#The Carmilla Book of Flirt IX
canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt IX An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
Laura: [happy, excited, worried all at once, after reviving Carmilla with theblood from the soy milk container that Betty had not thrown out] “Are you hurt? It looks like maybe you’re hurt? And I’m sorry I hugged you so hard that you’re hurt, it’s just that-- that-- you were dead and now you’re not and--”
Carmilla: [gets up from the bed, stands really very close to Laura] Laura: [still soliloquing] “--and I know that you’re probably going--” [she realizes how very close Carmilla is, needs a breath] “--through a lot of stuff with your mom, it’s just that--” Carmilla: [can’t stop looking at Laura’s lips, whishing they’d stop moving and talking; so she kisses them] Laura: “--and I know that you didn’t do everything for me, but I just--” Carmilla: [Uh no, not that song again, stop talking and kiss me; she kisses Laura again] Laura: [smiles, gasps/yelps in the uttermost adorable manner] Carmilla: [smiles; kisses Laura again, she can’t stop kissing Laura, kissing Laura feels so good] Laura: [looks at Carmilla who’s smiling, she’s smiling too, she’s happy, kissing Carmilla feels so good, she can’t stop kissing Carmilla; she kisses Carmilla, a sweet, passionate, long kiss] [they stop, and gaze at each other] Laura: “So you’re a giant black cat, uh?”
-- in Life Goes On [S01E36]
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