dorkthyon · 2 years
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Tzara, done in charcoal pencil :)
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yamamiya · 6 months
TZARA - Restless
The sun rises high, I'm lost in the night A memory of highs, haunting my sight Shadows grow tall, as the day goes by A voice that calls from a time gone by
You're lost in my view", you say with a fright Faded in hue, and pale as the light With hurting for hands, your touch is like fire It’s now or its never to shift the desire
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Rose Bonica
Rose Bonica - What You See Is Not What I See
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flailing-ghoul · 7 months
A lost letter,
I don't know if you realise you even still follow me.....but i left him. In hindsight I should have left years ago. I think I owe you an apology, if you're ever willing to hear it, for how I treated you, and for how everything ended.
My dreams have been filled with you lately, and every time I wake it hurts, because Im left wanting to cross that threshold again. I have questions for you, and I know you have questions that deserve answers from me. I think of you often and hope that you're okay, and safe, and happy
I miss you bug
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anothermessagetoyou · 1 month
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The Surrealists
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the-cricket-chirps · 9 months
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Valentine Hugo, Andre Breton, Tristan Tzara, Greta Knudsen
Exquisite Corpse, Cadavre exquis
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taf-art · 11 months
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Cadavre Exquis (c. 1933). Valentine Hugo, André Breton, Tristan Tzara, Greta Knutson.
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lascitasdelashoras · 9 months
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davidhudson · 5 months
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Tristan Tzara, April 16, 1896 – December 25, 1963.
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lesondupapillon · 16 days
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au fond tout au fond qu'il dissimule il voit
il voit un autre œil caché à l'intérieur
à l'intersection des courants de charnelles tendances
s'oublie le noyau dans ses paupières et pétales
/ Tristan Tzara
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mioritic · 7 months
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Tristan Tzara (Romanian/Jewish, 1896–1963) reading l'Action française, not dated (ca. 1920-1930)
Archives Charment / Bridgeman Images
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generic-lab-assistant · 7 months
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Historical figures stuff from requests (thank u all for your service :3)
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eyeoftheheart · 4 months
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Surrealist poets Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, Tristan Tzara, and Benjamin Peret signed this photograph, taken in 1932. | Located in: Bibliotheque d'Art et d'Archeologie, Fondation Jacques Doucet, Paris, France.
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todaysjewishholiday · 2 months
18 Tammuz 5784 (23-24 July 2024)
According to midrash, the golden calf only lasted two days. It was made on the sixteenth of Tammuz and destroyed on the eighteenth. On the seventeenth, the faction of Israelites who had demanded it held a festival of worship for the calf with singing and music so loud that Moshe and Yehoshua heard it from the mountain, and Yehoshua thought it was the sound of a battle.
Moshe rushed down the mountain, having been warned by HaShem that the people had made an idol. When he arrived in the camp and saw the golden calf for himself he was so distressed that he shattered the stone tables that HaShem had written the covenant on, and organized the Levites into a posse to kill the ringleaders of the idol worship.
Then, on the eighteenth of Tammuz, Moshe had the golden calf ground into powder and mixed with water and told the people to drink it as a punishment for participating in its creation. While gold is edible and nontoxic (unlike lead, or mercury, or a number of other substances) it cannot have been pleasant to ingest.
Yesterday, we remembered the Roman army breaking through the last defensive barrier protecting the bitterly divided, starving, fearful population of Jerusalem in 3830. Today, we rewind over a thousand years to the Jewish people at Sinai choking on the consequences of their communal transgression of their new promise to HaShem. We are a chosen people but that is not a free pass. We fall short of the promises we’ve made, and sometimes the consequences are disastrous. We’re not shielded from the ills of the world or the hatred others have. We’re called to act differently, to strive to shape a world free from oppression and violence, but so often we fail. We too are prone to worshipping power instead of choosing justice and compassion.
During these three weeks, may we consider the costs of our misdeeds and the costs of the status quo, and destroy the idols of our own time that we’ve let into our hearts.
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the-cricket-chirps · 4 months
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Valentine Hugo
Portraits of Paul Eluard, André Breton, Tristan Tzara, René Char, Benjamin Péret, René Crevel
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ipreferfiction · 5 months
Kintash Tzara
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(art by @stellorc)
slight, silent, and stealthy, Kintash was born with incredible power and an unusual gift for manipulating the Force. they were taken as a Sith apprentice at only eleven - the three years of cruelty that followed left them cowed and untrusting. the relief of their master's death when they were fourteen did not last long; he was killed by an SIS special ops team working under deep cover in the Empire, and Kintash - fourteen at the time - was the perfect tool. the team was led by a former Jedi, and he took Kintash on as an apprentice and trained them in stealth, intelligence, and the use of the Force. he was not as outwardly cruel as their Sith master, but Kintash had little freedom, especially in communication - mostly nonverbal, they relied heavily on sign language, and they were taught very little Basic or Basic sign, ultimately communicating through a mix of Republic military signs and leftover Sith.
at eighteen, Kintash's SIS team was slaughtered in an ambush, leaving Kintash the sole survivor. this time, they were found by the Jedi and taken in, but the subsequent years did very little to settle their mistrust. when they are assigned to Maeji Katreos as a padawan, it is a last-ditch effort to see if they are able to work at all in the field, especially with others. luckily, that effort pays off.
Kintash is still a padawan when Maeji is pulled from the strike team going after Vitiate and they are sent in her place. seeing this as an effort to redeem themself, they are more than willing to fight - the months of imprisonment and mind control that follow very nearly break them entirely, and when they escape, they trust one person: Lord Scourge, who fights at their side as they hunt down Vitiate and slay him. afterwards, they hunt his spirit to the edges of the galaxy, intent on destroying it once and for all - no matter the toll it takes on them or the price they have to pay.
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lascitasdelashoras · 6 months
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Tristan Tzara - la rose et le chien - 1958
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