#six marys
panthermouthh · 4 months
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“How can I move thee? Will no entreaties cause thee to turn a favourable eye upon thy creature, who implores thy goodness and compassion? Believe me, Frankenstein, I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity; but am I not alone, miserably alone? You, my creator, abhor me; what hope can I gather from your fellow creatures, who owe me nothing?”
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*Brady Bunches your BBC Ghosts*
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weaponizedducks · 3 months
'but girl she killed people!' so. she deserved to what do you want me to do about it
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isombaird · 4 months
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happy death day mary guppy </3
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playa-pariah · 6 months
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Finally complete :’)
(There’s an Easter egg in each portrait ;))
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arty-e · 5 months
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Another silly six the kids thing
Orignal from taskmaster
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adderstones · 1 month
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The Boleyn sisters, side by side
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bawdiestrhymester · 7 months
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Captain James.
A uniform in details.
(It was truly special to see this costume up close, along with the others as well. To be able to see all the glorious little details. *Fanny, Thomas and Pat especially* To be able to not only see the costumes but also be able and allowed to touch them as well was really cool. They all were so well made and high quality. The costume team did a tremendous job. I was hugely impressed! I probably took at least 75 photos of the costumes and the entire display.)
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half-an-hour-hence · 6 months
As a relatively new fan of the show, one of my favourite things about Ghosts is the range of relationships there are. Media nowadays is so obsessed with romantic relationships and forcing romantic tension between characters where it just doesn’t exist. Ghosts doesn’t do that. Yes, there are canon romantic relationships, but they are either a) pre-established, or b) are set up in a way that feels completely natural. But there are so many more friendships and so much platonic love between the ghosts that is honestly very refreshing to see. Each connection has different unique qualities, whether that be between Julian and Robin, or Fanny and the Captain, or Thomas and Pat - just to name a few. You can really believe that they’re good friends, despite them being from different eras and have completely different world views and personalities. Another relationship I absolutely love is the father-daughter relationship between Kitty and the Captain. They make me cry. The Captain is always there to provide comfort and warmth to Kitty when she doubts herself or is upset, and Kitty in turn teaches the Captain many valuable lessons about learning to appreciate the time he has. They’re such a heartwarming duo and I’ll probably never stop talking about how much I love them.
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mary ! : )
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i love her sjhdjahrebajwhuwgeueg
anyway i wont be able to post as much from 15april (school and that) so im sorry in advance , but ill try post as much as i can : ))
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nerdlingmerchling · 27 days
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Jesper and Dima : a Wesper Essay
I feel like we, as a Fandom, don't speak enough about that scene. Perhaps, it's because we know that Wesper is end-game and we can't see Jesper with anyone else than Wylan. Also, we might think that the purpose of that scene is only to establish Jesper as a queer character, and as a "player" who lives in the moment and has a string of anonymous hookups. HOWEVER, I'll argue that this scene has, in fact, everything to do with Wesper and reveals a lot more about Jesper as a character, about his aspirations, than we might give it credit for.
First of all, for what's supposed to be the aftermath of a "meaningless" quickie between strangers, this scene is incredibly tender. Jesper is being so earnest and gentle; in the way he speaks ; the way he kisses Dima goodbye, the way he touches his face, like he wants to imprint it in his memory. There's real emotion there ; real care, however fleeting.
But the true impact of that scene is in the way Jesper looks at Dima (props to Kit's acting there. We love you, Kit). There is so much longing in Jesper's eyes: it's plain to see, and almost painful to watch. He's probably not longing for Dima himself ; they haven't known each other long enough, but he's longing for a meaningful connection, something of lasting substance ; for companionship...for love. Jesper knows and understands that this wasn't meant to be (he says so himself). And yet, there's grief in the way he watches Dima leave. Why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME THIS HAPPENS TO HIM.
It's not the first time Jesper has a lover walk out on him. For him, watching Dima go is exactly like waking up alone after his first night with Wylan : it's the rejection and the sudden severing of a bond that barely had time to form. I'm going to quote my friend Ras :"Jesper is having war flashbacks" and yes, that's exactly what this is. Maybe he's not specifically thinking about Wylan in that instant, but that kind of hurt and disappointment is still a familiar feeling to him.
Yes, of course, Jesper is a flirt. Yes, of course he loves sex. And there's something enjoyable, exciting, and thrilling for him when he engages in impromptu sexual encounters with strangers, but Jesper is also someone who's deeply insecure and in constant need of validation. When his lovers walk out on him, he can't help but feel unlovable: good enough for a shag, but not good enough to keep around. What he truly wants is for someone to care about him: truly, deeply, meaningfully. But it's easier for his self-esteem to jump from one hook up to the next, because at the end of the day, he can tell himself he chose this lifestyle. When Wylan reminds him of his "reputation", saying "I thought someone like you wouldn't want anything more ", Jesper doesn't contradict him, but he's still stung by those words. Jesper is a player who doesn't really want to be one. At his core, this is not him. It's just a self-defense mechanism.
I feel like his brief time with Dima was sort of a tipping point for Jesper. He had no choice but to acknowledge the longing and the need for something more.
And then there's Wylan. To be able to reconnect with a past lover was an unexpected second chance for Jesper ; a wink from Lady Luck. He wasn't going to give up so easily this time.
In other words, Jesper/Dima walked so Jesper/Wylan could run. So I'm grateful for that scene in season one, which might seem inconsequential and gratuitous at first glance, but truly isn't.
Thanks for your attention.
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pwhlmontreal · 1 month
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obsessed with this
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alexisntedgy · 3 months
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by god they’re trying
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laurasbailey · 1 year
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bawdiestrhymester · 2 months
Noises, ranked.
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half-an-hour-hence · 6 months
The ghosts in a sentence:
Captain: pathetic wet cat tries and fails miserably to suppress homosexual thoughts
Mary: woman who has done no wrong ever falls victim to misogyny
Robin: silly caveman becomes the resident therapist while simultaneously having ungodly levels of unresolved trauma
Thomas: failed poet is a bit of a loser and falls hopelessly in love with and obsesses over every woman he sets eyes on
Fanny: stuck up middle aged woman actually has twenty two AO3 tabs open on her phone and is a mathematical genius
Kitty: tragic little ray of sunshine who will adopt you as her best friend without your permission and will insist that you are bonded forever
Julian: yet another conservative struggles with the concept of guilt and takes ages to admit responsibility for the consequences of his actions
Humphrey: local loner forced to marry badass Frenchwoman and spends eternity wondering if swords were a good choice of furnishing
Pat: adorable little guy who’s wife cheated on him because he is autistic
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