topoet · 1 day
The Scope of Things (2014)
The Scope of Things  The Scope of Things
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heatherrosebabcock · 4 years
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“One day, we’ll share a drink to forget these times.”
A friend said this to me, three months into the Covid-19 pandemic. 2020 has been a year with all the grace of a chainsaw; a year that most of us would like to forget.
However during this bleak time of loss and lockdowns, when the days piled up like pizza coupons in a letterbox and every morning felt like getting ready for a trip to the airport, there was one bright light for me and that was the release of my debut historical novel Filthy Sugar. 
I’ve never been a “milestone” kind of person; my life missing the diplomas, weddings and babies that others use to bookmark their journeys. Filthy Sugar was to be my milestone: a tangible symbol of the twenty-plus years that I have spent working on my craft. 
Writers worry about everything and in the year leading up to the release of Filthy Sugar, I was no exception. I worried about the editing process - would I lose a favorite scene or character? - I worried about typos. I’ve always harbored an admittedly silly belief that if I worry about something long and hard enough then the worry won’t come true and everything will be okay. Well, the one thing I forgot to worry about was my book coming out during a world-wide pandemic.
Sorry, guys.
But Filthy Sugar did make its way into the world, thanks to my wonderful publisher Inanna Publications and amazing Editor-in-Chief Luciana Ricciutelli. 
Of course, it was launched very differently than expected; due to the circumstances, there would be no wine and cheese in-person party, no book signings, no library readings and no tour. This brick and mortar girl had to catch up with the times, PDQ. My dear friend Liz Worth hosted a virtual speakeasy for Filthy Sugar over Zoom, complete with a 1930′s inspired performance by Neil T. on the ukulele. It was a blast and I was delighted at how it felt like a “real” party - the bonus being that I didn’t have to take the subway home afterwards! Inanna also held a very successful and well attended virtual launch with myself and three other talented Inanna authors. Oh, and I finally upgraded my phone and joined Instagram, which I’ve found is a fun way to reach potential readers. Val Fullard’s gorgeous cover art for Filthy Sugar has inspired some lovely Instagram posts from readers!
Unless you’re a big name or have lots of media connections, book reviews are hard to come by. I am extremely thankful for the great reviews that Filthy Sugar has received from Hollywood Genes, TOpoet.ca, M.H. Callway, and The Historical Novel Society. Top Bookstagram account @bookalong also gave Filthy Sugar a glowing review. Cate McKim of Life With More Cowbell has been very supportive of my book, as has The South Etobicoke News.  The wonderful All Lit Up has shown Filthy Sugar much love, choosing it as one of the twelve books that made an impact on them in the past year. I thank everyone here for their support. 
Writing kept me calm during this pandemic: my essay on why I feel that Jean Harlow is an important feminist icon was published on the Inanna website and I kept up with my blog Meet Me at the Soda Fountain  where my post on 1930′s lingerie received the greatest number of views for me this year.
Thanks to my Editor-in-Chief, Luciana Ricciutelli, Filthy Sugar was nominated for a Goldie and was also made into an audiobook. 
Working on Filthy Sugar with Luciana was a wonderful experience: she was so kind, supportive and encouraging, as well as extremely patient with this first time author! She encouraged her authors to follow our dreams and to always dream bigger. Like so many in the Canlit community, I was heartbroken to hear of her passing on December 14th, 2020. Canlit has lost its brightest light. In an interview with Jocelyn Cullity in July, Luciana said:
“I would tell women writers to never give up - write every single day- and know that their voice is not just important, but indispensable in our struggle for a better world for all.”
Thank you Luciana. 
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topoet · 8 days
Grape Popsicle (2014)
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topoet · 15 days
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topoet · 1 month
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topoet · 1 month
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topoet · 2 months
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topoet · 2 months
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topoet · 2 months
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topoet · 3 months
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topoet · 3 months
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topoet · 3 months
Sex-o-phobia (2014)
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topoet · 3 months
‘Hangin’ On The Telephone’ (2014)
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topoet · 4 months
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topoet · 4 months
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