localvoidcat · 1 year
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woe. superhero au content be upon ye
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
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i drew,,,, a l o t for sam @localvoidcat's superhero au bc im fucking insane abt this au,,,,, i had to improvise a lot of the designs bc there arent many canon designs as of right now (not mad though!!! i like experimenting w designs and you're still working on this au anyway!!! no need to rush all the designs or plot or anything!! just take ur time and have fun w it <3333 )
also i only noticed the weird discrepancies w nonami's more purple color compared to the more black and grey colors of the other villains to yeah sorry for that FVGBHNJM
also i just remembered that i wanted to make adam purple and not green bc of his powers but i'm. way too lazy to change it FGBHNJM
i hope you enjoy this despie me forgetting to do a few things!!!!
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
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very quick adam and jonah doodles for @localvoidcat
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handbagman · 2 years
jonah with the power of telekinesis just to smoke his weed
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au by @localvoidcat even though jonah doesn't actually have any powers in it 😓
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fandomchoirboys · 7 years
Kakavege week - Space Travel
AN: Takes place in an AU where when Raditz came to Earth, Goku regained his Saiyan memories after they both were killed by Piccolo. Out of a sense duty to his race he went with Nappa, Raditz and Vegeta after the brothers were brought back with the Dragon Balls. Nappa and Raditz later die at the hands of Freeza in glorious battle on Namek and choose not to be brought back. The rest follows the basic timeline of Dragon Ball Z except Goku and Vegeta still have their space pods and use them to go to other worlds as either defenders of planets in need or in search of remnants of the Cold's Empire.
Royal Catalog: Recorded transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot between the Ages 761 and 784 (as told by the King Consort's log dates after pod is repaired by Royal Scientist and Royal Mother Bulma Briefs). Year of Catalog: 13 PGR*, may King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot's glory live on forever. 4582 TMC** and Galacdate 397412.47.
Age 761
'Hey, you awake?'
'Kakarot, regardless of there only being four of us left, I am still your Prince and I demand you show me the respect due to me.'
'Right! Sorry, sir. Your Highness! Sir.'
'Moon above, I know Raditz found you on a backwater planet but honestly...'
'I'm sorry Prince Vegeta! I'll try to be better!'
Transmission enhanced and remastered 'Not like it really matters, a prince of three isn't much of anything.'
'Whatya say? Sir!'
'Nothing Kakarot.'
'Okay your Highness. Ya'know, I'm here so if you ever wanna talk or something at some point.'
'Shut up.'
'Yes sir.'
Age 763
'Hey, Vegeta!'
'Yes Kakarot?'
'Whatya think we'd be doin' right now if Freeza hadn't blown up the planet?'
'You'd be an infantry level soldier with dreams of maybe making Lieutenant and I'd be living in lap of luxury with beautiful women seeing to my every whim, the planet magically running itself without me having to life a finger.'
'C'mon Vegeta, that's no fun. We'd still be friends!'
'How would we be friends Kakarot? The only reason we met was because we are literally the last of our species and I decided to disobey Freeza and go somewhere I wasn't supposed to.'
'Yeah, but can't ya feel it? It's like, when I first saw ya I knew we were meant to, I dunno, fight together and stuff. Even if Freeza didn't destroy our planet, we'd have to be together.'
'If you say so Kakarot.'
Age 765
'Ya ever wonder what everyone would think if they saw us now?'
'Like Raditz and Nappa?'
'Well, yeah them too, but mainly everyone else. I mean, two Super Saiyans in a generation, crossbreeding with another species, ya know? Like, we're kinda breaking all the rules of normalcy and without anyone to reign us in, we're like making up a new definition of what being Saiyan is and-'
'Kakarot how much sleep have you been getting?'
'Not much, my chest has been kinda hurting lately.'
'Our next mission can wait a bit, we'll go to Earth and see if that woman can find what's wrong with it.'
'Oh really! Thanks Vegeta!'
'Can't very well have you watch my back if you're distracted now can I?'
Age 774
'You think if I started teaching him our culture younger, Gohan would be out here with us instead of running around Earth in that costume?'
'Hard to say, I don't think it would take much for you to do something similar, I mean, when we met you were a fashion designer and a strong sense of morality away from being a superhero.'
'I was not-'
'Mysterious/unknown background: check. Unnaturally strong: check. Overthrow despotic and/or militaristic government: check. Magic bullshit, archenemy and Deus Ex Machina devices: check, check and hell yes check.'
'C'mon, it's not my fault we had Dragon Balls-'
'Deus Ex Machina devices.'
'Deus Ex Machina devices. It's a literature thing. It's like out of nowhere, for seemingly no reason other than god caused it, something happens that just fixes whatever it was that went wrong.'
'Huh, yeah, the Dragon Balls'll fix just about anything you could dream of…'
Age 779
'If you could have any wish, what would it be?'
'That you'd stop interrupting the knock out gas in these pods with questions.'
'C'mon, what would you really wish for?'
'…I don't know, I honestly haven't thought about it much. I wanted immortality for so long it's hard to think of anything else. And since all your Earth friends agreed that after seeing what a hassle Garlic Jr. is that no one else is allowed to wish for immortality, regardless of their intentions towards Earth.'
'I guess that's fair, I can't think of anything I want either after I bring King Kai and the rest of them back, but that's only fixing my mess, not getting something that I want.'
'That reminds me, I've been wanting to ask for ages: why didn't you Instant Transmission Cell into space? I know we've set up beacons for you to use.'
'I panicked. Piccolo had just finished giving me the dressing down of my life about how I was sending my son to die and then Cell was a sore loser and was gonna blow up everyone and King Kai's place was the furthest place I could think of where no one would get hurt. Besides, the only beacons we had set up at that point were in the lower atmosphere and maybe one on the moon, we were still testing my reach and our ability to make beacons at that point. Hey, ya think if we still had our tails and we went to the moon, we'd turn Oozaru?'
'No, the Blutz waves would be too weak if we were standing on the source. I don't know what it is about a planet's atmosphere, but it amplifies the Blutz waves to make them strong enough for us to transform. It's why we never had to worry about transforming in space and making sure our ships could survive its crew suddenly becoming at least twenty times larger.'
'Huh. I never even thought about that. It's like our biology wanted us to travel the stars.'
'I guess you could say that. Anything else you wanted to talk about? I'm exhausted from our last mission and was really looking forward to the forced sleep.'
'Oh, no, that's it. Goodnight my Prince.'
'Goodnight Kakarot.'
Age 784
'Where are we going?'
'C'mon Geets, you know if I tell you it won't be a surprise anymore.'
'You know I hate that nickname.'
'You've yet to offer a proper one to replace it and before you say it, no: Your Highness and Prince are not proper nicknames if I want to call you something while we're cuddling. If we're having sex, they're fine since I know what they do for your ego, but otherwise no. And besides, we're almost at our destination.'
'What do you mean we're almost there, there's nothing here since Freeza- Moon above you did not Kakarot.'
'Maybe I did.'
'You wished back our planet?'
'And our people. You would not believe the hassle and promises I had to make to everyone in Otherworld from King Yemma to Supreme and Elder Kai. And that's not even counting actually summoning the dragon without anyone knowing and trying to make their own wishes. I had to fly to the south pole and even then our sons were about halfway there by the time I summoned Shenron. Those poor penguins, they had no idea-'
'Yeah yeah yeah, back to the part where you wished back our entire planet, race and culture without telling me.'
'Well I wanted it to be a surprise. Oh, also I wished for our tails to grow back after a week living on Planet Vegeta. I remember one time you said that having your tail cut off meant you were exiled but at the same time I didn't want to grow them back before we got there 'cuz you might guess something was up and I didn't want them to grow back in the middle of you seeing your dad again or something so…'
'You wished our planet, race, culture and tails back. It- I- I didn’t know I wanted this. Kakarot you- I- I can’t thank you enough, you- you're perfect.'
'Love you too, my Prince, now come on, let's go meet our future.'
End of Transmissions. Continuation of Transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot are filed under: "Recorded transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot between the Ages 785 and 803 (as told by the King Consort's log dates after pod is repaired by Royal Scientist and Royal Mother Bulma Briefs)."
*PGR - Post Grand Resurrection **TMC - Traditional Method of Counting
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localvoidcat · 1 year
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superhero au ruth....i LOVE that shes a mysterious cowboy ur so smart (idk her design so im just making shit up did i get anything right lol)
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localvoidcat · 1 year
okay so the basic plotline (at least my version of it). i'm gonna split this into a couple different sections due to the sheer amounts of side plots. for quick reference the main roles are:
thatcher: a lieutenant with a secret identity as the hero firefly ruth: thatcher's coworker and the friend of both of them, who grows suspicious of thatcher's explanations for things. she's definitely not hiding anything of her own
dave: a tech store manager that pretends to be a villain named meowtherboard evelin: dave's coworker, who later joins him as an "evil henchman". she uses this solely to get back at adam murray for fun
sarah: dave's niece. she's the main person that works on a youtube channel dedicated to exposing the identities and news behind heroes in mandela city adam: evelin's ex, and one of the people from said videos. in between trying to film blurry fights and running away from flamethrowers, he ends up learning about his own abilities. jonah: adam's friend, and the other person from these videos. sarah sends the two out into the field to chase after the heroes. it's usually jonah who does the filming while adam runs around shouting.
mark: sarah's older brother, and dave's nephew. he's a college student that visits mandela city during vacations, but tends to stay away due to the sheer chaos of the heroes and villains. cesar: mark's friend. we think. he tends to show up whenever mark does. gabriel: the head of the villain league. his goal is to take over the entirety of mandela city, typical supervillain style. he views himself as a god, due to his religious background. he's seen as the most dangerous due to his powers involving the brain. preacher: a villain working under the league, and a former nun at st gabriel's church. her power is that of separating a person's power from them, manifesting it into a physical form. this form must be caught to regain the missing powers. the faceless lady: another villain. her "name" is that given to her by locals, often her victims seconds before being afflicted. her power, as expected, is the ability to steal peoples faces for a short period of time, during which they are still alive but robbed of all their main senses. nonami: another villain. their power is a useful one, being the ability to shapeshift into any person, albeit in an uncanny way. their tell is the mark across their face that remains in every form. n: another villain. his power is considered strange and somewhat useless, being the ability to teleport into the room of anyone laying down. it's not considered useless later on. six: a villain, formerly a show runner by the name of stanley. his power, presumably gained from a work incident, is the ability to travel through televisions, and bring things through the screens with him.
o'brien: the pastor at st. gabriel's church. unfortunately, his workplace is often invaded by the villain league on every day except sunday. jude: adam's absent father. he briefly attempts to pose as a hero. it doesn't work. he sells cryptocurrency to adam's great dismay.
with the roles written down, here's a plot summary:
thatcher has some kind of accident involving electricity/a lightbulb, probably electrocuting himself in the process. fun fact this scene is inspired by a story i read back in 2020 that got deleted and has never left my mind since
over time he starts realizing. oh shit i can do stuff now. there's only one logical course of action
this logical course of action is to take on the persona of this bug-themed hero named firefly because he's a fucking loser. love him for that. he can't actually fly he can control artificial light and that's it
his main reason for doing this is because of the rampant actions of the villains appearing in the city. i've listed them before but each of them plays a role in the story
as he begins looking for information, he encounters his first foe: a cat-themed tech wizard that interferes with his missions all of the time. this person - who introduces themself as meowtherboard - claims to be a villain, and firefly/thatcher wholeheartedly believes them. despite them not doing anything malicious. or really doing much aside from cool tech tricks and meowing. but surely, this is some malicious villain that's trying to overthrow him. how vile
all the meanwhile, he's trying to uphold his normal life as a newly promoted lieutenant. ruth begins to notice how tired thatcher is every day, and gets suspicious over time. he also talks to his friend dave, the manager of the tech store, who notices something off as well. he could never tell them about this though. not like they'd respond badly. he just doesn't want to. he thinks it's silly
and here's where dave comes in! he's the one masquerading as the "villain" meowtherboard. he's not associated with the villain league in any way - he doesn't even have powers as a matter of fact - but the opportunity was too fun to pass up. he has no idea who this firefly character is, but it's become habit for him to show up and talk to them.
one day, evelin - still his coworker in this - walks in to find him working on his costume. he frantically tries to explain it to her, but to his surprise she's...oddly chill about it? she offers to help him out and he agrees, giving her the role of his evil henchman. she loves this, half because it's very fun and half because she has an arsenal of makeshift weapons at her disposal to mess with her ex.
speaking of exes, we're introduced to adam, sarah, and jonah. together, they run a youtube channel dedicated to the documentation, exposing, and information of the heroes and villains in mandela city. they are greatly disliked by said superheroes and villains due to their constant appearances at the worst possible times.
firefly views them as a threat, and tries to avoid them as much as possible. he often fails at this.
this is beginning to be much longer than intended so i'll try to explain things + fun information quickly.
firefly and meowtherboard often get stuck in situations together, often involving villains. there's a couple scenarios where they're trapped and have to depend on each other to escape. what starts as a meeting between bickering masked individuals slowly forms into something almost like a friendship, to the point where when meowtherboard gets injured during a fight, firefly rushes over to help them. this is how the reveal happens, and they realize who the other is. this is much later in the au and they don't have much time to discuss this before gabriel lunges to attack again
each villain is encountered separately, aside from a large fight much much later in the au. meowtherboard gets their face stolen for fifteen minutes, and firefly only realizes this when meowtherboard takes off their mask to reveal a completely blank face. this is before the reveal and is mostly played as a quick call. they also have encounters with the preacher, where firefly loses their power momentarily and has to catch a literal firefly, as well as encounters with n, six, nonami (who takes on firefly's appearance but only as thatcher, which shakes him to his core), and finally, gabriel.
adam realizes he has powers later on in the au. this is during a blunt rotation with jonah where the blunt starts levitating and spinning wildly in the air. they chalk up the glowing purple eyes and the magical blunt to the drugs at first, but later they realize it was real. adam tries not to use his power much due to the horrific headaches he gains from them.
there's another hero that firefly and meowtherboard are often shown up by, this being a cowboy-themed hero with the ability to "mark" people with their gun. shortly after the reveal between thatcher and dave, this hero shows up to help them fight against gabriel, and ends up revealing herself as ruth. this leads to even more confusion seconds before the three nearly get their asses kicked by the man with mechanical wings again
mark and cesar show up at some point, often just to remark on the happenings. dave has to balance being a good uncle, along with a good store runner, along with a good villain. or a bad villain. he isn't sure what he is. we get some mark and cesar interactions that explain their dynamic a bit, outside of any hero stuff.
adam and jonah do at multiple points nearly expose the identity of firefly, but it always ends in some unfortunate mishap. a split second shot of their face gets deleted on accident, or an audio recording of the hero's real voice is overtaken by the sound of jonah being attacked by a pigeon, or a piece of fabric from a torn costume flutters away in the wind never to be seen again. they are having a horrible time.
o'brien, being a friend of dave's, is constantly being chased off by the villains. dave tries to comfort him, or help out as his villain persona, but this never works. o'brien isn't sure how he hasn't been fired yet.
as mentioned earlier, jude has a brief arc where he decides being a hero would be super cool. his costume consists of dvds duck taped to a black shirt and pants, and a cape he found in a spirit halloween. he gets booed away by firefly and meowtherboard. he tries to sell his new startup concepts to dave every day and gets chased out with a broom. adam denies any relation with him.
this is all i can think of right now, but any questions are welcome! i'm still working this out, as seen by my ramblings above, but i love this au very very much and hope to make more content for it later
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localvoidcat · 2 years
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shoutout to mandela city for having the worst superheroes ever
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localvoidcat · 1 year
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I. FORGOT TO SEND YOU THIS. anyways. i was gonna ask if this is like. somewhat close to how firefly looks (his. back at least. artblock is still killing me so i couldn't draw a front view) +silly little side view sketch. lemme know if i fucked him up tho LMAO
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localvoidcat · 1 year
i just realized how funny it is that the guy with light sensitivity issues is best friends with the guy with light related powers
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
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@localvoidcat the sillies :D
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localvoidcat · 1 year
you should totally tell us about the thoughts you're having about the superhero au i think. i think you should talk about it ^-^
mainly thinking about. the worldbuilding (superpowers only being around for 50 years + the fact that they appear from sheer luck) and dave's final encounter with gabriel and thatcher learning he has powers and so much stuff that i am too tired to express. but heres some screenshots
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gabriel also has a backstory now. grew up in the church started viewing themself as the god they worshiped got mind control powers by sheer chance exploded a priest's brain on accident changed their name and appearance decided that the city needed to worship them like they worshiped themself. you know how it is
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localvoidcat · 2 years
adam finds out about his powers. because of a blunt rotation with jonah btw
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localvoidcat · 1 year
what if superhero au ruth had a horse for no reason
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localvoidcat · 1 year
one of the villains decides that its a much better idea to just trap the heroes and prevent them from escaping, than to fight them. they come to the conclusion that since firefly and meowtherboard are always together, they must be working together too.
there is way too much bickering than there ever should when you are inches away from open flame.
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localvoidcat · 1 year
love that jude sells cryptocurrency in the superhero au that's so fun. adam voice yeah that's my dad but i hate him. if he tries to sell you a picture of an ape don't trust him
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