#TPATL writing process
universitypenguin · 1 month
when you are writing a fic do you have most of it planned out beforehand or do you kind of make it up as you go along?
In the past, I've mainly identified as a plotter.
My typical approach to a story was to use Google sheets and write out mini summaries of each chapter. I used Blake Snyder’s story beats, the 27 chapter method, Dan Wells’ seven point story structure, the Highway and Service Road method from Jane Cleland’s book, “Mastering Plot Twists” and everything in between.
However, after composing the blueprint for a story I’d often be bored and struggle to write the actual novel. Knowing what happened next killed the vibe. Another issue that I saw in my writing was that my character development and their growth cycles sometimes felt stilted and forced. Whether or not I could capture the essence of a character was a roulette of hit or miss.
Because of that, I approached TPATL in a different manner. I felt like I finally knew structure well enough that I could pull off a character driven story - I’d attempted it before, around 2018, and it ended disastrously. TPATL exists primarily because Lloyd was the perfect character with enough conflict and personality drama to keep pushing the story forward. The tension between him making a conscious choice to be good, when his natural instinct is to be bad, and the effect that Princess has on him in suppressing a lot of those urges, makes a character driven story about him much easier to develop.
I do still use plotting and structure to set overarching plot goals, but the finer details of the story are left open for spontaneous creation. For example, I knew I wanted to write the scene where the stalker enters Lloyd’s backyard and attacks Princess by the swimming pool from the start. The identity of the stalker though, was up for debate until this morning when I officially decided who it was. I really enjoyed writing this way. Using structure when I needed it to figure out where I was going and letting the rest unfurl organically was fun and frustrating. There have been several points where I’d painted myself into a corner and didn’t know how to get out. But something always came together in the end - albeit to varying degrees of success and gracefulness. (Ahem… subplot with Lloyd and Sheriff Holbrook, I’m looking at you. That ended up taking so long that I just decided to cut it short. I deleted a bunch of content that would’ve rounded it out, and yes, I do mean deleted as in permanently deleting those chapters from my hard drive/cloud.)
Writing TPATL as a character driven story has enriched my ability to think on my feet, solve plot holes as they crop up, and write characters with richer internal conflicts. Even Princess has become more complex to the point where she’s less of a reader insert and more of a real character. Her behavior is fairly consistent and there’s an identifiable personality with its own unique thought patterns.
I even dove into Lloyd’s childhood with the Idaho subplot. Unfortunately, this had the side effect of turning the story into a massive plot sprawl. I needed to wrap things up and tie off loose ends to get back to the main storyline. In hindsight, had I planned this out architect style, the narrative would have flowed smoother, culminating in a more logical conclusion.
As I approach the climax of TPATL, I’ve found myself grappling with a number of challenges because of my lack of planning. At this point, the whole thing is a maze. It’s irritating, especially for someone averse to revisiting their past work, but it’s forced me to think creatively and find innovative solutions when I’ve written myself into a corner.
So, to answer your question: usually I’m a plotter. My natural inclination is towards plotting, but TPATL has been an exercise in flying by the seat of my pants. I’d say that this current story has been 85% improvised and 15% planned.
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universitypenguin · 2 months
Hey beautiful! How are you? How is the writing? I am missing Lloyd and princess so much to the point where I am going to have to reread their fic🫣will they be making a return in the near future? No pressure, just asking because I genuinely love those two.
Hey! Thanks so much for reaching out, it means a lot to know people still care about my writing - especially since I haven’t been very productive as of late. I know there’s lots of other talented fanfic authors out there for you to enjoy. 💛
I've been hanging in there, thank you for asking. Things have been pretty hectic lately for me. I’ve been working on chapter 27 off and on for the past two months and kept getting discouraged when it wasn’t turning out how I envisioned. Then, at the beginning of April, I got a job offer. It was very exciting and I accepted it immediately - however the process of starting that new job was ended up being very time consuming. The job itself is actually pretty easy, especially compared to what I used to do, which is great news for me!
Also, in the middle of job searching this winter/spring, I accidentally let one of my major professional certifications expire. (A word of advice: do NOT do this, it sucks. 😑)
Unfortunately it’s not a license I’ve actively worked under for the past two years, so I wasn’t eligible to just throw in some education hours and appeal the expiration. Because I hadn’t used my license recently, I had to take a semester long college course and re-test with the state and pass their in person practicals before they’d let me apply to get my license back. Basically they made me start over from almost zero. I was not thrilled.
That class is just now wrapping up. I still have to do the final exam, take my state licensing exam, pass the state practicals, and then I’ll be allowed to apply for a new license. It’s been a lot. Learn from my mistakes: don’t let your certifications expire. Those test are all coming up in the next two weeks.
Anyways, back to the point.
TPATL definitely took a hit during all this chaos, especially around midterms when everything began to pile up and the job change started to take shape. I kept promising myself I'd dive back into it, but life just kept throwing curveballs – like a last-minute job interview I had to rush off to, classes that got busy, etc.
But hey, I've finally managed to tackle Chapter 27. I admit, it wasn't pretty at first. The whole thing just felt flat, lacking any spark to keep readers engaged. It took me a while to pinpoint what was missing, but in the past few days, I've been able to breathe some life back into it. Right now I’m working on the last two scenes from Lloyd’s perspective and I have a couple more scenes to write from Princess’ POV.
I’m hoping to finish the chapter by the end of the week. Friday, perhaps?
Honestly, sometimes I wish someone would just chain me to my desk and force me to write! But I'm determined to get back on track, especially knowing there are readers like you who care about Lloyd and Princess's journey. So, thank you for your patience and understanding – it means the world to me. Hang tight, I promise TPATL will be back on track soon!
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universitypenguin · 5 months
Not to be a pain but when will the next chapter of TPATL be out. Pleas ignore this if you don’t want answer.
Chapter 24 is actually written, I’ve just been debating its structure for the past few days.
The problem is that it has a very long introduction that would make more sense on its own. If I split it in two parts, you’ll have a whole chapter from the POV of the killer. It would also be ready to read it within the next day or so.
Should I post Chapter 24 today/tomorrow and save Chapter 25 for next week?
Let me know what you’d prefer!
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Also, I don’t mind you guys asking when the next chapter is coming out, as long as you’re polite. Knowing my readers are invested and curious about what happens next keeps me motivated. I logged in this morning to make a poll about the structure question I’ve been debating, and when I saw your ask in my notifications, I was relieved.
TPATL hasn’t been updated in like, a month, and I was a little worried people had forgotten it or moved on to shorter, faster paced stories that are more concise. I was enormously relieved and also excited when I read your message - so thank you very much!
And to all of my followers, please know that as long as your message is respectful, I’m more than happy to give you guys updates about where I am in the writing process.
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universitypenguin · 7 months
I just want you to know that I adore you’re princess and the lawyer series and I check on it often (please don’t take that as me trying to rush you, I’m definitely not. I just really enjoy it)
Hello. Thank you for your continued interest in TPATL - please know, your enthusiasm means a lot to me. I want to apologize for the recent delay in updates. The main reason for it is that I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump lately. It’s not that I haven’t written or that I haven’t had time, just that it’s been taking me a long time to get into the flow of things. I keep having days where I write several pages and end up discarding most of them, keeping only a fraction of what I’ve written. It’s really frustrating, to be honest. 
However, there is good news! I reached out to a writer friend and got feedback on the current chapter that has helped a lot. @nomadstucky reviewed the upcoming chapter and had a lot of great insight into which sections were going wrong and what concepts needed more development. Thanks to her I’ve gotten back on the right track and this week’s writing process has gone much smoother.
Right now, I’m in the process of making revisions and feeling more inspired because I can tell that I’m working in the right direction. Once the developmental edits have been made there’s line editing and a grammar edit, and then I’ll post the chapter. 
Thank you again for your support and patience. I’ll do my best to make sure the next chapter is worth the long wait! 
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universitypenguin · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. get to know your mutuals and followers! ✨🍄✨
1. Woodworking - I’m refinishing a table right now and it’s been so fun. That’s also why I’ve been off social media for the past few days because it’s taken up so much time. Stripping detailed furniture can be a labor intensive process and this one definitely has - but I’m enjoying it!
2. The season finale of Ted Lasso - I watched this while re-finishing my table. They did an amazing job with the characters on this show. Their writing was excellent and I’m really impressed at how well the plot structure was executed.
3. Sewing - this is something I’m just starting to learn, but I’m having a lot of fun with it. I’m currently trying to make a bomber jacket. We’ll see how it goes!
4. Music - I’ve been into Charlie Puth, The Weeknd, and Bruno Mars type stuff lately and it’s been a nice change of pace for my ears.
5. Writing - I have a confession: the plot bunny snuck up and bit me the other day. In between editing the next chapter of TPATL, I’ve begun outlining the plot points for a new story I want to write.
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universitypenguin · 1 year
I’m the anon who sent the true crime ask a while ago and I always feel bad for having so many asks but ever time I read TPATL Content I become so inspired! Please feel free not to answer if you have a lot of work on.
I was curious if there were any particular true crime cases/ serial killers you based Nguyen (if he IS the killer???) on? I find true crime, espionage and legal thrillers fascinating. If you have any podcast/documentary/reading recommendations, I’d love to hear them! You really handle all three of these genres very well in the text making it so hard to put down!
Secondly, could I ask what dog you think Lloyd might get? I can imagine him adopting a breed considered dangerous from a shelter, like some kind of pitbull. I believe there are no such things as bad dogs, just bad owners. It’s a shame certain breeds are considered dangerous. My family rescued the most gorgeous, snuggly, loving Staffordshire Bull Terrier. People who judge him with just a look but he had so much goodness to give! It was the first thought that popped into ky head when I read you were thinking of giving him a dog. Of course pick any breed you want! I just thought it was an interesting thought and I’m very biased when it comes to certain breeds 😂. I’d love to hear what you picture him with! Maybe a French breed or a snuggly Doberman? I am just very invested in the idea of dogs!!
Anyways, I’m really looking forward to the next chapter! I can’t compliment your talent enough. You’re one of my favourite authors on Tumblr.
Lotsa love,
Never feel bad for sending me asks! I love them. Sometimes I struggle to reply in a timely manner, but it always thrills me to see that people want to interact with my blog and hear additional details about the story. 
There is a case that inspired this story. It’s called the “Bear Brook Murders” and occurred in Allenstown, New Hampshire. A local reporter made a podcast about it and included later updates as more information emerged about the crime. That podcast was the inspiration for the idea that they found a body, and then several years later, someone finds the other body, practically in the same spot. And then they realize it was there all along...
Another podcast, that I plan on listening to soon, is called “In the Red Clay: Durham.” My all time favorite podcast that I’ve listened to for years, is “Writing Excuses” with Brandon Sanderson. 
Also, thank you for realizing that there are three different genres being juggled in TPATL! I’m writing the crime plot as suspense, the stalker plot as a thriller, and the relationship plot as a romance. It’s possible I’ve bitten off more than I can chew… but I get so bored without a challenge in my life… so yeah. It’ll all work out in the end. Trust the process! 
As for a dog that Lloyd might get, I’ve been kicking around adding a dog to the plot. It might happen, it might not. I haven’t decided.
What I imagine is that Lloyd, being slightly paranoid, would want to get a protection dog for Princess. On occasions when he has to travel for work, he wouldn’t want her to be alone. So, he asks Zach to contact an ex-SEAL who now trains dogs. Lloyd meets the trainer, who introduces him to an old-fashioned German Shepherd with a sable coat and intelligent eyes. Her name is Freya and she’s only two, but she’s well trained and very sweet. Lloyd is a bit concerned at how sweet she is, until he watches the owner put on the bite suit. Freya in action is… impressive. Terrifying, but impressive. 
He happily pays the $60,000 fee to purchase her. 
Princess immediately gets Freya a pink collar and matching sweater, crushing Lloyd’s dream of owning an intimidating protection dog. He ends up with a cuddly, spoiled, bed hog, who snores like an old man. Worse, she thinks the sun rises and sets because Princess asks it to. Lloyd ends up relegated to the bottom rank in the pack. He may have bought the animal, but it’s Princess who really owns her. 
The only good thing is that Lloyd has an exuberant running companion at six in the morning. In reality, he loves Freya just as much as Princess does. He’s amused at how they took to each other and he adores that Freya follows her mistress around the house like a velcro dog. And he feels better about going away on business trips when Freya is guarding the house. 
But he replaces the pink collar with a nice brown leather collar at the first opportunity. Freya’s a protection dog first, and a pet second - this is a hill Lloyd will die on. He didn’t pay sixty grand for her to parade around in a pink collar like a Barbie doll. Image is everything, okay? A protection dog has to at least look the part.
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Freya's Collar, as purchased by Princess. It's vegan leather and handmade by a small business.
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Lloyd replaces it with an equivalent, purchased in brown and fashioned from real leather. He argues that vegan leather is made of plastic, so it's more environmentally friendly to buy something that won't last into the next millennium in a landfill.
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