#Terrence the Earthworm
seagull-scribbles · 2 years
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Oh worm?
Spent this summer talking with @authorleaandres about designing this Worm OC, with cursed prompts such as “perpetually expressionless” and “stapled on limbs”
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lea-andres · 2 years
Genuine question regarding a certain earthworm oc
Does he have an actual design? I want to draw him and I don't remember if he's ever been described somewhere
I could just draw an unhinged Creature but I wanted to check before I went ham
No one tell Josh... But I'm commissioning art of the wormy boi from @seagull-scribbles as a gag gift for my fiancé's birthday! He won't see this (or the art itself, if Seagull decides to post it!) unless he gets tagged, so no one tag him!!! 😂
So, uh, design in progress? I'm not sure if Seagull wants first dibs at drawing Terrence or not. I'm giving my fiancé their art no matter what, so I don't care either way, but if they care I'd like to honor that!
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remotepod · 4 years
Would you survive?
By Taylor and Terrence
Let’s say you are dropped in the middle of nowhere. Whether this is the middle of the ocean, mountains, forest, or desert. Would you be able to make it out? Would you survive? Would you like to learn how to?
1. Water source
The first thing you should do if you are stranded is find a clean water source. A lake, river, or puddle might be the first thing you see or are able to find but did you know that it might not be your safest option? If you happen to be stranded in the middle of a forest and you come across a stream or creek think twice before you decide to drink from it. This is because there are microorganisms living in the water, some of which might threaten your life. These microorganisms may cause things like dysentery or Weil’s disease. Instead of risking it, better to find water like you would in the desert. In the desert you are more likely to drink water from a cacti, so take this to the forest as well. Drink from the vegetation. The best way to do this is with a plastic bag and a string. The best process for extracting water from a plant is finding a big leafy green plant (non toxic) place the bag over the leaves and branch and tie the string. The plant should be in the sun and within 30 minutes to about 60 minutes you should see some condensation. A few hours later and you have ½ cup of drinkable water. The reason to do this even though it is time consuming is because the water you are getting from the plant has been filtered by the plant. Meaning it is less likely to poison you than the stream or creek. Generally the human body can only last about three days without water. Which is why it is the first thing you should look for in terms of survival.
2. Find shelter
Finding shelter or creating shelter is up next in terms of survival. It is best to find a shelter that will protect you from the elements. You want a shelter that will keep you dry, and insulated. An insulated shelter will keep you warm in cold climates and cool in hot ones. While building a temporary shelter one must consider the many different types of options. Personally I would suggest building a round lodge shelter. This is a shelter that utilizes logs of medium width and long length. They are placed similarly to how a tipi is set up. The pros of building this shelter is that it protects you from the rain, cold, sun, and wind. But you can also take your shelter one step further and try to locate in a cave this way to allow more insulation. I mention this because the human body temperature is 98.6 degrees fahrenheit in a place of homeostasis, and according to the mayo clinic if the temperature of the human body drops below 95 degrees fahrenheit hypothermia can set in. This would leave the person afflicted in a state of confusion as their body slowly starts to shut down.
3.Starting a fire
Now that you’ve found a place to bunker down, you may want to start thinking  about making a fire. A fire can help you keep warm, dry of damp clothing, provide light and give you a place to cook food. Chances are if you’re in the middle of the ocean, you’re not gonna be able to make a fire. This is for forest type survival. If you happen to have matches or a lighter, you would be able to light a fire by lighting the match or lighter and dry branches and wood to start a fire. If you happen to not have one, the best, but hardest option is to use friction based methods. Many of these require time and effort to make work. These include “The Hand Drill”, which is the most classic method which involves putting a spindle in a v shape groove on a wooden board and then spinning the spindle with your hands until a spark is produced, a Bow Drill, which works the same way as the Hand Drill, but with the ease of using a makeshift bow to cause friction, a flint and steel, which involves striking a metal object with a rock, and the lens technique, which involves taking a lens of some kind, aligning it with the sun and have the heat shine on a flammable object to create fire.
4. Finding food
When all else is done, your next step would be to find some food for you to eat. They’re a variety of choices for food you can collect. If you’re stuck in the woods, your safest option is to try and eat acorns and nuts. For some tricker methods of forest survival eating, you can try and eat frogs, earthworms, some insects like ants (in moderation) and crickets (remove the legs for better eating) and if you’re near water, crayfish and fish. You can try and eat berries, but you should be aware that some berries are toxic. If you’re stuck in the desert, some cactus fruits, Agave, Acacia, and Chia Sage seeds are the most preferred eating. Some risky choices include eating insects and reptiles (though this could be risky). Out in the ocean, fish provides the best meals. Catching birds is also an option. One thing to take into consideration is that hunting is not an advised method as it takes lots of energy to hunt. Trapping animals is an easier option with the right resources.
5. Navigation 
You have water, shelter, food, and fire covered. You can now live semi comfortably out in the middle of nowhere. But, now that you have your resources prepared you might want to start making your way out. You must now navigate back to civilization. How exactly do you do that? The best tool to use is a compass, but it doesn't help too much if you don’t know how to use it without a map. Without a map or a compass, the best idea is to find your way down hill or to find a river or stream and follow its current downward direction. If all else or if you’re out in the ocean. Navigating using the sun and the stars is the next best plan. The sun and stars rise in the east and sets to the west (dictating your east and west orientation) and Polaris (the brightest object in the Ursa Minor constellation) points northward if you follow it from its tail to the star (the tail being the other direction while the star pointing forward dictating the northward direction).
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sylveon-of-heart · 7 years
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Omg okay I’ll try!!
1. Stomach
2. Depends on what song I was last listening to
3. My favorite pokemon is sylveon, and my classpect in homestuck is a sylph of heart, so I just squished them together
4. Moth boy moth boy  M O T H  B O Y
5. The girl I had a crush on in middle school suggested it, and I just sorta got sucked in
6. My Little Pony
7. Pokemon or Steven Universe, I guess
8. Don’t You Want Me by the Human League
9. I don’t know, I haven’t been on very much today
10. Snaaaaake!!!
11. Grown cats, they don’t get adopted enough.
12. Country music. It’s bad and no one can convince me otherwise.
13. Uhhhhh I’m not really a villain type
14. Sylveon, aka my baby!!
15. Buddy I think I already met my true love, but if I had to do it different, maybe just him asking me on a date instead of asking if we were dating
16. Smores PopTarts, they’re just so warm and comfy
17. Mad Psychologist. My creation that turns on me would be someone I gave advice to & it didn’t work out probably
18/19. I don’t really have any favorite tropes
20. I wish there were more shows lounge Steven Universe
21. The girl who “stole” the bones (I say stole in quotes bc she says she didn’t, but)
22. When I was younger, I was a huge crybaby, and I would hide & cry under tables
23. Skeleton statutes, prints, anything like that
24. Ehhhh there are no pens nearby
25. A sudoku zombie apocalypse. I’ll live.
26. Anxiety
27. I had a pimple on the inside of my eyelid. It was kinda gross
28. Well, sylvie can’t talk, so
29/30. Nope
31. Charlie, Sandra, Benny, Terrence, and Hector. Hector gets to sleep on the bed
32. A stuffed brown dog named Rex, he’s somewhere in my room.
33. “You got bleached out eyes from the valley sand And the black tar palms keep weeping your name” - LA Devotee, P!@tD
34. Ahhhhhh I’m not caught up on the fan media
35. Amethyst and Lapis, they could both hate everything together
36. Bone hurtin juice
37. Showers
38. Her name was Keila, and she was just a huge bitch. She got everyone to call me this shitty nickname, and would over-exaggerate everything to try and get me in trouble.
39. Biker gang, either 2 rival gangs that have a bunch of secret taboo couples, or one that’s just a huge polyamorous group.
40. Orange or purple
41. Night in the Woods, still haven’t played it
42. None, I guess
43. Lone Digger - Caravan Palace. Party crazy friend convinces their boring other friend to come out to a club, shit gets crazy
44. ahhhhhh this is cheesy but @catfury my boyfriend makes me really happy
45. Not knowing what the heck I’m gonna do after graduation
46. https://youtu.be/y24v9Xyoz0A
47. I had a recurring nightmare as a child where I’d see my great grandparents playing the piano, and I’d look to the right, and Elmo would be standing there. He’d pull a lever and a trap door would open up beneath me, and I’d fall into an endless rectangular pit that was the purest color blue.
48. I don’t watch movies I think I won’t like
49. Why grape ice cream doesn’t exist. Ask separately if you want to know.
50. Cold
51. When I was little, they’d spank me.
52. That I wasn’t cool. There’s a lot of things I don’t like about myself, but I definitely think I’m at least a little cool.
53. The only ones I can think of are sad,,,
54. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck
55. Red - raspberries Orange - Doritos Yellow - Lemon desserts Green - salsa verde Blue - blue raspberry icee? Purple - berry juice
56. I’d live in someone’s house, probably not doing pranks, but things like folding laundry or watering plants.
57. Sculpting
58. I can clean (inside) really well. I’m also good at doing makeup, but I don’t wear any
59. When people shake my desk. Also I crack my joints a lot, so that probably bugs people.
60. Dinos!
61. I don’t really fight?
62. Oliver!!!! God why do you have to be so beautiful with your stupid puppy face!!!
63. Cremated and have my ashes turned into a record of my favorite songs.
64. https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/enhanced/terminal01/2011/3/31/10/enhanced-buzz-5527-1301582032-1.jpg
65. Pajamas, brush my teeth, watch a lil tv or read, and go to bed.
66. Humor, kindness, and acceptance
67. Peacock, a snake that was like 6ft long, and a lot of deer.
68. McFuck
69. Fuck aliens, marry dinos, kill dragons I guess
71. P-dizzle, McNerd, Midget Mom, slime, idk any more
72. Shorts
73. Body Like a Backroad. 1, it’s country. 2, my parents play it at full volume. 3, if you listen to the words, the guy thinks he’s being smooth, but really he’s just bad at sex and isn’t listening to the needs of his girlfriend.
74. The love & support of my friends
75. I was to young to know any better, but I picked up an earthworm and wrapped it in a paper towel, and was going to take it home to keep as a pet. It died after like 3 hours.
@fluffy–moth thank you but jesus I’m tired, this took up 80% of the drive home. ♡♡♡
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lea-andres · 1 year
Who would you say is your favorite minor character in your work (i.e. a Red Shirt or background character with less than 10 lines of dialogue)?
Terrence the Earthworm, Spiral Hill's Mud Farmer technically counts, because I'm pretty certain he's either had 3 or 4 lines of dialogue, but you could make the argument he doesn't count because he's A: my fiancé's character, and B: my fiancé wants him to do more things.
I think she had more than 10 lines of dialogue, so she probably doesn't count either, but little Pixie the Butterfly was fucking adorable. She pretty much exists purely because with my time gap between canon and my fics (6 years) none of the Sonic Fan Club kids were young enough for what I wanted in that scene. So I gave the butterfly that looks like Dot from Animaniacs a baby sister.
I'd also have to count how many lines of dialogue he had, but one of my idiot archaeology puppies Brutus the Bulldog appeared way back at the very beginning. My archaeology puppies were banished from my lore for being cringe, but @bitter-sweet-coffee has been encouraging me to bring them back. He might appear again (with his siblings!) At the very end... So he probably doesn't qualify too.
Here's one that probably qualifies: that poor bluebird or blue jay or whatever I said she was working in the coffee shop in the... Second chapter??? The one who watched Fang pour booze into his coffee right there at the counter after she handed it off to him and said nothing because she's probably not paid enough to deal with Fang's bullshit. If she had more than 10 lines to just serve as a means for the Hooligans to find out the Mineral Museum existed I'll be shocked. 😂
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lea-andres · 2 years
Guys, @notquitejosh and I just had the most amazing argument about whether or not you could substitute a Wisp in for Chao Kickball.
Pray that I remember how it went later, it was MAJOR Fang energy coming out of Josh. 😂😂😂
Although he's insisting it's more accurate for Terrence to say. You guys will have to ask Josh, but according to him Terrence was horribly out of character in the last chapter. 😔
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lea-andres · 2 years
Is Terrance named that bc Terra/Earth and he's a worm or did Mr Josh just want a name that most ppl don't use
Either way if my bf and I aren't like you and your fiance in the future what's even the point
Terrence the Earthworm Spiral Hill's Mud Farmer (and yes that is his full name! 😂) wasn't named by any intelligent thought process. At least not from what @notquitejosh and I can recall. We just came up with him while laughing like idiots. He started out as just this one note joke character that just wanted the Sonic characters to wrestle in his mud pits like an absolute creep, but he's veered off into a "sinisterly sows the seeds of chaos and commits heinous crimes in the background" direction, which makes him even fucking funnier to us. 😂
Also, awww. 🥺 I wish you and your bf the best.
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lea-andres · 1 year
7, 16, 17, 18 :)
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Hmmm... I'm not using every single song in the BugBear playlist in WtDMtN (some will spill over into MLY, which is gonna be WtDMtN's direct sequel), and with the exception of Hozier (who has 2 songs) every artist is on here once.
BUT, Girl in the Tower gets referenced four fucking times (once as a chapter title, and it appears three in the fic itself), so I'm gonna give it to... *Googles it* Mark Seibert. (He worked for Sierra, this song was in the game King's Quest 6.)
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
I only have the one fic, so it's hard to gauge, but I have a feeling "Espio is my favorite Sonic character therefore he deserves to suffer" is going to stick around. Poor guy can't cut a break ever.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Bean or Fang, holy shit, they're both so funny.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
My lovely fiancé Josh is very picky about what can be done with his OC Terrence the Earthworm Spiral Hill's Mud Farmer, so I'm going to jokingly give it to him. The guy's on par with Shadow when it comes to guidelines on how to use him. /JK 🤪
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lea-andres · 2 years
Guys, we need to bully @notquitejosh into writing companion fics about what his OC, Terrence the Earthworm Spiral Hill's Mud Farmer, is up to in the background of my fics.
We were pitching ideas back and forth last night, and I fucking died then, and I'm dying again now thinking about them. 😂😂😂
I'll give you guys a hint. Do you watch the TV show Fargo? Lorne Malvo. That's your hint. 😂
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lea-andres · 2 years
So... While my lovely fiancé was helping me brainstorm for my fics, he proposed a (definitely a joke) OC to have appear in WtDMtN, and I'm making it happen. 😂
Keep an eye out for Terrence the Earthworm guys, when that chapter eventually crawls out of writer's block hell and onto AO3, he's a mud farmer that lives in Spiral Hill and is my fiancé's first ever Sonic OC! 🥰🥰🥰
(*we were laughing for ages about Terrence the Earthworm, the mud farmer*
Me: Hey, hon, guess what?
My fiancé: What?
Me: You have a Sonic OC now! 😂😂😂
My fiancé: *look of horror* OH NOOOOO-)
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