#TOM ELLIS rebelled against the government for her
“That Martha must’ve done you good”
“She did yeah she…. was a doctor a medical doctor, she got trapped in the 1913’s as a maid to keep the me safe, she faced racism, she was hit on by shakespeare, she was kidnapped and held hostage, she fought the daleks, she flew the TARDIS, she watched the creation of stonehenge, she went to the end of the universe, she discovered Atlantis, she met the last humans on earth, she watched as her whole family was held hostage by the master, she was held in a concentration camp, she formed a rebellion. She walked the earth she saved my life She fancied me”
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pixilatedbitch · 5 years
Decided to rewatch the hunger games movies with a grain of salt and...
I really want someone to break down why the movies set people off but instead I’ll say why it sets me off, hopefully Lindsay Ellis style.
Cinematography- this is always a big one for me because I’m such a sucker for good beautiful cinematography so when I see it done so averagely in a movie that deserved better it pisses me off. IDK why I want to compare The Hunger Game movies so much to The Handmaid’s tale but I do. These are two dystopian stories told from the first perspective of women. The cinematography from the first episode of the show was praised and rightfully so considering how beautiful it was and how greatly it complimented the story.
Cast- I think some cast members were perfect. Cenna, Haymitch, President Snow, Rue and of course Effie. However, they should have worked harder with the big three. Katniss, Peeta, and Gale. They just didn’t represent the age that they were supposed to be. Like y’all, Tom Holland is like 22 now, he’s older than these three characters are supposed to be. I don’t remember how they chose the casting and tbh I’m too lazy to look it up. But I think they went for Jennifer Lawrence after she won the Oscar for Winters Bone and honestly the movie was the perfect audition tape for the movie, considering setting, the story and the tough acting necessary. And honestly, rewatching the Hunger Games movies Jennifer Lawrence did a great job, she has the range. But now it feels a little like Scarlet Johansson in “Ghost in the Shell”. She was just not right for the part. Katniss Everdeen is supposed to be at least half Native American same as Gale, from the descriptions in the book but instead they went for full on white because I think at the time it wasn’t really something that was plausible or bankable, to have your protagonist be a POC.
Plot- it truly is bizarre and so meta that IRL the producers of the movies decided to up sell the love story as much as they did. But people fighting against their government is a harder sell of a movie than a love triangle, especially out of a YA book with a female protagonist (very sexist of the industry honesty, never watched or read the Maze Runner but I know this was mostly marketed as a teen boys kinda book and even though the hunger game books are deep as fuck it still felt like it was marketed towards young girls and therefore when the movies came out they thought this is what they needed to sell to us to make money considering how good Twilight did a few years back, a very teenage girl story) . Again, bringing it back to the Handmaids tale SPOILER ALERT FOR SEASON 1, you always get the sense that the relationship between June and Nick is less out of love and more out of necessity and survival. In an unfeeling society they feel the need for each other not out of love but out of human necessity. I think a lot of it is helped by the fact that the show is actually narrated by the main character which brings me to my next point:
Point of view- it is such a disservice that there was no narrator. They have very little to work with in the movie because Katniss, although the accidental leader of a revolution, doesn’t act much on what she think, she processes. She actively even tries to show as little emotion as possible. This is not a character to easily portrayed in film and have your audience still root for them. If we’d gotten a narrator, we would be able to see that she has more in common with June in Handmaids tale in season 1 with her personal relations and with Jyn from Rogue One with how she begins to rebel. Katniss is a reluctant rebel. She wants to keep her head down but she’s young and she still has a very full heart. This is why her age is important. She may have already been through shit but she STILL feels very deeply. She’s young enough to feel the pain of losing someone she cared for deeply, Rue and then in the end of the games be played and pushed to kill Peeta or die. And also killing that boy that killed Rue pains her. It’s the first person she actively killed. All of these make her see how the society she’s living in keeps pushing her and others in the society to participate in these killings then be told to carry on as if it was nothing and at the end of the Games she’s had it because she knows it IS something, she’s aware Rue meant something to her family and to her, Peeta meant something to her, the boy that she killed meant something to his family. Her big fuck you is the berries. She didn’t expect to even survive them. The rest of the nation sees this and a revolution begins. But 👏🏼we 👏🏼don’t 👏🏼get 👏🏼the 👏🏼dept👏🏼 of 👏🏼these 👏🏼moments 👏🏼as 👏🏼we should. We don’t know what her thinking process is as it is portrayed!
Last words, the movies sacrificed a lot in the name of money and bankability. I think we’re going to have to expect this out of a lot of adaptations. Right now the movie industry is really going through it. The newest blockbuster movies are becoming less experimental and more passable (for more info look up Nerdwriter1’s video “the epidemic of passable movies”) in order to get as many people to see it as possible. Whoever is making these movies is all about making sure they’re a safe bet.
AND THIS IS WHY I TRULLY truuuuly hope to some day see some new adaptation of the Hunger Games or maybe even the prequel coming in May as a TV show! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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