#The Camera Creature (Norman Polk)
mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Sammy x Joey/Norman on a autumn date? Maybe to a festival?
Summary: While the studio is being fumigated due to an unexpected cockroach infestation, Sammy and Abigail are invited by Norman to join him and his family to go to the Harvest Festival.
Sammy wasn't entirely sure what possessed him to say yes to Norman's invitation... Maybe it was the slight nostalgia that the concept of the Harvest Festival brought with it (his mother had loved the harvest season, especially when everyone was setting up for the festivities that usually entailed). Maybe it was the boredom that came with unexpected free time (he was so used to being busy that the sudden need for the studio to be evacuated and blasted to high heavens with pesticides, had completely thrown him for a loop).
Or maybe it was the fact it was a weekend and little Abigail was antsy from being cooped up inside without much to do, since there was no need for her to be at her friends' house until Sammy returned home from work.
Either way, as soon as Norman proposed they go to the festival as one big group, Sammy had uncharacteristically jumped on the opportunity. Odd indeed, since he wasn't one to go to festivals himself.
And who could blame him?
New York simply lacked the charm his hometown had had when it came to these sorts of things. It felt too impersonal. A quickly set up fairground that inspired little trust in him, and that brought with it silly rigged games and disgusting sugar and fat saturated foods. It was a bunch of charlatans trying to milk you out of your hard-earned money through using your own hubris, or children against you. But for what it was worth, Norman seemed to thoroughly enjoy it all.
Or rather, he seemed to enjoy cheating the cheats.
"How are you so good at these wretched games?!" He'd completely given up on the ring toss, having found that the rings were weighted so unevenly that they never made its mark. His much larger companion on the other hand, was having no such issues and made quick work of his own round, collecting the prize his middle child, Louise, had practically begged him to get for her.
Once she got her so coveted comically large teddy bear, she ran to the side of her mother so she could show her the treasured stuffed beast.
"I've been to plenty o'these types o'festivals. Don't take long to learn what them thievin' fellows got up their sleeves." Norman winked at the guy behind the stall, grinning very much like the fox that got the hen when the young man, no barely out of his teens, shot him a dirty look.
"I see..." Of course Norman Polk wouldn't be deterred by a few rigged setups. Bright man that he was.
"Would yous like me t'teach you how to win at some o'them?" The louisianian offered, which Sammy immediately declined.
"I'd rather not get kicked out of the fair. You've earned plenty of dirty looks already, and you still haven't won all the kids some silly toys." The blond pointed out, glancing over at the five Polk children, as well as their two cousins and Abigail. Norman's brother had unfortunately been unable to join, but he'd allowed his children to come with.
Louise was hugging her new teddy bear as tight as she could, glasses slightly askew as she pressed her face to its tummy. Albert seemed pleased with simple wooden figurine that had been carved in the form of a horse and varnished to perfection, a prize that had been exchanged for a few tokens you could earn in some absurd guessing game that Sammy hadn't cared to learn the rules of. Even little Willard was content chewing on a medium sized duck plushie that Norman had gotten out of one of those bottle games.
Both Nancy and Aaron had no prizes of their own, instead focusing on whatever caught their eyes (the oldest of the Polk boys seeming very interested in taking photos of the activities instead of involving himself). Nelson, Lydia and Abby hadn't found any thing that interested them enough to ask.
"They won't kick us out, despite my good fortunes I still gots to pay for partakin' in their businesses..." The projectionist reassured with an infectious smile. One Sammy couldn't help mirror back at him. "Besides, wouldn't miss t'opportunity to go up on the giant wheel with my good work friend, now would I?"
"Urgh... Can't wait... I've always wanted to be suspended in the air thousands of feet above the ground in a literal death trap of a contraption." Sammy eyed the ferris wheel with dubious confidence. How could he trust something so large that was built in so little time, only to be dismantled not too long after?
"Thought yous wanted to go to Coney Island?" Norman teased.
"Coney Island is maintained year long... This is only for a few days!" The music director argued as they moved on to the next game. Abigail gasped loudly before rushing over and pointing.
"Sammy! Sammy look!" Her eyes were alight with pure joy as she pointed at... An insanely large doll. Not just any doll either. It appeared to be some sort of goat, but it had clearly been made up of several other dolls just from noticing the difference in materials from all the different body parts.
It had bat wings, a dragon's tail, a forked tongue and honestly it looked less like a goat and more like some sort of demon thanks to the mismatched button eyes. It was the ugliest doll Sammy had ever seen.
"He's perfect!" Abigail proclaimed, clearly undeterred by the... Unsettling nature of the doll.
"He's... Certainly something alright." His father would have yelled at him for letting his little sister turn out as some sort of devil worshipping hellion. Sammy could practically hear his gruff voice disowning him now.
"I want him! Seamus needed a big brother to protect him, just like you do for me!" She turned to give him her biggest puppy dog eyes. "Please?"
".... Fine, I'll... I'll try. But these games aren't my forte." He noted the strength testing game. This was going to throw his back, he just knew it.
But hey, at least if he got her the doll that'd be her birthday covered next month. Just get another cake and celebrate privately. And in all honesty as horrid as the doll looked, it certainly wasn't as unsettling to him as the unblinking gaze if the grinning demon back at work...
Sammy didn't get Abby the doll, but then he didn't need to. The moment the hammer hit and his pride was shattered by his apparent lack of strength, Norman stepped up and helped get that massive goat thing for his little sister.
They'd ended up hitting up a few more games until everyone had a prize of their own. Even Sammy himself couldn't help smile fondly at the carved crow figurine currently in his pocket. For luck, Norman had insisted, as corvids were among the smartest creatures in the planet despite their crowing being less than pleasing to the ear.
Now, overlooking the fairgrounds, high up on the ferris wheel, Sammy watched the festivities go on with a calm serenity he rarely got to bask in. His sister was sitting beside him, sleepily clutching her new doll, while her friends talked about school things holding onto their own toys. He found it quaint that Lydia had insisted on a getting a wooden sword, while her older brother requested a rather cute looking cat plush that he was clutching tightly to his chest as if his life depended on it.
Norman was, meanwhile, holding onto his infant son and asking his eldest daughter about medical school. In the other cabin Maggie and the remaining Polk children were attempting communication through Aaron's camera's flash, which Norman would on occasion reply to via flashing a portable flashlight he carried on his person.
This wasn't exactly the most conventional of 'dates' but Sammy wouldn't have it any other way. He was glad he agreed to join the Polks to come to this scam of a festival.
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
DTRH!AU Masterpost
Moving into a new post since I’ve got stuff actually organized!!! It’ll likely get an update from time to time. Apologies to those whom the read more breaks for ‘^^
Everything to do with this au will be tagged #dtrh!au or #down the rabbit hole au Individual characters are tagged with #dtrh![name] 
Here’s an AU PMV for starters! 
Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?
Putting this up here so it doesn’t get super buried- Here’s the fic(s) set in this AU! All Moving Pictures End 
The AU crash course: The premise behind the au is that everything takes place in a pocket dimension controlled by a black magic script. Joey Drew is the one who’s writing/editing this script, and his rewrites affect the world and the characters within it. His constant reshaping eventually twists the world from a sitcom genre to a horror film- hence the horror esque setting, creatures, and plot. The characters didn’t escape the rewrites’ effects either. They’re warped into corrupted versions of themselves. However, these characters end up becoming sentient after awhile. The first one of these to become entirely sentient is Henry. He’s currently the only one who’s all the way out of alignment. A toon gone rogue, if you will. He still goes along with Joey’s “plot,” but it’s more so he can try to reach the other characters than to keep Joey happy or unaware of his actions. His goal is to basically “wake up” the other characters, so they can all stop living in a hellish nightmare studio and actually try and make something nice out of their home. He’s extremely dedicated to his goal. 
Character time!!! toon trio refs / corrupted refs  butcher gang refs / corrupted refs  toon henry ref  toon sammy ref / corrupted sammy ref  toon susie ref / corrupted susie ref  toon allison and tom refs / corrupted allison and tom refs  joey ref / toon joey ref  toon norman ref / corrupted ref  toon bertrum ref / corrupted ref  toon and corrupted grant refs  toon jack ref / corrupted jack ref  toon wally ref / corrupted wally ref  toon and corrupted lacie refs  toon and corrupted shawn refs 
Character relationships/orientations 
Concept art, anyone? toon trio concept work (w/ bonus corrupted bendy n alice) corrupted boris/alice concept work (ft bonus hen) butcher gang concept work (w/ corrupted forms) henry concept work sammy concept work (and more henry) susie concept work joey concept work corrupted norman concept work toon norman concept work  throwing around lost ones ideas 
Misc stuff Henry, but Goop™  Susie and Studio Tea™  Hey Henry, how do u feel about Joey?  Yo hold up, hen and polk are a thing???  Henry’s glasses saga  Regular studio shenanigans 
How many of the employees are gonna show up? Hopefully all the named ones in the game! Once they’ve got a design, they’re guaranteed to show up somewhere.
Are they really carbon copies of the employees? Is there nothing different about them and their irl counterparts? They started as carbon copies! Latching onto their old traits and their old selves does help them come to their senses. However, different character development happens in script than IRL, so they end up different. Henry, for example, takes up the last name “Ross” when he wakes up (instead of his IRL counterpart’s “Stien”) to differentiate himself :0
So is everyone corrupted on purpose? Yes and no. Yes, because Joey chose to rewrite the script so much that it mangled characters, but no, because he didn’t intend to mangle them in the first place. It just kinda happened.
What makes them corrupted? Corruption is what happens when you can’t hold onto the core of what your character is, and get dragged into what the new script is telling you. It’s when you lose sight of who you are among all the chaos. People who are drawn farther away from their actual selves end up more monstrous. Susie (aka “alice” angel) is a great example of this. Bendy is too! Far be it from his real nature to be a murderous monster.
So can the toons be uncorrupted? Yup! Henry’s our model citizen this time. He looks more like a toon than a normal person, sure, but there’s nothing monstrous about him. That’s because he’s latched onto what makes him Henry. He’s not letting the instability of the world around him shake him up. Otherwise he’d be a goopy mess of ink.
Why’d Joey write everyone so differently that they corrupted? He’s actually very out of touch with people once he starts rewriting the script. Since his memories are getting foggy, he fixates on details that he can remember, and exaggerates them as needed. In fact, he’s hidden tape recorders around the script studio as built in reminders of these character traits.
How’d Henry wake up? And how does he plan on waking everyone else up? Ok… this is a longer answer. It all comes together, i promise. Jus hang with me. Whenever henry dies, he gets sent back to a sort of “first draft” stage. In order to get back to the world he’s supposed to exist in, he has to get through all the layers of ink Joey put down to get to his current script. As one can imagine… there’s a lot. So much so that Henry has to essentially swim to the surface. As he passes through all this ink, he can hear whispers of previous scripts. The deeper he is, the closer these whispers are to what the world used to be like. Seeing as Henry is the protagonist, he ended up dying… a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Joey had a lot of snags in the script to work out. All these times sent into the draft-y ink soup made made Henry slowly realize what was going on. He wasn’t mindless anymore. He knew what was up. After realizing that the world wasn’t right, it didn’t take him long to push for the rest of his consciousness. He plans on using what whispers and memories he can gather to bring everyone else back. He’s not dying on purpose, mind you, but he gathers as much information as he can to help everyone else realize that they’re not who they’re supposed to be.
Wait, memories? Does Henry remember the past scripts now? Not quite? He’s got a good enough memory stockpile to keep himself centered, but he doesn’t always know what’s up ahead as he heads through another studio loop. If Joey happens to rewrite or change around the script, those patches of Henry’s memory blip out of existence. Or at least get hazy. Hen can often tell if Joey’s changed something by how many holes he has in his memories.
Can anyone in the pocket dimension get out? Henry’s the only one who can get out! Joey literally wrote him a back door to the script. It used to be so he could talk to Henry whenever the “story” was over, but nowadays it’s just to judge how fast plot goes via how quickly Hen gets back. All Henry can manage to do is walk around and stare silently. And he can’t even stay out very long. Ink’s unstable in the real world. Gotta go back in n start the horror show over if u wanna live :/
Can Joey go in? Nope! Since he’s not made of ink, he can’t go in. He can watch tho!!! He does so via writing POV shifts into the script, and watches through whatever character it shifted to. Who needs cameras when u got the eyes of black magic toons n inky monsters ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Does Joey know Henry is sentient now? Nnnnot quite? He thinks the magic is being screwy with him. He can’t switch POV to Henry anymore, since the toon’s taken control of himself, and that’s real confusing since the writer doesn’t know what’s up. Plus, like mentioned above, Hen can’t exactly give Joey a sign once he gets out of the studio. Bummer :/
Is Joey gonna majorly rewrite the script any time soon? Nope. He’s to attached to his current plot to change the genre or anythin, so it’s gonna stay as is. With some changes here and there. One musn’t underestimate how many times u can change the order of scenes, or improve dialogue... 
AU Background:
((this is long as shiz, so get some popcorn slfkjs))
Y’all probably wanna know how this whole horror show started. I’ve got two words for ya: Joey Drew. Unsurprising! But he’s our starting point nonetheless. Joey Drew is the retired owner of Joey Drew Studios, a cartoon studio that ran itself into the ground after a decade or two of fantastical cartoons. Money problems aren’t kind to the entertainment industries. However, the studio was still his pride and joy! As are the friends who stuck by him or met him during the time it was open. He kept up with all of them through the years. They were like a little family. Unfortunately, time has a way of changing things. With his friends drifting away, living their own lives, getting up in years, or a combination of the three, Joey wasn’t doing too well. He was lonely. Feeling washed up. Missing the glory days, where he helped work on cartoon scripts instead of submitting horror and mystery shorts to local magazines. Not all that surprising that he turned to something else to cope. This thing being none other than occult magic. Because… of course it is. It’s a habit he’s had for years. Nothing like some demonic rituals to spice up the life of the creative mind behind kids’ cartoons! Especially fun when you’re a man with poor impulse control and a wild imagination. In any case, Joey summons the three main characters of his beloved cartoon series. Bendy, Alice, and Boris! (I refer to these three as the “toon trio.”) He was just as happy that he’d managed to bring them to life as he was to have them around the house. It was like having slightly unruly grandkids with toony superpowers. In other words, they were absolutely delightful!!! He took care of them and admired their antics. It was a great time. … until. Well. It wasn’t. Turns out things that don’t belong in this world get rejected eventually. After a few months, things started go go wayward. The toon trio had difficulties maintaining their forms, moving, engaging in tropes, and a ton of other things. They were miserable. Joey was understandably heartbroken to see this happen to his poor toons. So, like any good person, he tried to do the right thing: put them back on the paper they came from. It didn’t end up working exactly how he’d expected. Everything comes with a price when you mess with demonic ink. The magic not only created a stack of paper instead of a series of drawings, but latched onto an old fountain pen and Joey’s closet. If the closet thing seems odd, it is. But it’s a convenient place to hide ritual pentagrams! So, closet it is. Upon frantic examination of the papers, Joey discovered it was a script. A black magic infused script. Three names up top told him the toon trio were the only characters. A bit of experimentation led him to discover that the magic-infused pen was the only thing that could interact with the script properly. Further experimentation showed him that the script had made his closet into a pocket dimension. The contents? Whatever was in his new script. This is where the real fun begins. The new magic script practically floored Joey with awe. He had a world he could shape however he wished! He could run all those scripts he’d never gotten to put in production! He could watch his toons frolick! He could even use it to play with ideas he’d never gotten to explore. The possibilities were endless! 
((Of course, you might be wondering if Joey… y’know. Knew the toons were still alive. Because they were, they were just living in a pocket dimension now. In short? No. He didn’t. He carefully tested a few things with the script, just to make sure. All the toons did was what he wrote down. They moved like they were alive, but didn’t act that way. Plus, the dimension made them blank slates. They didn’t have any characterization in there to make them truly alive. So! For all intents and purposes? He saw them as you would any other character you write. A visual extension of his imagination. Ok mini rant over, back to the story--))
Playing with the toons was amazing. Joey hadn’t had fun like that in years! It was his little secret world, populated by his cherished toons. He could make believe whatever he wished. Eventually, though, loneliness started to catch back up to the old man. His friends… his family… life… it all went on. He just felt left behind. And what does Joey do when he doesn’t feel good? Not cope healthily, that’s for sure. Onwards to more occult magic! Only this time, he tries something… different. The toons were lonely. They deserved company. They deserved someone to take care of them. A familiar face. Maybe someone who helped Joey create them in the first place. Someone who’d just sent Mr. Drew an old letter and a card, since he hadn’t seen him in awhile… … someone like Henry. Using the magic pen, Joey traced over Henry’s note. Far from ruining the precious letter, it transferred “Henry” into the script. It’s not the real one! Basically a carbon copy, fresh from the time period that Hen first wrote the note in. Seeing as Henry’s letter came from around the time the cartoon studio was going strong, it’s an old version of him. But it was still Joey’s old friend. Just… toony. Toon Henry reacted just as his living friend would. If he wrote dialogue? He spoke it like Henry would. If he wrote some action? The toon put a classic Henry twist on it. Delighted, Joey returned to his script with renewed vigor. Toon Henry got to spend plenty of quality with the toon trio as the days went on. Thus began a trend of toonification. Missing one of his old friends? All Joey had to do was grab something with their old handwriting on it, and trace them into the script! There’s a carbon copy that acts just like the real deal! A fine compromise, right? … Right? Not exactly. It was fine at first. Joey made what could probably qualify as a sitcom-style story for the toony world to run on. His friends, at this point, all populated the studio. The premise was that the toons (now including the butcher gang!) had been summoned while he was still running the studio, and got up to hijinks with the rest of the employees. A hefty dose of actual studio drama- turned comedic, of course- kept the whole thing almost real. Joey even featured himself once or twice, but only in allusions, or a disembodied voice. He wasn’t about to let a carbon copy of himself have all the fun. It made him feel less lonely. More included. A fantasy world of never ending fun and heartwarming moments. How unfortunate it is that life doesn’t follow this pattern. Morality is a hard thing to come to terms with. So is sickness. Especially that of a friend. … it was just one rewrite at first. One alteration on a bad day. After all, using writing to cope is perfectly acceptable. One bad episode in the midst of sunshine doesn’t discount it all. One uncanny occurrence, though, doesn’t usually stay singular. It didn’t take long for the solitary rewrite to become two rewrites. Then three. Four. Six. Ten. Twenty. Fifty. More and more and more. Until the happy honey colored studio slipped into sinister sepia. This wasn’t the old script anymore. Not by a long shot.
The setting? A studio of shattered dreams.   Your protagonist? Henry. His goal? Survive long enough to escape.
~It’s quite th͝e̵͞͏ ͠M̕a͘sţe̛̕r͘p̕i̵͝e̡ḉe̡̨͜~̡̛
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agatha1905 · 5 years
Lewis and the Ink Machine Au! ; - ;
It's possible that I'm crazy enough to have had this idea of ​​UA, okay, we're going to start.
Let me introduce you how this stupid and new alternate universe of "Mystery Skulls" and "Bendy and the ink machine" that I have invented works. Everything is very different, but the story is almost the same.. Hmmp..
(LEWIS) Lewrence S. Pepper / "Lewly Pie" : Sammy Lawrence / Bendy.
Lewis occupied the job of musical composer of the series of "Robert Drew Studios. Inc", he was very happy in his work that until the owner of the studio (and the grandfather of his girlfriend) began to concentrate on an old ink machine that began to wreak havoc in his area of ​​trade, because they had to go every day to his office to download a lever that caused a lot of noise, so he always ended up being off balance and not doing well the songs he needed for the next chapters of the program. So soon after, he began to suspect that Drew's plans were not going to bring something good, which is why he and other studio employees went to complain, only to be ignored. Lewis, after being corrupted by the ink of the study, ended up becoming "Lewdy Lewis", his friendly version of caricature, very based on how was the main character of the series, Bendy. When it transforms into its demonic part, the control ends up being taken by ???, another entity that is evil, presumably the demonic spirit with which Robert made a deal to bring the ink machine and his caricatures to life. Also, causing a horrible outcome for the other employees of the study. The second malignant entity inside him convinced him that his friend Arthur abandoned them there in the studio, not knowing why he had left, Lewis ended up getting a new objective: To take revenge on Arthur for abandoning them all here, although, finally, the boy discovers that the blond's motives for leaving the workshop were very horrifying and obscure, not least that he became an ink monster, but in part he could say that in what he tries to suffer they are even.
(ARTHUR) Arthury S. Kingsmen: Henry Stein.
Arthur was one of several animators in "Robert Drew Studios. Inc". After being enlisted to go to war, and "fortunately" being returned some three years later without an arm, he ends up two years later receiving a letter from his former employer Robert Drew and returns to his old job studio only to find an ink machine and a lot of cartoon nightmares lurking that were once their beloved friends and co-workers. He have a horrible trauma for the war..
(VIVI) Vivianne Drew Yukino / "Vivi Angel" : Allison Penddle / Allison Angel.
Vivi was part of the cast of "Bendy's Show" as the replacement for the voice of Alice Angel, also the girlfriend of one of the composers and granddaughter of the owner of the studio. After being corrupted by the ink machine, she ended up becoming "Vivi Angel", a version of her in a caricature a bit like the cartoon angel..
(MYSTERY) Robert Mysterious Drew / "Mystery" : Joey Drew.
He is a ancient powerful kitsune, as well as the founder of his old company "Robert Drew Studios". He is also known as Arthur's former employer, who collaborated with him by making caricatures in the workshop with Vivi and Lewis, along with other workers. He is known as someone wise and believing, before he was a little ignorant and too stubborn, because he ignored the complaints of his employees. He almost always talked about something of "appeasing the gods" with the ink machine, as well as the offerings on pedestals in the Hall of Power, some in the studio hinting that Robert could be very obsessed and crazy. When he discovered what had happened with the ink machine, as soon as Arthur returned from the war, he ended up living with him in the form of a puppy for about three years before sending Arthur a note inviting him to return to his workshop that he had "something to show him". Thing that was very far from the truth, because he hopes that with Arthur's help he could find a way to fix all the damage he had done, both for Arthur himself and for the other workers in the studio, that includes his granddaughter and to Lewis. In his letter, it is implicit that the company went out of business 5 years ago, and therefore they had stopped collaborating.
(SHIROMORI) Sakura Shiana Campbell / "Shiro Angel" : Sussie Campbell / Alice Angel.
She was the voice actress of Alice Angel of "Robert Drew Studios", that until it was changed by the granddaughter of the owner of the studio, Vivianne Drew. She used to believe that Alice Angel was like a part of her, that could mean that she had dreams of making her fame great while acting like Alice Angel. Sakura worked in the studio for two months before her unexpected replacement, which she considered to be the end of the world. She used to have a little romance story with Robert in her youth, that's until he finished with her just to leave her, because he had ended up falling in love with another woman, which turned out to be the grandmother of Vivi. When he transformed into his corrupted version as "Shiro Angel," he ended up being gentle and sweet to become a very cruel and sadistic creature. She has great resentment with the owner of the abandoned studio, Robert Drew, who is currently in his puppy form as Arthur's pet, named Mystery, due to his intelligence and strange first encounter with Arthur (story that will be for another time). Therefore, in most of the following episodes, Shiro Angel tries to assassinate Mystery by paying minimal attention to Arthur.
(CHLOE) Charlotte Wenney F. / "Charis Chloe" : Wally Franks / Wally!Boris.
She seemed to suspect the workshop with Lewis, that includes Robert's plans and the ink machine. She also seemed to have been worried about some of the situations within the company, including the abundance of ink leaks from the machine. His voice from his second diary cassette gives directions on how to get some beginner composers to Lewis' office. In one part of her tape, she complains that she lost Lewis' keys in one of the trash cans, and she has a bad feeling about what the boy would do if he ever finds out that he had lost his keys. She is known as one of the mechanics assistants in the studio, sometimes helping with the operation of the ink machine, even though she feels a bad feeling about it. He almost always found himself distracting himself from his work or not understanding what Lance was saying, because he almost always escaped to talk to Arthur alone about anything. When it became her corrupt form due to the studio ink, she forgot almost all of her memories of who she was in the past, making an exception with the Kingsman family, of course, that includes her dear friend Arthur.. To which she believes missing.
(LANCE) Lancelot Connor Kingsman / "Lanris Lance" : Thomas Connor / Tom!Boris.
Lancelot Kingsman here is the owner of a Kingsmen Mechanics of a slightly more retro style, in addition, he is in "Robert Drew Studios" one of the workers in charge of making sure that the endless pipe of the ink machine is kept in its best way, is frustrated by the instability of the system as time passes, almost always said he was tired of fighting the operation of the machine for quite some time, and finally declares that he refuses to do anything else about it. Thing, which is demonstrated in one of its recording cinemas. His corrupted form still retains most of his memories, that includes his nephew Arthur, only having forgotten his name in some part, changing it to "Lanris Lance".
(MR. AND MRS. PEPPERS) Julio Pepper / "Junnyloon Pie" | Selena Pepper / "Sellaine Pie" : The two searchers.
Lewis' parents, or rather, Mr. and Mrs. Peppers, were in charge of the animation workshop cafeteria. They made any kind of meals and desserts, but their favorites were those that consisted of sweet and spicy flavors. When the leak in the ink pipe occurred, they ended up separating from their other three daughters and from Lewis, also becoming monsters of ink. They do not keep most of their memories of who they were before, just remembering their taste for sweet and spicy food, and their three children. Not remembering much of their names either. You can see them wandering around in the studio looking for and calling for their three children...
(THE SISTERS PEPPERS) Canelle Pepper / "Cannyelle Striker-Pep" | Bellenia Pepper / "Belle Fishper" | Paprika Pepper / "Primka Pieper" | 'The little Pepper's gang' : The butcher's gang.
Its corrupted versions are based on the trio of characters in the program who played antagonists. Before transforming they used to be very fan of the series, for which, his brother Lewis who worked with his parents in the studio ended up taking them one day at work, unfortunately everything ended badly for these three girls. They forgot most of their lives at that time, the only thing they know about their past are some memories they have with their family and nothing else, they also forgot a lot of their names, changing them over time, being currently known as "The little Pepper's gang".
(DUET) Duethan Polk / "The proyeccionist" : Norman Polk / The proyeccionist.
He was the band director to collaborate with Robert Drew on "Robert Drew Studios." It seems that Duet did not know what Lewis and Robert were doing in the studio, because, while Lewis was investigating Robert's experiments, Robert got into things he should not lighten up. He had a very mysterious and changing personality, the only time he could be seen smiling was while holding a projector, receiving from Arthur, Vivi and Lewis the funny nickname of "the projectionist". When he became an ink monster, little could be seen of his previous clothes with his dark and humanoid form, in addition to the terrifying projection camera attached to his head .. He ended up completely forgetting who he was before being that frightening ink monster. Of course, thanks to Arthur, he recovered much of his memories in the studio and very good memories of when he was still a good human being.
(???) ??? / "EVIL Lewly" : Beast Bendy!
??? is the evil identity that is currently inside Lewis, transforming him into an ink monster, into a demon, and at the same time, into a caricatured version of himself with certain similarities to the main character of "Robert Drew Studios", Bendy, the demon dancer He convinced Lewis that Arthur abandoned them all in the studio on purpose, giving him a terrible thirst for vengeance and evil powers despite his caricature appearance. When Lewis is really angry, ??? Take control and transform into a chilling ink beast ready to kill everything that moves. This entity can only be heard by Lewis, although he ends up repressing it enough that he would cease to exist within him, realizing the true truth: Arthur never wanted them to die in this place, he left, not because he wanted, but because he had been sent to fight in the war.. The creature is a demon invoked by Robert, who in an attempt to give life to his creations, made a deal with it, with Lewis spying and watching everything that happened from the other side of your door. After that, there was a pipe leak that filled the whole damn ink studio that turned everyone into sad shadows of what they were before. Lewis unfortunately was close enough to the ritual for the demonic spirit to end up sneaking inside him and transforming him even faster into an ink monster. The boy could not do anything about it, unfortunately. ??? He has a cruel personality, dismissed and sadistic, and he is very envious.
The drawings are still in the process of being created, this blog will be edited, when all of them are ready!
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Inky Terrors Of The Past Chapter 5 Part 3- Finale
A.N: Part 3! the Finale of the story! happy halloween everyone to all who's reading this and this is sadly the last chapter of the story in total...... sorry for the cliffhanger ^^; corr belongs to @core4lost [[shhhhhhdonttellthemaboutthesecretgjfghfhghg]]
Henry came out from under the table a few minutes later, he makes a pant and a breath of relief as he held his chest "oh god... why... why bendy?!" he punches the floor "why did you have to give yourself up for me?!" he said as he held his head, he was blaming himself for what happened. The Retired Animator makes a groan and punched a hole almost in the walls as he plopped against the wall sighing, rubbing his head as he tries to figure out what to do now, as of now his only friend and protection of the studio was... gone... stuck inside that thing... his eyes glared as he clenched his fists "...no.... he's not done yet... that bastard is going to pay for taking him away.." he glared as he picked up his gun and axe, "hang in there buddy... im gonna make sure i kill that son of a bitch" he glares as his eyes would faintly glow red "i promise" he said as he would walk off. the halls were quite, almost nothing could be heard. the others were almost at the top but the elevator must of stopped so they were waiting by a short staircase as they all heard the echoing roar earlier, everything in the studio did including the ink demon who was resting in one of the rooms as he makes a displeased growl his plan failed... or so he thinks he gets a idea as his grin grew the toon demon was still alive though his body was barley alive just stuck.. but his spirit was he would just bide his time and wait until he come over to start pleading and begging for his help. all he had to do... was to wait. Henry ran around trying his hardest to look for the damn creature, he knew he was taking a HUGE death risk but curse his kind hearted nature, he wasn't gonna let that creature get away, not with bendy he promised the toon he would get him and everyone else out of here and he wasn't going to break that promise he get them out, no matter the cost. he stops when he finally hears the sounds of that damned creature roaring as he grips on his axe more "found you... ya damn bastard..." he said as he starts to follow the noises. he saw the creature lumbering about fighting off a innocence group of lost ones as henry took notice of that, glaring as he rang a shot in the air "HEY YOU!!" he said, the creature stopping and turning around "REMEMBER ME?!" he said as the creature howls a bit in laughter "wElL wElL wElL, If iT aIn'T heNrY? I tHouGh YoU rAn OFf LIke THaT dEmOn ToLD yA ToO... BuT yOu CaME to mE.... iNTeReStING.. hUMANs ArE sO mYStERIoUS... BUT sO naViNE tOo" he said as henry glares more, gripping on his axe more "what do you even gain from doing all of this?!" he said as the creature chuckles darkly "WiTH A bOdY AnD lImITnesS EneRGy IT'Ll Be EASy FoR mE tO DeStRoY tHis WorTHLEsS pLaNEt aND tAke It OvEr As mY oWn" he said as henry only grew more angry "is this all just a damn game to you?!" he said his eyes flashing red "do you even show ANY remorse for the people you kill?!" he said as the creature howls with more laughter "FoOLiSh HuMAn, thIs WhOle pLanEt IS liKe a gAMe FoR Me, I PlAyEd EvErYoNe LiKE PAwNs~" he said grinning darkly as his three tails swayed a bit the creature chuckles darkly at henry as the retired animator glares a bit, gripping on his axe as he takes a step back, his common sense pleading him to run away but he was not about to give up, not when he and bendy had come so far. he was gonna save him no matter the cost, even if he had to die. the creature snarls and gives chase to henry as he quickly runs, getting a headstart as the creature ran on all his limbs minus it's tails and bony wings "YoU cAn'T rUn fOReVeR huMAn!!" he said as he telports and reappears just barley missing to swipe at henry "I'lL cAtcH YOU eVeNtUaLlY!" he said, with the retired animator running more until he hid around the corner gripping his axe tightly as he drenched it in acetone a bit from one of the puddles. he was gonna give that creature a painful burn. the creature looks around lumbering as his three tails dragged on the ground, his two extra arms and hands dragging themselves along the walls for balance as the creature clicks and growls, looking around for henry as it's inky soulless eyes glared around growling a lot "cOmE oUt, coMe OuT wHErEeVeR yOU ArE HeNRy JaRvIS... i KnOW yOUR sTiLL HErE..." he said growling more, henry gripping on the axe. when the creature was close enough and wasn't looking, henry would jump and start slamming the axe as the creature snarls out in pain from the sudden blows and stinging burn it was getting, henry kept bringing the axe down as hard as he could. the creature fell to the ground after having so many blows down to him as henry panted gripping on the axe, before getting ready for one final blow to the head. before his eyes widen, he was swatted by the waist by one of the creature's sharp claws as he was flung towards the floor as he coughs up his blood holding his waist as he tries to get up, seeing the creature struggling to get up "GrGRgR... Do yOu HoNEsTlY thInk ThAt WaS gOnNa WorK?" he said as henry struggles to get up the creature laughs as he held up his hand only to find it not responsing "HuH?" it said as it tried moving it again, henry grew confused at that and his eyes widen when he realized it was bendy's doing, the demon still had some strength left, he quickly got up and started to run as the creature howls and tries to regain back control to said arm. the ink demon was resting when he felt the room changed he wouldn't look up until he heard a pleading whine "wElL, wElL, wElL... IF iT aInT tHE dEvIL DaRlInG hiMSElF~" he said as the hooded demon's spirit pouted "ha ha... but listen i don't have much time! that.... that creature! it finally got a body!" he said as the ink demon huffed "YeAh... i kNOw... aND...?" he said smirking as the hooded demon frowns "come on you know damn well what that thing will do... and... i guess.... im asking for...." the ink demon waited, his grin growing wider "CoMe oN... leT's HEaR it~" he said as bendy sighed "i... need your help..." he said as the ink demon chuckles "AlrIgHt, LEt'S hEa-" he stopped when the demon held him his soul "...wHa-" he was cut off by the demon sighing "this is what you wanted right? you need me in order to go into your true form don't you.... plus.... i... d...don't think i can keep on fighting him back like this for much l-longer s...so p-please... if you don't wanna d-" he coughs as he glitches "if you don't wanna do this just for me or henry than do it for your title! your supposed to be the most feared creature in this studios, not that thing!" he said as the ink demon stares, before looking at his own soul with a sigh, seeing how corrupted it had become only a speck of orange was left on the soul as the rest was covered or tainted by the ink he makes a nod as his hand starts glowing a purple like aura as he grabs the soul, the hooded demon's spirit smiled "please save him..." he said as he faded away as the ink demon allowed his body to transform even further as he now had what he always wanted, the toon demon's soul, now that he had that he could finally go to his most powerful form and be reborned... meanwhile with henry he was breathing as he hid in one of the stations. he knew it was a waste of time but what more could he have. he held in his breathe as long as possible as he saw the creature lumber back and fourth 'he knows im here he knows im here he knows im here!!!' he thought to himself repeatedly as he saw the creature's three tails lightly bumped the station, that was enough to get him to hightail it out of here as he quickly leaps out of the station, running as fast as he could as the creature snarls and snaps his head "F O U N D Y O U!!!" it said, chasing after him as henry leaps over a table and kept running at fast as he could, he stops when he saw a pack of ink snake raptors staring down at him, one of them seems different as henry stares at it as the new raptor circles him studying him as henry also studies the new one, it had a purplish like streak along its body and neck and tail and looked a bit bigger than the other raptors, at around 9 feet, its head was much smoother and a bit scarred too with a slight allosaurus crest almost, the raptor had cat like eyes but it seems much similar to a crocodile’s it wasn’t looking at him in a hungry or angry manner it almost seems to be looking at him.. in a curious yet threatening manner. suddenly a loud roar broke out as both henry and the small pack of 5 raptors along with the the bigger one turn over to see the creature near them. the creature growls and barks at the raptors telling them to pretty much move but ink snake raptors were never one to listen to orders, even from the ink demon or from this creature, the new raptor looked back at henry and he could see a look of empathy show up in it's eyes, as it turns around to release a loud angered shrill at the creature as the other raptors followed suit snarling as all six of them run at the creature, attacking by slicing, pouncing and biting onto the creature's inky flesh, the beast roars out in pain and tries to get them off but they were fast and smart little buggers, henry quickly ran out of the area before he clenched his head feeling something when he saw the creature before was trying to get him but one of his arms stopped working almost like... bendy was trying to still protect him. he stopped as he looked and a old memory lingers on his mind. he remembers seeing the unstable demon eating his brother's corpse, he remembers hearing joey's cousin Joseph trying to get him up but he too suffered the same faith, he remembers hearing the unstable demon screech out as he recalls joseph using a holy cross to burn through the demon's inky hell like hide to which it did. henry somehow forgave and comforted the demon despite knowing what happened he would never forget but he still comforted the demon despite that. the memory kept replaying in his head, he knew it wasn't bendy's fault. he clenches as he notices his hands were halfway turned to his toon like hands before he growls. his eyes glinting with red as he starts to turn into his toon form. the strange raptor snarls as it was slammed to the ground as the other raptors were already killed despite all of them fighting nonstop to wound the creature to which they did as it growled, ink oozing from every part of it's body as it uses it's magic to lift the strange raptor up in the air as it snarled and struggles glaring and hissing. the creature grins as it was gonna use it's new powers on this raptor before something sharp came hitting the back of the creature's head making it lose it's focus and dropping the raptor as the creature snarls and turns around, seeing henry already in his inked toon state as the monstorus verison of his toon form glares at the creature "Do yOu rEalLY tHiNk YOu CaN beAt me  iN tHiS sTaTe? YoU hAvEn'T hAd EnOuGh TiME to FuLLY tEsT oUt YoUR OwN pOWeRS, YoU rElIe ToO mUcH on YoUr owN rAge aNd AnGeR" he said as Henry snarls, as ink ooze more as he roars, a huge burst of energy comes out of him as the creature snarls in surprise "W H A T?!?!" the creature hisses as it covers its eyes waiting for the bright blast to end. when it did the creature looks to see something he never thought he see someone that was plagued by the ink could do. henry was different now, he looked similar to bendy's unstable form but without the skeletal like appearance, though he did have some sort of bone like ribs that are shown out of his now almost big inky like mass, despite size differences he looked far more animalistic than bendy's unstable form did, he even had a far more lizard like snout than the unstable demon had, the spines were also not like his unstable form's same with the tail. but either way he was pissed, the monster form of henry roars and runs at the creature already attacking him with all his might as the creature snarls as it was thrown, slammed, punched, and even jabbed many times before it was rammed to the ground. the monster henry snarls and starts to lift up one of his huge arms and like a spear he rams it hard onto the creature's chest he rammed it so hard that it almost made the arm go limp, he would do the same with the other arm as the creature from the force of the impact would fall underneath the weak floor as the monster henry quickly darted out of the way as he heard a thud like sound he loomed over the hole and saw the creature's body limp at first he though it was still alive as he growled and started to morph his claws into a axe but he soon thought of bendy, his reaction to seeing him like this.... same with corr... he grunted and sighed turning around to try to find a way to either calm down or spent up his energy when he felt something grabbing him by the leg, he looks down to see it was a part of the creature's magic as he was dragged and thrown down too as he screeches. he gets back up growling as he turns around, only to get slashed on the face as fresh ink ooze from the gash on his cheek as he snarls and tries attacking the creature again, only to get attacked by all four of it's arms, including the three tails as he was slammed towards a wall as the impact forced him to turn back to his inked like state of his toon form he growls as he was pinned down by the creature as it snarls and lifted it's one arm up before the same raptor from before lunges from above and started to claw and slice and bite at the creature as it snarled and tries to get the raptor off of it, henry's veins on his inky arm glowed red as he growls and grew some sort of sharp spines on his arm, the same with the other arm as he roars and lunges, jabbing the creature's chest with both his arms as the raptor quickly jumped off as the impact made the creature crash into the nearest pillar as it fell on it, the creature burried under the rubble as henry was now in his toon form, panting as he struggles to stay in form, he looks at the raptor who looked back and snorted, turning around to run off back to where it came. henry looks back, only to get grabbed and thrown through a wall as he crashes near a dead end, he was back in his human form as he tries getting up only to feel a sharp pain in his shoulder he looks to see the creature threw the blessed knife, hitting him with it as he wanted to scream but he couldn't the creature grins as it grunts making it's way over "It's FuNny tO me HeNRy, HeRe yOu aRe... riGhT WhEn YoUR aBoU-" he stops as he felt a familiar aura, he turns around to look at the right side of the wall, there... the ink demon shows up his glowing eye stares at the creature "Oh GoOd... yOur HeRe iNk DeMoN... I gUeSs I sHoUld GivE YOu THE hOnOR... gO oN ThEn... KilL ThE hUmaN" he said as the ink demon turns around, staring at henry as he starts to walk over towards the wounded human "AnY LaSt WoRdS hUmAn?" the creature said as henry sighed "yea...... im sorry bendy....... i failed you" the ink demon stopped for a moment and stares "...." the ink demon said nothing as it kept walking before kneeing down and grabbing the knife and yanking it out, henry braced for it but it never came he looked to see the ink demon still staring at him, and he gave henry a wink, henry could of swore he saw bendy in there for a split second before the ink demon motioned him to play dead, as he brought up the knife and striked. the creature thought henry had died "Ah WeLl... nICe wORk... nOw-" it stopped when it felt something cut it's cheek, the knife the creature looks to see the ink demon was the one that threw it, henry getting up as the creature states, before the ink demon started to change, to his true form his height changing to about 11'5 feet, his skeletal appearance going away the ink mass increasing his posture, his entire torso, and waist turn to a dark blue, as the scars on him glowed and hued purple, both his feet became globs of ink but his limp like stance was gone, he also seem to have grew a tail, his once glowing eye had turned to a roundish full on black eye with a white pupil.. that turned into a silt as his smile became much more eerie and sinister, his bowtie became normal again but it was a full out orange like color, his arms seem to be huge inky like arms the gloved hand dissapearing as he still have his finger like claws kinda, he snarls at the creature who stares in shock "W-WhAT?!?!?!" it said as the ink demon laughed "WhAt's WrOnG?~ DeMoN gOt Ya ToNgUE... HeY oLD mAn..." he said to henry as he looked at him "what?" he said as the ink demon snapped his fingers the wall that henry was slammed too opened like a secret door, seeing a hallway "Go... I'lL bE fiNe OlD mAn..." he said as henry nodded "hey" he said as he looked back, henry saluted him "good luck" he said as the ink demon only grinned "don't do anything stupid.... bud" he said as the ink demon snorted "I mAkE No prOmiSeS~" he said as henry ran off, the two creatures now stared at eachother. The fight starts out between the ink demon and the "nomad" creature, at first as Henry ran he saw a glimpse of the fight seeing how much on equal strength the two seems to fight until the ink demon used the creature's slow adaptation to its new body to his advantage, clawing and punching with his new huge inky arms and hands as the creature snarls and tried attacking the ink demon with its four arms and the demon kept dodging and using his new body and strength to some use taking a few hits before upper cutting the creature as they crashed to a room, Henry took notice of that and saw the creature finally getting the upper hand as it pinned the ink demon down, a shot rang out as it snarled in pain and held its head, looking up to see Henry up on a balcony like bridge before he ran. Before the creature could give chase it was suddenly punches hard to a wall by the ink demon as the two both roar loudly at eachother, slamming and punching eachother, though the creature had the size advantage being at around 20 ft tall, the longer stride and the wingspan giving it a much more taller posture but the ink demon had experience, speed, strength and most of all.... It had intelligence, it knew how to counter the creature. The ink demon charges tackling the creature through another wall and another wall until he threw the creature up in the air, before leaping up and going to the next room above that he threw the creature to. Henry looked over at a nearby window to see the creature and the ink demon fighting it out, both of them fighting nonstop as the creature snarls, using its four arms to slash at the ink demon trying to cause a fatal injury or at least cripple the demon but the ink demon grinned and gave a heavy blow making the creature crash through the window as Henry stepped back as the creature shook its head grumbling as it looks at Henry. before the creature could even comply to seeing Henry it was again charged through a wall by the ink demon as hengrumbles, turning around to look at Henry "WeLl? WhAt ARe yOu WaItInG fOr? GeT A mOvE oN!" He said, before getting pounded on by the creature as it snarls and stomps on the ink demon, before roaring out as it gets shot five times the damage the ink demon did to its hide made it more and more vulnerable to injuries like gun wounds as it snarls and gets pinned down by the ink demon as hnery kept running, the creature snarling and kicking the ink demon off as it tries to chase after Henry desperate to get the man's pure soul to have more power as the ink demon roars, leaping like a tiger and ramming his huge arms jabbing it into its spine as he starts moving it around almost like a puppet, making it slam into walls, floors and even the ceiling, eventually they brought their fight to a open like area as Henry could see the ink demon was having a but fun with the fight. Both the creature and the ink demon did show signs of exhaustion but the creature still didint give up as it fought the ink demon, the ink demon makes a snarl as he was slammed to a nearby anothe room as the ink demon growled and shook his head a bit, before getting up growling as he was punched by the creature as the ink Demon snarls, landing another punch on the creature's skull like face as it stumbles, Henry taking another shot and he was going to shoot it again, until he felt his gun was jammed "shoot!" He said as the creature snarls and runs at him, only for the creature to get charged into another room by the ink demon as they rolled around the creature roaring and throwing him to a multiple row of sharp blades as the ink demon was plopped to the wall as the creature grins, the ink demon makes a short laugh as his white pupil turned to a silt as he lifted his finger as the creature makes a low curious grumble before the ink demon makes a snap of his fingers as a bunch of sharp pointy tiny ink blades came piercing at the creature more than a billion tiny little pieces went piercing slicing through its flesh as the creature snarls out in pain before growling as it and the ink demon both run at eachother roaring. the ink demon would be the first to crash out of the room as he stumbles before being punched and pinned down by the creature's sharp clawed fingers as henry looked back to see the creature was gonna impale the ink demon's head on a spear. in a flash he shot the creature again at the side of the skull like jaw as the creature snarls a bit in anger before growling and dropping the ink demon going to him next as the ink demon recovered quickly and stomping on all three of the tails and morphing both huge hands into sharp inky claws as he started slashing and cutting on the creature's back as he snarled in pain when the creature sprouted it's bony like wings onto the ink demon's chest but he only grinned more and grabbed and tore off the two bony wings by force as henry ran off more as the creature roars in agony as the ink demons with then morph his huge claws to almost sword like arms as he started slashing huge gashes before the creature could even attack the ink demon rammed it's sword like arm into the creature as it snarled in pain as it was bashed by the other as it then crashed into the ink spear as it emitted a low wheezing sound until it went limp. the ink demon emitted a slight snort "NoW WhO's ThE ReAl DeMoN bITcH..." he said grinning before turning around his white pupil staring at the axe that henry dropped along with a survival knife. the ink demon would pick said items up "hE MUsT OF dRoPPeD tHeM... eh-" he felt a sharp pain when it was lifted and sliced on the stomach by the creature as the ink demon roared out in pain before being slammed into the spear himself he coughed up ink as he was then stabbed onto the shoulder by the survival knife, got half his chest rammed and pierced on the shoulder blade by the axe, having his bad leg wound reopen and getting his shoulder crippled as the creature then used all four of it's bony like claws to slash the side of the ink demon's face before it emitted a low wheeze like moan as the creature grunted and looked around for the blessed knife as it went over and picked up the knife as he turns back to look at the ink demon who wasn't doing anything now. ‘nomad’ would chuckle as he watches the ink demon who was impaled on the wall, even with half the toon demon’s soul he still wasn’t powerful enough to stop him “WeLl tHis sUrE IS soMEthInG aND heRe i ThOuGht tHAt ToOn oR oLd MAn woUld Be ThE OnE tO kIlL yOu, iT’s FuNnY oN hOw uNcLEaR YoUR fAte WaS dEmOn” the creature cackles as the ink demon doesn’t response he was just staring at the blessed knife in the creature’s hand the creature swayed it’s three tails each end again containing the elements, with red being the one for joey’s anger, the green being bendy’s energy and the black containing the pure hate and anger that susie has against anything that would tore her and alice apart. the ink demon would still stare his white pupil may be staring straight at him but he himself was focusing on the knife. he would finally focus on him when the creature snorted and asked “WeLl, aNy LAsT wORDs?” he said as the ink demon’s smile twitch… before laughing, he laughed and laughed as the creature would tilt it’s head “HuH? wHy ArE yOU LaUgHiNg?!?” the creature said as the ink demon would laugh even harder and harder “It’S fUnnY cAuSe yOu ALrEaDy LosT! iT doEsn’T mAtTeR iF i Die! WhaT MaTtErS iS tHAt yOu nEeDeD a purE soUl And nOt HeNRy’S bLoOd~ yOuR PlAn FaiLEd YeT AgaIn tHAnkS to ThAt tOoN! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!” the ink demon laughed louder and louder as the creature glared and roared before ramming the blessed knife on the ink demon’s head as the ink demon’s laughter soon slowly turned to a wheezing noise before finally it turned to silence as the creature stares before turning around “FaReWell…. AlPhA” he said as he walks off leaving the ink demon to his fate already. Henry Stops hearing the sounds as he looks to hear... nothing.. no ink demon... no fighting... just.. silence... the retired animator gripped on his fists "no....... damn it.... damn that creature.... i need a plan......." he tries thinking when suddenly something hit, the ink here wasnt like normal ink it was almost warm instead of cold.... slowly henry came up with something the oxygen like steam coming from the pipes and the sprinklers on the ceiling along with adding a few touches here and there... henry grinned he knows how to beat that thing in it's own game but he would need help he ran quickly to find the others. after a while he noticed the creature was again trying to look for him as he quickly runs into a random room. Henry pants after he was in a room after again trying to evade the creature, he heard the pained wheezing laughs of the ink demon dying so he knew he too was no more. he looks around the room trying to find sense of well anything to use. he looks to see a tape, curiously filled his mind wondering why this one was right in place and also where he would find it “…..” with a sigh he carefully walked over to the tape and pressed play on it and what he heard, was shocking “h…hey there….. is this thing on?… ah well…. if it is than…. heya henry… it’s me bendy… listen i… i need to tell you this before joey or that damn demon finds me so…… yeah im going to try to keep this short….. im sorry henry… ya should of never listened to me, if ya haven’t than everything would be back to normal but no…. after you left… things went… so… very wrong” henry noticed how scared bendy’s voice was in the recording “j-j-j-joey s-summoned a demon, a literal demon to try a-and ‘f-fix’ us but…. as you know joey….” bendy’s voice in the recording seem to sigh a bit. “anywho i… i just wanted to say that…. take care of them for me henry” the retired animator was confused to what he meant, until he realized he was talking about boris and alice. "t….they need a normal life outside this studio…. if…. if im gonna go down then… im taking this damn studio with me…. im sorry henry…. im sorry for causing all of this….  whole curse is my fault…. t….things would of been better off… if i haven’t existed in the first place" and with that the tape goes off leaving henry to his own thoughts "……damn it joey.. why…. why all of this… just because of one simple choice… that caused everything to fall apart…. don’t worry buddy…. im gonna make sure you get outta here, even if i have to die to make sure you escape" he said as he suddenly heard a low snarl, the creature was in this room but it was in the process of looking for something, he hid quickly in the nearby closet. the creature emits a low grunt as it sniffs and looks around some more before grumbling and walking away, henry waited a few more before coming back out, he had to hurry and find the others, without a second thought he rushed out of the room running as fast as he can as he rushes more, finally getting to the others, lacie looked at him with worry "w....where's bendy...?" alice weakly said as henry felt his heart broke as he sighed and told them what happened. the angel and the others were shocked to hear this "so.... what now?" boris said as henry glares "i tell you what we're gonna do.... we're gonna make that thing regret it ever crossed us" norman looked up "henry, that thing KILLED *zzzpt* the ink demon, what makes you think we'll be any chance against it?" he said as henry looked at the various pipes that held steam and the sprinklers "when i attacked it, it reacted violently to the steam, i saw a part of it's body froze, only the ribcage, if we can lure it here, we can freeze the damn thing to solid stone almost... and break it" he said as the others looked confused "question" thomas said raising his hand "how are you even gonna lure it here?" he said as henry only stares. An few minutes later or more have passed, the creature could now be seen killing a group of lost ones, growling in anger when it did'int see lacie anywhere, if he got rid of that safe house's leader than they would have no one to give them orders to meaning he can easily pick them off one by one. the thought made ''nomad'' grin at that but before the creature could go even any further to find the group it was pounced by something, the strange raptor from before was back, it clawed and got off of the creature as ''nomad'' roars out at it, the raptor emitting a shrill back, as it ran at the creature using her speed to her advantage as the creature tries to attack, the raptor snarls and bites, slashes and leaves gashes on the creature as even after she was thrown and slammed to the wall by the creature's tails she still kept on fighting, the strange raptor emits a snarl in pain as she was slashed on the back and began getting clawed at repeatedly by the creature's four arms, when it brought up it's first arm for a final strike the raptor's eyes opened widely as she dodges, going around to the back as she starts digging her death talons on the creature's back as ''nomad'' tries to get her off once again, when the raptor spun around and aimed to bite the neck as she succeeded, the creature struggling, the strange raptor used her claws to keep a tight grip, the creature snarls and slashes her waist with it's claws as the strange raptor snarls out in pain, before it yowls as it was bitten down on the neck as the creature lifted the raptor up with it's mouth, as if strangling the raptor's neck with it's mouth as the strange raptors yowls more and tries fighting back, the raptor growing a bit weaker as the creature grins and lifts up the raptor more, as suddenly a blinding light followed by a screech was heard as the creature snarls and drops the raptor which quickly gave it the chance to charge into the creature, knocking it down and then retreating, running past the projectionst who was the one that did it, the creature groans and glares at the projectionst as norman emits a low click and motions him to come over, as he runs off, the creature snarls as it gives chase. halfway the projectionst loses the creature as ''nomad'' looks around frequently before it's 'ears' perked hearing a gun shot "HEY, YOU! REMEMBER ME?!" henry said as the creature snaps towards his direction and roars, going after him as henry runs and runs going to a hallway with a slight dead corridor, he stops at the end of it and turns around, the creature turning around the corridor and it notices henry stopped, it makes a slight chuckle as it moves slowly stopping when it reached out of the doorway it came from as henry pulled a lever, closing the door that the creature came out of as it chuckles "WeLl.... ThIS iS WheRe yOu'lL mAke yOur FiNAl sTAnd HuH hUmaN?" the creature said as henry just cocks his gun "why don't we finish this.... ya damn asshole" he said as the creature growls, before roaring, and running towards him, tripping over the wires as henry begins shooting at the pipes, destroying them as steam shoots out onto the creature as it snarls from the sudden blow, the more henry shoots at the strange pipes the more the steam comes out as it begins roaring in pain, henry aims and shoots the sprinklers as all of them came on at once as the creature begins feeling more pain as it tries running more towards him, but henry shoots the creature several times, two in the knee, 3 in the ribcage and one in the eye socket as it roars and knelt down, it's two extra arms glued now to the floorboards as it's tail were stuck, the bony wings slowly cracking and breaking as the group emerges from their hiding spot "yeah! we got him!" corr said as alice and boris just glares at the creature, henry walking over as it weakly looks at him, before chuckling. "what's so funny?" henry said grunting as the creature makes a low grin "YoU.... hUmAn..... i..... hAve uNdErStImAtEd yOu.... yOu HaVE beSteD me... .hEH..... To ThInk... i tHoUgHt AlL hUmAns WeRe NAViNe.... yOu... YoUR diFFerEnT... YoU CoNTiUne To aMUSe AnD iMprEsS mE... HeH...." the creature begins coughing as ink dripped from it's eye sockets "tO tHINk..... I WaS dEfeAteD bY a MErE mORtAl.... YOU pLAnNEd tHis... i ShOUlD OF bEeN SmaRter Eh?" he said as corr pouted "hey! don't make us feel sorry for you! why did you do all of this huh? why take away henry's friend and make him go crazy?!" he said as ''nomad'' chuckles, ink dripping from it's wounds "wElL.... i SaID... i nEeDeD a bodY.... AnD i OnLy HavE lImIteD tIme iN tHIS fORM cAuse I don't HAve HEnrY's purE soUl, JusT WiTh His BloOD iN mY KnIFe it WAs enOuGh tO keEp ME iN thIS fORm For... HmM AbOuT I shOudl SaY... *cough* 3 DaYs" he said grumbling weakly as henry glares "why use joey? why anyone but him?" he said as the creature glares "THaT HuMaN... DiD'INT DO hIS paRt OF tHE deAl wElL EnOugh I dECidEd eNoUgH WaS enOuGh aND tOok mAtTErS iNtO mY OwN HAndS" he said growling as henry glares more "so, that's it then huh? your gonna die and this curse will all be over" he said blankly as the creature nods "YEs... yOu HAve BeSteD me One ToO Many tImeS... It sEeMS nOW yOu'lL be ThE one To HAve The FInAL lAuGh... or WiLl yOu?" he said chuckling "BuT nO MaTteR.. joeY wIll be FrEeD aND Un BoUnd TO mE tHE mOmeNT he fEEls thaT I haVE gRoWn wEaK" he said as henry glares some more, pulling out bendy's machete and jabbing it on the creature's shoulder "god damn it tell me where the hell is bendy in your body!? i want him back damn it!" he said as the creature howls with laughter while wheezing and coughing as corr glares, about ready to turn to his lanky form out of anger when boris stops him, shaking his head as corr nodded, "wElL- ThaT's A sHAme HeNRy... YoUR fRieND is-" the creature snarls a bit as henry shot it in the neck "SHUT, UP! that is not true i know he's alive!" he said as the creature chuckles "beLivE wHAt YoU wAnt.... leT me TeLl yOu tHis ThOuGh... YOu maY hAve FoIleD my pLAns For tHis WorLD bUT.... HEaR ThIS... i wIll rEtURn oNe dAy HeNRy... And WhEn i Do... YoU Will BE tHE fiRsT i wILl dRag TO hElL WITh, yOu beTteR Wait fOR ThaT DaY HEnrY.. CausE aLWayS... beWaRe the.... iNk DEMON!" the creature then tries one last attempt to attack henry before a loud shot rang out as henry putted a shell right in the creature's chest the bullet piercing right through it as it roars out in pain, it's body slightly cracking as a hand rose out of the cracking body, it was joey's hand, henry's eyes widen as he grabs the hands and pulls out his former boss, joey panting and breathing as he looked worst for wear "t.....thank....you...." he weakly said as the two flinch from hearing the creature roar out in pain, falling to the ground as it's body was cracking as it slowly turned to a puddle of ink, the others sighed in relief at the creature finally dead, before henry furrowed his brows and his eyes widen he sees a familiar green gloved hand "bendy!" the retired animator said, rushing over "bendy oh than-" he almost gasped, bendy was seen, covered in large wounds, and with a large hole in his chest henry stares in shock "oh....no...." he weakly said as bendy opened his eyes, smiling weakly "h...hey there h...henry... d....did w...we g...get him?" he said, coughing slightly as henry nodded "y...yeah bud.... we did....." he said sniffling as bendy weakly smiled, the ink covering half his face so only his right pie-cut eye was looking at him "w....what's the matter henry? why the long..... oh" he said, lifting his hand up and seeing the large hole in his chest as alice and boris stares in shock, corr slightly shivering as tears already start dripping in his eyes. "oh no... b-bendy?!" the small demon said as henry stares at the hooded demon "h...heh... sorry henry....i... i guess i couldn't be a strong enough demon...." he said coughing as henry shushed him "don't, save your energy bud i'll i'll get some ink! it'll fix you i know it will-" bendy placed a finger weakly on his lips "shh.... don't henry... it's the end of the road for me... w....we have some good times d...did we?" he said as henry nodded, frowning still "y...yeah... why bendy... why did'int ya tell me sooner bud..." he said as the demon had tears dripping down "i..... i did'int want you to h...hate me..." he sigh breathing heavily as henry shook his head "you know i can never hate you bud, you know that don't you?..." he said sniffling as the demon nodded "h...heh..... yeah... i do..... im so tired old man..... im just so... so tired... it's funny" he said weakly smiling with a peaceful look "i thought.... death.... was cold.... but... it's.... warm.... i never thought death could be so... heh... warming...." he said weakly coughing as henry had tears finally dripping from his eyes "don't leave just yet buddy i promised you i let you see the outside! the beautiful blue skies.. the lush green grass, the peaceful nights and oh the ocean... im not breaking my promise to you bendy... jess would of loved to meet you.." he said, sniffling as bendy weakly smiled again as he lifted his hand up, as henry grabbed it with his own hand "listen..... henry?" he said as he nodded "yeah buddy... im still here" he said as bendy sniffled, tears dripping from his eyes "p....promise me.... that you'll take good care of all of them..... would you?" he said weakly sniffling as henry realizes what he meant now by not existing "oh... no dont' do this to me buddy, come on just keep your eyes open for a little while longer we can fix this we can-" bendy weakly coughs "n...no...... im so tired henry... i just.... wanna...... r....rest....... im.... sorry i could'nt.... be the..... demon.... you.... wanted.....dad...." his hand falls from henry's hand as ie laid on the ground his eyes closing as his heartbeat stops, henry stares, shocked as alice then sobs into boris's shoulders, corr whimpering as tears drip down "no...nonononononNO!" henry said grabbing bendy gently by the shoulders and shaking him "COME ON BUDDY! DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES ON ME! PLEASE! PLEASE BUDDY! DON'T!" he said almost about to sob as he finally did, while saying "don't..... leave me......my blessed... son" he said as he sobs, with the others mourning in their own way. meanwhile... back with the corpse of the ink demon that had been impaled, the ink had stop oozing from him as he was still in his reborned form, slowly... his fingers twitched
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About The Characters
((saw @ask-spider-bendy do one of these on their page and i was bored and plus most people don’t know an whole lot about the gang here actually, half the art mainly the first, second and third one belongs to @anawizachu585 the brittany clapping icon belongs to @licoriceblackaliceangel )) Bendy/Mod, Zetocarnious, (Toon Form)
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an very strange yet interesting being indeed, the demon here is named zetocarnious which is bendy’s dead demon name, zeto here was an hellhound demon and rumored to have lived since the beginning of earth making him very very old, how he died and had his soul reverted to an baby hellhound’s soul remains an mystery but why he died is quite simple, he was framed for murdering his father. either way his soul drifted and searched for an new host as it was slowly withering away, one day however it was lured by smelling various unknown materials that were being used in the ink machine, when the soul showed up it merged with whatever it was that was forming into the ink as thus created and turned into the beloved cartoon devil you all see before you, despite the ink chosing henry’s design over joey’s design. bendy here is an cunning and charming demon but despite him not knowing about his own past he doesn’t remember an thing about being zetocarnious only an deep part that is locked deeped inside remembers zeto, after being merged with alpha and having his seventh form back bendy here is regaining some memories he does know that he is a real demon but he still doesn’t know what kind or who he really was. Henry Jefferson Jarvis (Creator Of Bendy)
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the creator of bendy and the head animator in joey drew’s studios and now an retired war veteran henry is a kind and caring people who helps anyone in need. due to his time at war he has changed he’s gained an more calm and not easily startled personality, he misses the toons and his fellow co-workers greatly during his time at war when he got the letter he was thrilled but also curious, during his time at the hellhole of the studio henry here formed an bond stronger than any other with bendy the two overcoming anything, as of now he started working on a warehouse not too far from both the studio and the lodge, usually he and bendy go there to haul or load stuff there, the demon has no clue why they always do this but henry just prefers to keep an secret, there was an time where he became an near perfect version of a bendy and had some time to get used to it, despite the powers he had he was glad to be rid of it as he did’int want to spend the rest of his life as an toon  Alice Allison Angel 
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the third toon made from the ink machine, alice is a little gift sent from above. she was meant to be at first bendy’s rival due to her being an angel and him being an demon but later on she is now the love interest of bendy in the show. even outside the show both of them had a crush on eachother, she loves to make people happy and smile and won’t hesitate to help anyone in need, but she is a tough angel and looks can get someone an stab in the head for that, during the events at the hellhole of the studio allison here was very alarmed and curious to most things but head on strong when it came to fighting she can hold her own very well in a fight against an horde of various ink like creatures. as of now she happily takes care of their daughter brittany who she cherises her and bendy close to her heart, unlike joey’s design, henry’s design has her wearing an blue dress and having hair covering her eye along with wings and red gloves along with a pink bowtie along with red heels, and her halo also shows what emotion she is feeling. Boris The Wolf (Toon Form)
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the second toon made from the ink machine and the best friend and brother of bendy, boris aint one for talking that much and mostly just sits around either playing his clarinet or eating, he is very friendly and kind to those who are kind back and believes there is good in everyone, like bendy he too has a monster form but he only uses it as a last resort, unlike joey’s design, henry’s design here has him wearing an shirt under his overalls and fingerless gloves, along with a tail and boots. Alpha, BeNdY (The Ink Demon)
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the ink demon, the most feared and powerful creature and the mistake of joey drew’s studio, alpha here was once an part of bendy, during an certain extent of time joey seperated the two from their bodies thus bendy became bendy and the other slowly became alpha, when the studio’s curse first fell upon everyone alpha was the first and the most to suffer it all, he was controlled to being joey’s lapdog for a certain amount of time until he finally gained control overhimself but still played the part making joey think he still had full control over him, he was sadistic and cunning and murderous, hellbent of killing henry and bendy, as of now he has an more sassy and grumpy like personality and simply jokes around at times with the others, he unlike bendy is not a lust nor a romantic demon, he is part ghost and asexual after all, besides that he would build an more sibling like relationship with those that are friends to bendy. like the other demon alpha too has the burden of an monster form as well as his true form which he gained when bendy offered him his soul. Sammy Lawrence (Non-corrupted by the ink)
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an false prophet and now an retired musican, sammy here is a big ol grumps and prefers others to let him work in peace, the only people he would talk to were henry, jack, and susie, despite knowing of the other two’s deaths he still retained his own personality just more bitter, he tends to snap an lot when people make fun of him for how he looks with his hair and appearance. he doesn’t give an fuck when people ask him or make fun of him for his height. as of now sammy just prefers not to bothered with everything and just simply does whatever he can around the lodge. Norman Polk (The Projectionist)
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the projectionist, once known as norman polk now turned into an freak of nature, but despite that he is a really nice guy once people get to know him, he was from an african american like family hence his accent, and he has an wise and kind like personality vibe to him despite being the oldest of the group (in his early 60′s) he has moments of going ‘feral’ in the studio but they were shortlived, as of now he has better control overhimself and tends to speak an lot more than before, he helps out around the lodge by acting like an sort of guard patrolling the lodge at night. his screeches scare off tresspassers, he enjoys doing this during halloween as tons of people and kids come to the lodge thanks to henry. Brittany The Angelic Demon (toon form)
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the daughter of bendy and alice, brittany here is a little princess and a gift to the two, she enjoys making people happy and smile and will feel bad seeing those who are upset, she like alice won’t hesitate to help those in need despite her size and age she sometimes acts more childish than bendy. she is very go-lucky and cheerful and whenever people see her they can’t help but smile at her. Susan The Toon Tyrannosaurus Rex (Toon Form)
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the only surviving toon like dinosaur besides the snake raptors, susan here was made during an crossover like special between jurassic park and bendy in the show, she along with two other larger trexes were meant to break out and cause chaos around sillyvision town (name of the village the toons lived in during the show) when brought to life during henry’s absence from the studio susan relied on her parents for help and survival, when they fell to the hands of her enemies the ink snake raptors she mourned their deaths for hours. she is usually very quiet and very timid only making herself known when hungry, or being playful or wanting to take an walk, she protected bendy and the others an few times during their time at the studio, she like boris and bendy also has an monster form but she hasn’t gotten full control over it yet.
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Unstablizing [Short Story]
ever since brittany had come back, bendy had been doing much better, but for some reason his recovery wasnt, his body was getting much better but it seems he has been having more and more episodes a lot lately, during his last one he wasted so much energy he passed out, when he awoke he decieed to stay outside in the snow, the others were trying to debate on what’s going on with him “maybe he’s trying to transform into his other forms again but he’s not aware of it?” sammy said as norman sighed “no ya *zzpt* dinus, he’s probbally going rouge, maybe turn out like alpha was” he said as the former ink demon snarls “FuCk yOu ToO” he said as alice sighs “maybe he’s just trying to turn back to his toon form?” she said as boris whimpers “while trying to murder one of us or another human being? i don’t think so” he said as the butcher gang supsected that it must have something to do with the night terrors he have “im pretty sure he hasnt had a night terror in over almost a year” joey said as he sighed and they all look at henry, who’s been quiet throughout the whole thing “come on henry, you know him better than everyone else, what do you think the problem is?” they all said as henry stares, before he rubs his forehead. henry honestly doesn’t have a clue but he does have a guess “he’s melting....” he said as the others stared “...what?” boris said as henry sighs “i fear that the fight with that murderer did more than break his body, it destroyed a serious part in his healing factor, and of course created this new form, the episodes are him trying to heal himself but he cant, resulting in a few minutes or half a hour meltdown that causes him to drip and ooze ink rapidly, almost losing a few chunks of it, he needs something to make his form stable” he said as the others looked at eachother “than what’s gonna make his form stable enough for his recovery to take more affect?” joey said as jess came in “he needs a bowtie, and not just any bowtie that his friends gave him, he needs his own bowtie back......” she said as the others looked more downfull “that’s the problem.... his bowtie has melted into his ink, and if were to get it out, it would be too melted and ripped to fix back up, that was a one of the kind bowtie i had made when he was brought outta the ink machine, how are we gonna give him something that won’t-” henry suddenly spoke up “it’s not in him, he found a way to get it outta him somehow, he handed it to one of his friends and been waiting for them to come back with it ever since” he said as the others just look around “... so... what do we do?” boris said as henry sighs “... for now... we wait i guess... or we try to find something to help ease his meltdowns” he said as meanwhile back outside, the larger, armored goopy demon, looks up in the sky as he sighs, emiting a pained wheeze like gurgle, his horns drooping as his tail shifts lightly. he needed his own bowtie back soon or else he might melt himself to death the next time he has a outburst.
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ITotP Short- Melted Beasts And Demons
A.N: Soooo seems like i've been pretty busy with stuff, im glad i had the time though to try and finish one of these shorts after i did the comic, also rip shawn cause of mercy killing oof- either way i think my writing style has improved a bit, what do you all think hm?  corr as always belongs to @core4lost also now i only have two shorts left to do i feel pretty happy to almost be done with these as i can work more on chapter 5 ---------- It was possibly early in the morning now in the abandoned Joey Drew's Studios As deep down in the inky abyss in a almost safe house like area way down in the studios, the retired animator named Henry yawned as he stretches a bit, he had just woken up from his recovery after that long and exhausting battle he had with the ink demon a day ago, he wondered if that attack killed the ink demon, he shouldn't get his hopes up, he sighed as he looked over at bendy and corr who were sleeping next to him as he softly smiled and rubbed in between bendy's horns as the hooded demon emitted a soft purr like sound and snuggled closer to his creator as he smirked a bit and rolled his eyes, he looked at the mirror as he could still feel the pain he had gotten from the ink demon, the two pierces in his body, the torn up face which was healed up now thanks to the ink in his toon form, but there was the idea of THAT raged like state he was in when he saw the ink demon was going to use the knife, he didin't know what came over him one moment he was a human then the next he was a 'toon' and NOW during that fight he became... something else, the retired animator sighed as he rubbed his head still feeling the bandages as he makes a scoff and gently got up not wanting to wake up both bendy and corr, he heads to the bathroom and begins unwrapping his bandage checking his head concussion, it reopened thanks to that fight he had with the ink demon as he sighed "should of known..." he said to himself as he rewrapped it with a new bandage, he doesn't want to risk getting more infected now thanks to the ink's curse, he makes a pondering thought as he wondered what else he could do in that toon like form.  Meanwhile The Ink Demon was trying to get used to his new body as he moved around using his new glowing 'eye' socket he got from the now decreased grant, he flexed his claws a bit as he grumbled and cracked his neck still feeling the bones aching but not sooo much "wEll tHaT's oNe GoOD tHing this nEw BodY haS..." he said as he now doesn't have to feel his bones aching and cracking so much as he stretched his back a bit his spine emitting a pop! sound as he grumbled rubbing where his wound on his head was "GoTtA aDmiT, ThAt oLD maN SUrE paCkeD a PuNCh" the ink demon said to himself as he grunted "bUt I'll GeT bAcK aT hIm, I alWaYS dO" he said as he makes a grunt like grumble as he sniffs in the air his glowing eye widening slightly as he snarls "ThAt ThiNg AgaIn?! I thOugHt I mAdE suRe To HaVe It STaY dEaD foR 2 dAys.. UrGH bLAstEd JoEy" he said as he growled, looks like he will have to again 'save' the old man and demon from that thing, he couldn't afford having that creature stop his plans, but still he needs to wait, his plan is working, not in the way he planned it to be but it was slowly working, he will just have to bide his time and stall it a bit more, he has to make sure that creature will stop interrupting his plans as he growled. Henry got back to his room to find bendy awake but not corr, he smiled tiredly at henry and waved "hey there bud, you okay?" the retired animator asked him as bendy nodded "i still feel my back burning... but it doesn't hurt as much anymore" he said as henry nodded "good, im glad" he said as he makes a low thoughtful sound "Wanna see if there's anything to do?" Henry said as the toon nodded making a yawn as he got up tucking corr in as the small demon slept soundly with a small smile as bendy smiled a bit "sleep tight little bro, ya need it..." he said as he went out the room with henry, they two bumped into lacie who was gathering stuff for shawn's condination as the infected toy maker's situation was getting worst every day "henry, I know you just woke up and all but shawn is getting worst by the minute, we need to get him some medications but we're almost out" she said as henry nodded "tell me and bendy where to go we can get it" he said as the toon nodded he didn't want anyone else to die by his or anyone else's hands. lacie gave the two a small map and told them where to go, the two headed out as they pulled out their weapons for safe keepings "you know you can transform right?" henry said as the toon nodded "yeah... i just don't want too.... i... i don't like turning into those forms.... even THAT one" the toon said talking about his unstable form as henry makes a sympathetic look and patted his shoulder "bendy you've been getting more and more control ever since you've been using it longer, but if that's how you feel then i won't pester you about it" he said as the toon smiled "thanks..." he said as henry smiled back "no problem bud, now come on, let's hurry and find that medication for Shawn" Henry said as the toon nodded and headed on more, as they walked they began to feel a familar feeling that they were being watched, "a bit too early to already feeling paranoid..." henry said as the toon nodded as he clutched his revolver closer to him as they walked on, unaware to them an familiar beast was watching them, the same creature that attacked them before and attacked them when it was in it's second form, thanks to joey's magic and it's own demonic powers it was able to be revived before the 2 days were up and it already became an new form, this was now it's third form and despite it not having anymore legs and just a melted malformed dragonoid like beast it was still powerful it will have to wait before ambushing henry and the toon by said spot as it lumbered off elsewhere.  Henry and bendy soon found the room they need to be but there was bad news, an old face was there "oh great... him again" henry said as the ink demon lumbered around trying to look for something, both the retired animator and toon hid as the ink demon walked out the room making an groan like sound as his glowing eye dimmed as it looks around snarling in annoyance a few times before walking off while opening up a ink portal and going into it. bendy and Henry wasted no time in rushing to the room and slamming it shut until they need to go out, they start to search cabinets, shelves, and even dressers but couldn't find the medication that Lacie was talking about, bendy noticed a safe "hey Henry!" he said as Henry looked over to see the toon shot off the lock with the revolver "was that really worth it?" he said as the toon gave a sly smirk "what?~ I'm a demon at heart causing a bit of trouble is in my blood hen!" he said as the retired animator makes a chuckle "alright alright see what's in there" he said as bendy looked through the safe finding again another orb as it floated around Henry as the retired animator makes a pondering look as the orb went into his 'tie' as it started glowing a dim blue, he makes a shrug and saw bendy pulling out a strange bottle that said "temporary Vaccine For Ink Corruption, Made By Joey Drew" he read It outloud "guess joey made something for himself if he ever did get a infection from the ink like that... anywho it's close enough! but we only have enough in this bottle for one person and that has to be Shawn" he said as Henry nodded "right, come on then bud, let's get going" he said as the two headed out the room unaware of the danger there about to face. the two marched on still feeling a bit wary of everything like something will jump out at them in the last moment but nothing had come out at them, it was strange, yet a bit wondering, where searchers and other ink based creatures still sleeping? henry shivered at the thought of some of those creatures act like reptiles as the two kept walking, meanwhile back in the safehouse shawn was coughing and wheezing as ink slowly starts to drip from his head as everyone was waiting for henry and bendy to come back, corr was hiding behind the couch as he peeks over making a whimper like sound as he wondered where the two were, shawn started hacking as his hands start to become inkifed as his mouth became almost crooked as he stumbles before falling down having a seziure as lacie and norman tried to stop him from letting the ink take over "fight it shawn come on! it's what grant would of wanted!" lacie said as the projectionst makes a concern screech and held down shawn with ease as his robotic hand was stronger than his other more inky but real hand. boris looked at the clock as allison makes a sigh "oh where are they....." the angel said as the wolf whimpered a bit "who knows...." he said sadly as they kept waiting. with the ink demon he was having not a grand old time trying to find this creature "EitHEr Im gOinG lITteRaLLy bLinD, oR He'S goTtEn bEtTEr AT hIding His auRa FrOm M E" the ink demon said snarling and roaring a bit as he punches the wall grunting as he felt the studio started to have a mini earthquake from that as bendy and henry stumbled a bit feeling the vibration as the two look around quickly as the creature took that as a time to ambush as it emerged right in front of the two roaring and swatting away henry and slamming bendy to the wall "GAK! HENRY!!" the toon cried out as he had dropped his revolver, henry got up and glared "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM!!" he said as the creature looks and laughs lifting up the toon and slamming him repeatedly on the wall as the toon had enough and transformed straight into his berserker form as he roared and lunged slashing and punching the creature as he makes a snarl and went all out on the berserk demon as henry watched slowly getting the realization that this was the same creature they saw before and after, it seems to have gotten stronger though, a lot stronger as the demon makes a painful snarl as his arm was leg was ripped off as he makes a groan as he hovered in the air before being grabbed tightly as he snarls out in pain. Henry glaring and pulling out his weapon and started firing away the bullets barley making the creature flinch as it growled as bendy struggles to get himself free as he makes various clicking nosies in a cry for help as the ink demon's horns twitched hearing the clicking noises in the ink as he makes a alerted snarl and starts to follow it.  back in the safehouse corr's horns perked a bit also hearing the clicking noises as he looks around making sure he wasn't being watched as he slowly makes his way out the safe house before running as fast as he could as he hears the clicking noises getting louder and louder as he turns the corner before his pie-cut eyes widen he saw henry and bendy were very hurt by this awful creature as it makes a howl of laughter as it squeezed the demon tighter as he then huffs and throws the berserk demon through a weak wall as the berserker demon fell through the wall as he makes a echoing roar as henry's eyes widen "BENDY!, N O!!!!" he said as the retired animator instantly turns into his toon form as he tries to get to bendy who was still falling as he was again swatted by the creature as he growls as his arms to axes as he makes a glare "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR DOING THAT TO HIM! DO YOU HEAR ME?! P A Y!" he said as the creature howled with laughter as Henry ran at the creature in pure anger as corr hid in fear from seeing Henry angry and seeing bendy being thrown away. the wounded berserk demon makes a low growl as he wakes up slowly as he looks around inspecting himself as he saw how wounded he was, he had multiple gashes around his body his shirt almost ripped off completely, his jeans were more torn and ripped as he saw his arm, legs and part of his tail were ripped and destroyed as he inspects his face he had a axe head stuck into the eye socket as he growls and notices he was impaled on a sharp spear like pipe as he emits a low grunt and first got the axe head out emitting a loud snarl as he worked on yanking the spear out of his ribcage he did this several times before finally yanking it out as he roars in pain and uses his good arm to held his side as it was oozing ink he had to fix himself, and fast as he starts to crawl looking around his surroundings as he seem to be in some sort of junkyard like area as he makes a low grunt as he looks at the litter bodies of failed corpses of clones, ink and other sort of objects and creatures, the wounded demon found himself a arm, a boris arm as he stares at the clawed bandaged arm and hand as he snorts and picked it up putting it on where his right arm would be as he slowly adapts to the new limb as he searches around for a leg as he found a failed bendy leg as he snorts and uses it to replace the one he lost, he found his foot was the only thing destroyed from his good leg as he grunts and finds a shoed foot as he grunts and wipes off the ink from it seeing that it was a brown ripped tap shoe just his size as he inserted the new foot into the one where he lost his foot as he stands up struggling to stay balance as he eventually did as he looks around seeing his severe his body was as he saw his wings and spines were gone the impact of the fall and the damage.  he Took must of made them ripped apart he did'int care he needed to save Henry and the others he had too he found a belt shoulder and putted it on him as he growled and looked around before noticing a old lost one just sitting in the corner it had a eye just for him as the berserk demon limped his way over as he grabs the lost one as it weakly struggled with him as he pulls out the eye and stumbled about before placing it inside the empty socket as he then starts to snarl out as he stumbles his seals slightly glowing as he almost forgot about them as he roars out in pain as he starts to transform again not to his unstable form but to what he gathered from the limbs he starts to gain a new form his height increasing to about 13 feet tall as he snarls his trademark smile was replaced with a fanged grin for good as he grunts and looks around seeing his changes as he tilts his head, his horns perked when he hears the sounds of a fight happening above as he glares no time for him to get used to this new form he had to save Henry and the others before it was too late for them. Henry gets slammed right back to the ground as he got back up holding his arm as the toon turned animator was already getting tired despite even using his own monstrous version he still was getting overpowered by that creature it seems almost nothing would stop it, just then as the creature was going to grab henry and finish him off a loud snarl was heard as something cutted off the creature's arm as it makes a loud roar as henry was picked up and placed back onto the ground as the now retired animator looked up to see "bendy?!?!?!" he said as the frankenstein like demon nods slowly as he turns around growling lowly at the creature who stared in shock that the demon was still alive, none the less it growled and tried convincing bendy to join him as he sees how different the demon was now when suddenly the demon roars in anger shouting at him "N O! ! ! ! !" he said as he attacks the creature as the creature roars in surprise as it was quickly getting overpowered as both corr and henry watched in wonder as how adapted bendy seem to be in that new form already as the creature snarls in pain and agony from each blow but eventually the creature overpowers the demon as he growls and as the fight went on he had to use up all his energy as he reverted back to his toon form panting as all three looked up to see the creature glaring down at them with a low growl.  as the creature raises it’s claws to finish them off when suddenly a piercing pain rang out through the creature as it roars loudly as it looks to see that it's chest has been impaled it looked behind to see alpha who was also melted but also very big as he grinned and laughed madly as he drags the creature into the inky river it claws at the ground begging for their help as the three only stared as the creature snarls and gets dragged off into the inky river as they all watched. henry looked at bendy who was tired and then looked at corr who hugged bendy "i though you died!" he said as the toon grinned weakly and patted corr's head "hey now, it'll take more than that thing to keep me down, im a tough ol demon" he said as he struggled with getting up a bit as the three started to head their way back, along the way henry stopped as he felt something was up "hold on......" his eyes widen "GET DOWN!!" the three ducked as something lurched above them and misses as it fell to the floor, henry was the first to see it as his eyes widen "oh god no....." corr looked up and gasped as he covers his mouth, bendy stares in shock "s....shawn.... oh god why..." he said as the malformed now inky shawn who was a melted bendy with a crooked smile as the malformed melted bendy makes a low gurgle like roar and lunges as corr dodges and henry drops his axe as he was pinned to the ground as he struggles "c-come on shawn! fight it please! please!" he said as the malformed melted bendy makes a loud roar as it kept trying to get at henry as he struggles as suddenly the malformed melted bendy lets out a snarl in pain as it was hitted by the axe as it fell to it's side as bendy kept smashing the malformed shawn with the axe ignoring the cries of pain the malformed shawn was giving as bendy held back his tears as he kept hitting and hitting until he felt henry grab a hold of him "calm down bud! calm down it's over!" he said as bendy shakes and drops the axe before sobbing and hugging henry as henry comforted him "shhhh... it's okay... it's alright" he said as he stares at the corpse now of shawn in pity "he needs proper burial.." he said as the toon nodded as corr came out of hiding helding back tears as they stared at the dead body of the malformed melted bendy that was shawn as henry picked him up gently and began walking. when they made it back to the safehouse they saw that they already knew, there was nothing to say as they watched henry dig up a grave and placed shawn into it "im sorry this happened to you shawn... you did'int deserve this..." he said as he sighs and closed the grave as they stood in silence bendy was the one that was quiet the most he seemed to be thinking as he walks off, corr was about to go to him but he gets stopped by henry "no corr... he needs time to think" he said as the small demon nods a bit sad now but he understands that the demon needs his space. bendy sat in his room just staring of looking at himself in the mirror as he closed his eyes as all he could see was the begging face of the malformed shawn crying for help as the demon letted his tears shed "...god..... why....just why..." he said as he burries his face in his knees as he tries going to sleep.
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((*I have a concern...-Cherry hissed out in a soft tone of both worry and confusion-
it’s been a few hours since prowler had realized what had happened, the others stayed in the room, alice had her arm bandaged up, her sword drenched in some kinda of weird liquid like blood, boris was trying his best not to panic, norman was just on a verge of panic with various clicks, as the former prophet was rubbing his temples, henry was checking the unconscious child, brittany had mutiple wounds on her body, her horns were broken, her clothing was tatterned, and they was a long gash wound on her side, her body looked broken and it was even impossible for her to even be alive at this point but she was still alive, prowler emits a low whine along with a angered growl as he clenches his fists some more he snarls out to alice, as if demanding her what had happened as she looks down in shame, one for not being there in time to defend her daughter, and two for being afraid, but she tried explaining it the best she could to the other, but that didint help the demon snarls as he grabbed his head, stumbling as the ink slightly ooze more from his body, the old scars that were on his arms closed up, turning into sort of armor like plating around his body, along with his torso, chest, waist and legs, his featherly and literal fused spines became more sharper as he growls more. forming wings on his back, they werent as adapted as his unstable form’s wings were but they were still different. the demon growls. before storming out, slamming the door shut as henry flinches from hearing him roar out in anger. alpha seems to be in his own thoughts pacing around as if thinking, his horns still droop as his glowing eye was dimmed down slightly he looked at brittany’s broken body and he feared the worst, he looked at his hands and clenched them slightly he seems to show…. guilt and regret in his expression[[not in the mood to roleplay right now but still thanks for the ask!]]
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Fixed Tag dump!
thank you @one-eyed-twin for being the first one to make an tag for my bendy son
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eh- im in a mood 
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