#Taeko just cares about tsumi so much it makes me cry alright
glitchviper · 3 years
@dantelionwishes All the talk about parent-teacher conferences got me thinking and then I had this idea. So I obviously had to write about it. So here is the conference between Sato-sensei and Tsumi's wonderful mom Taeko Natsumi
Notes: This is kinda sad not gonna lie, y'all gonna get some insight about Tsumi's character (the sad portions of it cause y'all have only really got fun stuff with these). Also, the kid is probably supposed to be in the room during these conferences but it worked better without Tsumi in the room so yeah. Also it's unedited so it might be mildly incomprehensible
Sato sorted through some of the papers on his desk, sorting through the mess of notes he had prepared and taken during the night's conferences. Some went better than others and at this point, Sato was begging for a decent parent to come and save him. Sato didn't even look up as a quiet knock came from the classroom door. "Come in."
"You're Osamu Sato, correct?"
"Yes that would be me," Sato turned to see who had just entered his classroom. It was a woman who looked to be in about her mid-30s, she was decently tall with wavy black hair. Two black horns sprouted from her head and her eyes were a bright yellow that appeared to be dulled down by tiredness. "And I'm assuming that you're Tsutsumi's mother."
"Yes, Taeko Natsumi. I am so sorry that I'm late. Something happened at work last minute so I had to stay late but as soon as I got out I rushed right over," she apologized as she took a seat in one of the chairs positioned in front of Sato's desk for the conference.
Sato shook his head," No need to apologize. Now then let's just get right into it shall we."
Taeko nodded, she had been waiting for this conference since Tsumi told her about it the other week. This was her chance to make sure that everything was okay with her daughter.
"Now academically Tsumi is rather average, though she occasionally falls behind the curve. But it doesn't happen often enough for it to be of any actual concern. Though if you want I'm sure there's plenty of students who wouldn't mind lending her a hand with her studies," Sato explained.
Taeko thought for a second before shaking her head," That's fine. Like you said her grades don't sound like they're struggling. Plus I know she's never been all that interested in academics, so a tutor isn't necessary."
Sato nodded, "Now onto her hero training. Your daughter has a very powerful quirk, as I'm sure you're aware, and she is one of the most passionate students I've ever seen. I don't think anyone else in the class trains quite as much as her, and sometimes I wonder if there's anything I can teach her that she hasn't already started to teach herself," Sato chuckled a little at his overexaggerated praise. "Not to mention she's constantly aiming to help out all of her classmates, whether it is training-related or not. She's made it more than apparent that she already has the mind and heart to be a hero, I have no doubt of that in my mind."
Taeko smiled at the praise, it warmed her heart to hear how well Tsumi was doing. Not to mention that she was getting along with her classmates. She knew that Tsumi didn't have the best middle school, so the fact that Tsumi finally had people who she got along with and could call friends, it was almost enough to make her tear up.
Sato took a deep breath to prepare himself for what he wanted to bring up next. "Though that brings me onto what I really wanted to discuss with you. While Tsumi is really good at the hero thing, she doesn't seem to be very good at the being a kid thing," he paused," as I said she trains more than anyone else in class but that almost seems to be the only thing she does. I don't know the stories of all the scars she has but I see them and the occasional new ones and the dark circles around her eyes and I start to worry."
Taeko just looked down at her lap, seeming lost deep in thought. She didn't dare look Sato in the eye right now. Sato was about to continue but got cut off. "I know," Taeko didn't lookup.
"Tsumi's been like that for a while," she took a second to make sure she was collected before continuing," I used to think that the change started at middle school, but I know that it happened long before then. When Tsumi was around 6 years old she and her father got into an accident. Tsumi got messed up pretty bad but recovered fully, but her father wasn't as lucky. Tsumi herself was left with a massive scar, a reminder of what happened. That combined with all the other effects of the loss created the Tsumi we have today. Before it all went down she was quiet and cautious, but after the accident, she started to become more reckless. I guess as she got older that recklessness just changed targets and turned into what it is today."
"I am, so sorry for your loss," Sato paused, still processing what he was told.
"Thank you," Taeko gave a sorrowful smile. "I just know that event still has such a large effect on her life. She fights so adamantly to not let her life be a story of tragedy and rather be one of heroism, especially after middle school."
Even though Taeko didn't say anything about what happened to Tsumi during those years Sato could assume, especially with a quirk like hers.
Taeko spoke up again, a new emotion that Sato couldn't quite place in her voice," And I'm telling you all of this because I need your help. I want Tsumi to achieve her dream. More than anything else in this world I want her to be happy and that is what is going to make her happy, but I know I can't help her. At least not directly. But you, you can. So please he Tsutsumi achieve her dream while keeping her from tearing herself apart."
Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes," This is the only way that I know that I can assure she stays happy and healthy. So please, keep her safe and make my little girl a hero Mr. Sato."
Sato looked at her in stunned silence, all this woman wanted was the best life for her daughter. "Don't worry Mrs. Natsumi, you're daughter is in good hands. I'll make sure she is taken care of."
"Thank you," Taeko smiled. "Thank you so much."
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