#An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt VI                  An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
Laura: “You can stop pretending being all callous and indifferent; they saw you save me.” Carmilla: “I was just saving myself from the spores.” Laura: “Sure you were!”
-- in Basic Parasitology [S01E25]
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Now, “virgin sacrifice” and corset and leather look good on them, eh? The date that might have been. They more than made up for it afterwards, but it’s still a shame it didn’t happen. Because in spite of the vampiric threat, Laura can’t help her attraction. Look. At. How. They. Look. At. Each. Other. Sexual tension’s out the roof!
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt IV                  An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
“Partners were face to face, chest to chest, all of that mmm… whirling. In 1698, it might as well have been sex.”
--Carmilla in Blame Enough For All [S01E28], and watching her and Laura waltz in 2017 (or is it even 2017? Have they time-traveled?), it still is sex.
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt XVI An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping: Seducing Your Ex
Carmilla: “Do you miss me?” Laura: “Like someone cut a hole in me.”
--in Compulsory Violence [S02E22]
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt IX An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
Laura: [happy, excited, worried all at once, after reviving Carmilla with theblood from the soy milk container that Betty had not thrown out] “Are you hurt? It looks like maybe you’re hurt? And I’m sorry I hugged you so hard that you’re hurt, it’s just that-- that-- you were dead and now you’re not and--”
Carmilla: [gets up from the bed, stands really very close to Laura] Laura: [still soliloquing] “--and I know that you’re probably going--” [she realizes how very close Carmilla is, needs a breath] “--through a lot of stuff with your mom, it’s just that--” Carmilla: [can’t stop looking at Laura’s lips, whishing they’d stop moving and talking; so she kisses them] Laura: “--and I know that you didn’t do everything for me, but I just--” Carmilla: [Uh no, not that song again, stop talking and kiss me; she kisses Laura again] Laura: [smiles, gasps/yelps in the uttermost adorable manner] Carmilla: [smiles; kisses Laura again, she can’t stop kissing Laura, kissing Laura feels so good] Laura: [looks at Carmilla who’s smiling, she’s smiling too, she’s happy, kissing Carmilla feels so good, she can’t stop kissing Carmilla; she kisses Carmilla, a sweet, passionate, long kiss] [they stop, and gaze at each other] Laura: “So you’re a giant black cat, uh?”
-- in Life Goes On [S01E36]
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt XIII An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
Laura: [sheepishly] “Hey.” Carmilla: [aloof] “Hey.” Laura: “I’ve been thinking a bout what you said.” Carmilla: [shaking her head] “This isn’t somthing we have to talk about.” Laura: “I think maybe it is. ‘Cause, do I think what you did was brave and amazing? Of course, I do. But is it my reason for liking you? [pause] Whatever you were before, you were changing before you even met me. [we’ll take that as a ‘not really, no.’] Not helping your mother, trying to save Ell, not killing us when we had you tied-up for like, a week...” Carmilla: [melting] “Nine days.” [she’s not going to forget about that one!] Laura: [chuckles adorably] And you’re here, researching, making jokes in the face of the ominous ‘something’s coming’ threats!” Carmilla: [melted, seductively] “Well, how could you not fall for me then?” Laura: [sweetly flustered] “I’m pretty sure I was falling for you right from that stupid Zeta party.” Carmilla: “You mean the one where you ambushed me, *and* accused me of kidnapping?” [Yeah, just bring it up again, Sundance!] Laura: [chuckles again, always adorably] “I was...you know...terrified that you were planning to eat me. But, I am a little disappointed that we never got our chance to star-gaze and drink Champagne.” Carmilla: [touched] “Really? Because, if memory serves me correctly, there is a pretty impressive solarium on the roof of this building.” Laura: [very tempted] “And maybe something bubbly in that enormous wine cellar downstairs.” Carmilla: [also very tempted] “Mmmmm. I’m sure the... visiting professors had impeccable taste.” [Speaking of impeccable taste, these two lean into each other and kiss sweetly, passionately, twice. Laura stands up, taking her cardigan off, and leans to whisper in Carmilla’s ear] Laura: [whispering teasingly] “Race you!” [she dashes away, chuckling adorably] [Carmilla, amused, raises an eyebrow; a caption appears on a black screen reading: “Yeah... Carmilla won that race”]
--in Someting Wicked [S02E05]
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt X An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
Laura: [to the gentle viewers, vlogging from ‘swish new digs’ at Silas University] “Bet you’re surpised to find us here after the whole... fleeing thing.” Carmilla: “Or at least surprised to see you making a new video instead of snuggling up with your nice, warm--” [interrupts herself, to interest Laura in what she’s missing out, and kisses her sweetly, intensely and LOOK AT WHERE HER HAND IS!!!] Laura: [is clearly, clearly enjoying this, then remembers the webcam is always fucking on] “Mmmmm... Uhhhhh, wow there, Lady killer! Recording the PG-13 version of our happy ending here.” [Really Laura, really?!!] Carmilla: [NOT REMOVING HER HAND YET] “PG-13, how incredibly dull!” 
--in Brave New World [S02E01]
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt VIII               An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
Laura: [impressed and obviously touched, when Carmilla says she’ll get that goddamn sword at the bottom of the Ocean or whatever] “That would be... I mean you’d be risking your life, and if your mother found out, she would--” Carmilla: “Yeah, well. My mother fed the only person I cared about to a monster. And maybe I don’t feel like letting it happen again.”  [that surprised look of hers, dreading for a second she might have said too much] Laura: [liking what she heard very much]  “Wow, that’s... [sighs sweetly] I mean, I know that you’re not just doing it for me, but seriously--” [here we go!] Carmilla: [already tired of this heroic vampire crap notion, the first time Laura mentions it] “Don’t be an idiot! Of course, I’m doing it for you.”  [she stands up as she says so, was she going to kiss Laura. She totally was going to kiss Laura, until *spoilers* Mother possessed her. Can’t two enamored girls make out before saving the world!]
--in Of Hearts and Holy Hand Grenades [S01E31]
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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Stupid Sexy Vampire: The Carmilla Book of Flirt XI An Illustrated Addendum of Vampiric Vamping
Laura: [as Carmilla is gazing at her with literal stars in her eyes, smiling] “What?!”
Carmilla: [teasing] “So, I’m heroic, huh?”
Laura: [teasing back] “When you’re not threatening to vivisect graduate students!”
Carmilla: [suggestively]  “Well, you’d think if I was some noble warrior goddess that I’d be entitled to a little more admiration from my wide-eyed maiden fair...”
Laura: [admirative alright, the giddiest of giddies, chuckling adorably] “You are un-believable!”
Carmilla: “I guess I should just be happy you haven’t found a brand new crusade to be on!” [Come on Carm, how many centuries-old are ya already? Do not speak of the devil-- the Dean-- your mom! Don’t bring up your mom when you’re hoping to get into a girl’s pants!]
Laura: “We’ve been here for like, an hour. What kind of trouble do you think I could possibly get into?”  [Laura, not you too!]
Carmilla: [very suggestively] “Oh, I have all kinds of thoughts about that...”
LaFontaine: [walking in, turning up out of the blue, uninvited] “Hey guys, so the library’s a no-go, nobody’s been able to get in for days... Uhh, Perr’s gone to see if anybody at the student paper knows what’s going on, which means that I get a break from the ‘What pronouns do we use if’ interrogation. [realizing they interrupted a moment] Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything!”
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