mlletempete · 2 years
The Survivor and the Swan
Para la Taiora Week 2022 día 3 Disney
Desde que Sora tenia memoria había estado sola, era impulsiva y cometió errores, razón por la que había tenido que tomar una dura decisión aun siendo muy joven y forjar un carácter duro, se coloco una armadura para que nadie más pudiera lastimarla; Un deseo de cumpleaños había puesto su mundo de cabeza, ahora sabia que no pertenecía al mundo "normal" ella había nacido en un lugar mágico y en cuestión de un abrir y cerrar de ojos tenia delante de ella a su familia, sus padres a los que había buscado por mucho tiempo y un hijo, además del pueblo de Storybrooke, que tenia toda su fe puesta en ella para romper el hechizo y salvarlos de "la reina malvada".
Por otra parte el Capitán Garfio había tenido una vida caótica, el abandono de su padre y la muerte de su hermana menor habían hecho de él, uno de los más temidos piratas de los mares, al que no le importo forjar su felicidad en base a la desgracia de otro hombre, esa felicidad le duro muy poco, el motivo de ella se había marchado para siempre sumiéndolo en un dolor y una soledad muy grandes. Ahora era perseguido por el hombre al que le arrebato la felicidad, en una de esas persecuciones el "cocodrilo" logro cortarle una mano y el juro vengarse a cualquier costo, aún si eso significaba trabajar en equipo con la "reina malvada"
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A pesar del dolor del pasado, y las complicadas circunstancias que los rodeaban, el flechazo fue instantáneo e inevitable, pero Sora no lo aceptaría tan fácilmente, ahora lo más importante para ella era salvar al pueblo y estar con su hijo Haruhi, el amor romántico no figuraba en sus planes, y es que ella sabía lo peligroso que podía ser enamorarse y ya estaba lidiando con bastante.
El Capitán no se daría por vencido, había perdido la felicidad una vez y Sora había traído luz a su vida, no estaba dispuesto a perderla sin luchar, y si eso significaba dejar su venganza atrás lo haría, si eso significaba tener de enemiga también a la reina malvada no le importaría, estaba dispuesto a dar su vida por Sora en medio de la batalla.
La salvadora (Sora) y el creyente verdadero (Haruhi) habían cambiado su corazón, mostrándole que el amor siempre encuentra la forma de triunfar y ahora solo quería protegerlos y que fueran felices.
Sora: ¡Todos los que se me acercan sufren, mueren, se van! ¿me entiendes?
Taichi: No me voy a ir a ningún lugar, Sora tu deseo se cumplió, ya no estas sola y nada me va a pasar, recuerda que soy un sobreviviente.
Super atrasado pero aquí esta, para la Taiora Week, por Hallowen y rematando porque esta semana termine de ver Once Upon A Time <3
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fatylovesart · 2 years
Taiora Sunflower Festival 🌻
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Alive | Taiora fanfiction for 2022 May - Rainy month
Loosely based on Selah Sue's Alive. Written for Taiora Year 2022 May prompt 'Rainy month' after a sudden spark of inspiration last week.
Also, no romantic!Taiora! But anything can happen right after this story. I leave that hope to you ;) Last thing: what's Kizuna?
Content warning: A few little bits of light swears, implied depressive feelings (and a high building..............)
[Read on AO3 and FF.net.]
Taiora year 2022 - May: Rainy month | Genre: Friendship, Angst | Wordcount: 2.762 | Rating: T(+) | Characters: Sora Takenouchi, Taichi Yagami, brief appearances of most other DigiDestineds and Piyomon and Agumon
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From inside the train, the young copper-eyed woman looked at the scenery quickly passing by. She counted the trees, saw how the sky line changed more and more with every moving mile. Her eyes traced the raindrops on the train’s window glasses, sliding down from top to bottom until finding the ground. A bolt of lightning could be seen in the distance and a jolt traveled her body as a reaction to the flashy spectacle miles away.
Rain. Coldness. The rummaging sounds of the thunder nearing. One would say it was depressing.
But not Sora.
She loved thundershowers.
A small smile made its appearance, her eyes now shifting from the window to the phone in her hand. She scanned through her messages, her thumb brushing the screen looking for the words she had been reading over and over again when she was still back in Kyoto.
He had some nerve, Sora thought to herself. Her fingers unintentionally tightened their grip around the phone as sudden frustration seeped through her body’s veins. She tried to think back to the last time she had seen him or properly talked to him. Just the two of them. Him and her.
There had been a time where that was the most natural thing in the world. They had known each other inside out, or at least, that was what she had always thought. By now she wondered though whether she had actually really known him.
Sora closed her eyes and exhaled, the tension in her hand loosening.
“Sora, we’re here.” Piyomon said to which Sora’s eyes opened again, her head turning towards the pink bird. The grimace she was carrying immediately softened. “Are you okay?”
Her partner was smart though and looked right through it. Was she okay? Sora wasn’t sure.
“I’m fine,” she smiled anyway and passed Piyomon, her feet making her move to the exit of the train and the pink bird only able to simply follow. A bit later the two of them walked through the pouring rain, on their way to their destination.
It was a mostly quiet walk, rather slow but undoubtedly determined. Her feet effortlessly guided them to where they were heading to, Sora was that familiar with this city. She had wandered through them uncountable times for a thousand different reasons and more. Alone or together. She loved these streets, even when rainy season was early like this year.
For the sake of feeling the water running down the sky, she stuck out her hand from under the umbrella shielding herself and Piyomon from the said water. The caught raindrops Sora took back into the shield, closely observing them as if she was looking for something. She shook her hand and rubbed it against her coat to dry her skin again, with that looking down.
In the reflections of the puddles decorating the stones paving the Tokyo streets, the rain only providing more and more water, Sora saw all the things she’d once experienced in these streets. Tokyo was like a memory lane and he sure was occupying lots of houses down the lane. He lived in all of those houses. And as much as Sora didn’t want to admit, he did live in her head and heart as well.
Sora was very much aware of the fact that this guy was very hard to let go. And it wasn’t him, it was all her.
Her feet eventually stopped in front of the apartment building she was expected at, her eyes immediately catching the blonde figure who was leaning against the wall. In his hand he was twirling around an old musical relic. One she hadn’t seen in so many years, but still remembered vividly, the sound of the so familiar harmonica bringing back even more memories, both fond and melancholic.
“Hey Sora,” Yamato smiled, pushing himself off of the wall while approaching her. Sora smiled back and stepped forwards while letting down her umbrella, stepping under the shelter Yamato was under. The two met each other in a friendly embrace.
“Yamato, how’s he?” She asked after letting go.
“He thinks it’s his fault. Again. Does that tell you enough?” Sora slowly nodded, a little sigh escaping her. “You have to see it for yourself though. Come on, let’s get you up there.”
Together with Piyomon, Sora followed Yamato inside to the 7th floor of the building, the sound of the rain on the steel balustrade of the gallery present the whole way. She knew these hallways and galleries all too well too, the entrance of this apartment one way too familiar. As was the nameplate with the name “Yagami” written on it. It looked the same for as long as Sora could remember.
The door was open, the house symbolically welcoming her in after years. It had never been her own home, but it certainly felt like that. Respectfully she took off her shoes and placed her umbrella in the holder. Her slightly damp coat she hung over Yamato’s, seeing there was no free spot left, telling her there were probably a lot of people already here.
And they had all tried.
With Piyomon already reunited with her Digimon buddies, Sora made her way to the living room area. She saw how her old friends were all scattered across the room. Sitting down on the sofa, chairs, arm rests or the carpet. Standing, leaning against the wall or staring outside through the closed glass sliding door that led to the balcony.
“Sora-kun, you’re here.”
Jyou was the first one to notice Sora’s quiet entrance, greeting her by looking up from his spot on the couch, carefully waving at her.
Hikari was the next one to verbally greet Sora, calling out for her for both Mimi and herself. Together with the honey-haired girl, Hikari stood up from her spot on the couch next to Jyou, getting to Sora as fast as they could. The two girls wrapped Sora into their embraces, their warmth penetrating Sora’s own skin and for a good minute, happiness overwhelmed Sora. It had been a while since she last saw all of them. Especially all together.
“It’s good to see you, Sora-san,” came Takeru’s voice. While Hikari stepped aside to give Takeru some space, Mimi clinged to Sora, taking in all the affection she could get out of the girl. On Sora’s other shoulder was enough space for Takeru to place a soothing hand on. “How are you?”
“I’m doing okay, thank you for asking,” she answered Takeru before her eyes darted around the room. “Where is he? Taichi.” She said to no one in particular.
“Up on the roof.”
The maroon headed man turned around in his place at the window to look Sora straight in the eyes. Even though Koushiro’s voice sounded almost stern and factually, Sora could see the worry and desperation in his dark eyes, the tone in his voice giving her hints as well. They had been friends for so long, she knew him, could read between the lines.
“I-in the rain? The pouring rain?!”
Koushiro traveled across the room, his head nodding in response to Sora’s questions. On his way, he swiftly brushed Hikari’s shoulder to calm her down a bit more. “Unfortunately…” He said as Mimi stepped aside now as well to get to a worried Hikari, giving the two redheads space for a brief hug. “We all tried to talk to him—”
“But with no success yet,” interrupted a voice Sora recognized as Daisuke’s, finishing Koushiro’s sentence. Usually, his voice was more uplifting and enthusiastic, but this time it sounded frustrated and maybe even defeated. Sora turned around to find Daisuke in the opening of the door, taking off his raincoat.
Taichi was a lost cause, Sora concluded to herself, and she was here to try to mend the pieces back together. She was fully aware of how Taichi could be or become, his depressive and angsty mood swings not something unknown to any of them.
“I’m glad you could come, Sora.”
This time the voice came from beneath her and so she looked down to see a small yellow dinosaur standing next to her. She could imagine being Taichi’s partner wasn’t always easy, though, Agumon often brought up the best in him. Today, however, it seemed like even Agumon couldn’t cheer him up.
“I think Taichi needs you.” Agumon told Sora.
From behind her she could hear confirmative sounds, both from the Digimon as from their human partners. A short encouraging touch of Koushiro’s hand on her shoulder and a silent nod from Yamato was enough for Sora.
She nodded to Agumon and the others, then made her way up to the roof. Umbrella in hand.
Sora found him standing there, with his back facing her, close to the edge, probably looking over the slowly flooding streets. He wasn’t wearing a coat or whatsoever, nothing to shield him except for his normal clothes. By now, his significant messy brown bush of hair was fully flat and down, the rain heavy enough for his to finally lose to gravity. Sora wondered how long he had been standing there.
“Taichi…?” She carefully started.
When no sound came back she slowly began approaching him. Step by step, the wet stones underneath her shoes crunching, warning Taichi someone was coming. Sora knew that he knew.
Her mind raced, trying to find the right words. She couldn’t be too vague.
“There was nothing you could do for that boy,” Sora said, immediately regretting it, worrying whether it was too direct or not. But then again, there’s wasn’t a way back anymore. She thought about the things she had heard over phone when they asked her to come to Tokyo as fast as possible. “It was his own choice to chase that dangerous Digimon.”
There had been a Digimon that appeared in the streets of Tokyo. Of course Taichi and Yamato had rushed to the scene with Koushiro in their ears. During the fight, Taichi was in charge of evacuating the people in the neighborhood, however, apparently one very adventurous boy had slipped his sight and went straight into the action, holding up his cell phone to record the whole fighting scene between Garurumon and the other Digimon, assumably to upload on the internet later. The boy got hit and was brought to the hospital, currently being in critical danger.
“I’m certain you, Yamato and Koushiro made the right decisions. You really couldn’t have done it any better.” Sora once again continued after not receiving any response from Taichi. But even now he kept quiet, his back still turned towards her. Her feet still carried Sora towards him though. “Taichi, please… Talk to me…?”
“Shouldn’t you be in Kyoto?”
Sora stopped walking, taken aback by Taichi’s words sounding so passively aggressive. He looked over his shoulder, his eyes not directly making contact with Sora’s. She could feel how, similarly to the way her hand had tightened around her phone back in the train, it now tightened around the grip of her umbrella.
“Yes. But I’m here now, right? I came here for you,”
“Well, you’re too late now!” Taichi snapped, turning around. His brown eyes pierced through her own eyes and Sora sharply gasped, taking the verbal hit from her childhood friend. “That boy is fourteen and he’s in the hospital now fighting for his fucking life! I could have saved him, Sora, I—”
“No, Taichi!” Sora’s impulses took over, screaming at him in ways she was only capable of doing so when directed at him. “Damn it. You can’t protect everyone! You have to understand that! And you can’t let yourself become depressive after every fight you fight, whether it’s with or without Digimon! Sometimes you have to take your losses and let it go!”
“Then why are you here Sora?! Tell me, weren’t you the one who decided to let go? Huh? Who decided to move to your dad in Kyoto to change study direction? To leave all of us here fighting for our lives?!”
Sora’s jaw dropped from disbelieve. “Taichi, that’s so unreasonable, I—”
“You were the one who decided to leave me.”
She was going to tell him how he dared to say things like that. How she had been so mad with him when he moved to his own little condo basically right after high school. How disappointed she was every single time he didn’t text or call her back. Of course she knew how busy he was and obviously she was busy with making life decisions herself, but she needed her friend. The one she had been friends with for better or worse.
She had been annoyed with him for slowly forgetting her. She absolutely despised herself for giving him the space to fade away from her life, faster than she wanted. And she had been downright outraged with the fact that she had left Tokyo without telling him a thing. Because she thought he didn’t care. Or in the hope he did care, enough to let him make the step to message her.
That message never came. And Sora regretted it, now more than ever.
“Yeah…” Taichi huffed and turned back around to face the building’s height again.
Instead of swallowing it away, tears started to stream down her face. Her eyes were the rainclouds that made it rain, her cheeks the canvas for the drops of salty water to paint on. She lowered her umbrella, her hand loosening, resulting in the umbrella finding the ground, the rain now having free game to soak her clothes just like Taichi was soaking wet. Sora wondered whether he had been crying too and that she just wasn’t able to see it due to the rain mixing with his tears.
The rain had washed it all away.
The rain.
“There’s a reason I love the rain so much.” With her body and voice calmed down, Sora spoke. “Even now that we’re standing here together like this.” She said as she stepped closer and closer to him with every word.
“You do?” She could hear Taichi quietly say, his head turning a mere millimeter.
“Mmhm. Do you remember how we used to play soccer in the rain and how we somehow always ended up here? Laughing, making stupid jokes? I’ve never told you, but I really needed those little moments.”
Sora looked at his wet face revealing itself to her bit by little bit. Every word, every second was worth another inch. Simultaneously, Sora kept making baby steps, until she was right next to him. She didn’t look at him, her eyes finding peace with the rainy skyline of Odaiba.
“You were my escape, Taichi,” the corners of her lips slightly curled up. “On my way from Kyoto to Tokyo, I kept wondering why I let myself be persuaded to come here. You know why?”
“Because I’m being a drama queen baby who needed his mother?” Taichi said looking down to which Sora giggled. Her eyes found his again as she playfully punched Taichi in his arm.
“No, baka, because I needed an escape. And there’s only one place to go for an escape and that’s my home. Which is right here,” Sora said looking at him, “in the pouring rain,” she said looking up, “on top of this…” she said stepping forward looking down over the edge, “… very high roof, holy shit…”
Taichi smiled. “A swearing Sora Takenouchi, who thought— Look out!”
Fascinated by the height, Sora had taken one step forward too much, almost tripping over her own feet. However, she safely landed in Taichi’s arms.
“Oi, Taichi, thank you…!”
Just sheer seconds felt like eternity. Sora’s eyes met his hovering over her, her heart skipped a beat or two. With him above her, it felt like the rain had stopped for a little while, of course it had.
“If I can’t protect everyone, then at least let me protect you.” He grinned.
Taichi was like a home. The walls to keep her safe and protected. The roof to shield her from any storm. Sora bit her lip, the blush that was forming on her face one she was unable to hide.
“Such a cheese,” she teased him as he brought her back on her two feet again. With her hand she went through his wet hair after brushing the skin of his overly hydrated cheek. “How do you feel now?”
“Cold,” Taichi said while following Sora back to the staircase, taking the hand she was holding out for him. “But alive.”
You stay alive in the cold in the rain. - Alive by Selah Sue
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taioraworld · 2 years
English / Español
Hi, Taioras!
I'm very Happy to announce that in the month of June we'll have our Sunflower Festival.
A month completely dedicated to Taiora.
Everyone is invited to participate!
Fanarts, Fanfics, edits, videos, collages, ufff, all of you want to share and that has Taichi, Sora and Sunflowers as protagonist.
We have great surprises for you!
Don't miss our publications!
You can use the hashtag #festivaldegirasolestaiora #taiorasunflowerfestival
Credits of this beautiful fanart: the talented @gioiaercoli
Credits of the edition: @fatyloveart
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¡Hola, Taioras!
Estoy muy feliz de anunciarles que en el mes de Junio tendremos nuestro Festival de Girasoles.
Un mes dedicado completamente al Taiora.
¡Están invitados a participar todos!
Fanarts, Fanfics, Ediciones, Videos, collages, ufff, todo lo que quieras compartir y que tengacomo protagonistas a Taichi, Sora y Girasoles.
¡Les tenemos grandes sorpresas!
¡No se pierdan nuestras publicaciones!
Puedes usar los hashtag #festivaldegirasolestaiora #taiorasunflowerfestival
Créditos de este hermoso fanart: la talentosa @gioiaercoli
Créditos de la edición: @fatyloveart
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fatylovesart · 2 years
Taiora Sunflower Festival 🌻
Taichi, Sora, & Sunflowers ❤️
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fatylovesart · 2 years
Taiora Sunflower Festival 🌻
My new draw ✨
Taichi, Sora, & Sunflowers 🌻
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fatylovesart · 3 years
¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Happy headcanon (belated) birthday! | Sora Takenouchi 21/03/1988
And I'm two weeks late, but hey, I celebrated this girls' birthday by writing for her for a full week long! However, she deserves a proper birthday gift since the 21st of March was fierce Aries-babe Sora's birthday regarding my Astrology headcanons.
As always, I used the tropes that fit Sora's big three (that are pure headcanon!) according to @earlgreymon's build your own story through Astrology post. I had to look up what a soulmate mark is, but I'm hooked now hehe
Also, I needed a little bit of Taiora in my life, so I made it Taichi x Sora. Aaaaand since it's April and April's theme for the Taiora 2022 year event hosted by @taioraworld is Hanami and everything sakura/cherry blossoms, I tried to put that into the drabble as well and I might be writing a second and third piece this month as a little series <3
Happy belated birthday to my Sora dear. To all of your readers: happy readings! :3
Part 1 (Koushiro) Match | Part 2 (Taichi) Not so unrequited | Part 3 (Takeru) Getting to know you
Genre: Fate in a coffee shop? Or like a romantic fire igniting... | AU setting: Coffee shop (Taurus Moon) | Tropes/prompt: Soulmate mark (Cancer Rising) | Wordcount: 949 | Rating: K+ | Characters: Sora Takenouchi & Taichi Yagami
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Edit by @earlgreymon
Coffee for the soul
The first rays of the spring’s sun were slowly bursting through, signs of the cherry blossoms colored the trees in soft pink and white tones. A chilly spring breeze flooded the streets and with it a lot of people who came outside of their little homes to enjoy the shining sun and blue skies. And who could blame them after such a depressing winter?
Fortunately for Sora, on Friday afternoons, she had always find a reason to go for a walk after classes were over. Even in times of depressing winters.
Tanned skin.
She smiled to herself as she walked the streets she was so familiar with. In sight was the little coffee shop she loved so much and for yet unknown reasons she always found herself going there.
Some times she would meet her friends, other times she would go there to study. To read about flowers and designs, to doodle fresh inspiration, turning it into sketches of new patterns for clothing pieces. At rare times she brought her laptop to watch a series with a good cup of tea.
Today, however, she decided to bring nothing but herself. The spring breeze carrying her body to the place she wanted to be.
Toned legs.
An old school bell rang as Sora opened the door to the little coffee shop. Immediately the smell of freshly made coffee entered her nostrils. Even though she didn’t like the taste of coffee, the smell made her reminisce the times at her parental house with her dad. How she would sit on the ground, leaning against her father’s legs while he was drinking his coffee and telling her little made up fairy tales about princesses who wanted to play football instead of becoming a queen.
The good old times was what came to her mind first, but this little spot was a very close second. Sora also loved the people being and working here. The regular guests she was able to personally greet and the personnel that greeted her back as well.
Messy hair.
Sora smiled to herself, recognizing the faces and taking in all the details. Soon after she arrived at the register to place her usual order.
“Hi can I have—”
“A chai tea latte?” The guy behind the register finished for her as she took a bit too long. Sora nodded and smiled, a soft warmth creeping up her cheeks. “Alright, coming right up.”
She recognized this guy but didn’t know him all the same. It was always a strange interaction, yet it felt natural and… destined? She hadn’t figured out why yet, but she had never dared to look him in the eyes. But she saw him, watched him flashing that lopsided grin of his every time she placed her order.
Goofy smile.
“To-go today? It seems rather sunny outside and you strike me like a girl that needs to be amidst the other flowers,” he winked at her.
Other flowers? Was he flirting? Sora wasn’t sure, but she was flattered to say the least. The warmth that rose to her cheeks now turned into a visible shade of pink complimenting her expression. She swallowed first, then decided to respond to his question with a nod.
“Seems like I guessed you right then,” he said while working on her drink. With the machine doing its work, he turned around to grab a cup to-go for her, from his pocket he took a marker. “May I ask what name I can write down on the cup?”
“So Sora, huh? As in the sky? I was right about you belonging outside with the flowers, they do need bright skies like you.”
Sora giggled before biting her lip. Trying to calm down her beating heart, she looked at the guy’s hands writing down her name on the cup.
Gentle hands.
Her eyes drifted from his hands over his lower arm, slowly traveling to give her some time before meeting his eyes. But Sora’s eyes never made it to his face, stopping at a scar on his right elbow. It wasn’t a particular big one, the shape though was a very interesting one to her as it looked like a perfect semicircle.
“Ah, don’t worry,” he eventually said as he caught her staring at it intensely, “it’s just a little scar I got after I fell on my elbow. If I recall correctly, it was during a football match against another elementary school in the region and there was a girl who I collapsed with. I think she fell on her elbow too— actually, I think she had the same hair color as you do.”
Shared scar.
It was then that it hit her that she not only shared the same scar with this guy on the exact same elbow in the exact same form, but that it had actually happened at the exact same time. And she was sure she shared a connection with him.
Without any further thinking, her eyes shot up to finally meet his. The weird feeling of meeting an old friend struck her, just like little pieces of what could be flashed in front of her.
Deep brown eyes.
“Can—Will you— May I…” Sora stuttered, her face turning as red as cherries. She knew what she wanted to say, but she couldn’t get it out.
“I’d love to see the cherry blossoms with you,” the guy with the tanned skin, toned legs, messy hair, goofy smile, gentle hands, shared scar and deep brown eyes responded to her unsaid question, guessing it like they shared the same mind. Answering as if he knew exactly what her heart wanted.
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mlletempete · 2 years
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Su carreras los llevaron por caminos separados, no habían podido verse en un largo tiempo, una tarde de Abril recibió una llamada telefónica, su mejor amigo se encontraba en la ciudad y quería que fueran a dar un paseo para observar las flores de cerezo y después irían al cine.
Ella no sabía porque, pero una simple llamada de Tai podía mejorar todo su día...
"Lo cierto es que siempre contigo Me pasa igual De tu pensamiento al mío van Descargas de electricidad"
Sin importar el tiempo ni los planes que ya tenía, quería verlo, siempre quería verlo…
"Yo no sé si es amor Pero yo creo que sí Se detiene el reloj Cuando tú estás junto a mí
Esta revolución Que ya no se controlar Yo no sé si es amor Y lo voy a averiguar de una vez"
Inspirado en el hanami y en una de las canciones que forman parte de la playlist Taiora "No se si es amor" de Timbiriche
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dutchforstrangers · 2 years
Taiora year 2022 | April - Hanami
A/N: Don't mind me posting this just on time/one day late :')
This is a follow up to part 1 (of 2, and this 'diptych' will be called 'Soul & Heart') which I wrote somewhere in April for Sora's belated headcanon birthday and for April's prompt 'Hanami' during Taiora year 2022 hosted by @taioraworld. So this fits the Hanami prompt as well! Sorry though I'm a bit late, hope youll have it anyway :3 Didn't proofread..!
Taiora year 2022 - April: Hanami | Genre: (blooming) Romance + Taichi-cheese | Wordcount: 783 | Rating: K+ | Characters: Taichi Yagami & Sora Takenouchi (Taiora)
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Blossoming hearts
His heart had made a little jump when she first entered the coffee shop he was working in. At first he didn’t know why. Sure, she was an absolute natural beauty to him, but it wasn’t a heart skip of love at first sight. It was more of an unfamiliar feeling of familiarity, without having any clue from what or where. His mind had tried to grasp it, but it always seemed to slip from him. What he did know was that his heart had some kind of connection with the heart of that auburn haired girl.
When he heard her stutter, trying to find the right words, it was his heart that automatically filled in the blanks for her. For them. As if he knew what her heart wanted. Responding to her unsaid question thinking like one mind.
“I’d love to see the cherry blossoms with you.”
It made him both grin and blush at that time. She had nodded so fast to his question back then, that she spilled some of the content in the cup. A chai tea latte. He had to offer her a napkin and his lopsided smile of charms and small victory crept up his face.
“I’m so sorry. I’m usually not like this,” she sweetly said to which Taichi had to laugh, waving it all away.
“It’s fine. I would have done the same. Actually, you seem like a woman of control, I’m usually the clumsy one.”
Those words had made the girl, whose name was Sora, smirk a little. Looking back at that moment, it did catch Taichi a bit off guard as she showed another side of her.
“Guess we’re already switching roles then, huh?”
It was a side of her he absolutely loved, especially because every time she adopted his little quirks, she got shy immediately after. Like a flower that took a bit of the sun as she bloomed, but then closed as soon as she felt caught taking in too much from others.
Sora had always been like a flower to Taichi. Like a beautiful blossom, pure and elegant, making every blue sky brighter. Making his heart blossom like the trees grew flowers every spring. Any cherry blossom would fade against her beauty.
His eyes were glued to her every move that first date. There was a feeling he could only describe as knowing he belonged with her. To her.
“Sakura is the flower of renewal,” Sora had started as they stood under one of the many trees, looking closely to the little pinkish flowers. Taichi was in awe of the knowledge she seemed to have, nodding to every word she said. “It’s about new beginnings and bright—”
“—bright futures that lie ahead of us.”
Sora’s cheeks had turned as pink as the blossoms. She giggled and bit her lip soon after, her attention shifting back to the trees. Wind blew through the branches, making leaves of the blossoms softly float away, just like it made the auburn locks of the girl move. The girl, however, stayed. Two feet on the ground, her eyes following the wind, her hand trying to catch some of fine nature.
Taichi inhaled. He was fully aware of the fact that going down on one knee, being only in his early twenties, on their first ever date after talking to each other for not even an hour in total yet was a very, very bad idea. He sensed that it wasn’t her style, just like it wasn’t his either, but somewhere deep down he knew that she would take it anyway.
He didn’t do it that day. His eyes were seeing Sora from the inside and out, his senses heightened around her in between those cherry blossom trees, observing her in every way possible, taking it all in. He followed her. Right until he knew her through and through.
Right until this very day.
“It has been five years since that certain day and Sora, my soulmate, you have no idea how much you’ve changed my life. You make my heart blossom and my soul shine in ways I could never held possible. Watching these trees filled with flowers, the ones we’re standing under and in between right now, every year… Man, I truly hope I will be able to do just that year in and out.”
In her eyes and tears he could see the blossoms float by, hinting at that bright future that was so close he could taste it. See it. Touch it. Feel it.
“Together, forever connected as yours and yours alone.”
“I thought we would have a more traditional wedding, baka,” she whispered, smiling through her tears.
“I do.”
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fatylovesart · 2 years
Taichi y Sora 🌧️☔
Taiora Year 2022.
May: Rainy Month.
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taioraworld · 3 years
Taiora 2022
We invite all Taiora fans to participate in the 2022 calendar.
With lots of love, we have chosen a special theme for each month this year.
How can you participate? Fanfics, fanarts, editions, gifs, videos, photographs, etc.
We are very excited to share with all of you!
We’ll be using the hashtags: #Taiora #Taiora2022 #TaioraYear2022
Taiora Team.
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Invitamos a todos los fans Taiora a participar en el calendario 2022.
Con mucho amor, hemos elegido un tema especial para cada mes de este año.
¿Cómo se puede participar? Fanfics, fanarts, ediciones, gifs, videos, fotografías, etc.
¡Estamos muy emocionados de compartir con todos ustedes!
Estaremos usando los hashtag: #Taiora #Taiora2022 #TaioraYear2022
Equipo Taiora.
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taioraworld · 2 years
¡Hola, Taioras!
Tuvimos una modificación en el calendario Taiora.
Mayo es mes de las lluvias.
Cualquier aporte artístico es bienvenido, como Fanarts, Fanfics, Ediciones, Videos, etc.
¡Pueden etiquetarnos!
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Hi, Taioras!
We had a modification in the Taiora calendar.
May is Rainy Month.
Any artistic contribution is welcome, such as Fanarts, Fanfics, Editions, Videos, etc.
You can tag us!
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taioraworld · 2 years
¡Hola, Taioras!
Recuerden que tendremos el Hanami, como el tema que corresponde al mes de Abril.
Hi, Taioras!
Remember that we'll have the Hanami, as the theme that corresponds to the month of April.
Edición/Edition: @fatymlove
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mlletempete · 3 years
Inspirado en uno de los capítulos de mi fic "Antes de Navidad" cuando Sora acude al partido de Tai y por el cumpleaños del capitán <<Woodson Yagami>> del Grupo Taiora Latino en facebook 💕✨
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
A loving reminder | Tai(k)o(u)ra for Valentine's Day
Hello my darlings,
It's almost time for Valentine's Day and that deserves some new writing. It's a Taiora and it's written for this month's Taiora 2022 prompt "Valentine's Day" (by @taioraworld), but I simply had to add some Koushiro to the mix (plus all the others ssssttt)!
You can either read it as a clean Taiora living together with their bestie Koushiro or read it as a romantic!Taikoura. That's your call ;)
Anyway, enjoy the read and wishing you all a great Valentine's Day <3 (Yay for stock images!)
Taiora2022 - February: Valentine's Day | Genre: Love, friendship, comfort, (domestic) fluff | Rating: K+ | Wordcount: 1.500+ words
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A loving reminder
The light of the morning sun that seeped through the light curtains made Sora slowly wake up in peace. It was rare sunrays at this time of year, meaning spring would come soon this year. Sora yawned and stretched herself without losing the arms that were wrapped around her thin frame. She wiggled and turned around in his embrace to face her big spoon of that night, the tips of her nose touching his. The nuzzling movement she then made slightly woke up her sleeping buddy with a groan. And who was to blame, after all, it was a Monday morning, their least favorite. It reminded them that the sweet rest and togetherness they usually shared on the weekend was about to end very soon.
“Good morning, sunshine boy,” Sora softly sang, her lips meeting his for a small peck to fully wake him. He immediately dived back in to meet her lips for a longer lock, only leaving hers to return the greeting.
“Morning, Sor,” Taichi said with his usual raspy morning voice. He scraped his throat with his mouth closed, stretching his body like Sora had done earlier, with it letting her go from his embrace and leaving her cold.
Sora shivered.
“You really aren’t one for the cold weather, are you?” Taichi teased, his arms finding its way back to hug her warm. Sora nodded and giggled, her head snuggling back into his chest.
They lay like that for a while, happy and safe in the others arms, cuddling while sharing small, quiet and ordinary conversations. How they weren’t looking forward to this week, knowing they wouldn’t be able to spend much time together due to busy jobs. Usually they had the weekends, but this weekend had been different with Sora being incredibly busy helping her mother out with all the Ikebana orders for Valentine’s Day.
“Shit, Taichi, it’s Valentine’s today!” Sora exclaimed, immediately sitting up straight in bed. Her eyes turned big as she looked down on Taichi, remembering how she had wanted to bake that weekend to celebrate Valentine’s, but forgot all about it.
Taichi laughed. “Sor, it’s fine. We know you were going to be super busy these last days and already figured out you would be too caught up with work and preparations.”
“But usually I don’t forget! Taichi, this is a disaster,” Sora whined, her face disappearing in her hands. She felt how Taichi grabbed her wrists and carefully removed the hands, wanting to be able to look in her eyes as he spoke.
“Sora, would you believe if I said that it really is okay?” He sweetly said, his voice low and soft. Sora nodded. “Besides,” Taichi continued, “we might have a little surprise for you.”
With that, Taichi stood and left the bedroom, leaving the door open for Sora to follow.
Sora was in a happy place. Her career was taking off, she had great and supportive friends, her love life was a happy and safe one, but still… Still there was an ache in her chest, especially every time she walked past that basket.
Ever since Piyomon had vanished, her heart had felt as empty as that empty basket Piyomon had left behind. Her mind grew heavy, reminiscing over all the happy moments Sora had shared with her precious partner, a tear holding those memories meandering over her cheek to the floor. Those tears were familiar to Sora by now, she had already freed so many, every tear leaving deep grooves in her face’s skin. They burned, yet sparked joy all the same, like invisible scars telling her the stories of the adventures she had shared with Piyomon over and over again. Sora sniffed.
“Sora-san, are you okay?”
Sora looked up from the basket to the door’s opening where Koushiro had appeared, fully dressed in apron and all. She smiled, hiding away possible new tears that formed behind her eyes. “I’m fine.” Besides, how could she not be fine with Koushiro standing there the way he stood.
She watched him reaching out his hand for hers and with a small smile she took it. He guided her to the living area where she was met with a gorgeous looking and deliciously smelling breakfast and a pinkish envelope with hearts on her plate. She had expected to find Taichi at the table too, but he was nowhere to be found. Curious about the situation, Sora opened her mouth to make a comment, but was stopped by Koushiro.
“Taichi-san asked me to prepare the breakfast for you. He also wants you to open the letter,” Koushiro said, his eyes pointing to the envelope on her plate. Sora shot him a confused look, though not wanting to ask too much questions, she picked up the envelope and opened it without saying a word.
Inside she found a small and beautifully handwritten letter. Her eyes followed the soft curves of the waving letters forming words, forming sentences, her heart filling itself with warmth that spread from her chest through her entire body.
Dearest Sora,
First of all, we want to wish you a happy, beautiful, peaceful, wonderful, great, amazing and lovely Valentine’s Day!
It has been quite a ride for you this last year with all that has happened and your career. We know you have been pushing yourself to extreme limits and amidst you being so incredibly busy, you are always there for everyone. It’s your blessing, we admire you being so obliging, it’s heartwarming. But all of us, including you, know it can also be your curse. We have been watching you taking care of others like a friend, partner and even a mom in a way. However, now it’s time to switch those roles and let us take care of you! Starting with this little gift on the day of Love.
We hope that this gift shows you how much we care for you. We also hope that it reminds you to take care of yourself every once in a while. Be selfish! Take that nap! Eat that last rice ball! Don’t make that call and let someone else check on the others! And please, Sora, allow us to spoil you from time to time.
Her eyes flew over the words again and again, a warm smile on her face. It was funny to her how they had captured the words Piyomon had once said to her in this letter as well, feeling as if she had been there writing this letter along them. Sora looked up from the stationary a playful sigh escaping her.
“I really hope he’s not going to gift me another of those damn hairclips.”
Koushiro laughed. “I made sure he wouldn’t.”
With a nod of his head, Koushiro pointed to something behind her and Sora could hear footsteps and something scraping the ground. She turned around to find Taichi, next to him something that looked like a mobile table with higher legs, a large fabric cloth draped over the top of the… thing. Sora tilted her head, trying to make any sense of the situation and the gift she apparently was going to receive, but it was all vague to her. But when Taichi pulled away the cloth all that Sora could do was gasp.
Underneath the cloth was a big round cage with white bars. In the cage she found a small pinkish bird with tiny little feathers on the top of her little head. The sweet sound the bird made as Taichi pulled away the cloth made Sora’s heart jump with joy, the tears that she had tried to hide immediately forming in her eyes again.
“I know you miss her a lot,” Taichi started, “and I know it’s not Piyomon, nor is it a replacement… But we really wanted to give you this on Valentine’s Day as a reminder of the love she gave you, the love you give us in return and the love that we want to return so desperately.”
This only made Sora cry more, her hand finding its place in front of her mouth as she approached the birdcage to get a closer look at the little bird. It wasn’t a replacement, absolutely not, but it was the sweetest gift she could ask for, thoughtful and heartwarming. One she would cherish for as long as she was able to.
“T-Thank you,” she stuttered, the eyes filled with tears finding Taichi’s worried but proud ones. The hand on her shoulder was Koushiro’s, whom she gave a warm smile through her tears. “Both of you.”
“Don’t just thank us, Sora-san.”
“Right, this is a gift from all of us.”
Sora raised an eyebrow. “All of us?” She remembered not finding any names at the bottom of that letter.
Taichi’s and Koushiro’s eyes found each other’s, their lips turning into grins and smiles.
“You do know that both of our handwritings aren’t that good, right?”
“The words were mostly Taichi-san’s, but this gift is from all eleven of us.”
Sora laughed and shook her head, her body filled with warmth, love and care from her friends. Reminding Sora of Piyomon’s love, how much she loved Piyomon back, how much she loved her friends yesterday, how much she would love her friends today…
“Also little note, unlike Piyomon, this birdie is a guy—ouch!” Taichi said, interrupted by a light slap against the back of his head by Koushiro. Sora laughed.
… and how much she would love them from tomorrow on forever more.
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