facewithoutheart · 4 months
niche content: Baz and Simon absolutely get The Watford Goats back together to cover Naked in Manhattan.
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facewithoutheart · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thanks Jess & also @bookish-bogwitch, @skeedelvee, @run-for-chamo-miles, @aristocratic-otter & @urban-sith who also tagged me ❤️ y’all are lovely and I’ve enjoyed seeing the work you’re most proud of.
I tend to suffer from recency bias when writing fics, where I only like the things I’ve written recently, which isn’t fair to my (oh god so big) body of work. So, it’s taken me awhile to think about this.
This Will All Go Down In Flames (E, 77k, SnowBaz)
This is the first fic that really made me feel like a writer. Getting to collab with @tea-brigade & having some amazing alphas/betas like @sillyunicorn, @martsonmars, @bookish-bogwitch, & @cutestkilla. I’d written longfics before, but this was the first time I had a community with me and it made me realize how much more fun writing is with smart people in the trenches alongside me. I also got to add place to a fic for the first time really, celebrating the Austin I knew and miss every day.
boulders turn into sand (E, 19k, SnowBaz)
This is the first fic that I think is really beautiful, and painful in a sweet, aching way. Plus it’s got a banger of a playlist if you ask me. This fic wouldn’t be half as good without @shrekgogurt sliding into my DMs with amazing song recs and I’m so grateful to her ❤️❤️. I know this fic isn’t most people’s bag bc of the infidelity arc, but I consider this a turning point in my writing where I stopped trying so hard to write what I thought people wanted and started to focus on stories about messy people trying their best which is where I find most joy exploring. I think about the end of that fic and Simon/Baz’s slow journey to heal after their “happy ending” all the time. I don’t think I can express how much it meant to have @iamamythologicalcreature make art of Simon toward the end of that fic; he has my whole heart and seeing that moment represented just healed me in such a powerful way.
The Wedding Bet (16k, T, SnowBaz)
This fulfilled my dream of being a sitcom writer lol. Man, I had a blast with this fic and it seems best fitting for a gift for @martsonmars bc it’s funny, tender, smart and witty, all traits Marta exemplifies. I worked so hard on this fic yall hahaha and it’s one of the first fics where I contrived some insane structure and plot devices and I think I pulled it off. Finishing this definitely gave me the confidence to try bigger plots and new devices.
Cursed Ships (Series, various)
I’m cheating here because this is a series, but I think this is such a fun gift to fandoms: writing the cursed ships no one asked for but kind of make sense when you think about it. This is probably one of those areas where I feel unapologetically proud bc it’s hard for me to write in spaces without a lot of covered ground and also to pull off couples you kind of what to hate. And maybe I didn’t hit the mark on these but I’m still glad I tried.
Just Like That (WIP, E, 8k posted, buddie)
Maybe it’s premature to say this is a top fic when I’m still in the process of writing it but oh man I’m so proud of this so far. It feels like all of the heart of TWAGDIF combined with the sweet pain of boulders. This fic is meant as an exercise to see if I can pull off some of the messier themes I’ve got planned in my original novel idea, and so far I think I’m doing it? We’ll see if I stick the landing.
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facewithoutheart · 3 months
At some point in TWAGDIF it’s basically just inside jokes between me and @bookish-bogwitch and honestly that’s the reason fanfic was invented.
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facewithoutheart · 1 year
Simon and Baz singing “Will Anybody Ever Love Me?” in TWAGDIF-verse as a duet.
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facewithoutheart · 1 year
OMG, I just read TWAGDIF and it's so fucking great. I say this as someone who naturally gravitates more toward canon-verse fics than AUs so I came to it relatively late down my rabbit hole of CO fics, but I'm so so so glad I decided to go for it. It's lovely, it's funny, it's hot and I cannot thank you enough for writing it. Also, I question: do the complete lyrics to the eponymous song exist (even just in your head)? Because ngl just what we got makes me wish for the complete song <3
🥺🥺 this is seriously such a sweet message. This fic lives rent-free in my head and I’m so glad you liked it ❤️.
Fun fact about the song: your ask made this happen! The lyrics and song were written by the amazing @sillyunicorn and I’m obsessed with them. When I decided this was my COBB idea, I went to Kati almost immediately to see if she’d help me come up with a song. From the very beginning I knew I wanted the fic to end with an ACL performance where Simon and Baz change the lyrics of their most famous song and kiss on stage, so knowing what they sang and how they sang it was vital to the writing process.
And complete props to Kati because I gave her a near impossible task. I was like: hey, write something that captures that on-edge moment between youth and future where you feel like everything is possible if only you grabbed it but also make it sound like an instant indie hit. And she fucking DELIVERED.
I’m so glad I get to share this with the world because I’ve had a bootleg copy for months and it’s seriously my favorite. I cry at the bridge every time knowing Simon has these words tattooed on his ribs.
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