#TY LINI 3 was hard tbh wwww i think most things are interesting if done right even if i dont like it normally
hirokiyuu · 2 years
2 & 3 for the writer questions?
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
im obsessed with soulmate aus and i have a loooooooooot of wips of them but somehow ive never published a single one....... tbh i think theyre one of the tropes thats more fun for me as like. a concept rather than a full fic? i prefer to think abt all the ways itd change canon and fuck w/rships esp if it does not solve things nad in fact makes things worse <3 u kno
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
i. wont lie to you i Hate fluffy childhood aus GKLHSDGLKDSHG stories that are like. theyre kids and they grow up knowing each other and its cute and soft and nothing bad happens ever is like. so borign to me GLKAHSDLGKAHSG its funny i do really like other "ive nkown you all my life" tropes but there has to be some kind of like..... friction. it cant just be easy. i like dishsoap where sol thinks dys is kind of weird at first sort of thing u kno. that vibe
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