majormeilani · 6 months
Thinkeen about th
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SO TRUE AND REAL!!!!!!!!!!
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triona-tribblescore · 8 months
chewing on your guardian au Mikey rn /aff
he is such a goober i love him
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he is EXTREMELY goober, so little, so happy, so free :'D
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merrily-contrary · 4 years
The Guardian Demon
Okay so maybe its my bias towards Mammon but fucking hell this devilgram was heart warming but also a little bit heart wrenching. I kept expecting Mammon’s story to be revealed as some elaborate ploy to garner sympathy from MC but it wasn’t. In fact its like the writers went out of their way to be “no this is a thing that really happened/is happening.” But just as important is the fact it was pretty insightful on a few things.
Things I learned in this Devilgram:
MC and Solomon are pretty chill with each other, seem like they talk fairly regularly (not surprising but nice to have it confirmed)
Solomon has shitty witch friends. I hate them. More on that later.
Solomon also has quite the information network
MC CAN in fact summon the brothers, or at the very least Mammon, out of thin air using the Pact.
Mammon is such softy for kids in need and is actually pretty responsible.
Everybody calls Mammon the scummiest scumbag but honestly? Fuck. The. Witches. They are the actual worst. You know those shitty, shady exes who demand extra child support money just so they can spend it on themselves? That’s them.
I get it. They are witches. Its typical for at least some of them to be underhanded. But it really seems like they’re playing with fire here. Yes, they really do seem to be taking proper care of this orphaned child but Mammon’s decided to only financially support this child, and thus these witches, until they are an adult. And once the kid is an adult whose to say Mammon won’t pay them back for all the torment they put him through? (Not saying he will but its not off the table either)
It is more or less explicitly stated the reason Mammon puts up with the torment and demands from this group of witches is because of the orphan he found on the street and put in their care. So, is Mammon just being his patient self because what’s 10 years to him and his pretty much immortal self? Probably. I just hope he wrecks the witches, in some way, when once the kid is all grown up and out of the house.
Maybe Mammon really believes if he doesn’t meet the witches demands they will hurt the kid. But still, if they did, Mammon could and would probably tear them from limb from limb. I refuse to believe that he can’t see he’s being swindled. He’s silly but this is money we’re talking about. He gets pretty clever when it comes to that.
Mammon may or may not actually have any pacts with these witches. They “summon” him by calling his DDD (could just be a civility) and the whole tying him up thing is apparently of this own volition (are we surprised?)
Sorry there’s no screenshots. I started thinking about all this afterwards and wanted to write it down before I forgot it all. If you guys really want screenshots I’d be happy to go back and grab some later.
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