#taeko natsumi
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Name: Mondo Owada
Talent: Ultimate Biker Gang Leader
Height: 6'2
Weight: 168 lbs
Birthday: June 9th
Blood Type: AB
Likes: Luxurious Cushions
Dislikes: Rumors
Containment Unit Number: 2
Reason For Confinement: The subject was confirmed as a Hereditary Evil Raiser when he was arrested for eighteen counts of assault. Upon further testing and the subject's own admission, he loves the thrill of perpetuating and witnessing all forms of violence, and that was the subject's "guilty pleasure", as he put it. Though not as heinous as some of the acts of the other HERs, it was clear to staff that he would prove a danger to others as long as he remained free. Even a typical jail wouldn't suit him.
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Name: Celestia Ludenberg (nee Taeko Yasuhiro)
Talent: Ultimate Gambler
Height: 5'5
Weight: 101 lbs
Birthday: November 23rd
Blood Type: AB
Likes: Money
Dislikes: Commoners
Containment Unit Number: 1
Reason For Confinement: Celestia Ludenberg's Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome was detected when she was first caught on three counts of murder. Though the subject attested that they were simply in her way, staff found a minimum of two opposing ways to deal with these people that didn't result in bloodshed. As such, tests were run, and she was confirmed a Hereditary Evil Raiser. It is theorized that she possibly had a multitude of other victims back during her time as Taeko Yasuhiro.
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Name: Junko Enoshima
Talent: Ultimate Fashionista (nee Despair)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 99 lbs
Birthday: December 24th
Blood Type: AB
Likes: Aeropostale
Dislikes: Maybelline
Containment Unit Number: 4
Reason For Confinement: This subject plunged the entire world into despair and as such, she is the one selected to take the fall for the creator of the HERS. Initially arrested for the murder of her twin sister, enslavement, terrorism, brainwashing, assault, and high treason, she was spared a death sentence by being booked into this facility and used as the scapegoat of HERS.
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Name: Sato Hiyori
Talent: N/A
Height: 5'4
Weight: 106 lbs
Birthday: January 14th
Blood Type: O
Likes: Photography
Dislikes: Math
Containment Room Number: 3
Reason For Confinement: Sato has proven herself violent as she desires at any given time, from murdering the Kuzuryu heiress, Natsumi Kuzuryu, to assaulting Kanon Nakajima (a former patient), Ruruka Ando (a former patient), and Monaca Towa (a former patient), her initial tests for HERS came back negative, and thus, she was released for a month before being arrested and tested once more, this time coming back positive.
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Name: Mikan Tsumiki
Talent: Ultimate Nurse
Height: 5'4
Weight: 125 lbs
Birthday: May 12th
Blood Type: A
Likes: Bathroom Smells, Alcohol
Dislikes: Oversized Things
Containment Unit Number: 5
Reason For Confinement: Mikan Tsumiki was a bullied high school girl when she was first brought into custody after showing some rather disturbing behaviors. She's expressed desire to harm those who harm her so they would have to come back to her for treatment and do everything she says to survive, as well as desire to medically malpractice on her patients, such as injecting air bubbles into their IVs or testing new, experimental drug mixtures in them. It is unclear if she's harmed or ever killed anyone, but her test results confirm her as a Hereditary Evil Raiser.
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Name: Nagito Komaeda
Talent: Ultimate Lucky Student
Height: 5'9
Weight: 143 lbs
Birthday: April 28th
Blood Type: O
Likes: Beautiful People, Beautiful Things
Dislikes: Ugly People, Noisy Places
Containment Unit Number: 6
Reason For Confinement: Nagito Komaeda has always been regarded as unstable by most everyone around him. His personality determined by a cycle of fortune and misfortune, dubbed his "luck cycle", has caused his entire being to shift to adapt and be prepared and accepting of any misfortune coming his way, while also believing he deserves none of his good fortune at the same time. Due to this, he's taken to causing chaos to avoid the cycle and tip it in his favor... and enjoying the destruction it causes along the way.
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Name: Angie Yonaga
Talent: Ultimate Artist
Height: 5'1
Weight: 90 lbs
Birthday: April 18th
Blood Type: A
Likes: Avocados
Dislikes: Humidity
Containment Unit Number: 10
Reason For Confinement: When she was in middle school, she learned how to brainwash those around her with simply a hug, and expressed the desire to force the people she'd enslaved to harm themselves and others in her wake. Due to this, her parents and two sisters decided to get her psychologically evaluated, and when that yielded no results, she was tested for HERS instead, which she tested positive for. Sadly, no way to undo the brainwashing on those she'd enslaved has been found and she refuses to remove it, herself. Those individuals continue to decline on life support.
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Name: Korekiyo Shinguji
Talent: Ultimate Anthropologist
Height: 6'2
Weight: 143 lbs
Birthday: July 31st
Blood Type: O
Likes: Straw Rope
Dislikes: Air Conditioning
Containment Unit Number: 12
Reason For Confinement: A victim of sexual abuse at the hands of his own elder sister, who was also noted to be a Hereditary Evil Raiser, he was acquitted of her murder before he was even a teen. In order to spare himself the guilt and cleanse his soul, he began killing girls and relishing in their pain and deaths in order to send them as "friends" to his sister. The subject's perception of love seems very skewed due to this, but it seems as though he's becoming quite close to subject #13. This also implies that severe trauma in the early life can make a Hereditary Evil Raiser even more brutal and heinous with their violence.
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Name: Kokichi Ouma
Talent: Ultimate Supreme Leader
Height: 5'1
Weight: 97 lbs
Birthday: June 21st
Blood Type: A
Likes: Carbonated Beverages
Dislikes: Pig Feet
Containment Unit Number: 13
Reason For Confinement: In his early life, the subject led a group of pranksters who were all tragically killed in a shootout with police, who opened fire on the gang of teen pacifists. Now in his adulthood, the subject was arrested for the brutal murder of Miu Iruma, a girl noted to have repeatedly bullied him until he kidnapped her and bashed in her skull with a baseball bat. Due to this, he started off being kept in a straitjacket, but managed to break out of it, and fashioned it into the clothing he would come to wear inside the facility. He has also gotten closer to #12, who seems to be the only one to know anything else about his past or early life and upbringing.
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Name: Tsumugi Shirogane
Talent: Ultimate Cosplayer
Height: 5'9
Weight: 112 lbs
Birthday: August 15th
Blood Type: A
Likes: EVA Foam
Dislikes: Disorderly Queues
Containment Unit Number: 11
Reason For Confinement: Tsumugi Shirogane, from a very early age, expressed a desire to follow in #3's footsteps and accomplish what she had but on a much larger scale by ending the world as we know it, and so her very concerned parents had her institutionalized to receive proper care for whatever mental issues she must have been facing. She was turned over to us when the mental treatment facility found traces of HERS in the subject's blood tests.
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glitchviper · 3 years
@dantelionwishes All the talk about parent-teacher conferences got me thinking and then I had this idea. So I obviously had to write about it. So here is the conference between Sato-sensei and Tsumi's wonderful mom Taeko Natsumi
Notes: This is kinda sad not gonna lie, y'all gonna get some insight about Tsumi's character (the sad portions of it cause y'all have only really got fun stuff with these). Also, the kid is probably supposed to be in the room during these conferences but it worked better without Tsumi in the room so yeah. Also it's unedited so it might be mildly incomprehensible
Sato sorted through some of the papers on his desk, sorting through the mess of notes he had prepared and taken during the night's conferences. Some went better than others and at this point, Sato was begging for a decent parent to come and save him. Sato didn't even look up as a quiet knock came from the classroom door. "Come in."
"You're Osamu Sato, correct?"
"Yes that would be me," Sato turned to see who had just entered his classroom. It was a woman who looked to be in about her mid-30s, she was decently tall with wavy black hair. Two black horns sprouted from her head and her eyes were a bright yellow that appeared to be dulled down by tiredness. "And I'm assuming that you're Tsutsumi's mother."
"Yes, Taeko Natsumi. I am so sorry that I'm late. Something happened at work last minute so I had to stay late but as soon as I got out I rushed right over," she apologized as she took a seat in one of the chairs positioned in front of Sato's desk for the conference.
Sato shook his head," No need to apologize. Now then let's just get right into it shall we."
Taeko nodded, she had been waiting for this conference since Tsumi told her about it the other week. This was her chance to make sure that everything was okay with her daughter.
"Now academically Tsumi is rather average, though she occasionally falls behind the curve. But it doesn't happen often enough for it to be of any actual concern. Though if you want I'm sure there's plenty of students who wouldn't mind lending her a hand with her studies," Sato explained.
Taeko thought for a second before shaking her head," That's fine. Like you said her grades don't sound like they're struggling. Plus I know she's never been all that interested in academics, so a tutor isn't necessary."
Sato nodded, "Now onto her hero training. Your daughter has a very powerful quirk, as I'm sure you're aware, and she is one of the most passionate students I've ever seen. I don't think anyone else in the class trains quite as much as her, and sometimes I wonder if there's anything I can teach her that she hasn't already started to teach herself," Sato chuckled a little at his overexaggerated praise. "Not to mention she's constantly aiming to help out all of her classmates, whether it is training-related or not. She's made it more than apparent that she already has the mind and heart to be a hero, I have no doubt of that in my mind."
Taeko smiled at the praise, it warmed her heart to hear how well Tsumi was doing. Not to mention that she was getting along with her classmates. She knew that Tsumi didn't have the best middle school, so the fact that Tsumi finally had people who she got along with and could call friends, it was almost enough to make her tear up.
Sato took a deep breath to prepare himself for what he wanted to bring up next. "Though that brings me onto what I really wanted to discuss with you. While Tsumi is really good at the hero thing, she doesn't seem to be very good at the being a kid thing," he paused," as I said she trains more than anyone else in class but that almost seems to be the only thing she does. I don't know the stories of all the scars she has but I see them and the occasional new ones and the dark circles around her eyes and I start to worry."
Taeko just looked down at her lap, seeming lost deep in thought. She didn't dare look Sato in the eye right now. Sato was about to continue but got cut off. "I know," Taeko didn't lookup.
"Tsumi's been like that for a while," she took a second to make sure she was collected before continuing," I used to think that the change started at middle school, but I know that it happened long before then. When Tsumi was around 6 years old she and her father got into an accident. Tsumi got messed up pretty bad but recovered fully, but her father wasn't as lucky. Tsumi herself was left with a massive scar, a reminder of what happened. That combined with all the other effects of the loss created the Tsumi we have today. Before it all went down she was quiet and cautious, but after the accident, she started to become more reckless. I guess as she got older that recklessness just changed targets and turned into what it is today."
"I am, so sorry for your loss," Sato paused, still processing what he was told.
"Thank you," Taeko gave a sorrowful smile. "I just know that event still has such a large effect on her life. She fights so adamantly to not let her life be a story of tragedy and rather be one of heroism, especially after middle school."
Even though Taeko didn't say anything about what happened to Tsumi during those years Sato could assume, especially with a quirk like hers.
Taeko spoke up again, a new emotion that Sato couldn't quite place in her voice," And I'm telling you all of this because I need your help. I want Tsumi to achieve her dream. More than anything else in this world I want her to be happy and that is what is going to make her happy, but I know I can't help her. At least not directly. But you, you can. So please he Tsutsumi achieve her dream while keeping her from tearing herself apart."
Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes," This is the only way that I know that I can assure she stays happy and healthy. So please, keep her safe and make my little girl a hero Mr. Sato."
Sato looked at her in stunned silence, all this woman wanted was the best life for her daughter. "Don't worry Mrs. Natsumi, you're daughter is in good hands. I'll make sure she is taken care of."
"Thank you," Taeko smiled. "Thank you so much."
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1. for natceles please? :O
Requests are open! 
1. “Pull over.  Let me drive for awhile.” (Natceles)
Celestia Ludenberg doesn’t drive. She can drive, sure. After a fair amount of cajoling and Natsumi’s very helpful “lessons,” she managed to learn how to drive and get her license, albeit a fair amount later than most people she knew. But Celesita didn’t drive. She didn’t like to do it. She preferred sitting in the back of limos, or sitting in the front seat of sports cars, or even walking places to driving. And it worked out fine, because Natsumi generally liked to drive. She didn’t love it as much as say, Peko loved it, but Natsumi as a rule sort of enjoyed it.
Celestia imagined that she enjoyed it a lot more when she hadn’t been doing it for six hours.
They would have flown, really, to check out this casino clear on the other side of Japan, but planes announced their presence and they had both agreed it was best to sneak up on them, best to go in unannounced and catch the whole world by surprise. They were good at that, the two of them. They’d been partners in crime for years, and would be for years to come. They always would be. Celestia imagined a lot of possible lives for herself, but she couldn’t imagine one without Natsumi in it, and Natsumi felt the same in her own stubborn, silly way.
In between flipping through the pages of a novel she was half-interested in, Celestia looked over at her girlfriend. She had stopped talking about thirty minutes ago, and her eyelids would droop before suddenly shooting open again and Celestia could all but see the way the lines were blurring in Natsumi’s vision and she felt so awful all the sudden, felt awful that Natsumi was suffering in any sort of way even when she had dealt with so much worse, that Celestia couldn’t stand another second of it.
“Pull over.” She demanded, leaving no room for argument in her tone. “Let me drive for awhile.”
“You hate driving.” Natsumi said, giving her a quick side-eye.
“Yes, but you’re tired.” Celestia argued, overly-fussy and almost irritable, sitting up straight and folding one leg over the other. “And arguing to the contrary would be pointless. You were nearly asleep a minute ago.”
Natsumi sighed, eyes back on the road in front of her. “I’ve been tired before, Celes.”
“I know.”
“I’ve been a lot more tired than this.”
“I know.”
“So, what’s your point? My driving’s just fine right now, thank you very much. Better than yours on any level of consciousness.” Natsumi laughed at her own lame joke, and even though it was at her expense, Celestia cracked a quick smile.
“Fair point.” Celestia said, keeping her eyes on the road and trying to find the right words for what she wanted to say. They were soft, vulnerable words, the sort of words she tried not to say because she didn’t know how. She couldn’t make herself say them as loudly as she normally would have, couldn’t make herself sound cool and disaffected, but she made herself say them anyways because Natsumi deserved to hear them. “But I want to help you. So pull over.”
Natsumi gave her a curious glance, one that she couldn’t decipher in the passing light, but she turned on the turn signal and pulled the car over. When everything stopped moving, Celestia looked at her in the stillness, unbuckled her seatbelt, and pressed a kiss to Natsumi’s forehead. It was a feather-light thing, almost non-existent, but it left Celestia’s cheeks burning.
“You’re better than you give yourself credit for.” Natsumi said, catching Celestia’s face in her hands before giving her a kiss on the lips, long and slow. “You’re an absolute fuckin’ angel, you know?”
“I know.” Celestia tried not to be flattered, but she failed miserably as she got out of the car and switched seats with Natsumi, who promptly fell asleep.
Natsumi stayed asleep for the rest of the ride. She slept through Celestia’s jerking stops and love of the horn and her quiet curses, and although Celestia hated it, hated driving and always would, she wouldn’t trade her current position for anything in the world.
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ao3feed-komahina · 3 years
by SHSLshipperNgan1245
A lot of classes has they own group chat so Makoto decided to made for his class
Words: 1263, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Naegi Komaru, Togami Byakuya, Oma Kokichi, Harukawa Maki, Kirigiri Kyoko, Nanami Chiaki, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Tsumiki Mikan, Shinguji Korekiyo, Mioda Ibuki, Fujisaki Chihiro, Tojo Kirumi, Yukizome Chisa, Kirigiri Jin, Kimura Seiko, Kizakura Kohichi, Saihara Shuichi, Asahina Aoi, Ikusaba Mukuro, Maizono Sayaka, Saionji Hiyoko, Ogami Sakura, Sakakura Juzo, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter, Sato (Dangan Ronpa), Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime, Momota Kaito, Akamatsu Kaede, Amami Rantaro, Iruma Miu, Yumeno Himiko, Sonia Nevermind, Koizumi Mahiru, Mitarai Ryota, Yamada Hifumi, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Togami Shinobu, Tanaka Gundham, Pekoyama Peko, Kamukura Izuru, Hanamura Teruteru, Soda Kazuichi, Hoshi Ryoma, Otonashi Ryouko, Nidai Nekomaru, Chabashira Tenko, Andoh Ruruka, Munakata Kyosuke (Dangan Ronpa), Celestia Ludenberg, Fukawa Touko, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Gokuhara Gonta, Kuwata Leon, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Matsuda Yasuke, Owada Daiya, Owari Akane, Class 77 (Dangan Ronpa), Class 78 (Dangan Ronpa)
Relationships: Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Ikusaba Mukuro/Maizono Sayaka, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, Fujisaki Chihiro/Kuwata Leon, Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime/Kamukura Izuru/Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki/Sonia Nevermind, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko, Nidai Nekomaru/Owari Akane, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter/Mitarai Ryota, Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack/Naegi Komaru, Fukawa Touko/Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack/Naegi Komaru, Kuzuryu Natsumi/Sato, Kirigiri Kyoko & Naegi Makoto & Togami Byakuya, Fujisaki Chihiro & Ishimaru Kiyotaka & Owada Mondo, Komaeda Nagito & Matsuda Yasuke, Komaeda Nagito & Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko & Soda Kazuichi, Komaeda Nagito & Pekoyama Peko, Komaeda Nagito & Oma Kokichi & Togami Byakuya, Hinata Hajime & Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Sato, Koizumi Mahiru & Mioda Ibuki & Saionji Hiyoko & Sato & Tsumiki Mikan, Matsuda Yasuke/Otonashi Ryouko, Hinata Hajime & Kamukura Izuru & Nanami Chiaki, Sonia Nevermind & Soda Kazuichi & Tanaka Gundham, Mioda Ibuki & Pekoyama Peko, Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Pekoyama Peko, Naegi Komaru & Naegi Makoto, Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu, Harukawa Maki/Tojo Kirumi, Harukawa Maki & Momota Kaito, Amami Rantaro/K1-B0, Gokuhara Gonta/Hoshi Ryoma, Munakata Kyosuke/Sakakura Juzo, Munakata Kyosuke & Sakakura Juzo & Yukizome Chisa, Shirogane Tsumugi/Yonaga Angie, Maizono Sayaka & Naegi Makoto, Hagakure Yasuhiro & Kuwata Leon, Kirigiri Jin & Kirigiri Kyoko & Kizakura Koichi, Chabashira Tenko & Yonaga Angie & Yumeno Himiko, Kirigiri Jin/Kizakura Kohichi, Amami Rantaro & Harukawa Maki & Iruma Miu & K1-B0 & Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi & Tojo Kirumi & Chabashira Tenko & Momota Kaito & Korekiyo Shinguji, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Additional Tags: Fujisaki Chihiro Is a Little Shit, but he still innocent, Shuichi is a simp, The Author Regrets Nothing, Komaeda Nagito Needs a Hug, Oma Kokichi Needs a Hug, Kaede is done with everyone, Kokichi and Maki are besties, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), there is no Junko only Ryoko, Everyone Is Gay (mosly), The Author's English is trash, Everyone Is Alive, Nanami Chiaki is a Little Shit, Peko is a god, Komaeda Nagito Being Komaeda Nagito, Kirumi is the best mom, Chisa is a best mom, Kokichi Is a Good Friend, Author Is Sleep Deprived, ;), Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Twins, Chaos, Chatting & Messaging, Nagito loves braiding Izuru's hair, Reserve Course (Dangan Ronpa), Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, How Do I Tag, Celestia Ludenberg is a death name, people call her Taeko Yasuhiro, and she ok wiht that, Kokichi is innocent, kiyotaka is not innocent, Naegi Makoto Is a Little Shit, Hinata Hajime needs a hug
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jcwtpdx69 · 4 years
The CANDY POP series 2020
2). REIKO RAIDOU (Japanese Brigitte Bardot)
10). AKARI
11). AKIE
14). AYAKO
17). REIKO
18). JUNKO
20). USAGI
23). KAORI
24). IKUKO
27). IZUMI
32). ORIE
33). AYANE
36). AYAME
37). RYOKO
40). AZUSA
42). AKIKO
51). RANKO
52). RUIKO
54). TAEKO
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ultimateoptimus · 5 years
UltimateOptimus’ Underwater Peril Scenarios
Frogman Fubblegum
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Princess Bubblegum: SCUBA Princess-in-Peril
The Question: "What If Princess Bubblegum Was In Underwater Peril?" The Character-in-Distress: Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum from Adventure Time in her Water Park Prank girls' one-piece swimsuit and swimcap and '90s Sci-Fi Anime-style SCUBA gear (Mask and Snorkelator) The Setting: Finn and Bubblegum's Summer SCUBA Dive in a Drowned, Sunken Pre-'Shroom War City The Underwater Peril: Rescue Frogman Training: Classic Out-Of-Air SCUBA Emergency (Think Black Widow and Inspector Gadget 1983) The Hero-to-the-Rescue: Finn Mertens from Adventure Time in his Water Park Prank boys' swim trunks and backpack twinhose classic-style SCUBA gear (Mask and Regulator), just like the Good Old Days
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Finn Mertens: Frogboy Shock
The Question: "What If Finn Mertens Was In Underwater Peril?" The Character-in-Distress: Finn Mertens from Adventure Time in his Water Park Prank boys' swim trunks and backpack twinhose classic-style SCUBA gear (Mask and Regulator) The Setting: Finn's Thalassophobia Therapy Training in a Candy Kingdom Ocean Water Tank The Underwater Peril: Rescue Frogman Training: Out-Of-Air SCUBA Malfunction + Thalassophobia Flashback Freakout = SCUBA Shock!
The Hero-to-the-Rescue: Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum from Adventure Time in her Water Park Prank girls' one-piece swimsuit and swimcap and '90s Sci-Fi Anime-style SCUBA gear (Mask and Regulator) or Finn Mertens himself once he finds the courage and strength to fix his gear and drown the fear (better it than him)
The Aquarium of Danger
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Yandere-Kun/Chan: Playing the Victim
The Question: "What If Hayanari/Ayano Aishi Was In Underwater Peril?" The Character-in-Distress: Hayanari "Yandere-Kun"/Ayano "Yandere-Chan" Aishi from Yandere Simulator in the Akademi High Boys (Hayanari)/Girls (Ayano) School Swimsuit and Swim Cap and Saikou SCUBA gear (Red-White-Blue colored ABC gear (mask-snorkel-fins), BC jacket and regulator) with a halfway empty-in-cold-blood air tank (good for 10 minutes of bubbly breaths tops - more than enough air for the Aishi to settle down below on the pool floor, get comfy and ready to play the victim part for the Yamada) and with the First Intro Persona (Just your average (if a bit love-crazy) high school boy/girl looking for a fulfilling high school love life with Senpai and has the Yandere in his/her blood) The Setting: Akademi High School Swimming Pool in Summer During SCUBA Class The Underwater Peril: Breathless SCUBA Out-of-Air Emergency Rescue Demo (No cause for alarm: Aishi told Yamada the whole play beforehand) The Hero-to-the-Rescue: Taro "Senpai-Kun"/Taeko "Senpai-Chan" Yamada from Yandere Simulator in the Akademi High Boys (Taro)/Girls (Taeko) Swimsuit and Swim Cap and Saiko SCUBA gear (Red-White-Blue colored ABC gear (mask-snorkel-fins), BC jacket and regulator) with a full air tank to play the heroic rescue diver part for Aishi with
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Sophie Casterwell: SCUBA Seeker's Peril
The Question: "What If Sophie Casterwell Was In Underwater Peril?"The Character-in-Distress: Sophie Casterwell from Huntik: Hunters and Seekers in her SCUBA gear The Setting: The Sunken Flagship of Jason and the Argonauts The Underwater Peril: Episode 10 Sunken Ship SCUBA Peril, Lophie Style The Hero-to-the-Rescue: Lok From Huntik: Hunters and Seekers in his SCUBA gear The Story: Nutshell: The Lophie version of the SCUBA peril in The Treasure of the Argonauts, with Sophie in Lok's role as the diver-in-distress and Lok in Dante's role as the rescue diver. 'Nuff said.
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Carly: Autobot Frogwoman Down
The Question: "What If Carly Was In Underwater Peril?"
The Character-in-Distress: Carly from The Transformers in her SCUBA gear featured in The Immobilizer, deployed by way of Broadside in Aircraft Carrier Mode The Setting: SCUBA Spy Mission to Decepticon Underwater HQ or Atlantis The Underwater Peril: Decepticon Airtank SCUBAtage The Hero-to-the-Rescue: Spike Witwicky from The Transformers in the boys' version of Carly's SCUBA gear by way of Broadside in Aircraft Carrier Mode and the Autobot Cavalry
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Lisa Silverman: Operation Wasserfaust
A Persona 2: Innocent Sin TatsuLisa SCUBA Peril Scenario The Question: "What If Lisa Silverman Was In Underwater Peril?" The Character-in-Distress: Lisa Silverman from Persona 2: Innocent Sin in her Seven Sisters High Girls' School Swimsuit and Swim Cap and Endo Begin SCUBA Kit with ABC (Mask, Snorkel, Fins) Kit The Setting: Underwater Battle with Last Batallion Kriegstauchers in the School Pool of Seven Sisters High School The Underwater Peril: A Last Battalion Kriegstaucher getting too close to Lisa's regulator The Hero-to-the-Rescue: Tatsuya Suou from Persona 2: Innocent Sin in his Seven Sisters High Boys' School Swimsuit and Swim Cap and Endo Begin SCUBA Kit with ABC (Mask, Snorkel, Fins) Kit AND Lisa Silverman herself in unison (She's a tough girl after all)
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Natsumi Hinata: Sukumizu SCUBA Panic! Sah!
A Sgt. Frog SabuNatsu SCUBA Peril Scenario by UltimateOptimus The Question: "What If Natsumi Hinata Was In Underwater Peril?"The Character-in-Distress: Natsumi Hinata from Sgt. Frog in her Old-Style Japanese Girls' School Swimsuit and Endo Begin SCUBA Kit with ABC (Mask, Snorkel, Fins) Kit The Setting: The School Pool at a Summer SCUBA Class, like the Good Old Days The Underwater Peril: The usual hijinx from Sgt. Keroro and his Keronian troop leaving Natsumi trying to breathe with an empty air tank and useless regulator The Hero-to-the-Rescue: Mutsumi "Saburo" Hojo from Sgt. Frog in his Old-Style Japanese Boys' School Swimsuit and Endo Begin SCUBA Kit with ABC (Mask, Snorkel, Fins) Kit (Sorry, Giroro, you horny ol' toad - you ain't the hero in this story)
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makiizushis · 7 years
Not that there will ever be a PokeSpe anime but if there was
I came up with a list of voice actors I think would fit each dex holder with voice clips, below the cut.
Red: Minami Takayama (Edogawa Conan) or Megumi Ogata (Tsukishiro Yukito). Particularly Minami because she can do both a young boy and teen’s voice.
Green: Yuichi Nakamura (Gray Fullbuster, Saotome Alto)
Blue: Kitamura Eri (Mina Ashido)
Yellow: Ozawa Ari (Chiyo Sakura) or Suzuki Minori (Freyja Wion, Shinomoto Akiho). I think their voices could lend well to a young boy (as she’s initially mistaken to be). Alternatively, Taeko Kawata (Amy Rose, Mew Ringo/Ringo Akai), who has actually played a role of a girl mistaken for a boy (as Tachibana Yuuki).
Gold: Romi Park (Edward Elric) or Kappei Yamaguchi (Inuyasha)
Silver: Aya Hisakawa (Soma Yuki)
Crystal: Kitagawa Rina (Cure Honey/Omori Yuko) or Chiwa Saito (Hinata Natsumi, Yona)
Ruby: Minagawa Junko (Pikario/Kuroki Rio) or Motoko Kumai (Syaoran Li)
Sapphire: Mayumi Shintani (Nonon Jazakure)
Emerald: Wasabi Mizuta (Doraemon, Cancer Bubble)
Platinum: Miyuki Sawashiro (Cure Scarlet/Akagi Towa)
Pearl: Daisuke Sakaguchi (Shimura Shinpachi)
Dia: Ryou Hirohashi (Minoru Mineta) or  Fuyuka Oura (Hoshikawa Subaru)
Black: Nobuhiko Okamoto (Mikorin) or Tetsuya Kakihara (Natsu Dragneel, Kouha Ren)
White: Yu Shimamura (Cure Flora/Haruno Haruka)
Rakutsu: Kishio Daisuke (Loki, Domoto Kaito)
Faitsu: Mamiko Noto (Mavis Vermillion, Rin, Cure Echo/Sakagami Ayumi)
X: Kanemoto Ryousuke (Andrew Hanbridge, Sagara Seiji)
Y: Fukuen Misato (Hibiki Misora, Cure Happy/Hoshizora Miyuki) 
Sun: Ryou Horikawa (Hattori Heiji) or Issei Miyazaki (Takashi Yamazaki)
Moon: Yui Horie (Cure Magical/Izayoi Riko) or Megumi Hayashibara (Musashi, Ayanami Rei, Haibara Ai)
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
Reincarnation: The same or not?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QSae9E
by xXWynter_13Xx
Just the DR cast (minus drv3) getting reincarnated. Same-Old Same-Old.
Words: 739, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyoko, Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Asahina Aoi, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Maizono Sayaka, Kuwata Leon, Fujisaki Chihiro, Celestia Ludenberg, Yasuhiro Taeko, Ogami Sakura, Enoshima Junko, Ikusaba Mukuro, Hinata Hajime, Kamukura Izuru, Nanami Chiaki, Komaeda Nagito, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Owari Akane, Sonia Nevermind, Soda Kazuichi, Hanamura Teruteru, Koizumi Mahiru, Pekoyama Peko, Mioda Ibuki, Saionji Hiyoko, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Tanaka Gundham, Oowada Mondo, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Naegi Komaru
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Asahina Aoi/Ogami Sakura, Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, Hinata Hajime/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Komaeda Nagito/Hinata Hajime/ Kuzuryu Natsumi, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko
Additional Tags: Reincarnation, My First AO3 Post, Gaming, All The Ships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QSae9E
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run-journalist-run · 7 years
Name Changes
(All the rivals have japanese first and last names, but the other characters I renamed technically have first names as their surnames, mainly because it was difficult for me to find good surnames for them. I apologize if any of these aren’t accurately translated, I don’t speak Japanese and had to rely on different websites and Google translate. Please point out any errors so I can correct them.)
Osana Najimi: Aki Yukimura
AKI (秋): meaning “autumn.”
YUKIMURA (雪村): meaning “snowy village.”
Amai Odayaka: Atsuko Maki
ATSUKO (-温子): meaning “warm child.”
MAKI: (真木): 真 (ma) meaning “real, genuine” and 木 (ki) meaning “tree”.
Kizana Sunobu: Masami Oshiro
MASAMI (雅美): meaning “elegant beauty.”
OSHIRO (大城): 大 (o) meaning “big, great” and 城 (shiro) meaning “castle”.
Oka Ruto: Mitsuko Koshima
MITSUKO (光子): meaning “light child” or “shining child.”
KOSHIMA (小島): 子 (ko) meaning “small” and 島 (shima) meaning “island.”
Asu Rito: Hikari Shimizu
HIKARI (光): meaning “radiance.”
SHIMIZU (清水): 清 (shi) meaning “clear, pure, clean” and 水 (mizu) meaning “water”.
Muja Kina: Harumi Sasaki 
HARUMI (春美): meaning “spring beauty.”
SASAKI (佐々木):  佐 (sa) meaning “help, aid” (repeated, indicated by the iteration mark 々) and 木 (ki) meaning “tree, wood”.
Mida Rana: Misaki Himura
MISAKI (美咲): meaning “beauty bloom.”
HIMURA (緋村): 緋 (hi) meaning “scarlet, dark red” and 村 (mura) meaning “town, village”.
Osoro Shidesu: Mari Ishikawa
MARI: Japanese form of English Mary, meaning “obstinacy, rebelliousness” or “their rebellion.”
ISHIKAWA (石川): 石 (ishi) meaning “stone” and 川 (kawa) meaning “river, stream”.
Hanako Yamada: Haruko Fukui
HARUKO (はるこ): meaning “spring child.”
FUKUI (福井) : meaning “fortunate.”
Megami Saikou: Katsumi Miyamoto
KATSUMI (勝美): meaning “victorious beauty.”
MIYAMOTO (宮本): 宮 (miya) meaning “temple, shrine, palace” and 本 (moto) meaning “base, root, origin”.
Kokona Haruka: Masumi Chiasa
MASUMI (真澄): meaning “true lucidity.”
CHIASA: meaning “one thousand mornings.”
Uekiya Engeika (Gardening Club Leader): Natsumi Hotaru
NATSUMI (夏美): meaning “summer beauty.”
HOTARU (蛍): meaning “firefly; lightning bug.”
Miyuji Shan: Maiko Kotone
MAIKO (舞子): meaning “dancing child.”
KOTONE (琴音): meaning “harp sound.”
Genka Kunahito: Nori Kasumi
NORI: (法): meaning “law, rule.”
KASUMI (霞): meaning “mist.”
Ayano Aishi: Aiko Chiyoko
AIKO (愛子): meaning “love child.”
CHIYOKO (千代子): meaning “child of a thousand generations.”
Ryoba Aishi: Minori Chiyoko
MINORI (里): meaning “truth.”
CHIYOKO (千代子): meaning “child of a thousand generations.”
Info-chan: Azumi Michiko
AZUMI (あずみ): meaning “safe residence.”
MICHIKO (美智子): “beautiful wise child.”
Taeko Yamada: Kiyomi Fukui
KIYOMI (清見): meaning “pure beauty.”
FUKUI (福井) : meaning “fortunate.”
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psuryua324-blog · 6 years
・Arkonix Crush Ian kieOlt ocha
2 hands
・Eagle hinagiku i.suk laku Fizz
・Herenz Ohyeah! VAIN Rotation87 kin?wabi?
迷いどころ。ばいんさん後半何してんのか分からなかったwabiさん今までで1番良い。rotation87急にLM始まったの面白い 侘さん勝ってほしいけど審査方法で難易度優先だったら勝つの厳しそう
・Diobrand Herenz fukrou kin MEL
・Van DArKT Taeko natsumi vampire
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thestyletitle · 6 years
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From 'From the Machiavellianism' story at current King Kong Magazine Issue 5. _____ Photography and Styling: Oscar Chik Hair: Waka Adachi Make up: Natsumi Narita Models: Steve Morell, Mimi Siriwansanti Styling Assistant: Mou Cheung Make up Assistant: Taeko Suda MIMI wears blouse KENZO Dress GUCCI Shirt CHIN MENS Skirt and boots EVAN PHILLIPS Gloves MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA vintage Bra, garter belts and belts CENCI vintage Belts worn as shoe harnesses PHILOSOPHY from CENCI vintage STEVE wears Shirt XANDER ZHOU Tie CENCI Vintage Jacket, shorts and boots: JOHN LAWRENCE SULLIVAN  _______ _______ #kingkongmagazine #model #stevemorell #princessjulia #dontcheat #fashion #fashionphotography #cenci #undergroundengland #balenciaga #kenzo #commedegarcons #oscarchik #gucci #lawrencesullivan #xanderzhou #evanpillips #maisonmargiela #chinmens @mimimimisiri #femalekiller #machiavellianism #villainism #modernfashion #mode #modelwork #modefotografie @oscarchik #oscarchik ( #📷 @steve.morell )
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glitchviper · 3 years
🌸 <3
Taeko isn’t Tsumi’s moms actual first name, but it is her middle name. Taeko was given to her as a middle name to honor a family friend who happened to be Japanese. She started going by it once she moved to Japan so that people would have an easier time calling her/trying to get her attention/other reasons.
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i did it guys. I made natceles content. welcome to rare pair hell
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ao3feed-komahina · 3 years
by xXWynter_13Xx
Just the DR cast (minus drv3) getting reincarnated. Same-Old Same-Old.
Words: 739, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyoko, Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Asahina Aoi, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Maizono Sayaka, Kuwata Leon, Fujisaki Chihiro, Celestia Ludenberg, Yasuhiro Taeko, Ogami Sakura, Enoshima Junko, Ikusaba Mukuro, Hinata Hajime, Kamukura Izuru, Nanami Chiaki, Komaeda Nagito, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Owari Akane, Sonia Nevermind, Soda Kazuichi, Hanamura Teruteru, Koizumi Mahiru, Pekoyama Peko, Mioda Ibuki, Saionji Hiyoko, Tsumiki Mikan, Nidai Nekomaru, Tanaka Gundham, Oowada Mondo, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Naegi Komaru
Relationships: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Asahina Aoi/Ogami Sakura, Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, Hinata Hajime/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Komaeda Nagito/Hinata Hajime/ Kuzuryu Natsumi, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko
Additional Tags: Reincarnation, My First AO3 Post, Gaming, All The Ships
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glitchviper · 3 years
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Show-offs ( ft. Makoto Shiba @dantelionwishes )
Tsumi lifting up her classmate while flexing cause it’s easy for her? More likely than you think.
I’ve been wanting to draw Makoto for a while now and figured this would be a fun way to do it. She’s got so much personality and I hope I did her justice
Also here’s another info dump cause about a bunch of different things
Updates on her quirk, cause I changed it a little
Tsutsumi’s quirk is actually a weird mix of her mother’s mutant quirk (demon) and her father’s transformation quirk (shadow bender), she personally calls her quirk a mutant quirk because she has all the same buffs when her quirk isn’t “active” they’re just toned down
So even when she’s not looking like a demon straight from hell she’s still way stronger/more athletic/flexible/ you get it than the average person and can travel through shadows. Forming shadow blades and higher pain tolerance are active quirk exclusive perks tho
The drawbacks are the same tho. Overpowered quirk still equals sizable drawbacks
Now going away from the quirk stuff and onto other stuff
Tsutsumi’s mom, Taeko Natsumi, is a single mom who adores her daughter and is very supportive of her goals
Her dad died when she was pretty young and she doesn’t really remember him all that well so she’s not too hung up on it. It’s simply life to her
Her dad is Japanese but her mom is a native Hawaiian. She works hard to introduce a lot of her culture to Tsumi (and Tsumi loves it and engages as much as possible)
Surfing. Tsumi loves surfing, her mom taught her when she was young and she’s been hooked on it ever since
She’s kinda poor, it’s a result of the single mom thing. So she’s pretty cautious of money and is amazed by how rich some of her classmates are
She’s actually a huge video game fan and will talk to you about them for hours. Her favorite games are borderlands, the legend of Zelda, and Doom.
She really likes wearing jewelry. She has her ears pierced in a couple places, has some horn rings, bracelets, and typically has an ankle bracelet on
Mirko is her favorite pro hero and her idol. She aspires to be as good of a hero and as cool as her
Tsutsumi is actually quite the show-off when it comes to battles/her power. Different from her typically chill and laid back demeanor with everything else
Tsumi will pick up any of her classmates if they ask. She thinks it’s fun
Also here's Tsutsumi's color pallet for anyone drawing her that needs it (sorry the handwriting is kinda a mess)
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
Danganronpa Rebirth: Chapter Previews
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35agy1c
by pity_detective
Hello! I've started making a series including the Dangan Ronpa fan favorites! This book will be cross-posted on wattpad under the same username, and the storyline is original!
This book is only previews until I finish the book altogether, which I plan on releasing at either the end of this year or the beginning of the next. But I hope you enjoy reading!
Words: 164, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Other
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Shirogane Tsumugi, Togami Byakuya, Komaeda Nagito, Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi, Enoshima Junko, Kirigiri Kyoko, Kamukura Izuru, Harukawa Maki, Angie Yonaga, Celestia Ludenberg, Yasuhiro Taeko, Saionji Hiyoko, Naegi Komaru, Kuzuryu Natsumi, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Idabashi Keebo
Additional Tags: Fan Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Preview, Original Character Death(s), antagonists, Byakuya Nagito and Kokichi are friends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35agy1c
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