#Takamichi hanagaki
cherrytoru · 2 years
MWUAH! or everyone deserves a kiss
warnings: you already know my soft draken agenda is back bitches, mentions of blood & fights,, it’s tokrev soo, mikey ice cream thief (derogatory), takemichi in desperate need of validation, angst in takemichi’s im sorry, chifuyu in a cat maid outfit (he lost a bet), use of the nickname kitty but reader says it
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“you’re hurt.”
“i’m fine.”
“no,” grabbing his face lightly, you pull him to eye level “what happened i thought you and mikey were just going to hang out at his place?”
draken flushed not ready to give up the details of the night. “i’m fine, it was just a little scuffle.”
“you’re covered in blood, ken.” tracing your thumb over the scrape under his eye, he shutters. “let me clean you up.” it takes less force than you thought it would to drag him to the bathroom.
jumping up on the counter, you make quick work of the dried blood and dirt matted onto his face. eventually you hit a spot that hurt a little too much and tears prick his eyes. “oh, i’m sorry kenny. i didn’t mean to hurt you.” your hand falters in its movement.
“it’s okay, i promise.”
“here.” you place a delicate kiss onto the swollen skin and draken finds himself melting under it, “better?”
“much. thank you, love.”
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“hey that’s my ice cream!” a semi guilty look crosses mikey’s face as he forces the spoon into his already full mouth, “no fair mikey!”
after swallowing he speaks up, “sorry!” with a giggle he takes another spoonful.
“hmph, that’s not nice manjiro.”
he catches himself stalling for a few seconds, “no! don’t call me that! you’re supposed to call me mikey, you only call me manjiro when you’re angry!” instead of replying you turn your head away and let out a small huff. “you’re mean.”
you look back at mikey, a small pout is on his face. next to his mouth are remains of the stolen ice cream and an idea pops into your head. leaning over the table, you place a kiss to the corner of his lips. he freezes but is quick you recalibrate, “you had ice cream on your face.”
“i’ll just have to steal your ice cream more then.”
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he was being beaten to a pulp but still takemichi wouldn’t give up. he just kept getting back up, only to be pushed down again.
“takemichi please stop.” all you could do was watch as he attempted to defend you against the older boys.
“no, i can’t.” he wiped the blood from his nose. his hair was flat against his forehead from the sweat. “need to prove i can protect you.”
the other delinquents laughed at him, kicking him in the chest again. before long they got bored and left. and in the silence of the ally way, sobs filled the air.
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry i couldn’t protect you better.” a quivering takamichi looked up at you from the ground. tears and blood ran together downwards, staining his white shirt and the concrete below.
kneeling down you take his face in your hands, “you’ve don’t enough, i’m proud of you.” sealing the words with a kiss to his head, takemichi breaks down once again. eventually he’ll be fine but for now he just wants to keep you close.
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he should have won. he’s pretty sure kazutora rigged it. but here chifuyu is, standing outside his pet shop wearing a maid outfit and cat ears.
stifled laughter comes from his left as he attempts to shield is face. “fuyu? what are you wearing that for?”
looking over he’s met with the faces of you, hinata, and emma. a blush covers his cheeks— he doesn’t think this could get more embarrassing. “lost a bet with kazutora.” he sulks, gesturing lightly to the ears on his head.
“well that’s not exactly how i thought this would go but whatever.” he looks down to the package in your hands, “i brought lunch, i was hoping we could eat together but if you’re busy it’s okay.”
he quickly starts to open the door before ushering you inside and towards the back, leaving the other girls to wander around the store. he throws the ears off his head as he delicately takes the neatly wrapped box from your hands. “thank you for bringing lunch.”
“of course.” the two of you start to enjoy the home cooked meal in silence. eventually you finish and chifuyu no longer has an excuse to avoid his punishment. he solemnly puts the ears back on his head before walking you to the door.
“if it makes you feel better, you look pretty cute.”he blushes again when a quick kiss is placed on his lips. “i’ll see you at home, kitty.”
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teradomarimotoki · 1 year
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Tokyo Revengers + Flowers
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greymappy · 3 months
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My pixel request (2/2)
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holditdown-dare · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers final arc would have made much more sense if Mikey and Takamichi were just allowed to admit they had feelings for each other
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spooky-bunnys · 9 months
So I really like hanma and I was wondering if I can make this request. So say takemichi and his friends are hanging out and they bring mini michi (kid reader) but the thing is mini michi is trying to hard to keep up but unfortunately it’s starts to get crowded and he’s lost until he bumps into this tall man who at first is scared and is picked up by hanma who immediately figures out that he’s michi younger brother so he decides to take mini michi on a little adventure meanwhile takemichi and his friends are panicking and looking all over for him
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(Name) quietly huffed as he tried catching up with his brother and his group of friends. But unfortunately he was a toddler and couldn't move as fast as he wanted. (Name) tried getting their attention, but ultimately failed. He then noticed he accidentally lost a shoe.
As he looked around for the shoe he had accidentally bumped into someone. As he looked up at the male the first thing he noticed was how tall the male was. It kinda scared it. It then only got worse as the male bent down and smiled widely at him. Which only scared him more. So (Name) did the only thing he knew to do. Cry.
Hanma jumped at the wail let out from the child. Not expecting the toddler to burst into tears. Hanma started to panic. So he did what he thought was the right thing to do. Hanma quickly picked him up, trying to calm him. Only for the wail to turn into a scream. Hanma quickly started bouncing the toddler.
(Name) confused slowly stopped crying and stared at the stranger confused. Hanma sighed glad the wailing stopped. Although, why does this kid look so familiar? There was a few people he knew with black hair, but those blue eyes? Only one person he knew had eyes like that. Hanagaki Takemichi. Hanma slowly smirked.
"I think I'll keep you. Maybe turn you into a Mini Shuji instead of a Mini Takemichi." (Name) was confused then noticed the tattoos on the stranger's hands. Hanma watched the boy's eyes light up. Confused he followed the kids eyes. Upon seeing his tattooed hand, Hanma moved it. Watching the toddler follow the movement.
Oh. This is definitely gonna be entertaining. Hanma smirked wider.
Back with Takemichi and the gang, they were weaving between people. Trying to stay together. None of them noticing the missing member of the said group. They finally made it to their destination. (Name)'s favorite Càfe. Takemichi smiled and turned towards the group.
"(Name) we made it!" The others turned. Looking for the toddler. Unfortunately, he wasn't anywhere to be found. "(NAME)?!" Of course Takemichi immediately panics, which made his friends panic. The middle schoolars quickly looked around, checking to see if the toddler was hiding. He wasn't.
"Takamichi he isn’t here! Who last saw him?!" Akkun took charge. Asking the others when they last saw the tot not getting good answers. "None of you watched out for him?! Makoto he was literally holding your hand!" Said male panicked trying to explain his side. But the others didn't care. "How could we lose him!?"
Yamagishi thought for a moment. "Hey! Why don't we retrace our steps? Maybe we can find him that way?" Takemichi pushed them away and immediately took off towards the way they came. Yelling his brothers name as he went.
As Hanma walked holding (Name), whose (Name) he had learned. Seeing his clothes had his name written in the inside of his shirt collar. As Hanma walked he started talking to the tot. Well more like acknowledging his babbling. Since he couldn't exactly talk well yet. Hanma nodded and saying yes or no every once and a while.
But was interrupted by a punch being thrown towards the lanky male. Usually Hanma would block the punch, but since there was a high chance (Name) would be injured. Hanma stepped back and held (Name) closer. Behind the now fallen male, was a semi-large group. Hanma groaned silently. Enemy Gang.
He'd usually be glad to get into a fight. But he didn't want (Name) getting hurt at the moment. Hanma kicked the laying male towards the group and sent them a silent glare. Warning them to try and attack him again. They ignored him of course. Another person trying to throw a punch. Hanma moved, but didn't expect the guy to try and grab the toddler he was holding.
Hanma's eyes widened then hardened. Hanma moved (Name) to his other arm. Punching the other guy quickly. (Name) whined and hid his face into Hanma's neck. Hanma's glare hardened. They had scared his new baby brother. They're goners.
Hanma as quick as he could he finished the gang. Making sure (Name) was safe and hiding his eyes. Before continuing the fight. Switching (Name) to the other arm when needed. But before throwing another punch or kick, he made sure (Name)'s face was hidden. He didn't want to traumatize the poor boy. He was too young and innocent for this.
After knocking the last guy out, Hanma let out a long sigh. He glaced down at (Name) who was still crying. His heart broke. He carefully rubbed (Name)'s back and started humming softly. Slowly calming the upset toddler. After soothing (Name), Hanma decided to settle down and get some lunch. So he carried (Name) to his favorite Càfe.
Takemichi laid his head on the table crying. They'd gone back as far as his house and (Name) was nowhere to be seen. Takemichi was ready to call the police at this point! He's looked everywhere he could think (Name) could go. Now he's at some random Càfe trying to get the courage to call not only his parents, but the police and tell them he lost his 2 year old brother. In Tokyo of all places.
He can already see how this plays out. His parents will call him irresponsible and ground him until he goes to college. His friends were trying to console him. Tell him he wasn't alone. They were supposed to be helping him watch (Name). They technically all failed at watching the todder today. So if one gets in trouble, they all will be in trouble.
Luckily before he actually had to call his parents. He heard a familiar laughter. He quickly looked around and noticed a somewhat familiar toddler with a very familiar lanky teen. Takemichi could feel the color drain from his face at the sight of his brother.
(Name)'s once pure black hair had been bleached in the front. Along with on his hands Sin and Punishment was written in Kanji on his hands. Takemichi could feel his sweat just pooring off him. His two year old brother looked almost exactly like Hanma. Takemichi quickly made his way over. His friend scrambling behind him.
Once he made it to the booth the two was at, Takemichi tried to grab (Name). Only for the toddler to cry and cling onto the taller teen. Hanma scowled and slapped Takemichi's hands away. "Oi hands off blondie. (Name)'s my brother now." Takemichi froze. (Name) didn't even turn to him. Only clung to Hanma.
Hanma rubbed (Name)'s back soothing the toddler. Ignoring the gaping expression of the other guys surrounding them. (Name) yawned and rubbed his eyes and slowly fell asl÷ep on Hanma. Takemichi was absolutely stunned. (Name) only did that for their mother. "How did you?" Hanma smirked. "Maybe I know my brother better~" Hanma kissed (Name)'s forehea
"Checkmate blondie~"
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Mikey x F!Tanjiro Reader please if that’s okay? (Mikey reminds me of a cat, he’s so cute)
Reader and Nezuko were sent to the future and meet Takemichi 3 months before he comes back in time (Becoming his adoptive sisters) and she protects him and his friends when their in trouble
Nezuko mostly stays in her toddler form and sleeps in Reader’s bed, and when she’s in her regular form, no one recognizes her as Reader’s sister since she’s rarely seen until recently when she became immune to the Sun (Everyone calls her ‘cute/pretty’) and started to go to school with her sister and Takamichi
When Reader found out Takamichi and his friends were being beaten, before Mikey and Draken could do anything she runs in and punches Kiyomizu, sending him flying (Breaking a few of his ribs, which everyone heard, scaring the crap out of everyone, including Takamichi, since he’s never seen Reader so angry, impressing Draken and Mikey with her speed, strength and morality when she does her speech that Kiyomizu and everyone who laughed at Takemichi are ‘The Lowest Scum on Earth’)
When Mikey was getting close to Takamichi, Reader got in his way to protect him, with a determined and brave look burning in her eyes, he immediately told her, ‘From this day forward, your my Wifey~!’ (Those who heard this were shocked, with Reader giving him a blank but confused look, not able to process his words… until after she, Takamichi and his friends where heading home, then she becomes a flustered mess)
If you want you can genderbend Nezuko (Nezukobo?Nezukoru?) since it would be hilarious for a future request for everyone to mistake him as Reader’s ‘Boyfriend’ or rather Mikey’s ‘Rival’ (And it’s just very petty and disastrous results from Mikey trying to ‘One Up’ him, until he learns from Hina that he’s Reader’s Brother)
-It had been three months since this major change in yours and your little brother, Nezu’s, lives.
-Finding yourselves in modern day Japan was definitely a culture shock, despite still being in Japan, but luckily, you both had an ally, one who took you both in with no hesitation and adopted you both as his sisters, Hanagaki Takemichi.
-Had he not seen Nezu, who now spends most of her time in his toddler form, sleeping in your bed, changing from his toddler form to his standard and even his adult form, he wouldn’t have believed the tale you told him about demons and being sent to the future.
-He dealt with his own things, being able to go back and forth into time, trying to save everyone he could, but the strange thing now was that you and Nezu would travel with him, almost like the two of you were stuck with him now.
-Your biggest shock was that Nezu could go out in the sun and he was basically just like a normal human again, being able to talk now, and he could now hide his fangs and claws. It was almost like you had your brother completely back, which you were overjoyed with.
-It was a change for you, no longer having to fight, you were able to put up your sword and uniform, putting them in a display box so now you just wear your haori while out and about.
-Going to school, in your time, was usually only for the wealthy or those who lived in big cities, you knew how to read, write, and do basic math, but being able to attend school, it was so surreal!
-Nezu liked going to school as well, attending the same school with you and Takemichi, and you were able to arrange to be in the same class together.
-Nezu was admired for his good looks, many calling him handsome or hot, but he never seemed bothered with their compliments, choosing to stay by your or Takemichi’s side.
-You had your own admirers, as many thought you were a wonderful woman, you were hard-working, very athletic, and nice to everyone you met, as long as they were nice to you and your siblings.
-Takemichi did his best to keep both of you out of his other lifestyle, not wanting you to know that he was a brawler and was in a gang, he wanted to keep you both safe from this side of him.
-However, that is not what fate had in store for your family.
-You were walking with Nezu, holding onto his hand as he ate a cream puff, his cheeks lightly red in delight as you smiled, seeing him happy before you heard shouting.
-Your eyes went wide, seeing Takemichi and his friends being attacked and you instantly glared, giving Nezu your school bag before you ran, “Brother!”
-Attention went to you as you dashed over, moving incredibly fast, thanks to your past training and Kiyomizu turned, seeing you and thinking you were Takemichi’s girlfriend, sneered at your brother, “Your girlfriend’s coming to fight your battles? Pathetic!!” as he uttered that last word you nailed him hard, hitting him so hard across the face that his whole head turned, he felt ribs cracking as his torso and hips moved in opposite directions before going flying.
-Jaws dropped all over, eyes went wide, including Takemichi who had no idea you were that strong! Takemichi swallowed, scared, as he had never seen you so angry, it felt like flames were surrounding you.
-Your voice was low and icy, “Those who do nothing and laugh at the misfortune and pain of others are the lowest scum of earth.”
-Many voiced their complaints, calling you rude before you turned, eyes piercing into them as everyone felt chills run up their spines, “If you have complaints, come. We’ll see if you’re laughing afterwards.”
-Everyone was quick to shut up, looking terrified of you before clapping filled the air, you turned, seeing two boys, Mikey, and Draken, as everyone was calling them, bowing deeply, telling you these were the leaders of this massive group that attacked your brother.
-Takemichi knew him as well, calling the shorter boy Mikey, and you could sense the strength in him as he came to stop in front of you after you stepped in front of your brother, giving Mikey the silent warning not to touch him.
-Mikey wasn’t bothered, in fact he looked almost happy, “That was really impressive, you’re really strong!” you calmed a bit at his compliment, not feeling any malice from him.
-Your brother stood, putting a hand on your head, “I’m okay, Y/N, these will heal.” You turned, smiling softly, looking so soft and gentle now as you turned, hearing his voice and you smiled, “That’s good.”
-Mikey grinned before he spoke, “From this day forward, you’re my friend Mitchy! And you’ll be my wifey- Y/N!” Everyone but Draken and Mikey turned white in shock, more so at the proposal to you, that you were going to be his wife. Draken was never surprised with anything Mikey did anymore, as he always did what he wanted, and Mikey was grinning, his fists on his hips, looking proud of himself.
-However, you didn’t respond, going completely blank at his words, which everyone saw, Takemichi waving his hands in front of your eyes, shaking your shoulders.
-Mikey laughed, thinking the reaction was cute before he exchanged numbers with Takemichi and told everyone to head out, as there was going to be some discipline for those who attacked your brother and his friends, except for Kiyomizu, who was being taken to the hospital.
-Takemichi and Nezu held your hands on the way home, as you had yet to respond as your mind had gone completely blank, at least until you were almost home, then you turned bright red and you dropped to be squatting with your knees together, your hands over your face as you made a sound like a deflating balloon.
-You had never been in a relationship before, after everything with Nezu, then becoming a Demon Slayer and looking for a cure, romance was the last thing on your mind, and to have someone basically propose as soon as the two of you met, you didn’t know what to do.
-Several days passed and Mikey was very persistent, coming to pick you and Mikey up from school, waving his hand happily, “Y/N! I’m so happy to see you.” Despite your strength and confidence in battle, you were rather shy with him, which he thought was cute.
-However, when Nezu ran up from behind you, hugging you, Mikey instantly was glaring, thinking this boy was your boyfriend or an admirer.
-This led to Mikey constantly trying to one-up your brother, unknowingly, if you went out to lunch with Mikey, Draken, Takemichi and Nezu, if Mikey would try to feed you, you would get super shy, but if Nezu did, you would take it every time.
-Draken and Takemichi thought this was cute, seeing Mikey acting so jealous, all while you and Nezu were none the wiser of his anger.
-The truth came out after Mikey saw you holding Nezu’s hand before giving you a cream puff, and Mikey cracked his knuckles, “That’s it- Y/N is my woman!”
-Luckily, Takemichi was there to hold them back, “Why do you want to fight Nezu?” Mikey whined on how much attention you were giving the other boy and he wanted to prove to you that he would be a better boyfriend.
-Takemichi immediately started laughing, pulling back from his friend who turned with a pout on his face before Takemichi spoke, “I’m sorry-I’m sorry. It’s just funny that you’re jealous over Y/N’s little brother.”
-Mikey went silent, stunned learning this before he turned, face bright red, pouting, as both Draken and Takemichi started laughing, holding their guts as he didn’t realize this, as Draken did because he could see how similar you both were.
-You and Nezu came over, wondering why they were laughing before Mikey hugged you, “Y/N- they’re picking on me!!” you patted his head gently and Nezu did the same, mimicking you which Mikey did think was cute, as he could tell that there was something off about Nezu, so he didn’t mind.
-Mikey held your other hand, pulling you and your brother away from the still laughing blonds, and you asked him why they were laughing. You weren’t expecting him to be so shy, turning away from him.
-Mikey was happy you held his hand as he led the group to a bakery, getting you each a taiyaki, which you both thanked him for. Mikey held out his to you, wanting you to take a bite and he froze when you took a small bite, a blush on your cheeks and he beamed brightly, seeing the relationship progressing.
-Mikey froze when you held out yours to him, face bright red but meeting his eyes as he beamed, taking a bite, “So yummy!” Nezu then held out his to you and you smile, taking a small bite which made your brother grin which made Mikey grin, seeing how doting you were for your brother.
-You were truly the whole package, strong, smart, and sweet, he’s glad he proposed to you!
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kukuruzahorny · 7 months
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Happy last Valentine's Day! I've been missing for a few days because of my studies. I brought here the Character AI bots from the anime Tokyo Revenges! The main gang!
・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★.
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Sorry for the boring design! I do it at 5 a.m.
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koko · 1 year
Uh that blond takamichi guy from tokyo revengers and also mugis from enstars for the ask game
Takemichi Hanagaki
First impression
oh this guy is kind of stupid and pathetic
Impression now
Favorite moment
this panel dear GOD
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Idea for a story
pokemon trainer takemichi has been on my mind lately,
Unpopular opinion
takemichi is bi and has TWO hands and can marry both mikey and hina and ship wars involving him are stupid as fuck
Favorite relationship
mikey/takemichi/hina <3
Favorite headcanon
bisexual poly takemichi!!!!!
Tsumugi Aoba
First impression
cutie. he has a mophead. in love with eichi.
Impression now
pathetic lil meow meow. in love with natsume. also ME
Favorite moment
when he tells natsume that he'd sleep great as natsume is whispering horrifying things into his ear SDFKJ
Idea for a story
god i'm blanking so hard for this one i'm sorry SDLFJ
Unpopular opinion
idk if it's unpopular or not but i saw a lot of people really hating on mugi when i first got into enstars and saying how he was a terrible person and stuff and honestly i really don't think he is. i think he is just autistic and was doing what he thought was morally right and found some of the comments abt him to be ableist tbh.
Favorite relationship
eimugi <3 natsumugi is also great tho
Favorite headcanon
transfem autistic mugi u know i'm right
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Every time Takamichi finds out Kisaki is involved.
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lil-bombus · 3 years
So... since I haven't posted anything for a while and because today is my birthday I thought i'd just post some older drawings I did:
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Currently working on a smol comic bout kisaki & hanma so that will take a while. Please be patient with me. 👉👈
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snowykirara · 3 years
Mitsuya 😍
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insomniatictrash · 3 years
"You know my mom once told me I was gonna do something great, so if you consider beating the shit out of a dude ten times taller than me while crying something great then hell yeah."
-Takamichi after fighting Tiju Shiba
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blastymcsplodo · 3 years
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coralblu · 3 years
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these are from my notebook but I liked them enough to redo them in my drawing app
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Could I request a part 4?? 😭😭😭 (immaculate series)
God. I never thought something I write would ever be popular. But I'm enjoying it. I made a series master list where the other 3 parts are at. Just wanted to let everyone know. Alright here's Draken's Brother part 4. Enjoy!
Draken's Brother
Part 4
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It's been almost 2 full weeks since (Name) dropped. It was taking a toll on everybody. Takamichi didn't realize (Name) had such an influence on Toman. When he asked Chifyuu about it he said "(Name) is like the Guardian Angel of Toman. He may not fight but he shows us how much he cares and looks after us."
He didn't know what he meant until he met Naoto back in the present. Where the future was so much worse. When Takamichi first arrived everything looked normal. Until he was almost shot alive just walking through Tokyo. We he asked Naoto what happened he didn't expect the answer. Nor did he like it.
"Takamichi I didn't think a future could be this bad." Naoto's face said it all. "Naoto I was almost shot! These guys came at me like they knew who I was and tried t shoot me! What happened?!" Takamichi was panicking. What happend in the past to make the future so bad. When they made it back to Naoto office they got to work right away.
Takamichi was the one to come across it. Takamichi paled reading the article. "RYUJI (NAME). FOUND DEAD IN HOSPITAL ROOM!" Takamichi couldn't believe what he was reader. "Naoto?! What happened to (Name)!" Naoto whippedhis head towards Takamichi confused. "Who?" Takamichi looked hurt. How did Naoto not know (Name)?
"(Name)! He's Draken's baby brother and he's an Omega!" Naoto turned back to his computer and searched up the name (Name) and many articles popped up. "How did I not know about him? He was close to both the Comanders and.....Kisaki?!" Takemichi rushed over at the name of his enemy.
There was a picture of (Name) joking around with Kisaki and Hanma. Both Alpha's had smiles on their faces along with a laughing (Name). Another picture of (Name) on Draken's back with the biggest smile on his face. Baji was behind them looking to be chasing them with a sleeping Mikey on his back. The picture that caught his attention the most was one with Taiju. (Name) was with Taiju and Kokonoi. It looked like the two Alpha's were fighting while the Omega was trying to calm them down.
They all looked so happy. What had happened to them? Could (Name)'s death really cause such a bad future? "Naoto how did (Name) die?" Naoto looked at them with a frown before turning back to his computer. He was reading the article Takamichi had found. Takamichi watched Naoto's face. It was like Baji all over again. He watched Naoto's face go through multiple emotions.
Sadness. Anger. Fear. But the difference was Naoto didn't look heart broken at the end. He looked like his soul had eft his body. "Takamichi....(Name) was poisoned while he was in the hospital....but that's not the worst part." Takamichi looked confused and angry. How could that not be the worst part?!
Naoto turned to Takamichi with fury in his eyes. "Takamichi according to the statements in this article (Name) was killed while under YOUR watch." Takamichi felt the world stop. He was dozen. (Name) died while under his watch? That's impossible. He wouldn't let someone poison him! "That's a lie! I'd never let something like that happen to (Name)!"
Naoto turned the computer towards Takamichi. Motioning him to read the article. While he was reading the article it was like he was dumped in the coldest water know. "According to Draken (Otherwisely know as Ryuji Ken. Victims Brother) Ryuji (Name) was supposed to be watched over by their friend Takamitchy (Otherwisely know as Hanagaki Takamichi). When said friend walked away from the victim to spend time with his girlfriend Tachibana Hinata."
He abandoned (Name) while he was at his weakest moment for Hinata? Takamichi shook his head. "No. Even past me wouldn't have done that!" Naoto growled at Takamichi. While Naoto was a Beta the glare he was sending him was almost like a glare from an Alpha. He shivered. "Now I know why Hinata was killed in this future....SHE WAS KILLED BECAUSE YOU LET (NAME) DIE!"
Takamichi shook his head again. That's impossible! He wouldn't do that....would he? But another thing popped into his head. "Wait! Who would want to poison (Name) anyways?! Everyone I know loves (Name). He's one of the kindest Omega's you could ever meet!" Naoto rolled his eyes before looking at Takamichi like he was the dumbest person ever.
"His brother is the vice-comander of Toman! He's around multiple gangs and delinquents!" That's when something click in Takamichi's brain. "Bleeding Sirens" he mumbled. Naoto looked confused for a moment. "What?" Takamichi looked at Naoto with eyes widened in fear. "The Bleeding Sirens! They attacked (Name) and Koko! That's how (Name) ended up in the hospital!"
It clicked to Naoto what Takamichi meant. The person who poisoned (Name) was a member of the Bleedin Sirens. But why does that gang sound so familiar? Naoto turned back to his computer and quickly searched them up. What he got didn't make the mood better. "Takamichi? You might want to see this." Takamichi confused looked over Naoto's shoulder.
He felt the air leave his lungs. "GANG WAR LEAVES MANY DEAD AND A WAREHOUSE BURNED!" Takamichi quickly read through the article. Multiple names stuck out to him. But it's was 5 of them that stood out the most. Invincible Mikey. Draken. Baji Keisuke. Shiba Taiju. Finally Kisaki Tetta. Takamichi couldn't believe his eyes.
Toman destroyed the Bleed Sirens. But he was wondering how he was still around. I mean they got Hinata, so how come they haven't gotten him yet? It seems like Naoto knew what he was thinking. "My sister didn't know about the target on her back. Not like you did." Takamichi nodded. That would make sense. He did the same thing he did in the original future. He ran away.
Takamichi stared at the screen. Noticing the date. "Naoto when did (Name) pass?" Naoto pulled the other article back up. "He passed away....Oh that's not good...." Takamichi looked at Naoto confused. "His 12 year death anniversary is tomorrow." Takamichi paled. He needed to get back to the past now! He turned to Naoto with a determined face. "I'm going to save (Name) and never let Toman take out the Bleeding Sirens!"
He held out his hand to Naoto who for once looked worried. "Takamichi be careful. These guys play much more dirty then your used to. So watch your back." Takamichi nodded. "I'll make sure none of this happens." Naoto nodded and shook his hand. Just like that Takamichi was back in the past. When he came back he noticed he was in (Name)'s hospital room.
He wasn't alone though. On the other side of the room was Hanma, Draken, Baji, and surprisingly enough Taiju. Takamichi looked around confused. "What's going on?" Draken turned to him. "Oh good your awake." Takamichi looked at the Alpha's in the room. Draken must have noticed how confused he looked. "According to Taiju the Bleeding Sirens put a Target on (Name)."
Takamichi was horrified. They put a hit out on (Name)? "Why would they do such a thing?" He was so confused. What could (Name) have done to have a hit put out on him?! Draken looked uncomfortably out the window. Baji looked like he was a second away from snapping. Hanma looked serious which surprised Takamichi. He's never seen Hanma so serious. It was the defeated look on Taiju's face that caught his attention the most.
Taiju noticed the stare before sighing. "I may or may not have tried to court (Name). So when he rejected me I got upset and fought a bunch of their members..." Takamichi stared at Taiju. He tried to court (Name)? Takamichi turned toward Baji who was giving Taiju a look he couldn't even describe.
"Wait. You're telling me...that because (Name) rejected you. You went out to beat a random gang and you didn't think this would affect you later?" Taiju growled and looked away. "I knew it'd affect me! I just didn't think he'd get involved...." Taiju looked at (Name)'s unconscious body with so much guilt and love. That when Baji stepped in Taiju's line of vision. "Stop eyeing my Oemga like he's one of your prey!"
Baji lunged at Taiju but luckily for both of them Draken caught him. "Baji stop it! Remember what the doctor said! We need to release soothing pheromones so (Name)'s Omega can come back." Baji glared at Taiju one more time before taking Takamichi's spot beside (Name). He grabbed his pale hand and held it to his face. Pumping out as much soothing pheromones as he could. He just wants his Omega back. That's all he's asking for.
Takamichi pulled out his phone and went to Chifyuu's contact. He needs to inform him that he's back and what happened. It was almost 15 minutes when the door opened. The Alpha's turned to the door with straightened postures. Ready to protect the unconscious Omega with everything they got. They relaxed when they saw who it was. But not Takamichi. He straightened more.
It's was Mikey, Kisaki, Kokonoi, and Chifyuu. They entered and looked around. When Chifyuu made eye contact with Takamichi he signaled to the door. Telling him to meet him in the hallway. Which he did while Kokonoi held up the plastic bags he was carrying. "We got the food."
While Takamichi was explaining the possible future to Chifyuu. The inside of (Name)'s room was tense. Ever since the hit had been put out many gangs have tried causing trouble for Toman. Hoping it'd take away the attention so they'd leave (Name) alone. But they wouldn't let that happen. Draken turned to Mikey. His face void of any emotion.
"Find anything out?" Mikey nodded and turned to Kisaki and motioned him forward. Kisaki walked forward and pushed his glasses up. "According to a few rumors. The Bleeding Sirens are going to try and take out (Name) the day after tomorrow." The others growled. They wouldn't let that happen. They wouldn't let anything else happen to (Name).
Mikey and Draken shared a look. "Mikey we need to have a meeting about this but I'm not leaving him alone." Mikey nodded. They did need to have a meeting but they couldn't just leave (Name) alone. Who knows what would happen to him? "We'll look after (Name) so you guys can have your meeting." Mikey turned towards the door where Takamichi and Chifyuu stood.
Determination written on both of their faces. Mikey and Draken shared a look. While Takamichi wasn't exactly a good fighter he'd have Chifyuu with him. That's when Taiju spoke up. "I'll watch over him with them. This is my fault anyways. I need to be responsible." Takamichi looked confused. Taiju wasn't mentioned in the article with (Name)'s death. Chifyuu must have sensed what Takamichi was thinking because he nodded.
Draken sighed and looked over at his brother. He hated how weak his brother looked. (Name) was so pale. So many wires surrounding him. Chest moving so slowly you had to look hard to see it. I (Name)'s Omega doesn't come back soon....who knows what will happen.
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robin-revenge · 3 years
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