#Taiyang Xiao LongxSummer Rose
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Taiyang and Summer don’t get enough love as a couple. https://www.deviantart.com/mechag11/art/Commission-Beach-Embrace-883342554
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Cinder the Xiao Long Rose Adoptee
The sands of Vacuo weren't exactly the place you would want to die on. Ruby her team had finally managed to escape the void, made it to Vacuo, only to run into Cinder Fall and her new allies.  And Cinder had gotten stronger. "Salem wants you alive , Ruby," Cinder hissed in hate."But she didn't say in one piece!" With that a giant fireball hurled at Team Rwby. The heat got closer until... WHOOSH! a figure rushed in front of her, shielding ruby and her team from the blow. "What!?" Cinder growled. Ruby looked up the figure in front of her, and her jaw dropped.Standing there, slightly injured but overall okay, was a very pissed Taiyang Xiao Long. "Dad?" Ruby gasped. "But how?" "How do you think?"A certain voice asked behind her. Ruby and Yang both turned in shock and anger to see Raven standing beside a closing portal.  "Raven," Yang gritted her teeth.
Raven smirked,  "you're welcome." Ruby snapped back to her father. "Dad, whats going on?" Taiyang glared. "2 years,  and this is the first thing you say to me?" Ruby stopped...that's right...she had run away from home, with only a letter...not exactly the best way to treat one's father. "Dad, I'm-" "So, you're Little Red's Father," Cinder levitate to the ground. "Seems interesting, I don't see the resemblance" Taiyang turned to face Salem's maiden. "As opposed to having a name that respectively means fire and fall maiden?" He retorted. Cinder chuckled.  "Actually I had the name Cinder  since I was little. I just took the name Fall after what I've been through. Acquiring the Fall Maidens powers? That was just coincidence." "And what of Rhodes?" Cinder stiffened, and stepped back in shock. "How...how do you know that name?" Taiyang's eyes widened, before going sad. "So it is you. Little Cinder, you've truly fallen " "HOW DO YOU KNOW RHODES?!" Cinder screamed. 
"Dad, whats going on...do you know her?"Ruby was confused. Tai sighed and kneaded his forehead. "Let's just say she was supposed to be your stepsister" The desert was literally filled with noise-filled silence. "WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" Weiss was not sure what to think of Ruby's Dad, but now she wasn't happy. "Shall you tell them...or shall I?" Tai asked Cinder. Cinder frowned..."I want to hear it" Taiyang took a breath."Summer Rose and I were raising Ruby and Yang together, while trying to help Qrow with his alcoholism.  It was after team STRQ had broken up, so we didn't have the ability to return to the field..But we did have a few friends who trusted with our secrets.Rhodes was a Mistral huntsman that we did trust.While on a visit to Atlas, he came across a young girl who was forced to do all the work for a catering restaurant, treated poorly, and had a shock collar on her neck...A slave, by any other name or title.That girls name was Cinder.." Taiyang looked at her..."its you isn't it?" Blake was stunned.  "Atlas allowed slavery of faunus AND humans?!" "They wouldn't call it slavery, " Cinder replied."I was adopted from A Mistralian orphanage so the owner could work me to the bone without dealing with Mistralian officials trying to stop her..When I met Rhodes..That was the first person to ever show me kindness.He trained me, unlocked my Aura, gave me a weapon " "The goal was to help you escape with him to Patch...to us" Taiyang explained. "Summer had come up with the idea of adopting you...one more addition to a family not based on blood, but of trust...And Rhodes would have been free to train you in Patch, where you could finally have a normal childhood, and have two sisters who would treat you well...and you be a good sister to them... I know it sounded like a crazy idea, but Summer had come up with plenty of crazy ideas before...and we trusted her on them... I supported her strategy here as well, because she always made them with good intentions" Cinder was silent, not responding.Tears started running down her one good eye. Ruby was stunned...her mortal enemy had been an Atlesian Slave? "Wait, but what happened?" "What do you think happened, Ruby?" Cinder answered. "The Madam had her daughters spy on me. And when they found the sword  Rhodes gave me? They proceeded to torture me.So I had enough.My semblance arrived that night. And I killed my slavers. And as their bodies fell to the ground?Rhodes was there in the entrance." Cinder began breathing hard, reliving the past."I was happy...I wouldn't have to run anymore...I could be with Rhodes.I COULD BE A HUNTRESS!! 'Running is all you will ever do.' Those words he spoke,  drawing his sword...every last bit of my hope broke that night... For all his talk about wanting to help me escape slavery...murdering my slavers was somehow a worse crime in society than slavery itself.... And so I killed the man who tried to bring me in for trying to survive...and I ran..." Cinder took a deep breath, the tears continuing to flow. "I really...I really would have loved Summers idea...it sounded so nice..." Then the tears stopped, and the fire returned. "But society isn't nice...and at the end of the day, all you people are doing is protecting the Status Quo" Her breathing calmed.Cinder chose her next words carefully.  "If you want to know why people like me serve Salem? Its because she has the power to change this world into something better than this one.And at the end of the day,  the ends justify the means " Ruby and Yang were stunned.This was their enemy.A monster...and a person.A person who their world had shaped into a monster. "I'm truly sorry for what you've gone through," Taiyang said gently."Truly, I pity and sympathize with the child you were." "However,"His expression hardened as he removed a battle axe from his backstrap, and brandished it."I cannot forgive the monster you've become...and a huntsman slays monsters" Cinder sneered. " Have you forgotten? You're facing a a Maiden!" "And I'm a pissed off father of two girls who you've threatened!" Taiyang retorted. "If you think that having a title or a few magic tricks is enough to make me back off?" He grinned maniacally.  "You must have lost some brain cells along with that Eye!" There was once again complete and utter silence. Cinder slowly retracted her jaw from the ground and glared. "The last person to try 'roasting' me got burned and buried.I hope you're ready to die?' Taiyang's body began glowing with aura."Bring it"
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Yang stands before Summer, the photo of Team  STRQ clenched in Yang’s hand. Yang’s eyes red, Summer trying to avoid Yang’s glare. “She’s my real mother, isn’t she?” Yang asks angrily. “Yang, we can explain,” Summer starts. “Is Ruby really my sister? Is Daddy really my Daddy? Who are you? Who is she? WHO AM I?” Yang shouts. “Why did you and Daddy and Uncle Qrow not tell us? Why did Uncle Qrow get so angry about Raven? Why did she leave?  Am I…am I even wanted? Did she leave because I wasn’t wanted?!” Summer burst into tears and grabbed yang in a hug. “You did nothing wrong!” Summer cried. “You and your father did nothing wrong! She didn’t just leave you, she left all of us! Me, your uncle, your father…. the one time we were able to get ahold of her, she wouldn’t even tell us why! I was her best friend, and I had no idea who she truly even was!” Yang looked at Summer “Mo-mommy?” She then stepped back as anger welled up in Summer’s eyes. Summer continued “I helped your father raise you, and in time I came to love you, both of you! Just as your father loved me! When we had your half-sister, yes, you two may come from different mommies, but she is still your sister, your father wanted me to give Ruby my last name as a reminder that this family was built thanks to me!” The strength left Summer’s shoulders and she collapsed. “I love you Yang, as if you were truly my own daughter….but I am always scared that one day Raven would come back, and you’d no longer look at me with your sweet eyes but instead give that affection to her….I don’t want that, Yang, I want to remain your Mommy!” “How can I ever look at her like that when I don’t even know her, and all I’ve had is you?” Summer’s eyes widen and she looks at her stepdaughter through teary eyes. Yang’s eyes are purple again, beginning to moisten. “Just because…just because she may be my real mommy doesn’t mean you are bad mommy….If I have to choose between two moms…” Yang takes a breath, “Then I’m choosing you, BECAUSE YOU ARE  A SUPERMOM!” Summer slowly wordlessly walks over to Yang quietly. Yang “Mommy, what are you-“ Summer grips Yang in a tight hug. “Please say it again,” Summer whispers. “I need you to say it again, PLEASE”. Tears begin flowing down Yang’s face as she returns Summer’s Hug. “I love you, for you are my Super-Mom” A sad smile of joy breaks through Summer’s expression for the first time.
“You are my Sunny Sunny Little Dragon, and I love you too” The sun shines through the window as Tai and Ruby enter seeing Summer and Yang in a tearful embrace. Blood is thicker than, but the blood of the Covenant will forever be thicker than the water of the Lamb.
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We know that TaiyangxSummer is canon, YangxBlake may be canon, and who knows about WhiteRose.... I just want to see a taiyang hashtag that isn’t treating him like shit.
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Ah, new TaiyangxSummer for this fandom to enjoy! https://twitter.com/TheYeager_san/status/1285626912237387786
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