#Tahk Myeong-hwan
The Korean regime imprisoned former Unification Church members who revealed the inner workings of the UC
Extract from a 1993 Japanese magazine article:
The ‘Pikareum sex ritual’ is no longer performed in the Unification Church. But if what was said in these testimonies, and what is written in the sources are true, then ‘pikareum’ was actively practised in the early days. So, when did the Unification Church stop doing ‘pikareum’? And what was the reason for them to stop?

“Why did the Unification Church quit doing ‘pikareum’?” I was asking someone familiar with the inner workings of the Unification Church [Hyo-min Eu, 36 couple]. My frank question elicited a glare, if only for a moment. Then Mr Eu let out some revealing words.
“After the Ewha Woman’s University incident [in 1955], Sun Myung Moon was eventually acquitted and released. [There are reports that money was raised by church members and delivered to the legal authorities. After three months in jail Moon was released after dark. LINK ]
The main reason that people who had left the Unification Church and revealed the inner workings were subsequently imprisoned was because at the time there were connections between the Unification Church and the regime.
Please look back at the history of the Unification Church mass weddings. In answer to the question, “Why did the Unification Church stop pikareum?” I will just answer that Sun Myung Moon was ordered to “Do everything, but not that [pikareum]”.
The Unification Church mass weddings started in 1960. Although it was mentioned in the previous magazine issue, the first wedding (held in 1960) and the second one (in 1961) are called ‘Holy Weddings’, and are clearly distinguished from the subsequent mass weddings [because Sun Myung Moon womb-cleansed each and every wife of the 36 and 72 couples].
The magazine article: 

Pikareum emerged during the “Ewha Woman’s University Incident” in the early days of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
The 1955 Sun Myung Moon sex scandal involving Ewha Woman’s University students as told in the newspapers
Prime Minister Kishi of Japan, organised crime and the Moon involvement in Japanese politics gained protection for the UC
Tahk Myeong-hwan was offered a bribe of $450,000 to discontinue research into the Unification Church
Tahk Myeong-hwan was murdered four weeks after Sun Myung Moon spoke about him as an opponent.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Even in South Korea, Few Know Extent of Rev. Moon’s Empire (1988)
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▲ From a recent Tongil Heavy Industries PR video
Fred Hiatt Washington Post March 28, 1988
SEOUL -- In a skyscraper office high above the Han River, men in identical navy athletic jackets and women in tailored brown suits worked their way through piles of papers and files.
In one corner of the large room crowded with wooden desks, a portrait of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon sat on the floor, leaning against a wall. It was the only visible clue that this recently opened headquarters of the Tong Il Co. Ltd. was the control room of Moon's business empire in his native land, the flagship of Unification Church enterprises in South Korea.
Moon's business efforts in the United States, from fishing boats to newspapers to flower-selling in airports, have been objects of curiosity and extensive investigations. But even within South Korea, few people realize that the church also controls one of the largest and fastest-growing conglomerates in this nation's fast-growing economy.
The Tong Il Co. alone, one of more than 20 firms associated with the church in South Korea, employs more than 5,500 people and last year sold nearly $200 million worth of auto parts, machinery and weapons. Total sales for the seven largest firms in the conglomerate were estimated at $460 million, an increase of 40 percent over the previous year, according to business analysts here. The Tong Il group's products include machine guns, ginseng tea, axles and ornamental pagodas carved from stone.
Although it began as a rudimentary firm manufacturing shotguns and relying on church members' unpaid labor in 1959, it has evolved into a modern industrial combine that connects to the church only at the top, analysts say. The businesses remain shrouded in mystery, however, and one of the most puzzling mysteries concerns the source of their rapid growth. For while profits have been low or nonexistent for many years, new capital has continued to surge into the conglomerate, analysts said.
In the United States, many analysts have assumed that funds for the church's money-losing operations, such as The Washington Times newspaper, have been funneled from South Korea. But analysts in South Korea, where the church has invested vast sums in money-losing enterprises, have made the same assumption, in reverse. "Where is the money coming from?" one stock analyst asked. "Nobody knows."
"It's a mystery on the stock exchange," agreed Kim Goon Ho, an analyst at Coryo Research Institute. "Tong Il's future is bright, because the prospects for the auto parts and machine industries in Korea are bright. But the source of capital is a mystery."
Some analysts, such as former church member Lee Dae Bock, believe that much of the money comes from profits generated by church-related businesses in Japan. In particular, marble vases and religious objects produced by the Il Shin Co. in Korea are sold at high profit in Japan, Lee said.
The Japanese Federation of Bar Associations supported that claim in a report this month that accused businesses connected to the Unification Church of using unfair pressure tactics to sell such supposedly supernatural objects at extremely high prices. The lawyers' group condemned what it called an "unprecedented victimization of consumers."
A spokesman for the church in Tokyo, Hiroshi Sakazume, said the church has no connection to the sales businesses, adding that "worshipers have the freedom to choose their own occupation."
"We presume the existence of satans standing behind the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations," Sakazume said.
After rapid growth in the past several years, the conglomerate -- known as a chaebol in Korean -- plans to invest an additional 200 billion won ($264 million) for growth and modernization during the next three years, according to a recent analysis in Business Korea magazine. This investment comes despite a reported net profit of less than $10 million in 1986 and net losses in prior years, according to a report by the Management Efficiency Research Institute.
"The biggest puzzle for local businessmen and the general public was the seemingly unending source of such huge sums of money," Business Korea reported.
Church and company executives declined repeated requests for interviews, although one official agreed to answer selected written questions on condition he not be named. This account is based on those answers and on company publications and interviews with Korean businessmen, investment analysts, journalists and former church officials.
Church spokesman Sakazume, in Tokyo, also provided the following statement in written Japanese when asked for comment by The Washington Post:
"We have nothing to do with any kind of business, because the church is not engaged in profit making of any kind. Worshipers have the freedom to choose their occupation. There are some left-wing people in the Japan Federation of Bar Associations who deny the existence of God.
"We deeply regret that for their own reasons they persecute religions and infringe on the freedom of religion which is guaranteed by our constitution, using the mass media, such as the Asahi Shimbun {newspaper}, as a tool. We want to arouse media people's attention not to be used by them. We presume the existence of satans standing behind the Japan Federation of Bar Associations."
Moon founded the Unification Church in Korea more than 30 years ago. About one-fourth of South Korea's 42 million people are Christian. The church has had limited success in recruiting followers here, with outside observers estimating membership at about 20,000 and the church claiming 400,000.
Nonetheless, the church presence here has been considerable, and controversial. Its strongly anticommunist philosophy encouraged close working relations with the authoritarian and military regimes that ruled South Korea for much of the past three decades, and government aid has been instrumental in the church's business growth, according to former officials.
The church prospered especially under the late president Park Chung Hee, who ran South Korea from 1961 until his internal security chief assassinated him in 1979. The Park regime designated Tong Il as a weapons manufacturer, protected its auto parts business and worked closely with church anticommunist activities.
Lee Dae Bock, for example, who served as a church official for 20 years, was secretary general of the Seoul chapter of the Federation for Victory over Communism when he resigned in 1983. He said the church maintained close ties with South Korea's omnipresent internal security forces through such organizations.
The Korea bribery investigation in Congress in 1977 and 1978 unearthed a CIA memo that linked the formation of the Unification Church to Kim Jong Pil, first director of the Korean CIA and now an opposition party leader in Seoul. Kim denied any links to the church in a recent interview.
Jonathan Park, the son of Bo Hi Pak, Moon's top deputy and a key official in church-affiliated businesses in the United States, said in a recent interview that there was no financial connection between church companies and the South Korean government. "I am 100 percent confident there is no government financial support or contribution," Park said. "And as far as I know, there never has been."
The Korea bribery investigation, which focused on Korean influence-peddling in the United States, also prompted the regime to distance itself from Moon's church, as did criticism from mainstream Christian churches. The government of president Chun Doo Hwan, who held office from 1980 until last month, was "very careful not to come too close, but also careful not to stray too far," according to Yu Jae Gol, a journalist who investigated the church's financial empire for the respected Shin Dong-A monthly magazine.
Tahk Myeong Whan, a preacher who is Moon's most persistent critic here, said the church continues to enjoy close ties with police. Tahk has tracked the church and other groups he calls cults for more than 20 years through his International Religious Research Institute.
Tahk said he has survived booby-trap bombs set in his car and other attacks, most recently when dozens of young men interrupted a lecture he was giving and beat him, breaking his leg.
Certainly, government aid was instrumental in Tong Il's early growth, according to former officials and company documents. Moon's first business venture was the Yeohwa Shotgun and Air Rifle Co., established in December 1979 to produce and sell bird-hunting guns.
Lee Dae Bock, who eventually concluded that the church was "a money-making business posing as a religion," said that sales languished until Moon himself took charge of the business.
"He ordered all leaders and congregations to sell rifles," Lee said. "He allocated quotas. . . . The basic method of making money was to exploit the labor of congregations."
Business improved further in the mid-1960s when the company won a government contract to produce mock wooden rifles for high school and university military training, Lee said. In 1968, the company changed its name to Tong Il, which means unification.
Four years later, the government designated Tong Il as an official producer of transmissions and axles, according to company documents, probably for military vehicles as well as for heavy trucks and buses. The company also won a government license to make firearms that same year, Yu said.
Since then, Tong Il has grown into "the recognized ROK {Republic of Korea} leader for small- and medium-caliber gun and cannon barrels," according to one company catalog. Products include Vulcan antiaircraft guns, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers.
Chae Hee Pyung, a Tong Il official, said at a conference last fall that military business, including a technology link with Rockwell International, accounts for more than 30 percent of the firm's sales.
Like the other companies in the conglomerate, Tong Il does not advertise its connection to the Unification Church. But the president of Tong Il is Moon Sung Kyun, described by Yu Jae Gol as a distant relative of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
And, according to stock market documents, the publicly traded company is 32 percent owned by the Tong Il Religion Support Foundation, which is headed by another relative, Moon Seung Yong. Yu said the church uses the foundation to control its entire financial empire.
A senior official of The Washington Times said that during a visit to the Tong Il plant several years ago, he and other executives were told by a company official that Tong Il provided direct financial support for the newspaper. "I was told that company provided $25 million of the subsidy we get," said the official, who asked not to be identified.
Moon's overall organization has invested more than $200 million in The Washington Times and related publications, such as Insight magazine, since the paper was founded in 1982, according to Times executives. The paper's subsidy last year was $35 million, these executives said.
The Tong Il company was built on the labor of church members, Lee said. "They never paid them, up until 1975," he said. "After '75, they started paying low wages."
Church members would frequently live in company dormitories, rising at 5 a.m. to pray before photographs of "the Real Father and Real Mother," Lee and Tahk said, meaning Moon and his wife. Nonchurch members came under strong pressure to convert.
In recent years, however, Tong Il has recruited more nonchurch members with technological skills and military backgrounds, a company official said. The official said that only 5 percent of the work force now belongs to the church.
Last summer, Tong Il endured two months of damaging strikes at its factories on the southern coast. One issue, Lee said, was non-church members' complaints about discrimination in promotions, a charge the company official denied.
"My judgment is that they had more-than-average damage from labor disputes last year," stock analyst Kim Goon Ho said. The strikes have accelerated automation plans, according to the company.
Moon's best-known company in South Korea is not Tong Il, but its affiliate, Il Hwa Co., meaning "One Peace." Il Hwa, with 2,500 employees, is the nation's largest exporter of ginseng, a native root said to have health-enhancing properties, and recently moved successfully out of the health foods market with the soft drink McCol.
Il Hwa is not listed on the stock market and is believed to be owned entirely by the church and its foundation. Its sales increased from $51 million in 1985 and $69 million in 1986 to an estimated $132 million last year, according to the Management Efficiency Research Institute.
"The ultimate goal of Il Hwa is to enhance the health and happiness of all mankind," the company said.
The church foundation also owns 44.5 percent of the Il Shin Co. (meaning One Belief), which makes decorative pagodas and religious objects out of stone and marble. The company sells most of the objects in Japan, where its hard-sell tactics -- warning of disaster if pagodas are not purchased -- and markups of 1,000 percent or more have brought criticism from some consumer groups.
Recently, the company has diversified into production of building materials for domestic use.
A fourth company, Hankook Titanium, is 26.1 percent owned by the church foundation and 24 percent owned by a related foundation in Japan, according to stock records. The company, which recently benefited from a government decision to bar DuPont from building a similar plant in South Korea, makes materials used in paint and other industrial products.
Tahk said that Moon controls more than 50 firms altogether, while Business Korea identified 23 such firms. Their interests include fishing, construction, trading, water bottling, brickmaking, jewelry handicrafts, machinery sales and printing and publishing. The church recently applied for permission to publish a daily newspaper in Seoul, according to the Korean press.
In addition, the church is a major holder of real estate. On one of the most valuable plots of land in Seoul -- a $200 million lot near the National Assembly -- the church has unsuccessfully sought government permission for a 100-story skyscraper.
Staff reporter Michael Isikoff contributed to this report.
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Where are the missing chapters of the Six Marys book?
I highly recommend this blog for members who are starting to question the history of the church. It appears to be updated fairly infrequently and recently while browsing the introduction, I was bowled over by this statement:
"Remarks from Constant Friend Publishing • Editorial Department
Mr Pak Chong-hwa’s manuscript was enormous with about 6,000 pages of 200 characters per page. He wrote down his conversations with Mr Sun Myung Moon, and the contents of their meals. It is a valuable record for understanding the early period of the Unification Church. However the document has been drastically cut down for general readers.
All names in the document are real, except for the names of female believers who had special close relationships with Mr Sun Myung Moon. They have been given pseudonyms (* at the beginning of each chapter) in consideration of their families and relatives. In principle people’s titles have been abbreviated."
What the hell? That means that we have received an edited version of Chun Hwa Pak's book. Why? What was held back? For a six thousand page manuscript apparently a lot was deemed inappropriate for public consumption. Who exactly made that decision? I read further to Mr. Pak's introduction and this jumps out at me:
"However, on the other hand I also felt anxiety and concern. At that time the political situation of Korea was that it was under a military government. Some in powerful positions, or with authority, in the army were in communication with the church behind the scenes. There was no way they would permit such a publication.
Mr. Tahk Myeong-hwan who wrote the “recommendation” for this book is an example. Mr. Tahk, who has continued his criticism of the Unification Church, was one day kidnapped by the KCIA and was beaten on his back. This left a big scar that will never go away in his life. Even after this, Mr. Tahk has persevered.
In my case the problem is different. I do not fear repression through power and violence. I am now 81 years old and I am not well. I am recuperating from cerebral infarction. With my difficulties I fight as best I can. As this is equivalent to my last message – which I will write with every drop of life left in me, I no longer fear for my life, but my purpose cannot be fulfilled if I am killed before I achieve the publication of this book."
Wow. This is a very different tone than what Mr. Pak expressed in his retraction to the Japanese. I also understand that Professor Tahk was later murdered by another obscure cult member. 
What could possibly be more despicable and lowly than what we have been exposed to in the Tragedy of the Six Marys? Why is it being hidden from the world? We don't see that many six thousand page manuscripts so I am betting that a lot of information is being suppressed by powerful people both in Korea and the United States. I think the members of the Unification Church who were induced to sacrifice so much for the cause deserve to know the whole truth. Do you have any thoughts John Reed?
Frank F
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Recommendation for the Tragedy of the Six Marys book by Tahk Myeong-hwan
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▲ Tahk Myeong-hwan was murdered a few months after the book was published.
Director of the International Institute for Religious Studies Resident of Seoul

— There is no statute of limitations for truth and justice —
extract from his Recommendation:
A copy of the handwritten draft of the Unification Church’s founding principles by its leader, Sun Myung Moon, was sent to me, and I published it in the monthly magazine “Modern Religion.” I later contacted the person who sent the materials, and eventually met Mr. Pak Chung-hwa. As he shared his experiences during the early days with Sun Myung Moon, he said, “I want to clarify everything before I die.”
[Pak Chung-hwa started following Sun Myung Moon after they met in Heungnam labor camp in 1949. However, in 1962] Pak had become disillusioned when he was betrayed by Moon and he left the Unification Church. Possibly because the church saw value in him [and felt they could use him,] they pressured Pak to get involved again [and, in 1981] he could no longer resist their tactics. He felt he had no choice but to return to the Unification Church. But he had promised to reveal the truth someday and has since parted from the church.
Nearly a decade later, in the early summer of 1993 just as my memory of him was beginning to fade, he came to visit me, along with a friend. At that time he brought a thick package full of manuscripts.
Mr Pak spoke to me with tragic resolve. “I am now 81 years old and I don’t know when I will die. I have always thought that I must state the truth before I pass away. I wrote this with the mindset of writing my last will and testament.”
As I took the time to read the manuscript, I couldn’t suppress the anger and hatred that welled up from the bottom of my heart towards Moon. The reason being Pak had vividly exposed the actual mixed sex [pikareum] practices, which previously I had only heard stories about. Moreover, it was a raw description of things he had seen and experienced while closely following Leader Moon like a shadow [as his right hand man]. Mr. Pak confessed that he had also engaged in so-called “restoration sex” in the same room as Moon, under his guidance. It took great courage for him to expose the true nature of Moon’s “Restoration Principle” while confessing his own shameful participation in the rituals.
The publication of this book will likely deal a significant blow by revealing the immorality of Sun Myung Moon and challenging the religious foundation of the Unification Church. Even if the statute of limitations for legal punishment has passed, the statute of limitations for conscience is eternal. There is no statute of limitations for truth and justice.
In the end, the Unification Church’s “principles” were established on the foundation of Leader Moon’s sex doctrines [which are coded in the Divine Principle and Moon’s speeches]. It is clear that if the sex teachings collapse, his other doctrines will also collapse in a chain reaction. ...
Note: this translation from the Japanese has been edited from machine translations.
六マリアの悲劇  本の紹介
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Violent Direct Action in the Unification Church in Korea
Seeing Hyung Jin Moon and Sanctuary Church members at the Capitol last week was no surprise. Not only because his own violent rhetoric that encourages martyrdom for Trump, but because “direct action” has been used by the Unification Church throughout its history. Many times these demonstrations were merely symbolic or peaceful, such as the Pure Love rallies and the “Forgive, Love, Unite” campaign, but other times the church has used force and violence to have their demands met.
Hyung Jin was emerging as a church leader, a year after publishing Bald Head and a Strawberry, when 700 Unification Church members occupied the offices of Dong-A Ilbo, a newspaper. According to a church journal:
“Unificationists’ violent demonstration against biased reporting (2006): This happened after the monthly magazine Shin Dong A published news that libeled the Unification Church after a reporter had secretly entered Chung Pyung. The story cited only the opinions of ex-Unification members without any official reflection of the church. Thereupon, about 700 Unification members demonstrated in front of the Shin Dong A building to ask the company’s apology; then they broke into the offices and destroyed some office materials. This incident was reported by 5 daily newspapers, and all articles were negative except for the Segye Times.” [1]
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This destructive demonstration rekindled the public memory of the church’s violence in Korea.
Tahk, a minister and anti-cult activist, was giving a talk in a Korean Christian church on May 3, 1985, when his car was immobilized and a bomb installed. When he came out and opened the door, the bomb exploded. 
Just before the bomb exploded on  two vans belonging to the Unification Church Korean business called McCol were photographed leaving the scene of the crime.
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Even before this incident, Tahk had experienced repercussions for speaking out against the church. According to Pak Chung Hwa, “Mr. Tahk, who has continued his criticism of the Unification Church, was one day kidnapped by the KCIA and was beaten on his back. This left a big scar that will never go away in his life.”
In 1994, Tahk Myeong-hwan was beaten and murdered by members of a smaller cult, Yeongsaeng-kyo, as well as Im Hong-chin, a member of Dahn Yoga. That said, many believe Moon and the church were behind this murder, if not at least somehow connected. Tahk was murdered 4 weeks after Moon had named him as an opponent to church members. On the very same day, too, a man who had not listened to the instructions of Moon was also murdered.
This was a year after Pak Chung Hwa published “The Tragedy of the Six Marys,” which included many personal accounts of Moon’s corruption, and very negatively affected public perception church in Japan and Korea. (In 1995, the church paid Pak to publicly recount the book, despite much of the testimonies belonging to other ex-members.) In 1988 Yi Dae-bok gave a talk criticizing the Unification Church, after which he was abducted and beaten up for which he needed 40 days of hospital treatment.
Moon always maintained connections with both violent right-wing elements and organized crime throughout his career, in Korea, Japan, and the US. None of this is new. None of this is a surprise. Hyung Jin is barely a heretic. 
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From left to right: Professor Myeong-hwan Tahk from Seoul (An expert on Korean new religions who has been quoted in media all around the world. He was murdered by a cult member a few months after this photograph was taken.), the Korean lady who translated, Mr. Hyo-min Eu (A founder member of the Unification Church; one of the first 36 couples “blessed” by Moon; he left the UC in the 1970s.), Mr. Chung-hwa Pak, Mr. Atsuo Nakamura (Member of the Japanese parliament, novelist and a very well-known actor.), Professor Asami Sadao of Tohoku Gakuin University in Sendai (He taught there for more than 40 years.) and Yoshifu Arita (At that time he was a well-known journalist. He also later became a member of the Japanese parliament.). 
1. Chan Park, “Public Opinion of the Unification Movement in Korea: 1990-2006”, Journal of Unification Studies Volume VIII - 2007
HWDYKYM: tagged posts on UC Violence HWDYKYM: Tahk Myeong-hwan was attacked with a car bomb HWDYKYM: Freedom of the Press in Korea – Unification Church style Testimony of Tahk Myeong-hwan who was murdered HWDYKYM: Abducted and beaten up by the Unification Church in Korea HWDYKYM: UC members sent more than 200 text messages to Cho’s cell phone, saying, “We’ll kill you.” HWDYKYM: In 1975 Korean Unification Church members physically attacked many Christian pastors HWDYKYM: Top FFWPU leader who left - Yoshikazu Soejima, was interviewed by the Washington Post in 1984 - discusses 100 members barging into his office, including 30 members of karate groups, beating up employees and stealing papers. He was later attacked outside of his home and was repeatedly stabbed
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Recommendation / Endorsement for the book, The Tragedy of the Six Marys
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▲ Tahk Myeong-hwan 卓 明煥(タク・ミョンファン)Resident of Seoul
by Tahk Myeong-hwan Director of the International Institute of Religious Studies
Recommendation / Endorsement
— There is no statute of limitations on reality and truth —
It was around the early 1980s.
Under the military dictatorship the doctrine of “anti-communism” was strongly taught. The Unification Church (note: In Korea this is the Unification Church Association) has been in close contact with the parasitic political powers. It was about the time of intimidation against me by the Unification Church, and after reluctantly experiencing the “Issue of an apology statement to the Unification Church,” I would have been depressed without the support of the stalwart Korean Christian community.
Mr. Pak Chung-hwa sent me a copy of the early principles of Unification Church Leader Sun Myung Moon. I published the principles in the monthly magazine, “Modern Religion”. Then I contacted Mr. Pak by letter and following that we met. He spoke to me about his early experiences with Sun Myung Moon and said, “Before I die I want to make everything clear”.
[Pak Chung-hwa started following Sun Myung Moon in Heungnam in 1949.] He became disillusioned with the doctrines of Leader Moon and left the Unification Church [in 1962]. Then he started wondering if the Unification Church was worthwhile. He couldn’t overcome a compulsion to go to the church; he felt he had no choice but to join the Unification Church again, which he did [in 1981] . He finally left [in 1986], promising to someday reveal the truth.
Nearly a decade later, in the early summer of 1993, he came to visit me, along with a friend. It was just as my memory of him was beginning to fade. At that time he brought a package containing a thick manuscript.
Mr Pak spoke to me with tragic resolve. “I am now 81 years old and I don’t know when I’m going to die. I have always thought that I must state the facts before I pass away. I wrote this with the feeling that I am writing my final will before I leave this world.”
As I took the time to read the manuscript he had written, I couldn’t stop feeling deep anger and hatred from the bottom of my heart towards Religious Leader Moon. The reason was that the actual reality of the mixed sex [the pikareum sex rituals], which I had heard stories about up to that time, was now nakedly revealed.
What’s more, while following Leader Moon like a shadow [as his right hand man], Mr Pak has seen and directly experienced these things. His descriptions are first hand. In the same room, Mr Pak was encouraged by Leader Moon to have sex in front of Leader Moon – for the so-called “reversal of the fall”. It takes great courage to reveal the truth of Leader Moon’s “Principles of Restoration” while confessing to his own embarrassing participation in the rituals.
The publication of this book will have a major impact on the understanding of the morality of Leader Moon and the religious foundations of the Unification Church. Even if the statute of limitations for legal punishment has passed, the statute of limitations for appeals of conscience from the public is eternal. Reality and truth have no prescriptive time limit.
After all, the “principle” of the Unification Church is based on the [fall of man] sex teachings of Leader Moon, so it is clear that if the sex doctrine collapses, his other doctrines will collapse in a chain reaction.
While I was supervising this manuscript in Korea, impure Christian forces involved in the Esse religious group advertised in the Chosun Ilbo, bringing out an old story. However, the statute of limitations has already passed on “The Theory of The Transfer of Political Funds Related to the Unification Church” (regarding the 1987 presidential election). They were just stirring things up to punish me. But I had done my work in a safe way because there was no sin involved. Those who have sinned must be held responsible over time, but those who are innocent do not worry about being slandered, no matter how much that is done to them.
According to Mr. Pak’s notes, Leader Moon made many women weep and he robbed them of their their property to build the financial foundations of the Unification Church. The conclusion is that Unification Church’s fortune building activities were immoral.
The sexual acts, which were practiced in the early days by Leader Sun Myung Moon, are now subject to being judged, more than forty years later, by a more healthy (moral) society.
The only legal course of action after the publication of this book is for Sun Myung Moon, a natural man, to sue Pak Chung-hwa, a natural man. Then all the facts will be brought out in court. If Leader Moon remains silent, then he will implicitly be acknowledging all of the facts in this book. And we will learn again the natural truth that the sins we have committed will always, in the end, be judged.
I stand against Religious Leader Moon and on the 20th of July this year [1993] I wrote to him, “My apology to the Unification Church which was published in a Korean daily newspaper on September 8, 1978 is not valid because it was made under compulsion and intimidation from the Unification Church and you should not misuse it anymore.” I sent proof of the contents to Leader Sun Myung Moon.
I hope the reader can understand the painful challenges I have been through because of the Unification Church.
Finally, I would like to pay tribute to the courage of Mr. Pak Chung-hwa, who wrote this book, and his decision to publish it. I hope that through this book as many people as possible will learn about the real face and identity of Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, which has been hidden for so long. I recommend the book to you so that you can come to know the truth.
August 26, 1993
Editor’s Note from page 4: Mr. Tahk Myeong-hwan is a leading expert in comparative religion studies and the study of emerging religions in Korea. He is especially familiar with the internal realities of Christian heresies such as the Unification Church Association. Despite persecution which has involved being seriously injured by KCIA torture and a car bombing by terrorists, he persists in explaining the true facts.
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▲ Tahk Myeong-hwan in hospital after the bomb attached to his car exploded. Two vehicles connected to the Unification Church were photographed leaving the scene of the crime. The central photo is of his car.
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
The Tragedy of the Six Marys – Introduction
Testimony of Tahk Myeong-hwan who was murdered
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Tahk Myeong-hwan was murdered four weeks after Sun Myung Moon spoke about him as an opponent.
11月4日 草創期からの文鮮明の弟子、朴正華(パク・チョンファ)が恒友出版より『六マリアの悲劇―真のサタンは、文鮮明だ!!』を刊行。文鮮明が自らの教えを利用して、多くの女性信者と性的関係を持ったことを告発する内容。
On November 4, 1993 Pak Chung-hwa, who was a follower of Sun Myung Moon from the early years, published “The Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!” (by Constant Friend Publishing). The content included the accusation that Sun Myung Moon used his own teachings exploitatively to have sexual relationships with many women followers.
[Tahk Myeong-hwan wrote the introduction to this book.]
1994 1月21日 文鮮明が統一教会の反対運動をしていた卓明煥(タン・ミョンファン)と文鮮明の指示を無視して政党をつくろうとした人物が同年2月18日という同じ日に死んだ(卓は新興宗教団体の信者に殺害された)ことに言及し、教団に反対する者はみな、霊界に連れて行かれるという旨の発言をする。
46 a b  卓明煥「統一教、その実相」
On January 21, 1994 Sun Myung Moon spoke about Tahk Myeong-hwan who was opposing the Unification Church. On February 18th of the same year Tahk died. (Tahk was murdered by members of a new religious group). On the very same day a man who had not listened to the instructions of Sun Myung Moon, and wanted to make a political party, also died.
Moon specifically mentioned that those who oppose the cult will be taken to the spirit world.
46 a b Tahk Myeong-hwan [book] “The Reality of the Unification Church”
LINK to Japanese source of above quotes
In Korea many Christian leaders, to this day, suspect that Sun Myung Moon was behind the murder of Tahk Myeong-hwan.
Dr. Tahk was murdered by one or two thugs who beat him with an iron pipe and stabbed him with a long knife outside his 2nd floor home in Seoul.
This murder is connected to 永生教 “Yeongsaeng-gyo” Eternal Life Church which was founded by 曺熙星 Cho Hee-seong (1931-2004).
JoongAng Daily of Korea described the group in an article dated May 26, 2014: “A Christian doomsday cult in the 1980s called Yeongsaeng-gyo, literally “Eternal Life [Church],” ended badly after founder and leader Cho Hee-seong was charged with extorting money and labor from his believers and ordering some to kidnap and murder nine people who were trying to flee the religion or who slandered Cho. He was declared not guilty of murder due to a lack of evidence but was sentenced to two years in prison for harboring convicts. He died of a heart attack in prison in 2004.”  LINK to JoongAng Daily
Dahn Yoga or Dahn World, which originated in Korea, is also connected to the murder of Dr. Tahk. Apparently a man called Im Hong-chin from Dahn Yoga was jailed for the crime.
Video: “He was attacked by a Korean member of the Dahn World sect” LINK TO VIDEO
The leader of Dahn World, Lee Il-chi, became very rich, and there were legal claims from women who said he had sexually abused them. (Dahn is the Korean for “energy”.)
Were Sun Myung Moon and Lee Il-chi connected?
Lee Il-chi 李一指 (born Lee Seung-heun 李承憲 ) “reportedly had help from Hwa-young Moon, a Korean woman who joined Dahn in the late 1980s and whipped [the theology] into shape; she knew a good deal about the enlightenment trade, having grown up in the “Moonies,” the Unification Church.” (Rolling Stone magazine, 2010 LINK)
“During the day time, Lee attended college, and … studied with Unification Church’s Divine Principle study group looking for answers in the bible.” (“Dahn Hak” written by Lee Il-chi, page 199)
From www.freedomofmind.com: “While I was seeking Tao at Moak mountain, I attended Unification Church. … I opened up a Unification Church Il-Wha spring water franchise, but it failed so I had to sell my house.
…Lee first opened his eyes to the enlightenment in 1980. According to Dahn World, President Lee achieved his “Great Connection with the Heaven” on July 15th 1980 at Moak Mountain behind his wife Sim Journg-Sook’s birth home.”
[similar to Moon’s 1936 ‘revelation from Jesus’ on a mountain – LINK ]
In 1980 Lee changed his name from 李承憲, Lee Seung-heun to Lee Ilchi 李一指. Ilchi means “finger pointing to the truth.” [Moon changed his name.]
Lee left two sons and his wife. [Moon left his first wife and young son in 1946.]
Yoga at Cheongpyeong in 2016. Beware of the related Dahn Yoga group.
Tahk Myeong-hwan was offered a bribe of $450,000 to discontinue research into the Unification Church
Tahk Myeong-hwan was attacked with a car bomb
28年間、統一教会やKCIAと戦った卓明煥の証言   /  Tahk Myeong-hwan fought against the UC and KCIA for 28 years (until he was murdered by two cult members).
統一教의 實相 과 그 虛像
“In Korea, one even senses a fear, like one induced by the Mafia, among the opposition, and … outspoken opponents speak of death threats.” Prof. Sontag, 1976
In 1975 Korean Unification Church members physically attacked many Christian pastors
The Korean regime imprisoned former Unification Church members who revealed the inner workings of the UC
UC members sent more than 200 text messages to Cho’s cell phone, saying, “We’ll kill you.”
Abducted and beaten up by the Unification Church in Korea
1. Freedom of the Press in Korea – Unification Church style
2. Freedom of the Press in Japan – Unification Church style
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Critic of ‘pseudo-religion’ beaten and stabbed to death focuses attention (1994)
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▲ Reverend Tahk Myeong-hwan
Korea March 18, 1994
The death of a Protestant theologian who attained prominence as a severe critic of pseudo-religious sects has focused attention on the state of the Korean religious community.
Reverend Tahk Myeong-hwan, 56, was beaten and stabbed to death near his apartment house in northern Seoul the night of Feb. 18 in a possible retaliatory attack by a fanatic from a certain quasi-religious sect.
An estimated 300-400 sects or cults are currently thriving outside established religious structures in Korea, according to scholars of religions. Some scholars refer to these groups as “new religions.”
Many of the cults are formed around a single, charismatic individual. Much scandal has resulted from former members or relatives of members of such groups charging the leaders with fraud and manipulation of followers. These are the type Reverend Tahk made a 30-year career out of exposing.
Reverend Tahk was slain only three days after he appeared on television criticizing the pseudo-Christian Yongsaeng-gyo (Everlasting Life Church), whose leader was arrested on charges of fraud in early February.
The night he was murdered, Reverend Tahk was returning home from a meeting with former Yongsaeng-gyo members and the human rights committee of the opposition Democratic Party in Anyang, south of Seoul.
Many social and religious leaders mourned his death. Among them were Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou Hwan of Seoul; Reverend Han Kyung-jik of the Yongnak Presbyterian Church; Reverend Song Wolju, a Buddhist leader; and Kim To-hyun, vice minister for culture and sports.
Since establishing the International Religious Research Institute in the 1960s to battle pseudo-religions, Reverend Tahk had been threatened, attacked or injured more than 70 times because of his intensive and caustic exposés.
Since the turn of the century, a large number of sects or new religions have taken root in this country, leading one sociologist to label generally homogeneous South Korea “the supermarket of world religions.”
About 1.5 million people adhere to these new religions, according to Lee Kwang-ho, professor emeritus at Chonbuk University in the southern provincial capital of Chonju. Some put the figure at 2 million.
In his 1992 book “General Guide to New Religions in Korea,” Lee identifies 390 pseudo-religious sects. He says 78 are associated with Buddhism, 76 with Christianity and 36 are cults for Tangun, the founding father of Korea. Of the latter, 10 are of foreign origin, according to the book.
The scandals caused by some of these groups rock society from time to time.
The foremost example was the Dami Missionary Church in 1992. Its leader declared that the world would end Oct. 28, 1992, and he persuaded followers to turn over billions of won in cash and property to him.
When police arrested him on fraud charges, they found securities and bonds scheduled to mature in 1995.
Some religious researchers say the mushrooming of pseudo-religions mirrors the insecurity and vulnerability of Korean society overshadowed by materialism and false messiahs. END
❖ Dr. Frederick Sontag was Professor of Philosophy at Pomona College, where he worked from 1952 to 2009. He spent ten months researching the Unification Church during which time he traveled to three continents. In September 1976 he visited Korea. In 1977 he met Rev Moon for a long interview. His book: ‘Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church’ was published later the same year.
page 97 Who’s afraid of Sun Myung Moon? It is fascinating to see Sun Myung Moon receive intense devotion and love from his followers and at the same time draw derision bordering on hatred from those outside. In Korea, one even senses a fear, like one induced by the Mafia, among the opposition, and in this country the outspoken opponents speak of death threats.
❖ Here is some information from Japanese Wikipedia:
Tahk Myeong-hwan was murdered four weeks after Sun Myung Moon spoke about him as an opponent.
1993 11月4日 草創期からの文鮮明の弟子、朴正華(パク・チョンファ)が恒友出版より『六マリアの悲劇―真のサタンは、文鮮明だ!!』を刊行。文鮮明が自らの教えを利用して、多くの女性信者と性的関係を持ったことを告発する内容。
On November 4, 1993 Pak Chung-hwa, who was a follower of Sun Myung Moon from the early years, published “The Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!” (by Constant Friend Publishing). The content included the accusation that Sun Myung Moon used his own teachings exploitatively to have sexual relationships with many women followers.
[Professor Tahk wrote the introduction to the Japanese edition of “The Tragedy of the Six Marys”]
1994 1月21日 文鮮明が統一教会の反対運動をしていた卓明煥(タン・ミョンファン)と文鮮明の指示を無視して政党をつくろうとした人物が同年2月18日という同じ日に死んだ(卓は新興宗教団体の信者に殺害された)ことに言及し、教団に反対する者はみな、霊界に連れて行かれるという旨の発言をする。
46 ab  卓明煥「統一教、その実相」
On January 21, 1994 Sun Myung Moon spoke about Tahk Myeong-hwan who was opposing the Unification Church. On February 18th of the same year Tahk died. (Tahk was murdered by members of a new religious group). On the very same day a man who had not listened to the instructions of Sun Myung Moon, and wanted to make a political party, also died. Moon specifically mentioned that those who oppose the cult will be taken to the spirit world.
46 ab Tahk Myeong-hwan [book] “The Reality of the Unification Church”
LINK to Japanese source of above quotes
In Korea many Christian leaders, to this day, suspect that Sun Myung Moon was behind the murder of Tahk Myeong-hwan.
Testimony of Tahk Myeong-hwan who was murdered (with an extensive photo section from one of his books)
Some further HWDYKYM research on the murder of Tahk Myeong-hwan
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Sun Myung Moon spoke about Tahk Myeong-hwan 4 weeks before Tahk was murdered
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▲ Tahk Myeong-hwan in 1979
On January 21, 1994 Sun Myung Moon spoke about Tahk Myeong-hwan who was opposing the Unification Church. On February 18th of the same year Tahk died. (Tahk was murdered by members of a new religious group). On the very same day a man who had not listened to the instructions of Sun Myung Moon, and wanted to make a political party, also died.
Moon specifically mentioned that those who oppose the cult will be taken to the spirit world.
46 a b Tahk Myeong-hwan [book] “The Reality of the Unification Church”
1994 1月21日 文鮮明が統一教会の反対運動をしていた卓明煥(タン・ミョンファン)と文鮮明の指示を無視して政党をつくろうとした人物が同年2月18日という同じ日に死んだ(卓は新興宗教団体の信者に殺害された)ことに言及し、教団に反対する者はみな、霊界に連れて行かれるという旨の発言をする。
46 a b  卓明煥「統一教、その実相」
LINK to Japanese source of above quotes
“In Korea, one even senses a fear, like one induced by the Mafia, among the opposition, and … outspoken opponents speak of death threats.” Professor Sontag, 1976
Philosopher/theologian/author Frederick Sontag was uniquely qualified to write about the Unification Church. He spent ten months and traveled three continents looking at this church. In September 1976 he visited Korea.
Dr. Sontag, was Professor of Philosophy at Pomona College, where he worked from 1952 to 2009. He had also been chairman of the department (1960–67 and 1976–77) and chairman of the Committee on Honors Study (1961–70).
In 1977 he met Rev Moon for a long interview. His book: ‘Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church’ was published later the same year.
page 87 I spent one day interviewing people outside the church [in Korea] through contacts I had made before leaving America. These varied from impartial “old Korea hands” to bitter, fearful, and hostile opponents who talked darkly of reprisals.
page 88 Interview with a non-church member: “At that time real bad rumors were going around about this Moon.”
page 97 Who’s afraid of Sun Myung Moon? 
It is fascinating to see Sun Myung Moon receive intense devotion and love from his followers and at the same time draw derision bordering on hatred from those outside. In Korea, one even senses a fear, like one induced by the Mafia, among the opposition, and in this country the outspoken opponents speak of death threats.
His followers project more on to him than he claims. To them he is a symbol and focus of what is good. To outsiders he appears the perfect embodiment of the Antichrist. Who is this man? Should we fear or love him?
Testimony of Tahk Myeong-hwan who was murdered (includes many photos from a book on the Unification Church he published in 1979)
Dr Tahk was interviewed on Japanese national TV. He was asked about the sex rituals of the Unification Church See:
The Tragedy of the Six Marys VIDEO transcript in English
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Newsweek on the many Korean messiahs of the 1970s
Newsweek magazine        April 26, 1976
Each Sunday, a group of twenty men and women gathers for worship on the top floor of a modern office building in downtown Seoul, South Korea. Bodies shaking, they weep between prayers and raise clenched fists to the ceiling. They are members of the Jehovah’s Saeil (New Work) Church, praying for the resurrection of their founder, the Rev. Yi Yu-Song, who drowned four years ago. Across town, followers of the Church of the East twist their bodies from east to west in an imitation of solar movement. They pray in front of a curtain that conceals their leader, Noh Yong-Gu, who they believe is linked to God. Six miles outside Seoul, in his Castle of the Millennium, Park Tae-Seon conducts an emotional service with drums beating and people shouting. His 30,000 followers believe that Park, 61, is the second Messiah and a personification of one of the olive trees mentioned in the Bible.
Yi Yu-Song, Noh Yong-Gu and Park Tae-Seon are three of a dozen self-proclaimed messiahs who have appeared in South Korea since the Korean War. Only the Rev. Sun Myung Moon has so far brought his message to the U.S., but other leaders, ranging from a 68-year-old man who claims to he the “Second Son of God” to Yi Myong-Hui, a youth called Baby Jesus by his admirers, are drawing Korean converts every day. Tahk Myeong-hwan, director of the New Religions Research Institute, has found at least 302 religious sects flourishing around Seoul, including 64 associated with the Christian faith; estimates of their followers run as high as 1.4 million.
Lately, however, some of the new cults have come under suspicion. One of the self-styled redeemers is in prison serving a five-year sentence for swindling; two others are being sought by the police for similar crimes. Last February, Ku In-Hoe, leader of the 2,000-member Heavenly Gospel Tabernacle Church, was arrested on suspicion of selling $1,000 “absolution tickets” to 800 followers (he died in police custody). The incident touched off a national scandal and prompted public calls for action. “Many of these new religions are sowing seeds of social unrest,” stormed a pro-government newspaper, the Kyunghyang Shinmun. “They should be vigorously investigated not only to uproot social evils, but also to purify whole religious circles.”
Most of Korea’s new religions blend Christianity with Asian mysticism; they tend to promise immediate salvation and complete economic security. Their followers, for the most part, are farmers, factory workers and small merchants, largely from uneducated, lower-income classes. Many of them are peasants who have moved to the area around Seoul. “Koreans are vulnerable because they have a strong shamanistic heritage,” says Samuel Shahoon Shin, a respected theologian at Seoul National University. “This particular trait has been fed over the centuries by recurring foreign invasions and economic hardships, encouraging people to depend on supernatural power for salvation.”
Soap: The most successful of the new religions is the Rev. Park Tae-Seon’s Olive Cult, with 10,000 more followers than the Rev. Moon has in Korea. Park has three communes outside Seoul and Pusan that include apartments, schools, factories, farms and a profitable soap industry (Park recently blessed a shipment of 50,000 cakes of Zion Soap). His communards circulate their own currency and are policed by their own authorities. The Castle of the Millennium commune even has its own cemetery, dotted with hundreds of graves.
Like Moon, Park has drawn charges of brainwashing, mistreating his young followers and profiteering. Tahk Myeong-hwan of the New Religions Institute recently submitted a report to the government that recommends that criminal charges be filed over alleged labor exploitation by the Moon and Park cults. He also called for an investigation of rumors about their alleged ritual sex and a probe of possible tax evasions. Korea’s established churches have not been particularly vigorous in attacking the new religions; they have published a few critical statements but nothing more. The government newspaper, The Seoul Shinmun, claims it is the “established churches with their divisiveness and corruption that have helped bring about a plethora of new sects.” It called upon the churches to mount an evangelical campaign to expose the new religions.
Meanwhile, the followers of the new religions grow more avid each day as new prophets replace the old ones. Ahn Duk-Won, 29, says he became a Park follower after seeing Park make the stiff arms of a dead man move. “God sent Moses and Noah during Old Testament time to work miracles,” explained the ex-farmer, “but now He has given us the Reverend Park.”
Moon’s followers poured a pot of urine and feces on the head of a Seoul University Professor of Religion, Samuel Shahoon Shin.
“In Korea, one even senses a fear, like one induced by the Mafia, among the opposition, and … outspoken opponents speak of death threats.” Prof. Sontag, 1976
In 1975 Korean Unification Church members physically attacked many Christian pastors
Abducted and beaten up by the Unification Church in Korea
UC members sent more than 200 text messages to Cho’s cell phone, saying, “We’ll kill you.”
“In Korea, one even senses a fear, like one induced by the Mafia, among the opposition, and … outspoken opponents speak of death threats.” Prof. Sontag, 1976
1. Freedom of the Press in Korea – Unification Church style
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Family Federation – just one example of their harassment and intimidation of Christians
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The date is probably October 1983. The images are frames from a video.
The pastor of this church in Kyoto, Japan, knew nothing about the Unification Church prior to this meeting. (The UC organization now calls itself the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.) The pastor had been asked by a friend if Tahk Myeong-hwan could give a talk there, since his church was large. After his experience, he realised that the Unification Church was an unpleasant organisation that needed to be exposed.
Prior to Tahk Myeong-hwan giving his talks in Japan, a Christian newspaper article showed photographs of Moon, with two women, bowing to a pig's head. The women are his wife Hak-ja Han, and Won-pok Choi with whom Moon and a long and close relationship. She was known as "Second Mother." The newspaper explained that this was a shamanistic ritual and not Christian. The pig is a fertile animal and has many piglets. It is a shamanistic ritual to bow to pig's heads to ask for fertility and for many children. Similar newspaper articles were published in several newspapers in Japan and Korea. [see pig link below]
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There were about 150 Unification Church / Family Federation demonstrators outside the Kyoto church. They tried to push their way into the church. It was thought that many of them were CARP members, some from Kobe.
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They were giving out leaflets and marching around with placards. The police were called and fortunately they came quickly. They protected the church. One demonstrator was arrested by the police for assault. The UC leader was also arrested for organizing a demonstration without having a permit.
The placards read:
ユダより悪徳 卓明煥 “Tahk Myeong-hwan is more evil than Judas”
"Tahk Myeong-hwan is the Devil"
"Shame on you to criticise us"
"We do not forgive you, Mr Tahk Myeong-hwan"
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The UC have a van with loudspeakers and slogans:
宗教弾圧を糾弾する   “Condemn religious repression”
信教の自由を守ろう “Protect the freedom of religion” 卓明煥による宗教迫害を糾弾する   “Denounce religious persecution by Tahk Myeong-hwan”
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Police re-enforcements arrive.
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Inside the church Tahk Myeong-hwan, on the left, begins his message. He says that the Unification Church follow the Divine Principle, and not the Bible in any orthodox Christian sense.
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At this point, a member of the audience (thought to be Korean) starts shouting “That is a lie. We do believe in the Bible.” He runs to the front and hits Tahk Myeong-hwan, injuring him on his hand. The assailant is led away. Tahk Myeong-hwan continues his talk. 
Tahk Myeong-hwan also gave a talk in Kobe. At the last minute they secretly changed the venue which frustrated the Unification Church demonstrators who turned up to the wrong venue.
A Unification Church member was photographed at another demonstration with a stone in his hand, waiting to throw it at Tahk Myeong-hwan.
Testimony of Tahk Myeong-hwan who was murdered
Moon and two “wives” bow to a pig’s head
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Sun Myung Moon – Restoration through Incest
The FFWPU is unequivocally not Christian
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
The Unification Church and shamanism. At its heart the UC is not Christian; but it presents a Christian facade.
Sun Myung Moon – Emperor, and God
FFWPU Holy Grounds and the Shamanic Guardians of the Five Directions
Shamanism: The Spirit World of Korea Any understanding of the so-called New Religions of Korea would be difficult without some knowledge of shamanistic influences upon them.
Moon: “It is not me that decided D-day, which is January 13th, 2013. The God of Night and the God of Day decided it together and so nobody can change it.”
Moon is God’s original sperm
Drumming at Cheongpyeong invites spirits in
Hak Ja Han had to stand in the archangel position while Sun Myung Moon restored the first three wives through pikareum sex as a condition for the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”
Tahk Myeong-hwan was murdered four weeks after Sun Myung Moon spoke about him as an opponent.
“In Korea, one even senses a fear, like one induced by the Mafia, among the opposition, and … outspoken opponents speak of death threats.” Prof. Sontag, 1976
Moon’s followers poured a pot of urine and feces on the head of a Seoul University Professor of Religion.
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church – Kirsti L. Nevalainen
Hananim and other Spirits in Korean Shamanism
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whatisonthemoon · 3 years
It is a fact that Mr Pak’s good friend, Professor Myeong-hwan Tahk, who had contributed a four page ‘Endorsement’ to the beginning of The Six Marys, was murdered in February 1994. That was just a few months after The Six Marys was published in Japan. Because Professor Tahk was well known and highly respected for his research and expertise, his endorsement of The Six Marys had given it greater credibility. Professor Tahk had himself written several books about the UC. He was in a position to know clearly if the contents of The Six Marys were factual and verifiable. Professor Tahk can be seen on the left at a press conference in Japan which supported Mr Pak and promoted the publication of The Six Marys book.
Chung-hwa Pak did not write “I am a Traitor”
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The merging of the teaching with powerful emotional experiences – Allen Tate Wood
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Allen Tate Wood, author, lecturer and consultant on the cult phenomenon, interviewed at North Texas State University in the summer of 1985.
Tom Waldren: When would the prospective candidate first become aware that this was the Moonies, that this was a religious cult?
Allen Tate Wood: Well, they may never be aware. My wife was never aware. She said after ten days with the Moonies, ‘Thank God you lied to me in the beginning. If you hadn’t lied to me in the beginning I never would have joined.’ I worked with a boy in 1978 who was a freshman at Yale, and he had come out of the Moonies, and he had been in it for 30 days, he’d been in a Unification Church training center in Northern California for 30 days and he’d never heard the name Sun Myung Moon. He’d never heard reference to the Moonies. He was in the organization. He didn’t even know what the name of the organization was. He was told it was the Creative Community Project. But the environment of the cult training center is designed to overthrow you, to overwhelm you and the variables that are operating there are this control. It’s control of communication, control of movement, control of language. Ultimately the attempt to control your thinking. 
So if you want to conceptualize what goes on in a training session you can think of it very simply like this—on the one hand is the presentation of the group’s teaching, its ideology. They’re slowly filtering that into you over a period of three days. In addition to that, you have the behavioral regime. The psychological manipulation; the emotional manipulation; the controls; the piercing and penetrating of your defenses; the subterfuge and the deception which is used to get you to give us information about you so that we can use that very information to pull you closer to us. At the very end, you’ve had a lot of powerful emotional experiences. You’ve felt really drawn to this group. You’ve felt like there’s something really positive happening here. We then want to connect up the result of the psychological control and manipulation with our ideology to make you believe that your powerful experiences are the result of the truth of our teaching.
Tom Waldren: So, in essence it’s a breakdown.
Allen Tate Wood: That’s right.
Tom Waldren: And then?
Allen Tate Wood: And then it’s the merging of the teaching with these powerful emotional experiences and in the end we tell you, what’s happened to you Tom is, you haven’t just had a good time, but when you were crying yesterday and you were feeling kind of ecstatic, and then when you were just crying with grief this morning, you were meeting God. God himself is speaking to you through our teaching, through its truth. And at the very end, we give you this existential experience of God himself, and also the devil. And that’s very hard to get around. And we say, throughout the course of the weekend Tom, part of you has been drawn to us. Part of you has felt that this is wonderful, something good is happening here. Another part of you has thought, ‘Hey, wait a second, what’s going on here? This is kind of dinky? This is kind of weird. Why are these people so happy? Why are they so positive?’ We then tell you, that critical part of you is a devil. That is Satan trying to break your connection to us. So you are now at the center of the stage of world history and God himself is calling you to join with him in his work of restoration. To fight the satanic history, to fight communism, to stand for God, truth, the family, justice, peace—you know all these good things. And all you have to do, is just stay for another three days. We have another three day workshop where we are going to go more deeply into the teaching. And what we do is we go more deeply into manipulating and controlling you, into manufacturing these experiences which are now convincing you that you are in the hands of God.
Tom Waldren: So there’s an answer for everything.
Allen Tate Wood: There’s an answer for everything, and we could produce the same experiences with a totally different teaching. The teaching is not the critical thing. The critical thing is the environmental, the emotional, the psychological, the human control that we exert over you through a whole series of steps which are designed to destroy your own self-control. To destroy your autonomy, and to make you feel you have fallen into the hands on an absolute power that is totally competent to manage you and to decide for you who and what you should be and what you should do.
Tom Waldren: There was widespread fear when this became known that this was going on, this type of brainwashing thing, I think mainly from the parents. Did you ever encounter parents coming after their kids?
Allen Tate Wood: Not when I was in the Unification Church, well once or twice. But afterwards, Yeah, I met many, many parents whose children had joined the Unification Church or similar organizations. And their situation is a very difficult one. It’s very difficult to bring aid to people who have joined totalist social systems. In the first place they don’t believe in dialog. And in the second place the teaching of the groups explicitly states that anybody that disagrees with the group is satanic. So the young person inside the group is effectively trapped inside. They don’t have access to alternative information; they don’t have access to alternative authorities who could help them understand what has happened to them. They’re like flies in amber.
Allen Tate Wood on the Unification Church 1. Interview at North Texas State University (Summer 1985) 2. Deconstructing Extremism in 21st Century America (c. 2014) 3. Interview with Walter Evans in the Texas Metroplex (1985) 4. Moonstruck: A memoir of my life in a cult .   – Allen Tate Wood with Jack Vitek (1979)
Note: This video transcript has been slightly edited to improve readability.
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There are additional resources here:
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
Structure of the website:
There are six main menus and various submenus:
1. Book Content: The Tragedy of the Six Marys (9 pages)
2. Magazines Moon’s first wife; Japanese wife who killed Korean husband; Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’; Pikareum emerged at Ewha Womans University; Suicide of Moon money mule in Uruguay; Sam Park and his mother – Fall of the House of Moon; Jane Day Mook (US) & Hiroshi Yamaguchi (Japan) investigate. (10 pages)
3. Moon’s Theology, including Moon’s pikareum sex theology (5 items) Shamanism at the heart of the org. (See also Soon-ae Hong) (5 items) (Theology has 20 pages).
4. Investigations: Emperor of the Universe documentary; Moon’s six wives; Politics and Religion; US government investigations; Moon church human trafficking; Moon’s activities in Central and South America. (12 pages)
5. Testimonies, including “Ashamed to be Korean” Sam Park (one of Sun Myung Moon’s secret sons) page in German; Nansook Hong, (Her book is available in German); Japanese woman recruited and sold; Allen Tate Wood; Writings of former Moon church members (Index with links) Boonville submenu. Moonwebs book; Ford Greene and other Oakland recruits; Boonville history (10 items) Advice for those “Scared of Leaving”; Young-oon Kim left; The Identity of Sun Myung Moon by Kim Myung-hui (430 couple); Tahk Myeong-hwan was murdered; Japanese Olympic athlete joined and left. (Testimonies has 34 pages)
6. Extras, including Tragedy of the Six Marys video transcript, Spanish submenu (11 items), French submenu (7 items), Polish submenu (5 items), Ewha Womans University sex scandal, Moon was jailed (6 items) Exploitation and Abuse of the Japanese by the Moon church (9 items) submenu Sun Myung Moon’s Family (8 items) submenu Other Korean messiahs (6 items) Chung-hwa Pak did not write “I am a Traitor” (The UC of Japan published it) Moon claimed authority through his “meeting with Jesus” Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church Cult Indoctrination – and the Road to Recovery (20 items) (Extras has 63 pages)
Some of the above material has been translated from Japanese and to a lesser extent, Korean and Spanish. Many of the original documents can be found HERE Where a few of the translations have not been proofed, it is noted.
About 70% of The Tragedy of the Six Marys book has yet to be fully translated.  Chapter 7 IS complete.
The site is still under construction.
A SITE MAP is at the end of the home page.
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Sun Myung Moon “a man who hunts women (a sexual predator)” 1955 report
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▲ Professors Choi Won-bok (left) and Kim Young-oon (right) encouraged their students to get “restored” by Sun Myung Moon. Annie Choi is standing in front of Moon. She was the mother of Sam Park – one of Moon’s illegitimate children.
July 7, 1955   동아일보   Dong-a Ilbo (East Asia Daily News) Seoul
He posed as the son of God.
There are many women who have been sexually abused. The behavior of Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, continues to attract attention.
Following previous report – What is the identity of The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity which has suddenly drawn such a lot of attention to itself recently due to the arrest of its leader? Did Mr. Moon indeed sexually abuse women who believe in his religion? The authorities have disclosed the two charges against him: “avoiding military service” and “unlawful imprisonment” [of a 22 year-old female Yonsei university student, Choi Soon-shil, for three days. Moon dressed her in white and denied her food for those three days.]. After comprehensive discussion, and public criticism of Mr. Moon, here is some information about the religion:
◊ Indoctrination methods – New recruits have to listen to sermons about the teachings of the religion for 72 hours (three full days). The sermons are given by Church Leader Mr. Moon. The weekly lectures on Mr Moon’s doctrines start at 10 in the morning on a Monday and run until 10 in the morning on a Thursday. If anyone doubts the teachings and wants to leave, Church Leader Mr. Moon stops them from leaving by sternly saying, “If you leave, you will die.” Mr. Moon also says, “Koreans are the people chosen by God and Pyongyang is the Jerusalem of the world.” He preaches that he is the son of God, and if a woman has a sexual relationship with him, she will give birth to a world teacher [a messiah].
◊ The behavior of a man who hunts women (a sexual predator) – Mr. Moon is an eloquent speaker. They say that when he finds women who truly believe in him, he entices them into his abode (a single room inside the said Association building) and violates them. Four victims have been identified and these women are middle-aged (over 30 years of age) with husbands. Their families are above middle class. One of them is a Mrs. Kim Soon-chang (not her real name), aged 36. She was a decent well-to-do upper class housewife, but after she fell prey to Church Leader Mr. Moon’s offerings she experienced the fate of being abandoned by her husband.
◊ The financial status of the said Association – At present the Association is renting a building. The church receives donations from its 250 members in Seoul, but they do not amount to much. So the members started [a business] taking downtown landscape photographs. They then mass produce “bromide polyamide” prints which they sell all over the city.
◊ The situation of the organization – There are branches in Busan, Taegu and elsewhere, and the headquarters are in Seoul. Each of these branches has approximately 250 members, and this makes 700 members in total. Looking at the gender balance, there are about equal numbers of men and women, and the level of education is to quite a high standard.
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弄絡當(농락당)한婦女(부여)수두룩 「하느님」아들行勢 (행세) 注目(주목)끄는統一敎會 (통일교회) 『文敎主 (문교주)』行狀 (행장)
작보 = 교주의 구속으로 아연 세간의화제꺼리로『크로–즈•엎』된 世界基督敎統一神靈協會 [세계기독교통일신령협회] 의정체는무엇이며 文 [문] 씨는과연 부녀자신도들의정조까지 유린하였는지당국에 적발된 혐의는『병역기피』『불법 감금』두가지로 밝혀져있을뿐인데 文씨와그교를 싸고도는 각종정보를종합해보면 ―
◊ 敎理說敎方式 [교리설교방식] = 동교에서는 七십二 [칠십이] 시간 (滿三日間) [만삼일간] 에걸쳐 새로가입한 교인들에게 교리의 설교를한다. 설교는 교주文씨에의하여 행하여지는것으로서 매주『월요일』상오열시부터『목요일』 상오열시까지계속된다.
만약설교도중 文씨의교리설교에 의아심을가 지게되어 퇴장을 원하는 신도가있으면 교주文씨는 엄숙한 어조로『퇴장하면죽습니다』라고말하여 퇴장을하지못하도록하였다. 또한文씨는『한국민은 하느님이 선택한 백성이며 평양은세계의예루살렘이다』라고 전선하고『자기가 하느님의아들이니자기와 육체관계를하면教世主[구세주]를 낳는다』고 설교를하였다.
◊ 獵色行爲 [렵색행위] = 文씨는능변가로서 독실한신도라고 지목되는 여자들이 발견되면 자기거처 (同協會內單間房) [(동협회내단간방)] 이외의장소로 유인하여 정조를 유린해왔다고한다.
피해자로 단정할수있는 四 (사) 명의여자는 三 (삼) 십 대를넘은 중년유부녀 (中年有夫女) [(중년유부녀)] 들로서 그들의가정은 중류이상��� 속하고있다. 그중의한사람인  金順昌 [김순창] 假名 [가명] = (三六) (삼육) 여사는 남부럽지않은 상류가정의 주부였었으나 文교주의 제물이된후부터는 남편의버림을받는 운명에놓이게 되었다.
◊ 同協會財政關係 [동협회재정관계] = 현재의협회건물은 세로쓰고 있는것이다. 그들은二(이) 백五 (오) 십명 (서울) 의신자들로부터 성금(誠金)을받으나 그금액은 적은것이기때문에 시내의 풍경을촬영한『푸로마이드』를 대량만들어 시내도처에서 판매하고있다.
◊ 組織狀況 [조직상황] = 釜山[부산], 大邱[대구]등지에 지부가있고『서울』내에 본부를두고있는데 신자수는 각각二 (이) 백五 (오) 십명정도로 도합七 (칠) 백여명에 달하고있다 이를성별로보면 남녀 반반씩인데 교육정도는 상당히 높은수준에 있다고한다.
There were always far fewer members than the church claimed.
According to the Ph.D. thesis of Choe Joong-hyun, UC / FFWPU member number 361 joined on April 10, 1956 (ref. page 202). In February 1959 Rev. Moon had a ceremony to end the New Testament Age in which 462 members participated (thesis page 160). The Korean War and messianic groups: Two cases in contrast (1993)
Mr. Tahk Myeong-hwan had internal UC / FFWPU documents which demonstrated that the number of churches and members was far lower than claimed by the church, which presented false statistics to the public.
“There is evidence for seven counts of adultery between sect leader Moon and his female followers.”
The husband of Kim Soon-cheol broke her leg to stop her having sex with Sun Myung Moon.
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church – Kirsti L. Nevalainen
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
Naked dancers joined the Unification Church in the 1950s
Moon’s Theology of the Fall, Tamar, Jesus and Mary
Ruth A. Tucker (PhD) “Moon’s Other Gospel of Sex Rituals”
Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong
彼は自らを 「神の子」 だと偽りました。
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
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Bizarre entry to Moon’s orbit as empire fell and a cult flourished
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Hamish McDonald
Asia-Pacific editor, Sydney Morning Herald
September 8, 2012
To Moscow with the Moonies! Of all the assignments that can come in a reporter’s career, this had to be the weirdest.
Across my desk at the old Far Eastern Economic Review office in Hong Kong in early 1990 came a letter inviting me to speak at the forthcoming World Media Conference in Moscow, all expenses paid.
It was clear from back-up information that this was ultimately sponsored by the Unification Church. Indeed its founder, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, would preside in person.
Quibbles about dubious sponsorship were set aside by my boss: this was a genuine news event, one of the more bizarre conjunctions happening as the Soviet system unravelled after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
On arrival at Moscow’s international airport, Moon’s guests were ushered into a shabby VIP room with an equally dubious collection of VIPs, including several former Latin American dictators, the widow of Egypt’s president Anwar Sadat and a former vice-president to Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines.
At the Slavyanskaya Hotel, fellow delegates proved an eclectic mix. The most engaging company at the breakfast buffet was Nikolai Tolstoy, a British author of wartime history and a descendant of Russia’s greatest writer, and Sir Alfred Sherman, a lively London political gnome who had been a trusted adviser to Margaret Thatcher.
At the opening session in the main hall, some of America’s most fiercely anti-communist commentators and think-tankers filed in. This was a gathering of hawks in the very heart of the “evil empire” – there to watch its downfall. Some did not trust their eyes, wondering aloud if they were being inveigled into a Soviet front organisation.
Moon and his wife greeted delegates in a reception line. His handshake was perfunctory. The eyes in the granite face barely made contact. If he was the new messiah, it wasn’t much of a blessing.
Rising from a vast podium, Moon began a sermon. It went back to basics in his theology, starting with the original sin, which he said was Eve’s illicit sex with Satan, the unfinished mission of Jesus that Moon himself had taken up by forming the “perfect family”, and the ongoing battle with Satan that would end with Armageddon, fought roughly along the 38th parallel between North and South Korea.
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As it went beyond an hour, Moon’s audience of Cold War warriors gazed fixedly at different points of the ceiling, not catching anyone’s eyes.
Next morning in the breakfast line, one of them quipped: “I gotta say, I was rootin’ for Satan.”
My turn to speak came, after a former Japanese vice-minister of transport suggested a network of highways around Asia, so that perfect families could motor over to see one another. I gave a rundown on current Asian affairs. The audience dozed. A few journalistic colleagues smirked.
After the conference, I went on a tour of the Soviet republics in central Asia. Russian settlers gathered fearfully in their nomenklatura clubs and hotels, getting drunk and dancing the lambada. In Ashkhabad, Ukrainian missile officers shared gassy Georgian champagne and wondered in which army they would be the following year. In Samarkand, local Aeroflot pilots filled me with vodka and put me on the flight back to Moscow.
When I arrived, the May Day parade in Red Square had become a shambles, the crowds waving the Russian tricolour and imperial double-headed eagle instead of the hammer and sickle.
With this notch in his pulpit, Moon was on his way to the final stage of his crusade against communism. A year or two later, he visited Pyongyang to meet Kim Il-sung, founder of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the lifelong political satan in the Moon world view. Kim gave him a licence to set up a car assembly plant.
“They were reconciled,” says Leonid Petrov, a Korea specialist at the University of Sydney. And why not? As Petrov notes, Moon’s “cocktail” of religions and ideologies – Christianity, Confucianism, shamanism and anti-communism – was a mirror-image of Kim’s Juche (self-reliance) mix of nationalism, communism, neo-Confucianism, and Korean nativism.
Both played heavily on the Korean dream of national reunification. Moon was to claim Kim nominated him as the one to bring the two halves together. When Moon died this week, aged 92, it still hadn’t happened.
Cults flourish when empires weaken. In 19th century Korea, as European powers and Japan forced the hermit kingdom open, there was the Tong Hak (Eastern Teaching) movement, which became fiercely anti-foreign, like the Taiping and Boxers in neighbouring China.
Moon’s church grew in a Korea humiliated by 35 years of Japanese annexation, then ravaged by the vicious Korean War. It was one of the exotic faiths, including even Japan’s Aum Shinrikyo (which carried out the 1995 sarin gas attack in the Tokyo metro), that were taken up by some Russians in the “crisis of faith” as communism collapsed.
Moon was a prominent lobbyist for South Korea’s military dictator, Park Chung-hee. Moon’s jail term in the US for [document fraud and] tax evasion was seen as a kind of martyrdom by his followers, and a badge of honour among many American neo-cons.
Criticising him was risky. A skinny Presbyterian theology professor, Tahk Myeong-hwan, who set out to expose Moon and other cults, was arrested many times. I am told Tahk was found murdered [outside] his apartment more than a decade ago. He would have angered many fanatics, not just the Moonies.
South Korea is now a prosperous, wired society, where the past that nurtured Moon and the Unification Church is a foreign country for the young. That country still exists across the 38th parallel. 
What strange flowers of belief will emerge there, in North Korea?
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Strange flowers of belief ... Unification Church founder Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
A representative of Rev. Sun Myung Moon offered a Russian minister $1 million as a personal gift to distribute Moonie textbooks
My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS
Press Release on the FFWPU by the Department of Communication, Nizhny Novgorod province, Russia
Testimony of Tahk Myeong-hwan who was murdered
World Domination – Sun Myung Moon’s many attempts ended in failure
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What was the qualification of Sun Myung Moon among 70 other Korean messiahs?
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When Sun Myung Moon began his mission in the 1940s there were about 70 messiah claimants in Korea around that time. Sun Myung Moon did not have any revelations – he told Pak Chung-wha in Heungnam labor camp that when he was a teenager he had a dream of Jesus. Moon did not write any original theology. He stole all his teachings and religious practices from Kim Seong-do, Chong Deuk-eun, Kim Baek-moon and various branches of the Jesus Church. 
Then how come Sun Myung Moon became the most successful messiah candidate among all the other Korean messiahs? The answer is very simple: from the early 1960s Sun Myung Moon was used by the KCIA and the American CIA as a political tool in the struggle against communism. And he was protected by the KCIA and the CIA. The religious side of his organisation, the Unification Church / FFWPU was a convenient smokescreen and cover for political activities. Sun Myung Moon was chosen by the KCIA / CIA for the job because he was a ruthless man who was able to sacrifice his followers, putting them in extreme poverty and suffering, sometimes to the point of rape and death, without any regrets.
Nansook Hong: “I do know that my brothers and sisters and I were luckier than some children. Some of the Reverend Moon’s followers simply left their sons and daughters in orphanages in order to preach the word. A few never returned for them.”
In The Shadow Of The Moons: My Life In The Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family page 35 LINK
Protected by the regime in South Korea
Pikareum emerged during the “Ewha Womans University Incident” in the early days of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
週刊ポスト  Shūkan Post magazine  October 15, 1993, pages 212 to 215
“Why did the Unification Church quit doing ‘pikareum’?” I was asking Eu Hyo-min, someone familiar with the inner workings of the Unification Church. My frank question elicited a glare, if only for a moment. Then he let out some revealing words. …
“The main reason that people who had left the Unification Church and revealed the inner workings were subsequently imprisoned was because at the time there were connections between the Unification Church and the regime.
Please look back at the history of the Unification Church mass weddings. In answer to the question, “Why did the Unification Church stop pikareum?” I will just answer that Sun Myung Moon was ordered to “Do everything, but not that [pikareum]”.
Shadows on Rev. Moon’s beams. Politics and religion interwoven
Chicago Tribune – Sunday, November 10, 1974
By John D. Marks (associate of the Center for National Security Studies in Washington and co-author of “The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence.”)
“Even as other Korean religious leaders have turned increasingly against President Park Chung Hee’s authoritarian rule. Moon has stayed an enthusiastic backer of the regime. Moon’s avowed interest is in fighting Communism, not preserving democratic niceties, and, as F.L.F. Secretary General Gary Jarmin asserts, “Even if Park got more dictatorial, we would support him.” Jarmin is a 24-year-old ideolog…”
Full article HERE on pages 17-18
The New York Times  May 25, 1976
Moon’s Sect Pushes Pro-Seoul Activities
by Ann Crittenden
A number of individuals and organizations connected with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon the wealthy Korean industrialist and evangelist, have intimate ties with and have received assistance from the South Korean Government and the Korean Central Intelligence Agency, according to former Korean and American officials and former members of the Moon organization.
At the same time, the fast growing Moon‐affiliated groups have devoted much of their efforts to building support for the South Korean Government in the United States. These efforts have taken the form of intensive lobbying on Capitol Hill, attempts to influence prominent politicians, businessmen and community leaders, the development of a dedicated group of followers from many countries who have pledged to fight in South Korea in the event of a war there and elaborate public‐relations campaigns attacking Communism and linking South Korea to patriotic American themes. ...
Testimony of Tahk Myeong-hwan who was murdered
Newsweek on the many Korean messiahs of the 1970s
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
Gifts of Deceit – Robert Boettcher
Politics and religion interwoven
Moon instructed: “Whenever the Blessed couples have children, as soon as the child become 100 days old, they will put him in the nursery school.”
Allen Tate Wood on Sun Myung Moon and the UC
Tragedy of the Six Marys translated video transcript
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Where Sun Myung Moon got his theology
The baby was very small and undernourished
FFWPU babies dying and members starving
The reputation of Moon’s Church was so dirty they resorted to paying people to join – from a 1963 CIA report.
FFWPU children sent to orphanages in Korea – and mothers sent away in the US
“I see only a tiny version of myself, seated on the bare floor, encircled by darkness.” – Nansook Hong
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
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