ziarendrawingspree · 6 months
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Ahhhh I hope my giftee love this gift! Also thank you for wishing for the best boy dragonus and I hope you don't mind the extra guest XD
And thank you for an opportunity to draw my old ship and also thank you @anjael for hosting doto secret santa every year ;; <3 This is random but here's a playlist for this piece haha
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miamipaaaalms · 4 months
too much pics xd
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love is little arts for ex and present artist from ask! here will be more tomorrow
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fridka · 7 months
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Some really doodly doodles, the last 2 are based on a dream I had
dota dota dota Dota
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maidot · 8 months
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falls asleep*
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tonyshape · 7 months
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Dota 2 - Shackles
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muzelure · 9 months
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aditublog · 6 months
Only one Pair of Gloves
The temperatures around them dropped even more as they kept walking and Dragonus pulled the coat tighter around his shoulders. Then he stuck his hands into the pockets, so his fingers wouldn’t freeze. He was somewhat surprised to find a glove in each pocket. He must’ve put them there the previous year and forgotten them. How convenient.
As he slipped them over his hands, he looked at Terrorblade by his side. The demon was only wearing a thin long-sleeve and loose pants, nothing more. He didn’t give the impression of being cold, so Dragonus ignored his state of dress.
Instead he looked at the landscape around them. It hadn’t snowed, yet everything was white, dusted by frost. The frozen grass crunched underneath their feet and when Dragonus brushed against a branch, ice fell down in a shower of white flakes.
It was quiet since most creatures were asleep in the middle of winter.
“Where are you taking me?” Earlier Terrorblade had told Dragonus to get his coat and warm boots and then he had dragged him outside. That had been hours ago and they had been walking since then.
Dragonus had never been here, he didn’t know what to expect. He liked it, though. The air was crisp, the sky blue, the sun bright and wherever the sunlight hit the frozen ground, everything sparkled. It was very pretty.
The demon by his side was a hard contrast to all that sparkly white. His dark skin held a tinge of purple during daylight, but the shirt and pants he had pulled on were as black as possible. They seemed to swallow the light that was reflected from the ground and the trees.
“You’ll see. It isn’t much further.”
They climbed a small hill, their steps heavy on the icy ground. Dragonus wondered if he should fly, it would be easier, but he actually liked the sound of his footsteps on the ice, kind of scrunchy, and when he looked back, he smiled about the set of foot prints they had left on the otherwise untouched ground.
Then they reached the top of the hill and the Skywrath Mage gasped. In front of them was a small river or a big creek, but it was frozen. Not completely, underneath the ice, water churned. It was evident here and there, where the sheet of ice wasn’t completely solid.
But the most amazing sight was the frozen waterfall. It was rather small, only a few meters high, but where it ran over a low cliff, icicles hung down, in all sizes. Behind the river, a forest stretched out, the trees white and sparkling.
The river sparkled as well, everything sparkled in the sunlight. It was an amazing sight and Dragonus stared in awe.
But though he was occupied with marvelling at their surroundings, Dragonus noticed, now that they were standing still, how Terrorblade rubbed his hands together. Maybe he was freezing after all. “Are you cold?”
Terrorblade dropped his hands to his sides. “It’s all right.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Not that Dragonus expected a straight answer. The demon wouldn’t admit to being cold, he’d probably see it as some form of weakness. Stupid. Not waiting for an answer, the Skywrath Mage pulled a glove from one of his hands and held it out for Terrorblade. “Take it.”
The demon looked at the glove, then at Dragonus. His perpetual frown deepened. “If I was cold, how is one glove supposed to warm both my hands?”
“Take it and I’ll show you.” The glove would be a tight fit, Terrorblade’s hands were larger than his, but it would be good enough. He waited while the demon wriggled one hand into the glove. It would still be warm inside.
Dragonus immediately felt the cold on his exposed skin, not uncomfortable this quickly, but his fingers would get cold without the glove.
Terrorblade looked at Dragonus with narrowed eyes. The mage smiled. Then he held his un-gloved hand out, palm facing upwards. “Take my hand.”
The demon blinked, then stared at Dragonus, not moving at all for several seconds, as if he had suddenly frozen into a statue in the cold. Dragonus waited. Then, tentatively, the demon reached out and wrapped his fingers around Dragonus’. They were cold and his skin was rough, but though it would help to keep their hands warm, that wasn’t the only reason why the mage had suggested this.
He liked the demon and he wanted to show him as much.
Dragonus was sure Terrorblade blushed, if that was possible for the demon, as he looked away from their entwined hands and towards the waterfall.
It was romantic, Dragonus thought. The waterfall, sparkling in the sun, everything peaceful and quiet around them, while they stood side by side, holding hands and taking the scenery in. The Skywrath Mage shifted on his feet until he was so close to Terrorblade that their shoulders almost touched. It was close enough that their wings brushed.
Slowly, the demon’s hand around his got warmer. He had been cold, stubborn demon that he was. And he would’ve suffered through it, just to show Dragonus this beautiful place.
“You are soft inside.”
Amused, Dragonus looked at Terrorblade, who’s gaze was locked onto the frozen waterfall while he was speaking to the mage.
“I mean, you are soft outside as well, but you know that I’m just a demon. I don’t die, it doesn’t matter if I’m cold.”
“It matters to me.” Demonic eyes focussed on Dragonus now, they were burning bright in the dark face. “You are more than just a demon.”
The smallest of smiles tugged at Terrorblade’s lips. “Pretty angel. You say the nicest things.”
“Don’t charm me with nice words. You have to value your well-being, I don’t like when you silently suffer for whatever reason. Demon or not, I like you, and I don’t want you to be hungry or cold or uncomfortable or anything.” And he especially hated it when it was in such a situation as now, where Terrorblade did something for him, showed him this wonderful place with the frozen waterfall, but then wasn’t comfortable during their time together because he was freezing.
The smile vanished from the demon’s face, his gaze intent as he stared at Dragonus. Then he nodded. “I’m not used to someone caring about me. But I’ll try.”
“That is good enough.” Dragonus didn’t want to change the demon, he liked him as he was, his independence, his resilience, he simply wished the demon would take a little bit more care of himself, or that he’d at least let Dragonus take care of him.
To be fair, he did let Dragonus take care of him, or he’d have never taken the glove or agreed to hold hands. “Do you know where it is even warmer?” Before Terrorblade could answer, the mage guided the demon’s hand to his back, underneath his coat and shirt, and put the still too cold hand of the demon right on his warm skin. He repressed a shudder but the cold was immediately forgotten when he saw the demon’s eyes widen.
“But now your hand will get cold. Put it underneath my shirt.”
Dragonus chuckled. Yeah, that was even better than holding hands.
Terrorblade’s skin was rough and a bit hard, but it was warm and the Skywrath Mage stepped closer. He had to tug his wing tight against his body and still it brushed fully against the demon’s own wing. But now they stood shoulder against shoulder, arm in arm, and when Dragonus looked up at Terrorblade, a rare smile was on the demon’s face.
They stood there, in the frozen grass, and gazed at the landscape in front of them. Ice, sparkling white, and the low churning of the water of the river.
When they walked back, they held hands again, because it was too damn annoying to walk arm in arm. Their wings always got in the way.
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Round 2: Match 73
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feuersturm97 · 2 years
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I watched the first two episodes of dota some hours ago and i wanted to draw some angst so i draw this
Alone the sketch and the Lineart took me two hours I'm also not sure if i do this in color or black and white xD
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solays · 8 months
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<: Omg, big bro is so insufferable. (Stuff from my twitter. Please follow me here. ~ https://twitter.com/S_O_L_A_Y_S
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endlessdaydream · 2 years
Dota has one of the most beautiful intros ever
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miamipaaaalms · 4 months
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love is arts for an ex- and current artist from the ask <3
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fridka · 2 years
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maidot · 9 months
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Beastcoast fanart :3
before being eliminated by TSM AAAAAAAA, TIMADO WHYYYY asdfhghjfkjknhdkdkfjmdf
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anx1oustig3r · 1 year
since Razor Sim has gotten a couple notes I thought I’d share Omniscience Camp here too since we’re replaying it with my live narration and having a laugh. I posted this to the old AU blog last year but it’s kinda buried and that blog is inactive currently (i just havent really logged in)
this one is a bit longer and more narrative but to this day I can say I’m still very very proud of it. I know it stars the man himself Chen but do give it a chance because we put a lot of time and effort into it. It also stars Drow Windranger Queen of Pain Terrorblade and Mireska Dark Willow herself. It’s got both humour but also a serious story along with some different endings depending on major choices.
We actually have a sequel for this planned, it’s just sitting down and putting it together.
The writing and partial code is by me and the art and partial code is by @lions-right-nipple
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verodicia · 1 year
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f'd up and lost the layers sooooo ah well
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