#The Black Queen's Insurgency
dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: OC 20
Code Name: Christine the Motorcycle
Object Class: Prodosa/ Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFM unfortunately is under the protection of Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency. This was the result of the sudden containment breach at Site-AA. As such no Containment Procedures have been made. All efforts are directed to finding SCP-AFM and bringing it into containment. 
Description: SCP-AFM is the result of SCP-AFN and SCP-AAP fusing together during a containment breach of Site-AA back in 2014. SCP-AFM resembles a red motorcycle but has no resemblance to any known model in the world. Like its predecessors, the anomaly is sentient, homicidal, and enjoys making anything it targets explode psychically with its non-existent mind. Unfortunately, SCP-AFM is much stronger than either able to ride itself at a speed of 300 MPH and able to make anyone and anything it comes across explode. SCP-AFM is able to process information as fast as it drives meaning it can slaughter hundreds in a matter of minutes. 
SCP-AFM is not indestructible but is able to repair itself from any form of damage. It's even possible for the anomaly to temporarily give other motorcycles or bikes life and its anomalous abilities to act as its bodyguards or soldiers. It is believed that SCP-AFM gains power the more it kills as its abilities expand in range as a result to its increased death. 
SCP-AFM was created in 2014 during a containment breach caused by Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency. A janitor within the site was revealed to be an agent of the GoI and directed the infiltrators to both SCP-AAP's and SCP-AFN where they forced the anomalies together resulting in the creation of SCP-AFM. The janitor then rode SCP-AFM out of the site killing everyone he came across. The site suffered a 2% population loss that day and all forces from the Black Queen's Insurgency got away without suffering a single casualty. This marks yet another of our most embarrassing failures. 
"So that's why they created SCP-AFN, they wanted to use it as a piece to create a stronger SCP. I just wasn't expecting them to use an SCP already in our containment as the other half of the puzzle. Death has always been commonplace within the Foundation, but the Black Queen's Insurgency really finds ways to make it happen in the most horrific and frustrating ways possible. Still though, I like so many others can't help but be confused, we don't know much about the Black Queen's Insurgency other than the fact that it's ruled by the many dimensional iterations of Alison Chao, same with the original Black Queen group. But why is this new group so militaristic all of a sudden and why does she attack our reality when [data expunged] nor his daughter have ever existed in this reality because of The Reset. She should have no reason to hate us... so why does she?" - Dr. Bones
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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arkham-dossiers · 1 month
Patient File: Prince Demande
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Ruler of the Black Moon Clan of the Planet Nemesis.
Depending on which reality you are going by, he has two origins:
- Demande and his fellow members of the Black Moon Clan descended from the followers of a terrorist cult leader in Crystal Tokyo known as Death Phantom. While unaware of this connection, they still adopted Death Phantom's symbol of a black, upside-down crescent moon as a sign of defiance toward the Moon Kingdom that ruled over the Earth. They became a terrorist cult themselves, fighting a futile battle against Neo-Queen Serenity until a mysterious figure named Wiseman appeared and told them to come to the planet Nemesis, where they could gain the power they needed.
- Demande and his fellow members of the Black Moon Clan descended from an insurgent army who resisted Neo-Queen Serenity's rule at the dawning of Crystal Tokyo who was defeated and banished to the planet Nemesis. As the eldest son of Nemesis' ruler, Demande grew up taught by the royal advisor Wiseman, who fueled a deep hatred of Earth in him and the desire to conquer it.
Whichever the case, Demande is the same man: possessed of great royal pride and dignity, a calm disposition that suppresses the burning passions within his heart, a sense of loyalty toward his comrades, a strategic and calculating mind, the ruthlessness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and a distinct joy in flaunting his dark powers granted to him by Nemesis' Malefic Black Crystal.
At first, Demande's objective is relatively simple: depose the Moon Kingdom and liberate Earth from its rulership. Demande believes that the planet being ruled over by people who aren't strictly human, particularly Neo-Queen Serenity, who play God for the actual human inhabitants of the planet and force them into a utopia of eternal peace and infinitely slow aging is blasphemous: a blight upon human history and human nature. He and the Black Moon Clan are unable to appreciate it the way most do, either because it's something in their brains due to whom they were descended from or because they're stuck on Nemesis due to what their ancestors did. So there's a sense of envy involved, and the spiritual and philosophical claims they make being a mere justification to cover up the petty jealousy.
Wiseman and the Malefic Black Crystal, however, twisted Demande's vision. He soon found it not enough to just depose Neo-Queen Serenity: he now decided one god-like ruler needed to be replaced with another...namely, himself. And once he began thinking of himself like a god, Demande decided that conquering Earth wouldn't satisfy him. He no longer wanted to take power from the rulership of Crystal Tokyo; he desired to rewrite history so that Crystal Tokyo never existed in the first place and that the Black Moon Clan's rulership was the only one the Earth ever knew. To that end, he made use of the Malefic Black Crystal's time-warping powers, sending his minions 1,000 years into the past in an attempt to change the future.
But there was to be one final twist on Demande's motivations. When he invaded Crystal Tokyo and met Neo-Queen Serenity face to face, he was struck by two things: her sheer beauty, and the cold look of contempt in her eyes as she looked at him. A look of superiority to him, as if he was something less than human. The combination of lust and rage Demande felt over this turned into an obsession. In any way he could, he wanted to break Neo-Queen Serenity, to make her submit to him and acknowledge his superiority, and to have her for himself: mind, body and soul. He now wanted to rule over Earth with her at his side, as his "Queen"....though in reality, as his slave.
Safir, Demande's younger brother, had stood solidly behind Demande's original objective and was completely distraught at how Wiseman, the Malefic Black Crystal, and Neo-Queen Serenity had warped his desires. No matter how much he argued with him over it, even to the point of refusing to wear Malefic Black Crystal earrings like the rest of the Black Moon Clan, his words went unheeded. Although Demande loved his brother, he would sacrifice nothing for his sake. In Demande's mind, whatever he wanted he would have.
The prince showed the worst of himself when he captured Sailor Moon, the teenage 20th Century self of Neo-Queen Serenity. Dressing her up as her future counterpart while unconscious, when she awoke Demande used his Evil Eye ability to paralyze her and force a kiss upon her. Demande's intention was unquestionably to rape her, although given his sense of royal pride and dignity he would not attempt to do so outright. Instead, his plan was to mentally break her down, slowly and painfully, until all sense of resistance was gone and she was hollowed out enough to give in to him. Mercifully, she was able to be rescued from him before it ever came to this point.
In the end, not only did Demande fail in his objectives, but he also discovered that Wiseman never cared about them to begin with and that he was using him and the Black Moon Clan as pawns in his own scheme of universal destruction the whole time. While in one reality he is killed by Wiseman immediately afterward and so is unable to fully process the significance of this, in the other this realization is accompanied by him having to be forced to kill his own brother Safir who attacks him when under Wisman's mind control power, as well as the realization that the Silver Crystal of Sailor Moon / Neo-Queen Serenity is the most powerful source of energy in the universe and that he and his Malefic Black Crystal never stood a real chance of defeating it. All of this on top of each other destroys all of Demande's sanity in one fell swoop. He grabs both the Silver Crystal of the past and the Silver Crystal of the future and threatens to press them together, which will create a paradox that causes reality to implode and wipe everything out. Laughing, he says that he believes in nothing and no-one anymore, and that he will gladly kill himself and take everyone else with him to prove that in the end he and not Wiseman is the master of his fate and that in the end he controlled the Silver Crystal's power. But he gets thwarted, and then killed.
Diagnosis: Prince Demande is unquestionably a sociopath. He only holds personal attachments to blood family like Safir or those who think and feel as he does like the rest of the Black Moon Clan, but otherwise cannot relate to others or entertain alternate viewpoints. His lack of empathy over the victims his actions create and his lustful desire to claim Neo-Queen Serenity without truly loving her reinforces this, as does the fact that he never expresses remorse for his actions, only regret that he was used by someone else. The negative energy of the Malefic Black Crystal only worsened him, causing him to develop narcissistic personality disorder and delusions of godhood, ultimately leading to his mental breakdown.
This patient is extremely dangerous. Avoid at all costs.
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
Spark: A Space Adventure Spark (2017)
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Director: Aaron Woodley Screenwriter: Doug Hadders / Robert Reece Starring: Jessica Biel / Hilary Swank / Susan Sarandon / Jace Norman Genre: Animation / Adventure Country/Region of Production: South Korea / Canada Language: English Date: 2017-04-14 (USA) Duration: 90 minutes Also know as: Spark: A Space Tail IMDb: tt3228088 Type: Appropriation
Set in a galaxy where anthropomorphic animal and aliens live together, Thirteen years ago, the evil primate General Zhong overthrew his noble brother to seize the throne of the planet Bana, using a spacetime anomaly known as "the slick", which has the ability to create black holes; slicks were made by a wild creature known as a space kraken. The black hole created from the slick partially destroyed Bana, and swallowed up many subjects. Among the few survivors were a monkey only a year old named Spark, a warrior fox named Vix, and a boar mechanic named Chunk.
In the present, Spark, Vix, Chunk and Spark's forgetful nanny bot, Bananny, secretly live on a shard used as a garbage dump, with Vix and Chunk leading insurgency missions against Zhong, although they constantly forbid Spark from coming along. One day, Spark intercepts an e-mail sent to Vix about a new mission, and decides to take the mission himself without her knowing. The e-mail leads to the Queen of Bana, whom Zhong still permits to live in the palace. After Spark infiltrates the palace and meets the Queen, she hands him a kraken-finder, which Zhong wants to use to find and recapture the space kraken in order to destroy another planet. Spark decides to use it to find the kraken himself; he tames the creature and brings it back to the garbage shard. But he then finds his home raided by Zhong's forces, who then capture both him and the kraken. Zhong forces the kraken to make a new slick into which he hurls Spark, Vix, Chunk and the entire garbage shard.
The trio discover that the slick is actually a wormhole that leads to a desert planet. Vix and Chunk get upset at Spark for causing Zhong to obtain the kraken, and then split up. Spark finds survivors of the first slick, living in the King's old flagship battle cruiser. The Captain of the flagship reveals that Spark is in fact the son of the King and Queen, who entrusted Vix and Chunk to hide and protect him. He also reveals that the King had actually died in an accident some years ago, but Spark has a vision of the King when he visits a memorial to him, and finds a special weapon made for the royal family. Spark then learns from the deceased King that his friends have been captured by giant mutated roaches. Spark, with the help of his father's spirit and his roach friend, Floyd, defeats the mutated roaches and rescues Vix and Chunk. Spark rallies Vix, Chunk, the Captain and his survivors to mount an attack on Zhong, and Chunk figures out a way to use technology to make a slick of their own. In the meantime, Zhong uses the space kraken to intimidate the rest of the galaxy.
The flagship and survivors return to Bana through their own slick, and ultimately defeat Zhong's forces after a prolonged battle. Spark personally rescues the queen from Zhong's own flagship, which gets critically damaged during the battle. Spark decides to rescue his "Uncle" Zhong as well, but the annoyed Queen then punches Zhong into the slick after he "begs" for forgiveness.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_(2016_film)
Link: https://myflixer.pw/watch-movie/spark-a-space-tail-56685.5407513
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crowdsourcedgender · 9 months
Hello all! I'm trying to make a comprehensive catalogue of GoI (Group of Interest) genders. I've collected all the ones I can find and am planning to coin any that haven't been. Big credit to @dr-gearz for the flag template I'm gonna use, as well as making many of the genders on the list! Also credit to @\genderketer, who created some other flags which I will likely take inspiration from.
Please be aware that this list will be edited, so if you reblog you may want to reblog it again when it is done.
I am taking requests, including new colors, a different GoI or a different symbol!
Below the cut is the list of genders, with links!
- [x] Already created by dr-gearz
- [o] Only flag made by genderketer, reformatting pending
- [/o] Reformatted, alt flag by genderketer
- [xo] Already created by dr-gearz, alt flag by genderketer
- [ ] No flag, pending
- [/] Flag made by me
- [/] Alexylva University
- [/] Ambrose Restaurants
- [/o] Anderson Robotics or alt flag
- [x] Arcadia
- [xo] Are We Cool Yet? or alt flag
- [/] The Black Queen
- [xo] Chaos Insurgency or alt flag
- [/] Chicago Spirit
- [x] Children of the Scarlet King
- [x] Church of the Broken God
- [/o] Church of the Second Hytoth or alt flag
- [/] Daevites
- [/o] Deer College or alt flag
- [xo] Doctor Wondertainment or alt flag
- [x] The Factory
- [/o] Fifthism/The Fifth Church or alt flag
- [xo] Gamers Against Weed or alt flag
- [xo] Global Occult Coalition or alt flag
- [/] Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd.
- [/] Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting
- [/] Horizon Initiative
- [/] Manna Charitable Foundation
- [x] Marshall Carter and Dark
- [x] Nobody
- [/] Oneroi Collective
- [/o] Parawatch or alt flag
- [/o] Prometheus Labs or alt flag
- [/] Sarkicism
- [xo] The Serpent's Hand or alt flag
- [/] Shark Punching Centre
- [/o] Three Moons Initiative or alt flag
- [/] TotleighSoft
- [/] Unusual Incidents Unit
- [/] Vikander-Kneed Technical Media
- [x] Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
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An English Revolutionary - Billy Bragg
In January 2015, I took part in a project called ‘Death or Liberty’, a documentary, based on a book of the same name by Australian author and academic Tony Moore, that tells the story of those prisoners who were transported to the Australian penal colony for their beliefs. Sent as convicts to the other side of the world, these political prisoners included liberals, democrats and republicans; machine breakers, food rioters, trade unionists and Chartists; radical journalists and intellectuals; Irish revolutionaries, Scottish Jacobins, and Canadian and even American insurgents. Criminals and traitors in the eyes of the law, many of these transported political prisoners were heroes and martyrs to their own communities, and are still revered in their homelands as freedom fighters and patriots, progressive thinkers and crusading reformers. The documentary tells the story of several of these characters and I, along with Irish singer-songwriter Lisa O’Neill and Mick Thomas from Australian band Weddings, Parties, Anything, got together in Hobart, Tasmania to write songs for inclusion in the narrative. The week we spent together culminated in a concert at the Theatre Royal in Hobart, which was recorded for inclusion in the documentary. Among the several songs I wrote was one concerning William Cuffay, a Chartist. The son of a slave from St Kitts and an English woman from Kent, Cuffay worked as a tailor in London where he was active in campaigns for better working conditions. He became a leading figure in the militant wing of Chartism, so prominent in the movement that the Times referred to them dismissively as “the black man and his party”. During that revolutionary year, the Chartists came under ever-greater scrutiny from the state. Cuffay was arrest and charged with plotting against the Queen. Found guilty he was sentenced to 21 years in Van Dieman’s Land – present day Tasmania. Pardoned three years after his transportation, Cuffay remained in Tasmania, becoming active in local politics. This song about Cuffay’s life was recorded with Lisa, Michael and the local Grassroots Choir on a stage when he himself once spoke. I’m posting it today because, as plinths are vacated by slavers and other imperialists, I believe William Cuffay to be a suitable candidate for a statue of his own, given the part he played in the on-going struggle for human rights - Billy Bragg
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List Of Resident Requests to Anomalous Enrichment
The dropbox and surveys have barely been open, and I'm swamped with ideas. Some are bad, some are good, some just make me wonder about who I work with. Here's the list so far, in no particular order. See who asked for what, if you feel brave.
A karaoke machine. Denied due to lack of vocal chords or a body 90% of the time.
Operation. Yes, the old tabletop game. Granted.
A 55 gallon fish tank, and supplies. Pending approval from Command.
An ice cream machine. (Trick entry, multiple suggestions on this one) Granted.
A huge screen tv, DVD player, and several monster movies. Denied on the grounds of encouraging bad behavior, at least the monster movies were.
A Ninja Warrior training course. Approved, merely for exercise purposes.
One of those stupid inflatable clown punching bag things. Granted.
A surfing trip to Hawaii. Granted, as entity is a Safe class.
An ice cream social for the kids and sentient non violent anomalies. Granted, locating supplies.
A shooting gallery, for bow shooting. Granted, with non lethal arrows.
Golf clubs. Granted. But... why?
Giant bounce house. Where the hells would we inflate it safely here? Denied.
Treasure hunt. Granted.
Glitter. Denied. Nice try, though.
A rubber chicken with squeaker. Granted.
A half dozen live ducks. Pending.
A flock of sheep, a pasture to graze them in, a nice little quiet hut nearby. Pending, but... sounds good to me, man.
Twelve dozen donuts. Granted, but not in one sitting.
Dance lessons. Granted, and I might just sign up too.
A literal buttload of red wine. Denied due to the no alcohol policy. Sorry. Besides, over 1300 gallons might be a bit much in one go.
Drawing tablet. Granted.
A rabbit. Granted.
A catnip mouse, new plush bed, and window perch. Granted, with laser pointer bonus.
A dartboard. Pending. Not sure we can trust the recipient with pointy objects, but... with good behavior it is possible.
Queen sized four post bed with curtains. Do they even make those still? Pending.
Giant chocolate donkey. Not sure where to even find a mold for that.
Rats. Denied.
An idiot from the Chaos Insurgency. Pending, next raid I promise.
Five minutes alone with Dr. Clef's ukulele. Denied, not worth the risk of 4 gage slug to my head. Sorry.
A cricket bat. Granted.
Wild strawberry plants. Granted, there's a ton around here.
Huge Snorlax plushie. Granted.
Full set of kitchen pots and pans, new kitchen, and "ingredients" for a gourmet dinner. Denied due to choice of protein.
Massive smoking apparatus in the guise of the Grim Reaper. Denied, but it looked badass. Policy is policy. Sorry.
Deep red corset dress. Granted, but... why? Corsets are painful.
Patent leather platform boots, blackest black. Granted. Nice choice.
A hammock. Granted.
A rock hammer. Denied to to weapon policy.
5 kites. Granted, go ahead and pick designs.
Cast iron clawfoot tub. Granted, pending plumbing install.
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kokorodachidanii · 2 years
Ten freshly-Gacha’d WOY OCs for Saturday
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Pandora Pameron: Rilzdonite, age 12. Can use all kinds of forbidden magic with little consequences. Used one such spell to switch lives with the Queen of Rilzdon and even erase her from existence because she wanted to be Queen. The King suffered a fatal seizure not long after, and to this day some people still think Pan poisoned him (she didn’t). A few weeks after the King’s funeral, her crush, Lorgin Hensense, was wrongfully imprisoned for the murder of his mother, who just so happened to be the former royal advisor’s wife. And so, Pan joined forces with Harvax and Stok to clear Lorgin’s name, and rewarded them with personal bodyguards specially picked from the Rilzdonian Royal Guard. Still trying to convince H&S to be her trusty companions (read: loyal steed and court jester respectively).
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Rhubarb: Ragdoll, age unknown. Was discovered by Wild Card at the bottom of a lake and brought back to the Insurgents’ place. Turned out to be sentient and tried to kill the Insurgents, but was stopped by WC just in time. Unfortunately however, they somehow survived their painful stint in the furnace and are now plotting their revenge. Rarely seen without a knife in hand.
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DJ Halation: Human, age 24. Club Jubilee’s top-rated DJ.
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Eiael Hensense: Rilzdonite, age 40. Was King Rilzdon’s advisor when he was still alive. Thinks Queen Pandora really did kill the King and challenged her to a duel. When he was inevitably defeated, he ended up murdering his own wife, Viela, and framing their 14-year-old son, Lorgin. Was exposed by Harvax, Stok, and Pandora, and was ultimately erased from existence.
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Marina Sorano: Nekojin, age 16. Idol known as “Nya! Nya! Marinya!”. Her best friend is a black cat named Arlen.
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Elise Heartwood: Human, age 18. Traveling saleswoman. Crafts all her wares from scratch, ranging from medicine to baked goods to dolls. A shy, sweet young lady who can be very self-conscious. Has the assistance of an invisible familiar named Esile. Besides said familiar, the Congenialites are her only real friends, and Oink even affectionately calls her “The Walking Blarpee’s”.
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Orin Tomoe: Human, age 15. Owns a curry club on the outskirts of Okeydokia. 100% would date seven people simultaneously. To clarify, she’s crushing on Emperor Awesome, Ryder, Chad Starlight, Sourdough for some reason, Neckbeard, General Outrage, and Harvax-- all equally.
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Shion Yorizuma: Monochronian, age 8. Shunned by her kind for dressing in vivid colors. Mistakenly believes she only has 17 days left to live. The gigantic slime is her pet. I’m not sure about that leaf.
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Sayaka Yoshida: Human, age 15. A mutual friend of Ryder and Trudi Traveler. Can create infinite copies of herself at will. Has a satori yōkai (I think that’s what that thing is) named Satou who only gets along with Saya, Frederick, and Trudi.
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Yukari Satsuki: Foquenian, age 23. Veterinarian. Selectively mute. One of Wild Card’s dozens of exes from before he and Clipper officially became boyfriends. (A-Team fans will get the reference.) Uses her blue staff to fly. Genuinely enjoys zapping people with her red staff.
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o5-12 · 2 years
Since 36, we know! So, where did he go?
My council does not possess an exact statement for which organization he joined at his point of defection due to the high volume of Groups of Interest and both his and their involvement in numerous events during the time period that you have provided.
If my council were to name a single place, it would likely be both wildly inaccurate or incomplete and would not contain all of the information pertaining to that entity.
Regardless, it is impossible to directly verify if he is still within any of those specific organizations or if he has transferred elsewhere or otherwise been terminated by another group in recent times — as we are hardly the only ones that many Groups of Interest are in opposition against and it is difficult for us to maintain a semblance of file-sharing of those that are against us with others that are — in fact — against us as well.
If my council were to identify him as belonging within a specific Group of Interest, a number of potential ones would identify themselves with the most predominant assumptions being The Serpent’s Hand, The Manna Charitable Foundation, The Chaos Insurgency, “Nobody”, a splinter division of The Black Queen, a potential recent transfer to Gamers Against Weed with an unidentified predecessor group, Anderson Robotics, or Prometheus Labs, Inc as well as a number of other groups that are far lesser in relevance or significance.
Each of these have been identified and recorded to us due to a number of facts that I assume you do not possess which means that your nosy endeavor is, ultimately; fruitless. That is unfortunate for you though, I do not hold any greater sympathy in concerns to your inability to reach a conclusion from this line of questioning.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Today in History: Aug. 6, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/today-in-history-aug-6-the-atomic-bombing-of-hiroshima/
Today in History: Aug. 6, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima
Today is Tuesday, Aug. 6, the 219th day of 2024. There are 147 days left in the year. Today in history: On Aug. 6, 1945, during World War II, the U.S. B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, resulting in an estimated 140,000 deaths. Also on this date: In 1806, Emperor Francis II abdicated, marking the end of the Holy Roman Empire after nearly a thousand years. Related Articles
Today in History: Aug. 5, Nelson Mandela arrested
Today in History: Aug. 4, massive explosion rocks Beirut
West St. Paul’s Dodge Mansion demolished; family calls it ‘reverse development’
Today in History: August 3, deadly Walmart shooting in El Paso
Today in History: August 2, verdict in “Black Sox” trial
In 1825, Upper Peru became the autonomous republic of Bolivia. In 1890, at Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York, William Kemmler became the first person to be executed via electric chair. In 1926, Gertrude Ederle became the first woman to swim across the English Channel. In 1942, Queen Wilhemina of the Netherlands became the first reigning queen to address a joint session of Congress, telling lawmakers that despite Nazi occupation, her people’s motto remained, “No surrender.” In 1945, during World War II, the U.S. B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb code-named “Little Boy” on Hiroshima, Japan, resulting in an estimated 140,000 deaths. In 1962, Jamaica gained independence from the United Kingdom after 300 years of British rule. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, prohibiting racial discrimination in voting. In 1991, the World Wide Web made its public debut as a means of accessing webpages over the Internet. In 2011, insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite Navy commando unit that had slain Osama bin Laden; seven Afghan commandos also died. Today’s Birthdays:
Children’s performer Ella Jenkins is 100. Actor-director Peter Bonerz is 86. Actor Louise Sorel is 84. Actor Michael Anderson Jr. is 81. Actor Ray Buktenica is 81. Actor Dorian Harewood is 74. Actor Catherine Hicks is 73. Rock singer Pat MacDonald (Timbuk 3) is 72. Actor Stepfanie Kramer is 68. Actor Faith Prince is 67. R&B singer Randy DeBarge is 66. Actor Leland Orser is 64. Actor Michelle Yeoh is 62. Country singers Patsy and Peggy Lynn are 60. Basketball Hall of Famer David Robinson is 59. Actor Jeremy Ratchford is 59. Actor Benito Martinez is 56. Country singer Lisa Stewart is 56. Movie writer-director M. Night Shyamalan (SHAH’-mah-lahn) is 54. Actor Merrin Dungey is 53. Singer Geri Halliwell Horner is 52. Actor Jason O’Mara is 52. Actor Vera Farmiga is 51. Actor Ever Carradine is 50. Actor Soleil (soh-LAY’) Moon Frye is 48. Actor Melissa George is 48. Rock singer Travis “Travie” McCoy is 43. Actor Leslie Odom Jr. is 43. Actor Romola Garai is 42. U.S. Olympic and WNBA basketball star A’ja Wilson is 28.
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ramrodd · 2 months
Why don’t liberals realize that Project 2025 is satire?
Project 2025 has been an active Naxification agenda dedicated to overthrowing the federal government and establishing a dictatorship since William F. Buckley convened a conclave of Ivy League white supremacists at his Sharon estate in 1960 and outlined a campus-oriented marketing strategy to infiltrate the John Birch Society into the GOP as the dominate coalition with the intnnt of implementing Atlas Shrugged,
The Shaton Statement is the mainfesto for the political Nazification of America that began as the Young Americans for Freedom on campus, Buxkley’s “Firing Line”, which was a weekly seminar in Fascist sophistry to support YAF activists in campus depates, and National Review, which has been a reliable source of Fascist disinformation since Buckley founded it as a vanity press supported by his inheritences,
In 1981, Donald T, Regan began to introcuce l the cirminal Nazification agenda with Merrill Lynch Internation conceived to install a sort of Wall Street 3 Card Monte scam in the financial system that exercised the shuffle on Wall Street whicle the Black Queen remained off-shore in the cash flows Jeffery Epstein manipulated, We exported Project 2025 into Russia with Merrill Lynch and Supply Side businessmen like Bill Browder and Paul Manafort,
Strictly speaking, Trump was not part of this insurgency until he got into bed with the Moscow Maria to stage the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant, The “Pee Tapes” of the Steele Dossier wasn’t specifically about Trump watching hookrs pee in the bed Obama slept in in Moscow, but the working hypothesis by the British intelligence community that someone Russian has Trump by the balls.
Trump had to deal with the NY families in Manhattan to do his projects in terms of union workers and concrete, but he was never compromised by them, By 2016, Trump had been compromised by Russian Nazification Oligarchs and committed treason to get elected, The people who torched the 30th floor of Trump Tower are the people who have Trump by the balls and the arson was remineder who Trump’s daddy was.
Steve Bannon is a player in the Project 2025 Nazification agenda. He’s Trump’s puppert master and he is channleing George Lincoln Rockwell into Trump’s left ear, which is why God nicked his right ear: The Satan sits on everyone’s left shulder whispering sweet nothings and mischief in our left year.
The Satan is essential for personal moral navigation and knowing he is there is a reason to read or listen to scripture. He understands The World better than Elohim the One (Fen 1:1; Rev 4.2) as attested by the Book of Job. If you need to take God out of a system to make it work, The Satan is the place to go to de-bug a software and engineer optimal hardware. The Satan is the result of the realtionship between Free Will and the Law of Averages. In high stakes Texas Hold’em pots, winners measure the odds on the basis of integrity of The Satan when it comes to filling an inside straight. The abacus is a mechanism of The Satan: it’s usefulness is that there is no GOd in it, but it is a bridge to the Mind of the person using it The Scientific Method is a Metapysical artifact of the benefits of The Satan to mankind, When you remove God from a system, God will appear usefully somewhere else.
The thing to remember about The Satan is that he is always trying to frustrate that outcome or to pervert it in some way, Such as the undealthy relationship between Pro-LIfe Calvinism and the Post Modern Historic Deconstruction which is what your get when you reject Hegel anc Clausewitz. Which is a consequence of the Marxist axiom that harmonization is the enemy of Truth. ‘When you encounter that as the operational paradigm, you are dealing with white supremcist social engineering, The Bible is all about social engineering and if you understand Pauline Theology from the perspective of N.T. Wright’s emphasis on governance as a blue print for social engineering, the nature and presence of Project 2025 all around you becomes transparently neon.
Project 2025 is not satire, It’s a reframing of Mein Kampf into a Frank Luntz puss-pulling focus group markeing product for Fascism as a Worker’s Paradise/Man Cave/Phyllis Schlafley kind of way, If you scan the 20 odd members of the Project 2025 Advisory Board, their common denominator is Citizens Unidted, Citizens Undited is a mechanism of Donald T, Regan’s criminal Nazification, a way to launder Eurodollars back into the eocnomy in the same way the cash deals for Russian clients of Trump Tower get it done, ‘
Everything William F. Buckley since 1960 has become the criminal poltical agenda of Project 2025, KiD Harris is the cure.
It would be a mistake for the Democrats to waste time prosecuting Trump: it is better to deny him free media,
Insstead, forcus on where we will be able to go with Harris/(player to be named later) completing the Biden/Harris Build Back Better capital budget that will provide the Gen Z gneration of my daughter the social, materian and legislative infrastructure to grow the Green New Deal of 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is the next step for humanity, going into Space, the Final Frontier, That’s waht Genesis 15 :5 is all about
We have been a cunt hair awasy from beginning that final paradigm shift to the Green New Deal since Carter was President and that cunt hair has been the obstruction of Project 2025 since 20 January 1981, Reagan’s New Federalosm would have launched the paradigm shift to the Green New Deal on Carter’s schedule but the Project 2025 around Reagan didn’t even pretend to implement it, prefering to implement Project 2025/Supply Side Economics.
Biblically, and in terms of the Quality Assurance business model of Mark Cuban’s DEI/ZenBusiness performance technology, the obtimal business cycle of capital budgeting of Build Back Better and the social engineering of The Green New Deal is 13 years (Genesis 41). We will be 4 years into the 13 year loop on 20 January 2025. I calculate that Reagan’s New Federlsim will be fully implemented by 2028 with 4 more years of Buidl Back Better and the workers in the Federal Budget committed to the miission of their agencies and not trying to destroy it. I think Biden has largely completed the legislative package necessary for the New Federalism in spite of the obstruction of the House Freedom Caucus, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Project 2025,
A vote for Harris will not defeat Project 2025. A vote for Harris/(player to be named later) will just leave Project 2025 in our rearview mirror
A vote for Harris is a vote for DEI performance technology, The US Army Ranger School is based on DEI performance technology, The social engineering of 2001: A Space Odyssey is DEI performance technology,
To understand the cost of Project 2025 to the General Welfare and Common Defence of America, replace the Pan Am logo with the SpaceX logo and that’s where we would have been by 2001 except for the Project 2025 social engineering of the GOP in the Oval Office since 1981,
Biblically, Project 2025 is The Satan’s Cunt Hair.
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dzthenerd490 · 21 days
File: .Flow
This File contains mentions of Su1c1d3, readers digression is advised.
Code Name: Sabitsuki, The Dead Goddess of Dreams
Object Class: Neutralized Masvae
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIP is within the subconscious realm acting as a guardian for the Global Occult Coalition for the sake of the only allies she has ever known. Because she is associated with the Global Occult Coalition, no containment procedures will be made by the Foundation.
Description: SCP-AIP was originally a young japanese woman named Sabitsuki, her exact age is unknown. Like SCP-AFI, she possesses the ability to alter the area around her when she sleeps, summon strange and sometimes hostile entities, and even be able to activate powers in the real world. However unlike SCP-AFI, the only way for SCP-AIP to summon her powers in the real world is to have them placed within her computer which is labeled as SCP-AIP-1. SCP-AIP-1 is on all aspects a normal desktop computer of unknown brand, however within SCP-AIP-1 is a folder that holds all of SCP-AIP’s abilities. 
Should SCP-AIP use the computer to select her abilities she will be able to manifest them in the real world while she is awake. However, once she does this she will only be able to manifest them in the real world, never the dream world again. Thankfully SCP-AIP has made up for this by creating a number of abilities that revolve around weapons and defending herself. Most notably of these abilities is her Pipe form, Gun form, and Robot form.
Pipe form is a form similar to SCP-AFI’s knife form, the only difference from her normal self is that she is holding a pipe. The pipe cannot be taken from her grasp and is seemingly a broken pipe but is strong enough to badly dent a tungsten ingot even if SCP-AIP hits it with minimal effort. SCP-AIP’s gun form is a form where she is holding a common pistol that only holds six bullets, she only needs a second to reload and has unlimited ammo. Finally, there is the Robot form which gives her great strength and makes her durable form physical attacks, projectile attacks, and even energy-based attacks. There are many other abilities SCP-AFI possesses but these are only the few she uses in the real world to defend herself. 
Unfortunately, SCP-AFI was not only suffering from depression and by result became a Hikikomori, but she was hunted by the Group of Interest: The Black Queen’s Insurgency as well. It is believed that they hunted her because of her abilities and it’s also because of the GoI that the Foundation was unable to find SCP-AIP until it was too late. 
SCP-AIP was discovered in 2009 by the Foundation though apparently she was discovered by the Global Occult Coalition in 2007. It’s unknown how, but the Global Occult Coalition managed to have a few agents meet her in an online chat room where they talked. She explained her abilities and how there were men and women in black and white as well as monsters that kept hunting her in her dreams. The agents tried to encourage her to tell them where she was but every time, she either refused out of fear or the information was corrupted. 
Since trying to find her proved fruitless they instead asked for more information leading to them helping SCP-AIP learn the full extent of her anomalous abilities. Because of this she was able to fight against the monsters and agents of the Black Queen’s Insurgency thanks to their guidance. However, this also caused the BQI to strike harder and stronger with overwhelming numbers. Eventually they started hunting her down in the real world as well. SCP-AIP panicked and told the GOC as much information as she could about her apartment building while trying to evade the BQI forces who were infiltrating her building and slaughtering everyone who got in the way. Unfortunately, by the time the GOC arrived SCP-AIP had already jumped off the roof to escape the BQI forces. GOC forces stormed the building but found nothing and could retrieve nothing as SCP-AIP-1 was destroyed. 
SCP-AIP came to the agent who messaged her in his dreams and started talking to him. It eventually led to them becoming true friends even more so than when they were in that online chat room. He eventually explained to his superiors that SCP-AIP was alive, and she revealed herself by invading the dreams of more agents, scientists, and representatives of the organization. Since she was on friendly terms with a majority of them and had no desire to harm any humans she was declared an Allied Threat Entity by the Global Occult Coalition.
For those that don’t know, an Allied Threat Entity, or ATE for short, are Anomalies identified by the GOC as still a possible risk but one that can benefit humanity if they prove to be on the side of the GOC. They are essentially the equivalent to the Foundation’s Thaumiel Class Anomalies. SCP-AIP is considered an ally, a friend, and sometimes even family by the GOC. It should be noted that despite the GOC recklessly destroying anomalies, especially those they don’t fully understand, they tend to share a camaraderie among one another that makes their teamwork and overall work efficiency stronger, sometimes even stronger than the Foundation. The Ethics Committee has pointed this out many times to the O5 Council’s annoyance. 
SCP-AIP, though known to the Global Occult Coalition as ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess, is their protector against overwhelming threats. As of 2009 she has not only regained her abilities that she lost to her real world along with SCP-AIP-1 but has gained numerous others including a newfound confidence and ability to appear semi-transparent to those who are awake. She acts as a defender of the GOC against spectral and subconscious threats that would otherwise be able to breach even the most heavily defended GOC bases and secret locations. SCP-AIP feels she owes the GOC a great debt as its agents were the only ones who reached out to her during her time of depression and tried to rescue her when the Black Queen’s Insurgency, even if they failed. As such not only does she protect such high-ranking locations and even VIP’s she has vowed to never expose any secret information she is aware of. 
Because she is a conscious anomaly that feels indebted to the GOC, Protocol “United Hands” will not be implemented by order of the Ethics Committee. Though the GOC has allowed the Foundation a Threat Assessment Report regarding SCP-AIP to help the Foundation understand her better. Please see Addendum X-65 for details.
Addendum X-65
The following is the Threat Assessment Report created by the Global Occult Coalition in regard to SCP-AIP.
Threat ID: ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess "Guardian of the Subconscious"
Authorized Response Level: 5 (Irreplaceable Asset)
ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is a Type Green Humanoid Anomaly who has the ability to manipulate herself and her surroundings when she sleeps and when she is awake. She seems to be able to collect and manifest abilities to make herself stronger by unlocking new skills with each one. Originally while she was alive, she possessed a computer where she could store these powers. However, she has recently died, and her computer was destroyed by the Severe Threat Organization, the Black Queen’s Interagency. though in reality, she has not died but instead become trapped within the dream plane of our reality.
She found us, more specifically, agent [data expunged] who made first contact with her and has been trying to get our organization to meet with her through online chat rooms. There she met with more and more, a majority of which ended up meeting her with kindness. Though it is our mission to protect humanity from the anomalous threats of the unknown by exterminating them, we do make expectations for those anomalies that are willing to save humanity if given the chance, ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is one such anomaly. 
ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess guards Coalition VIP’s and locations from entities that reside in the dream scape or any other Type Cyan entities. In order for this to continue all members of the GOC are to show their appreciation for ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess and occasionally have talks with her about what she likes or even do little games with her. Any agent or even higher ranking operative that dares to show her hostility or disgust will be reprimanded with a demotion and possibly complete expulsion from Coalition employment forever. ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is one of our only weapons against Unknown Threat Organization the Oneiroi Collective, to lose her or worse have her lose her faith in us will allow a crack in the Coalitions armor and possibly be the first step in our downfall. 
The Foundation has requested to have SCP-AIP and SCP-AFI meet one another in hopes of lifting the spirits of both girls. Especially since SCP-AFI still suffers from depression and night terrors, though notably not as much since her containment. The GOC is considering this as they see the benefit but fear the Foundation might try to use it as a long plan to eventually convince SCP-AIP to join the Foundation instead. Though this would be favorable, some of the Administrative Staff and the Ethics Committee have reminded Foundation staff that to remain on friendly terms with the GOC even at the cost of obtaining more valuable SCP’s, should always be prioritized. Though regardless the request is still pending.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 6.22 (before 1940)
217 BC – Battle of Raphia: Ptolemy IV Philopator of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid kingdom. 168 BC – Battle of Pydna: Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeat Macedonian King Perseus who surrenders after the battle, ending the Third Macedonian War. 813 – Battle of Versinikia: The Bulgars led by Krum defeat the Byzantine army near Edirne. Emperor Michael I is forced to abdicate in favor of Leo V the Armenian. 910 – The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army near the Rednitz River, killing its leader Gebhard, Duke of Lotharingia (Lorraine). 1527 – Fatahillah expels Portuguese forces from Sunda Kelapa, now regarded as the foundation of Jakarta. 1593 – Battle of Sisak: Allied Christian troops defeat the Ottomans. 1633 – The Holy Office in Rome forces Galileo Galilei to recant his view that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe in the form he presented it in, after heated controversy. 1774 – The British pass the Quebec Act, setting out rules of governance for the colony of Quebec in British North America. 1783 – A poisonous cloud caused by the eruption of the Laki volcano in Iceland reaches Le Havre in France. 1793 – Haitian Revolution: The Battle of Cap-Français ends with French Republican troops and black slave insurgents capturing the city. 1807 – In the Chesapeake–Leopard affair, the British warship HMS Leopard attacks and boards the American frigate USS Chesapeake. 1812 – France declares war on Russia, starting Napoleon's invasion. 1813 – War of 1812: After learning of American plans for a surprise attack on Beaver Dams in Ontario, Laura Secord sets out on a thirty kilometres (19 mi) journey on foot to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon. 1839 – Cherokee leaders Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot are assassinated for signing the Treaty of New Echota, which had resulted in the Trail of Tears. 1870 – The United States Department of Justice is created by the U.S. Congress. 1893 – The Royal Navy battleship HMS Camperdown accidentally rams the British Mediterranean Fleet flagship HMS Victoria which sinks taking 358 crew with her, including the fleet's commander, Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon. 1897 – British colonial officers Charles Walter Rand and Lt. Charles Egerton Ayerst are assassinated in Pune, Maharashtra, India by the Chapekar brothers and Mahadeo Vinayak Ranade, who are later caught and hanged. 1898 – Spanish–American War: In a chaotic operation, 6,000 men of the U.S. Fifth Army Corps begins landing at Daiquirí, Cuba, about 16 miles (26 km) east of Santiago de Cuba. Lt. Gen. Arsenio Linares y Pombo of the Spanish Army outnumbers them two-to-one, but does not oppose the landings. 1907 – The London Underground's Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway opens. 1911 – George V and Mary of Teck are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1911 – Mexican Revolution: Government forces bring an end to the Magonista rebellion of 1911 in the Second Battle of Tijuana. 1918 – The Hammond Circus Train Wreck kills 86 and injures 127 near Hammond, Indiana. 1922 – British Army Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson is killed by the Irish Republican Army helping to spark the Irish Civil War.
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mapstone · 1 year
*the following is a work of my own. Fan fiction of Ghallos and Westrion and Karigan , I Do NOT own the characters.
Ghallos dilemna
Ghallos shuddered , glad to be in a timeline where he and his kind were equal to men, humans that is . For all creatures call themselves men.
The Seer explained that in a split timeline of existence the whole of his species , the pre-existing ancestors were being HUNTED and eaten by the same lineage of men who would become part of their kind.
He could not imagine a place that garnered such greed and evil.
Thirty generations of his kind had existed half man half moose , ALL loving kind patient , it was only in this last generation of man that the hate became apparent . His allegiance with the good men of Sacordia would not go unrewarded.
The Eletians had promised them passage to their heaven as a gift to the sacrifices and assistance in the war, when ever they were ready they were to speak to the Galadheon. For she would bear them passage hence.
They would leave none behind , not their young , for they feared the timelines would merge with the evil one the seer spoke of and they wished no harm on their kind for being different , less INTELLIGENT ? HA!
The world of men believe them gone ,
A myth , Ha!
Ghallos realized the Eletians had indeed covered them in such protection not a soul had guessed they were still here , not so far from Sacordia as the blue bird’s migration, Yet Men forget so quickly he surmised.
Karigans Pehdrose journey
She was being pulled away again , she saw herself with Cade and Somial this time and the dream felt REAL as the crossing from the horrible empire that was. MornHavon / Amberhills . Only she knew Westrion was showing her something new . She felt his pull again and this time he tucked her at his side.
We go see the P’ehdrose
Ghallos LIVES ? Her heart pounded
She remembered the taxidermied renderings of what He was supposed to be in Silks museum .
Edessa Lives?
Westrion Nodded looking in her eyes.
You must help them as you helped the Sleepers
I must Cross them ?
Westrion nodded again
Men cannot know of this , the P’edrose must remain hidden , there are those who wish them harm for mixing with men of your kind. Tell no one, those who wanted to end the line of your king, still wish to end the P’edrose line.
Ghallos will come to you and Somial at the feast of autum moon. Daughter of Kariny , you were BORN to protect royals , and Cross the worlds.
You speak to me as Laurelyn
Westrion nods again,
She Bids you well she Knows you’ve been at a loss , But she begs you to protect the Ghallos line. The second Empire cannot win.
Uprisings we’re restarting and they had some help from black island insurgents.
She needed Rest , but she also needed to get away from the palace. Seeing Zachary fawn over his family was causing her some pain. Estora still behaved like she wanted friendship with her , but she could not bring herself to act like anything more than a servant to the Queen. Her Love for Zachary had grown since her return to her time. She had not forgotten Cade as Lhean said she would and she still wondered why he could not cross.
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tempest-toss · 1 year
I didn't realize the list of non-Tempest Specific GOIs was so long
Alexylva University Ambrose Restaurants Anderson Robotics Arcadia Are We Cool Yet? The Black Queen The Chaos Insurgency The Chicago Spirit The Children of the Scarlet King The Church of the Broken God Church of the Second Hytoth The Commission on Unusual Cargo The Daevites Deer College Doctor Wondertainment The Factory The Fifth Church Gamers Against Weed The Global Occult Coalition (GOC) Greazeburger Incorporated GRU Division "P" Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting The Horizon Initiative IJAMEA Manna Charitable Foundation Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. Medician Academy of Occult Art "Nobody" Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (ORIA) Oneiroi Collective Parawatch Prometheus Labs, Inc. Sarkic Cults The Serpent's Hand Shark Punching Center The Three Moons Initiative TotleighSoft Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU) Valravn Corporation Vikander-Kneed Technical Media The Wandsmen Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
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freehawaii · 1 year
Tumblr media
June Celebrations in the Hawaiian Kingdom
One way to assert the Hawaiian Kingdom still lives is to remember and celebrate important days in our history. Here are three significant days to remember in the month of June.   June 11 – Kamehameha Day On December 22, 1871, King Kamehameha V proclaimed a national holiday to honor and celebrate his grandfather, King Kamehameha the Great, the founder of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Originally, Hawaiian subjects wanted to mark the legacy of Lot Kapūaiwa (Kamehameha V) on his birthday, December 11. But in humility he opted to honor his grandfather instead, choosing a date as far away from his (Lot’s) birthday as possible, hence the date of June 11.   Since 1872 the June 11 King Kamehameha Day celebration has steadfastly endured. Even through the upheavals of insurgency, usurpation, regime changes, occupation, “annexation” and “statehood”, the one constant has been Kamehameha Day. And rightly so. Through his life, Kamehameha Ekolu transitioned from fierce warrior to conqueror to unifier and founding father to peace maker to human rights advocate (The Law of the splintered paddle) to statesman.   June 7, 1839 The Hawaiian Kingdom Declaration of Rights Issued by Kamehameha III, the king’s Declaration of Rights profoundly improved on the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights from which it was fashioned. The Hawaiian Kingdom Declaration of Rights is written from a distinctly Hawaiian perspective. For instance, the American declaration famously says, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal...” (but “equal” was not meant to include blacks, native Americans, Asians, etc.). In contrast, the Declaration of Kamehameha III says, "God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth, in unity and blessedness.” Wow! The Hawaiian Declaration says we not only have equal rights, but that we are all related by blood! We are all family, meant to dwell in unity and blessedness... Our declaration says we must treat each other not just “equally” as defined in legal terms, but with aloha, as we would treat our relatives. From the highest to the lowliest, we are all ʻOhana.   June 17, 1897 The Kūʻē Petition is delivered to the U.S. Senate Queen Liliʻuokalani went to Washington, DC to lobby against the ratification of the McKinley Treaty of Annexation. To show their support for their Queen and country, Hawaiian patriots conducted massive petition drives throughout the Islands. One of them, with 21,000 signatures, was hand-delivered to the U.S. Senate by James Kaulia (president of Hui Aloha ʻĀina), David Kalauokalani (president of Hui Kālaiʻāina), William Auld, and John Richardson. Their mission succeeded in defeating ratification of the treaty. Because of this, still today, there is no treaty annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States.   “Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.” — Queen Liliʻuokalani   Correction: In the May 27, 2023 issue of Ke Aupuni Update I stated that hearing the case of Larsen vs. Hawaiian Kingdom at the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague in 2000, constituted recognition by the court of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a State (sovereign country). It did not. The case was accepted by the PCA under rules that did not require one party to be a recognized State. Mahalo to renown international lawyer, Curtis F. Doebbler for that clarification.
---------- Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
------ For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 
6 PM the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53. 
------ "And remember, for the latest updates and information about the Hawaiian Kingdom check out the twice-a-month Ke Aupuni Updates published online on Facebook and other social media." PLEASE KŌKUA… Your kōkua, large or small, is vital to this effort... To contribute, go to: • GoFundMe – CAMPAIGN TO FREE HAWAII • PayPal – use account email: [email protected] • Other – To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, volunteer services, etc...) email us at: [email protected]  “FREE HAWAII” T-SHIRTS - etc. Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase at... http://www.robkajiwara.com/store/c8/free_hawaii_products All proceeds are used to help the cause. MAHALO! Malama Pono,

Leon Siu

Hawaiian National
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afklancelot · 1 year
Opinions on SCP-EN GoIs
see title. just to reiterate, this is my personal opinion on them, so of course i'm going to be biased.
Alexylva University- pretty basic concept for a GoI, but I haven't really seen any articles that peaked my interest. the one scp that combines this and Anderson Robotics was ok tho.
Ambrose Restaurants- the GoI format for this group, mostly in the style of menus, is cool.
Anderson Robotics- like I said with Alexylva, none of their articles are of interest to me.
Arcadia- I'm always interested in electronic skips, specifically about online stuff and video games, so having a GoI be a video game company is cool. Shame there's not that much articles for it.
Are We Cool Yet?- the Dadaist version of this GoI, features in scp-4485, was extremely good. some of their proposals for art shows are pretty interesting too.
The Black Queen- the GoI formats for this one are nice, but otherwise they're not much to write home about.
Chaos Insurgency- there was one (1) article bout them that I found decent, but otherwise they're not that interesting. their description kinda blends in with Global Occult Coalition.
Chicago Spirit- good potential for this one. articles that I read regarding this GoI are ok, if a little forgettable.
Children of the Scarlet King- haven't actually read much bout this one beyond maybe snippets. that said, it doesn't seem that interesting to me.
Church of the Broken God- not really my thing but I can see why people like it. liked their fusions with AWCY and Fifthism in 4485 and 4558, respectively.
Church of the Second Hytoth- haven't seen much of it but I suppose there's some potential. maybe have an article with both this GoI and Fifthism?
Commission on Unusual Cargo- eh.
Daevites- they're fine I guess. not my thing.
Deer College- average magic school GoI. not that interesting, honestly.
Doctor Wondertainment- I can see why people would like this GoI, but it's not really interesting to me. I do like their evil version "Doctor" on the JP GoI list, so I guess there's that.
Factory- a GoI that's a rather blatant criticism on capitalism, but unlike VKTM, it's one I actually find endearing.
Fifth Church- prolly my favorite mainlist GoI of all time. helps that the one and only canon I actually like, There is No Antimemetics Division, features Fifth Church, or specifically the entity they worship, as a cool antagonist.
Gamers Against Weed- don't like these guys. the first few articles they appear in are ok, but subsequent articles that try to have them be semi-serious completely fall flat for me because I don't care for them. hell, they're even more of a joke GoI than Shark Punching Center. doesn't help that they're always portrayed in the right, making them pretentious as well (especially the Nerf gun SCP, like the guy who made it calls the researchers out for testing out on humans but what if your brother ended up shooting it at a person? never mind the brother got injured in an incident involving the gun).
Global Occult Coalition- beyond being a foil for the Foundation, they're not much of interest to me.
Greazeburger Incorporated- yes, this is an actualy GoI. it's meh.
GRU Division "P"- don't know much about this group nor do I care to learn more.
Herman Fuller's Circus- concept of a circus GoI is nice. admittedly not my thing but I do like the vibe of some of their articles.
Horizion Initiative- the few scps I read that happen to feature them never interested me. still, there might be potential, but I don't intend to find out.
IJAMEA- Japanese military Foundation. not that interesting for me.
Manna Charitable Foundation- there was one JP skip of a depressed teddy bear that featured this GoI, and there was one cool CN skip regarding the concept of pain that I think featured Manna as antagonistic/mysterious, but otherwise not much to write home bout.
Marshall Carter and Dark- auction GoI. I understand their importance on the site but not that interesting.
Medician Academy of Occult Art- one of, if not the only, EN GoIs that originated from a foreign branch, in this case being from Italian branch. there's potential, but it honestly just sounds like AWCY but as a school.
"Nobody"- Who?
Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts- haven't read any articles about them. honestly a little forgettable.
Oneiroi Collective- the idea of dreams being portrayed with internet websites is really cool. JP branch does Oneiroi really good, definitely better than EN.
Parawatch- second favorite GoI, mostly because it's mostly horror reminiscent of Creepypasta (recently been searching the Creepypasta wiki for good horror). bit nitpicky about the fact there's only one wikipage style article despite being a WIKI, but the forum format is good enough.
Promethus Lab- haven't read much of them, but I like their GoI format titles are allways in all-caps.
Sarkic Cults- I like their dynamic with CoTBG, and I recently gained an appreciate for unnatural flesh growths, but otherwise not really my thing.
Serpent's Hand/Wanderer's Library- ever since scp-6000 I really disliked them. like GAW, them always being in the right is extremely boring for me. any lore that they bring in is both complicated and not worth my time. still, the Wanderer's Library Hub (a sister site to the scp wiki) has a few good things if you look hard enough, so it's still above GAW in this regard.
Shark Punching Center- a GoI that embraces how silly its concept is, and it's much better off because of it. helps that unlike GAW, there is some potential for at least some seriousness. also helps that their main themes rarely change across articles- they punch sharks.
Three Moons Initiative- the skip they appear in where they beat up fictional characters is nice, but that's kinda all they have going on with them for me.
Unusual Incidents Unit- how many Foundation-esque GoIs do we need?
Valravn Corporation- anomalous military organization. that's all I care to know.
Vikander-Kneed Technical Media- the first few skips they appeared in were good, but it's been downhill ever since. like Factory, they're a blatant criticism of capitalism, specifically modern capitalism, but unlike Factory, their blatantness comes off as grating, which might be the POINT, but what I look for in GoIs are enjoyment, and this GoI is too annoying to be endearing. just an average of the mill modern corporation GoI.
Wandsmen- forgettable and easy to confuse with Serpent's Hand. i did like their article on Alagadda, though.
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions- don't care much for the tales about the founder's daughter taking up the mantle, but I really like their GoI formats. rather cute.
Bonus: Unlisted GoIs and Foreign GoIs
Class of 76/Syncope Symphony- probably my favorite unlisted GoI. there's some criticism that all their articles reinforce the same theme, but to me that's kinda why I like them so much. the concept of memories and refusing to let go of your life in high school because it's only gonna go downhill when you graduate... good shit. TLDR- the romanticizing of highschool being played as horror is really nice.
Just Girly Things- by girls for girls!! I already talked about in 4319, but the GoI idea actually feels original, being a TERF GoI where underneath the surface-"Girl Power" is forcing girls on the site to be what the founder's idea of "girl" is. that said: I don't like the recent articles they appear in where they're aligned with the Fourth Reich (yes, really): they're much more fun as a stand-alone GoI.
Imaginanimals- my favorite GoI of all time! the concept of a GoI with animals that are based on "human concepts" is soooo good.
Drunken Street- like Class of 76, this GoI deals with memories, specifically that the people of Drunken Street go there to be forgotten (at least from what I can tell from Google Translate lol). really good and the articles actually deliver on the concept.
Super Electric Rescue Team HERO- sentai/power rangers but their methods of helping are questionable at best and brutalizing at worst. articles they appear in are pretty good.
PAMWAC- a GoI focused on marrying their anime waifus. still a better GoI than GAW (and PAMWAC actually has a defined trait that's interesting).
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