#spiral hills mud farmer my beloved
seagull-scribbles · 2 years
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Oh worm?
Spent this summer talking with @authorleaandres about designing this Worm OC, with cursed prompts such as “perpetually expressionless” and “stapled on limbs”
32 notes · View notes
kneipho · 4 years
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Submission: @mantrabay​
A Little Known Shortcut.
Wandering the roads. It has me under a spell.
Even when prickly brambles
scrape my eyelids or those bony ankles are being twisted by tooth like stones. The angular sort clustered mischievously among the green shoots that litter every footpath.
They lie in wait, in ambush.
It goes with the territory for this seasoned footman.
Meandering landscapes are house and home to the spiral lanes and clover clad hills that are rife in my area.
Their rustic heritage sometimes sacrificed to the orphanage of malleable motives.
Crop farmers obsessed with bountiful harvest.
A restless developer pushing the limits of an urban jungle.
Fellow traveller in league with fugitives from the cockpit.
The pressure cooker of modern life.
The town dweller with split loyalties who clings to the tumult of the city but hankers after some rural idyll.
Culprits one and all.
A lair from the hubbub.
Dwellings of the quaintest kind huddle together like dots in a matrix separated only by a minuscule space.
The more alluring aspects of tradition have been preserved.
Among these are shortcuts or bypasses.
Those sequestered passages that shave miles off for the perennial rambler or clueless hitchhiker.
The eye becomes a lense to all these
things hidden or supposedly hidden.
Human vision as sensor to magic trails.
Those tucked away secret spots beloved of local wiseacres.
They festoon the sprawling countryside at random.
My name is Eric Spring.
Anthea, my partner a transcendental meditation teacher retired early at an early age.
Her withdrawal from work was never meant to be permanent.
A final decision hinged on Anthea’s ability to purge that fiendish veil of sadness that had been shadowing her.
There were several obstacles in her path but they weren’t insurmountable.
Thoughts of Anthea in her halcyon days haunted me.
Mental pictures of a vibrant woman imbued with passion.
Poignant evocative heart-tugging images.
Bar excursions into town my station is that of Anthea’s carer.
This eternally stoic woman is mindful of her mental boundaries and the abyss concealed by each of them.
But she is not prone to self-hate or abuse. The more lethal plagues of the psyche hadn’t yet impacted on her.
Anthea was groping for exits but hadn’t found the signs.
She remains housebound as I embark on those age defying treks into town.
We keep in touch by mobile phone.
A very angelic sensitive looking person is she.
Reminiscent of a Sunday Times editor.
The accent filters every noun and stresses every nuance.
Like the sounds from an early morning orchard.
Anthea’s job became monotonous and her other pursuits painting and writing fled without trace.
A budding artist’s most dreaded syndromes struck.
Writer’s block. Artistic vacuum.
The wellspring of her imagination now devoid of those inspiring flashes that sustain creative impulse.
She had few outlets bar my care and a lady called Fidelma who had the edge on me with regard to local knowledge. I longed to hear Anthea’s voice on my device.
Her hypnotic voice bridges gaps.
You feel close even when speaking to her from a distance.
I love the walks and savouring all those pivot points of folklore.
I pride myself on my intimate knowledge of every branch strewn rivulet, stream and layered rock formation.
My links to the environment are almost erotic as I crave it’s sensual touch.
At times I enter a tranquil zone where the shutters are drawn.
Just myself and all those habitats.
“Hello Eric? Lost in thought again.
How is anthea these days?
I spoke to her over the phone a few days ago.
I sometimes drop in on her when you are out.”
Fidelma speaking with that chirping red robin voice of hers.
She had this penchant for suddenly appearing like an archaeological site.
And she vanished just as quickly leaving the person she spoke to scrambling to process her asides and insights before they disappeared.
Neighbour, friend, root and branch archivist whose grasp of detail was legendary.
“She seems to be coping.” I said.
“Glad to hear that. Maybe I can pay a flying visit some time soon.
But aren’t you a foolish man to be imposing all those Olympic Marathons on yourself?”
Fidelma about to share one of her treasured nuggets.
“I love walking but any tips?”
Spring enquired naively as events soon demonstrated.
“There’s a shortcut…..a little known shortcut.
People in the know recommend it though I have never actually used it myself.
Maybe I will one day.
See, it’s on the right hand side up the road there.
Think it might be useful when you want to get home in a hurry.” She concluded.
Fidelma in advanced middle age was still sprightly and youthful in her ways.
I missed a text from anthea and Fidelma noticed.
“Yes. I have one of those gadgets too.
Keeps me connected.
Took me awhile to master it.
Wish there was a shortcut for that.
But I’ll best be on my way.
Take good care whatever the route.”
As always having spoken to Fidelma I wondered about in a trance.
Another colourful aspect of Fidelma’s personality was her “Banana Skin Syndrome.”
She could lose her balance betimes when enthusing about a topic or when she stumbled on an area that fascinated her.
The feet were a little wobbly.
All this against her philosophy about how interconnected everything is.
The mind is an antenna sending out signals to others was a frequent broadside of hers.
Even when Fidelma said very little she always had this magnetic effect on others.
Those terse one liners could trigger an avalanche in the mind.
Her thin phrases were always shrouded in a well crafted poetic meter.
It was in the tone, gestures and body language.
Those beady yet expressive eyes scanning her environment like a radar screen.
A cascade of images and sound bytes ensued when she left.
Several hours passed as my mind was in overdrive like a central processing unit.
I heard this inner voice telling me to explore this “shortcut.”
Having texted Anthea I then proceeded to this offshoot of a lane.
It was going to lighten the journey of this slope and pavement plodder.
Off I went down this quaint country shortcut.
Nothing out of the ordinary to begin with until Anthea rang.
“Gnawing feeling of sadness.
My mind is a dark blue canvass at the moment.”
Her lilting twang mingling with the song birds at the start of my downward journey.
I sensed this was urgent and started to walk quickly.
That’s when problems arose.
Just a plain country passage with a primarily flat surface at this point.
There were houses on each side and some weeds strewn and partially mangled, turned to mulch by wild and indiscriminate boots.
Strange feelings welled up within me as I felt like a geyser at yellowstone.
The puff and splutter of tractors in nearby fields as furrows, the epicenter of future yields were turned.
Scarecrows were strategically perched in the meadow behind the right hand hedge to ward off some menace or other.
Something told me to relate my surroundings to Anthea.
If only to divert attention from an impending gloom.
Those barely audible inner prompts again.
“Eric, I don’t want to pressurise you but at the moment I feel this dark cloud.”
Eric paused.
It then occurred to me that I was engulfed by dark foreboding clouds in tandem with a rising rainbow like haze.
As Anthea continued her disorders seemed to be complemented by external threats of rain intermingled with sunshine.
“I feel, Eric there is a radiance trying to break through.
Just to see you … your presence is a light which I could focus on.”
Then I realised that speed was of the essence.
That’s when I could have panicked.
Anthea’s voice seemed louder, but also more lyrical as I realised this obscure
overlooked route could have done with some restoration!
Tufts of grass oozing slime.
Mounds of mud with pockets of oil stained water.
The briars were a shock team that endangered every part of the human body.
I was conveying all this to anthea as I was trying to dash at my normal pace.
Oddly Anthea’s tone of desperation started to dip.
But she did appear less tense as I told her this story over the phone.
“Someone told me this is a shortcut.”
Eric said gingerly.
“Who was that ? Anthea asked.
“Fidelma. We met on the main road just a short while ago.” I responded.
“You know her a bit better than I do.”
Anthea observed. “She’s going to call over one of these days I’m sure.”
By now Anthea, initially nervous was mellowing as I continued with my frantic running … and staggering commentary!
She didn’t have had much to excite her over the last five years.
But I had to be careful lest those dark brooding phases returned.
Like a roving reporter I regaled her with lurid descriptions of limp green shrubs, tea brown leaves shredded on fissured rocks, juice dripping blackberry bushes with foraging earwigs seeking shelter from the sun.
But here I was almost knee deep in tangled foliage while keeping the love of my life up to speed!
The labyrinthine outcrops and mock craters were all included.
Suddenly misfortune struck without warning.
I nearly sprained my leg as I fell face down on a grassy patch.
Sprawled awkwardly across this surface my phone went flying but I managed to catch it.
“Eric, are you ok?
I don’t mean to be a burden.
Will I get someone to meet you at the end of this lane or short cut.”
Anthea again.
“I’m fine, Anthea.”
Eric said before slowly rising.
I kept detailing my observations and Anthea was reacting positively.
But I made it eventually with the sounds of the road as guide.
The temperatures continued to rise causing perspiration.
Peering thru the maze of entwined growths I saw … Fidelma.
“Where did you spring from?” Eric punning his own name.
“Fidelma …you fell too.” A question that might have appeared tactless.
She was getting up, having fallen when taking her bearings it seems.
“Fidelma …. thanks but no thanks.
The shortcut.” I said.
“You are shivering.” She observed.
“I am. Spring responded.
“Got to get to Anthea because she might be in need of help.” Spring continued.
We both headed for my house as quickly as possible.
But it wasn’t far.
I texted Anthea and she answered by saying she had every reason to speak to me.
One wondered what that might be.
My face whitened.
Fidelma and I soon reached the house where I lived.
Eric pressed the doorbell as his heart pounded.
The door opened suddenly and we couldn’t believe what we saw.
“Anthea, is that you?
I haven’t seen you smile like that in years.”
I said.
Fidelma and I were perplexed to say the least.
“It’s early days yet but those locusts of darkness hopping around in my head maybe dwindling.
Those creative juices returned when I sensed your anxiety down the lane because I didn’t want two sick people in this house.
But you brought splashes of vivid colour into my drawing room.
I could almost smell the rustic fragrance of every wilting petal and the creaking of every twig.
You set a whole cycle in train.”
Anthea then showed me two items she was working on.
“I have started a rough sketch of the lane you detailed and a short story.
There’s been a sea change.” She said.
“Oh I wonder what I’ll call this sketch and that short story?
Any ideas?” Anthea enquired.
Fidelma and I looked at each other and spoke almost in unison.
“I think we both have a fair idea what they both might be called.
Your story included.”
A little known shortcut indeed!
Photograph and short story mantrabay copyright protected
15 notes · View notes
mantrabay · 4 years
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A Little Known Shortcut.
Wandering the roads. It has me under a spell.
Even when prickly brambles
scrape my eyelids or those bony ankles are being twisted by tooth like stones. The angular sort clustered mischievously among the green shoots that litter every footpath.
They lie in wait, in ambush.
It goes with the territory for this seasoned footman.
Meandering landscapes are house and home to the spiral lanes and clover clad hills that are rife in my area.
Their rustic heritage sometimes sacrificed to the orphanage of malleable motives.
Crop farmers obsessed with bountiful harvest.
A restless developer pushing the limits of an urban jungle.
Fellow traveller in league with fugitives from the cockpit.
The pressure cooker of modern life.
The town dweller with split loyalties who clings to the tumult of the city but hankers after some rural idyll.
Culprits one and all.
A lair from the hubbub.
Dwellings of the quaintest kind huddle together like dots in a matrix separated only by a minuscule space.
The more alluring aspects of tradition have been preserved.
Among these are shortcuts or bypasses.
Those sequestered passages that shave miles off for the perennial rambler or clueless hitchhiker.
The eye becomes a lense to all these
things hidden or supposedly hidden.
Human vision as sensor to magic trails.
Those tucked away secret spots beloved of local wiseacres.
They festoon the sprawling countryside at random.
My name is Eric Spring.
Anthea, my partner a transcendental meditation teacher retired early at an early age.
Her withdrawal from work was never meant to be permanent.
A final decision hinged on Anthea's ability to purge that fiendish veil of sadness that had been shadowing her.
There were several obstacles in her path but they weren’t insurmountable.
Thoughts of Anthea in her halcyon days haunted me.
Mental pictures of a vibrant woman imbued with passion.
Poignant evocative heart-tugging images.
Bar excursions into town my station is that of Anthea’s carer.
This eternally stoic woman is mindful of her mental boundaries and the abyss concealed by each of them.
But she is not prone to self-hate or abuse. The more lethal plagues of the psyche hadn't yet impacted on her.
Anthea was groping for exits but hadn’t found the signs.
She remains housebound as I embark on those age defying treks into town.
We keep in touch by mobile phone.
A very angelic sensitive looking person is she.
Reminiscent of a Sunday Times editor.
The accent filters every noun and stresses every nuance.
Like the sounds from an early morning orchard.
Anthea's job became monotonous and her other pursuits painting and writing fled without trace.
A budding artist’s most dreaded syndromes struck.
Writer's block. Artistic vacuum.
The wellspring of her imagination now devoid of those inspiring flashes that sustain creative impulse.
She had few outlets bar my care and a lady called Fidelma who had the edge on me with regard to local knowledge. I longed to hear Anthea's voice on my device.
Her hypnotic voice bridges gaps.
You feel close even when speaking to her from a distance.
I love the walks and savouring all those pivot points of folklore.
I pride myself on my intimate knowledge of every branch strewn rivulet, stream and layered rock formation.
My links to the environment are almost erotic as I crave it's sensual touch.
At times I enter a tranquil zone where the shutters are drawn.
Just myself and all those habitats.
“Hello Eric? Lost in thought again.
How is anthea these days?
I spoke to her over the phone a few days ago.
I sometimes drop in on her when you are out.”
Fidelma speaking with that chirping red robin voice of hers.
She had this penchant for suddenly appearing like an archaeological site.
And she vanished just as quickly leaving the person she spoke to scrambling to process her asides and insights before they disappeared.
Neighbour, friend, root and branch archivist whose grasp of detail was legendary.
“She seems to be coping.” I said.
“Glad to hear that. Maybe I can pay a flying visit some time soon.
But aren't you a foolish man to be imposing all those Olympic Marathons on yourself?”
Fidelma about to share one of her treasured nuggets.
“I love walking but any tips?”
Spring enquired naively as events soon demonstrated.
“There’s a shortcut…..a little known shortcut.
People in the know recommend it though I have never actually used it myself.
Maybe I will one day.
See, it's on the right hand side up the road there.
Think it might be useful when you want to get home in a hurry.” She concluded.
Fidelma in advanced middle age was still sprightly and youthful in her ways.
I missed a text from anthea and Fidelma noticed.
“Yes. I have one of those gadgets too.
Keeps me connected.
Took me awhile to master it.
Wish there was a shortcut for that.
But I'll best be on my way.
Take good care whatever the route.”
As always having spoken to Fidelma I wondered about in a trance.
Another colourful aspect of Fidelma’s personality was her “Banana Skin Syndrome.”
She could lose her balance betimes when enthusing about a topic or when she stumbled on an area that fascinated her.
The feet were a little wobbly.
All this against her philosophy about how interconnected everything is.
The mind is an antenna sending out signals to others was a frequent broadside of hers.
Even when Fidelma said very little she always had this magnetic effect on others.
Those terse one liners could trigger an avalanche in the mind.
Her thin phrases were always shrouded in a well crafted poetic meter.
It was in the tone, gestures and body language.
Those beady yet expressive eyes scanning her environment like a radar screen.
A cascade of images and sound bytes ensued when she left.
Several hours passed as my mind was in overdrive like a central processing unit.
I heard this inner voice telling me to explore this “shortcut.”
Having texted Anthea I then proceeded to this offshoot of a lane.
It was going to lighten the journey of this slope and pavement plodder.
Off I went down this quaint country shortcut.
Nothing out of the ordinary to begin with until Anthea rang.
“Gnawing feeling of sadness.
My mind is a dark blue canvass at the moment.”
Her lilting twang mingling with the song birds at the start of my downward journey.
I sensed this was urgent and started to walk quickly.
That's when problems arose.
Just a plain country passage with a primarily flat surface at this point.
There were houses on each side and some weeds strewn and partially mangled, turned to mulch by wild and indiscriminate boots.
Strange feelings welled up within me as I felt like a geyser at yellowstone.
The puff and splutter of tractors in nearby fields as furrows, the epicenter of future yields were turned.
Scarecrows were strategically perched in the meadow behind the right hand hedge to ward off some menace or other.
Something told me to relate my surroundings to Anthea.
If only to divert attention from an impending gloom.
Those barely audible inner prompts again.
“Eric, I don't want to pressurise you but at the moment I feel this dark cloud.”
Eric paused.
It then occurred to me that I was engulfed by dark foreboding clouds in tandem with a rising rainbow like haze.
As Anthea continued her disorders seemed to be complemented by external threats of rain intermingled with sunshine.
“I feel, Eric there is a radiance trying to break through.
Just to see you … your presence is a light which I could focus on.”
Then I realised that speed was of the essence.
That's when I could have panicked.
Anthea’s voice seemed louder, but also more lyrical as I realised this obscure
overlooked route could have done with some restoration!
Tufts of grass oozing slime.
Mounds of mud with pockets of oil stained water.
The briars were a shock team that endangered every part of the human body.
I was conveying all this to anthea as I was trying to dash at my normal pace.
Oddly Anthea’s tone of desperation started to dip.
But she did appear less tense as I told her this story over the phone.
“Someone told me this is a shortcut.”
Eric said gingerly.
“Who was that ? Anthea asked.
“Fidelma. We met on the main road just a short while ago.” I responded.
“You know her a bit better than I do.”
Anthea observed. “She's going to call over one of these days I'm sure.”
By now Anthea, initially nervous was mellowing as I continued with my frantic running … and staggering commentary!
She didn’t have had much to excite her over the last five years.
But I had to be careful lest those dark brooding phases returned.
Like a roving reporter I regaled her with lurid descriptions of limp green shrubs, tea brown leaves shredded on fissured rocks, juice dripping blackberry bushes with foraging earwigs seeking shelter from the sun.
But here I was almost knee deep in tangled foliage while keeping the love of my life up to speed!
The labyrinthine outcrops and mock craters were all included.
Suddenly misfortune struck without warning.
I nearly sprained my leg as I fell face down on a grassy patch.
Sprawled awkwardly across this surface my phone went flying but I managed to catch it.
“Eric, are you ok?
I don’t mean to be a burden.
Will I get someone to meet you at the end of this lane or short cut.”
Anthea again.
“I'm fine, Anthea.”
Eric said before slowly rising.
I kept detailing my observations and Anthea was reacting positively.
But I made it eventually with the sounds of the road as guide.
The temperatures continued to rise causing perspiration.
Peering thru the maze of entwined growths I saw … Fidelma.
“Where did you spring from?” Eric punning his own name.
“Fidelma ...you fell too.” A question that might have appeared tactless.
She was getting up, having fallen when taking her bearings it seems.
“Fidelma …. thanks but no thanks.
The shortcut.” I said.
“You are shivering.” She observed.
“I am. Spring responded.
“Got to get to Anthea because she might be in need of help.” Spring continued.
We both headed for my house as quickly as possible.
But it wasn’t far.
I texted Anthea and she answered by saying she had every reason to speak to me.
One wondered what that might be.
My face whitened.
Fidelma and I soon reached the house where I lived.
Eric pressed the doorbell as his heart pounded.
The door opened suddenly and we couldn't believe what we saw.
“Anthea, is that you?
I haven't seen you smile like that in years.”
I said.
Fidelma and I were perplexed to say the least.
“It’s early days yet but those locusts of darkness hopping around in my head maybe dwindling.
Those creative juices returned when I sensed your anxiety down the lane because I didn't want two sick people in this house.
But you brought splashes of vivid colour into my drawing room.
I could almost smell the rustic fragrance of every wilting petal and the creaking of every twig.
You set a whole cycle in train.”
Anthea then showed me two items she was working on.
“I have started a rough sketch of the lane you detailed and a short story.
There's been a sea change.” She said.
“Oh I wonder what I'll call this sketch and that short story?
Any ideas?” Anthea enquired.
Fidelma and I looked at each other and spoke almost in unison.
“I think we both have a fair idea what they both might be called.
Your story included.”
A little known shortcut indeed!
Photograph and short story copyright protected
2 notes · View notes
mantrabay · 4 years
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A Little Known Shortcut.
Wandering the roads. It has me under a spell.
Even when prickly brambles
scrape my eyelids or those bony ankles are being twisted by tooth like stones. The angular sort clustered mischievously among the green shoots that litter every footpath.
They lie in wait, in ambush.
It goes with the territory for this seasoned footman.
Meandering landscapes are house and home to the spiral lanes and clover clad hills that are rife in my area.
Their rustic heritage sometimes sacrificed to the orphanage of malleable motives.
Crop farmers obsessed with bountiful harvest.
A restless developer pushing the limits of an urban jungle.
Fellow traveller in league with fugitives from the cockpit.
The pressure cooker of modern life.
The town dweller with split loyalties who clings to the tumult of the city but hankers after some rural idyll.
Culprits one and all.
A lair from the hubbub.
Dwellings of the quaintest kind huddle together like dots in a matrix separated only by a minuscule space.
The more alluring aspects of tradition have been preserved.
Among these are shortcuts or bypasses.
Those sequestered passages that shave miles off for the perennial rambler or clueless hitchhiker.
The eye becomes a lense to all these
things hidden or supposedly hidden.
Human vision as sensor to magic trails.
Those tucked away secret spots beloved of local wiseacres.
They festoon the sprawling countryside at random.
My name is Eric Spring.
Anthea, my partner a transcendental meditation teacher retired early at an early age.
Her withdrawal from work was never meant to be permanent.
A final decision hinged on Anthea's ability to purge that fiendish veil of sadness that had been shadowing her.
There were several obstacles in her path but they weren’t insurmountable.
Thoughts of Anthea in her halcyon days haunted me.
Mental pictures of a vibrant woman imbued with passion.
Poignant evocative heart-tugging images.
Bar excursions into town my station is that of Anthea’s carer.
This eternally stoic woman is mindful of her mental boundaries and the abyss concealed by each of them.
But she is not prone to self-hate or abuse. The more lethal plagues of the psyche hadn't yet impacted on her.
Anthea was groping for exits but hadn’t found the signs.
She remains housebound as I embark on those age defying treks into town.
We keep in touch by mobile phone.
A very angelic sensitive looking person is she.
Reminiscent of a Sunday Times editor.
The accent filters every noun and stresses every nuance.
Like the sounds from an early morning orchard.
Anthea's job became monotonous and her other pursuits painting and writing fled without trace.
A budding artist’s most dreaded syndromes struck.
Writer's block. Artistic vacuum.
The wellspring of her imagination now devoid of those inspiring flashes that sustain creative impulse.
She had few outlets bar my care and a lady called Fidelma who had the edge on me with regard to local knowledge. I longed to hear Anthea's voice on my device.
Her hypnotic voice bridges gaps.
You feel close even when speaking to her from a distance.
I love the walks and savouring all those pivot points of folklore.
I pride myself on my intimate knowledge of every branch strewn rivulet, stream and layered rock formation.
My links to the environment are almost erotic as I crave it's sensual touch.
At times I enter a tranquil zone where the shutters are drawn.
Just myself and all those habitats.
“Hello Eric? Lost in thought again.
How is anthea these days?
I spoke to her over the phone a few days ago.
I sometimes drop in on her when you are out.”
Fidelma speaking with that chirping red robin voice of hers.
She had this penchant for suddenly appearing like an archaeological site.
And she vanished just as quickly leaving the person she spoke to scrambling to process her asides and insights before they disappeared.
Neighbour, friend, root and branch archivist whose grasp of detail was legendary.
“She seems to be coping.” I said.
“Glad to hear that. Maybe I can pay a flying visit some time soon.
But aren't you a foolish man to be imposing all those Olympic Marathons on yourself?”
Fidelma about to share one of her treasured nuggets.
“I love walking but any tips?”
Spring enquired naively as events soon demonstrated.
“There’s a shortcut…..a little known shortcut.
People in the know recommend it though I have never actually used it myself.
Maybe I will one day.
See, it's on the right hand side up the road there.
Think it might be useful when you want to get home in a hurry.” She concluded.
Fidelma in advanced middle age was still sprightly and youthful in her ways.
I missed a text from anthea and Fidelma noticed.
“Yes. I have one of those gadgets too.
Keeps me connected.
Took me awhile to master it.
Wish there was a shortcut for that.
But I'll best be on my way.
Take good care whatever the route.”
As always having spoken to Fidelma I wondered about in a trance.
Another colourful aspect of Fidelma’s personality was her “Banana Skin Syndrome.”
She could lose her balance betimes when enthusing about a topic or when she stumbled on an area that fascinated her.
The feet were a little wobbly.
All this against her philosophy about how interconnected everything is.
The mind is an antenna sending out signals to others was a frequent broadside of hers.
Even when Fidelma said very little she always had this magnetic effect on others.
Those terse one liners could trigger an avalanche in the mind.
Her thin phrases were always shrouded in a well crafted poetic meter.
It was in the tone, gestures and body language.
Those beady yet expressive eyes scanning her environment like a radar screen.
A cascade of images and sound bytes ensued when she left.
Several hours passed as my mind was in overdrive like a central processing unit.
I heard this inner voice telling me to explore this “shortcut.”
Having texted Anthea I then proceeded to this offshoot of a lane.
It was going to lighten the journey of this slope and pavement plodder.
Off I went down this quaint country shortcut.
Nothing out of the ordinary to begin with until Anthea rang.
“Gnawing feeling of sadness.
My mind is a dark blue canvass at the moment.”
Her lilting twang mingling with the song birds at the start of my downward journey.
I sensed this was urgent and started to walk quickly.
That's when problems arose.
Just a plain country passage with a primarily flat surface at this point.
There were houses on each side and some weeds strewn and partially mangled, turned to mulch by wild and indiscriminate boots.
Strange feelings welled up within me as I felt like a geyser at yellowstone.
The puff and splutter of tractors in nearby fields as furrows, the epicenter of future yields were turned.
Scarecrows were strategically perched in the meadow behind the right hand hedge to ward off some menace or other.
Something told me to relate my surroundings to Anthea.
If only to divert attention from an impending gloom.
Those barely audible inner prompts again.
“Eric, I don't want to pressurise you but at the moment I feel this dark cloud.”
Eric paused.
It then occurred to me that I was engulfed by dark foreboding clouds in tandem with a rising rainbow like haze.
As Anthea continued her disorders seemed to be complemented by external threats of rain intermingled with sunshine.
“I feel, Eric there is a radiance trying to break through.
Just to see you … your presence is a light which I could focus on.”
Then I realised that speed was of the essence.
That's when I could have panicked.
Anthea’s voice seemed louder, but also more lyrical as I realised this obscure
overlooked route could have done with some restoration!
Tufts of grass oozing slime.
Mounds of mud with pockets of oil stained water.
The briars were a shock team that endangered every part of the human body.
I was conveying all this to anthea as I was trying to dash at my normal pace.
Oddly Anthea’s tone of desperation started to dip.
But she did appear less tense as I told her this story over the phone.
“Someone told me this is a shortcut.”
Eric said gingerly.
“Who was that ? Anthea asked.
“Fidelma. We met on the main road just a short while ago.” I responded.
“You know her a bit better than I do.”
Anthea observed. “She's going to call over one of these days I'm sure.”
By now Anthea, initially nervous was mellowing as I continued with my frantic running … and staggering commentary!
She didn’t have had much to excite her over the last five years.
But I had to be careful lest those dark brooding phases returned.
Like a roving reporter I regaled her with lurid descriptions of limp green shrubs, tea brown leaves shredded on fissured rocks, juice dripping blackberry bushes with foraging earwigs seeking shelter from the sun.
But here I was almost knee deep in tangled foliage while keeping the love of my life up to speed!
The labyrinthine outcrops and mock craters were all included.
Suddenly misfortune struck without warning.
I nearly sprained my leg as I fell face down on a grassy patch.
Sprawled awkwardly across this surface my phone went flying but I managed to catch it.
“Eric, are you ok?
I don’t mean to be a burden.
Will I get someone to meet you at the end of this lane or short cut.”
Anthea again.
“I'm fine, Anthea.”
Eric said before slowly rising.
I kept detailing my observations and Anthea was reacting positively.
But I made it eventually with the sounds of the road as guide.
The temperatures continued to rise causing perspiration.
Peering thru the maze of entwined growths I saw … Fidelma.
“Where did you spring from?” Eric punning his own name.
“Fidelma ...you fell too.” A question that might have appeared tactless.
She was getting up, having fallen when taking her bearings it seems.
“Fidelma …. thanks but no thanks.
The shortcut.” I said.
“You are shivering.” She observed.
“I am. Spring responded.
“Got to get to Anthea because she might be in need of help.” Spring continued.
We both headed for my house as quickly as possible.
But it wasn’t far.
I texted Anthea and she answered by saying she had every reason to speak to me.
One wondered what that might be.
My face whitened.
Fidelma and I soon reached the house where I lived.
Eric pressed the doorbell as his heart pounded.
The door opened suddenly and we couldn't believe what we saw.
“Anthea, is that you?
I haven't seen you smile like that in years.”
I said.
Fidelma and I were perplexed to say the least.
“It’s early days yet but those locusts of darkness hopping around in my head maybe dwindling.
Those creative juices returned when I sensed your anxiety down the lane because I didn't want two sick people in this house.
But you brought splashes of vivid colour into my drawing room.
I could almost smell the rustic fragrance of every wilting petal and the creaking of every twig.
You set a whole cycle in train.”
Anthea then showed me two items she was working on.
“I have started a rough sketch of the lane you detailed and a short story.
There's been a sea change.” She said.
“Oh I wonder what I'll call this sketch and that short story?
Any ideas?” Anthea enquired.
Fidelma and I looked at each other and spoke almost in unison.
“I think we both have a fair idea what they both might be called.
Your story included.”
A little known shortcut indeed!
Photograph and short story copyright protected to mantrabay
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