#Take heart
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Verse of the Day - Psalms 31:24
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littledigits · 1 year
I wanted to answer this in a post cuz then I could write more.
 “ I graduated with a degree in animation back in 2020 but kind of fell off the horse due to health issues...I've been trying to get back into the industry but now I'm wondering if I should just give up altogether :(.   just, like, with my age (I'm 28) and the amount of time that has lapsed since then PLUS the current state of the industry 😭 anyway sorry I'm being rude, hugs! 💞💞💞💞 “ @electoons​  NOT RUDE AT ALL. 
It can feel pretty impossible sometimes, but a lot of these things, as sucky as they are- are more reflective of the cycles of industry and life and culture. Animation has gone through major shifts before. Heck , the boom of the VHS changed it as well ! I do think this shift is ..more wide spread and not just in the animation industry - ,but its nothing thats going to outlast the art of visual storytelling. 
Your age is not a factor my friend,and in fact I find the people who enter the industry with a lil more life experience under their belt have a lil bit of an easier time balancing the pressures of the job. I know a lot of people where working in a studio was their FIRST job and it can be easy to sucked into the hustle culture. so no worries on that front.  Its SO GOOD you took time out for your  health too because if anything , being in a stronger spot will allow you to keep the job. Because getting it is just the first step. I know a lot of people who put their health aside for the job and it never pays off. 
I will say that it will be hard to get a job now at the moment. there are a lot of high end industry professionals that are now out of jobs and the competition is going to be rough. But , that doesnt mean give up ! I’d say just use this time to dig into the animation community. join some discords - make some connections - you can still work towards your goals.
one thing i’d keep an eye out on is more specific online courses and or patreons that are in the areas that you are intersted in. As artists find work I imagine a lot of them are going to want to share their skills. I’d put out your portfolio, and try to get industry specific feed back to where you wanna go - and then just make time for building those skills while you wait out this storm. 
And the reality is - this isint an uncommon story. I know a lot of people who have taken a few years to get their foot in the door, and I’ve known people who have gotten a totally different job for a bit and then decided to try for animation again. Theres a lot of verity in the industry and a lot of ways to interact with it. its not as gate keepy as people think it is !  
Ngl my friend, you’ve been dealt a shit hand by the universe. I think a lot of people who graduated in the last 4 years are probably the hardest hit by all this. But - dont let that stop you, its the bleck reality but it just means to be kind to yourself as you keep things going step by step.  I HOPE THIS RAMBLE HELPED IN SOME SMOL WAY FIGHT. WIN. 
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invisiblewashboard · 10 months
I have been seeing a lot of discourse lately about how those who are truly Christians either “don’t sin anymore,” or that once a Christian repents of sin, “they will have total victory over it.”
Um. No. This is not true!
How I wish it was! How I wish it were so simple as repenting of a sin one time and never struggling with it again! Can you imagine? To never struggle with your chief and most often fallen into sin? Someday, my friends. Someday, when we are made whole and perfect and when we are with God, we will not struggle anymore. But until that day comes….
Believers will still sin. And battle. And win. And lose. And struggle. And just because you sin, battle, struggle, and lose does not mean that you aren’t truly saved.
Romans 7:15 “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” 
I’ve heard some argue that Paul is talking about unbelievers here, that he is referring to those who have not been saved, someone who is weighed down by the heaviness of the law, religiously minded, but without Christ. In verse 18, he says “I have the desire to do what is good, but not the ability to carry it out.” That sounds like an unbeliever for certain. 
But then, in verse 22, he says, “For I delight in the law of God in my inner being.” And that is not something an unregenerate person is able to do. They can say they delight in the law of God with their lips, but their heart will not delight in it, because they are still slaves to sin, and cannot serve two masters. So, I do think that this passage is talking about those who have had the work of Christ done in their hearts, those who are saved, those who belong to Him.
This passage is also very much about a person who understands their own wretchedness. Unbelievers do not. They don’t know that “nothing good dwells” in them, and they are incapable of knowing because they are spiritually blind. But a believer knows. 
A believer agonizes over sin. Unbelievers don’t. Sure, they may feel pricked by their conscience every once in a while, but they don’t feel wretched about themselves the way believers do.  
So take heart, you who are fighting that battle with porn, you who wants to gossip, you who want to lash out in anger, but who hate those desires and impulses. Take heart. 
Normally, people do not do what they hate. They hate it. Why would they do it? But Christians do. But the fact that you hate it? That ought to be a signal to you that you belong to God. Your hatred of that sin, even the one you continue to go to war with every day, the one you feel like you will never conquer, that is a signal that you belong to God!
Believers do what we hate because we are divided; regenerated, new men saved by Christ on the inside, wicked flesh on the outside. Unbelievers aren’t at war with themselves this way. Take heart.
And be gentle and patient with yourself, and with others. You may think you do not deserve gentleness and patience when you sin. And I know that we all struggle at times with thinking that those who sin against us are not deserving of gentleness and patience. But Christ was and is gentle and patient with you. With others. Take heart. Be gentle. Be patient. And be encouraged that you feel the desire to keep fighting. Know that God can use even your failings and your sin for His ultimate purposes, for your good and His glory. 
Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”
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red-ibis-red · 1 year
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sometimes it’s the very smallest of things that keep us going
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federicasjourney · 5 months
reminder: each and every one of us is SO important in the tapestry of life. you are needed. you are valuable. and if right now things are hard, know that there is a place on Earth where you are cherished, welcomed, accepted and LOVED. And if that place is not where you are right now... remember you are NOT alone. please hold on, please stick around. no one sees the world the way you do!
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distractionpie · 1 year
I'm not going so far as to say deliberate conspiracy in favour of ensuring Sweden hosts for the Abba anniversary, but... It wouldn't exactly surprise me if industry types on juries had that in mind and it might have given them some bias / been a tie-breaker factor.
I'm fine with the public voting based on whatever reasons they want, but if the juries are supposed to be judging on the merits of the song alone it should probably be anonymised in some way (even if I don't know how they'd pull that off as even if they went off song without performance some countries have selection competitions etc).
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anarchistettin · 1 year
including a 3 part update on atlanta stop cop city actions
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8bitmanna · 2 years
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Verse of the Day
💗Jeremiah 29:13💗
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heartthatwontquit · 15 days
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If I have done any wrong
Point me out on it
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christadeguchi · 5 months
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me and senshi: i've only had izutsumi for one day but if anything happened to her...
also.... she has nekojita (cat tongue) ;___;
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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I just wanna say bc I KNOW you're somewhere on tumblr, to the teenage girl who attended Take Your Kid To Work Day at an office building in Ontario, Canada circa 2013 and had a conversation with a middle aged woman in which you showed her your Black Veil Brides fanart and fanfics and ship content and told her about different fanfic tropes including a/b/o verse bc she happened to know who Panic! at The Disco and Fallout Boy were and thus you felt the need to show her your bandblr ship art, that was my fucking mother and I had to clarify all that to her including looking my mother in the eye and trying to explain a/b/o verse without sounding like a lunatic.
It's been 10 years and I still regularly sent evil energies in your direction. Since you'd be probably two years younger than me and thus legally an adult now, please know if this post reaches you it's on sight.
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goldensunset · 10 months
people who go through the main tags of big and tumultuous fandoms looking for new fresh good posts to reblog are essential to any circle. they’re like true hunter gatherers leaving the safety of settlement and braving the unknown wilderness to find food for the flock. they risk their lives every day and will come back with a few scratches at best and severe psychological damage at worst
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itsfarmerphil · 8 months
Priorities: How will you spend your time today?
Understanding our true priorities is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful and meaningful life. Evidence of these priorities often surfaces in our daily choices, reflecting where we invest our time, money, and energy. This profound insight into our actions can guide us towards aligning our lives with principles that lead to fulfillment and glorify God. How You Spend Your Time: Time is a…
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