#Tags are in order though cause they are the silliest of guys and I want more people to know about them
did u know your favorite pokemon says a lot about you? :) whats are yours
Literally just every favorite pokemon I have ^^
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Idk what it says about me but they're cutie patooties 😭
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Underwater Chapter 2 (Kylo Ren x Reader x Poe Dameron)
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I do not own this gif, credit to creator.
Hi guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! In this chapter you meet Kylo Ren. Let me know if you guys want longer chapters! Tag list is open for this story and I am also uploading it onto Ao3 as well. 
Full Masterlist Series Masterlist
Kylo Ren x Reader x Poe Dameron Warnings: cursing Word Count: 1.2k 
Of course, you volunteered to walk yourself up to the ship. It was already bad for business that the casino was stormed, but if word spread that you were arrested, the business would suffer. Your princess like features were still in place though, and with that you were pleased. It was nice to have some class, even though you were probably going to be treated as trash.
You sighed out, thinking of Poe Dameron. So close, if only it was a few days ago. You were more irritated at the fact you hadn’t been able to play with him, than you were at being detained. This wasn’t the first time you were arrested too. You’ve been arrested in the part for many things, and all of which couldn’t be proven. But you had never been arrested by the First Order.
And you had never even seen Kylo Ren before. You knew of him and of his capabilities. But you didn’t know that much, and honestly you didn’t even care about it. He couldn’t be that bad. But glancing back to his figure, and that mask, you felt yourself shiver at the possibilities of the rumors you have heard.
The rumors were all about his murderous intentions, and violent actions. The silliest thing you had heard was he used the force to make someone unable to talk. It just seemed somewhat ridiculous and humorous to you. The force was meant to be used for sensible things, that’s what you’ve always thought.
But the worst thing you had heard about him was of the pile of ashes in his quarters. You heard it when you were walking aimlessly around the clients and it caught your attention. A pile of ashes of his traitors. You believed this one to be fake too, but now looking at the Commander, you wouldn’t be surprised if it was real.
As if he heard your thoughts, a harsh push was sent your way from him. You groaned out from the slight pain and annoyance, you hoped he didn’t rip your dress like that. “Where are we going?” You questioned, still acting as if you weren’t arrested.
A part of you still couldn’t believe you were being arrested. In some parts you were expecting this for many months, but at the same time it felt unreal it was happening now.
One of the stormtroopers in front of you responded, “Lock her up.” He wasn’t responding to you, and the robotic voice made you scoff loudly. You also sighed out dramatically as you felt the cuffs click around your hands, as you made your way onto the ship.
You were trapped between two stormtroopers as they sat with you on the ship. The ship itself was somewhat small. The main area was where you were sitting, it stretched out the longest with a few lines of benches and a communication center off in the middle. The center itself was rather large, looking odd here on a small ship, it stretched out a few feet and the machines beeped and hummed at a constant rate.  
To the right of where you were seated was the cockpit, where you could see the Commander had boarded. And to the far left, was the only entrance and exit on the ship. Now you started to feel yourself criticizing the lack of color on this ship. If there was anyone out of the ordinary on here, it would only be you. You twitched your lip up in disgust at the thought of their fashion designs. It was way too dull for absolutely anything, and you were certain you would go mad if you stayed here too long.
Your dress remained intact for all you knew, as you wiggled yourself in a more comfortable position. Your hair and makeup, you just wished stayed perfect, because you had a feeling this might take more than a few hours.
“Does anyone here understand fashion? Or at least the concept of colors?” You questioned aloud, unsure if the stormtroopers next to you would react. As if on cue with what you said, you felt one stomp on your heeled foot. “Fuck!” You exclaimed, bending down to examine your foot.
Your toes started to bleed slowly, and you saw your nails had cracked. “Stupid.” You murmured, not sure if it was aimed to the stormtrooper or yourself. You stood up suddenly, ignoring the stormtroopers that were seated at your side, and found yourself walking straight to the cockpit. The stormtroopers eased away once you opened the glass door to the cockpit.
The only reasons you were heading there were to introduce yourself to the Commander, as well as to look for bandages. You doubted there would be any other bandages elsewhere on the ship. You were silently hoping that all those rumors were fake, and that the Commander would be a kind man. But you knew you were most likely wrong.
He didn’t even look towards you as you found your way to the co-pilot seat. No one else was in the small area except for you and him. “Greetings Commander.” You spoke hesitating due to the atmosphere in the room. You weren’t sure if he would respond or kill you. It felt too tense to even breathe the air as you sat down in the uncomfortable chair.
Kylo Ren moved his neck to face you as the engines started to hum. You twitched around in the seat, feeling even more panicked from his staring.  Or at least you thought he was staring; with that mask you wouldn’t know.
“Prisoners should be detained, in an interrogation room.” He said, completely ignoring your introduction. You looked at him, slightly ticked off by his response. In fact, you felt a many emotions, ranging from fear to anger. And maybe even a little amusement.
What is he thinking about? You shifted around in the seat again, now looking back down to your hands and tugging around causing the cuffs to make noise. “You shouldn’t consider me a prisoner.” You aired out, aiming to catch his attention. This is what you did best, you loved negotiating.
Negotiating was your main skill, and if Kylo Ren took the bait, then you would have a foot in the door, aiming for a lesser punishment. You didn’t even know what they had in mind for you at the First Order base, but you were sure it would be something extreme. It wasn’t ideal for either you or the First Order though, if they were to kill you. The power your family has can damage large operations, in which the Resistance could take advantage of.
You heard a strange noise come through his mask, which made you slightly confused. “Amusing to see you think you have any power over me.” The Commander sneered and you now understood that noise was a scoff at your attempt of negotiating.
You felt the anger in you rise as well as your fear. Before you could stop yourself, you shot back, “I’ll always have power over you.” Which was most likely not true, you could feel yourself cringe at the lie. How could you have power over him? He was the Commander of a deadly government. And you just knew bits and pieces of significant data of said government.
As if he grew bored of the conversation he hummed out while starting to lift off. You felt a small slither of relief, seeing as he didn’t just kill you or harm you in anyway. But at the same time, you still felt irritated; you bit back your lips to stop yourself from saying any more stupid ideas and watched as the exterior of the planet became almost a small dot. In an instant, the ship zoomed into lightspeed.
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onewhoturns · 5 years
100 truths?
edit: fuck! forgot to mention I was tagged by @mocarro
1.) Real name: Turner 2.) Nicknames: Turner? 3.) Zodiac Sign: *sigh*  4.) Male or Female: (>.> not gonna include nb/gq/ag stuff? really? let’s fix that) 4.) Gender: female 5.) Nursery: the fuck does this mean, I’m painfully american 6.) Primary School: I did that, part private part public, G&T program (I’d regret it, but most of my teachers were good and I was comfortable being a complete nerd) 7.) Secondary School: not as good as primary, but that was mostly internal stuff, no bullying or anything 8.) Hair Color: dark brown 9.) Long or Short: used to be down to my lower back, now it’s shoulder length 10.) Loud or Quiet: loud. I tend to have difficulty regulating my volume, but have definitely gotten better about it now that I’m an adult and I’m more aware of it (also thanks to helpful feedback from friends, family, housemates etc) 11.) Sweats or Jeans: pj pants. or jeans. 12.) Phone or Camera: phone 13.) Health Freak: nah 14.) Drink or Smoke: occasionally drink (twice a month? ish? not very often at all, and when I do it’s small amounts. don’t think I’ve had any alcohol since... february? not trying to abstain, just not big on it unless it tastes good) 15.) Do You Have A Crush On Someone: nope 16.) Political orientation: uhhhhhh liberal I guess? I’d say it without reservation but I’m sure someone could jump down my throat about “the liberals” and I’m over here just like lgbtq+ rights, affordable college tuition, affordable health care, etc.  17.) Piercings: had my ears pierced for all of 6 months but as soon as I took out the studs they closed up before I could put in another pair. yeah. so... no. 18.) Tattoos: nah. thought about it, but nah. HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 19.) Airplane: several times 20.) Car *Accident*: i guess? just a fender bender 21.) Fist Fight: nope, i’m weak af and not interested in physical confrontation FIRSTS: 22.) First piercing: ears 23.) First Best Friend: a girl named Beth in first grade, probably. but then I left after second, so never saw her again. 24.) First Instrument played: I’m sure I took piano lessons at some point. but did flute 5-6th grade. 25.) First award: I dunno, probably some participation award or something 26.) First Crush: Julio in kindergarten, apparently XD 27.) First Language: english. 28.) First Big Vacation: we went to maine all the time all through my primary school years LASTS: 29.) Last Person you talked to: out loud? grocery store cashier 30.) Last Person You Texted: if we’re counting discord @bloodofthepen, otherwise probably my mom. if we’re not counting discord but are counting messenger then my coworker/manager 31.) Last Person You Watched: watching jacksepticeye play observation atm 32.) Last Food You Ate: pirate’s booty 32.) Last Movie You Watched: uhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno. just marathoned what we do in the shadows, though (tv show, not movie) 34.) Last Song You listened to: On Your Way - the Album Leaf 35.) Last Thing You Bought: groceries 36.) Last Person You Hugged: coworker on his last day saturday FAVES: 37.) Food: chocolate croissant maybe? idk, i like a lot of foods. burrata maybe. 38.) Drinks: water (boring, whatever) 39.) Clothing: pj pants and hoodies 40.) Book: His Dark Materials 41.) Color: no fave, really, though I do tend to ask for green for my discord color 42.) Flower: no fave cause I know nothing about flowers. 43.) Music: the Decemberists are up there, as is Death Cab For Cutie and Darlingside 44.) Movie: too many faves. here’s the top ten in no order. 46.) Subjects: psych
IN THE PAST YEAR I… 47.) [ ] Kissed in the rain 48.) [ ] Celebrated Halloween. 49.) [ ] Had Your Heart Broken 50.) [ ] Went Over the Minutes on Your Cell Phone 51.) [x] Someone Questioned Your Sexual Orientation. (tbf it was one of these ask meme things, and it wasn’t questioned as much as asked) 52.) [ ] Used a Weapon 53.) [ ] Breathed fire 54.) [ ] Had an Abortion 55.) [x] Done something you’ve Regretted   56.) [x] Broke a Promise 57.) [x] Kept a Secret 58.) [x] Pretended To Be Happy 59.) [ ] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life 60.) [ ] Pretended To Be Sick 61.) [ ] Left The Country 62.) [ ] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it. 63.) [x] Cried Over The Silliest Thing 64.) [ ] Ran a Mile 65.) [x] Went To the Beach 66.) [x] Stayed Single CURRENTLY: 67.) Eating: gonna have some more pirate’s booty when I’m done typing 68.) Drinking: water 69.) Getting Ready To: stay up too late watching or listening to videos or podcasts or maybe playing a game who knows 70.) Listening To: nothing right this second, but I was listening to part four of Film Reroll’s ET game earlier 71.) Plans For Tomorrow/Today: first day off in a week, gonna sleep a lot and maybe wash my hair 72.) Waiting For: sleep YOUR FUTURE: 73.) Want Kids: nah 74.) Want To Get Married: idk, maybe if i meet someone great 75.) Careers in minds: no clue, I’m somewhat bemused that I’m still alive WHICH IS BETTER ON A GIRL/GUY: (again blatant nb/gq/ag exclusion) ON A PERSON/PARTNER: 76.) Lips or Eyes: uhhhh depends. probably lips? 77.) Shorter or Taller: not much of a preference, but probably taller just cause i’m already quite short 78.) Romantic or Spontaneous: (I’m really not a person to ask these questions, I have so little opinion on this sort of thing) probably spontaneous? I’m super adhd and also super depressed, and novelty is good for me. 79.) Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: (another question I have no strong opinions on-- and am not a huge fan of tbh) lately I’ve been a sucker for ladies with nice arms 80.) Sensitive or Loud: knowing when to be one or the other 81.) Hook-up Or Relationship: fwb/casual relationship 82.) Troublemaker or Hesitant: neither? confident but not a dick for the sake of making trouble. self-aware. HAVE YOU EVER: 83.) Lost Glasses/Contacts: don’t wear glasses but i’ve lost sunglasses before 84.) Ran Away From Home: no 85.) Held A Weapon, For Self Defense: nope 86.) Killed Somebody: who would admit to this? 87.) Broken Someone’s Heart: maybe. i’ve definitely turned people down before, and based on their reactions maybe. 88.) Been Arrested: no DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 90.) Yourself: I mean, I exist. I’m relatively confident about some things, and quite pessimistic and self-defeating about others 91.) Miracles: meh. not really. 92.) Love at First Sight: nah. interest for sure, and chemistry, but not full-on love 93.) Heaven: nope 94.) Santa Claus: nah (also: atheist jew, so not really my bag to begin with) 95.) Easter Bunny: nope (see above) 96.) Magic: hm, not per se, but there are so-called witches out there that I think can definitely affect their own lives and therefor the lives of others with the actions they take in the name of magic (so more of a “be the change you wish to see in the world” sort of thing than a love potion or lucky charm sort of thing. i guess i believe in the power of magic to individuals rather that magic on it’s own) ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 97.) Is There One Person You Wanna Be With, Right Now: ehhhh not really 98.) Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life: no, but there’s not anywhere else I can see myself either 99.) Are You Happy With The Person You’re With: no one? yeah, pretty okay with it. not interested in looking for anything else, anyway. 100.) Post as 100 Truths and Tag five People: @iron-moon @bloodofthepen @artemis-crimson @hirvitank @artabria (no pressure, and if anyone else wants to do it go for it)
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