#Texas equal access fund
Just a few years ago, maternal mortality was the rare reproductive justice issue that seemed to transcend partisan politics. In late 2018, Republicans and Democrats in Congress even came together to approve $60 million for state maternal mortality review committees (MMRCs) to study why so many American women die from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Donald Trump—not exactly famous for his respect toward pregnant women and new mothers in his personal life—signed the bill.
But some Republicans’ enthusiasm for these committees began to wane at around the same time abortion rights advocates began warning that draconian restrictions on reproductive care would only push the shamefully high US maternal mortality rate—the worst among affluent countries—even higher. Nor did conservatives, like Idaho lawmakers, appreciate the policy recommendations that came out of many MMRCs.
Texas, whose record on maternal mortality (and maternal health more broadly) has been an embarrassment since long before Dobbs, has a history of controversial attempts to play down potentially unwelcome findings from its MMRC. After the Dobbs decision, when the state committee was working on its report examining maternal deaths in 2019, Texas officials decided to slow-roll its release until mid-2023—too late for lawmakers to act on its recommendations. “When we bury data, we are dishonorably burying each and every woman that we lost,” one furious committee member told the Texas Tribune. Ultimately, officials released the report three months late, in December 2022. Soon afterward, the Legislature reconfigured the MMRC, increasing its size—but also ejected one of its most outspoken members.
Now Texas officials have stirred up the biggest furor yet, appointing a leading anti-abortion activist to the panel. Dr. Ingrid Skop, an OB-GYN who practiced in San Antonio for 25 years, will join the MMRC as a community member representing rural areas (even though she is from the seventh-largest city in the US). But she also represents a largely overlooked segment of the anti-abortion movement: researchers who seek to discredit the idea that abortion restrictions are putting women’s lives in danger. To the contrary, Skop and her allies argue that abortions are the real, hidden cause of many maternal deaths—and that abortion restrictions actually save mothers’ lives.
One of several doctors suing to revoke the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of mifepristone, the medication abortion drug at the center of one of this term’s blockbuster Supreme Court cases, Skop has been a familiar face on the anti-abortion expert-witness circuit for more than a decade. She has frequently testified in favor of strict abortion bans in court cases, state legislatures, and before Congress. In a high-profile case this winter, she submitted an affidavit stating that a Dallas woman named Kate Cox— who was seeking a judge’s permission to terminate a nonviable pregnancy—did not qualify for an abortion under Texas’s medical exception. The Texas Supreme Court rejected Cox’s petition, and to get medical care, the 31-year-old mother of two had to flee the state. Apparently, Skop’s hard-line stance against abortion-ban exemptions extends to children. At a 2021 congressional hearing, she testified that rape or incest victims as young as 9 or 10 could potentially carry pregnancies to term. “If she is developed enough to be menstruating and become pregnant, and reached sexual maturity,” Skop said, “she can safely give birth to a baby.”
Skop’s relatively new role as vice president and director of medical affairs for the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, has solidified her standing in the anti-abortion firmament. Lozier, which has positioned itself as the anti-abortion alternative to the Guttmacher Institute, described Skop’s role as “coordinat[ing] the work of Lozier’s network of physicians and medical researchers who counter the abortion industry’s blizzard of misinformation with science and statistics for life.” Elsewhere on its website, Lozier notes that Skop’s “research on maternal mortality, abortion, and women’s health has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals.”
What her Lozier bio doesn’t mention is that three of the studies Skop co-authored about the purported risks of abortion were retracted by their publisher this February. Attorneys representing Skop and her fellow anti-abortion doctors had cited the studies in the FDA-mifepristone case. As my colleague Madison Pauly reported, an independent review of the papers found “fundamental problems,” “incorrect factual assumptions,” “material errors,” “misleading presentations,” and undisclosed conflicts of interest between the studies’ authors (including Skop) and anti-abortion advocacy groups (including Lozier). In a rebuttal on its website, Lozier called the publisher’s move “meritless,” adding, “There is no legitimate reason for [the] retractions.”
Skop’s work on maternal mortality hasn’t received the same attention as those papers—yet. But her reflections on maternal deaths in the US have raised plenty of eyebrows.
Skop has argued repeatedly that abortions are directly and indirectly behind the rise in maternal mortality in the US. In a 53-page “Handbook of Maternal Mortality” she wrote for Lozier last year, she says that CDC maternal mortality data can’t be trusted in part because “there is much unreported maternal mortality and morbidity associated with legal, induced abortion, often obscured due to the political nature of the issue.” She claims that a history of abortions puts women at risk in pregnancy, childbirth, or during the postpartum period—whether from maternal complications she contends are linked to prior abortions, or from mental health problems, such as drug addiction and suicide, purportedly caused by abortion regret.
In another paper co-written with some of the same co-authors as in her retracted studies, Skop and her colleagues call for an overhaul of how states and the CDC collect maternal mortality data, urging the inclusion of “mandatory certification of all fetal losses,” including abortions.
And whereas the vast majority of public health experts predict that maternal deaths and near-deaths will increase in states with abortion bans, Skop takes the opposite view. In yet another Lozier paper, she lists 12 reasons why states with abortion bans will have fewer maternal deaths. For instance, she argues, because of abortion restrictions, women will have fewer later-term abortions, which tend to be more dangerous to women than first-trimester procedures. (In fact, researchers report, that state bans have led to an increase in second-trimester abortions.) She claims that since women who don’t have abortions won’t have mental health problems supposedly associated with pregnancy loss, their alleged risk of postpartum suicide would be reduced. (In fact, the idea that abortion regret is widespread and dangerous has been thoroughly debunked.) Skop makes a similar argument about abortion’s purported (and disproven) link to breast cancer, arguing that fewer abortions will mean fewer women dying of malignant tumors.
Much of Skop’s advocacy work has been done in collaboration with colleagues who share her strong ideological views. MMRCs, by contrast, have a public health role that is supposed to transcend politics—their focus is on analyzing the deaths of expectant and new mothers that occur within a year of the end of the pregnancy. Typically, committee members come from a wide range of professional backgrounds: In Texas, these include OB-GYNs, high-risk pregnancy specialists, nurses, mental health providers, public health researchers, and community advocates. Panels also aim to be racially and geographically diverse, the better to understand the communities—Black, Indigenous, rural, poor—where mothers are at disproportionate risk of dying. In a country that hasn’t prioritized maternal health, MMRCs are uniquely positioned to identify system failures and guide policy changes that can save lives.
Texas’s most recent maternal mortality report found that 90% of maternal deaths were preventable, racial disparities in maternal outcomes weren’t improving, and severe childbirth complications were up 23%—all before the state’s abortion bans took effect.
It remains to be seen how someone with Skop’s background and agenda will fit in with her new colleagues, especially at this dire moment for women in the state. Maternal health advocates aren’t optimistic: “This appointment speaks volumes about how seriously certain state leaders are taking the issue of maternal mortality,” Kamyon Conner, executive director of the Texas Equal Access Fund, told The Guardian. “It is another sign that the state is more interested in furthering their anti-abortion agenda than protecting the lives of pregnant Texans.”
Skop, contacted through Lozier, didn’t respond to a request for comment. In a statement to the Texas Tribune, Skop said she was joining the Texas MMRC because questions about maternal mortality data deserve “rigorous discourse.” “There are complex reasons for these statistics, including chronic illnesses, poverty, and difficulty obtaining prenatal care, and I have long been motivated to identify ways women’s care can be improved,” she said. “For over 30 years, I have advocated for both of my patients, a pregnant woman and her unborn child, and excellent medicine shouldn’t require I pit one against the other.”
Meanwhile, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists criticized Skop’s appointment, asserting that members of any maternal mortality review committee should be “unbiased, free of conflicts of interest and focused on the appropriate standards of care.”
“The importance of the work done by MMRCs to inform how we respond to the maternal mortality crisis cannot be overstated,” the group said in a statement. “It is crucial that MMRC members be clinical experts whose work is informed by data, not ideology and bias.”
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Daniel Villarreal at LGBTQ Nation:
A completed draft Texas Republican Party platform refers to homosexuality as “an abnormal lifestyle choice,” gender-affirming care as “child abuse,” and Drag Queen Story Hour as “predatory sexual behavior.” The platform has been voted on by state party delegates and will be formally adopted on Wednesday after a final vote count. The list of state party priorities calls for an end to legal same-sex marriages, same-sex parenting, all LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination laws, all transgender rights — including gender-affirming care for children and adults — a ban on LGBTQ+ content in schools and libraries, the defunding of all diversity-equity-inclusion (DEI) initiatives, and legal protections for anyone who discriminates against queer people based on “religious or moral beliefs.”
Furthermore, the Texas GOP platform calls for a complete end to all of the following: pornography, federal welfare programs, minimum wage laws, mandatory sick or family leave policies, net neutrality, removal of Confederate monuments, pro-immigrant sanctuary cities, public education of undocumented children, no-fault divorce, non-abstinence sex education, abortion, birthright citizenship, professorial tenure in colleges and universities, cannabis legalization, anti-climate change legislation, contact tracing for the tracking of communicable diseases, federal regulations ensuring safe farm food production, and U.S. participation in the United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The platform also calls for fertilized human egg cells to be legally recognized as people, the passage of a “state electoral college-style” law that would make it nearly impossible for Democrats to win statewide office, a ballot measure for Texas to secede from the United States, the invalidation of all federal laws not approved of by county sheriffs, and for Christianity to be inserted into public schools and government buildings.
[...] “Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice,” it continues. “No one should be granted special legal status based on their LGBTQ+ identification…. We are opposed to same-sex parenting, intentionally subjecting a child to the loss of their biological father or mother, and other non-traditional definitions of family.” “We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity,” it adds. “There shall be no attempt to engage in so-called ‘gender affirming’ medical or mental health intervention for persons between the ages of 18 and 26,” including the use of names and pronouns associated with trans people’s genders. The platform would require health insurance companies covering gender-affirming care to also fully fund de-transitional procedures. The platform says that any professionals who aid a minor’s gender transition in any way should face professional, civil, and criminal penalties, as well as lawsuits from anyone affected by their behavior. Furthermore, it calls for all gender-segregated facilities in prisons, schools, and government buildings to only be accessible to people based on their biological sex assigned at birth.
[...] It also calls for laws prohibiting the exposure of minors to “social transitioning” (that is, exploration of a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth), “predatory sexual behaviors” like Drag Queen Story Hour, and “the desensitization of children to sexual topics.”
The Texas GOP's platform reaffirms and expands its war on LGBTQ+ Texans, such as including anti-LGBTQ+, anti-trans, and anti-drag planks like baselessly calling Drag Queen Story Hours "predatory sexual behaviors" and gender-affirming care "child abuse".
This is in addition to calling homosexuality "an abnormal lifestyle choice" (a bigoted dogwhistle term used against recognizing LGBTQ+ identity) and opposing trans identity.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
As America’s borders moved west, empire thus unspooled through farming and homesteading as much as military conquest. [...] The unfamiliar desert ecology and climate meant that they could not easily deploy their trusted models of farming, animal husbandry, and commerce in places with limited access to water, high and variable temperatures, different soil compositions [...]. To address this challenge, empire-builders in early America took Middle Eastern deserts as a key source of inspiration. 
Jefferson Davis’ Camel Corps [funded by a 1855 Congressional appropriation to collect camels from around the Middle East and Northern Africa] was one of the earliest examples of how this worked. [...]
American travel writers, explorers, scientists, and government officials had long described the arid West as a local version of the Middle Eastern and North African desert – an “American Zahara” or a Biblical Orient with spiritual and physical power equal to the Old World deserts [...]. These authors harnessed the “Sahara” trope, Catrin Gersdorf argues, “to deactivate the existential anxieties of the pioneers and to alleviate some of their visceral reactions to the American West’s aridity, recasting it as a quasi-Oriental space containing yet unidentified but extremely valuable historical and cultural riches.” Nineteenth-century authors’ constant references to the Sahara [...] helped [...] settlers imagine the newly American desert lands as a “domestic” Orient and, in this way, [...] familiar. [...]
[T]he U.S. Army waged overt war [with Indigenous residents] into the early 1900s. Displacing the people from the land was one thing, but redefining their social and cultural association with the desert was a different matter. 
Here again, the camel proved useful. This is vividly illustrated when the U.S. Army finally collected enough camels in Texas to run its first Camel Corps trial to assess the animals’ endurance and suitability for military purposes. The Army’s man in charge, General Edward Fitzgerald Beale, brought Hi Jolly, his fellow cameleers, and a large camel caravan together to travel from Texas to California beginning in September 1857. When the expedition stopped in Los Angeles in January 1858, the San Francisco Evening Bulletin described the scene with dramatized gusto:
General Beale and about fourteen camels stalked into town last Friday week and gave our streets quite an Oriental aspect. It looked oddly enough to see outside of a menagerie, a herd of huge, ungainly awkward but docile animals move about in our midst with people riding them like horses and bringing up weird and far-off associations to the Eastern traveler, whether by book or otherwise of the land of the mosque, crescent or turban, of the pilgrim mufti and dervish with visions of the great shrines of the world, Mecca and Jerusalem, and the toiling throngs that have for centuries wended thither, of the burning sands of Arabia and Sahara where the desert is boundless as the ocean and the camel is the ship thereof.
This account actively rewrites the then-dominant imaginary of U.S. West [...], enlisting the camel to transform it into a whimsical vision of the Old World in the New. [...] Colonization was made friendlier by conceiving of it as a pilgrimage, an act of return. [...] In this way, the territories annexed in the mid-1800s could begin to be imagined as a [...] home [...].
All text above by: Natalie Koch. “Double Exposure.” Arid Empire: The Entangled Fates of Arizona and Arabia. 2022. [Some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
A government agency created five decades ago to boost the fortunes of minority-owned businesses discriminated against whites and must now serve all business owners, regardless of race, a federal judge in Texas ruled Tuesday.
Siding with white business owners who sued the Minority Business Development Agency for discrimination, Judge Mark T. Pittman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas said the agency’s mission to help disadvantaged businesses owned by Blacks, Hispanics and other racial and ethnic groups gain access to capital and contracts violates the rights of all Americans to receive equal protection under the constitution.
“If courts mean what they say when they ascribe supreme importance to constitutional rights, the federal government may not flagrantly violate such rights with impunity. The MBDA has done so for years. Time’s up,” Pittman, who was named to the federal bench by President Trump, wrote in a 93-page decision.
Pittman directed the Nixon-era agency to overhaul its programs in a potential blow to other government efforts that cater to historically disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups.
The ruling marks a major development in the broader legal skirmish over diversity, equity and inclusion that is likely to fuel a re-energized conservative movement intent on abolishing affirmative action in the public and private sectors. 
Last summer’s Supreme Court decision on race-conscious college admissions has increased scrutiny of government programs that operate based on a presumption of social or economic disadvantage.
Conservative activists have peppered organizations with lawsuits claiming that programs to help Black Americans and other marginalized groups discriminate against white people. 
In a statement proclaiming “DEI’s days are numbered,” Dan Lennington, an attorney with Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, the public interest law firm that sued MBDA, hailed the decision as a “historic victory for equality in America.”
“No longer can a federal agency cater only to certain races and not others,” Lennington said. “The MBDA is now open to all Americans.”
The MBDA, which is part of the Commerce Department, could not be immediately reached for comment.
Justice Department lawyers who represented the agency declined to comment. They argued in court filings that the agency’s services are available to any socially or economically disadvantaged business owner. They also pointed to decades of evidence showing that certain groups suffered – and continue to suffer – social and economic disadvantages that stunt “their ability to participate in America’s free enterprise system.”
Alphonso David, president and CEO of the Global Black Economic Forum, said the court’s decision acknowledged this disadvantage.
"Despite this recognition, the court somehow argues that a program created to remedy this discrimination must be dismantled. That makes no sense,” David said in a statement. 
What’s more, David said the ruling is limited to one federal agency.
“We can expect right-wing activists to conflate the issue and confuse people into thinking it applies to any public or private program that fights discrimination, but that is not the case," he said.
Established in 1969 by President Richard Nixon to address discrimination in the business world, the MBDA runs centers across the country to help minority owned businesses secure funding and government contracts. The Biden administration made the agency permanent in 2021. 
Three small business owners sued MBDA in March, alleging they were turned away because of their race. “The American dream should be afforded to all Americans regardless of skin color or cultural background. But what we have is a federal government picking winners and losers based on wokeism – enough is enough,” one of the plaintiffs, Matthew Piper, said at the time.
National Urban League president Marc Morial urged the federal government to appeal the decision.
"The work of the MBDA to concentrate on the growth of businesses that remain substantially locked out of the mainstream of the American economy is needed and necessary," Morial said.
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partisan-by-default · 4 months
The move worries reproductive justice advocates who say the state’s abortion ban – among the strictest in the US – has placed pregnant women’s lives in jeopardy. The appointment could undermine the committee’s ability to accurately examine the impact of the law on deaths during and in the immediate aftermath of pregnancy, they say.
“This appointment speaks volumes about how seriously certain state leaders are taking the issue of maternal mortality,” said Kamyon Conner, executive director of the Texas Equal Access Fund, an abortion assistance group that advocates for reproductive health equity. “It is another sign that the state is more interested in furthering their anti-abortion agenda than protecting the lives of pregnant Texans.”
Dr Ingrid Skop, a San Antonio-based OB-GYN, has long been vocal about her views on abortion.
Skop serves as vice-president and director of medical affairs for the national anti-abortion research group Charlotte Lozier Institute and is a member of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She is also a plaintiff in a US supreme court lawsuit seeking to revoke the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the key abortion drug mifepristone, which she argues is “dangerous” despite years of evidence showing the drug is safe. She has authored a number of research papers that were ultimately retracted for misleading errors.
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fillejondrette · 3 months
a small selection of some of the more disturbing position statements from the 2024 Texas Republican platform https://texasgop.org/official-documents/#platform
Support restoring state sovereignty with the repeal of the 17th Amendment of the US Constitution and the appointment of US Senators by the state legislatures
We support affirmation of God, including prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments being returned to our schools, courthouses, and other government buildings.
We urge lawmakers to enact legislation to abolish abortion by immediately securing the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization, because abortion violates the United States Constitution by denying such persons the equal protection of the law.
We oppose environmentalism, or “climate change“ initiatives, that obstruct legitimate business interests and private property use, including the regulatory use limitation and confiscation by governmental agencies. We support the reclassification of carbon dioxide as a non-pollutant, abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency, and repeal of the Endangered Species Act.
We support legislation to prohibit the use of any government funds, as well as the transportation of pregnant women across Texas’ state lines, for the purpose of procuring an elective abortion and for the provision of a private right of action against all persons and organizations who aid and abet in the harming of the woman, and the killing of her pre-born child.
We urge the Legislature and the State Board of Education to require instruction on the Bible, servant leadership, and Christian self-governance. We support the use of chaplains in schools to counsel and give guidance from a traditional biblical perspective based on Judeo-Christian principles with the informed consent of a parent.
As long as parents are responsible for an adult child, through college or the age of 26 when children are on the parents’ insurance, the parents must have access to medical information, grades, and other information normally afforded to parents of minor children.
We support abolishing the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium, the trauma-informed care policy, school-based mental health providers, school-based or school-connected mental health interventions, and any other public school programs that serve to expand access to minors. Legislators shall prohibit all reproductive healthcare services in public schools.
We believe the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, overturning the Texas law prohibiting same-sex marriage in Texas, has no basis in the Constitution and should be nullified.
The Texas Family Code shall be completely rewritten with regards to No-Fault Divorce and Child Custody. Suits related to these topics shall be delineated in such a way as to remove the need for any but the most minimal judicial interaction, and promote the maintenance of the traditional family via required intervention or counseling prior to any decree of divorce. We urge the Legislature to rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws, to support covenant marriage, and to pass legislation extending the period of time in which a divorce may occur to six months after the date of filing for divorce.
We recognize that we are living in a time of geopolitical upheaval and unprecedented complexity of threats to our liberties, constitutional governance, and national sovereignty. These threats emanate from “globalist” agents both within and outside our borders. The United States is a sovereign nation founded on the principles of freedom. We reject any assertion of authority over our nation or its citizens from foreign individuals or entities, such as the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and the United Nations. We stand firmly against the concept of a One World Government or The Great Reset.
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
[reference link] whenever somebody says something like this, it means they're criticizing the vibe of the space and not the space itself. Because they won't address their own numbers and instead discourage*other* users from using the platform.
"Seat's taken."
This happens in all sorts of social settings as well. Including Bars, Clubs, Coffee Shops, Public Spaces in General, and even Public Playgrounds (F*ing tiger moms dude.)
Not because of any tangible reason, just because the overall vibe has changed.
Let's start with the privatized dislike button: First, bigger creators had a penchant for attempting to *ratio* certain creators. Usually smaller creators, because they felt fear that the smaller creators were better than them and they *needed to control their territory* like they were a f*ing member of the crips, and some new guy would stop their growth. Some random users would also use bot farms just because they didn't like somebody.
Howard Stern did this too at one point in his career. And, what it ended up doing was encouraging people that hated his type of content into listening to other creators who were polar opposite him.
But it also encouraged *other* creators to act this way, and, ironically; Ens*ified radio into this bizarre place where it seemed like *only* shock Jocks could thrive. Unless you lived in Texas, then it was 24/7 Christian radio. (Because they banned the Shock Jocks.)
Censure by any other name...
Google is a near internet monopoly, Bigger than Amazon in scope and power. They have control over large portions of the backend of the internet. But "it's not a monopoly" because another monopoly controls access to those backends.
Even Amazon is beholden to the gatekeepers and Google's backrooms.
So it's not like I care about what happens to YouTube. But the fact they can produce this content AND get an audience, AND not be demonetized, should mean something to them.
And no matter how much activism there is for a public shared, equal access internet, it's nearly always ignored. Because of technology illiteracy. And these shock Jocks who, I don't want to say pollute the space, because that's kinda their whole shtick.
They obfuscate things that would benefit their shtick, because they constantly feel the pressure of being under attack for their craft.
They focus heavily on what people see on their home screen. They don't realize that the algorithm dictates that on purpose. Sharing child-safe content with children, and spicy content for spicy content viewers. (And, like hot ones, has multiple spice levels depending on what you can stand.)
If you want to address a larger, or more different audience, you could always create a new channel that follows those specifics. But they'd rather have a single channel with all their content.
If you're using clickbait for your videos, you're targeting ignorant people and small children. YouTube started a campaign on removing certain more spicy creators from the "children" space, because parents were complaining about contrapoints and philosophy tube *literally getting undressed on camera* and doing shows naked, and all the parents said was "just don't be in the child spaces."
Writers would call this *the hook*, and what you don't know, thats all clickbait is. But when you rely too heavily on clickbait.... There is no hook.
The same problem occurs with other sites. certain other shock jock creators, and twitch as a whole which, when I signed up, had an entire front page of bathtub streamers and voice actors from porn spaces (still doing porn acting).
"No really, I joined Twitch for the gaming, I swear."
That's some real HQ content there guys.
There's a lot of people manufacturing all this "small creators can't even make money anymore and are financially dependent on viewership!!!"
But here's the thing, no they most likely are not. Having been funded by alternate sources. Or they make content in their spare time. Or saved some money in order to go job hunting and make money on the side.
If they're financially dependent on youtube, they are not a small time creator. They have an established audience, and can't be cancelled.
But since they're all making their chosen content creation spaces an objectively worse place to make content, the question remains; what will these spaces do about it? They're not going to cave to their demands. They likely can't afford to pay more. And creators can't leave the platform and make content elsewhere. (Because they're too reliant on the platform and can't afford it.)
They're intentionally trying to make it a worse place in order to build up subscription services to drive customers to themselves. But the only customers they will get, are the ones who're already fans *and* can afford it.
But they don't see that either. But they do know they can't just leave the service they're a part of. Because they've tethered themselves down.
I have written about the internet, the current problems the internet faces, and possible solutions for those problems. But, alas, nobody is listening.
Or are they?
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hakesbros · 2 years
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startmyhome · 10 days
Guide to Affordable Homes, Seller Financing, and Rent-to-Own Options
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Finding Affordable Homes for Sale
The dream of homeownership may be impossible to achieve due to the current financial situations but it should not be completely impossible. When most people think of purchasing a home they think of putting down a large sum up front plus a large mortgage payment each month, but there are many affordable homes for sale in this country if one simply looks for them.
Explore Local Markets: Their price is not constant but depends on a number of factors, majorly the location the search is being conducted from. Prices tend to be relatively high in large cities, but if you look for the lower costs, they are in the suburbs or in new areas.
Government Assistance: It is time to delve into the options like FHA loans that require a smaller down payment, or into USDA loans focusing on the provision of financial assistance for the buyers with low to middle incomes living in the rural areas.
Consider Alternative Options: There are other strategies that can be used to make houses more affordable these include going for foreclosed or highly prepossessed houses. Such properties can be bought at relatively lower prices compared with other similar houses in the market due to the various discounts accorded to the buyer.
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Exploring Seller Financing Homes for Sale
If you are searching for a start home but access to mortgage funding is out of reach for one reason or the other like bad credit or no enough cash for down payments, seller financing homes for sale may interest you. Such financing means enables the buyer to pay the seller without using money from a bank through a series of equal payments.
Bypassing Traditional Lenders: This has the benefit of avoiding banks which is a major advantage of offer financing. This is especially beneficial to the buyers with a poor credit record or those who cannot meet the strict requirement of the bank loans.
Flexible Terms: Unlike banks, the sellers are in a position to negotiate on the terms of sale, for instance better interest rate or longer period whereby payment will be made.
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Flexible down payments and repayment schedules
Easier approval process for buyers with bad credit
Potential for personalized loan terms
Key Takeaway: Seller financing homes for sale provide an excellent alternative to traditional mortgage loans, offering flexibility, faster closings, and fewer hurdles for buyers who may not qualify for a traditional loan.
Rent-to-Own Homes in Florida
If you are not yet in a position to purchase a house but would like to be on your way to owning a home then finding homes for rent to own homes in Florida is the way to go. It also enables one to lease a property with a view of purchasing the same at an agreed later date in the future.
A Portion of Rent Goes Toward the Purchase: This is in fact very common with most rent-to-own arrangements where you are given an option to apply some fraction of your rent towards your future purchase. This enables one to start saving toward the home while he/she is dwelling in it.
Locked-in Purchase Price: Purchase price is another advantage which is achieved because the clients agree on the price they will have to pay at purchase when they rent these homes. It is worth mentioning the fact that no matter the rates of growth in the value of the property, you buy it at a set price at the time of the agreement.
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Seller Financing in Texas: A Unique Opportunity
Sellers who need to close their home are also a favorite of homebuyers in Texas because of the freedom that comes with seller financing as compared to the ordinary mortgage credit. Texas has an expansive real estate market, with various properties available and seller financing Texas can be more flexible for buyers who might not meet the standard requirements for a bank loan.
Seller as Lender: Seller financing Texas is an arrangement whereby the seller acts as the financier and thus the buyers can pay the financier in installments instead of going for a conventional loan.
Customizable Terms: One major advantage for buyers is that, unlike in the case of secured business finance, they can discuss the repayment schedule with the seller, which also imply greater flexibility regarding the repayment of the financing.
Key Takeaway: Seller financing in Texas allows buyers more flexibility and control over their financing arrangements, with faster closing times and easier terms.
Rent-to-Own Homes in Texas: A Gradual Path to Ownership
The rent to own texas homes are also the same as in Florida in that they give equal chances of owning a home to people who are not yet financially willing to own a home. Moreover, getting an option to rent to own homes in a competitive and vigorous real estate environment like Texas makes you enjoy today’s prices even while setting your economic base.
Build Equity Over Time: A portion of your rent goes toward the future purchase of the home, allowing you to gradually build equity while renting.
Time to Improve Credit: This option gives renters the flexibility to improve their credit or save for a larger down payment, ensuring they’re in a better position when it’s time to purchase the home.
Flexibility and Security: With rent-to-own homes in Texas, you can test out a home and community before fully committing to buying it, giving you peace of mind in your decision.
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Finding Seller Financing Homes Near You
If you are interested in local options then you will be searching for seller financing homes near me which if you cannot afford a traditional home loan can be a wonderful exciting opportunity.
Easier Access to Properties: This means that searching locally always has a tendency of coming across homes that are not so popular in the market, and thus; give you better chances of achieving flexible marketing.
Personalized Agreements: When buying products directly from local seller, you are able to discuss appropriate terms and time suitable for your cash flow.
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Key Takeaway: Searching for seller financing homes near me can help you find nearby homes with more flexible buying options, giving you better access to properties that may not be available through traditional means.
Conclusion: A World of Flexible Homeownership Opportunities
When most people are asking for homes for sale, cheap homes for sale, seller financing homes for sale or owners who offer to let you rent to own in areas such as Florida or Texas the market has a lot to offer. Through such processes, you can actually fulfill your dream of owning a house even if it may be tough going through the standard financial channels.
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tocowobi · 6 months
Why Getting A TX Medical License Is Important For Medical Care Practitioners?
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In the arena of healthcare, the value of licensure can not be overemphasized. It serves as a hallmark of experience, making sure that practitioners fulfill the needed standards to offer risk-free as well as reliable like individuals. For those taking into consideration exercising medicine in the Texas state, acquiring a TMB license is actually not only a legal criteria, yet an essential step towards adding to the health of Texans. Here's why:
Main Reasons Obtaining a Texas Medical Certificate is actually Important
Making Certain Client Protection and also Quality Care
At the heart of health care licensure lies the dedication to client security as well as quality care. Through obtaining a Texas health care license, healthcare professionals show their experience and adherence to the state's rigorous criteria. This makes certain that clients get care from people that have actually gone through detailed instruction as well as examination, decreasing the dangers related to subpar health care process.
Legal Observance and also Qualified Honesty
Operating without a legitimate health care certificate in Texas is not simply unprofessional but also unlawful. Health care specialists must comply along with state guidelines to sustain the honesty of the line of work and support public leave. Getting a Texas health care permit from Texas state medical board illustrates a devotion to ethical perform as well as lawful conformity, securing both professionals as well as clients equally.
Accessibility to Job Opportunities
In the highly very competitive area of medical care, licensure is actually usually a prerequisite for employment. Whether seeking options in hospitals, facilities, or even private process, having a Texas doctor license increases the scope of possible career courses. Employers focus on candidates who have actually complied with the state's licensure demands, recognizing their capability to supply skilled as well as dependable care to clients.
Facilitating Highway Strategy
For health care professionals trying to practice medication all over state lines, securing a Texas medical certificate opens up doors to interstate options. The Expressway Medical Licensure Treaty (IMLC) allows eligible medical professionals to speed up the licensure method in engaging conditions, streamlining the path to perform in multiple territories. By keeping a Texas clinical license from Texas board of medical examiners, professionals may make use of this portable to boost their qualified flexibility and get to a broader client population.
Professional Integrity and Acknowledgment
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A Texas medical permit works as a badge of credibility as well as qualified identification within the health care neighborhood. It represents that the licensee has satisfied the state's stringent demands for medical practice, earning the trust fund as well as respect of co-workers, patients, as well as regulative authorities equally. This recognition enhances the expert's image and opens doors to collaborative chances, academic pursuits, and also management duties within the industry.
Commitment to Continuing Education And Learning and Experience
Maintaining a Texas medical certificate calls for ongoing dedication to continuing learning and also specialist development. License revival criteria usually feature proceeding clinical learning (CME) credit ratings, ensuring that practitioners keep abreast of advancements in their corresponding fields. This commitment to lifetime understanding not simply improves medical skills but likewise underscores a dedication to delivering the greatest specification of care to clients.
Obtaining a Texas medical license is actually certainly not just a step-by-step rule, yet a proof to a medical care professional's commitment to superiority, person protection, and lawful compliance. It opens up doors to assorted occupation possibilities, promotes interstate process, and improves qualified integrity within the healthcare neighborhood. Through focusing on licensure, experts promote the honesty of the profession and also renew their devotion to offering the health demands of Texans with experience, compassion, and also stability.
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evoldir · 7 months
Fwd: Job: TexasAMU.BiodiversityConservation
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: TexasAMU.BiodiversityConservation > Date: 25 February 2024 at 06:00:00 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Tenure Track: Assistant Professor > > Texas A&M University: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Ecology > and Conservation Biology > > Location College Station, TX, United States > > Open Date Feb 20, 2024 > > > Description > > The Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology, College of Agriculture > and Life Sciences, at Texas A&M University invites applications for a > full-time, tenure-track position with a 9-month academic appointment > beginning August 1, 2024. Applicants will be considered for the faculty > title of Assistant Professor in applied biodiversity science, depending > on qualifications. The Department is interested in evidence-driven > approaches to conservation with broad relevance to food security and > sustainable livelihoods. Candidates must have an earned doctorate degree > in conservation, ecological sciences, or a closely related discipline, > an established record of peer-reviewed publications, an ability to > secure extramural research funding and contribute to professional > service activities. The successful candidate will be expected to teach > two courses per year, typically at both the undergraduate and graduate > level, and to mentor graduate students with support from extramural funds. > > The ECCB Department has 34 faculty, 298 > undergraduate and 86 graduate students, and is growing. The Ecology and > Conservation Biology program is one of four tracks under the umbrella > B.Sc. degree in Ecology and Conservation Biology. The other tracks are > Vertebrate Zoology, Ecoinformatics, and the Forest Resources program. > The Department is engaged in the campus-wide interdisciplinary > programs of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology , > Genetics , and Applied Biodiversity Science > Program . The Department houses the > Biodiversity Research > and Teaching Collections and S.M. Tracy > Herbarium , which are among the top 10 > university-based biodiversity collections in the USA. World-class research > programs in the department address fundamental questions in ecology, > and related areas, at every level of ecological organization from genes > to ecosystems, producing knowledge that is immediately applicable to > the most pressing 21st century grand challenges such as climate change, > biodiversity loss, ecological restoration, and integrative approaches > to conservation. > > > Texas A&M University is a Land Grant/Sea Grant/Space Grant Research > I institution and a member of the prestigious Association of American > Universities (AAU).  Home to over 74,000 students, Texas A&M is one of > the top universities in the country in enrollment of new National Merit > Scholars.  The University conducts research valued at more than $1.0 > billion annually, placing it among the top 20 universities nationally, > and is ranked by the National Science Foundation as a top-tier research > institution.  With a system-wide endowment valued at more than $14.1 > billion, the university ranks sixth among U.S. public universities. > College Station/Bryan has 127,657 permanent residents and is consistently > ranked among the best places to live in the country, with a low cost of > living and ready access to the metropolitan centers of Austin and Houston. > > Texas A&M University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative > Action/Veterans/Disability Employer. The University is aware that > attracting and retaining exceptional faculty often depends on meeting > the needs of two careers and therefore has a Dual Career Program >
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By Steve Benen
By any fair measure, Justice Clarence Thomas was already one of the U.S. Supreme Court’s most controversial members, even before this year got underway. But in recent months, the far-right jurist has faced a series of ethics questions that he and his allies have struggled to answer.
Over the last three months, ProPublica has taken the lead on exposing Thomas’ unusual and previously undisclosed ties to a Republican megadonor. Over the weekend, The New York Times took the story considerably further.
At the heart of the story is an organization with a name that’s probably unfamiliar to most Americans, but which counts among its members an exclusive group of powerful and wealthy elites:
“On Oct. 15, 1991, Clarence Thomas secured his seat on the Supreme Court, a narrow victory after a bruising confirmation fight that left him isolated and disillusioned. Within months, the new Justice enjoyed a far-warmer acceptance to a second exclusive club: the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, named for the Gilded Age author whose rags-to-riches novels represented an aspirational version of Justice Thomas’s own bootstraps origin story.”
According to the Times’ account, which has not been independently verified by MSNBC or NBC News, it was quite a pairing, as the Supreme Court Justice found a home alongside “a cluster of extraordinarily wealthy, largely conservative members who lionized him.”
The non-profit organization, which awards scholarships and promotes members’ “economic opportunity” ideals, has benefited from the association with Thomas. From the article:
“While he has never held an official leadership position, in some ways he has become the association’s leading light. He has granted it unusual access to the Supreme Court, where every year he presides over the group’s signature event: a ceremony in the courtroom at which he places Horatio Alger medals around the necks of new lifetime members. One entrepreneur called it “the closest thing to being knighted in the United States.””
Just so we’re clear, when the Times mentioned “the courtroom,” it was referring specifically to the Supreme Court’s interior chamber where Justices sit and hear oral arguments.
“The association has used access to the court ceremony and related events in the annual gathering to raise money for scholarships and other programming, according to fund-raising records reviewed by The Times,” the report added.
As for Thomas, he’s received benefits of his own, beyond simply enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded allies who were eager to celebrate him. The Times’ account highlighted the degree to which the Justices’ associations with the association’s members “brought him proximity to a lifestyle of unimaginable material privilege.”
The result was relationships in which Thomas’ Horatio Alger friends “have welcomed him at their vacation retreats, arranged V.I.P. access to sporting events and invited him to their lavish parties.”
Remember, over the last few months, the Supreme Court Justices’ principal problem was his relationship with Texas billionaire Harlan Crow, and the generosity the GOP megadonor has shown Thomas. But what the Times appears to have uncovered is a similar problem multiplied several times: Thomas “has received benefits — many of them previously unreported — from a broader cohort of wealthy and powerful friends,” thanks to his connections established through the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans.
Among the benefits: In 2016, an HBO film brought Anita Hill’s allegations against Thomas back to the fore. Soon after, a documentary titled “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” designed to defend the Justice, was released.
It was financed in part by Thomas’ Horatio Alger pals.
The Justice has not yet responded to the allegations raised by the Times.
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Play Poker with your online cricket ID to win big prizes in 2023
Online Poker is a popular card game that can be enjoyed by both novice and experienced players. It is a great way to become familiar with the rules of the game and there are various variants of the game that can be accessed through an Online Cricket ID. Before beginning to bet online, it is important to be aware of the Poker rules and regulations. This blog will provide an overview of how Poker works and a step-by-step guide to the process.
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How to take part in Poker?
Each variant of Poker such as Horse and Omaha has its own unique rules and game mechanics. However, it is possible to learn to play Poker easily. The main objective of each game is the same that is to make a better poker hand than the other player. Let's look at how to play Texas Hold'Em poker, one of the simplest and most popular variants.
Five Basic Steps to Play Poker with An Online Cricket ID
1. Players bring their cards into the game and place bets at the start with the help of an Online Cricket ID Provider.
2. Community cards are brought into the game, which is followed by a series of betting rounds.
3. Fourth cards are brought in, which lead to another round of betting,
4. Finally, the final card is brought in, which leads to an additional round of betting, and finally, the players reveal their hands.
This section will provide further information on how to play Poker, a game of Texas Hold'Em, as a beginner.
It will cover the steps necessary to apply various poker variants and ensure that all rules are checked before placing a bet with an Online Cricket ID. This involves placing an ante bet, in which all participants will place an equal amount of funds, and blinds, in which the participant immediately to the left will place a small bet, and the player immediately to their left will place a large one. Participants will each receive two holes. If a player has a weaker hand, they can decide whether to check or fold. Once the betting process is complete, three face-up cards are brought to give an idea of the strength of the hand and a round of betting is placed.
Next, a fourth face-up card is brought to allow the player to construct a strong hand, bearing in mind that each hand is composed of five cards. After the betting round is completed, the hands are concluded and a fifth face-card is brought to give the player an opportunity to evaluate the strength of their hand prior to the final round.
Finally, the winner of the round is revealed and the poker hands are revealed to confirm the winner.
All in all, if you are interested in playing Poker and placing bets to win some bonus points and rewards, then you have come to the right place. We are the best Online Cricket ID provider in India, providing you the best online betting experience in India.
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Online cricket ID vale is the best website among all other sites which is providing you huge welcome bonuses and an opportunity to play multiple games and sports in one platform.
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Both are quite challenging when it comes to participating in them. Furthermore, there are players who finds real poker more difficult. If you are looking to play online Poker and wants to learn all the techniques and strategies, you can visit online cricket ID vale for free tips to earn some extra bonuses in online Poker.
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vivacapital19 · 1 year
The Most Effective Invoice Factoring Company In Houston, Tx
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Gulf Coast Business Credit just lately hosted their tenth Annual Astros Extravaganza event Wednesday night to honor top referral sources. Top referral sources had been in a place to enjoy a night of baseball, dinner, and drinks on the Budweiser Patio of Houston Astros’s Minute Maid Park. The Budweiser Patio is an exclusive space that provides Factoring company houston tx guests a VIP expertise and is a major vantage point in Center Field subsequent to the Astros Bullpen. “The Astros occasion is a top notch GCBC outing where our friends can feel a p... After touchdown a $1,200,000 contract with the City of Houston Michael wanted a large cash infusion for the upfront costs of the job.
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afic23 · 2 years
Comal Countys 2022 Property Tax Statements In The Mail Community Alert
High School Diploma or GED equal required; one to 4 years of associated expertise and/or coaching; or equivalent mixture of schooling and experience. You must submit a form describing your property and sufficient proof that it is overassessed, together with valuations of similar houses close by as proof. If your appeal is accepted, your home assessment might be lowered in consequence. “We consistently remind the legislature that ‘one size’ doesn't fit everyone, and local decision-making is one of the best policy to insure accountability to the taxpayers. Our share is 17.89% of the appraisal district’s annual finances, and equates to $832,458 per yr .
Your tax office may supply delinquent tax installment plans that might be less costly to you. You can request information about the availability of those plans from the tax office. The Tax Office encourages the usage of quite a few cost options, together with using on-line funds via a model new “Search and Pay” website at esearch.co.comal.tx.us. Many counties permit you to renew your automobile registration and change your address online.
El Paso County is in western Texas, bordering each Mexico and the state of New Mexico. The average home-owner within the county pays $3,268 yearly in property taxes, nearly $500 more than the U.S. median. However, the median house value in El Paso County is significantly lower than the united states mark, which implies county residents in fact pay larger property tax charges comal county property tax rate than most Americans. The average effective property tax rate in El Paso County is 2.58%. To calculate the exact amount of property tax you'll owe requires your property's assessed value and the property tax charges primarily based in your property's handle. Please notice that we will solely estimate your property tax primarily based on median property taxes in your space.
On July 1, the penalty jumps to 20%, growing your quantity owed by over 40%. It’s necessary to take control of delinquent property taxes as quickly as attainable to avoid additional penalties and costs. Get assist now with a Comal County property tax mortgage from Tax Ease. Explore the charts below for quick details on Comal County effective tax rates, median real property taxes paid, house values, earnings ranges and homeownership charges, and examine them to state and nationwide tendencies.
Comal County property owners have easy accessibility to authentic sausages, sauerkraut and beer, and they can go tubing down river waters that stay around 70 levels year-round. Still, even in Comal County, Texas, property taxes are inescapable—and higher than the nationwide common. Read more to get info on Comal County property taxes and learn comal property tax how to get help paying your tax bill with Comal County property tax loans from Tax Ease. Travis County accommodates the state capital of Austin, as nicely as a few of the surrounding cities and towns. In addition to that rate, cities and college districts levy their own rates.
The county seat for Comal County is situated in the County Courthouse in New Braunfels, which is situated at a hundred and fifty N. You can direct your general inquiries to Comal County with the contact data listed beneath comal tax appraisal. The Kendall Appraisal District is presently looking for qualified applicants to serve on the Appraisal Review Board. Earn more income with Carbon by Indigo by adopting carbon farming practices.
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texasobserver · 2 years
In December 2022, I was removed from my role as dean of the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston. The termination of my dean role was the result of my abolitionist views and my efforts to move the college toward incorporating an abolitionist perspective in social work since the summer of 2020.  
The irony is that I was let go precisely for hewing to the ethos of my profession. Social work has been called to challenge injustice and fight oppression since its earliest origins in the late 19th century. This commitment was strengthened in 2021, when revisions to the National Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics added new language: “Social workers must take action against oppression, racism, discrimination, and inequities.” It is the only phrase in the code that uses the word must. If this is meant to be more than rhetoric, this call must include taking action against the systems and structures that perpetuate racism, discrimination, and inequality—among them policing, prisons, and child welfare. 
I began to identify as an abolitionist in the summer of 2020, though I had been deeply engaged in abolitionist inquiry for several years. My background is in the child welfare system; prior to entering academia I worked for several years as a child protective services caseworker and investigated allegations of child maltreatment. I witnessed the tremendous harm the system causes Black children and families, which led me to understand that the only solution was to completely eliminate family separation and foster care. I began studying the deep body of abolitionist theory and in 2020 worked with colleagues to launch the upEND movement, a collaborative effort dedicated to abolishing the child welfare system and building alternatives that focus on healing and liberation. 
Too often, the idea of abolition is wrongly simplified to focus on “dismantling” an institution or system while its deeper meaning is erased. While abolition intends to end harmful, racist systems, its focus is on building a new, liberated society—a society free from violence and oppression where all members are truly equal. In applying this vision to policing and prisons, abolitionists seek to build a society where individuals have everything they need to thrive, where divesting from the police will not only reduce police violence, but will allow us to reinvest in the things that truly keep us safe—housing, jobs, well-funded public schools, access to mental health services, and other resources that families and communities need. Similarly, the movement to abolish the child welfare system seeks to build a society where all children and families have everything they need to experience safety in their homes and their communities, free from violence and harm and free of the societal conditions that create them. In this way, abolition is not simply about ending harmful, racist systems; it is about building a society where the need for harmful, racist systems is obsolete.
... Excerpted from “An Abolitionist Gets Canned for Upholding the Values of Social Work” by Alan Detlaff on the Texas Observer.
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