#Taker X Reader
take-taker-taken · 1 year
maybe a little undertaker and short reader if you’re interested in writing it !
Of course! Here’s a couple things that came to mind, plus some random, head canony thoughts…
As you come down the stairs, he’s waiting at the bottom. You stop on the third stair from the floor and raise your arms in question. “What do you think?” You ask, holding your arms out to display your outfit.
“You look beautiful, darlin’ - you always do.”
Your cocktail dress is a deep, rich purple with just a hint of shine and it clings to you in all the right places - you feel beautiful. A silver choker and diamond drop earrings complete the look.
“You coming all the way down babe, or are you just gonna stand there and look at me?”
Your hand rests on the stair rail as you look him over. “Give me a minute - I don’t normally get this view.”
He looks confused for a second and then huffs out a laugh when he realises what you mean - you’re standing on the third stair, which puts you at eye level with him. He does the same ‘arms out’ gesture to indicate his own outfit and you grin.
“Devastatingly handsome,” you assure him as your eyes rove hungrily across his strong shoulders and long legs, which are encased in a beautifully tailored charcoal suit. The very top of his midnight blue button down shirt is open and you know by the end of the night you’ll be snuggling inside the jacket with him.
“OK, baby - car’s waiting,” he says and reaches forward to settle his huge hands around your waist before lifting you gently from the stairs down on to the floor. You opted for shoes with just a slight kitten heel and as he hugs you to him you smile at how protected he makes you feel. Your small hand disappears as it’s engulfed by his and he leads you out the door to the waiting vehicle.
You’re laying on your side, leant against him as you watch the TV. His big hand strokes up and down your body as though he’s petting a big cat. You love how you fit so neatly against him and you don’t have to worry about your head obscuring his view.
“I’m chilly,” you proclaim as you draw your knees up to hug them.
“I’m Mark, good to meet ya,” he replies absently, most of his attention on the screen.
You roll your eyes to yourself and then look up at him and let out a small whine. He snorts and reaches up to the back of the couch where he’s left one of his hoodies. He snags the bundle and then shifts against you. “C’mon - sit up a bit and put this on.”
You haul yourself into a more upright position and he pops the hoodie over your head, but he’s working from a less than ideal angle. After a few tries he curses quietly and abandons you to your fate as you tunnel around inside the garment, looking for the exit. The first false start has you trying to push your head down one of the huge sleeves and unseen, he patiently moves the hoodie around so that you can get your arm down it instead. The hood has flopped over the neck hole and so you’re back to flailing ineffectually inside the dark material, rapidly reducing into helpless giggles that really don’t help matters.
“For the love of…” you hear him mutter and then you feel him shaking because he’s giggling too. He eventually grabs the one arm that you’ve successfully managed to manoeuvre into the right place and pushes the sleeve down so that your hand slips out the end. “OK, now keep still a sec… just gonna… move that arm - not that one, baby… there ya go… you can figure out where the neck is now, right?”
Still in fits, you wave your arms up and down like you’re trying to direct a plane into land. “Help meeee!”
You feel him take hold of you again and sit patiently as he flips the hood back and then pulls the clothing down so that your head finally pops out.
“There she is!” He laughs, and smooches your lips a couple of times.
You giggle and grin and kiss him back. “Thank you for saving me - thought I was gonna die in there.”
“I would never have let that happen, sweetheart. You all good now? C’mon and lay back down.”
Happily you settle back in against him, turning your attention to the TV and all is calm.
“Think I’m too warm now after all that struggling,” You say quietly after a couple of minutes.
His strong arm wraps around you and holds you firmly in place. “Nuh-uh. You stay put - you’re not getting out of that thing for another hour, at least.”
You do a mental shrug, lifting the too-long sleeve to your face where you rub it against your cheek, enjoying the scent of him that’s worn in to the material and decide that actually, that’s fine by you.
Head Canons
Going for a walk together is fun, but sometimes it’s a little difficult. You probably have to do two or three steps for every one of his and if he goes striding off then you have to run to catch up - this is why you insist on holding hands. You both love being out in nature though and it’s especially handy because he can lift you up with ease to take a closer look at a bird’s nest in a tree.
Selfies aren’t easy but you’ve managed to perfect it now - if he sits down and you kneel up then it’s workable but standing up selfies are a bust. He suggested ‘one of those stick things’ but even that didn’t improve matters much. Kissing, though… kissing is fun - lots of experimentation there. Sometimes he’ll pick you up for a quick smooch, or if you’re cuddling on the couch then it’s easy. Other than that, you stand up on to your tiptoes and he’ll bend down so that you can meet somewhere in the middle. One memorable time after he’d been abroad for too long you literally climbed up him when he came through into arrivals at the airport, one quick jump and a bit of scrabbling and then you were sat happily with your legs wrapped around his waist while he supported you easily with one arm.
Sometimes he teases you - bending his knees until he’s eye level with you and looking around, proclaiming how ‘everything looks different from down here’. Or he’ll move some of the every day kitchen items up to the top shelves, just to watch you stretch up as tall as you can - sniggering as you bat at things with your fingertips in a bid to topple them down for you to catch. One time out walking in the rain, he called you to an urgent halt and you wondered what happened - only for him to scoop you up and carry you across a puddle (“Can’t have you getting swept away, can we?”).
In bed? Well, he loves to say that height doesn’t matter once you lay down and he’s definitely right when it comes to a few things… Spooning in bed is the best and occasionally he even lets you be the big spoon (“Just so long as you mind where you’re putting those tiny popsicles you call feet!”). He’s so big that you can just climb all over him - lay right on him if you choose to. He sometimes threatens to do it back to you and so if you’re feeling playful you’ll roll off him and tell him to do his worst. Nothing like the feeling you get from him kneeling astride you with a smirk before he captures both your wrists in one huge hand and pins them above your head. You don’t know if there’s a word for ‘feeling so vulnerable but at the same time so safe’ but there certainly should be.
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adorbzliz · 3 months
ok so you know how people have that sam and scott twin brother au?
hear me out…
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(scott being aj and sam being james, obviously with their same names but yk)
and it could kind of have the same plot as american heist (loosely) where scott wanted to impress y/n after their breakup by being a ‘bad boy’ and actually fell into some bad things causing him to run from the law most of his life, relying on his brother who changed his ways for the better since he was a teenager but always ends up in trouble for his twin
i’m cooking 🧑‍🍳
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bloatedandalone04 · 7 months
No One Else
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➪the one where you throw a housewarming party, and a.j. isn’t fond of all the guys staring at you in his new living room.
Warnings: this man is such a dom i swear, smut, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, swearing, pda, jealous a.j., alcohol consumption.
Word Count: 3.4k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
A.J. hated house parties. He would much rather go out to the club or a bar as he felt like the parties he threw at his apartment got too crowded too quickly.
But he was doing this for you.
About three months ago A.J. asked you to move in with him. He loved you more than anything else and he wanted you around him all the time, and you felt the same way. You agreed and moved out of your small loft and into his massive condo across the city.
While you were used to the city life, you were a bit overwhelmed since he was in the middle of it all. It was loud and chaotic whenever you opened the sliding door of the balcony, and the lights kept you up at night. You didn’t say anything about it, not wanting to give A.J. any ideas, but it wasn’t long until he discovered your distaste for this side of the city.
It was a big difference to where you lived previously, and he felt guilty about the sudden change. 
So he offered to move away from all of it, to give up the city life he had been living in for around twelve years for a cute and modern house in a neighborhood just outside the city. 
He let you have full control over pretty much everything in the house; from the appliances in the kitchen to the paint color in the living room. A.J. gave you his credit card and told you to go crazy, and you really took his words and ran with them.
You bought countless pieces of furniture and when they arrived at the home, A.J. spent a good day and a half building them with Jake. 
Now, a full week after settling into the new place, you decided to throw a house party to really break it in. 
The house was a lot bigger than his apartment, so it wasn’t as crowded, but he still hated having so many people in his personal space. But A.J. knew it was all worth it when he caught your eye from across the living room and saw the way your lips turned upwards into a happy smile.
He really would do anything for you without an ounce of hesitation. 
A.J. crossed the room after wrapping up his conversation with Jesse, and his hands found their home on your waist as he stood behind you. He knew you were smiling as you listened to the story Rachel was telling you, and that smile only grew when he leaned down to rest his chin on your shoulder. 
“You two are so cute, seriously,” Rachel beamed, finishing off her drink with a smile. “I can confidently say you were made for each other.”
“Just like you and Jake,” came your sweet reply and A.J. felt the corners of his mouth lift upwards as you sipped on your wine. 
“Speaking of,” he trailed off, lifting his head and looking around the packed room. “Where is your fiancé, Rach?”
Rachel furrowed her brows as she, too, looked around the room. “I’m not sure, actually,” she answered. “Let me know if you find him, and let me know if he looks like he’s had too much to drink. If he’s plastered, tell him he’s sleeping on the couch when we get home.”
A.J. laughed as he kissed the side of your neck before moving away from you. “Will do,” 
“Come find me later,” you requested in a soft voice, smiling at him afterwards. “I shouldn’t miss you this much in our own house.”
A.J. held back a groan as he moved towards you again and firmly gripped your jaw, pressing a deep kiss to your mouth. You grin against his lips and tangle your free hand in his hair, his lack of hat tonight making it very easy. “Damn, baby,” he muttered as he pulled away and you ran the tip of your tongue along his bottom lip. “You make a guy not want to leave.”
You grin at him and shrug. “Hurry back, Jay,” 
He bit his lip as he nodded and turned to go seek out his best friend. He found Jake in the kitchen talking to John, and they both looked like they were on the verge of being wasted. “A.J.! Hey, buddy!” Jake greeted as the tattooed man entered the room. “This is a nice place you got here.”
“Yeah, man, I like how secluded it is,” John added as he looked around the room. “You buy it with that two million we snagged from those transport trucks?” He asked loudly and A.J. had to deliver a quick slap to his shoulder to stop John from exposing the source of his income to all his new neighbors. 
And there were a lot of them. 
The neighborhood you were now living in was well populated, and you had taken it upon yourself to invite all of them to the party in hopes to get to know them. A.J. wasn’t very fond of strangers in his house, but it was just another thing he forced himself to deal with since he was so in love with you. 
“Keep your voice down,” A.J. muttered as John gave him an apologetic smile. 
“Sorry, man,” he laughed. “Your new neighbors were very generous with their housewarming gifts.” John held up the bottle of champagne with a bow tied around it, and A.J. just shook his head. 
“Just try not to tell the guests all our secrets, yeah?” 
John nodded and gave him a salute before wandering off towards the dining room where Gordon was. “A.J., buddy, I never thought I’d see you get out of the city, man,” Jake said as he leaned against the counter with a beer in his hand. 
“You and me both,” he murmured as he took the half empty bottle from Jake.
“The things we do for the women we love, huh?” Jake asked as he moved to sit down at the kitchen table. 
“Speaking of, Rachel told me that if I saw you and you were drunk, I have to tell you that you’re sleeping on the couch,” A.J. informed the tipsy man, who just laughed. 
“She might say that, but she can’t sleep without me, man, I’m like her personal pillow,”
A.J. shook his head and set the bottle on top of the fridge, knowing damn well that Jake could easily reach it. “Good thing she’s marrying you then,”
“Hey, when are you and your girl getting married?” Jake asked as he grabbed a handful of chips and ate them all at once. “You’ve been together about as long as Rachel and I have, when are you gonna ask her the question?”
“I don’t know, man,” A.J. answered as he avoided the crumbs flying out of Jake’s mouth with each word he said. “Soon.”
“You have the ring, don’t you?”
A.J. nodded and Jake grabbed one of the cookies off the dessert plate on the table. “Yeah, I’m just waiting for the right time,” 
Jake leaned back just as Rachel entered the kitchen and made her way over to the two guys. “Don’t wait too long, buddy,” he advised as Rachel moved to stand next to him. “Putting a ring on this one’s finger was the best decision I ever made.” He wrapped his arm around his fiancée’s waist as he smiled up at her. 
Rachel laughed as she draped her arm around Jake’s shoulders. “You’re planning on proposing?” She asked with excitement lacing her voice. “Do it soon, then Y/n/n and I can be engaged at the same time. Ooh, maybe a double wedding!”
A.J. shook his head with a smile as he looked towards the doorway, expecting to see you enter at any second since Rachel was now in here. When you didn’t, he glanced at your best friend and asked, “Where is she, anyway? You leave her to get lost in her own house?”
Rachel playfully rolled her eyes. “No, I was just making sure this guy was behaving,” she nudged Jake, who just continued smiling up at her. “Last I saw her, she was talking to the next door neighbor who hasn’t been able to take his eyes off her all night.”
A.J.’s smile faded at that and he left the kitchen without saying another word. Rachel and Jake’s conversation faded into the background as he entered the living room again, and instead of finding you where he left you by the sliding door, you were by the couch and talking to some dark haired guy. 
While he knew he had no reason at all to be jealous, seeing as this was his own fucking living room he shared with you, A.J. still didn’t like seeing you around guys who clearly just wanted to sleep with you.
And this guy did a very bad job at hiding the fact that he wanted to fuck you. 
A.J. made his way over to you, receiving a slap on his shoulder from Jesse as he did so. You wanted him to find you later, and he was more than ready to take you up on that offer now. 
Your eyes drifted from the brunet and met A.J.’s, and a smile formed on your lips, instantly replacing the barely hidden look of boredom on your face.
The guy probably thought you were smiling at him, but A.J. sorted him out pretty quickly as he stepped around the stranger and wrapped his arm around your waist. He pulled you into his side and he didn’t even bother glancing at the guy’s face before he was pressing a deep kiss to your mouth. 
You return it immediately and lean into his touch when he lifts his free hand up to grip your jaw and angle your head, and you willingly give him full control of the kiss. He slowly pulls away and smirks at the way you keep your eyes closed for a few more seconds before he looks over at the guy, who did not look happy at all. “New friend, baby?” He asked, making you open your eyes and look over as well. 
“Um, this is….Dean?” You question and A.J. held back a laugh at the offended look Dean gave you. “He’s our new neighbor, Jay.”
“Nice to meet you,” A.J. said and ignored Dean’s outstretched hand as he turned back to you and leaned in close. “Do you know how badly I want to fuck you right now?” He asked under his breath as Dean stood awkwardly next to him. 
Your eyes widen and you let out a startled laugh. “A.J,” you gasp quietly and look over at your neighbor with a blush.
A.J. glanced over at him, too, before beginning to pull you towards the half-bath next to the hallway that led to yours and his room. You feebly waved at Dean as A.J. made a show of guiding you into the bathroom, a smug smirk on his lips when he saw Dean’s glare. 
Once he entered the bathroom as well, he closed the door and locked it before pushing you up against it. “I gotta say, baby,” he murmured as his hands pulled up the black material of your dress. “I’m not a big fan of our new neighbors.”
You lean your head back against the door as he bunches your dress around your hips and teased your clit through the thin material of your panties. “Why? Not friendly enough?” 
A.J. grunted as he pushed the lace material down your legs and let it drop to the tiled floor. “They’re too friendly,” he answered as he picked you up and set you down on the marbled countertop. 
You squeal at the cold surface against your burning skin and cling onto his shoulders. “Fuck, A.J.,” you mumble and tug at his suspenders. “What’s gotten into you? You were fine when you left to go find Jake.”
He would never admit that he was jealous of that prick in his living room, so he shrugged and kissed along your shoulders. “Nothings gotten into me,” he said under his breath. “But hopefully I can get into you.”
You moan loudly, despite being able to clearly hear the party guests outside the door. “Well, when you say it like that,” you tease and drop your hands to the button on his dress pants. “But we have to be quick, Jay. We’re hosting right now.”
“Fuck them,” he rasped as he reached his hand in between your bodies and sunk his index and middle fingers into your heat. “Fuck everyone out there, baby. We’re in our house. I should take you back out there and fuck you right on that couch.” 
You moan at his dirty words and run your hands through his hair, successfully making it messy. No one else got that privilege as he usually spent a good ten minutes doing his hair - just to throw a hat over it, but he would happily let you mess it up whenever you wanted. “You’d actually do it, too,” 
A.J. smirked at you as he worked you open with his fingers. “I would,” he agreed as he looked down. “You’re dripping, baby. Did the teaser I gave you in front of Dean turn you on that much?”
“That and you,” came your muffled answer as you buried your face against the side of his neck. “Are you really going to fuck me in the bathroom at a party?”
“Yes,” he answered as you unzipped his pants. “Unless you feel like waiting until everyone leaves and I can fuck you all over the house. Fair warning, though, I don’t think this party is dying any time soon.”
You moan and lift your head. “Get to it, then,” you murmur and pull him free. A.J. presses his lips to yours at the same time he enters you with a single thrust, and the feeling has you grasping onto his shirt tightly. “Fuck. Is this how you did it in the Ivy League? Fucking random girls in bathrooms during parties?”
“Had to practice somehow. And you’re not just a random girl,” he said back and you laughed before moaning rather loudly as he began to roughly fuck into you. You slap one hand over your mouth with wide eyes and he smirks. “Can’t be quiet, huh, baby?”
You shake your head as you lean back against the mirror. “No,” you agree and tug on his hair with your other hand. “I can’t be quiet when it comes to you, Jay. You make me feel so good.”
A.J. groaned when you clenched around him, and he knew he wasn’t much better. One of the perks of living in an actual house and not an apartment, was that you and he could be as loud as you wanted. 
Not that the thin walls of your last apartment stopped you from being loud. You’d received countless noise complaints, and they all were ignored by A.J., who just fucked you harder until the bed slammed against the wall with each thrust.  
It was like how he was fucking into you now. 
Your body moved further and further back on the counter until you had to place your hand flat against the marble, accidentally knocking over the bottle of soap in the process and making it fall to the floor. “Jesus,” you gasped as his hips rocked into yours. 
A.J. grunted and kept one hand on your hip while his other reached up to grip the side of your face. “God, you’re tight,” he rasped, making you smirk as you wrap your legs tighter around him. 
The smirk was promptly wiped from your face as he began roughly slamming into you, loud moans emitting from your mouth with each thrust. “Oh, my God,” you cried as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your hands bunching up his shirt tightly. “Fuck yes, Jay.”
A.J. groaned and pressed his mouth to yours, his tongue poking out and parting your lips, coating them in a layer of his spit. “Feel good, princess?” He teasingly asked and you nod uncontrollably. 
“Feels so good,” you answer, clinging onto him as you feel your release approaching embarrassingly fast. “So fucking good.”
He grunted, kissing all over your neck as you squeezed him over and over again. “You’re taking me so well, baby,” he praised, reaching behind you to pull on your hair. 
You squeal a bit, hiking your body closer to his as you hear the sounds of the party-goers right outside the door. “I’m gonna come, fuck, I’m gonna come,” you warned loudly, no longer caring about the guests hearing you at this point. 
“Already?” He mocked, pulling at your bottom lip with his thumb. “You needed me just as badly as I needed you, huh?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, your body involuntarily bucking forward to meet his thrusts. “Oh, my fucking God, yes, please please please.”
A.J. gripped your waist in both hands, his still clothed thighs hitting the backs of yours as you moaned loudly in the surprisingly big half-bath. 
You grip his back and pull his chest against yours as you feel your release take over. “Oh, God,” you cried out as you clamped impossibly tight around him. “I’m coming.”
A.J. cursed under his breath as he felt your walls pulse around him before a warmth took him over. “There you go, baby. Give it to me,” he muttered, and your whines increased in volume. “Good girl.” He praised, kissing the skin under your ear as you writhed against him. 
“Are you…” you trailed off as you slumped against his chest, his hips still lazily rocking into yours. “Are you gonna come, too?”
A.J. let out a surprised moan at your dirty question and how sweetly you asked it. He leaned in and kissed you hard, using his hand to angle your head so he had better access to your mouth. “Do you want me to?”
“Yes,” you answer instantly. “I want it so bad.”
His eyes shut tightly as he buried his face against the side of your neck. “I’ll come for you,” he promised, feeling his stomach tighten with each slow thrust he gave. “I always will.”
You whine and pull him impossibly close as he came hard, his hips fucking his release deeper and deeper into you as he groaned loudly. 
When he pulls away, you smile shyly at him as you smooth out his shirt with  a quiet laugh. “Is it all out of your system now?”
“Is what all out of my system?” He asked as he pressed a chaste kiss to your mouth. “My unhealthy need to fuck you all over our new house? No, that won’t be out of my system for quite a while.”
You laugh then bite your lip as he pulls out of you, then he reaches down to run two fingers through your sensitive core. He collects his release onto his digits before lifting his hand again, and you lean in to wrap your mouth around them, hearing him grunt deeply as you clean himself off his fingers. “Tasty,” you smirk once you pull away. 
A.J. had to hold off on taking you right then and there as he felt himself grow a bit hard again. Instead, he cleaned you up, smoothed out your outfit and finished it off with a kiss to your lips. “You ready to go back out there?” He asked and you nodded. “Don’t be surprised when we get some dirty looks, because I think every single person out there knows what we did in here.”
You shrug, looking up at him with a teasing smirk. “Who cares? It’s our house,” you point out and pull open the door. “Do me a favor and don’t fix your hair, okay?”
Then you were walking out of the bathroom, leaving A.J. to look at himself in the mirror with a laugh as he took notice of his post-sex hair. If it wasn’t obvious enough what you and he just got finished doing, his messy hair will definitely get the message across. 
And that was exactly why he left it as it is before following after you.
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thesassypadawan · 2 months
Tempo (A.J. x FemReader)
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Summary: You don’t know how you let Jay talk you into this, warming him all through last call and close. But here you are… Being split open, not allowed to move… Until everyone is finally gone for the night.
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there’s sooo much of the smut. Cockwarming, riding, slight hat abuse, and… A.J.’s big, fat dick.
Notes: I would love to hear what all you, lovelies, think! If you would like to see more of A.J.! If so...I already have so many other ideas in mind! ❤️
- A small whine escapes you and you wiggle impatiently on his lap, “Jaaay.” That is until you’re pressed against the keybed, hard enough to make you settle again… at least for the moment.
- It seems like you’ve been sitting here for hours. Listening to him play the piano, while he nurses drink after drink and splits you open with his massive cock. “Sssh, it’s all right…just feel the tempo, doll.”
- You don’t know how you let him talk you into this, warming him all through last call and close. But here you were… Not allowed to move or soothe the burning ache… Waiting for everyone to be gone for the night… So you can be rewarded.
- Huffing and pouting, sinking back into him. You’re all ready to complain some more, when a familiar voice calls from across the bar. “Sounds tight! Don’t forget to lock up this time!”
- Walls flutter, breath hitches. Frantically you readjust your skirt, concealing anything that may be showing. “Relax,” he whispers in your ear, a note of laughter in his voice. “Jake can’t see us.”
- Hands never pause once as he rocks gently to the music. Using it to cover up the way he begins to slowly buck upwards, somehow thrusting even further into your pussy. Acting like he doesn’t hear you biting back a moan, replying nonchalantly. “Thanks, man! I’ll drop the keys off in the mornin’!”
- When the sound of the side door shutting echoes throughout, you think A.J. is going to ‘finish the job’. Instead he stops playing, stills his hips abruptly. Reaches for his cigarette, taking a long drag. “Told ya, nothin’ to worry about.”
- Strangled whimpers fly from your throat, fingers grip at the dark wood. Clit throbbing more than ever. Slick seeping out of your cunt, drenching the base of his cock…your thighs. “You…you promised!”
- “I did, didn’t I?” Snuffing it out, you watch a smirk spread across his face. Big hands run up and down your sides. “Guess ya want me to fuck ya, huh?”
- Nodding, mewling softly. You squeeze around him, earning a low hiss in your ear. Gaze up with big, pleading eyes; trying desperately to coax him. ““Please…pretty please. Can’t take it any longer.”
- “Mmmh, ya have been such a good girl for me.” Long fingers trail, slip under the folds of you skirt. Finding your neglected nub; skillfully rubbing small circles on, rolling it. “Go ahead, have some fun.”
- Needing no extra encouragement, you lift off Jay’s length…to only drop back onto it. Pace already steady, an endless stream of moans falling from your lips. Lovely squelching sounds mixing with them. “Good…feels sooo good…”
- Spurred on by those words, both his hands come to rest on your waist. “Feels good?” Hold on you tight as he helps guide you, pick up speed. Sliding you quickly, hastily. “Why not make it better? Touch yourself. Wanna hear those pretty little noises ya make.”
- Happily obeying, one hand glides across your bust. Plucking at, tweaking your pert nipples through the thin fabric. The other twirls, pinches your clit. Teasing them in a way that has your pussy spasming, legs nearly giving out. Squeaking and squealing from the raw pleasure.
- With a stifled groan, his hips start moving opposite of yours. Every time you sink, he drives up. Shoving his cock deeper, forcing you to take every thick inch. “Just like that, sweetheart… Just like that…”
- Climax fast approaching. A.J. continues to fuck into you, bouncing you easily on his lap. Fat tip slamming, hitting your cervix. Making you babble and stutter; the heat rising, mind growing hazy. “G-gonna… Oh fuck, I’m g-gonna…”
- “Yeah?” He growls, tone gravelly and breathy. Fingers digging into your soft, pillowy flesh. “I will too.”
- Tugging you down hard, the coil snaps and you cry out. Body clamping, trembling. Creaming all over him…him pumping you with all that hot, sticky seed.
- “That was…incredible,” you pant, head flopping back against his broad shoulder. Once again, you’re back where you started. Sitting on Jay’s cock…stuffed in the best way possible.
- Strong arms envelope, face nuzzles into the side of your neck. Puffs of hot air tickling your skin when he sweetly mutters. “Ya look so pretty like this, all filled up by me. Think I might keep ya this way for another drink or song.”
- “All right, Mr. Big Shot, you got yourself a deal.” Reaching behind, your fingers barely graze the brim of his hat… “But you got to lose this first.” …before tipping and sending it tumbling to the floor.
- “I get it, not a fan,” he chuckles. Nipping tenderly at your collarbone, gently stroking your poor overstimed bud. “Fine, anything for ya, gorgeous. Anything to have cummin’ all over me again.”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen, @lotte08, @rafeswifeyy2, @exsamlockwood-kate, @sythethecarrot, @decaffeinatedunicorn, @fuckmyskywalker, @everydaydreamer
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enchant5d · 2 months
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chelestials · 3 months
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everybody knows that i’m a good girl officer
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mistress-amidala · 5 months
He gives such ✨ sugar daddy ✨ energy…
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Just know he’d spoil the absolute FUCK out of you.
Hmm 🤔…
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sswiftiestars · 10 months
A.J X female reader hcs
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tws: mentions of smut
a/n: i’m sorry this is short. i’ll make a longish post soon!
aj is a ladies man. obviously. the second you start dating— actually, even before you start dating, he will spoil the shit out of you. aj will pay for absolutely EVERYTHING. his favorite thing to do is seeing your face light up when he hands you a new gift. everytime he buys you stuff, you don’t forget to tell him that he doesn’t have to buy you stuff.
aj is big on physical touch. to add onto this, he makes sure everyone knows that you’re his. he’ll have his arm around you 24/7, or you sitting on his lap at the lounge.
during “love making”, as he likes to call it, he’s the dominant one. and he’s kinky as fuck. one time he bought those pink fuzzy handcuffs, and he sure as hell put them to use. his favorite position is probably when you ride him or doggy. he loves having his hands on your hips at all times.
aj would be the type of guy to call you names like “sweetheart” or “angel.”.
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geekforhorror · 5 months
Aj sneaking you to the bathroom of the club for a quickie because you're just so hot in your dress and he can't help himself
cloud nine
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pairing: aj x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!aj, sub!reader, semi-public sex, quickies, unprotected p in v sex, dirty talk, pet names, praise, slight aftercare.
word count: 962
a/n: i’m not proud of the ending but we move!
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AJ was fucked. He knew it from the minute he saw you in that dress he bought you the other day. It accentuated your figure that he adored so damn much and you looked like you were an angel sent from heaven just for him.
And that’s how you ended up in the club bathroom with him. He had finally had enough of the dress taunting him. He thought he could show some self restraint and wait until you guys got home to your shared apartment in the city.
Oh, how wrong he was.
Currently, he was kissing you as if he was a man starving. I mean, he was…to a certain extent. He always craved you, but not as bad as he did right now. For gods sake, he had gotten hard while you were still partying with the gang. Thank god for shitty lighting.
He slips his tongue down your throat, which causes you to moan into his mouth. God he was too good at this. Your hands find their way to his belt, now fumbling with the intricate garment. Without breaking the kiss, he undoes it with his own two hands before forgetting about it entirely. He unzips the zipper and drops his pants to the ground. You looked down at his groin and god, he was harder than you had ever seen him before.
“See what you do to me, doll?” he whispers, now breaking contact with your soft lips. “I want you.”
“Then take me,” you say breathily, your voice full of lust and temptation.
That was more than enough for him to go wild. Before you knew it, he began to bunch your dress up just above your hips before he was met with your soaked panties. Fuck.
“My girl’s so soaked f’me already,” AJ coos.
“Only for you, Jay,” you answer.
“Atta girl,” he praises. He sinks to his knees before sliding your ruined panties off of your cunt. You step out of the see through fabric before he tosses them aside.
“Can’t wait any longer baby,” he says. Without any warning, he hoists you up against the wall of the bathroom stall, making you wrap your legs around his waist.
“You ready, baby?” he asks you.
“Please Jay… fuck me already,” you plead.
Those were the only words he needed.
He suddenly stuffs himself inside your tight walls, earning a gasp from you. Usually he would build up to this moment with his fingers or his masterful mouth, but there was no time for that. He was sure the boys were getting more suspicious by the second, so he couldn’t waste any time.
“Oh fuck… feel so full,” you pant.
“That’s how we like it, angel,” he teases with a smirk.
With that, he takes initiative to finally move inside your pussy. Sounds of skin slapping skin now fills the room, but neither of you can even bother to care. His hips collide with yours as he jerks himself farther into you. You could feel his cock brush again your oh-so sensitive nerves and it only made you want him to go harder. AJ always knew what made you feel good, which was made evident every time he was seated balls deep inside you.
“Fuck Jay!” you scream out. See, he would usually cover your mouth, but his need to fuck you overpowered any lingering thoughts he had in this moment. And if he was being honest… it turned him on even more.
“Squeezing me so well, baby…such a good girl,” he praises into your ear. He surprises you because just when you thought his thrusts couldn’t get any more erratic, they do. You whine in pleasure— music to his ears. He was fucking you as if his life depended on it.
“Harder!” you let out.
“My good girl wants it harder? As you wish, darling.” he teases.
He does as she demands and lets out a moan exit his lips. “Can’t get enough of you… never will,” he enunciates between thrusts. “You’re all mine.”
“Yes all yours!” you whine.
“Glad to hear it, baby,” he says. He was moving so fast that you could feel every single inch of him with every minute he remained inside your pretty little pussy.
“M so close!” you say full of desperation.
“Want to cum on my cock, sweet girl?” he implores, already knowing the answer.
“More than anything! Please Jay…”
“Anything for my girl,” he says with a gentle voice.
He continues to mercilessly thrust into you, despite his thrusts becoming sloppier. You felt every single inch of his cock hollowing out your insides and could feel the hot coil in your stomach forming as he did. You knew what was coming.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me…let go for me, yeah?“ he says. It only takes him a few more thrusts before she releases all over his cock and jolts around him. He continues thrusting into you until he rides out his orgasm.
“You did so good for me sweetheart,” he whispers into your ear. Your chin is now resting on the crook of his neck and he couldn’t help but notice how pretty you still looked. Your hair was more messy than it was before and your eyes had an angelic look to them. He just wanted to stay here forever and admire your features, but he knew he couldn’t right now.
“We should get dressed.” he suggests.
AJ gathers your clothes along with his. Once the both of them finished getting dressed, AJ presses another firm kiss onto her lips. Both of you melt into the kiss, feeling nothing but pure love. Seconds pass by before he pulls away and caresses her hair.
“Let’s get back to that party,” he says.
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jediavengers · 5 months
Happy birthday to the literal loml. Hayden i love u and i hope you have the best day 🩵
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take-taker-taken · 1 year
Taker smut time as The List continues, this time with wax play (also please see safety notes at the end)…
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The List - Wax Play
You open the bedroom door to be met with dozens of flickering candles, set in clusters around the room - the bed is turned down… all the way back, actually, you notice and there’s some kind of pastel-coloured translucent sheet laid out on it but in the low light you can’t tell exactly what it is.
“What’s the occasion?” You ask, leaning back against him and wriggling slightly as his strong arms wrap around you.
“You wanted to try playing with hot wax didn’t you, little girl?”
Your head falls back against his chest as you try to look up at him, instantly feeling your stomach flip at the thought of a scene. “That’s a lot of wax…”
He strokes a finger over your exposed throat and then dips his head and bites the side of your neck before saying, “It’s not all to use on you. Regular candles aren’t always safe to use for this. They melt at a much higher temperature - I’ll be using the soy wax.”
As your eyes have adjusted to the dim light you now find that you can make out some colours… there’s a lot of black and purple and how do you just know that those are the ones he’s going to use. You really have no idea what this is going to feel like, but you’re incredibly excited by the prospect and turn around in his arms and smile up at him.
“Where do you want me?” You ask playfully, stroking your hands from his shoulders down to his hands.
His demeanour changes slightly and he holds himself straighter as he pushes you gently away from him. “I want you naked, on your knees right there, waiting quietly until I come back.”
Your stomach flips at the quiet but firm order and you drop your gaze and reply, “Yes, sir.”
He waits while you strip out of your clothes and sink to your knees and then takes some time to correct your posture to his liking. He gently pushes against your lower back while simultaneously urging your shoulders back until you’re ramrod straight. Next, he nudges your ankle with his foot, a silent command to pull it under yourself properly.
“Gonna do a whole scene with you about positions and posture,” he says quietly in a tone tinged with humour and you bite your lip as you look up at him.
“I’m sorry, sir - I’ll try harder.” You really mean it, too.
He strokes over your hair and smiles. “Don’t worry little girl, it’ll be fun; lots of opportunity for correction.”
You smile back, amazed briefly at how you now, for the most part at least, feel at peace with your desires. He turns and leaves and you take the time to look around the room properly, noticing that some candles sit in traditional holders while other flames dance from slightly larger containers that you can’t quite make out now that you’re lower down. The space is warm to the point where you don’t feel cold despite your nudity and that’s largely down to the sheer volume of candles that he’s employed.
You’re not sure how long you’re alone for, but when he returns his hair is tied back, he’s changed into a sleeveless t-shirt and he’s holding a small black box. Your eyes rove hungrily over his arms - you adore everything about him of course… but especially his arms. He takes a seat in the easy chair in the corner and looks you over, a slight frown coming to his face.
“I didn’t adjust your posture for fun, little girl - smarten it up.”
Now that it’s been highlighted, you realise that you’re slouching and leaning slightly to one side from where you were looking all around the room. You quickly do your best to recreate the position that he put you in earlier and feel relieved when he gives a small nod.
“Seems like you really do need a little bit of learning time on that, doesn’t it?” He says, referring to his earlier comment about a scene based around positions.
“Yes sir,” you reply softly, hoping he’s not too cross with you.
“We’ll talk about that later,” he says. “Now, I need to cover a couple of things with you. Like always, I’m going to start slow and if you don’t like what you’re feeling then you tell me.”
You nod - he says this every time you try something new and at this point it makes you want to roll your eyes but deep down you know it’s because he’s responsible. What he says next though, does take you by surprise.
“Once the wax has gone on and dried, it’s gonna have to come off again. I’ll be able to use my hands but I think it would add to the atmosphere if I use this.” So saying, he opens the small black box and takes out an ornate-looking knife. “I wanted to check with you first rather than spring it on you when you might be a little spaced out.”
“Is it sharp?” You ask, reaching a hand out and then drawing it quickly back again as you realise he might not want you to touch.
“It’s sharp enough,” he says. “I’ll be careful and if you don’t like it, just say the word.”
You have a picture in your mind’s eye of you laid out on the bed, him above you with the blade pressed to your skin and it makes you shiver in the best way.
“I’d like you to use it. Please, sir.” You tag the honorific quickly on to the end so that he won’t scold you for forgetting.
A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth and he stands up, handing you a hair tie from his pocket. “Clip it up, as well - make sure it’s all off your neck and then I want you face down on the bed.”
As you get on to the bed you realise that the pastel-coloured sheet was a shower curtain and you do your best to settle carefully into position so as not to rumple it too much. He steps up alongside you and strokes a large hand down your back.
“I’m going to start small,” he comments and then you gasp and flinch as your back feels peppered with spikes. “How was that?”
You take a moment to consider. “I’m not sure, sir… it faded really fast.”
“A little more, then.” There’s a note of humour in his voice and before he’s even finished speaking there’s the sharp, hot pain again - stronger this time - and you hiss and arch your back. “Looks like you enjoyed that, little girl.”
You let out an affirmative little whimper as the initial sharp burn dulls to a comforting warmth and then with a roll of your shoulders confess, “It doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.”
“I can make it hurt a bit more,” He says, stroking a hand over your butt. “The closer the wax is to your skin when I drop it, the more painful it’ll be.”
“Please, sir…?” Your eyes are closed, you feel safe and an aroused warmth is spreading through you. Sometimes you want to film the two of you together so that you can see him from other angles - really learn how he reacts to your playtime.
“Seeing as you said ‘please’,” He comments and then you feel a line of fire down your spine that seems to go on and on, making you cry out quietly for its duration.
The feeling takes longer to fade this time and you pant softly but haven’t quite recovered when it happens again and then a third time has your hands twisting into the sheet as your cries become louder.
“Remember your colours,” He says quietly and you take instant comfort in the words. You don’t actually feel the need to call, but it always makes you feel protected - that little reminder that he’s looking out for you. The next few minutes are back to peppering little darts of heat all over and you start to wonder whether there’s any untouched skin left on your back.
“Want me to take a picture of this?” He asks suddenly and your eyes open. “Otherwise you won’t get to see it.”
“Yes, sir - please,” You answer eagerly and you see him set a purple candle down carefully and then hear a cupboard open and close.
“Keep still now,” He says and then there’s a flash followed by the click and whir of a Polaroid camera. He snaps a few shots and then his hand engulfs the back of your head, nails scratching gently over your scalp. You moan and push back against his hand as you moan happily from the contact.
“Ready to turn over, little girl? Give me a fresh canvas to work with?”
With an eager little sound you roll over and reposition yourself, arms stretched out to either side like a sacrifice - it feels apposite in the current atmosphere. He hums low in appreciation and then climbs on to the bed and kneels astride you, stroking over your skin with his fingertips. You bite your lip against a squeal as he brushes across your ticklish underarms and then let out a moan as he pinches lightly at your nipples, teasing them into tight, proud peaks.
“Gonna cover these in a little while… it’ll hurt, though.” He leans down and kisses you, teasing your lips apart as his body covers yours, his clothes rough against your skin. He breaks the kiss and then speaks softly against your lips. “Think you can stand the pain for me?”
You nod as best you can and whisper back, “Yes, sir… I like it.”
“Mm, I know you do.” He kneels back up and traces your lips with two fingers, smirking down at you as your tongue darts out to lick over the digits. “My little pain slut.” He gives a final quick pinch to each nipple and then climbs off you, crossing to the set of drawers and picking up a fresh candle. Returning to stand beside the bed he contemplates you for a moment and his close scrutiny has you spreading your thighs, just a little.
“I don’t want it to splash while you’re face up, so I’m going to hold the candle nice and close. If it gets too much then you know what to do.”
You wriggle slightly in your impatience but nod your agreement before looking up at him pleadingly. “Please, sir… please keep going.”
He smirks again and tilts the candle ever so slightly, gaze flicking between his target and the pool of wax. Your eyes are riveted on the dancing flame and then he finally tips it all the way and you hiss as the hot liquid lands on your shoulder and dribbles down before solidifying. He mirrors the action on the opposite shoulder and then moves the candle, trickling a hot line across your collar bone and down underneath your breasts and then back up to join with the original splash.
Your chest rises and falls with increasing speed as he swaps out to a black candle which he holds close to your stomach and then tips in a messy pool on to your skin. It’s the first time he’s used such a large amount in one place and with a pained gasp you start to lift yourself up only to be met with a heavy hand on your sternum and he pushes you back down.
“Keep still, little girl. Nice and still and take it for me, like a good little pain slut…”
You feel a rush of moisture at him stepping up the domineering attitude and settle back with whimper as he picks up yet another candle and does the same thing again. It’s less of a shock this time and although you cry out, you don’t move and so he sets the candle back down and then rewards you with a kiss.
“There’s my obedient girl. You ready for the finale?”
“Yes, sir.” You nod and grip handfuls of the sheet as he moves away, wishing that you knew exactly what he was planning. The patches of heat on your stomach haven’t dissipated yet but it’s a delicious gentle burn and your hips roll involuntarily.
He comes back over and is holding two tiny white jugs - at least, they look tiny his in huge hands; the image would probably be funny if you weren’t otherwise distracted. He stands over you and indicates the two containers.
“D’you want one at a time little girl, or both together?”
“Both together, sir - please.” You’re not sure why you answer that way, or so quickly, but it seems to please him and he nods.
“Stay nice and still for a second - wouldn’t want to spill them,” He says with a wink and a small huff of laughter at his own joke before climbing carefully on to the bed and straddling you again. He settles some of his weight on your hips and you’re fairly sure it’s intentional. “Ready?”
“So ready,” You breathe out and then the breath gives way to a scream as he takes you at your word and up-ends the vessels right above your breasts. Melted wax gushes from the spouts in thick, heavy streams and he criss-crosses them once or twice, mixing up the colours before dropping them, empty, on to the cover sheet. Instinctively you try to sit up but he’s already leaned forward and captured your wrists in his hands and is pinning you to the bed.
“Such a brave girl,” He says quietly as he watches you thrash beneath him. “I know it hurts baby but that was so good - so proud of you, taking all that for me.”
As the initial shock and pain fades, the feeling of his physically overpowering you comes to the fore and you moan and push against his weight. He laughs at your attempts, low and devious, before giving you a quick kiss.
“We’re not done yet, little girl - it’s time to take that wax off.” He releases his hold and rolls off the bed, collecting the empty jugs and setting them to one side.
“Please will you take a picture first, sir?”
He smiles and nods, fetching the camera and snapping a couple more photos, flapping each one in the air before putting them down out of harm’s way to develop. When he turns back around he’s holding the knife and your heart skips a beat as he advances.
“Still OK?” He asks quietly and you smile and nod.
“Green, sir.”
Bending over you, he drags the tip of the knife gently across your skin until he reaches a patch of wax on your stomach. He taps on the hardened patch a few times and then works the edge of the blade against the wax; you almost don’t dare breathe as you feel the cool steel rocking against your skin. The feeling as the patch is broken free is strangely pleasing and without thinking you move your hand to touch the newly-uncovered skin.
“Ah ah!” His voice is loud and he catches your hand in his own. You lift your head to find him looking down at you with what’s almost a glare and you bite your lip.
“Careful while I’m using this, little girl.” He indicates the knife and you nod contritely.
“Sorry, sir; I didn’t think. I just - I wanted to see if the skin was hot under the wax.”
His expression softens and he guides your hand back to your stomach. “It is,” He says. “Probably not on your back anymore but the wax was thicker here.”
Curiosity sated, you move your hand back out to the side and he resumes work to remove the wax from your stomach and shoulders before urging you to turn over. You look down questioningly at your boobs but he just throws you a smirk. “Saving the best ‘til last, little girl.”
The feeling of the blade scraping across your back is wonderful and you hear the small drops of dried wax hitting the protective sheet with a sound like gentle rainfall. After a while of working with the knife he runs a hand across your back, dislodging loose specks - you’re practically purring at the treatment and then he lands a couple of hard smacks on your backside, making you giggle and squeal.
“Back over, little girl - you know what comes next.” Once you’re on your back again he straddles you one final time and covers your breasts with his huge hands and squeezes. The wax gives way and he brushes large chunks off to each side and then picks up the knife again. With a devious smile he holds the blade to your throat and watches as your pupils blow wide and you lick your lips.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” He strokes the blade gently down to your boobs, working it against the remaining wax. “Maybe I should work something like that into a scene,” He adds as he flicks off a few more pieces and tweaks a nipple with his free hand. “What do you think? I could kidnap you off the street at knifepoint… throw you into my truck and make you do all kinds of things…”
You whine in the back of your throat. “Oh god, yes please sir!” He laughs low and it sends shivers through you.
“Mmm, dirty little girl,” He says and leans down and kisses you. “We’ll talk about that another time.”
He places the knife carefully to one side and then stands up, giving you a brush down with his hands before urging you to sit up whereupon he brushes you down again and then lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bathroom, setting you gently down on to the tiles.
“Get a shower started while I go clean up,” He says, stroking a thumb over your cheek.
“Then can we talk about you kidnapping me?” You say with big eyes, catching him around the waist.
“Not tonight,” He says. “I’ve got other plans for you tonight, little girl. One of which involves holding you up against the shower wall and fucking you until you see stars. So get that shower started…”
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If you’re going to do wax play, then for the love of all that shines use a drop sheet - unless you especially want your sheets / carpets / floors ruined.
I wrote this to have eleventy-billion candles around the room… this actually isn’t very smart. Fire is dangerous and caution should be practiced at all times.
General all-purpose / household candles often aren’t really suited to wax play due to the higher melting point, or chemicals that might be in them - if you’re starting out then you should probably avoid.
Dropping wax from a height means it can splash so be mindful of the recipient’s eyes.
Didn’t write it into this scene but if you’re layering wax on, bear in mind that the skin will keep heating underneath it and burns can occur so again, exercise caution.
You might have seen / read stuff where the Dominant uses a flogger to ‘whip’ the dried wax off… yeah - that’s a brilliant way to ruin a flogger. Removing it in the shower? Excellent way to block your drains. Most of it will come off with gentle encouragement from fingers but in a pinch for any stubborn bits - reach for a plastic card i.e. credit card. Blades can of course be used but again - safety first and for goodness sake be careful!
If you’re thinking of doing wax play in a hotel… be aware that candles can raise a room’s temperature quite significantly, even if there are only a few. Concentration of heat, plus any smoke from extinguished candles could lead to the hotel’s fire alarm being triggered. I suppose whether you care about this or not depends on your tolerance for embarassment and how you feel about inconveniencing an entire building.
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danoslvrr · 4 months
“slow dancing” - a.j. takers x reader
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summary ; you’re slow dancing with aj in the kitchen of your shared penthouse.
warnings ; fluff, pet names, aj being a sweetheart.
╰┈➤ one of aj’s strong hands is wrapped securely around your waist, his free hand holding yours as you sway. his hands are scarred from years of fights and crime, yet they’re gentle with you. “it’s been a long long time” by harry james is playing softly in the background, the oldies vinyl you have on the record player shuffling through various songs.
“i missed you,” he whispers against your ear, placing a soft kiss to the shell of it. you smile, your face turning a soft shade of pink, your boyfriends sweet words and actions making your heartbeat quicken.
“i missed you too jay. so much.” you whisper back to him, still smiling. “i know, doll.” he had been gone for the robbery of the year, distant and absent more often than not. now he was back, with more money than usual, no chance of getting caught, and you two were safe in each others arms.
the music shifts, playing “moonlight serenade” by glenn miller. you smile against him, moving in slow, tiny circles as he holds you against his chest. the hand that was previously holding yours moves to stroke your hair as he hums softly along to the song. it’s silent for a moment, a comfortable silence.
finally, you break the silence. “aj?” you ask. “mhm?” “do you think we’ll find each other in every lifetime?” he smiles softly, stops moving, and chuckles, tilting your chin up so you can look at him. “of course i do, doll. you’re mine. forever.” he coos, a soft smile on his face as he resumes dancing with you.
“i’ll always find you, babydoll.”
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
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Fluff → 💕 | Angst → 💋 | Smut → 🔥
All works are written by me and are not given consent to be reposted anywhere else other than my own account (reblogs are fine)
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Dom Hayden Blurb
Social Media Au
Fever Dream 💕
➪the one where you and hayden celebrate his birthday.
Open Invitation 🔥
➪the one where hayden’s day off with you gets interrupted.  Done Right 🔥 ➪the one where you and hayden get back to your unfinished business. (part 2 of OI)
Like Fine Wine 💕🔥
➪the one where you can’t resist hayden’s look for his role in ahsoka.
Sweet Spot 🔥
➪the one where hayden goes down on you.
Santa, Baby 💕
➪the one where you and hayden celebrate christmas. Bring in the New Year 💕🔥 ➪the one where you and hayden enter a new year together (part 2 of SB).
The Night has Just Begun 💕🔥
➪the one where you and hayden make a sex tape.
Second Nature 💕
➪the one where hayden is not only protective over you, but the tiny person he helped make with you.
Ride With Me Series 💕🔥💋
➪the one where you and hayden meet and fall in love, despite having a rocky introduction. (racer au)
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He’s Got My Name 💕💋
➪the one where everything a.j. does, he does for you. Tattooed On His Arm 💕💋 ➪the one where a.j. finally gets the money for your treatment, but at a cost. (part 2 of HGMN)
The Only One Invited 💕🔥💋
➪the one where you’re with a.j. and ghost, your ex, gets out of prison.
No One Else 💕🔥
➪the one where you throw a housewarming party, and a.j. isn’t fond of all the guys staring at you in his new living room.
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Dating Anakin Skywalker would include;
Blurb 1
Cosmic Love 💋
➪the one where you break anakin’s heart after he unknowingly broke yours. Back To You 💕💋 ➪the one where anakin is slipping away and needs you more than ever. (part 2 of CL) The Story of Us 💕💋 ➪the one where things are a a bit different after you and anakin get back together. (part 3 of CL/BTY)
Heartbreak Prince 💕💋🔥
➪the one where you’re a princess and anakin saves you in more ways than one. 
Shadows of Your Heart 💕💋
➪the one where anakin makes it up to you after being distant during a mission.
When Faced with Darkness 💋
➪the one where you and anakin reunite years after he turned to the dark side.
Screaming Whispers 💕🔥
➪the one where anakin is a musician and you’re his muse. ➪Something to Write About. (one shot | part of the SW au) ➪Love & Bound. (blurb | part of the SW au) add ons; one, two
Wrapped Around Your Finger Series 💕🔥💋
➪the one where you and anakin struggle to find time for each other after his first tour wraps up. (continuation of screaming whispers) Series Playlist
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Love Language 💕💋
➪the one where you’re all clay needs to keep himself calm before surgery (and after).
Sound of Your Heart 💕💋
➪the one where you take care of clay after his surgery.
In The Way I Need You Series 💕🔥💋
➪the one where clay needs a babysitter for his son, and you just so happen to be more than willing to take up his offer.
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If I Love You was a Promise 💕💋
➪the one where james’ brother comes home just when things were falling into place. Don’t Come Back For Me 💋 ➪the one where everything falls apart. (part 2 of IILYWAP) Careless Whisper 💕💋 ➪the one where james struggles with getting used to his life without you, even nearly a year after the break up. (part 3 to IILYWAP/DCBFM)
The Perks 💕🔥
➪the one where you get to experience all the perks that come with being james’ wife and biggest supporter.
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Dating Luke Reiter would include;
Right Back to the Start 💕💋🔥
➪the one where luke wakes up to the abandoned city of detroit and doesn’t think twice about looking for the one person that always meant the most to him.
Til Morning Comes 💕💋
➪the one where luke is late for work after spending the night in the sheets with you, but quickly discovers that his attendance is the least of his worries.
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Teen Romance 💕💋
➪the one where you try to make sam see just how good he has it, and he almost loses both you and his dad before he finally changes his act.
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random-twst-things · 4 months
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Crowley: Perfect! Just the person I was looking for!
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: 😐
Crowley: I acquire some assistance for an accident made in-
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Hey Grimm?
Grimm: What?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ya know what sounds really good to eat right now?
Grimm: Tuna?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: no, roasted crow
Crowley: ...
Grimm: Roasted crow? Where ya gonna get a crow from?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Oh, don't worry, I know where we can find one veeerrryyy near
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, turning to look at Crowley with a smile: Reeaaally close 😀
Crowley: OH! WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! It would seem the accident was mysteriously cleaned! Isn't that great? I must leave now! BYEEEE!!
Crowley, running away:
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angel-w0nderland · 5 months
~ 𝓐𝓙 𝔁 𝓕𝓮𝓶!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 ~
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~ 𝖠𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗋 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌 - 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗌𝗈 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾, 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗂𝗍 𝗍𝗈𝗈, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝗒 𝗂𝗇𝖻𝗈𝗑 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗎𝗋𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗂 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗇 𝖺 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗉𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗀𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗌 𝖿𝗂𝖼 𝗌𝗈 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝖠𝖩 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 :) ~
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 = 3𝖪
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The air in the private area upstairs was thick with the scent of cigar smoke and the warm glow of the flickering candles, casting a seductive hue over everything. Lily's bar, with its worn leather booths and antique wooden tables, was as much a character in the story as any of the patrons who filled it. Tonight, though, it seemed to hum with a particular energy, as if even the walls themselves were celebrating the success of AJ and his team's recent heist. The reader who worked for Lily, her long, raven hair pulled back into a messy bun, bustled between them, serving drinks and offering words of congratulations as she went.
AJ took a sip of his whiskey, the smooth caramel flavors dancing across his tongue. He glanced around at his team, each member lost in their own thoughts and reflections. There was a sense of camaraderie and contentment in the air, a knowing nod to the fact that they had once again pulled off the impossible. But even as they reveled in their victory, AJ couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. He knew that their success had not gone unnoticed, and that sooner or later, someone was going to come gunning for them. He just hoped that they could enjoy this moment of respite for as long as it lasted.
His eyes drifted back to the reader, and he found himself unable to look away. There was something about her that drew him in, something that made him feel both safe and vulnerable at the same time. He knew that she was off-limits, that she worked for Lily, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye. Maybe it was just the way she moved, the way she smiled, the way she seemed to understand the complexities of their world. Whatever it was, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her.
As he watched her serve another group of customers, he felt a pang of envy. He wished he could be on the other side of the bar, serving drinks and flirting with her. But he knew that was impossible. His life was committed to this game, to this team, and to the danger that came with it. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to see where things might go with her, to explore the potential connection that seemed to exist between them.
The conversation around him shifted, and AJ realized that his team was discussing their next job. He forced himself to focus, to rejoin the conversation, but his mind kept drifting back to the reader. He wondered if she felt the same way about him, if there was even the slightest possibility that they could be together. The thought filled him with hope and longing, a desire to reach out and make something more of this fragile connection they seemed to share.
As the night wore on, AJ found himself excusing himself to use the restroom more often than necessary, just to get a glimpse of her, to catch a whiff of her perfume, to watch her movements from a distance. It was obvious that he was becoming obsessed, that he was losing perspective on what was important. But he couldn't help it. Something about her drew him in, made him feel alive in a way that he hadn't felt in years.
Finally, with the party winding down and the last of their celebratory drinks consumed, AJ mustered up the courage to approach her. He smoothed down his jacket, adjusted his tie, and stepped out from the shadows of the private area. She looked up from where she was tidying up the bar, her eyes meeting him across the room. There was a spark in her gaze, a hint of interest that sent a shiver down his spine.
"Hey," he said, his voice coming out a bit rougher than he'd intended. "I just wanted to say...thank you. For tonight, I mean. It was really nice of you to help out."
She smiled, her eyes never leaving him. "It was my pleasure. Lily's always been good to me, and I'm happy to help out the team when I can."
There was an awkward silence as they stood there, barely a foot apart. AJ could feel the tension between them, a palpable energy that seemed to draw them closer. He took a step forward, leaning in slightly. "I've noticed you around here before...you seem to know a lot about this world."
She shrugged, looking away briefly before meeting his gaze once more. "I've worked with Lily for a while now. I've learned a thing or two along the way." Her voice was soft, sultry. AJ couldn't help but feel a stirring in his chest.
"You seem...different," he said, choosing his words carefully. "I mean, most people who get involved with this stuff..." He trailed off, not wanting to sound accusatory.
She smiled again, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Oh, I've been involved for a long time," she assured him. "Just because you don't see me in the field doesn't mean I'm not a part of it."
AJ found himself leaning in even closer, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He could feel the warmth of her breath against his skin, and it sent a shiver down his spine. "Well, I've been thinking...I mean, I know you work for Lily, but maybe..." He trailed off, unsure how to proceed.
She raised an eyebrow, her expression playful. "Maybe what?" she prompted, her voice barely above a whisper.
AJ took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "Maybe there's something else we could be doing together," he said, his voice low and intense. "I mean, I know this life is dangerous...but we could make it work, couldn't we? We could be a team, you and me."
She stepped closer, her breath mingling with his. "And what would you have me do, AJ?" she asked, her voice husky with desire. "What role do you see for me in all of this?"
He took her hand in his, feeling the warmth and strength of her grip. "Any role you want," he replied, his heart racing. "I trust you. I know you're smart and capable. I just want to be with you, to have you by my side as we navigate through this dangerous world."
Her eyes sparkled with interest and a hint of mischief. "Well," she said, leaning in closer still, "I think I could be quite useful in certain situations. I have...connections. Resources. Information. And I'm not afraid to use them."
AJ felt a thrill of anticipation course through him at her words. "That sounds...promising," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I think we could make quite the team."
As they stood there, lost in each other's eyes, he couldn't help but wonder what their future held. He knew it would be dangerous, that their lives would always be at risk. But for the first time in years, he felt a sense of hope, of purpose. He felt alive again.
He leaned in closer, his lips mere inches from hers. She responded in kind, her lips parting ever so slightly, inviting him in. The air between them crackled with anticipation as they hovered on the brink of a kiss. He could feel her breath against his skin, her heart racing in tandem with his own.
As their lips met, he felt a rush of emotion overtake him. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before, a combination of desire, passion, and a deep, abiding connection. Her lips were soft and warm against his, and he couldn't help but lose himself in the moment.
She slid her hand up his chest, her fingers tangling in his hair as she deepened the kiss. He responded in kind, his tongue dancing with hers, exploring every inch of her mouth. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving nothing but the two of them and the intensity of their desire.But before they got to carried away Aj broke the kiss and begins to lead you to his car 
The world is quiet tonight. Not a single sound escapes the confines of the apartment building. Even the bustling city beyond seems to have taken a break from its usual clamor. It's as if everything around us has collectively exhaled, exhausted from the endless demands of life. And in this brief moment of silence.
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In the privacy of his own home,he stepped back for a moment to look into her eyes. They were filled with a mixture of passion and tenderness, and he felt a wave of emotion wash over him. Without another word, he reached out and drew her closer, pressing her against the wall. Her body felt warm and supple against his, and he could feel her heart racing in tandem with his own.
She moaned softly, arching her back as he explored her neck with his lips. He trailed his hands down her sides, cupping her hips, feeling the smoothness of her skin beneath his fingers. The tension between them was palpable, and he could feel her desire growing with every touch.
They moved together, their bodies in perfect sync. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her nails digging into his shoulders as she pulled him closer. He lost himself in the rhythm, the feel of her skin against his, the taste of her lips on his neck.
He could feel her growing wetter against him, her breath coming in ragged gasps. He quickened his pace, thrusting harder, deeper, as she arched her back and cried out, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He buried his face in her hair, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his lips, the heat of her body as it moved against his own.
They moved together, lost in the moment, their world reduced to nothing but the two of them and their intense desire. Time seemed to stand still, each sensation magnified, each touch a new discovery. AJ's body shook with the force of his climax, and he collapsed against her, spent. She held him close, her breath warm against his neck, as they both caught their breath.
Slowly, they began to regain their senses, the haze of passion giving way to a sense of contentment and peace. He leaned his forehead against hers, marveling at the connection they shared. He could feel her heart still racing, and it brought a smile to his lips.
"I've never felt like this before," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't know it was possible to feel so... complete."
AJ smiled, tracing a finger along her jawline. "It's funny," he said, his voice rough with emotion. "I've been feeling that way for a while now. Like I've been missing something, and then I met you. And now..."
She leaned in, kissing him gently on the lips. "And now?" she whispered.
"And now," he replied, "I feel like I've finally found my home."
They stood there in the quiet darkness of his apartment, wrapped in each other's arms. The air was thick with the scent of their sweat and desire, mingling with the faintest hint of vanilla and jasmine. He felt as if he could stay like this forever, lost in the warmth of her embrace, the softness of her skin against his.
He kissed her again, tenderly this time, and she responded with a sigh, her body melting further into his. Her fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close as their lips moved in perfect harmony. It was as if they were two halves of the same soul, finally reunited after an eternity of longing.
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The next morning, they wake up together in AJ's bed, the sunlight streaming through the curtains. They lie entwined, enjoying the quiet comfort of each other's presence. As they discuss their plans for the day, they both realize that they want this to be the start of something new and lasting.
They decide to spend the morning together, exploring the city. They dress in casual clothes, enjoying the fresh air and the bustle of the streets. They stop for coffee at a quaint little café, laughing and sharing stories over steaming mugs. It feels so natural to be with her, as if they've known each other for years.
As they wander through the park, they come across a small pond where ducks swim lazily in the water. They sit down on a nearby bench, watching the ducks and listening to the birds sing. She leans her head against his shoulder, her hand finding its way into his, and he feels a warmth spread through his chest. He can't help but wonder if this is what it feels like to truly be in love.
"What do you think?" she asks him, her voice soft and gentle. "Do you think we could make this work? I mean, between us?"
He turns his head to look at her, her eyes shining with hope and trust. He knows that he could never be with anyone else. "I think," he says slowly, "that I've never felt this way about anyone before. I mean, I thought I was happy before... but now..." His voice trails off as he searches for the words to express how he feels. "Now I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
She smiles at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "I feel the same way," she whispers. "I've never known anyone who made me feel this way. This... complete."
They sit in silence for a moment, just enjoying the warmth of the sun on their faces and the gentle breeze rustling through the trees. AJ leans forward, his elbows on his knees, and looks into her eyes. "You know," he says, "I think we should start making some plans. About us, I mean. About our future."
She nods, her heart racing a little at the thought of what their future might hold. "I think that sounds like a really good idea," she says. "Where do you want to start?"
They spend the next few hours walking through the park, hand in hand, discussing their dreams and aspirations. They talk about the kind of life they want to build together, the places they want to travel, the people they want to surround themselves with. They talk about their careers, their hobbies, and their favorite movies and music. It's as if they've known each other for years, as if they've been waiting for this moment to finally share their deepest secrets and desires.
As the afternoon turns into evening, they find themselves at a small, cozy restaurant. The candles flicker on the table, casting a warm glow across their faces. They order their food and continue their conversation, laughing and teasing each other like old friends. They share a bottle of wine, feeling the warmth of the alcohol in their blood, and the weight of the world seems to lift from their shoulders.
After dinner, they walk along the river, the water gently lapping against the shore. The lights of the city twinkle in the distance, and the air is filled with the sounds of car horns and laughter. They stop at a small pier, leaning against the wooden railing as they watch the stars begin to appear in the night sky. She nestles into his embrace, her head on his shoulder, and he can feel her heart beating steadily against his chest.
"You know," she says softly, "I've never felt this way about anyone before. This... sense of peace, of belonging. It's like I've known you forever."
He smiles down at her, his heart swelling with love. "I feel the same way. I can't imagine my life without you in it."
They stand there for a moment, lost in each other's eyes, as the stars continue to appear in the sky above them. The gentle lapping of the water against the pier serves as a soothing background to their quiet, intimate exchange. As they stand there, it feels like time has stopped, as if they are the only two people in the world.
She raises her head, gazing up at him with such tenderness that it takes his breath away. "I don't want to lose this feeling," she whispers. "I don't want us to ever lose each other."
He cups her face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away a stray hair from her cheek. "I promise you, I'll never let that happen," he says, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You're my heart, my soul. You're everything to me."
She leans in, pressing her lips to his, feeling the truth of his words as they mingle with their own. Their kiss deepens, becoming more urgent, more desperate, as if they're trying to seal their love into this moment, to capture forever the feeling that has taken hold of them both.
As they break apart, he looks into her eyes and sees everything he's ever wanted reflected there. He cups her face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away a stray hair from her cheek, and he knows with absolute certainty that she feels the same way. There is no doubt in his mind that they belong together, that their love is real and true and everlasting.
They spend the rest of the evening walking along the river, hand in hand, lost in their own little world. The stars above them seem to shine brighter, the city lights seem to dance with a newfound energy. They stop at a small bench and sit down, their shoulders touching, their legs crossed. She leans her head against his shoulder, feeling the steady beat of his heart, and for a moment, she wonders if he can feel her heart too, beating in time with his.
He looks down at her, his eyes filled with love and admiration, and she knows that he can feel it. He takes her hand in his, their fingers entwining, and she feels a shiver run down her spine. It's as if their bodies are connected, as if they share the same breath. She looks up at him, wondering what it is about him that makes her feel this way, and she knows that she will spend the rest of her life trying to understand the depth of her feelings for him.
They sit there for a while, lost in each other's company, content to just be together. The stars above them seem to dance in the night sky, their twinkling light reflecting off the river below. The sounds of the city in the distance mingle with the gentle lapping of the water against the pier. It's a peaceful, intimate moment, and she knows that she will cherish it forever.
•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.
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queenie-official · 10 months
Okay so you’re one of the only ones I’ve seen mention AJ recently so I wanted to come to you with this thought. You know the ‘write a prisoner’ website it went around tiktok for a little? Well I was thinking, in a universe where his ending is different (no spoilers just in case your other followers haven’t watched it) reader finds him on the write a prisoner site and they become penpals. You’re able to develop a genuine connection with one another and he’s able to talk and vent to you about everything that’s gone wrong/right in his life and you’re able to do the same thing. He ends up writing you sappy little poems and love notes eventually cause he realizes you are more than just a penpal to him. At some point you end up surprising him with an actual visit and it just solidifies his feelings being able to finally see you in person. If we’re going off of the mafia!au for him, then maybe he ends up having some of his men on the outside start to keep tabs on you..solely for protection purposes of course not because he wants to make sure he’s the only guy you’re talking to. There’s a couple videos I saw where the girls were still able to be surprised with flowers on the doorstep somehow by their penpal and I definitely feel like he’d do the same thing. There’d be a line in one of his notes afterwards of like ‘Did you get my little surprise, sweetheart? Just wait till you see how much I can really spoil you once I’m out of here.’ Ahhh maybe it’s just me that gets all giggly at this idea. Idk just a little thought 😅
main masterlist
okay so ima break this up a bit because it’s easier for my brain to focus 😭 will start with looking at it from Aj’s character and then from if it was Mafia!Ani
(i’d also like to state idk how the ‘write a prisoner’ website works exactly but i feel like it’s pretty self explanatory so ima just roll with how it works in my mind)
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Aj: becoming pen pals with a prisoner and bonding is a lot easier then you went into the website thinking, you only really go in with the fact you’ll be speaking with a criminal. once you see his photo your interest is peaked (i mean how could it not look at him)
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anyway you guys start off with simple topics when messaging like favorite hobbies and Aj mentions to you that he has a love for playing the piano- (idk about you guys but there’s nothing hotter then a man who can play an instrument and play it well) maybe he even makes a promise to you that when he gets out he’ll play for you.
and Aj is such a sweetheart he so would write you poems maybe he starts off with something simple and sweet that can be interpreted in a friend way because for as confident as a guy he is you make him nervous. he only started writing you poems once you two where close enough for him to feel safe and be open with his thoughts and how he got into this situation. and honestly you don’t think he’s to bad of guy after all he never went out of his way to kill anyone during a heist and he always made sure to donate a percentage to charity organizations, so you’re able to push the fact he’s a criminal aside.
as your relationship with him progresses and his friendly poems slowly turn into something more you realize how badly you want to visit him. to see his pretty face in person (even if it is behind a glass frame) and to hear the voice you’d been imagining in your head. so with all the courage you can muster you do some digging and make plans to surprise him. Oh boy are you grateful you went through with it- seeing him in person was almost surreal. somehow he was more handsome in person and furthermore his gravely voice was definitely hotter then you ever could of imagined. he’s a smooth talker, seemingly more bold in person then he was through a screen (which shocked you since with most people it’d be the opposite). oh and when he sees you… sees your smile- the way you flutter your lashes when listening to him speak- he knows he’s done for, knows that there’s no one else he wants more in his life and even more importantly he cannot wait for his release date.
you make the effort to visit him as often as you can…
Mafia!Anakin: we all collectively agree Ani is a possessive man- even if he doesn’t always show it but Mafia Ani, oh that man isn’t afraid to show he’s possessive in fact as far as he’s concerned he owns you. so to no one’s surprise he 100% has men on the outside looking after you. making sure you’re safe, single unbothered by those around you.
Anakin has connections everywhere, i mean he’s the top boss. so if he wants to surprise you with something he will, and he’s got the money for it so honestly what’s stopping him?
waking up and getting ready to start your day only to here your doorbell go off, opening your front door to see a huge bouquet of flowers. it really confuses you at first- i mean you don’t really talk to other guys (probably because every time you did they suspiciously disappeared- if you had their number and messaged them all they’d say is they moved away) so who are they from. taking them inside and seeing a note on the ground that must of fallen out of the bouquet your question is answered.
‘Hope you like them Pretty girl’
it’s not even signed but you know exactly who it’s from. of course you confront him at your next visit, and once you do all he does is give you a sly little smile through the glass as you both hold the phone next to your ears.
‘just wait till you see how much i can really spoil you once i’m out of here’
ugh that resonantes with me sm 😩 he 100% would say that and then swiftly move the conversation along as you blush silently, something about how he said it or maybe it’s the look in his eyes that leaves you flustered.
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i think i ranted a bit to much about this 😀 my apologies huns 😭 but anyways you’re so real for this and thank you for dropping it in my asks 🫶🏼
you’re actually my first ask too so 🤭🤭 thank you for the absolute serotonin boost this gave me Xx <3
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