#Tamsin Hopkins
onth3cusp · 11 days
Books I Read This Summer
What I Read Trial of the Sun Queen by Nisha J. Tuli – my full review is linked here! An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir Into the Forgotten Forest by River J. Hopkins Harrow the Ninth by Tamsin Muir – find my review here! The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Fairies by Heather Fawcett The Familiar by Leigh…
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It was a lazy Sunday afternoon in the Hogwarts library.
Theodore Nott was sitting next to Tracey Davis reading a textbook while she nonchalantly played with a blue Pygmypuff.
Blaise Zabini was checking in a book with Madam Pince, he looked around and spotted the two of them.
Blaise walked over and asked if he could sit.
The three of them were in the same year at Hogwarts and students in Slytherin house. They were cordial to each other, did their own thing, in different cliques.
Blaise was a Chaser for the Slytherin quidditch team and a member of Professor Slughorn’s Slug Club. He walked the halls with Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy.
Theodore often kept to himself and roamed the castle alone. You could spot him snugged up in a corner of the library or the greenhouses tending to plants. However since fifth year the was a noticeable change and Theodore became more sociable among his peers.
Tracey was indifferent to the Hogwarts houses cliche and stereotypes. She hung out with Megan Jones, Lisa, Turpin and Eloise Midgen. Mostly she was seen in Astronomy department with Professor Sinistra, or in the Kitchens.
The three sat in silence for a while. An awkward one. 
Giggling broke their train of thoughts. A small group of girls three tables over blushed and waved at Blaise.
He turned away frowning.
Theodore and Tracey looked at him questionably.
"They once called me exotic." grimaced Blaise.
Tracey rolled her eyes. "Not exotic more like exhausted. I hate that shit."
Theodore frowned. "When I was four, two of my father cohorts described my mother and I like prized possessions. As if we were not human, like if we were from another world. A fwopper is exotic, we're people."
The Slytherin Chaser deeply exhaled as though he'd been holding in for the longest time. He closed his eyes and leaned up against the chair.
Blaised nodded. "It is exhausting." I don't care for it. I- feel that way most times. The soirees, galas, balls, and weddings. He waved his hand. It's as though we are seen as elaborate centerpieces on display."
"When I attended Professor Slughor's Christmas Party, I talked with Dean Thomas, Roger Hopkins and Wayne Hopkins.
Hopkins is in the Care for Magical creatures club. Thomas was a substitute Chaser for Gryffindor and Hopkins is a Beater, the new co-captain for Hufflepuff right?." Inquired Theodore.
It was nice to just casually speak to someone. The conversation, was less stressful for once."
Theodore paused. "I've paired off with Terry Boot a couple of times in Charms. I don't how to explain but I was relaxed and comfortable. Like now."
"Yeah I get it."
"Our older housemates and classmates were more close knit. From what I observed Lucian Bole, Lee Jordan, Malcolm Preece, Jeremy Stretton, Anthony Rickett, Grant Page, and Duncan Inglebee."
"I've wanted to talk the others like Terry Boot and Lavender Brown on how they responded about being biracial as well." Theodore whispered.
Tracey sighed. "I know Eloise, Lisa, Megan, Morag Lavender, and Hermione are just as uncomfortable as I am when people attempt to touch our hair. Even the older girls like Gemma Farley, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Tamsin Applebee."
"One day Professor Trelawney said oh that's an intricate and fun look."
"What the hell is so fun about my hair." She scoffed.
"Or make snark remarks about our appearance. What Snape said about Granger's teeth in third year didn't sit well with me. And I let him know, I don't care about house points or that he is a professor. I got detention but so what."
And let's not start on Umbridge. Tracey stuck out her tongue.
"She didn't like my ethnic flair and said I needed to be more civilized. Stupid woman."
That woman was enraging to half to student body and staff. Replied Theodore.
"Hell, even the apparitions didn't like her."
"I have heard many things."
That's right you weren't here fifth year. You went home to Florence.
Tch, weren't you the lucky one. Tracey rolled her eyes."
"That behavior barely scratches the surface."
"Our first year when we were escorted to the dungeon entrance one of the very first things Elizabeth Burke's portrait said  "You must tolerate the half-breeds in our house. Pity them for they had no choice in their conception."
"How fucked up is that!? She encourages children to say slurs against their peers."
"To gain entry into the basement and towers, Hufflepuff has botanical terminology, Ravenclaw has riddles, and in Gryffindor it's whatever the hell the Fat Lady decides which is mostly operatic terms."
"Our fucking password is Pure-Blood!" The only password for six and half years!"
"Our head of house says nothing about this. The headmaster and teachers say nothing. I brought it up and you know the response I got!?"
"Slytherin house and it's founder has always had a complicated and turbulent history. There is no swaying it's just how it is Miss Davis."
'Try to ignore it and focus on your studies."
"One of our esteemed professors told me that.
"For centuries even after Salazar's departure this school has remained complacent in it's biasness. That this archaic way of thinking cannot change."
"Everybody seems to just accept that."
"And you certainly don't see anything wrong with Zabini. How would you like if some called you or your mother out your names."
"Even belonging to the upper echelons of wizarding high society my mother and I face racism." Blaise jaw tightened.
"Then why do you say cruel and hateful words at others?" Tracey shot back."
"I don't get you or Pansy. People say crude words about her facial features, calling her pug-faced, and mocking her clothing choice."
"For example Pansy's first choice was to wear a tradition style gown to the yule ball similar to Cho Chang. Abigail Pugh and Muriel Rothley teased her about it, Pansy laughed it off but I know she was hurt by their words."
"But then she turns around and does the same thing." Tracey threw her hands up.
"You two are so antagonistic, scratch that five. You, Pansy, Draco, Vincent and Gregory."
"There is so much hateful aura that surrounds you all."
Blaise stiffened and his eyes widened. "Davis -
"I'm not done Zabini."
And for the record I'm just like you. we were not born here, English is not our first language. Our families do not have a history of attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
"But we do come from beautiful and rich cultures."
"The only difference is, I am a half-blood. My first day in the dungeon you all called me a commoner. Made fun of my accent."
"I said that name I had was common. Tracey Davis is not my actually name.
You all heard what you wanted to hear."
"My main languages are Portugese, French, Seychellois Creole, Wolof, Igbo, Fula, and Arabic."
"English is my eighth language. I speak fluently, read, and write over seventy languages. I have travelled to all seven continents."
You or anyone else will not tell me that you tolerate me. That is not your power."
"You will respect me for who I am. First and foremost I am a human being and a black woman.  I don't want or need anyone's sympathy or pity. "
 "In my eyes it is you all who are common, sheltered and ignorant of the world." Tracey's folded her arms.
Theodore mimicked popping bubble in the air.
"Floating in their own little bubbles just waiting to be burst."
Blaise stared at his two housemates. "
"Davis, what you said in the Common Room after Slughorn's Christmas Party. I have given much thought."
"I sincerely apologise for my behavior and words."
"That's not going to cut it. It's not just me you should be apologizing to." She shook her head.
"You called Ronald Weasley's sister a Filthy Blood traitor."
"Oh yes, Draco and Pansy have big mouths when it satisfies them or did you forget that fact."
Hestia and Flora, your fellow members of the prestigious Slug Club, their grandfather was deemed a Filthy Blood-Traitor and murdered."
Oh and by the way Thomas, Hopkins and Malone who you got on so well with at the party were Ginny Weasley and Flora's dates."
"Do you honestly believe that if they heard you say make that comnent about their girlfriends, they would stand idly by or shrug it off?"
"You wonder why Millicent is giving you the cold shoulder and keeps her distance from you and the other four."
"Her mother was killed in the First Wizarding War for being as you say a Filthy Blood Traitor."
Stop! Stop saying that word
Why? Is it making you uncomfortable now Zabini?
" People spout words that they have no understanding of. "No such thing as bad blood" Theodore said quietly.
" In our second year I laughed along with Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle when he mocked Hermione Granger for her blood-status."
Malfoy sat in the common room seething, wishing for Granger's death because she is Muggle-born. We entertained that. I entertained that.
" The concept that there mud in blood, is ridiculously." Theodore looked down at his hands and squeezed a necklace tightly.
"The more I thought about it, I realized the feeling was so sickeningly familiar."
"It was like being in the presence of my father."
" I had decided when I was younger that I didn't want to be like him."
"That I would go far away from anyone like Trucculent Nott."
"Instead when I arrived at Hogwarts I had surrounded myself with people just like him."
"Never again."
“Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character.”  A dear friend told me that, and it has become my mantra.”
Tracey heavily sighed "I'm not sorry how said my words, and I'm not sorry I said them."
"You are so beautiful but so empty, no sense of community.” I don't want to continue to be friends with someone like that."
"When did my child become someone so frigid and lacked empathy."
"Who said that?"
" The First was Morag, she said that after the Slughorn's Christmas Party."
"My mother stated that as we were leaving Professor Dumbledore's funeral."
There was tremble in Blaise voice. "I- I'm not hateful and I'm not cold." I admit I have emulated the behavior of those I have watched in the past. Majority of them being my step-fathers, but that is no excuse."
"I apologized for my behavior."
"You are toxic like Streeler Slime."
In this moment you are learning and taking accountability in your actions. It is a good start."
Theodore smiled.
Tracey sniggered "Oh my goodness."
Blaise stared in shock at his housemate.
"Forgive me, if you perceive my analogy as rude." Daphne says I can be very blunt at times."
"I mean to say every human being is capable of being toxic like Streeler Slime. Me, you, Tracey, anyone in this school it does not matter what house we were sorted into or even if that someone is an adult."
"But some people have the desire to be educated and do better while others will ignore any accountability and continue to act the same way."
So you are acknowledging your words and actions.
"Thank you Nott I guess."
"You're welcome Zabini."
"Such sagely advice."
Tracey clapped her hands together, "how about introductions. A rewind."
"Re-wind?" Blaise eyebrows raised.
"Oh you will learn all sorts of fascinating words."
"For instance I've learned the word wack. I wrote to my father recently and told him his behavior was most foul and wack." Theodore laughed manically.
"Huh." Blaise eyed Theodore wearily but started to laugh heartily.
Tracey couldn't help but out loud again until all three were hushed by Madam Pomfrey.
"Olá", "Allo" "Ndeewo." (Hello)
"My name is Taygeta Zavijava, from Sao Tomea and Principe.
"Tracey is a name use at school, but I'd prefer you call me Taygeta or Tay." She held out her hand."
"Wa 'alaykum as-salām." (Hello)
I am Theodore Nott. Please call me Theo.
"Ciao" (Hello)
"Blaise. Blaise Zabini from Florence, Italy it is a pleasure to meet you both."
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Updated Bootleg List
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Updated: July 5, 2018
September 17, 2017 - Audio
Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan), Corey Cott (Donny Novitski), Beth Leavel (Mrs. June Adams), Alex Bender (Nick Radel), Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Brandon J Ellis (Davy Zlatic), James Nathan Hopkins (Jimmy Campbell), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright)
Closing Night
March 2, 2018 - Video 
​Joshua Henry (Billy Bigelow), Jessie Mueller (Julie Jordan), Renee Fleming (Nettie Fowler), Margaret Colin (Mrs. Mullin), Alexander Gemignani (Enoch Snow), Lindsay Mendez (Carrie Pipperidge), Brittany Pollack (Louise), Amar Ramasar (Jigger), John Douglas Thompson (Starkeeper), Yesenia Ayala, Nicholas Belton, Colin Bradbury, Andrei Chagas, Leigh-Ann Esty, Laura Feig, David Michael Garry, Garrett Hawe, Roseana M. Hill Jackson, Amy Justman, Jess LeProtto, Skye Mattox, Anna Noble, Adriana Pierce, Rebecca Pitcher, David Prottas, Craig Salastein, Ahmad Simons, Antoine L. Smith, Erica Spyres, Ryan Steele, Ricky Ubeda, Scarlett Walker, Jacob Keith Watson, William Youmans
Les Mis 
March 8, 2014 - Video 
Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Nikki M. James (Eponine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), John Rapson (Grantaire/Bamatabois)
Miss Saigon
September 21, 2014 - Video (Proshot)
Eva Noblezada (Kim), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Hugh Maynard (John), Kwang-Ho Hong (Thuy), Tamsin Carroll (Ellen), Rachel Ann Go (Gigi)
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eastendhq-blog · 5 years
MWF: emily vancamp, amber heard, ginnifer goodwin, tamsin egerton, jennifer morrison, krysten ritter, emma roberts, lana parrila, taissa farmiga, jessica lange, aja naomi king, eva green, maggie q, sarah paulson, elizabeth hurley, megan fox, meghan ory, jamie lee curtis, gabourey sidibe, kaya scodelario, jessica lowndes, viola davis, karla souza, kristin kreuk, janel parrish, hannah murray, angela bassett, ashley benson, sasha pieterse, rose byrne, emily deschanel, aishwarya rai, jessica chastain, natalie portman, molly queen, stana katic, robin tunney, madeleine stowe, madelaine petsch, famke janssen, monica bellucci, skyler samuels, keke palmer, anna paquin, crystal reed, lucy hale, ashley greene, danai gurira, melissa mccarthy, nikki reed, sophia bush, claire holt, victoria justice, phoebe tonkin, priyanka chopra, mozhan marnò, cara delavigne, arden cho, grace phipps, emily vancamp, nina dobrev, anne hathaway, blake lively, melinda clarke, olivia wilde, famke janssen, abigail breslin, rutina wesley, taraji p. henson, sarah bolger, mila kunis, emmy rossum, kristin bauer, alexandra daddario, britt robertson, chloe bennet, lily rabe, lily collins, alexandra breckenridge, catherine blanchett, julianne moore, michelle trachtenberg, catherine zeta jones, deborah ann woll, rochelle aytes, kirsten vangsness, evan rachel wood, aj cook
MWM: richard armitage, tyler hoechlin, robert pattison, idris elba, jude law, alfred enoch, jack falahee, henry cavill, james spader, ben barnes, paul wesley, logan lerman, jason momoa, douglas booth, cillian murphy, ben affleck, ryan eggold, jared padalecki, charlie hunnam, bill skarsgard, tom ellis, billy brown, will smith, michael b. jordan, amir arison, bradley cooper, shemar moore, joshua bowman, torrance coombs, alexander skarsgard, landon liboiron, timothée chalamet, gabriel mann, sebastian stan, josh dallas, chris hemsworth, charlie weber, chris woods, matthew gray gubler, d. b. woodside, liam hemsworth, matt bomer, colin o'donoghue, hugh laurie, chace crawford, robert downey jr, ed westwick, chris evans, josh dallas, michael fassbender, anthony hopkins, chris pine, mads mikkelsen, colin morgan, omar epps, the rock, tom hardy, nathan fillion, patrick dempsey, simon baker
there ya go! plenty to choose from.
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ao3feed-snape · 6 years
daughters of a sunlit earth book 1
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V8R7G4
by firestarter3d
a self insert story im doing for friends.
Words: 730, Chapters: 1/17, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of daughters of a sunlit earth
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Quirinus Quirrell, Jim McGuffin, Dedalus Diggle, Poppy Pomfrey, Griphook (Harry Potter), Madam Malkin (Harry Potter), Garrick Ollivander, Lee Jordan, Hogwarts Express Trolley Witch, Trevor the Toad (Harry Potter), Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, The Fat Friar (Harry Potter), Peeves (Harry Potter), Sorting Hat (Harry Potter), Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Cedric Diggory, Anthony Rickett, Cadwallader (Harry Potter), Heidi Macavoy, Herbert Fleet, Malcolm Preece, Maxine O'Flaherty, Summerby (Harry Potter), Tamsin Applebee, Zacharias Smith, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan, Leanne (Harry Potter), Megan Jones (Harry Potter), Wayne Hopkins, Oliver Rivers, Roger Malone, Eleanor Branstone, Kevin Whitby, Laura Madley, Owen Cauldwell, Rose Zeller, Linda Chaddesley, Trudy Galston, Manish Sreenivasan, Isabella Tintwistle, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Argus Filch, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Cuthbert Binns, Charity Burbage, Firenze (Harry Potter), Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Rolanda Hooch, Silvanus Kettleburn, Irma Pince, Aurora Sinistra, Septima Vector, chiara eques, sam navus, steven prudens, jessica gloria, joe remisis, david eques, chyanee princeps, carlos quiescis, vicky periit, Fawkes (Harry Potter), anna genus
Relationships: Neville Longbottom/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Trans Female Character, Gender Dysphoria, Transphobia, dead nameing, Misgendering, Slight Canon Divergence, Hufflepuff
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V8R7G4
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lightningerahq-blog · 7 years
quais os lufanos que vocês mais querem?
Todos nossos texuguinhos lindos e amados!! Ok, vamos aos nomes: Justino Finch-Fletchley, Hannah Abbott, Zacarias Smith, Anthony Rickett,Heidi Macavoy, Herbert Fleet, Malcolm Preece,Megan Jones, Wayne Hopkins,Tamsin Applebee. Será que esqueci alguém? Comentem se querem outros lufanos ♥
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