#Tattva Kejibi
stuckstucktrolls · 4 months
Teagan 21!!!
Turning points in their life
1 Meeting Akhena/becoming a cannibal (oddly positive)
2 Realizing he wasn't comfortable with his blood color
3 Going hemoanonymous
4 Killing his first pitch crush in a FLARP competition
5 Dating Markab and subsequent break up
6 Realizing he can be polyantagonistic
7 Meeting/dating Oz
8 Finding a way to change his blood color
9 Finding the shrine his Ancestor cared for
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How about teags and a ninja au. I have one more ima send you.
This is actually the one case where Teagan might not know Akhena, let alone be moirails. He would have trained from a young age in stealth, martial arts and using his psionics (tho they might be called a jutsu or secret technique depending on the exact ninja AU). He’d probably train under his Ancestor Tattva who also kept up the local shrine after he’d retired from being an active ninja himself.
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stuckstucktrolls · 8 months
might be fun to have Tattva possess Teagan again for a bit. but not today, and not unless I can think of a good reason for it
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stuckstucktrolls · 1 year
I'm having ideas for Tattva's ancestor, and they have some interesting implications for the other Kejibis.
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Tattva: Make a shrine visit
“Teagan” finished his tea, told Wolf Dad and Owl Dad to take care of things and made sure the residence part of the church was locked securely. Then he left for the shrine.
After a bit of a run, he arrived at the shrine site, taking in what had been repaired and what had yet to be worked on from the view outside. “ふテきせつだっテ。。。。”
He took mental note of various things that his Descendant and his matesprit should work on and headed into the shrine building itself. As he was inspecting things and making more notes, he heard something outside. He frowned, used his psionics to hide his presence and made his way back out to check who or what was nearby.
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Oz wandering into Tattva and bristling like a cat, "I thought we'd handled this!"
"apoloJJies ozeric. I don'TT inTTend TTo be in your way and hopefully TThis will resolve iTTself shorTTly. in TThe meanTTime I was TThinking abouTT making some TTea. if you would like some...."
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
So for totally no reason just out of curiosity how would Teagan feel if Kani came home with three cavern jades with two extra who may or may not show up?
Teagan would be (unsurprisingly, maybe) ok with it. He just went hunting and got a bunch of veggies so he's all stocked up at the hive.
Currently at this moment, tho, he is not available and his Ancestor Tattva is the one in the body until Tuesday
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Lineage for Teagan
Teagan is the most recent Kejibi.
His Ancestor was Tattva Kejibi, whose early life title was The Wanderer for leaving the services of his local lord and going to Western Alternia. Later in life he became known as The Esoteric, as the priest and caretaker of an Eastern Alternian-style shrine.
They're both skilled martial artists, although Tattva relied more on diplomacy and his psionics (which were quite a bit stronger than Teagan's at the time of Tattva's death), while Teagan is physically stronger and more aggressive generally.
Their lusii are based (vaguely) on the youkai Okuri Inu, or "escourting dogs", and Yama Inu, mountain dogs, in Japanese folklore. Both of these may have been alternate names for the Japanese wolf which was believed to be able to hide behind a single blade of grass, hence their sensory filter psionics. The more you know!
The Kejibi line and the Iurixs line had ties in Tattva's time as well but in a much more negative way than Teagan and Akhena's moiraillegence. Akhena's Ancestor was the one who ended Tattva's life :')
Teagan's line might actually split in the future and he could have Descendants in the future with both yellow and cerulean blood colors. But that would be a ways in the future.
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
🔪 cerium at teagan with a foam prop knife
He goes to disarm her although he does so gently since it's not a real weapon.
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Ra da tat tat tattva
-kazoo kid voice- Who ARE you?
"hello, I am TTaTTva keJJibi, oriJJinally given TThe TTiTTle of wanderer and TThen laTTer TThe esoTTeric. I am also TThe ancesTTor TTo TThe one you know as TTeagan."
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stuckstucktrolls · 3 years
For Teagan's ancestor 👶: what's your opinion on your descendant?
Iim proud of him for some TThings. he chanJed his own faTTe TThrough his connecTTions wiTTh oTThers and his own inTTenTTions. who wouldn'TT be proud of TTheir descendanTT for TThaTT?
however, i do wish he would quiTT TThe cannibalism. i undersTTand iTT help'TT him survive in hard TTimes. TThaTT doesn'TT mean iTT is necessary now.
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Plz send any last questions for Tattva so he can answer them before going back to the afterlife.
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Sounds like Teags is finally gonna get the rainbow drinker gangbang he's always dreamed of 😌
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>Unfortunately anon, the only one here is Tattva and he is ... concerned.
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Tattva, are/were you also a huge pitch slut?
"no, I was noTT as .... pashionaTTe in TThaTT area of my life. acTTually, I gave up on boTTh concupiscenTT quadranTTs laTTer in life. TThough in my work I was, dare I say iTT, a sTTand in auspicesTTice for quiTTe a few pairs of TTrolls."
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
Teagan has only one mode and it is "flirt"
“I am assuming TThis is in reference TTo TThe rainbow drinker .... TThing.”
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stuckstucktrolls · 4 years
👶 ❌ ✔️ For the Esoteric
Opinion on your descendant(s)?
TTeagan is sTTubborn and far more aggressive TThan I ever was. i mighTT be disappoinTTe’TT if i didn’TT know how much he needed TThose TTraiTTs JusTT TTo survive, leTT alone find happiness. he could do TTo find some paTTience. his quadranTTs and friends are mosTTly good for him aTT leasTT, especially TThaTT alien priesTT. i don’TT undersTTand whaTT drove him TTo reJecTT his blood; i am, however, glad he found a way TTo achieve his goal wiTThouTT TThrowing away his life.
Worst thing about Alternia in your time, and the worst thing now?
TThe worsTT in my own TTime is also TThe worsTT now: TThe inJusTTice shown TTo lowbloods and even all landdwellers, while TThe seadwellers conTTrol all, only TTo fighTT amongsTT TThemselves. and wiTTh TTheir fighTTing, TThey draw all oTTher blood wiTTh TThem.
Best thing about Alternia in your time, and the best thing now?
iTT was easier TTo find lowblood villaJes in my TTime where TTrolls could work TTogeTTher and live in peace, aTT leasTT unTTil unruly highbloods found TThem. even TThen TThey would someTTimes Join insTTead of wreaking havoc.
now, TThe besTT TThing is TThaTT living on one’s own is noTT as much a hasTTle as in my TTime. i’m sure TTeagan appriciaTTes his TTime alone, especially since he can see friends easily should he wish iTT.
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