#Carmilla S1
the-artificem · 1 month
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carmilla content in 2024?? More likely than you think
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savvy-devine666 · 8 months
When Carmilla sings the line "I'll keep you safe* during Whatever It Takes, she looks at Zestiel
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vaggieslefteye · 5 months
RESPECTLESS ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x03 - "Scrambled Eggs"
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also, about carmillas control of her vampirism, while it's hot to think about, i dont think fangs actually come out during sex. like in the s3 scenes where shes actually still a vampire that we dont get to see but i dont think that happens
based on my inferences that the losing control of the vampirism happens mostly bc of anger/threat and it basically never happens atlaura and i think one of her worst fears is hurting laura, i think during sex is the least likely time for any loss of control like that
+ theres the fact that laura is the bitey one during sex, even with human teeth
#which i love#i have many thoughts but none of them are cohering enough yet to be useful#i say as if i ever intentionally use any thoughts during writing it's always just vibes#always use my subconscious thougths alone#i think if laura turns she would actually maybe be bitey during sex#smth abt control and both of them idk i havent figured it out yet#but what i was saying abt laura letting go of (narrative) control when it comes to carmilla right?#and for carmilla hunger = loss of control#and loss of control = hurting people/being someone she doesnt want to be maybe#but with how laura in loving carmilla gives up her control i think she might get bitey#in iwtv vampires can drink other vampire blood but i always felt like they couldnt do that#idk what story i mightve gotten that idea from but i always feel like. human blood is good. animal blood is gross maybe. vampire blood isba#like thats recycled blood#i think it'd be bad for them#thats mostly irrelevant though i can do whatever i want#and if i make carmilla turn her then they can definitely drink each other's blood#but carmilla is always kind of a loss of control for laura right? since the beginning. loss of narrative control in s1#loss of physical control in s3#kind of both and more in s2#carmilla messes up the story: 'there was just one little snag with that plan.........carm and i fell in love :)'#my point is it makes all the sense that she would vamp out during sex#while carmilla. carmillas job for 3 centuries was to play a pretty girl Who Is Definitely Not Gonna Eat You#keeping control is kind of crucial to that whole thing#carmillaposting
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carmillacatstein · 7 months
elected to watch carmilla yet again and god i still have to pause 3 times per episode to be able to digest the awkwardness
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bones4thecats · 7 months
OL! S/O Defends Angel from Valentino
Type of Writing: Random Idea Characters: Valentino, Vox, Carmilla Carmine, and Alastor Name: OL! S/O Defends Angel from Valentino Idea-Gifter: Random Thoughts
A/N: I'm sure you you can tell that Alastor is one of my favorites because of how long his part is in comparison to the rest. That and I love torturing Valentino, he needs something to scare him straight. I vote in Season 2, Niffty or Alastor scares the shit outta him again
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of SA, and Death ⚠️ Spoilers for: S1 ⚠️
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Bat-Demon! Reader ; Little Brown Bat
❣️ You had been in business with your boyfriend for quite a while, and you understood barely anything of how he treated his workers
❣️ Specifically, how he treated Angel Dust
❣️ Angel and you had gone back to the years when you were alive, working together within his family's mafia. Though, the he went by the name Anthony instead of the drug-induced one
❣️ And while you were used to his very flirty and shameless personality, you could read people like a book. You were so good at reading people, that even Alastor noticed you and would praise you on your abilities
❣️ So, when you noticed Angel walking out of his dressing room after Valentino with his eyes blasted open and a small amount of blood on his arm, you began to question your boyfriend
❣️ And in retaliation to letting it sit, you waited until the rest of his employees had either retired for the night or had left the studio
❣️ Grabbing your pen and a piece of paper before writing a note and teleporting it to your friend Rosie that you wouldn't be able to join her and Alastor for tea that night due to some last minute changes, you readied yourself
❣️ You had noticed that Angel and Valentino had walked into his room earlier that afternoon and hadn't come out for around an hour
❣️ Because of your earlier suspicions, you mentally prepared yourself for any kind of sight. But to amount of time to prepare could help fix what you had seen
❣️ Kicking open the door when it wouldn't open, you eyes shot open in shock as Valentino laid upon Angel, torturing the poor spider-sinner to pieces with his touches
❣️ Your pupils dilated, covering your entire eyes as your wings flared up in anger while you hissed with your teeth bared. It was at that moment you realized you had pulled and knocked Valentino down and stood in front of Angel Dust, defending him
❣️ Protecting him
❣️ Valentino stood up in anger, yelling at you for what you had done. But once he saw just how mad you were, he froze in fear. It was at that moment he remembered, he was no longer the top dog here. You were
❣️ Bats are known to tear apart and feast on moths such as himself, and while he never has seen your full demon form, he now regretted ever looking at you. You were truly horrifying, much like your friend the Radio Demon
" If you ever, ever, dare to touch Angel Dust in such a way; I will tear your soul apart and allow Alastor to blare your screams across Hell for all to hear. I'm sure he'd be fine with it... he was with the last three who disobeyed my warnings. "
❣️ Your boyfriend tensed as you stepped closer and pulled him down by his wings to look into your eyes;
" Am I clear, Valentino? " " Y-Yes, ma'am. " " Good. Now get the fuck out. And to make sure you truly understand my warning, I want you to get rid of Angel's contract. Whether you like it or not. " " But I can't just- " " Must I repeat my last warning? " " No. "
❣️ With that word, Valentino pulled out Angel's contract, the pink chain wrapping around the spider-demon's neck then starting to fade away as the contract faded into nothingness, like it always should've been
" Good boy. And by the way, we're done. I am not going to ally myself with someone as heinous as you. And that's coming from someone who is friends with the Radio Demon. "
❣️ Valentino, now your ex-boyfriend, glared at the ground as your demon-form cooled away as you teleported Angel's things and yours before leaving in a cab to the Hazbin Hotel
" That son of a bitch will know his place. And that little whore will also observe how I'll teach them to obey me. One way or another, I will get my hands on them... no matter the cost... "
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Technology-Demon! Reader ; Cyber-security
📺 All Vox has heard for days was about how much of a 'little bitch' his spouse was, and how Valentino wished he had murdered the Overlord long before they gained the rank
📺 To say the technology-demon was upset about the claim was an understatement, rather, he was beyond pissed that the moth-Overlord had the audacity to say those things about his S/O to his face
📺 He had been gone for a few meetings for a couple days, and when he arrived again only to find his room bare of anything related to you got him worried; what had he done?
📺 Grabbing his phone, he dialed your number, already preparing his questions for you.
" Hello? " " Y/N! Where in the name of everything unholy are you?! I come home from two days of work only to find all of your stuff gone from our room?! What did I do wrong? "
📺 He could hear another voice in the background, and he could also hear you using your powers to create something and his mind began to run at 400+ miles an hour
" Who is that? " " It's Angel Dust, y'know the guy who works for Valentino. Or rather, worked for Valentino. "
📺 Okay, now you've officially lost him. How would Angel even manage to quit working for the moth-demon, all the Vees knew that Angel Dust had been sighed under contract for Val to own his soul, how would he get it back?
📺 Vox quickly connected the dots; you were a cyber-security demon. And you were also an Overlord. It was in your blood to protect those that you held dear, whether it be information or another being, you always guarded it
📺 So, it would make sense for you to see danger in how Valentino treated Angel Dust, so, you would've stepped in to defend him, resulting in a meltdown from the Overlord, causing you to leave with your friend
" Where are you guys? " " I can't say, Vox. But, I can meet you sometime soon. Just, not right now. Not while Valentino is still ripe from our discussion. "
📺 Now, to say he was getting annoyed was a hint of a overstatement, he could understand why you didn't want him to know. You understood how he thought better than anyone, you knew that somehow he blabber about where you and the sinner were, resulting in Valentino attempting to kill you both
📺 Vox sighed and gripped his VoxTek phone tightly, making a small crack noise echo from it and through his sound-grabbers he used for ears on his TV-head
" Understood. But, how about tomorrow? Or next week? Whatever works, dear. " " We can try after tomorrow, I want to help Angel settle. " " That's fine. But- please be safe. " " When am I not? " " Just!- Just stay safe, damn it. "
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Dancer-Demon! Reader ; Contemporary Dancing
🩰 She was surprised when you had come home with the spider demon she learned was named Angel Dust one night
🩰 You had small cuts on your legs while Angel had many different injuries on him, and when she noticed how you were trying to keep the sinner alive, she ordered for her followers to help heal him while she took care of you
🩰 While Carmilla healed you up, she had asked why you brought home Valentino's worker, claiming that he was supposedly staying at the Hazbin Hotel and not somewhere else
" I had walked in their to hand Valentino some paperwork I needed him to fill out in order to manage the territories, but when I noticed he was gone and that Angel's door was cracked open, I got curious. "
🩰 She looked up at you as she wrapped more bandages around your midsections, prompting you to inhale slightly before continuing your story
" And when I heard the cries of Angel Dust's while Valentino's crude and horrid mouth spewed those nasty words as he continued his touches on him, I just- I felt the urge to protect him, as if he was our daughters. "
🩰 Carmilla smiled slightly at the mention of her daughters. She knew you were protective of them, and her to a degree, but hearing that you had the urge to protect him and them, the parental urge to protect the three, it just made her happy
🩰 Before she could finish her reply, her daughter Odette walked in and told her that Angel Dust was resting in a spare room and that Clara was just making sure he was okay
🩰 The powerful Overlord smiled and nodded to her daughter, allowing the blonde-demon to slip outside to allow you both to continue your conversation
" My love, while I am happy that you would protect Clara and Odette as your own. I am quite puzzled. Why would you risk yourself just for some random sinner you had no closeness to beforehand? " " I'm not sure myself, I just moved without any hesitation, like you did during Extermination last year. When you protected the girls from the angel. "
🩰 Her eyes slightly widened at the mention of that day, the day that she realized an exorcist could be killed by the same weapon that they yielded
🩰 But, she smiled again and pulled the ties out from her hair, allowing the two spikes to fall down behind her back. She was getting ready to rest for the night, after all, dealing weapons was tiresome
" Y/N, I understand why you protected him. And yes, it is quite similar to how I protected the girls. But, remember, do not fight with pure blood-lust, fight for those you care for. " " I did. For Angel Dust. " " Understood. Now, how about we rest for a while? After all, performing with your kind of dance-style would make you tense when dealing with such an arrogant being. "
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Mammal-Demon! Reader ; White-Tailed Deer
🔘 Alastor knew that you viewed many members of the Hotel as dear friends or rarely family, though you seemingly had been getting closer to that flirty spider-demon as of late
🔘 What was his name again? Ah, right. Angel Dust, like the old drug
🔘 Your husband also knew just how protective you were of those close to you. He remembers vividly watching you maul some random demon because he tried touching Niffty
🔘 Ah, what fond memories!
🔘 But, when you had come back to the Hotel with cuts alongside your arms and one prominent one against your eye, his ears trailed backwards and his antlers began to slightly enlarge
🔘 He speed-walked up to you as Charlie dealt with Angel's injuries with Husk and Vaggie's help, dragging you back to your shared room
" Darling, what in the name of Hell happened? " " It was nothing, my love. " " Bullshit. Who did this to my beautiful spouse? Names. "
🔘 Alastor stared at you with his pupils slowly changing into dials. While he knew that he wasn't going to scare you fully, he noticed how you held yourself against his gaze; strongly but with some hesitation
" Dearest, names if you don't wish for something truly bad to happen to whoever I suspect is behind this treachery. "
🔘 You sighed and began to slouch, making your husband's eyes widen and ears to twitch up in surprise, you never slouches like this unless you fought against some exorcists in the Extermination
🔘 He sat beside you, laying his microphone staff on the end of the bed as he grabbed your chin lightly, pulling it for you to look at him. And he asked you the question, this time with a far more gentle tone, a soft tone of radio music playing in the background as his smile lowered just slightly
" Y/N, do tell me. I just want to know who had harmed you in such a way. " " ... Valentino. "
🔘 The sound of a radio screeching echoed through the Hotel, putting everyone in a state of slight fear, that sound was never something to take lightly when it would come from the Radio Demon
" As in our fellow Overlord, Valentino? " " Yes. " " And what pray tell did that sloppy wretch do to you, darling? Well, you and Angel Dust. " " Well... I had arrived to bring Angel back to the Hotel, since I needed to speak to him about stuff, but when I noticed he was still inside, I went to go grab him. "
🔘 Alastor nodded along as you spoke, his smile had almost formed a frown at the mention of V Tower, the shit-showy building that his arch-enemy Vox and his little allies lived inside of
" I had walked to his dressing room and when I heard the sounds of Angel's cries, I couldn't stop myself from going crazy and beginning to torture the soul of Valentino's. But, he is still alive. I didn't want Vox up my ass about something like that... especially about someone so- so fucking shitty. "
🔘 He returned his full smile and hummed in agreement. He wasn't fond of most of his fellow Overlords, the only ones he really didn't hate would be Zestial, Rosie, Carmilla, and you
🔘 Alastor then hugged you, playing a small tune, a favorite of yours, and stood up with you in his arms before kissing your forehead
🔘 You were the only person he had ever felt any kind of feeling towards in years, and he wasn't going to let some fucking bastard tear your joyful self from him like nothing. Not if he had a say in it that is
🔘 But, he can put his blood-lust and wish for revenge behind him in favor of comforting you in the form of a small dance and sing-along with you in your bedroom
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
i saw an interview this morning where valentinos voice actor is asked about his characters relationship to the other vees and he briefly explains that vox and val in this weird gay relationship where they make out and do stuff but then straight up says "uhhhh i dont know what valentinos relationship is with velvet lol!"
the bar is in hell for women characters (pun intended) because a velvet USED to have a relationship with vox and val during the instagram days. i like that she was more like a daughter to him and that they bonded over violence! shit like that was what actually made valentino feel like a complex character who can be good and bad. because i literally cannot think of a single relationship hes on good terms with. voxvals whole appeal is that theyre toxic gay bitches! so having just ONE good relationship in his life, even if its just with his weird 30 year old coworker daughter, could actually make him feel like a person with layers like valentino fans desperately insist he is in the show.
since rn velvet just kind of. exists! she barely speaks to the other vees, doesn't seem to enjoy spending time with them unless she can film them dancing and making out, shes mostly frowning in the finale whenever vox opens his mouth, and never directly even speaks to val. why would val not speak to someone he lives (i think) and considers his equal?
like she very much has the ability to become a compelling fun character/villian when shes separated from the other vees. which sucks! because it just makes me wonder "would valentino or vox tangibly lose anything if velvet didnt work with them? and would anything change about their dynamic if she wasnt there?" and i know the answer is "probably not!"
the fact that no ones mentioned her despite s2 having a "heavier focus on the vees" is so fucking telling. she really doesnt feel like the backbone of the vees! she feels like the third wheel vox and val hired and she just stays with them for power despite her not speaking/having a relationship with them at all. its not even like the idea of "30 year old woman stops caring so much about her gay dads she created and slowly begins to resent them, working with them anyway for power" is a terrible idea, but i absolutely know thats not what viv intended. vel is absolutely an afterthought in the writing when shes with the other vees and its apart of what makes me dislike them now more then ever. if s1 couldnt even have velvet speak to the other vees about ANYTHING other then important business stuff (like, idk, fashion, technology, love potions, the few fucking things these characters have in common) then i doubt s2 is gonna be much better.
anyway velvet should leave the vees and get some granny gyatt from carmilla thank u 4 reading <3
Calling it now, season 2's going to contain as little Velvette as Viv can get away with. Because you said it best yourself -- she's not so much a character as a third wheel Vox and Val hired. If they're not around then she's sometimes allowed to shine, but if they are, forget it. It's all about them.
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ayoaloe · 1 month
Ranking the overlords (with speaking lines in s1) based on how rich I think they are:
1. Zestial (he is like the oldest sinner we know of, I imagine he charged alot for plays he produced and now has a crapload of cash)
2. Carmilla (I mean her weapons are very well known in all/most rings, I imagine she’s like the gucci of weapons but its only really worth the money if you’re in pride)
3. Vox (he’s all over pride like imagine if Apple had no competitors, he could do what he wants and people would probably still buy he’s just a perfectionist or secretly insecure or both)
4. Velvette (she makes a little bit more than Valentino because she doesn’t just have her clothing brand she also has her social media)
5. Valentino (he’s got a large audience and is quite well off but steals from Vox anyway)
6. Rosie (she’s got her town so spends most of what she makes in improving the residents wellbeing, she sells meat)
7. Alastor (I believe in that fan theory that’s not even a joke anymore where Alastor was homeless before the hotel, he’s like a feral raccoon that Rosie took home saying “Awww he’s so cute!” He’s not, he will bite)
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marithlizard · 7 months
Today's Hazbin Hotel thought: Zestial is supposed to be an ancient and powerful Overlord, and Alastor seems wary of him, but he doesn't actually do anything in S1. And while Velvette taunts him and the others for being passive and ineffective, he shows no emotion and his only response is "We can't act without more intelligence". Which does seem like weak tea in comparison to her flood of eloquent scorn. ....except that just now I saw a Youtube commenter point out that "intelligence" has two meanings, doesn't it. Zestial called Velvette stupid in such a deadpan way she never noticed. Though I'm sure both Alastor and Carmilla picked it up. To someone who's survived in Hell as long as Zestial, Velvette's group must seem like bratty kindergarteners. He's seen a hundred of her type rise to power and then be destroyed.
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otakusheep15 · 7 months
Ranking Hazbin Hotel Songs (S1)
I’m seeing people do this on TT, but I don’t like posting on there, so I’m posting my list here instead. Obvious warning, but these are my own personal opinions. I think all of the songs are absolute bangers, but there are some that are better than others, so keep that in mind.
16. Welcome to Heaven
Pretty much the general fandom consensus. It’s not a bad song, and I like Darren Criss as a singer, but it’s too short and doesn’t do a whole lot for the plot.
15. Finale
This might be a pretty hot take, but I’m not that big of a fan of the finale. There are some parts that I like individually, but as a whole song, it doesn’t do it for me. It’s still good though.
14. Hell’s Greatest Dad
I think this one is the one that’s gonna upset a lot of people, but I really don’t vibe with this one. No, it has nothing to do with Mimzy. In fact, I actually like her a lot, but that’s besides the point. I’m not a huge fan of talk singing, and that’s what both of Alestor’s songs are, so they aren’t going to be very high. Not even Jeremy Jordan can save this song.
13. Stayed Gone
Again, I’m just not big on talk singing. I like this one just a bit more because I like Christian Borle’s voice as a talk-singer just a bit more than Jeremy Jordan.
12. More Than Anything (Reprise)
This is a really cute song! I wish we had more Chaggie moments in the show, but I’m glad we got this. It would be much higher, but I don’t like how short it is.
11. It Starts With Sorry
Idk why so many people hate this song. It’s so cute! Charlie’s voice is so good, and I like the lesson Sir Pentious learns. It gives off children’s show song, but in a very good way.
10. Out for Love
Carmilla my beloved! I am obsessed with her. I like how she taught Vaggie in this song. Again, my only real problem with it is how short it is. Idk why they made some of their best songs so short, but I need a longer version.
9. Happy Day in Hell
I am a big fan of introduction songs in musicals, and this is a perfect example of why. It’s a nice way to see Hell, especially through the optimism of someone like Charlie. It’s silly and upbeat, and I like that a lot.
8. Poison
I love this song so much! Blake Roman did such a fantastic job with his performance as Angel. I’m not usually a big fan of this particular type of pop, which is why I have it a bit lower, but I think it fits well with what they were going for in writing this song. It’s absolutely perfect.
7. Whatever it Takes
I need these two to have another duet at some point. Their voices fit so well together. Both of their individual parts are also very solid. All around just a good song.
6. You Didn’t Know
I blast this song at least once a day. My fave part is Lute, and I wish we got more of her singing voice this season. Jessica Vosk is so talented, so I hope we get more in season two. Obviously, Charlie and Emily’s part is also amazing, and I like Sera’s parts as well.
5. Hell is Forever
Ah yes, my favorite Christian rock song. Seriously though, this song is so good. It’s most similar to the actual kind of music I listen to, so of course it’d be pretty high on this list. It’s a good intro to Adam and the angels in general, and it slaps.
4. Respectless
Velvette might actually be one of my favorite characters. She, for sure, has my favorite design of any character, and she might have my favorite female voice as well (tied with Lute). Also, she was so real for what she said to Carmilla. Her voice is just very fun to listen to.
3. More than Anything
Jeremy Jordan is the reason I live and breathe. His voice is literal honey. He and Erika Henningsen harmonizing has brought new meaning into my life. I may not have daddy issues, but I think this song healed them anyway. It’s so cute.
2. Ready for This
I’m a sucker for a good rally song, and this is exactly that. Cannibal Town is also my favorite location of any place we’ve seen, both in Hazbin and Hellava Boss, and I adore Rosie. The cannibals were very funny in this number, and I like that Charlie was able to gain some confidence.
1. Loser, Baby
I’m officially changing my brand to the #1 Huskerdust shipper ever. I’m so obsessed with them. This episode is tied for my favorite with Hello, Rosie! Keith David needs another song immediately, and so does Blake Roman. They sound so good together, and I can’t wait to hear more of them!
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vaggieslefteye · 4 months
OUT FOR LOVE ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x07 - "Hello Rosie!"
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chemicallywrit · 10 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! What a week! Let's talk about audio drama!
⏰ Nine To Midnight has its own feed now, which I appreciate, as a listener to many of the involved pods, because I didn't get like six iterations of the show in my feed. I did have to go seek it out though, but I'm so glad I did. These stories!!! These STORIES. The second episode in particular stuck out, just banger after banger. Also, what's up David Ault! Always fun to watch David Ault flex.
😈 Dungeons and Daddies this week was on the short side, but woof. I. Love. The Stamplers. I love them. I love you Ron Stampler and Terry Jr. Stampler and Scary Terri Marlowe Stampler. They are ridiculous and excellent. Honestly though, their wonderful energy was just the prelude to the truly heartbreaking Close clan. These boys are so deep in denial they ought to be worried about the bends. Yikes. I'm really looking forward to watching them try to save hell and make up for lost time.
⚡️ Electromancy! Of COURSE it's all happening at the dance. What kind of school story would this be if everything wasn't going to go down at the dance? Like with all fantasy about young people, I love the mixture of extremely high stakes (colonialism and revolution) and extremely low stakes (but what am I going to WEAR). I can't wait for part two. @electromancypodcast
👟 Keep It Steady!!! New episode of Keep It Steady! Our teenage burnout is faced with the mortifying ordeal of having real friends who love him, which is a wild thing for a teen to have to accept when he has zero self esteem. And then on top of everything, he gets concussed! My boy! @keepitsteadypod
⚖️ The Adventure Zone Imbalance has appeared on the feed, which is a relief to me, a person who hates listening to things on youtube. And Davenport is there! My main man! If y'all need to know anything about me, it's that I love Davenport. I missed these guys so much.
🚀 Travelling Light is a new show from @monstrousproductions, and I am THRILLED. I love a travelogue, I love a character with ties to religion, I love a warm scifi show, I love a recipe. I know from their tumblr that the writer and narrator of this show is Quaker, which is a tradition I'm not very familiar with, so I'm interested to see how that perspective influences this story. It's just so NICE.
👻 I started listening to Magenta Presents this week, in an effort to listen to everything Lindsay Sharman has ever done, and this is spooky. Beth Eyre is always a treat to listen to, and Lucy Roslyn, whose work I am not familiar with, is also a fantastic actor. They have great chemistry. I love a true ghost story, and I love a protagonist who feels like she's slowly losing her mind. @longcatmedia
🪓 I've finally arrived at the bit of Woe.Begone where other actors are showing up, and surprise! It's David Ault again! He's everywhere! I haven't interacted with fans of this show, so I had no idea, and apparently fans hate his character. To be fair, I did too, but now David's here doing the voice, and it's so much WORSE. Well done, David.
🍕 I finished s1 of Gastronaut and started s2, and I find myself enamored with this guy, coming from a place of relative privilege, tearing his preconceptions apart with a fork and a knife. The writing is lush, the story is fascinating, and it really hits the spot for me of "moody thoughtful nonfiction." I love it so much. I can't believe there are only two seasons. How dare they. (I trust them though.)
🧛🏻‍♀️ Re: Dracula is done, and we have announced Carmilla! My role in Carmilla will be less than it was for Drac, but I'm still very excited to get in on making this story. It's going to be amazing.
🧟‍♂️ The Dead's second episode has appeared, and I am continually impressed with the people I work with. What a death scene from Marquis Moore! What good acting from Brandon Nguyen! They are a joy to direct.
As for me, I'm about to start getting Inn Between ready to post! Are you hype? I'm hype. If you like what I do and want to give me a hand, please check out my ko-fi!
See you next week!
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laura in s1 saying "are you really so damaged that youre incapable of caring about anything" and carmilla taking that as an invitation
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cringefailvox · 5 months
Nah nah just...imagine most of the common sinners not fearing Velvette rightly and she doesn't care cause they're still addicted to her? But the other Overlords give her at least basic respect even Carmilla is like Look I don't like you but you ARE a fellow overlord. And then someone tries attacking the 'weak link' and get a front row seat to why Overlords, even the newest one, have that title?
YES. i love this. i REALLY want to see some big displays of power from velvette & the other vees next season, they were so secondary to the main plot in s1 that we didn't really get to see why they deserve the overlord title but i am so excited to delve into them more
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shootinwebs · 5 months
( Spoilers: Hazbin Hotel S1:E8 )
( slightly NSFW in some places )
Just some headcanons about "why Alastor + Zestial" because I got inspired yesterday to actually write a serious answer lol
Something about their tones of voice and body language during that scene where they talk on the way to Carmilla's meeting is just very mysterious and fascinating to me and I don't know why lol. It has me like "wtf is going on here."
They're friends in some quiet way.
I like to think they're both aroace/on those spectrums somewhere. Zestial is pretty much the only person who actually understands Alastor's specific sexuality (mostly because Alastor doesn't really understand it himself).
Zestial is a good listener, and respects Alastor's preference not to talk about anything personal.
Alastor isn't ever attracted to people by physical appearance, but as a very audio-oriented person, he is sometimes attracted to their voices. And when someone does have a voice he finds tantalizing, listening to them talk can "get him going" so much that he might even start trembling or feeling the need to fan himself. Zestial's voice is like ethereal velvet to him. (literally like... in bed, if he likes the person's voice, he'll beg them to keep talking, or if they call out his name he'll be like "say it again" lol)
The two have a mutual understanding that they don't want any gossip about their intimate lives. (They might say, "The point of intimacy is that it's, well, intimate. Just between the two of us.")
Judging by Alastor's initial reaction to Zestial meeting him on the street, he's the only overlord Alastor is scared of or intimidated by. Alastor has a secret desire to be around people who are stronger than him, because he secretly feels quite weak sometimes. Being around Zestial makes him feel safe, considering his circumstances of being under contract with someone who is clearly deteriorating Alastor's mental state. Though, he'd never admit it.
Zestial is the only person more powerful than him that he can actually stand to sleep with. (also something something, traumatized Alastor finding it sexually exciting when someone is stronger than him, something something)
Zestial finds him fascinating, and Alastor enjoys that a lot.
Zestial also likes that he can never figure out what's going through Alastor's head, and Alastor finds that tremendously flattering. Most other people who can't read Alastor are frustrated by it (Alastor likes that, too, but enjoys it more in the very rare instances when people are entertained by it).
Conversely, Zestial knows exactly what Alastor likes physically, and Alastor can't get enough of the fact that Zestial can only read his body and nothing else.
Alastor probably wouldn't be able to kill him. This is important regarding any sexual relationship Alastor might have, because of the almost unbearable cognitive dissonance he tends to feel after sleeping with someone. It's easier to just kill the person afterwards, rather than worrying about them bragging about it or the discomfort of bumping into that person again.
Zestial is literally the only person Alastor has slept with more than once.
Alastor hates even the idea of topping, and Zestial doesn't like bottoming. Bingo.
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commenter2 · 8 months
The Show Must Go On episode review (Hazbin Hotel S1 finale)
The finale of season 1 of Hazbin Hotel. MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW! Also long post warning
Did the title of the episode strangely remind anyone else of the failed videogame “Showdown Bandit”? Anyone?
Charlie wishing her mom was there. Likely foreshadowing her appearing near the end.
Charlie really likes a man in uniform. Maybe take some notes on that Vaggie XD.
Looks like we got a glimpse at how Niffy sees the world, which is apparently similar to Randy Cunningham when as the Ninja.
I’m not liking how Pentious said that quote about living and dying.
During Al’s speech, you can see Charlie realizing that Pen likes Cherri and being happy for him. Charlie is Pen X Cherri shipper confirmed XD
Could Al be really starting to care about the others?
Angel X Husk and Pen X Cherri fanservice, Charlie liking the last one XD
Oh now Cherri is interested in Pen.
Gross, Adam’s personality is rubbing off on Lute. Even Adam is getting uncomfortable with it and considering its Adam that’s saying something.
The Heaven Bucks things sounds really fake, mostly cause I feel like money doesn’t exist/is necessary for Heaven.
WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE OUTFITS CHARLIE AND VAGGIE ARE WEARING!?! And why am I getting She-Ra/RWBY vibes from them? Also Charlie is wearing her crown, cute.
I’m intrigued by Charlie’s shield cause I was kind of expecting to see Charlie use her pitchfork along with it, but the shield is still a nice bit of symbolism for how she wants to protect people and not harm anyone…that much. It also shows that she and Vaggie are a great team/couple as Charlie is the defense while Vaggie is the offense.
My fellow DEATH BATTLE fans (which is hopefully a lot of you) get ready to analyze Charlie’s powers, skills, and feats in this fight!
Al’s shield being another feat of how powerful Alastor is, though I wonder if his recent deal with Charlie helped with it?
Aww come one Niffty finally has a chance to go all psycho and all we see is her just stabbing corpses!
While Charlie’s crown is black on the outside, its gold on the inside/other side. Not only do I think this is a Dante’s Inferno reference (it reminds me of the hypocrites’ part but reversed) it also symbolizes how even though she is the daughter of the Devil, Charlie is still a good person.
Alastor’s using shadow jutsu!
OK I DID NOT SEE AL’S VOICE CHANGING after his cane got destroyed. At least this explains how those times I noticed his voiced changed in previous episodes.
Valentino was really saddened when Vox said seeing Alastor about to die was better then sex XD. It’s also funny cause there is a similar line in Netflix’s Castlevania series, which I could definitely see fans making parodies of soon.
Wait WTF is going on now with his voice? Ugh.
That’s our Charlie, even when in a war she is still apologizing. Also her glitter is WAY more effective than Dale Gribble’s pocket sand XD
Also if you slow down the scene enough, you can see that Charlie’s shield damaged and dented the angelic spear, meaning its likely made of something stronger then the angelic steel mentioned by Carmilla in “Hello Rosie”
Charlie shooting fireworks from her fingertips, a nice example of her powers AND a callback to the pilot.
NO NOT THE EGGBOIS! Luckily Angel finally used his secret set of arms to save one of them, we even get to hear his theme song.
And Pen X Cherri fans REJOICED! Also again showing how shallow Cherri can be.
Aww this can’t be goWHAT THE FUCK! I couldn’t even finish writing this sentence because of how fast Pen’s death was! I mean it was implied he was going to die but I thought it be more dramatic than that! Can the Helluva Boss writers at least do this for when they finally kill Striker, or have it happen in my episode idea where Moxxie and his father in law do it?
OOO ITS TIME FOR CHALIE’S DEMON FORM. And in a Sailor Moon kind of way too.
WAIT THAT’S IT? It’s just her regular horns and a tail. The writers really need to amp up these “full demon” forms of the characters as this, Ozzie’s, and Mammon’s forms have been really disappointing to me especially when compared to Stolas and even Helsa’s odd form from the pilot. I hope that this is some kind of semi form or one of many transformations of Charlie’s, and her REAL demon form is something more monstrous but it results in her losing control.
I do like Razzle and Dazzle being dragons, as I did recall them having such a power but this is better than what I was thinking they’d transform into.
DAZZLE NO! At least he died protecting Charlie.
VAGGIE VS. LUTE ROUND 2 (ding ding sound effect from episode)
(Adam slaps Charlie) Again we need fanart of Lucifer and Lilith kicking Adam’s ass.
So a part of me likes that Vaggie spared Lute cause it shows she is better than the so called “angel”, but a part of me knows this is going to bite back later on.
Lute riping her own arm off just proves the previous statement. Still I wonder what a cyborg angel will be like.
You can control fire and shoot fireworks from your fingers, you these things to make Adam let go of you Charlie!
SO Adam is wearing a mask, like I brought up before. I wonder what he looks like under it.
I’m not mad at Lucifer coming in late, cause he likely couldn’t as he probably realized it would just lead to more problems involving Heaven, but again he shows that he is the best dad so far in the series by coming in to save Charlie. Take notes Stolas!
Huh, Adam looks pretty normal looking, even looks a bit like Lute. I was expecting something really ugly under the mask like a pale complexion, sweat, and an unshaven face especially since he has worm that the entire time we have seen him.
OH HO now were getting that Adam ass kicking. Too bad that line from Lucifer kind of ruined it. I mean I can kind of see it being on brand with his goofy personality but still.
Again no one is saying Lilith’s name here. Also I know Lucifer is likely joking about him and Eve being together and just referencing the apple, but I really want to hear Lucifer say he’s only been with Lilith for all his life, then took a break after the divorce.
“NOT THE HOTEL”, is what I would be saying if the trading cards weren’t released early. Still devastating to see.
Like when Adam was choking her, Charlie had the means to save herself there as she is confirmed to have wings. Maybe their waiting for a special occasion to use them.
(Charlie transforms) What was that? At least this confirms that Charlie can transform and confirm that hoove/foot idea I brought up in the last review. I wonder if this is some kind of power from her mother?
Okay Lucifer’s demon form is pretty good. This does make me wonder what that shadow thing of his form the pilot is, if that is still canon. Hopefully it is and it confirms that Charlie can have multiple demon forms.
Holy crap they killed Adam off and Death by Niffy no less! I mean I wanted Adam and Lute to get out of the picture so someone better could take the role of angelic antagonist, but I never thought they would just kill Adam off. At least Vaggie is really happy about this, and I don’t blame her XD. It’s nice to see her smile like this.
Again we see that Lucifer has restraint, which is still interesting.
Lute took his halo. I sense some trouble coming from this. Fingers crossed that it involves how Heaven is okay with Adam being gone, and Lute becoming the thing she hates to destroy Hell AND the “traitors” of Heaven.
I’m still mix on Katie Killjoy being voiced by Brandon. It is making me wonder if Katie was always going to be like this or if they’re altering her to be more like Brandon’s female characters like Bryce. I mean I always though Katie would have a role where she just keeps spreading bad things about Charlie’s hotel, even making things up/ hire others to cause trouble for Charlie so the news can keep reporting on her. Heck she is even thanking them which I never saw pilot Katie never doing through she could be doing it to save face on livestream television. It’s still a funny idea and it has even remined me that there was a time in animation where shows had reoccurring characters whose main thing about them was being obvious references to other fictional or even real characters like Total Drama had characters such as Harold being a Napoleon Dynamite parody and Anne Maria referencing Snooki, Dr. Orpheus from the Venture Bros. was a cheap Dr. Strange knockoff (but still really funny), and there is one character in Atop the 4th Wall that I won’t spoil here cause it’s that crazy, so check it out for yourselves when you can.
Another cameo of Baxter and ARACKNISS!
I also wonder if the Exterminations will be put to a halt here as pointed out in the sliding text on the news channel. It would be interesting to see if Hell really does have an overpopulation problem, and what that would look like.
I’m surprised the V’s aren’t reacting to this more, more so with Vox but it’s likely that he saw the fight with Adam and Alastor and now has a plan on destroying Alastor. That would be cool to see in the next season.
THANK GOD FAT NUGGETS SURIVED! I think VIvzie would have had a riot on her hands if she allowed him to die.
Lucifer said the episode title!
So it looks like Alastor DID care for the others, but now he is dedicated to getting his freedom back from what I still think could be the Lilith imposter who will also be an upcoming deadly force/threat
KeeKee has a Keyblade form!
Yeah Vox and Val are definitely going to use this news for personal gain. The real question is if Velvette will aid them, as her recording them say all this feels like she will try and go out on her own, dragging her allies down in the process. Fitting given her song from “Scrambled Eggs”.
Nice song, great that both Sir Pentious AND Dazzle got memorials, and the new hotel looks amazing as it has a little bit of symbolism from all the others like Husk’s casino vibe and Angel’s career.
PEN IS IN HEAVEN! Emily is loving it while Sera looks confused and scared, BOTH cause she has never saw this happen before or knows that this will kick off some serious consequences like a version of the Armageddon prediction. This is great as now even if the recent fan theory of Emily becoming a fallen angel happens, Charlie now has another ally in Heaven to help spread her redemption plan on that side of things, great for what I can see happening in the next season.
Oh hey everyone its “Lilith”. Yeah I still believe in the “Imposter Lilith” theory that I’ve been talking about lately, and the sunglasses bit adds to it since it is hiding her eyes, like how her face was covered in “Dad Beat Dad”. Plus there have been many times in stories where sunglasses were used to hide something in fiction. Also in the past, we’ve gotten info on her saying how she would like to fight against Heaven, so its odd that she would want sanctuary in it unless she has plans that involve her being there. The biggest clue would have to be that the real Lilith would likely have cheered when she heard Adam was dead. I did talk about how the Imposter could likely want to destroy everything, so for all we know she is pretending to be Lilith who wanted sanctuary in Heaven (if they even know she is there) which is all just a ruse to get info on how to destroy Heaven to fulfill her life’s work and if anything ever happens, the Imposter can rely on her servant Lute and the Exorcist to aid her.
I will admit that it COULD be the real Lilith. I did make a recent post on my Tumblr going over how I think Lilith actually recruited the Imposter to help her take down Heaven a peg a long item ago, but she eventually realized the Imposter had bigger plans that involved destroying everything in existence and Lilith has since been trying to stop the Imposter. At one point things could have gotten so bad to a point that she had to hide in Heaven (again if they even know she is there) until she thought of a plan to stop it like having Lute work for her (again maybe Al works for the Imposter) and similar to what I have in my “Season 1 is a test for Charlie” Lilith knew Adam wasn’t up for the task of defending everyone from the Imposter, so she had to install Lute as leader of the Exorcist so there would be at least a small capable army to fight against the Imposter/upcoming threat if things got bad. However now that Charlie’s redemption plan is getting more support and is proven to be true, Lilith could be scared that the Imposter could go after her and Lucifer next, so I think next season she will try and convince Charlie to stop her goals until they have a plan of stopping the Imposter. Maybe since she made a deal with Lute, she has no choice but to stop Charlie or risk losing the one chance they have at saving everything from the Imposter…until she learns that her daughter was able to make an army to stop the Exorcist which could lead to Lilith changing her mind and maybe think that Heaven and Hell should work together to stop the Imposter/big threat. Even then there could be consequences as we don’t know what exactly happens if a deal with a demon is ever broken. Would said demon die or would the natural of the forces of the universe go crazy until something happens? For any non Percy Jackson fans and those that don’t care about spoilers for it, look up “Trials of Apollo” and “River Styx” to get an understanding of what I mean by broken deals.
That was a GREAT episode AND a great finale for the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
We got tons of action, drama, suspense, fanservice, and mystery just like how I like my shows. The finale was really good cause its on track for what I’ve been saying I would like to see Charlie go through when it comes to the next step of trying to convince the people of Heaven and Hell her redemption plan is a good thing in general for the afterlife.
The only minor problems I have with it is that they didn’t utilize Niffty as much as I thought they would in the battle.
When it comes to the season as a whole it was great, with episode 4 being the worst as we all knew those events were coming but thanks to Helluva Boss it was made less serious to me.
I also agree with other fans that biggest problem the season had was that there should have been more episodes. I mean people know how popular Hazbin Hotel AND Helluva Boss is so it’s a bit odd that they didn’t get more then 8 episodes, especially since they aren’t the usual hour long episodes that are everywhere. Not to mention how half the season came out all at once here on Amazon Prime.
Apparently this is a big problem with Amazon Prime shows in general, BUT luckily given how well received the whole season has been (wordplay pun not intended), I’m hopeful that this will convince the people at A24 and Prime to give Vivzie and the HH cast more funding to make MORE episodes for next season, like maybe 14 this time. Sure this could delay the release of season 2, which is apparently already being made, but I bet I’m not alone when I say I’d be okay with such a delay if it means more Hazbin Hotel.
Hopefully next season though there are less trailers and clips released, another reason why there should be more episodes to help dimmish such things, AND if there is another early release on A24 it should just be like 2 days before the season comes on Amazon Prime and NOT a whole week.
I’m also calling it now that the season 2 episode premiere of Hazbin Hotel will start with a news segment with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench recapping some of the events of last season and telling us what has happened to both the characters and Hell/Heaven since the finale. I also predict that Lilith, whether the real one or the Imposter posing as her, will appear at the end of said episode starting off that season’s main story.
I definitely want to hear your thoughts on not only this episode, but also on the entire season so don’t be shy. What do you think/hope will happen in season 2? What kind of episodes or stories would you like to see in the next season? What theories do you have?
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