#TLDR: leave my wife alone she owns what she is and its HOT
a-slut-for-smut · 7 months
I just read your mei mei meta. 100% spot on. And I honestly I think the Shonen genre for all its violence... does a disservice automatically to women. It collapses characters into black and white cararitures sometimes..... so everyone sees a person who isn't 100% altruistic as bad. We go looking for the badness and that's even more enforced with women. Also I too am horny for mei mei. I wish jjk was more sexy. I wanna see characters be outwardly horny for each other. Up the stakes!
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YAAAAAS preach it sister!!! Everything you said absolutely passes the vibe check- so much so i gotta break it down and expand on it 😁 (and heres to link to said mei mei meta jic)
And I honestly I think the Shonen genre for all its violence... does a disservice automatically to women. It collapses characters into black and white cararitures sometimes..... so everyone sees a person who isn't 100% altruistic as bad.
You wont find any argument here, in fact i would go as far to say most media nowadays suffer from this exact issue. But the real crux of the problem seems to lie in the lack of reader discernment. I dont know if its a subconscious or willful failure to understand "nuance", but its apparently lost to an audience that is obsessed with labeling/compartmentalizing everyone and everything to the point where they're essentially reducing characters (even actual people) to a single trope and judging them entirely on that when there are so many parts to a whole...feels bad man.
We go looking for the badness and that's even more enforced with women.
this is one of my biggest gripes- like i said on my meta, there are DEF some puritanical vibes behind the Mei Mei hate- its starting to feel insidiously sexist with the way the fandom is deadset on villainizing her because she doesnt "conform" within the norms of whats "good", and to a larger extent "good woman".
She isnt that maternal, nurturing, self sacrificial woman that reeks of patriarchal ideals therefore she must be bad.
She prioritizes money and considers a persons worth based on what benefit they bring to her as if this is the most unnatural way to be (thats the sad truth!) therefore she is greedy and selfish.
She has a "weird" relationship with her brother because their level of closeness makes them uncomfortable and therefore predatory.
And whats so funny to me is Mei Mei is- for all intents and purposes, a MERCENARY. She's not a teacher, shes not an instructor- she is a contract sorcerer for hire so money being a priority for her would be painfully obvious?? Shes not responsible for the students nor aligns herself with the politics of the jujutsu world- shes looks out for herself/get paid and this makes her evil?? Also cant help think that theres a certain type of person who feels threatened by a overly confident and shameless woman as a personal attack on themselves/their ideals and feels compelled to tear them down by any means possible, but maybe thats just me.
Idk, maybe it cant be helped when they see Nanami (whom are essentially foils of each other) willing forgo money and put his life on the line for the students but this still doesnt make her "evil" and so reductionist btw 🙄.
And to highlight the hyprocrisy of it all- if she was a man, the fandom would be slobbering all over her and if you need proof see: Toji, Geto/Kenjaku, Sukuna, even Gojo to an extent but the list goes on and on. Somehow these men get the pass and the fandom go to great lengths to humanize/emphasize with them, but the women? LOL
Also I too am horny for mei mei. I wish jjk was more sexy. I wanna see characters be outwardly horny for each other. Up the stakes!
oh honey, i am WITH you 100%!!! im not even trying to be petty, but the more the fandom hates on her the more i love her lol she is so HNGHHH, together we can make jjk sexy and outwardly horny for each other 🙌
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therainbowwillow · 3 years
https://therainbowwillow.tumblr.com/post/640094221880197120/therainbowwillow -Part 2
Well! Part 3/??? Here’s the premise: Hades’ terms for Orpheus leaving Hadestown are extremely harsh. Persephone threatens to leave him, and he’s forced to back down, leaving Orpheus with a single rule: he can’t sing until he’s out. He orders the residents of Hade to kill Orpheus, the only living mortal in the underworld. Eurydice, Persephone, and other mythological heroes join him on the journey to escape. Hermes gets word of his son’s trial and decides he’ll assist Orpheus. Dionysus joins him to visit Persephone (his mother, I’m using his Orphic parentage: Hades and Persephone) and Apollo comes, inspired by Orpheus’s attempt at freeing Eurydice, to find his lover, Hyacinthus.
TLDR Hadestown, but a different terms for our favorite singer and WAY more characters because why not.
Unrelated but my phone really wants to autocorrect “Orpheus” to “Orange,” which makes for a whole different story, honestly.
Anyway, here we go:
Eurydice lays beside her sleeping lover, staring up at the cracked ceiling of Persephone’s greenhouse. Burnt vines wrap the walls and climb towards the artificial lights of Hadestown. “Plants don’t grow towards neon the way they do the sun,” Persephone had said. “Not even when coerced by a goddess.” Still, the abandoned building provides decent shelter, which is far better than the rest of the underworld. Instead of trapping the heat, it seems to keep in the cold.
Eurydice glances at Orpheus. Even in the cool of the greenhouse, he sweats in his sleep. He’s exhausted and hungry, she knows, but they have no outside food. If he eats the food of Hadestown, she fears it’ll bind him to the damned place, just as the pomegranate seeds had bound Persephone.
Orpheus rolls over. He mumbles something incomprehensible. Eurydice keeps a closer eye on him. “Persephone?” she asks.
“Hm?” The goddess responds.
“What will Hades do if he catches us? I know the stories... Sisyphus, pushing his stone uphill forever. Tantalus, starved, with food just out of reach. Eternal torture. Is that what lays ahead?” Her voice doesn’t quiver. She finds she isn’t afraid of the answer, not after the mines. Hours and hours of her pickaxe against stone. And once she’d finished, she’d be building Hades’ wall or laying wires or partaking in some other pointless feat. Everyone in Hadestown feels like Sisyphus now.
“It’s best... it’s best if you don’t think about it.” Persephone sips from her canteen. Alcohol, certainly. Her voice has a drunken lisp to it.
“I want to know what’s at stake,” Eurydice says. Orpheus again tosses in his sleep.
“Eternal torture sums it up fine.”
“He’ll separate us, won’t he?”
Persephone shrugs. “Your contract will change. All of ours’ will. Probably a ban from speaking to each other.”
“What can he do to stop us?” Achilles mutters. “We’re dead already and he took our paridise. I can bear his whip, his mines. This whole place is torture.”
“Tell me about it.” Persephone rolls her eyes. “A goddess of spring, confined to... this.” She gestures around her.
“They say you loved him,” Eurydice says.
“Loved him. An emphasis on loved.” She takes another sip of her alcohol and slips off her wedding band. She flips it in the air and catches it. “I chose this. I chose Hades over light. Over life and clean air and springtime. I preferred Hades’ tyranny over Demeter’s. That dance... it almost felt like a fresh start. But what did I expect?” She takes a withered vine between her fingers. “This is futile. We should be planning. This place sucks the life out of everything it touches. Our poet included.”
Orpheus gasps. “Speaking of our poet, he’s awake!” She tilts her head. “You alright?” Eurydice asks.
Orpheus swallows. His eyes are wide and his breaths quick. He shakes his head. “No... no. You need to go. All of you.”
“Hey,” she rests her palm over his hands. “I’m not going anywhere. You need rest.”
He wipes his eyes. “You don’t understand. You don’t understand! Go. Please Eurydice. Please.”
“Shh... shh. You’re alright.”
He snatches his hand away. “No. I’m not. It’s... it’s too far. I’ll be... I’ll be dead by the time we reach the Styx.”
“Orpheus! Don’t talk like that. We’re gonna make it.”
“No, we aren’t. Hades is going to find me and he’ll kill me because I... I can’t do this. I can’t walk alone and I’m not allowed to sing and whatever he did to me...”
“Orpheus, look at me. You’re gonna be fine.”
“It’s not over, okay? I... I should’ve told you but...”
“What are you talking about, Orpheus? What is this?”
He sobs and sinks into her arms. “I feel worse. Eurydice, I’m getting worse,” he whispers.
“Once we’re out-“
“Once you’re out. Leave me here.”
“How can you say that? I’m not letting Hades have you!” Eurydice raises her voice.
“I came for you. And now... you’re dragging me out. I’m useless and I’m holding you back. Eurydice, I’d never forgive myself if you didn’t... if...”
“We’re going to get out of here.”
“Would you listen to me?” He yells. “We are not going to get out of here. Not so long as you’re carrying dead weight! I...” he tries to push himself upright but sinks back into Eurydice’s embrace. “I can’t sing. I can’t walk. I can’t even stand.”
She doesn’t respond. She just holds him, tight in her arms. “I don’t care,” she whispers. “I’ll carry you out of here if I have to. I love you and I’m never letting you go again. I promise.”
Orpheus says nothing. “Orpheus?”
She lifts him up and his chin falls against his chest. “Orpheus... no. No, you can’t do this to me.” She places a finger under his nose and feels his shallow breaths. She breathes a sigh of relief. “You’re alright. You’re alright.” She isn’t sure if she’s trying to convince herself or Orpheus, who cannot hear her. She lays his head back down on his coat, a makeshift pillow.
Patroclus kneels at her side. “Orpheus is right. He is getting worse.”
“What’s wrong with him?” She begs.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “He could be ill with some plague, but that’s Apollo’s domain, not Hades’s. Maybe he is only hungry or dehydrated. Regardless, he’s right that he won’t last forever down here. We should get moving.” Eurydice nods. “I wish I could be more help.”
“Someone’s here!” Achilles shouts. Patroclus leaps to his feet.
“Protect Orpheus,” he commands Eurydice and Persephone.
“If it’s my husband,” Persephone growls, “I’ll deal with him.”
Patroclus nods and returns to Achilles.
Hades sits beside his office window. He’d given the orders in the morning: kill Orpheus. If the boy dies, his killer will not be asked to work for the rest of their time in the underworld. His plan would soon succeed. His shades would end the fool’s life and finally, finally, Hades would have his kingdom back. It had only been 48 hours or so since Orpheus’s failed serenade, but it had felt like an eternity.
Hades reaches for his wine glass. The portrait he’d torn from the wall catches his eye. Persephone, smiling, a babe at her knee. It had been a long while since he’d seen that child. Dionysus, god of wine and madness. He visited the underworld plenty, once or more every winter. Never the tower, though. He only knew the boy had come by because his wife would return, drunk out of her mind. He’d drag her to bed and every time, he’d bribe Hypnos to keep his dear Persephone asleep an extra few hours, to let her sleep off the hangover. Dionysus could wash away her intoxication with a wave of his hand. He used to. But for a long while now, she’d return drunk. Upon her request, Hades knew. He tried now not to feel the sting of this fact. His own wife would rather be blackout drunk than speak to him.
Still, he loves her. He’d laid a thousand miles of wires to brighten his kingdom, to mimic the sun she so loved. And she’d complained it was too bright. He’d let her have a wide stretch of land to attempt to grow a garden. He’d tended it with her, but still, the plants wilted. And now he had let Orpheus tear out his heart for Persephone. He’d done everything for her, nearly lost everything for her, and still, she hates him.
Hades lifts the painting from the ground and lays it across his desk. He sees his labors. To keep his hold on the underworld and his wife’s affection, if she has any left. He must prioritize his realm. He loves her, more than any kingdom, but the binds of death must not be unwound, Hades knows. The mortal realm his wife so loves would wither without death. It cannot be overrun by fleeing shades. His kingdom is his responsibility, and he must keep it in check. And so he tucks the painting into a drawer, gone from sight, gone from mind.
Hermes was beginning to wonder if Zeus could think up a worse punishment than his current circumstances. Dionysus tips his head back and chugs another flask of wine. “Want some?” he offers, for what must be the thousandth time.
Hermes sighs. “Yes.”
“Aha! Finally! The best of the best for you, my friend.” He holds out the flask and curtseys, sloshing wine over his tunic.
Hermes pinches the bridge of his nose. “Read the room,” he mutters.
“I said thanks,” he lies. He takes a sip. The wine is incredible, better than any mortal’s best vintage.
“My dear flower, light in my eye, the sun to my sky...” Apollo recites.
Hermes wants to scream. His son is probably miserable, cast into Tartarus or locked in a cell somewhere, and here he is, listening to Apollo memorizing lines for Hyacinthus, who’s probably so deep under the Lethe’s amnesia that he won’t remember who the god is. He takes another sip of wine. “Dionysus!”
“Yes?” Dionysus laughs.
Hermes grits his teeth. Intoxication is no help to Dionysus’s ability to understand the severity of the situation. “Promise me something.”
“You’ll undo the effects of your alcohol on me before we get to Hadestown.”
“Excellent. Now, do you have something stronger?”
“‘Course! Here.”
Hermes drinks. The alcohol burns his throat. He forces himself not to cough.
“Too strong?”
“Mm.” Hermes clears his thoat. “Not at all.” He finishes the flask.
“Show yourself!” Achilles shouts. Patroclus stands back to back with him, armed with a pickaxe from the mines.
“I don’t think you’re in much of a place to be making demands.” The voice echoes from every corner of the greenhouse.
“Funny, I disagree.” Achilles whirls and throws his pick axe through the man’s chest. His body dissolves as if it’s made of smoke.
“Could’ve questioned him,” Patroclus says.
“What would we ask? ‘Who sent you?’ Take a wild guess.”
Patroclus shrugs. “There’ll be more of them.”
“So we don’t let our guard down. Let’s get going, Pa-“
“Argh!” He yelps.
“Patroclus!” Achilles whirls. A bowman from the roof. “To cover!” He grabs his lover’s hands and drags him to the nearest wall, out of the range of the archer’s arrows.
Patroclus clutches his shoulder. “If I hadn’t moved, that would’ve gone through my chest,” he states. “Warn Persephone. I’m alright.”
Achilles nods. “Keep your eyes open. There’s no way he’s alone. I won’t be long.”
He runs along the wall. He glances up at the ceiling. The archer is gone. He runs for the exit, then the entrance to Persephone’s greenhouse. An arrow strikes the ground at his feet. He dives in the door and slams it behind him. “We were followed,” he announces.
“So we discovered.” Persephone’s vines wrap the ground and up the wall, where a man dangles by his wrists. “Orpheus is-“
The door opens, Patroclus stands in its frame. Achilles runs to his side. “I told you to stay behind.”
“There’s more of them. They were going for a better shot on me, so I ran.”
“Your arm...”
“Is fine.” Patroclus answers. “Where’s Orpheus?”
“Here! A hand, one of you?” Eurydice calls from the opposite wall. “He’s hit.” They both run for Orpheus.
Persephone’s captive screams. “I’ll ask again. Who sent you?”
“Hades!” The man yelps. “Please!”
“I knew it,” she snarls. “His orders. What were they? Be exact.”
“Any man who kills Orpheus won’t have to work for the rest of eternity.”
“How many are after him?”
“I don’t know!” He cries. “Please!”
She tightens the vines around his throat and the man vanishes into ashes.
“Is he breathing?” She calls to Orpheus’s aids.
“Yes,” Patroclus replies. “He’s only been hit in the leg.”
Persephone nods. “I’ll hold the doors.”
Orpheus groans. “I know, I know,” Eurydice murmurs. “You’ll be okay.”
“I need to get the arrow out. Give him something to bite down on,” Patroclus tells her.
She stuffs a piece of cloth into his mouth. “Bite.” He does.
“Hold him down.” Orpheus screams. “Almost there. And it’s out. Hold pressure. Right here.” He guides Eurydice’s hands over the wound. “Press hard, don’t let up,” he tells her. “I know it hurts, Orpheus. Focus on Eurydice.”
“O-okay.” Orpheus chokes out.
“Achilles, we’ll need strips of fabric. One of the blankets should be fine. Tie a tourniquet above his wound. Apply pressure. The bleeding will stop.”
Achilles begins to tear a blanket. “Your shoulder, Pat.”
“I’m alright.” He presses a hand against it.
“No, there’s an arrow through your arm. And love, that’s what Hades has on us. If you die, you’re stuck on the banks of the Styx forever. I’m afraid... we’d never see each other again. An eternity without you... I don’t want to imagine it.”
“Okay, okay. Give me a piece of that blanket.” Achilles does. “When I take the arrow out, it’ll bleed. If anything happens, I’d recommend you leave me behind. Hades might let me live, if I say I’ll give him information and you won’t be burdened to carry me.”
“You know I won’t leave you here.”
“Yeah, I thought that might be fruitless.”
“You’re gonna want to see this,” Persephone calls. Achilles stands.
“I’ll be right back,” he tells Patroclus.
“Look.” Persephone points at the roof. An arrow whizzes and the bowman standing on it falls. “Someone wants us to make it out.”
“Or someone wants to take us alive,” he says, grimly.
Something drifts down from overhead. A scrap of fabric, maybe. It lands at Persephone’s feet. A cloth carnation. Beneath it, a note: “Hermes is coming.”
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fvstboi · 6 years
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[ jesus castro, he/him, 29 ] pietro maximoff has been spotted in gotham city! the hero is publicly known as quicksilver, and have often been described as determined, but also arrogant. they have also been affiliated with the avengers, and said to mainly operate in new york city. will they help find answers, or add to the chaos? [ han, she/her, 23, mst ]
triggers: childhood trauma , kidnapping , experimentation , HYDRA mentions , minor violence , auschwitz mentioned , mental illness , death. 
hey fam !! here’s my fast boi , pietro maximoff. i love him bunches. 
so first things first: he is comics based with mcu tie-ins. and comics before marvel ruined his backstory by making him not actually erik and magda’s son and not a mutant. can u tell i love my son and hate what marvel has done to him ? keep on reading to find out. 
pietro was born in the wundagore mountains to magda eisenhardt , a romani woman that magneto met and fell in love with. ( she survived auschwitz because of him i stan ). although pietro and wanda didn’t know it at the time and wouldn’t for many years , erik lehnsherr / magneto / max eisenhardt was their father. magda didn’t stay around for very long , though. not long after , magda fled into the woods with the fear that her husband would find her. pietro and his twin sister would soon enough be given to the maximoff’s , a romani couple who lived down the mountain and had always wanted children. ( note: while pietro was both raised romani and is romani in heritage , a lot of it was lost to him after his adopted parents died which was when he was quite young. he does want to make sure his daughter knows about it and where she comes from but he’s not an expert since everyone from the romani side of his family is dead. )
he was literally that obnoxious older brother but he’s also hella protective and loyal ? he’s a bit of an ass . scratch that , he is 100% an asshole :’)
pietro and his twin , wanda , were raised in transia / sokovia by the maximoff’s , who were an amazing couple and even better parents. eventually , their “ adoptive “ father , django , began to steal food so that he could feed his family. enraged villagers attacked the ( romani ) camp they were living in. pietro was able to get him and wanda out , thankfully , but the trauma from that event was so severe that they wouldn’t be able to recall anything from their childhood for years and not even small details. they had nothing. they’d then travel across europe , fending for themselves and only relying on each other. the streets were really hard. they were hungry and tired on most days and pietro would steal food and warm clothes with his powers but wanda would always say he would get caught one day. ( he didn’t ).
one day , wanda accidentally caused a house to burst into flame through her hex powers , which she could not yet control. superstitious townspeople began chasing her. pietro would try his best to protect and defend her but they were outnumbered and overpowered. thankfully , magneto ( dad !!! ) came to their rescue. they would then join the brotherhood of evil mutants , feeling like they had to serve him since he saved them from what would have been horrible mob violence.
when magneto was defeated in a battle against some powerful guy who took him away from earth , pietro and wanda took it as their chance to leave and went back to transia / sokovia / whatever it’s being called now.
( mcu tie ins ) pietro and wanda were kidnapped by HYDRA ( aka not willingly joining HYDRA ) and experimented on with one of the infinity stones , which only augmented their powers. the second HYDRA fell , they left it and joined ultron ( pietro blaming tony stark for the reason why sokovia / transia was in such turmoil due to seeing stark industries on a shell that hit their home that trapped pietro and wanda for nearly two days ). at some point the twins allied themselves with the avengers and also joined them and fought against ultron , who they had previously sided with. 
pietro was injured in the battle against ultron and almost died and so he stayed with the inhumans for awhile. he formed a relationship with crystalia amaquelin , princess of the inhumans. the whole thing was somewhat forbidden since he’s not an inhuman but they soon enough got married. it was p rushed, which is super on brand for pietro. they eventually had their daughter , luna and ? not only did he find out that magneto is his dad during this time but pietro’s a dick and almost killed her by putting her in the terrigensis ( this was much later on , not right after she was born omg ) but hey , she got powers so ! he’s never been the best dad , honestly ? he’s run away from a lot of responsibility , even stuff that wasn’t luna related lol. but he’s trying ? ( with pietro’s age , luna is about ? 5-6 years old. his lil princess. )
the relationship that pietro had with crystal would become rocky due to pietro’s mind being elsewhere and not paying all that much attention to his wife. crystal would then cheat on pietro ,,,, ( note: crystal left some other guy for pietro sksksk ) pietro wouldn’t forgive her and “ vowed vengeance on her and all those he perceived as having wronged him “ but !! crystal’s cousin , maximus , was manipulating his mind and augmenting pietro’s anger towards crystal which was prob meant more for the avengers. he did a lot of dumb shit during this time basically. moreso than usual. but he wasn’t in control of himself or what he was doing so really ? it wasn’t his fault. 
pietro and crystal had a messy relationship after that. they’d reconcile , get back together , breakup , fight , get back together , fight together , etc. it was a messy relationship for awhile. 
pietro lost his powers for a bit and ,,, it was hard fam he was actually depowered due to m day but i’m just saying he lost his powers w/o m day since it’s a big part of him
honestly !! pietro was in a pretty horrible state at this time. he was taken to attila which is basically inhumans hq , where his medical injuries were taken care of. pietro couldn’t stand being human so much that he underwent terrigensis even though king black bolt said no since it can kill u ! wtf u doing pietro !! he then started to plan a way to steal and bring the terrigensis crystals to earth. pietro ,,, no. angel boi. slow down u gonna kill everyone. 
then he made his daughter undergo terrigen ,,,, which could’ve killed her since nobody knew if her inhumans genes would just cancel out her mutant ones.
lots of shit happened ,,,, its just 2 much 
pietro was then put in jail and while there he had a serious of hallucinations. o boi
but ig it was also the end of his episode , u could call it ?? his powers were restored and he rediscovered his desire to be a hero !!
pietro recovered the remaining terrigenesis crystals returning them to the inhumans and clearing his name of criminal charges through a lie that a skrull committed all of his felonies. 
he joined all new x-factor which was his half-sister’s x-men team !
he actually just claimed to have a falling out with the avengers ,,, which wasn’t rly tru ,,, lorna’s ex bf , alex summers , just wanted pietro to spy on her sksksk 
but like ? pietro in x-factor with lorna was one of the best things marvel could’ve done. just siblings working together and on a team together who usually never interact. goals. ( might lowkey have a thing for a certain cajun mutant ) 
he taught at avengers academy for a hot second !
he’s paid a ton of money for luna to go to a fancy school in england which she eventually just ,,, ran away from lmfao
he’s a hero. but he also doesn’t pay much attention to authority and if he thinks someone is wrong and he’s right then he’ll follow his own path and ignore everyone else. he’s tried to repower mutants with the inhuman crystals and continued to do so after mutants got sick and some even died. while that’s not really canon it does give a good insight to who pietro is. he’s not bad and most of his bad ideas do have good intentions. 
he’s been off and on with the avengers for awhile and never stays with them for extended periods of time but they all mean a great deal to him. he loves many of the founding / returning members and cares more for them than he’d ever care to admit. 
pietro once ran 300+ miles so he could punch erik in the face lol [ x ]
pietro is in gotham to see what’s going on ? he also has luna while crystal is away doing stuff. so single dad pietro ! he’s never been alone with luna for more than a few days before ! it’ll be fun ! 
tldr; pietro is messy, an asshole and a drama queen but he’s trying HIS BEST.
stats - tba / pinterest / wiki page.
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RIGHT BLOG THIS TIME >:( (also lmao sorry it took so long I was playing league xD) alrightalrightalright leggo: Dairoe: 1, 3, 8, 11, 18, 25, 33, 49, Sharon: 2, 4, 16, 24, 30, 40, 47. also bonus if you post art of ur babies ^.^
jfdhdfjhfd sorry it took ME so long to answer this!! i got really excited so i had to call my gf to answer dairoe’s questions bc guess what its her oc
(disclaimer: sharon is a 2000 year old “demon” that can control liquid water that’s actually a monster but as a humanoid shes hot so whatever/ dairoe is an almost 2000 year old nymph from greek hell even tho she too butch and ripped to look the part. she controls fire a bit)
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
She’s actually pretty confident and kind of intimidating so it doesn’t really show but one of her biggest insecurities is her role in any kind of intimate relationship apart from acquaintance. Sharon’s reaaally bad at forming strong bonds so when anything similar to that is happening (first of all she pulls away like a fucking avoiding person) she gets scared because she KNOWS she’s bad and that she’s a terrible company, she isn’t great communicating or being open and lacks so much experience that doesn’t even know the basics to Relationships 101
Tldr; if her partner was like ‘hey you suck and im leaving’ she’d be like ‘that’s fair. Im terrible, bye.’ Bc she’s insecure
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
She likes that this other bitch has gone through similar stuff as she has (2000 years of human bullshit), they have the same background and both are some kind of old ass mythical being, so they can actually share a lot of input about the world and have long conversations together, it makes her feel less alone even if she doesn’t know it (she’s alexithymic af)
A physical one is that this huge jacked woman is very warm at all times?? And that feels nice?? She can also stim w her 4583744 thousand arm hairs
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like?
Not particularly any but is more inclined to Athletic bc she loooooves water and could swim all day. She’d also play any sport as long as it’s competitive bc SHE-CANT-SAY-NO-TO-A-CHALLENGE
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
“An unorganized, loud and rude mess. As a first impression at least.
While I’m sure there’s more than meets the eye I can’t say it’s something particularly easy to see. At this point I’m convinced we’re probably a bad joke from the universe, but well, I’ve always been told my humor is really bad so… this might just be perfect for me.”
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
Theater is the epitome of art for her bc she’s an ancient greek thing.. she’d probably see any type of play, for music she loves classic and (yes) the 80s?? who doesn’t love the 80s though
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
She stims a lot in private, she used to do it openly when she was ‘young’ but then noticed people reacted negatively to that. So now when she’s alone she does stuff like spinning on her chair repeatedly and others
47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along?
NOT at all,, mostly quiet if she doesn’t have anything to say, and gets particularly awkward with small talk but she’s still social as in , if she gets invited somewhere she’ll most likely go
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
SHFSJFSJ im dying because actually my gf pulled this name out of her ass bc it sounded cool but later we discovered it means something like bulls? In greek??? So that was pretty fitting
GUEST STAR: HELLO IT BE ME, suspisciouslypinklady’s GIRLFRIEND coming in with the BIG OL’ QUESTIONS
it IS true I just pulled a nice sounding name out of my ass and way later I put it in the translator to greek to see if it even was something and it WAS. It means bulls indeed. God i’m so good
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
This is super hard for her actually, she’d definitely say how she’s fit but she would only like that on a good day. On bad days, she would probably say her eyes? Or hair? But she wouldn’t be a fan of her own physical traits.
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?
She’s a big meanie but I wouldn’t say it’s her flaw. It’s probably how stubborn she is when it comes down to opening up? Being herself? Like she’s super mean but it’s only to fit this ‘persona’ she has built, and if she didn’t feel the need to, a lot of her problems would go away. But then again, it’s complex, she’s been like this for centuries!
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
Loved ones being hurt :( Also I guess being harassed to the point of rage, but it’s less likely. She’s not prone to full blown rage, though she can be hotheaded, she controls herself.
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?
A farm filled with animals and her Wife ← what Fanfi wrote and it’s True. It’s so sensitive she doesn’t talk about it, but she has a farm near Switzerland where she’d happily live with her animals and her Wife.
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day?
This question is so good ← what Fanfi wrote and it’s TRUE. it’s 100% that one time she felt so disgusted by her own physical appearance that she used magic and it made what she thought was a ‘monster’. It was like a huge fuck you from the gods, considering she was never a beautiful as what a nymph should be, you know? But that’s in the past, and it hasn’t really come up since you don’t talk about ancient magic in modern times.
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
The farm but withoutgf ← what Fanfi wrote and… it’s true but she would also wander anywhere, she has high survivability in nature so she can virtually go anywhere and be ok. She has done this a lot of times.
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
I don’t think so actually! I think she has pretty standard nightmares but her REALLY bad dreams must be themed of her early days, where she pretended to be an attractive lady, and she was glorified like a deity under her illusions so they won’t see her ‘true self’. Going back to that haunts her, but thankfully waking up usually calms her down and it doesn’t happen often. It doesn’t affect her mood, but on a bad day it may :(
(bonus 2 for reading this far holy fuck)
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