pisanello · 2 years
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I regali, quelli belli, interessanti e … squisiti. Questa raffinatezza rappresenta bene il suo autore Angelo Ria, che di certi argomenti se ne intende; prova ne sono il suo operato, la sua attività, la sua sensibilità! 🙏❤️ #angeloria #managementumano #riahotels #taviano #saggistica https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpu9DckN_oAlmum8tEKi6B7KaT6NzS48tu1dus0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coffeeebomb · 11 months
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"If dangerous, then why friend-shaped?" - Tav probably.
This also marked the point where she was officially included in the sort-of-prestigious "over 10 STR club" in camp. Least the bow's done something for the upper body strength.
EDIT: there’s now a follow-up comic
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Padre Padrone (Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani, 1977) Cast: Omero Antonutti, Saverio Marconi, Marcella Michelangeli, Fabrizio Forte, Marino Cenna, Stanko Molnar, Nanni Moretti, Gavino Ledda. Screenplay: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani, based on a book by Gavino Ledda. Cinematography: Marino Masini. Production design: Gianni Sbarra. Film editing: Roberto Perpignani. Music: Egisto Macchi. Two great themes coalesce in Padre Padrone. One is older than Oedipus, the primal conflict of father and son. The other came to the fore in the Enlightenment and the democratic revolutions it spawned; we now call it "social mobility." Poets used to write of flowers "born to blush unseen" and "mute inglorious Milton[s]," the victims of rural isolation, primitive ignorance, societies atrophied in feudal patriarchy. The Tavianis find both themes surviving in rural Sardinia, where Gavino Ledda's father drags him from school at the age of 6 and keeps him in servitude and illiteracy as a shepherd for the next 14 years. Padre Padrone could have been just a feel-good story about Gavino's triumph over his father's sternness and greed -- though the elder Ledda thinks what he's doing is for the son's own good -- but the Tavianis won't let it be just that. Though Gavino, rescued by compulsory military service from isolation and ignorance, becomes a celebrated linguist, an authority on the Sardinian dialect, the actual Gavino Ledda, appearing in a frame story for the dramatized part of the film, lets it be known that he has been permanently marked by his father. The Tavianis also find witty ways of letting the outside world irrupt into the young Gavino's isolation, as when the young shepherd hears an accordion playing and the soundtrack bursts into the overture from Die Fledermaus, a correlative for the world beyond the Sardinian hills. Later, after Gavino has begun to find his vocation but has been forced to return home, the aching beauty of the adagio from Mozart's Clarinet Concerto, to which Gavino is listening, is stifled when the father angrily drowns the radio in the sink. Gavino's feeling of being suppressed by his father finds a correlative when he joins a group of other young men carrying the effigy of a saint to a festival at the church. Hidden underneath the heavy statue, the men plot an escape to be guest-workers in Germany, but the camera pans up to the statue, which has changed to an image of Gavino's father, whose refusal to sign the necessary papers prevents Gavino from fleeing. Padre Padrone was made for Italian TV, and has been restored from 16mm film, so its images are sometimes a little muddy, but it gains real power from its storytelling and from the performances of Omero Antonutti as the father and Saverio Marconi as the grownup Gavino.  
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auralvelvet · 6 months
Liberating Libraries:
an interview with poet Marla Taviano
Marla Taviano is the author of several poetry books, including unbelieve, jaded, and the forthcoming whole, which leads readers to ‘reclaim the pieces of ourselves and create something new’, by talking about ‘looking back to move forward, new thoughts on god, our inner lives, embodied living, and books, books, books’. Whether you’re constantly in the process of redefining and being curious about what it looks like to have faith (raises hand) or whether you’ve left all the labels behind and are pursuing a life outside of religious faith, Marla has written a ‘collection of love letter poems to herself, and to all of her readers’. I had the privilege of interviewing Marla ahead of her upcoming book release day on March 26. You can preorder the book here. Marla will host a virtual book release party on March 26*, with a poetry reading and book signing event at Queer Haven Books in Columbia, SC, on March 27, and she'll be at an arts market in Rock Hill, SC, on May 11.
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I saw that you recently inventoried the amount of books you own in your house, and it is around 4,000 books! How you have cultivated your home library, how is this possible? What does your collection look like? Do you have multiple copies of certain books, do you typically re-read books once they're in your library, and is there anything else you want to share about this amazing collection?
I love this question, it could be a whole entire interview! Yes, I just inventoried all my books. My 14-year-old niece was thrilled to count them for me. I have 4003, to be exact!
I’ve amassed approximately 3803 of these books in the four years since I moved back to the States from Cambodia in March 2020. The majority of the books come from the incredible thrift stores we have here in Columbia, SC. Paperbacks are $1 and hardcovers are $2. Kids’ books are 50 cents. Sometimes my library has books 5 for $1.
My collection looks like a whole lot of books by BIPOC authors, which I read and review here; a whole lot of toxic Christian books, mainly by James Dobson, and whitewashed history books I collect for research; a whole lot of free books from publishers, a whole lot of kids’ books I cut up for poem art, and a whole lot of vintage books. 
I also collect books for three friends who all dream of opening bookstores—and one of those is opening soon, Queer Haven Books, which will be the first queer bookstore here in Columbia! My favorite hobby is going to thrift stores with my oldest daughter and looking for great books. I then curate and pass along some of those books free of charge to friends who dream of opening bookstores one day soon. I donate my time and book expertise, and allow the book sellers to profit from the eventual sales by asking others to 'sponsor' a box of curated books (and recoup what I spent at the thrift stores). The two friends who are still in the process of achieving their bookstore dreams are Tayler Simon, who owns an organization called Liberation Is Lit, and Lettie Gore, whose current project is But Then You Read.
I don’t typically have multiple copies of books except for my sizeable collection of editions of The Color Purple, and owning at least twenty books by some of my favorite authors: Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, and James Baldwin.
I’m re-reading all of Toni Morrison’s novels right now. I’ve also re-read Their Eyes Were Watching God (Zora Neale Hurston) and The Color Purple. I just re-read You Could Make This Place Beautiful (Maggie Smith) and will be re-re-reading it. I also love re-reading books about writing: Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott), Novelist As a Vocation (Haruki Murakami), Poet Warrior (Joy Harjo), and remembered rapture (bell hooks).
I don’t keep track of my books, but that’s on my agenda for this year, along with curating my collection and getting it down to around 3000 books. The past few years were all about me figuring out what I want. What I want to read, study, research, keep—and make into poem art and protest art. I started the curation this week, and I’m having the time of my life!
Who are some of your favorite poets to read, and what themes or styles draw you to their poetry?
I love Alice Walker’s straightforward and simple poems. I love Morgan Harper Nichols’s encouraging words paired with her beautiful artwork. Clint Smith, Marcus Amaker, Drew Jackson, and KB Brookins are all great. I love Lucille Clifton, Nikki Giovanni, Jessica Kantrowitz, Maggie Smith, and Fred Joseph. I prefer poems that are less abstract. Some poetry hurts my head. And my feelings.
One of my favorite poets is Christian Wiman. He recently said in an interview that "Poetry is meant to be spoken - half of the misconceptions about poetry could be dispensed with if people just read it aloud." Will there be an audiobook version of whole, or do you have plans to do any recordings of selections from it?
There will be an audiobook version of whole! There’s already an audiobook version of jaded, and we’ll probably make one for unbelieve soon. I don’t read the books myself, but the narrators do a really good job. I’ve been meaning to read more of my own poetry out loud on video, so hopefully I'll do that soon!
It seems like a significant part of your audience may have gone through a religious faith crisis or shift in belief systems, and as a result have probably lost community. Do you have advice in how to navigate the relationships with those who have remained in these systems, when it comes to sharing current beliefs with them while being respectful of their current beliefs as well? I think there's a worry about offending people we love or not wanting to risk being as vulnerable with them as you are being on a public level.
I might not be the best person to ask! I’ve offended all kinds of people, including one of my sisters, and I honestly don’t have many people left in my life who might be offended by what I say. I only see my parents a few times a year and we just keep the peace by avoiding deeper topics. My other sister lives here in Columbia, and we have some differing views, so I’m respectful of her and avoid some difficult topics as well.
I had a pastor friend endorse whole, even though we have different views on god and church. Another friend mentioned in her endorsement that we don’t agree on everything. Another friend told me she couldn’t endorse it because her husband is a pastor, though she said she knows where I'm coming from. So it’s something I do my best to navigate, and I do it imperfectly. 
I would just ask people in my audience why you’re afraid to share something. Sometimes offending people is unnecessary, and sometimes it’s very necessary, especially when it involves standing up for people who are being marginalized and harmed. I don’t mind being offensive, but it needs to be for a good reason. 
Yes, that nuanced advice resonates with me, and reminds me of a James Baldwin quote, “We can disagree and still love each other, unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist." What are some other ways you hope that whole will impact readers?
I want people to feel loved, I want them to feel hopeful, I want them to feel brave, and I want them to feel whole.
More specifically, I hope people are inspired to write poetry. I hope they’re inspired to pursue that weird thing they love. I hope people start celebrating themselves and others for who they really are. I hope people read my poems, and then go make art or music. I hope the book inspires people to do something they really want to do but they’ve been too afraid to until now. I love it when my words infuse people with courage. I want my poems to make people laugh and help them find freedom.
Those are lovely book intentions! Do you have any fun plans to celebrate on the release date?
My publisher is throwing a virtual launch party* for me on the day whole releases (March 26). I originally wanted it to be a party just for my launch team, but we decided to open it to anyone who wants to celebrate with me. 
Then, on March 27th, I’m having a book signing at Queer Haven Books. Their grand opening isn’t until April 7th, but they’re doing a handful of preview events, and my book signing is one of them. I’m super excited!
What's next for you? Are there any current or future projects in the works?
Always! In April, my friend Tayler and I are hosting a month-long poetry workshop called Poet to Published, where we’re going to help people self-publish a book of poetry in thirty days. We’d love for anyone reading this to join us! And I’ll be self-publishing at least one small book of poetry myself! 
Then I have some older e-books that I’m reworking and re-releasing as paperbacks. And I’d love to write a couple of books about writing. And I’ve got a divorce memoir in the works. And so much more poetry to write! I have ideas for more books than I can probably write. But I’m going to do my best to get them all out into the world. That’s why I’m curating everything in my home right now—to create time and space for writing those books. //
I'm so grateful that Marla spent so much time thoughtfully answering my questions, and this was such a great, inspiring conversation. Here's another reminder to preorder whole so you can have it on release day next week!
_____________________________________________________________ *Event link available upon request
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Discussion event
Sostenibilità dell’Arte e Promozione Territoriale
Ente organizzatore: ETHICANDO Association
Curatela artistica e scientifica: Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico
Relazioni pubbliche: Antonella Stifani
Artista espositore di N. 2 opere d’arte: Tiziano Calcari
Location: Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Sala Giacomo Matteotti, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 – 00186 Roma
Data e orario: venerdì 16 febbraio 2024, ore 10:30-13:00
Patrocini: Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, Associazione Italiana Scenografi Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), Associazione SIEDAS, Associazione Italia in Testa, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Provincia di Lecce, Comune di Gallipoli (LE), Comune di Nardò (LE), Comune di Galatina (LE), Comune di Maglie (LE), Comune di Taviano (LE), Comune di Matino (LE), Comune di Aradeo (LE), Comune di Torchiarolo (BR), Confindustria Lecce
Media partners: Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine
Venerdì 16 febbraio 2024, ore 10:30 – 13:00, presso la Camera dei Deputati, Sala Giacomo Matteotti di Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 – 00186 Roma, ETHICANDO Association di Milano (www.ethicando.it) organizza l’evento dal titolo “SustART. Sostenibilità dell’Arte e Promozione Territoriale” con la curatela artistica e scientifica di Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
L’evento, che consiste in una Discussion sulla sostenibilità dell’arte con il coinvolgimento di personalità delle istituzioni, dell’accademia e dell’università, dell’arte e della cultura, delle professioni e delle industrie creative, prevede l’intervento dei relatori parlamentari e governativi on. Lorenzo Cesa (Presidente della Delegaz. Italiana presso l’Assemblea Parlamentare della NATO), sen. Roberto Marti (Presidente 7ª Comm. del Senato della Repubblica - Cultura e Patrimonio Culturale, Istruzione Pubblica), on. Federico Mollicone (tbc), (Presidente 7ª Comm. della Camera dei Deputati – Cultura, Scienza e Istruzione), on. Saverio Congedo (Capogruppo FdI Commissione VI – Finanze, Componente Commissione Antimafia della Camera dei Deputati), on. Andrea Caroppo (Componente della IX Commissione Trasporti, Poste e Telecomunicazioni della Camera dei Deputati), dott. Giacomo Vigna (Dirigente Divisione V - Industrie made in Italy e industrie creative, Direz. Gen. per la politica industriale, l’innovazione e le PMI, Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy).
L'obiettivo, in linea con quanto prevede l'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU, è quello di indagare le migliori modalità di promozione della produzione artistica contemporanea e storicizzata (beni monumentali e artistici) con la finalità di valorizzare il territorio sia in termini di edificazione del tessuto sociale relativamente ai goal dello sviluppo sostenibile sia in termini di tutela dell'identità culturale nell'era della globalizzazione.
Vari sindaci e amministratori della realtà salentina intervengono portando la loro testimonianza di riferimento, parametrizzata alle relative esperienze locali. Essi costituiscono una sorta di case history utile alla Discussion affinché le varie lecture scientifiche, culturali e istituzionali possano trovare un immediato dialogo con coloro che quotidianamente agiscono per l'amministrazione dei territori. Un particolare focus viene posto sull'arte digitale e su tutte le connesse problematiche di produzione, fruizione e comunicazione che lo sviluppo incessante delle nuove tecnologie impone a tutti gli operatori di settore.
La nozione di arte sostenibile è illustrata e argomentata facendo riferimento alle proposizioni teoriche contenute nel libro dal titolo “L’esperienza artistica di Tiziano Calcari. Creatività e lutto nell’arte sostenibile” di Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico (Milano, Silvana Editoriale, 2023), che nell’occasione dell’evento viene presentato. Nella sala della conferenza sono inoltre esposte due opere d’arte di Tiziano Calcari, artista contemporaneo sostenibile.
Partecipano alla Discussion coordinata dal critico d’arte contemporanea e teorico dell’arte sostenibile Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico: Anna Lisa Tota (Prorettrice Vicaria dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Marcella Caradonna (Presidente ODCEC Milano), Roberto Rosso (Professore Ordinario di Fotografia all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera di Milano), Domenico Nicolamarino (Professore Ordinario di Scenografia all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera di Milano), Maria Letizia Giorgetti (Professoressa di Economia Industriale - UNIMI), Francesco Fabbiani (Presidente della Fondazione Antonietta Viganone di Milano), Fabio Dell’Aversana (Presidente SIEDAS), Carlo Poggioli (Presidente A.S.C.), Annaluce Licheri (Presidente ITALIA IN TESTA), Luigi De Luca (Coordinatore dei Poli Biblio-Museali di Brindisi-Lecce-Foggia), Stefano Minerva (Presidente Provincia di Lecce, Sindaco Comune Gallipoli-LE), Fabio Vergine (Sindaco Comune Galatina-LE), Giuseppe Tanisi (Sindaco Comune Taviano-LE), Giorgio Salvatore Toma (Sindaco Comune Matino-LE), Nicola Delle Donne (Presidente Confindustria Lecce), Fernando Nazaro (imprenditore turistico; Vice Presidente, sez. Turismo, Confindustria Lecce), Giulia Puglia  (Assessore Cultura Comune Nardò-LE), Roberta Iasella Vilei (Assessore Cultura, Turismo e Istruzione Comune Maglie-LE), Georgia Tramacere (Vice Sindaco Comune Aradeo-LE), Antonella Miccoli (Assessore Lavori Pubblici e Ambiente Comune Torchiarolo-BR), Giovanni Licheri e Alida Cappellini (artisti scenografi), Guido De Angelis (musicista, produttore cinematografico), James Tumminia (regista cinematografico hollywoodiano), Antonella Salvucci (attrice; consigliere del Capri Hollywood International Film Festival ), Tiziano Calcari (artista), Paolo Calcari (curatore d’arte), Francesca Romana Buffetti (direttrice responsabile Scenografia & Costume), Christian Gaston Illan (Beesness Magazine).
L’iniziativa, che beneficia dell’attività di relazioni pubbliche di Antonella Stifani, è patrocinata da Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, Associazione Italiana Scenografi Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), Associazione SIEDAS, Associazione Italia in Testa, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Provincia di Lecce, Comune di Gallipoli (LE), Comune di Nardò (LE), Comune di Galatina (LE), Comune di Maglie (LE), Comune di Taviano (LE), Comune di Matino (LE), Comune di Aradeo (LE), Comune di Torchiarolo (BR), Confindustria Lecce.
Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine sono media partner dell’evento.
Discussion event
Organiser: ETHICANDO Association
Artistic and scientific curatorship: Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico
Public relations: Antonella Stifani
Artist exhibiting 2 works of art: Tiziano Calcari
Location: Chamber of Deputies, Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Sala Giacomo Matteotti, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 – 00186 Rome
Date and time: Friday 16th February 2024, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Patronages: Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, Associazione Italiana Scenografi Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), Associazione SIEDAS, Associazione Italia in Testa, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Province of Lecce, Municipality of Gallipoli (LE), Municipality of Nardò (LE), Municipality of Galatina (LE), Municipality of Maglie (LE), Municipality of Taviano (LE), Municipality of Matino (LE), Municipality of Aradeo (LE), Municipality of Torchiarolo (BR), Confindustria Lecce
Media partners: Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine.
Friday 16th February 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Chamber of Deputies, Sala Giacomo Matteotti of Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 - 00186 Rome, ETHICANDO Association of Milan (www.ethicando.it) will be presenting the event entitled "SUSTART. SUSTAINABILITY OF ART AND TERRITORIAL PROMOTION" with the artistic and scientific curatorship of Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
The event, which consists of a Discussion on the Sustainability of Art with the involvement of personalities from the institutions, academia and universities, the world of art and culture, professions and creative industries, will envisage the participation of parliamentary and government lecturers including Hon. Lorenzo Cesa (President of the Italian Delegation at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly), Sen. Roberto Marti (President 7th Comm. of the Senate of the Republic - Culture and Cultural Heritage, Public Education), Hon. Federico Mollicone (tbc), (President 7th Comm. of the Chamber of Deputies - Culture, Science and Education), , Hon. Saverio Congedo (Leader of the FdI Group, Commission VI - Finance, Member of the Antimafia Commission of the Chamber of Deputies), Hon. Andrea Caroppo (Member of the IX Commission for Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Chamber of Deputies), Mr. Giacomo Vigna (Head of Division V - Made in Italy and Creative Industries, Directorate General for Industrial Policy, Innovation and SMEs, Ministry of Business and Made in Italy).
The objective, in line with the UN's 2023 Agenda, is to investigate the best ways of promoting contemporary and historicised artistic production (monumental and artistic heritage) with the aim of enhancing the territory both in terms of building the social fabric in relation to the goals of sustainable development and in terms of protecting cultural identity in the era of globalisation.
Various mayors and administrators from the Salento region will intervene, bringing their specific testimony, parameterised to their local experiences. They will constitute a sort of case history useful for the Discussion so that the various scientific, cultural, and institutional lectures may find an immediate dialogue with those who act daily for the administration of the territories. A special focus will be placed on digital art and all the related problems of production, fruition, and communication that the incessant development of new technologies imposes on all the industry professionals.
The notion of sustainable art will be illustrated and argued with reference to the theoretical propositions contained in the book entitled 'The Artistic Experience of Tiziano Calcari. Creativity and Mourning in Sustainable Art' by Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico (Milan, Silvana Publishing, 2023), which will be presented at the event. Two works of art by Tiziano Calcari, a contemporary sustainable artist, will also be on display in the conference room.
The following people will be participating in the Discussion, coordinated by the contemporary art critic and sustainable art theorist, Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico: Anna Lisa Tota (Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Marcella Caradonna (President of the ODCEC Milano), Roberto Rosso (Full Professor of Photography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan), Domenico Nicolamarino (Full Professor of Scenography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan), Maria Letizia Giorgetti (Professor of Industrial Economics - UNIMI), Francesco Fabbiani (President of the Fondazione Antonietta Viganone of Milano), Fabio Dell’Aversana (President of the SIEDAS), Carlo Poggioli (President of the A.S.C.), Annaluce Licheri (President of the ITALIA IN TESTA), Luigi De Luca (Coordinator of the Brindisi-Lecce-Foggia Biblio-Museum Clusters), Stefano Minerva (President of the Province of Lecce, Mayor of the Municipality of Gallipoli-LE), Fabio Vergine (Mayor of the Municipality of Galatina-LE), Giuseppe Tanisi (Mayor of the Municipality of Taviano-LE), Giorgio Salvatore Toma (Mayor of the Municipality of Matino- LE), Nicola Delle Donne (President of the Confindustria Lecce), Fernando Nazaro (tourism entrepreneur; Vice President, dept. of Tourism, Confindustria Lecce), Giulia Puglia (Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Nardò-LE), Roberta Iasella Vilei (Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Education of the Municipality of Maglie-LE), Georgia Tramacere (Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Aradeo-LE), Antonella Miccoli (Councillor for Public Works and Environment for the Municipality of Torchiarolo -BR), Giovanni Licheri and Alida Cappellini (set designers), Guido De Angelis (musician, film producer), James Tumminia (Hollywood film director), Antonella Salvucci (actress; Councillor for the Capri Hollywood International Film Festival), Tiziano Calcari (artist), Paolo Calcari (art curator), Francesca Romana Buffetti (editor-in-chief of the Scenografia & Costume Magazine), Christian Gaston Illan (Beesness Magazine).
The initiative, which benefits from the PR activities of Antonella Stifani, enjoys the patronage of the Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, the Associazione Italiana Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), the Associazione SIEDAS, the Associazione Italia in Testa, the Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, the Province of Lecce, the Municipality of Gallipoli (LE), the Municipality of Nardò (LE), the Municipality of Galatina (LE), the Municipality of Maglie (LE), the Municipality of Taviano (LE), the Municipality of Matino (LE), the Municipality of Aradeo (LE), the Municipality of Torchiarolo (BR), and the Confindustria Lecce.
Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine are media partners of the event.
Per informazioni / For information:
Associazione Ethicando
Website: www.ethicando.it
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algumaideia · 1 year
Would it be bad if in my fic Jason called Octavian Taviano?
For setting proporses and because I want Jason calling his friend a nickname?
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Taviano: nascondeva droga in casa e nel giardino, arrestato presunto spacciatore
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Taviano: nascondeva droga in casa e nel giardino, arrestato presunto spacciatore. Nonostante le giornate afose di questi ultimi giorni, prosegue senza sosta in tutto il territorio della giurisdizione l’attività preventiva e repressiva della Compagnia Carabinieri di Casarano relativa al contrasto dello spaccio e consumo di sostanze stupefacenti.... Leggi articolo completo su La Milano Read the full article
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L'acqua del mare di Sardegna arriva sulla tavola salentina
Un piccolo sorso di pura acqua di mare, servita in un bicchierino, per entrare nell’atmosfera e aprirsi a un’esperienza gustativa e sensoriale. È il benvenuto “A casa tu Martinu”, ristorante etico a Taviano, borgo in provincia di Lecce a pochi chilometri dalla costa ionica. Un incontro tra Sardegna e Salento con un menu cento per cento all’acqua di mare. Il ristorante pugliese ha fatto la scelta…
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chiavedivoltatorino · 11 months
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marco-poli · 2 years
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Da stasera sciopero dei benzinai Sciopero nazionale dei distributori di carburante per protesta contro le scelte del Governo dalle ore 19:00 del 24 gennaio 2023 alle ore 19:00 del 26 gennaio 2023, e sulle autostrade dalle ore 22:00 del 24 gennaio 2023 alle ore 22:00 del 26 gennaio 2023. La Prefettura ha reso noti quali saranno i distributori nella provincia di Pistoia che garantiranno l'erogazione di carburante durante queste ore di sciopero: -Agliana: Via Galilei, via Chiusa -Chiesina Uzzanese: via delle Regioni -Massa e Cozzile: via Pino -Montecatini Terme: via Nino Bixio -Pistoia: via Salvo d'Acquisto, via Tasselli, Località Canapale, via Guicciardini Nord, Via Montalbano 251, via Statale Fiorentina -Quarrata: via Falcone e Borsellino 120-125 -Sambuca Pistoiese: a Taviano, SS64 Porrettana -San Marcello Piteglio: Loc. La Colonna, SS633 Mammianese Inoltre sempre riguardo San Marcello Piteglio ENI San Marcello Pistoiese di Viviani Enrico ha dichiarato che non aderirà allo sciopero. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzyvCqsvy_w4VWsXAvek_S2d0f4QB9lwwi9LE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bookstattoosandtea · 2 years
Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway: Fangsgiving by Robert Winter
Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway: Fangsgiving by Robert Winter
Blog Tour, Excerpt& Giveaway: Fangsgiving By Robert Winter HOLIDAYS SUCK!, Book 2 Over the river and through the woods, to a vampire’s lair we go.… Paul and Taviano approach their first Thanksgiving, happy together but wary. Paul frets he’ll one day die and leave Taviano alone, but the demon that shares Taviano’s body won’t even consider turning Paul into a vampire. On top of that, Paul is…
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coffeeebomb · 10 months
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When your animal handling needs more work, and some people are quick to remind you of that.
A companion piece to this doodle, that also somehow also evolved to have a little comic strip of its own. Also consider this as a warm up to drawing them in stuff OTHER than camp clothes.
Also watch me update/refine Zhana's appearance/backstory as I blunder along...after forgetting some details from the earlier stuff. Character consistency? What's that?
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Fangsgiving by Robert Winter
Fangsgiving by Robert Winter
Release Blitz, Excerpt& Giveaway: Fangsgiving by Robert Winter HOLIDAYS SUCK!, Book 2 Over the river and through the woods, to a vampire’s lair we go.… Paul and Taviano approach their first Thanksgiving, happy together but wary. Paul frets he’ll one day die and leave Taviano alone, but the demon that shares Taviano’s body won’t even consider turning Paul into a vampire. On top of that, Paul is…
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nardonews24 · 2 years
Il derby di Taviano si colora di biancoverde, l’Allianz Colazzo domenica ha battuto la Pag Volley 3-1 confermandosi al quarto posto in classifica del girone H di serie B di volley maschile. Si tratta della terza vittoria di fila per i ragazzi di mister Cavalera, che stanno attraversando un ottimo momento di forma. Si mette subito bene il primo set (19-25) ma il Taviano alza la testa e pareggia i…
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Discussion event
Sostenibilità dell’Arte e Promozione Territoriale
Ente organizzatore: ETHICANDO Association
Curatela artistica e scientifica: Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico
Relazioni pubbliche: Antonella Stifani
Artista espositore di N. 2 opere d’arte: Tiziano Calcari
Location: Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Sala Giacomo Matteotti, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 – 00186 Roma
Data e orario: venerdì 16 febbraio 2024, ore 10:30-13:00
Patrocini: Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, Associazione Italiana Scenografi Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), Associazione SIEDAS, Associazione Italia in Testa, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Provincia di Lecce, Comune di Gallipoli (LE), Comune di Nardò (LE), Comune di Galatina (LE), Comune di Maglie (LE), Comune di Taviano (LE), Comune di Matino (LE), Comune di Aradeo (LE), Comune di Torchiarolo (BR), Confindustria Lecce
Media partners: Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine
Venerdì 16 febbraio 2024, ore 10:30 – 13:00, presso la Camera dei Deputati, Sala Giacomo Matteotti di Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 – 00186 Roma, ETHICANDO Association di Milano (www.ethicando.it) organizza l’evento dal titolo “SustART. Sostenibilità dell’Arte e Promozione Territoriale” con la curatela artistica e scientifica di Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
L’evento, che consiste in una Discussion sulla sostenibilità dell’arte con il coinvolgimento di personalità delle istituzioni, dell’accademia e dell’università, dell’arte e della cultura, delle professioni e delle industrie creative, prevede l’intervento dei relatori parlamentari e governativi on. Federico Mollicone (tbc), (Presidente 7ª Comm. della Camera dei Deputati – Cultura, Scienza e Istruzione), on. Lorenzo Cesa (Presidente della Delegaz. Italiana presso l’Assemblea Parlamentare della NATO), on. Saverio Congedo (Capogruppo FdI Commissione VI – Finanze, Componente Commissione Antimafia della Camera dei Deputati), on. Andrea Caroppo (Componente della IX Commissione Trasporti, Poste e Telecomunicazioni della Camera dei Deputati), dott. Giacomo Vigna (Dirigente Divisione V - Industrie made in Italy e industrie creative, Direz. Gen. per la politica industriale, l’innovazione e le PMI, Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy).
L'obiettivo, in linea con quanto prevede l'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU, è quello di indagare le migliori modalità di promozione della produzione artistica contemporanea e storicizzata (beni monumentali e artistici) con la finalità di valorizzare il territorio sia in termini di edificazione del tessuto sociale relativamente ai goal dello sviluppo sostenibile sia in termini di tutela dell'identità culturale nell'era della globalizzazione.
Vari sindaci e amministratori della realtà salentina intervengono portando la loro testimonianza di riferimento, parametrizzata alle relative esperienze locali. Essi costituiscono una sorta di case history utile alla Discussion affinché le varie lecture scientifiche, culturali e istituzionali possano trovare un immediato dialogo con coloro che quotidianamente agiscono per l'amministrazione dei territori. Un particolare focus viene posto sull'arte digitale e su tutte le connesse problematiche di produzione, fruizione e comunicazione che lo sviluppo incessante delle nuove tecnologie impone a tutti gli operatori di settore.
La nozione di arte sostenibile è illustrata e argomentata facendo riferimento alle proposizioni teoriche contenute nel libro dal titolo “L’esperienza artistica di Tiziano Calcari. Creatività e lutto nell’arte sostenibile” di Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico (Milano, Silvana Editoriale, 2023), che nell’occasione dell’evento viene presentato. Nella sala della conferenza sono inoltre esposte due opere d’arte di Tiziano Calcari, artista contemporaneo sostenibile.
Partecipano alla Discussion coordinata dal critico d’arte contemporanea e teorico dell’arte sostenibile Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico: Anna Lisa Tota (Prorettrice Vicaria dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Marcella Caradonna (Presidente ODCEC Milano), Roberto Rosso (Professore Ordinario di Fotografia all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera di Milano), Domenico Nicolamarino (Professore Ordinario di Scenografia all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera di Milano), Maria Letizia Giorgetti (Professoressa di Economia Industriale - UNIMI), Francesco Fabbiani (Presidente della Fondazione Antonietta Viganone di Milano), Fabio Dell’Aversana (Presidente SIEDAS), Carlo Poggioli (Presidente A.S.C.), Annaluce Licheri (Presidente ITALIA IN TESTA), Luigi De Luca (Coordinatore dei Poli Biblio-Museali di Brindisi-Lecce-Foggia), Stefano Minerva (Presidente Provincia di Lecce, Sindaco Comune Gallipoli-LE), Fabio Vergine (Sindaco Comune Galatina-LE), Giuseppe Tanisi (Sindaco Comune Taviano-LE), Giorgio Salvatore Toma (Sindaco Comune Matino-LE), Nicola Delle Donne (Presidente Confindustria Lecce), Fernando Nazaro (imprenditore turistico; Vice Presidente, sez. Turismo, Confindustria Lecce), Giulia Puglia  (Assessore Cultura Comune Nardò-LE), Roberta Iasella Vilei (Assessore Cultura, Turismo e Istruzione Comune Maglie-LE), Georgia Tramacere (Vice Sindaco Comune Aradeo-LE), Antonella Miccoli (Assessore Lavori Pubblici e Ambiente Comune Torchiarolo-BR), Giovanni Licheri e Alida Cappellini (artisti scenografi), Guido De Angelis (musicista, produttore cinematografico), James Tumminia (regista cinematografico hollywoodiano), Antonella Salvucci (attrice; consigliere del Capri Hollywood International Film Festival ), Tiziano Calcari (artista), Paolo Calcari (curatore d’arte), Christian Gaston Illan (Beesness Magazine).
L’iniziativa, che beneficia dell’attività di relazioni pubbliche di Antonella Stifani, è patrocinata da Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, Associazione Italiana Scenografi Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), Associazione SIEDAS, Associazione Italia in Testa, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Provincia di Lecce, Comune di Gallipoli (LE), Comune di Nardò (LE), Comune di Galatina (LE), Comune di Maglie (LE), Comune di Taviano (LE), Comune di Matino (LE), Comune di Aradeo (LE), Comune di Torchiarolo (BR), Confindustria Lecce.
Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine sono media partner dell’evento.
Discussion event
Organiser: ETHICANDO Association
Artistic and scientific curatorship: Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico
Public relations: Antonella Stifani
Artist exhibiting 2 works of art: Tiziano Calcari
Location: Chamber of Deputies, Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Sala Giacomo Matteotti, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 – 00186 Rome
Date and time: Friday 16th February 2024, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Patronages: Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, Associazione Italiana Scenografi Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), Associazione SIEDAS, Associazione Italia in Testa, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Province of Lecce, Municipality of Gallipoli (LE), Municipality of Nardò (LE), Municipality of Galatina (LE), Municipality of Maglie (LE), Municipality of Taviano (LE), Municipality of Matino (LE), Municipality of Aradeo (LE), Municipality of Torchiarolo (BR), Confindustria Lecce
Media partners: Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine.
Friday 16th February 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Chamber of Deputies, Sala Giacomo Matteotti of Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, Piazza del Parlamento n. 19 - 00186 Rome, ETHICANDO Association of Milan (www.ethicando.it) will be presenting the event entitled "SUSTART. SUSTAINABILITY OF ART AND TERRITORIAL PROMOTION" with the artistic and scientific curatorship of Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
The event, which consists of a Discussion on the Sustainability of Art with the involvement of personalities from the institutions, academia and universities, the world of art and culture, professions and creative industries, will envisage the participation of parliamentary and government lecturers including Hon. Federico Mollicone (tbc), (President 7th Comm. of the Chamber of Deputies - Culture, Science and Education), Hon. Lorenzo Cesa (President of the Italian Delegation at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly), Hon. Saverio Congedo (Leader of the FdI Group, Commission VI - Finance, Member of the Antimafia Commission of the Chamber of Deputies), Hon. Andrea Caroppo (Member of the IX Commission for Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Chamber of Deputies), Mr. Giacomo Vigna (Head of Division V - Made in Italy and Creative Industries, Directorate General for Industrial Policy, Innovation and SMEs, Ministry of Business and Made in Italy).
The objective, in line with the UN's 2023 Agenda, is to investigate the best ways of promoting contemporary and historicised artistic production (monumental and artistic heritage) with the aim of enhancing the territory both in terms of building the social fabric in relation to the goals of sustainable development and in terms of protecting cultural identity in the era of globalisation.
Various mayors and administrators from the Salento region will intervene, bringing their specific testimony, parameterised to their local experiences. They will constitute a sort of case history useful for the Discussion so that the various scientific, cultural, and institutional lectures may find an immediate dialogue with those who act daily for the administration of the territories. A special focus will be placed on digital art and all the related problems of production, fruition, and communication that the incessant development of new technologies imposes on all the industry professionals.
The notion of sustainable art will be illustrated and argued with reference to the theoretical propositions contained in the book entitled 'The Artistic Experience of Tiziano Calcari. Creativity and Mourning in Sustainable Art' by Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico (Milan, Silvana Publishing, 2023), which will be presented at the event. Two works of art by Tiziano Calcari, a contemporary sustainable artist, will also be on display in the conference room.
The following people will be participating in the Discussion, coordinated by the contemporary art critic and sustainable art theorist, Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico: Anna Lisa Tota (Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Marcella Caradonna (President of the ODCEC Milano), Roberto Rosso (Full Professor of Photography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan), Domenico Nicolamarino (Full Professor of Scenography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan), Maria Letizia Giorgetti (Professor of Industrial Economics - UNIMI), Francesco Fabbiani (President of the Fondazione Antonietta Viganone of Milano), Fabio Dell’Aversana (President of the SIEDAS), Carlo Poggioli (President of the A.S.C.), Annaluce Licheri (President of the ITALIA IN TESTA), Luigi De Luca (Coordinator of the Brindisi-Lecce-Foggia Biblio-Museum Clusters), Stefano Minerva (President of the Province of Lecce, Mayor of the Municipality of Gallipoli-LE), Fabio Vergine (Mayor of the Municipality of Galatina-LE), Giuseppe Tanisi (Mayor of the Municipality of Taviano-LE), Giorgio Salvatore Toma (Mayor of the Municipality of Matino- LE), Nicola Delle Donne (President of the Confindustria Lecce), Fernando Nazaro (tourism entrepreneur; Vice President, dept. of Tourism, Confindustria Lecce), Giulia Puglia (Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Nardò-LE), Roberta Iasella Vilei (Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Education of the Municipality of Maglie-LE), Georgia Tramacere (Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Aradeo-LE), Antonella Miccoli (Councillor for Public Works and Environment for the Municipality of Torchiarolo -BR), Giovanni Licheri and Alida Cappellini (set designers), Guido De Angelis (musician, film producer), James Tumminia (Hollywood film director), Antonella Salvucci (actress; Councillor for the Capri Hollywood International Film Festival), Tiziano Calcari (artist), Paolo Calcari (art curator), Christian Gaston Illan (Beesness Magazine).
The initiative, which benefits from the PR activities of Antonella Stifani, is sponsored by Fondazione Antonietta Viganone ETS, Associazione Italiana Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC), Associazione SIEDAS, Associazione Italia in Testa, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Province of Lecce, Municipality of Gallipoli (LE), Municipality of Nardò (LE), Municipality of Galatina (LE), Municipality of Maglie (LE), Municipality of Taviano (LE), Municipality of Matino (LE), Municipality of Aradeo (LE), Municipality of Torchiarolo (BR), and Confindustria Lecce.
Betting On Italy, Estro Digitale, e-Cinema, Arti e Spettacolo, Beesness magazine are media partners of the event.
Per informazioni / for information:
Associazione Ethicando
Sito web: www.ethicando.it
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