating is actually a respected policewoman, who was, in fact, personallyresponsible for throwing your ass – the very same ass who was equally andhappily apart of said mafia faction – into the nearest jail cell following acrucial contract gone horribly awry.
So, to say Korbin was concerned with the concept of bringing homeand introducing his girlfriend Cassandra to his adoptive eldest brother Lucien,was indeed the greatest of understatement in the history of all known understatements.
After practically sweating large enough bullets to be used in hisactual pistol throughout the course of the uncomfortable dinner together, of whichhe spent most of it complimenting Lucien’s cooking, and trying not to noticethe glare his brother and his girlfriend were giving one another in the midstof his pitiful attempts to somehow break through their shared silence, Korbinfelt himself go lightheaded and nearly topple out of his chair when Luciensuddenly asked for a moment with Cassandra alone.
Grasping onto the table to steady himself, he forced a painfulsmile. “Oh, but of course, brother! Whatever you want!” He tells himwith an air of cheerfulness, and yet both his heart and his stomach were in theprocess of doing duel somersaults together as he pulled himself up from thechair and gathered their empty plates. Oh, that pot roast was certainly notgoing to be nearly as delicious the second time around.
Rounding the corner and making his way towards the stairs, hewondered just what on earth Lucien would say to her, what he would do, and ifhe would even have a girlfriend to make plans for a future apology date with bythe end of the night.
For several moments, they simply stared at one another with the verysame expressions they wore during dinner. Lucien’s hands were neatly foldedunderneath his chin, Cassandra leaned partway onto the table with one hand, andtheir darkened gazes priced the other harsh and judgmental frowns. Neithermoved an inch, neither spoke a word, and neither dared to turn their back onthe other.
They simply watched, and waited, until Lucien finally broke thesilence between them at long last.
“I couldn’t help but take notice of the badge hanging upon yourbelt when you walked arm in arm with my brother,” Lucien acknowledges in asmooth tone. “Thus, meaning you are of the police force, something I findrather surprising considering –”
“–Considering that Korbin, much like yourself, are part of theungodly criminal syndicate me and my fellow law enforcers have been seeking toabolish for several months, now?” Cassandra interrupts before he is ableto finish, reaching down with her other hand and placing her badge upon thesurface of the table in clear sight without breaking eye contact.
Lucien’s frown tightens, and a slight edge overtakes his words.“Mafia, actually,” He corrects, and Cassandra smiles inwardly whenshe hears the newfound tone in his voice as he waves a dismissive hand. “Ishall have you know that those you seek, and still fail to locate time andagain, have nothing to do with the family in which myself or Korbininhabit.”
“And I shall have you know I am no mere rookie policewomanfresh off the streets,” She says with a chin nod towards her badge.“If you turn your eyes to the golden lettering in front of you, you wouldsee I am, in fact, acting deputy chief of the jurisdiction. Unless, of course,your sinister glare is forbidden to even gaze upon an item born ofjustice?”
Lucien pauses briefly, not allowing her the pleasure of knowing hisreaction to such silver-tongued words, and then slowly pushes the badge to theside as though it was nothing more than a mere trinket. Leaning more heavilyupon the table, his voice shifts back into its natural composure.
“Where did you first meet my brother?” He asks simply.
Cassandra laughs, and leans back in her chair with an amused smile.“I’m truly surprised you do not already know.”
“Perhaps, I do; but for the sake of our discussion –”
“—I do believe the more proper term would be interrogation, actually.” Shequips in a playful voice that seems almost natural.
Lucien doesn’t flinch, only breathes in carefully before beginninghis sentence once again. “But for the sake of our discussion”– He places a tight emphasis upon the word –“Simply regale me with the details of your first encounter.”
“If you must know, our first legitimate interaction was fromthe other side of iron bars. When I first drug him into the police departmentin handcuffs and quite literally threw him into a cramped holding cell…”She turns her head as she explains, absentmindedly tracing her fingers over thetexture of the wooden chair as her voice trails; and although her words arefirm, even harsh in nature, there is a gentleness lurking just beneath thesurface.
Turning back around in her chair, she bends forward and places herhead in her hands, and Lucien easily sees the smile spreading out over herhidden features from between her fingers.
“Can you believe the darling fool had the audacity to flirtwith me? Even whilst I was threatening to silence him with every law known toman, he still attempted to win me over in the vain hope of a shorter sentencing!”
Lucien resists the urge to smile himself. “And were you… wonover in the end?”
Cassandra looks up and her smile swiftly turns into a smirk inresponse. “I do believe you already know the answer to that question, orelse I surely would not be here this night.” She readjusts her posture andgives Lucien a once over with her eyes. “And you? What is your story,then?”
“My story?”
“Come now, I gave you the information you so desired, thus do Inot have the pleasure of knowing every intimate detail of yours and Korbin’sfirst meeting?” She questions with a light shrugging of her shoulders; hervoice now softer and genuinely curious.
Lucien runs a hand over his chin. “And how do you not know ourfirst meeting was not in the delivery room after he was born?”
Cassandra laughs, but her eyes are slightly offended. “Do nottake me for a fool, Lachance!” She shouts between tickled breaths. “Iknow very well you and Korbin are not of blood relation.”
“Do you? And just what is it that gave it away?” He museswith a raised eyebrow, his voice light and filled with humor. “Was it theheight difference? The hair color, perhaps? Or maybe –”
“—The way he canhardly go a single conversation without gushing in some way in regards to his ’beloved adoptive siblings’,” She interrupts once more,using her fingers to place air quotes around the phrase of choice. “Hiswords, of course, not mine.”
Both Lucien and Cassandra share a laugh on behalf of Korbin’s endearingeccentricities, and neither think to question just how utterly peculiar theconcept is, or the fact that Lucien did not actually answer her question whenasked. After a moment, the laughter between them fade backinto a familiar silence, and while their smiles surely linger upon their lipsand there is a far more relaxed air between them, they slowly go back topricing one another with equally inquisitive stares.
Watching carefully, and waiting, and wondering who would dare tomake the next move; be it in words, or in actions, neither were truly certain.But before long, it was Lucien that once again chose to step forth and throwdown the hypothetical gauntlet… by placing his hand upon her badge andpushing it towards her end of the dinner table.
She instantly slapped her hand down and caught it before it slid offthe table completely. When she had finished fasting it back to its place uponher belt, and looked back up, she saw that Lucien had placed his own hands backunderneath his chin, and he was grinning from ear to ear.
To most people, perhaps such a sight would have been a cause forgreat concern, or even prompted them to feel a cold chill run up the base oftheir spin and choose to turn on their heel before rushing to the nearest meansof safety they could find, but she was not most people.
She simply mirrored his stance and grinned just as widely in turn.Whatever it was he wanted, whatever his reasoning for such a display, she wasmore than prepared for it and whatever else would surely follow in its place. And perhaps, insome way, she was even slightly eager for it.
However, instead of the over the top sight she expected to befallher, it was nothing more than a single drawn out, and quietly spoken threat.
“You should know, my dear girl… if you even consider the ideaof somehow breaking his heart at any given point in this relationship, I willnot hesitate to track you to the most remote corner of the world and tear everylimb from your miserable little body,” His eyes narrow, and his voicedarkens considerably.
“Understand there would be nowhere you could possibly hide frommy unending wrath if I find out you did not do everything within your power tokeep his childish smile perfectly in place and care for him as he rightfullydeserves. In an effort to make myself more plain: If you think to hurt him,know I will do the very same to you, but tenfold. Do I make myself clear?”
Cassandra simply scoffs with a wry smile. “Quite the boldassumption to actually believe I am somehow frightened of you in any possibleway.”
Another pause spreads between them when Cassandra finishes speaking,and then just as quickly as the silence falls, it is interrupted and then brokenby the sound of Lucien suddenly clapping his hands together and standing fromhis chair to his full height.
“Well now, with all of that properly settled, I do believe thatour business together is concluded for the time being!” He holds out hishand, and carefully helps Cassandra – who is not even remotely shocked by thisdramatic change in personality, and rather takes it all in stride, for shebelieved her darling had to have gotten such habits from somewhere – to herfeet, and wraps an arm around her shoulder as he slowly leads her out of thekitchen, and towards the living room to regroup with Korbin.
Before they are able to fully cross over the threshold, Korbin comesrushing down the stairs two at a time, and nearly tackles Cassandra fromLucien’s grip.
“Oh, dear sweet Sithis, you are actually stillalive after all!” He cries emotionally, pulling her into her arms with arelieved smile.
Cassandra hands tremble in surprise from the sudden embrace, and shereaches to wrap one around part of Korbin’s back, and the other to carefullygrip the arm of the couch and keep her from tumbling from the extent of hisweight. Her voice stammers in an attempt to make sense of everything, and whena faint flush overtakes her cheeks when she at last realizes, Lucien finds itwonderfully amusing.
Of all things she endured this evening, it was his brother’s owntouch that ultimately caught her off guard and became her undoing.
He politely clears his throat to make his presence known and tries notto chuckle in fondness upon seeing the two of them lost within their own worldfor a brief moment.
Pulling back – after planting a gentle kiss to Cassandra’s cheek – Korbinlooks over at his brother by the staircase with a hidden smile upon his lips,and down to his girlfriend still enveloped within his arms with a wide-eyedstare, and giggles boyishly.
“So, do I dare ask how it went between the two of you? I mean,when I heard the sudden noise, I honestly feared the worse, but…” Hepoints a finger at Lucien and narrows his eyes in contemplation. “…Fromwhere I’m standing you don’t seem furious, nor in the process of emptying theentirety of your clip to somehow vent your emotions, and you"—he placeshis finger upon Cassandra’s forehead—"thankfully don’t seem sprawled outand dead from being caught up in the aftermath of a literal explosion of anger,so… so, that certainly must mean it went well! Or, at the very least, farbetter than I first expected it to!”
He quiets down and awaits the reply to all his rambling with aneager smile over his lips; and yet, when one does not come from neither lovedone, Korbin’s expression sobers, and he winches uncomfortably.
“It… did go well… didn’t it?”
With a shake of her head, Cassandra bends her knees and slipsout of Korbin’s hold; making her way to the front door of his and his sibling’sshared home with a chuckle all her own.
“Ah now, my love, I do believe if you are searching for an answerto that specific question, you would do best by asking your brother’s opinion directly…”She halts her step, remaining halfway out the door and thinking back overeverything she had learned, and everything she intentionally did not, throughout the surprisinglyentertaining dinner, and then turns her to address Korbin more easily – eventhough the warm smile following her words were actually to both the youngestand eldest at once.
“…I shall be awaiting your return to my side within the comfortsof my car. So, do try your best not to linger too long.”
As she leaves his sight, Korbin feels himself go lightheaded and nearlytopple over once again, but for an entirely different reason than before. Hisgrin spreads, and his boyish chuckle returns, and it is only when the familiartouch of a warm hand coming to rest over his shoulder that he is finallybrought back down to earth.
Shifting his gaze to the side, he looks at Lucien with a mixture ofworry and embarrassment flickering in his eyes, and he unconsciously runs hishands over his knuckles; his voice softening into a whisper.
“…Lucien, please tellme it went well.”
Lucien tightens his grip upon Korbin’s shoulder as a means ofreassurance, and closes whatever distance is between them. His voice equally asquiet, and yet with just the faintest hint of playfulness in his tone.
“Icould surely do that, my Silencer, but instead I shall ask for you to tell me how you believe it went.”
Korbin blinks in surprise to his words, and his hands fall limp at hissides. “W-Wait… wait, what?” He sputters in confusion. “Why wouldyou want me to do something like that?”
“You were listening the entire time, weren’t you?” Lucienasks with a knowing smile. “Or am I somehow mistaken?”
Korbin’s eyes widen, and heraises his hand in objection to what he is hearing; opening his mouth to voicehis argument, and prove to Lucien that he is, without a doubt, very muchmistaken, and how dare his brother think to accuse him of such childishbehavior when this evening was anything but.
However, instead of the profoundwords which would silence Lucien in an instant, all that actually falls fromhis lips is simply a flustered squeak, and the dark tint that accompanies the sound, and spreads over his cheeks only causes Lucien’s smile to grow.
“Ah, just exactly as Ithought,” Lucien tells him, and smooths over the creases of Korbin’s dressjacket with his hands. “Thank you for confirming it for me, Korbin; now, backonto our prior discussion of yourthoughts on the matter?”
Korbin steps away from hisbrother’s touch and runs a nervous hand over the back of his neck.“Lucien, I’m not sure what it is you want me to –”
“—You heard our failedattempts at pleasantries, did you not?” Lucien interrupts the oncomingramble before it has a chance to begin. “And how I then shifted theconversation into inquiring about yours and hers first proper meeting?”
“Yes, I was actually quitesurprised to hear she was so open about it, especially considering –”
“—Considering Iintentionally was not when she asked for the same about ourselves?” Luciencuts him off once more, waving a hand to Korbin’s silent nod, as he then folds themboth over his chest.
“I merely believed if she was indeed as curious asshe seemed, I would stand aside as to not overshadow the chance of bestowingthe overly exaggerated details yourself. After all, it is not every day whenyou are able to learn of a fourteen-year old’s theft of a high-quality pistolfrom said pickpocket’s mouth directly.”
Korbin chuckles at his phrasing.“You are never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Absolutely not, mybrother,” Lucien answers him with a smile, before moving onto a change ofsubject outside of fond memories from long ago. “In any case, if you wereable to hear all of that from your place atop the staircase, then you soclearly heard what followed soon thereafter.”
“Do you mean when youthreatened to, quite literally, rip her limbs off if she broke my heart in anyway, shape, or form?”
Lucien’s smile turns into a devious smirk.“The very same.”
“Oh, believe me, I definitely heard that part.” Korbintells him with a sharper tone than he had intended. His expression twists, and he lets out a careful sigh when he realizes; uncertain as to whether he shouldbe flattered for his brother caring so dearly about his emotional wellbeing, orsimply be exasperated with Lucien’s unwavering determination to adhere to hisown personal definition of the term ‘protective’.
“And yet, somehow, youstill remain rather unsure as to how you believe the evening went, or how Ifelt regarding the company you choose to keep?”
Korbin’s eyebrow twitches asLucien unknowingly makes his decision for him. Exasperation, it was mostcertainly exasperation he felt while listening to his brother’s words.
“Lachance,if I have learned anything in all my years of knowing you, I know droppinga body full of holes in our backyard could mean you’re feeling positively ecstatic, whereas a veiled threat could mean you are only seconds away from anuclear explosion of anger,” Korbin places a hand over his head,and rubs over his temples with an uncomfortable frown.
“So, you will just have toforgive me if, at this point, I honestly don’t know what to think anymore.”
Lucien barks a laugh. “Verywell Korbin, then allow me save you from the oncoming headache,” He movesforward and places his hands back upon his brother’s shoulders, the genuinesmile spreading over his lips matching the softness in his eyes. “I likeher.”
“Wait… you… you do?” Korbin’sannoyance instantly fades, and his eyes begin to sparkle at how incrediblywonderful those words sound in his ears. “Really?”
“Really.” Lucienrepeats in a gentle tone, reaching up and patting the side of Korbin’s cheekwith his hand.
Gasping in response, Korbin quicklywraps his arms around Lucien’s shoulders and lifts him into a crushing embrace.“My dear brother, you truly have no idea how much hearing you say thatmeans to me!” He twirls in a small circle as his voice amplifies until it becomes nothing more than a joyous scream born ofappreciation.
He squeezes Lucien to his chestone final time before placing him back upon the, thankfully very still, carpet, and then quickly rushes for the front door without hardly a second glancetowards the slightly dizzy brother over his shoulder.
“This is wonderful, absolutelywonderful! I knew it would all work out in the end – I never had any doubt, ofcourse – but this is far better than I could have ever dreamed!” He babbles onmostly to himself, forgetting to shut the door behind him as his voice echoesloudly from the driveway.
“I cannot wait to explain this to Cassandra! She isgoing to be just as overjoyed to learn that you actually like her, that youaccept her! I can already see her sweet smile in my mind, and it is simplybeautiful! Oh, darling! We were just talking about you! You will never in amillion years guess what happened!”
And as Korbin’s voice eventually fades into silence followed by, rather ironically, the slamming of a car door, Lucien simply leans against the wood and watches the two of them speed off from sight with a smile.
#astrydryder#The Knight The Emperor And The Assassin~#The Knight The Emperor And The Assassin Modern AU~#My Fan Fiction~#Korbin and Lucien Related Things~#Korbin and Cassandra Related Things~#Oh goodness this took simply far too long and I want to apologize for having to make you wait so long my dear!#But even despite the fact that you had to wait a little while for me to get around to writing this up -- I hope you enjoy the final result!#I honestly adored the prompt to pieces and I really enjoyed coming up with this scene!#Originally it was just meant to be nothing more than a humorous little dialogue only scene with Lucien and Cassandra threatening the other#but as you may be able to see it turned into something far bigger and packed with various feelings!#It's been a hot minute since the last time I wrote anything based around my Modern Universe and this is actually the first time#I ever really wrote anything related to Cassandra's role in Korbin and the boy's lives so I wound up getting just a bit carried away!#But I wanted to make sure that I covered all my bases -- protective Lucien feelings Korbin and Lucien feelings and Cass and Korbin feelings!#So that's pretty much why this thing mutated and turned into a three thousand and a half monster of emotion!#But I hope that it's a good and enjoyable monster when you get around to reading it~#Thank you so much again for sending this my way and all the kisses and hugs and all the best sent your way!#Lots of love and thanks for reading~! ♥
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powerovernothing · 6 years
15. Fixing shirt collar - Lucien and Korbin in a Modern AU setting! ;)
Send Me A Platonic Touch, And I’ll Write You Something Based Around My Oblivion Verse~
Korbin stands in front of the large oval mirror with a considerable frown upon his face. He knows well enough that Lachance had planned for this evening for over a week, and had went out of his way to work out every possible detail – even down to taking precautions for the weather, as well as finding locales that were far away from any known places where they once took contract work –  and that he was incredibly, even to the point of being uncharacteristically, excited to show his youngest brother the pure definition of a true night on the town.
And although Korbin – who was far more content with simply choosing to spend the evening in their shared penthouse, eating their fill of bad food and staying up late with bad comedies and loud laughter, until they gave into their exhaustion – was never truly the type of man who found joy and pleasure within high class theater, or restaurants, or any other such ‘richy’ things as Lucien did… he did know that these things made his brother happy.
Thus, when said brother appeared to him, along with a handwritten list of various events, shows, and other such activities that he had not even heard of, and was not even aware actually existed – after all what in Sithis was Shadow Theatre, and why did Lucien seem so intensely interested in it? – he could hardly turn him down.
…But why, why on the good green Earth that they called their own, did among all the rest of those very strange words, and even stranger suggestions, did one of them have to be that he had to be dressed in his best possible suit?!
Korbin truly hated suits, hated all form of dress wear completely, and could rarely recall the last time that such terrible clothing actually agreed to work with him properly.
And as he continues to stand there, grumbling as he looks at himself in the mirror, and once again begins, for at least the tenth time within that same hour, to try and adjust his tie so that it would no longer strangle him…he realizes that he is simply cursed, forever bound to a life of hoodies and sleep pants.
Not that he minded, all that much, however. Lucien, on the other hand…
And that is when he hears the distinctive sound of low laughter from over his shoulder, and he suddenly realizes that he is not as alone in his room as he first thought, or had hoped.
Without turning around, not wishing to give his eldest brother the satisfaction of seeing the pink tint spreading over his cheeks, he simply sighs and continues to fight a losing battle with his dreaded tie shaped enemy.
“…How long have you been standing there, Lachance?”
“Long enough, I believe,” Lucien replies smoothly; slowly pulling himself away from where he leaned against the door frame, and moving his way into the room and over to his brother’s side with a gentle slap against his back. “I came to see if you were almost ready, but it seems as though you are having some slight difficulties?”
“I would have been ready ages ago, brother, truly!” He cries; his hands still struggling desperately with his tie, and his fingers now having become tangled along with it. When he notices such madness in the mirror, his voice grows louder, as does his frustration.
“But it seems as though, this damned piece of horrible, awful silk, decided to be utterly aggravating, and so help me –”
As he finally pries his hands away from the tie, he reaches up and roughly rips it from his neck, and throws it across the room with a scream.
“So, help me, Lachance, I am *this* close to grabbing my pistols, and simply riddling that bastard tie with all the holes that it rightly deserves!”
Watching his brother’s sudden angry fit with the utmost composure, Lucien walks over to the bed and carefully picks up the tie, before silently commanding Korbin to turn to face him with a wave of his hand.
“Easy now, Korbin; just breathe,” He whispers to him; his tone of voice low and gentle, as he carefully wraps the tie around Korbin’s neck, and proceeds to weave it into a proper knot. “Calm yourself, there is no need to seek out the ending of an inanimate object’s life in such a way. After all, as you can clearly see –”
Lucien grasps Korbin’s forearms, and spins him slowly so that he may see the result of his work.
“–It is truly not the enemy that you have made it out to be.”
He moves from his younger brother’s side, and begins to make his way towards the door, when he realizes that Korbin still stands in front of the mirror silently. Suddenly concerned that there may be some further issue, or perhaps another part of his suit that he longs to fill with bullets, Lucien halts his step and speaks up.
“Are you coming, brother?”
Shaking himself from his thoughts, Korbin lets out a careful breath before turning around; an uncomfortable smile over his features as he rubs a hand over the back of his neck nervously.
“…Do you truly think, that I look, all right?” He asks him, the previous pink tint now turning a deep crimson over his cheeks. “After all, not all of us are accustomed to such things, such…clothing, as you are, nor are able to wear them as effortlessly as –”
Lucien closes the distance between them both in two long strides, and then reaches up to smooth the creases of his brother’s suit jacket, as well as straighten his collar. With a faint smile on his face, and having effectively cut off Korbin’s train of thought with his sudden action, his free hand moves further up until it slaps gently against Korbin’s cheek.
“You look just fine; I assure you.”
Without allowing Korbin to get another word in edgewise, or possibly come up with another excuse while he must linger in front of the mirror for another extended moment, he wraps an arm around his shoulder and leads him out of the room.
“Ah, now where to first, I wonder?” Lucien murmurs under his breath quietly, more to himself than to the sibling at his side, and more of a way to suddenly change subject than anything else. When Korbin turns his head in response to his words, Lucien’s eyes suddenly light up with renewed glee. “I believe that it would be best to start our evening with a nice dinner, don’t you agree?”
“At that restaurant overlooking the skyline?”
“The very same! And perhaps I can pull a few strings, and request that desert dish that you are so very fond of.”
Soon, Korbin’s own excitement outmatches his brother’s, and he suddenly realizes that he is now looking forward to the rest of the evening far more than he first thought he would.
“The chocolate covered ones? Oh, Lachance, you spoil me!”
Lucien smiles genuinely, and pulls Korbin closer.
“That’s the idea.”
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powerovernothing · 5 years
The elder boys Hogwarts houses
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And it seems that one of the most iconic fandom questions has finally managed to find its way into my askbox in relation to the boys and their story, and honestly, I am both smiling like a complete and utter dweeb, and also feeling quite surprised that such a question has not managed to be asked long before now! Have we, as a collective mindset of angst, and fluff lovers, that spans through many different fandoms, reached an era where we have somehow stopped asking about characters and what Hogwarts Houses they would end up in if they were in the Harry Potter universe?I surely hope that is not at all the case, because even though I’ve only ever read through the first Harry Potter book thus far – although I do own the first three, or four, I can’t really recall the actual number in my collection off the top of my head – I never get tired to seeing the old favorite fan questions being asked now and again! And I get even more excited to have this such question being brought to my attention about my versions of Lucien and Martin and including Korbin in the bunch just as well!
It makes me quite happy, and very eager to answer this in a proper way worthy of those who are interested in knowing, and I think that is the reason I wound up going a bit overboard in terms of details!
Of course, by now, I’m certain there are plenty of you who are not surprised by this in the slightest, but even still… I feel as though I should still warn you guys about the intense amount of information I managed to do for this question.
Not only did I locate the very best quiz for finding the proper houses for Korbin, Martin, and Lucien, and created a chart detailing the points from each result, but I also went out of my way to find out what each of the brother’s wands would be, as well as their Patronus animals, the in depth meaning behind those results, and how they fit for the characters the brothers have become over the years!
But now I’m just rambling on, without actually showing you guys anything exciting! So, without further ado, let’s get into detailing The Knight, The Emperor, and The Assassin’s Hogwarts Houses, wands and what they’re made of, and the animals that would be at their sides, shall we?
(*~*Under The Cut Is Almost 5K Words Describing Korbin And His Brothers in The Harry Potter Universe, As I Went A Bit Overboard…Whoops!*~*)
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(*~*Please click for a much better view*~*)
Right, so…
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I realize that this looks incredibly intimidating, and that there is a lot of information at the ready from this massive chart, but as I said above… I don’t really do things half way. It’s either all or nothing when it comes to my boys, and when given the choice, I would much rather give my all than the former! In any case, I think it would be best if I explained the reasoning behind two different sets of results in the chart above.
You see, back in August of last year, when I first started becoming serious about Korbin and his brother’s story, there was a Hogwarts House quiz that was being thrown around on the Elder Scrolls Discord server that I frequent for you totake and see which house your characters wound up in.
You can find the quiz that I used behind the clickable link here!
Anyway, this was before I gave proper character development for both Lucien and Martin, and when I was still trying to get inside their head, and figure out what to change, and yet keep the same when it came to Todd’s lore and the rest of the traits that were shown in the actual game.
Because of this, and considering that at some point I chose to all but throw canon out of the window when it came to the vanilla versions of Lucien and Martin’s characters, and create my own spin on them outside of just them surviving their fates in the story, their results from a year ago is remarkably different when you compare it to the results they got when I retook the quiz again to tackle your question properly, my dear Lady La Luna!
Originally, and before character development truly set in, Martin was placed within the Ravenclaw house, and Lucien was placed within Slytherin.
And at a glance, I suppose that it would make sense for them both to be in that house… I mean, when you think about the traits of both Ravenclaw and Slytherin, you would see parts of Martin and Lucien’s character. Intelligence, and self-reliance suits Martin rather well, as cunning and resourcefulness suits Lucien. However, the more you think about them, the more you start seeing that there are parts of those houses that Martin and Lucien are not.
Martin is not arrogant, which is a negative trait for Ravenclaw, and he is not the type of person to be by himself. He is someone who cares dearly of others and does his best to make friends and lasting relationships with anyone that he meets – even in canon alone this is something that is commonplace when you see his relationship with the Hero of Kvatch, and the Blades themselves.
And as for our dear favorite Assassin, the common negative traits of Slytherin are classified as being loose with morals, looking out for themselves instead of anyone else when the need arises, as well as a desire for power as one of the most important things. Now, while Lucien does indeed care little for morals, and may believe that the ends justify the means even in canon… my version of Lucien is not at all hungry for power, nor does he care about himself first andforemost.
He is a very family-based man, cares for the members of the Brotherhood, and his siblings very dearly, and could truly care less whether or not he rose in power.
So, as you can see, whilst both Slytherin and Ravenclaw may have suited the earlier versions of my take on Lucien and Martin, and even their canon selves to a certain degree… it does not suit who they actually are now. Which is why, when I retook the quiz with the boys again, their results were so vastly different!
From the chart, you can see that Martin’s Ravenclaw rating took at least a twelve-number drop compared to his older result, and he gained a thirteen-number increase in his Hufflepuff rating, as well as his Slytherin rating!
Now I’m certain there are those who were surprised about the Slytherin increase, and truly I was as well at first, but when you start seeing that one of the positive traits in Slytherin is actually having a pure lineage, it would make sense for the Heir to the Septim Line to have such a number in that house! But outside of that, when it comes down to Martin as a character in general, and who he became in my own writing as I went on… there is no other house that suits him more than dear ol’ Hufflepuff over all.
With members the golden and black house sporting positive traits such as being kind, friendly, and hard-working, having a benevolence to do what is right, because it is right, as well as negative traits being far too humble, and taking things slow and steady instead of the quick path in learning, or life in general – which are seen in both my version of Martin, as well as in game canon in general throughout the course of the Main Quest – it would only make proper sense for him to be in such a house!
And considering that Hufflepuff members often enjoy food, well… with him being raised by his single father farmer Darius and knowing his way around the kitchen in my Verse, it’s nothing short of perfection.
As for Lucien, one of the things that was most surprising to me in his new results was seeing his Hufflepuff rating go up by thirty-six numbers! I mean, when you think about it, Lucien has very little to do with the house traits that Martin would have, but then I realized that I was answering certain questions with how Lucien normally acts behind closed doors, with his loved ones, or when he drops his hard Assassin like outer shell for the sake of mischievous and playful antics.
He is a different person around his brothers, then he would be when working, so I suppose that is where his Hufflepuff rating goes up by a considerable amount. However, by the end of it, the Hogwarts house that fits Lucien the best when taking into consideration both their positive and negative traits, and the number results from the quiz alone? Ravenclaw.
Even though there are moments in actual canon, and my own, where Lucien often ends up doing something foolish and without thinking – mostly tied to his own emotions – by the end of the day he is indeed a remarkably intelligent man.
Not only that, but when he is on the field and preforming his death craft, he is also incredibly creative, and oftentimes does many different things to help down his target, and never is the type to do the same thing twice unless there is a need for it. He is also quite self-sufficient, which comes from being a prior Speaker of the Black Hand, one of the main heads of the Revised Cheydinhal Sanctuary, and from being the eldest among the siblings.
With a knowledge that could surely rival Martin’s own, he knows how to handle solo contracts, knows how to deal with the Elder Council without his temper getting in the way – for the most part – and knows how to go through the world without getting in over his head.
It’s only when his siblings are involved that he tends to get rather foolish, but I digress.
Continuing onward, the main negative traits that the Ravenclaw house members have I actually listed above when discussing how Martin did not fit within the black and blue ranking. However, when you think about these traits from Lucien’s point of view: being arrogant, and often looking down on others unworthy of their praise or acceptance, and how they often create small groups that stay close to one another… well, that just fits The Dark Brotherhood in a whole, doesn’t it?
So, yes! By the end of the day, Martin wears the golden and black colors of Hufflepuff, and Lucien sports the blue and brown coloring of Ravenclaw!
Now, about Korbin… well, you can most likely tell from both the old and the new results that he was the one that changed the least among the brothers. Which, I honestly didn’t find all that surprising, and I somewhat expected, actually. Because, out of the three of them, Korbin was the one who had the least character development throughout the year, and a few months, difference.
His morals are the same, the way he views the world are the same, and who he is around his siblings are the same.
Meaning that most of his results would change very little, or not at all when taking the quiz, a second time around. Korbin’s Slytherin number actually remained the same as it was from a year ago, which is not surprising considering his morals are often the same as Lucien’s whilst working or in general.
His Gryffindor number went down, because even though he is indeed the Hero of Kvatch, he doesn’t consider himself a hero, would actually deny the title outright when given, and instead looks to both of his siblings as the truly brave, courageous ones with far more strength.
His Hufflepuff number goes slightly up, as even though he is indeed an Assassin and Lucien’s Silencer, he is still a very kind, and friend person to those he cares for, and loves, and is an incredibly hardworking individual when it comes to a certain goal, or he sets his mind on something that he wants more than anything, especially during the course of the Oblivion Crisis and him wishing to reverse time to save his brother’s from their fate.
And finally, his Ravenclaw number goes slightly down, which makes a fair amount of sense as he has a slightly underdeveloped intelligence for the most part, and yet by the end of all of the results, it is in fact Ravenclaw that he finds himself being placed within most!
And as I said, from the traits I listed above whilst discussing Martin and Lucien’s houses, it truly comes to no surprise that this is the house that Korbin finds himself in.
From being creative, in both his Assassin skill, and in general with his mischief making and childish antics, self-sufficient when he is determined and set upon a certain goal and all but refusing others help when offered, and the negative traits of being arrogant, which he is and it is one of his biggest faults, and staying within one collective group that relates perfectly with The Dark Brotherhood, and how he prefers to remain with his siblings…
Well, I honestly see it as a perfect selection just as I did with Martin and Hufflepuff! And considering the fact that Ravenclaw is the same house as Lucien, and the two Assassins would very rarely be seen without the other at their side – not to mention what Korbin’s name translates to, and the ‘affectionate’ nickname given to him by Sheogorath – it simply just makes the most sense!
So, in the end of this very long ramble about traits, and houses… Martin would wear the Golden and Black colors of Hufflepuff, and both Lucien and Korbin would wear the Blue and Browns of Ravenclaw!
But even though I have managed to tackle your original question, that is not exactly where the Harry Potter related information comes to an end, my dear friend! After all, what good is being sorted within a Hogwarts House if you are not going to end up with a proper wand, and a Patronus? It would be quite theboring life without those two, so I thought to go one step beyond and do my best to research whatever was needed to figure out what these would be in relation to the boys!
Now, I don’t exactly have a Pottermore account, and I don’t truly wish to spend my time creating three different accounts, with three separate emails just for the sake of doing this for Korbin, Martin, and Lucien… but, thankfully, this is where the internet and its vast resources come in handy! After a little bit of searching around, I found tons of information and photos of how the Pottermore tests actually work, broken down in a way that I could use that as a means of tackling the questions with the boys!
It was rather fascinating to say the least, and if anyone is curious to tackle this themselves, you can just follow these links here for what you need!
Wand Creating Quiz Breakdown, and Patronus Granting Quiz Breakdown~
But in any case, after a bit of thinking, and answering the questions in the way that the boys would, and the reasoning behind each answer – I’ll go into that shortly – the Knight, the Emperor, and the Assassin wound up with these wands as their means of magic!
Korbin was given a slightly dark brown wand made of Rowan wood and imbued with a Dragon Heartstring type core. It was 13¼" inches long in length, had a ball shaped handle with ridges – to mess with when anxious – and an unbending type of flexibility.
Martin was given a light golden wand made of Hawthorn wood and imbued with a Unicorn Hair type core. It was 14½" inches long in length, had a curved shaped handle with carved symbols – a hint to his royal lineage – and a quite flexible type of flexibility.
And Lucien was given a light brown wand made of – unsurprisingly, all things considered – Applewood, and imbued with a Phoenix Feather type core. It was 12½" inches long in length, had a rope wrapped around it’s curved handle – much like a dagger – and a supple type of flexibility.
Quite an interesting sort of turnout, wouldn’t you say?
How the boys ended up with such results, which you can see broken down in the link provided above, is that when given a choice of items to take they chose, a glittering jewel for Korbin as he enjoys shiny things and giving his siblings special gifts when he finds them, a bounded scroll for Martin as he is always searching for new means of knowledge wherever he can, and a silver dagger for Lucien that should surely go without saying considering who he is, and their very worst fears?
Both Lucien and Korbin feared isolation, which plays into their nightmares of either being abandoned(Korbin), or losing those they loved because of their own mistakes(Lucien), and Martin had an ironic fear of fire, which played into his fear of Akatosh and the power he has over him that he hardly understands.
Both Korbin and Martin are the tallest among the brothers, thus they wound up with the tallest wands – although Martin has the longest, which is from his more control of magic and the power he has over it – and unfortunately, just like in my actual Verse, Lucien is the shortest of the trio – despite being the eldest – and thus wound up with the shortest wand.
As for flexibility, that is determined by their day of birth, and the trait that they are most proud of when it comes to themselves.
Lucien and Martin were born on an even day – Lucien was born on May 7th, and Martin was born on July 21st – and Korbin was born on an odd day – December 14th – and the traits that they chose for themselves was Determination for Korbin – as he never gives up without a fight, and always continues to seek out a result even if it seems impossible which works with Unbending – Kindness for Martin – which should go without saying, consideringhe is indeed the friendliest, and most loving out of the three which works withQuite Flexible – and Lucien chose Resilience – as it takes a lot to break him, he, too, hardly ever gives up, and his brothers can always turn to him whenever they need him which works with Supple.
Amazing how the Pottermore quizzes actually work, and what actually determines what you receive in the end, huh? I went into a bit more detail about the reasoning behind those choices, and how I thought they suited the boys most, but here’s a bit more information based around their given Woods, and the Cores they have, taken from the official Pottermore website.
Rowan wood has always been much-favoured for wands, because it is reputed to be more protective than any other, and in my experience renders all manner of defensive charms especially strong and difficult to break. […] Rowan is most happily placed with the clear-headed and the pure-hearted, but this reputation for virtue ought not to fool anyone – these wands are the equal of any, often the better, and frequently out-perform others in duels.
Hawthorn wands may be particularly suited to healing magic, but theyare also adept at curses, and I have generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and I would only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous.
Applewood wands are not made in great numbers. They are powerful andbest suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixes poorly with Dark magic. It is said that the possessor of an apple wand will be well-loved and long-lived, and I have often noticed that customers of great personal charm find their perfect match in an applewood wand.
Rowan wood is meant to be more protective than most? It is oftentimes difficult to break, happiest with the pure-hearted, and yet has a secret strength? That seems to fit Korbin quite perfectly, wouldn’t you agree?
Hawthorn wands are best suited for healing magic, but also curses – in other words, destruction – just as well? Hawthorn wands are most at home with those of a conflicted nature, and not easy to master such power? Why, that sounds exactly like our dear Heir to the Septim line Martin to me!
And the fact that Lucien got applewood at all is hilarious enough, but applewood wands mixes poorly with dark magic? As in, someone with a cold heart wouldn’t be able to handle this, and they would have to contain a hidden light, and softer side? And those who carry them are often long lived, and well loved?
Such as how his siblings love and care for their eldest brother, and how he indeed lives longer in my Verse because of Korbin’s deal with Sheogorath, but also because of being of Imperial race?
It’s almost as though Pottermore is too spot on.
As for the Cores themselves, it states those with the Dragon Heartstring cores, which Korbin has, are often easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, although not of their own accord. Somewhat like how Sheogorath influences and torments his dear Little Raven because of how he offered himself up as a future vessel for the Mad God so that he would turn back time to save his brothers?
Unicorn Hair, which is a part of Martin’s wand, is actually the hardest to turn to the Dark Arts, and the most consistent with magical uses, with hardly any error. Which makes perfect sense for Martin’s Holy Light, and his powerful Akatosh blessed magic that he wields!
And as for Phoenix Feathers, which belongs to Lucien’s wand, it is said that they are the pickiest, and their allegiance is usually hard won without a fight.
Such as Lucien who is stubborn, and cares very little for the opinions and thoughts of others outside of his own Dark or Chosen family? Like I said, it’s almost too uncanny, and I’m starting to wonder about the true magic behind these little quizzes!
As a side note for the brother’s and their cores, I like to see it as though they each got a piece of each other. Korbin got a Dragon, possessive, and protective - Lucien - whilst strong with unknown powers - Martin. Lucien got a Phoenix, fire based - Martin - and rose from the ashes of its destruction and found freedom in its wings - Korbin.
And Martin got Unicorn, soft a glance, but with a hidden edge in its horn - Korbin - and the direct opposite for Lucien. A hardened edge but with a softer side.
In any case, as for the boys and their Patronuses, the actual quiz that you’re meant to take on Pottermore is based on a random number of different sets of words, and you’re meant to choose the one you like the most… and at first, it seemed as though I wouldn’t be able to figure out their animal guardians – but thankfully, once again! – I was able to find a proper breakdown of the quiz, as I linked above, and was able to sort through the questions, and found out whichanimal would spring forth from which brother’s wand!
Korbin ended up with a St. Bernard, which is something that I found incredibly adorable, and ironic, as there are times those who are familiar with his character – and even myself – refer to him as an overly affectionate, and oversized puppy!
And on Pottermore itself, the St. Bernard Patronus is described as follows:
Despite its large and intimidating size, the St. Bernard is known to be kind, loving, and gentle. Great with families and very loyal, the St. Bernard will always be by your side. They are quick to protect family members who may be in danger and often act as a guardian for those around them. Strong and powerful due to their size, the St. Bernard will fight off Dementors and stand by you, come what may.
Despite its large and intimidating size, it is kind, loving, and gentle? Great with families and very loyal? Quick to protect family members who may be in danger, and act as a guardian to them?
Well, now, isn’t that just the perfect description for Korbin?
Martin ended up with an Osprey – which I’ll readily admit that I had never even heard of until I started doing this research – and its description on Pottermore is stated as being:
The Osprey is a fish-eating bird found across the world. These birds have incredible vision and can spot underwater prey from the air. They brave the depths of water, diving completely beneath the surface, unlike any other bird, and this courageousness makes them a powerful Patronus indeed.
At first, you would think that such a Patronus would be quite strange for Martin to have, considering it doesn’t really seem all that similar to Martin’s own character in either my Verse or actual canon.
But then you stop and consider the fact that it is a winged bird of prey – I once considered Martin an owl when speaking of his animal counterpart – and that Martin is blessed by the Dragon Divine Akatosh, and it goes on to speak about its bravery, courageousness, and the power it holds… then it suddenly all starts to click into place, makes it quite perfect in the end, after all!
And as for Lucien, he ended up with an Ocicat. Another small bout of irony, just as Korbin, as there are times where myself, and others, consider Lucien to have many traits similar to a cat, or see him as a cat loving person. And this adorable little guy is described on Pottermore as:
While the Ocicat is a house cat, it looks like a small wild cat due to its crazy coat of spots and stripes. It has the athletic personality to boot! This cat loves to be active. It moves through its environment confidently and energetically. This cat will chase that Dementor and run it to the ground!
A cat that may seem wild at first, but is actually quite the homebody? That works perfectly considering that whilst Lucien is most certainly an Assassin and devoted to the art of life taking, when you strip away the dagger, the robe, and the stern expression – he is dedicated to his family and their wellbeing first and foremost. And when you mix that with the Ocicat’s love for being active and athletic, and how it wishes to hunt and chase things… well, doesn’t that work as an alternate description for an Assassin?
Just as I said above, these little Pottermore quizzes, and the one I took to sort the boys Hogwarts Houses were almost too on point, almost too uncanny, and honestly, I’m starting to wonder if there aren’t some magical link to my brain being seeped through onto the website! I wouldn’t put it past Harry Potter considering all of the other magical stuff that the universe has!
But in all seriousness, I have to say that I really had fun with this sort of question! I know that I went above and beyond in terms of details and discussion, as well as length, but I was having too much fun actually learning more about the universe and how it works – as I said, I’ve only read the first Harry Potter book thus far – that I couldn’t force myself to stop while I was ahead, and I just continued on and on until I was able to consume as much as I could!
Which is what led to the Wand and Patronuses, and everything else that is in this massive monster of a post! Regardless of such, I hope you have a very fun time reading this over, and hopefully learning something as well! I know a lot of my friends and followers, if they’re not into Harry Potter, will probably pass this reply over… but that’s quite all right! I had a really fun time making the charts, going into detail, and figuring out what it would be like if the boys was in that world!
So, I hope that you, my dear sweet Lady La Luna, and those who enjoy in depth talks about Harry Potter ideas, will enjoy reading this post and all the details I posted within! Thank you so very much for sending this message my way, and for reminding me of the early days of fandom, and how many times I saw this question pop up innocently back then, as well as all the other messages that I will tackle soon!
You are awesome, your ideas are awesome, your characters are awesome, and I just want to hug you and give you as much appreciation for your amazing concepts that you so rightfully deserve!
Thanks again, with tons of hugs and kisses from me and the boys on top! ♥
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powerovernothing · 5 years
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hi hi!! Everything you do for these three sweet beans has won my heart over all day!! Please have this!!! 
in all my 6 years on tumblr i’ve never ever submitted anything to anyone before wowee
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Oh… my… goodness. Well now, isn’t this an amazing thing to wake up to? When I crawled out of bed and first saw my askbox being lit up with a new message, I was hardly expecting such a remarkable piece of adorable art to be waiting for me in the place of a prompt or a question! Even in my half-asleep and non caffeinated state, I still was able to let out the biggest and most emotional squeak I possibly could!
Because, holy snap, I honestly have so many feelings about this piece that I don’t even know where to begin.
First of all, my dear Ray, I think you’ve heard me tell you time and again just how much your support means to me. Whenever you get overly excited about something relating to Korbin and his sibling’s story, or whenever you scream at me because I send you something during one of your appreciation hours, or whenever you just leap into my messages and ask me something about them, it truly means more to me than you will probably ever know.
The fact you genuinely enjoy their interactions and the stories I have written with them, even the point where you’re always eager to see more of their adventures… it really overwhelms me with all the flustered feelings. Because it’s so sweet, and it puts a massive smile on my face when I think back on it. You are honestly precious, and knowing you like my boys and how I write them just floors me and makes me want to turn into a complete gibberish speaking mess.
So, seeing this, I am even more overwhelmed! I mean, just look at how adorable the three of them look in your style! Look at their smiles, and how they have their hands draped over each other, I am seriously just so giddy! The amount of detail you put into this piece, especially with Martin’s Emperor robes, every single one of Korbin’s scars, and the soft and gentle take on Lucien’s face – it’s so precious! And you got their height differences perfect as well!
Darling Ray, you have seriously made my day with this! And when I first saw it, I was only just beginning my afternoon! And the fact you sneaked this into my messages as a surprise when I was least expecting? Aaaa, you are seriously too lovely, and I just want to wrap you in the biggest hug ever, and give you a thousand thank you’s! Not just for this drawing, but for all the rest of the support you give!
You are amazing, I adore this, and I will cherish it completely. Thank you again, all the hugs and kisses to you, and I hope you are overwhelmed with feelings when you see this response. Because, ahaha, goodness knows you have given me plenty of my own! Let me squish you~! ♥
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powerovernothing · 5 years
What animal would you most associate with Korbin and why? (I can't remember if I've asked you this, so forgive me. I just want to let sissy gush about her characters~)
Oh, what a very interesting question, my dear Mistress Sis! Of course, considering it was sent in from you, I shouldn’t be surprised! You always find such unique things to ask about, and it always puts a smile on my face to see you intrigued about my characters and wanting to hear more details in depth!
Also, no, I don’t think you’ve ever asked me something like this before, but even if you had and it was buried within my rather messy tags, I wouldn’t have minded taking the time to answer it a second time for you! As you know very well how dearly I appreciate and adore it when you send me stuff like this~
In any case, and after a little bit of time contemplating on my own and with my Elder Scrolls buddies, I do believe if I had to choose an animal to best be associated with Korbin and fit with all of his many quirks and traits, it would most likely be a wolf. A light grey, or a white wolf, actually, to match with his messy hair that often helps him to stand out better.
If that catches your attention, and you seem interested to know more, you can read all my reasoning’s for such a choice down below~!
(*~*Lengthy Rambling Based Around Wolf Related Character Traits Underneath The Cut!*~*)
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Oh, where to even begin? Well, in the most stereotypical way to identify with the wolf, I believe it would be how Korbin spent several many years on his own as a hunter. Honing his skill in the art of killing, and doing all he possibly could to survive and have enough to last until the very next dawn rose over the mountain peaks, or city walls.
In fact, it was because of his art in killing, as well as his skill in stealth, that garnered the attention of The Dark Brotherhood in the first place. So, in many ways, despite him being the lone hunter much like a wolf, it was when Lucien came to his side that his second – and perhaps most obvious –  resembling traitcame into fruition.
Being how Korbin is, without a doubt, incredibly pack minded. Meaning, of course, that he would much rather spend his time surrounded by his loved ones, and those he considers his chosen family, than having to be in a situation where he would have to be alone. Within the presence of those whom he loves, that is when the better part of his true personality slips past his mental shielding and clearly shows itself
He becomes affectionate in all manner of touch, playful with seemingly boundless energy, and quite childish to an endearing fault. Much like how a wolf would go from being a predator whilst hunting their prey, and then turn around and become almost like an excitable young pup around their packmates.
Thus, with that actually in mind, another thing Korbin has in common with a wolf is how undoubtedly loyal he can be. Or rather, just how incredibly loyal he can be to his superior in a chain of command.Allow me to explain a little more in detail. You see, in the First Timeline – meaning the one that closely followed the canon of Oblivion’s storyline, and ended with both Lucien and Martin’s deaths – Korbin actually went along with the Purification of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary upon his brother’s order without hardly any trace of regret or remorse.
He did so, because he was so indebted to Lucien for what he had done by bringing him into the Brotherhood, what he had given him by dubbing him his sibling and welcoming him into his family, and how he had saved him from his own personal hell of struggling to survive.
He followed Lucien’s every word, his every order, to the point where he often was at his side even long before becoming his Silencer, and rarely took the time to get close to anyone within the sanctuary until the order came to murder them in the hopes of ending the supposed betrayal before it even began. And when Lucien gave him his new title, told him it was an honor without equal, and went to explain how he cared for him… Korbin was more than happy to become the Beta to Lucien’s Alpha.
It’s a trait that continues in the Revised Timeline just as well, even though several things have surely changed. Honestly, Korbin would never personally consider himself a leader of any kind – even though he is actually one of the heads of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary – as he finds the concept overwhelming, unfitting even, and would much rather stand at both Lucien, and Martin’s side, as their second in command than anything more.
Now, the final traits Korbin shares with the wolf are most likely how he can go from extremely gentle and affectionate, to incredibly dangerous and ferocious in a split second depending. Especially if he believes there is a threat of, or actually witnesses, any harm befalling his family. The moment you lay a hand against someone he cares for… is the moment you not only lose your hand, but also your life before you realize the extent of your mistake.
After all, this is a man who went into a deep rage, and brutally slaughtered the four responsible for his brother’s death when he walked in on the aftermath of what they had done in the First Timeline. And, when he confronted Bellamont once more the second time around, he willingly tapped into Shegorath’s Madness to toss the man who caused so much heartache into a endless cycle of his death for all entirety.
…And that is not at all bringing up the times when his siblings are overwhelmed, or taken by surprise upon the battlefield – he once stood his ground in front of Lucien’s unconscious body, took several arrows in the process of doing so, then went about ripping them out of his flesh, and using them for his own in retaliation – or when some fool speaks negatively of them within earshot.
To say that Korbin is just a touch protective, even overly so, of those he cares for is certainly an understatement, wouldn’t you agree?
Ah, goodness! That ended up far longer than I expected it to be, but considering this was actually in response to a wonderful message from my dear Mistress Sis, I honestly couldn’t seem to really help myself, and I got a just bit carried away!
I’m quite certain there are plenty of traits and characteristics I am probably missing, some of which are most likely incredibly obvious, and I will probably beat myself up over for forgetting because of my terrible memory, but even regardless of such, I really hope you enjoy the answer I gave you, love! As you can tell, I really had a fun time writing this up, and going into detail about my dear boy Korbin, and the different aspects of his character and his various traits!
So, even though this may have ended up a bit lengthy, and there are things you may not understand at first glance, I still hope you have a good time reading this over! Thank you again, so very much, for sending this fantastic question my way, love! Like I said at the very beginning, I always get so excited whenever you get curious about Korbin or his siblings! Because it always means so much in so many ways, and I dearly appreciate it each and every time!
I hope this sates your curiosity in a satisfying way! But, feel free to send more questions down the line if you start wondering about something else! Anyway, tons of hugs and kisses for you, babe! Just as always and forever!
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powerovernothing · 6 years
Questions? Questions? Tell me about how Korbin and his brothers have been?
Awww, why hello there, my darling Sarah!
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So, let’s see here, in regards to how the boys have been over the last little while:
(*~*Updates, And Lore Related Talk Behind The Cut~!*~*)
In terms of their storyline in general, they have been taking a little bit of a much needed break from the crazy world in which they inhabit! Nothing really new has been happening in terms of adventures, as I am currently doing my best to finalize some of their older tales, so I can get around to uploading them on both here and Ao3 when they’re finally finished.
As of right now I am currently around 80% completed with a hurt/comfort story based around Lucien and Korbin, entitled “Everything’s Alright”.
Next on the list will be editing a humorous oneshot with the title “Bruma Winters, vs The Knight, The Emperor, And The Assassin.”, along with a currently untitled, more serious although gentle, one shot dealing with Lucien soothing Martin in the aftermath of Mysterium Xarxes related nightmares, and then one where Lucien endures nightmares himself. (”In The Dark Of The Night”)
Ironically, all of these are based around the concept of sleep, as it seems that even after all these years, I cannot let go one of my favorite things to do while I’m writing. And that is to end an emotional story with the characters falling asleep together. Should I probably try to find more creative ways to end my tales? Probably! But will I? Most likely not, hah!
And there is also my take on The Battle of Dagon, entitled “If This Is To End In Fire”, which is currently at around 60% completed – at around 12K words – but is on hiatus because of the length, and the fact that I lost sight of where the story was heading at the moment. But it should be picked up sooner or later!
If any of you guys are curious about these stories, or any of the others that I am currently working on, please feel free to drop me a message! Inbox, or Ims, I assure you that I never mind talking about them, and I welcome your curiosity with open arms!
However, if you are curious as to what the newest thing I have done for them lately was, well it was a touch of characterization and world building, actually!
I gave Martin’s adoptive father – the one who raised him on the farm, as he mentions in game when you find him in the Kvatch chapel – a proper name, backstory, and personality. When you look at Darius Surus at first glance, you probably wouldn’t really notice anything familiar, but if you know my past and one of my favorite old and lovable shames… Yeah, Darius is based off of Jonathan Kent because I couldn’t help myself. Outside of that, I also gave him an extended role in Martin’s life, and made his death be the reason that my version of Martin turned to drinking – and ultimately towards Sanguine.
Angsty, perhaps, but then again, have you met me?
Outside of that, I also did more development for Korbin’s mother, Erisia Kynrick, and his father Corvus Redd, who were incredibly loyal Dibella worshipers and who believed their love making to be tainted once Erisia became pregnant with Korbin, and assumed that their Daedra Lord would look down upon them for what they had done – when in reality it would have been anything but, as Dibella would have favored Korbin highly by having been conceived from an intimacy session in her honor – and from their own selfish fears, lead them to abandoning Korbin at the age of five on the streets of the Waterfront in the Imperial City.
Again, incredibly angsty, but rest assured that even though they abandon Korbin outright, and go on to enjoy their lives without hardly a blink of an eye in relation to what they did to their son, they wind up getting their karma in the form of a shadowy protector years down the road. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that Lucien murdered a family member for a sake of a contract, or personal feelings.
But outside of that, and outside of some Next Gen related conversations that I have been having with my dear friends in the Discord Server, not much has really been happening lately! There’s the occasional Incorrect Quote here and there, and some Sims related shenanigans, but overall it’s been pretty relaxed! And honestly I think the boys deserve to take a little break now and again, don’t you?
Thanks again for asking, and I hope you enjoy these answers~! Lots of love and kisses for you! ♥~
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Wanna drop me a message, pick at my brain, or ask about something relating to my Oblivion related stuff? Feel free~! Just be warned my replies may be kind of lengthy, hehe!
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powerovernothing · 6 years
What are the zodiac and astrology signs of your characters?
Oh my, what a fascinating type of question to see awaiting me within my askbox! Thank you so very much for taking the time to send this my way, dear curious Anon; for it honestly means a great deal to know you wanted information in regards to my characters! You are incredibly sweet, and I just want to wrap you in the biggest hug there is! As this is the kind of thing that never fails to put a massive smile on my face for the whole remainder of my day!
Ah, but I do believe I am getting a bit off track in the midst of my own emotions! To take a moment and go about answering your question properly… well, my friend, I hope you do not mind too much if I assume you were referring to Korbin and his adoptive brothers when you said you wanted to know about the astrology signs relating to my characters. (Even though Lucien and Martin technically aren’t, but still~)
Mostly because, well, they are actually the only three I have really taken the time to flesh out to such a degree, and the only ones I have really put such thought into regarding their birth dates, years, and signs. However! If this is not at all what you had in mind, and you were actually, in fact, talking about and wanting to know more about my other characters – outside of my Elder Scrolls related ones – then simply ask, and I will do my very best to provide any and all answers you may be interested in!
It may take a little while, as I said my other characters aren’t nearly as fleshed out as the boys, but if you are indeed curious, then who am I to really deny you of such! Anyway, to get back onto answering your question:
(*~*Birthdates, signs, and other astrological type info related to Korbin and his siblings underneath the cut!*~*)
Within the realm of The Elder Scrolls, Korbin was born on the 14th of Evening Star, during the Year 401 of the Third Era. And yes, I realize how confusing that may be at first, if you are unfamiliar with the way The Elder Scrolls marks it’s dates, but basically it just means Korbin was born on December 14th, thirty two years before the events of the Oblivion Crisis.
So with that in mind, Korbin’s astrological sign would be Sagittarius, represented by the centaur. And, if you’re curious about his Elder Scroll related birthsign, it would be The Thief. Meaning that he gets a ten point boost to his Agility, Luck and Speed. But it also means, in an ironic sense according toThe Firmament, he is also incredibly unlucky as well:
“Those born under the sign of the Thief are not typically thieves, though they take risks more often and only rarely come to harm. They will run out of luck eventually, however, and rarely live as long as those born under other signs.”
My version of Martin was born on the 21st of Sun’s Height, during the Year 396 of the Third Era. Once again, it may look a bit intimidating at first glance, but it actually translates into Martin being born on July 21st, thirty seven years before the events of the Oblivion Crisis. Meaning that in this case, his astrological sign would be Cancer, represented by the crab.
As for his birthsign, his would be The Apprentice, meaning that while Martin has a remarkable boost to his overall magic and the amount of spells that he is able to cast at a time, it also comes with a massive weakness to all magic as well. Which is why he is more susceptible to magic based attacks, and why he often gets incredibly tired, and mentally spent whenever he casts any type of powerful spell.
“Those born under the sign of the apprentice have a special affinity for magick of all kinds, but are more vulnerable to magick as well.”
And finally, we have our dear Lachance! My version of Lucien was born on the 7th of Second Seed, during the the Year 389 of the Third Era. Meaning that, when you take away all of the Elder Scrolls related words and phrases one final time, Lucien was born on May 7th, forty four years before the events of the Oblivion Crisis. Thus making his astrological sign be Taurus, represented by the bull.
Now, as for what his birthsign actually is… well, haha, in the risk of having all those lovely folks reading over my answer assume that I may have ended up taking the easy way out in regards to our favorite Assassin, Lucien’s birthsign is actually The Shadow. Yes, yes, I know; incredibly shocking isn’t it?
But even despite the lack of creativity in his choice, what this actually means is that he is gifted with the power of Moonshadow, and he is able to become invisible for sixty seconds once per day. And, all things considered, I believe that would oftentimes come in quite handy for a high ranking member of The Dark Brotherhood, wouldn’t you agree?
“The Shadow grants those born under her sign the ability to hide in shadows.”
Goodness, that wound up being quite the mouthful by the end there, didn’t it? Although to be fair, the reasoning is most likely because I got somewhat carried away, and I just couldn’t stop myself before this turned into something far more than I first expected!
But regardless of a slightly lengthy read, I do so hope that you enjoy my answers to you, and that you also find this information interesting in some way, my dear curious Anon! I truly want to thank you, once again, for sending this question my way, and want you to know that if you ever have any other questions based around my characters – any of them! – know that you can always send any type of message that you please, and there is no need to be shy!
I always appreciate these kind of things, love taking the time to answer them, and they always mean the world top me! Just as you do for your curiosity and support, sweet Anon friend! But in any case, I do believe I have rambled on quite enough for now!
Thank you once again, have an amazing day, and may tons of hugs and kisses be sent your way!
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powerovernothing · 5 years
If Korbin lived in our time, what would his favorite tv show be? Would he use the internet? Is he a memer? Give me Modern Korbin AU pls
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Awww, dear sweet TKTEATA!Anon! I always love whenever you pop into my askbox, because you always end up sending me such wonderful questions and messages that put such a huge smile on my face! Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this! It really is such and adorable little question, and it makes me flattered and overjoyed to know that you are interested in a Modern AU revolving around Korbin and are curious about what he would be doing in such a scenario!
That really means a lot, and you are, as always, very cherished and highly appreciated! Now, to answer your question, I believe it would be easiest if I answered it in two ways~
(*~*Modern Korbin Related Answers And Screenshots Underneath The Cut!*~*)
Firstly, if Korbin existed and lived in our current timeline, I believe he would enjoy the comforts of animation. Considering the fact that he tends to be very childish in nature, and tends to have that kind of mindset in general, I can easily see him enjoying a combination of both Western Animation, as well as Japanese Animation from time to time.
Would he be the type to get overly excited whenever a new animated Disney film comes out? Absolutely! Would he end up dragging both of his siblings to the premiere and make certain they not only gets the special tub of popcorn, but also the free posters and other little childish trinkets? You know it!
Would he stay up late watching reruns of old school cartoons such as Scooby Doo, Loony Tunes, and Tom & Jerry, but also enjoy the occasional nineties classics such as Batman, Gargoyles, X-Men and even lighter ones like Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, or Animaniacs? Without a doubt!
Korbin would also unironically quote early season Spongebob Squarepants related memes, much to his brother’s chagrin, and would regret absolutely nothing. He would also enjoy indulging in certain Anime series now and again whenever the curious urge arises. His favorite series being, unsurprisingly to anyone who knows him well, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Now, as for whether or not Korbin would use the internet to spread his meme related madness to the unsuspecting… he absolutely does, and quite repeatedly within the events of my Sims 4 related adventures with The Knight, The Emperor, and The Assassin!
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Most of the time, you can very easily catch him stealing away Martin’s computer and trolling the forums, or causing drama, or just attacking those with out of date memes that he still finds hilarious.
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…Even when said brother is meant to be sleeping in preparation for work the next morning. Whoops. But you know what they say! High quality memes wait for no man, and as you can see from the above, there are even times when he is feeling particularly devious, and brings Lachance into the fold to help create a stir, and then share a laugh at the expense of those fools who are too easily bothered by the smallest possible thing.
So yes, my dear sweet TKTEATA!Anon! Korbin most certainly is a creator and user of various memes, and oftentimes logs onto certain social media, or internet forums to torment unsuspecting souls with the very best he has to offer! After all, Lucien taught him far too well, and he is always proud to see his beloved Silencer wrecking havoc upon the world wide web.
(If you’re wondering what Korbin and his siblings’ professions are within the modern timeline, there really isn’t all that much that has changed. Korbin and Lucien are still assassins -- although they’re actually hitmen here, and may or may not be apart of their own family existing within the mafia -- and Martin spends his time working as a Sunday School teacher, and occasionally writing on the side.)
Also, my friend, while we are still upon the subject, if you are interested or searching for more Modern Korbin related silliness or inspiration, then please allow me to give you my personal tag for the brothers and their Sims 4 related adventures!
Ponnie Attempts To Play The Sims~
There isn’t that much there at the moment, as it has been a while since last I leapt into the game – for one reason or another – but I still have several screenshot posts that I never really got around to uploading currently collecting dust in my drafts… so, if you like what you see, then I will certainly do my best to finally get around to uploading them! And in your honor!
But in any case, I really want to thank you for popping into my askbox and leaving me this incredibly cute question and message! It’s always so flattering to know that there are those interested in Korbin’s character, and wanting to know more details about him and his ongoing story with his adoptive siblings!
Honestly, I’m just beaming from ear to ear, and you are simply adorable. Thank you so much again, and if you have any other questions, about anything really, know that you are always welcome to slide into my askbox whenever your curiosity abounds once again!
Have a wonderful and great day, and tons of hugs and kisses to you~ ♥
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powerovernothing · 6 years
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In honor of the fact today is Korbin’s canon date of birth within my Oblivion Verse, I thought it would be rather fitting if I went ahead and uploaded another group of Sims related screenshots involving these three, and their ongoing adventures together within their new household!
I have a few plans in store for content in honor of Korbin’s birthday over the next little while – but considering I still remain simply terrible at keeping proper schedules – I thought this would be more than enough to tide all you lovely and wonderful friends and followers over until I’m able to upload things in a more organized manner!
And, as you may be able to see from the above, I’ve been doing my best to try and capture as much excitement as I can while playing!
Although honestly, most of the time these scenarios just wind up turning into utter silliness because of the boys and their constant need to do something ridiculous, or it shifts into the direct opposite! Where interactions between the adoptive brothers are just so adorable, that I can hardly seem to handle it because of my weakness for all things soft and found family related.
But, in regards to the actual context, their third day within their new surroundings was actually rather quiet. From Lucien going out of his way to provide his Silencer a proper breakfast, all the while attempting to use his spatula as a knife – I suppose old Assassin habits truly do die hard in the end – and then surprising Korbin with some freshly baked sweets in the afternoon while Martin accused him of completely spoiling their younger brother…
…To late night conversations between Martin and his shadowy siblings, further gossip involving new neighbors and their Gothic home which would fit a certain shared Vampiric father figure of theirs far too well, and even another chess match between the two Assassins in the final hours of the evening sun, it was just a very laid back sort of day, and I honestly couldn’t complain.
Onward and upwards to the next few days, my darling boys! I look forward to seeing what happens next~!
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reureuby · 6 years
Did you ask for more Lucien feelings in my Verse? Because I have plenty. One of which involves the fact that Lucien is actually quite good at soothing his loved ones whenever they're overwhelmed, anxious, or dealing with nightmares. He also tends to show affection with gentle touches, most of them involving resting his forehead against theirs to show that he's beside them. He is also very good at playing pillow, and Martin and Korbin often enjoy fall asleep on his shoulder and lap~ :)
dafldsdfkldfsklj I love him. I absolutely love him
Loving Lucien Lachance Hours are open!!
Send me things on how your HoK/LDB acts with him!! Or any headcanons you have for him?? Send me anything and everything Lucien related!!!
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powerovernothing · 6 years
10, 18, 34
Send Me A Number, And I’ll Talk In Detail About My Elder Scrolls Character~! 
10 - Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
Oh, what a very interesting question! And honestly, I like to believe that Korbin would probably be at his most comfortable within loose fitting and very light clothing overall. Considering that his line of work is based around the art of assassination and stealth, and that means not being seen or heard by your target until you are able to end their life…stuff like medium and heavy armor would probably make him incredibly uncomfortable.As well as compromise his current contract, and put his life at considerable risk. Thus, he would probably never really wear anything other than his special set of shrouded armor while he was working – unless it was some type of mission that forced him to go undercover – and even while he was sleeping soundly, you could probably find him huddled under the blankets with a very loose fitting sleep shirt, or possibly just some baggy pants.So yeah, all in all, Korbin enjoys less clothing! Don’t bundle up the Assassin in tight sweaters, robes, or bulky armor! He seriously doesn’t like it!
(*~*The Other Answers Are Located Beneath The Cut!*~*)
18 - Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Would it be somehow considered cheating, if I said that Korbin would absolutely value both of these traits in the people he knows and cares about, at the exact same time? Because, let me assure you, he most certainly does.
In an example with Lucien and Martin, some of the things that Korbin admires most about his elder brothers is not only Lucien’s remarkable amount of patience that he gives to his beloved Silencer, but also the wisdom that he bestows to him whenever he is faced with an obstacle that is causing him a lot of strife in his day to day assassin life.
Lachance always does what he is able to help his protege see things more clearly when everything else is making little to no sense, and because of that amount of wisdom that he has, it’s one of the reasons that Korbin saw him as a mentor figure before seeing him as a sibling figure.
And the same can be said for Martin as well. One of the things that Korbin will always cherish most about the Emperor Priest is not only his unwavering hope and faith, but also his almost unending determination to never give up. To always keep trying to reach that end goal, that happy ending, no matter how difficult or overwhelming it may seem to be in the process.
These different aspects of his adopted siblings, are just some of the things that Korbin will always find the most inspiring. As well as what has helped shape him into the man that he is today. So he absolutely values both wisdom, as well as ambition, and is incredibly thankful that both his brothers have both in spades.
34 - Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
I think it would rather depend on the situation. Say for example, if Korbin was currently in the process of tackling a high risk contract, and he tried firing at his chosen target from a long distance away – which is what he is best at –  and said target just simply shrugged off the arrows embedded directly into his back? Then, yes, he would absolutely just drop his bow, pull out his dagger, and proceed to take them down in a more creative fashion. (All the while being completely annoyed the entire time. Because, how dare this Nord still be standing, and after taking all those arrows into them! What in Sithis are these people *made* of?!)But if the situation was based on something not related to his assassination work, but instead related to the Oblivion Crisis, or otherwise where his loved ones were involved. Then even if the plan didn’t really work the first time, he would still continue to keep trying no matter what. Sure, it would probably be a fruitless venture in the end, but until he was able to realize that himself…he would still stop at nothing just to make sure.Either way, both outcomes would lead to him becoming far more reckless in the long run. Target didn’t go down as he was meant to? Time to compromise my hiding spot, and all but tackle him and stab him until he does! We need a Daedra artifact to help locate the Amulet of Kings? Time to hit every single shrine until my brother has plenty to choose from! Oblivion Gate in the way of helping my brother’s get to safety? Time to literally throw myself into the fire, and close the gate so that we won’t have to risk being on the road longer than we should!And because of all that, I can already see Lucien and Martin’s stress levels reaching the dangerous point. This poor stupid mess of a boy, he’s going to be the death of them one day, lmao~
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powerovernothing · 7 years
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Lucien finds it remarkably amusing when he discovers both Septim and his Silencer in the main hall of Cloud Ruler Temple, during the early hours of the morning, pouring over some well weathered novel from the dear Emperor Priest's collection.
Or rather, Martin is the one actually in the process of reading aloud to a quiet audience -- for it seems as though Korbin, however, fell asleep face first on the table several hours prior.
The Assassin moves forward to where his younger brothers-in-arms are, and reaches over Martin's shoulder to snatch the book out of his hand.
Taking his place against a nearby pillar, he slowly skims over the print within.
"...You do realize, dear Light Brother, that this series is complete nonsense?" He says with an arrogant grin; raising his head slightly to address him directly.
Martin just shakes his head in response.
"Perhaps, but I still enjoy it all the same."
"Thus, you have remarkably questionable tastes." Lucien states matter-of-factly; casting the young Septim heir a darkened gaze.
(*~*Harmless Lachance and Septim Bonding While Korbin Is A Sleepy Lump Underneath The Cut*~*)
"...If you would take a moment to realize," Martin continues as his voice drops to a whisper; shifting to face Lucien fully, and hoping that he would not rouse the youngest at their side accidentally. "You would come to understand that Korbin quite enjoyed it, just as I did."
Lucien laughs; absentmindedly turning the pages.
"Is that meant to comfort me, somehow?" He muses with a shrug of his shoulders. "I have always known my brother to have the worse taste in reading material."
Martin smirks in good humor; a very similar chuckle rising from his throat, before he reaches for the book in the Assassin's hands. However, in reaction, Lucien only moves his hands back so that Martin can no longer reach it.
"Also, he fell asleep on you, if you are unaware," He soon adds; now holding the paperback above his chest in a taunting fashion. "So, just what does that tell you, hm?"
"It tells me that I would very much like to have my novel back," Martin sighs deeply; realizing that there will be no leeway with Lachance when he is in such a mood, thus he simply holds out his hand...
...Only for Lucien to physically move Martin to the middle of the bench so that he can properly sit on the opposite side.
"Ah, ah, ah, not quite yet, I don't think," He says almost sing-song like; the characteristic grin showing the soon-to-be-Emperor all that was needed to recognize that Lachance was finding far too much fun in all his teasing.
"After all, I have yet to show to you the reasons that this series is so very terrible."
Martin blinks in surprise; of all things he had expected his shadowy companion to counter with regarding his request... It was surely not even remotely close to that.
"...You are going to read it as well?"
"Criticize, Priest of Akatosh, criticize," Lucien points a single finger in emphasis, before his attention shifts solely on the book still held in his grasp. "It is exceedingly different."
Martin leans forward onto the table; his chin propped and rested against his arms, as he smiles knowingly.
"Ah, of course it is."
Hours pass by, quickly and without realizing, and suddenly it is late into the evening. And not only is the Speaker of the Black Hand the only remaining of the three still awake, but for some unknown, terrible reason, he just cannot seem to put the previously ‘lent’ novel down.
"...This still remains an absolutely atrocious work of fiction," He mutters to himself, even as he readjusts his weight, and turns another page.
"Then why haven't you put it down yet, my friend?"
Comes an incredibly tired voice; and that smirk is so evident in Martin's tone, that the longer that the Assassin thinks about it -- as well as why he has indeed not put down, nor cleaved the confounded book in two, and is somehow still reading it, despite all logic proving why he obviously should not -- the further it angers him.
Forcing the feelings of oncoming rage away, he exhales a calming breath.
"Septim, why are you not resting?”
"Your complaining woke me from my sleep."
Lucien grumbles aloud in relation to his quiet words -- every single thing about this evening still fueling his desire to bury his blade into something, whether it be paper or flesh -- before finally reaching the final chapter of the oh so aggravating piece of fiction.
"...I will try to be more silent, then."
"Meaning that you will actually finish it?" Martin asks as he slowly lifts his head. And even though he struggles to stay awake, and not give back to the call of pleasant slumber, Lachance can all too easily sense the oncoming mischief from underneath the exhaustion.
And somehow, that just makes the situation that he has found himself in -- and by his own choices, no less! -- all the more unbearable.
"Oh, dear me, to see how these events have surely turned,” The young Septim cries with a dramatic wave of his hand; the only action that he is able to brandish effectively in his tired state. “And to think, you bestowed such vile names upon the novel beforehand, and yet here you are! Truly, and completely, enjoying it!"
Without pulling himself from the climax of the tale, Lucien reaches out and physically pushes Martin's head back upon the surface of the table. Hoping to avoid any and all badgering until he was in the right frame of mind to, not only tolerate, but also effectively give back in turn.
"Go back to sleep.”
And although Lucien’s tone of voice suggests a fair amount of irritation, the brief smile that touches his lips as he addresses his, by all rights, unlikely companion, surely betrays his true feelings.
Following the previously given orders -- even though he was sure to give Lachance quite the earful on proper royal etiquette come morning -- Martin soon closes his eyes with a genuine smile all his own.
All too pleased to have witnessed another instance of the man that lurked deep beneath the shadow, and the death.
#hero of kvatch#lucien lachance#martin septim#tes oblivion#the elder scrolls oblivion#My Stuff~#My Fan Fiction~#The Knight The Emperor And The Assassin~#This is obviously something that I honestly should have uploaded to my blog ages ago.#But somehow the last few sentences of this piece was certainly giving me a massive struggle#it just seemed as though I couldn't come up with the right words to properly end this in a satisfying way --#and even though I'm really not too sure how to feel about this overall.#But considering that it's been sitting in my drafts for an extended period of time and silently judging me for not uploading it#I figured that it was about time that I simply just threw caution to the wind and gave my lovely friends and followers#more interactions between these super silly Elder Bros in my Oblivion Verse!#And this time it's more on the fluffier side of things -- with Lucien and Martin being the main focus for once!#Thus because of that and because these two aren't threatening to kill each other and are actually getting along#and bonding over super trashy novels and snarking up the entirety of Cloud Ruler Temple like complete dorks#I am most certainly uploading this in my dear Sarah's -- Superhiro's -- honor!#As she always enjoys whenever I write something based around these two and their unlikely but strangely close friendship with each other!#So this one is for you sweetheart!#Hope you enjoy it and I hope the rest of you do as well!#(Also before you ask yes Lucien does indeed call Martin his 'Light Brother' now and again whenever he's in a good mood or slightly snarky.#Even though this is still pretty early on in their relationship together -- they have gotten to the point where they don't mind using certai#Even though this still pretty early on in their relationship -- they have gotten to the point where they don't mind using certain terms#for each other and actually have learned to value each other's company in a rather relaxed way -- strange as their friendship still is.)#ANYWAY!#Thanks so much for looking and reading you guys!#Lots of love~ *blows kisses* ♥
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