#Tezeu uses he / they
kingsbride-moved · 2 years
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Fun fact is that I made OCs based off Theseus and Asterius who I love very much :~D their names are Tezeu (blonde) and Azusa (bull-masked). Tezeu uses he / they, Azusa uses she / he. Actually need 2 give Azusa a slight redesign (she needs a second outfit since I changed the region of the world she hails from)
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kuruna · 2 years
please have some sparkles for any OC of your choice, if that’s alright! ✨✨✨
I'll do Tezeu and Azusa <3 - Tezeu's father, Andrias, gave Tezeu a sacred knife as a gift before he was born.... as you can imagine this doesn't make up for the fact that he didn't actually help to raise Tezeu at all, but that's a another topic. - Azusa looovveess anything that allows her to work with her hands. Wood carving or sewing or cooking, she'll do it all <3 she also crafts her own hunting tools, prefering to use knives and bows over more "modern" tools. (She's very stubbornly anti-tech in a lot of ways... girl who will flip the first time Tezeu shows her an air ship) - Azusa is originally from a land that's very closed off / mysterious to the rest of the world. Masks are part of religious dress for this reason, which is (part of) why Azusa wears one of her own. - Azusa living in near isolation and her bull-mask have caused her to become an urban legend of sorts. People who see her shrouded in the mist with her face reddened (it's paint) think she's some crazy ghostly cannibal monster (very untrue). When they first meet, Tezeu (foolishly) thinks these rumours hold weight and attempts to challenge her to battle... but he ends up passed out in the snow because he didn't really prepare properly for his journey (and he has low blood sugar). He's lucky Zuzu was willing to helping him after that...
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fairune · 2 years
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Two characters that definitely aren't based on any king and bull man from any videogames 💖
[Tezeu, blonde, uses he/they. Azusa uses she/he.]
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kuruna · 2 years
are there any characters of yours that you've been thinking about a lot recently? i know you mentioned drawing leonidas recently and i always love hearing about that little weirdo. whats their deal (i never know where to start talking about ocs either ;_;)
Thank u for the ask ^.^ Leonidas I think of often because I made him to be very self indulgent For Me specifically (ie: lesbian failprince). here's the doodle I made of him recently after my friend misremembered me sending a drawing of him (I want to colour it at some point)
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You know that genre of anime character thats like, a prince or otherwise wealthy guy who's always covered in sparkles and roses except he's a comic relief character and everything thinks he's a huge weirdo. Leonidas is based on that trope because I enjoy it when the elegant royal characters are huge losers <3 Leonidas does everything in his power to try and come off as genuine royalty, but he's very obviously a fake prince. Interestingly though, the sword he carries around with him is a genuine article, an ancient weapon that was well-preserved </3 no one knows how he got it (I know how he got it but its a secret >:) ) he's very much obsessed with princehood and heroism and tells many stories of himself doing all kinds of heroic deeds, like slaying legendary beasts or finding items that once belonged to the gods. And he's a Very good storyteller!! There is love and passion in the tales he tells. But it's also very, very, very obvious he's kind of making things up. Things don't add up in his stories, though he would never acknowledge that openly.... Other than Leonidas I've been thinking about Tezeu and Azusa
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Tezeu (blonde) is a genuine prince, but he was born from an affair in a distant land and thus never a part of a the royal family. Azusa (bull-masked) is also a genuine prince but he was feared due to a birthmark on his face which resembles the birthmark of an evil ancient priest named Mammon and was later exiled under suspicions of murder (of which he didn't commit </3 ) They're dealing with the fact that they're both of royal blood but not truly "princes" in very different ways... Tezeu wants honour and glory and to be worshipped and to be a king (even though he definetly doesn't know how to), and would do almost anything to achieve that because he's obsessed with the idea of leaving a legacy of some kind. Azusa on the other hand has just been chilling, life for him is actually much calmer and kinder now that he's been exiled, and while he does miss some things he had before he's not so terribly bothered by it... Though Azusa and Tezeu are very close friends (homoerotic), this is something they have difficulty understanding one another on. (PS If you ever wanna just talk about ur OCs you are more than welcome to talk to me about them, I love to hear about other people's creations)
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