#Thanks KaoticKanine!
isakthedragon · 7 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 32
(I dedicate this Chapter to @kaotickanine, you are such a good help. Thank you for the help in this Chapter.)
Chapter 32: Family Feudal
*Crash and the gang make their way into the East Empire Terrarium. This place seems to Tropy’s personal favorite, much to the dismay of what should actually be there. Some parts of Japan have the Great Wall of China running in them for no reason other than as a paradox while China has an overabundance of temples. The terrarium reflects this since it’s hard to tell the difference of what is for Japan and what is for China. The only thing that looks proper here is the Palace at the far end of the terrarium.*Rouge is the first to notice the mishmash of the Terrarium. "Someone seems to have disrespect for history. I can't tell what's for China and what's for Japan. It's just a big mess."
Crunch: "That's Tropy for you. He loves making paradoxes."
Tails: "We better get those crystals."
Coco: "Hey, big bro. Can I lead for a bit?"
Crash: "Of course, sister! And same for you, brother (Crunch). Feel free to jump in."
Coco and Crunch: “We will.”
*A note for this Terrarium is that you need to find a key in a level to move on to the next since Tropy has set up checkpoints to lock you out.*
Level 31: Mountain Mayhem
Tropy appears. "Hmm… maybe it’s time to change things up! Let’s see if you can survive my version of the Far East!“
Crates: 139
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:30.00
Gold: 2:25.00
Platinum: 2:20.00
PMV,TCP… Things to Save: 6
Helping Partner: Rouge
Badniks: Skiing Lab Assistant Pawns: They tend to ski across a set area, trying to trip you up.
Mutants: Praying Monkey Viper, Tiger Crane Panda… Thing: A Praying Mantis + Monkey + Tiger + Crane + Panda + Viper. Cortex has been watching Kung Fu Panda a bit too much. At least he has the deadly and furious thing down. Whether it looks good is another story.
KaoticKanine says: Starting off, our heroes have to make their way down the tall, freezing mountains of Japan and China: Mt. Fuji and Mt. Everest, which have now been combined into one big super mountain that’s even more frigid. Not only do you have to brave the intense cold alongside the usual enemies, but the air is thin and so you have to replenish your oxygen with oxygen tanks scattered throughout the level.
As Kaotic said, Coco and Rouge need to find a way down the huge mountain that Tropy has made to scare them. He even named it Mt. Tropy. Yuck. They have to follow the mountain path they are on, pass through an icy cave, and down another path to the valley below. The snow at least lightens closer to the bottom as does your need to keep refilling for oxygen.
Achievement Unlocked: Feeling Cold as Ice
Level 32: Stone Soldier Statues
Crates: 106
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:50.00
Gold: 1:45.00
Platinum: 1:40.00
PMV,TCP… Things to Save: 6
Helping Partner: Cream
Badniks: Shield Lab Assistant Pawns (Orient): They carry heavy paper shields that can’t be broken. They mostly aim to push you off into the trenches and into a statue. Ninja Lab Assistant Pawns: Some throw ninja stars at you while donned in purple ninja garb. Others carry ninja swords, trying to swing at you. Terracotta Army Lab Assistant Pawns: Odd pawns in that they are completely frozen like rock… until you smash one. Then they come alive and will attack you with spears, bows and arrows, swords, axes and even with horse chariots. Since they are made of stone, they take quite a few hits to destroy. It’s best to leave them alone at all costs. Terracotta Horses: Stone horses that will try to kick you if they are awoken.
KaoticKanine notes: After escaping the bone-chilling climate of the high mountains, now our heroes must navigate through a rocky valley filled with countless statues of soldiers, filled with equally countless enemies that won’t hesitate to attack. Extreme caution must be made, for your attacks can easily destroy any of the statues. Should that happen, all of the statues will come to life and they will not show you any mercy for destroying their comrade.
Indeed, Kaotic, those statues are in trenches that you must avoid falling in or you will most certainly break one of them as well. This is probably Eggman’s deadliest trap yet since they have a Borg-like mentality. Destroy one, and expect to be gained up on. At least, to keep it fair, hitting a checkpoint will quiet the Terracotta army, but exactly where they were. So if you made them block the path, you’re gonna have to awaken them again. But Coco and Cream are light footed, so they should be able to get past safely to the other end of the valley.
Achievement Unlocked: Cold Stoned Killers
Level 33: The Great Wall Race
Crates: 55
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:25.00
Gold: 1:20.00
Platinum: 1:15.00
Helping Partner: Amy
Badniks: Cinder Block Lifting Lab Assistant Pawns: It lifts cinderblocks mostly in an attempt to block your path. Bucket Carrying Lab Assistant Pawns: They run down the wall carrying buckets to try to block your path. Staff Lab Assistant Pawns: Also trying to block your path, these try to swing their staves at you.
*Coco and Amy find themselves on a section of the Great Wall being worked on.*
Coco: “Ah, i remember coming here with Crash during the last Time Twister escapade.”
Amy: “That’s so cool!” *Amy gives a wide smile.*
Coco: “I wonder…” *Just then, an orange speck appears from a warp orb and comes from a distant portion of the wall. The orange speck runs up to Coco, showing itself to be none other than Pura, a tiger she met on the wall before. He licks Coco’s face in happiness.*
Amy: “D’aw! A friend?”
Coco: “Yeah. Pura helped me get across the wall. He’s so fast.”
Amy: “Fast, eh? Care to test that?”
Coco: “With a race across the Wall?”
Amy: “Yeah. It’s what Sonic would do.”
Coco: “You’re on! But first…” *She grabs the Chaos Emeralds Crash gave her and makes herself, Pura and Amy super. Pura became an adult tiger with the Emeralds* “For a fair race, of course.
Amy: “Right.”
This race course is of the Great Wall while it’s being constructed, so there are pits here and there. Lab Assistant Pawns tend to crowd the path lifting cinderblocks or swinging bamboo sticks. There are also a few racks of barrels taking up the path too. But luckily, they aren’t too crowding, so it shouldn’t slow you down too much. It’s a little harder than the race with Shadow, but not by much. It should still be easy to win the 2nd gem, which just so happens to be the Green Gem. Just dodge the obstacles and keep charging to win.
(If Coco wins) Coco: “Yes, I won. Thanks Pura.” *She pets Pura and he meows.*
Amy: “That was fun. You were good.” *She smiles.*
(If Amy wins) Amy: “Hooray, I won! Sonic would be proud.”
Coco: “Yeah. It was a good race.” *She pets Pura and he meows.*
(The next line) Amy: “I wonder if Sonic would love to race with you guys?”
Coco: “I bet Crash would want that. Think i have a chance too?”
Amy: “I think so!” *She smiles and they exit the level. Pura comes with them.*
Achievement Unlocked: Follow Me (In this Race :) )
Level 34: Temple Trouble
Crates: 146
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:35.00
Gold: 2:30.00
Platinum: 2:25.00
PMV,TCP… Things to Save: 7
Helping Partner: Blaze
Badniks: Slicers: The name says it all. Shellcracker: *Screams internally, then externally.* :P Judo / Karate Lab Assistant Pawns: They are trained in the art of Judo and Karate. Watch those flying fists!
KaoticKanine’s words of wisdom: Our heroes have now made it to civilization! But in order to get into the city to confront N. Tropy, they must make it through the dozens of temples that are filled with unwelcoming martial arts masters and all sorts of obstacles reserved for training. Think you can best the masters and get to the city in one piece?
Kaotic warning is well founded, the badniks here aren’t playing games. And the stage hazards are just as deadly. Earlier temples have spiked dummies spinning about like Crash while some of the later temples have flaming coal pits that rarely spit out a flying coal. Others have large axes and other sharp relatives swinging about to make you a cut up, literally. And our favorite f(r)iends Slicers and Shellcrackers inhabit a temple or two as well.
Achievement Unlocked: Kung Fu Fighting
Level 35: Palace Panic
Crates: 168
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:45.00
Gold: 1:40.00
Platinum: 1:35.00
PMV,TCP… Things to Save: 6
Helping Partner: Charmy
Badniks: Cart Riding Lab Assistant Pawns: They mostly ride little orange carts around, trying to run you over. Imperial Soldier Lab Assistant Pawns: They actively chase you with their swords, trying to slice you. Imperial Guard Lab Assistant Pawns: Other than carrying shorter swords, they carry small shields to protect frontal, mid height attacks. Perhaps a low attack will dispel them easily?
KaoticKanine: At last, we make it to the city. And at its heart is the palace of the empire, where N. Tropy awaits on the throne. Our heroes must now navigate the busy streets of the city and enter the palace in order to confront N. Tropy. However, you really have to rush as Tropy has sent imperial soldiers and guards after Crash and Co and they will give chase throughout the entire level.
Yes, Kaotic, we have made it into the city, but Tropy is not rolling out the red carpet for you. Badniks are attacking at every intersection you get to. And the city is a little bit of a maze itself with its closed streets here and there. At least you can see the large palace ahead, so you can see your end goal. Hurry on, so you can deal with Tropy.
Achievement Unlocked: City of the Sun
*Warping out of Palace Panic drops Coco and Charmy inside the palace in the Terrarium.*
Charmy: ♪ “Hey, where are we? This isn’t where we entered from.” ♫
Tropy gets up from his throne. “Indeed so. I brought you here since I doubt you would have searched actively for me. This is my city.”
Coco: “Not according to actual history, you time screwer! Why have you really brought us here?”
Tropy: “Only because I thought it was time for you to meet me again.” *He chuckles.*
Charmy: ♪ “Dude, that sucked.” ♫
Tropy: “Does it look like I care? The actual reason is because it only took me a second to capture the other heroes.”
Coco: “No… You don’t mean…”
Tropy: “Oh, I mean.” *He bangs his trident, making the heroes, frozen in groups in 4 time bubbles, appear.*
Coco: “How dare you take my brother!”
Charmy: ♪ “Give us back our friends!” ♫
Tropy: “You want them back, hmmm? I doubt you can deal with these!” *He bangs his trident again, making 4 Pawns appear from lightning bolts (Which is a cover for the transporter beam).*
Charmy: ♪ “Regular Pawns? How weak!” ♫
Tropy: “Oh, they aren’t regular at all. Transform, Pawns! Into the the Dragon Kings of the 4 Seas!”
*The Pawns transform into anthropomorphic dragons, one carrying a sword, another with a bo-staff, the third with nunchucks and the 4th with a bow and arrows. They have dragon heads and are dressed in king’s clothes. They gain a tail, wings, and a human+dragon like body. Each of them are a different color: Azure, Red, White and Black. Tropy sends the heroes to the 4 corners of the room, which represent the different seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.*
Tropy: “You want them back? Destroy these Pawns!” *He smiles as the Pawns make clouds appear in the palace, making rain and lightning come down in the room.*
Charmy: ♪ “They look so tough! Think we can defeat them?” ♫
Coco: “Of course we can. Come on, let’s destroy them.”
Boss: 4 Dragon King Pawns
(Hang on, need appropriate music.)
These pawns are quite tough, as they cannot be taken down normally. Simply spinning into them with Coco and stinging them with Charmy ends up being blocked by the Pawns. They all start off by flying into the air, only coming down to attack for a short while, save for the bow and arrow one which will stay in the air (we will get to him). It’s not easy to dodge them, since they like to fly in and out of the storm clouds above, but they do give you some warning still that they are going to attack you by making the sound of thunder.
The (Azure) Swordsman Pawn will come down every so often to take a swing at you, which must be dodged or blocked. Sooner or later, it will attack and its sword will get stuck in the wet ground, making it faceplant in front of it. Attack it while it’s weaponless to destroy the Pawn.
The (Red) Bo-staff Pawn will hover above the ground, just high enough to avoid your attacks but still attack you with the long reach of its bo-staff. Your only choice is to run away from this guy as he takes swipes at you. Soon enough, he’ll get frustrated and dive down toward you, slamming the bo-staff in a downward strike that can only be dodged by running to the left or right at the last second. Normally, after doing this, the Pawn would just ascend back into the air and continue the chase. But there are “metal domes”, meant to attract lightning from the storm clouds above, in the arena that, should you trick the Pawn into striking them with the diving attack, will burn the bo-staff to ashes, leaving the Pawn defenseless for a spin/sting.
The (White) Nunchuck Pawn spends much less time in the air compared to his comrades, but it’s no easier to attack thanks to its skills with the nunchucks making it difficult to approach. To defeat this foe, you have to evade its attacks until it eventually gets frustrated and performs a sudden, downward swing onto you. Should you manage to dodge this attack, the nunchuck will rebound from the ground and strike the Pawn’s head, dazing it. That is your time to break it apart with a spin.
The (Black) Bow and Arrow Pawn is the one that will stay in the air the longest, firing arrows at you. It will run out of arrows eventually, which is when it will come down to the ground to collect them. It’s the easiest to deal with since you can just collect its arrows, leaving it mostly defenseless as it decides to stay grounded. Go and break it to finish this fight and release your friends. (A thing to note is that he changes the rain to snow.
Achievement Unlocked: Time and Time Again...
*Tropy growls in anger as the heroes break free of their time bubbles and and run to Coco and Charmy.* “You little vermin! I thought you were too weak to handle those Pawns!”
Crash: “Don’t underestimate my sister, Tropy.”
Crunch: “She’s stronger than she looks.”
Sonic: “How dare you try to hurt Charmy and the others.” *Sonic attempts to hit Tropy with a homing attack, but Tropy stops time just before it would connect.*
Tropy: “You’re too slow, Sonic. It’s a wonder how Eggman has such trouble with you if you are this predictable. I see I shouldn’t have assumed that you guys were weak. Which is fine for me, since i don’t have to hold back. See you guys at the end of the next terrarium.”
*Tropy chuckles, then laughs as he opens the gate behind the throne, exiting and moving on to the next terrarium. His leave unfreezes time again and Sonic home attacks the chair, faceplanting into it.*
Espio: “Are you okay, Charmy? We could see what was happening and were worried for you.”
Charmy: ♪ “I’m okay, but that was so much fun!” ♫
Vector: “Yeah, he’s okay.”
Big: “Hmm, we better hurry on. I don’t like the way Tropy was acting.”
*Our heroes leave and move on to the next terrarium.*
Next Time: It’s a whole new world in the Arabian Terrarium
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amegakureangel186 · 7 years
Amy? :3
*GASP* Hi!! and Ammyy!! :D
put a fictional character in my inbox and I’ll answer these questions on them
1) fight them or fight for them
Hands down 100% fighting for Amyyyy!
2) on a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
9 or 10 y’all. We don’t see enough substantial Amy in games anyymoreee D: so when I see her, I’m flippin’ happy. And if they give her decent lines and proper character, it’s a fulllll onnn 10
3) would i smooch
yes I would smooch the lovey hedgehog. On the cheek~ Sonic ya gotta take that first kiss ya know what im sayinggg
4) have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
Recently I’ve been really picking up my drawing of Amy. I’ve always wanted to draw her well (it’s been a life long dream you guys XD) and I’ve actually been practicing XD. Also with writing too ;v; I hope to continue with both and improve.
5) voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
I don’t have a head canon voice for her~ Lisa Ortiz is definitely my fav Amy VA. Alongside Taeko Kawata, of course
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classicdaisycalico · 6 years
20 Questions
Tagged by : @anime-an-cats (Thanks! You’re the best!)
You answer 20 questions, and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
1) Name: Melissa
2) Nicknames: Mel, MeLITa
3) Height: 5’4
4) Orientation: Heteromantic Asexual (I was questioning it for a while, but after some careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that I am, in fact, ace! Woop woop!)
5) Nationality: Italian and British (aka WHITE AS FUCK)
6) Favorite fruit: Grapes
7) Favorite season: Spring
8) Favorite flower: Daisies!
9) Favorite scent: Vanilla
10) Favorite color: Orange
11) Favorite animal: Cats (I can’t choose. I love them all.)
12) Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate. Tea is a close second, though. I don’t like coffee.
13) Average sleep hours: Idk man something between 7 or 8???
14) Cats or dogs: Cats. Sorry fam I love dogs but I love cats more.
15) Favorite(s) fictional characters: Princess Daisy (Mario), Blaze the Cat (Sonic), Belle (Disney Princess), Hermione Granger, Book!Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter), 10th Doctor (Doctor Who), Wonder Woman (DC), Black Widow, Scarlet Witch (Marvel), Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
16) Number of blankets you sleep with: One
17) Dream trip: Italia! (Sicily, if you want specifics.)
18) Blog Created: March 20, 2014. So this blog is almost 4 years old now!
19) Number of Followers: 820. We’ve come a long way, folks!
20) Random Fact: I still have a stuffed Eeyore plushie I got when I went to Disney World for the first time (I was 4. I’m 20 now.)
Tagging @miguelisasir @kaotickanine @weirdobsessivenerd @ic00k13s @the-amazing-p3a and that’s it I guess lmao
Sorry if I happened to have tagged you after you did this
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prismpom-moved · 7 years
Sonic Psych Hospital AU Request
As requested (or mentioned) by @kaotickanine I will be doing Vanilla the Rabbit next. Thanks for the suggestion, and I hope you don't mind that I totally fell in love with the idea of Marriage and Family Counselor Vanilla and I am going to run into the horizon with it. :) ❤ Vanilla the Rabbit Marriage and Family Counselor Vanilla hadn't had quite the sweet life as many had thought she possessed. From a failed marriage due to a severe case of postpartum depression to raising her baby girl all by herself, she learned to play the cards life gave her. Before her marriage fell she tried to reach out to a marriage counseling program but the cost of treatment was too much and it was too far away. When Cream began taking an interest into comparative psychology, Vanilla's own desire to become a counselor rose from the ashes. She believed that if she was able to earn her degree and become certified she would own her own practice. Now that Winged Ring was a new psychiatric hospital in town she altered it a bit so that she would work there. She completed her studies a year after Cream and was hired by recognition and her certification. She works with almost every patient's family to ensure they are put into a safe and nourishing environment after discharge. Her colleagues would say she's patient and like everybody's grandma.
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the-fourth-knower · 7 years
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better! lol no
Tagged by: @kaotickanine (thanks)
Tagging: I don’t really tag people that much for these, so...if you want to do this go ahead.
Name: Ian
Nicknames: Auto, Knower.
Zodiac: Don’t care to be honest.
Height: Tall.
Orientation: Working on it. Maybe bi.
Ethnicity: Irish, potentially of Norman knight descent, German, Danish, supposedly some Cherokee, and whatever else is in the family tree.
Favorite Fruit: I don’t know, grapes maybe.
Favorite Season: Mild.
Favorite Book: The Return of the King.
Favorite Flower: No preference.
Favorite Scent: Anything that doesn’t smell horrible.
Favorite Color: Red, though not so much as it is my favorite as it is the one I’ve always said is my favorite.
Favorite Animal: Dogs.
Favorite Beverage: Soda.
Average hours of sleep: Uhhh....
Favorite Fictional Characters: By individual franchise
Sheogorath, Haskill, the infamous town guards.
Quite a bit of the Mass Effect cast, mainly crew members
Sergeant Major Johnson
Theresea, Jasper
And numerous others.
Number of Blankets you sleep with: 2, usually.
Dream Trip: None.
Blog Created: 2016; I was a bit late to this site.
Number of Followers: 37
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neogreenhillzone · 7 years
I was tagged by @perla-speedofsound-adventuring​!! Thanks!!  ❤
Fave movie genre: Animation/Action/Adventure 
Last video game played: Pokemon Moon
Fave video game: Twilight Princess or SA 2
Interests: art, animation, music, writing that sort of things
Best subject: English and History
Print or cursive:  Definitely cursive
Fave TV show(s): Trollhunters, Dragons: Riders of Berk/Race to the Edge, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, Star vs The Forces of Evil, Bee and Puppycat, The Amazing World of Gumball, Penn Zero part time hero and a bunch more
Eye color: Really dark brown
Hair color: Dark brown but it gets a lil bit brigther on the ends
Religion: Catholic but like not strictly? I believe and interpret things how I think is right ((this is spot on so I’m leaving it)) 
Fave season: ❄ Winter ❄
Fears: I don’t fear spiders, but the webs they make (I once crashed into one, not a pleasant experience) 
Tag 5 or more people: @silverjpg @gamingblur @kaotickanine @anipwrites @poptarts-panda and anyone who feels like doing this!! 
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Thanks @kaotickanine ah ha. I'm sure I'll be able to get it done! Just... it'll be a process XD
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isakthedragon · 6 years
Super Sonic Thieves Chapter 1
Chapter 1- Sly of Sand
Intro cutscene:
*The Cooper Van is flying through the “time tube”. The camera zooms into the van to show everyone inside the van: the Cooper Gang themselves and their new allies, Sonic and Co. Murray is driving the van while Panda King sits next to him in the passenger seat, with everyone else in the back of the van; Dimitri dancing in one spot, Carmelita shining her Shock Pistol, and Sonic and Co all bunched up together facing Bentley. *
Bentley, narrating: “After we had gathered Sonic and his friends from their world and got into the van, I explained to them about Sly Cooper, my best friend growing up and the true leader of this gang.”
*Flashback of Sly’s ancestor and his backstory plays*
“I told them about Sly’s history, how he comes from a family of “master thieves” that have been around since the dawn of civilization *A quick timeline of past Coopers are shown*, his parents being killed while he was a child *A remembrance shot of the Fiendish 5 fighting Sly’s dad*, and then was sent to an orphanage *Remembrance shot of the orphanage*, where me and Murray had met him and became a family ever since.”
*Back to the present, with Sonic and Co having shocked expressions and Cream visibly angry*
“The group were shocked to find out that we’re criminals, so to speak, and the rabbit girl immediately tried to leave upon this revelation, but I was quick to inform them that we’re not the bad kind of thieves that steal from innocents but rather steal from other, more serious criminals. This, as well as learning of the tragic event that happened to Sly, seemed to have put them at ease but I could tell they were still wary of our true profession.”
*Another flashback showing a brief montage of the past games and then shows the ending of Thieves in Time and the aftermath*
“I then told our new allies all about Sly’s personality and the adventures we had in the past with him, thwarting numerous crime lords and even saving the entire world twice! In particular I explained to them of our last adventure, where we traveled through time to save Sly’s ancestors from Le Paradox, who sought to erase the Cooper family from history and become king of Paris in the present. But in the final confrontation against that smelly skunk, Sly went to fight him alone and Le Paradox’s blimp exploded soon after, Le Paradox having fallen into a river but Sly was nowhere to be found. We were all devastated with this turn of events and hoped to at least find evidence of Sly’s survival.”
*A new shot appears of Eggman, which is then covered up by The Thievius Raccoonus, much to Eggman’s dismayed face. The book shows Sly’s message to Bentley.*
“Fortunately right when that egg-shaped creature, who we now know of to be “Dr. Eggman”, arrived in our world from Sonic’s, I had managed to not only find evidence of Sly’s survival but his whereabouts... While I was reading the Thievius Raccoonus, the Cooper family’s ancestral book, I found a piece of writing in Slytunkhaman’s section that was never there before: a message that read “Bentley, Murray, and Carmelita! This is Sly! I hope this message remains intact when any of you find it, but Paradox’s blimp had warped me to Ancient Egypt! I’m in the same era as Slytunkhamen II, so try to find an artifact from around then and get me out of here! I have faith in you all!””
*We return the shot to the van, of Sonic and Co’s worried faces, but changes to smiles*
“And so I informed Sonic and his friends that that’s exactly where we’re headed. They all seemed not too fond of having to time travel, for reasons they don’t wish to tell me, but they agreed all the same to help us rescue Sly and then put a stop to their enemy.”
*The van lands in Ancient Egypt, but the place doesn’t look right. Smoke takes the sky and Eggman’s face and body take the various things in the city.*
“Right on schedule, we had arrived to Ancient Egypt, but something was off. WAY off. The air smelled of industrial smoke and the faces of sculptures and paintings all had an ugly face in place of what was originally there: a face Sonic tells me is that of Dr. Eggman. At that instant, it became clear to us that our rescue mission had just gotten a lot harder than expected…”
Sly Cooper and the Gang in…
*An empty part of a tomb wall appears, devoid of any markings, until a hammer and chisel held by raccoon hands come in and chisel out the words ‘Sly of Sand’ on it.*
HUB Layout:
The gang take refuge in an abandoned Egyptian hovel, somehow large enough to house them all and the van. The city which provides the hub looks like your average Ancient Egyptian city, with hovels, shops, a dock, and a river on the edge. In a corner of the HUB is a large mansion, where Fang resides and is thus more guarded than the rest of the HUB, and in another corner is a pyramid that is still being constructed. Around the middle of the HUB is a tomb, which is where certain jobs will take place.
Egyptian Cats: Dark grey black cats with black spots and a gold necklace that jump among the roofs and ground, in search of thieves. Quickly defeat these guys before they get back up, or they will counterattack with a claw-filled uppercut. Carries 3-5 coins to pickpocket and 10% for treasure to be grabbed.
Falcons: An orange bird that flies and walks on the rooftops, ready to attack anyone that walks past its steely glare. Carries 5-7 coins to pickpocket and has 25% chance for treasure to be grabbed.
Nile Crocodiles: Big, scary crocs that could tear you apart in one bite if it sees you. Thankfully, their eyesight is poor, so they use flashlight to find you. Don’t even attempt to force these guys into the water or taking a dip with a croc nearby, as they can swim and can easily get you if you’re not careful. Carries 5-10 coins to pickpocket has 50% chance of treasure to be grabbed.
Spirits: Ghostly versions of the guards that have been forced to haunt for their eternity, since they are stuck down below. Attacking them will scare them away for a bit, but they’ll return until their soul container is destroyed.
Skorps: Scorpion-like badnik that will throw their spike balled tail at you. It’s best to stay back until they retract the spike ball again to attack it. Drops 4 rings when smashed.
Buzzbombers: Wasp-looking badniks that fly around until they spot their target, which they then fire a shot to shoot down. They’re pretty slow and predictable, so they should be easy to shoot down. Drops 2 rings that are automatically collected.
Mummy Pawns: They shamble around in the tombs and will try to strong hug you to death if they spot you. It’s best to destroy them on the head. This is one mummy you don’t want. Drops 6 rings when smashed
Anubis Pawns: Jackal-headed pawns that will spin their canes they hold about to prevent you from attacking them. It’s best to sneak up from behind and break them apart from there. Drops 8 rings when destroyed.
Hyudoro: Strange little ghost that hover about in the darkness. Eggman has brought them in agitated and now they attack anyone nearby.
From Guards:
Bronze Ring: Worth 30 coins and 15 rings.
Silver Ring: Worth 50 coins and 25 rings.
Gold Ring: Worth 70 coins and 35 rings.
On Pedestals:
Silver Jar: Not booby-trapped. Worth 150 coins and 75 rings. Found near the tomb.
Sapphire Necklace: Not bobby-trapped. Worth 200 coins and 100 rings. Found near the docks.
Gold Headdress: Booby-trapped with 2:00 timer. Worth 350 coins and 175 rings. Found near the mansion.
24-Karat Sand Castle: Booby-trapped with damage sensor, meaning don’t take fall damage. Worth 400 coins and 200 rings. Found on the highest portion of the pyramid.
The coins here have an ankh on both sides.
Secret Sighting of Clockwerk: Made as part of a sphinx just outside of town.
A Speedy Tutorial
Take Sonic through his paces.
Bentley: “Before we have you go and rescue Sly, it might be a good idea to refresh yourself on what you can do.”
Sonic: “But I’ve been me for as long as I can remember! I know what I can and can’t do!”
Bentley: “Well, it still is nice to have a refresher course; you can never be too prepared. Besides, the way we do things is a LOT different from what you normally do, right?”
Sonic: “You got me there. So what’s first then?”
Bentley: “I suppose I should start off with what odds you’re up against. You see the people patrolling around this area, maybe holding a weapon or two? Those are guards, the hired help of master criminals for anything of worth in a given operation but their main job is to look out for intruders and “take care” of them.”
Sonic: S”o pretty much like Badniks and Egg Pawns. I can handle that.”
Bentley: “While I’m not exactly sure of how these “Badniks” and “Egg Pawns” work, don’t underestimate the guards. If one of them spots you, the rest of them in the area will be alerted to your presence and rush to attack you. If you can’t get away and hide, they will overwhelm you sooner or later.”
Sonic: “Okay, that’s a bit more different and dangerous. What else should I know about these guys?”
Bentley: “There are two types of guards. The first are “Rooftop Guards”, which are common and able to jump up to rooftops. Wouldn’t you believe it, there are also two types of rooftop guards! The first type can’t take many hits but they can dish it out back and they will do a “counter attack” when getting up after being knocked down, so you wanna keep your distance. The second type are comparatively durable but don’t do as much damage. However, they’re equipped with megaphones, so they’ll alert even more guards should they spot you.”
Sonic: “Alright, so these guys know parkour, one’s a “glass cannon” and the other a “stone wall” that attracts even more attention. What’s the other type of guard?”
Bentley: “See those big guys holding light? Those are “Flashlight Guards”. They have poor vision and rely on their light to see, but if they see you or are alerted, you BETTER run. They take lots of damage to be defeated, they move fast, they have range weapons that do tons of damage, and getting up close and personal isn’t advised either. The only escape from these guys is the rooftops since they can’t jump but they’ll still try to shoot at you.”
Sonic: “So definitely avoid those guys. Anything else?”
Bentley: “That’s it for the guards. Although I should also warn you about searchlights and lasers, which will respectively shoot at you and fry you should you get in their way. Um, do you know how to get around areas like this?“
Sonic: “Of course I do! Run, jump, roll into a ball. The usual stuff.”
Bentley: “Roll into a ball? Oh right, you’re a hedgehog! Hehe, well, that’s certainly a useful technique. But do you also know how to climb, crawl under tight spaces, and sneak around buildings?”
Sonic: “Um… Well, I guess I can crawl under stuff, but climbing isn’t my style and sneaking around buildings?”
Bentley: “Okay, we can rule out those two things. Let’s test out your crawling ability! Venture around and try to find a table to crawl under. To make searching easier, I’ve managed to locate all the tables in this village and marked them with a waypoint. Feel free to try out some other abilities you’re able to pull off while doing so. You know them better than I do.”
(When Sonic comes across a rail to grind on)
Sonic: “Ah, a good ol’ rail to grind on.”
Bentley: “Ah, good, so you know how to ‘ride the rails’, so to speak. Sly does as well by jumping and pressing the circle button to ride them.”
Sonic: “I have no clue what this ‘O button’ is, but I just jump on one to rail grind.”
*The player does so and we move on.*
Bentley: “Alright then. Hmmm, what else? Your frame doesn’t suggest you can really balance on spires or anything else.”
Sonic, sarcastically: “Well, sorry for eating one too many chili-dogs!”
Bentley: “That’s not what I meant.”
Murray comes in over Bentley’s comm. “Why not find out what attacks you can do? Can you do a punch or something?”
Sonic: “Well, punchings more Knucklehead's department, but I can do this!”
*The player has Sonic jump, roll, and home attack some nearby Skorps and Mummy Pawns and Anubis Pawns.*
Murray: “Wow! You made quick work of them without breaking a sweat!”
Sonic: “Heh, well, speed is my game. Although, from looking at those guards, I don’t think my attacks are strong enough to deal with them.”
Murray: “No worries. We’ll handle them for you guys.”
Sonic: “Thanks.”
Sonic Snap
Take photos of
The Tomb
The half-built pyramid
The docks
Eggman’s factory
Of the 3 badniks roaming about
Take Photo of Mansion then enter it.
Take Photo of Fang and follow him
Free Sly
Escape the Mansion
Bentley: “Now that the tutorial for you is out of the way, it’s time to get to brass tacks.”
Sonic: “Alright then. What do you want me to do?”
Bentley: “I want you to go around the city and take photos of anything that looks suspicious.”
Sonic: “I think I can see a few places already, and I see some badniks to take a photo of too.”
Bentley: “Once that’s done, head on off to the Mansion, and I’ll let you know what to do next.”
*The player has Sonic go on a photo taking spree, taking pics of the tomb, the docks, the pyramid, the factory and some badniks before heading to the mansion.*
Bentley: “Alright. Now I want you to take a recon photo of the mansion and then find a way inside.”
Sonic: “That shouldn’t be tough.”
*The player has Sonic take a pic of the mansion and then jump onto the roof of the mansion from the other roofs and jump in an open window.*
Bentley: “Alright, what are you seeing, Sonic?”
Sonic: “Mostly a gaudy mansion, something I’d expect from Eggman. Wait, who’s that?”
*The player has to take a clear pic of Fang.*
Bentley: “Who is it?”
Sonic: “I believe it is an old criminal bounty-hunter from our world, his name is Nack the Weasel otherwise known as-”
*The camera moves towards Nack as he is distracted by making a video call on a ‘iPad’.
Fang: “Fang the Sniper to Dr. Eggman. Come in, Dr. Eggman.”
Dr. Eggman: “Yes? What is it?”
Fang: “I got some good news! I was able to steal Slytunkhamen’s canes and get some footage of the idiot raccoon before he went and disappeared on me.”
Eggman: “I would have preferred that you had captured the raccoon as well.”
Fang: “Well, by some lucky chance, I was able to find that other idiot raccoon that Le Paradox sent off. Sly was his name, right? Heh, he wasn’t so sly when he met the badniks.”
Eggman: “Excellent. That means that his friends should be coming to save him soon.”
Bentley: “WHAT?! Did he mention Sly?! Follow that weasel!”
Sonic says this as the player regains movement: “I think he’s part wolf too.”
*The player has Sonic follow Fang as he talks to Eggman.*
Fang: “Sly was so weak when we found him, must have been in the desert for days. And he didn’t seem to know how to fight a Pawn either.”
Eggman: “Well, we are the strangers in this world. But that means it was easy for us to get him.”
Fang: “Of course, boss. So what shall we do to him? Kill him?”
Eggman: “No, not yet. We need to find out as much as we can from him. Especially his cane and his moves.”
Fang: “Right, shouldn’t be too hard.” *He shuts off the ipad as he arrives at Sly’s room and bangs on the door before opening it.* “Wake up, you fool! I got a proposition for you!”
*He enters and Sonic follows.*
Fang: “So, here’s my offer for you. You give up your cane and what moves you know, and perhaps I’ll give you to Eggman to let him decide your fate.”
Bentley sounded scared. “SLY!! Oh, what do they have planned for you?!”
Sly, despite being tied up, is still cool and comfortable. “No dice. I usually don’t give information to capturers like you.”
Fang: “Figured. No matter. You brought Slytunkhamen to me, and I stole his canes, so you’re still getting that trip.”
Sly, worried: “No!”
Fang laughs: “Such a fool you are!”
Bentley: “AH! How do we save Sly?! I can’t think of what to do!!”
Sonic: “Looks like I’m on my own, should be quick.”
Bentley: “Wait, what?!”
*Sonic decides to come out of hiding and use his speed to rescue Sly as fast as possible, leaving Fang wondering what’s happening as all he can see is a blue blur quickly untangling the ropes that were holding up Sly.*
Fang: “Ay, what’s happening here?!”
*All too quickly, Sly felt himself being lifted by the blur and being carried across the room before the blue creature stopped so he could see his rescuer.*
Sly: “Who are you?”
Fang sees who it is. “SONIC?! What the hell are you doing here?”
Sonic: “Oh, just helping out a green friend save his captured friend. Now if you don’t mind. We’re leaving now!”
Sly knew what he was talking about and just shrugged. “What are you gonna do?”
Fang: “Well, I’ll tell you what I’ll do!” *He pulled out his cork guns and started firing.*
Sonic: “I’d love to stay and play, but we gotta go!”
*The player has Sonic run with Sly on his shoulder throughout the mansion, avoiding Fang’s corks as they try to escape. Unfortunately, Sonic runs out of space as he finds himself in a dead end hall.*
Fang: “Hah, end of the line for you, fools!” *He readies his guns for an attack barrage.*
*Sly takes a second to look around the hall and sees a chandelier with something to hook on to with his cane.*
Sly: “Well, we’d love to stay and chat, but we gotta go.”
Fang: “HUH?!”
*As soon as he starts firing, Sly hooks onto the chandelier and pulls him and Sonic just in time to miss the corks. Sly does some more fancy moves, and Sonic follows as they smash out the nearest window and escape.*
Fang can be heard shouting as they head back to the safehouse: “YOU CAN RUN, BUT I CONTROL THIS CITY FOOLS! I’LL GET YOU SOON!!!”
*Animated cutscene plays of Sly reuniting with the gang*
Sly, narrating: Well this is the most odd week I’m having. First I got stranded in Ancient Egypt, then I get captured by some goofy robots commanded by a weasel with a cork gun, who also takes orders from some egg-shaped creature, and now I just got rescued by some blue animal that runs faster than a vehicle. Not that I’m not thankful for his help, I’m grateful for “Sonic’s” intervention, but just what the heck is going on? I soon got my answer when the blue “hedgehog” took me to his hideout and I was immediately greeted by my friends. After our reunion, Bentley explained to me all the things that are going on; how this “Dr. Eggman” came to our world and is now doing something with our history, and Bentley not only recruited Panda King and Dimitri to help us out but also Sonic and his friends. This was a lot to take in, needless to say, and I was hoping to have some relaxation after our time traveling adventure. But I’m more than happy to be reunited with my gang and start causing some trouble for some guys looking to cause damage to innocents. Now that I’m back, our next objective is to find my ancestor, the one who started the Cooper Clan’s thieving legacy, Slytunkhamen. Dr. Eggman is looking for him for some reason and has managed to take his cane, so we need to get to him first. That’s going to be a challenge though, since Slytunkhamen has the ability to turn invisible. But we’re always up for a challenge!
The Search for Slytunkhamen
Search for Slytunkhamen
Bentley: “It’s so good to have you back with us Sly! I’m just so sorry we couldn’t come get you sooner. I had to reconfigure the van’s time machine, work out how to get past Le Paradox’s time machine messing with landing here-”
Sly chuckles: “Don’t sweat it Bentley, I’ve only been in here for a week. It’s good to be back too!”
Bentley recomposes himself: “Are you sure you want to go out in the field though? I’m happy to let someone else search for Slytunkhamen and let you relax.”
Sly: “Of course I’m sure! I can’t relax with all this going on and I’m the best bet at finding Slytunkhamen. Besides, I could use the time to refresh on my skills.”
Bentley: “Are you actually saying that you want to get a tutorial from me?”
Sly: “You say that as if I’ve never appreciated your reminders.”
Bentley: “Aw Sly, you’re making me blush and- *Ahem* Okay then! While we search for your ancestor, we’ll practice your many techniques. I guess to start off is your sneaking moves as they’re the most important. You remember stealth auras?“
Sly: “Those blue sparkles? How could I forget them?”
Bentley: “Well, if you see any against a wall or under tight spaces, then you can press the circle button to sneak along the wall and crawl respectively. Go ahead and give those a try.”
(Sly does either or both moves)
Bentley: “Excellent work!”
Sly: “Bentley, I just crawled under a table, that’s hardly excellent work.”
Bentley: “Glad to see you also haven’t lost your sense of humor. Alright then, let’s move onto your more “fun” moves that help with moving around.”
Sly: “Aw yeah, the Ninja Spire Jump and Rail Walk!”
Bentley: “Yep! But also climbing and hook swinging! They all simply require the perfect combo: jump, and hit the circle button.”
Sly smirks: “Hearing those words never gets old.”
Bentley: “You’ll actually need to use all those techniques to get to the next location where Slytunkhamen is potentially hidden, so let’s get started!”
(Sly pulls off the mentioned moves and makes it to the designated location)
Bentley: “Still acrobatic as ever, even after being stuck in a desert for who knows how long!”
Sly: “It hasn’t been that long, actually. Hm, so how am I going to find someone who’s invisible?”
Bentley: “I gotcha covered there, Sly! I’ve equipped your binocucom with thermal infrared imaging, so you should be able to see Slytunkhamen even when he’s transparent. Just search around and hopefully he’s in this area.”
(After Sly searches waypointed areas with his binocucom)
Sly: “I’ve looked everywhere and didn’t see any sign of him.”
Bentley: “Darn. So it’s back to square one.”
(Espio speaks up from off-screen)
Espio: “If I may intervene, I have a suggestion that may be of use.”
Bentley: “Oh! Sure, go ahead! I’ll put you on the screen.”
(Bentley’s screen on the binocucom turns to static and Espio appears in his place)
Espio: “Greetings, Sly Cooper.”
Sly: “Um, hello! You can just call me Sly.”
Espio: “Very well. So, as a detective, I know a thing about searching for hidden people. Usually it is recommended to look for clues, like tracks or hair. But I suspect your ancestor, being the master thief who started your family’s criminal activities, knows to eliminate such things.”
Sly: “Without a doubt.”
Espio: “In that case, it would be advised to interrogate the guards around here. They have managed to see him before, so they should know of a hint to his current whereabouts.”
Sly: “I getcha! These thugs know this area more than we do. We’re not exactly the interrogating types, but I bet they have a message or something as a clue. Something that won’t be a problem for me to grab without their notice. I’m able to pick the pockets of guards with my cane. I just have to trail behind them and press the circle button, so long they don’t see me.”
Espio: “Interesting! But in the event you do get spotted, how do you plan to escape with your life?”
Sly: “Simple! I hold down the R1 button and sprint away. I’m more than fast enough to get away from those guys.”
Espio: “Good! But what about the event in which you have to take out a guard in order to accomplish the task?”
Sly: “Then I use my “Sneak Attack”. I sneak up behind a guard and press the triangle button to juggle them in the air. Then, before they hit the ground, I press the square button to grab them with my cane and slam them to the ground. So long I’m not spotted, I’ll be safe.”
Espio: “Truly, your name suits your skills. Just like in our world.”
Sly: “I guess you could say bright worlds work alike.”
(Sly picks off guards protecting a flashlight guard carrying a charter, which Sly then pickpockets and a cutscene of him reading it plays)
Sly: “Okay, I got a charter here. I think it says that Slytunkhamen was last seen at the docks. If I hurry, I might just find him there!”
(Cue timed mission where Sly must run to the docks before time runs out. Once at the docks, another cutscene plays where Sly looks around with his binocucom)
Bentley: “Is he there Sly?! I hope we’re not too late!”
Sly: “Relax Bentley, give me a few more seconds to look around…”
(Just then, a raccoon in Egyptian clothing appears behind Sly with a wary look. The raccoon sneaks up behind Sly, grabs him, and pulls him back into the shadows)
Sly: “Hey! What the-?!”
???: “Quiet your voice, if you value your life. I know that you’ve been searching for me very urgently and I must say, I’m not amused. First you fiends take my canes, what else do you want to take from me?”
Sly: “Whoa, whoa, hold on! I didn’t take your canes! I want to help you get it back!”
Slytunkhamen: “Is that so? *Studies Sly while keeping a firm grip on him* Hm, I suppose you’re not one of them. So then, who are you?”
Sly: “My name is Sly! Sly Cooper! I know this will be hard to believe, but I’m your descendent far in the future.”
Slytunkhamen: “My descendant? A Cooper?! *Releases Sly, turns him around, and hugs him* Ah, I should’ve known you were family the moment I saw you were a raccoon! And don’t worry, given the situation occurring right now, I’m aware that time travel both exists and is involved. Sorry about the hostility.”
Sly: *Urk* “It’s fine. I’d be on edge too with everything going on. Well, let me take you back to my gang’s safehouse and we’ll come up with a plan to help you out.”
*A picture of Slytunkhamen is shown on screen.*
Bentley: “Alright, here’s what I got from what Slytunkhamen told me. *The picture changes to an Anubis Pawn.* He told me that ever since the Egg Pawns have come around, thieving for him has become quite difficult.”
Tails draws some light arrows coming from the eyes. “That makes sense, the pawns have infrared sensors that make going invisible useless.”
Bentley: “Right. And thanks to that, he lost his canes trying to escape and doesn’t know what to do now.”
Sonic: “So what, do we go and stop Fang now?”
*The slide changes to a map of the city.*
Bentley: “No, not yet. This city looks like it has been abandoned for some reason, and we better find out the reason why. It might give us an idea what Fang and Dr. Eggman are up to. *The factory gets circled in and a fox and turtle drawing are shown next to it.* Tails and I will be heading to the factory churning out the Egg Pawns and see what’s happening inside.”
*He draws another circle over the pyramid, with a hippo and echidna drawing next to it.*
“Murray, you and Knuckles will be searching the Pyramid that is half built, see what they are doing inside there.”
Murray: “Alright!”
*Another circle is drawn over the tombs, with a drawing of a panda and cat.*
Bentley: “Panda King and Blaze will be heading into the tombs, cause I am sensing a lot of strange energy down there. Everyone knows what they’re doing, so let’s hurry on.”
The Factory
Head to and Enter the Factory
Take photos of the factory machinery.
Hack the computers for information
Escape the Factory
*Bentley and Tails are outside the factory.*
Bentley: “Alright, Tails, let’s see what’s happening in here.”
*Tails and Bentley enter through the door. Inside, they find numerous machines and conveyor belts carrying robot parts and assembling robots one by one. Upon assembly, the robots are carried by crane to a specific area where they are kept on standby*
Bentley: “Wow! I knew this Dr. Eggman is a robotics mastermind, but this is overkill! How has he not taken over your world with all of these?”
Tails: “Despite his huge IQ, Eggman isn’t exactly bright. His plans and strategies always have some flaw that Sonic and I like to exploit. That and, while he makes huge amounts of robots, they’re not actually tough at all. It normally just takes one hit from us to destroy these things.”
Bentley: “Ah, so he’s all about quantity over quality! And if he’s that bad at planning, then this whole thing should be cake! Okay, so where do you think the main terminal to this factory is? If we’re gonna learn more about what Eggman is planning here, I’ll need to hack into that.”
Tails: “I’d bet one of my two tails that Eggman would place such a thing at the highest level of this factory, hidden behind many obstacles and enemies to prevent anyone like us from accessing it.”
Bentley: “I see! That may be impossible for some, but Eggman’s never met me! This will be simple.”
Tails: “What should I do while you do that?”
Bentley: “Hm… Oh! How are you with RC technology?”
Tails: “I’ve kind of started it, but I think I’ve gotten the hang of them.”
Bentley: “Good! There’s sure to be numerous obstacles on the way up there that can only be overcome with an RC car or helicopter.”
Tails: “Understood! Though I’m afraid I only have an RC plane, not a helicopter.”
Bentley: “That’s fine! So long it can fly and shoot at things, we’re all good.”
Tails: “Okay, I’m all set to help you out when you need it!”
(The player then navigates Bentley through the factory, avoiding all sorts of hazards and enemies. Along the way, as in-level dialogue)
Bentley: “You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, um, Tails.”
Tails: “What is it, Bentley?”
Bentley: “Euhm… Nevermind. It’s an insensitive question.”
Tails: “It’s about my tails, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I get that a lot, hehe. If you’re wondering, I was born with them. I’ve yet to figure out the reason.”
Bentley: “Oh! Um, thanks for the answer. I’m sorry for bringing it up.”
Tails: “Hey, it’s fine. I’ll admit, I’ve been curious about something about you but haven’t asked since…”
Bentley: “You mean my legs, eh? Haha, well, it’s a bit of a long story, but I ended up going inside something dangerous to get an important item but didn’t get out in time.”
Tails: “Oh man… I’m so sorry that happened.”
Bentley: “Yeah, Murray was so distraught by that he ended up quitting the gang out of self-blame. But it’s all good. I’ve come to terms with what happened and this wheelchair more than makes up for everything.”
Tails: “I see! I’m glad that you’ve managed to see the bright side of this situation. Likewise, this extra tail brought me a lot of grief by attracting bullies, but now I value it for allowing me to catch up with Sonic and fly!”
Bentley: “Truly, any supposed hinderance can be overcome if you put your mind to it!”
(Once Bentley makes it to a closed, steel door)
Bentley: “Drat! The terminal is just behind this door but I can’t see any way to get past it.”
Tails: “Hang in there Bentley! I’ll try and find a way to open it!”
(Tails looks into the factory’s mainframe with his Miles Electric)
Tails: “Hm, it appears Eggman has built a bunch of power conduits to keep that door secure, keeping out anyone except himself and high-ranking personnel. Fang, in this case. Fortunately, Eggman left these power conduits hanging around this factory, which I can easily shoot down with my RC Tornado!”
Bentley: “Sweet! Be careful though. If past experience can be applied, Eggman is sure to have installed some sort of security to counteract this.”
(The first RC Plane segment begins, playing exactly like the plane from Sly 3 but to a miniature level and not needing to replenish ammo. Tails must fly the RC Tornado around the factory and shoot down the power conduits, of which there are 6 of them. After destroying the first one, Buzzbombers will be alerted and fly around to destroy the RC Tornado. After all 6 Power Conduits have been destroyed…)
Tails: “All conduits have been destroyed! Is the door open Bentley?”
Bentley: “Affirmative! Accessing the terminal now!”
(Bentley hacks into the terminal and the hacking games from Sly 2, 3, and 4 begins. As usual, Bentley needs to navigate his avatar through a cyberspace, battling all sorts of anti-virus systems to get to main objective. Once complete...)
Bentley: “Ha! Easy as ever! Now to just download Eggman’s plans and-“
(Alarms start up and most of the robots in stand-by are activated)
Bentley: “What the-?! Oh, why does this always seem to happen…”
Tails: “Whoa! I wasn’t expecting this! Try and download as much as you can and get out of there before these robots overwhelm us!”
Bentley: “Don’t need to tell me! *Stares intently at the screen as the data loads* Come on baby, hurry up! *The bar doesn’t load fast at all, managing only 20%* Gah! 20% will have to do! Let’s get out of here!”
*The player must now have Tails and Bentley escape before the pawns overwhelm them before the mission is complete.*
Pyramid Scheme
Take recon photos of the machinery in the pyramid
Escape the Pyramid
*Murray and Knuckles reach the entrance point into the pyramid.*
Murray: “Okay, Sly, we’re at the pyramid. Remind me what we do again?”
Sly: “Bentley wants you two to go down in there and find out what’s happening. He thinks the badniks and guards are doing something more than just creating a burial for a pharaoh.”
Knuckles: “So then let’s stop yapping and start looking then!”
*They head down into the pyramid. They are surprised to find that the depths of the pyramid look quite modern-like, compared to the outside structure.*
Knuckles: “Wow…”
Murray: “This place looks quite modern, Sly. Lots of monitors and computers are around.”
Sly: “That sounds odd…”
Sonic: “Not for someone like Eggman. I think your friend would want recon of those machines.”
Sly: “Yep. Murray, you remember to punch by pressing the square button and that if you press it during a jump, you can belly slam to knock out anything nearby right?”
Murray: “Of course, Sly! I’d be a terrible ‘muscle’ if I didn’t.”
Knuckles: “Hey, don’t count me out either. I can punch just as well.”
Sonic: “Knuckle-head’s right.”
Knuckles: “Hey!”
Sonic: “Now go on, guys, find out what’s going on.”
*The player has the two sneak around for a bit until they find a large gap.*
Murray: “How are we going to get across this gap? It’s too wide to jump over, and they’re spikes below!”
Knuckles: “I can see a switch on the other side. I’ll get it.”
Murray: “How?”
Knuckles: “Using my glide.”
*The player has Knuckles glide across the gap and then hit a lever that expands a bridge over the gap.*
Murray: “Wow!”
*The player has them continue on for a bit, taking recon photos of machines building something, until they find a strange shaped thing too hard to make out in the darkness.*
Murray: “What is it?”
Knuckles: “I’m not sure… but the shape looks familiar…”
*For some reason, the spotlights in the pyramid come on, showing what the thing is.*
Murray: “Oh, now it’s clear enough.” *He takes a recon photo of it.*
Knuckles sounds scared “Oh god…”
Murray: “What is it?”
Knuckles: “It’s the Egg Golem. We’ve broken it before, but this one is more huge than the last one.”
*For probably security reasons, alarms start getting tripped, noting the unauthorized access of  Murray and Knuckles.*
Knuckles sees the guards coming for them. “We better get out of here!”
Murray: “Right!”
*The player must have the 2 fight their way out of the pyramid, taking out guards and avoiding lasers along the way. The mission ends once they escape.*
The Tombs
Free the Ghosts and Spirits in the tombs
*The Panda King and Blaze arrive at the entrance to the tombs.*
Panda King: “We have arrived at the entrance to the tombs, Sly.”
Sly: “Good. Bentley says he wants you guys to go in there and see what they are storing down there. He said it seemed very energetic compared to the vacant town.”
Blaze: “Got it.”
*The two enter the tombs and they quickly find the rooms below are pitch black.*
Blaze: “Hang on...” *She uses her fire powers to make her illuminative, lighting the nearest walls.* “I have pyrokinesis, control over fire.” *She smiled warmly.*
Panda King: “The art of controlling flame, just as graceful as the power of fireworks. I wonder if we can combine the two to make them even more powerful.”
*The player has Panda King shoot some fireworks at a cracked wall through Blaze’s flames to break it down. Unfortunately, spirits and ghosts start attacking them.*
Blaze: “Ah, ghosts!”
Panda King shoots some fireworks to scare them off. “I wonder why they are here? Could they be why the city is empty?”
Sonic: “It seems to be so. Bentley’s computers seem to show show that the tombs go under all the buildings.”
Slytunkhamen: “Ah, yes! I’ve seen those spirits scaring the people away.”
Blaze: “I think I can see where they are coming from.” *The camera looks at a spirit and follow a blue trail that leads to other blue trails coming out of a machine.*
Panda King: “Those machines seem to be tethering the ghosts here! I wonder if getting rid of them will move them on.”
*The player has to go on through the sandy tombs, scaring spirits and destroying the 5 machines holding them down. Each one is accompanied with the spirits and ghosts going down into the ground, disappearing for good. Once the last one is destroyed, the mission ends.*
*The slideshow starts with outside of the factory, then changes to a pic of the canes and the Thievius Raccoonus.*
Bentley: “Well, our mission to the factory could have gone better, but I see we shouldn’t underestimate Dr Eggman. The data we got seems to suggest his plan is to steal the canes from other Coopers and examine the Thievius Raccoonus.”
Sly: “He wants WHAT? Why the hell does he need our history for?”
Tails: “No clue, we didn’t get to capture that much. But we need to get back to the task at hand.”
*The slide changes to the tombs, then the pyramid, then the mansion.*
Bentley: “Right. Thanks to Panda King and Blaze sending the spirits to the grave, it might attract the city folk into returning, but it’s obvious the place is to dangerous right now. We need to go and destroy the Egg Golem hiding in the pyramid and figure out some way to defeat Fang and find Slytunkhamen’s canes.”
*The slide changes to the Egg Golem with then gets X’d out.*
Amy: “Oh! Carmelita and I could handle fighting the Egg Golem! It should be simple!”
Carmelita: “My gun has been itching for a target to shoot and this sounds  interesting enough.”
*The slide changes to the interior of the mansion.*
Slytunkhamen: “I’ll go to the mansion. You said it was pretty well lit in there, and my shadow powers should make it easier to get around. But I don’t know what to do if I find an Egg Pawn…”
Espio: “I’ll go with you. I can handle smashing them to bits. And having 2 people find your cane should make it faster in searching.”
Bentley: “Alright then. You guys know what to do, now go!”
Defeat the Egg Golem
*Amy and Carmelita arrive at the pyramid top*
Carmelita: “Okay Bentley, me and Amy here are at the pyramid ready to take down this ‘EGG Golem’.”
Bentley: “Good! Now Sonic tells me that the last time he fought this thing, it had a weak spot on its head, so try and aim for that.”
Carmelita: “Understood! Preparing to attack now.”
(Carmelita ends her call with Bentley and arms her Shock Pistol)
Amy: “Oh my gosh, my weapon has that exact same color!”
Carmelita: “Oh! Really now? You don’t seem like the kind of girl to use a gun.”
Amy: “I don’t, heehee! I use this!”
(Amy takes out her Piko-Piko Hammer)
Carmelita: “What the-?! Where were you storing that?!”
Amy: “Hm... You know, I don’t really know. I just reach to grab it and it appears.”
Carmelita: “I see… Sorry, no offense, but are you sure you can handle yourself in a fight? That hammer doesn’t look combat capable at all and you sure aren’t dressed for this.”
Amy: “Trust me, this hammer is WAY stronger than it looks and I’ve been in many fights before! But what do you mean about my dress?”
Carmelita: “You’re in an open skirt, not even wearing shorts. Unless you panty shot your enemies into defeat, I don’t see how practical it is to fight wearing that.”
Amy: “Oh… Well, it’s never been a problem for me. Besides, who are you to talk about one's clothing? All you have are a bra, shorts, and jacket.”
Carmelita: “Fair point. Now, let’s take care of this thing!”
Amy: “Right on!”
(The girls go through a short tutorial on how their respective abilities work on the way to the Egg Golem. Upon making it to the Egg Golem, a short cutscene appears of the Egg Golem rising up to the circular platform the girls are on)
Carmelita: “So this is the thing? Heh, I’ve fought bigger!”
Amy: “Yeah, this thing is a bit of a piece of cake! Don’t let your guard down though.”
Carmelita: “Wasn’t planning on it.”
(And so the boss fight against the Egg Golem begins, behaving similarly to the fight against it in Sonic Adventure 2 but the platform is bigger and the Egg Golem now has laser eyes. The Egg Golem is fought exclusively by Carmelita, who simply has to shoot at the power core on top of the golem’s head while evading its attacks and the summoned guards. Once the golem’s health bar is empty, it bends down in defeat)
Carmelita: “Ha! That was almost too easy! *Turns around and calls to Bentley over the radio* Took care of the golem Bentley. Won’t be a problem for us once we begin our attack.”
(As Carmelita said that, the Egg Golem raises back up and raises its right hand)
Amy: “Carmelita! LOOK OUT!”
Carmelita: “Huh?!”
(Carmelita turns around to see the job isn’t finished yet, but before she could do anything, the Egg Golem grabs her and holds the fox in a tight grip)
Carmelita: “Argh! Dammit!”
Amy: “I told you not to let your guard down!”
Carmelita: “It put up a very convincing fake death! Think you can take it down?”
Amy: “I don’t “think” I can take it down, I KNOW I can!”
(And so the surprise Phase 2 begins, where Amy has to destroy the power core on the Egg Golem’s back by using her hammer to knock boulders into its face and using the platforms on its back to reach the core. Once the golem’s health bar goes empty, it writhes with electricity surging everywhere and then collapses forward, releasing Carmelita once its arm hits the platform)
Amy: “You okay?”
Carmelita: “Yeah, I’m fine. Last time I turn my back to a seemingly defeated foe. Can we not mention this to the others?”
Amy: “Your secret is safe with me! So long you don’t judge my capabilities again.”
Carmelita: “After that, you have definitely proven yourself to me! Sorry for that initial judgement.”
Bentley: “Carmelita! What just happened? You stopped talking all of a sudden and cursed and screamed for minutes!”
Carmelita: “Oh, um! A sandstorm started up suddenly and sand got in my mouth! Took too long for the storm to end and get the sand out.”
Bentley: “Ew! Sorry that happened. Well, if the Egg Golem is taken care of then return to the Safe house.”
Hiding in Plain Sight
Take recon photos of the inside of the mansion
Listen in on Fang’s conversation
Steal the canes back.
*Slytunkhamen and Espio arrives at the front doors of the mansion.*
Bentley: “Alright, Slytunkhamen and Espio. From what Sonic saw the last time, the mansion is very well lit and is almost impossible to sneak around in, especially since guards and pawns are now patrolling all over the place.”
Slytunkhamen: “Leave it to us, it shouldn’t be difficult at all for two stealthy folk!”
*They enter the mansion through the front door in their invisible state. Inside, they find the mansion full of spotlights and lasers and guards and pawns everywhere.*
Espio sneers “Geez, paranoid much?”
Slytunkhamen smirks. “He should be, since he’s got us to handle.” *He then remembers something. “I do admit, my skills aren’t perfected yet as I still need to find some shadows to recharge my Focus to continue my invisibility.”
Espio: “Remind me to help you with that.”
*The player then controls the two as they sneak their way through the mansion, taking pictures of things that can attract Fang’s attention to move him around the mansion. Soon they find themselves in the basement where Fang is busy talking to Eggman again, distracted.*
Fang is playing with Slytunkhamen’s canes. “Good news, Eggman! I’ve been able to download as much as I can from Slytunkhamen’s canes and his abilities from the robots that spotted him and am ready to download the info to you.”
Eggman: “Excellent! Hurry up and send it to me!”
*He sets down the canes on some holders and starts typing on his computer.*
Espio: “Hmm, how do we steal your canes back from him?”
*Slytunkhamen sees a generator producing electricity and gets an idea. He goes and switches it off and returns before Fang gets up to check on it.*
Fang: “What the? Grr, stupid generator...” * Gets up to turn it back on and returns to his seat and types on.*
Slytunkhamen: “Seems you got just enough time to swipe them away before he gets up to turn on the generator and then return.”
Espio: “I got it.”
*The player has Espio get into position and when he does, Slytunkhamen goes to switch off the generator. Fang gets up and the player has Espio grab the canes in the short amount of time. *
*The two then move to the exit to the room as Fang returns to the computer to type.*
Slytunkhamen takes his canes from Espio and looks at Fang. “Seems like Fang hasn’t noticed.”
Espio: “I don’t believe he pays attention to anything that isn’t a target.”
Slytunkhamen: “Hmmm…” *The two leave as the mission ends.*
Bentley: “Alright, gang, it’s time we unleash our operation to capture Fang and save this town.”
*He brings up a slide of the inside of the factory and near the end, will draw an X over it.*
Bentley: “Tails and I will go with Blaze and Panda King to destroy the factory. Tails and I will make the machines go haywire so they cause quite a large amount of destruction and the Panda King and Blaze will finish it off. This should save us from having to fight a huge amount of pawns, leaving him without an army.”
*The slide changes to the mansion exterior*
Bentley: “Meanwhile, Slytunkhamen and Espio will be luring Fang out of his mansion, so we can hopefully have a fair fight.”
*The slide changes to Fang, who gets x’s over his eyes near the end.*
Bentley: “Once outside, it’s up to Sly and Sonic to fight Fang and defeat him as Murray and Knuckles provide support. With luck, Fang should go down and this time will be saved from Eggman.”
Operation: Desert Storm
Destroy the factory
Lure Fang out of his mansion
Defeat Fang
Bentley: “Alright guys, are you in position?”
*The others come in with various forms of yes.*
Bentley: “Good, then let’s roll out!”
*The player has Bentley, Tails, Panda King and Blaze enter the factory, where Bentley hacks the machines on, Tails shoots down conduits and other electric lines with his RC planes to make the machines go haywire, and Panda King and Blaze combine their strength to blast the machines apart.*
Bentley: “Alright! The factory is ruined! We’re leaving now, so it’s your turn, Slytunkhamen and Espio.”
*We move on over to the basements of the mansion with Slytunkhamen and Espio.*
Slytunkhamen: “Got it.”
*The player has Espio and Slytunkhamen stay invisible as they ring various bells and other noisy objects to lure Fang out of the mansion.*
Slytunkhamen, once the two make it outside first.* “Alright, it’s your guy’s turn.”
Sonic: “You got it!”
*Fang comes outside the mansion and comes face to face with Sly, Sonic, Knuckles and Murray.*
Fang: “Ah, you fools decided to play it smart and turn yourself in, eh?”
Sly: “Hah, you wish.”
Fang: “No matter, let me just-” *He looks over towards the factory, to see it in ruins.* “You… you destroyed my factory…”
Knuckles: “Not so tough now that you don’t have an army to do your dirty work.”
Fang, instead of looking scared, gives a smirk. “Hmph, I don’t need an army to get what I want.” *He whistles and in less than a second, a strange yellow and blue machine with boosters on the side comes flying by his side.* “All I need is my girl, the Marvelous Queen, and my trusty cork guns.” *He gets on the Marvelous Queen.* “See if you can catch me, fools, and so you don’t feel lonely…” *He shoots an alarm with his cork guns to call guard to their position before speeding away.*
Sonic shakes his head. “Has he forgotten that I can go the speed of sound already?”
Murray: “I think you and Sly should chase after him. Knuckles and I can handle the guards.”
Sly: “Sounds like a good plan, Murray.” *He piggybacks onto Sonic and they race off after Fang.*
*The player now has to go on a chase after Fang, avoiding the various objects scattered about that will slow Sonic down. Also, watch out for Fang shooting corks at you to hurt you as well. Once Sonic is close enough, he has to jump to hit the Marvelous Queen to make it crash into the ground. Once that happens, Fang will be knocked off into the intersection of a street nearby.*
Fang: “Damn you, Sonic! How dare you hurt my girl!” *He starts shooting at Sonic, ignoring Sly.*
Sonic: “Now’s your chance, Sly! Get him while he’s distracted.”
Sly: “Right.”
*The player has to sneak Sly around behind Fang without alerting him, and once close enough, smack away at Fang with his cane. Once Fang takes enough damage, he’ll hurry over to his Marvelous Queen to set it up again and fly off once more.*
*Sly returns to Sonic’s back to repeat this process 3 more times until Fang gets knocked out.*
Fang: “You fools… you don’t even know what Eggman is up to…”
Outro Cutscene:
Sly, narrating: “It took a bit more effort than expected, but we’ve managed to defeat Fang and destroy Eggman’s factory, freeing Ancient Egypt from his influence. We tossed Fang back into Sonic’s world, being sure the authorities there would take care of him, and went to plan out our next move. This Dr. Eggman though… How does he know about my family. And what does he have in mind for us? Can’t have anything to do with wanting to wipe us out like Clockwerk and Le Paradox since there’s no way he has a personal agenda against us. Well, whatever is going on, at least we got the rest of the gang and some new allies to fight against him!”
Next Time: Hope you remembered to put on your kilts for a Scotland trip! (And some underwear for decency.)
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amegakureangel186 · 7 years
~Favorite Females Tag~
I was tagged by the awesome @sage-ninja-of-the-hidden-leaf !! Thanks so much for the tag~! ^.^
The rules are to list 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, and then tag 10 people.
Konan from Naruto
Ohhh there is so much I could say about Konannnn *o* I think she’s an amazing character that (in my opinion) was much more complex than some people give her credit for. Absolutely love her.
Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog
Hands down another one of my all time favorite female characters ever. I’ve loved Amy since I was young and my passion for her still burns! XD She is very unique and I love her personality among many other things <3 
Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my all time favorite movies, so this list would not be complete without this lovely rag dollll uvu <3  
Starfire from Teen Titans (Cartoon Network ver.)
Another childhood favoriteee.<3 there are a lot of those here haha I watched Teen Titans a lot when I was a kid and I was drawn to Starfire right off the bat. I like how cheerful and positive she is alongside being a super strong, powerful alien XD yesss. Also Teen Titans Go 10/10 do not recommend go watch the original you will not be disappointed children, I promise
May Bird from the May Bird series
This was (is?) one of my favorite book series that I read in middle school I think...? The entire concept of the book(s) was very interesting to me and I really love the strange, shy, outcast protagonist, May <33
Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Again with the book series~~ I went through a major Greek Mythology phase in my past and this series only fueled the fire XD I loved Athena and I love Annabeth in these books. I really appreciated an intelligent female main protagonist. She’s cool.
Frida Suárez from El Tigre
Anotherrr childhood cartoon heyooo and it doesn’t get any better from here XD Frida is hilarious and I love the idea of a problematic chaotic good protagonist. It’s refreshing to see and I love her blue hair too XD
Blossom from The Power Puff Girls
Probably one of the earliest fandoms I was ever in lol. Blossom was my favorite Power Puff Girl. That’s about it XD
Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Aaaaand I thought I might as well throw in my favorite Disney princess as I am running out of fandoms lol I liked her because she was a brunette (like me), liked to read (like me), and did not give in to her surroundings and knew she wanted more from life (which I found nice). So yeeee~ Plus her goofy dad sorta reminded me of my own for some reason <3 XD 
Rin Kagamine from Vocaloid 
I’m not sure if it’s accurate to say Rin is a character but Vocaloid is a fandom right? so I’m including her XD Rin and Len were my fav Vocaloids (I still listen to Vocaloid music from time to time but I used to listen to it quite frequently in the past). There are so many new Vocaloids out now tho *o* I’ve lost track haha
Holy crap that was way more difficult than I thought it was gonna be XD Too bad it couldn’t have been from one fandom XD I think as I’ve gotten older I’ve stopped branching out into new fandoms I suppose? I bet after I post this a bunch more will come to mind hngg So most of the above are from childhood I guess? XD Still like em though!
Thanks again for the tag!! :3
I tag: @jscript67 @tuesdaysandtoday @karie2055 @umiblue625 @iamthewookie3 @yoi-yoi-senpai @cutegirlmayra @irltails @kaotickanine @flickerbomb
...and anyone who wants to do it! If I’ve tagged ya, no pressure~ You don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna~ <3
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isakthedragon · 7 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 40
(Oh, @kaotickanine, how can I thank you!)
Chapter 40: Mind Your Mind
*As our heroes were walking to the next terrarium…*
Sonic asked Aku-Aku. "So, you are a great and mighty witch doctor?“
Aku-Aku: "Yes, that is I, Aku-Aku (I would like to note that his and Uka-Uka name should not have a hyphen, it’s just so Tumblr stops marking it in red.). My duty is to protect anyone who needs my guidance.”
Crash smiles. “I missed you, Aku-Aku!” Crash hugs his spiritual protector.
Aku-Aku smiles. "I see you have been doing fine without me, Crash.“
Knuckles: "Well, we did help him by letting him use our rings and Chaos Emeralds as protection in lieu of you.”
Aku-Aku: “Well, thank you, my children.”
Cream: “Mr. Aku-Aku. Most of us are over 6, you know.”
Aku-Aku: “Of course, but I see myself as a father figure for everyone, no matter what world they are in.” He looks at Sonic, Spyro, and all of their friends in a pleasing manner.
Shadow: “So, you are going to protect us?”
Aku-Aku: “Indeed. I bet you already broke plenty of crates with my face on them, but finding nothing inside. But fear not, I shall come and protect you now. I can at least offer enough protection to keep you from losing your rings.”
Spyro was still a little confused. “Who was that black mask we met?”
Aku-Aku: “Ah, that was my brother, Uka-Uka. He chose the dark side of witch doctoring as I took the light side. I locked him away eons ago, but Cortex accidentally awoke him again and Cortex attempts to work with my brother for world domination. Thankfully, they haven’t succeeded yet.”
Sonic: “Well, don’t worry, we’ll end their plan right now for good.”
*The door to the next Terrarium opens with a flash of white and reveals…*
Silver: “White space?”
Tails: “That doesn’t make sense. We’re not in a place without time. My clocks are still working on my devices.”
*Our heroes walk a bit forward and another flash of light, much more darker, occurs.*
Sonic: “What the-”
N. Trance appears. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t those heroes that are giving Dr. Cortex and Dr. Eggman so much trouble.”
Once Sonic sees N. Trance, he laughs.
N. Trance: “What? What’s so funny?”
Sonic tries speaking between laughs: “… I’m sorry… I can’t take this… I thought ‘Eggman’ was too much… but this villain… he’s an ACTUAL EGG!!! I got so many egg puns!” *Sonic collapses on the floor laughing.*
Aku-Aku: “Uh-oh, I am worried he angered him…”
N. Trance, surprisingly, is unfazed. “Are you quite finished?”
Sonic is still laughing, but gets up. “Like, are you a well-rounded villain? *Sonic laughs* "Or are you too hard-boiled to handle my puns?!” *Sonic keeps laughing as the others groan in displeasure.*
N. Trance smiles: “Oh, I see. Well, I’ll tell you one thing, you aren’t cracking my shell, for sure.”
*Sonic stops laughing when he hears N. Trance make his pun.* “Huh?”
N. Trance: “That shut you up. Too bad your puns are useless to break me. I am Dr. N. Trance, master hypnotist from the 5th dimension.”
Spyro: “What the heck is a 5th Dimension?”
Tails: “Well, science suggests that-”
N. Trance: “Shut it, you two tailed fox!” *He uses his left mechanical arm, revealing a hypnotization device and uses it to hypnotise Tails, leaving him frozen for the moment.*
Sonic gets surprised and is angered to see his best friend hypnotized. “What the hell, you shelled freak?! Why did you hypnotize my friend?”
N. Trance: “Because no matter what you guys think you know, it is wrong! Besides, he was an easy target to start off on.”
Sonic: “What do you mean by that?”
*Sonic soon learned what he meant when N. Trance started hypnotizing anyone else he could. N. Trance had an easy time hypnotising Rouge, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Silver, Blaze, Spyro, Cynder, Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley, Agent 9, Coco, and Crunch as well.
Luckily, Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, OMEGA, Amy, Cream, Big, Ember and Bandit, Hunter, Bianca, Crash, Aku-Aku, Pasadena and Von Clutch were able to avoid being hypnotized, but their minds were still probed for their memories.*
N. Trance: “Darn, I didn’t get all of you. No matter, I stole what I needed. Now SLEEP!” *He snaps his fingers, making everyone else fall asleep. He takes his hypnotized subjects and prepares his world…*
Sonic is the one to wake up first. “Ugh… why do I feel like I have a hangover?”
*The others slowly wake up too.*
Stew: “I haven’t been this hungover since my bachelor party.”
Crash: “AH! Our friends! They’re gone!”
Aku-Aku: “Indeed. I think N. Trance took them.”
N. Trance’s voice is heard, but is nowhere to be seen. “Not exactly taken, more in a deep sleep. And if you want them back, you’re going to have to make it through my twisted world!”
Shadow: “Huh?”
*They look around, and the white area from before became a sort of dreamscape, the land separated into different sections for each individual and for any large amounts of memory N. Trance replicated. In the specific section for someone, their area had them floating in the center in a deep sleep. A button was in front of each of them. When it is pressed, the dreamer is sent deep into the dreamscape, having you search for the character.*
Sonic noticed the closest area was for Tails. “Ah! We got to help my little buddy!” *Sonic presses the button and entered the dream. Knuckles just so happened to be next and jumped in to help to as a friend...*
Level 71: Tails’ Adventure
Crates: 133
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:30.00
Gold: 1:25.00
Platinum: 1:20.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Sonic and Knuckles
Badniks: WWI and WWII Lab Assistant Pawns: They fly their planes and bombers around the level. They’re more aiming at each other and at random places, but you should still watch the skies. Cluckoids: They sure can blow up a storm!
Mutants: Thun-dars: Strange, black clouds that hover around, looking for targets to shock with a lightning bolt. Tapper: A Tapir + Ripper Roo hybrid with the power of hypnotism. I think N. Trance has been watching a bit too much anime since it has a lovely yellow sheen like a certain Pokemon. Instead of a pocket watch, it uses its swirling eyes similar to Ripper Roo to hypnotize it’s victims. It also looks like Ripper Roo, but only has a bit of his DNA, while also having some Tapir characteristics. Be careful not to let it hypnotize you, otherwise it will make you walk into the nearest trap to damage you. Although, I bet it might be useful to turn that power around on the enemies… NOTE: Watch out for their Tapir trunks! Should they connect onto anyone, it will instantly kill the victim since their mind is sucked away here in this dreamscape. But controlling the Tapper will let you do the same insta-kill to the enemies too.
Knuckles: “Where are we, Sonic?”
Sonic: “Looks like we are in Tails’ mind, considering the planes flying around.”
Knuckles: “So our friend is in here, somewhere.”
Sonic: “And we have to wake him up. I don’t trust whatever that N. Trance did.”
Knuckles: “Right.”
Kaotickanine says: A technological paradise taking place on tropical islands and in the sky. On the islands, technology works in harmony with nature (think Sonic CD’s Good Future) while the sky is filled with old-fashioned planes of all kinds soaring through the clouds. However, N. Trance’s influence is causing parts of Tails’ dream to resemble Eggman’s dreams, with harmful technology polluting the islands, war planes firing at others and dropping bombs, and a few storm clouds striking lightning.
The only thing I have to add is that Tails can be found asleep in a bed at the end of the island chain.
Sonic: “Tails!” *He hurries to him, with Knuckles in tow.*
Knuckles: “How do we wake him up?”
Sonic: “I’m not sure…” *The only thing Sonic had in mind was to touch Tails’ forehead. Luckily, it woke up the sleeping kitsune.*
Tails: “Huh? Oh, hey, Sonic, Knuckles. What happened? Last I remember is N. Trance knocking us out.”
Sonic: “He placed you in this dreamlike world that is most likely made from your mind.”
Tails: “Hmm, sounds right. Well, no time for resting, I got to help out!”
*Tails get out of bed and leaves the level with Sonic and Knuckles.*
Achievement Unlocked: Believe in Myself
Level 72: Rouge’s Night Out
Crates: 147
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:35.00
Gold: 1:30.00
Platinum: 1:25.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Shadow And Omega
Badniks: Spy Lab Assistant Pawns: They carry various gizmos and guns that they fire upon you with almost laser-like precision. Thief Lab Assistant Pawns: They carry around big bags of loot that they swing around like clubs.
Mutants: Jewel-anhas: Various colored and types of gems that have gained a sentience and a thirst for blood. Best to attack these things from a distance.
*Shadow and Omega enter the dream world.*
Shadow: “I think that is right, Omega, but i think this her imagined version of it. I don’t trust this place since it looks so similar. We better find Rouge.”
Kaotickanine notes: We’re inside the mental version of Rouge’s own casino, Club Rouge! Rouge’s dream is almost identical to the actual place, but instead of money or even gold everyone is gambling for jewels and there are a few “twists” as to be expected in a dream. Rouge’s other lifestyles seem to also be seeping in, with spies and thieves comprising all the people, and they’re none too friendly of each other or you. N. Trance’s influence, however, is causing a lot of the gems to actually be hostile monsters that attack like hungry piranhas. Be careful when jumping over a pit filled with jewels, for they will jump up and try to drag you down with them…
Rouge can be found at the back of the safe area, hanging from a bar, asleep.
OMEGA sees Rouge with his targeting system. “TARGET LOCATED! ROUGE HAS BEEN FOUND!”
Shadow: “Hmm, but she is sleeping…”
Shadow: “No, I remember she said she hates loud noises. Hmmm…” *The only thing to come to Shadow’s mind was to pet her head. She wakes up quick.*
Rouge: “Mmm… hey boys. Feels like it’s been a while.”
Shadow: “We better get you out of here, Rouge. N. Trance has made-”
Rouge cuts him off. “Why leave? I’m surrounded by jewels! Who cares about N. Trance?”
Rouge gets angry. “WHAT!!!!!! NO ONE MESSES WITH JEWELRY!!! I’m going to personally kick that shell’s ass!”
*She leaves her perch and the trio leaves.*
Achievement Unlocked: Fly in the Freedom
Level 73: Espio’s Ninja Training
Crates: 151
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Sonic and Cream
Badniks: Yakuza Lab Assistant Pawns: They fire their tommy guns in a sweeping motion across the ground and air, so watch how they are firing their gun. Ninja Lab Assistant Pawns: They appear out of nowhere, throw a ninja star or 3, then disappear after a few seconds and appear elsewhere.
Mutants: Oni: Various Yōkai creatures that seem hungry… for you.
*Sonic and Cream enter the world…*
Sonic gets a teardrop on his face from confusion. “Huh? What’s this place? Feels like old-timey Japan.”
Cream has the happy anime face. “Sound right, Sonic. I heard that Espio really loves anime a whole bunch!”
Sonic: “I see… that’s why I feel like paper and ink. Heh.”
Cream: “Espio ought to be around here somewhere for meditation. Let’s search the city and forest.”
Kaotickanine mentions: Espio’s dream resembles a combination of an anime taking place in the woods and a city noir film, with Japanese style dojos scattered around. Gun toting mafia goons serve as the more outward enemies while ninjas serve as the hidden type, hiding in the shadows waiting for the kill. N. Trance’s influence has also caused sinister Oni to appear and wreck things. Think you can restore harmony to Espio’s turmoiled mind?
Espio can be found on a tree stump in the forest, meditating…
Sonic dons the classic anime pointing look. “Hey! There’s Espio!”
*They walk towards him, but he is meditating on the stump. It may not look like it, but he is doing it against his will.*
Cream notices something. “Hey, Sonic! I think he is chained by literal chains around him, *The chains become visible.* and they are keeping him in the meditative state!”
Sonic: “Hmmm, how do we wake him?”
Cream giggles. “How about a Super Sonic Spin-Dash Overdrive?!” *A japanese translation appears.*
Sonic smiles. “Smart kid. Well, here goes: ‘SUPER SONIC SPIN-DASH OVERDRIVE!!!!’ ” *Sonic revs up his aerial spin-dash and tears through all the chains. They break and fall to the ground and Espio wakes up.*
Espio has the surprised anime face. “Huh? What happened?”
Cream: “You were chained up here in your dreams.”
Espio: “Oh. I see my ninja training has failed me.”
Sonic: “Meh. I think N. Trance cheated really. I don’t think they teach ninjas about hypnotism.”
Espio: “True… Thanks for saving me Sonic and Cream.”
Sonic: “Of course.” *They leave the world.*
Achievement Unlocked: Annie, Are Yōkai?
Level 74: Charmy’s Hive
Crates: 157
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Sonic and Espio
Badniks: Buzz-Bombers: Simple badnik, simple destruction Buzzer: How appropriate.
Beasts: Wasps: Angry little buzzers, aren’t they?
Sonic: “Hmm, so this is Charmy’s mind?” *The world definitely looks abstract and crazy.*
Espio: “Oh, my… I never realized this is what goes on in Charmy’s head. I thought it was because he was a kid…”
Sonic: “Well, let’s do right, and find Charmy.”
Kaotickanine says: A massive beehive oozing with honey and has flowers and all sorts of fun stuff scattered all over, such as roller coasters. What do you expect from someone as fun-loving and scatterbrained as Charmy? This place is normally harmless, but N. Trance has caused huge wasps to invade this hive, stealing the honey and the flowers, wrecking the fun stuff, and aiming their very pointy stingers at you!
Charmy can be found at the end of the last roller coaster, on top of a flower.
Sonic spots the bee first. “There’s Charmy!” *They hurry to him.*
Espio: “Oh, Charmy…” *He hugs the bee and this wakes up Charmy.*
Charmy: ♪ “Oh… oh! Hi, guys!” ♫
Espio: “Charmy! You’re okay!” *He hugs him more.*
Charmy: ♪ “Aw, thanks, Espio.” ♫
Sonic: “Come on, let’s leave before the wasps come back.” *They leave the honeycomb.*
Achievement Unlocked: You Better Bee-have
Level 75: Vector’s Swamp
Crates: 147
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:35.00
Gold: 1:30.00
Platinum: 1:25.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Espio and Charmy
Badniks: Mafia Lab Assistant Pawns: They Mafia here seems to love firing rifles at you, so keep moving to avoid those bullets. Bard Lab Assistant Pawns: They play music so terribly that they can make physical sharp notes appear and send them flying your way. There are a few others though that may try to hit you with their instruments instead.
Beasts: Crocodiles: They may be Vector’s friends and family, but they don’t know it and are always hungry for an easy meal.
Mutants: Fi-ras: Strange beings that are made of pure fire that walk around trying to burn someone. Too bad that they are idiotic enough to put themselves out if they run into the water.
*Espio and Charmy land in the dark part of the swamp.*
Espio: “Hmmm, Vector’s home, I assume?”
Charmy: ♪ “I think so! Let’s go find our croc! Whee!” ♫
Kaotickanine says: It seems Vector is dreaming of his original home; a bubbly, disgusting swamp. However, for very odd reasons, a huge band concert is occurring and tons of music lovers have gathered, oblivious to the many dangers present in this swamp. And not only that, but Mafia goons have also arrived for some agenda only Vector knows about. And just to make things even more complicated, N. Trance has caused a few fires and horrible musicians to pop up, causing even more danger and threatening to ruin the party!
Vector can be found a part of the big band in the big gazebo.
*Vector is singing about something…*
Espio: “Sounds like he’s been singing for a while.”
*Charmy quickly grabs the snare drums and does a drumroll to awaken Vector.*
Vector: “Huh? What? Why am I here?”
Charmy: ♪ ”We’re in your home, Vector! In your dreams! We came to save you!” ♫
Vector: “Oh! Right, that N. Trance. Thanks for saving me.”
Espio: “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Achievement Unlocked: Team Chaotix!
Level 76: Silver’s Future Imperfect
Crates: 163
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:45.00
Gold: 1:40.00
Platinum: 1:35.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Shadow and Big
Badniks: Police Lab Assistant Pawns: Sporting a more futuristic look, they still will either fire their pistol lasers at you or swinging their lightsaber clubs at you.
Machines: Security Cameras: They observe area with visible line of sight, that, if entered, will shock you.
Mutants: Iblis: It’s more aiming to tear down the city, but you should still watch out for its fists punching about. Iblis Monsters: The various Biters, Golems, Takers and Worms return, but they aren’t hard to defeat still.
Shadow: “Hmm, I know this is Silver’s dreams...”
Big: “But it feels too good to be true?”
Shadow: “Yep. So you had the same idea, Big.”
Big: “Yeah, we better watch out.”
Kaotickanine says: Ah, the future! An idealistic utopia of all sorts of convenient high-tech, like hovercars, and everything shines like silver (pun intended). Although, this future seems a little too perfect, even for a dream, and it seems Silver’s mind is aware of that as there are security cameras all over and robotic police that are very brutal with upholding the law… And now N. Trance is resurfacing Silver’s memories of the horrible futures he once came from, where Iblis and the Ifrit turned everything into a flaming wasteland, what with lava sprouting from underneath and spawning fire demons!
Silver can be found near the outskirts of the city, being held in a similar way that Shadow was once in (In ‘06).
Big: “Hmm, there’s Silver, but how do we save him?”
Shadow: “Hmm… break those things holding his body?”
*Big uses Shadow as a baseball and swings him into the devices. They break and release and awaken Silver.*
Silver: “Huh? Where am I?”
Shadow: “We assumed your dreams, as it has been so far.”
SIlver looks around. “I… don’t know, this place feels a little exaggerated. I’m not this paranoid.”
Big: “I doubt N. Trances worlds are accurately telling the truth... or at least, the right truth. EIther way, let’s get out of here. We need to save your friend.”
Silver: “Blaze! I got to save her!” *They leave the world.*
Achievement Unlocked: Welcome to the Future!
Level 77: Blaze’s Sol
Crates: 172
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:50.00
Gold: 1:45.00
Platinum: 1:40.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Crash and Silver
Badniks: Pirate Lab Assistant Pawns: They carry about muskets and sabers to attempt to harm you,
Mutants: Iblis: He’s still attacking you, but all his fiery attacks are making at least rocky pathways to the next islands. Iblis Monsters
Silver: “Mm, it’s Blaze’s world. It may be new to me, but I will still find her!”
Crash: “That’s the spirit!”
Kaotickanine notes: At last, we move on to Blaze’s mind, which manifests as the endless ocean that is the Sol Dimension. However, due to her duty as Guardian of the Sol Emeralds, numerous small islands of stone pillars and jewels are all over the place, and the sun appears much closer than it should be. As you might expect, you’ll be running into pirates (ROBOT pirates) and, just like with Silver, N. Trance is resurfacing memories of Iblis, causing small volcanoes to sprout all over the place and summon fire demons…
Blaze is laying on an island far in, covered in flames, save for a path to her.
Silver: “Blaze!” *He hurries to her.*
Crash: “How do we wake her up… and avoid being burned?”
*Silver can only think of one thing… and kisses Blaze on the cheek. The flames disappear into her, and she wakes up.*
Blaze: “Huh? Silver?”
Silver was blushing a bit. “Good… you’re awake.”
Blaze teases. “Was I the princess you expected?”
*Silver blushes red, clearly suggesting his feelings.*
Crash: “Not to break up any love or anything, but we need to save more people. Can we move out now?”
Blaze smiles “Well, I’m ready to go. But I am a little worried about loverhog here.” *Silver blushes even redder as they leave.*
Achievement Unlocked: Robot Pirate Island
Level 78: Spyro’s Accidental Darkness
Crates: 157
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Shadow and Amy
Badniks: Ape Soldiers, Leaders and Commanders: The memories of Malefor’s Ape army were retooled by N. Trance to a more badnik appearance. But don’t let the badnik look fool you; they still have their dangerous claws and explosives to hurt you hard! Hell-Hounds: Those strange dogs from Spyro’s memories may have been turned into badniks, but they still have a dangerous and harmful bite.
*Shadow and Amy land outside the front door into the Well of Souls’ halls.*
Amy: “Oh, my! What is this place? This is not the kind of images i would expect to see in his mind. He looked so cheerful…”
Shadow: “Hmm, if I had to guess, N. Trance has grabbed some of the Dragon’s darker memories and made this dark and desolate place.”
Amy: “Oh, my! We should hurry and find him then!”
Spyro’s mind world is quite a drop in cheerfulness from the others, almost like it was filled with darkness. And that’s the best way to describe the place since it seems to be N. Trance’s version of the Well of Souls. Roboticized apes and bandik hell-hounds patrol the dark and dangerous halls that would house Malefor underneath. Can you fight your way through and rescue Spyro, who is close to the well, before the darkness consumes him?
Amy: “Look! There’s Spyro! Near that hole!” *Amy starts walking forward, but Shadow grabs her arm and holds her back.*
Shadow: “No! Don’t get close to him, Amy!”
Amy: “Huh, why not?”
Shadow: “Don’t you feel it, a dark presence…”
Amy focuses a bit. “Oh, yeah. And I can see that Spyro seems to be sucking the darkness from the well. But how do we save him then?”
Shadow: “Let me grab him. I think we need to get him out of here.”
Amy: “Alright, but be careful.”
Shadow: “Hmph, don’t worry, I should be fine.” *Shadow goes and grabs Spyro and gets him away from the well.*
Amy: “He still hasn’t woken up. Did he take too much darkness?”
Shadow: “I think i have an idea, but we need to go save that darker dragon.” *Shadow and Amy carry Spyro out of the world and set him down outside as they go for Cynder next… *
Achievement Unlocked: Our Hero Takes A Rest.
Level 79: Cynder’s Lonely Heart
Crates: 189
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:05.00
Gold: 2:00.00
Platinum: 1:55.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Shadow and Amy
*When Shadow and Amy enter, they find a magical chain has bound them together, preventing them from separating too far away.*
Amy “We’ve been chained together, Shadow.”
Shadow: “I bet it’s from her dark memories too. N. Trance thought it would hinder us.”
Amy: “Well, let’s show him how wrong he was and find Cynder.”
Cynder’s memories do not seem much better than Spyro’s. Her’s are dark and quiet, nary an enemy to be found. Her dreamscapes seems to be made of parts of her domain, Convexity, the Fellmuth Arena ship and the deeper areas of the Well of Souls. This place is more of a platforming challenge, but you must succeed if you want to save Cynder, who is also near to the Well of Souls. Hurry and save her before it is too late!
Amy gasps “It’s Cynder! And it looks as though she is too near to the hole too! We better get her away quick!!”
*Shadow goes and grabs Cynder and they escape the dream world. He goes and places Cynder next to Spyro. It seems to have worked because placing them together awakens both of them.*
Amy: “Yay! They’re waking up!”
Spyro: “Huh? W-what happened?”
Shadow: “N. Trance left you guys in your darkest memories.”
Cynder: “H-he did?” *She clearly didn’t look happy at all.*
Spyro: “It’s alright, Cynder. Our friends saved us.” *He gives her a kiss on the snout which eliminates her anger.*
Cynder: “Thanks.” *She gets up.* “Alright, no more lazing about. Let’s help out.”
Spyro gets up too. “Right.”
Achievement Unlocked: Dragon Love
Level 80: Sheila’s Alps
Crates: 136
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Spyro and Cynder
Badniks: Pickaxe Rhybots: If they spot you, they will attempt to attack you with their pickaxe. Moose-bot: They try to charge and run over you.
Spyro: “I see we are in Sheila's mind and it looks like her home.”
Cynder: “I hope we can find her.”
Thankfully, Spyro’s friends have dreamscapes that a ton less on the dark side. We visit the mind of Sheila, which appears to be her home in the alps with those prankster billy goats. I bet if you help them out by breaking the rocks and defeating the ‘rhynocs’ and ‘moose’, they will lead you to the kangaroo.
Spyro: “Sheila!” *They find her sleeping near the mountain top.*
Cynder: “How do we wake her?”
*Spyro immediately sends one of the billy goats flying of the mountain with a headbutt. It woke Sheila.*
Sheila: “Wha- what happened?”
Cynder: “You were asleep because of N. Trance.”
Sheila: “Mm, that little egg-shaped freak, huh? Well, thanks for waking me. Come on, let’s go!” *The 3 leave.*
Achievement Unlocked: Up on the Mountaintop
Level 81: Sgt. Byrd’s Base
Crates: 129
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Sheila and Cynder
Badniks: Flowerpot-throwing Rhybots: Gardening has never been so dangerous. Net-Swinging Rhybots: Be vewy quiet, we’re hunting dragons. Tranquilizer-Shooting Rhybots: Nighty night.
Sheila: “I see we are in the base of Sgt Byrd. He’s nice.”
Cynder: “Indeed. Let’s go find him!”
N. Trance has worked his magic to create his version of Sgt Byrd’s Base. He’s made it more like army barracks, with close walls and ceilings, making the rhybots more dangerous than usual. You have to fight your way through to reach Sgt. Byrd.
Sheila: “Look! There’s Sgt. Byrd!” *They go down to him.*
Cynder: “He’s in a cage. How do we get him out?”
*Sheila uses her powerful kick to break down the door, which wakes up Sgt. Byrd*
Sgt. Byrd: “Huh?! Oh! Hello, Spyro’s friends Cynder and Sheila. Golly, what am I doing here?”
Cynder: “N. Trance left you in your dreamscape. We came and rescued you.”
Sgt. Byrd: “Well, thanks for the rescue. No time to dawdle, misses, we got more POWs to save!” *The 3 of them leave.*
Achievement Unlocked: Forward! March!
Level 82: Bentley’s Outpost
Crates: 141
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Spyro and Sgt. Byrd
Badniks: Torch-Carrying Rhybots: hey really have a wanting to burn your ass, huh? I wonder if they are hungry… Seal-bots: These seals are much too dangerous for a circus act. Mind their fastballs!
*Spyro and Sgt. Byrd find themselves at the base of a mountain when a familiar face comes running up.*
Bartholomew pants heavily. “I... I… I…”
Spyro: “Calm down, Bartholomew, and tell us what’s up?”
Bartholomew: “I… I found Bentley at the top of the mountain sleeping but was chased off by the rhynocs… Can you help me save him?”
Sgt. Byrd: “Of course we will, little yeti. My rockets should easily take those rhynocs, and anything else we find, out.”
Since when did mountain climbing get so dangerous? N. Trance has not made it easy to ascend the mountain, what with all the bouncing giant snowballs about. He’s even made the seals and the rhynocs more deranged! Can you make it to the top with Bartholomew in tow without getting squished?
*Once the 3 reach the top.*
Bartholomew: “Thanks lads for getting us to the mountaintop! Let’s go wake Bentley.”
Spyro: “Right!”
*They walk up to the sleeping Bentley. It appears helping out Bartholomew wakes Bentley from his slumber as he wakes up as soon as they get close.*
Bentley yawns. “Ah! Mmm, such an exquisite slumber! I feel well rested.”
Spyro: “Good! Cause we need to hurry on and help out the others.”
Bentley: “Indeed we do, young dragon Spyro. Let’s leave!”
*The trio leaves, as the memory of Bartholomew goes into slumber.*
Achievement Unlocked: Deadly Seals
Level 83: Agent 9’s Lab
Crates: 132
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Bentley and Tails
Badniks: Laser-Shooting Rhybots: They’ll fire a shot off and on to try and zap you. There are also armor wearing ones that need to be crushed by Bentley’s club to defeat them. Bird-bots: They hang around in their nests until you get close, which evokes a dive-bomb attack from them. It’s better keep moving to avoid it and attack them as they return.
*Bentley and Tails enter the dream world.*
Tails: “So this is Agent 9’s mind, huh? Feels quite happy what with the beachy theme.”
Bentley: “All the more reason to be cautious where we step.”
Don’t let the happy beach theme fool you, this is still a dangerous area made by N. Trance! The lab is overrun with those rhynocs and there is a whole lot of fighting to do if you want to go save Agent 9.
*Tails and Bentley approach Agent 9, who is sleeping on the beach.*
Tails: “How do we wake him up?”
Bentley: “I’m unsure. Spyro told me to pronounce: ‘There’s a rhynoc in the bushes!’ “
*Hearing this makes Agent 9’s eyelids fly open.* “Did somebody mention a rhynoc?! I heard about some rhynocs!-” *Sees Bentley and Tails and calms down.* “Oh, hey, Tails, Bentley.”
Tails: “Phew! He’s awake.”
Agent 9: “Why so worried? I feel fine! Oh! That’s right! That N. Trance freak! Let’s go and fry him!” *He bounces away and Bentley and Tails follow him out of the dream.*
Achievement Unlocked: Crazy Monkey Action Figure
Level 84: Gone a Bit Coco
Crates: 119
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:20.00
Gold: 1:15.00
Platinum: 1:10.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Crash and Amy
Badniks: Teddy-bots: Teddy bear toys that look cute but will immediately try to bite and claw you when you get close. Candy: This Candy sure isn't sweet at all, since it wants to eat you!
*Crash and Amy find themselves in Coco’s mental laboratory.*
Amy: “Your sister’s lab sure looks sweet, Crash! And that’s including the pancakes!”
Crash: “PANCAKES!!!” *He goes to lick one of the stacks and touches the butter, which makes him wince in pain.* “Yow! Acidic butter! That’s not tasty at all!”
Amy: “I bet N. Trance had something to do with it, and I don’t trust those dancing bears and candy too. Darn you, N. Trance! You don’t mess with good stuff!”
Crash: “Yeah! We better go find Coco!”
Kaotickanine says: It appears N. Trance has messed with the good mind that is Coco. Much like Tails’ dream, it’s a technological paradise, though this one manifests as a giant laboratory underground, giant computer screens featuring cute things bouncing and dancing. However, this techno-paradise is also interspersed with all sorts of things Coco enjoys, such as teddy bears, candy, and PANCAKES!!! However, the candy and teddy bears are out for blood and want to eat you! Also the syrup and butter on the pancakes are acidic (the pancakes themselves are fine, thankfully)
*Crash and Amy find Coco deep in her laboratory, running around between computers and typing stuff.*
Amy looks at what she’s typing. “Is it just me, or is what she coding ruining her dreamscape? I swear I keep seeing her typing things that are causing damage to them.”
Crash: “You’re right, Amy! Coco, stop!”
*He goes and stands in front of her, which doesn’t stop her. But when he grabs her arm, she breaks out of her trance.*
Coco: “Huh? Oh! Hey, Crash! And Amy. What are you guys doing here?”
Amy: “We came into your dreams to find you, and we find you here destroying your mindscape!”
Crash: “And you were making pancakes terrible!!!” *Crash sobs.*
Coco: “What?! No one can make pancakes terrible! Let’s move it, guys, cause N. Trance is about to not become a side of this breakfast!” *The trio leave.*  
Achievement Unlocked: A Pastel-Colored Horrorland
Level 85: Crunch’s Gym
Crates: 195
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:20.00
Gold: 2:15.00
Platinum: 2:10.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Crash and Silver
Mutants: Tiger Bodybuilders: They’re usually lifting weights of massive sizes. If you get close, they won’t hesitate to swing them around like a ballet dancer pole. Bear Boxers: They’re punching those punching bags hard enough to swing them back and forth widely, so you want to watch where you walk. Lion, Wolf and Dragon Fighters: They are a flurry of attacks all around at each other, and are certainly very dangerous if they spot you. I would suggest running away unless you can find some way to defeat them.
*Crash and Silver enter the gym and find the unconscious Crunch in the middle of the floor.*
Crash: “CRUNCH!!!” *He tries to run to him, but shields form around Crunch’s sleeping body.*
Silver: “It’s no use. He seems to be protected by those shields. We need to find some way to disarm them.”
Crash looks and sees the Elemental Masks at the end of the 4 halls. “I think I know who’s making those shields.”
Kaotickanine says: We all knew Crunch likes to work out, so it’s no surprise that his dream is a giant gym, filled with all sorts of muscle builders! Unfortunately, unlike Crunch himself, these muscle builders aren’t the welcoming type and they are all too willing to use the gym equipment to take you out. And if that wasn’t enough, N. Trance is causing the Elementals to manifest in Crunch’s mind, turning parts of the gym into hazards befitting their respective elements and empowering the muscle builders!
Indeed N. Trance did, he split the gym into 4 sections: One for Rocko, one for Wa-Wa, one for Pyro, and one for Lo-Lo. Other than giving protective barriers to the fighters, they have also the transformed the gym in their areas. Rocko has plenty of rolling rocks and boulders lying about, Wa-Wa’s is filled with water so that means it’s time for swimming, Lo-Lo’s has tornados and wind blowing about, and Pyro has fire burning everywhere. You need to make it to the end of the section and beat the masks until they disappear, taking away their elemental shield that is around Crunch.
*Once the 4th one is broken and Crash and Silver return, Crunch wakes up.*
Crash: “Crunch! You’re awake now!” *He goes and hugs Crunch.*
Crunch: “Aw, hey, Crash.” *Yawn* “I feel well rested.”
Silver: “Good, that means we can go and deal with whatever else N. Trance has for us.”
Crunch: “Yeah. Let’s go smash that egg.” *The trio leave*
Achievement Unlocked: Train Your Brain
*N Trance appears as a hologram in the main area.*
N. Trance: “Well, well, so you saved all your friends, eh? Well, you still got a long way to go to fight me! See if you can handle levels made by me mangling your memories!” *He laughs and disappears and unlocks a new path.*
Level 86: N. Trance’s MotorWorld
Crates: 104
Time Trial
Sapphire: 3:30.00
Gold: 3:25.00
Platinum: 3:20.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Pasadena and Von Clutch and Crash
Kaotickanine notes: N. Trance has combined the memories of Pasadena and Von Clutch with Crash’s, creating a mindscape that mostly resembles Von Clutch’s park but with desert roads and large pools of water from Crash’s moments where he had to race Cortex’s goons in vehicles or water ski while chased by a shark. Goes without saying that you’re going to be doing a LOT of driving and riding, all while contending with the combined obstacles of Von Clutch’s park and the hazards from Crash’s experience.
Achievement Unlocked: Sister C’rashin’
Level 87: Darkness Strikes Innocence
Crates: 184
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:05.00
Gold: 2:00.00
Platinum: 1:55.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Shadow and Cream
Badniks: GUN Troop Lab Assistant Pawns: They may be acting ‘good’ by attacking the Artificial Chaos and Black Arms, but they are still on a mission to destroy Shadow too.
Mutants: Artificial Chaos: Watch out for the water tendrils, ouch! Black Arms: Various sized aliens that are out to kill Shadow, mostly because of betrayal.
*Shadow and Cream find themselves outside of Cream’s home. Vanilla, Chocola, quite a few Chao, and even Maria sit in front of the house.*
Cream: “Heh he, it’s home, sweet, home! There’s Mama, Chocola, and our other Chao friends!”
*Vanilla, Chocola and the Chao, and Maria wave at Cream and Shadow, who then wave back*
Shadow smiles. “Indeed, quite a happy place. It sure is- Wait, Maria!? But how is she-” *He remembers where they are.* “Oh, no.”
Cream: “What is it? Is something the matter?” *She remembers too.* “Oh… N. Trance is going to do something terrible to our memories, isn’t he?”
*On cue, a dark portal opens up in the far distance and out comes the army of Black Doom, the Black Arms. Also dispersed in their ranks is Artificial Chaos. From down the nearby road in the other direction, the distinct coloring of GUN trucks come rolling past.*
Vanilla: “Oh my! What’s going on here!?”
Maria: “Shadow, I don’t like the look of this… You’ll help us, right?”
*Suddenly, a huge beam of energy shoots down from the sky and blasts Cream’s house, destroying it and causing Vanilla, the Chao, and Maria to be knocked forward from the shockwave. Cream gasps and tears form in her eyes*
Cream and Shadow: “NO!!!”
*The three loved ones, dazed by the explosion, try to get up from the ground, but they are lifted into the air. Then a familiar enemy of Shadow’s materializes behind them: Black Doom.*
Black Doom: “Hello, Shadow!”
Shadow: “DOOM!!! How dare you show you haunt my mind again!”
Black Doom: “Hahahaha! You should thank that egg-shaped entity for restoring me, even if only in your memory! I may not be able to destroy your world, but I WILL shatter your mind and drag this innocent child with you! You want your family back so much, you pathetic bunny and hedgehog?! GO FIND THEM!!” *He raises a hand and sends Vanilla, the Chao, and Maria in different directions. Once he was done, he disappeared. Cream then breaks down, sobbing.*
Cream: “My home… *Sniff* My family… *Sob* And Maria… This can’t be happening…”
Shadow places a sympathetic hand on Cream’s head. “Calm down , Cream. Remember, these are just our memories. Your home and family are perfectly alright. And Maria… Point is, there’s nothing to be tearful about.”
Cream calms down. “O-oh yeah… It felt so real...”
Shadow: “Hm, well now that I think about it, all this is taking place in our minds. And an attack on our memories… Even if they’re memories, we best hurry and save our loved ones before they are killed! I’m not going to allow my memories of Maria to die nor will I let yours perish as well!”
Cream: “Right! I’ll help you the best I can, Mr. Shadow!”
Kaotickanine says: N. Trance has revived Black Doom from Shadow’s memories and now that demon of an alien is savaging both his and Cream’s minds by attacking Cream’s home, flower field, and Chao Garden with Artificial Chaos, GUN Troops, and Black Arms, and hiding with Vanilla, Chocola and the Chao, and Maria around the area with the hostiles! You must quickly find these three and rescue them before they meet their doom! Even if they are merely memories, Shadow and especially Cream’s minds will be shattered should their loved ones die…
*Once they find them all and return back to the destroyed home, Black Doom appears.*
Black Doom: “So, the pathetic life forms found their friends, hmmm? Well, too bad you are stuck here unless you can defeat me!” *He laughs evilly.*
Shadow gets an idea and whispers it to Cream, who smiles in agreement.
Black Doom: “Prepare to die, you pathetic-”
Cream interject, saying: “CHEESE, GET HIM!!”
*Cream’s chao Cheese flies about Black Doom, and then runs into him. Either because he is a memory, or because Cheese is a ball of pure kindness, Black Doom shatters into tiny pieces like glass, only getting to say: “NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” as he breaks apart.*
Cream: “Yay! We did it!”
Shadow sees the warp orb. “And we can get out of here too.” *The 2 waste no time jumping in and escaping the memory world.*
Achievement Unlocked: I Am All of Me
Level 88: Experimental Horror Film
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:35.00
Gold: 1:30.00
Platinum: 1:25.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Crash, Coco, and Crunch
*Crash, Coco, and Crunch enter the next dream world and find themselves in cages.*
Coco: “What? Hey! What’s going on?”
N. Trance appears. “Oh, just my next trap for you.”
Crunch: “Once we break out of here, we will kick your butt!”
N. Trance: “I know that, that’s why the cages aren’t very strong. No, the trap is what you will see ahead!” *He laughs and disappears.*
Just as he said, the cages were easy to break apart and escape from. But when they did that, an alarm sounded.
Alarm: “WARNING! Bandicoot experiments have escaped! WARNING! Bandicoot experiments have escaped!”
A memory Cortex can be heard shouting from far away. “Stop sitting about, you imbeciles! Go round them up!”
Memory N. Brio: “Y-y-yes! S-s-s-so we c-c-can perform more experiments on t-t-them!!”
Crash: “Uh-oh! We better get out of here!”
Coco and Crunch: “Right!”
Badniks: Lab Assistants: Nothing really special about them. One throws beakers around and another tries to shock you.
Kaotickanine notes: N. Trance is forcing the Bandicoot trio to relive their days as Cortex’s mutated experiments; being forcibly evolved into members of his army. In order to get out of this nightmare, the Bandicoots must escape from their prisons and free the other animals being subjected to this torture, all while evading the memory of Cortex, N. Brio, and his goons.
The exit here is jumping out of the window Crash originally jumped out of in his debut game.
Achievement Unlocked: Mutations
Level 89: DOOMed Once Again...
Crates: 173
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:50.00
Gold: 1:45.00
Platinum: 1:40.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Hunter and Bianca
*Bianca and Hunter enter the next memory world and find someplace familiar…*
Bianca: “Oh! Look at this! It’s our old honeymoon spot in Fireworks Factory!”
Hunter: “Yeah, it was pretty beautiful, especially with you there.”
*Bianca blushes.*
*Unfortunately, the scene changed to the deep insides of the base of Fireworks Factory.*
Bianca: “Huh?”
N. Trance appears on one of the monitors. “Sorry to interrupt some fond memories, you lovebirds.” *He smirked.*
Hunter: “Where the hell did you send us?”
N. Trance keeps smirking. “HELL is a pretty accurate term for where you are, for sure. I hope you guys aren’t DOOMed” *He laughs and cuts the monitor as the door in front of them opens, revealing an army of ninjas, but looking a little different…*
Badniks: Trident-Swinging Demon/Ninja Rhybots: You better be quick to attack them, or they will give you a swift smack with their tridents. Gun-Firing Demon/Ninja Rhybots: They pop off 5 fireballs in a row from their ‘guns’, so you might want to keep moving or defeat them from a distance. Bomb-Throwing Demon Rhybots: They bounce fiery bombs around until they blow up. They are too strong to hit anywhere, save for their backside. But, you better run, cause they will charge after you as a suicide attempt. Fireworks Demon Rhybots: They fire off homing rockets at you, so you’ll want to keep on your toes. In a fair return, if you can set them on fire, they will shoot off like a firework and hit the nearest enemy, killing them.
Well, isn’t this honeymoon revisit turning into a disaster! N. Trance has sent a whole demon/ninja army after the happy couple to try and kill them! Can you fight your way through this personal HELL in a dangerous facility full of explosive material without becoming singed?
*Hunter and Bianca escape out the last door and into the warp orb as the place blows up to pieces.*
Achievement Unlocked: Big Rhybots Have Big Robot Guts
Level 90: Panic Aboveground
Crates: 109
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:15.00
Gold: 1:10.00
Platinum: 1:05.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Blink and Spyro
*Blink and Spyro enter the next dream world which looks a little out of sight.*
Blink: “I think it’s my mind. I even like my memories dark. Heh.”
Spyro: “That’s all good for you, but I wouldn’t mind a little light.” *He uses his flame breath to create a little light around them.* “Now, where are we…”
N. Trance’s voice can be heard. “Here, let me help you!” *He deletes the darkness from Blink’s mind.*
Blink: “Hey! Don’t do… that…” *He sees the location they are in and is immediately scared.*
N. Trance: “Heh he. I knew you would be immediately scared of the sky, especially of a place like Cloudy Domain! Hope you can find the way out!” *He laughs and leaves.*
Spyro: “Come on, Blink. I’ll carry you out of here. Get on my back.”
Blink does so. “Thanks… I don’t like the sky, you know my fresh-air-a-phobia.”
Spyro: “I know. Come on, let’s find the elevator down…”
Kaotickanine says: We now enter Blink’s mind. Although something’s not quite right… Our underground loving friend is WAY above ground in the Cloudy Domain! Even though Blink has never set foot in the floating city, for good reason, N. Trance has forced the entire location into his mind and now the mole’s “fresh-air-phobia” threatens to make him experience a panic attack, which will shatter his mind. Only way to escape this is to get Blink to the elevator of the city.
Achievement Unlocked: Clouded Minds
Level 91: Sour Passion
Crates: 197
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:10.00
Gold: 2:05.00
Platinum: 2:00.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Amy, Cream, and Big
Badniks: Horrific Egg Pawns: Various Egg Pawns that have taken some ‘scary’ shots from the badnik maker. One appears to look like Black Doom’s Eye, but with more tentacles that will try to grab you and throw you into its eye, which is also its mouth. Another appears to be the Egg Magician, but more taller and slender and grey (Perhaps the SlenderEgg?). And it looks like it forgot to get the Egg face, which has made it creepier. It warps around to try to spook you and take some rings. A third, which could only be called the Egg Minotaur, appears to have a bull for its head piece and is more built (taller and more muscular) than the standard Egg Pawn. Other than looking big and mean, it will charge around until it crashes into something. A 4th, called the Egg Imp, is probably Eggman’s craziest Pawn yet. It flies around like a maniac, shooting fireballs from its trident. But it also has some making from the Egg Bishop, as it can heal and call badniks as well. That’s very crazy.
*Amy, Cream, and Big enter the next dream world*
Amy: “Are you sure you want to come with us, Cream? I love having you tag along with me, but I can sense you're still recovering from that trip with Shadow… “
Cream: “Don’t worry Amy, I’m fine. I don’t want to be doing nothing while you and everyone else work to save the world!”
Amy: “Alright then! So long you’re feeling up to to! Anyway, where are we?”
*Team Rose finds themselves atop a high hill, overlooking three “zones” of differing appearances*
Big. “Hm… That place looks familiar!”
*Big points to the “zone” on the far right, which contains various biomes with rivers and ponds within*
Cream: “Really, Big?”
Big: “Yeah! Although I don’t think I’ve ever actually been to that place but I think about something like that all the time. It’s the perfect fishing spot for me and Froggy to catch all sorts of fish!”
Amy: “Interesting… And actually, that area over there looks like all the things I think about a lot transformed into a location! I can see parts of Twinkle Park, soft served ice cream, a wizards tower surrounded by a magical garden, and there’s me and Sonic dating!” *Amy looks even closer at that area* “Oh my God! And there’s me and Sonic’s children! “
Cream: “Really!?”
Amy: “Yeah! Um, but let’s not dwell on that…” *Blushes with a “sweat drop”* “Unless people dream about their future children often.”
Cream: “Heh, I’m not sure…” *Cream looks at the middle area* “OH MY GOSH!!! I imagine that place all the time! It’s the perfect Chao Garden with all sorts of fun rides, games, and sweets!” *Cream and Cheese grab each others hands and jump up and down* “Cheese! It’s our dream come true!”
*N. Trance’s voice echoes around the three* “HA!!! Sure, it looks like a dream now, but soon it will be a permanent nightmare!”
*Amy, Cream, and Big all huddle together in a defensive stance while looking around for the fifth dimensional madman. Suddenly N. Trance appears in front of them, floating in the air overlooking the three areas*
N. Trance: “In case you haven’t figured it out, which I’m sure you haven’t given how dim-witted all three of you are…”
Amy: “Says the guy who failed to mind-control all three of us.”
*Cream and Big openly laugh while Amy smiles with a proud look*
N. Trance: “SHUT UP!!! These three areas are your respective imaginations! The things that define your whole beings! I was not amused at all by you three resisting my mind-control despite your poor brains, so now I’m going to make you suffer in the worst ways! You, pink hedgehog, consider yourself an unrelentless optimist? Let’s see how optimistic you’ll be once my ‘Seeds of Doubt’ are finished!”
*N. Trance materializes evil looking seeds, which he then tosses onto various areas in Amy’s imagination*
N. Trance: “It will take time, but soon enough those seeds will overwhelm you with doubt! And with doubt comes despondence, and with despondence comes depression. It won’t be long until you become a hopeless pessimist and the only thing you look forward to is death rather than love!“
*One of Amy’s “dream children”, a pink baby hedgehog, touches the “Seed of Doubt” and disappears*
Amy: *In tears* “NO!!! DIAMOND DESTINY!!!” *Breaks down sobbing*
Cream: “You monster!”
N. Trance: “Thank you for the compliment! As for you, sickening little girl, I’m once again going to send some minions of mine to attack your peaceful paradise! And this time…”
*N. Trance fires off his “clock hand” at Cheese and grabs the Chao*
Cream: *Gasp* “CHEESE!!!”
N. Trance: “This pixie won’t interfere by giving you lingering hope and fighting my creations! And also for you, dumb cat!”
*N. Trance grabs Froggy, who was perched on top of Big’s head*
Big: “FROGGY!!!”
*N. Trance tosses Cheese and Froggy somewhere into Cream and Big’s respective imagination, which are then overrun by scary and violent robots*
N. Trance: “I sure hope my forces find them before you do! Toodles!”
*N. Trance disappears, leaving behind a saddened, openly crying Team Rose. Amy, however, soon stops bawling over Diamond Destiny and her eyes blaze with fury*
Amy: “THAT SLIMEBALL IS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!! Come on guys! Let’s rescue Cheese and Froggy and destroy those Seeds of Doubt!”
Cream: “Don’t need to tell me! Me and Cheese are inseparable!”
Big: “And I won’t allow any harm to come to Froggy!”
Kaotickanie says: Team Rose have been reunited at last! Too bad it isn’t a happy occasion... N. Trance is now attacking their imagination: using “Seeds of Doubt” to corrupt Amy from a cheerful optimist and into a depressed pessimist, stealing away Cheese and Froggy from Cream and Big and hiding them somewhere in their respective imaginations, and has overrun all three locations with violent robots! To keep Team Rose from wilting, you must venture into “Amy-tropolis” and destroy the Seeds of Doubt, Cream’s “Chao Funland” and find Cheese, and Big’s “Fishing Paradise” and rescue Froggy!
*After Team Rose solve their respective problems, Cream and Cheese are deeply hugging each other, as are Big and Froggy, and Amy looks at the four with a heartfelt smile.*
Cream: “Oh Cheese! I’m never letting anything separate us again!”
Cheese: “Chao!”
Big: “Me neither! I’ll protect you forever Froggy!”
Amy: “Aww, I’m so happy for you guys!”
*Amy’s face grows saddened and she sighs, which Cream takes note of and reacts accordingly*
Cream: “Something wrong, Amy? You don’t sound very happy…”
Amy: “Well… I’m genuinely happy for you two! I-I just wish I was able to protect something of my- Huh?”
*Amy looks down and Diamond Destiny on top of her feet, looking up at Amy*
Amy: *Overjoyed gasp* “DIAMOND DESTINY!!! YOU’RE ALIVE!!!“
*With tears of joy, Amy scoops up her imaginary infant and repeatedly kisses her, much to the infant, and Cream and Big’s amusement*
Cream: “I’m so glad she’s okay now! I was honestly worried…”
Big: “But she’s not-”
Cream: “Shh! Don’t ruin the moment, Big.”
Big: “Oh! Sorry.”
Amy: “I know what you were going to say Big, Diamond Destiny isn’t real. But I love her like she is! And she WILL become real soon enough, heehee!”
Big: “Sure, Amy, and we will be enjoying the fanfictions that come out of it.”
*Team Rose laughs as they take the warp orb out*
Achievement Unlocked: Follow Me
Level 92: A Forgotten Robot’s Vengeance
Crates: 164
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:45.00
Gold: 1:40.00
Platinum: 1:35.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Omega, Shadow and Rouge
Badniks: E-100 Alpha ‘ZERO’ : Eggman’s starting failure of the E-100 series. Even though he is not considered part of the series, he is still quite dangerous with his electric extendable arms and rocketry. To defeat this robot, you’re going to have to shock him so you can destroy his insides. E-101 β: Eggman’s first successful entry in the series, this robot is outfitted with tons of missiles and energy spheres. It even comes with a frontal shield to block attacks! To defeat Beta, you need to find some way to attack his backside... E-102 γ: Eggman’s second successful entry into the series, this one has homing rockets firing off of its arms. Gamma is pretty durable so it might take a few hits to defeat him. E-103 δ: Eggman’s 3rd robot in the series. It’s not as interesting, as all it does is fly around and shooting missiles off and on. Defeat by homing attacks is probably the easiest to do. E-104 ε: Eggman’s 4th robot in the series. Like Delta, Epsilon is not very interesting either, just flying around and firing missiles off and on. It should be no match for the Dark gang. E-105 ζ: Eggman’s 5th robot in the series. Zeta looks like the construction he had when fought in the Hot Shelter, with the rotating ring and 8 missile-launching tubes. Still, it shouldn’t pose too much of a challenge. E-1000: Fake Gammas, just to add in some extra rocketry support for the robots.
*Team Dark decide to enter the next dream world.*
Rouge looks around at the cyberspace. “Well, this looks new. Where are we?”
Shadow: “If I had to guess, some kind of digital space. Reminds me of GUNs and Eggman’s cyberspace.” (It does take some cues off of them.)
Shadow: “Hmm, so it is your memories, it seems…”
*Explosions from missiles can be heard.*
N. Trance appears holographically: “Let me save you some trouble. I brought the memories of the original E-series. I know how you regard them, Omega, but let’s see if you are the superior robot.”
N. Trance: “Then prove it! Destroy them before they destroy you!” *He disappears.*
Kaotickanine says: Apparently, even the mind of a computer is not safe from N. Trance as we now delve into Omega’s “psyche”. Of course Omega’s mind is a lot different from everyone else’s, being a cyberspace filled with info and all sorts of digital stuff. All the same though, Omega’s memories make up this world and this time N. Trance is feeding on the robots superiority complex, reviving the first E-100 series, including the famous Gamma, and having them wreak havoc. To keep Omega from suffering a blue screen of death, the E-100 Series robots must be destroyed.
Achievement Unlocked: This Machine
Level 93: Dark Hedgehog Minds
Crates: 142
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:40.00
Gold: 1:35.00
Platinum: 1:30.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Shadow, Rouge, and Omega
Badniks: Shadow Androids: Robotic copies of Shadow that have the new memories of Shadow’s more revenge-set mind. If they spot you, they will fire homing rockets after you.
Mutants: Mephileses: The shadowy replicas made from Shadow’s, er, shadow. They know karate, just like the real one, but they aren’t very good at it. It should be pretty easy to dispatch.
*Shadow, Rouge and Omega are immediately sent to the next dreamworld after the last one.*
Rouge: “What- Hey! Why did we jump into another memory world?”
N. Trance appears as a hologram again. “Cause I am not done with you! I bet this place looks familiar to you, Shadow.”
Shadow looks around and sees the ARK. “It’s the ARK, so what?”
N. Trance: “Don’t act so naive, I know how much you care about this place. I bet it would anger you if it was getting destroyed...” *He messes with Shadow’s shadow and makes what could only be called Mephiles.*
Mephiles the Dark: “Yes, Master N. Trance?”
N. Trance: “Go, memory Mephiles, destroy the ARK!”
Mephiles: “Yes, Master.” *He makes an army of copies of himself. N. Trance helps and makes an army of Shadow Androids for them to go into.*
Mephile Clones as Shadow Androids: “We will destroy everything, including the Earth, for killing Maria.” *They chant as they leave the area.*
N. Trance looks at Shadow, who is clearly annoyed. “Go ahead, destroy them. They are obviously not you. Get revenge!” *He laughs and leaves.*
Rouge grabs Shadow’s hand. “I think I see what he is trying to do, Shadow. Can we destroy them for you?”
Shadow reassures her. “He thinks he can mess with my mind, but he’s wrong. I’m not getting revenge; I’m just destroying a terrible villain.”
Kaotickanine: We once again visit Shadow’s mind, manifesting as the Space Colony ARK in its prime, but this time he’s not sharing it with Cream nor is he dealing with the Black Arms or GUN. Now N. Trance has managed to revive the erased memories of Mephiles the Dark, who is now doing his best to corrupt Shadow’s mind into his servitude, and N. Trance also brought back a forgotten memory of Shadow’s: his revenge seeking self after being awakened by Eggman, who is now using the Shadow Androids to make Shadow seeks Earth’s destruction again.
Achievement Unlocked: Who I Am
Level 94: The Floating Isle
Crates: 197
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:20.00
Gold: 2:15.00
Platinum: 2:10.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Friends: Knuckles, Tails, and Sonic
*Knuckles, Tails, and Sonic end up on a flying island, but it looks different.*
Sonic: “Hey, it’s Angel Island! But something looks different.”
Tails shivers. “Say… I don’t remember Angel Island being so cold.”
Knuckles: “It shouldn’t be! I think someone is messing with the memories of my island!”
N. Trance appears on one of the ring monitors nearby. “You got that right! I screwed with the environments on your island! Think you know your island so well? See if you can make it through this!”
Sonic smashes the monitor: “Ugh, I hate that channel. Come on, let’s go!”
Given that he’s lived on the place for his entire life, it’s no surprise that Knuckles’ mind takes on the form of Angel Island. However N. Trance is turning this floating paradise into a disaster by mismatching the many areas of the island; Hydrocity is all dried up and filled with sand, Sandopolis is flooded with water, Ice Caps has melted, and Mushroom Hill frozen over. Time for the Rad Red to protect his home once again, even if it’s only in his mind.
Achievement Unlocked: A Dragon Sized Adventure & Knuckles
Level 95: Sonic’s Nightmare
Crates: 121
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:25.00
Gold: 1:20.00
Platinum: 1:15.00
Tappers to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Shadow
*Sonic and Shadow find themselves in the familiar down-sloped streets of City Escape.*
Shadow: “I suppose this last memory world is for you, Sonic?”
Sonic: “I think so, although I don’t see the reason why we are here. I don’t remember anything particularly dreadful in this place.”
N. Trance’s voice can be heard. “Oh, no? You don’t remember anything particularly dangerous here? Cause I looked and found the perfect nightmare here…”
Shadow: “What is he referring to, Sonic?”
Sonic starts panicking a bit. “I… I don’t know! What did I see here that was just so nightmarish?”
*Unbenounced to Shadow and Sonic, N. Trance appears behind the hedgehogs who are not looking behind. He appears in the Nightmare GUN Truck, packed with plenty of saws, rockets, spikes, and other dangerous objects.*
N. Trance: “Maybe a little BUZZ CUT may jog your memory!” *He swings one of the saws near the hedgehogs and bangs and spins it against the ground.*
Sonic is clearly scared when he hears the noise. “O-o-oh, no… I-i-i don’t want to look… I… must RUN!!!!” *Sonic starts running away really fast, leaving Shadow behind.*
Shadow: “Huh? Sonic! Wait up!” *He hurries after Sonic and N. Trance drives along behind them.*
N. Trance has prepared one last diabolical trap, and it is all for Sonic. He’s chasing the 2 hedgehogs in what can only be called the GUN Truck from Hell! It even supports a hellish paint job! N. Trance isn’t going to let anything stop him, as he will destroy anything you pass. He even warps you out of City Escape and into other worlds as well. You’re only escape is just rushing to the warp orb at the end.
Achievement Unlocked: Rolling on the Edge
*As the 2 hedgehogs left, N. Trance had been thrown out of the GUN Truck’s windshield and came out with them. He flew for a bit until he crashed into the ground, cracking his shell a bit. He got up in anger.*
N. Trance: “Okay, that’s it! No more ‘yolking’ around. I’m going to finish this! Is there any of you that thinks they can crack this egg?”
*Rouge and Coco step up for fighting.*
Coco: “We don’t like what you did to our minds.”
Rouge: “So we’re going to be the ones to ‘hard-boil’ you!”
N. Trance: “I’d love to see you try…”
Boss: N. Trance
Kaotickanine: The fight against N. Trance is a tough battle that comes in two phases. The first phase is fought entirely by Coco on the ground, wherein N. Trance starts off by summoning a powerful enemy from any of the character’s minds (Beta, Black Doom, etc.), which Coco needs to defeat with the assistance of the other characters aiding from the background. Thankfully, these summons are quick to defeat, and once they’re taken down N. Trance will re-enter the battle arena and shoot his clock hand at Coco like a grappling hook. Should he hit Coco, N. Trance will shoot at her again, but should you make him miss his hand will get stuck and he’ll struggle to get it loose, which is the perfect opportunity to jump onto his head. After that, N. Trance hops out of the arena and shoots at Coco with a “PSI ray” and the process repeats. Hit N. Trance four times and phase 2 with Rouge will begin, in which N. Trance’s flies his head off his body and into the air. N. Trance’s head is invulnerable to any of Rouge’s attacks, even her kicks. However, you can use your attacks to guide N. Trance’s head underneath these three containers in the arena: liquid nitrogen, acid, and lava. Should N. Trance’s head get underneath, one of the allies will pull on a lever, making the harmful substances descend right onto N. Trance’s head. After that, N. Trance will destroy the containers and fire off “PSI bullets” at Rouge, at which point the process repeats. Dropping everything on him will finally make him vulnerable enough for one last kick from Rouge, which will defeat him.
Achievement Unlocked: Humpty Dumpty Had a Big Fall
*N. Trance breaks apart, but before it gets too gruesome, he gets warped away. Rouge returns with the rest of the gang and they leave the Terrarium.*
Death Head’s Bridge
Uka Uka appears and finds the hypnotized Cortex and Eggman. He breaks it and berates Cortex. “CORTEX!!! Those stupid animals have defeated N. Trance!! You better have a plan to defeat them!”
Cortex appears unfazed by Uka-Uka’s anger. “Oh, what’s the point? They’re going to just defeat us again. I’ll go, but it just seems like we are heading for the same outcome. That’s the definition of insanity!”
Uka-Uka simmers in anger. “And what are you going to do, Eggman?!”
Eggman finally tires of Cortex and his minions. “Nothing really. As he said, there is no point!”
Uka-Uka rages: “WHAT??!!! Why not?!!”
Eggman is unconcerned with Uka-Uka and is clearly even more angrier. “Because you fools are the most pathetic bunch of villains that I have ever seen! Even my robots do a better job that what I have seen from his ‘experiments’ and from you and your friends! All I have seen is you guys offer little challenge to Sonic and his friends, and you know what? I rarely call them that way! I am DONE with you fools! Begone!” *He uses the transport beam to send Cortex and Uka-Uka to the next terrarium.*
Eggman: “Cut the power to the transporter, Metal Sonic!”
Metal Sonic: “YES, SIR.” *He cuts the power to them entirely.*
Eggman: “Follow me, my henchmen. We’re heading down to finish this.”
Cubot asks Orbot: “What does he mean by that?”
Orbot: “Best not to question the boss. We should follow him.”
*Eggman, Orbot, Cubot, and Metal Sonic leave the bridge.*
Next Time: WARNING! WARNING! Entering the Space Terrarium!
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isakthedragon · 7 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 37
(Thank you @kaotickanine for help on this Chapter too.)
Chapter 37: Dakka-Dakka, See?
Crash and the others find themselves in the 1930's Terrarium. It seems to be a whole city, looking quite a lot like 1930's New York, hmmm. In any case, it's pretty clear who's in control based on all the Wanted posters: Don Pinstripelli Potorotti and his gang of Mafia Lab Assistants and Machine Gunners.
Shadow looks at one of the Wanted posters. "Don Pinstripelli Potorotti, huh? Who's he?"
Crash: "He's Cortex's tommy-gun-wielding bodyguard. You know he's around is you hear mad laughter."
Pinstripe laughs from down the street that they are on. His heavy Brooklyn accent is another clear trait of his. "That's right, ya fools. And, unlike the others you faced, I aint the kind of guy to just sit around and do nothing. Ifs ya want to get me, you're gonna have to chase me." *He laughs again and fires blind down the street, dispersing everyone. He leaves with his gang down the street and out of sight.*
Shadow: "Well, isn't he nice."
Crash: "Yeah. He loves that gun of his. Let's go deal with him."
Level 56: Rat Slum
*Pinstripe appears*
"So, you'se guys are gonna give chase, huh? Well, know that I aint going to be easy to take down." *He disappears.*
Crates: 134
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:30.00
Gold: 1:25.00
Platinum: 1:20.00
Snipes to Save: 8
Helping Partner: Bianca
Badniks: Knife Lab Assistant Pawns: Pinstripe suited Pawns that try to stab at you to hurt you. Too bad they have a short reach.
Mutants: Mob Potoroos: They dress in black like Pinstripe, and they fire a few bullets off and on. Snipe: A Fox + Tropical Bird Hybrid. They fit perfectly in Pinstripes gang, since they fire those feathers like bullets. The only thing noticeably different is their new suits.
Kaotickanine says: The slums of New York, where the poorest of the poor reside and a magnet for all sorts of trouble. Right now, the streets appear to be empty. A little bit too empty and quiet… Nevertheless, you gotta chase down Pinstripe, who will be firing shots off at you every now and again. Use the abandoned cars, trash cans, and other piles of junk to shield yourself from his gunfire. You’ll also encounter random knife wielding punks but they’re chumps, so be sure to teach them not to bring a knife to a spin fight!
Indeed, chasing Pinstripe down will not be easy. He loves his Tommy gun and isn't afraid of shooting you down. Thankfully, he went down these junked up streets. Too bad anytime you get close, he runs down the street to put some distance against you.
Achievement Unlocked: Down in the Dump
Level 57: Downtown Destruction
Crates: 58
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:25.00
Gold: 1:20.00
Platinum: 1:15.00
Snipes to Save: 0
Helping Partner: Blink
Badniks: Motorcycle Gunner Lab Assistant Pawns: They ride their hogs to, well, hog the road and fire off their guns at you. They come in 2 different clothes, to make it really fell like rival gangs.
Kaotickanine notes: Now we see why the slums were empty and quiet: a gang war was about to start! And now it has arrived, with our heroes in the crossfire! Luckily, someone left behind a good motorcycle with the keys still attached, but you still gotta get out of there while chasing down Pinstripe. Try to avoid the giant piles of junk in the street and don’t ever stop moving or else Pinstripe will get away and you become swiss cheese!
Yep, such good luck with the motorcycle. Crash takes the front to steer and gas it while Blink rides the back firing his lasers. You need to keep up with Pinstripe's getaway car and damage it enough so you can catch Pinstripe. Thankfully, it is weak so it won't take forever (Blink can shoot a laser for 3% damage and a charged shot will do 6%). Succeeding will cause Pinstripe to roll to a stop outside a factory.
Achievement Unlocked: Gang-grene
Level 58: The Pinstripe Factory
Crates: 189
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:00.00
Gold: 1:55.00
Platinum: 1:50.00
Snipes to Save: 9
Helping Partner: Ember and Bandit
Badniks: Worker Lab Assistant Pawns: They use whatever they have on hand that they would use on product and turn it on you.
Kaotickanine says: Finally off the streets, but now into something more dangerous: Pinstripe’s factory, where all his malicious products are produced and sold to desperate people. OSHA was either negligent or bribed to ignore this place, because the factory is very hazardous, with the lack of guard rails being only the start! Pinstripe will also take constant shots at you throughout the place, but luckily the factory provides plenty of cover to avoid his gunfire.
Yeah, Pinstripe sure knows how to make a fortune and ignore safety. There is some good news! Pinstripe sections are a little more spread out. But the bad news is that the non-Pinstripe sections are filled with dangerous machinery that must be avoided, unless you want to become product yourself.
Achievement Unlocked: Pinstripe Power
Level 59: Uptown Funk
Crates: 67
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:35.00
Gold: 1:30.00
Platinum: 1:25.00
Snipes to Save: 0
Helping Partner: Agent 9
Badniks: Goon Lab Assistant Pawns: Pinstriped pawns that ride motorcycles alongside the limo to rain bullets behind them. Destroying one will bring up another some time later. Cop Lab Assistant Pawns: Either law enforcement reengineered some Pawns, or the cops work for Pinstripe. Probably the latter, since Cortex's ugly mug is on their star. (Signs on the street seem to have Cortex as Sheriff.) They're blocking the road and shooting at you, and you have to dodge them to avoid becoming road kill.
Kaotickanine notes: We’re back on the motorcycle, this time giving chase to Pinstripe through the streets of New York’s more high class neighborhood. Fortunately, there’s no garbage to interfere and no random bullets from the gang war, but all of Pinstripe’s goons are out and they’re gunning directly after you! Not only that but Pinstripe is now in his limo and can now shoot at you at all times, only stopping to reload his gun. And not only that, but the cops have called in and they will shoot at you while trying to block off the road!
Agent 9 brought the motorcycle with them and he sits in the back this time. Luckily, he found his laser gun that fires multiple shots so it should be easier to take stuff down. Pinstripe is not holding back in his limo as he tends to shoot more often this time. The limo is stronger than the getaway car, but it still shouldn't be too hard to take out of commission. (Agent 9's laser only does 1% damage per shot, but it fires a lot more often.) Succeeding will send you to Pinstripe's abode...
Achievement Unlocked: Hit & Run
Level 60: Potoroo's End
Crates: 167
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:45.00
Gold: 1:40.00
Platinum: 1:35.00
Snipes to Save: 8
Helping Partner: Hunter
Ah, welcome, most esteemed heroes, to Pinstripe’s lovely Estate on the edge of Long Island. Or, it would be welcoming, if Pinstripe hadn’t sent his goons after you. There’s no time to admire the castle/mansion architecture with all these bullets and lasers all about. Pinstripe has lasers swinging in the halls that, if tripped, will cause guns behind window to start shooting off and on, making you have to do the bullet limbo. It’s a gun fight with Pinstripe through the long halls and the moonlit courtyards. At least the exquisite art and shrubbery should have you ‘Oooo-ing’ and ‘Aaaaaah-ing’. Oh, wait, they’re ugly with the villains on them. Shield your eyes! :P
Achievement Unlocked: The Great Pinstry
After warping back, Crash and Hunter chase Pinstripe to his business room.
Pinstripe: "No more running. I'm getting tired of that. Time to take you guys head on."
*He knocks over his desk and start shooting away at you. He calls some goons in to bring in more heat.*
Boss: Pinstripe
Pinstripe will, for the most part, be hopping around the room firing bullets at you while his goons fire off short bursts of shots themselves. Although they will regenerate in 30 seconds, defeating them will definitely make the fight easier. Sooner or later, Pinstripe will stop to reload his gun, which is the time to attack him. It's pretty simple, but he will fire longer and take less time to reload with the more hits he takes. And after losing half his health, he will start lobbing grenades to keep you on your toes and not sticking behind one piece of furniture. Hit him 6 times to win.
Achievement Unlocked: Horizontal Pinstripes for Pinstripe.
*Pinstripe collapses on the floor with his gun and is teleported away. Crash and Hunter leave for the others and leave the terrarium.*
Death Head's Bridge
Eggman: "Hmm, I'm surprised that Pinstripe failed."
Cortex moans. "All my minions are failures it seems."
Eggman: "So, what's left?"
Just then, N. Oxide runs in.
Oxide: "Cortex! I'm done being sidelined! It's my turn! I can't just sit around anymore!"
Cortex: "There's no need to shout!" He moans again
Eggman: "Hmm. Wait, Cortex, this might be a good idea. Sonic sure loves racing. Oxide might have a chance. Go, Oxide! Show us your speed!"
Oxide: "I will, sirs! They will know the meaning of fast with me!" *And, with that, Oxide is transported away.*
Next Time: Rev up your engines for the Motorworld Terrarium.
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I have been chosen by @kaotickanine! (Thank you so much!!! I feel so bad lol I feel like I have not interacted with anyone here in a long time T_T) Here we go!
Fave movie genre: I’m inclined to say comedies…? I appreciate movies a bit more when they have an element of comedy in them maybe?
Last video game played: Sonic Unleashed >:D
Fave video game: (Too many to choose aahh) A game that has a firm place in my heart and childhood is Super Bust A Move 2
Interests: a bunch of different shows (cartoon or otherwise), video games, movies, Vocaloid, dance, and writing
Best subject: My fave subjects right now are my English and Psychology classes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Print or cursive: PRINT (though I sometimes write my letters connecting to each other as if I were writing cursive but I’m not lol)
Fave TV show(s): Adventure Time, Avatar the Last Airbender, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, Sonic Boom (eh sort of), Star vs The Forces of Evil, The 7D, The 100, Jane the Virgin, The Magicians, Riverdale (just got into those two they’re really good), Once Upon a Time, (do web series count?) Bee and Puppycat, Bravest Warriors, Porkchop and Flatscreen, and ah… a lot of the classic Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Disney shows! (Probably missed some… not including anime….)
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown
Religion: Catholic but like not strictly? I believe and interpret things how I think is right
Fave season: Summer!!!!!!!!!
Fears: I HATE jump scares, horror movies that have to do with supernatural stuff, BUGS CAN DIE, I used to be claustrophobic when I was little but idk about now
Tag 5 or more people: @supasonikku, @classicdaisycalico, @miguelisasir, @neogreenhillzone, @echidnapower, @auroblaze, @michael-anfri-afton, and ahh anyone who sees this come across their dash by me is TAGGED!
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isakthedragon · 7 years
Getting To Know You Meme
Tagged by @benignmilitancy! :D
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single
Lipstick or chapstick: None.
Last song I listened to: Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin Somethin (Sega Genesis Remix)
Last movie I watched: (I can't remember. :P )
Top 3 shows: (Too many to list, but I'll go with recently...)
-Bones (It's the final season already?!) -Star Trek: The Next Generation (Recently watched the reruns and now I love it. :P ) -Match Game (I would ___ Alec Baldwin if I could. :P )
Top 3 characters: (So many...)
-Spyro (Dragons are awesome, and he is the pinnacle of awesome.) -Shadow (I want to give him a hug!) -Tails (Our smart little boy.)
Top 3 ships: (This one was hard.)
-Tailream (Thanks @kaotickanine) -Sonamy (I'm liking it thanks to you guys!) -Knuckles X Rouge
Tagged: Anyone who wants to do this.
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isakthedragon · 7 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 21
Chapter 21: What Fears Await
*Our heroes arrive at the White Isles, thanks to the help of the 3 dragon mechs controlled by Terrador, Cyril, and Volteer. The White Isles have degraded quite a bit since the last time Spyro was here, which was over 1000 years ago. It's still traversable, but dangerous. Everyone has gotten out of the dragons and are on the ground near a fallen tower.*
Silver: "Is everyone alright?"
Sonic: "Yeah. That sure was a surprise."
Shadow: "Hmm, I guess smashing those Dark Gems brought power to the machines again."
Cynder: "Yeah, I heard rumors about those dragon heads being something more, but I never though it would be this. I guess we must have someone on our side in the real world, right, Spyro?" *No response.* "Spyro?"
*Spyro is busy looking at the island.* "Guys? This place looks familiar to me."
Shadow walks up to Spyro. "What do you mean?"
"I think I came here, long ago. For Cynder, I believe. I think I was called by someone over here."
Sonic: "Do you think whoever called you is still here?"
"I'm not sure. If it was a dragon, maybe. Which I do think so, since I feel one here."
*Just then, a large turtle seemed to appear on the ocean below. The turtle thing (Leviathan) was clearly holographic. A second later, a hologram of what appeared to be Spyro and Sparxs appeared as well. The holograms seemed to be playing out something that happened a long time ago.*
Hologram Sparxs: "Goodbye, freaky, little, turtle monster! Goodbye, goodbye, thanks for everything!"
Hologram Spyro: "What happened?"
H. Sparxs: "Well, let's see... You've been hearing voices in your head and have led us all over the place... which has been great because we're been having so much fun... and now we are stranded on an enchanted island and I just can't wait to see what happens next!"
*A pause for a few seconds as they moved.*
H. Spyro: "Wait... I think we're here..."
H. Sparxs: "Oh goodie!"
*After that, the holograms disappeared.*
Vector: "What the heck was that?!"
Tails: "I think those were holograms. They looked quite sophisticated."
Spyro spoke with surprise. "I think that was me, and Sparxs too. I believe I'm remembering more about this place. I think it's called the White Isles."
*Sparxs buzzes in agreement.*
Shadow: "Hmm, seems this place is important to you guys. I bet we will find the truth here."
Spyro: "Yeah."
Silver: " Um, guys? I think I can also feel that hole too! I'm pretty certain it's on this island."
Sonic: "Sweet! Let's go!"
With that, Spyro and Sonic forge ahead of the others to clear a path, knowing fully well that they are not alone here.
The White Isles, Shadow Realm
Shadow Stone Trolls: Trolls that have mastered the art of statue-ing... because they are statues! They will slice and chase you when you pass by them. Shadow Fire Elementals: Beings made entirely of Fire. It's best to just freeze them so you don't get burned. Shadow Crystal Ball Spiders: Like their name says, it's crystal balls that have merged with spiders. It makes a challenge with them tough since you need to beat them up to put them in crystal ball slots.
We've come quite a long ways, and there is only a bit more between you and freedom from this realm. Your first obstacle is this fallen tower. Use the seesaw to get up the ledges, and use the floating platforms to get across. Next up, you'll meet those Shadow Stone Trolls. Even with darkness with them, they are still pretty weak. Another big obstacle to look out for is those security towers. They sweep across the floor, and if you touch them, they will zap you. Crossing some floating platforms will lead you to a ledge and an area where you need to push some statues. Pushing them on pedestals will make a Shadow Fire Elemental break onto the scene. Beat it, and then you can move on.
*The next room behind a wood door they enter looks to be some kind of front gate area. Everyone has entered when a disembodied voice is heard.*
Echo: "Sacred Threshold... Hallowed Ground... Pathways Unfold... Lost is Found... Prove your Worth with Quick Desire... Ice and Earth, Electric... Fire..."
*Another hologram of Spyro and Sparxs appears.*
H. Sparxs: "What the... Now I'm hearing voices."
H. Spyro: "What does that mean?"
H. Sparxs: "How would I know? Wait, I'm having a thought... Nope, nope, yea... nope... never mind. I lost it. I got nothing."
H. Spyro: "We must have missed something. Come on, let's look around."
*Again, the holograms disappear when they are done.*
Shadow: "Did there seem to be anything important in that?"
Spyro: "I think I heard a way for us to get in that building over there."
*4 Shadow Crystal Ball Spiders then come flying in, trying to attack Spyro only.*
Shadow: "I wonder why they are attacking him. It's like we don't exist."
Cynder: "Perhaps because we weren't called here the first time? I think we should fight them anyway."
Show those Crystal Ball Spiders who's boss with some good old, dragon kata. Once they die, they will pop into crystal balls. You have to hurry and push them into sockets in the ground before they turn into spiders again. Once you got all 4 on the holes, you have to hit them in order with the elements listed during that cutscene. The left one needs be his with Ice, the next with Earth, Electricity, and then Fire on the far right. Doing this will open the door so you can move on. Follow the hall inside to the next room.
*Once again, another hologram of Spyro and Sparxs appears.*
H Spyro: "Hold on. I think we found it. Hello?! Is any one there?!"
H Sparxs: "Hey! If there is... could we... you know.... not wake it up? Because... everything we've met so far has tried to kill us."
Echo: "Expose your heart to summon ghost... then face alone what you fear most."
H Sparxs: "I knew it! This place wants us dead! We should have turned back while we had a chance!"
H Spyro: "I need to do this, Sparxs."
H Sparxs: "Yeah? Go ahead. Expose your heart and see what happens!" *Hologram Sparxs stops Hologram Spyro from entering.*  "Wait, don't do it! You can't leave me behind in this whacky moon temple... with all the whispering walls and crawly thingies! They wanna make me part of their freak show!"
*The hologram of Spyro goes on the pedestal and both, including hologram Sparxs disappear.*
Sonic:  "What is this one saying?"
Spyro: "It looks like we have to fight our worst fears."
Shadow: "Heh, now that sounds interesting."
(Note: I am listing these in order of severity, from none to the worst, with Spyro and Cynder ending it. If this was in game, you could see this in any order.)
Big's Fear: None
*Big steps on the pedestal, but nothing happens.*
Big: "Ooh, guess I'm not really scared of anything. None that I can think of anyway."
Espio's, Charmy's, and Vector's Fear: None
The 3 step on the pedestal but nothing happens.
Vector: "Well, that's a relief."
Charmy: "Aw! I wanted to know what we were scared of!"
Vector: "Shut it, Charmy!"
Jet's Fear: None, already accepts them
Jet steps on to the pedestal, but nothing happens.*
"I admit, I'm not perfect. I'm just doing my best to do well by my father."
Wave's Fear: None, too stuck up.
*Wave steps onto the pedestal, but nothing happens.*
"Heh, I guess I must be little Miss Perfect, huh?" *She leaves the pedestal with a grin.*
Storm's Fear: None
*Storm steps onto the pedestal, but nothing happens.*
"Phew, thank goodness."
Blink's Fear: None
*Blink steps on to the pedestal, but nothing happens.*
"I'm not really scared of much. Maybe fresh air, but that's it."
Sheila's Fear: None, already accepts them.
*Sheila hops onto the pedestal, but nothing happens. No fears?*
"I don't really fear anything. I accept that anything, good or bad, can happen."
Ember and Bandit's Fear: None
*They step onto the pedestal together, but nothing happens. They hug each other as they step off.*
Sonic's Fear: A Visit to Aquaria Towers.
*Sonic steps on the pedestal and is whisked away to...*
Aquaria Towers, Shadow Realm
Shadow Water Workers: They love shocking you with their shocksticks! Ouch! Shadow Crabs: It loves adjusting its eyes for some reason. Shadow Sharks: Those metallic menaces are still as dangerous as ever.
The place is dry for the moment, leaving the seahorses weak. They want Sonic to fill the place with water again by hitting all the buttons the Water Workers, much to his complaints. At least there are plenty of water bubbles to get air from. The 3 red buttons are pretty easy to notice, and there is usually a Water Worker nearby. The first one, nearby you, will raise the water level so you can enter the next room. The second button will raise the water level in the next room higher, so you can move on through a short water tunnel to a little piece of dry land. The next tunnel has Shadow Sharks in it, but its not good. They can eat you in one bite if you're not careful. Luckily, there is some TNT barrels nearby to throw in th water to get rid of the sharks. A little swim later will lead you to the last button, which fills the place entirely. Unfortunately, you have got a long swim ahead and way above of you through a little room to the room you started out in. You'll meet the other seahorse here; talking to him will free you from this nightmare in a blazing white light...
*Sonic reappears in the White Isles soaking wet, taking in big gulps of air.*
Spyro: "You okay, Sonic?"
Sonic: "I almost drowned again... but I think I'm over it now... It sure is powerful stuff."
Tails' Fear: The Electric King
*Tails steps onto the pedestal and finds himself in a similarly dark place as the White Isles, known as Concurrent Skies. He stands in front of a large tower with a flight of steps.*
Tails: "Oh, my..." *A flash of lightning hits nearby, making him cover himself with his tails.*
*Tails is then met with a creature that comes in from the top of the steps, arching tons of lightning around.*
Boss: The Electric King
Tails has to face his fear of lightning by smacking the heck out to this boss. Pretty simple, eh? It is, as long as you can avoid all the electric crystals he rains down on you. He can also make 5 electric crystals slide across the ground too. The only other thing to worry about is his axe, but he rarely uses it. Just kick his electric butt down.
*Knocking it out will send Tails back to the White Isles, who is now a big fluff ball. Sonic comes to his side.*
Tails: "I did it! I conquered my fears of lightning! I'm so happy!"
Sonic: "Good for you, Tails."
Knuckles' and Cream's Fear: King Bomb Boo
Knuckles and Cream steps onto the pedestal and he is surprised at what they sees.*
Knuckles: "Uh... remember those stories I told you about Death Chamber with Sonic?"
Cream: "The one with that Mr. King Bomb Boo?"
Knuckles: "Yeah, that's this place."
Cream: "Are we in danger, Mr Knuckles?"
Knuckles: "Based on what the others have seen... yes."
Cream: "Oh dear."
*Behind them, a digitalizing ray makes King Bomb Boo appears... and he is scary as ever. He also brings in a multitude of Bomb Boos that transform into a ton of Amys and Vanillas with those creepy multicolored eyes and sharp teeth.*
Boss: King Bomb Boo
(Appropriate music, please!)
Well, is everyone good and scared? Excellent, we can begin. Just like the original King Bomb Boo encounter, you need to defeat it with light again by flipping the hourglass on its back. It will try to bite at you and burn you with fireballs. You still need to wait until it does the fire wall attack so it is too tired and the hourglass can be flipped over. Obviously, those bomb boos are going to make walking difficult so try to jump over them. After opening the skylights, he will disappear in the ground which means you have to dig it out to attack it. Punching or sending Cheese out will damage it until the skylights close again, which means repeating the process. Keep doing it until it dies.
*Defeating King Bomb Boo makes the skylights open one more time, creating a blinding light that sends them back tot he White Isles.*
Cream sees Amy and gets a little spooked. "Ah, Ms. Amy! Oh, you're normal again. Good."
Amy: "What do you mean by that?"
Cream: "Oh, me and Mr Knuckles defeated King Bomb Boo!-" *Knuckle quickly shuts Cream's mouth, but it is too late.*
(This next line comes from @kaotickanine.) "HOW DARE YOU TELL CREAM ABOUT THAT GHOST!!! SHE'S A SENSITIVE ANGEL AND NOW SHE'S GONNA HAVE NIGHTMARES!!!" Amy seethes, just seconds away from swinging her hammer at Knuckles.
Cream gets Knuckle's hand off and calms her down. "It's okay, Ms. Amy. We defeated it, and I don't feel scared of spirits any more."
Amy lowers her hammer and whispers in Knuckles ear. "Don't ever do that again, or you will be hammered to oblivion."
Shadows' Fear: Final Hazard
"Heh, I wonder what I'm scared of."
*He steps onto the pedestal and finds himself in space.*
"Space? Huh, never thought I would find myself up here again. But I accepted my amnesia and everything that happened aboard the ARK. What's left?"
*The Earth digitalizes in front of him.*
"Hmm, above the Earth's atmosphere. It does feel a little strange being up here now."
*The ARK digitalizes behind him, but with an extra feature... He hears the roar of Finalhazard as he looks behind him.*
"What? It can't be. Sonic and I... defeated you... and...*He drops his head down.* I 'died'. *A pause as he is turned into Super Shadow.* I see... I'm not over that... am I?"
*The ARK with Finalhazard starts falling towards him at moderate speed to the Earth.*
"He's going to kill them... and I have to stop him... alone." *He looks to the Earth, where he has a flash of Maria in his mind.* "But I have to do it... for her and for myself." *He starts flying towards Finalhazard...*
Boss: Finalhazard
(I must offer some wonderful music! Like this! Or this!)
I'm just bringing up all the bosses with the painful memories, aren't I? Well, too bad, you have to fight through it and win. Finalhazard still has the same weakness, those boils all over him. And he still has those eggs and those laser attacks too. In fact, I'll be honest with you, it's the same battle as the one in Adventure 2, just without Sonic.
*Even though Shadow defeats Finalhazard, the ARK is still falling.*
"Ugh, I see. It's the same as last time, isn't it. Well, better move the ARK back."
*And, same as last time, he Chaos Controls the ARK back into orbit (The simulation fills in for Sonic's power). And, just like last time, Shadow reverts back to normal. He starts falling towards the Earth.*
"No! Not here again! Ugh, I really don't have a good limit on my powers. So, I guess this is another end for me, huh? I guess my only qualm is that I never helped humanity enough. I really need to trust them more." *And with that, he returns to the White Isles.*
Sonic and the others rush to his side. "You okay, Shadow?"
Shadow: "Yeah, Sonic. Just had my realization. I need to trust you guys more, along with the humans."
Amy: "That's lovely to hear, Shadow. Maria would be proud." *She hugs Shadow.*
Shadow: "Thanks."
Rouge's Fear: Shadow Android
*Rouge steps onto the pedestal. Although a bright light does blind her vision, she finds herself still in the same room.*
"Did it not work? No... because all of them disappeared. Something's not quite right here."
Shadow walks up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder, giving her a little fright. Not that we do not see him other than his hand.* "Sorry to startle you."
Rouge: "It's fine. I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong right now." *She hasn't turned around to see him.*
Shadow: "You think something is wrong?"
Rouge: "Yes. All of our friends and allies disappeared."
Shadow: "What friends and allies? It's just you and me, remember?"
Rouge: "What? No... You don't remember Sonic, or Eggman, or Maria?"
Shadow: "I think you are mistaking me for someone else, Rouge. I don't know any of those people."
Rouge: "Okay, now, you are not making sense. *She turns around while saying this next line.* You should know... those... people..." *We finally see Shadow...*
'Shadow': "Something wrong, Rouge?"
Rouge: "Your eyes... they are completely red. And your shoes... they're different."
'Shadow': "Guess there is no fooling you, Rouge. But that's not your test." *His hands change into rocket launchers.* "We know how much you care for Shadow, but how much do you really care? Would you hurt him if he attacked you?"
*He starts firing rockets, but Rouge is able to dodge them.*
Rouge: "I don't know if I can.." 
'Shadow': "Come on, Rouge, you have to prove yourself. Are you willing to defeat the Ultimate Lifeform in order to save him should the situation arise?"
Boss: Shadow Android
The Shadow Android here has 3 attacks. If you do get close, it will attempt to sweep you with its own kick. Otherwise, at distance, it will fire single missiles at a time after you that you need to dodge. After a few of those, it will fire a multitude of missiles at once, which is your time to strike as it reloads. As much as it looks like Shadow, you must kick its ass to succeed, which will likely take several kicks.
*Upon defeat, the Android kneels down in defeat.*
'Shadow': "Well done, Rouge. Trust us, he needs you to be ready for any situation. Even if it's to defeat him."
*After that, Rouge is immediately sent back to the actual White Isles with her friends. She immediately goes to Shadow and hugs him.*
Shadow: "You okay, Rouge?"
Rouge: "Yeah. I just... really care for you."
Shadow: "Same for you too, Rouge."
OMEGA's Fear: Mephiles
*Omega steps onto the pedestal. Despite being a robot who should have no feelings, he is sent to Flame Core.*
*Mephiles silently appears behind him.*
Mephiles: "Nothing is illogical, like how you are a lifeless robot. By your logic, you are illogical too."
Mephiles: "Mm, maybe that doctor deserves more credit... but I'm not the kind of creature to do that. Besides, you'll just end up scrap anyways."
Mephiles: "Omega, you are so dense. You think you are the ultimate robot? Please, that doctor will just replace you with even better robots. In fact, he did, and that's what caused him to die in the future."
Mephiles: "Why would I lie? I've seen the future. You died a useless robot, since you were busy sleeping for 200 years."
Omega pauses for a few second, probably thinking, until he says "YOUR EXISTANCE, ALONG WITH THIS WORLD, IS ILLOGICAL. NEVERTHELESS, I WILL DESTROY YOU AND SHOW YOU THAT I AM THE ULTIMATE ROBOT." *He raises his guns.*
Mephiles: "Is that so? Well, let's see if you can handle this!" *He rips a hole in time and space and pulls out the lifeless bodies of Shadow and Rouge.* "You may be strong Omega, but do you have the finesse to not hurt your friends?"
Omega does lower his guns slightly then raises them again. "PREPARE TO BE ANNIHILATED!"
Mephiles: "Good, this shouldn't take too long."
Boss: Mephiles
Dealing with Mephiles shouldn't be too hard. The only thing he can do is make a ton of copies of himself, hiding with them as the challenge. All you have to do is punch and shoot through them until you find the real one. Actually, there is one more challenge; you need to defeat Mephiles without hurting Shadow or Rouge at all. Omega may not like 'meatbags', but Shadow and Rouge are his friends. He would be devastated if they were hurt. I suggest punching Mephiles so you don't accidently shoot them. You fail if you do hurt them and have to redo the boss fight. Luckily, Mephiles is weak, so a few punches will defeat him for good.
*Upon defeat, the lifeless Shadow and Rouge disappear back into the rip Mephiles pulled them from and he falls to the ground, falling into a puddle and evaporating. Omega is returned to the White Isles.*
Rouge whispers to Shadow. "I think he has a fear about us, and about himself."
Shadow: "What makes you think that?"
Rouge: "I feel his eyes show it, somehow."
Amy's Fear: Metal 'Sonic'
*Amy stops on the pedestal, wondering what she will be fearful about. She gets teleported to the Egg Carrier deck.*
Amy: "The Egg Carrier deck? I wonder why I was sent here."
*A voice comes in from an unknown source.*: "Hey, Amy."
Amy recognizes the voice: "Sonic? Is that you? Where are you?"
Sonic appears in front of her. "Here I am, Amy."
Amy: "Thank goodness." *She hugs Sonic.* "This place is scary if you're alone."
Sonic: "It is, but it doesn't bother me. I like being alone, Amy."
Amy: "I know. That's why I try to give you space, Sonic."
Sonic pushes Amy off of him. "I don't think you get it, Amy. I want to be left alone."
Amy asks. "Wha- Why? Did I do something wrong?"
Sonic: "You're so oblivious, Amy. Let me spell it out for you: I. Don't. Love. You."
Amy is taken aback. "I-I know that you haven't really shown it off-"
Sonic: "Yeah, I don't. I never have. You know why? Because you're seeing things that aren't really there, Amy."
Amy gets chocked up in Sonic's words. "I-I know that-"
Sonic: "No. You don't. They way you have been chasing me around can be considered something like a stalker."
Amy chokes up more. "S-s-stalker? Sonic... I don't mean it that way."
Sonic: "You know what? Forget it. You're too thick-skulled to get what I'm saying to you, Amy. I bet the next adventure I have, you'll still be chasing me around anyway. Your love is blinding you. That's all you are, Amy, a love-struck idiot."
Amy pulls out her hammer in extreme anger. "You're wrong, Sonic. No, you're not Sonic. I know the real Sonic and he isn't one to demean others like this."
*She swings her hammer hard, which hits Sonic. Sonic flies ahead, smacking into the ground. The impact changes Sonic's shape into it's real form, Metal Sonic.*
Metal Sonic: "Nice job, Amy. Too bad Sonic isn't here to save you." *Metal Sonic changes forms again, turning into ZERO.*
Boss: E-100 α (ZERO)
Robots are so uncaring, aren't they? Or at least if their name is Metal Sonic. Well, ZERO isn't different from his Adventure self. He still will chase you around, firing missiles and his fists. All you have to do is smack him into the electric walls so his head pops open and then you can damage his circuitry. It will take a few hits though, and ZERO will try shocking you with his arms, or shockwaves as well. You can kick his bucket of bolts though.
*Defeating ZERO makes him blow up and sends Amy back to the White Isles with something to think about. She spots Sonic and walks over to him.*
Amy: "I don't know if this means much, but I'm sorry for chasing you around a lot. I know you are a free spirit, and you don't want to be tied down with love. Just know, I will be waiting for you, Sonic."
Sonic: "Uh, sure, Amy." *He gets a confused look on his face, but subconsciously, he gets what she's saying.*
Silver's Fear: Iblis
*Silver steps onto the pedestal and is whisked away to the future that was Crisis City, in it's completely destroyed state.*
Silver: "Wha-? What am I doing here? I-I-I thought I made sure this future couldn't happen?"
*He thinks on it a bit.*
"No, wait. It's my fear, isn't it? I'm scared about the future ending up this way, huh? Right. I wish I weren't so scared about that."
*The roar of Iblis is heard as he springs up in front of him from the lava below.*
"I see. He's manifesting so I can fight it out, huh? Well, time to defeat him again."
Boss: Iblis, Phase 1
I hope Iblis isn't annoying to you guys. At least all you have to do to defeat him is just throw rubble at Iblis. All he can do is throw rubble and meteors back, along with some fire. It shouldn't be that tough.
*Defeating Iblis makes him fall into the lava below. The background changes and Iblis pops up again.
Boss: Iblis, Phase 3
Hah, made you look! Now it's time for Iblis, Phase 3. Same as before you have to throw lava rocks at him while avoiding those flying meteors and flame shockwaves. If Iblis gets close you have to smash his eye with telekinesis to get him away. He will also try to hit you with a large meteor too, which you need to telekinesis back at Iblis for big damage. He should still go down quickly, guys, so don't get angry.
*After defeating Iblis, Silver is returned to the While Isles.*
Silver thinks to himself. "I do feel better now. I hope I won't be scared of a bad future anymore." 
Blaze's Fear: Her uncontrollable fire threatening friends.
*Blaze steps on the pedestal, but it looks like nothing happens since nothing looks changed.*
Blaze: "Huh? I'm still here. Why?"
*She suddenly ignites on fire. She tries to call the flames back, but it fails.*
Blaze: "Why... why can't I take them back in?"
Silver approaches her. "You okay, Blaze?"
Blaze: "No... Silver... stay away."
Cream comes towards her too. "Ms. Blaze... you're on fire. Does it hurt you?"
Blaze: "Please, friends, don't come near me."
Amy walks towards her. "I'm curious about your fire myself. Does it work with your anger?"
Blaze: "Aren't you guys listening to me? You're gonna burn if you get too close to me."
Tails goes after her too. "I've always wanted to study those flames of yours."
Blaze starts walking away from them, but gets trapped by a wall behind her. Her friends have boxed her in and she slumps to the floor.*
Blaze: "No! Please! I don't want to burn you guys! NO!" *She covers her eyes, not wanting to see what happens next. She then feels a hand touch her and she opens her eyes to see...*
Super Silver: "Relax, Blaze, it's okay."
Blaze stutters. "Y-y-y-you're not getting burned?"
Super Silver: "No, not while I'm super. Relax, Blaze."
*Blaze does, and her flames disappear back into her body.* "What, how?"
Super Silver: "There's nothing to be scared of, Blaze." *He reverts back to Silver.* "You have complete control of your powers, but if you let your fears take over, you will lose control."
Blaze: "Really?"
Silver: "Yes. You got nothing to worry about Blaze. It's the truth." *Silver suddenly gives her a kiss on the forehead as a flash of light sends her back to the real White Isles.*
*Blaze walks back to her place next to Silver and gives him a hug as she has a big smile on her face.*
Agent 9's Fear: Snakes
*Agent 9 steps onto the pedestal and finds himself in...*
5 Deadly Trails of King Rover, Haunted Tomb, Shadow Realm
*The dog Ali is materialized*
Agent 9: "Oh? It's that dog I once messed with... Oh, no. Not the Snake challenge again. Snakes... Why did it have to be snakes? I hate snakes."
Ali: "This is punishment for shooting my butt, you ill-fashioned monkey!" *He throws him into the first trial.*
Hope you don't mind snakes! Sorry guys, but you have to help Agent 9 get over his fear of snakes with this. This mini game plays the same way as the original, so it isn't harder for no reason. The challenges get progressively tougher with pots to make more snakes, mummy rhynocs, sarcophaguses for mummies to regenerate from, and finally Earthshapers. The first trial has 10 enemies as snakes, the 2nd 15 with the pots, the 3rd 16 with pots and mummies, the 4th 20 with sarcophaguses included, and the 5th 25 with Earthshapers too. Escaping the 5th trial will finally let you leave back to the White Isle.
*Agent 9 returns back to the White Isle, feeling not (or at least a lot less) scared of snakes anymore, now that he's kicked their butt.*
Bentley's Fear: Bartholomew attacked by Yetis in Bentley's home
*Bentley steps onto pedestal and is taken to...*
Bentley's Home, Gloomy Glacier, Shadow Realm
Bentley: "My esteemed abode? But why, I'm curious..."
Bartholomew screams from inside. "Help! I'm being attacked by angry Yetis!"
*Hearing the screams, Bentley heads inside.*
Here we are in Bentley's humble abode; it sure is quite lovely. But we got a job to do, and that is to kick, er, smack Yeti butt. One swift smack of Bentley's club will defeat them. They do carry torches and clubs themselves, but Bentley is a bit more agile than them. Bartholomew is in the back of the home, hurry and save him to return back to the White Isle, thanking you all the way. Bentley really does care for him a ton.
Sgt Byrd's Fear: Isabella attacked by Cat Witches
*Sgt Byrd waddles onto the pedestal and is taken away to...*
A Tower in Charmed Ridge, Shadow Realm
Isabella can be heard screaming down the corridor. "James! Where are you? Those Cat Witches are attacking me! Hurry and get rid of them!"
Time to go save Sgt Byrd's love! (Which is against military policy.) Entering the tower will lock you out from the corridor behind you. Those cat witches are caging you in so they can fly in from the other corridor, attacking you with magic. You must get rid of them in order to save Isabella and return back. The Cat Witches will attack in 3 rounds: the first with 5 to get you used to them, the 2nd with 10, and, in the final round, a cat witch will turn the floor to ooze so you can't land while you deal with 10 more of them. Besides protecting yourself, you need to protect Isabella too or you will fail the mini game and will have to restart. And, like I said, getting rid of the cat witches will get you back to the White Isle, leaving Sgt Byrd knowing his lady is safe.
Bianca's (with Hunter's accidental involvement) Fear: Sorceress making her hurt Hunter.
*Bianca steps onto the pedestal with Hunter holding her hand. He accidently steps on too and is whisked away with her to the Sorceress's throne room. The Sorceress gets off her throne and wastes no time ripping into her.*
The Sorceress: "You ugly, idiotic, worthless fool! I gave you one simple task, and you failed me! You've given away your ever so slim chance of becoming a sorceress thanks to you siding with that annoying purple dragon! And worse, you're in love with a predator!"
Bianca: "That's not true! I've become a better magician thanks to helping Spyro and Hunter. The dragons have accepted me with them-"
The Sorceress: "But you left the realms to die without dragons!"
Bianca: "No! I helped them return back by telling Hunter and Spyro to tell them to return!"
The Sorceress: "Hmph! You seem to love those dragons, and Hunter, so much, but you are still my apprentice! You are going to do as I say!" *She possesses Bianca and forces her to create Scorch.* "Look, you've created Scorch! Now," *A baby dragon appears in Hunter's hands, silent in fear. " you are going to make him kill that dragon and your love so I can harvest its wings, so I can live forever!"
Bianca: "No! I won't do it!"
The Sorceress: "You will, otherwise, you can expect your chances of becoming a sorceress to be impossible!" *She makes Scorch walk closer to Hunter.*
Bianca: "I would never dare harm Hunter, the dragons, or anything good and pure, for any reason!"
The Sorceress: "But you must! You won't ever be able to get more powerful unless you kill another magical being!" *She gets Scorch close enough and makes it raise a foot to squish Hunter.*
Bianca: "NO!" *She exorcises The Sorceress and makes Scorch grab The Sorceress and goes to Hunter's side. Doing that makes Bianca and Hunter return to the White Isles.*
Hunter finds the courage to say something. "You okay?"
Bianca: "Yeah. I feel a little better now actually, like a weight was lifted off of me." *She smiles as they step off.*
Spyro's and Cynder's Fear: Elemental Dragon (Cynder)
Both of them enter the pedestal together to find themselves on a small arena. A few seconds later, a dragon digitalizes in and swipes at our heroes...
Cynder: "What the heck is that, and why does it look familiar?"
Spyro: "I'm not sure... I think it might be you."
Boss: The Elemental Dragon
The Elemental Dragon doesn't have too many attacks, other than attacking you with a claw swipe, a wing swipe, or a tail swipe should you get to close to her, I mean, it. The challenge is choosing the right element in order to attack it. It changes between 8 colors, which determines it's weakness. If it's light red, attack with fire; blue, ice; dark green, earth; yellow, electricity; light green, poison; white, wind; dark red, fear; and black, shadow. As long as you can coordinate that, you can defeat the Elemental Dragon easily.
*Defeating it makes it disappear and returns them to the White Isles. The others check them out.*
Shadow: "You guys okay?"
Spyro: "Yeah, we are."
*Defeating the Elemental Dragon opened up the door to the Chronicler's room. The test is over.* (Though you may do any you missed if you want, obviously.)
*Everyone walks into the Chronicler's room, but it feels very empty, with not even a floating book flying around.*
Spyro: "I can sense this is the end of the line for us, and I can feel the magic of a dragon around here."
Silver: "I can feel that hole here too! We are in the same room as it."
Sonic: "If that's the case, how do we get out of here?"
*They look around the room, but the only noticeable thing in there is the large hourglass. Spyro gets the sudden urge to touch it and the holograms of Spyro and Sparxs appear in the entrance.*
H Sparxs: "You go first." *Despite that, he buzzes in first and notices the hourglass in the center of the room.* "Oooh, what's this?" *He flies closer.* "I think it's a magic wishing lamp." *He whispers incoherently as he flies up to it.* "Hello, genie, you in there?"
H Spyro: *He walks around.* "This is incredible! The entire history of the dragon race... it looks like it's all here."
*A mysterious voice talks: "It is. Well, most of it."
H Sparxs thinks the hourglass talks. "Did you hear that? It spoke to me!"
From the right side of the room, a hologram of a large and old dragon appears. It is of the old Chronicler. "The records in this hall date back to the beginning of time... nearly."
H Spyro smiles. "The Chronicler."
H Chronicler: "Yes, Spyro... it is I... And I've been waiting for you."
H Sparxs: "Oh, well... I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long. We got a little held up back there... with the, uh... well, you know... RIDDLES OF DOOM!" *He hides behind hologram Spyro after saying that.*
*A tiny face palm is heard.*
H Chronicler: "It was a necessary evil. I had to be sure, Spyro." *He walks up to them.* "I haven't had any visitors... in my solitude... for over a thousand years."
H Sparxs: "Shocker! Try getting rid of the psychedelic dragon outside!"
H Spyro: "You've been here for that long?"
H Chronicler: "Oh yes. But I have my books... and I watch and wait... and listen for things to come... and then add them to the books of Time. You are also written in these books, though... many pages are still left incomplete."
H Spyro: "I am? Can I see?"
H Chronicler: "Of course you can. This one is yours. Look." 
*A hologram of Spyro's book appears in front of the Chronicler and flies up to them. It is readable to us, but it's written in dragon language. A picture shows up to take the background, so we can see the image.*
H Chronicler: "You've seen this hideous creature before..." (It is Gaul)
H Spyro: "Why is he in my book?"
H Chronicler: "It was Gaul who led the raid on the temple the night of your birth... when Ignitus rescued your egg..."
H Spyro: "And when they took Cynder's."
H Chronicler: "Yes, that was most unfortunate."
*The picture changes to show Sparx's birth.*
H Chronicler: "Oh! And look... here's little Sparxs."
*H Sparxs butts in.* "He-hey! Nobody needs to see that... ever..."
*Real Sparxs turns a light orange.*
*H Spyro interjects.* "Wait, can these books tell the future?"
H Chronicler: "In parts. Though, just glimpses of the future really."
H Spyro: "Then I want to know what will happen to Cynder."
H Chronicler: "Spyro, you don't under-"
H Spyro: "Please! I must know."
H Chronicler: "Very well, but hers is a darker tale."
*Spyro's book leaves as Cynder's book comes up.*
H Chronicler: "Spyro, you must understand, when she was taken by Gaul," *An image of Cynder in chains next to Gaul appears.* "she was poisoned and corrupted," * The next image shows her in her corrupted form*  "made to do the Dark Master's bidding." *An image of her with Gaul on his throne appears.* "Her entire life has been spent in shadow. She knows no other way." *A new image of her appears.*  "And when the Dark Master returns, she will concede." *An image of the Dark Master, Malefor, appears.* "No one can resist the temptation... not even the strongest among us."
*Cynder shows surprise and scare on her face.*
H Spyro interjects, making the image of Malefor's eyes disappear. "I don't believe that."
H Chronicler: "Spyro, let me tell you another story."
H Sparxs: "Oooh, oooh, oooh! Can I pick the story this time?!"
*A new image is conjured, showing a young dragon among other elder dragons.*
H Chronicler: "There was once a dragon, long ago, whose raw power was greater than anyone had ever seen... or could imagined." *An image of the dragon breathing fire appears.* "At first, he mastered fire... which was odd because he was not a fire dragon." *A new image of the dragon breathing Wind appears, and then another with electricity.* "Then came ice and wind... and other abilities none thought possible. Is this story sounding familiar?"
*We return to H Spyro.* "It was a purple dragon... like me."
H Chronicler: "The first purple dragon..." *An image of the purple dragon surrounded by the elders appears.* "In the beginning, he was encouraged... and secrets of elemental mastery were passed unto him willingly by the elders... But his power was limitless... it knew no boundary. He consumed... everything." *A new image shows of his banishment.* "When he would not stop, he was cast into exile." *An image of his fortress appears.* "And from his new fortress within the mountain, he built an army... not of dragons," *His army of apes appear, then the image changes to them with the Manweersmalls, making them harvest gems. And then, the image of a Spirit gem appears.* "but of apes... and taught them how to artificially harness the power of the gems... Our life force."
H Spyro: "You're talking about the Dark Master...."
H Chronicler: *An image of the Dark Master on the mountain appears.*  "Yes, and in his dark seclusion, the sheer weight of his malice cracked the very foundation of the mountain, splitting the earth, creating a pit of despair..." *An image of the Dreadwings flying by the mountain appears.* "Where the lost souls of the world could reside."
H Spyro: *The gaping mouth of the hole appears* "The Well of Souls!"
H Chronicler: *The Dark Master appears.* "...Created by the very beast who seeks to escape it."
H Spyro: "B-but you said the eclipse would only allow the spirits to escape for a short while!"
H Chronicler: "Yes, but if there was ever a spirit powerful enough..."
H Spyro: "Then how do we stop it?"
H Chronicler: "There is no stopping it. It has been written."
H Spyro: "Then why have you called us here? I don't understand."
H Chronicler: "To ride out the storm... where you'll be safe... and live to fight another day."
H Sparxs: "Well, that sounds pretty good."
H Spyro: "What about the others? What about their safety?"
H Chronicler: "I fear the worst for the others..."
H Spyro: "...And Cynder? Am I supposed to sit here and do nothing... while she joins THEM?!"
H Sparxs: "Let me field that one... yes!"
H Spyro: "No! You keep talking about choosing a path. But what about Cynder? She was never given a choice. I have to try... I'm going and you can't stop me."
*Cynder steps next to real Spyro and sneaks in a kiss on his neck.*
H Chronicler: "Then... I won't. Young dragon, I've waited far too long to watch you leave here stricken with grief and doubt. You'll need a clear mind and a pure heart if you are to withstand the evil that consumes that place."
H Spyro: "I know this is not the path you would choose for me. But I have to walk my own path... and do what I know is right."
H Chronicler: "So be it, Spyro. I will show you the way. But you must hurry, the dark hour of the eclipse is near... and haste will be your only ally."
H Sparxs: "Alright then... well... uh, just so I know why I died... The plan is to wonder to the land of darkness to face an army of evil creatures that will want to kill us, so we can rescue another evil creature that has already tried to KILL US?!" *He flies to H Spyro.* "I'm pumped! Let's... let's do this!"
*The holograms disappear while the hourglass lifts up.*
Sonic: "The hourglass... it's rising to the ceiling!"
*It attaches itself to the ceiling and pulls the chunk down onto the ground. A super huge Dark Gem is revealed, the controller of all the others.*
Cynder: "That thing's huge!"
Silver: "I can sense it, it controls all the others. Smash it, and everyone can leave this realm."
???: "Not if I have anything to say about that!" *The large amount of Dark energy forms into the Egg Dragoon from Unleashed, with a familiar mustache in the cockpit. The Supreme Dark Gem is in the center of it.*
Sonic: "Eggman!"
'Eggman': " I'm not Eggman, more of a manifestation that you would 'like'. Doesn't mean I'm not going to go easy on you. I don't want you destroying me. Prepare to die, fools!" *It smashes the ground, making them fall in the hole below, following them.*
*Spyro and Sonic land on the closest big platform below as the others continue to fall above them. The Egg Dragoon greets them with its gun.*
Boss: Supreme Dark Gem / Egg Dragoon
"Aw, yeah, this is happening" Wait, wrong quote. But yes, it's the Egg Dragoon, and just like it, you need to hit the power cells on the front of the machine. But of course, it will try to drill and shoot bullets at you to prevent you from getting close. Hitting those power cells will cause the Gem inside to crack once a 1/3 of it's health is gone. Sonic will then latch on to it, and you need to climb up it as it drills itself. (Oh, goody, Quick Time Events). You'll then have to pull off the cells on the sides to damage the Gem even more. It will then drill away the platform, making you free fall. If you switch to Spyro and head dive, they will catch up and Spyro will break the Dark Gem even more (To a 1/4 health). It will also break the Egg Dragoon shell enough to expose the gem. Smack away at it and it will finally break apart, releasing its huge amounts of Dark Energy.
*After smashing the Dark Gem, a white light envelops them all, whisking them away...*
Next Time: We return to the White Isles to learn what's really happening.
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