#That was like 'I held up and robbed a liquor store' 'No you did not Paul Simon'
stellaluna33 · 1 year
I love that Literati at the end of Dead Uncles and Vegetables is basically just
Jess: I am NOT NICE! How DARE YOU??? I am very mean and dangerous! 😠
Rory: Of course you are. Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart. *pats him gently on the head*
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pumpkinsy0 · 10 days
Ya think Curly robbed that liquor store cause he felt he had to control something? Cause a little chaos because his Ponyboy was gone--god knows where---with that Johnny kid and Curly was so scared and so angry at the Socs that he just messed up and now that he's out of the reformatory, the first person he wants to see is Ponyboy--his Pony and he's met with a hollow shell of who his happy, smiling boyfriend used to be.
Do you think Curly held off robbing a place until he knew his Pony was gonna be okay without him there?
curly canonically talks about pony to tim about how good of a guy pony is and now ponys got caught up in this murder and im supposed to believe that DIDNT play at least a lil bit of a role in him robbing that liquor store🤨🤨🤨
like yea he wouldve done it regardless but there probably wouldve been less emotion behind it
i do think curly would talk to pony about his plan to rob a place and try to calm pony down and say “it’ll be quick, in and out” but if he did get caught curly would def call a friend to watch over pony before he was sent off somewhere for a couple months, hes a shepard he knows ppl would go after pony to hurt him hes not stupid😭
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sugolara · 10 months
𝙊𝙛 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪
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ft. Tomura Shigaraki x fem! reader
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Walking with a smile, F/n rounded a corner where she saw Shigaraki waiting for her. She had to sneak away from her house as her parents wouldn't allow her to leave late at night. Especially since she's supposed to be packing for their move.
"About damn time. I was going to leave if you hadn't shown up." Shigaraki said as he leaned onto the brick wall.
F/n grinned, "I was a minute late."
"You're still late." Shigaraki began to walk, taking the lead with F/n having to catch up, "What's the plan?"
"I say we go rob a store. I'm hungry, bored and in need of some adrenaline. Or you got something else in mind?" F/n said.
Shigarski shrugged and pointed ahead to a small convenience store, "How about that one?"
"Perfect." The two headed for the store and when they reached the front F/n glanced at Shigaraki, "Alright, you know what you're doing? One mistake and we'll both end up in a cell."
Shigaraki rolled his eyes, "You sound like we're going to commit a murder."
"I'm just saying. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison." F/n said as she raised her hands in a surrendering way.
"Okay, alright." Once again, Shigaraki rolled his eyes and headed into the store first. As he lingered near the drinks F/n headed to the front where she picked a few random products and then headed to pay.
As she slowly put the things down the counter and eyed the employee as he began to scan it. She was a bit imitated by him as he was at least a few inches taller than her and the guy seemed like he was on death row.
She noticed her hands began to get sweaty as well as her forehead. If things were to go wrong, she wouldn't be able to take the guy but maybe Shigaraki could with his quirk.
She then noticed he wore a watch, ring, and a few gold chains. She pointed at them, "Those 24 carats? They real?"
The employee stared at her for a moment before nodding, "Yeah."
The girl chuckled and eyed the TV that showed the store. She mentally cursed as she had forgotten about the cameras nervously chuckled, "Really? Cause you know my dad had a set just like that and he got them from these shady looking group of people–"
"You calling me shady?" The man harshly responded.
"No! No, no, no." F/n waved her arms feeling panic coursing through her, "I'm just saying that those could be fake–"
"The hell are you trying to say little girl!?" The man leaned closer to her.
F/n refrained from wiping her cheeks where spit landed. She then nervously eyed the camera seeing Shigaraki opening the liquor freezer. The employee raised his eyebrows as he also eyed the camera and saw Shigaraki stuffing a can in his hoodie.
The man recoiled and gasp as he pulled a gun from underneath the counter, "You fucking theives!"
F/n back away with wide eyes and instantly crouched as the employee pulled the trigger hitting a bag of chips. F/n instantly got up, "Fuck!"
She hurriedly got up on her feet as the man aimed at her once again. With the help of Shigaraki, he pulled her away and headed out the store. She glanced back where she saw a candy bar on the floor and with her quirk she pulled the candy bar towards her.
They both ran out the store with the employee still shooting at them. While F/n shielded her head, Shigaraki laughed as a twelve pack of beer rattled in his hands. They turned a corner where they lost sight of the store and employee.
Shigaraki leaned onto a wall catching his breath while F/n leaned on her knees. The male let out a satisfied sigh and cracked open a beer. He handed one to F/n but she held up a finger, "G-give me a moment."
Shigaraki raised a brow at the girl but recoiled back as the girl threw up, "...Ew."
Wiping her mouth, F/n grabbed the beer and washed her mouth, "I hate running."
The male in front motioned for her to follow and she did so. Eventually the two sat in a lonely park. They sat on the playground staring up at the stars while drinking their beer and eating the snack that F/n had managed to get.
"I'm a villain." Shigaraki uttered. He didn't know why he had said that but from some reason his heart began to beat faster than its normal pace. He didn't want to stare at the girl next to him and the thought of seeing her expression made him feel uneasy.
Would she be okay with it?
"...That's cool." F/n sniffed and chugged her beer, "I'm a civilian."
Shigaraki hesitantly eyed her, "...You're okay with that?"
"WIth you being a villain?" F/n said as she looked at a nodding Shigaraki. She then shrugged, "I honestly don't give a fuck about what you are. If I had a flashy quirk like yours I'd to be a villain. Does your quirk like...disintegrate anything you touch? I noticed you always keep your pinky up."
Shigaraki stayed silent for a moment which made the girl uneasy. He then nodded with a content look, "Decay. What's your quirk?"
"Uh..." F/n glanced at the empty can next to her feet and began to pull it towards her with her hands, "Basically, I can pull things towards me. It's like gravity. Though I'm not sure what it's called. My mom said that I got it from my aunt, she and I have the same quirk. It's not flashy or anything but it'll do."
"Your quirk is basically useless." Shigaraki said as he sipped his beer.
"Thanks." F/n said. "You go to school? I've never seen you around here."
"Nah." Shigaraki opened another can, "It's pointless. You?"
The girl shook her head, "No. My parents put me out."
"I'm moving in a few days." The girl said with a frown.
Shigaraki had noticed and soon his own frown made its way. He didn't say anything and instead gazed up to the star where a shooting star passed. They both sat in silence and listened to the wind howling. As a nice breeze passed by, they unknowingly inched closer to each other with their own thoughts plaguing their mind. 
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timefadesaway · 1 year
where’s that post like “i held up and robbed a hard liquor store” no you did not mr paul simon
19 notes · View notes
wheres that post thats like “i held up and robbed a liquor store’ no you did not paul simon”
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outsiderslamb · 3 years
if your still taking requests maybe purly first kiss 🥰🥰
Oh hohohoho Purly first kiss you say 😏
Curly knew he’d fucked up big time, not by robbing the liquor store but by being stupid enough to get caught. He shuffled his feet against the cold ground of the holding cell, one foot was bare (save for a tattered white sock) while the other had his nearly-decade-old sneaker. The other shoe was still at the liquor store somewhere.
He nervously tapped his feet against the ground and clacked his rather long fingernails against the bench until the man behind the desk snapped at him to be quiet. That only made him carry on even louder. He liked the way the pig behind the desk grumbled and covered his ears in response. ‘Good,’ Curly thought with a little smirk, maybe now the man would feel a fraction of the boy’s own discomfort.
Eventually, he grew tired of the tapping, so he swung his legs in circles for a little while. Once he tired of that, he hiked his legs up and hugged them to his chest, resting his cheek on his knees. Tim would come soon. He promised he would.
Thinking back to the incident, Curly’s chest started to throb a little. When his foot had gotten caught during the escape, he remembered crying out for help. But nobody had even turned to look at him. They just  hared  it out the window he’d pried open for them.
‘They were just scared,’ Curly thought, squishing his cheek further against his jeans. Curly tried his best to be glad that everyone had made it out safely, but a little part of him, a part of him that he believed to be very selfish, wished that he had somebody here with him.
Curly might lean his head on their shoulder in a silent plea for comfort, but he knew that anybody who was friends with  him  would shove him off with  a  sneer or a growl. Well, almost everybody.
‘Pony wouldn’t shove me away,’ Curly thought miserably, but then was stabbed with a potent pang of guilt at the thought of Ponyboy sitting in the station with him. Ponyboy wouldn’t deserve this... He was too smart and nice, and better  than Curly. Squeezing his legs even tighter, Curly found himself wanting a hug more now than ever before.
Tim arrived a little while later to pay the bail and bring him home until the trial. He said nothing the whole way out of the station, no sharp words, but no reassurance either. He treated the situation as though he was picking up groceries; curt and polite, yet clearly in a hurry to be gone.
When they got in the car, Curly expected Tim to start grilling him. He sat there in silence, digging his fingers into his jeans while Tim reversed the car out of the station.
“ Where's  your other shoe?” Tim asked once they were on the road. His voice was quiet and defeated.
“I lost it,” Curly said softly, head slumping forward so that his wiry hair would fall over his face.
When Curly got the news that he was going to spend the next six months in reformatory, he wasn’t surprised. In fact, he’d expected to get a way worse fate, this was something he could handle.
“ It's such bullshit,” Ponyboy said where he was lounging on Curly’s bed. Ponyboy had come over to return Curly’s shoe and stayed to say goodbye; as Curly would be leaving in a few hours.
Curly finished stuffing the last of his clothes into his bag and zipped it up, “I know,” Ponyboy wasn’t even the one getting shipped out and he seemed more upset than Curly did about it.
“I mean,  it's  not like you were the only one who-” before Ponyboy could finish his sentence, Curly scrambled over to him and shoved his hand over his friend’s mouth, muffling the words.
“ Shhh !” He hissed, then lowered his voice. “Tim doesn’t know that. I don’t want him going after the other guys.” He whispered into Pony’s ear.
Pony wrenched Curly’s hand away. “Why not?” He hissed back, “They deserve some comeuppance for just leaving you there. That’s not what friends do.”
“They were scared,” Curly replied, feeling the need to defend his friends at all costs. He knew that if Tim found out there were others involved, he’d go out to deliver his own form of justice; and that was never pretty.
“You would have gone back for any of them,” Ponyboy said back, his voice still a hushed whisper, but the angrier he got, the louder he got too, “It's just not  fair, Curly, if you have to get punished so should they. And I still think that you shouldn’t have to get sent away at all! It's so stupid!”
Curly groaned, trying not to get upset himself, “It is what it is,” he said, not really believing it. But he knew himself, and he knew that if he let Ponyboy continue making him think about how frustrating and miserable his situation was, he would start crying .  And Curly felt enough like a cry-baby lately.
“Well, it shouldn’t be!” Pony huffed, flopping down on the bed angrily. Curly leaned over him and was surprised to find tears were forming in the boy’s stormy, greenish-gray eyes. Fuck. That was going to make two of them soon if Curly didn’t get himself under control.
“Well- well it just is! It just is, Pony!” Curly snapped, his voice wobbling as he tried to mask his upset with anger. His heart was pounding while he thought back to what Tim had told him about his own time in reformatory- it was going to break him. No matter how much Curly said to himself that six months wouldn’t, he knew it would. He didn’t want to change; he was fine the way he was.
The lump in Curly’s throat grew. “I don’t want to leave you!” He yelled, tears pricking his eyes and slipping down his cheeks. “I don’t  wanna  be away from you, and Tim, and Angela, and all the others! Even if they left me there! I love them! I can’t help it!” He was full-on sobbing now, big globby tears rolling down his face and dripping off his chin. He felt so ugly right now, so he held a fistful of the covers to his face, partially to hide and partially to muffle his cries.
Before he knew it, there were arms thrown around him and he was squished into a tight hug. Curly sniffled and hugged Ponyboy back, burying his face into his friend’s silky orange hair. He could feel the cool drops of Ponyboy’s tears falling onto the back of his neck.
“ It's okay,” Ponyboy whimpered. “I’ll- I’ll send you letters and I’m sure your friends will do the same,” Curly was starting to calm down, and so was Ponyboy. “And if they don’t, well, I’ll go tell Tim that they left you,” Ponyboy said with a determined huff.
Curly pulled away. “Don’t!” he snapped.
Pony folded his arms. “I will.”
Before Curly could start arguing, the door creaked open.
“Curly, c’mon, finish saying goodbye.  It's  time to go.” It was Tim, and the exhausted, defeated look on his face nearly made Curly start crying all over again.
“Just a second.” Curly grumbled, grabbing his bag from off the floor and getting to his feet. Tim walked off somewhere down the hall, presumably to start the car. Curly threw the bag over his shoulder and started when Pony tapped him.
“Don’t forget your shoe.” Pony said, holding the once-missing left shoe out to Curly, who noticed that there was a little slip of paper sticking out from inside. He eyed it cautiously and Pony pressed a forefinger to his lips, ‘ shhhhh ,’
Before Curly to turn away to leave, he felt a hand grab his shoulder and turn him around. Before Curly could react, both of Pony’s hands were on his shoulders to steady him, and their mouths were touching.
The kiss was awkward and long, Pony’s eyes were squeezed shut and the little puffs of breath through his nose were tickling Curly’s face. Curly couldn’t shut his eyes no matter how hard he tried. He was running out of breath and sure that he would turn blue by the time Pony pulled back.
“Good luck!” Pony shouted, and without another word, ran off out of the house, shoving past Tim.
Curly was stunned silent. His face surly red as an apple. Finally, he opened the slip of paper and found a few things written there; one thing was the Curtis home phone number, another was a note that only read ‘I love you, Curly’.
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csny · 3 years
where is that post that’s like ““i held up and robbed a liquor store” sure you did paul simon” who made that one.
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ among the stars ❞ l.mk
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synopsis → “Would you be willing to give me the amulet, my prince? Or will I have to rip it off you?”
word count → 6.9k
a/n → when i say i cannot believe i did this i MEAN THAT like i started this in FEBRUARY and here we are, wow! ok on a real note i’m not proofreading because, like always, it is 4 in the morning and i want to get 3 hours of sleep at the very least D: anyway i’ll rest well knowing this is done so plz enjoy!
“Do you ever get tired of looking for a treasure that could be fake for all we know? ‘Cause I sure do.”
You slouch down in your seat. “So mean, captain.”
Taeyong turns to glare at you, hoping it’ll get rid of the smirk on your face. “This mission is hard enough on its own, your commentary doesn’t make it any easier.”
You roll your eyes. “Would you rather we just sit here in complete silence ‘til we find the… gem or jewel or whatever it is?”
“It’s an amulet,” Taeyong corrects. “And yes, definitely.”
“Would you two knock it off?” says Jaehyun from the passenger’s seat.
“I say let them go at it,” Yuta murmurs, staring out the window, into the vast galaxy.
Jaehyun raises a brow. “Is watching your teammates argue amusing to you?”
Yuta shrugs. ‘We’re in the middle of space, what else is going to entertain me?”
You see Taeyong's grip on the steering wheel tighten. He was serious about this mission. His team? Not so much. The only person who seemed to back him up on everything was Jaehyun but that was given seeing how he was his second in command.
“Yuta.” Jaehyun's tone could rival a disappointed mother’s. “Could you at least try and be a little professional?”
The redhead scoffs. “There's nothing professional about this team. We’re a bunch of criminals.”
That was true. You all had bounties over your heads, a consequence for having committed countless crimes all over the galaxy. Taeyong was probably the one that was most serious about what he did, always doing things with vigor and determination, no matter how illegal it was. Jaehyun was the same way although he was a little more detail-oriented, focusing on little things rather than the big picture. He always polished Taeyong’s plans to perfection. They made a great duo and, in fact, for a while it had just been the two of them. Then they realized they needed a team to be able to execute their ambitious plans.
That’s where the rest of you came in.
They had told you they found Johnny first. That was no surprise. He was tall and muscular, impossible to miss. If Taeyong and Jaehyun were the brains, he was definitely the brawn. When they had first met, Johnny was doing nothing but getting in fights. He was always the bigger man, he always won. It seemed to give him a rush, defeating his opponent with ease. Taeyong and Jaehyun stroked his ego to no end, telling him he would be a perfect addition to the team they were forming. The praise was enough to convince him to join.
They found Yuta second but you were never told the full story. From what you had gathered, he had attempted to pickpocket Taeyong. You had no idea how that would've led to him joining the team but you found it incredibly hilarious. You assumed your relentless teasing was the reason why Taeyong wouldn’t tell you about it but it didn’t matter to you; everytime Yuta references it, you still laugh.
Lastly, there was you.
Meeting the boys was probably the most memorable thing that had happened to you. You still remember how Taeyong had wordlessly walked into the gas station—where you were working at the time—and held you at gunpoint with his face shielded only by a black ski mask. Before he could even demand you give him all the cash in the register, a dark blue haired male had rushed in. You can still remember the sequence of events like it was yesterday.
“Taeyong, what do you think you’re doing?”  
“I thought I told you to stay on the ship, Jaehyun! And where’s your mask?”
Jaehyun ignores the second question. “I thought we had agreed to always form a plan before we steal something!”
Their argument is cut short by the bell on the door ringing as a tall, brunette male and a shorter bleach-blonde enter. You catch the way Taeyong sighs, “you have got to be kidding me” under his breath.
“Hey, Taeyong? Yuta and I were wondering if you could buy us some snacks.”
“Johnny and I have been on our best behavior so you owe us.”
“Jesus Christ.” Taeyong pinches the bridge of his nose over the fabric of the mask. “This is you on your best behavior? Interrupting my robbery for some snacks? The plan was I come in here, get the money, and you all thank me for being a good leader!”
“No wonder you need my help making plans, they're so unrealistic,” Jaehyun mutters.
Taeyong shoots him a glare. “Look, we’re running low on fuel, we barely even made it here. I thought if I acted fast I could just get the money and we'd be on our way.”
“Let’s just try that corner store a couple galaxies over. The guy behind the cash register is young. You think that kid will really say no to us?”
“That’s low.”
“Hasn't stopped us before.”
“I’m with Johnny. It'll be hilarious to see him pissing his pants the second Taeyong aims a gun at his head. Easy money.”
“You guys need serious help.”
“And yet you still hired us.”
“I’ll give you the money.”
Your statement ends the bickering between the four males. They stare at you in bewilderment and they’re stunned into silence as if they’re certain you’re pulling their legs. To prove yourself, you spin around and grab a brown paper bag that you usually used to put the customer’s liquor in and begin stuffing it full with all that was in the register.
You hear them whispering and mumbling but you just continue bagging the money as calmly as you would groceries. It takes only a couple seconds before the brown bag is overflowing with the pink bills that were only valid currency on the planet you were on. You wordlessly hand it to Taeyong.
He grabs it, holding it close to his chest and peering down at it, his eyes seeming to widen the longer it was in his arms. Jaehyun’s eyes darted between you and the bag like he was waiting for some sort of catch. Yuta and Johnny both cracked a smile, as if the unforeseen chain of events was comical to them.  
“Happy?” you ask.
They all turn to you, the look in their eyes still skeptical but Taeyong, ever the leader, speaks for the team and gives you a nod.
“Good. Now I get to come with you.”
Johnny is the first to react, erupting into long and hard laughter. “Is that seriously what you want in return? To join a group of outlaws and run from the police?”
You give him a firm nod.
His laughter dies down. “Whatever you say. It’s your life, babe.”
You all watch as he walks out of the gas station, putting his shades on (despite it being pitch dark outside) and you’re sure he must feel like a million bucks knowing that you actually wanted to stick around them.
You turn back to the three others. Yuta grabs a handful of snacks from the shelf behind him, cradling the assortment of sweets, chips, and more. “Can I take these?”
You shrug. “Go for it.”
He smiles and you can't help but notice it’s healing aura. “Good to have you on the team.” He also makes way for the door.
You’re almost positive that his willingness to have you join their group came solely from you granting him permission to take the food.
Taeyong is the next to leave and he does it silently, offering you nothing but a small smile as he held the bag of money as tightly as he could and used the side of his arm to push the door open.
“Why do you want to come with us?”
You turn to Jaehyun. It was just you and him. By staying back he had once again proved to be the only one who truly thought things through.
“Believe it or not, robbing gas stations seems better than picking up another late shift for a lazy coworker on this dull planet. The thrill is a bonus.”
You catch a pair of dimples appearing on his cheeks. “Yeah, well with that thrill comes three idiots, myself excluded.”
“I’ll manage.”
“In that case, welcome to the crew.”
“It doesn’t matter that we’re criminals!” Jaehyun shouts, bringing your attention back to reality. “That doesn't mean you get to be a pain in my—”
“Hey!” All of a sudden, the door that leads into the cockpit slides open and Johnny’s head pops in. “I need a new toothbrush. Can we stop by a gas station or something?”
“Just use hers.” Yuta jabs his thumb in your direction. “Work’s for me.”
“Wait, what?” you ask, mouth agape. “You better be joking.”
He just shoots you a smile, displaying his pearly whites, as if to tease you. You whine and make a face that expresses all your disgust.
“Relax, I rinse it off when I’m done like, almost every time.”
Taeyong speaks up before you can go off on Yuta. “Alright! Next stop, gas station!”
Your ship lands on a nearby planet and when you land, you can’t help but gaze out the window in awe, the luxurious ships and opulent buildings catching you off guard. Even the people that cruise down the streets—that practically shone and didn’t have a trace of litter—are draped in flashy clothing.
”We’re gonna look so out of place,” you grumble to yourself but Yuta’s ears pick up on the comment.
“Cheer up.” He points to the civilians below you. “Just think about how easy they’re gonna be to pickpocket.”
“No pickpocketing.”
A chorus of displeased groans fill the ship. You notice that even Jaehyun seems a little bummed out by Taeyong’s reprimand.
“We’re only here to get what we need. The amulet is our top priority, remember?”
Yuta unbuckles his seatbelt. “The amulet is your top priority. Mine is stealing some filthy rich dude’s fancy watch.”
“Well, just think about how much the amulet is worth. You’ll be able to have all the stupid watches in the world.”
“Yeah, once we find it.”
Johnny’s comment reminds each and every one of you of your current struggle—actually locating the amulet. It was undeniable that finding the treasure’s whereabouts had been your biggest obstacle so far. In fact, the idea of it being nonexistent had been tossed around, much to your captain’s displeasure. In fact, the only reason any of you had heard about this item was because of Taeyong.
According to his grandfather’s tales, it was so valuable that it could turn someone from rags to riches but the mystery of where it was prevented him from finding it himself. It was clear the amulet was something special to Taeyong and his dedication to attaining it was probably sparked by his grandfather’s own desire to do so and only fueled by his death.
He was always on the hunt for it, resulting in the rest of you doing the same, even if you didn’t match his vigor. You scoured the galaxies in pursuit of it but Taeyong’s determination never once faltered.
“Just get in and get out,” Jaehyun commands, siding with Taeyong, as per usual. “We’ll stay here with the ship.”
“Are you afraid someone’s gonna steal it?” Johnny teases, standing from his seat. “Because I wouldn’t worry about it.”
You snicker. “What a polite way to say it’s a hunk of junk.”
“Might I remind you that someone begged to be on this,” Taeyong makes sure to make in-air quotes, “hunk of junk.”
“She was so innocent and naive back then,” sighs Jaehyun, hand placed dramatically over his chest. “What happened?”
“You guys did. Practically drove me into insanity.”
“I’m sure you would’ve gotten there yourself,” counters Johnny.
You can’t seem to argue with that so you simply shrug. “Probably.”
“Get a move on, you guys.” Taeyong stretches his limbs out as far as they can go and then comfortably places his hands behind his head with a yawn. You had never thought about how tiring piloting the ship was for him. “We’ll be waiting.”
With that, you, Johnny, and Yuta exit the ship, receiving some of the nastiest looks you’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing as soon as you step foot on the planet.
“What’s with all the staring?” you mutter as you make eye contact with a seemingly disgusted woman dressed in gold from head to toe. “You would think that with all that money they could pay for some good manners.”
Johnny agrees only mumbling, “If looks could kill.”
Yuta lets out a frustrated sigh. “All I want is something expensive. I’ll even take a ring at this point, I don’t care. How am I even supposed to get my hands on anything when everyone is too scared to get within five feet of us?”
“Guess we don’t meet their standards.”
“Having that amulet would come in handy right about now,” you comment.
Johnny snorts. “Oh. Right. The prized amulet.”
“You mean the one that only exists in grandpa’s head?”
“Say that Taeyong’s face, Yuta, I dare you.”
“No thanks. I might be stupid but I’m not an idiot. I know he’d knock me out cold.”
Johnny shakes his head. “He’s so set on finding it. I still remember the day he finally brought it up to all of us. There was this fire in his eyes. He seemed so determined that I would’ve followed him across galaxies to get the stupid thing.”
Yuta chuckles. “We all did. But it’s been, what? A year now? Seems kind of impossible at this point.”
“I wish we’d just go back to doing all the fun crimes that he and Jae would come up with when we first met. Remember those?”
You can’t help but smile at the memories, remembering the feeling of adrenaline racing through your veins as you continue listening to Johnny and Yuta talk.
“Yeah. Those were the good days. Now our lives are just a huge wild goose chase.”
“We’re here,” you announce, steering the conversation away from your misfortunes.
The three of you peer at the building before you, its windows are shiny and from the glimpse you catch of the inside, everything is stocked up and organized. The sign above it reads ‘Purveyor’ in bold letters.
“This is the closest thing they have to a gas station?” Yuta asks, mouth agape.
You nod. “I think so.”
“I don't wanna go in. Nice things scare me.”
You ignore Johnny and take the first step forward. The cashier glances up from counting money when the bell on the door rings, alerting him of your presence. He almost drops the currency when he gets a good look at you. Although, he doesn’t seem judgy. In fact, he seems more in awe with you than anything else.
You stuff your hands into your cargo pants as you awkwardly walk past him and roam the store. You hear the door open and soon enough Yuta joins you as you skim the shelves, grabbing the necessary items.
“Pick your toothbrush,” you tell him as you grab one for yourself. You had immediately gotten rid of the one you two had shared. “And please stick to it this time.”
He cracks a smile as he eyes his options. “Do they have those ones that light up? And play the songs so you know how long to brush?”
“You mean the kid ones?” You’re ready to laugh at Yuta’s joke but he seems serious enough as he nods his head, vigorously.
“Uh, well, they’re probably around here somewhere. Keep looking.” You hold back a chuckle when he goes back to searching intensely. “Which one does Johnny want?”
“Not sure, he stayed outside.”
“Oh god, he was serious about being scared?”
“Probably just wants us to do all the shopping.”
“Well, go tell him that if he doesn’t come in here and pick a toothbrush, I’ll be taking the liberty of getting him this one.” You hold up a fuschia pink one with a cute princess character on it. You assumed it was from some cartoon that was popular with the children of the planet.  
Yuta obeys and seconds later, Johnny magically appears to grab a solid blue toothbrush off the shelf and give you a glare. After grabbing a couple more items, you check out. Johnny fishes into his pocket for money, mumbling about how he knew it was in there somewhere. After much digging, he pulls out a crumpled wad of cash that you’re pretty sure isn’t even valid on the planet you’re on. He smiles proudly at you and Yuta then the cashier but the expression quickly falters.
“Wong Yukhei?”
You glance between him and the man behind the register—Yukhei, according to Johnny.
“Johnny Suh!” Yukhei’s voice is loud but filled with excitement. “I thought I recognized you! But I told myself there was no way!”
Johnny laughs, breathlessly. “I could say the same thing! What are you doing here, man?”
He casts his eyes downwards. “As soon as you left with those two guys, I realized I didn’t wanna street fight for the rest of my life either. I wanted to start over and I thought, what better place than here? So, I picked up a job at the palace—”
“Woah, woah, woah!” Johnny interrupts. “You? In a palace? Never would've seen that coming.”
Yukhei grins so wide it seems like second nature. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, I just worked as a guard.”
“That’s still something!”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?”
Your question seems to bring his spirits down once again. “I quit. They kept telling me to ‘work harder’. But it was just about impossible, I was already running around like crazy for the royal family. They’re so demanding, I swear. Only person who didn’t drive me crazy was the prince.” He sighs. “I didn’t have what it took, I guess.”
“Sorry to hear that, Yukhei,” Johnny sympathizes. “You still made an effort, though.”
He nods. “Yeah. But it doesn’t always work out. So, here I am.” He forces a weak smile. “What about you?”
“I turned things around—not for the better, though.”
Yukhei raises a brow, offering you and Yuta a glance. “I’m guessing your new friends have something to do with that.”
Yuta chuckles. “Hey, he joined the team before me or her.”
“Team?” Yukhei echoes.
Johnny nods, half heartedly. “Yeah. Long story short I basically live on a ship with four fools, commit crimes, and look for imaginary treasure.”
Yukhei looks dumbfounded but his lips curve upwards in amusement. “Sounds… fun?”
This produces a laugh from Johnny. “Sometimes.”
He leans forward on the countertop, curiously. “And what’s this treasure we’re talking about?”
“Some amulet. Our guy in charge—you’ve seen him, he’s got pink hair—is wild about finding it. We’re just along for the ride.”
Yukhei nods in understanding. “I see… and this amulet, could you describe it for me?”
Johnny shares an uncertain look with you and Yuta, obviously expecting one of you to come forward. You both return his stare.
Yukhei chuckles. “Okay, lemme ask again. Could you bring me someone who can describe it?”
Not even a minute later, Taeyong has been forcibly dragged out of the ship joined by Jaehyun who insists on filling his duty of backing up the older male.
“Yukhei, this is Taeyong. Taeyong, Yukhei. Okay, now that you’re no longer strangers, can you give our friend here a quick description of your beloved amulet?”
Taeyong is taken aback by Johnny’s strange request but does so anyway. When it came to the amulet, you all knew he would do anything. “Well, it can fit inside the palm of your hand. I’ve heard it’s gorgeous, too. So gorgeous it could be mistaken for a piece of fine jewelry.”
The five of you stay silent as Taeyong continues reciting what he had heard from his grandfather so many times. Once he’s finished, you notice that there’s a satisfied expression on Yukhei’s face.
“I think I know what you’re talking about.”
Taeyong smiles at the declaration, teeth making a bright appearance. He had never met someone other than his relative that knew of this treasure. “Are you serious?”
Yukhei nods, positively sure. “Oh yeah.”
“Do you happen to know where it is?” You can hear the hope and fear in your captain’s voice. You could even feel it. The cruciality of this moment weighs in on you; this could be a turning point in your hunt or another dead end.
“It’s on this planet.”
Your entire crew stays silent, too stunned by this new piece of information to say a word so Yukhei decides to continue.
“In the palace. Around the prince’s neck.”
This is followed by another moment of silence. Each of you celebrate internally, happy to finally have found a location. All that was left was a plan. How were you going to get it in your hands? As if he’s reading your minds, Yukhei speaks up.
“I know how to get it for you, too.”
“How?” Taeyong nearly pleads.
“Johnny?” He directs his attention to the older male. “How do you feel about becoming a palace guard?”
Johnny’s face gives away his answer before his mouth has the chance—his nose scrunches up and his eyes widen ever so slightly. Taeyong stares up at him, filled with a newly found ambition. That seems to pressure Johnny into agreeing to whatever Yukhei was scheming and Taeyong must surely know it.
“I… guess I could.”
“Alright then, go to the palace immediately. They must be desperate to find a replacement for me but they’re always open to more defense. They believe in power in numbers over there, they don’t care where you’re from or who you are. They’ll settle for anyone as long as they look like they can take and give a good punch. And, you know what Johnny? You’re the strongest guy I’ve ever met. It’s impossible that they won’t hire you.”
Johnny smiles at the compliment before asking, “What do I do once I’m inside?”
“You wait. Complete the tasks they give you. Don’t make yourself stand out. Just… don’t be suspicious.” Yukhei seems pleased with the nod of understanding Johnny gives him. “Once night falls, Johnny will wait by one of the backdoors and let somebody in using the keys they’ll give him along with his armor and sword. This will make sneaking inside the palace way easier. Once that person is in, they’ll have to steer clear of any other guards and head to the prince’s room. The amulet will be wherever he is.”
Taeyong purses his lips as he thinks of a candidate to do the sneaking. “Can’t be Yuta—”
“Why not?”
“Because you’ll end up stealing stuff instead of staying focused.”
Yuta can’t seem to argue with this statement so he simply nods and keeps quiet.
“Can’t be me, I’m the getaway driver. Jae?”
Jaehyun shakes his head. “I stay with you. If we get found out, you’ll need defense.”
Five pairs of eyes end up on you and you sigh. “You don’t even have to say it. I got it.”
Taeyong places a hand on your shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” You give him a genuine smile. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get this amulet… finally.”  
You file into the ship and Yukhei joins you to serve as a guide. He tells you the ins and outs of the castle and informs you of important details as you take off. You can’t help but feel your heart thump as you listen to him. You certainly did not think you would be getting anywhere near the amulet today and yet here you were—about to break into a castle for it.
When you land nearby the palace, that anxious feeling only intensifies. You know you won’t have to do anything risky until later that night but seeing Johnny getting ready to leave makes you realize that it was really happening. You were finally going after what you had spent the last year of your lives seeking. You couldn’t afford to slip up despite all the things that could go wrong.
“Nervous?” you ask, approaching the brunette.
He runs a hand through his hair and gives you an honest shrug. “Kind of. But then I think about how good life’s gonna be once we get that amulet.”
You admire his positive outlook. You decide that you’ll match his mindset instead of bringing him down with your worries. “True. We’ve been waiting for this. It’s kind of exciting when you think about it.”
He nods. “We can do it.”
You’re sure his certainty is supposed to boost your confidence as well so you reply, “I know.”
With that, he leaves the ship, walking into the bustling streets, towards the palace Lucas has described to him. Although, he assured him it’d be impossible to miss. You watch his figure become increasingly harder to track before he disappears completely, becoming just another someone in the crowd. You back away from the window with a sigh.
All that was left to do was play the waiting game. But you had been playing it for the last year, right? What would another couple hours do?
It was true what they said about sunsets being more beautiful on certain planets. You decide that this specific planet is one of them. Everyone onboard the ship takes a pause from worrying to gaze at the sky, painted with warm oranges and yellows before setting into a cool purple and blue hue. Stars begin to appear and you see the outline of three moons in the distance. Night time was near and you would be needed on the field soon. You prayed that Johnny had successfully made it inside the palace or else your mission would be over before it even started.
“You ready to go?” asks Taeyong as you retie your laces.
You glance up at him and nod, tightening a knot. “I hope so.”
He doesn’t say another word but continues to stand above you, even when you begin to work on your other boot. You suspect he’s trying to find the proper words to tell you not to ruin this for him and simultaneously boost your morale so you stay silent. When you stand from your kneeling position, Taeyong still doesn’t say a thing. Instead, he pulls you into a tight hug.
“Please be careful.”
This is a command you certainly didn’t expect but you’re not disappointed at all. You carefully wrap your arms around him. “I will.”
“I want you back in one piece, got it, young lady?”
You feel your heart tighten along with the knot in your stomach but you only chuckle. “Yes, captain.”
The three others who sit in the cockpit yell encouragement your way and wave you off before you slip out of the ship, engulfed by the darkness. You had never been afraid of it. It was always more of an ally to you than something to fear. You were grateful—it shielded you away from everyone and everything else whenever you found yourself doing unsavory things which, for the record, was often.
You follow the path Yukhei instructed you to take. You had been ordered to go around the castle, through the nearby woods that would hide you away from any guards patrolling the perimeter. As you tried your best to dodge prickly shrubs and low hanging branches you can’t help but envy Johnny who simply had to knock at the front gates to be let in.
The prospect of seeing your friend again motivates you to keep walking. You might have secretly cursed the castle for being so large as you trudged along, your legs already starting to feel slightly sore and a thin layer of sweat forming on your forehead but you didn’t let yourself feel too discouraged. You remind yourself that Johnny is waiting for you on the fourth door behind the castle, as Yukhei had ordered. You had to make it to him.
For Taeyong.
For your team.
For you.
After what seems like an eternity, you reach the door. Just to be sure you scan it up and down. Wooden? Yes. Scratches on the bottom? Many. Rusty doorknob? Definitely. It seemed to match Yukhei’s description perfectly and if everything was going according to plan, Johnny should be right behind it as well. Without any further hesitation you knock as softly as possible. You don’t expect it to be audible but to your surprise, it opens almost immediately. His figure is poorly illuminated but you can still see the shine of Johnny’s metal armor and the reflection of a moon in his sword.
You give him a quick once over. “Looking good, John.”
He shushes you but you still manage to catch his smile. “Just get in here.”
You obey and he closes the door behind you as soon and quickly as possible. You barely get a chance to look around what you’re sure to be the nicest place you’ve ever been before Johnny’s ushering you towards a large set of stairs. You both rush up them and upon reaching the second floor he grabs you by the shoulders, forcing you to stare directly at him.
“Go left, right, down the hall, and through the door. It’ll be the last door to your right.”
He’s referring to the location of the amulet and you nod, hoping he can’t see just how nervous you are. These directions are sacred. They were what you had been looking for.
“There’s no guards up there so just worry about getting the amulet and getting out. I’ll be here in case anyone decides to come by.”
Without further ado you dart up the stairs, the carpet on each step preventing you from making a noise. You glance down at Johnny who is posted at the bottom of the staircase. He smiles warmly over his shoulder and gives you a subtle thumbs up just as a pair of guards pass him by.
You move fast and without hesitation, your friend's words still clear in your mind. When you finally arrive in front of the door that holds the amulet you take a shaky deep breath. Your trembling hand twists the doorknob completely before pushing it open enough for you to take a peek inside.
A boy, around your age, sits cross legged on a king sized bed with satin sheets, acoustic guitar in hand. His fingers fiddle with the strings and he pushes a pair of specks farther up the bridge of his nose as he examines sheet music sprawled all over his mattress, attentively. You hear him hum to himself, tongue poking out of his lips as he concentrates on the melody. He sighs in frustration before leaning back on his headboard. He briskly runs a hand through his black locks before his fingers land on something on his neck. Your eyes widen as you catch a glint of green.
He was still wearing the amulet.
You refrain from groaning. You thought it would be on his dresser or bedside table and that finding it would only take a little rummaging. Then again, you also thought he was going to be asleep. It seemed like this guy just wanted to make things difficult for you.
You find yourself to be at a loss. You ask yourself what Taeyong would do before concluding that pondering it was useless. Obviously, Jaehyun would be right by his side as backup. You had no one but Johnny at the bottom of the stairs and you couldn’t call for him. What about Yuta? He would probably charge in, gun cocked and loaded. You couldn’t do that either.
You decide that all you can do is your best.
So, you knock. The humming ceases and you hear the bed creak. You press yourself against the wall, holding your breath as his footsteps near and the door flies further open.
“Donghyuck, I know you’re a servant but I already told you that you don’t have to knoc—”
The prince isn’t given a chance to finish before your hand is clamped firmly against his mouth. Your other hand grips his shoulder with such force that he wails in pain. You feel him struggle to escape your grip and his cries come out muffled. You push him against the door, eyes boring into his caramel brown orbs.
“Would you be willing to give me the amulet, my prince? Or will I have to rip it off you?”
Your every word is laced with venom and if anything, he should feel more threatened but you can’t help but notice that his screams have stopped. He mumbles something that you can’t understand so you part your fingers so he can get a couple words in.
“You’re a girl?”
You shut your hand over his mouth again, rolling your eyes. “Yes, I’m a girl. Problem?”
He shakes his head, furiously.
“Great. Amulet, please?”
He raises a hand to grip the string that binds the precious emerald green stone to his neck. He removes it and places it in your outstretched hand. You refuse to let the sheer excitement that blooms in you show. You needed to maintain the upper hand.
“Very good. You’re a smart thing, huh? Glad to see they taught someone around here some common sense.”
You inspect the amulet and allow yourself a smile. Just a small one. You tuck it into your pocket before turning your attention back to the prince.
“What’s your name?”
“Mark. Mark Lee.”
“Alright, Mark Lee. You’ve been very cooperative with me tonight, surprisingly so. I want you to keep it up, can you do that for me?”
He nods and you drag him towards his bed, forcing him to sit down on the edge. He gazes up at you, eyes slightly watery. You feel a pang of guilt at his fearful look but then you remember the gem in your pocket and suddenly a couple tears from Mark don’t seem like such a bad price to pay for it.
“Sit here. Don’t move until I’m gone. No screaming or calling for help either, got it?”
He nods once more. You back away from him, watching to make sure he stays still in his place. He does, eyes still following your every move.
“Okay, Mark, um. Have a good night?”
With that you all but fling yourself at the door. You run back the same way you came, containing any celebratory laughter or dances. You had the amulet. You were set for life. Your friends were, too. You’re convinced that nothing can bring you down.
“Hey! Burglar girl!”
Scratch that.
You spin on your heel and there stands Mark, charging towards you. You debate whether or not to keep running. You were so, so close. The stairs were right there. But then you catch sight of an object in his hand, one that shines even in the dark of the hallway. It’s green and hangs by a string. You pat your pocket, making sure if you really even had the amulet. You feel it, it’s with you. Then what was it that Mark had?
Against your better judgment, you wait right where you stand, allowing the boy to catch up to you. He wordlessly holds the second amulet up for you to take. You grab it, Mark having seemingly no problem with that.
“That’s… a decoy,” he pants, pointing to your pocket, doubled over as he inhales air.
You feel yourself become even more confused than before and this time you have no control over your facial expressions. Your eyebrows furrow and you hold the real amulet close to your face, staring at it carefully with uncertainty. All you can ask is, “why are you doing this?”
By this point Mark’s caught his breath and he stands up straight. “I wanted you to have the real one. I mean, you went through all this effort, right?”
“I don’t buy that. What are you gonna do? Turn me in? Is this a trap?”
Before you can speculate any further, Mark entraps your wrist with his hand. You kick yourself for even stopping in the first place. If you had made a run for it, at least you could go back to Johnny and Taeyong and the rest of your friends even if the amulet you held was fake. Now you were going to get consequences, for sure. You prepare for him to call out for someone but he never does.
“I want to go with you.”  
You’re sure your ears are deceiving you so you don’t even bother responding and for a moment there’s just silence. He clears his throat.
“Did you hear me?”
“Oh, so you really did say that, huh?”
“Um, yes, I did.”
You shake your head. “Sorry, I’m just in a shock, I’m sure you can understand.”
He nods and releases his grip on you. “Yeah, this must be pretty confusing but I promise I’m being serious. Royal life is not something I’m cut out for and running away with a pretty stranger seems like my best bet right now.”
You blink a couple times. “Wow. So, this is how Jaehyun felt that one time.”
Mark tilts his head. “What?”
“Nothing. Let’s just go. But only if you’re sure about this.”
“I’m positive.”
“Alright then.” You begin to go down the stairs before you pause and look back at Mark and the amulet in his hand. “That is real, right?”
He can’t help but give you a lopsided smile. “Yes, it is.”
“Just making sure.”
Taeyong is a loss for words as his eyes dart between you and the dark haired boy besides you. Jaehyun matches his confusion, arms crossed over his chest. Yukhei seems equally amused and worried, glancing at Mark, tentatively. Yuta smiles wickedly, interested with how things have gone and surely excited to see you attempt to explain yourself.
“Um, Johnny?” Taeyong says, hoping the oldest one onboard will have some kind of explanation.
He shrugs, a tired expression on his face. “I have no idea. The kid was set on coming, I wasn’t gonna say no. I just wanted to get out of there.”
Taeyong nods, staring at Mark, intensely. “Uh-huh. And you’re here because?” He leaves the question open-ended and Mark rubs the back of his neck, giving you a lingering look.
“Well, she kind of just appeared in my room and started bossing me around and like, I freaked but it was also the most exciting thing that’s happened to me in years so I didn’t want to lose her so I gave her the amulet—the real one, by the way—and told her I wanted to come along. Now I’m here in front of you all and I’m kind of uncomfortable, I won’t lie—”
“You got the amulet?”
You’re grateful for Taeyong’s interruption; you’re sure that without it, Mark would rant the entire night.
You shake your head. “He has it, actually.”
Mark steps forward and places it around Taeyong’s neck without a second thought. On the way back, you had briefly explained to him how long he had been looking for it and how much it meant to him. Mark found his dedication incredible and seemed even excited to give Taeyong his long-awaited prize.
Taeyong’s hands delicately trace the outline of the accessory and you swear he tears up.
“I’m glad it’s yours now,” Mark comments. “Even if you do sell it. It just sat around back at the palace, another ridiculously expensive thing nobody really cared about.”
Taeyong nods with a sniffle, overcome with emotion. Jaehyun reaches over to rub his back. Yuta begins to clap slowly but you nudge him and he knocks it off. You hear Johnny thank Yukhei for his help, to which he only shakes his head, humbly.
You lock eyes with Mark and he glances around the ship, looking suddenly nervous. You smile at his antics, motioning for him to come closer. He slowly obeys and you extend your hand towards him. He stares down at it, hesitantly.
“I don’t bite,” you promise. “I just want to start over. I don’t think I made the best first impression.”
He grips your hand back with a chuckle. “I beg to differ. I know you were trying to rob me and everything but you still seemed nice enough. That’s stupid to say about the person who had me pressed against a wall like, half an hour ago but to be honest, I was fine with it. It was kinda hot—”
A chorus of too loud to be real coughs fill the ship and the culprits are none other than your crewmates. They all eye Mark, as if to give him a warning. Even Yukhei gives him a nasty look.  
“Um, so, anyway, thanks. For getting me out of there. Might not seem like it but it really sucked.”
You understand him completely, having been in a similar situation yourself. “No problem. Glad to have you around.”
The sudden sound of sirens prevent you from saying anything else. They’re incredibly loud and you press your hands over your ears to try and shield yourself from the horrendous noise. To add to the commotion, a couple cop ships speed by in the near distance.
“The sirens are from the palace!” Mark exclaims. “They’re probably looking for me!”
“So are the cops!” you respond.
You laugh at the way his face drops with worry. Being on the cops’ bad side was still foreign to him. You place a reassuring hand on his back.
“Don’t worry! You’ll get used to it!”
238 notes · View notes
Some Girl ... Part 3
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: None.
// * // * //
Mason smoothed Sebastian’s thick, silky hair and then offered his hand to Shawn. Shawn reached out to shake it, completely caught off guard by what Charlotte had said, although trying not to show it.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Mason said with a cautious smile.
Shawn only nodded his head in response.
“He’s a little nervous about meeting everyone, so why don’t you give us a few minutes.”
“Of course. I’ll bring Bash in,” he said, taking the stroller from her hands. “Take your time.”
Shawn reddened more and more with every step Mason took toward the house. The moment he shut the door behind them, Shawn turned on Charlotte, understandably upset.
Before he could even open his mouth, Charlotte held up her hands in a placating manner. “I swear, I had no idea I was going to say that, and I’m sorry. I wouldn’t blame you for storming off right here, right now, but please, just hear me out.”
He didn’t respond, but he also didn’t walk away, so she continued. “You’re going through some shit right now, right?” she said, rhetorically. “Just come in and forget about everything for a few hours. You can snuggle Bash, have a few drinks, eat some fantastic food, - better than you can find in any restaurant, I swear, - play some cards, watch the game, or swim.”
She could see him defuse right before her as she talked.
“We have a pool table, air hockey, and darts, too.”
There was still a tinge of panic in his voice, when he said, “What if they know who I am?!” Wait. Was he honestly considering this? He had wanted more time with Charlotte and Sebastian.
“I would be surprised if they did. Valerie and the twins definitely would have, but they’re not going to be here tonight. Try to avoid playing the guitar or singing, just in case,” she smirked, trying to lighten the mood.
“I haven’t picked up my guitar or have had any reason to sing for a while.”
Her heart plummeted. “Shit. I’m sorry, Shawn,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to be insensitive.” All she wanted to do was hug him.
So, she did.
He didn’t pull away. Instead, he returned the embrace. She felt and heard him sigh deeply in her arms.
When she ultimately eased away from him, he met her eyes and asked quietly, “What was that for?”
“It looked like you needed it.”
He had. He really had. He didn’t know just how much he had needed it before it happened. He was again surprised at how well she seemed to read him.
“I really should have thought before putting you in this situation. I’d still like you to consider it, as off the wall an idea as it is. I could introduce you with a different name. And if anyone grows suspicious and says to me, ‘he looks like Shawn Mendes’, I’ll just say, ‘I know, eh? Why do you think I let him into my bed?’”
He laughed then. It was a beautiful sound.
“You don’t really look like the Shawn the public is used to anyway.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“I don’t mean that in a bad way,” she reassured him. “You’re usually a little more...polished. Clean-shaven, perfectly coifed hair, except for maybe that one stray curl that drives all the girls wild,” she teased. “Personally, I find the darker, slightly longer hair and the stubble terribly sexy.” That earned her a little smirk.
Charlotte’s eyes met Shawn’s with as much warmth and hope as possible. “Things will get better, Shawn. It may not feel like it right now, but it will. I promise.”
She reached out to tenderly cup his cheek. “Having your heart completely destroyed fucking sucks, but it will heal, and things will get better.”
Shawn had gone through a myriad of emotions and feelings in the past hour. From apprehension to delight. An unburdening and acceptance. A spark of anger. Surprise, sadness, comfort. A moment of joy, a moment of indignation. And altogether more compassion than he’d gotten from anyone outside of his family and friends.
He hadn’t felt much of anything except devastation and anxiety since he and Camila had split. To feel so much more, so many positive emotions, within such a short amount of time, was invigorating. He stood straighter; his heart felt lighter.
“So, what do you say?”
He licked his lips and bit softly on the bottom one.
“Nobody is going to expect anything of you. They’ll just want to get to know you. I never talk about Booker, - I don’t believe I’ve ever even said his name to them, - so you can say whatever or be whoever you want.”
“They’re going to hate me for not being around for Bash.”
“If it even comes up, tell them you didn’t know until recently, right now even. We ran into each other at the liquor store and, ‘hey, remember me? Surprise, you’re a dad’.
“My family is amazing, I promise. And they’re all starting to gather in the doorway and at the windows,” she laughed. “We should probably head in, if we’re going to.”
He looked toward the house and took a deep breath.
“This might help to get you out of your head.” Before he even comprehended what was happening, her hand was at the nape of his neck and her mouth was against his; a quick, startling press of her lips. Just as his shock melted into response she was pulling away.
“I kinda wanna do that again,” he whispered. It was Charlotte’s turn to be surprised when suddenly he was kissing her back, open-mouthed, and soft-lipped.
Shawn hadn’t felt any sort of spark with anyone since his heart had broken. It felt good, exceptionally good, to kiss and be kissed again.
Their eyes met and they both smiled.
“Come on,” she said. She slipped her hand into his and led him up the front walk.
// * // * //
Stepping through the front door Charlotte called out, “Everyone, this is Peter.” She already expected that Mason would have told them all that he was Sebastian’s dad. “Peter, meet...everyone.”
She met the eyes of her family members, one by one. All eleven of them had gathered in a relatively small area. “I told him you were amazing; don’t prove me wrong. Be nice. He’s actually a really great guy. Now go. We’ll make the rounds. Don’t overwhelm him.”
Most everyone scattered throughout the house, a few spilled into the backyard. Elisa, with Sebastian, Jack, and Mason were the only ones who still stood before them.
“You met Mason outside. He’s my cousin, but he's more like an annoying little brother,” she smirked. He gave her upper arm a gentle shove.
Charlotte introduced Jack next. “This is my uncle Jack.”
“There won’t be a test, don’t worry,” Jack smirked, shaking Shawn’s hand.
“He’s the closest thing I have to a dad, so he may grill you a little.” She looked pointedly at her uncle. “Go easy on him, Jack...
“And holding Bash, of course, - she has trouble sharing him, - is Elisa, my aunt, my second mother.” Elisa smiled and her eyes sparkled. “Yes, he is insanely attractive, but your husband is standing right beside you, so behave.”
They all laughed at that. Shawn blushed, which only made him more appealing, and his heart had flipped a little when Charlotte had said he was ‘insanely attractive’. Okay, so there was a spark on her end too, apparently.
But he wasn’t ready for a new relationship, he reminded himself.
Surprising everyone, Sebastian reached for Shawn. He almost fell out of Elisa’s arms doing so. Shawn caught him easily. “I’m sorry,” he automatically apologized to Elisa, pulling him close and holding him secure. He instinctively dropped a kiss on top of his little head. Sebastian grasped Shawn’s necklace and started babbling happily.
“No honey, you don’t have to apologize,” she said rather dazed and amazed.
Charlotte looked in awe at her son in Shawn’s arms. She missed the look that passed between Elisa and Jack.
To break the hush that had fallen, Jack asked, “So Peter, how do you like your steak?”
“Medium, medium rare.”
Jack clapped Shawn on the shoulder. “Good man.” He then disappeared into the kitchen, Mason following.
“Charlie will show you around. Make yourself at home,” Elisa smiled softly before heading off to the living room.
Charlotte linked her arm through Shawn’s. “Why don’t I get you a drink before you meet everyone else.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” he chuckled and allowed her to lead him further into the house.
// * // * //
By the time the steaks were ready, Shawn had also met Beth and Lyle, Annie, Will and Diana, Josh, Doug, and Rob.
Annie and Beth were Elisa’s best friends. They had also been the best friends of Charlotte’s mother, Emily. The four of them had been practically inseparable their whole lives. Lyle was Beth’s husband. Will was Charlotte’s uncle, - Elisa and her mother’s older brother, - and Diana was Will’s wife. Josh and Doug were Will and Diana’s sons, and Rob was Doug’s best friend.
“I’ll help you remember,” Charlotte whispered to Shawn.
Shawn had thus far had a beer and a shot of tequila. The drinks had helped him relax, but he was taking it easy. He might let himself get pleasantly buzzed later that night, but he didn’t want to get wrecked in the presence of Charlotte’s family.
He may not have been Sebastian’s dad, but he wanted to make a good impression on the people who thought he was, and who had welcomed him into their home.
// * // * //
Dinner was unbelievable, as Charlotte had promised him it would be, and he was satisfyingly full.
The questions that had been asked of him throughout the evening were unobtrusive and considerably basic in nature. Again, as Charlotte had said, they just wanted the chance to get to know him. And like Charlotte, they were easy to talk to. Conversation was fun; he found himself smiling and laughing more than he had in a while.
He noticed Charlotte watching him, and when he smiled or laughed there was a look of pure happiness in her eyes. It made his heart flutter.
// * // * //
Part 4
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
One push too many
This was prompted by a lovely anon! I enjoyed writing this although it is quite heavy. Take caution but keep in mind all my stories end happy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warning: Misunderstanding, mental abuse, alcohol abuse, desription of suicide attempt (will be prevented)) [alternate ending]
Gavin. Hated. Everything. That was nothing new, it was a well-known fact for everyone that knew him. Only that usually Gavin hated everything equally and made a few exceptions with his cat or one day of the week or maybe even one person in his nearest circle. Lately that changed. There were some things he hated more than others, that he utmost despised. One of them being his newest partner, an android. RK900. Nines. And he took everything he had liked in his life away from him.
Gavin had liked his work. But how should he enjoy his job if he had to do it next to a phcking tin-can that watched and commented his every move, scanned him every few seconds and knew things about him no one else had ever found out. ‘Oh, seems the murderer was the victim’s brother, killing him for his riches. Curious that you never had that idea with Elijah.’ ‘Come on, Detective, don’t pout like that. With a family like yours I thought you were used to having the lowest IQ in the room.’ ‘I think I know how your brother must have felt. Pulling you along all the time. Come on, get your head in the game.’ ‘Sometimes I ask myself how you made it detective in the first place.’ ‘Wow, someone seems to be a particular asshole today.’ ‘What did I do to get you as my partner…’
Gavin had long given up on retorting something clever. The android would just twist it around again and add something even worse. And Gavin really didn’t need to. In the first time since he left school, he bowed his head and let the tin-can push him down. He tried to ignore it, but the words hit him time and time again, wounding him in a spot that never really healed. Yes, his brother was a genius. Yes, he was an idiot compared to that. Yes, his family had treated him differently to his brother. Well, Gavin had made a living despite all that, hadn’t he? He had come out a nearly decent human being that did good or at least convinced himself he changed a few lives and maybe for the better. Hearing what the android told him with a tone that Gavin had suspected to be friendly teasing at the beginning, just made him feel like he was back in that house. Back with the people who loved him but loved his brother more. He didn’t need that. He didn’t want that.
Sometimes he still lashed out. Sometimes, when he couldn’t bear it any longer, he started screaming. Or he pushed his partner against a wall, threatening him. Or he let his fist connect with something sensitive. But it didn’t help; it didn’t change anything. No, it made things worse. When he did it inside the precinct there would be all eyes on him, how he once again abused the innocent new guy. An android. And when Gavin did it outside, Nines would just report him to Fowler or tell what happened to any concerned face. And that had mostly been Tina, Chris and Connor. New never took long to spread from them. Gavin would be the anti-android asshole again, people would talk behind his back how he never even tried to change, how he shouted at the poor RK900. He had always been an aggressive man, they would say. And hadn’t he threatened Connor once with a gun? How long would it take until the next incident? And who would stop him when he tried to kill Nines?
Gavin would never do that. He hated the guy to the bone, wished he could actually punch him until the metal heap was unrecognisable. But he would never kill a man that had never lifted a hand against him, despite what words Nines threw at him.
Over time, his co-workers distanced themselves even more from Gavin. Not that he cared, he had never been close with them anyways. But Tina and Chris seemed to have switched sides. And that hurt deep down. Seeing his friends ignore him or excuse themselves whenever he was near and later meeting them in the breakroom chatting with the android that had been his downfall from the very beginning.
‘Has he screamed at you again?’ Gavin froze in his steps. He had been about to enter the breakroom to get a coffee before checking on evidence. But now he stopped as he heard Tina’s voice from the inside. ‘Yes.’ Nines. That asshole actually dared to sound desperate. ‘Don’t worry. That’s just Gavin.’ Chris chuckled. ‘He shouts and punches and threatens, but he won’t ever do anything to you. And if he does, then we’ll have your back.’ ‘He got quieter, but there are still times when he explodes at me.’ Tina sighed. ‘Then you’ll just have to hold out a little longer. Just do what you do now, and he’ll eat out of your hand in no time.’ Gavin pressed against the wall and risked a peak into the break room, not believing what he had just heard. How could Tina ever betray him like that? How could she tell Nines to continue hitting him where it hurt most? She had been his friend! Did she finally have enough of him too and just wished for Nines to subdue him? He would never-
He stomped away angrily, briefly crossing eyes with Nines. Tina had her hand on his and both her and Chris had been focussed on the android. Nines had been the only one that saw him. But without doubt he would use that information to his advantage, manipulating his former friends further and pitting them against him.
Gavin swallowed. The problem was that Nines would and could subdue him if he continued like that. In fact, he already was. He hadn’t spoken up to him since forever, only showing his teeth when he couldn’t endure it any longer. Nines had robbed him of everything good in his life and Gavin knew he had to get out of this immediately. But how could he get away from the android quick and effectively? Gavin had sat down on his desk, chewing on a pen, as his gaze shifted towards Fowler’s office. It was his only option, Gavin knew it, and still he tried to find another way for the rest of his shift. Even as it ended, Gavin continued to sit there, waiting. At some point Nines had sat down opposite of him and by now, the android was watching him closely. Gavin knew what he had to do, and waiting didn’t help. So, he finally switched off his computer and walked off to the Captain’s office.
‘Gavin, what are you doing here so late?’, Fowler asked. ‘Don’t you have a cat waiting for you at home?’ The man smiled at him warmly and it hurt Gavin to mimic it. So, he just looked down, unclipped his badge from his belt and then got lost of the utility belt completely, putting both down on Fowler’s desk. ‘What’s that supposed to be?’, Fowler asked, frowning at the Detective. ‘I quit.’ ‘Reed? Everything alright? I thought you liked it here. You are one of my best men!’ Gavin kept silent. ‘Gavin. Son, any reason why you want to quit? Anything I should know of? You know, what you tell me stays with me.’ He shook his head. ‘No reason.’ ‘Oh, stop bullshitting me!’ ‘Captain Fowler, I would like to resign my post. I want to quit. Last time I checked I was allowed to do that.’ ‘Jesus Christ, yes! Yes, you are allowed. Just…’ He stood up. ‘I won’t sign the papers today. If you want to come back, I’ll give you till the weekend. Gavin. Please take care of yourself.’
Gavin, in fact, did not take care of himself. He had hastily taken his belongings from his desk and put them into a box, before marching out of the precinct and racing home. He hated how Nines had stood up half-way, thinking about stopping him. No. Not this time. The asshole would not have his grasp on him now. Not anymore.
As he got home, he pushed the box in a corner and kicked off his shoes, walking straight to the fridge and taking out the hard liquor. His cat greeted him by rubbing against his legs while he poured himself a glass. Gavin looked down on the orange tabby, then on the glass, downed it and decided that he wouldn’t need a glass today. He put the entire bottle on the table and pulled out a can of wet cat food, too. Only then he sat down and took another gulp from the bottle. It burned and he coughed as tears came to his eyes from too much booze in too little time. ‘Phck this asshole!’, he shouted through the house, startling the cat. Gavin held onto the neck of the bottle as if it could anchor himself on the table. ‘This damn android waltzes in, makes me his servant, calls me names and offends me, steals my friends and now made me quit my job! Now I have no job, no idea what to do, an ass full of debt and no clue how to get out of this. I…’ He got quiet, drinking more. He cried, wiped away his tears and cried again. He drank more.
As the bottle was half emptied, he had the brilliant idea to call his brother. They may not have separated on good terms, but Eli was still his brother, wasn’t he? And getting to learn Gavin was just the phck up everyone had suspected him to be, had to be something, right? Maybe he could help. He called him and anxiously counted the rings. It didn’t take him much, before the call was declined. Gavin tried again. And again. But his brother constantly clicked him away. Gavin nursed the bottle a bit more. He was truly alone. He had lost everything that he had worked for, everything he had aspired to be. And it wouldn’t get any better.
The bottle was completely empty, as he had made a decision. He went to his bedroom and retrieved some paper together with the gun he had stored away in the nightstand. He came back to the table, laid the gun on it and clicked the pen to begin writing. What should he write? What was important?
Please don’t give my cat to a shelter. He was surprised that was the only thing he was concerned about: His asshole cat that wasn’t even really his. She had just one day turned up in his garden and convinced Gavin to feed her. He thought really, really hard. He should have something besides his cat that needed settling before he could go. But nothing came to his mind as he stared at the blank page, far too big for just one sentence. Once again, he had been too ambitious. Don’t give her to Nines! He added then with a sigh and underlined the “Don’t” with far too much force for his pen that splattered a few ink-drops next to the angry line. He set the paper and pen aside and eyed the gun before taking it in his hand. It was heavy and cold, seeming to weigh so much more than it should.
Suddenly, the doorbell ripped him from his thoughts. ‘Go away!’, he shouted and hated how weak it sounded. ‘Now’s really not the time!’ Gavin watched the door, but it kept silent. He nodded to himself and concentrated back at the task at hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before lifting- There was a crashing sound as if a window was smashed. Then, in a flurry of motion, something heavy hit him and made him topple over in his chair. The impact with the ground made him loose hold on the gun and only then did he look up. With a groan he closed his eyes again and was surprised he didn’t throw up.
‘You really are a nuisance, aren’t you?’, he groaned, his head pounding. ‘Says the man who tried to kill himself. Oh, how he hated that voice. ‘Yeah and whose fault is that?’, Gavin spat. ‘Just go away and let me get on with it, asshole!’ ‘I won’t. You are right, this is my fault, so I have the responsibility of setting things right!’
Gavin opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling past Nines, letting the light bulb from the kitchen lamp burn in his eyes. Nines slapped his cheek, causing Gavin to refocus. ‘We will sit down at that table and you will listen to me, okay?’ ‘Fine’, Gavin grumbled, annoyed and tired. The android pulled him up and the sudden movement made Gavin’s stomach turn. The world stopped tilting as he finally sat on his chair, the android sitting down next to him. ‘I don’t have a social module.’ Gavin looked at him through half-lidded eyes. ‘I don’t give a phck.’ ‘I don’t know how to communicate the right way. When I was partnered up with you, Connor told me you liked friendly bickering. So I tried to do the same.’ ‘Uh-huh…’ Gavin was clawing at the table trying not to sag from his chair. ‘When you got more and more quiet, I thought I was on the right path and went on with it. It was never my intention to hurt.’ Gavin laughed loudly. ‘Yeah, don’t phck with me that way. Even a microwave would have realised it did things wrong.’ ‘Then it seems I’m dumber than a household device.’ ‘The first true sentence from you today.’ Nines sighed. ‘Listen Gavin, I… You never told me to stop. It wasn’t your job to do so and I guess I should have told you my… shortfalls. But as you quit your job today, I realised something was deeply wrong. Connor told me the world could end and you would still come to work. I… I’m glad I followed you. And I’m sorry I never noticed how much I made you suffer. Can you forgive me?’
Gavin stared at the android, swaying lightly form side to side. ‘No.’ Nines nodded, looking down on his hands. ‘I… understand. Just please don’t kill yourself. I will do anything you wish for once you promised me that.’ ‘No, you don’t understand’, Gavin slurred, slapping his hand on the paper and crumbling it in his hand. ‘I can’t forgive you for it. But you can make it up to me. You will let me go back to the police. You will explain everything to Tina and Chris. I want their apology for ghosting me because you told them lies. And most importantly: You will never say the name Elijah Kamski again. You won’t ever refer to my family. You won’t ever treat me as something beneath you again.’ He looked at the android sharply, who nodded eagerly but with enough guilt in his face to look serious. Gavin leaned back.
‘And for phck’s sake, you will learn what “friendly bickering” means!’
[>alternate ending]
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Idk what it was like in the 80s, but I have a friend who worked at family video and they had an xxx room. Is that not gold for a Harringrove fic? Like billy coming in and renting increasingly raunchy and queer movies just to see steves reaction. Or Steve sneaking porn back home and realizing he’s paying more attention to the male stars, more attention than any straight man should. I’m just obsessed with this idea now.
“Holy shit. Who rented this?”
Robin was brandishing the tape, one they found in the return box in the XXX room.
“I didn’t even know we had gay pornos back there.”
The tape was called something terrible, something like Bad to the Boner. It had two shirtless men on the cover, wrapped up in one another.
When someone rented from the XXX room, the curtained off section in the back of Family Video, they put it in a brown bag, kinda like the liquor store, so that any kids in the store itself couldn’t see it. Which meant, that Steve and Robin couldn’t see who was checking out what, just knew that all of a sudden, this gay tape was here, as in somebody had rented and paid for it.
Robin was currently going through the rentals sheet, looking to see who had a XXX stamped next to their names.
“So, it could be Andrew Rodgers, or Scotty McKinnon, or-”
“Robin just leave it.” She gave Steve a weird a look over her shoulder.
“C’mon, it’s fun. It’s not like we’re gonna tell anyone-”
“It was fucking me, Robin.” Steve hissed at her, moving forward sharply to lean next to her on the counter. “I rented it.”
Her eyes were huge, looking at him as if she had never seen him before.
“Why did you, why did you rent gay porn? Was it an accident?” Steve wasn’t making eye contact with her, was bright red, staring at his shoes.
“No, I, I wanted to watch it.” He mumbled it.
Robin grabbed his arm, dragging him roughly into the back room.
“Are you telling me you’re gay?” She whisper-screamed at him.
“No. I mean, I don’t fucking know. That’s why I wanted to get it, to like, check.”
“What the fuck do you mean to check?”
“Because I just, I’ve always kinda, kinda noticed guys, but I definitely still like girls, but sometimes I’ll think about, about guys and it just makes me so fucking confused.” He was running his hands through his hair, tugging on it.
“Okay, first of all, calm down.” She yanked his wrists, trying to get him to stop pulling at his hair. “Second of all, it’s fine. You can like whoever you want.”
“But like, I loved Nancy, I know I did, I wasn’t like, wasn’t faking it. But I think,” He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “But there’s someone else. A boy someone that I, I feel the same way.” She rubbed his upper arms.
“Steve, that’s okay. You can love anyone. You don’t have to like, put yourself in a box if you don’t want to. It’s your life, Steve.” She pulled him into a hug. Being friends with Steve has solidified a few things about him, particularly, that he’s a clingy little fucker that likes to be held.
“So how was the gay porn.” He pulled back, rolling his eyes, but he had red patches high on his cheeks.
“It was fine.” She grinned at him.
“Oh, holy shit. You totally liked it!”
“I mean, like, sometimes I’ll notice the guys more in porn and stuff, so I thought, maybe two would be, would be okay.”
“You so liked it, Jesus Christ.”
“What does it matter, if I liked it? Get off my dick, Rob.” He gave her a shove.
“I would literally rather die than be anywhere near your dick, Dingus.”
“It’s a fucking expression.” She rolled her eyes, batting at his chest.
“It really is fine. You know that, right? You don’t have to know right now, or decide how you feel, or anything, and it’s okay.” He smiled softly at her.
“I think I know that. Finally.” She returned his smile, before it split into a grin, the one she wore when she made fun of him.
“It’s Billy, right? The guy that you feel the same way about?” His eyes got all wide, his mouth opening slightly.
“No, it’s definitely not.”
“Oh it sooo is. I knew it. You two are always fucking flirting.”
“I’m not flirting with him!”
“Well, not really because he flirts with you, and you sit there getting red and not knowing what to do with your body.”
Steve spluttered, found himself not quite knowing what to do with his arms.
“That’s not, that’s not true.” She just raised an eyebrow at him, looking at his arms as he crossed and uncrossed them. “Okay. Fuck off.” He pushed through the door, taking his place back behind the counter.
“So should I put the porn away?” He slapped the door to the break room as she cackled.
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Another World - TDC Holidays - Day 19
Alright, crack ship time!
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DAY 19
He thinks the reason he has stuck with Pietyr this long is loneliness and a lack of choice. Which is an ultimately sad conclusion, but it’s the one he has.
Oh and Pietyr’s masterful ability to kill zombies.
Honestly, though, Billy is pretty sure Pietyr stays with him for the same reasons so they’re at least in agreement. The cabin they’re in is cold and secluded but it’s too much of a risk to light a fire. Zombies will come, they always did. He was on watch and freezing his ass off and a little bit drunk because they had thought robbing a liquor store was a smart idea.
He wouldn’t admit it to Pietyr, but he was shit scared in the cold and dark night, watching for the dead to come out and play.
Pietyr made a sob-like sound behind him, kicking his leg out in his sleep. Billy knew that Pietyr’s partner had become a zombie because of his terrible actions and that they very often haunted Pietyr’s nightmares. Billy felt sorry for him over that at least, even if the thought of doing any harm to his loved ones makes him near sick.
He turned away from his travelling companion and looked out at the fields around them again, purposefully ignoring how tight his throat felt. It did him no good to dwell on the past, on the family he had lost. He checked his watch and sighed, cracking his neck and then freezing because there’s something out in the field. Something very humanoid but definitely not human.
“Shit. Shit. Fuck,” he says as the zombie begins to amble towards the house. He stands and grabs his axe. “Arron, get your ass up,” he kicks Pietyr into the land of the living and the blonde startles but begins stuffing the bedroll into their shared pack on reflex.
Assured that Pietyr was getting ready to bounce, Billy hurried out to the front of the house where the zombie was knocking itself against the porch. He dug the axe into it’s brain quickly, without preamble. Pietyr exited the house behind him and they sprint towards the car that they had hijacked in the last city over.
“We need to find somewhere more secure. The more time goes by, the more likely there will be less zombies,” Pietyr says as he drives them along a deserted highway. As far as Billy can tell, Pietyr has a place in mind, but won’t quite reveal where it is. Billy watches him through tired eyes, trying to figure him out. What can he say, Pietyr was a conundrum, he hadn’t slept in over 36 hours and he couldn’t sleep in cars.
Eventually, they pull away from the highway towards some old country town in the backend of nowhere. Billy tilts his head back onto the headrest and sighs, closing his eyes but not truly sleeping. If Arsinoe wasn’t gone, this would have been the moment she had reached across to run a gentle hand through his hair. Their son would giggle from the backseat when Arsinoe teases him about being too old for a road trip and he would take her hand and kiss it.
That fantasy is ruined when Pietyr hits a particularly brutal pothole right before the car stops. Billy opens his eyes to see a big house down a deserted road. It’s fence is high and nothing will get through.
“We’re here. Let’s go.”
“I never asked, but did you lose someone?” Pietyr asks that night as he cooks their dinner on a gas stove. Billy sighs, hanging his head slightly.
“Wife and 10 year old son. Arthur got bit at school and Arsinoe didn’t realise he had bit her until it was too late for both of them,” he murmurs, trying to think on it as little as possible. Pietyr winces.
“I’m sorry,” Billy nods but doesn’t speak. It feels like they’re closer now, friends at least instead of vaguely antagonistic acquaintances.
The first time he kisses Pietyr, they are drunk. Drunker than they should be. But it’s been 18 months in the same safe house with it’s impenetrable fences and decades worth of food and alcohol storage (apparently, Pietyr’s aunt Natalia would have killed herself if they had ever run out of brandy.)
They are drunk and have had nothing better to do over the last year and a half and Billy finds Pietyr frustrating but the longer he looks, the more attractive Pietyr Arron is, so he kisses him. What’s more surprising is that Pietyr kisses him back, strong hands holding Billy as close as possible as more and more clothes are torn off.
It’s nearly four years later that they hear on some government radio broadcast that there is some kind of cure that could be delivered by helicopter drop. Billy and Pietyr stare in shock at the radio before they’re cheering, laughing, drinking into the night because while they still might be in here for a while, at least there’s an end to the tunnel.
Pietyr kisses Billy and laughs, his light eyes shiny happily as he grins wider than Billy had ever seen him smile. Billy kisses him back and feels giddy, like everything was looking up. He kissed the chain around his neck that held his wedding ring and felt like crying happily as he spooned Pietyr to sleep that night.
TAG LIST: @poisonerrose​, @alwaysbored005​, @nataliaarronn​
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morgana-ren · 4 years
A Little Respect (Shigaraki x Reader)
Summary:  Life is hard for a outlaw down on their luck. Especially hard when you're cold, starving, and desperate. As fate would have it, the League of Villains just might take you in. If you can survive their temperamental leader, that is.
Rating: This particular chapter is E for everyone but Shig is rated R for Real Fuckin’ Rude. Mild cursing and sexual innuendo from Dabi. Will advance in rating as the chapters come out.
A03 mirror if you prefer to read it there
Sorry guys, it’s not the Filthy Smut™ I promised earlier but I got an idea at like 3am and wanted to get it out. 
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Tomura Shigaraki does not like you.
Wait, that’s an understatement.
Tomura Shigaraki does not like you at all. It might even be fair to say he hates you.
From the moment he first saw you, he was decidedly unimpressed. Beady, vermillion eyes narrowing in irritation, lip twitching almost indiscernibly behind the shadow of his hand-mask. He’d only looked you over for a brief moment before casting down his judgement, deeming you unworthy of his attention.
It didn’t matter to him that you had taken time out of your day to be here. Seems a bit ungrateful, if you were honest. After all, he was the one looking for new recruits, not you. That was why you were standing awkwardly in the middle of this dingy bar that smelled like cheap liquor and ashes, prostrating yourself before this man-child in hopes of a job. Yeah, you’d seen him on TV and heard of his exploits, but nothing could quite capture the sheer arrogance of the real thing.
He had turned his nose up at you so easily, ripping his focus from you without a second thought. When he spoke, he didn’t even bother addressing you. You were a waste of his time. He instead turned to Giran who stood nearby, sucking down his cigarette as if the acrid smoke filling the bar didn’t add unnecessary drama to the already tense atmosphere.
“Where do you find this trash?” Shigaraki waved you off, mind already made up that you were nothing but a nuisance. “This NPC is really bottom of the barrel.”
His uneven, scratchy voice only served to spike your agitation. Admittedly, you were a proud one on occasion, but this was outright ridiculous. This low budget comic-book-villain-reject looking fuck was calling you trash? Now that was funny.
Giran had moved to speak up on your behalf, but you just couldn’t help yourself. You’d always had a hot temper and an even bigger mouth. It had gotten you into trouble quite a bit, and it was probably responsible for the current financial predicament and various bruises you found yourself saddled with now. Despite that, you had a really hard time controlling the venomous thoughts that came out of you. Sometimes, it just tumbled out before you could consider stopping it.
“What’s with all the hands? Compensating for something? Or is it just a fetish?”
Giran flinched as the words left your lips, mouth closed in a grimace as he exhaled the smoke from the most recent inhale through his nose. You knew you were making his job difficult, but this second-rate walking lotion commercial had already made up his mind, right? You didn’t feel you had much to lose.
Shigaraki visibly stiffened, fist clenching into itself as he held his thumb out to the side. You’d made him mad. What a bitch.
“Rude and bratty with no manners. I’m starting to think you just dumpster dive and bring whatever you find at the bottom to me.”
Even though his tone was sharp and held an edge that hadn’t been there previously, he still refused to look at you, even as he flared at your disrespect. Your antics hadn’t been entirely unappreciated, however. There had been a slight chuckle from the figure standing beside him. A man with charred skin and striking blue eyes with wild black hair was looking you over, eyes glimmering with amusement.
“I like her.”
“You would. You’re just as annoying as she is. But at least you can be useful on occasion.” Tomura scoffed, visibly irritated now as he tapped a long, pale finger on the wooden surface of the bar.
“I really think you ought to give her a chance, Shigaraki. I honestly believe she could be beneficial to your organization.” Giran gestured to you, maintaining a nonchalant smile. You knew he got paid either way, but he did consider himself a professional. He’d work his magic until this breathing temperamental tantrum decided he’d had enough, and then it would be back out on the streets for you.
“We don’t need another loser in our party.” Shigaraki crossed his arms over each other, pointer fingers carefully hovering above the fabric of his black shirt. You knew what he could do, what those fingers were capable of. One grip on your bare flesh and calling you fish food would be generous.
You found it unfair that kind of power had been given to such an impudent dick.
Giran motioned for you to step forward. “Go on, show him.”
You rolled your eyes but obliged, moving into the forefront of the room. You felt like a dancing monkey, but if it would put money in your pocket and food in your mouth, you’d play along. Even if it meant kneeling for one of the biggest jerkoffs the underworld had to offer.
You closed your eyes, focusing for a moment before releasing a breath and bringing your hands together. Light began to shimmer in front of you, swirls of color blending, stitching and intertwining. Bright flashes of blues, reds, and yellows formed a pattern and came together, slowly taking form. Seconds later, a perfect recreation of All Might was standing directly in front of the bar, mimicking his stereotypical pose. The mirage turned its head to the toward the villainous duo seated nearby, legendary smile gleaming in the dim bar lights. It raised an arm, giving a thumbs up.
“I am here!”
The voice was so loud and lifelike that Shigaraki recoiled, looking absolutely feral. His eyes shot open, widened in a mixture of confusion and rage. He had lurched himself half-way out of his chair, posed to lunge at the imposter before him, hands at the ready and poised to attack. “What is this shit?”
A small smile cracked on your face. You focused again, summoning another illusion from the air, this one comprised of mainly blacks, whites, and reds. It wasn’t long before a flawless imitation of Shigaraki himself appeared behind the illusory hero, creeping up behind it, hand outstretched and reaching. It made eye contact with the authentic Shigaraki, grin spreading past the boundaries of the decomposing hand placed over his face.
“Not anymore you’re not.”
The duplicate’s hand made contact with the All Might mimicry, all five fingers pressed against the blade of its shoulder. As the spindly fingers dug in, All Might’s uniform and skin began to decay, spreading and unweaving the flesh and muscle until bare bone was visible beneath as the body began to decompose rapidly. Tendons snapped and plasma leaked to the floor, sending the usually impervious hero to the floor in a whimpering, grimy mess.  Soon enough, All Might’s likeness was nothing but a whimpering pile of dying, ashy viscera beneath fabricated Shigaraki’s red sneakers.
Eventually the illusion faded, and not one person spoke. It took effort for you to hold back a triumphant sneer. Your little production had been no Hamlet, but it garnered the desired result no less. The real Shigaraki was paralyzed in place, eyes still glued to the spot on the floor where the fake All Might had perished, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
And he was right, he couldn’t.
Real All Might was still out there, traipsing around and being a massive pain in someone’s ass, but Giran had hinted to you that something like this might get Shigaraki’s dick hard. His hatred of All Might was all encompassing and exploiting it might give you a fighting chance. Apparently, he had been right. You had a feeling that if you let him, Shigaraki would just keep staring in disbelief until someone actively shook him from his stupor.
“I couldn’t get your voice quite right but it’s the best I could do on short notice. I’ve never met you before today.”
You were the first to break the silence, since everyone else with the exception of Giran was dumbfounded. Might as well get the ball rolling. Either you were in or you weren’t, and if you weren’t, you had a corner store to rob before it got too late.
Achingly slow, Shigaraki turned his head back to you. You couldn’t quite get a read on him, not with that giant hand on his face, but judging by the fact that his hands were shaking, and he looked murderous, the prognosis didn’t look too good.
“What is it?” He hissed, copper eyes narrowing on you. “Your quirk. What the hell is it?”
“Illusion. Tricks of light and sound. Basically, I can mess with light and sound waves temporarily to create whatever vision I desire.” It sounded way cooler than you explained it like that. “I can’t do it on a large scale, and I have to understand the exact representation and mannerisms of whatever it is I’m creating if I want it to be accurate, hence your voice. Also, they’re incorporeal. I can’t create a physical form.”
Shigaraki was staring at you blankly. You’re losing them. Play it up.
“Other than that, I can create whatever I want. As long as it’s not too exhausting, I can hold it for a while too. As you can see, there’s not a whole lot else I can really do with it since the visions can’t actually touch or be touched, but it’s great as a distraction.” You shrugged, letting your shoulders slump as you realized just how ridiculous this entire situation really was. “I figured maybe you could use it for subterfuge or something.”
“Doll, you have got no imagination at all.” The blistered one spoke up again, simpering mischievously. “I can think of plenty- “
“Shut up!” Shigaraki growled, flexing his hands by his sides and clearly not in the mood for either one of you. His invasive stare was studying you again, eyes resting a little too long on your face to make you comfortable. You wanted to make another smart-ass remark, but Giran smelled that a mile away like a dumb-shit detecting bloodhound and opted to speak first to keep you from ruining your chances.
“So? What do you say?” He leaned over, smashing the butt of his cigarette into a nearby ash tray, waving away the excess smoke that rose. “You think that’ll be helpful?”
You could see deep frown lines and the shadow of a scowl on Shigaraki’s face. He didn’t answer immediately, choosing to glare you down instead. You weren’t sure you wanted to be a part of the League anymore, anyway. Not if it meant working under this broody, angsty little-
“She can stay.” He turned, storming out the doors without sparing you a second glance. “But if she gets on my nerves, I’ll dust her.”
Well, a job is a job, even if your new boss is the world’s biggest blowhole. If it meant a warm place to sleep and clothes on your back, you’d take it.
“Guess we’ll be working together. See you around, doll face.” The scarred guy gave a slight indifferent wave in your direction before heading out through the exit. You weren’t quite sure how to feel at the moment. It wasn’t exactly the definition of a warm welcome, but then again, you were working with a criminal organization that was currently at the top of Japan’s most wanted list. You couldn’t really expect a hug and a welcome tour.
Giran, on the other hand, seemed ecstatic. He slapped you on the back, grinning wide and no doubt pleased at the bonus commission he’d be ringing in. “See? I think that went great!”
“That was great to you?” Your brows furrowed in confusion. That had to have been one of the single most awkward experiences of your life. The infamous Shigaraki had the charismatic presence of a flaming pile of dog shit.
“Definitely. He didn’t even try to kill you.”
Your mouth dropped. “That’s a thing that happened? That’s a fuckin’ thing that happened and you didn’t tell me?”
“Oh yeah. The last two I brought his way didn’t sit well with him either. About 2 minutes into the meeting and he tried to kill them both. Would have been a real mess if it hadn’t been for Kurogiri stepping in.”
You rolled your eyes, huffing out an exaggerated breath. “Thanks, man. A warning would have been nice. I know he’s temperamental and all, but it would have been good to get a little bit of notice if I had to get my affairs in order.”
“Oh, come on, it’s not so bad. He’s an alright guy. A little rough around the edges but he’ll grow on you. Just try to keep that mouth of yours in check?” He smiled nervously, reaching in his pocket for another cigarette.
“Yeah, ‘cause that’s worked out so well for me in the past.”
“You’re a smart girl. You’ve can do it. Just do your job and stay out of his way if you can.” He flicked his lighter, inhaling the smoke deeply before turning to you again. “The last people I introduced to the League worked out well for him, and while he talks a lot, they seem to get on just fine. I know Shigaraki can be difficult, but maybe you’ll find some comfort in the others.”
“They’re villains, Giran. How amicable can they really be?”
He laughed, giving a small shrug. “I don’t know. You’re technically a villain, and you seem fine to me.”
You opened your mouth to speak but stopped short when you realized you didn’t exactly have a retaliation to that. “Fair.”
“Come on, let’s get your stuff and get you settled in here. No sense in keeping anyone waiting.”
“Your paycheck, you mean.” You side-eyed him, following him out through the bar doors.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Unlikely Parents: Part 1
Pairings: Negan x reader (Jane the Virgin AU), Hotel owner!Negan x Parolee!Reader
Warnings: Artificial insemination, Swearing, Angst
Word Count: 3,539
A/N: Yea, this took on a life of its own.... Not sorry.
“I understand what you’re going through.” It took a few moments for those six words to permeate the fog in your brain, but when it did, you looked up at the woman that destroyed your life. 
“You understand what I’m going through.” You repeated, interrupting the speech she had probably spent the past two weeks rehearsing instead of calling you to tell you about her mistake. “YOU UNDERSTAND?!”
“(Y/N), I’m so sorry.” Your OBGYN, Luisa said as she tried to take a step back away from you, but bumped in to the counter behind her instead.
“I fucking told you!” You screamed as you jumped off the exam table and grabbed your jeans. “I never wanted kid because of my past. And you fucking told me that you would do the fucking hysterectomy when I got out! So why the fuck, am I fucking pregnant Luisa?!”
“I made a mistake.” She said with tears in her eyes as you threw on your clothes.
“Yea, one big fucking mistake.” You huffed as you threw your gown at her. “And now, I’m fucking stuck with your mistake for the rest of my fucking life.” With a shake of your head, you grabbed your purse, and walked out the door with furious tears in your eyes.
Your one bedroom Miami apartment looked ten times more grungy than it normally did to you as you dropped your dollar store groceries on the permanently stained counter top in your pathetic excuse for a kitchen. The keys to your hunk of junk car got tossed in the bowl beside your probation officer’s business card, and all of the crap you had carted home with you from prison when you were released. You fished out a package of Ramen from the bag and grabbed one of the mismatched glass bowls from the drying rack on the counter, when someone knocked on the door behind you.
“’s’open!” You yelled before ripping open the bag and dumping it in the bowl. You fished out the flavor packet with a sigh and turned on the sink as you glanced over your shoulder at what you could see of the well dressed man that looked out of place when he stepped into your main room. “What, you my new PO or something?”
“No…” He said hesitantly. “I guess I’m the father of your child. My name is Negan.” You smirked as you pulled open the microwave and put the bowl in. 
“Well, she’s just writing her fucking lawsuit for me, isn’t she?” You asked over the high pitched beeps. 
“I had a private investigator find you. We need to talk…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll terminate if that’s why you’re here.” You interrupted as you grabbed your bags to put away your groceries. “Thing’s making me fucking nauseous anyways…”
“Yea, that’s not fucking happening.” You froze with a stack of Ramen packets in your hand and turned to look at the stranger in your living room for the first time since he had walked in. He shook his head and pulled a check book out of the inside pocket of his expensive looking jacket. “I will pay you five hundred thousand now, and five hundred thousand dollars upon delivery of a healthy child…”
“You what?!” You laughed as you set your food packets down on the counter and put your hand on your hip. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m the father of that child.” He said simply as he looked up at you with his heart on his sleeve. “And that child… it’s the only fucking chance I have at being a father. I had cancer five years ago, and that… sample… is the only one I have left. So what do you want, half a mil? A million? Two? What?” You shook your head as your stomach rolled, and ran past him toward the small bathroom off the kitchen. You threw up what little lunch you had in the permanently stained toilet, and fell back on the tile floor that was missing most of its tile. You could hear your pulse with each retch, and you really wished you had been able to eat more than just a dollar menu burger you had to pay for with dimes while you were out looking for a job. 
“Oh, this is just disgusting.”
“Fuck off.” You groaned before getting sick again. “Fuck this.”
“Please, (Y/N)…” Negan begged as he held out a handkerchief. “Please. I’m literally begging you…”
“Fine.” You sighed. “Whatever. You want the thing? You can have it.” He let out a sigh of relief and nodded his head as you pushed yourself up off the floor to slip past him. “Don’t want your fucking money…”
“Fuck…” You groaned as you headed back out to grab your dinner. “I didn’t fucking want kids…”
“Well, thank you for being a surrogate for mine…”
“Yea, don’t worry about it.” You groaned as you ripped open the flavor packed with your teeth.
“Wait, is that what you’re eating?” You looked up at him through your lashes as you grabbed your only fork from the drying rack.
“What, my prison pallet not good enough for you?”
“It’s not good enough for any human being.” He said as he picked up his check book from the counter and put it back in his pocket. “Just like these living arrangements. I’m putting an end to this if you’re going to be growing my child…”
“What, you’re putting me up in the fucking Ritz?” You laughed as you took a bite of Ramen before the bowl was pulled from your hands.
“Nope. The Marbella.”
“Well these are some fancy digs.” You said as you walked around the expensive suite you were calling home for the next nine months. “Waste of a room on me though.”
“Not for you.” Negan grumbled as he watched your probation officer search the room to make sure it was appropriate for the criminal to live in.
“You got a job yet, (Y/L/N)?” Officer Dixon growled as he started pulling mini liquor bottles from the mini fridge, even though you were pregnant and wouldn’t be drinking them anyways.
“She’ll be working for me.” Negan said before you could respond, which made you stop at the open back door to look over at him with your eyebrow raised. “I need a cashier at the pool bar.”
“Whatever.” You huffed as you stepped through the curtain and out on to the balcony. You closed your eyes for a moment to feel the warmth, and looked out at the setting sun sky, something you missed desperately when you were behind bars. You had been out this time for only three weeks after a seven year stint, but this was the first moment you were able to stop and just exist.
“(Y/N)?” A woman asked softly behind you, making you turn away from the rail toward her. The shorter brunette, who was wearing a little black dress, high heels, and pearls smiled at you shyly and held up a small basket. “My name’s Lucille, I’m Negan’s wife. I brought you some things to make the pregnancy a little easier.” You nodded your head and took a step toward the basket she had set down on the table, and didn’t miss the way she took a step back from you at the same time.
“Thanks.” You said as you picked up the Parenting magazine from the top of the pile fanned out across the back. “I’m not going to be a parent. Won’t need this…”
“You’ll be a parent.” She said, slightly hesitantly. “You will just be making the ultimate sacrifice.”
“Yea, well this kid’s probably better off without me in its life. Thanks for this.” You said with a gesture as you ripped open a bag of ‘Preggie Pops’ and used your teeth to pull off the wrapper of one. “Nice meeting you.”
“Did you kill someone?” She asked abruptly as you turned back toward the rail to watch the waves crash along the shore line. Negan barked her name from inside the suite, but you simply rested your arms on the rail and used your tongue to move the lollypop to the other side of your mouth. “W-we saw the drug case from seven years ago, but your juvie record is sealed, and the man you were arrested with is serving life for murder… I just… I have to know…”
“Look, lady. You don’t have to know shit.” You responded as you pulled the sucker from your mouth and looked over your shoulder at her. “My juvie record is sealed for a reason. And trust me, I don’t want me around this kid anymore than you do. So let me do my next section of fucking time in peace, then I’ll be out of your fucking hair forever. ‘K?” She nodded her head and took another step back as you turned back toward the beach and put the lollypop back in your mouth once more. You heard Negan say something to her inside, but you didn’t really care to try to eavesdrop, as your PO stepped out onto the patio.
“You know the drill, (Y/L/N).” He said as he held out a clear plastic cup for you to pee in for a random drug test. With a roll of your eyes, you took the cup from him and headed inside to the bathroom. You didn’t expect Negan to wait around in the living room as you did your drug test, and you cocked your eyebrow at him after officer Dixon had you sign off the paperwork he needed for the drug test and for your new living arraignments.
“I didn’t kill anyone.” You told him as you sat down on the arm of one of the couches near him. “I was sixteen years old and was actually in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don’t expect you to believe me. No one ever does. But I didn’t kill anyone. I just knew the kid who did and gave him a ride to the grocery store he robbed.”
“But you are a fucking drug trafficker.”
“Never once denied that.” You said back as you moved the lollypop to the other cheek. “I moved those pills to try to make some money to get out of the ghetto to do something better with my life and to get away from the accessory to murder charge I caught as a teen. I know what I did and I pled guilty to it because being a felon is apparently all I’m going to be in life. And that’s why I know I can’t be a mother. I’ll never be able to get my feet under me to give a kid a better life, no matter how much I want it. So yea, I’ll have your kid… but being an incubator is all I can do because the cards are stacked against me and have been from the jump.” You looked up at him and shrugged your shoulders. “Thanks for the job. I’ll just work for my room and board…”
“What happened to your parents?” He asked as he sat down on the couch as you stood up to walk away. With a sigh, you turned back around, and sat down on the other couch facing him. 
“Prison.” You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair. “I think. Fuck if I know. Ain’t seen either of them since I was in juvie. When I got out at 21, they were gone, and the apartment you found me in was empty and trashed.” He sighed and nodded his head as he tried to figure out what to say next.
“Are you an addict?”
“No, just a trafficker.”
“Are you a threat to my child?”
“Depends.” You breathed as you bit the last part of the sucker and laid the stick on your knee. “With you unnecessarily paying my bills and giving me a job? No, I’m not threat. If I had been left out on the streets? Yea, most likely. I’m up against a wall with a baby I can’t afford to take care of properly. I’ll probably live off dollar store ramen and multivitamins I’ll end up having to steal. The system is rigged.” You groaned as you leaned back against the seat. “Which is why I didn’t want kids. They don’t deserve this fucking cursed life.” He didn’t say a word as he looked at your stomach. You waited a few moments, before clearing your throat, and standing up when your stomach growled. “Guess it’s room service time.”
“Yea, yea you’re probably right.” With a small nod, you took the menu from him as he got up. “If you need anything, call the desk, they’ll put you through to me. Head down to the pool tomorrow at 10am and we’ll get you started at work.”
“Thanks Negan.” He nodded his head but didn’t look back as he walked quickly out of your room and closed the door sharply behind him. 
Ever since you were a child, you were never one to make friends. You were the welfare kid, that owned exactly one week’s worth of clothes, who spend most of her time in and out of foster homes because your parents couldn’t be bothered to raise a child neither of them wanted. Despite that, you were still a straight A student until you got arrested. But just like back then, you had absolutely zero intention of making friends at this job. Especially if you were being forced to wear some matching skank dress that Lucille had dropped off that morning, along with makeup, and enough hair products to blow a hole in the ozone. 
“Fucking ridiculous.” You grumbled to yourself as you dropped the bags on the bathroom counter and grabbed a croissant from the breakfast tray that made you grateful beyond words that you were out of prison and eating actual food again. You begrudgingly threw on your work outfit and headed out of your room to head down to your new job- without a single product in your hair and only a single swoop of mascara per eye.
“You must be (Y/N).” A young woman said as you walked up to the counter toward her. “I’m Beth, you’re going to be shadowing me for a couple days.” You startled the slightest bit when she stepped into your personal space, and it took you everything in your being not to yank her backwards by her blonde ponytail to get her away from you. “Lucille told me all about you. Don’t worry, my daddy was in jail for a DUI, too. It’s OK, I won’t tell anyone.”
“That’s nice.” You said with a nod as she finally stepped out of your bubble. 
“OK so this is like… super simple. Everything is automatic. All you have to do is pull up the category of what kind of food it is and then find the name on the tablet and add it to the order. Then you add the numbers of one of the little flags, and you’re all done. Then you just have to pour drinks for the food runners…”
“OK, you fucking get that I’ve spent seven years in prison, right?” You asked as you looked at the tablet she was talking about.
“OK. That’s OK.” She said with an even bigger smile. “So let’s actually look at it, OK?” You sighed loudly in annoyance as she gently pushed you in front of the register. No matter how much she annoyed you, Beth was surprisingly very helpful in quickly catching up on technology you obviously missed, and patiently teaching you the job despite the fact that lunch was pretty busy by the pool. At 2:30, you were finally rescued by someone you didn’t know, who simply told you you needed to head up to the 17th floor.
“Oh, wait!” Beth said as she grabbed the money from the tip jar beside the register you had been out. She quickly counted it out and handed you half with a giant smile. “I work a double so I’ll tip out the kitchen out of my part tonight. See you tomorrow.” You nodded slowly and reached out to take the money from her. You huffed and folded the bills up as you turned in your flats and followed the person to the elevator and up to the 17th floor. 
“You must be (Y/N).” A woman behind a desk said as you stepped out of the elevator. “Mr. Solano is expecting you.”
“Ooo…K?” You said hesitantly as you put your tips in your shallow pocket and followed her into the office behind her desk. Your new boss and baby daddy looked up from his computer and gestured you forward.
“So I’ve spoken to your probation officer.” Negan said as he stood up and grabbed some papers off his printer and set them down on the table between you. “And since you’re carrying my child, I’ve taken it upon myself to become your… like fucking sponsor or some shit.”
“My what?” You laughed as you scooted forward in your chair. “And who the fuck…”
“I’m the fucking father of that child!” He yelled, and you quickly sat back in your chair in shock. “And for the next nine fucking months, you will do as I fucking say so that my child is not born in a fucking prison, do I make myself fucking clear?” You nodded your head as he spread out the pages in front of you and grabbed a pen. “Now, your probation mandates you pay fifty dollars a month for fees, and twelve hundred in restitution and fines. So I’ll pay you twelve an hour, and give you 40 hours a week down stairs. While you are pregnant, I will cover your housing finances so I know my child has a roof over its head, and your food bills so I know it is being fed properly and thrice daily.”
“Your paychecks.” He continued over you as he pointed to the next paper. “Will go to pay off your fines. The rest I will be putting into a savings for you so you can get a place when you give birth…”
“Wait, what do you mean you…”
“Again, looking after my fucking child.” He interrupted. “You will make all of your appointments, with your doctor and with your probation officer. You will make every shift you have at work until a doctor tells you you are no longer able to. You will not leave the hotel without an escort. If you do, I will sue you.”
“You’ll sue me?!”
“You’re carrying precious cargo.” He said as he searched your eyes. “My… precious cargo. And unfortunately, you’re a felon. A felon that I neither know nor trust. How do I know you’re not gunna fucking take off and sell my son or daughter on the black market…”
“OK, hold the fuck on!” You snapped as you leapt to your feet. “Bro, I sold drugs, not fucking babies!”
“You will submit to weekly drug tests outside of the ones mandated by your probation officer…”
“OK, no. Fuck this.” You said as you stepped back away from the desk with tears in your eyes. “No, I want out. I’m not looking to be some prisoner here…”
“You don’t have a choice!” Negan tried as you turned toward the door, but you shook your head and whipped back around.
“Oh, I do have a fucking choice! See, I don’t mind finishing my time in fucking prison. No fucking skin off my back. I know that life a lot better than I know life out here. I’d get three meals a day and a bitch named Betty to suck my clit when I need it. I could also walk out this door and get a fucking abortion at the Planned Parenthood down the road. But I won’t fucking do that. Surprisingly, I’m a halfway decent person despite my shitty upbringing. So please, just because I’m a fucking piece of shit, doesn’t give you the fucking right to treat me as such.” You shook your head and huffed as you looked at the man you didn’t know that was trying to control your life. 
“Don’t worry about me. Just slip a work schedule under my door every week, and I’ll let you know when my probation appointments and doctor visits are unless you’re the one wanting that fucking responsibility too. I don’t really give a shit. I’ve been in prison for seven years and you’re paying for me to live in a hotel with cable I don’t have to share with 20 other bitches, and room service. Don’t want me to leave? That was never a concern. But don’t you think I should have a fucking say in my life, even if I don’t have a say with my reproductive organs right now?” Negan sat a little shocked as you turned toward the door to leave.
“Don’t fucking bother.” You barked as you ripped open the office door. “Just put my work schedule under my door.”
Part 2
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 years
You know I think I figured out why I hate the idea of someone using abuse as a way to excuse what people do.
And that’s because I grew up in a hometown where everyone was basically abused.
Look, Alberta small towns suck so fucking much. They really do. Ours had five liquor store- one right next to the mental health office located in town. We also had a rehab center, old folks home and everything cool was either torn down or turned into a church. The skatepark was vandalized within two days of being put up, the park I played at as a kid got named crack park when I got older because the police would find needles all over or condoms everywhere. The outdoor pool was never used after an incident I was told I shouldn’t know about.
We had a murder suicide outside our town when I was a teenager, a couple killed someone and robbed a bunch of others, we had a meth lab ripped apart a few blocks from my school...
Look my hometown sucked so much. And yeah abuse was and still is very common there.
And yet most of the kids I know never acted like assholes or were bullies or anything. At most I had liars who no one believed who would torment me. Or a little shot who taunted me. The one time I was bullied-bullied it was when I tried going to a different school that was supposed to help me with my social issues. Didn’t work. And the guy just would purposely bump me into my locker all the time until I had enough and shoved him back. We were cool after that.
I’m using ML here guys but we legit did not have a Chloe or an Adrien. Did we have pushy guys? Yes. But we also had a girl who punched the guy in the face and everyone gave him nasty looks for his comments. We didn’t have a Chloe. Did we have spoiled brats? Yes but we never paid them attention, cause fuck them and they were left all on their own.
And I guess that’s why I don’t accept abuse as being a excuse for bullying because abuse was so heavily common in my hometown. I was friends with this girl who would get the crap kicked out of her. She was also the nicest girl I’ve ever met and so kind.
So when people go: oh he’s abused this is an explanation, I think of people like her. I think of the little shit who would taunt me who wasn’t abused and had a very loving home life but was just a dick. I think of people like my cousin who was also abused but he never ever acted like Adrien. Or Chloe.
I think of these people making the choice not to be their parents each day in school. As teenagers they did this, and guess what? As a teenager you are legally responsible for your actions. You are legit able to make your own choices and face the consequences. There is legitimate years of study here people. You can’t go oh their kids and don’t know better. Years of study showing that 12 or sometimes 10 is when kids are fully able to understand their decisions and choices and thus are legally responsible for them.
These people who had shit lives always made the choice to be good.
And that’s why I take one look at the idea of ‘abused kids are bullies and it’s not their fault’ and want to grab people and shake them.
Yeah it sucks and it does explain some of their behaviour but guess what?
They choose to act like that. They made their choices to bully or harass others.
Fuck this isn’t even about ML anymore it’s about schools and real life.
I’m sick of being told that bullies have bad lives. Ha! Not in my experience! The ones with better lives are the little shits. Even then I honestly don’t care about why if they’re taking it out on others. Their right to be mad ends with their choice to hurt others because of it. I mean I care but it’s not okay.
Bullies get no sympathy for their own damn choices. You bully someone, you get caught? Yeah you get punished. That’s the way it works. I’m done with the bullshit saying that oh no you shouldn’t- yeah no. Mediating never helped the little shit who taunted me as a kid. It never helped the little liar who would continually lie about me as a kid. You know what did? The little shit got punished for mocking someone in front of a teacher and the little liar got held back a grade because she ended up getting suspended for lying about something.
Stop saying that they just need to be shown the right way. Yeah they do but they also need a good long talk and punishment because it’s not okay. It’s not okay. Is it okay when a guy smacks his girlfriend around because he was abused? No?
Well guess what it’s the same thing with bullying. Bullying is just another form of abuse. We just call it something else for some fucked up reason.
Thank you, sorry for the rant. Have a good night.
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disappearinginq · 4 years
fanfic tag game
I was tagged by @waitingforthestarstofall - this will be a good distraction from rage (SO MUCH RAGE) Thanks!
Ao3 Name: IceQueen1 (same on FFN)
Fandoms: Oh damn. Umm...written for: Agents of SHIELD, and the 100 which I actively avoid now, even if those were some of my favorite works; Lucifer, Constantine, Supernatural, Magnum PI 2018, Deception, Common Law, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Merlin, MCU-ish, Doctor Who. Unpublished: Prodigal Son and Outer Banks and one crossover with MacGyver 2016. 
Number of fics: Well...depends on how you count. Posted or with every intention of posting - 56, though some of those are from when I was like 14 (it shows, but I like them and they’re valuable learning tool). Unpublished and snippets here and there...::nervous laugh:: 109?
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Toss up between  Wrong Side of Heaven,  Damnatio Memoriae (which has given me the worst case of imposter syndrome I kind of cry every time I look at it), and  Running Up That Hill
2. Fic you spent the least time on:  Catalyst - literally wrote it on an illegal lunch break on a computer that wasn’t mine and posted it on a government computer. 
3. Longest Fic: Huh. Apparently not Damnatio, but  Running Up That Hill, at an impressive 104k words in the Agents of SHIELD fandom. 
4. Shortest Fic:  Promises to the Dead in Supernatural fandom. 
5. Most hits: Even without combining from FFN and AO3 - Damnatio Memoriae
6. Most kudos: Damnatio Memoriae
7. Most comment threads: Damnatio Memoriae (see a trend?)
8. Fave Fic you wrote: This is like picking favorite pets. Um, actually, despite the headaches they’ve given me, Damnatio ties with  Left Behind. Both unfinished (Left Behind because I got so pissed at the 100 I stopped watching), and Damnatio because I have nightmares about it, but I think I like my writing in those two the most. Very close third is Wrong Side. 
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on:  Remedy or  Cecidit Angelus
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
You need to know the answer to this is 9. Possibly more. But there’s part of Damnatio: 
Lucifer looked…haggard. Tired in a way she’s never seen him before, dark shadows under even darker eyes, his normally immaculate appearance disheveled as if he’d been on a bender since the last time she saw him. He didn’t stand up straight, slightly hunched over and cockeyed, though that could just as easily be because he was standing on loose sand. It could also be from the handle of scotch held loosely in one hand, more than two thirds empty. His five o’clock shadow was more like like 12 o’clock, and his hair free of product ruffled in the breeze. “You rang?” he asked, one corner of his mouth twitching as if he meant to smile as his own joke but couldn’t be bothered with the effort. He swayed on his feet before righting himself. “I was wondering how long it would take you to try this.” Chloe could smell the alcohol on him ten feet away, even in the breeze coming off the ocean. “What happened to you?” Lucifer laughed at that. It was high pitched, bordering on manic, and he scrubbed a hand over his face, his fingers scraping along the rough stubble on his cheeks. “I…I don’t know how to answer that, Detective.” He held up the scotch, violently shaking it back and forth. “To quote a younger sibling of mine - ‘I found a liquor store, and I drank it’.”
An unnamed Outer Banks fic: 
JJ scoffed at that, wincing as the sudden movement jostled his ribs. “Yeah. An adult. The last thing I need right now is an adult.” He seemed to consider that for a moment. “Though…I guess there are a couple things I could need less. A snake bite. Or a jellyfish sting. Or a missing leg. Or -” “Dammit kid,” Shoupe interrupted, not caring where the list was headed. “This isn’t a game. You can’t do this on your own, you’re barely sixteen. You can’t take care of yourself at sixteen, and if this isn’t proof enough of that, I don’t know what is. You need an adult -” JJ’s electric blue eyes narrowed as he stared at him, lower bloodied lip pinched between his teeth. “Yeah? You mean the like adults who looked the other way for eight years when I came to school with black eyes and broken bones and the same clothes for weeks on end? Or the adult who gave me those black eyes and broken bones? Or do you mean the adult who killed my best friend? Or the adult who aided and abetted said adult who killed my best friend? Or the adult who tried to rob us at gunpoint. Or maybe you mean the adults who stole money from a crime scene to ‘dip their beak’? Those adults? Are those the fucking adults you mean, Shoupe? ‘Cause if not, I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I’ll take my chances. From where I’m sitting, I’m not doing any worse.” Shoupe ran an appraising eye over the kid. “I doubt that.” “The bar is pretty fucking low, Sheriff.” “You came here though, didn’t you?” JJ glared at him before turning away a muttering, “Don’t read too much into it. Robbing the CVS would’ve been a little hard to do without a getaway car.” Shoupe didn’t miss the way the kid avoided mentioning the long, ragged looking cut down the front of his left leg. “And none of your friends have first aid kits?” JJ steadfastly ignored him, ignored the way that his leg was beginning to bounce against the ceramic of the tub side as he dabbed ineffectively at the blood. “Hmm?” JJ bit his lip, whether from his less than gentle ministrations or to keep from snapping back, Shoupe couldn’t tell. Probably a toss up. “Nothing you want to say for yourself?” With a snarl, JJ whirled on him. “I can’t go to them, okay? I can’t drag them into this shit with me. Pope already lost his ticket out of here, and Kie -” he didn’t finish the thought, but there was something hard and broken in his voice as it suddenly wavered. “This is on me. I did this. So I deal with this. And I don’t drag them down with me. No one else drowns because of me.” And there it was. JJ Maybanks and John B Routledge were thicker than thieves and where one was, the other wasn’t far behind, and it’d been that way ever since Shoupe joined the Kildare Sheriff’s Department. Hell, half his calls were responding to something they’d done - a particularly memorable one being an impromptu fireworks display inside the gym when Fourth of July was rained out. What happened when one half of you was suddenly gone?
And Bad Things
The dog bit down, hard, on Rick’s forearm, teeth sinking into skin and muscle until they hit bone, the dog violently shaking its head as Rick tried to pry the dog loose with his other hand, still caught in the rifle strap. He could still hear gunfire, could still hear the lieutenant yelling at the man, but what he could hear louder than anything else was the sound of the power drill and the kid screaming in agony.  
And Wrong Side
Rick tried not to think about the disaster that was his first mission as Thomas’s Overwatch. He hadn’t had much in the way of experience with SEALs, not firsthand. Marines and Navy rarely overreached during missions and centuries long tradition of hating each other kept most at arms length from each other, even back on base. Rick had plenty of experience keeping people away from him even before the Marines, but Thomas didn’t seem to take the hint. It hadn’t helped that Nuzo and TC hit it off almost instantly, and TC was less opposed to being friends with the walking ray of sunshine that was Thomas Magnum, which just made Rick all the more determined to hate the guy. It wasn’t until after their haywire mission that’d gone to Hell six ways from Sunday that Rick finally understood Thomas Sullivan Magnum. That his relaxed and affable nature wasn’t an act, and that he would bend over backwards to help anyone - anyone - regardless of whether or not he was supposed to. That he never bothered with anyone’s past, and never offered his own, because as far as he was concerned, here and now was all that mattered. That for seeming generally oblivious, the younger man missed nothing. And for all that easy going ‘rain is just another kind of good weather’ attitude, it hid a seriously terrifying alter ego.
And there’s another Prodigal Son (or two), I don’’t even want to count how many other Magnum’s, Lucifer, or random things that catch my attention because that is HOW I ROLL. 
Tagging: @dragonnan, @beguilewritesstuff, @buckky, @itsjustdg, @21forestglades, @aliathewriter and whoever else wants to play, because Tumblr is being dumb and won’t let me tag anyone else (also, don’t feel obligated if you are tagged and don’t want to - I’m just hella nosy about sneak peeks) 
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