#Taeyong reactions
honeymark · 2 years
Every relationship comes with a story. This is ours.
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𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟎𝟒 ; in which you & Taeyong tell your respective sides of your love story.
# 𝑫𝑼𝑹𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 :: ~11 minutes (2.2k words)
# 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 :: insecurity, infertility
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『 The video opens with a shot of Y/N and Taeyong walking into the studio. The set is white, with two white chairs seated across from each other, a white table, a set of white earbuds, and a set of white noise-cancelling headphones. Y/N takes a seat in the chair to the right, while Taeyong sits in the chair across from her. 』
Taeyong: (smiles) “You look really pretty, Honey.”
Y/N: "I think you look prettier.”
Taeyong: (chuckles) “Thank you.”
“Can you introduce yourselves?”
Taeyong: “My name is Taeyong, I’m 26 years old, and I’m a freelance webtoon artist.”
Y/N: “Hi, I’m Y/N, I am also 26 years old, and I’m a pediatric nurse practitioner.”
“How long have you been together?”
Y/N: “We dated for 6 years ㅡ”
Taeyong: “ㅡ and have been married for 2.” (smiles)
“How did you two meet?”
Y/N & Taeyong, simultaneously: "In Dr. Yoo’s biology class.”
Y/N: “At the time, the humanities majors and science majors were under the same college, so we all had to take the same pre-requisites. Taeyong and I happened to sit next to each other in the middle of the second row.”
Taeyong: “We didn’t talk to each other until you yelled at that girl, though.”
Y/N: “I didn’t yell atㅡwell, actually, I guess I yelled at her.” (sighs) “Taeyong is too nice for his own good. Like, he’s the type of classmate who’d give you the answers to a test if you asked politely for them, so of course there were people who took advantage of him. There was this one girl who never showed up to class unless she needed to. On the rare occasion that she actually did show up to class, she would always sit next to Taeyong and ask him for all of the answers. I never really paid too much attention to it, since it seemed like Taeyong didn’t mind, but the closer I watched, the more I realized that he actually did mind.” (pauses) “It bothered me how she’d always act like that, so I just...went off on her.”
Taeyong: “It was the first time anyone had ever stood up for me. I took Y/N out to coffee after that lecture.” (smiles)
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“What was your first impression?”
『 The video cuts to Y/N putting in the earbuds, then sliding the noise-cancelling headphones on over her ears. 』
Taeyong: “Can you hear me?”
Y/N: (furrows eyebrows) “What?”
Taeyong: “I love you.”
Y/N: (smiles) “I love you too.”
Taeyong: (laughs) “You can still hear me!”
Y/N: (shakes head) “I’m reading your lips, I swear!”
Taeyong: “Y/N was a lot friendlier than I was expecting her to be.” (chuckles). “To be completely honest, I was always a little intimidated by her, even before she stood up to that particular classmate. Y/N was always really serious in class; she never took her eyes off of the professor, she never talked to anyone unless she had to, and she always kept her notes really organized. She also wasn’t afraid to ask questions or admit when she didn’t understand something, which was something I really admired about her, since I didn’t have that kind of confidence.” (pauses) “I also thought she was really pretty. Sometimes I drew portraits of her when she wasn’t looking, but don’t tell her I told you that.” (smiles)
『 The video cuts to Taeyong putting in the earbuds, then sliding the noise-cancelling headphones on over his ears. 』
Y/N: “My first impression of Taeyong?” (pauses) “This is gonna sound pretty bad, but I didn’t think highly of him at all at first. All he did in class was sleep and draw in his notebook. He didn’t take notes, he didn’t pay attention to the lecture...he just walked in, sat down, kept his head down all throughout the class class, got up, and left.” (chuckles) “But what made it even more unbelievable was the fact that he never made less than an A on anything. He always did better than me on our exams and assignments, and I couldn’t understand why. How was it that he, someone never paid attention in class, scored better than me, someone who always paid attention and studied her ass off?” (sighs) “So...yeah, I didn’t think too highly of him, but it was out of my own jealousy.”
Taeyong: “You didn’t like me much at first, did you?”
Y/N: “...No, I didn’t. Sorry, Yong.”
Taeyong: (laughs) “I already know, Honey. You don’t have anything to be sorry about.”
Y/N: “I love you lots now.”
Taeyong: (smiles) “I already know that, too.”
Y/N: “What’d you think about me? You probably thought I tried too hard, right?”
Taeyong: “Not really. I always admired you a lot for how hard you worked. You were just sort of...intimidating.”
Y/N: (shrugs) “It’s okay. A lot of people seem to think the same way.”
Taeyong: “I don’t think that way now.”
Y/N: (laughs) “Thanks, Honey. I appreciate that.”
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“What do you like most about each other?”
Taeyong: “It’s so hard to think of just one thing, and I know that sounds really cliché, but it’s true. Y/N is my superhero. And not just mine, either. All of those kids that she sees every day, I know she’s a superhero to them, too.” (smiles) “I can’t imagine the things she has to go through and hear and see at work, but she always remains so courageous and resilient. Y/N is also very strong in her beliefs, but she isn’t afraid of admitting she’s wrong or that she doesn’t know something. She’s mature too; she’s proactive and always focuses on growing from her experiences. She doesn’t pity herself when things get tough, she always picks herself up and keeps going, and she ㅡ wait, I’m talking too much, aren’t I?” (laughs) “I’m always learning from Y/N. That’s one of the hundreds of reasons why I’m in love with her.”
Y/N: “If I had to choose just one thing...I really love how diligent Taeyong is. He truly puts 110% of himself into everything he does, whether it’s in his work or his relationships with people or his cooking, literally everything. He’s just so hard-working, and he always pushes himself to do his absolute best. Of course, there are plenty of times when he gets discouraged, but he never tells himself that something’s impossible or that he can’t do something…he always knows what he needs to do to get something done, and he sticks with it no matter what. I really admire that about him. Seeing him do his best always gives me the strength and inspiration to do my best, too.”
Y/N: “You’re really cool, you know that?”
Taeyong: (points to himself) “Me?”
Y/N: (nods) “Yes, you, Mr. Lee Taeyong. You changed my world.”
Taeyong: (smiles) “You changed mine, too. I’m grateful every day that you agreed to marry me.”
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“When did you realize you’d fallen in love?”
Taeyong: “I don’t remember exactly when it was that I fell in love with her, but I vividly remember realizing it after coming home from class one day. It was during our senior year, and I had skipped my last class to go home early because I was really discouraged about some project that I had. I tried not to show how upset I was, but she could already tell that something was wrong without me even having to tell her.” (smiles) “I talked to her about what was going on, and she said something to me that really...stuck with me. She said, ‘Embrace where you are at this moment, and move on when you’re ready.’” (pauses) “No one had ever said that to me before. That’s the moment when I realized, ‘Wow. I am so head-over-heels in love with this person.’”
Y/N: “I realized it pretty quickly, to be honest.” (smiles) “I remember I was really stressed out for this upcoming exam that basically determined whether or not I would be admitted into the nursing program at our school. I was so focused on studying that I kind of neglected my health, but Taeyong was there beside me the entire time and made sure I didn’t skip any meals and that I was allowed myself a break every now and then. He basically made sure that I was actually taking care of myself, and for some reason...it just gave me so much peace. Just being with him brought me so much peace.” (chuckles) “We were only a few months into the relationship at the time, but somehow, I just...knew. I knew that he’s my person, that he’s the person for me.”
Taeyong: “When did you realize?”
Y/N: “Pretty early. Like, definitely before our 100 day anniversary.”
Taeyong: “That is pretty early.”
Y/N: “What about you?”
Taeyong: “Closer to a year into our relationship. Well, actually, I think I knew earlier, I just didn’t realize it until our senior year of school.”
Y/N: “What made you realize?”
Taeyong: “Just the things you said and the way you acted...you understood me so well, and you motivated me to be my best. That’s how I knew.” (smiles)
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“What is the biggest insecurity in your relationship?”
Taeyong: “...My biggest insecurity is…I’m scared that I can’t provide for her.” (pauses) “In our culture, it’s expected that the man provides for his family…but with my job, I don’t exactly make enough money to support the both of us.”
『 Taeyong pauses again, and he takes a moment to wipe away the tears streaming down his cheeks. The camera switches to Y/N, who is also starting to tear up. The PA passes a box of tissues to Taeyong. 』
Taeyong: “Sorry about that.”
PD, from off-camera: “No worries. Do you want to take a break?”
Taeyong: (shakes his head) “No, I’m okay.” (takes a deep breath) “It’s a responsibility that I know Y/N does not and would never hold over my head, but still...there are so many things I want to do for her. I want to give her a big house and take her on a nice vacation and just...provide everything for her so she won’t have to work so hard and so often...” (sighs) “Y/N deserves the entire world, but I feel like I just can’t give it to her.”
Y/N: “My biggest insecurity...”
『 Y/N opens her mouth to talk but starts crying before she’s able to speak. 』
Y/N: “Shit, I’m sorry.”
PD, from off-camera: “It’s okay. Take your time. We can move onto a different question, if you’re more comfortable with that.”
Y/N: (shakes her head) “It’s okay, I just need a second.”
『 Y/N takes a moment to dab away her tears. Taeyong scoots his chair closer to hers, and he reaches out to take her cheeks in his hands. 』
Taeyong: “You okay?”
Y/N: (nods) “Yeah, I’m fine.
『 Taeyong frowns, then takes the headphones off and the earbuds out. 』
Taeyong: “Sorry, forgot I had these on. What’d you say?”
『 The studio bursts into laughter. Y/N smiles as she kisses him and whispers something into his ear. The video cuts to a refreshed Y/N. 』
Y/N: “Taeyong and I both love children. We’ve always talked about living in a big house and having lots of kids and dogs…but the reality is that...” (sighs) “The reality is that having a future like that is...unrealistic.” (pauses) “It’s very hard for me to have children. We’ve been trying for two years now, and on the rare chances that we do get pregnant, I always fail to carry the baby to full-term.” (pauses again) “It’s really stressful, you know? Our parents are always asking us when we’re having kids...and I don’t have the courage to tell them that I can’t. I can’t do the one thing our society expects me to do, and I know that I would never hold these expectations over anyone else, but still...I just can’t help but feel insecure.”
『 Taeyong reaches over to wipe the tears from Y/N’s face. She smiles and takes his hands in hers. 』
Y/N: “Thank you, Honey.”
Taeyong: “You know that you’re more than enough for me, right?”
Y/N: (nods) “I do. You too, you’re more than enough for me, Taeyong.”
Taeyong: (nods, then sighs) “I just…feel so bad, sometimes. Like, I wonder if you’d be happier without me.”
Y/N: “There is not a single universe that exists where I’d be happier without you.”
Taeyong: “I know.” (smiles) “I love you, Y/N. You’re all I need.”
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“What is something you’d like to say to your partner?”
Taeyong: “Y/N, my beautiful wife, thank you for loving me and supporting me all these years, even though I’m lacking in so many ways.” (smiles) “You’ve seen me at my highest and at my lowest, yet you’ve continued to love me just the same. You’re my everything, Y/N. I will work my absolute hardest to continue to make you happy. I love you so much.”
Y/N: “My lovely Yong, thank you for loving me so much every single day. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and for never asking me to change. You’re my best friend, my soulmate, my entire world. Thank you for being you, Lee Taeyong. I am genuinely so, so in love with you, and I have never been happier. I’m excited for our future together.”
Taeyong: “Thank you for everything, Y/N.”
Y/N: (smiles) “You too, my love. Thank you for everything.”
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『 The interview ends. Both Y/N and Taeyong stand up and bow to the staff before stepping off-camera and exiting the studio. The camera cuts to the PD, who is wiping away her tears. The video fades to black, with the crew laughing in the background. 』
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softsan · 1 year
🖇Dare The Devil, Make Him Smile. TEASER.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 35k (might end up longer tho)
GENRE: Mafia AU, Angst, Kingpin!Taeyong, Queenpin!Y/N, Fem!Reader, Childhood Friends, Betrayal, Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Smut, 
DESCRIPTION: You were the only surviving heir of the old-time Mafia kingpin that had ruled the four territories. You were long thought to be dead, living the normal life you had always wanted...Until you run into a Taeyong, a formidable ghost from your past. You are then thrown back into the Mafia underbelly, reuniting with enemies you had hoped had forgotten you. Will you run away? Will you stand beside Taeyong, kingpin of the North, and be his queen? Or will you take your rightful revenge?
WARNINGS: Possessive Themes, Explicit Sexual Content, Murder, Kidnapping, Strangulation, Torture, Weapons, Graphic Violence, Heavy Angst, Explicit Language, Alcohol Consumption, Mentions of Drugs, Betrayal, Morally Grey Characters, 
TAGS: Please send me an ASK if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
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“Y/N!” Taeyong immediately froze, catching sight of you. His breath was labored, his arms shaking, “What are you doing here?” He scanned the surroundings, his face still contoured in alarm. 
“Uh, I saw the roses” You tried to keep your voice neutral, “And I followed the hedges. Before I knew it, I’d gotten lost.”
Taeyong let out a long, worn breath, “I thought someone had taken you,” He shut his eyes, trying to calm himself down. 
“I’m sorry,” You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt.
“Never go off on your own,” Taeyong reopened his eyelids, the intensity of your stare almost making you squirm, “Promise me.” 
“I promise,” You said as you were told, dazed by how close Taeyong had gotten. 
“Good,” He allowed himself to gently brush your cheek with the back of his hand, “Let’s go back then.”
Yebin may be still in the gardens. You reacted. She might need more time to get away from here. 
“No!” You said a little too loudly, “Let’s stay out here,” You pulled onto Taeyong’s tie, to prevent him from turning back around.
Taeyong gave you a confused look, his mouth parting to say something. You immediately, yanked on his tie just as you had done earlier, and planted your lips on his. Taeyong was momentarily stunned. Your delicate fingers grasped onto his cheeks, bringing him in close.
You were a little worried, that Taeyong would pull back and question your intentions but your concerns when quelled when he kissed you back.
You felt Taeyong’s chest swell, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist. His kisses were heated, and domineering, he took the lead, his tongue swiping your lips apart and entering inside your mouth. You reflexively let out a moan. You had never been kissed as such. A kiss that ignited your insides and made your knees buckle.
Taeyong halted. You blinked, taken aback by how suddenly he’d stopped. Taeyong eyes darkened, the sound you just made. He wanted to hear it again.
His lips crashed back onto yours, encapsulating your mouth. He kissed you feverishly, his hands running down the length of your back. He pushed, closer making the two of you stumble backward, into the wall.
You could feel the feathery touch of his hands move past your hips. You made a soft noise, which incited him to lift both of your legs off the ground. Your legs instinctively curled around him, grasping him tight.
His lips broke from yours, “Y/N,” His voice husky, his tone dripping in desire.
His lips trailed down your chin, then your neck. Your hands found his hair, tugging on his locks when he found a particularly sensitive spot on your neck.
“Taeyong,” You whined, 
His chest swelled. He wanted to hear your pretty voice say his name again.
He returned to the spot—his tongue darted, licking across its surface. Taeyong latched onto your skin, the twinge of pleasure and a little bit of pain made you tighten your legs around him even more.
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MONI’S NOTE: I'm so excited to finally release this and give it an ending it deserves🤗 I hope you enjoy the changes I've made too. It's been a long time coming, and I thank everyone for their patience!
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © vyutas 2023   
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222low · 29 days
clingy nct 127 ♡₊ ⊹
self explanatory...127 when they're clingy
content : fluffff, umm touchyness
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enjoys picking u up, by the waist, over his shoulder, bridal style, you on his back, it doesn't matter. he likes to feel somewhat in charge when you're together and will take advantage of that when he's feeling clingy.
wants to rest his head on you. whether its your shoulder or on your lap or even your chest, he just wants to be that close to you. enjoys when you run your hands through his hair, or after a night of performing and you undoing the little braids he puts in it.
i feel like yuta's hand are really nice, and he would just want to them to be intertwined with you in any way, shape, or form. i think he would be very proud to show you off to members, if he's clingy in public he doesn't have a pda issue.
opposite of yuta....idk i feel like hes not so much into pda. likes moments alone with you at home, just the two of you. smiles soooo much around u (who doesn't love a good gummy smile). when he's clingy i feel like its not just touch, but he just wants to be near you, talking to you about nothing and everything at the same time.
big fan of the days where u can just stay in bed together. i think hes definitely one of those big spoons who just makes u feel so secure and you'd fall asleep so quickly in his arms. in the morning if u try to escape he'd pull u closer to him, not letting u go. the man needs his beauty sleep, and you're the only one who can put him to bed that quick.
happiest man alive when he's with you. kind of like doyoung except he is touchyyyyyy. i feel like he'd be a big fan of hugs maybe picking u up on his back idk i love jungwoo he is so silly. loves side hugs just holding u close, but definitely wraps both of his arms around u, just..from the side. enjoys when u run your hands thru his hair after a long day of practice.
we know this mans schedule is packed...and the only thing he wants to do after he gets home is spend time with you. you would probably have a meal ready for him and he would be so grateful for that. loves when youre there for him, not wanting to let go of u from the moment he walks in the door from the moment he leaves the next day. i think he would hold ur hand while u guys eat too...idk it sounds pretty cute.
CLINGYYYY hes very clingy like koala type of clingy..will just grab onto you and not let go. thinks ur the cutest thing ever and you honestly probably think the same. would probably get a little embarrassed around members if he's showing pda, but when he gets home from a long and tiring schedule, all he wants to do is be with you.
a/n: PLEASEEEE REQ !! sorry this was so short, i felt bad bc i wasn't putting anything out haha i have definitely been on a writers block but i wanted to give u guys something, enjoy!! stream j + walk (i originally had this in my drafts before walk was released...damn im inactive) !!!
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neoiightss · 26 days
Having a separate room - NCT 127
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Hii, this is my first request, so I’m really excited! Sorry for disappearing guys, I was extra busy with work, but I’m back! Please feel free to send me any requests ^ ^
pairing: y/n x johnny, taeyong, doyoung, yuta, jaehyun, jungwoo, mark, haechan. 
warnings: established relationships, pure fluff, domestic life. 
He’s understandable right off the bat. He doesn’t see a problem with it, and as soon as you mention wanting to use the extra room in your house as a personal area, he will gladly help you decorate or build the furniture. 
As you two walk through the Ikea’s aisles, picking up a desk and a chair for your space he points at a cute set of pink-colored decorative frames that would go well with the theme you wanted. 
“What do you think, babe? I could hang them right above your desk, it’ll look good, right?”
He asks excitedly, making you smile genuinely before nodding, he smiles back with your approval as he puts the products in your cart. 
Another one that will be so excited, taking it as a little project of yours, helping you decorate the place (you might have to tone him down a little, or else he’ll just make it his style). 
“Look we can install a shelf right here and fill it with my Spongebob figures set” 
He points excitedly, walking around the spare room in your shared apartment, planning all the decorations and furniture’s positions as soon as you mention wanting to use it as your home office place. 
“Yeah, but that’s yours and I don’t even like Spongebob that much, maybe I can just put some candles..” 
He pouts trying to win you over with his puppy eyes. Which, unfortunately for you, it works very well, giving in as you watch him smile brightly, walking to the next wall where he wants to graffiti a cool design for you, of course. 
He probably already has a room for himself, a little studio where he practices and records his songs and doubles it as storage for some of his clothes as well. So he gets it when you mention wanting to have a place for you, even though he loves living with you and enjoying your moments together he just wants some alone time to recharge and gather his thoughts. Will help you out with decoration if you ask, but mostly will just do the heavy work like bringing and building furniture, he doesn’t want to interfere much in your personal space, letting you do whatever you feel like.
“Right here?” 
He looks at you as he levels the shelf you bought, proceeding as he gets your approval, he cleans his palms in his shirt as he finishes installing the last one, internally wondering why you need so many shelves. 
“Alright I’m taking a shower, let me know if you need anything”. 
He says before leaving you to decorate the place, excited to see how it will look at the end. 
Will be the one to suggest you use the spare room in your apartment as he notices you working uncomfortably on the dinner table, sitting awkwardly as you type away on your laptop, he simply can’t have his baby in such situation! Will help you out with putting the place together and even suggesting you a few decorational itens he saw online to make the place more cozy. Will definitely spend an insane amount of money on an office chair just because it’s the “most comfortable on market”. 
“Are you crazy? That’s too much Yuta, besides I only work two days a week from home”. 
You scold him as soon as you see the price of the chair, watching him look unfazed as he puts it together. 
“My baby deserves the best. Besides it goes well with the new pc set I bought you, the reviews online says the keyboards are really egornomical”
“You bought me a what??”   
He likes to have his alone times just as much, and even tough he’s always romantic and sweet to you he’s not the clingy type. I can see him using the dorms as his personal room, a place where he’ll work on his music or just unwind for a while, especially when he’s too tired or frustrated with life, not wanting it to affect you. He doesn’t oppose when you ask to use the spare room in your house as your little craft area, finding it so cute that you want a place for yourself as well. 
Just like Doyoung he won’t interfere, just helping with the things you ask, but will definitely want to leave one item that will remind you of him, just in case you miss him.
“It’s just missing one final touch, darling” 
He smirks, trying to contain his smile after you give him a quick tour of the room, showing the way you decorated it, you look at him confused asking what is it before he takes a small Polaroid of him blowing a kiss from his pocket, placing it on your desk. 
“So you don’t miss me too much” 
He winks watching you laugh in disbelief, later on, he’ll make you take one as well for his room. 
What do you mean you want a room just for yourself? He’ll definitely whine a little as you propose it, he thought the whole idea of moving together was to be together as much as possible! It will take some explaining and pouting from you to convince him, in the end he’ll agree with you and help you organize the place, as he tries to, not so sneakily, bring his own stuff there. 
First is an extra chair in case he wants to visit, what about his music equipment? It was just laying around and won't take much space, and as soon as you realize you’re yet sharing another room with him. 
“I know what you’re doing, Woo..” 
You look at him seriously as he quietly installs his pc on the other side of the room. 
“What? You know the wifi is better here, it’s just for when I want to play with the guys, I promise baby” 
He pouts, trying to win you over this one. 
He’ll gladly accept it with no complains, he also has his own room where he built a little studio to work on his music and have his alone time so he agrees right away when you vocalize the need to have a space of your own to work on your things and just have your alone time as well, but as soon as he has his days off at home he’ll get a little uneasy not seeing you so often around the house, doing nothing on the couch or doing your cutesy crafts on the dinner table. 
He’ll come around here and there, bringing you water or a treat, or even just to give you a kiss and when you least expect he’s laying on the little couch next to you, watching you work as he plays random songs on his guitar. 
“I thought we agreed on me having this room for just myself”
You comment after a while, your tone giving in that you weren’t even mad. More else amused to see him wanting to be there with you. 
“Ah, come on babe, I’m just giving you a little ambience song, pretend I’m not even here” 
Your own room? Alone time? But he barely sees you..are you mad at him? Is he annoying you? That man is going on full whiny mode as soon as you mention it. He can’t believe his baby doesn’t want to spend all their precious time together being glued into each other. 
Believe me it will take some time to convince him it’s nothing wrong with him, you just want a place to work on your hobbies in peace and have your alone times. After a while you’ll convince him, with the promise that he has a free pass to visit you whenever he’s missing you, and just like Mark he’ll make the most lame excuses to crash onto your room. 
“Seriously, what do you want now, hyuck?” 
You look back as you feel his presence, the boy looking at you with puppy eyes as he enters your room. 
“It’s just that I think I saw a spider on our room, I’m staying here just a little bit, promise”. 
You roll your eyes, not being able to contain a chuckle as he comes in, sitting next to you, snuggling onto you. 
“Baby you know the wifi is soo good in here, maybe I could bring my pc and we’ll have a cute couple’s gaming room!” 
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taetr4ck · 6 months
uber driver!nct 127 x reader, no warnings — crack. taglist form.
a/n : YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND ANON 🫡 i actually love making these so much these are just so.. unhinged 😭🙏🏻 also ty, mark, and haechan’s aren’t mine! (at some parts lol)
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taglist : @soul-is-a-strange-kid @haechansbbg @bath1lda @k-labels
⋆ taetr4ck, est may 2023. / requests open
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vanesycho · 24 days
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f!reader x playboy jaemin
f!reader x playboy jaemin(ft. jeno) part 2
f!reader x jaemin(+18)
innocent f!reader x perv!jaemin(+18)
f!reader x fwb!jaemin(+18)
f!reader x haechan(+18)
f!reader x haechan(+18)
f!recording engineer reader x idol!haechan
haechan make out headcanon
f!reader x haechan(+18)
f!reader x gamer boyfriend!haechan(+18)
f!reader x renjun(ft. NoMin)(+18)
f!reader x renjun
f!reader x chenle(+18)
rich friend!chenle headcanon
f!reader x (older)jisung
f!reader x jealous jisung(+18)
f!reader x drunk jisung(+18)
f!reader x perv!jisung(+18)
f!reader x ex!jaehyun(+18)
f!reader x jaehyun&jeno(+18)
f!reader x older!jaehyun
f!reader x older!jaehyun[part2] (+18)
f!reader x killer!jaehyun
f!reader x yuta
sick f!reader x yuta&mark
f!reader x yuta(+18)
f!reader x yuta(+18)
f!reader x jeno&jaehyun(+18)
friends to lovers [jeno]
cold boyfriend jeno headcanons
f!reader x jeno(+18)
f!reader x kun
f!reader x mark(+18)
sick f!reader x yuta&mark
mark headcanons
f!reader x jungwoo
f!reader x jungwoo(+18)
f!reader x doyoung
f!reader x taeyong(+18)
student f!reader x prof!johnny[part1]
soft thoughts about johnny
f!reader x ten(+18)
f!reader x hendery(+18)
f!reader x xiaojun
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writemekpop · 1 year
Stolen Kisses | Lee Taeyong
Summary:  Sneaking off to have sex is tough with a kid in the house.
Genre: Husband!Taeyong, domestic AU, fluff
Word Count: 0.7k
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“Yeah, baby, just like that.” 
Taeyong’s breaths were hot against your ear.
With a pre-schooler in the house, you didn’t have a lot of time to be intimate. Whenever you had the chance, you were on each other like teenagers.
He was lying on top of you, arms either side of your head, biceps bulging with the effort. 
You were lying beneath him, stark naked. Only a thin sheet covered you both. 
You secretly loved sneaking around with Taeyong. It made you feel alive. 
His hips were rocking against yours at a sinful pace. You bit your lip to keep yourself from moaning. 
It was crazy to have sex at 5pm, when your daughter was down for her nap – but after Taeyong spent the whole of lunch with his eyes gazing suggestively into yours, winking whenever your daughter wasn’t looking, you couldn’t resist.
Taeyong looked at you like he was a starving man, and your body was the only food.
You turned your head to the side. That’s when you noticed two wide brown eyes staring at you from the dark. 
You yelped. 
Taeyong’s body stiffened. He lifted his head and followed your gaze. When he saw what you were looking at, he swore. 
It was Yumi, your four-year-old daughter. Her purple tie dye pyjamas were crumpled, her face was puffy with sleep, and her black hair was a bird’s nest. 
“Mommy, daddy, what are you doing?” 
You froze. This was your worst nightmare - worse than when you walked out with your school skirt tucked into your panties, with the entire high school sniggering at your exposed butt. 
Taeyong smoothly got up from the bed and wrapped the sheet around his lower half. He pulled the duvet over your naked chest. 
Normally, you were calm in a crisis, and Taeyong was the flustered one, but today, it seemed you had switched. 
Taeyong smiled in a way a schoolteacher might. “Daddy and mummy are having some grown up time. Go to your room sweetie, we’ll be there in a minute.”
The little girl looked at Taeyong, and then at you. Then, she shrugged her shoulders, said “okay”, and padded away. 
You didn’t realise that you’d been holding your breath this entire time. 
You exhaled, feeling dizzy. “Holy shit. Do you think she… saw anything?” 
Taeyong smiled softly. “She’s four. Even if she saw something, she’s not going to know what it means.”
You watched him as he put on his grey sweatpants. You admired his lean yet muscular form, and the many small tattoos that graced his skin. You thought about how much you wanted to kiss them, but then your daughter’s face flashed into your mind’s eye, and you grimaced. 
“How are you so calm about this?” 
Taeyong smiled wistfully, eyes staring off into the distance. “This happened to me once before.” 
You frowned. “When?” 
Taeyong pulled his hand through his silky hair. “Um… my ex’s kid once walked in on us, you know… doing it… on the couch. So I know exactly what to say – it’s a grown-up hug, privacy is important, it’s not your fault, blah blah blah.”
You scowled. You knew Taeyong had had lovers before you, but you didn’t like to be reminded of it.  
Taeyong grinned and stroked your arm reassuringly. It was like he could read your mind. He always knew when you were jealous. 
“Come on, momma.” He purred. “Let’s go and reassure our girl, then we can finish what we started.” 
You bit your lip. Taeyong was a hard man to resist.
After twenty minutes of comforting your daughter, she finally went to sleep. 
You and Taeyong went back to your bedroom, hand in hand.  
You groaned and leaned your head against his sculpted shoulder. “That was so embarrassing. We are never having sex again, like ever.” 
Taeyong chuckled, deep and manly. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, and placed long, opened mouthed kisses on your skin that made your entire body buzz. 
“I’m sure I can convince you.” 
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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marksmelodies · 10 months
hiii!! not sure if you’re taking request but if you are could you please make a 127 version of your “nct dream reactions to finding out you’re fwb/ secretly dating another member” ! i really loved your dream version and would love to read a 127 version (≧◡≦) thank you in advance ♡︎
hii thank you so much for requesting!! i am currently taking requests!!
i hope you enjoy!!
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nct127 reactions to finding out you’re fwb/ secretly dating another member
nct127 x fem reader
warnings: suggestive, sexual activity, oral (fem receiving) cussing,slight mentions of drugs
minors dni
the members sit around in the practice room debating on where to eat
“ yo let’s just order food” doyoung says as the group continues to discuss their food options
taeil then looks at his phone immediately getting up and getting his things ready to leave
“ hyung you’re not eating with us?” haechan asks
“ n-no i have somewhere to be” taeil stutters
“ where are you going?” doyoung asks but before he could finish his sentence taeil is out the door
quickly washing up and putting on a nice outfit he heads over to your place as you two go to the restaurant that you and him had planned on going
“ hello, do you have a reservation with us?” the host asked as jazz music played softly in the background
“ yeah it should be under moon taeil”
the host types his name into the computer as she furrows her brows
“ um sir, i have a reservation for the same time next week but nothing is coming up for today” the host says
you look at taeil as he stands there confused
“ what? i swear i made a reservation for tonight” he pulls out his phone to verify
“ oh my god i accidentally scheduled it for next week” he sighs as his shoulders slump
“ i’m sorry sir but we are all booked out for right now, if you give me your phone number i can call you if any reservations get cancelled but there’s a waiting list on that as well” the host explains
taeil felt defeated, he knew how much you wanted to eat at this restaurant, you had been talking about it for weeks
he looks to you as if he’s asking what you want to do
“ that’s alright, it’s no problem we’ll go somewhere else, you can cancel the reservation for next week too please, have a good night ” you say politely
taeil follows you out of the restaurant moping
“ babe i’m so sorry, i made that reservation after practice last week, i so tired i was out of it” taeil tries to apologize
“ awe taeil don’t feel bad it’s okay, honestly that place looked too fancy for me. what would you like to eat? i don’t mind at this point anything sounds good to me” you laugh
you’re always such a good sport in every situation, that’s one thing taeil loves so much about you, he can see right through you though, the restaurant wasn’t “too fancy” for you, you said that just to make him feel better.
“ let’s keep walking and see what else is around here” he suggests
and that’s how you ended up at a family owned korean barbecue place
sitting down at the table both of you already knowing what you want since you’ve been there more times than you can count
“ i’m sorry babe really”
“ taeil sweetheart it’s okay i swear ”
“ i’ll make it up to you tonight” he winks
“ oh come on don’t be all suggestive in the middle of a k- barbecue place please” you laugh
the food quickly arrives as you both start eating, conversations quickly become silent due to the both of you focusing so heavily on the food in front of you
hearing the front door chime neither of you notice that a mark, haechan, johnny, taeyong and doyoung walk through the door
“ holy shit is that taeil and y/n” mark says
“ dude shut up” johnny smacks his arm
spying on the two of you they see you laughing at him as you use your napkin to wipe sauce off his face before quickly kissing his lips
“ no way” the members gasp before shuffling one by one out the door
“ dude they’re on a date” mark says
“ yeah no shit” johnny replies
haechan laughs as he seems to be typing something on this phone and then putting in his back pocket walking away from the restaurant window
everyone’s phone buzzes moments later as they open the message sent to the group chat
a picture capturing you and taeils kiss that had just happened in the restaurant was sent with a message underneath stating “ you two have something to tell us?”
you and taeil pick up your phones at the same time before you eyes widen at the message
“ how did he even-” you begin to say
“ man i get any privacy around here” taeil laughs slightly
“ we have stalkers and their name is lee donghyuck” you roll your eyes laughing
the last time you had talked to johnny was moments ago ending with him saying he was on his way home from practice, quickly you drove over to his place, putting on the lingerie set he bought you last week, setting up your sex playlist to the bluetooth speaker and dimming the lights while some candles around the room burn
you wanted to do something nice for johnny due to how hard he has been working with comeback and promotions, you’ve noticed his mood was more drained than usual this week , so you being the amazing girlfriend you are, you decided to do something special for him tonight
as you hear the door open you situate yourself on his bed, laying in a very revealing position there wasn’t much left to the imagination with the lingerie set you had on
swinging the door open a sweaty jaehyun appeared in the doorway
both taking a second to realize what’s happening you quickly scream pulling a blanket over yourself
“ holy shit..fuck, i’m so sorry” jaehyun yells covering his eyes trying to find the doorknob before practically running out of the room
it doesn’t take long for johnny to come into the room after hearing the commotion
“ y/n what is goi-” johnny stops mid sentence putting two into together
“ oh my god” he can’t help but laugh at your mortified state
“ john stop laughing, my pussy was quite literally in jaehyuns face” you shove your face into the pillow
he catches his breath before opening his mouth again
“ at least it wasn’t mark, he would’ve cum in his pants right then and there”
you shove him off of you as he tries to pull you into a hug
“ i’m never surprising you again” you say as your face remains red
after putting on decent clothes you go out to the living room meeting face to face with jaehyun who is sitting at the kitchen table
“ i’m so sorry” you say
“ no i’m sorry” he laughs it off
“ ouuu your eyes are so red” johnny laughs pointing to jaehyuns ears
“ dude can you blame me, i just saw a naked woman right in front of me”
“ my naked woman” johnny kisses your lips
“ when the fuck did you two get together and why was i not informed?” jaehyun asks
“ i mean technically we’re not together” you say
“ yet” johnny adds
jaehyun rests his head in his arms before looking up at the two of you
“ im sorry i ruined your sex plans, never would i think to be the one cockblocking” jaehyun gets up as he heads to the front door
“ no one speaks a word of what happened” he says as you and johnny agree
“ wait what happened?” johnny says trying to be funny
jaehyun scoffs before walking out of the door leaving you and johnny alone at last
“ well that was fun” johnny lightens the mood
by the look on your face he can tell you were genuinely upset
“ hey it’s okay, i’m sorry this happened baby but i had no idea you would be here especially basically naked” he coos
you look to the ground
“ i just wanted to do something special for you since you’ve been working really hard”
“ let’s do a redo okay?” he says before letting you scurry back to the bedroom as he walks out of his apartment waiting to walk right back through the door on your command
you haven’t heard much from taeyong today, he must have been super busy with work, that was until a “ you up?” text message popped up on your screen
you knew exactly what that meant
and as much as you wanted to deny it, you wanted it too
answering him quickly he tells you to join him in the studio
getting ready didn’t take long considering the clothes you wore to his studio were going to get stripped off of you in the matter of seconds once you got there.
and you were right
walking through the door you saw taeyong his headphones on nodding his head to the beat of the music
walking behind him you placed your hands on his shoulders causing him to slightly jump
“ geez you scared me, at least text me letting me know you’re here” he says
“ sorry i didn’t think about it” you pout
“ oh don’t pout sweet girl i was only joking” he stands up giving you a big hug
he sits down in his hair again but this time pulling you into his lap along with him
it doesn’t take long for you both to become touchy with each other, you kissed his neck as he moves his hands up and down your back
slightly grinding into his clothed cock he begins to whine
taeyong pulls your face up to look at him before he smashes his lips onto yours
“ tae i need you” you plead
he stands up placing you onto the desk before taking your shirt off while sucking on your tits
“ oh my god” you moan as he flips your skirt up moving your underwear to the side and entering his fingers into your pussy
through your loud moans you couldn’t hear anything else around you
not even the door opening as johnny stands there in the doorway
“ jesus christ where’s the decorum” johnny says gaining both of your attention
you quickly scramble off of eachother pulling your shirt and skirt down
“ since when were you two fucking” johnny asks
“ for a while man, what do you need?” taeyong
johnny stands there a second before answering
“ honestly i dont remember, continue whatever your doing i guess but next time for the love of god.. lock the door” he says before leaving
the night was getting later and later as the music played and the members all drunkenly sang along to it
you were hanging out with the members as you usually do, perks of being johnnys best friend
but tonight everyone had way too much to drink and no one’s thoughts were clear
“ let’s play a game” jungwoo suggests
everyone agreed on two truths and a lie
everyone expect yuta.
at first the topics were lame, things such as blacking out before and smoking weed were mentioned but as the game progressed things became a lot more interesting
“ okay umm, i once threw up in johnnys shoe because i was so drunk, i almost accidentally posted a video of me jerking off on bubble and i hooked up with y/n before” haechan says
you immediately looked to haechan and then to yuta
“ oh come on man that’s so easy, we all know you didn’t fuck y/n” mark says
everyone agrees with mark
“ okay fine you’re right that didn’t happen but shit i wish it would’ve” haechan says slurring his words
you can tell that yuta wants nothing more than to bash haechans head in right now
you look to yuta giving him “ it’s okay calm down” look
“ dude i know like she’s so fine” taeyong agrees with haechan
“ i bet her pussy is just as pretty as she is” jaehyun says as he palms the boner in his pants that had occurred due to the topic of you
yutas face is red with anger as he tries his best not to say anything but as he notices all of their hungry eyes on you and jaehyun nearly stroking his clothed dick at the thought of fucking you made yuta snap
“ you guys realize she’s right here, she can hear everything you guys saying, you don’t think that’s completely disgusting” yuta stands up
“ yuta stop” you say trying to calm him down
“ no” he pulls his arm away from you
“the fact that you all can sit here and say those things about my girlfriend when i’m right here is fucking disrespectful, you’re lucky if i don’t beat the shit out of you”
the room goes silent
“ girlfriend?” haechan says completely out of it
“ bro we didn’t know you were dating” jaehyun defends
“ it doesn’t fucking matter whether we are or not it’s so wrong in so many ways to sit here and sexualize her like that” yuta gets up and walks out the front door
you run chasing after him
finally catching up with him you pull his arm so he is facing you
wrapping your arms around him you give him a hug before kissing his lips
“ thank you for doing that babe, really i love you so much” you say
“ you shouldn’t thank me, i didn’t do that just because im your boyfriend you know, i would’ve done it either way”
“ i know, but im grateful for you sticking up for me, i know they’re just drunk and horny but you’re right it doesn’t feel good to be talked about like an object” you place your head into his chest
“ don’t worry about me exposing our relationship, none of them will remember anything from tonight” he says raking his hands through your hair”
“ i don’t care anymore i want everyone to know that we’re together” you say looking up to him
he kisses your lips once more “ lets go back inside im sure they’re all passed out by now” he says leading you back into the dorm
“ does anyone know where my game controller went” haechan shouts as he looks all over the dorms
“ i dont know the last time you had it was when we played with doyoung in his room” marks says
haechan makes his way to doyoungs room, he knew it was wrong to look through doyoung stuff but he really needed his game controller
looking through some of the drawers he still hasn’t found it
pulling out another drawer haechan notices something, amongst the boxers taking up space in the drawer there was a pink lace thong sitting in it as well
“ what the fuck” haechan says closing the drawer
opening up the next one which he had to pull extra hard on for it to open sits a bunch of polaroid pictures, haechan can’t help but pick the pictures up
the imagines showed you sprawled out on his bed naked
haechans eyes widen as he realize that it is you in the photos
“ he’s fucking y/n?”
haechan closes the drawer before leaving the room
as he exits doyoung room he meets face to face with you
“ y/n um hi, what are you doing here” haechan turns bright red
“ i’m here to return this” you say handing him his controller “ i accidentally grabbed yours instead of mine” you laugh
“ oh thanks i was just looking for it in doyoungs room” he says
looking down at the obvious tent in his pants
his eyes widen looking back to you as you can’t help but laugh at the poor boys state
“ im guessing you opened a certain one of doyoungs drawers” you say
his face becomes red as he scratches the back of his neck
“ i was just looking for the controller” he stutters
“ it’s okay hyuck don’t be embarrassed, i told him to put a lock on it or something, how about we don’t tell anyone about this though huh? it’s our little secret” you say
“ yeah um of course” he replies
before haechan could go back to his room doyoung walks through the door
“ hey y/n” he says leaving soft lingering touches on your body
usually this would go unnoticed by haechan but after what he found out today he was picking up on all the little signs
“ what’s wrong with you, you look like you saw a ghost” doyoung asks haechan as they stand in the hallway
“ oh um. nothing..” haechan says pushing past you both to return to his room
“ he looked nervous” doyoung says looking to you
“ i don’t know maybe he saw something he shouldn’t have” you mumble
“ huh” doyoung furrows his eyebrows not hearing what you said
“ oh i said it’s probably nothing, let’s go lay down” you say smirking as you pull him into his room
jaehyun had just come back from tour but with the members constantly being home there was no way for you two to have any alone time, it was torture for the both of you to be in a room together and not be able to fuck.. let alone look at each other for too long but today the members all had solo schedules so jaehyun took that as his time to spend alone with you
“ where is everyone” you ask as you walk into dorm
“ they’re still out doing schedules, mine ended earlier than everyone else’s” he said
you walk past him putting your belongings in his room before he follows you like a lost puppy
“ baby you’re really not going to give me a kiss” he pouts
you and jaehyun never used to get along, although being close with most of the members you and jaehyun seemed to clash heads more than anyone else
you both fought a lot and would act very petty towards each other often times whispering things under your breath to each other but loud enough for everyone to hear
as time went on you both realized that you didn’t hate each other in fact it was the complete opposite, maybe it was the immense sexual tension between you two that made you act bratty towards one another but you soon realized that instead your so called hate turned into lust and that lust eventually turned into love
as you both got deeper into your “ situationship” you realized there were real feelings involved and so did he
you love jaehyun and jaehyun loves you
it was something that you both weren’t shy to open up about with each other
that’s how you two ended up confessing to each other one night a few months ago which led to a relationship that was kept a secret from everyone, for now just enjoying each other company with no one involved in your business
“ oh my poor boy” you walk up to him giving him a big hug and kiss
you spent most of evening watching movies together and simply enjoying being in eachothers arms
“i’m getting something to drink” you declare walking into the kitchen as jaehyun follows you
grabbing a cup from the cabinet you fill it water before chugging it
“ damn babe you were thirsty” he smerks
you give him a weird look as you place your cup into the sink
“ im thirsty too but not for water” he whispers kissing on your neck
turning you around he smashes his lips onto yours
feeling yourself getting wet at his actions you moan into the kiss
jaehyun picks you up placing you on the edge of the kitchen counter
standing in between your legs he flips your shirt up and pulling your bra down latching his lips onto your tits
trailing kisses down your body, leaving marks where no one else would see them he stops at your heat
kissing you clothed pussy he takes your shorts off along with your underwear
spreading your legs he kneels down pulling you closer to his face so that your pussy is eye level to him
leaving soft kisses and marks on the inside of your thighs before licking a stripe down your heat
completely diving into your pussy causing you to let out a loud moan
he chuckles in between your legs sending vibrations throughout your entire body
sucking on your clit you grab onto his hair arching your back
“ fuck jaehyun it feels so good” you moan
being caught up in the moment you didn’t hear the key turning in the door, as the door opens a loud voice echoed the wall
“ yo what the fuck” mark says turning around
you and jaehyun separate immediately gathering your clothes before putting them on once you are decent mark turns back around staring at the two of you, his face is bright red
“ really man on the kitchen counter, i made my breakfast there this morning” mark groans in annoyance
jaehyun can’t help but laugh
“ im so confused dude, i thought you hated eachother why did i just walk in on you devouring her” mark asks
“ i dont know man i was hungry” jaehyun cracks a joke, mark stares at him straight faced
jaehyun lets out a sigh
“ we’re dating” you spit out
jaehyun give you a quick glance before backing you up
“ wait a minute, dating in like?” mark tries to wrap his head around what you’re telling him
“ dating as in im his girlfriend and he’s my boyfriend” you explain like you’re talking to a child
“ so you don’t hate each other?”
“ no mark obviously we don’t”
“ so it was just an act?”
“ partly, we didn’t get along the best in the beginning but it was really just us having mad sexual tension, as the two of us closer we realized we just needed to have really good sex with each other and then boom we fell in love”
mark looks to for verification
“ yeah i guess you can say that’s what happened” you chuckle
“ could you not tell anyone about us yet, we don’t exactly want anyone to know we’re a couple at least for right now” you ask mark
“ yeah of course your secret is safe with me, im too tired for this, im glad yall are together now or whatever but if you don’t want anyone else finding out about you two i suggest not eating her out on the kitchen counter, im never touching that damn thing again” mark says walking into his room
“ dont worry ill clean it” jaehyun yells to him
“ come on babe let’s take this too the room” jaehyun picks you up kissing your face all over
jungwoo had been on tour for a few weeks now, finally getting back to the hotel from their show that they had just preformed
after washing up and ordering food with mark whom he is sharing the room with, jungwoo got ready for bed and eventually fell fast asleep
“y/n” jungwoo moans in his sleep causing mark to stir awake
mark looks to jungwoo confused as he sees his passive state laying his head pack onto the pillow only to lift it up again when jungwoo begins whimpering
at first mark thought jungwoo was having a nightmare until he turned on a dim light seeing jungwoo erection in his pants and strings of moans leaving his mouth along with your name
“ fuck y/n your pussy feels so good baby” he whimpers subconsciously
“ oh you’ve got to be joking, why me” mark sighs debating on if he should wake him or not
mark turned off the light and placed a pillow over his head to drown out the noise
jungwoo began to trust his hips into a pillow he was once innocently holding
jungwoo sprung awake as soon as he felt himself releasing into his boxers
it took a few seconds to realize what was going on
“ oh fuck” jungwoo curses at the mess he made in his pants
getting up he grabs new boxers and shorts out of his suitcase before heading to the bathroom to wash up
mark sits up as jungwoo comes back from the bathroom
“ had a good dream huh” mark smerks
jungwoo just sighs as he lays back down in bed
“ so you and y/n, are fucking” mark asks
junwoo shot up looking at mark
“ huh? what? what makes you say that” jungwoo says frantically
“ oh i don’t know man, maybe because you were moaning her name and saying how good her pussy feels while humping into a pillow” mark laughs
“ shit”
“ hey dude it’s cool, we’ve all had wet dreams before i sure as hell had my fair share of them” mark says
jungwoo takes a deep breath
“ yeah we’re fucking around with eachother, but she doesn’t want anyone to know, she’d kill me if she knew that you found out”
“ don’t worry about i won’t say anything, i’m glad your getting some finally” mark jokes
“ shut up bro” jungwoo throws a pillow at mark
“ oh he’ll nah that’s the pillow you were thrusting” mark shrieks kicking it off the bed
“ goodnight jungwoo, don’t wake me up again with your obnoxious moaning and shit”
(mark and haechan are in my nct dream ver!)
thank you so much for your request!! i’m so sorry that this took so long my tumblr was glitching for days
( idk why the 127 ver came out so much more smutty than the dream ver lol)
i hope you enjoyed <3
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multifandomslxt · 1 month
NCT 127 and their red flags in relationships
I've been absent for a while so I hope you enjoy this as an I'm back post.
DISCLAIMER!!!! this is not real. idk them personally. !!!!!
master manipulator here. the type to reel you in and then let you go just because he knows you'll come back to him.
quite self-explanatory. and he doesn't do it in a quirky way either. he literally speaks to you like a child just learning the alphabet.
to his core. went to the University of gaslighton and graduated with a first class degree in gaslighterology.
mark my words he is a master at his craft.
love bombs
again, self-explanatory. he's so damn intense with it though so you never feel like you're being love-bombed bcz that's what he wants you to think.
wayy to possessive.
makes you feel like an object sometimes. gets riled up over some little stuff and makes it into a big thing.
manipulative pt.2
he is a scorpio. he'll make you his #1 puppet.
extremely judgemental
he's judging you for ALLLLL your fuck ups. ALL of them.
laughs at you behind your back with his friends.
very controlling.
says it's because he wants the best for you but yk that's not true.
accountability who?
cannot and will not take accountability for ANYTHING!
Just Google this or watch a TikTok video on it. a lot of people do this and he is one of them.
thinks he's better than you in all aspects.
as written. and he's not shy about it.
cheats w/o any remorse
either tells you he was doing it for you or tells you it's because "a man has needs"
communication? never heard of it.
cannot effectively communicate for shit. and he does NOT care.
it's your fault you can't read his mind.
thinks only about himself most of the time. you can make sacrifices for him but hell no he will not be making extremely important sacrifices for you. bye.
does not know when to relax.
Everything has to be on 10 with him. and he argues with you and makes you feel terrible when you tell him you just want to relax.
everything has to go his way.
thinks s3x solves EVERYHTING.
he sabotages your birthday party and ruined one of the happiest days of your life? hey let's take it to the bedroom
he screams at you and calls you the most out-of-pocket shit all because you said he's emotionally draining? Let's take it to the bedroom.
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rockstarhaechan · 8 months
i BEG of thee
taeyong hcs? smutty, fluffy
i do not care i just LOVE the way you write 🥹💚
smutty/fluffy taeyong headcanons
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pairing: lee taeyong x fem!reader
warnings: smut (minors dni), cum eating, face riding, studio sex, fluff, taeyong being absolutely whipped, pet names, ass slapping, tit play, fingering, degrading
note: thank you so much love, i hope you like these <3
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oh how taeyong loved you, he would steal the world for you to be happy.
the way you ride his face until you’re dripping cum and how he loves to kitty lick your pussy til you’re a moaning mess.
he loves holding doors open for you as he playfully slaps your ass whenever you pass through the door.
“doll do you think you could wear the red lingerie later on?” he winks at you while plopping a cherry in his mouth.
taeyong likes playing with your tits, holding both with his hands, twisting the nipples slightly with his thumb and index finger.
he knows how to use his fingers on you, hitting your g spot each time, fingers pumping in and out of your cunt.
“you like that you little slut don’t ya?” he grabbed a chunk of your hair pulling on it while fucking you from behind in the studio.
how he loves your moans, he could record them and listen to them all the time.
taking you out on dates, showing you off to everyone.
he treats you like a princess, completely worshipping you.
when he started to fall in love with you, he wasn’t sure at first how to react but as soon as he got more comfortable with the fact that he loves you the more he got clingy with you.
a lot of kisses and cuddles is what you get for him, sharing a blanket and sharing each others comfort food.
back hugs, oh how you love them but taeyong as well.
“you look gorgeous today doll” he kissed your cheek while his hand rested on your back.
he liked talking about marriage, liked seeing your eyes light up whenever you looked at dresses in the shopping mall.
taeyong takes you on vacation a lot, sometimes in korea but also abroad.
“i’ll love you till the day i die” he promised you, and definitely kept that promise, cause he will never love someone like he loves you.
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luvyeni · 1 year
hi, you know that perverted nct dream writing with an 8 member, could you make a version of nct 127 and nct 2020?
i've done a ton of perv!nctdream x 8th member so i hope this is what you mean because you did specify. (i know mark and haechan are in 127 , but remember i write them with the dreamies)
perv!nct127 and their 9th member that they can easily manipulate into doing things for them , because she's so eager to please them and trusts them.
perv!taeil who convinces you to suck him off backstage right before a music show preformance. "taeil , you were too rough last time , it was hard for me too sing." "i'll be gentle this time, trust me baby , now put it in your mouth."
perv!taeyong who invites you to one of his solo studio sessions , making you ride his cock while he writes down lyrics. "t..taeyong what if someone walks in." "they won't , don't you trust your leader , just keep riding my dick love."
perv!johnny who convinces you to cockwarm him during a live , to anyone it looks like you're just sitting on his lap , but in reality you're struggling not to moan , while his big cock is stuffed in your cunt , whispering in his ear. "j..johnny this is a bad idea." "princess they don't even notice , just trust me."
perv!yuta who easily convinces you to wear shorter skirts without the safety shorts , just so he can get a look under your skirt when you sit down. "but the safety shorts are to protect me from flashing the cameras." "don't worry about that love , you trust me right?"
perv!doyoung who's pulling you into one of the rooms while filming a overnight stay content to fuck you. "do..doyoung it might be cameras in here." "trust me love, i checked to make sure there isn't."
perv!jaehyun hands slid up cupping your heat under the table during an award ceremony , sliding your panties to side , fingering you. "no..not here jae , too many cameras." "they won't notice unless you keep making that face , just trust me."
perv!jungwoo who slyly moves your hand over to his cock as the fan moves on to the next , your eyes widen quickly changing your face to not raise suspicions , leaning over to him. "jungwoo what are you doing , we're gonna get caught." "don't worry about it , the table is covering us , trust me love."
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jammingjaem · 10 months
hi can I request texting best friend 127 “why didn’t you kiss me?” after hanging out with them the whole day? like y’all leaned into each other or smthn happened, either way they chickened out. now you’re pissed because you’ve been dropping hints for a while and they haven’t picked up on it. both you and member have huge crushes on each other.
love your fics :)
୨୧ “why didn’t you kiss me?” bff!127
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girl this one just gave the delulu in me a show but i enjoyed this req!! and i hope yew all did :3 IM SORRY FOR DOING THIS REQ LATE 💔💔
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222low · 16 days
type of kisses with nct 127 <3
nct 127 + types of kisses !
127 scenario on their favorite place to kiss you
content : fluff, suggestive (?)
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forehead kisses. thought of this because of how tall he is, it would be perfect access for him. i think johnny would be a fan of some pda, wrapping one of his arms around your waist and pulling you to hip to hip as you turn a little towards him, and he plants a kiss on your forehead. before bed, he'll kiss your forehead. when he comes home, he'll hold your face in his hands and place a kiss on your forehead. if he has to go to work early and you're still asleep, he'll make sure to give your forehead a goodbye kiss.
all over. maybe this is too much...or not enough, but i feel like taeyong would kiss you all over. loves giving u little pecks on your cheek, forehead, lips, nose, corner of your mouth. if you're out with the members he'll kiss the top of your head, or your forehead. sometimes your hand if you guys are holding hands, but he likes to be close to you. especially after a long day of work, coming home knowing you're gonna let him kiss you all over is his favorite part of the day.
mouth kisses. yuta could give u really soft or really passionate kisses, this man has a wide range. when he's had a long day, or coming back from a busy scheduled week, he'll start off softly giving u a peck on your lips before bringing you closer to deepen it (thinking about yuta tongue piercing rn...). maybe im just down bad for this man but he can work his magic.
hand kisses. likes hand holding in general, so when you're in public and he brings yours up to his lips, making sure you know he's giving you affection, you can't help but fall for him again. when you're eating together, he rubs his thumb over the back of your palm when you're sitting across the table. at home, when you guys are falling asleep in bed together, he'll run his fingers across your palm, almost like a palm reading, as you fall asleep in his arms and he kisses your hand once more.
neck kisses. from your collarbone to your neck, this man loves having his lips underneath your head. if hes behind you, he'll wrap his arms around you and kiss your shoulders then move closer to you, smiling against your neck when you tilt your head to the side for him to get easier access. loves greeting you with his embrace bringing you closer to him and trailing kisses from your neck to your lips.
nose kisses. he enjoys when you kiss his nose and vice versa. it started when you kissed his nose, and he enjoyed that, so he started to do it back to tease you. loves your soft laughs after he kisses you on the nose. loves to see your nose scrunch up when he comes home and bends down to kiss your nose, wrapping his hands around your waist.
cheek kisses. when you're sitting together, he'll lean over, moving your hair out of the way so he can kiss you on the cheek. if you're sitting on the couch, he'll sneak up behind you and plant a kiss on your cheek, letting out a soft laugh from you. he loves hearing those laughs. definitely more into kissing when you guys are just alone from everyone. a giggly kisser. holds your face in his hands as he kisses both of your cheeks, blushing the whole time.
collarbone kisses. little spoon haechan is on my mind...just running your hands through his hair as he lays against you, lips on your collarbone. loves to cook with you, wrapping his hands around your waist as he kisses your collarbone. clingy haechan is my favorite haechan..arms around you at all times as he peppers kisses across your collarbone.
a/n: REQS OPEN thank you guys for all the loveeee omg!! im overwhelmed (in the best way possible). i promise ill get to the other requests..i just need some brainstorming time. hopefully this is enough for now!! thank u for the req :3 hope u guys enjoyed
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mayaflowerxs · 1 year
Synopsis: Being untrusted, you are stuck in a rowdy house as your younger siblings are being babysat with the hottest guy you’ve ever met. Irritated by how loyal he is, you wonder how long he will last before he cracks upon the little game you’re playing on him.
Warning: Smut / Angst / Fluff. Swear word usage, Babysitter!Mark x Troublemaker!reader. Cheating, jealousy, alcohol consumption, virgin!Mark, Bratty!Reader, creampie, oral, kinda long sorry!
Pairing: Mark x f!reader
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You didn’t understand what was the big deal. So what if you threw a huge party at your house? So what it got a little crazy and the night ended with over 10,000 dollars worth of damage repair? It’s not like you haven’t thrown countless of parties before. But yet something about this one had tipped your parents over the edge. After hours upon hours of them shouting in your ear about how irresponsible you were being, to have recklessly thrown a party with that many people whom you knew could care less about the thousands of dollars worth of property they were about to destroy. Especially with your little brothers in the other room most likely locked there as they watch their Paw Patrol. But it’s not like anyone got hurt,
That’s if you didn’t count that one jock who jumped from your roof into the pool and broke his ankle..
But much to your parents disagreement, they had enough of your scandals. Which is how you were left standing in front of your biggest most terrible punishments of all time. Stuck with a babysitter, and not just any. No you’d be stuck having Mark Lee, one of the most uptight and nerdiest boy you’ve gone to school with. And to watch him push up his glasses and give you a once over, you knew the next six months will be absolute hell for you.
And hell it was.
For the first few weeks were nothing but awkward silences. Your glaring constantly piercing through Mark’s skull but he pretended to not notice. And each time he approached you, he was quick to take a step back when he met your angered eyes. You simply couldn’t believe your parents could do this to you. Have they not known you at all? You can’t associate yourself with losers like him, and if everyone were to find out he’s your babysitter and not just for your brothers…forget it. Your reputation is toasted. You can’t truly say you know Mark but you’ve been attending to the same school as him for over all of your primary years.
Mark isn’t as special like the other kids in your grade. Just like everyone else in private school, he also comes from wealth. Parents much like yours spend most of their time traveling and little to no time actually parenting. Privileged to many opportunities that’ll kick start him a successful future, one that many lower class citizens have to work thrice as hard to achieve. He joined many clubs and has won many medals and certificates. Even being valedictorian, difference between him and other student’s like you were simple. He actually cared to make a name for himself. To put in that work so he’d be recognized for his achievements and not for his family’s name. He wasn’t you who didn’t care whether you were actually passing your classes or not knowing your parents would pay the school to keep quiet and pass you. It’s how you even graduated high school, and even got accepted to the top most prestigious school in all of the country. But not Mark, no he worked hard to get in and refused any sort of help from his parents.
Which is exactly why your parents hired him. At the age of fourteen Mark got his first ever job at an ice cream parlor. Buying himself his own clothes, gadgets and even his first ever car although, his parents did pay for more than half of it he was just convinced he bought it all without no help. Along with being a scholar he chose to do volunteer work and has given himself quite a name around town. The golden boy, to the adults he could do no wrong. To the elders, he’s an angel sent from above, to the kids he’s an idol but to the teenagers who actually grew up with him. They can only think of two words, kiss ass. There’s not much of any actual reason why he’s hated just simply for the fact that he’s such a rule follower, never wants to have any fun and takes his responsibilities very seriously. It’s even worse that now he’s apart of the Dean, most worry to speak about things in case he might be listening and report them.
Which concludes to the very last thing, you also go to to the same top most prestigious school in all of the country. And although you couldn’t even think of his name the second he came in view of you until he introduced himself, he on the other hand knew yours the second he saw you. Y/n y/l/n, most popular girl in school since the first grade. Have gotten detention and suspended for various reasons all of which are very ridiculous. You never take anything serious and much rather cause havoc than to study. You’re everything he would never look for in a girl. And glad he doesn’t have you for a sister or who knows how crazy you’d make him. But he chose to work for your family, he chose to babysit not only your brothers but you. And that’s something he doesn’t plan on backing out no matter how determined you are to make him go insane. Insane enough for him to quit.
“Uh where are you going..?” Had currently been busy playing with your brothers, the youngest merely two years old in his lap. Mark’s head perks up at the sound of heels clicking on the stairs, descending down and there you stood wearing a tight but very revealing black dress. “You look pretty sis.” Your eight year old brother, Iseul tells you, winking at him and sending him a soft smile. You grab your purse nearest the door. “Out.” Completely taken aback, Mark gets on his feet and rests your baby brother next to Iseul. Rushing out the door after you, he stops you before you can enter your car. Having it suddenly closed before you can fully open it, you raise your brow at the man standing before you. “Can i help you?” “Im sorry, i guess you must’ve not been made aware that you are currently grounded?” “No I know:”
“Oh…you do.” Rolling your eyes you push him to the side and go to open the door again only for it to be closed shut once more. “Then am I right to assume that you’re then simply disobeying your parents orders.” “And what those might be?” “Oh I don’t know…no cellphone.” He takes your phone out of your hand, “No keys to the car.” He takes those too and lifts his hand as you go to grab them. “And most definitely no going outside. Now let’s get back inside so that you can go change.” Scoffing you smack his hand and take a step back. “Look here Mark, don’t try to get all high and mighty simply because you work for my parents. How about you focus on actually doing your job and take care of my brothers.” “I am doing my job, I’m looking after you. And rules say you can’t go out.” He goes to grab your arm again but as he tries to walk the two of you inside you, don’t budge. Feet planted to the ground, like a child about to throw a tantrum you shake your head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
With a sigh, Mark shoves your phone and keys in his back pocket. “Alright then, have it your way.” “Thank you, now as soon as you hand me back my - HEY!” Thrown over his shoulder, lifted off the ground you smack Mark’s back in protest. “Put me down you asshole!” Thrashing and squirming but to no avail, the boy had a tight grip on you and he wasn’t planning on letting you go until you were inside. Door locked behind him, he finally does set you down. “Now do you want to be a good big sister and hang out with your little brothers? If so go upstairs and change, we’ll be waiting for you.” “God you’re so damn annoying!” Stomping your way up to the stairs, Mark hears the loud slam of your bedroom door and sighs in relief. He’s been stern before, being serious for most of his life has its benefits but never did he think he’d have to act such a way towards you. The popular girl he’s attended school with.
For years he’d watched you from a far. He always wondered how you could live your life without any care. While you had practically the whole school stuck to your side, he was a loner. Sat by himself, worked by himself and ate by himself. He didn’t mind though, to you he didn’t exist but to him, you were like a celebrity. Even though he didn’t care about what you were up to, it was almost impossible to go anywhere without hearing the latest news about you. He assumed you’d hit your peak after high school but three years had passed and if anything you’ve gotten even more popular! Truly it’s as if you really were a celebrity. You’ve gotten your face on multiple magazine covers and even have a social media account with almost half a million followers. Even now he still finds it hard to believe he’s actually babysitting you.
Minutes had passed since your tantrum and he has yet to see you come down the stairs. Maybe you were taking your time to change, maybe you fell asleep or chose to stay in your room. A part of him felt bad, it was his job. Strict orders from your parents to not let you out of the house, it’s not like he can disobey them. So with a plate of cookies he had freshly made for your brothers, he makes his way over to your room. A soft knock but not a response from you is heard. “Y/n? Can i come in?” Another soft knock but to no avail, not a single response. Man you must really be mad at him. With a disappointed sigh, he opens the door and begins to speak. “Look, I’m sorry about earlier…” Room empty, he sets the plate of cookies down. “Y/n?” Looking around, he noticed the bathroom light on and door slightly opened. “Y/n?” No sight of you, but the window had been opened. And as he nears it, he looks out and sees there have been a ladder that would lead straight down to the ground.
“Damn it.”
You finally managed to arrive at the party, albeit late. But the second you enter you grin to hear everyone quick to greet you. You were the life of the party and as they proceed to hand you red solo cups of hard liquor in it you were quick to accept them. “Where the hell have you’ve been?” Many always asked you, and with a shrug you wave them off. “Annoying rules my parents implemented.” Knowing where you come from they nod, “Alright who’s ready to have some fun!” You clap your hands that follow by a chorus of cheers. At some point the time had slipped past your mind, focused on taking shots of tequila and playing games such as beer pong. It wasn’t until you had fruit punch all over your dress did it cause a pause in your time of fun. “The hells wrong with you dickhead?” The boy widens his eyes and stutters out an apology. “I’m s-so s-sorry!” Glaring at him as girls hand your napkins and try to get the juice out of your expensive dress. The jocks near you get in the poor boys face. “Who the hell invited him?” One whispered not too subtly. “God what a loser.” Another says. “I’m sorry hun this is only going to get stained how about if you try to wash it with some water?” One of your friends say, “we can follow you.” “No it’s alright, besides I think I need some air.” Walking off and heading towards the bathroom which happened to be nearest to the front door, you definitely are taken by surprise when you’re suddenly come face to face with none other than Mark himself. Which you have to admit, looks pretty pissed off.
“I see you’ve gotten yourself pretty comfortable huh?” He tilts his head at you, jaw clenched and brows crunched. Just behind you were the jocks that had busied themselves and kicking out the poor bastard that spilled the fruit punch all over your dress. “Hey y/n who’s this loser?” They nudge your shoulder. Eyes slightly widening, you glance between them and Mark and see he’s about to open his mouth. No way can they know about yours and Mark’s embarrassing situation. “Oh! You know scoring myself another point!” The guys gain a smirk on their faces, leaving a confused Mark in front of you. “What ? --“ Completely unprepared for you to suddenly cup his face and smash your lips on top of his, you push him up against the wall. Suddenly there’s a loud chorus of cheers and wolf whistles around you. Mark had tried to push you off him. Hands at your waist but to the crowd now growing around you, it seemed as if the golden boy has finally loosened up a little.
“Hell yeah! Hey get out of the bathroom and give these two some privacy!” One dude shouted and aired out the bathroom. Pulling away, you quickly grab Mark’s hand and drag him inside the bathroom with you. Closing and locking the door shut, you sigh in relief. Only to turn around and see a very flustered looking boy. Red in the face and chest slightly heaving from having to take deep breaths. “Oh relax virgin it’s not like we’re actually going to do something in here.” Frowning once more, he clears his throat and stands up straight. “I’m not a virgin.” Sending him a look, brow slightly lifted he scoffs and shakes his head. “Okay and so what?”
“Wow never thought you’d actually admit that.” He widens his eyes and struggles to come up with something. “Well…uh…this isn’t about me anyways!” Nodding you pursue your lips and hum. Turning on the sink and attempt to wash off the stained dress. “This is about you! And what you’ve done! You disobeyed me! You disobeyed your parents and most of all you kissed me without my consent!” Chuckling you roll your eyes and turn to look at him. “Consent? It was just a kiss you’re making it seem like I stole your first kiss or something.” When there’s silence in the bathroom other than the muffled loud music blaring from outside your jaw is dropped. “No way!” “Shh! It’s not a big deal.” He mumbles almost embarrassed. Smiling look an idiot, it only irritated Mark and soon the scowl is brought back completely.
“What is a big deal is what’s going to happen to you once you come home.” “Oh?” Your voice raises a pitch. “Get your head out of the gutter.” Rolling your eyes, you shake your head. “Oh please I’m just messing with you, don’t flatter yourself so much you wouldn’t be someone I’d go for anyways.” As much as Mark tried to not be bothered by your comment, he couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge of hurt. Ouch. It’s silent momentarily, and Mark watched as you struggle to take off the stain. “Let’s go,” “I’m not going anywhere with you, you’re not the boss of me.” “Keep staying here and that stain will never come off.” “It’ll come off.” Beginning to scrub harder, Mark sees you’re only making it worse. With a sigh, he stops your hand. “Come home and I’ll take off the stain.” “You know how?” “I am a man of many talents.” Eyeing him, you notice how serious he was being. So with a grunt you turn off the faucet, Mark about ready to open the bathroom door you stop him.
“Wait!” With a confused look and eyes silently questioning you what, he nervously gulps and takes a small step back when he sees you get much closer to him. “They’ll notice something’s up if you look normal.” Ruffling his hair and unbuttoning his shirt he goes to pull your hand away when you smack it way. “Relax virgin just play the damn part if you want to leave this damn party faster.” With a gruff, he allows you, watching silently as you turn on the faucet and wet your hands. “Seriously?” He asks you when you’re suddenly dampening his forehead with water to make it appear as sweat. “One last thing.” You lift a finger at him, he watched you take your lipstick out of your purse. Apply it on your lips, eyes widening like saucers when you get close to him, “Woah! Okay I don’t think-“ wincing when you suddenly step on his foot. His crouched state gives you the opportunity to attach your lips on his neck and with one big smooch there lied the large red print of lips shining brightly on his skin.
“Ok now lets go you big baby.” “Hey how come you still look normal?-“ “Shh be quiet!” And suddenly the door is opened and out you walk as if you had infact shagged with the school’s biggest nerd. Immediately engulfed with cheers and even more whistles as they noticed the proud smile on your face, and even more when they see the state Mark was in when he walked out. Never did Mark feel so embarrassed in his life, and just as you’re about to get wrapped up in your friend group to talk about all the juicy details, Mark had quickly gotten a hold of your waist and redirected you over to the door. “See y’all later!” You wave with a wink and as the two of you leave, another loud wave of yells are heard from inside. With an annoyed look on his face and eyes rolled, Mark walks the two of you over to his black BMW. Had just closed the door, he looks over to see you with a grin on your face. “Drop the grin you’re still getting it when you get home.” “Ooh kinky-“. “Out of the gutter y/n!”
Mark had in fact kept his word and soon what was six months of being grounded was up to eight months! Now you truly despised Mark. “You should be more like Mark!” You parents scolded you. But it was all the same thing over and over again. Mark being a respectable figure in town, how he’s very influential and responsible and you should be more like him. You just never would have guessed that you’d now be punished by joining Mark’s side in all of his boring activities. “No way.” Mark shrugs his shoulders and nods. “Too bad, now go get dressed or we’ll be late for the annual deep clean event.” You couldn’t believe it, not only did you have to suck up to the fact that he’s your babysitter but now you actually had to hang out with him? Truly the world hated you.
Despite all your protests unfortunately you had no choice but to be stuck with a hundred other people including Mark to pick up trash around the town’s lake. A grossed out look on your face each time you have to pick up some smelly old litter, especially when it’s sticky and slimy. Groaning when the black trash bag refuses to open properly and getting some of the trash to touch you. “I cant!” You drop the stick and bag. “Oh c’mon y/n, there’s only an hour left.” “An hour?!” You say in disbelief. “It’s not that bad.” Mark tries to reason but the small grin on his face is enough for you to understand he’s taking pleasure in all of this. “Screw you mark.” “Thought you said I’m not your type?” He chuckles as your suddenly throwing your bag at him, dodging it merely. “Come here!” And soon the rest of the group who’d actually been busy cleaning up the park, turn to look at the two of you running around like maniacs. The retractable stick in your hand as you chase after Mark who’s much too fast for you.
On your phone and moaning at the fact that your friends had currently gone on a shopping spree and to the beach. You on the other hand stuck sitting on a very uncomfortable beach chair. The closest to feeling as if you were at the beach you’d ever get. A large umbrella above you but even that can’t stop the terrible heat engulfing you. Bored completely out of your mind as you had no other choice but to be forced to attend one of Iseul’s soccer games. “Thought I said no cellphone.” Your phone is suddenly snatched from the boy you’ve grown used to being stuck to your side every damn second of the day. Eyes rolled you scoff up at him before noticing his appearance. In shorts and a black tight tank top. You noticed just how toned he was. Wow. Was this really the nerd that had been babysitting you? Snapping out of it, you clear your throat. “You have my other one, I had no choice but to get a new one-“ as you go to reach for it, he pulls it away. “Well then I guess you’re going without two phones now.” “Oh c’mon Mark I have been doing literally everything with you! Please give me a break!”
“This is a break. You’re not here for me, you’re here for your younger brother now be a good big sister and watch the game.” “The game hasn’t even begun yet, I’ve been stuck having to watch a bunch of eight year olds do the exact same lap over and over and over again. Besides where the hell is their coach?”
“You’re speaking to him.” Sitting up straight, you tilt your head at him in confusion. “You?…their coach?” “Yes? …is that so hard to believe?” Eyeing him, you shake your head. “No…” Definitely didn’t come off as the sports kinda guy but eh can’t judge a book by its cover. “Game will start soon, I better see you paying attention.” He points his fingers at his eyes and sends them over to you, jogging off to join his team as the opposing ones have started to enter the field. “Not like I had anything better to do.” You sigh sadly. Eventually as the game started, you had surprised yourself the more you grow to be a lot more interested in the game than you thought you would. So much you yelled just as much as the soccer moms had. Yelling out demands to pass the ball to the other teammates. Cursing at the referee when he held up yellow cards for no reason —in your opinion given your brothers team can simply do no wrong. And at some point almost caused a fight with one of the kids father from the opposing team.
Even having Mark come up to separate the two of you. “Okay!..” he says with an awkward chuckle, forcing a smile so that no one’s moods begin to turn sour. Walking you back over to your seat, he lowers his voice so that only you can hear him. “When I said to pay attention I didn’t mean to start a fit-“ “BUT HE-“ standing infront of you and gesturing for you to take a seat, when you do he crouched down. Hands on your knees as he whispers to you. “I know he was being an ass,” “Thank you!” “But for your brothers sake, please keep your cool? Mmh?” With a huff, you exhale and nod. “Fine.” “Good girl.” He softly pinches your chin and stands to return back to his side of the field. Shocked, you feel slightly bothered at the way you felt by his actions. Why it made your stomach turn and heart palpitate who knows? And yet as the game continued you couldn’t help but notice just how focused Mark was as well. Yelling out words of encouragement, brows scrunched as he demands the kids some orders for them to follow.
Something about this side of Mark had you feeling bothered. So much you even had to cross your legs to keep yourself calm. “Get your head out of the gutter.” You tell yourself as you smack your head. Thankfully you manage to ignore the growing feeling inside you, your brother ended up scoring the winning goal and at last the game ended. Just as Mark’s about to give Iseul a hug and a congratulations- when he’s rudely shoved to the side. And instead, you’re the one engulfing your little brother in a big bear hug. “You did so good!” You jump in excitement as your brother joins you with a large grin plastered on his face. Seeing the wholesome interaction, Mark forgets the fact that you so rudely pushed him. “Congratulations champ, how about we go celebrate, the three of us?”
To say you were gaining feelings for your babysitter would be hard for you to accept. You were in denial, there was no way you were actually catching feelings for Mark Lee, the ultimate prissy nerd. Heck if it wasn’t for your current situation with him you sure as hell would not ever associate yourself with him. And yet here you were, making pastries with him alongside your little brothers. In the backyard playing tag and hide and seek with them. In the living room binge watching kids movies and even listening in on Mark’s story telling. Heck at some point you even shushed your brother when he interrupted him, “I wanna hear what happens next!” But it seems like catching feelings weren’t the only problem brewing up. Word got around of how much time you’ve been spending with Mark and soon rumors had gotten around that you were apparently dating him!
You denied them, but you could only say so much when there’s just so many pictures of the two of you together. Especially when those of you two getting ice cream together spread around campus. Completely ignoring the fact that your little brother was there and it had been when he won his game. After the whole ordeal at the party, many were certain you were screwing him and some even spoke to you asking how the biggest goodie two shoes was like in bed, and how big he was. It was hard to deny it all without causing suspicion as to why you’re even hanging out with him in the first place and not get exposed for being babysat by him. And unfortunately as much as you began to like the guy, you felt as if you had no choice but to go along with the public’s general assumption.
That you were screwing him.
“Oh relax Mark it’s not anything bad.” “Anything bad? Y/n you do know you’re basically pimping me out?” Tilting your head, you squint your eyes and hum. “Not exactly sure how that is.” Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose and paces around the living room. “Look y/n Im not like you, I don’t go around recklessly and start spreading rumors.” “Hey it’s not like I did it intentionally. “I don’t care! I have an image to uphold!” “And so do I!” Getting off the couch you walk over to him, stopping him in his tracks. “Stop thinking so negatively Mark and think of the bright side. If you go along, no one will know you babysit..me. And therefore I get to keep my reputation.” “I don’t see how it benefits me.”
“I wasn’t finished!” Huffing he crosses his arms and waits for you to continue. “While you can build your image.” Sending you a look to explain, you huff annoyedly. “C’mon Mark don’t make me spell it out. You’re a…” still not getting it, he tilts his head slightly at you. “Mark you’re a loser.” Groaning he goes to move away from you but you stop him. “But that’s okay! Because it seems like every kid and senior in town likes you!” “Is that suppose to make me feel better?” “Look, it seems like every person our age doesn’t like you but! If you play along, I’ll get everyone to respect you.”
“Why should I care if they respect me or not. You don’t.” “Yeah but that’s because I don’t care, they on the other hand only ever seen this pathetic, sad, lonely, nerdy-“ “Get to the point.” “…side of you. Go along, and I promise you’ll go from being known as the prissy golden boy to the man everyone wants to be. And who knows, you’ll get so popular top companies and businesses will be begging you to join their team.” You notice the gears shifting in his head, hearing out your words and it seems as if he likes what he hears.
“No Im sorry.” Groaning you stomp your foot as you seem to become desperate for his help. “Oh just do it!” “No!” “Why not? Are you really that morally superior to everyone that you can’t even go along with some white lie?” “White lie? Y/n do you know what can happen to me if your parents found out about this so called rumor? Besides I have people I need to consider.”
“Yeah like who?” He goes to answer but closes his mouth at the last second, whoever he was about to say he changed his mind in outing them. Instead he sighs frustratedly and shakes his head. “I’m sorry but I can’t help you, now can you please just tell everyone the truth? Or at least that it’s not true? Please y/n.” Biting the inside of your cheek, you still had a lot in you to argue with him but seeing the tired look on his face you felt almost bad to even think about forcing him into this situation. So with a disgruntle you nod your head. “Alright fine.”
By the next day, the usual qna about your current relations with Mark quickly engulfed you. Your group of friends sitting on a table bench as they gossip about the latest news. As you near them, they are quick to wave their hands at you to come quick. “What’s up?” “Y/n you whore!” They gawk at you with grins on their faces. “I didn’t think you were such a dare devil!” Slightly lost you stand in front of the bench as you watch them all begin to speak over one another with laughs and excitement written all over their faces. “What do you mean?” “Oh please!” You feel Ten who sat closest to you lightly shove you. “Don’t play dumb with us. So how did she react?” “How did who react?” “Maru your biggest enemy duh?”
Now truly you were left utterly confused. You hadn’t heard that name in forever. Maru and you hadn’t really gotten on well given the two of you always fought the title of the most popular girl in school. Just by that, the school always pinned the two of you against each other and while you did try to befriend her. Many bored lowlifes spread false rumors of you trash talking her and she bought it and since then has tried to make your life a living hell. Since you graduated you hadn’t heard from her and even assumed she left the country, you never bothered to keep up with the latest news of her which is why it’s so shocking to you as to how she’s suddenly coming up in conversation again. Your friends could see the look of confusion and it’s when it’s dawned on them that you had in fact not known about the truth.
“Oh hun, do you not know?” “Know about what?”
“About Maru and Mark?” What? When you don’t respond back, they’re about to explain when suddenly there’s a loud shout. “You bitch!” Turning around and seeing the crazed look on none other than your arch nemesis herself, you notice how fast she was making her way over to you. Swinging her hand and goes to slap you, luckily your friends had been quick to intervene. Still frozen in your spot, like a deer caught in headlights you watch as her hysteria was beginning to gain the attention of the other students around campus. “You’re that damn pathetic that the only way to one up me was to sleep with my boyfriend?” Boyfriend? “Relax pimples.” Ten tells her as he forced her back. “That was one time!” She yells at him before turning her attention back to you. “You’re a damn slut! And unless you want the entire world to know that I suggest you stay the hell away from my man!”
Shoving them off her, she brushes herself off and storms off. You couldn’t help but feel humiliated, angered that she came and told you off. To walk off as if she won that argument? To have the whole campus to stare at you with some sort of judgment as if they know you? Who the hell does she think she is?
“Well I guess we’re even then!” This causes her to freeze. “What did you just say?” Scoffing, you shake your head and eye her. “Did you really think I wasn’t aware of you hooking up with Jeno while we were dating? Or how you flung yourself like a needy bitch to Jaemin when we were seeing each other?” Whispers and ooh’s can be heard, face heating up with embarrassment as she didn’t expect for you to have known. “I get it, it’s too hard to compete with me so you settle with my scraps. No need to be ashamed.” Hands in fists, you were sure to almost see some smoke coming out of her ears. “It seems almost fair if I repay you back.” Scoffing she bites the inside of her cheek. “No.”
Digging in her pocket, her hand is in there for some time before she pulls it out. “See that’s where you go wrong because even when you tried to take my man you still failed.” Showing you her hand, your smirk falls to see the shiny diamond ring glimmer on her finger. “Expect an Insta post of our wedding soon.” She grins before walking off. Upon seeing the ring you couldn’t deny you felt your heart drop. Not only was Mark dating someone, your arch nemesis at that but he was getting married? Does she know exactly what your situation with him is? If so then your toast, but as she walks off and your friends come to comfort you, you mute the world around you. You could only think of that damn ring on her finger. She’s engaged to Mark.
The Mark you’ve grown so closed to in the last few months.
The same boy you couldn’t handle being in the same vicinity with and never even once saw as your type.
The same boy you gradually began to grow feelings for. Mark is engaged with Maru, your Mark.
Oh hell no.
Mark was quick to apologize when you told him about your encounter with his fiancée. “I had no idea she’d do such a thing.” “I would’ve had I known…” you grumble. “Did she hurt you?” He asks and gets closer to inspect your face. Feeling yourself getting hot again by the proximity you shake your head and move away from him. “I’m fine, just shocked it’s all. Never pegged you to be the dating kinda guy given how serious you are about your work life. And when she flashed me that large Diamond in my face, wow.” You couldn’t help but feel jealous about the whole ordeal. You tried to not let it be known, but the frown on your face, the wrinkles on your forehead and the serious expression on your face also lets not forget the fact that you refuse to even look him in the eyes was making it impossible to not raise some suspicion.
But at least Mark hadn’t noticed. “Yeah…I tried to keep my private life, private.” Nodding you pursed your lips and take a sip of the freshly made lemonade Mark had prepared. “Look if it makes you feel any better she doesn’t know about…us.” “Us?” You say slightly coughing on the lemonade. “Yeah how I babysit you and all. She just knows I look after ‘some kids’.” Nodding you set down the glass and make your way over to him. “Good, it’d be a bit unfortunate if she saw those pictures of us.” “Pictures?” Humming, you wrap your arms around his shoulders. Arms at his sides as he gulps nervously. “It would crush her to see how coupley we look together.” You can hear how he slightly holds his breath when your face leans in. “Especially when we walked out of that bathroom, remember how you looked?” Walking off and leaving him hot and flustered you make your way to your bedroom thinking of the ways you can make that boy yours.
Mark was in fact a guy with high morals. One of them being faithful to his fiancée. Since you heard about the unfortunate news, you’ve been coming onto him a lot more strongly. So much that Mark can’t even be in the same room as you without getting flustered. Face turns red the second he catches sight of you. He has tried to be respectful and put his distance but you seem to always come back. And when he finally sat you down to speak to you formally about the situation he made it clear, that he only had eyes for Maru. And boy did that piss you off.
“You must really love her.” You dare say, teeth gritting and hands digging into the stool cushion underneath you. “I really do, i mean yeah we haven’t been dating for long but I do think there’s chemistry.” “How long have you two been going out?” “Two months.” Oh? If there was one thing you knew about Maru was that much like you, commitment gave her the ultimate ick. And if she were to settle, it’s because she truly has fallen for that boy. To hear they’ve only been together for two months and now engaged? There was a motive and you felt as if you knew exactly what that was. “Mark do you have some sort of trust fund from your parents?” Taken by surprise by the sudden question, “Uh…my grandparents left me all of their fortune to me if that’s what you mean? But I can’t get into it until I’ve gotten married.”
“Uh huh yeah and uh when you proposed…would you per say have been persuaded to propose?” “What do you mean?” Shrugging you stand up from your stool and slowly make your way over to him. “Oh I don’t know, like have you been given hints by your fiancée that she wanted to get married. Probably talked about how soon she’d like to be a young bride, or even…” running a finger up his bicep, goosebumps appear on his skin. Standing just behind him, “was told by Maru herself, that she’d like for you two to get married?” After a moment of silence he speaks up, “Uh yeah, she did. Why? Do you think-“ “Oh no of course not! If you say she loves you and you love her I have no reason to doubt.” You wave him off but you see the concern on his face. “Don’t worry Mark she would never go for your money I mean she is rich herself.” He nods and laughs, “Well yeah that is true.” “Right so relax!” Hearing the loud feet patter coming from upstairs was an indication for Mark to go check up on the young boy. Watching him excuse himself and climb up the stairs, you take out your phone you have managed to sneak out of your parents drawers.
“Guess it’s time to do some digging..”
Mark didn’t expect to spend yet another Friday the exact same way as he did the first week he began working for your family. To have to call the neighbors and see if they can look after your brothers as he busied himself running after you who has run off to some party. Only this time he caught you right outside the lawn of the large house. “Oh good you’re here!” “C’mon let’s go home I left your brothers at-“ Not expecting for you to have grabbed his hand and proceed to drag him inside, he tries to plant his feet on the ground but you were freakishly strong by the way you dragged him. “Y/n-“ “You’re so tensed, have some fun will ya?” “I don’t know if you realize but I’m currently on the job.” Rolling your eyes, you grab a cup and fill it with fruit punch that was in a large clear bowl. “Here it’ll help you relax.” Taking it, he eyes it and looks down at you. “Does this contain alcohol?” “Oh my god, don’t tell me you don’t drink.” You huff, scoffing he shakes his head. “Yes I do.” “Prove it then. Drink.” Looking down at the weird purple vibrant liquid, he looks over to you and noticing more people had gathered to watch him drink. And when he finally does bring it to his mouth and sip, he hears the kitchen immediately erupt in cheers. Feeling hands patting his back and some on his shoulder as they congratulate him for not being such a stuck up.
Wincing at the hard sting at the back of his throat, he’s given no time when suddenly he’s being dragged to play some games. Heard quick to look for you only to see you had been right behind him with a smirk on your face. Before he can object, you pull him down by the neck and whisper in his ear. “Just enjoy it.” But to everyone it seemed like the two of you were getting touchy. “For me?” You bat your eyes at him. With a grunt of disapproval he agrees reluctantly. But soon, it would all become too chaotic for him. Before he’d know it, it would no longer just be any regular ole beer pong but instead comes with dares. Such as body shots. “Body shots?” He asks with furrowed brows. His eyes slowly widening when it dawns on him as soon as women try to undress themselves. “Uh…y/n!” But you had been too busy taking shots of your own. “C’mon man pick which girl you’d like to take body shots with!” One jock shouts through the loud music. Looking around and feeling crowded as they keep coming onto them with seductive looks and breasts purposefully pushed higher for him to see, he backs up until finally he hurriedly gets away from them and takes a hold of you.
In the midst of taking yet another shot of tequila, Mark takes it out of your hands. Groaning, you’re about to scold him and remind him he was meant to be having fun. Never once expecting for him to prop you on the table with him in between your legs. “What is happening?” He sends you a soft smile and a sorry look. “It’s a dare?” Shrugging, you take off your shirt. Ignoring the screams as more phones are brought out and begin to snap pictures of the two of you, others recording. “Then you better make it worth my while.” And soon, a lemon and shot of vodka. He’s focused on licking all the way up from your stomach to your breasts. The feeling of his warm wet tongue had you feeling all funny and tingling. A very familiar feeling that you can’t mistaken it for anything other than hormones. More cheers are heard, words of encouragement as they chanted Mark’s name. Throwing your head back when you feel him lightly rub against you during his attempt at sucking all of the lemon off you. It wasn’t until he pulls away, hair slightly disheveled and eyes boring into yours do you feel the suffocating tension ridden between you two. His arms on either side of you, you didn’t know what came over you.
But you didn’t care, hands quickly cupping his face. You pull him close and kiss him hungrily. You were sure you saw phones flashing even when your eyes were closed. But what you hadn’t expect was for Mark to kiss you back. You weren’t really sure if it was because of the alcohol or if he had truly been kissing you because he wanted to. But a part of you was too horny to care. As soon enough, the two of you had been shoved into the nearest closet. Mouth back against one another, your fingers in his hair. Tugging his head back ever so slightly that caused rumbles to erupt from his throat. Legs wrapped around his waist as he held you up. Moaning when his hands squeezed your ass. But soon Mark pulls away, “m’no y/n this is wrong.” He sighs and rests his forehead against yours. Setting you down, his hands go to your waist. About to move you away from him but you only keep your arms wrapped around his shoulders. “What is it that she has that I don’t?” Shaking his head, “That’s not it-“ “Then what is? Tell me you don’t want me Mark.”
You push him up against the wall. “Tell me you haven’t been thinking about me the same way I have been thinking about you.” “Y/n please.” Caressing a finger over his cheek, you notice him close his eyes and slightly lean into your touch. “Tell me.” A small whine leaves his mouth when your hand roams down and palms his now tight jeans. A large tent forming in his pants, “Tell me Mark.” He shakes his head, “I can’t...” he breathes out, you press soft kisses to his cheek, holding back a smile when you notice he was leaning further more into your touch. “I’m yours Mark.” Whatever little control Mark had left in him had vanished.
Despite the loud music, your mixed moans and grunts could be heard perfectly clear outside, it didn’t help your case that loud banging sounds can be heard emitting from the very small closet room the two of you were currently in. If anyone was keeping count, and they were. The two of you were in there for hours. At some point they wondered if you’ve fallen asleep. But when the two of you had finally gotten out, a tired looking Mark clinging onto you as you held him on one arm and your heels along with his belt in the other it was obvious what had gone on in there.
Your brothers slept over at the neighbors house for the night. Luckily they had kids they got along with and your parents as busy as they could ever be. Wouldn’t be home for another month. Mark hadn’t gone home that night and instead crashed on the sofa with you. Both too exhausted to go upstairs. And by the time the morning came, Mark would wake up with his arms around you, marks and hickies all over his body, scratches on his back and full blown panic attack at the memory of last nights shenanigans.
Mark didn’t want to remember that night. It was a mistake, he made a mistake. It should have never happened and yet when he woke up the morning after with you in his arms he couldn’t help but feel that pathetic flutters abrupt in his stomach. God he felt pathetic. At first he tried to ignore you, avoid you at all times but it was killing him to stay away from you. And when you made it impossible to get around you, Mark had no choice but to confront the elephant in the room. He was meant to say that last night was a mistake. That he was sorry given the two of you had been drinking and no decision was made with a clear head but as he sat the two of you on the couch, his eyes couldn’t help but wander to your neck where the hickies he left on your skin was still very much prominent. He had lost all train of thought and leaned in to smash his lips on top of yours. “Fuck Mark did I take your virginity?” At the realization, he turns red. “Yeah guess you did.” Feeling bad, you pull from him, “Let me make it up to you.” “Y/n-“ “Shh, just enjoy it.” Boys currently with the neighbors as they were invited for a day to the amusement park, you had the entire house to yourselves.
On your knees, you unbutton his jeans. He helps you pull them down along with his briefs and when you do, he slightly hisses at the cool air hitting his veiny cock. His chest beginning to heave with every heavy breath he takes. And when you take a long lick from the base to his tip he can’t help but throw his head back. It feels pathetic to admit he’s fallen putty for you, but when you continue to take long stripes. Puckering your lips as you kitten lick his tip and look up at him with those bright eyes of yours he felt filthy to think of wanting to add tears to those beautiful eyes of yours. Large hands caressing your face until they get a hold of your hair. For someone so inexperienced it seems as if he knew exactly what to do. His groans get louder when you start to deep throat him, pulling away to spit on his tip only to go back down on him. He felt embarrassed by how close he was already getting. The way his thigh clenched and he bucks up into your mouth. This causes you to bob your head, wanting to take all of him. To gag on him and when you do, you want him to hear how well you’re taking his cock.
“Fuck y/n!” He grunts, holding your hair up as you focus on making come in your mouth. Fondling his balls that only has raising his grunts. “Come for me.” You manage to say for the split second you remove yourself off him. Leaning down to suck his base, jerking him off, his hold on your hair tightens. Pressing kisses to his red mushroom tip, you wrap your lips around him. Continue to jerk while doing so, “Want it in my mouth.” “Shit I’m close!” Mouth agape as he then starts to shoot his load down your throat. Warm thick liquid, salty and you waste no time swallowing. Eyes never leaving his as you clean up his mouth. “Good boy.” You wink at him, loving how pink his cheeks have gotten. “Y/n…”
Pressing a finger up against his lips, you rest yourself on his lap. “Didn’t I tell you to enjoy it?” A soft whimper is heard from him as you begin to discard your clothes. Grabbing his hand and pulling it down to your panties, soiled. “This is all yours.” Softly moaning when you feel start rubbing your clothed pussy. “You want me?” He nods, “Tell me how much you want me.” “So much, I need you y/n.” “Yeah?” He hums. Moving your panties to the side, you press a soft kiss to his lips. “Take me Markie.” Shoving his fingers in you, Mark groans by how tight your walls were wrapped around him. His dick sensitive and with the way you start to grind on him it takes no time to get hard again. Flipping you on your back, he kisses you hungrily. Fingers gaining in speed, thrusting harder into your sopping cunt. He’s enraptured by you, enamored by your beauty, your blissful state and to make you come for him that he fails to realize his phone had been blowing up with text messages and phone calls.
You knew it was only a matter of time before those pictures and videos surfaced all over the web and Maru would see them. Angered that her supposed fiancé had once again been hooking up with you, that you didn’t listen to her threats. She was blowing up his phone to explain himself, as someone who dare says he’s faithful she’d like to know what he has to say for himself. But by his lack of presence to even answer his phone she wondered if he still was with you. Boy was she right.
In a matter of minutes the large house echoed your moans and Mark’s grunts. A mix of skin clapping and the sounds of your essence squelching with every hard thrust. Mark balls deep in you, a leg over his shoulder as he focused his sight on the connection between you two. Pupils filled with lust the more he watched how well your pussy took his cock, how tight your walls kept him inside you. He felt his tip rub up against your gummy walls, to see the small bulge on your abdomen the faster he fucked you. His hair sticking to his forehead as more sweat formed. Unfortunately your state of pure bliss would come to a sudden halt when there’s rough banging at the front door, followed by a very angry voice. “Mark! Get out here right now!”
Immediately removing himself from you, you groan when you lose his warmth. Watching as he hurriedly dressed himself as the pounding on the door got louder. “Mark Lee!” “How did she know where I was?” He says panicked, sitting up almost boredly. You began to dress yourself albeit a bit more slower than Mark. “She’s psycho, like any maniac they stalk and track. How else did she find you?” You weren’t being sarcastic but to Mark, he liked to think so. In a desperate attempt to make himself look more casual, it was no use. His heavy breaths, flushed face, fluffed hair, marks on his skin and swollen lips all were a clear indication of exactly what Mark didn’t want Maru to know happened. So the second he opened the door and tried to casually greet her, Maru didn’t buy it. Rudely pushing right past him and made her way inside where she’d come in contact with you. Had barely begun putting on your top she had caught sight of all the red and purple bruises her fiancé had left all over you. “You’re dead!” Making her way over to you, Mark is able to grab her before she lays a finger on you. “I KNEW IT!” Her legs thrashed as Mark had her picked up and moved on the other side of the living room.
“Maru please-“ A loud slap resonates throughout the house, “How could you?!” Taking a step forward, Mark extends his arm out to stop you. “I’m sorry.” He answers guiltily and eyes on the ground. “You damn right!” She lets out a fake laugh, “Who would’ve thought I’d find you here at her house. To find out you WORK for her no scratch that, you…babysit her.” She snorts. Eyes turn to lock onto yours, “I warned you…”
The following week was an absolute hell. Maru had in fact kept her word and after learning the truth she made sure everyone heard it as well. The news broke like hell fire, by the end of the night the entire town and others have heard about it. Your parents found out and were furious given it was all their coworkers can talk about. Having to cut the business trip early, and their first words once they had walked through the doors was that Mark was fired.
It broke you, you didn’t want him to leave and even pleaded for them to not be so harsh but they wouldn’t hear it. Your poor brothers didn’t understand what was going on and were just commanded to go to their rooms. Mark didn’t argue nor fight and accepted it. “I’m sorry for causing so much trouble.” Since the news about his infidelity, Mark felt utterly dejected. Many gossiped, shocked to hear the golden boy had done such a thing. And although for the most part many still treated him no differently, Mark still felt as if he lost all the respect he worked so hard to gain. To see how quick he was to accept his departure from the family was something you couldn’t handle. Running to catch him just as he’s about to enter his car, begging him to stay. “Y/n i told you this was a mistake.”
“No Mark it’s not-“ “Yes it is. I’m sorry if I made you believe that there could ever be anything between us…” he shakes his head along with a defeated sigh. “But I think it’s best if we go our separate ways. To never contact each other again.” You hadn’t noticed you had begun to tear up, to really think the boy in front of you had you feeling so strongly about him. But when you tried to grab his hand and he pulled away, shaking his head and a small no that leaves his mouth boy did that stab you straight into your chest. “Goodbye y/n.” “Please Mark, why are you going back to her? She doesn’t love you.” “Y/n please don’t do this-“ “Why not?! Mark she’s using you for your inheritance money!” Something in him snapped, ice cold eyes stare you down as his frown turns to a scowl. “How can you accuse her of such thing after what we did to her? To stoop so low?” He eyes you, no longer understanding the girl he’d grown so close to over the last few months. “Mark-“ “I’m trying to save my relationship with her, if you cared about me so much you’d allowed me to be happy.” And with that he gets inside his car and drive off.
Your college didn’t waste time to make your drama the latest news, it was even worse when word got out that Mark had dropped out of school. You noticed the stares and the whispers. Those who were bold enough to mention how you were babysat by the ‘golden loser’ as they liked to say but were quickly silent when you cursed them out. Your friends had stayed by your side though, and even took the liberty to throw anything nearest to them to anyone who even dared glance your way. “I cant believe she really outed you like that,” Ten scoffs. “You’re not gonna let her get away with this right?” You managed to shrug in response, have lost much needed sleep. “You better y/n, we all know Mark isn’t her type. She’s definitely using him for his money.” Another friend of yours says. “Exactly I heard her on the phone one time, admitted the whole thing.”
“Yup, wish I got that on tape-“ “That’s it.” Your friend send each other looks. “I know what to do.” “Really?” “I’ll need your help though.” With chesire smiles and sly grins they lean in to hear what you had to say. “We’re all ears.”
Mark had managed to land a job with one of the country’s most top companies. Since the scandal, Mark had succumbed to his parents help and got the job through them. And now, as part of the company’s committee, with his own office and personal assistants whatever free time he once had was gone. This meant no more hobbies, no more charity events and no more school. Maru has been keeping him on a tight leash, calls and texts tens of times each hour and expects for him to answer each and every one of them. Regularly visits him during his lunch breaks and expects him home no longer after thirty minutes of him clocking out. Mark had finally succumbed to a life of every sad average middle aged man who has ever lived. A confined life. But he tries to make amends with it, he reminds himself of what he did and it was only fair if he wanted his relationship and future marriage to work. But as the weeks goes on, it soon turns into months and his energy battery was heavily drained.
Stress levels at an all time high, he’s never drank so many cups of coffee and popped so many energy pills. A deadline was nearing and he was running behind on reviewing some paper work. He had been stuck in his office for hours without break, he’s sure to fall apart any second. “Sir, you have someone for you.” He hears his assistant say over the speaker phone. “Please tell my girlfriend I’m busy.” After a few moments, they were knocking on the door. With a soft sigh, Mark sets his paperwork on the table and goes to stand when the door opens. Shocked to see it was in fact not his girlfriend. “Y/n?” Closing the door behind you, he doesn’t hear the sound of a click. “What are you doing here? How did you-“ “Relax, I came to stop by it’s all.” Clearing his throat, Mark fixes his tie and sits. Motioning his hand for you to do the same. “Well say what you need to say I have a lot of work-“ “My brothers miss you.” He frowns sadly.
Hearing ruffling, he looks over to see you taking something out of your purse. “They told me to give you these.” There in hand were nothing but tons of drawings all of which included him in their family portraits. “They keep wondering when you’ll be back. Iseul misses his favorite coach.” Mark looks thoroughly through all the drawings, almost forgetting where he was currently at and with who. “Yeah well…we all gotta move on.” He clears his throat again and sets the pictures aside. Going to pick up his paperwork again, he stops when he feels you rest your hand on top of his. “What if I don’t wanna move on.” “Y/n…”
A loud screech from the chair is heard when you abruptly stand. Walking around his desk only to stand directly in front of him. “Don’t tell me you’ve moved on from me.” You turn his chair to face you. “I’m engaged.” “So.” “So?” Eyes slightly widening when you proceed to sit on his lap. “That shouldn’t stop you from figuring out who you really wanna be with.” “And you know who I want to be with?” “My birthday was last week.” “Happy belated birthday…” chuckling, you proceed to run your hand through his hair. “Mark, did you really think I wouldn’t figure out it was you who sent me that dress?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“The black dress. You sent me it as a birthday gift after you failed to get the stain out of my old one.” Shaking his head, he tries his hardest to avoid eyes with you. But you can see how flushed he’s getting. “C’mon baby..” you press a soft chaste kiss to his cheek. “I can make you the happiest man. Don’t tell me you enjoy working here.” He shrugs, “It’s not too bad.” “Then explain the eye bags.” Stopping your hand from touching his bags, he sighs. Before he can speak, his phone is being bombarded with text messages again. All of which were from Maru demanding his whereabouts. “Really? You enjoy being in a relationship with her?” “Look if you’re only here to change my mind then it’s not going to work-“. Mark goes to stand, to get you off his lap but you stop him. Holding his face in your hands as you murmur into his ear. “I’m not here to change your mind.” Another light kiss is pressed on his neck that sent the little hairs on his neck to stand. “I’m here to remind you how well we are for each other.” With no time to respond you press your lips up against his. He couldn’t lie to himself anymore, he hadn’t stopped thinking about you. He missed seeing you, to spend his time with you even when you stressed him out. It was always an adventure with you, so to have you in front of him and kissing him. He admits he’s a coward to not being able to follow through with his promises, how can he push you away when you’re exactly what he needs after days of relentless stress?
He hadn’t noticed he was kissing you roughly, passionately. Leaning further and further into your lips until he has you laying flat out on his desk. His hands busying themselves and unbuttoning your oversized shirt that he hadn’t realize was his that he left back at your house. Butterfly kisses down to your abdomen until he comes face to face with your jeans that he wastes no time ripping them off. Spreading your legs apart and seeing you were wearing a pair of red lacy panties that left little to the imagination. “Want your tongue Markie.” Mark’s lustful stare wasted no time in ripping them off you and leaning right in.
The marble floors resonate the sounds of the hard clicking of heels. The man at the reception goes unheard as Maru heads her way over to the elevator. She had visited many times before, and she knows exactly where her fiancé resides at. He knew better to answer her and yet he still had the audacity to disobey her orders. With every floor the elevator gets, a chime goes off. Maru waits impatiently, foot tapping as she stares for it to reach the highest floor. On the other end, Mark’s office begins to get louder with every lick you receive from him. Large hands grip your legs apart as he focuses on getting his full. Sucking your nub and licking figure eights on your cunt. Tongue prodding your hole and even rubs your clit with his fingers. He loves how loud you were getting for him. How your chest rose with every deep breath and tits perky and practically begging for him to fuck. Your grip on the desk hadn’t seized and your head had been thrown back and eyes shut as you relished in the pleasure he was bringing you. “Fuck Mark, feels so good!” You run a hand through his hair, grip tightening while he makes no intent to detach himself from you.
Maru had finally managed to make it to the top floor. Her heels clicking was familiar to everyone on the floor, immediately understanding who had arrived. “My fiancé.” Maru plainly tells his secretary. Her intense stare was enough for the poor secretary to silently nod and call for him.
“Mr. Lee your fiancée is here to see you.”
“Shit!” Mark swears as he pulls away from you. Grunting at yet another interruption from her, you sit up and hold him still. “Relax, not a word about my presence. Get rid of her quickly.” “Huh?” Pulling the two of you down, he sits on his chair while you hid underneath his desk. And in the very moment the door to his office is opened abruptly. “Oh Maru!” He squeaks. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?” “I’m sorry, I’m just so caught up with work.” “Uh huh…” she inspects the room for any signs of you. “Was there something important that you needed from me?” She shakes her head, “When are you coming home.” “Just as soon as I file these. It shouldn’t take any more than an hour-OW, two! Two hours.” Maru furrows her brows at him, “Are you okay? You’re acting odd.” “Haha no just stubbed my toe.”
Under the table where Maru fails to see you had begun to undo his pants. Down to his thighs and enough to free his cock. Red angry tip that you waste no time shoving in your mouth. “Mark-“ suddenly getting a call, Maru checks her phone. Her facial expression changes at the contact and sends Mark one last look. “Alright I’ll see you back home in a few hours.” She says before walking out and speaks to whoever had been calling her. Mark lets out a sigh of relief as he looks down at you. “Are you trying to be the death of me?” You merely send him a wink before you go back to focusing on sucking him off. The memory of his fiancée immediately washing away from Mark’s mind as his focus is now entirely on you.
It reeked of sex, music played softly in the background as the curtains darkened the room. Lit candles and rose petals everywhere made it all the more romantic. Much to Mark’s whole claim about being faithful and what not, it didn’t take much for you to break his walls. Every night since visiting his office the two of you have been sneaking around behind everyone’s backs. Going on secret dates where like now, it ends with the two of you fucking each other’s brains out. Sexting became a norm and ditching friends and family occurred a lot more often. Now where you currently lie, in the arms of the man you love with bed hair and a tired look on his face, you massage his scalp. Slowly lulling him to sleep but he tried to stay up despite how relax you made him feel. Snuggling in between your breasts merely responding to you with a hum. “Mark?” He hums once more, “Did you hear me?”
Pulling away, Mark whines and tugs you closer to him. The bed automatically felt cold without your warmth, not only that but you were currently cock warming him and he didn’t want you going anywhere anytime soon. One move and he worries he’ll get hard again and after hours of fucking yourselves stupid he knows he’s not strong enough to go again. “Your wedding is tomorrow.” You state, there’s a silence before you hear a small sad sigh. Mark had known the time was ticking before he’s officially become Maru’s spouse. At this very moment he’s supposed to be at his rehearsal dinner, he was in fact there for a bit. But after seeing his friends and family come up to him, congratulating him for finally about to tie the knot. To see her family tell him he better treat her right, and when they’ll have their first child blah blah blah. He knew he needed to get the hell out of there for fresh air, heart thumping and head pounding and the only thought in his mind was you. So without any doubt, he phoned you and with a simple, ‘I need you’ you were there.
Now in your bedroom, rest of the family out for dinner while you were given no other choice but to stay given you’re still grounded. You chose to entertain yourself with your lover in bed. At least that’s what he is to you. Unlike Mark - who has been trying to ignore the fact that he’s getting married. That’s all you could think about, you can’t see yourself without him. You can barely stand not seeing him for over eight hours. Can you honestly say you can see Mark marry someone else, your enemy at that and be okay with that? Absolutely not. “I said leave her.” Now this broke him out of his tired state, head lifted from your boobs he stares into your eyes. “What?” “You heard me Mark.” There’s a moment of silence, and when you see him make the same look that says he’s about to disagree you cut him off.
“You don’t love her Mark.” “I know but-“ “But what?!” You were starting to get irritated, how can he possibly still want to marry her? There’s nothing she can offer him, nothing in her he truly fell in love with. Not in the way he fell for you. He’s never said it out loud, but you don’t need him to. On the days you visit him at your office he treats you more like his partner than he does when Maru visits. And word around the lobby, Mark seems a lot less stress when you’re around but then again they don’t know what goes on his office when you visit but they have speculations. “You love me Mark, not her.” Shifting to sit on his lap, like magnets his hands move to your hips to steady you. Your acrylic nails placed at his scratched up chest as a low grunt rolls off his tongue when you lower yourself on his now hardening cock. “I’m the one that makes you feel good..” leaning to press sweet kisses on his chest. Trailing their way up to his neck, “I’m the one that listens to your problems…” you can hear him take a large gulp, Adam’s apple prominent when he does so. “The one who I prioritize…” and lastly a deep passionate kiss to his swollen lips. Pulling him and slightly smirking when you notice he chased after your lips for more. “I love you for you…not like her who only sees you as a pawn in her game.”
With scrunched brows, he looks at you. “What do you mean?” Sighing, you get off him. He groans at the sensitivity and when had gotten off the bed he took it as opportunity to prop himself up against the bed frame. He watched as you walked over to your desk, pulling the drawer and out you grabbed a folder, setting it on his lap. “My friends caught sight of her not too long ago.” He opens in and he couldn’t believe what he saw. “Brandon Young, She’s been secretly dating him for about three years. Ring any bells?” It sure did, Brandon Young twenty five and just recently promoted to his department. Currently working on his floor and is secretary to one of Mark’s business partners. “Brandon?” “Flip the page.” He does.
There were more pictures. Of Mark leaving his shared apartment with Maru and some of an unknown car pulling in only five minutes after his departure. Out comes the very man and on the last few photos were of Maru getting out of the apartment and greeting him with a heated make out session. A voice interrupts Mark’s shock, looking up and seeing you had your phone in hand. It was Maru’s voice, she sounded as if she was speaking to someone.
‘Patience babe, I told you soon as I get his inheritance money the both of us will go on our promised vacation to Spain. Trust me, he’s too dumb and naive to suspect anything, he hasn’t even noticed we’ve been having sex under the same roof as him.’ A giggle is heard, ‘Still can’t believe he thought I was actually in the bathroom for 45 minutes doing my makeup. Thank god his boss was talking his ear off for him to even notice you sneaking in the bathroom after me.’ The recording ends.
Mark was quiet, stuck in his thoughts and although you couldn’t read his mind his face said it all. He felt betrayed and played like a fool. To think he felt so shitty to be doing this to her when all along she’s done it to him way before he’s ever worked for your family. And worse, using him for his money. He felt your hands cup his face, turning his head to look at you. “We can be together Mark, it’s not too late. We can live a perfect life together one where we’ll be happy forever. We’ll move away, far away from here and get married. Start a family and love each other endlessly, don’t you want that?” He stares deep into your eyes, he doesn’t say anything. And before you can add on to that, he leans in and catches you by surprise. Grabbing and tossing you onto the bed, hovering above you. “I want it baby.” He tells you after he detaches himself from your lips. Previously he only wanted to stay engaged with Maru for the lack of loyalty he had for her. He hoped that by marrying her, it’d make him less guilty of what he’d done. But he doesn’t feel that anymore, not when he knows there’s no reason to hold back from loving you freely.
“Lets run away together.” He mumbles, forehead rests on top of yours. “Just you and me, forget about everyone.” You to try hold back the grin, giddy to know you finally had him. In love and just as equally obsessed with you. “Tonight, let’s go tonight.” He whispers in your ear as he leaves kisses all over your marked skin. You agree, humming pleasantly when he nips at your sweet spot. “Tonight.” You feel his hands begin to roam all over your skin until they find your perky tits. “Horny again?” You tease, “Can’t help it you’re irresistible.” He murmurs, “I’m not complaining.” You press a peck on his nose. Pressing one last kiss on your lips before he turns you around, pressing your face on your pillow. Moaning you begin to feel his tip rub up against your clit.
One more quick fuck wouldn’t hurt before running off together.
Heels tapped angrily on the marble floor. A stressed out bride pacing back and forth as her bridesmaids try to settle her nerves. “He won’t pick up!” She yells, her mother going to rest her hands on her shoulder only to get brushed off coldly. “He was no where to be seen last night! I swear if he has off with that tramp!” “Nonsense Maru!” Her maid of honor shushes her up, fixing her hair and checking her makeup. “You made it clear you didn’t want him near her and he hasn’t broken that promise. I’m sure he had something come up don’t worry.” Taking a deep breath, she nods. Forcing on a plastic smile, “You’re right…you’re right, he would never do something such as leave me at the alter. That’s definitely not something Mark would do.”
Outside, chairs all facing the alter. Officiant checking his watch for the umpteenth time as guests are slowly becoming bored. The heat didn’t make anything better and now they along with the servants had to endure wearing a very expensive attire that’s now getting covered in their sweat. From behind them, they fail to notice the approaching figure until they walked right by them. In a basket, out they tossed what anyone would assume to be flower petals but this wasn’t the case. Instead, copies of the very same photos Mark saw were being tossed on the floor. Some flew over guest’s head, with widened eyes and shocked gasps they pick up the photos of the bride very clearly cheating on the groom with as at this point everyone knew to be one of the best men.
Dates at the corner to show just how far back the cheating had been going on for. In the black dress Mark bought for your birthday, you made your way to the stage. Taking the mic away from the officiant and turning to face the crowd, tapping on the mic as the noise resonated off the speakers. Clearing your throat, you smiled at the crowd. “Evening ladies and gentlemen. Today, I come baring bad news.” From inside, your voice is loud enough to catch the attention of everyone including the bride herself.
“The groom couldn’t make it as he is currently on his way to the airport.” The crowd erupts in gasps, all whispering amongst themselves. “As devastated any one would be in his situation, he chose to go on with his life and has decided to walk a different path. One where he won’t get married to a cheating, manipulative gold digger like Maru Kim.” Running out of the building, both groomsmen and bridesmaids right behind her. A look of horror is set on her face, “You’re lying!” She shouts immediately gaining the attention of the crowd. Gasping when she catches sight of them holding the pictures of her and Brandon. Turning over and seeing he turned his head to avoid confrontation. Clearly embarrassed by all the judgmental looks he was getting.
“That doesn’t prove anything! So what if we dated? That was long ago and we’re not dating anymore and I’ll be damned if I let some skank like you ruin my wedding!” Shrugging, you nod. “You’re right…the pictures aren’t enough proof. So shall we see some more?” Turning around, you move off to the side. A large projector screen which was meant to show pictures of the then husband and wife’s most ‘happiest’ memories. But as it turns on, it shows quite the contrary. On camera reveals Maru and Brandon on dates together, some where they kiss and others where they cuddle. Then it pans to a moment in which Mark calls her, ‘No yeah I’ll be home soon don’t worry.’ She speaks to him while Brandon busied himself in kissing her neck. A grin on her face and tries to push him away only to get pulled back in.
And lastly, the audio Mark heard. Everyone’s baffled and utterly disgusted. Turning to stare at the bride with a look of judgment. Some beginning to whisper not so lowly about how vile she is. Maru stood in her spot absolutely humiliated, no way can she prove her innocence now. And as she turns to look at Brandon, she knows he wouldn’t say nor do anything to back her up. Turning to her bridesmaids and seeing them only raise their brows at her, all silently criticizing her. Eyes on her mother whom can barely stare at her by how disappointed she is. “Can’t believe she used him for his money.” A voice says loud enough for everyone to hear. Holding up a white paper with writing on it, in bold letters does it say bankruptcy. “Unfortunately mommy and daddy got too cocky with their money and had lost it all isn’t that right?” More gasps, embarrassed her parents look away. “And you thought the only way Maru Kim can stay living the life of luxury is by drying Mark out of his. Brandon over here had been disowned by his own parents and therefore kicked from the family’s wealth. So the two of you decided to take advantage of the poor guy who simply just wanted to achieve his dreams. How sad.” Mark’s parents had been there, angered by this they stand to face her. “How could you!” Mark’s mother yelled. “Don’t yell at my daughter!” Maru’s father responds. “Don’t you raise your voice at my wife!” And like a chain reaction, the entire place erupts in shouts. And it isn’t until you speak into the microphone again do they stop.
“Congratulations Maru for managing to stay engaged up until the wedding day, it’s unfortunate the groom couldn’t attend due to obvious reasons but! Rest assured, he’ll be doing much better from here on out.” The ends of your mouth curl upward, tears boiling to the rim she shouts,
“You’re lying! Guys she’s lying!” But no one was convinced at that. “You just can’t accept the fact that I have something you can’t have, you’re just jealous you can’t be me.” She huffs.
“See that’s where you go wrong, because no matter what you do or…who you do. I’ll always have what’s rightfully mine.” From behind your back, you finally reveal what was wrapped around your finger. Large, white and bright. Definitely a lot more expensive than the one she has and a lot more pleasing to the eyes. The color drains from her face, and soon the others began to piece together how exactly you fit into this whole situation. But that wasn’t the most shocking of it all.
Because not only was it a surprise for everyone at the reception to know Mark is running away. That he’s running away with a new fiancée at his side, the very woman they heard he had a thing with a while back. But to also see that alongside the diamond ring wrapped neatly on your finger, there on your thumb and index fingers held up none other than what’s made out to be a sonogram. A picture of an 18 week old fetus that proved you were currently with Mark’s child. Traced back to the very first time the both of you had sex at the party.
“I guess in the end, you were the one who really failed. Isn’t that right Maru?” Stepping down the stage, you make your way down the walk way. Just about to leave you stand beside the now mascara stained bride, eyes still filled with anger and fists at her sides. Bouquet of flowers now terribly crumbled.
“Expect an Insta post of our wedding soon.”

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taetr4ck · 8 months
nct 127 x reader, mention of kys jokes on doyoung’s part — crack
a/n : special thanks to my biggest hypeman, ☄️ anon ! 🤭 (ty, johnny, doyoung, yuta, and hyuck’s texts aren’t mine!) (skz ver here !)
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⋆ taetr4ck, est may 2023. / requests open
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vanesycho · 17 days
this edit made me think about giving head to taeyong after a tiring day
I liked the video but didn't add it to my favs..?HOW DARE ME?!# now I added it thanks to you🫶🏻
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Warning:Smut,giving head
Taeyong feels your gaze as soon as he opens the door. He gives you a tired smile before leaning his head against your neck and inhaling your scent. “Hard day?” He nodded and stepped back, placing a lazy kiss on your lips, walked over to the nearest chair, threw himself in there and threw his head back. You looked at him for a moment, licking your dry lips as you watched his neck. "You should take care of yourself."
Taeyong lowered his head and looked at you with slightly open eyes. “Being with you is enough for me.” You smiled, that was exactly what you needed to hear. You came closer to him and knelt down in front of him, he's watching your movements with curiosity. You moved your hand to his dick over his pants, he grinned when he realized what it was, biting his lower lip. "Decided to be a good girlfriend?"
You started to stroke his cock, you could feel it swelling just from that, you liked it, had that effect on him. "I could be a better girlfriend if you took off your pants." You didn't even have to say twice, It was an offer too good to resist. He immediately took off his pants. You grinned at his exposed and already erect cock. “Are you in the mood already? Haven’t even done anything.” He put one hand behind your head. “How about you use that pretty mouth of yours for something other than talking?”
You giggled and moved closer, holding his cock in one hand. You ran your tongue over the tip for a while, then took half of it into your mouth and started stroking the remaining space with your hand. Taeyong leaned his head back and closed his eyes, his tired moans coming out only as whimpers, taking deep breaths in between.
After a while, his entire cock was already covered in your saliva, this time you took as much of it as you could into your mouth. Taeyong opened his mouth slightly when he felt the warmth of your mouth around his cock, "Fuck..." he let out a silent curse. Pressed your head down harder. “More..fuck, your mouth is so warm, you wrap it so well, baby.” You did as he said, occasionally sending moans to his cock, which caused Taeyong's cock to twitching inside your mouth.
"Y-you're so good, fuck, you're gonna fucking make me cum early." You put your free hand on his balls and started playing with them, the extra pleasure made him whine even more. Taeyong opened his eyes and watched you, watching how you moved your tongue all over his cock and licked it, making it grow inside your mouth. He brushed your hair out of your face and glanced at you, said between breaths "Oh I want to come on that beautiful face of yours."
The thought stirred something inside you and your movements quickened, his cock filling your mouth perfectly. With that, Taeyong let out a loud moan. "Fuck- you liked it, huh? The thought of filling your whole face- oh god- with my cum." All those sucking sounds echoed in his ears, closed your his again and let himself be pleasured, when you realized that he was twitching inside your mouth, you knew he was close. Taeyong’s voice got louder as your movements continued non-stop, his tearful moans practically making you wet through your panties.
"I'm close- keep going baby, just a little longer..I-" His sentence was cut short, mouth still open as he let out one last deep moan, with that you pulled back and let all of his cum hit your face. He opened his eyes and watched, seeing his juices run down your face made him hold his breath for a moment. You lifted your head and smiled at him softly. “Feeling better?” He grinned and grabbed your chin tightly. Came closer to you and whispered against your lips. "Going to feel much more better if you take off your panties and ride me now.”
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