#Thank you so much for a happy story Yuumasu-san!
leaderoffestivals · 6 months
Mikejima Madara Feature Scout 2 Ch 2: Fates and Feast
Madara: Let’s enjoy the festival together, just like we did that day. What do you say, Anzu-san? 
Scenario Writer: Yuumasu Season: Winter   Characters: Mikejima Madara. Otogari Adonis, Oogami Koga, Harukawa Sora, Akehoshi Subaru, Sakasaki Natsume, Anzu
< After a short while. Carrying out duties as the “One-Day PR General”... >
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Have you received the special Mikejima Madara’ stamp rally cards yet? They’re being handed out at the entrance!
To collect all the stamps, you’ll need to explore every nook and corner of the venue. By the time the card is filled with stamps, you’ll have covered the entirrre venue!
One can only truly appreciate the famous sights of the world by being there in person, but you can experience the culinary cultures of the world right here at this venue!
In other words, you can learn more about the world through food!
The world is an incredibly vast place, full of discoveries yet to be made! I HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE WORLD WHILE INDULGING IN DELICIOUS DELIGHTS ☆]
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Madara: (Turn off the mike now, and… …
This place has been bustling since the opening hour―it looks like the efforts we put into promoting the event are paying off. 
This is splendid. Yes, this is how festivals should be, after all ♪
I’m supposed to meet with Anzu-san at the Japanese food fair around noon. 
Until then, I’ll continue to soak in the sights and the sounds of the venue, and continue livening up the atmosphere here in my role as the “One-Day PR General”―
… … Oh? I see some familiar faces over thereee―) ADONIS-SAN, KOGA-SAN! YOOHOOOOOOO ☆
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Koga: Pipe down~. Why are you yellin’ at us so loudly for? 
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Adonis: Good morning, Mikejima-senpai―
Oops―No. It would be better to address you as the PR General here, I suppose?
Madara: Nope! Feel free to address me as you usually do! Thank you both for coming! I appreciate it so much!
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Koga: Well, you’ve been yappin’ non-stop about the event at Seisoukan and hypin’ it up like crazy, haven’t you?
It piqued my curiosity enough to check it out, and I found out there’re chefs from this guy’s home country attending too.
Adonis: That’s why Oogami and I are here, to try some authentic cuisine from my homeland―
―and it’s all thanks to your enthusiastic promotion of the event. Thank you, Mikejima-senpai. 
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Madara: You’re very welcome! I hope you’ll enjoy the taste of your homeland too ☆
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Sora: HaHa~ ♪ Good morning, Giant-san! ♪
Madara: OH! It’s Sora-san and Subaru-san.
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Subaru: Yes! Since it’s an invitation from our roommate, Mamu-senpai, how could we not show up, right?
It would’ve been perfect if Hibiki-senpai could’ve come along too, but he seems to have something going on. However, in his place―
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Subaru: TADA~AH! Natsume has joined our party~ ☆
Natsume: SeriousLY? I’m not here to replace Wataru-nii-san at aLL. I’m only here because I didn’t want to let Baru-kun monopolise Sora for the entire dAY.
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Subaru: Haha! That's what you say, but deep down, you totally wanted to hang out with me, didn’t you? Awww, youuu~ ♪
Natsume: UgH. Stop tickling mE, and stop twisting things to fit your narratiVE.
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Natsume: Oh yES. Wataru-nii-san will be attending tomorrOW, together with the other members of “fine”. Isn’t that grEAT, Mikejima-senpai?
Madara: Yes, indeed. I’m very grateful to everyone who showed interest!
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Sora: Yes! Sora is so thankful to learn about such a fun event!
HiHi~ ♪ What should Sora eat first, Sora is wondering~?
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Natsume: UfufU. You may order anything you liKE. I’ll cover the bill for yOU, okAY?
Sora: YAAAY~ ♪ Thank you so much, Shisho~!
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Subaru: YAAAY~ ♪ Thanks so much, Natsume!
Natsume: Hold oN. I wasn’t talking to yOU, Baru-kun. 
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Madara: Haha, the young ones sure are energetic, aren’t theyyy―
Oh myyy? There’s another familiar face over there! HELLOOOOOO ☆
< A few hours later. At the Japanese food fair. >
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Madara: (Where’s Anzu-san now… … Hmmm?)
Whoops, did I startle you? My apologies for speaking up from behind you so suddenly! 
What are you doing, lurking behind this food stall? … … Hmmm? “I’m not lurking at all”―you say?
Hmm, hmm. You’re helping out at the food stalls that are short-staffed because of the sudden increase in visitors―
―and that’s why you’re peeling potatoes now? 
I don’t think there’s any obligation for you to help them, Anzu-san. But then again, you’re the type of person who can’t ever turn a blind eye to someone in need, huh… …
Alright, count me in! I’ll pitch in and lend a hand too ☆
Why are you holding me back nowww? … … You’re being considerate because you think I’ve been working hard as the PR General earlier? 
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Madara: HAHAHA! There’s no need to worry about me at aaall! My stamina is as boundless as the sea, you knowww!
I made the decision to take charge of this event after all, so I want to see it through to the very end!
… … You’re saying the taiyaki (1) stall owner over there seems like he’s having a hard time managing the store alone? 
Roger wilco! (2)  Leave it to me! I’ve got plenty of experience with aaall kinds of festival stalls!
< A while later… …>
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Madara: Thank you for waiting, Anzu-san! The taiyaki stand has been saved!
More specifically, we were able to increase the turnover after the stall owner and I divided the work among ourselves. We managed to clear the long line that had formed before I arrived in just thirty minutes―
And now that stall owner’s acquaintance has rushed over to help, I’m relieved of my duties now! All’s well that ends well! ☆
And as a token of appreciation for my assistance, the stall owner has given me some taiyaki too. 
Let’s eat them together, while they’re still warm. Here we gooo~ ♪
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Madara: Sweet treats savoured after performing good deeds always taste especially delicious, don't they? They're on a whole other level. 
… … Anzu-san. Thank you for appointing me to be the event’s PR General. 
That was Tsumugi-san’s idea―you say? Hahaha, well, that much is true but―
You were the one who set things in motion, right? If you hadn’t decided to liven up the event, Anzu-san, I wouldn’t even be here. 
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Madara: … … That’s right. It’s just like when you were peeling potatoes behind the food stalls. There wasn’t any obligation for you to help out at all. 
Even if ES were to be labelled as “a saboteur of other companies’ projects”, that wouldn’t tarnish your reputation as a Producer in the slightest. 
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Madara: Er, I know it’s kind of a downer for me to be asking this, but―why did you decide to take action here? 
“Because I want to see people smile”―you say? And―“Because I know how frustrating it is to see the projects one has worked so hard on fail.”
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Madara: Yes. It’s incredibly painful when one’s efforts don’t pay off, isn’t it? 
You’re sooo kind, Anzu-san. Mama is sooo glad you grew up to be such a good child ♪
You’re not my Mama―you say? HAHAHA! It’s sooo cute the way you always react to what I say so smartly! ☆
Because you wanted to see people smile, huh… … You’re right. A smile is like the sunshine that brightens up the world. 
I, too, am happy when I see you smile, Anzu-san. 
Well, now that we’re done eating, let’s get moving. 
When don’t we take a stroll together before heading back to ES? I’d like to buy some souvenirs for Tsumugi-san. 
It’d be such a shame to head back so soon, wouldn’t it? 
… … This reminds you of what we did last summer, huh? Now that you’ve mentioned it, we went to the “Rensei Festival” together, didn’t we? 
We wore matching masks and joined in the Bon Odori dance. It’s such a pity that we can’t dance today… …
Let’s enjoy the festival together, just like we did that day. What do you say, Anzu-san? 
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The End
Chapter 1
Translator’s notes: 1) Taiyaki (the street food Madara is holding in his animation) is a fish-shaped waffle filled with red bean paste or other fillings.
2) Roger Wilco: army slang for “I hear you and will comply”.
3) I split Madara's animated emotion into two because it's a whopping 36 seconds long.
4) It's not proofed, so if there's any feedback, please DM me.
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