#that sort of thing wwww
hirokiyuu · 2 years
2 & 3 for the writer questions?
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
im obsessed with soulmate aus and i have a loooooooooot of wips of them but somehow ive never published a single one....... tbh i think theyre one of the tropes thats more fun for me as like. a concept rather than a full fic? i prefer to think abt all the ways itd change canon and fuck w/rships esp if it does not solve things nad in fact makes things worse <3 u kno
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
i. wont lie to you i Hate fluffy childhood aus GKLHSDGLKDSHG stories that are like. theyre kids and they grow up knowing each other and its cute and soft and nothing bad happens ever is like. so borign to me GLKAHSDLGKAHSG its funny i do really like other "ive nkown you all my life" tropes but there has to be some kind of like..... friction. it cant just be easy. i like dishsoap where sol thinks dys is kind of weird at first sort of thing u kno. that vibe
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lem-argentum · 7 months
i swear they wrote the exarch specifically for players with depression because ohhhh my goodness some of the dialogue he has . </3
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And I remember when you used to be mine
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Now, I may be ace, but I’m not blind, and let me just say: You’re all beautiful. Feminine, masculine, or androgynous, cute, pretty, hot, or sexy, short or tall, busty or flat, whether your hair touches the floor or it’s a cute bob, skin pale as the moon, tanned as can be, or a deep rich brown, goth, kawaii, cottage-core, dream-core, emo, you name it, all of it is stunning. These eyes don’t discriminate, and everyone is beautiful. My eyes and heart don’t discriminate
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bluebunnysart · 2 months
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Fanart of my own fanfiction (Chimera Teto x Android Miku)
Good news! When I woke up and looked at my art again today, I liked it, so here's the uncolored version! I trust you tumblr people, so here you go! You may view. This technically means I've drawn UTAU Teto (here) and SynthV Teto, but I really want to color this and take my time doing so, so here are the lines before it turns into something else hahaha 😂😂😂 Read More for the stuff I wanted to write last night but was too tired to (also the art time lapse)
I showed like two WIPs of different ideas on Twitter but none of them were this LOL (just goes to show how much I wanna draw and see of these two specifically) but the reason I decided to go with this is 'cuz that fanfic I wrote in like one day really got me excited and it made me really want to draw them as I was imagining more stuff about them. Here I'll talk about what I had in mind
I love chimera Teto, especially her majestic wings, and what I drew here is basically inspired by that! Teto's basically the only "living, sentient" thing around Miku so far (I dunno how to approach adding more creatures just yet), which makes Miku extra interested in her. But basically Miku likes Teto's wings and tail too and is very fascinated by them.
I had an idea where Miku is just holding or playing with Teto's tail out of nowhere and complimenting the heck out of her, and that was condensed into this piece. It was too crowded on Miku's side to have Teto's tail there as well, but the reason Teto's embarrassed (tsundere is nice, aint it xD) is 'cuz Miku is indeed praising the heck out of her. Calling her cute and saying how cool her wings are and whatnot.
The dialogue kinda goes like, "Your wings are so cool! And I really like how expressive your tail is! I wonder what I would do with a tail. It's so cute! Actually, now that I think about it, all of you is really cute!!" (Teto, embarrassed: "Stop talking now.") wwww
Miku does have a kinda tail actually! It's the chain on top of her skirt. As an android, I was thinking it works as sort of a battery plug or USB or something. I can show off more of that later (since it's really small here lol) but she can use it to receive electricity and recharge herself, I guess~. (Note to self: make it bigger?)
I haven't shown off much of my art style, but most (normal) characters usually don't have pupils. (See: this Teto, who's a living breathing creature.) As a result, I decided to give Miku pupils (kinda robot-like) to make her seem like more of a robot. She also wears the thing (headphones) over her ears, of course, which I can also use to make her seem more robot-like. There's no green flashing of code in her eyes right now but I might draw that sometime too, after my loads of other ideas...
Teto's wings aren't fragile. They're probably firm, hard, and could even be scaly/rough (up to my own whims or the reader's own preference). Her letting Miku touch her (wings) is probably a huge display of trust/confidence. Teto's wings are strong enough to carry her far distances and even allow her to fly in bad weather, I think. It's up to Teto herself how much energy/desire she has to do things like that though.
This is mentioned in the fic too, but Teto probably folds her wings a lot so they don't get in the way. She's kinda like a bird. I think her silhouette against the sun or moon, with full wingspan, is probably majestic (I'm imagining the Batman symbol for some reason lol). I know some people color Teto's wings as purple, but I specified black in my fic to match her tail. ^^
In order for her wings to breathe, there are probably holes in the back of her outfit to accommodate them, but they're only big enough for the wings (ellipses/ovals probably): she either tears/cuts holes into the shirts she wears for her wings or they already fit her wings so there's no problem. I wonder if Teto made her UTAU outfit herself in this setting. xD (A girl has to pass the time SOMEHOW plus she's probably at least a little bit handy when it comes to clothes and stuff (survival).)
If, while I'm coloring, I need to make adjustments to the seating and lineart and all that, I will, but I figured I'd show off what made me stay up 'til 5 AM last night and then get embarrassed to post 'cuz I thought I wasn't finished yet. I woke up and I liked it, so I'm just gonna put it in this here blog. c:
I don't know how to color, so coloring will be a trip 😂
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2n2n · 28 days
ch. 117
ALRIGHT...... off we go !!! To the set-up chapter.......
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I guess whatever you do to the world, Lemon is still going to be a dog...
Aidairo-sensei are.. so funny... this is so predictable... they love to create a specific food situation and give everyone a discreet idiosyncratic order which will be dictated to us the viewer for our pleasure and knowledge...... they have some sort of interest in this kind of thing..... thank you Demmy's
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she is kawaii
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its nice she has this on her phone and can look at it whenever she wants... (: poor girl... painful but intriguing, right? She must have had to linger and really think about him...
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pooooooooooooooooor Nene-chan.....! Pooooor Nene-chaaaan she's trying to be such a selfless girl again....! Tsk tsk... it's not faaaair you know, you've been through so much, if only you could be selfish! Too noble and pure-hearted to confidently usurp your boy's timeline... too small & unconfident to declare their love's existence as important or essential to Amane's being....
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uhhfgggf nooo don't put them side by siiiiiiide 🫣 IYAAAAAA... the size discrepancy.... Amane's smile & Tsukasa's blank gaze.... KYA... ah Tsukasa you're at perfect pelvis height.... wwww
Surprised to see Akane unwilling to change the world back... genuinely is aligned against the proliferation of kaii, then. All things told, the last world was terribly unsafe for Aoi, of all people.
I'm glad for Teru's unconventional mind.... as a boy made happy by unusual things, that makes sense for him. Happiness isn't something as prescriptive as a list of things accomplished, or an age reached. Surviving doesn't mean flourishing...
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she's quick to diminish her own importance, our Nene-chan...
I think in this world, love is the most important thing of all. I wonder what Yugi-sensei's everyday life was defined by... what did he feel, going home alone each day?
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a nice and painful face from Teru! I like it....
how fragile life is. He's a bit of a control freak in many ways, he really wouldn't like this sort of situation... deferring to some greater force. Wouldn't it feel much safer to craft reality for yourself & those you love... to have a choice and exercise it, and prove that you can.
Really though, why would the Minamoto family need parents HAH, Teru is so happy with his precious little brother & Princess... being the breadwinner... I'm sure.
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I like such an angry Aoi hehaaa... cucked !?!?
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tell the AUDIENCE THAT, NENE-CHAN!! You've got such excellent taste ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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ohhh this poor Aoi of this world haha, she's not ready for this directness at all, is she....! Hahaha... I wonder how easily one could 0 to 60 an Aoi who hasn't been confessed to every single day of her life? It works on her much better right here than it typically did in our reality, doesn't it.... you've made her heart stop.... she used to tease you about that as your goal..... haha. Isn't this Akane so impressive and crazy seeming, you have to be bewitched? Oh Akane's charm point....
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jesus, the gang increases in size then.... I suppose we want to really carry as many people through this arc as we can. That makes me suspect that we'll really pingpong all over between different people's experiences .... since I can't imagine AidaIro-sensei would want to balance so many people in 1 room interacting... I wonder how we'll divide the gangs up in the longrun? Honestly, so long as Nene-chan isn't stuck with someone like Kou, I'll be content.... he's strapped to Mitsuba seemingly, I hope it stays that way for a while...
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so many more questions than answers already....
on this first glance, we would have so much confusion, trying to make sense of this appearance... how would we question if this was the Red House of this world?
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such questions would occur: is the house so dilapidated even without a murder-suicide occurring here? Does that mean Yugi-sensei never occupied it, never inherited it from his family? If not a massive family suicide, why would it be abandoned in such a terrible state? If not cursed & ominous, why would it be avoided, as such a palatial estate? It was a large & well-furnished, well-loved house, in the Yugi's childhood... what situation would cause their parents to allow it to fall into such chaos? Why would nobody take it over? Who owned it, in its final years of occupation? Where did Yugi-sensei live? Did he rent an apartment elsewhere? Why wouldn't it simply be sold?
At what point did Yugi-sensei no longer call this home, in this timeline? Were his parents still alive, as he moved out? How long ago did they die? Did he outlive them, or die before them?
This just doesn't look like the house of a family who lived happily & as long as they could....
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but this might
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changes rapidly in appearance from panel to panel.
So our previous questions are moot.... or are they? Haha....
No longer crawling with ivy and dilapidated, chains gone, shingles fixed, NOW it looks like a place Yugi-sensei could have inherited and lived within in his adult life. So is this as it truly is, haha....? Now this looks like a house maintained by a living & fine family ... with few sudden & unforeseen miseries.
I wonder what our Red House's life was like, in this timeline....
I'm quite fond of the idea of Yugi-sensei living in it, taking it over from his parents when they pass away....
a handsome man in a beautiful house~~
let's see what will happen!
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banqanas · 4 months
I found it!!!! Lupus tsundere moment i mentioned yesterday wwww
BATTLE OF TOKYO Vol 5, page 46.
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“Good job, Smash. You can go ahead and rest in the back. Leave the driving to me.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Smash replied to Zero before turning to Lupus. “Sorry, but I can barely move anymore. Can you carry Sherrock to the back seat in my place?”
“That’s what I was intending to do in the first place. But don’t get me wrong, thief. I’m only helping saving Sherrock to make him reveal the location of the Old Book. I have no intention of being friends with you scoundrels.”
“Heh. You say that yet you’ve followed Sherrock all this way. What a tsundere.”
“Tsun…dere…? What’s that? Some sort of phantom thief code? Don’t say things that don’t make sense,” Lupus snorted at Smash’s light teasing before carrying Sherrock to the back of the vehicle.
Having seen their banter, Zero whispered to Bailey. “It seems that Lupus still harbors strong distrust for us. Is it a good decision for us to travel in the same car together?”
“Nah, don’t worry about it. That’s just one of his acts. As ROWDY SHOGUN’s ace, Lupus imposes on himself a strict code of perfection at all times. As a professional bodyguard and a martial arts genius, he always acts with flawless integrity.”
“I see. So he’s basically a clumsy person.”
“You get it? I think he’s clumsy too. Well, he might be stubborn but you can definitely trust him.”
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justa-sadjellyfish · 9 days
Also I’d love to hear your thoughts on which songs you prefer from each version!!! I can share my own opinions if you’d like too!!
Just a heads up, this is going to be a VERY long post. VERY VERY long. Hopefully anyone reading has enough patience 💗
Btw I am not going to be comparing the songs visuals, because if we were to do that the WE would very easily win every single one. I will also not be mentioning Candyman, as it is placed pretty weirdly. This is simply a comparison of the two cast recordings, West End, and Broadway. There are some other songs you won’t see mentioned, like A Little Me, Charlie, you & I, and The Amazing Fantastical History of Mr. Willy Wonka, either because it’s pretty self explanatory, or because there’s nothing to really compare it too. The random is so small so this very long ramble is prob gona go nowhere lmfao 
First off; 
Almost Nearly Perfect/Willy Wonka! Willy Wonka! 
Yeah this one goes to ANP. WWWW is good for telling the story, and showing the dynamic between Wonka (in disguise at this point) and Charlie, but takes away from the bonding time of Charlie and his family. ANP is also far better at introducing the character of Charlie, and showing that no matter how poor he is, he finds enjoyment in all the little things, while also showing his infatuation with Wonka. 
A Letter from Charlie bucket 
I’m bouta be rlly honest, I dont know for this one. They’re both very similar, besides the fact that Charlie’s father is dead in the Broadway, so I’m gona call this one a tie. 
More of him to Love
Again, more or less the same. This one’s probably a tie too. Although I will mention I actually do prefer the dynamic between Augustus and his mother in the Broadway, even with WE being arguably the superior version. 
When Veruca Says 
Ah yes, one of the most iconic original songs of this musical. Personally I find the Broadway more enjoyable to listen to (specifically because of the Russian accents lmfao) but honestly, the girl as Veruca in the WE recording did arguably better at showing Veruca’s extreme personality. Gotta love Emma Pfaeffle tho. 
Queen of Pop/ The Double Bubble Duchess
Oh my god this is a hard one. They’re both SO CATCHY OH MY GOD. And the actresses are so fucking talented it’s crazy. Although I listen to Queen of Pop more frequently, TDBD is arguably more impressive specifically since Violet is played by a child in this version. So yeah there’s things like that to consider. I enjoy listening to both though.
What could possibly go wrong?/ It’s Teavee Time! 
Yeah this one obviously goes to WE. Mike is easily my favorite character in all adaptations of Catcf, which is why I personally prefer Teavee Time, because it does a great job at introducing Mikes character. WCPGW is funny and all, but it barely tells us anything about Mike. A very common problem with the musical (in both versions) is that they focus more on Mikes mother (this was mainly a problem in the broadway bc she was played by Jackie Hoffman who’s a legend). That’s js my opinion tho.
If your Mother/Father were here 
This one’s actually a lot different from each other, hence Charlie’s father being dead in the Broadway version, so the meaning of the song is sort of shifted. As much as I adore the dead dad ballet sequence in the Broadway, I think the message of If your Mother were here is a little more intriguing, because while IYFWH is reminiscing of a dead husband/father, IYMWH features both the parents and seems to be saying that because of the Buckets family/social situation, it’s very easy for Mr and Mrs Bucket to feel incredibly distant from each other. That’s all I will say about that 
I’ve got a Golden Ticket/ Doncha Pinch me Charlie
I’m going to be so honest I’m not really a fan of either songs, but if I had to choose it would be Doncha Pinch Me Charlie, because it gives Charlie the same spotlight that the other golden ticket winners did in my opinion.
It must be believed to be seen 
Friendly reminder this is NOT about visuals. I actually prefer the Broadway version of the this number. Maybe it’s because of my love for Christian Borle, but for some reason the way he sings it just feels more smooth to me. Also, in the West End, there was like… no backing from the ensemble which I personally enjoyed that aspect of the Broadway a lot, especially the harmonies. I also find the timing of some of the things in the WE (reminder I’m referring to the cast albums) version of this song to be a little bit weirder? If anyone wants further evaluation I can give it, but for now I don’t think I need to. In the end it’s js a certain something about the Broadway that makes it sound better to me ears if yk what I mean. 
Strike that, reverse it 
I think this song does a great job in both musicals!!!! I don’t really have a preference for this one honestly, I feel like both do a very good job at expressing the dynamics between the characters, and Christian Borle and Douglas Hodge both do a great job with this song. Although I’m not a fan of listening to songs with dialogue constantly being interchanged with the music, I think these shows did a very good job with it, and I do actually enjoy this song a lot!!
I do not wanna express my opinion on the placement of Pure Imagination in both versions rn bc I don’t want this post to end up being WAY too long (it alr is but I’m doing what I can, okay? Also yes this means I wont be discussing any of the ending songs bc uhhhh I js don’t rlly feel like it rn. I’ve alr expressed my opinions on a lot of the ending songs before as well) 
Auf Wiedersehen Augustus Gloop
I mean… I’m not really a fan of the way this is done in either version, so I don’t rlly know what to put here, but something I will say that doesn’t rlly have anything to do with my preference is that the little lines Augustus has in this song in the WE has me even more convinced that Augustus barley did anything wrong. 
Juicy/ When Willy met Oompa
Juicy is better I don’t even feel like this needs discussion at all. 
Verucas Nutcracker Sweet 
Okay. Attack me all you want but…. I actually prefer the Broadway. Like storytelling and visually wise I prefer West End, but idk there’s js something about the Broadways more menacing tone that I actually sorta like. I do think tearing Veruca apart was a weird addition, but i don’t really hate it. I mean, Violet  supposedly gets her limbs sold to her fans in the WE version and I don’t ever hear ppl talk abt how dark that is. 
The catchiest song in both versions. One of the best songs in the show. It’s literally so funky I love this song so much you don’t even know. The Broadway actually did pretty great with this one visually in comparison to their other sets. I do prefer the lyrics of this song in the WE, bc it sorta has more of a point, but I like the key Broadway did it in a lot, I think I prefer it higher. Ik it doesn’t change much but there’s smth about it. 
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
hihihihihihiiiiiiiii i was wondering if u had any advice for people trying to get into thejapanese side of fandom. im so monolingual its making me embarassed. also are there any terms/slang tobe aware of. i saw CP/R and started panicking LOL
KJFNJREHGRJ that's understandable. The term CP means something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in JP fandom I assure you. Here are some slang tips!
CP: this stands for "coupling" and is the Japanese equiv to the word "slash" or "ship". For example, I will use uhh apollo/klavier from ace attorney as an example. You might see something like "CP オドキョ" (CP Odokyo - "klapollo" in Japanese. Apollo = odoroki, Klavier = kyouya). So if you see CP in a Japanese fandom context don't panic lol, culture shock whiplash
w: you may see multiple "w" like wwww or wwwwwww etc. This is the equiv to "lol" in Japanese with more "w" meaning something is funnier. The etymology behind this is it is short for the word 笑う(warau) which means to laugh. You may also see 草 (kusa) however, which by any standard definition is just the word for grass. However, thru a long game of word evolution, people started pointing out that when you type a lot of "w" it kind of looks like blades of grass! (wwwwww) so therefore the word for grass itself became slang to mean "lol".
88: like "w" you may see many 8's in a row like 888888 or 88888888 etc. This is supposed to mean "applause" or imitate a clapping sound, and is used to show you are applauding something. Usually used at the end of videos to signify a "this was awesome!" or "great art piece!" sort of thing. Etymology comes from the fact 8 in japanese is pronounced "hachi". So two 8s in a line would be pronounced "hachi hachi". This is very close to the onomatopoeic sound for clapping, which is "pachi pachi". Thus, 88(etc) = clapping.
いいね (ii ne): Including this just cuz you'll see it a LOT on Japanese content sharing sites. It is simply the equivalent to "like" as in a like button. So on Nico video for example (nico video is a Japanese video platform, sort of like Youtube), their like button is an いいね button. The phrase basically translates to "this is good!"
R-15: This isn't used AS MUCH nowadays from what I've seen, but it is still worth a mention. Sometimes content may be marked "R-15", which is basically synonymous with "R-18" (18 or older). I'm not too sure why the age discrepancy exists to be honest, and like I said this seems to be a much older thing as nowadays every adult-content piece of Japanese media I see is marked R-18 and not R-15, but just keep it in mind whenever you see R-15 that you should actually treat it like an R-18 warning.
グロ(guro)/ゲロ(gero): slang terms for specific types of content. I think it's important to recognize them either in case you want to look for this specific content or you want to look out for it and don't accidentally click on any page with it. "Guro" refers to gore content (or general disturbing/body horror stuff), 80% of the time drawn/animated gore, but it has been used to refer to real life gore content (snuff imagery, real or fake). "Gero" refers to content centered on vomit/vomiting (again, uuuusually drawn but this more so than guro i have seen refer to the real thing, be careful googling if that sort of thing makes u squeamish). These two tags are specifically used to tag content that these concepts (guro for gore, gero for vomit) are the main focus, and so typically are usually (not always, but a lot of the time) fetish tags. It is also important to note "guro" is a shortened word for "grotesque" so in the context outside of Japanese fandom works, the word can take on a less fetishy meaning of just something being "gross" or "scary" (again usually in reference to disturbing imagery).
エッチ(ecchi)/エロ(ero): Okay, some stuff related to R-18 content, cuz again, I think it's important to know for if you want to seek it out or if you want to be on the look out and stay away. Ecchi you may have heard before. If I'm not mistaken, here in the west, it's used to mean "softcore porn" or "sexually provocative material that isn't full-on sex." Like, you know, actin sexy but not showing nips or dick or whatever. But in Japanese it's a bit different. Ecchi, as used as a tag on artwork and such, just straight up refers to porn. Real or drawn, but obvs in fandom it's gonna be drawn. The word itself can be a "cutesy" word for sexy or refer to somebody who is lewd. You've heard of hentai of course, right? Well, in Japanese, this specific kind of hentai is spelled ヘンタイ or sometimes HENTAI. It is based off the word with the same pronunciation, 変態, which means "pervert" or "abnormal". Hentai, unlike ecchi, refers to strictly fictional porn of anime characters, sometimes people cosplaying as anime characters, but it's usually just drawn/animated even outside of a fandom context. There is very little distinction between hentai and ecchi when it comes to drawings specifically, as far as I can tell. I guess the big differences it that "hentai" is definitely the more popular term, and so is going to be used by west and east fandom equally, while "ecchi" is used mostly only in the east fandom. "Hentai" may also have "weirder" porn based on the fact "hentai" as a word can be "abnormal", but that's mostly me basing it off the word itself and I could be totally wrong. Altho the actual wiki page for hentai in Japanese uses a picture of lolicon so maybe I'm right lol. エロ(ero)/エロい(eroi) is short for "erotic" and is used kind of in the same way that we use the word "sexy", like "this is sexy" or "that's hot as fuck", with hot/sexy being replaced with "ero(i)" in Japanese sentences. Sometimes in slang it is spelled as "eloi" since r's and l's are interchangeable in Japanese.
On that note, other terms: ショタ(コン) (shota(con)) and ロリ(コン) (loli(con)) refer to sexual depictions of fictional underage characters ("loli" being female and "shota" being male). エロゲー (eroge) (sometimes just エロゲ) is short for "ero game" which is what it sounds like, basically a porn game. アダルトゲーム(adaruto gemu) is much of the same, it means "adult game". And ギャルゲー (gyaru ge) means "girl game/gal game", which is NOT "game meant for girls" but instead "game with sexy women".
Ok moving out of the Sex Zone
手描き(te kaki): This one is very important if you wanna find animations by people. The word itself means "hand-drawn", but the best way to describe what it means in terms of how it is used is...well, tbh, the best synonym I can think of is "animation meme". In the west, I'm sure you've seen, there are things called "animation memes" which are sort of animation trends multiple people do. It's kiiiiind of like that. Most "te kaki" are re-animating a popular trend (so just like an animation meme) or are re-animates of specific scenes or, much more popularly, music videos that were already animated in the first place (think music videos by Pinnochio-P or Nanawoakari) except the character is traced over and replaced with an OC or some anime guy. It can also refer to completely original animation that isn't based off a preexisting animation. Sometimes you may see 手書きトレス (te kaki toresu) which means "hand-drawn trace" which refers to specifically the second definition I listed, where the character in an animated music video is traced over with a new one. You may see also 手書きMAD (more on that later...) or 手書き and then the series name they're animating. For example, Danganronpa is ダンガンロンパ. So an animated Danganronpa video would be 手書きダンガンロンパ.
MAD: hooo boy. Ok. I am obsessed with MADs, specifically Death Note ones. A "MAD" is purely a spin or remix of an existing work, usually musical in nature. When you look up MADs it will usually be anime clips, or general other video clips, edited to a song. Think like a YouTube Poop Music Video (YTPMV). Look up "ronald mcdonald insanity" on Youtube. This is basically every westerner's first exposure to MADs. Unlike YTPMVs though, MADs can sometimes have other elements that are not purely musical, and that serve to tell a story/joke. Furthermore, while most MADs are humorous in intention, some aren't. And while 90% of MADs are musical-based, some of them are just shitposts. You may see the term 音MAD be used (oto MAD), which means basically the same thing, except 音 means "sound", so you'll up that 90% to 100% and get only music-based MADs. Some MAD communities have their own name, and that is something you need to find out yourself. For example, I know the Death Note MAD community calls their MAD videos "bakayaroid" (バカヤロイド) which is a play on the word "vocaloid" and one of Light's most meme'd lines where he yells "bakayarou!!" (which means "you idiot!" or "you bastard!")
歌ってみた(uttemita): idk if this counts as fandom but it's handy to know. In Japan, covers of songs are not called "covers". They are titled with 歌ってみた, which translates as "I tried to sing [song name]". So if you wanna find covers of a Japanese song you like, pop in the title and copy paste 歌ってみた after it.
In terms of shipping...
Unlike in the west where we don't really differentiate top/bottom dynamics, this is actually pretty important when it comes to tagging ships. Although, I am starting to see less of it. Regardless, it is handy to know. For example, Danganronpa's komahina (komaeda x hinata) would be 狛日 (koma hina). This, however, implies Komaeda is the dominant one in the relationship. If you wanted to find content where Hinata is the dominant one, you'd have to search 日狛 (hina koma). Again, I think it depends what fandom you're in for how important this distinction in. for example, I find it is very prominent in the danganronpa fandom, but not so much in Ace Attorney. Sometimes you will see something like 日狛日 (hina koma hina) or 狛日狛 (koma hina koma), for example, to imply there is no dom/sub dynamic.
A footnote: Japanese humor and expression is vastly different from English humor. This may seem obvious but I need to reiterate it because people sometimes say things they don't know are usually interpreted badly to Japanese artists. For example, acting "rabid" in somebody's replies, jokingly being mean, jokingly making threats, and stuff WE are used to as obvious jokes (stuff like "i think you should explode maybe" or "THIS IS MAKING ME INSANE") CAN EASILY BE SEEN AS HATE COMMENTS. Please please please if you want to compliment a Japanese artist, just say it like you mean it, like "this art is so good i love it!" or "this art was so emotional it made me cry, this is great!". Obviously not every JP artist is the same so some may know you're joking and some may be aware of western hyperbolic speech culture...or whatever you wanna call it. But the point is, I would err on the side of caution and just express you feelings genuinely and honestly.
Also, regardless of your stance on if xyz drawing is "morally good" (aka incest art lolisho art) and regardless of proship/anti stuff, just Don't bring it up with Japanese artists. The terms "proship" and "antiship" mean absolutely nothing over there. The terms "pedophilic art/problematic art/illegal ships" means nothing over there. I have personally seen Japanese artists get harassed off platforms because they had no clue what proship/antiship meant and refused to engage with bullshit shipping politics culture. You will likely just get blocked, or called an アメリカンお気持ちヤクザ (america okimochi yakuza), which means "American feelings yakuza". The definition of which is a person, typically an American (altho any kind of westerner) who weaponizes their feelings of dislike to attack others in a brutally yakuza-ish fashion. Which sums up my feelings on shipping discourse in general honestly. Don't be that dickhead foreigner forcing Japanese artists to answer to western politics. If somebody's art makes you upset/uncomfortable, block and move on.
I THINK THOSE ARE ALL THE BIG ONES....if you need more help just let me know!
EDIT: FORGOT TO ADD....another important word/term is "mob" モブ and no this does not refer to the little dude from mob psycho (usually). you may see detailless gray characters with the word モブ on their face or such like. This basically means "NPC" or "stranger", and is just used as a placeholder for a civilian, otherwise unnamed person/people.
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poliodeuces · 2 years
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do you ever just think how gentaro's favourite food is watermelon, a large, expensive fruit, and one that is usually shared with someone else. do you ever think abt how, if scenario liar's lyrics have some sincerity in them, this is a luxury item when he was a child, but as an adult something he can buy as he pleases now w his own money. do you ever think abt how growing up he's never been truly alone bc he's got his brother to keep him company...eating watermelon in the short hokkaido summer...engaging in their favourite hobby of telling each other stories, making up ones abt the people they see...
more rambling abt the yumeno under the cut (it's long)
i'll get this out of the way first: it's a popular headcanon that gentaro's older brother is an identical twin, extrapolating from gentaro's novel summaries that we get a brief glimpse on in the first chapters of the fp+m manga, and last year, in the gendice duet, murder at the magic house. couple that with the ominous implication of him impersonating a known yumeno-sensei (who happens to be his brother), far removed from what gentaro used to be. i Love my possibly committing identity-theft, driven by vengeance blorbo. it would be very funny if kr pulls a fast one on us and theyre not identical at all, so let's enjoy the art and the speculation while nothing's confirmed yet wwww they already did that by revealing that gentaro's "friend in the hospital" is actually a family member
there's so little we know about gentaro's home life. there's tiny bits of it, like how much his clothes mean to him, how he would starve himself writing bc of deadlines, that there's a specific cafe he hangs out in, etc. but unlike rmd or dice, details abt his origins are p hazy...scenario liar is an entire backstory that gets shut down at the end by claiming it's all a lie. but who's believing this admission anyway
my headcanon is that the yumeno were born and lived in nowhere snowy mountain town, hokkaido (just to explain his birthdate being a wintry april 1st). they were orphaned and taken care of by their grandparents. theyre not well-off and p isolated. i like to think that w the aging of their grandparents, they depend more on eo as they get older. fast forward to some time in the future, their grandparents pass, and they both move out, maybe together, leaving behind their home mostly empty with nothing of sentimental value but the house itself. there's no one else known in line to keep or take care of the house, and it's left without the possibility of renovation. what's the point of that anyway?
i like to think this scenario of their childhood home, abandoned and dilapidated from years of neglect, having a sort of local legend surrounding it, that the house is haunted. someone goes in that house in indefinite times of the year. if you strain your ears enough you might hear faint footfalls from the inside, or a gentle voice carried by the wind. in reality it's just gentaro visiting for no particular reason. it's an empty childhood home.
last year i made a drawing w a similar lighting (and vague setting) to the one above, completely unintentional. he's all alone now....
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i based it on one of the stuff gentaro said on hypradio: he likes to eat watermelon while sitting on the engawa, and he has spat so much watermelon seeds overtime that he's grown a garden of his own. he says it's a lie of course.
while there's no evidence to prove or disprove that gentaro now lives in a house with an engawa (in shibuya!), i get sad thinking abt him living in a space as large as that in the middle of a busy city, alone...
one of my favourite things abt gentaro is although he shares the then-nihilism of fp, that everything has no meaning or purpose, he's not Entirely self-destructive like ramuda or dice. gentaro doesn't seem to think he's disposable especially when he's got some avenging to do. in fact he tries so hard to be invulnerable.
the irony is that theres very little of his own personhood to destroy anyway. what's there to dispose? even confessing, although he says it's a lie, "i'm not yumeno gentaro." in a way he's done with the destruction, done with the death, and he's well in the middle of decay— and decaying is a process full of life, it is less about reducing the body into smaller and smaller pieces than it is about being nourishment...gentaro's desire is to keep telling stories that might bring joy, even if it meant he'll have to keep lying his whole life....
i feel that i have more to say abt gentaro and his brother but my grasp on the english language is getting slippery the more i type lol. he drives me insane <3
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astro-break · 9 months
Thoughts on the 11th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10
eyyy separating them into their gumis! the gentaro and jyushi interaction is cute and i love how worried jyushi is about hifu thats so sweet of him
i love how thats the part that kuko focuses on www
LMAO ramuda's cute
i love how ichiro's accent just slipped out a bit there its cute
hm i still think kaibyakumon is in the right
Hey look at that! we finally got why kenji is so invested in them. would have liked to see more of the three but ill take what i can get
honestly i wanna ship akira and satoru so bad wwww they have so much ship potential
YES. THANK YOU RAMUDA. just let them destroy each other my goodness
idk if this show wants to villainize or humanize kaibyakumon. like on one hand everyone's against him on principle but i don't see why they should be?? Ramuda is right, hes the answer to 90% of the casts outside problems
i love how samatoki is probably the only consistent character here and just wants to be the one to punch the government in the face www
ugh i really wanted ramuda to have won that argument. it suckksss they really went with the most boring path
poor doppo, i feel so bad for him
even poor hifumi can't stand to watch ripp
i love seeing rio in his element, hes kinda cute like that
lmao rei being waving off his own son as if hes just a brat
man i do hope that they get their just revenge. it would be nice but unfortunately impossible just because of the nature of this sort of anime
wow for all that talk of stealth rio just blew up a whole wall
hmm i don't like the last two songs as much but there is intresting wordplay to be found in ciaro's verses, especially one as an anti-governmental piece
damn so it seems like the last three episodes will be just the gumis going to each place and fighting off the others
oooo theres a bit of rio's rap ability on show with that shelter
ey look at that!! I did sort of predict the mass hypnosis! granted its subliminal messaging but im fine with being wrong once in a while
damn theyre still gay after death
the "whos gonna answer my questions" has the same vibe as "who else will I eat icecream with?" thing from kingdom hearts wwww
bro i want a season just about these two idiots
hmm intresting design for scuro i do like it
man now i really do like akira and satoru. they're cool. I hate this bc i know in the end they'll die and kaibyakumon will get his ass kicked to preserve the status quo. i do hope that the anime does use this as a jumping off point tho bc the premise is pretty fun
tho they probably won't. as i said status quo as long as the source material still insists on the current status quo of keeping chuuoku in power. The drama CDs do seem like its building towards a conclusion but its not enough for any meaningful change yet.
tho the anime is original content and thus exists in a separate sphere from the CDs. Its entirely possible that they may move ahead and start shaking things up but i doubt it
lol why the dotsuhon ed they got so little screen time this episode ripp them
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okay hello so !! since the voice of aurora is currently available in shop as iap, i thought maybe i could open a commission of sorts for a song!
voice of AURORA - £14.99 (i dont know how much it is in usd sorry)
i will work together with you to write you a song in the sky music composer, approximately 2:00 to 2:30 minutes in length. dm if interested, more details + example under cut!
ill send updates on the composition as i work on it, and you can ask me to change things- from the instruments used to the general vibe. it may take a few days to be completely finished
once im done, ill send the resulting song as a video/audio file, a .json file you can open in sky music nightly, and if you want i can send over a musescore 4 file if you want it as written sheet music (but for that my computer needs to co-operate so that may take a Few more days)
the voice of aurora will have to be gifted in game, and since we have to be friends first for that, dm me with a qr code if you would like to commission me
heres an example of what you may receive after completion:
(obviously youll get a song that matches the mood and instruments you wanted! not "silly.mp4" wwww)
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vibbybee · 1 year
Prince :3
(erm…no name yet 👍), 1st member of MISTY KNIGHT WONDER
An ex-ice skater who has found refuge in the art that is music. There isn’t a day that passes where Prince tries to forget the mistakes of the past. Word got around to them about another individual who wishes to imagine a future. Tracking them down to the school's music room, Prince decided to take a shot in the dark and ask the rather pretty individual to form a duo with them, promising something new for the two of them. And Prince never goes back on a promise.
As mentioned before, Prince wants to be able to imagine a future. They want to see past tomorrow, not just to spend life thinking about their past. They have a terrible habit of dwelling on the past, sometimes spending hours at a time thinking about what they could’ve done differently, what they could’ve done better. Because they could’ve, they should’ve…they just wish they were giving one more chance at redemption. Their personal favorite memory to think back on when these thoughts occur (not actually their favorite…they hate it a lot wwww) is when they landed wrong on their ankle during the semi-finals of a fairly prestigious ice-skating tournament. (but that’s like…another post for me to ramble about so i won't go too much into it rn). Simply put, this is what they think about most often when the nights are just a bit too quiet for their comfort.
Prince isn’t too complex. Anyone can understand their personality on a surface level. They’re fairly energetic yet reckless. A bit headstrong and stubborn at times, and sometimes struggles seeing other people's point of view. The way they think is the way they think, and it can be a challenge to get through that. They hate having to admit they’re wrong because of this. They might need an outsider in whatever situation to help them see why the other person may be upset and get them to apologize, but they are always sincere when they do apologize.
Prince being so set in their way of thinking has caused a string of strained relationships from their time being an ice-skater. If others were to bring up said people who may hold a grudge to them, they’d probs say something like “erm…whoops.” /j But on a serious note, Prince gives up hope waaay too easily if a problem arises in a friendship. After a while, Prince recognizes that they were in the wrong for whatever happened between the two and sort of…moves on. There is no reconciliation, no closure. Prince is more than happy to go their separate ways. If the other person wants to rebuild that friendship, well, that ship sailed. Prince moved on, why can't they?
Erm…Prince is silly i promise :3 Prince is fairly wealthy! (the story of wealth is…another ramble…im sorry wwww) They enjoy buying things for their friends + lover….especially their lover Knight…omg…Prince is so truly madly deeply in love with Knight (one direction reference im sorry). Should Knight so much at glance at something while the two are shopping, Prince’ll buy it in a heartbeat! 
Uhm…im not good at this IM SORRY…my boyfriends oc post is much better and much cooler than this and actually makes sense…i’ll repost (reblog?) his oc, Knight, after i post this
Also no art of Prince bc…i only have old sketches…whoops. 
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pleuvoire · 1 year
made my own translation of vocaloids are lame by pinocchio-p because the official one can get a bit wordy for my tastes in places. also i just like the song. left out the background vocals because lazy
Even dogs won’t fall for a head-on approach, so I’m luring them in with cake To the belief that humans are born good, the grass grows thickly*
I’m keeping my pure heart hidden while pissing people off And the Buddha-like respected ones barrage me with criticisms.
From a misunderstanding, the elegy curses me all the way to my grandchildren’s generation Even if I cover my ears, it hits me where it hurts
Yeah, Vocaloids are lame, look, they’re so lame, That’s what someone said. If you get hit, it hurts, look, it’s like you’re saying “it hurts” on purpose, why? How’ve you been? Deep inside I want to eat some yummy curry Yes, Vocaloids are lame, but they’re fun —I said to the stain on my wall
That’s bad, or this is bad—I obsess over that sort of thing real easily With my tengu mask on, I’m beating a dead horse
I won’t turn a profit with my usual sticky fingers, so I’ll go off somewhere And eventually I’ll found a happy family, apparently.
The seasons will turn, a child is born named “jealousy” With no meaning to it, my lifespan increases**
Yes, life is lame, look, it’s so lame That’s what a cyborg said If you get hurt, it sucks, look, I don’t really understand what “sucks” is, why? How’ve you been? Deep inside I want to sleep in my bed forever Yes, life is lame, but it’s mysterious —I said to a roadside god stone
A philanthropist putting others down, Self-reflection’s finding, Discounting pride, 17 years old is seventeen I can’t stop, I can’t stop, I can’t stop it won’t stop, yaa! At the national shop, popularity is on sale.
Yes, Vocaloid is lame, look, it’s so lame That’s what someone said Yes, Vocaloid is fun, look, it’s so fun —the sort of thing people are saying on purpose, it seems Yes, Vocaloid is so lame, so annoying, just die, just disappear! —the person who said that used their passion as sustenance to become an astronaut, like they’d always wanted to Their dreams came true, and they became an astronaut!
*"the grass grows thickly" = laughter. memetic reference to how "wwww" looks
**official tl has this as meaning "[the name jealousy] doesn't make much sense, but it promotes a long life [through name-related fortunetelling]". i think this is a likely meaning, but i wanted to experiment with taking that sentence as unrelated to the one before it, which is also grammatically possible
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2n2n · 1 year
not to assume things but I think TsuNene is kind of the ultimate underdog ship a lot of people have compulsive animosity for, because it 'interferes' with both the sanctity of HanaNene and AmaTsuka.... almost any time I share my thoughts on it, I get a handful of compulsive seeming "but he can't like her, what about this?" "no I think you're wrong, this" "well, why did this happen?" ... more than anything else it garners this response, and I have way more hare-brained thoughts, I swear. I try to assume the best,though I delete a lot of this sort of thing, because it feels kind of bad-faith or has a weird vibe to it, intentional or not. Often it's not a fun context to talk about something I like.... feeling like I'm defending it, wwww...
Like.... I think many (western?) AmaTsuka's want it to be that Tsukasa absolutely and exclusively only loves Amane and everyone else is like a flea, and he's possessive of Amane and even hateful of Nene. And then many (western?) HanaNene want Tsukasa to be only the vile evil abusive rapist or something we will shoot in the head at the end of all. Which is =. e fine, we all be our own individuals, but incidentally I think all this confluence means TsuNenes minding their own business get a short end of the stick, wwww.... its like they are everybody's problem....
At least its kind of charmingly classique fandom squabbling, though. I don't really see any kind of idea of goodness/badness/wrongness/rightness coming into play, genuinely I think this is just a straight up OTP/NOTP discrepancy and people get like, their hairs on fire about it. In the very normal way. Isn't it just funny...
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cutebunnys50 · 2 months
Life is OK again, someone else made fanart of my fic and that makes me extremely happy so that nullifies my annoyance abt X being a stupid website, once I get access back I'll definitely spotlight it 🥰 (fingers crossed it's fast)
Edit: I did start genuinely feeling bad bc it feels like every time I take a step forward and feel cheerful again, something happens that takes me three steps back and I have to like brute force my way through that somehow through one of the various methods I employ but it's still annoying that it happens. xD I've been flip flopping a lot these past few days and it's probably gonna keep me stressed out until the month ends, but the funny thing is, the suspension literally happened as I was feeling cheerful again and was gonna share something about an old song I found, so like, wow, way to randomly rain on my parade. 🫤
This is the sort of thing that automatically reverses anything negative I feel though so that's crazy, it's happening again, I'm legit flip flopping between feeling good and feeling bad wwww
I'm not gonna vent like this again cuz im not the type of person who enjoys being public but that was my safe space,,,, damn,,,,
at least this nullifies everything. that's the only thing that matters, thank u;;;;;
bottling stuff up cant possibly be good so i'll see how i feel tonight xD
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