#Taryn Alfonso
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Got bored here's a little couple thing with Taryn and Kalim
UwU sleeping in the arms of each other~
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the-record-keepers · 4 years
[Student Files: Taryn Alfonso]
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Name: Taryn Alfonso
Age: 17
Height: 156cm
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Ebony black
Homeland: Earth
Species: Human
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Scarabia
Year/Class: 2 Year Class A Seat 1
Best Subject: Magic History
Club: Badminton Club
Hobby: Listening to music
Bad with: getting salty easily
Favourite Food: Pizza
Disliked Food: Takoyaki
Unique Magic: Act of Arachnid
If the user got bit by a radioactive spider that user will get the spider's strength, senses and can stick to anything.
• She is just like Em and Auniro, who being chosen as an exchange student in Night Raven. She was confuse at first and didn't know what to do at a school made for mages.
• Taryn is kind and motherly to her friends. But she will be mean to them with no reason even though deep inside she cares for them. She is calm and quiet to the people she isn't close to and doesn't know.
• She's smart but she doesn't admit it. She thinks that she isn't good enough and gets insecure. She gets salty easily, she just put a force smile so that her friends and other people doesn't know that she is salty and she nags to her friends if they've done wrong things.
"I don't care about you, even if you've done nice things, I still don't care"
Reference Sheet
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Whats their wish?
The stargazers have asked our students about their wishes….may we find out what they wish for?
Em: I wish I still had the will to live ah my wish?…. um… I don’t know…. I guess that I wish I would be content with my life?
Louis: eh? My wish? Ehm…. that’s hard but if I had to make one then I wish for this school year to be filled with more interesting and fun events and shenanigans!
Cecily: hmm… I guess I wish for more hours of the day in order to sharpen my skills
Alex: *mumble* I wish I wasn’t so anxiety ridden *mumble* eh? You didn’t hear what I said? I said I wished for more money to buy the sh*t I want!
Amy: *sighs* I wish Alex won’t be so defensive towards me… but that will never happen, so I wish for whatever Alex wishes to come true
Taryn: Uhm… i don’t know… wait hmm.. ah! I wish I have a better future and meet the one I love the most…
Auniro: I wish I can be a better version of myself, like a prettier, smarter and successful psychologist someday since I’m not satisfied with myself. You think I’m self depreciating myself? Haha~, you don’t get my logic at all.
Miri: I wish to find a soulmate who I will have a big family with! That’s all I ever wanted. *sighs happily*
Xander: My wish?….I wish I can grow stronger to protect my family. I’m the eldest brother and only boy in the family so I must be strong for them.
Evelyn: I don’t really think about my own wishes since I gave it to Grim that much other than wanting to recover my lost memories. Well I guess I wish for self confidence.
Evan: I wish to have a normal but interesting life. Having a chaotic life can get out of control so why not have a normal life where there are occasional thrilling events~?.
Airen: Oh how cute. My wish….is my children to find their own place and be happy with it. They’re not always going to stick with me for a lifetime y'know? Even though its sad, but I’m happy as long as my children are happy.
Holly: My wish is very simple;; I wish I would have a lot of female friends who won’t back stab me. That’s what I’m hoping for while I’m in DCA.
Lucinda: There’s no such thing as a wish when you can just work your way up. But since you asked, I wish I can get my birth right back…..
Stella: Oh that’s easy!! I wish I can be a fairy godmother so that I can be like my granny! Shes so kind and sweet I idolize her~.
Aka: A wish? Hmm, that’s a difficult one. I wish for my little brother to be successful when he grows up. Once I become queen, he’ll be my best right hand man and knight like he wanted. Its pretty cute.
Verena: I wish for my Master’s wish to come true. If my master gets his wish come true, I’ll be content with it because both of us would still be together and have a peaceful life! But there’s always going to be mischief as the cherry on top, having thrills would be fun in life too *snickers*.
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lebeauleblog · 7 years
The Most Likely To Succeed
If Hollywood had a yearbook, who would have been voted most likely to succeed fifteen years ago?  In the November 2002 issue of Movieline magazine, the staff named twenty up-and-comers in various fields of show business that they expected to make it big.  With the benefit of hindsight, let’s see how well the magazine predicted the future. (more…)
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mmeadx · 7 years
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November 09 | 2017 5:55 p.m. GMT - 3 Friends from Minnesota cheers Aperol Spritzs on November 9, 2017 while in Santiago, Chile for their friend's wedding.
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ocioenlinea · 6 years
Videosalas del 15 al 21 de febrero 2019
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CINEFORO UDEG. Av. Juárez esq. Enrique Díaz de León, piso -1. T/3826-7297. Boleto: $45 general; $30 miércoles general y universitarios con credencial. www.cineforo.udg.mx
D: Lars von Trier
Con Matt Dillon, Bruno Ganz, Uma Thurman, Riley Keough
Dinamarca, 2018. d: 150 min.
Estados Unidos, década de 1970. Seguimos al brillante Jack durante un período de 12 años, descubriendo los asesinatos que marcarán su evolución como asesino en serie. La historia se vive desde el punto de vista de Jack, quien considera que cada uno de sus asesinatos es una obra de arte en sí misma.
Viernes 15 y sábado 16, 17:00 y 20:00 h
D: Alfonso Cuarón
Con Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, Marco Graf, Diego Cortina Autrey
México, 2018. d: 135 min.
Cleo es la joven sirvienta de una familia que vive en la Colonia Roma, barrio de clase media-alta de Ciudad de México. En esta carta de amor a las mujeres que lo criaron, Cuarón se inspira en su propia infancia para pintar un retrato realista y emotivo de los conflictos domésticos y las jerarquías sociales durante la agitación política de la década de los 70.
Domingo 17, lunes 18 y martes 19, 15:40, 18:05 y 20:30 h
D: Alonso Ruizpalacios
Con Gael García Bernal,  Leonardo Ortizgris,  Alfredo Castro,  Simon Russell Beale,
México, 2018. d: 128 min.
La cinta cuenta las circunstancias que rodearon al robo de varios artefactos prehispánicos del Museo Nacional de Antropología de la Ciudad de México en 1985, y la sorpresa de las autoridades al descubrir que los autores de semejante hazaña habían sido dos jóvenes marginales de los suburbios, Carlos Perches y Ramón Sardina, en lugar de los ladrones profesionales de arte a los que se le atribuía la sustracción de los objetos.
Miércoles 20 y jueves 21, 15:45, 18:00 y 20:15 h
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BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA DEL ESTADO DE JALISCO JUAN JOSÉ ARREOLA. Periférico Norte Manuel Gómez Morín 1695.Sala de cine, piso 1. T/3836-4530. Entrada GRATIS.
Ciclo Infantil
D: Daniel Robichaud
Canada, 2004. d: 80 min.
Año 3000. Gepetto es un genial inventor de la ciudad de Scamboville que crea a Pinocho: un pequeño robot con la personalidad de un niño de carne y hueso. Pinocho está dispuesto a cualquier cosa para conseguir su sueño: convertirse en un niño de verdad. Geppetto no comprende por qué el malvado alcalde está tan celoso de él, cuando tiene una hija maravillosa. Pero el noble Gepetto no comparte ese sentimiento de odio, más bien compadece del alcalde, lo que hace enfurecer más aún a Scamboli.
Viernes 15, 16:00 h; sábado 16 y domingo 17, 13:00 h
 Ciclo Cine y Literatura
D: Roger Mitchell
Con Amanda Root, Ciaran Hinds, Susan Fleetwood, Corin Redgrave
Reino Unido, 1995. d: 102 min.
1813, Inglaterra. La joven Anne Elliot, de 29 años, cuya edad "adecuada" para contraer matrimonio ha pasado, vive con su opresivo y vanidoso padre Sir Walter Elliot de Kellynch Hall, y su hermana mayor Elizabeth. Ocho años antes fue persuadida por Lady Russell, íntima amiga de su difunta madre, para que renunciara a su amor por un oficial de la marina de posición social inferior y con poco futuro, el capitán Wentworth. Sin embargo, después de todos esos años éste aparece nuevamente en su círculo social, ascendido a capitán, y enriquecido por la guerra.
Sabado 16, 12:00 h
 Ciclo Juvenil
D: Martin Scorsese
Con Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Díaz, Jim Broadbent
Estados Unidos, 2002. d: 161 min.
Nueva York, 1863. La ciudad está dominada por la corrupción política, y la guerra entre bandas provoca muertos y disturbios. En este contexto, el joven inmigrante irlandés Amsterdam Vallon quiere vengarse de William Cutting, "Bill el carnicero", el hombre que mató a su padre.
Jueves 21, 12:00 y 17:00 h
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Avenida Juárez 638, entre Pavo y 8 de Julio. T/3030-1350
Boletos: $25 general; $15 estudiantes y maestros con credencial.
D: Desmond Davis
Con Cassie Stuart, Faye Dunaway, Diana Quick
Reino Unido, 1984. d: 90 min.
El doctor Calgary acude a devolver una agenda olvidada a Jack Argyle, un joven al que recogió una noche lluviosa dos años atrás. El motivo del retraso se debe a que Calgary estuvo en una expedición científica. Al intentar entregar la agenda se lleva la sorpresa de que el chico ha sido ejecutado por el asesinato de su madre. Horror, pues su testimonio podía haber salvado su vida, ya que era su coartada de aquella noche.
Viernes 15, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 h
D: Dan Bush
Con James Franco, Taryn Manning, Francesca Fisher-Eastwood
Estados Unidos, 2017. d: 91 min.
Las hermanas Dillon descubren que su hermano Michael ha quemado un almacén de un peligroso gángster y deben de pagar una gran cantidad de dinero. Con dos semanas para conseguir el dinero, deciden robar el banco más grande de la ciudad. Un empleado del banco promete ayudarlas a cambio de conseguir un porcentaje y las lleva a una bóveda del sótano que oculta un terrible secreto.
Sábado 16 y domingo 17, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 h
D: Lloyd Bacon
Con Joel McCrea, Brenda Marshall, Jeffrey Lynn
Estados Unidos, 1939. d: 83 min.
Cuando Barry Corvall descubre que su novia es una posible agente enemiga renuncia a la diplomacia secreta para desbaratar un anillo de espionaje que está planificando la destrucción de la capacidad industrial estadounidense.
Martes 19, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 h
D: Anthony Mann
Con John Ireland, Sheila Ryan, Hugh Beaumont
Estados Unidos, 1947. d: 72 min.
Duke Martin es un gángster que planea atracar, con la ayuda de su amante, la peluquería donde ella trabaja. El local no es más que la tapadera de una casa ilegal de apuestas. Durante el atraco, algo sale mal y un policía es asesinado. Duke se las ingenia para que la policía sospeche de Steve Ryan. Será la hermana de Steve quien decida investigar por su cuenta para desenmascarar al verdadero culpable.
Miércoles 20, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 h
D: Jean Renoir
Con Jean Gabin, María Félix, Françoise Arnoul
Francia, 1955. d: 102 min.
Monsieur Danglard contrata a Nini, una chica que trabaja en una lavandería, y a otras atractivas jóvenes para que se unan a su compañía de teatro. Danglard tiene previsto abrir un cabaret en París, el Moulin Rouge, donde la gran atracción será el cancán. A pesar de que tiene novio, Nini es seducida por Danglard, pero su principal admirador es el príncipe Alexandre.
Jueves 21, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 h
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Lerdo de Tejada 2071, entre Marsella y Chapultepec. T/3615-8470. Boleto: $45 general; $30 miércoles general y universitarios con credencial. www.cineforo.udg.mx
D: Bernardo Bertolucci
Con Giulio Brogi, Alida Valli, Vito Scotti
Italia, 1970. d: 97 min.
Un joven regresa a la ciudad donde su padre fue asesinado antes de que él naciera. El muchacho trata de encontrar una explicación a la muerte de su padre a manos de un fascista en 1936. Pero la verdad se revela compleja como una tela de araña.
Viernes 15, 16:00 y 18:00 h
D: Ramin Bahrani
Con Michael B. Jordan, Michael Shannon, Sofia Boutella
Estados Unidos, 2018. d: 100 min.
La trama gira en torno a Guy Montag, un bombero encargado de quemar los libros por orden del gobierno. Un día conoce a Clarisse McClellan, una chica que vive al lado de su casa, la cual le hace reflexionar acerca de si es feliz o no. Confuso, sobre si los libros son buenos o no, decide robar uno cuando van a quemar una casa. Días más tarde Clarisse desaparece.
Sábado 16 y domingo 17, 16:00 y 18:00 h
D: Claus Räfle
Con Maximilian Mauff, Alice Dwyer, Ruby O. Fee
Alemania, 2017. d: 110 min.
Cuatro judíos logran sobrevivir al Tercer Reich en pleno Berlín convirtiéndose en lo que más tarde se denominaría “invisibles”.
Lunes 18, 16:00 y 18:00 h
D: Byrum Geisler
Con Ethan Sharrett, Chase Conner, Brandi Price
Estados Unidos, 2017. d: 92 min.
Una interpretación de “Orgullo y prejuicio” de Jane Austen ambientada en la modernidad rural de Virginia. Ben Bennet es un abogado próspero pero aparentemente arrogante que, sin saberlo, insulta a Lee Darcy, un trabajador de una fábrica independiente acusado erróneamente de abuso doméstico. Ambos hombres se disgustan inmediatamente, pero Ben se enamora de Lee.
Martes 19 y miércoles 20, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 h
No.1118. 150219
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[Oc Masterlist]
•[Evelyn Ceridwen]•
A 1st year student from Ramshackle who came from an unknown world. She has foggy memories about her home so it will took her some time to remember. She's a hospitable and docile girl who loves STEM related subjects and geeky stuff.
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•[Louis Quartz]•
The resident Chesire Cat of Heartslabyul, Louis is bit of an enigma to the other students but fits just right in Heartslabyul. He's very charming and easy going and gets along with other students pretty well. He has a knack for being playful and likes to tease others, his main targets would include those easily flustered or those with a short temper.
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•[??? "Em" Quartz]•
Red rose of the Heartslabyul dorm she's very timid and shy. She had a knack for arts and crafts and has a secret skill of archery. Like Louis she likes to keep things under wraps and is very secretive about herself and her hobbies. She's very timid and shy when one first meets her but as you get closer with her you cam see her become more and more outgoing.
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•[Auniro Nikos]•
A 2nd year student from Octavinelle. Auniro is a head strong and open minded girl who plays the violin in Mostro Lounge. Don't be fooled by her petite figure, she's short tempered when it comes to teasing.
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•[Evan Ambrose]•
A 2nd year student from Octavinelle. Evan is a polite and enigmatic young man who has a mischievous behavior. He looks posh, but he's a horror and cryptic lover who smiles towards the creepy unknown.
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•[Amy Abbot]•
The mature older sister of the Octavinelle dorm, many are attracted to her assets but she merely brushes them off. Being a transfer student in the middle of the semester she carries a mysterious allure to her along with her, she's often see wandering the halls walking gracefully with her long hair trailing behind her.
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•[Taryn Alfonso]•
The dessert rose of the Scarabia dorm, Taryn is the level headed big sister to her close friends. She’s very emphathetic to those that she’s close to though a bit tsundere at times too. In her free time she listens to music and reads manwha through the web.
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•[Mirinda Shuijing]•
A 1st year student from Pomefiore. Mirinda, or for short, Miri, is the younger sister of Xander Shuijing. She's the hospitable peacekeeper in the group, always looking out for others as much as she can and selflessly steps into fights to break it.
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•[Cecily Leaves]•
Regal beauty of the Pomefiore dorm, she walks the halls with an air of high class, she's very poised and extremely knowledgeable about poisons and alchemy in general. Though behind her regal air she has an not so secret obsession with the resident dorm leader, she strives her best to prove herself worthy to become his apprentice
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•[Alex Alderidge]•
Resident Necromancer of the Ignihyde dorm she's very reserved and can rarely be seen out in the open just like every other Ignihyde resident. She has a strong affinity towards the dead and magic related to it seeing she comes from a prestigious line of mages skilled in the Dark Arts. Not much is known about her or the personal workings of her family as they are all shrouded in mystery.
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•[Xander Shuijing]•
A 3rd year student from Diasomnia. Xander is the older brother of Mirinda Shuijing. He's stoic and an aloof young man who relies on himself, he doesnt like people relying on others too much so he doesnt help them when asked to unless necessary.
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[Story Masterlist]
[Special Events, Asks, Non Canon Comics, ect...]
[The Book of Chenglei Lore Origin]
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Weekly News from SiW
Aight, AIGHT. I got an update. Not only will Evelyn have a diary. I asked my friends if theyre fine with making their ocs have diary entries with drawings and they agreed.
So heres the list of our ocs that will write a diary:
Evelyn Ceridwen
Auniro Nikos
Em Quartz
Taryn Alfonso
Mirinda "Miri" Shuijing
Louis Quartz
Amy Abbot
Holly Myeong
For Amy's case, she will be doing progress reports on NRC. The rest won't make diary entries because spoilers.
Special mention for @the-record-keepers, Boris will make a diary entry in that blog so watch out on that blog if ever.
We are sure we aren't consistent with posting due to being busy but we try as much as we can. Prepare for Evelyn's diary entry to be long that might split into many parts.
Thats all~
-Mod Auniro
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the-record-keepers · 4 years
Student Files
[Exchange Students]
Auniro Nikos
"Em" Quartz
Taryn Alfonso
[New Students]
Mirinda "Miri" Shuijing
Evelyn Ceridwen
Alex Alderidge
Amy Abbot
Cecily Leaves
[Existing Students]
Xander Shuijing
Louis Quartz
Evan Ambrose
[Other Students]
Holly Myeong (dca)
Aka Romily (dca)
Stella Aurum (dca)
Lucinda Aurum (dca)
Victoria "Bunny" Alderidge (dca)
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