#The Christmas War (HOTD fanfic)
clara02 · 1 year
The Christmas Sugar Cookie War.
(Aegon Targaryen x reader)
Previous Chapter
Chapter four: Shut up, Targaryen. It’s too cold outside.
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Aegon woke up a little earlier than usual. For some odd reason the Christmas spirit was getting to him. It’s been years since he last felt like that. Once he was old enough to realize Santa wasn’t real, and he didn’t receive toys anymore, he started to understand that the only thing filling his stockings on Christmas morning was disappointment.
Disappointment at his parents, that didn’t make any effort to celebrate Christmas with the family, disappointment at his siblings that avoided each other upon the holidays. But mostly, he knew the biggest disappointment was himself. His own habits spoiling any chance of something good in the family.
The boy didn’t hate Christmas, it was hard to hate on something he never truly experienced.
But in that specific morning he saw himself craving cinnamon and candy canes. He dressed in his most comfy sweater and started to walk to his favorite café.
His eyes glued to his phone, waiting for that text.
He felt silly. He was all by himself, on a table, blushing like a schoolgirl, waiting.
Maybe he had been right all along, and his brother was the one in the wrong. Maybe she was interested, maybe she liked the flirting and wanted something more. Maybe he would come by her house, and they would have “fun”. And maybe, just maybe, she would actually stick around.
Not that he wanted her to. No. He definitely did not.
“It’s better to be free. Have fun. Do whatever you want.”
He didn’t need to have Christmas like this every year. No. He wasn’t a hostage to that warm fuzzy feeling that made butterflies take flight on his stomach every time he thought about yesterday.
He was going to her house. Woo her. Sleep with her and be done. Just like always.
He was determined… he was…
His phone suddenly buzzed making him jump on his seat and quickly try to unlock it, with trembling hands.
Upon seeing the address and the time he was to be expected he caught himself giggling. Actually giggling. A strained foreign sound.
He blushed and left the café.
He wasn’t acting weird. He wasn’t overly excited… He was the awesome Aegon Targaryen. The guy that impressed even the most imponent frat-house boys. He was a legend in his college campus.
And mostly important: he had a plan. In and out without struggles. A Christmas-fling story to tell once the holidays were over. No reason to be worried. Right?!
(Y/N) was really nervous. Meeting Aegon on various town events was one thing. Inviting him inside her house was a totally different thing. It was a bold move she was starting to regret.
She spent the entire morning consulting with the “team” to make sure everything was going to work.
And now she was waiting for him, in the living room, an apron covering her cozy outfit. Listening to her family disapproval speeches. How could she invite him?! A Targaryen?! This close to Christmas?!
The only ones that seemed to be on (Y/N)’s side were her little sister and to her surprise, her grandmother. Despite her complicated feelings with Daemon, she seemed willing to accept Aegon with open arms.
The clock hits three pm and they hear the doorbell. (Y/N) breathes, relieved the scolding will come to an end.
She rises from the couch and starts to make her way to the door. Stopping only to add a whispered: “Be nice!”.
When the door opens, Aegon is shocked. Firstly, because he didn’t expect (Y/N) to look this beautiful in casual clothes and an apron. Secondly, because her entire family is right behind her. Eyeing him, expectant.
When she told him, with blushing cheeks and a shy smile, that they should meet at her place, he thought she was referring to a “Netflix and Chill” kind of scenario. Not, “my entire family is going to be with us for the rest of the day”, kind of scenario.
Aegon suddenly felt timid, a feeling almost forgotten. (Y/N) could also feel her own shyness creeping on her. For a moment they stood still, in silence, not sure of what to do.
-Well… Don’t just stand there in the cold boy! Come in! – (Y/N)’s grandma piped up, making sure to welcome the boy in their living room. – I’m sure you’ve already met the younger generation yesterday. But this are my children. (Y/N)’s father, her aunt and her husband, they are the twins’ parents, and this is her uncle, my youngest.
-It’s a pleasure to have you here, Targaryen. – (Y/N)’s uncle said, his face contorted in a hideous frown that made the people in the living room shiver.
-Ah yes. We were dying to have you here. – one of the twins says and the mood is even more awkward. They were obviously trying to make Aegon feel as unwelcomed as possible.
-Don’t care for then, my dear. – The grandma said, patting his shoulder affectionately. – The men in this family are known for their terrible jealousy. – She said, starting to guide the boy to the kitchen.
-Yeah. – (Y/N)’s little sister said, grabbing Aegon’s hand. – Don’t care about them. They’re losers anyways. The twins are already fourteen and still wet the bed sometimes.
-We do NOT! – they screamed.
-YOU DO! – the girl screamed back.
-Can we all try and be civilized in the presence of our guest, please?! – (Y/N)’s dad said in a calming voice, always the pacifist. – We are not trying to scare him off.
-We are not?! – (Y/N)’s youngest uncle said, receiving his mother’s cane on the butt as a response.
-Focus! – the old woman exclaimed. – We have lots to do! You should all go to your stations and stop nagging the sweet boy!
Aegon felt himself being dragged by (Y/N) to a corner of the kitchen. On the table top a book of recipes and a few ingredients.
-I’m truly sorry about them. I thought inviting you here was going to be fun. If I knew they were going to act like children, I would have come up with something else.
Aegon could see the girl was truly distressed.
-No problems, princess. – He said, smile still not meeting his eyes. – So… what’s all this?
Before (Y/N) could answer her sister was already next to the boy.
-Today we are baking cookies! Every year we do a whole bunch of different recipes to decide which ones are fit for the competition on Christmas eve. – the girl smiled brightly; happy she could be close to Aegon. – Look over there! It’s all detailed on the charts! – she pointed to the fridge.
Aegon was stunned. This family had an entire chart dedicated to Christmas activities. They had everything laid out. The dates, the exact hours. His family didn’t do one thing together, and here this people were, with an entire month of planned fun.
-So, you guys have everything planned out, hunm… - he said.
The girl blushed a little.
-I know it’s a little unusual, but this way everyone gets to do something they really enjoy.
He wanted to say that she didn’t need to feel shy about it, that he thought it brilliant. That he would give anything to have that. But he decided against it, knowing how lame he would sound.
“Girls don’t like pitiful little boys”, he reminded himself.
-Well, c’mon. These cookies are not gonna bake themselves! – she said with a smile.
Soon they started focusing on the recipe. Aegon at first, thought he was going to hate it, that he would be bored like he was every year with his family, but (Y/N) started talking about silly topics like movies, and other kinds of foods, animals, and favorite kind of weather. It was a random conversation that was getting nowhere, but the girl in front of him was all smiles and kindness, she was in no rush to get anywhere.
He looked around and everyone seemed to be having fun. Suddenly he felt moved. This was all so domestic. They were all together, enjoying something, and he was smiling, his body close to (Y/N) while she laughed at his silly jokes. The air smelled of sugar and other spices and the girl next to him had a little bit of flour smeared on her cheek. And yet, under the kitchen lights she looked stunning, bright as the sun.
He wondered if this sudden comfort that washed through him was the thing he missed all his life.
(Y/N) placed their cookies on the oven and continued their silly talk. Not because she felt obligated to do it, but because she wanted to. She kept close to him, smiling and making a few jokes herself. Her laugh vibrated through his body and tugged at the strings of his heart.
-I assume you are all ready to start decorating! We don’t have much time! – The grandmother yelled from the kitchen entrance.
-Isn’t this so cool! – (Y/N)’s little sister whispered to them. – It’s like we are in the bake off.
-Yeah. – the boy answered, having a laugh.
While they baked, he could see why they do the charts, why go sliding, or even going to that silly tree lighting. If that’s how it felt every time…
-Let’s start decorating. – (Y/N) grabbed Aegon’s hands and his heart skipped a beat.
-Y-yeah. – he said. A babbling mess. The tip of his ears a little red.
He was a little wee boy with his first puppy love all over again.
Aegon had a few difficulties with decorating the cookies with the frosting. His hands weren’t as steady as (Y/N)’s. She remained close, seeming unbothered by the proximity and the whole domestic aura that enveloped those two.
-Here we go. – he said presenting his cookies with a silly and nervous smile. – I know they don’t look as good as yours, but…
(Y/N) interrupted him.
-They look amazing, Aegon! – she smiled.
-I’m not usually the one in charge of the decoration… - he tried to apologize once more.
-They look like fine Santa cookies to me! – (Y/N)’s sister exclaimed. – Of course… after his face melt off.
-Sister! – (Y/N) exclaimed.
-Well, Christmas is a tough business area to be. And a dangerous one, at that. With all those chimneys?! It was bound to happen… Don’t see this as losing, Aegon. See this as a truthful depiction of reality. – (Y/N)’s sister smiled, patting his shoulder.
-I don’t know if I should be mad at your offensive humor or impressed that as an eleven-year-old, you just used the word depiction correctly.
(Y/N)’s sister shrugged her shoulders.
-I see this as a win. Besides, the flavor is what matters the most.
And just like that, (Y/N)’s sister leaves.
-Sorry about that. She’s been spending a lot of time with our uncle… he is… well… - (Y/N) found herself at a loss for words.
-It’s fine. – Aegon smiled. – Besides, she’s not wrong. Flavor is the most important part. – he breathed. – And it does look like he’s suffered from a chimney accident.
They both started laughing at that and Aegon realized his face hurt with how much happiness he was getting to express in these past few hours.
(Y/N)’s laughter died down, but her eyes still shone when she turned to Aegon.
-There’s a little bit of frosting on your face… - she giggled lightly while brushing it off his cheeks.
-Thanks. – he said, voice small.
And despite being in a kitchen full of people, Aegon felt like they were the only ones there. And he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to get closer and closer, until there was nothing between them.
-We should put our cookies on a plate so everyone can taste them. – she said with a smile and Aegon felt the moment vanish.
He was going crazy.
“Just one more of your holiday’s stories to tell… nothing more.”
After the whole family presented their cookies, the tasting started.
Aegon was surprised at how amazing those tasted.
-These are very good! – he complimented.
-Don’t go stealing the recipe for yourself, Targaryen. – (Y/N)’s uncle said, but this time, not as aggressive.
-It pains me to say he doesn’t need it, son. – The grandma sighed. – Their recipe has been beating us for the past twenty-one years.
-You never know, mama. – (Y/N)’s aunt said. – Perhaps this is the year we got our mojo back.
The old woman sighed once more, and they got back to eating.
Aegon walked until the end of the table where he saw sad looking cookies. They looked like lumps, and their color wasn’t appealing. But he didn’t want to look rude, especially with everyone trying their hardest to be nice.
He was surprised after the first bite.
-Wow! These are the best cookies I’ve ever eaten! – he said, mouth still full. – They’re simply amazing!
-These are my own recipe. – (Y/N)’s father said. – Good to see you are a man of taste, Aegon. I’ve been trying to get them to use this recipe in the competition for years…
-Please… - the grandma snickered. – This is no winning cookie.
-Sorry dad. – (Y/N) patted his shoulder. – But grandma is right. We wouldn’t stand a chance with this recipe.
-I don’t know about that, sir. – Aegon smiled. – These are amazing.
-Thanks lad. Always good to know someone has got my back. – (Y/N)’s father said in a dramatic way, making some of his family members laugh.
The old woman looked at Aegon and his puffy cheeks, stuffed with cookies. He looked like a sweet boy, and she couldn’t help but coo at him.
-Eat as many as you want, dear. – She smiled. – I supposed this concludes our cookie try-out. – she piped for the entire family to hear.
The family cheered.
-Well… - Aegon said, feeling a little out of place now that the atmosphere had been broken. – I supposed that means it’s time for me to go.
(Y/N) hesitated. Her mouth opening, like she wanted to say something, but before she could, her brother piped up.
-Hate to tell you, Targaryen, but I don’t think you will be able to leave soon… - he said, close to a window. – There’s a storm outside.
That caused the entire family to press their faces on the glass.
-Yeah… It’s very strong. – The twins father stated.
-The internet says it’s not going away anytime soon.
-That means he is going to stay?! – (Y/N)’s sister asked, excited. – He can sleep here! And participate on the Christmas movie marathon! And we can drink lots of hot chocolate! And go shopping tomorrow! And… And… - she said, with no pause to take a breath.
- Calm down sweetheart. – Aegon said smiling. – While I would love to, I can’t stay.
-Don’t be silly, Aegon. – (Y/N) said, her face still glued to the window. – You can’t possibly be planning to go home with the weather like this.
-I will be fine, princess.
That caused (Y/N)’s uncle to laugh.
-Highly doubt it, boy. You will freeze to death. – he said.
- I hope you didn’t have anything planned my sweet boy. – grandma said, holding Aegon’s hand.
-I promise you, I can go home, and nothing will go wrong. – he tried once more.
-Shut up, Targaryen. – (Y/N)’s brother said. -While it pains all of us, it’s too cold outside and you will have to stay the night. We can’t have your pneumonia on our hands.
Aegon looked around and realized there was no way he was winning that fight.
-I suppose I should make phone calls and warn my family then. – he said and (Y/N)’s sister cheered.
-I can’t wait for the movie marathon! Let’s make popcorn! – she said dancing around the room.
He left the kitchen while the big family tried to reorganize itself.
Upon calling Alicent he was hoping she would ask him to come home anyway, but she confirmed the situation in the Red Keep wasn’t any better and that he should stay put until the morning. He heard Aemond’s objections on the background before ending the call.
So. It seemed he was stuck with (Y/N)’s family for the night.
And he wasn’t very sure he was going to make it, considering the way the twins were staring at him from the kitchen door.
@bwormie @fan-goddess
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (3)
Summary: Rhaenyra invites Harwin to spend the holidays at Valyria, so he can spend it with their boys. And Laenor. And Daemon.   Now all three of Jace, Luke and Joff's fathers are in a single house, and trying to compete to be the favourite one. It is every man for himself.
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Their house was very fancy, very nice. Huge, too.
Harwin could see a huge Christmas tree in another room, though there were no gifts there, and a long staircase.
"Kids," Rhaenyra called at it. "Your father is here."
She glanced at them and smirked a little.
"Fathers," she added, though much more to herself.
He was surprised when two little kids, one not much older than four and a toddler, rushed to Daemon.
"Daddy!" they all exclaimed together.
Daemon smiled at them, genuinely sweet, and swooped both into his arms.
"Hello, my little dragons," he welcomed them. "Look who has come to visit us."
The two looked at Laenor with surprise, and the littlest one hid in Daemon's neck.
"Awn, he is shy," Joffrey smiled.
Harwin moved uncomfortably on his feet.
So she had other children.
"Harwin," she turned. "Hm... these are Aegon and Viserys. Our sons."
He nodded, a bit stiff.
"Lovely boys."
"I'm sorry I didn't mention..." she looked for words. "We... I... its..."
"It's alright," he assured her. "It's fine, really."
She pressed her lips together, looking embarrassed, and the sounds of quick steps took their attention away.
"Uncle Laenor!" one of the twins exclaimed, rushing barefoot to her uncle, followed by her twin.
Laenor hugged them closely. Harwin had seen him with the girls many times, he loved them like daughters.
"Look at you two," he spoke to them. "Looking more like your mother every day I see you."
Joffrey was quickly welcomed too, and Harwin would greet them, but his eyes caught something much more important when he looked at the stairs.
Jace and Luke were stepping down together.
They were... a little different.
A little changed, if Harwin had to say it like that.
Jacaerys had bleached his hair to match his mother's colour, looking so much like a copy of her it was unsettling, and Lucerys was much taller now, taller than his older brother.
It was admittedly a little awkward, but they walked to him anyway, and it was Harwin who pulled them into a tight hug, first Jace and then Luke.
"Look at you two," he touched their shoulders. "I missed you, we haven't met since Summer."
They were so tall already.
"Why don't you two help Harwin to his room too?" Daemon suggested.
He looked up, seeing how Baela and Rhaena were already taking Laenor and Joffrey upstairs.
It was Jace who picked up his bag, and Luke was quick to tag by his side.
"Did mum and dad tell you I learned how to fence this year?" he asked.
"You did?" he asked, surprised. "I was fencing champion when I was your age."
Luke smiled a bit.
"Yes, dad too. I mean... kepa," he added, correcting himself. "Well... Daemon."
Harwin nodded a bit. Yes, of course.
"She told me you were too, and I thought we could practice together. If it's alright, too."
"Of course," he added quickly. "I would love to practice with you."
Jacaerys opened the door of one of the rooms to him.
"Don't tell dad we call Daemon dad too," he spoke, a little embarrassed. "Mum doesn't want him to feel replaced."
How nice of them.
"Of course," he nodded.
Still, it made him awful.
Six and a half years and Daemon had already changed everyone's life.
They set his luggage down in the guest room and Harwin looked around. It was a very nice place, with good space, lighting and comfortable decoration.
It looked very much like something Rhaenyra would do.
"Well, now that we are alone," Harwin sat down. "Maybe we can talk a little?"
The boys exchanged looks, but nodded, sitting a bit too.
"I was thinking," he spoke slowly. "I'm staying here until the second of January with your... with Laenor, and Joffrey."
Father, he was going to say.
But he was also their father.
"I know we don't have that much contact," he told them. "But I do want to be around you more. All three of you. Maybe we can start with it this Christmas."
Jacaerys perked up.
"Really?" he asked.
"Like what?" Luke asked.
Harwin shrugged.
"You could show me the stuff you like, and we can do it together," he suggested. "I can help you with what you need... stuff!"
Luke didn't look too certain.
"I don't know," he spoke slowly. "Did you talk to mum?"
"Rhaenyra always wanted us all to be closer," he told him. "But I always tried to respect our arrangement and didn't know how to move around it."
His son frowned a bit, his own face reflected in his youth.
"Not that I didn't care," he added quickly. "I want to be with my sons!"
The word sounded as strange in his ears as they did on his lips.
To claim them as his sons was very new and strange.
Jacaerys perked up.
"Really?" he asked.
"Like what?" Luke asked.
Harwin shrugged.
"You could show me the stuff you like, and we can do it together," he suggested. "I can help you with what you need... stuff!"
Luke didn't look too certain.
"I don't know," he spoke slowly. "Did you talk to mum?"
"Rhaenyra always wanted us all to be closer," he told him. "But I always tried to respect our arrangement and didn't know how to move around it."
His son frowned a bit, his own face reflected in his youth.
"Not that I didn't care," he added quickly. "I want to be with my sons!"
The word sounded as strange in his ears as they did on his lips.
To claim them as his sons was... very new and strange.
They both seemed very surprised by his words, just as well.
"What do you think?" he asked. "Can we try?"
Jace and Luke nodded, each one in their own time and way of feeling.
"Do you want to see Joffrey?" Luke offered. "I think he is up from his nap, and he needs to take his medicine soon, anyway."
"Yes," he confirmed quickly. "Of course."
The boys guided him down to a different level, and he imagined that was the level with the children's bedrooms considering they had a playroom at the end of the corridor, and he had gone past a second small kitchen, maybe for the teens to feel a little bit independent.
Harwin stayed behind for a bit as Luke walked into the bedroom where Joffrey was fast asleep, spread in his bed.
Oh, he slept just like he did himself, taking every little bit of space.
"Hey, Joff," he tickled his belly. "Come on, wake up. Someone is here to see you."
Joffrey was a tall boy for his age, but Luke still treated him like a living doll, picking him up the way he used to do when he was a baby.
His youngest son just fell with his head onto his brother's shoulder.
"I'm going to tickle your pits if you don't open your eyes, Joffrey," Luke teased.
Joff squirmed.
"No tickle," he whined. "Luke!"
Jace reached for him, rubbing his back.
"Open your eyes, Joff," he spoke softly. "Someone is here to see you."
Harwin walked over, smiling a little as he took Joffrey from his arms.
"Hey Joff," he welcomed, embracing him a little. "Long time no see."
Joffrey opened his eyes quickly, Rhaenyra's purple irises staring at him again, and squirmed.
"No," he whined. "Daddy!"
His heart just broke right there and then.
He just woke up and wanted Laenor already.
"Come on, Joff," Jace called him. "It's Harwin. We told you he was coming for Christmas, remember?"
"No!" he tried to push himself off of him, already pouting and looking like he was about to cry.
Someone stopped by the door, and he turned to see Laenor frowning at them.
"What's happening?"
Harwin looked at the kids and then at Joffrey.
"I just... I wanted to surprise him," he rubbed his face, trying not to show how upset he was, but his eyes filled with tears anyway. "I guess he just misses you."
Laenor looked at him with pity, walking over.
"Hey, honey," he spoke softly, rubbing his back. "Hey, it's just Harwin, don't you remember him?"
Joffrey started wailing, loudly, sounding much more upset now and threw himself into Laenor's arms.
"Daddy!" he cried, just as loud as an upset child would be. "I want my daddy."
He bounced him a little, comforting the boy.
"It's okay," he patted his back. "Daddy's here. There's no need to fear."
The wails softened, but Joffrey opened his eyes again, continuing to cry at Laenor, sobbing as if the world was ending.
He looked at Jace and Luke, but they were just wide-eyed and staring as well.
"You should go get your mother," Laenor told them, looking worried. "I think something is wrong, I don't... I don't know."
The two rushed out, and just as they left Harwin's sight, Daemon stopped into the corridor, looking very much like he had raced his way up the stairs, and Joffrey's wails returned.
"What is happening here?" he asked, sounding more outraged than the situation called for.
"He is-" Laenor tried to speak.
"Daddy!" Joffrey wailed, throwing himself at Daemon, and he would have fallen if Laenor wasn't quick to hold him in place.
"You?" Laenor asked, his worry turning into anger. "He's calling you?!"
Harwin watched as he picked him up quickly, and tried not to glare as Joffrey wrapped himself around him, looking as if he had found the safest arms in the world.
"Oh, my little dragon," he cradled him, just as sweet and soft as he had done to Aegon and Viserys. "It's alright. I'm right here."
Joffrey whined and sniffed, but instead of squirming out of his grip as he had done twice before, he squeezed Daemon close, afraid of being let go.
"I'm so sorry," he kissed his cheek. "I should have come faster, I'm sorry."
"Does Rhaenyra know about this?" Laenor stepped closer to him. "The boys-"
"For heaven's sake, Laenor," Daemon interrupted him, not raising his voice but as firm as he could be. "What is wrong with you? The two of you!"
Laenor stopped, closing his mouth and shielding himself.
"You two come up here and wake him up after I've told you he is sick and needs his rest, and expect a six-year-old to fall into whatever family play you two try to imagine you have? What are you, two children?"
Harwin clenched his teeth, ready to say something back, but had no space to.
"I will play nice for Rhaenyra and the children's sake, but I don't have to deal with whatever jealousy you two feel. Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey are my sons. I don't care who gave the genetic material to make them and who put his surname onto their birth certificates. I am their father, and they will come to me or call for me because they know they can count on me to defend them from the two mad men invading their rooms!"
Laenor stared at him in shock, speechless, but Harwin had his own words.
"We are their parents too," he reminded him. "We want to be involved in their lives."
"And you want to start it now?" Daemon turned fully to him. "After you've spent sixteen years as a fun uncle?"
The words stung enough to shut him up.
"You want to be their fathers?" he looked at the two of them, cynic. "You can start by not acting like two selfish brats."
Harwin glared at him.
"You know that wasn't my choice," he argued. "I worked with Rhaenyra and fell in love with her, but respected her honour over my selfishness. Differently from you."
The look he gave him would have meant murder if they weren't in Joffrey's room.
"I, who raised the boys?" he asked.
"Oh, Daemon-," Laenor scoffed.
"Who took them to doctors, attended their parent-teacher conferences, actually took the heavy weight Rhaenyra was carrying all on her own while someone was too busy with his boyfriend to spend more than bedtime at home? I, who did more than the bare minimum as a husband, as a father and as a partner?"
Joffrey squirmed, covering his ear at the sudden raise of his voice.
"Yes, you certainly did different from me," Daemon caressed the boy's back, back to his lower tone.
"I wasn't a ghost, Daemon," Laenor added. "I raised them too."
Before the argument could get more heated, Rhaenyra stepped into the room.
"I don't know what you three are doing, and I don't care," she interrupted them. "But Joffrey needs to take his medicine and eat."
Harwin breathed in, trying to calm down, and Daemon turned to her, exchanging a hard look with Rhaenyra and kissing Joffrey's temple.
"Come on, little dragon. Medicine time."
He was ready to leave, but she picked him up instead.
"You three can go," she instructed. "Now."
Daemon didn't look too happy, but was the first to step away, and Laenor followed him suit.
Harwin watched them a little. Rhaenyra had sat down and was rocking Joffrey softly, humming some music as she waited for him to calm down, holding a plastic syringe with the pink medicine.
How much had he missed?
She felt like she had grown from a girl to a woman in the time he hadn't seen her.
The Rhaenyra he knew before wouldn't be so strong telling people to leave, she would be much sweeter even if it annoyed her.
And the boys. Their boys, their sons.
Joffrey didn't even know him, Lucerys wasn't too excited about getting closer to him.
Jacaerys was the only one who seemed to want to go along with his plan, but one out of three wasn't much.
"Is he alright?" Harwin asked as Joffrey emerged from his mother's neck, looking at him through his long, messy hair.
"He'll be," she rocked him slowly from side to side. "But we want to be alone, please."
He nodded.
"Of course," he confirmed.
But when he stepped out of the room, the other two were standing right in front of his door.
No one wanted to leave, it seemed.
"I'm their father too," Harwin reminded them. "And I plan on being on their life as such."
Daemon scoffed.
"Well, I'll wait seated to see you try."
Harwin rolled his eyes, ready to argue with him, but Daemon walked away.
He looked over at Laenor. Even despite their friendship, he knew that wasn't something he wanted to hear.
And he left too.
Harwin sighed.
Every man for himself, then.
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clara02 · 1 year
The Christmas Sugar Cookie War.
(Aegon Targaryen x reader)
Previous Chapter
Chapter three: Last Christmas she pushed her brother off a hill.
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It had snowed all night. The streets of King’s Landing were white. It was indeed a perfect day for sliding. And yet Aegon was simply frustrated. His kitchen smelled of spices and the light of the sun that entered through the window was homely. The fireplace kept their house cozy and warm.
It was the ideal setup for a nice winter morning. However, his nephews couldn’t shut up. Even his brother, Daeron, normally a collected child, was almost climbing the walls in anticipation.
-Regretting your choices, brother?! – Helena asked, on a happy teasing tone. Her voice barely heard with all the ruckus around them.
Aegon raised his eyebrow at that.
-I know you’ve agreed to this only to upset our brother. – Helena laughed. – I tried to convince him that it’s nice to step outside and enjoy himself, but… You know how he is. He is going to, probably, sulk the entire time.
-Well… I think it’s going to be lovely. – Aegon said and Helena looked at him suspiciously. – After we control these little demons, that is.
The siblings turned their gaze to the four kids that were screaming at each other.
-C’mon! We’ve gotta go! -Luke said jumping on the sofa, almost squishing Aegon. -We can’t be late! Let’s go! Let’s go!
All the other “kids” started to agree with him. Well, Jace wasn’t supposed to be considered a kid, but… it is what it is.
-We are just waiting on Aemond. -Aegon said with a devilish grin making its way to his face.
So, they started screaming for Aemond. The taller boy making his way out of his bedroom. His eye sharp with murderous intent.
-Stop screaming. Let’s go. – His voice deep and annoyed.
As they were leaving, Aegon was stopped by Aemond’s hand on his elbow.
-If it wasn’t for mother… I would have killed you already.
Aegon gulped but smiled.
-And I believe you brother.
-Hurry up, you two! -Helena called with a beaming expression, holding hands with a, also beaming, Daeron.
 (Y/N)’s family waited for the Targaryens on the top of a hill. It was a perfect day for sliding and they were excited.
Well. (Y/N) and her younger sister were excited. Her brother and her twin cousins looked like they just bit into lemon. They weren’t super happy about this new “friendship with the enemy”.
But… what’s done is done.
They heard the Targaryens before actually seeing them.
They were obnoxiously loud, which surprised (Y/N). She thought the rich posh boys would be all like Aemond. Quiet with a sense of superiority, but, apparently, they were just as messy as (Y/N)’s own family.
After they were all up the hill (Y/N) smiled and welcomed them, since her brother was obviously not going to do it, and her sister seamed shy in Aegon’s presence.
-I think presentations are overdue. This is my older brother, and this is his fiancé. -She pointed at the couple. The older woman sporting a baby bump. – She is going to act as our referee this year.
They all said their hellos.
-This is my younger sister. – The little girl blushed; her eyes focused on Aegon. -And this are my cousins. – The twin boys snickered and turned their faces away. – Be nice. – (Y/N) whispered but to no avail.
Aegon decided to do a quickly run through of his own family, mentioning his own three siblings, his three nephews and his two cousins, Baela and Rhaena.
-You mentioned a referee?! – Jace piped up. Being the sports addict he was, the prospects of a competition exciting him.
-Oh, yes! –(Y/N) exclaimed. – We are going to race from the top of the hill until that tree. – She motioned a tree very far down. – We are doing this in pairs, but instead of everyone going down at the same time, we put two teams against each other, like matches at a tourney, until only one remains. That way the results are more precise.
-We can start so you guys can get the hang of it. - (Y/N)’s brother suggested. – A demonstration so you guys can see the course.
-Yeah, that’s a good idea. – (Y/N) smiled, relieved her brother seemed to warm up to the other family. Or perhaps he just wanted to scare them of with his aggressive sliding skills. The second option was more likely.
-I’m paring with my sister. – (Y/N)’s older brother reached for his little sister, making (Y/N) frown. They normally competed together, being the undefeated winners for the past years. – No offense sis.
-If you’re not going with (Y/N), who is?! – One of the twins spoke up.
-Well, that’s the sole reason she invited the pretty boy over, isn’t it? – Her brother grinned, pointing at Aegon. – Because no one was going to slide with her this year.
-Why?! – Aemond asked, intrigued.
-She got overly excited with the prospects of winning last year and ended up pushing our brother of the hill and he broke his arm. – (Y/N)’s sister said, spilling the entire gossip without any consideration for her sister’s reputation. – He had to use a plaster cast throughout the entirety of the holidays and the pictures looked horrendous.
(Y/N) was burning red.
-It was a one-time thing. – She said, eyeing her sister. – And it was an accident!
-Right. – her sister smiled. – Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Everyone has different coping mechanisms; we won’t judge you. – She said while entering her sled.
The twins cracking a laugh.
She turned to look at Aegon.
-I promise you, I won’t break your arm. – she said. Eyes as big as saucers. Her hands tight together.
-Yeah, don’t make promises you can’t keep. -Her sister started talking once more.
(Y/N) gave her a look.
-That’s our cue. – Her older brother said, and they started sliding down, all by themselves.
While everyone watched, Aegon came closer to (Y/N).
-Well… That was reassuring. – he said, smiling an awkward smile, like he didn’t know if he should find the entire situation funny or if he should be concerned.
-They are exaggerating. – The girl said.
-So, you did not push your brother off the hill? – Aegon questioned, being met by silence. -And his arm did not break?
Silence again. The girl’s cheeks red once more.
-I seem to fail to see where this exaggeration is! – he said in a mocking tone.
- It was an accident. – The girl said exasperated.
-Okay, okay. – he said taking a step back, joking at the girl’s reaction.
-Hey, you two! – one of the twins screamed. – Enough with the small talk. We are up next.
While (Y/N) positioned her sled, she decided to reassure Aegon once more.
-Aegon, I promise, you have nothing to worry about.
-If someone has nothing to worry about it’s us. – the other twin said, already seated at the sled. – Uncle said you won a couple of pounds in college this year, so I’m guessing you’re going for snail-like speed style.
The boys started laughing, and (Y/N)’s eyes got bloodshot. She was mad beyond measure.
-That’s it. Aegon, get ready to push and jump.
-What?! – he said.
-Push! – She screamed. – We are NOT losing this. – she continued to scream while she started descending the hill and Aegon did his best to catch up.
-With that speed you are getting to the tree by next Christmas! – the twins said it together, having a laugh.
-Shut up you brats! – She screamed once more.
Aegon was impressed that they were able to keep a “conversation” at that speed. They were obviously very good at that sliding thing.
-Aegon. When I say go, incline your body to the front, that way we go faster.
-Faster?! – his eyes almost popping out of his skull.
The sled almost leaving the ground.
-Eat that, suckers! – she started laughing.
The girl so focused on her rivals she forgot to look when they were heading.
-Look ahead! – she heard her brother scream.
-Oh no! – The people on top of the hill started to scream.
(Y/N) finally looked ahead.
-Aegon… - she started. – Hold on tight, we are about to crash!
-What?! – was all the boy had time to say before they were thrown of the sled.
There was silence. All that could be seen were a few flashes of limbs, the rest of their bodies deep in the fluffy snow.
(Y/N) was the first to peek her head, she looked side to side, looking for Aegon. Her snow-covered hair and big eyes making her look like a cartoon character.
-Are you dead?! – She asked the older boy.
-No… - he grunted, still trying to get his upper body out of the snow.
-Are your arms broken?! – she asked once more.
-I don’t think so… - he said, unsure.
-Good, because we’re still in the competition. Get up. – she said with a smile. – We need to go up the hill.
Aegon gulped.
-How many more times are we going to do this?! -he asked, voice quivering.
-Until we are eliminated, big guy. -she could see his hesitation. – But look at the bright side! We just got ourselves rid of the twins. – she pointed at the two boys sulking in the corner.
When they saw Aegon staring they gave him the middle finger.
So, he started to climb up the hill.
By the end of the “competition”, Aegon had seen his life flash before his eyes at least a dozen times. He was dizzy with the amount of adrenaline.
Jace and Luke were the winners, which made (Y/N)’s entire family whine about their “beginner’s luck”.
The twins were about to suggest a rematch when (Y/N)’s little sister sneezed.
-Oh. Here’s the sign we spent to much time out in the cold. – The girl said, snuggling her small sister.
-Well… - her older brother said, taking in the leading position. – It is lunch time anyways. So…
-I want waffles! – the little girl screamed.
-And I want fries. – one of the twins said.
-Can we have fried chicken? – little Daeron asked.
-Yes! Waffles and fried chicken! – the little girl quickly agreed.
-I was thinking this year we can do something a little different… - the man said. – Eat something healthy, something that can actually be considered a proper meal.
(Y/N) started booing and all her family members, including her brother’s fiancée followed her lead. Soon, the Targaryens decided to join in too. All of them but Aemond.
-Fine! FINE! We’ll do as you want. – The older man started to descend the hill with a pout on his face. – Be responsible, they said. It will be rewarding, they said… - he mumbled loud enough to make the others giggle.
(Y/N), feeling like she had to explain herself, started walking closer to Aegon.
-We always let the kids choose what we are going to eat after a sliding day. It has been like this ever since I was a child.
-It’s nice. -Aegon said. When he was a kid, he was also free to eat whatever he would have liked. But it was normally dinner, after a long day of studying, his afternoons filled with extracurricular activities. His driver, Criston, being the one to take him to Pizza Hut or whatever.
He couldn’t think of one single memory where his mother of father would have taken him and his siblings to a restaurant after a day of fun. Specially on Christmas time, when the Company was more demanding than ever.
After a short walk they were in front of the “Lord Frey’s Diner”.
-It’s presumptuous to call yourself “Lord”, being a Frey above all else, but the old man does make very good chicken. – (Y/N)’s older brother said while they took a seat.
-Damned be him and his chicken empire. – (Y/N)’s little sister made a cheer motion and received a few “cheers to that” and other sounds.
The Targaryens laughed at what seemed like a well-rehearsed attempt of an insult.
Soon the table was a mess. Everyone trying to squeeze their own orders.
After such confusion they ended up ordering more food then needed, which got the children very happy.
There was lots of laughter while the meal occurred. (Y/N) happy the families seemed to bond. Jace and the twins seemed as thick as thieves already, and her own little sister was entranced by Baela’s beauty and Rhaena’s calming voice.
The ruckus only got worse when (Y/N)’s cousins decided to start throwing food at each other’s open mouth, like an improvised game of basketball.
(Y/N)’s little sister turned her attention to Aemond, making silly faces at him. Annoying him to no end.
-What are you doing?! – The older sister asked. When she got no response, she quickly realized what this was about. -Stop it! He’s not a baby! You can’t get him to laugh at silly faces!
-It works with our neighbor! – the little girl pouts.
-That’s because he is two!
That made all Aemond’s siblings laugh, getting him properly red.
But soon it was all forgotten when the deserts started to arrive. Enough ice cream to feed an army.
After a few hours the clan was finally ready to leave. All the children not wanting to stand up, feeling too full to even move. They started saying goodbyes, the Targaryens thanking the invitation.
(Y/N) got closer to Aegon.
-I was thinking we could exchange phone numbers. – she smiled, with pink-tinted cheeks.
-Sure, princess. – Aegon said, finding it curious they hadn’t done it before.
-And I was also thinking… You could… maybe… come by my house tomorrow. – her voice getting lower and lower, while the red on her face got brighter and brighter.
The boy smiled at that, realizing that this time the invitation didn’t extend to his other family members.
-Text me the address and the time, princess. – He said, just as the families started going in opposite directions.
They both smiling to themselves. Smiles bright enough to blind.
After a while, when the Targaryens were already far away, Luke piped up:
-Do you think they will invite us next year?!
-I hope so. – Jace said. – It was the most fun I’ve had in a while.
-It was delightful. – Helena said, smiling, not able to shake the thought of that being the first nice family meal she ever attended, with no drunk fights and venomous remarks.
-It wasn’t that bad, I suppose. -Aemond said under his breath, not wanting to be heard.
But Aegon did hear.
And his heart started beating faster.
He was not sure why. But a warm content felling took over, nonetheless.
And then, his phone buzzed.
“Had fun today”, the text said.
That was indeed a great day.
@bwormie @fan-goddess
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clara02 · 1 year
The Christmas Sugar Cookie War.
(Aegon Targaryen x reader)
Previous Chapter
Chapter two: We are rockin’ fighting around the Christmas tree.
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It was the next morning when Aemond entered Aegon’s room. He didn’t look happy, but then again, Aegon couldn’t remember the last time his brother was genuinely happy about anything.
-I didn’t believe… - Aemond started, voice raspy and sober. – when mother said you were joining us. Didn’t you say that this whole “Christmas tradition” leaves you nauseous?!
-The holiday spirit is not the cause of my discomfort, brother. – Aegon stated, while tying his shoes. – Our family is.
Aemond looked offended. Family and tradition being his life philosophy.
-You have to admit the hypocrite nature of such events. We don’t really behave like a united family all year. – Aegon stood up, making eye contact with his younger brother. – And all of that because of some company seat.
-You should start respecting your family legacy. -Aemond growled. -We own everything to that Company and the Targaryen name. And you’re throwing your birthright away like it’s nothing.
Aegon whined. He didn’t want to have that conversation again. Every time he came back to King’s Landing his mother and grandfather would talk his ear off. Apparently, his brother decided to take that role for himself this Christmas.
-Why are you going anyway? – Aemond changed the subject, realizing the conversation wasn’t going anywhere. – If it’s such a hypocrisy?
Aegon simply shrugged his shoulders.
-I hope it’s not because of that girl from yesterday?! – Aemond said, grumpy as always. -You should keep your distance.
-Why do you care?!- Aegon asked, confused. His brother should be used to his dating ways by now.
-She is our rival. – there was silence in the room. – At the Christmas cookie competition…
Aegon laughed out loud.
His brother couldn’t be serious?!
-That’s what’s bugging you?! The silly sugar cookie contest?!
-I don’t care for your one-night stands, Aegon. – Aemond took a long breath. – The Gods know I had to come to terms with it. It doesn’t help with the family reputation, but I truly learned to look the other way brother. However, you already went out of your way for whatever that silly event was last night. I don’t need you falling for her charms a week before the competition.
-Falling for her charms? – Aegon asked. His eyebrows raised almost to his hairline.
-Please, you don’t actually think she suddenly took interest in you! She is obviously after information.
-You are going mad. – The older sibling scoffed. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. – Not everyone is obsessed with this stupid trophy.
-A girl?! Interested in more than one fun night?! – Aemond snickered at his brother and Aegon felt his stomach twist, he could sense the harsh words coming. – The girls that you “date” are head-empty frat girls that would not be able to go sober if their lives depended on it. And, please, lie to yourself all you want, but you know none of them would, in all truth, want to repeat their experiences… unless, of course, they’re mad.
Aegon felt his hands closing in fists.
-You may think your “flirts” are leading to a nice time, but I guarantee you this girl has secret motivations. Keep. Your. Distance. – Aemond reached the door. He was about to leave when he started speaking once more. – Don’t fuck up one of the few things we still have.
After hearing the door close, Aegon set on his bed. His hands covering his face.
This was going to be a long day.
 (Y/N) knew the “Tree Lighting” was just one of the many events the Targaryens used to promote their name and show-off their influence. After all, it was ridiculous to think they would only “officially” start the holiday celebrations one week before Christmas eve. And with the entire city fully decorated and the festive ice rink in the “Dragonpit” open for business, it was obvious that the tree in front of the Red Keep was merely for representation purposes.
And what it represented…
The Red Keep was a luxurious condo owned by the Targaryen company. Only the wealthiest lived there. The whole Westeros elite savoring whatever their money could buy, safe withing the high walls.
Of course they got to choose “when” the celebrations started!
And yet, (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel excited.
She loved to see the giant tree fully decorated and shining bright. They normally had little stalls set nearby, full to the brim with holiday treats and carolers would perform. It was truly magical.
The snow that had fallen in the early hours helping to set the mood. The streets covered in a light layer of white. The wind chilly and loud. Her grandmother baked cinnamon rolls, and the house smelled divine. Her aunt on the piano, lowly humming Christmas songs. Her siblings and cousins making a mess, fighting for the sweets.
-It’s time to go! – her father screamed.
-Just five minutes more! – she heard her older brother yell.
-You know that if they light up the tree before we arrive, we can’t just ask then to turn it off and do it again just because we missed it, right?! – (Y/N) jested, and one of the sofa cushions was thrown her way.
As they got ready to leave, her perfect and cozy Christmas bubble vanished.
But, alas, there were things to be excited about other than the fresh cinnamon rolls. Aegon was going to show up. Her plan working like a charm. She had already rehearsed what to say. Her outfit specially selected to impress.
The walk to the Red Keep was quick. Soon enough they were making their way through what looked like the entire population of King’s Landing.
She could already see Viserys talking to the mayor. The Targaryen would always make some speech about the importance of community and love, while his ever-dutiful wife stood by his side smiling. And, of course, he would thank the mayor for the opportunity of hosting the event once more.
Like he wasn’t the one truly running the town.
(Y/N) barely had time to start looking for Aegon when the speech commenced.
She heard her younger sister shushing her brother and laughed.
Soon, she turned her mind off. Having listened to the same thing over and over again, every year without fail.
After a while, her eyes caught the sight of silver hair. She stared for a minute before his violet eyes found her. She waved and he smiled.
She couldn’t stop the thought that he was pretty. A very pretty boy. Of course, Targaryens were known for their beauty and handsome strong features. But she never really stopped to take a look at the boy. The neutral-colored layers of wool did wonders for his figure. His cheeks flushed because of the weather stood out, contrasting with his pale, marble like, skin.
His brother, Aemond, was also handsome, but he didn’t have the boyish charm hanging off his shoulders. When Aegon smiled all his face lit up. His eyes smaller.
(Y/N)’s attention was back at the tree, waiting.
In a moment she was staring at what looked like a thousand fallen stars. Such brightness close to her touch. The lights a warm color. Through the branches of the tree, she could spot decorations. Some traditional, some more cheeky, like they were a type of joke, inviting the onlooker to come a little closer, try and find its secrets.
Her sister started pointing at a porcelain little cat. He had big eyes and wore a Santa hat.
In the background she could vaguely hear the Christmas carols and the sounds of the crowd dispersing. It was time to continue her mighty plan.
She turned to her grandmother to inform she was going to wander a bit. After receiving a positive nod, she turned to leave and felt her body hitting another.
The head of silver hair not being the one she was so eager to talk.
-Well. Hello there. – The deep, melodic voice mocking her.
-Daemon. – Her grandmother acknowledged the older Targaryen. Her lips crooked on the side, creating a face of displeasure.
-Old Crone. – he said. The Targaryen family gathering behind him, allowing (Y/N) to finally be closer to Aegon. – I was wondering if your little family is planning on showing up in this year’s Sugar Cookie Competition?!
-I wouldn’t miss the opportunity of winning over your sorry ass in a thousand years. – (Y/N)’s grandmother said, an angry tone to her voice.
-And yet… -Daemon wondered, clearly having fun. – You are not winning, are you?!
-I’ll have you know my family recipe has granted us many trophies. We are good at what we do. – The old woman’s face started getting red.
-But you haven’t had a single victory in twenty-one years! – he laughed. – Perhaps your luck has started to evade you.
-Daemon… - Rhaenyra warned in a low whisper.
(Y/N)’s grandmother took a step, getting closer to Daemon.
-I will NOT be intimidated by some wee lad that just recently stopped smelling like his mother’s milk. – (Y/N) blushed at the insult. – Are you out of you diapers yet, Targaryen?!
-And I do not feel threatened by an old hag. - ha said in a malicious manner.
-Daemon! – Alicent exclaimed, horrified.
By now, (Y/N) was sure her grandmother intended to hit the old Targaryen man with her cane.
-You listen here, boy… - her venomous voice cut out by (Y/N)’s father.
-Look mother… - he said, grabbing her arm. – I think Cristina from your knitting club is here.
-And why should I care about that cunt?! – The old woman said, making Aegon choke at her choice of… colorful vocabulary.
-It would be polite to say hello. – (Y/N)’s father said in an apologetic voice, while facing the rival family.
-To hell with politeness. That woman is a bore.
-C’mon. – he said dragging the old lady.
-You watch out boy! – she screamed at Daemon. – I swear, you children make the prospect of a grave more tempting every year. – her voice fading in the background while hitting her son with a cane.
(Y/N) cheeks were still glowing red when she felt the all Targaryen eyes land on her.
-She is a woman of much… energy. -Alicent said, trying to smile.
-It helps with keeping everyone in check. – The girl said shrugging her shoulders.
Daemon laughed.
-I’m sure it does.
(Y/N) stood there, waiting for them to leave, so she could talk to Aegon. And yet, not a single person moved.
She waited a little more. Nothing.
-So… Uhm. – She cleared her throat. – Hi!
She said receiving a laugh and a small quiet hello from Aegon.
-I was hoping to invite you to slide with us tomorrow. – She said, her voice unsure. – We do it every year. It’s fun.
Aegon could feel Aemond’s stare at the back of his head. It was burning holes on his neck.
-You can also bring your siblings and nephews… The more the merrier. – (Y/N) said, cringing at her choice of words.
-No grown-ups tho. – the sweet voice of her younger sister reached everyone’s ear. She looked at Aegon with sparkling eyes. Her hands twisting (Y/N)’s clothes while half of her body remained hidden behind her sister. – It’s an “Adults free” morning.
-No grown-ups. – Aegon said smiling. Making the shy girl blush. -Got it, sweetheart.
The small girl giggled.
-So… Are you coming?! – (Y/N) said, a little nervous. Her friends told her that Christmas activities were the perfect way to bond with the boy.
Aegon could practically hear his brother screaming for him to keep his distance. The words from that very morning lingering on his mind.
-It would be a pleasure, princess. – He reached for his brother, using the taller figure as support. His arm stretched across Aemond’s shoulders. -In fact, we are all coming.
Aemond was fuming. Aegon feared he could spontaneously combust.
He smiled a one-side grin. His brother’s obvious discomfort giving him even more reason to accept (Y/N)’s invitation.
With that the Targaryen family started to leave.
-We’re inviting our enemies to hang out now?! – (Y/N)’s older brother said, his face twisted in disgust. – Is this a new Christmas tradition I’m unaware of?!
-Stop being ridiculous and smile. – (Y/N) whispered while elbowing his side. -They’re still looking.
(Y/N)’s entire family smiled and waved. Looking like an advertisement-picture-perfect clan.
While they walked off, Aemond turned to his brother.
-I hope you know what you are doing. – he said, harshly detaching himself from his brother. Displeased beyond measure.
-Please brother, when have I ever done something without thinking?!- Aegon laughed.
Aemond wanted a lightning to strike him that very moment. He asked the Gods what did he do to deserve such a brother?!
Aegon laughed even harder, like he knew exactly what his younger brother was thinking.
Tomorrow was going to be awesome.
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (1)
Summary: Rhaenyra invites Harwyn to spend the holidays at Valyria, so he can spend it with their boys. And Laenor. And Daemon.   Now all three of Jace, Luke and Joff's fathers are in a single house, and trying to compete to be the favourite one. It is every man for himself.
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Rhaenyra and Harwyn broke up because of Daemon.
In hindsight, it was obvious it was going to happen.
Laena, his first wife, had died and, after 6 months of grieving, he was back, and suddenly being platonically married to a man while keeping a sexual relationship with another wasn't enough for her. She wanted a full marriage.
On one hand, it wasn't unexpected to Harwyn. She never hid her love for Daemon, in the Targaryen strange way.
On the other... well, they had been in their relationship for, what? Over a decade?
It stung a little.
Then, of course, she told him they were moving to Valyria, so they could get married and wanted to take the three boys with her. Joffrey was just a little baby, he couldn't tear him away from his mother. And Jace and Luke said they wanted to go, so what could he do?
He wasn't even on the birth certificate of the three.
When Jace was born he didn't know he was his, Rhaenyra just said they took after her grandfather.
And then Luke came, and it was obvious but Laenor insisted he was his son too and that he was the one raising them, so why would Harwyn put his name on it?
And he was young and didn't mind. It was less responsibility, he could just be the fun uncle!
Rhaenyra always let him have as much access to them as he could want.
And then Joffrey came along, and why change the system? They even named him after Laenor's long-time boyfriend.
So she left for Valyria and married her uncle, and he was left behind in Westeros.
He started bonding with Laenor after that. They shared three children, after all, why wouldn't they be at least friends?
They visited the boys together for their birthdays - Leanor even paid for his tickets once, when he was in between jobs and couldn't afford it.
He was a very good friend.
Of course, at Valyria, they discovered the boys had acquired another father. A third one.
And their parenting styles... could differ. Sometimes.
Laenor was the comforting kind, always physically affectionate with the boys, a little overprotective sometimes.
Harwyn tried to do his best with the little time he had. There was no time to be a disciplinarian or teach them things.
Daemon expected things from them, the boys.
Harwyn and Laenor had watched Joffrey fall on his ass from trying to ride his bike, exchange a strong look with Daemon, and just get up and do it again.
So yes, between the two countries, Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey had three very different fathers, one stepfather and one mother.
Their Christmas was usually spent in Driftmark, with their grandparents, Laenor and Joffrey - who had gotten married sometime after the divorce -, and Harwyn and Laena's daughters, Baela and Rhaena.
... who were also Daemon's children.
Every year, he would be invited to go spend the last two weeks of the year with the Velaryons and would be the one driving everyone to the airport, where someone would fly with them to Valyria and then back.
Until that year, when Daemon asked for Christmas to be held in Valyria, in their state.
Harwyn was worried about it. Christmas was his time. The boys would already spend Summer with Laenor, and he could only get a couple of days with them at his house once every two weekends because of work, why would he give up on spending the holiday with his sons?
But then the boys asked him, all three of them. And he couldn't say no.
Rhaenyra was nice enough to pay for him to fly business class and to give him a room in her own house, so he could spend as much time with the boys as possible.
She even sent him the list of stuff the boys said they wanted through their year, so he could surprise them - usually, he would ask them directly, but he wouldn't skip on the opportunity of looking like he had guessed their perfect gifts!
So Harwyn was pretty confident about what he was packing when his luggage was taken, and he sat down with Joffrey and Laenor to wait for their plane.
"Checking the tracking?" he sat down, finding Laenor on his phone.
"Nyra said they just got there," he locked the screen. "She's going to put them under the tree."
He hummed positively.
"And your parents?"
"They took the kids to the theatre last night," he unlocked it again, clicking on the gallery. "They just sent me a picture, hold up."
Harwyn leaned onto the phone and smiled when Laenor finally found the photo of Rhaenys and Corlys surrounded by the grandchildren, with 3D glasses and popcorn.
Gods, he missed them.
He sat back on his seat, watching as Laenor set it as his phone screen, and making a mental note that maybe he should try and take a picture with all three so he could do the same. Maybe he could be in the picture too, he barely had photos with them.
Joffrey - the adult one that his son was named after - came back with coffee and bagels, giving Harwyn some before sitting down with Laenor.
"Did you show them the picture with your parents?"
"Yeah," his husband told him, and then showed him his phone. "I made it my screen."
Officially, Harwyn was coming as Laenor's friend. Rumoured third in their relationship. 
It was strange, not being the father of his own children.
As far as he knew, Rhaenyra's whole family accepted the idea that the boys just resembled her mother's father - which they kind of did, if Harwyn wasn't around - so he couldn't quite claim them in public. No custody or sleeping at his house, or anything that would be weird with a friend of the family.
It was his choice, back then. When he sat with Rhaenyra and Laenor, and they talked about Luke and Jace, but now a part of him secretly regretted it.
He was their father, after all.
It was what echoed in his thought as he stared out the window of the plane.
Maybe it was time to start asking for more. More time with them, more acknowledgement.
Legally, he couldn't do much - Laenor certainly would put up a fight and Harwyn would hate to lose the friendship between them - between all three of them, Rhaenyra included - but they had to reach an agreement.
Harwyn wouldn't leave without one.
It sparked something in his mind.
Maybe he could get the boys to ask just as well.
"Hey," he turned to Laenor. "Do you have Rhaenyra's address there? I forgot... a thing. At home." "I'll just get it delivered there."
"Sure," Laenor grabbed his phone. "I'll just text it to you."
He hummed positively, checking the list again.
Rhaenyra had told him to not buy Luke a dirt bike, but he suddenly couldn't find a text of hers saying that.
It was so strange.
And Jace certainly had space for a Tolkien special edition boxed set.
Joff would love some bath crayons and pavement chalk, he could decorate the whole house with them, his little artist.
He added as many gifts as he could realistically pay for - and he could realistically pay for a lot of things - and set them to deliver a couple of days before Christmas.
Harwyn had two whole weeks to show his sons how great of a father he was.
“The Christmas War” is being posted on my Patreon two weeks before it comes to Tumblr and AO3! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystall​ @giruvega
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (2)
Summary: Rhaenyra invites Harwyn to spend the holidays at Valyria, so he can spend it with their boys. And Laenor. And Daemon.   Now all three of Jace, Luke and Joff's fathers are in a single house, and trying to compete to be the favourite one. It is every man for himself.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Rhaenyra was nowhere to be seen when they left with the luggage and landed safe and sound in Valyria.
Harwin looked around a bit confused. She had promised she would be there to pick them up.
"Let me call her," Laenor pulled his phone, raising it with an annoyed face. "Gods, I hate this place. I never get service after landing here."
Harwin looked around, a little unsure as he tried to read the signs.
Rhaenyra had tried explaining Valyrian to him, but it was impossible.
Looking around, though, he found a very noticeable figure.
A very familiar one.
"Daemon," Joffrey realised.
The husband.
He just stood there, with a big weird-looking dog sat right by his side.
"Oh, good," Laenor exhaled. "Come on."
Harwin pushed his cart, a little unsettled as Daemon watched them silently, not even needing to call them for them to come to him.
He had a strange energy.
"Is he even allowed to have that thing here?" Joffrey mumbled, and it was almost as if the dog heard them, because it started growling as they stepped closer.
Daemon looked down at it, tugging on the leash once, and waited a moment for it to get silent before petting its head in praise.
"Laenor," he called, still looking straight at Harwin. "Joffrey. Welcome back."
"Where's Rhaenyra?" Laenor asked before they had even stopped moving and before Daemon could address Harwin. "Did anything happen?"
He shook his head the littlest bit, but didn't answer.
"Let me get your things into the car," he decided. "Harwin, welcome to Valyria."
They followed him anyway, not having a choice.
"We can do it," Joffrey tried to argue as his ex's husband left his dog alone and took their luggage anyway.
Joffrey certainly didn't seem happy to see the thing left loose, but it didn't move.
It growled, though. And Joffrey was quick to hide behind Laenor.
Daemon, not looking worried at all, just said something in Valyrian to it and the dog stopped.
"Who is sitting in the front seat?" he looked at them when he was done.
Harwin and Laenor exchanged looks and everyone turned to the dog.
The question was, who would want the dog to sit in the back?
"We can share the backseat," Joffrey added quickly. "The three of us. Men. Human."
They were lucky that the car was very spacious.
It had to be, considering that Daemon and Rhaenyra together had five kids.
There were two sets of backseats, though still far enough from the front seat the dog couldn't jump on them.
"I'm glad you didn't have much luggage, I didn't want to bring Rhaenyra's car," he declared as he drove away.
"You didn't tell us where she is," Harwin reminded him quickly.
Daemon looked at him through the mirror.
"Of course," he realised. "Well, Joffrey sick, so she is staying home with him."
"What?" Harwin jumped in.
"What is wrong?" Laenor jumped in quickly. "What happened? Did you take him to the doctor?"
"It's a cold," Daemon told them. "I took him to the family doctor this morning, it's nothing too serious, but he needs to rest and drink lots of liquids, so we are letting him do that."
Laenor glared at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, offended. "He is my son too, I need to know when he is sick."
"So you would rush to get a red light flight or swim your way up here?" Daemon asked. "Rhaenyra didn't want to worry you. Which I can see you are, now. And you were going to arrive here today anyway."
Laenor scoffed, and Harwin looked at Daemon through the mirror.
"Are you sure?" he asked. "When I was a kid I had strep constantly."
Laenor turned to him quickly.
"You did?" he asked, looking even more worried now. "Why didn't you tell us? Daemon, are you sure Joffrey doesn't have strap?"
He breathed in and out, both his hands on the wheel and his face unchanged.
"If he had strep, the doctor would say he had strep," he said simply.
They fell into silence, the car becoming very quiet. Awkward.
So they wouldn't acknowledge it past that?
"I made sure he got tested," Daemon added. "There's nothing to worry about, he will be fine in time for Christmas. Just give him a little time, he is not in his best shape these days."
They relaxed, at last.
Harwin sighed, watching the streets as Daemon continued to drive, looking a bit through the car, and tapped the screen on the seat in front of him with a single finger.
Fancy, wasn't he?
He glanced around a bit.
Yep, four of them.
Harwin wouldn't peg that as a car to transport kids, but the screens obviously weren't there for the teens, they had their own phones.
He probably had got it for Joffrey.
Or the dog.
Who knew?
It was a long drive until they go to their state, which was way larger than Harwin thought it would be.
But the Targaryen were so rich he doubted any of the boys would need to work a day of their lives if they didn't want to.
Daemon let the dog out first, and Harwin knew everyone was hoping it would leave them the hell alone, but it just sat as Daemon took their luggage as the three got off the car - making sure they were stepping away and not closer to the dog.
It was a very fancy garage, with five other cars, one of them being a minivan.
"Is that a soccer mum van?" Laenor asked, looking amused.
Daemon chuckled.
"Yes, she had to surrender to it at some point," he answered simply.
Daemon strode to an intercon, but the door opened before he could, and Rhaenyra stepped into the garage.
"You are here!" she smiled, looking cheerful.
Harwin's eyes widened in surprise when he saw her.
Five years had changed Rhaenyra quite a bit.
When they met, she was a small woman, petite and always posh, even when relaxed. He would never catch her without any makeup on and fully done hair. Even after Jace and Luke's births, she never let herself look relaxed, and never kept the weight of the babies.
The woman right in front of him looked very different.
There was a glow to her that he had never seen. Her face was fresh, her smile was wide and her body was full.
All of the curves he'd wished she had kept from the pregnancies, the softness she never allowed herself to enjoy.
Harwin gulped, trying not to look too hungry when he gazed at her.
Laenor hugged her first, quick and familiar, and Joffrey greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.
Before Harwin could move and do it, though, Daemon pulled her close and kissed her, affectionately and for a bit too long for a man who had the chance of doing so every day.
He was staking his claim rather, obviously.
"Did you miss me, my love?" he teased softly.
He added something in Valyrian too.
She giggled, pulling back from him, and answered it in their strange language.
What a way to make a guest feel welcome.
But Rhaenyra turned to Harwin anyway and smiled very sweetly at him.
"Hello, Harwin," she welcomed him. "Thank you for coming, the boys will be very happy to see you here."
She opened her arms for a hug, and he was very respectful with it, and relaxed a little when she kissed his cheek.
"Thank you for inviting me."
"Was the flight okay?" she asked, rubbing his arm. "Are you finding things comfortable?"
"Yes, I'm fine," he assured her. "Although it is much warmer than I anticipated."
Laenor hummed a little.
"I told you to pack for warmth," he told her. "Valyria is very warm."
"I'm sure the boys will love to show you to the pool," Rhaenyra added, looking amused. "Jace loves swimming, he will be happy to have you around there."
"Come on, Caraxes," Daemon called the dog. "Let's get inside."
The thing - Caraxes, then - glanced at the three before following his owner, and Harwin got his bag before following them right in.
“The Christmas War” is being posted on my Patreon two weeks before it comes to Tumblr and AO3! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (9)
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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They had to move quick to do the things needed to transfer Jace to Winterfell. It was a group effort, with documents to cover everything from his move, transfer, his permit and all of that.
His son was elated. Rhaenyra and Laenor had sat with him at night to talk about away from prying ears and concluded that, yes, it was something serious and not an idea Harwin had put in his head. It made him wonder how much Jace had planned in his head about his future, how much he thought of all of them, and adjusted to keep everyone happy. It sounded so tasking.
He deserved to be selfish and a little inconsequential.
Classes were going to start at the end of January, so they were trying to be quick with everything. It was the first time in his life he was grateful for Christmas not being a national holiday.
He was very excited about everything.
Harwin was lucky to have a contact inside the school - an old childhood friend - and got the basic stuff for his enrolment running while Daemon worked on making sure they wouldn’t have any problems with his old school.
He would be able to join their swimming team with a recommendation from his current coach, and the school was only waiting for his records to have him assigned to a few advanced classes.
It made Harwin very proud to know everything his boy had accomplished in such a short life.
He had just hang up the phone from setting things up when he watched Jace taking Joffrey and the oldest of the little boys - Aegon, he suspected - and walked into the kitchen to find Rhaenyra with her face buried into a cooking book.
Oh? She was the one cooking, not Daemon?
“Hey,” he called.
She raised her eyes to him, and her eyes widened.
“If you are here, who is with Luke?” she asked.
He stopped, a bit surprised.
Harwin froze when it clicked in his mind.
It was the 25th.
Luke’s birthday!
“It’s Luke’s birthday!” he gasped. “We got forgot Luke’s birthday!”
How could he have forgotten his birthday! It was December.
It was during Christmas! Christmas dinner always doubled as Luke’s birthday party!
“Who is we?” Laenor called behind him, rushing inside with a box full of food, turning to Rhaenyra. “Where is Daemon?”
“Picking up the cake,” she walked to the box, taking several lemons from inside. “Did you get the right brand of vanilla?”
He blinked, confused, feeling a little out of place.
Oh. So he was the only one who had forgotten.
“Yes. Fake vanilla, not the right one,” he confirmed. “Did you start the crème bastard?”
Harwin turned to look at them, and Rhaenyra looked a little annoyed.
“I forgot.”
He stood quickly.
“Are you making that sweet cream I taught you?”
She nodded.
“Trying to,” Rhaenyra pointed out. “And those… winter cakes?”
“I can make them,” he told them quickly. “I can help.”
Laenor seemed relieved.
“Good, cause she sucks with sweet food,” he pointed out.
She glared at him, but Laenor simply chuckled and booped her on the nose on his way to the other side of the kitchen.
“Dear wife, you have no sense of sweetness,” he pointed out. “Everything has either too much sugar or it is too bland.”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
It was so strange, seeing them interacting the way they used to do before.
Years ago, Harwin used to be a little jealous of the bond they shared, and in the beginning, he wished very much that Daemon felt the same.
He never quite knew the details of their relationship in the past, maybe a bit out of fear. They were so affectionate with one another, always hugging and touching, holding hands in public and leaning on one another in public and private… it was hard to place where they stood when thinking about that, but also their private lives - Laenor was dating Joffrey since before Harwin was hired to be with their family, and he didn’t seem to mind him having a relationship with Rhaenyra.
It was natural for Harwin to be a little jealous.
Of course, after the divorce and he actually became friends, and he found out Laenor was gay, which was a bit of a shock.
“Must be because I am sweet enough myself,” she teased him back.
That earned her a big smoochy kiss on her cheek, like the ones they were always shared at home.
“Ex-wife,” Daemon remarked, walking into the kitchen, carrying a big box, glaring at them, though not doing more than that.
It made him curious as he moved with a pan to make his crème bastard.
Did he know?
Because as far as Harwin knew, Laenor had never come out in a big official way. Before he explicitly told him he was gay - with all the words - he just thought he was bisexual!
Maybe Daemon thought he was bisexual.
He smirked a bit to himself. It would do good to Daemon to feel a little bit of jealousy. A little bit of healthy competition wasn’t bad - even if that was just in his head.
"You never let me forget it," Laenor quipped, cutting his lemons, and Harwin walked to his side as Rhaenyra and Daemon exchanged a long kiss, getting the eggs from the egg basket.
Daemon picked up the box he had left on the counter and placed it into one of the fridges, still sealed.
"I'll go check on the kids and get done with the bacon pie," he told her. "Did they have lunch?"
"Forty minutes ago," she told him. "Can you help them brush their teeth?"
“Of course,” he agreed.
He left and Harwin elbowed Laenor on the side, separating the yolks and whites.
“Does he know?” he whispered.
His friend frowned, confused, and Harwin glanced back at Rhaenyra.
“You know,” he insisted. “That you and Rhaenyra could never, ever, ever…”
Laenor laughed, and when they glared at her, she was looking at them a bit confused.
“I like to keep him keep guessing,” he confessed, done cutting the lemons. “You never know when her ex-husband can swipe her off her feet again.”
Harwin chuckled. Hopefully Daemon trusted Rhaenyra enough that he didn’t think of that too much. It would be a shame.
They separated to do their own things, and he had to bat Rhaenyra’s hand away when she tried to poke her finger into the hot cream, like she would do before.
“If you want to be helpful, then get me the blueberries, please,” he requested. “They are in the fridge.”
Harwin made lots of the dessert - according to Rhaenyra, Rhaenys and Corlys were coming over, and a few of Luke's friends, so he made enough for thirty people. Rhaenyra loved that dessert, so he knew any excess was going to be welcomed anyway.
Rhaenys and Corlys arrived when he was helping setting up the table, a mix of Christmas and birthday foods, and he had a bit of time to clean up before everyone joined the group for the party, and he was surprised when Luke all by dragged him the moment he stepped down the stairs to a group of boys he had never seen before.
"Okay, so, this is my other dad," he told them, looking excited and proud. "His name is Harwin Strong and he is a fencing champion."
Harwin smiled, feeling very warm and happy.
"Nice to meet you," he looked at the boys.
"Papa, this is Clement Stauton," he pointed at a short blonde boy, then a pair of brown haired boys. "And Amons and Raylon Bracken."
He nodded to them.
"Wait, he the one who gave you dirtbike?" Raylon asked, his Valyrian accent very thick, looking impressed. "Cool!"
Harwin smiled, patting his son's back.
"Well, I knew he really wanted one," he told them. "And that he will be very responsible with it."
Luke smiled largely.
"Of course," he agreed. "I'm very responsible."
He was left to chuckle.
At 15? Sure.
"Alright," he messed Luke's hair a little. "I hope you all have fun tonight. I'm pretty sure Luke got some cool video games to show to you."
That seemed to get them very excited, and he knew Laenor would brag about being right when he set up the TV room for their gaming.
When he walked back, Rhaenyra was coming down the stairs, looking simply gorgeous in a silver dress, and Daemon seemed to notice it, because he was very quick to welcome her and swipe her off her feet in a movie-like kiss.
Gods, she was gorgeous.
He was almost jealous when she saw Luke and kissed him all over his round cheeks, making him blush pink as they spoke something in Valyrian.
It was hilarious, however, to see the boys' reaction. The boys were all pretty much drooling when she she hugged them affectionately.
"Hey," he tapped Laenor on the shoulder when he reached his side. "Look."
His friend did, and chuckled.
"Oh, yeah. All of his friends crush on her," he told them. "Or on Baela. On or Rhaena. On Daemon too."
He chuckled.
"I called it," he reminded him. "Remember when the boys got into school?"
Laenor finally seemed to remember, laughing a bit.
"Hey, anyone could have called that the boys' friends would crush on their mum," he pointed out. "It's Rhaenyra, come on."
In that he was right. Rhaenyra was the most beautiful woman Harwin had ever met in his life.
They started sharing food a bit after that, and Corlys and Rhaenys made small talk with him during it - they were planning on visiting Essos after this, doing a little bit of a tour or something for their extended Valentine's day holiday.
It was very nice to see a couple that'd been together for so long still finding ways to make life romantic and fun.
They set up a phone for Viserys - Rhaenyra's father - and two of his kids to watch it, the girl and the younger boy, who were both at his house when they set up to sing happy birthday.
When the cake was placed on the table, Harwin was surprised to find it decorated with pictures of the family. All of the family, even including a photo of him playing with Luke when he was smaller, pretending he was an aeroplane, and another with him over his shoulder just a few days ago, after his son had flicked him in their fencing.
Harwin didn't even know Rhaenyra had pictures of the kids with him.
They sang happy birthday, and he tried not to look too stupid as he pretended to sing in Valyria with them, too emotional now from seeing how everyone was working so hard in including him in everything.
"Happy birthday, Luke!" Rhaenyra's sister's celebrated happily. "We can't wait to see you next Summer!"
When one of the boys - Raylon - said something in Valyrian, it was Jace who turned around and poked him, saying something harsh with 'muña' and 'daor', and he knew he was talking about the girl.
Rhaenyra took no time in devouring the cream and blueberries he had made, getting a cup for herself as soon as they were set on the table, and he could see Daemon holding another portion just waiting for her to finish the first.
They were a good pair, and were honestly raising the kids very well.
He could see why she was so happy.
Gods, he needed to find himself a girlfriend.
"Papa!" Joff called. "Papa, help."
He turned to look at his son, and he was trying to reach the end of the table to get a cup for him too, and he could see Laenor and Daemon had also seeing.
Still, the two just nodded and pointed with their chin at him, and Harwin moved over, picking the cup and spoon for him.
"Thank you," his boy celebrated. "The table is s…"
He stopped himself and looked at it, then at Harwin, making a gesture with his hand, raising it as to something tall.
“Tall?” he suggested. “Like the opposite of short?”
Joff nodded.
“Tall,” he agreed. “Thank you!”
He smiled.
“You can ask for whatever you want.”
Joff nodded, eating his good very happily.
“Mum said you have snow!” he told him. “In your home!”
“I do,” he agreed. “Do you want to see it?”
“Can I?” he asked, sounding very excited. “I want to see the snow!”
Harwin smiled.
“I’m sure we can talk to your mama and schedule a visit.”
The room filled with the sound of music as he did, and he could see the kids already moving to the sound of it, a bit dorky but looking like they were having fun.
He was surprised when Luke didn’t even stay with his friends, rushing to the twins and taking one to dance by her hand.
Gods, he knew that face. He absolutely knew that face.
Luke looked like a puppy in love!
He sat down, and Joff leaned onto him, dancing on his own feet as he ate excitedly, and Daemon twirled Rhaenyra in the centre of the room as they joined the kids, looking like they were just out of some classic film, exhaling love in each step of them.
Joffrey - the adult - sat down by his side with a slice of pie.
“Not a dancer?” Harwin looked at him.
“Maybe later,” he shrugged. “Laenor is dacing with Baela. It reminds him of the times he would dance Laena.”
Yes, he could see that.
“So, what do you think?” Joffrey asked him. “Family holidays, hm?”
Harwin smiled.
“You know what… it went nicer than I thought it would,” he confessed.
His friend moved to him, putting his arm around his shoulder and giving him a squeeze.
“Welcome to the family,” Joffrey told him.
And for the first time in his 16 years tangled with the Targaryens and Velaryons, it finally felt real.
“Thanks,” he smiled. “I like it here.”
“The Christmas War” is being posted on my Patreon two weeks before it comes to Tumblr and AO3! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhuntersseries​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (5)
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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The mall was peaceful, looking just like any other mall in Westeros Harwin had stepped on, and Jace walked as if he knew every step of it.
Well, he probably did, right? If there was something he knew teens liked, it had to be malls.
"Are you done with your Christmas shopping?" Harwin asked him.
"Yeah," Jace nodded quickly. "We went shopping early, kepa wanted to make sure we had time to buy everything without rushing."
Wasn't that nice of his Kepa?
"What does that mean?" Harwin frowned, though. "Kepa."
Was that stepdad in their language?
Luke had said they all called Daemon that.
"Well, two things," he looked at him. "It's dad, and brother of dad, so paternal uncle."
He frowned.
"That's very confusing. How do you know the difference?"
Jace shrugged.
"You just do," he told him simply. "It's how you say it, how you talk to him."
"So you just call everyone father?" he asked. "Your father, your uncles..."
"On the father's side, yes," he confirmed. "But not on your mother's side. Your mother's older brother is your iapa, and your mother's younger brother is your qybor."
Harwin stared at him.
What now?
"Say it again?"
Laenor chuckled behind them.
"Your mother's older brother is your iapa," he repeated. "Which is how the Baela and Rhaena call dad, he is their uncle, their iapa."
Harwin nodded along.
"And the younger brothers of your mother are referred as qybor, so that is how I would speak to Aegon or Aemond," he explained again. "If I did speak to them. Which I don't."
Yeah, there was a bit of drama on that side of the family.
"Tell him how you'd prefer to Helaena," Laenor told him, sounding very amused.
Helaena? Rhaenyra's sister?
"Muña," Jace told them.
He frowned a little.
"But muña means mother," he corrected him. "I remember Rhaenyra teaching you that."
Jace just nodded.
"Yeah, it means both, just like kepa."
His brain was melting.
"You know," he shrugged and turned straight to him. "Muña. And muña. Muña Rhaenyra. Muña Helaena."
Yeah, it was the same thing. They sounded identical.
"Hey," Laenor called them. "I found the ice cream place."
They followed him, though Harwin was still very confused, and Laenor was already talking to one of the employees as Jace stepped to him, quickly asking for something before waving to him to come closer.
"Come on, ice cream is on me," his son called.
The names were all in Valyrian, obviously, and he was left to try and decipher them by their colour, not wanting to bother them with his questions.
"Is that chocolate?" he pointed at one, a little unsure.
"Valyrian chocolate, yes," Laenor told him. "It's Joffrey's favourite."
"Do you want it?" Jace asked.
He nodded. If it was Joff's favourite, then it had to be alright.
"My Joffrey or your Joffrey?" he asked, though.
Laenor squinted at him.
"They are both my Joffrey," he corrected him.
He breathed in.
"Well, only one of them is mine," Harwin scratched his temple.
"It's Joff's favourite," Jace interrupted them. "Little Joffrey, not uncle Joffrey."
The employee scooped some ice cream, setting it on a plate along with Jacaerys' and Laenor's, and his son was about to pay for it before anyone else could even pull their wallets.
"You don't have to," Laenor argued.
"I invited you," he corrected them.
Harwin smiled a little.
He was a very good boy, his son.
Laenor ruffled his hair, though.
"Yes, and you are still a boy," he corrected him. "We are your fathers. We pay for you, not the reverse."
"Save your money for the car," Harwin told him. "You're going to need insurance."
Rhaenyra probably would never let him even touch the car if it wasn't insured.
They sat down together, and he made a mental note to pay Laenor back.
"We can get the tub before we leave," Laenor told them. "I'm sure your mother will like the treat."
Harwin nodded, and he could see as Jace frowned a little bit, looking a bit worried before covering it up.
That was strange.
"Is the supermarket still around?" Laenor asked, not seeming to notice it. "We can get Joff some fruit. They have great oranges here, he needs vitamin C."
"Mangos too," Harwin reminded him. "They are his favourite."
Laenor raised his eyebrows a little, surprised with the addition, but nodded.
"And mangos."
Harwin took a spoonful of ice cream, expecting the sweet flavour of chocolate to spread on his tongue, or the bitterness of the dark chocolate Rhaenyra would place on his lips when she was in a sharing mood, but it wasn't that.
Well, the ice cream was sweet.
But it was also hot. Spicy.
Very spicy.
He tried not to cough as he swallowed it, trying to get used to it.
Valyrians and their spices.
"Is it alright?" Jace asked. "The ice cream."
He gulped.
"Yeah," he lied. "Peachy."
Harwin made a mental note to brace himself the next time they were out for any kind of food.
He was graduating in, what... a year?
"Well, kepa suggested that I get my education abroad," he told them. "There is a very nice university in Pentos, the world's best diplomats graduated there, so I'm studying very hard to get into it."
Harwin tried not to look bothered. Yes, it was nice, but it was so far away!
"And not Westeros?" he asked. "You're not even considering it?"
Jace moved, a little uncomfortable.
"Well... you know..." he spoke slowly. "With... the people there. It's... you know."
Rhaenyra's family, he meant.
"I'm in Westeros," he reminded him. "And the Velaryons, too. You could go to Dragonstone or Wintefell."
There were more people there than his politician grandfather and their children.
"You won't be alone," Harwin assured him. "And you'll have your chance to start on your own somewhere. Do your own things, try your own path..."
Jace watched his face, looking half unsure and half boomed, his excitement gone.
"I like what I have here," he told him. "And I like Essos. I love Pentos, and I really think they will prepare me better than any other school in Westeros."
Harwin sat back, and when he looked at Laenor, he had his eyes very wide.
"Of course," he confirmed quickly. "I'm not saying they can't. I just... I thought you'd like to know that you have options. But your choice is important."
Jace nodded, eating his ice cream quietly as the hurt set between them.
They moved to go buy the fruit, and Harwin bought himself some normal candy - actual gummies that he had eaten before - and made sure to get extra mangos. Maybe he could bond with Joff over them.
Jacaerys, though, continued very quietly.
He didn't say anything as he drove back home again and stayed in the car for a bit as Laenor took off with their shopping bags, moving around with the documents but doing nothing at all.
Harwin knew that face. Maybe not on him but on Rhaenyra.
"So," he looked at him. "What's up?"
Jace turned to him, looking surprised by the question.
"I'm sorry I didn't understand how you felt about Pentos," he told him. "We all have dreams. It was a little insensitive of me."
His boy nodded a little, still uncomfortable.
"It's alright," he assured him. "I thought about doing my last year of school in Westeros, actually. I was going to."
Harwin perked up.
"Really?" he asked.
Jace nodded.
"Before going to Pentos. So I could be back there for a bit. I was born there, it'd be nice to close this chapter there."
"That is awesome!" Harwin exclaimed. "You could go up North with me! I have space in my house, you can live with me!"
Jace winced a little.
"But I'm not going," he shook his head. "I can't go. I... it's not... I shouldn't."
He frowned.
"Why?" he asked.
But Jace just shook his head.
"We better get inside," he unbuckled his seatbelt. "The ice cream is going to melt."
Harwin reached for him, holding his wrist.
"Laenor took it inside already," he corrected him. "There's no rush."
Jacaerys looked very excited about the idea of going to Westeros.
Why wouldn't he go?
"Did Daemon discourage you?" he asked. "Is he-"
"No," he shook his head again, moving his hand to push his hair back.
His roots were already starting to show, Harwin noticed.
"I..." he tried to speak. "The... we... I..."
Harwin continued to wait, and Jace bounced his leg nervously.
"I'm being stupid," he tried to say instead.
"I don't think so," Harwin corrected him. "I think you're reasonably worried about something."
His son looked up at him, and it was like seeing Rhaenyra stepping around the library again, fidgeting with her fingers and her nails, looking like all the weight of the world was on her shoulders as they all waited for the printer to finish printing the results of her pregnancy test, sixteen years ago.
"Mum is weird," he confessed. "I don't know what it is."
Harwin couldn't say anything for a second, and Jace moved back to pick on his nails.
"I noticed she was a little strange by November," he explained. "But it wasn't bad. And then out of a sudden, the mood shifted. I don't know if I'm the only one who noticed, but she was... she was so weird. She still is."
"Did she say anything?" he asked.
Jace shook his head.
"No, but everything kind of changes. She's... I don't know how to describe it. And dad is overprotective out of a sudden," he continued.
Dad as in Daemon.
"They don't say anything, but they feel different," he explained. "I don't know how to word it, and I don't know what to do!"
His eyes filled up with tears, and Jacaerys blinked them away.
"I don't know if she is sick," he explained. "Or maybe he is!"
Harwin rubbed his shoulder, not knowing if he would be comfortable with a full hug.
"I'll try to talk to her," he promised him. "Your mother loves you very much. If she is hiding anything, then she probably got it in her head that she is protecting you by doing so."
Jace nodded, breathing in and out and moving a hand to dry his eye.
"You know it's alright to cry, right?" he asked softly. "It helps with your feelings."
He chuckled a bit.
"Yeah, everyone tells me that," Jace assured him. "All four other parents."
Harwin frowned.
"Four?" he asked.
Jace smiled a bit, holding a hand up.
"So we got mum," he raised one. "Daemon. Laenor."
He raised two more.
"There’s you," he rested a finger on his fourth finger. "And uncle Joffrey. He's a... honorary parent, I guess. The stepdad."
Harwin chuckled a little.
"Well, they are right," he insisted. "Men cry too. I cry sometimes. I cried a lot when you all left Westeros."
He didn't know how much he'd miss them until the day he woke up and realised he would miss all of Joffrey's milestones, that he would never have the easy access to the boys he used to have before. It hurt more than any physical pain he had ever felt before or after.
Jace raised his eyes to him again, and he could see he was surprised.
"I know I wasn't around a lot," he told him. "And I regret it. So, if all of this is solved, and you still want to have your last year of school in Westeros, I will find you a spot in the best school in the North, and we can make up for the lost time."
Jace smiled, looking happy with the idea, but they were interrupted by Luke as stepped into the garage.
"Hey, did you get me any ice cream?" he rushed to the car. "Dad said he only got mum's!"
Jacaerys shrugged.
"You can get your own when you start driving," he teased his brother, leaving the car.
Harwin shook his head and looked down at his bag before also leaving the car.
"I got you some gummy bears, Luke," he gave it to him. "I can't read Valyrian, so I couldn't pick any up, so I went with the next best option."
Luke's frown was quickly replaced with a smile.
"Thanks, Harwin!" he took it from his hand and then glared at Jace. "At least someone remembered me."
He chuckled, watching the two making faces at each other.
His boys.
“The Christmas War” is being posted on my Patreon two weeks before it comes to Tumblr and AO3! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (7)
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Harwin glanced out of the window when he heard the loud cheers from Laenor and Joffrey in the tennis court the twins competed in a match.
He was a good uncle, cheering for them each time any of the two scored points.
"Harwin?" he heard, hearing Jace rushing to him. "Are you busy?"
He stood up from the couch.
"No, no," he stood up. "What do you need?"
His son rushed to him, grabbing his hand.
"I want to talk to mum and dad and I need your help."
He blinked, surprised.
Still, he let Jace drag him out, happy to help.
Daemon and Rhaenyra were in the kitchen, alone for what felt like the first time ever as Joffrey was napping, making a meal together.
His little boy was recovering, at last, like Daemon had told them he would.
"Oh, hey," Daemon looked at her, and glanced at Rhaenyra, a bit tense. "Well, how can we be of help."
Jace looked at Harwin, and then at then, a bit antsy.
"Do you remember how I said I want to study in Essos?" he asked.
The two stopped, looking at him.
"Yes, honey?" Rhaenyra asked.
"Well, it is very important that I get my master's degree and my PhD there," he told them. "As we discussed."
"Yes," Daemon confirmed.
The boy had big goals.
"Well, that means I can get my bachelor's degree anywhere, right?" he crossed his arms. "As long as it is a good university and I have the right GPA."
"Yes," Daemon spoke slowly, fully turning to them now, and looked right at Harwin for a moment.
"Well... what if I do it in Westeros?" he asked. "In Dragonstone island."
Rhaenyra smiled largely and her husband was left stunned for a moment. What, did he think Jace was going to ask to go to Winterfell for college?
"You want to go to my old college?" she asked, surprised and happy. "Oh, honey, that would be wonderful."
She walked to him, caressing his cheek and kissing his cheek happily, having to be on her tiptoes to do so.
"You're going to love it there, and you can live in our old house!" she cheered, looking relieved. "Laenor's house is near it too, you won't be alone."
"I was worried about how you were going to feed yourself," Daemon confessed. "But Joffrey will make sure you are well-fed."
Oh, yes, Laenor couldn't cook to save his own life. His knowledge in the kitchen only covered chicken nuggets and noodles.
Joffrey's food, though, was amazing.
Jacaerys relaxed a bit, looking at Harwin and then at them.
"So you don't mind?" he asked. "You're alright with me studying in Westeros?"
"Of course," his mother agreed. "I was so worried you would be lonely in Essos, but it is good that your first flight out of the nest is going to be to a place where you still have your father and your stepfather around, and your grandfather can visit you easily!"
She smiled, Rhaenyra's smile reflecting on them.
"Well, then," he spoke slowly. "You know how I was talking about spending my last of High school year in Westeros?"
Daemon stood straighter and Rhaenyra looked at him, as if analysing his face.
"Yes?" she asked slowly. “But you said you didn’t want to anymore.”
"What if," he took her hands, squeezing them. "I go. And a.s I'm going to be near dad and grandpa in university..."
"Yes?" Daemon walked to them.
"I spent my last year of High School in Winterfell high?"
They couldn't have looked at Harwin any faster.
"Winterfell High?" Rhaenyra asked, slowly.
"Yes," Jace confirmed. "It is a great private school. Their acceptance rate in Dragonstone is very good, and they have everything our school has here!"
Daemon's jaw shifted, and Harwin could see how he was very close to spitting fire.
"Well, where will you live?” he asked. “You can't live alone, and the only people we know in Winterfell are the brother and sister-in-law of your granduncle Jon."
Harwin tried to process it. What?!
"The Starks," she looked at him.
He just nodded. Yeah, they were still technically the family that owned their region.
But Jace wasn't even phased.
"I'll stay with Harwin," he pointed at him. "He has an extra room in his house, and I can drive down there because a Valyrian driving licence is valid in Westeros. I only have to prove that I trained all my hours and they will let me take a driving test like any other person."
Wow, he really had put a lot of thought into it, hadn’t he?
"Where did that come from?" Daemon asked, looking at Harwin. "You never said you want to see the North."
"I never knew that could," Jacaerys shrugged. "I asked Harwin if I could stay at his place and he said it was no problem!"
Rhaenyra looked at him, not looking too sure, and breathed in and out slowly.
"We will discuss this as a family," she declared, at last. "All four of us, adults. There are things we need to know before we reach a decision, but we will talk to you about it."
Jace relaxed.
"Okay," he nodded. "Thank you, mum. Thank you, dad."
Harwin kept himself frozen in his spot, now too tense to move.
Daemon looked like he could kill him at any second.
"Guess what, everyone!" Laenor walked into the kitchen. "The gifts are here!"
He could have kissed him.
"Well, no time like right now to open them," Rhaenyra decided, clapping.
She twirled her wedding ring, looking nervous, though keeping her face peaceful.
They all walked to the living room together, various boxes spread on the floor.
He didn't know how Christmas was done in their house, but it was the 24th anyway.
"I'll bring ours down," Daemon spoke, at last. "Joffrey, can I have a hand? The children stay downstairs."
Joffrey - the oldest, that was - followed him up, and Harwin tried to shake the tension out of his shoulders as Rhaenyra approached Laenor, saying something to his ear.
When his eyes darted to him, he quickly moved to Luke as he walked to his side.
"I have a surprise for you!" he told him, grabbing his shoulder. "As long as you use it safely."
His boy turned to him with wide eyes.
"Really?" he asked. "What is it?"
Harwin patted his shoulder.
"Let's wait for all the presents to be here."
"What about grandpa and grandma?" one of the twins asked, looking worried.
"They are coming for the dinner tomorrow," Laenor told them. "You know how cousin Rhaegar is visiting the country? His kids are in Westeros, she didn't want him to spend the holiday alone."
She confirmed with a quick nod.
Daemon and Joffrey came down carrying various boxes, with little Joff moving quickly to follow them, barefoot and looking excited.
Harwin was surprised when he ran down to him, saying something in Valyrian quickly.
"Common tongue, Joff," Daemon called. "Harwin can't speak Valyrian."
He looked at Daemon and then at Harwin again.
"Daddy said you brought me gifts, Mr Papa Harwin," he told him, his accept a little thick.
Mr Papa Harwin. He always called him that.
"I do, Joff," he told him, reaching and brushing his hair back. "Are you feeling better?"
Rhaenyra hadn't gotten him a haircut in a long time. His hair was even longer than Daemon's.
"Yes," he confirmed. "I'm not sniffling anymore, and I'm not cold, and I'm hungry!"
Daemon smiled, reaching for him and petting his hair.
"That's good, little dragon. You need your food to be strong, to be full of energy!"
He smiled.
"Yes, sir!" he agreed.
"You know, you can just call me papa, Joff," he knelt and offered him his hands. "I can be Papa, and Laenor can be dad, and Daemon can be Kepa!"
"Kepa is my daddy, too," he affirmed, very firmly. "And dad is my daddy too."
Harwin moved a little uncomfortable.
"Well... you can still call me papa," he offered. "I'm one of your daddies too, you got a lot of them."
"And uncle Joffrey," she pointed at him. "He is my stepdad."
"Exactly," he agreed. "A lot of dads just for you, Jace and Luke."
He smiled and looked over at the other two before looking at him again.
"Can I give you... hm..."
He opened and closed his hands and his arms in a hug, and looked over at Daemon.
“Ellagon,” he told him.
Joff nodded and looked at him.
"Can I give you a hug?" he asked.
"Of course!" Harwin agreed, opening his arms. "You can hug me whenever you want."
He wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly, and Harwin tried not to look too excited at it, squeezing him back before Joff's focus was out of him as Rhaenyra brought Aegon and Viserys to join the family, carrying the smallest boy in her arms while the oldest one ran to Luke, speaking in Valyrian, and his son rushed to join them as Harwin was left in his spot.
"Come on, four dads," Daemon called. "Time to pile the gifts for their intended. We don't want to leave the kids waiting."
Four dads, hm?
But they all looked very patient, at least for children ready to unwrap their gifts.
Harwin moved anyway, moving to make Luke's pile, knowing well that his dirt bike was going to catch a lot of attention.
He was surprised that those kids weren't spoiled rotten with how many gifts they got. There had to be twenty in each pile. It was insane. He had never seen so many gifts together in a single place.
"Alright, we are here to help anyone who needs it to unwrap their stuff," Daemon told them, and picked Aegon up, speaking in Valyrian to him, earning a big enthusiastic answer from the boy, and sat with him on his pile.
He was surprised when Joffrey pulled Laenor to his side, sitting him down and then moving to grab Harwin too.
"I need help," he told him. "Please."
"Of course!" Harwin let him guide him. "I'm right here for you."
He sat by the pile, and Joffrey showed a bow to him.
"You can't tear it because we are going to... to... daddy?"
Laenor looked at him, something hard on his face.
"We are going to use the same wrapping paper to wrap the gifts we are giving out tonight," he explained.
"Yes," Joff agreed. "So the bows and bags and paper need to look pretty."
Harwin nodded. That was very nice.
"Of course," he agreed. "I'll do my best to keep them as nice as possible."
Joffrey got many books, a small digital camera, Lego sets - so many of them, he suspected it was from all of his siblings -, a Crayola art case... Harwin had first gotten him a detective set, added the bath crayons, and a camping tent he had found for all of the boys.
"Oh my gods," Luke gasped. "Is this a dirt bike?"
Every adult in the room looked at one another the second they heard the work. Harwin could see as Daemon shook his head to Rhaenyra, and then Laenor did, and then Joffrey did.
"And all of the protective gear!" Harwin announced.
His boy crossed the room so quickly, he almost didn't catch him when he hugged him tight.
"Thank you so much, pa!" he exclaimed, squeezing him. "It's what I always wanted!"
He melted into a puddle, squeezed in his second son's arms, closing his eyes as he squeezed him tight.
"I'm so glad you liked it."
Luke stepped back, and he petted his curls.
"But you can only ride it with the gear, okay?" he reminded him. "There are trainers around here for that, you can't ride alone. You need to learn it right."
"Yes, sir," he agreed, excited. "Thank you!"
Harwin kissed his forehead and messed with his hair a little bit.
"You're welcome."
“The Christmas War” is being posted on my Patreon two weeks before it comes to Tumblr and AO3! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (Epilogue)
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Harwin wasn't part of the talk between Daemon, Rhaenyra and the kids, but they had asked him to watch Viserys as they did, and he could see the change in the children as they all left the library after it happened.
They had told them about Visenya..
The morning after that was very quiet, and he could see the older four just being absolutely protective of their parents, never leaving them alone, and the house was very quiet for the day.
When the sun was setting, he was invited for the little moment they had in their garden, where Visenya's remains were buried, and the four oldest kids planted flowers around it as tribute.
"Thanks, pa," Jace spoke, stopping by his side.
Not Harwin.
He tried not to smile too much as it, knowing the moment wasn't one for such a thing.
"Anytime, kid."
New Years came and Harwin even got to meet Rhaenyra's much cited 'Cousin Rhaegar', who had come from Essos to pay them a visit. His younger siblings were also in Valyria, but had other plans.
And then came the day he had to leave, and this time, he wasn't just leaving alone.
Jace was coming with him, and bringing his cat - Vermax - along.
It was not a surprise that Rhaenyra had been crying since the moment they started loading up the car and preparing to leave.
This time, thankfully, Caraxes wasn't going to ride with them.
"Call us when you land," Rhaena squeezed Jace. "And send loads of pictures. And text everyday."
He smiled, kissing her cheek, and Harwin could see how she looked very hurt that he was leaving.
"If you don't call us and text us every morning I'll show up there to remind you myself," Baela scolded him when she reached him. "And take care of your hair. You bleached it already, you don't want to look like you don't take care of yourself."
Jace scoffed.
"I'll miss you bugging me too, Baela," he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her.
The girl pouted a little, rolling her eyes, but squeezed him back very tightly.
She mumbled something in Valyrian, and whatever it was, it made Jace smile and kiss her cheek.
He had said goodbye to their little ones the night before, which was why Aegon had taken especially long to fall asleep because Jace would be gone when they woke up.
Joffrey was coming with them to the airport, still in his pyjamas, and everyone was ready for a long crying session as he said goodbye to everyone.
The twins left to give space to Rhaenyra, who was already crying again as they said goodbye to their uncle Joffrey, who looked like he was about to fall asleep on his feet, not too different from his little counterpart, who was fast asleep on his seat.
"Oh, let me look at you," she grabbed his face, as if she wasn't going to be the one driving him to the airport. "I'm going to miss you so much!"
"I know, mum."
Rhaenyra kissed his face again, squeezing him close, and Harwin looked at his side when Laenor touched his back.
"Hey," he called softly. "Can I have a word real quick?"
He followed him out of the garage under a shade, and Laenor shifted on his feet nervously.
"I want to apologise," he pushed his hands into his pockets. "About the tantrum I threw that other day. About Jace going to live with you."
Harwin breathed in.
Oh. That.
"I get it," he assured him. "I know... I know it's always been hard for you, especially at the start. And seeing the boys so little too… I get it."
He remembered the day Rhaenyra approached him, the first time. They had been hooking up for a while, always with condoms because she had a husband and they didn't want an accident.
They had never even thought about babies until she told him what the doctors had said about Laenor, and about how much they wanted one.
And he obliged, because he was very young and didn't think of the consequences of having a child of his passing as someone else's.
Laenor always cared so much because he wanted a kid just as much as Rhaenyra did, and he couldn't have one.
"It was hard! But it was just as hard for you," Laenor looked at him. "You made a huge sacrifice for us, and all you wanted was to be around the boys wheneber you could. And I haven't been very nice about sharing them because I thought in my mind that if I wasn't the world's best and most present father, then I was no father at all because I shared no blood with them."
His dark purple eyes filled with tears, and there was no attempt of blinking them away as he shook his head, smiling sadly.
"I just... you know, Daemon is married to Rhaenyra now," he pointed out. "And... well, I guess he replaced me as her best friend when he became her husband. And I'm alright with that because she deserves a husband. A real one, not a paper one."
"She does," Harwin agreed.
Laenor sighed.
"I guess I never thought of him as replacing me until I heard the kids calling him dad," he told him. "And that triggered my fears again. Of not being a father enough, especially living so far away!"
Harwin nodded along.
"And the kids call him dad, and... well, he is their step dad, he does a lot. I'm always afraid of being replaced by him, and then with Jace going with you..."
He looked at Harwin, and he could see all that pain on his face.
"I was afraid you were trying to take what little place I had in my mind with my sons," he confessed, at last. "You've done a lot for our family and I think I forgot that you are also a part of it, that you are also their dad and you also want to spend time with them."
Harwin shook his head, chuckling a bit.
"We both got a little jealous," he assured him. "The boys love you, Laenor. You are their father, but they have more than one father!"
Laenor laughed, drying his tears.
"Oh, yes, they have four of them,” he pointed out. "Joffrey just had to step into Valyria and he was promoted! Just like that!"
Harwin laughed along, and patted him on the back.
"Hey... all is forgiven," he assured him. "I’ll never try to replace in their lives, nor any of the other two. And you know... at least we are not Daemon."
His friend laughed.
"Yeah, that one has a lot to learn about apologies and sharing."
"I let him go with you, that's enough for apologies and sharing," Daemon gruffed from inside the garage. "Are you two done?"
Laenor shook his head.
"Yeah," he decided.
But Rhaenyra was the only one even moving to get into the car, shoving her things onto the passenger seat.
Daemon was in a corner with Jace, his arms crossed as he leaned close to speak to him in Valyrian, very soft, as if he didn't want anyone to hear.
Harwin thought he had seen his lower lip trembling for the shortest bit of time before he pursed his lips, and Daemon blinked a little too quickly as he hugged Jace close, sniffing for a moment.
He pressed his lips to his temple for a long moment, saying something to him and patting him on the back.
Daemon turned back, jerking his head to the side, and his posture changed when the door to the garage opened.
"Look who is awake," Luke announced, carrying Viserys and with Aegon right on his feet, they both looking very messy. "They begged me to come say goodbye."
Harwin expected the boys to both go over to Laenor but he was surprised to find Aegon right on his leg, extending his arms to him.
He picked him up, and smiled when the boy pressed a very wet kiss to his cheek.
"Geros ilas," he spoke, squeezing him, and when he turned to Laenor, he was squeezing and kissing Viserys' chubby face.
"Geros ilas, zaldriztsos," Laenor smiled.
Geros ilas... maybe it meant goodbye?
"Geros ilas," he kissed Aegon's cheek.
The boy threw himself at Laenor just as Viserys tried to get to him, and Harwin quickly got another big smooch on his face.
"Geros ilas," he spoke to the little one.
"Ge-laaaas," he babbled back.
He chuckled.
"Yeah, Valyrian is hard for me too," he laughed. "Goodbye."
But his attention was quickly taken away when the boy saw Jace, squirming to get to his brother, and Harwin was quick to put him down, seeing him running to squeeze Jace.
When he looked at Daemon he didn't look very happy. He was absolutely jealous.
Well... he didn't need to share those two, at least.
"Ñuho zaldriztsos," Daemon called them.
He rushed to them, picking the two up, and his little dragons squealed and giggled in response to being carried off.
"Hey, if kepa's not going, can I go?" Luke asked quickly. "I'm even dressed up."
Rhaenyra turned to look at him with a bit of a sigh, but smiled.
"Yeah, we can get a nice breakfast and ice cream on the way back," she decided.
"It'll be like the little dates you two had when Jace was at school," Laenor walked to the car.
Jace looked at them, looking annoyed as he sat on the driver's seat.
"How come we never had dates like that?"
"We did, baby," she told him. "Remember when we went to the park that day your father took Luke to see that doctor because of his nose?"
Luke gasped.
"You didn't go with me because you were taking Jace to the park?"
Harwin laughed as he buckled his seatbelt, and he could see Jace checking if everyone had done the same before starting the car, and the sun was just rising slowly as they hit the road.
"Your brother needed a little bit of attention, honey," she reminded him. "And your father wanted to be the one to take you there."
"What happened to your nose?" Harwin asked.
The whole car felt tense for a moment.
"Well... I have to start this story by saying I was trying to protect Jace," Luke told him. "And by the end of it, a lot of people ended up going to the hospital."
Harwin frowned.
"Alright?" he agreed.
"It's messy," Rhaenyra added.
"Come on, mum. We have four dads," Jace pointed out. "That is not our messiest story."
That made him laugh again.
Yes. This was his messy family.
"So... you know how my uncle Aemond only has one eye?"
“The Christmas War” was posted on my Patreon two weeks before it came to Tumblr and AO3 and is just one of the many stories in the "Keeping Up With the Targaryens" series! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhuntersseries​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
7 notes · View notes
welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (6)
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Joffrey was attached to Daemon by the hip, barely leaving him, and Harwin had to respect that.
In one thing Rhaenyra's new husband was right, small children were very needy when sick, and Joffrey was just seven. He didn't understand Harwin was just as much his father as Daemon and Laenor were!
So he kept his distance from him and spent his day with the other boys. Jace and Luke showed him the rest of the estate, and he was surprised at how fancy and nice it was. Rhaenyra really had a whole condo for her family. There was a tennis court, a large pool - in a gated area, of course - and even a sauna, beyond a few other things.
Well, the Targaryens were loaded, after all, he shouldn't be surprised.
When the night came, he left the boys to their routines, his mind moving back to what Jace has spoken about Rhaenyra.
Harwin knew Rhaenyra.
Nine years had taught him a lot about her. They'd been through many crises together.
She always tried to handle her feeling on her own, hiding them to spare others from her pain.
He glanced at the door of the kitchen, finding Daemon cleaning it, and moved to the stairs.
She had excused herself to go put the smallest kids to bed, maybe she was still there.
Rhaenyra also had a little different detail that he adored. Her little songs, little lullabies.
He found out she was pregnant with Luke when she was singing her own rendition of "One is the loneliest number" saying two is "Perfect company", setting Jace to bed.
So he passed the nursery, where the youngest boy - Viserys - still slept in his crib, and stopped by the side of the next door, hearing her voice.
"Surrender is just a word until you try it out and see how hard it is to hurt with someone else around," she sang, swinging the boy slowly. "I'm the worst I've ever been, afraid of almost everything, the skies are clear but storms are always comin'."
Harwin closed his eyes.
Gods, she sounded in pain, lost as he had never heard her before.
"Your gift to me is just to be," she sang softer. "Bracing for the winds I always summon."
Harwin peaked inside and watched as she lay the little blonde boy down on his bed, tucking him in.
"My home, my heart," she kissed his forehead. "Thank gods you are someone who loves me."
He stood by the doorway silently as she watched her son, until Rhaenyra turned and glanced at him.
"You always did have a beautiful voice," he spoke softly.
His ex smiled a little bit, shaking her head to herself.
"Why am I not surprised you sneaked up to hear me sing?" she stepped out, closing the door behind her.
He just smiled a bit.
"Because you know me," he shrugged. "Can we talk?"
She chuckled.
"I don't know if Daemon will like that very much," she teased him. "Let's go to the porch."
Why wasn't he surprised by that?
They walked down together, and she guided him outside to a little porch with chairs, a little cooler, and a swinging seat.
"How are you finding the town?" she asked, sitting on it. "Jace said you two had fun in the mall."
"It's nice," he assured her. "Well, all malls are the same, but I know how boys are."
Rhaenyra smiled.
"Teens and their malls," she agreed. "They can drive down there with their eyes closed."
Harwin smiled, nodding. She was such a loving mother, he couldn't imagine the young Rhaenyra he had once met ever believing this would be who she would become.
She was such a sad woman when they met, always lonely. It didn't help that she was recently married to Laenor and he was much more interested in spending his nights away - with Joffrey, Harwin would find out later. 
Rhaenyra never became bitter, but she was so sad, so hurt.
How could he ever leave her side when he was everything she had?
She smiled so beautifully at him, like she never did in her life, laughed like no one ever made her laugh.
Harwin fell in love with making her happy.
When she sought his bed with her face wet and puffy with tears, he couldn't turn her away.
And Jacaerys came months later. A beautiful boy, big and healthy.
Oh, how she loved him. She had him wrapped around her day and night, all times of the day.
Each baby changed her into who she was now.
And yet, something had happened.
"That was a beautiful song," he told her. "Very sad."
Rhaenyra turned to him, watching his face.
"I've never heard you singing it before," he noted.
She chuckled sadly.
"Well, unfortunately, there is no song that says, this is the worst moment in my life since I left Westeros and I can't cope."
He watched her, a bit surprised.
"Is it because I'm here?" he asked.
She shook her head.
"The boys like that you are here," she affirmed. "And you are a friend. I would never turn you away."
Harwin relaxed, nodding, happy to hear it.
"Then why are you so sad?" he asked. "Is it the holidays? Did your father's cancer..."
He couldn't finish his phrase.
"No," she shook her head. "My father is healthier than ever, now. He started running marathons, you know?"
He smiled a little.
"Nice," he agreed.
"Yes, he got 5th place just a couple of weeks ago," she told him. "Helaena sent me a picture of him crossing the finish line."
He raised his eyebrows, her deflection obvious.
"Rhaenyra," he called softly. "My question?"
The door opened between them, and Daemon stepped out of the house.
"Hey," he looked at Harwin. "What are you bothering her for?"
He sighed.
"We are talking," Harwin told him. "So what, she can't talk to other men now that she is married to you?"
"Not men who bombard her with questions, interrogating her about her life and her choices," he stood straighter, as if ready to fight.
Rhaenyra shook her head quietly, still not looking again.
"Daemon," she reached for him, her voice soft as she took his hand, though not facing the two.
But she was crying. Very quietly, very much to herself.
As if Harwin hadn't known her for years, as if he didn't know her sadness.
Her husband shifted, kneeling in front of her and taking her two hands.
"My love," he whispered.
She forced a smile onto her face, and Daemon glared at him.
"See what you've done?" he nearly growled.
Harwin's heart tightened in his chest.
"I only asked because Jacaerys is worried about you," he affirmed, still keeping his eyes on her. "He doesn't understand what is going on, and is so protective of you, Rhaenyra."
She outrightly sobbed.
"And he didn't know who else to ask," Harwin insisted. "Our son is 16 now, nearly 17. He is going to be an adult in just one year, and he can see when you are sad, he can see when we hide something from him."
That seemed to have broken Daemon too.
He fell with his face on her thighs, breathing in deeply as she caressed his cheek.
Harwin watched them, the pain looking so different in both.
What could have happened that even Daemon was suffering?
"What happened?" he asked gently.
Rhaenyra closed her eyes, her cheeks pink as she curled around her husband, kissing his forehead as he rested his cheek on her belly, brushing his hair as
"There is nothing you can say that will make me judge you," he affirmed. "You said it yourself, we are friends, we had three wonderful boys together. And we've been through so much. Please."
She pulled back, sniffing, drying her cheeks, trying to gather herself, looking devastated as she did.
"A few... a few months ago," she started. "We found out I was pregnant again. It was a surprise, Viserys had just turned one."
Daemon closed his eyes, and Harwin watched them, and she pulled her phone from her side, showing it to him with a sad smile. An ultrasound video.
The sound of a heartbeat echoed through the porch, and Daemon turned away from him, hiding from his eyes.
"We did one of those blood gender tests, and it was a girl," she told him. "Visenya."
Harwin exhaled. Visenya.
Rhaenyra always hoped for a girl anytime she was pregnant. First with Jace, then with Luke. He wasn't there for Joff's pregnancy, but he knew she wanted a daughter so much. He imagined having the twins around was the most wonderful thing to her, but a baby girl would also be happily welcomed. 
She changed the photos, and another video played. Daemon speaking Valyrian to her belly, only barely there, though he knew what to look for after so many years.
"We don't usually tell the kids about a new baby until I'm past the third month," she continued. "You know we are related, this isn't news. The doctors always want to make sure the baby is viable and healthy."
He nodded.
Rhaenyra had told him about her mother, about how she had lost children before. Before Rhaenyra was even walking her parents had her do all rare genetic tests on her, afraid she could carry any disease, and found nothing.
Had they found something wrong with the baby? Anything dangerous?
"We were hoping we would tell them at Christmas," she smiled sadly. "We got a little stocking we were going to put in the fireplace, and I would joke about how she was going to be our nest filler, as the oldest three are ready for university, and Viserys would be starting preschool three times a week when he turned two..."
Harwin chuckled. That did sound adorable. He knew Rhaenyra would be over the moon those past months.
Daemon took her hand, cradling his own face with it.
Rhaenyra cried again, covering her lips with her free hand, never one to get attention to herself, and reality crept into him.
"And then," she half whispered.
She started sobbing again, uncontrollably, and he sat there, dumbfounded, not knowing what to do or say.
Daemon moved, at last, and sat on the long swinging seat, taking her to his lap as if to a child to comfort, and she cried into his neck.
"We had a day alone," he rubbed her back, sounding like he had hardened himself deeply. "Viserys, Rhaenys and Corlys were in Valyria to visit us, they took all of the children for a day and we went to nap, because when can you nap when you have seven children to take care of, over half of them teenagers and the other three seven and under?"
He squeezed her close.
"I had just bought the children their tickets to Westeros, to spend Christmas with the Velaryons. I came to our room and Rhaenyra was crying in pain in the bathroom," Daemon told him. "The bed was covered in blood, the sheets, the mattress... everything."
His eyes were staring at nothing, focused on the darkness before them, outside.
Harwin closed his eyes, the image alone hurting him.
"It happened so fast," she spoke softly. "I felt the pain, I dragged myself to the tub and... and she was out. She was barely the size of my hand."
He looked at his own hand and then hers.
"Emergency services came," Daemon told them. "They helped us with the bleeding, and they let us keep her, so we burn her together, per our customs."
"We buried her remains," Rhaenyra told him. "But we never told the children."
Harwin stood, half horrified, and took her hand in his, trying to be gentle.
He wanted to ask why, but it was such a complicated question.
He wouldn't know what he would do if he were in that position.
What could she have done?
"It's why I asked for our Christmas to be here," Daemon looked at him.
Yes, it was very understandable.
"I didn't know the kids had noticed," Rhaenyra lamented. "I didn't know... I didn't want them to hurt too, I'm so sorry."
He caressed the back of her hand.
"You have to be sorry for," he assured her. "No one teaches you what to do when you lose a child. You were doing your best."
Daemon kissed her forehead, rubbing her back.
"I tell that to her all the time," he affirmed. "We are doing the best we can."
Harwin exhaled slowly, still holding her hand, and caressed her knuckles.
"I'm very sorry for your loss," he affirmed. "And I'm not going to tell the children anything, don't worry."
She nodded, sniffing, sounding a bit calmer now.
"But you are not alone," he told her. "Jacaerys and Lucerys are grown, smart and very mature. I'm sure Baela and Rhaena are the same."
They looked at him, the nearly identical pair of purple eyes on his face.
"Your family is with you," he affirmed, looking at Daemon too. "And that's what family is for. Sharing happy and sad moments, carrying the weight of losses together and helping you."
They didn't say anything, exchanging looks, and he moved on his seat.
"Can I tell Laenor?" he asked. "He is the boys' dad too, and he sees how worried they are. If you are alright with it, of course. But I think he can help."
Rhaenyra nodded shortly, and Daemon exhaled.
"Yes," he confirmed, at last. "You can. Just ask him not to share it with the children, please. Or his parents. We would rather if we were the ones to tell the rest of the family when we are ready."
He nodded.
"Of course," he agreed.
Harwin stood, and Daemon moved the seat, making it swing back and forth slowly as he caressed Rhaenyra's hair slowly, comforting her as she rested on his chair with her eyes closed.
"I'll leave you two be," he told them.
Before he could, though, Rhaenyra opened her eyes, looking at him.
"Thank you, Harwin."
"Thank you," Daemon mumbled.
He smiled at them.
“The Christmas War” is being posted on my Patreon two weeks before it comes to Tumblr and AO3! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
8 notes · View notes
welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War (8)
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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No one yelled at him for his gift, which Harwin considered a win. Jace loved his box set and Joff put his creativity to work with his chalk on the pavement outside while everyone finished with their unwrapping.
The kids - even the toddlers - participated actively in wrapping the gifts they were going to donate. He could see gifts unopened from birthdays, new stuffs, and toys and clothes that were as good as new ones, electronics forgotten or barely touched, even clothes! It was all wrapped with labels saying what they were, and the amount from his sons was even grater than what the boys had gotten as gifts.
Harwin hadn't grown that wealthy, but he supposed that this was a way to make the children value their belongings.
They all got into their cars to go give them away, with Harwin, Laenor and Joffrey riding with Jace in his mother's car, Rhaenyra and Daemon with the three younger boys in his car, and the twins and Luke in another.
The teens followed Daemon almost in a bee-line, and they stopped at a big building, everyone hopping off together like an excited group to walk to the building, which seemed like a small institution for people who couldn't afford to have Christmas. There were boxes with food and ingredients, and several trees with piles and piles of gifts.
"Daemon," a man stood. "Rhaenyra."
They shook hands, speaking in Valyrian as he looked around, grateful for the cooling air. Valyria was even warmer than Dragonstone! He was born in the North, no other weather ever made him as comfortable as snow days.
"Come on, lets unload the trucks," Jace called him, and he followed him with everyone else.
Everyone worked on putting the gifts into a pile to roll them inside, and Joff looked adorable in his careful pilling, and he moved to Rhaenyra when they were done with her car.
"Is this where the dirt bike is going to end?" he asked.
She chuckled.
"Not until Luke outgrows it," she assured him. "That is, if Joff doesn't want to keep it."
He smirked and Rhaenyra sighed.
"We were going to give him a dirt bike," she told him. "But after what happened... you know."
"I do," he told her. "I get it."
"We are a little protective," she sighed, petting Viserys' hair. "But you got him the gear. You're good."
"So your husband isn't going to kill me?" he asked.
She laughed.
"No," she shook her head. "He won't."
He relaxed. Good, good.
And yet, guilt weighted in his stomach.
“It was a bit of a bribery, though,” he confessed. “When I bought it. I was a bit… hm…”
“I know,” she looked at him. “And I’m a little upset, but the children have been taught that we would never gift them anything expecting something back. And I reminded Luke of that.”
He swallowed down, feeling his face warm.
“I respect you, Harwin,” his ex reminded him. “And I know you will not make the boys feel like they own you anything.”
Harwin confirmed quickly.
“Never,” he assured her.
"Papa," Joff called from the present's pile, interrupted him. "We need help."
He melted inside. Oh, how he loved that name.
"Oh, I’m on my way."
She was smiling when he walked out, pressing a little kiss to the baby's forehead as he rested his head on her chest.
Rhaenyra was young. She still had time to have another child or two, to try for a daughter if she wanted.
Maybe next year they could try again.
"Careful," Joff told him as he picked one of the boxes, and reached for him to whisper loudly into his ear. "It's a tablet!"
"Oh, okay," he nodded, carefully placing it with the piles labeled with 'electronics'. "Thank you for letting me know."
It was a bit of a surprise how Christmas had spread around everywhere so easily. The religion that came with it, something about a single god, didn't catch on, but it became a great holiday.
When they loaded back into the cars, he was feeling even lighter than when they drove there.
"Hey, pa?" Luke called before he got into the car with Jace. "Can you ride with us?"
He looked back at Jace and Laenor, and then at him.
"Well, if your cousins are alright with it."
"Sisters," one of the girls corrected him.
"And we are," the other one confirmed. "But you go on the back with him."
They had switched places to drive down now, which made sense.
He entered the car, a little squished on the back. It wasn't very new, and it was small enough for someone still aquiring experience.
"When are you going to drive, kid?" he asked Luke, buckling his seatbelt.
"I can get my learning permit six months before I turn 16," he told him. "So that's when I'll be allowed to start training."
He hummed positively and shifted on his spot quickly.
“Hey, you know I don’t expect you to like me more because of the bike, right?” Harwin asked before the subject died. “I hope it didn’t come off like that. I just thought you would like it.”
Luke turned to him, looking very surprised.
“Of course,” he said like it was obvious. “You’d never do that.”
Harwin relaxed, though surprised with his trust.
"Is it true that Jace is going to live with you next year?" he asked, changing the subject. "And can I do that too when I turn 17?"
That shocked him a little.
"Well..." he spoke slowly. "First we all need to sit down and discuss it between the adults, and make sure that your brother really wants to go and if you do want to do so once you are about to enter your last year of school, and everyone agrees, you are very welcome to do so."
He smiled. Luke was so big now, tall and intelligent and skilful... where had the round-cheeked boy who did everything to protect his brother gone?
"You know, you can also go visit me at any time," he assured him. "I have enough rooms in the house, and I'm sure you will love the North."
Harwin was going to get his house ready for the moment he landed back home.
His grandfather was going to love having them around.
And Joffrey was getting older now, maybe he could spend start spending a week or so with them, too. Spring break, Easter... half of the summer.
Who knew?
"I'll talk to mum," Luke agreed. "It's gonna be so cool!"
He smiled.
"I'll love every second of it," he assured him.
The girls entered the garage after their father and brother, and when he left the car, Laenor was looking right at him, his face unreadable.
"Alright, children," Rhaenyra called as they left the cars. "We are going to need your help for one another with Joff and Aegon," she announced. "We're having an adult talk for 60 to 90 minutes."
Harwin steeled himself. Oh, gods.
He followed them inside as Joffrey - the adult - whispered something to his husband, as if trying to calm him down.
"I don't have to be calm!" he hissed. "I am being outcasted in my own family."
"I am sure there is an explanation," Joffrey insisted. "Just listen to what they have to say!"
They entered the library, and Harwin took a moment before doing so.
When he walked in, too, Daemon had Viserys in his arms, sleeping with Rhaenyra right by his side, fidgeting nervously with her rings.
Laenor sat with his arms crossed, not looking very friendly as Harwin closed the door.
He sat down, and everyone just made silence, not saying anything, and he was about to clear his throat and try to introduce the subject when Rhaenyra did.
"Well," she spoke slowly. "I think this is a talk important to happen between all of us, because we are all going to be involved in making things happen."
Laenor scoffed, and she glared in his direction.
"Earlier this year, we had discussed the possibility of Jacaerys finishing his last year of high school in Dragonstone," she pointed out. "Which would have him living with you two, Laenor and Joffrey."
"Yes," Joffrey agreed. "But he gave up a while ago. Said he didn't want to go there anymore."
Rhaenyra nodded, pressing her lips together, and her hand moved to rub her belly before she stopped herself, and twisted her rings more.
"Well, he talked to us this morning, and said that instead of going to Dragonstone as we had discussed, or his current school, he wants to attend school in Winterfell and live with Harwin for a year."
"Which is not going to happen," Laenor added.
Harwin turned to him, trying to keep his mouth shut still.
"Laenor," she sighed. "Let me-"
"No," he uncrossed his arms. "Rhaenyra, I only see my sons two months every year, and on the holidays!"
She rubbed her eye, looking frustrated with the interruption.
"Well, I only see them in the holidays and a week out of every Summer," Harwin added.
Always in Laenor's house, never alone with any of the children.
"As you chose to!" he argued back. "You want to spend the Summer with them, then you can come around while they are in Dragonstone with us! I haven't had the chance of spending more time with Jace, Luke or Joffrey since they moved to Valyria, and next year was going to be the first time in almost seven years I would live with one of my children! I didn't oppose you coming to Valyria, I didn't ask for custody, but we agreed Jacaerys would live with me before going off on his own to Essos!"
"And when do I get to spend time with them?" Harwin asked. "I am just as their father as you are."
"You are not!" he nearly shouted. "You did not raise them! I don't remember seeing you in doctor's visits, in school conferences, or in fencing competitions... did you stay in the hospital when Luke got bitten by that dog? I don't think so! Did you stay with them the nights they got sick and needed comfort? You didn't! You didn't feed them or teach them anything!
It felt like a knife in his back, digging, humiliating him. Yes, he hadn't done that! But he was young and stupid and thought he didn't need contact with his sons to be happy.
"All you did was-"
"Stop it," Daemon interrupted them, looking done.
They did, and the boy barely stirred in his arms as he sat straighter.
"I will be the first one to say that I don't want my son in the North," he accused. "I know all about being protective about them."
"Possessive," Joffrey quipped.
He scowled.
"Whatever you want to call it," he rolled his eyes. "But Jacaerys is 16 and Lucerys is about to turn 15. The tighter we try to cling to them, the more they will pull away and escape. I acted like that as a boy, Rhaenyra did it, Laenor did, and I don't know you two for long enough, but I'm sure that you have done too."
Daemon pointed at him and Joffrey dismissively.
"Jace talked to us in the morning and expressed his wishes to attend Winterfell High, and live with Harwin-"
Laenor tried to interrupt him, but Daemon spoke over him.
"Live with Harwin for a year!" he insisted. "Before going to college in Dragonstone, where he would proceed to live for the four years after that."
That made Laenor stop, blinking in surprise.
"In Dragonstone?" he asked, surprised.
"If you had let me finish, then you would have gotten the information earlier," Rhaenyra noted, looking frustrated.
He looked over at her, utterly surprised.
"But his dream is to go to Essos," he pointed out. "It's all he talks about."
She relaxed back on her chair.
"Well, according to Jace himself, it is only important that he gets his Masters's degree and his PhD in Essos," she told them. "This means that as long as he completes his Bachelor's degree in a good university, he can do it anywhere he wants, and he has chosen to do it in Dragonstone. He will be closer to family and safer in such a new period of his life."
Laenor's frown and anger vanished slowly.
"I have a feeling he wants to give everyone time to be a dad," her husband noted, brushing his son's hair gently. "Jace has always been the family mediator."
Rhaenyra nodded to herself, though a bit sad.
"And Daemon and I talked," she continued. "We agree that we are all their parents. We all had a hand in raising them, greater or smaller, and we all care for the boys very much, and want the best for them."
She turned to look at him now, and Harwin leaned a little closer.
"Harwin is the only one of us who hadn't had the chance of being as active as he wants with the children," she reminded them all. "And while it saddens me that I won't be there for his last year of school, I think it is valid that Jace and Harwin want to have this year to connect better."
She turned to Laenor, her gaze soft as she smiled.
"He looked so excited," she told him. "Remember when he came to us that time after his first swimming class and said he loved that?"
Laenor's lips curled. Harwin didn't know about that day, but he knew Jace always loved the water.
"He asked why we had never shown that to him before," he chuckled. "He would have started way earlier if he knew swimming always counted as P.E."
She nodded.
"Well, he had the same look on his face," she told him. "Like he had just discovered the most special thing of his year."
He watched her, and Harwin watched him, their silent communication still very in tune, even after so many years.
"And at the end of the day, he is free to make his own choices, they all are," Daemon added. "As long as they are reasonable and responsible. He can always come back if he feels like it, and no one will judge him for that."
Harwin relaxed, breathing out slowly.
It was all Rhaenyra was about with raising the kids. She wanted them to see the world, make mistakes and learn with their own hands, and they would all be there as a stable home to come back to.
Harwin had to be a stable home too. Not trying to overtake the others but working along with the..
"Can I…" he asked, slowly. "Can I say something?"
Everyone turned to him, and he rubbed his hands together, tense, a bit embarrassed.
"I know I've come a bit too strongly," he told them. "I just… I want to make up for the lost time. Laenor is right, I was never quite a father to them."
Laenor squeezed Joffrey's hand.
Maybe he had come over with the wrong mindset, but Laenor was his friend! His closest friend, too. The last thing he wanted was to make him feel like he was being pushed aside!
"I'm not here to take anyone's place," he assured them. "The boys love you. All of you."
He looked down at his own hands, ashamed of his jealousy. Daemon and Laenor had so much time and done so much for his sons. Their sons.
He just wanted to mean the same to them as the others did! Not more than them, but no less than them either.
"I just want to have a place too," Harwin explained. "I want them to see me as their father too."
The room's energy softened and Rhaenyra stood up, walking to him and rubbing his shoulder.
"We know," she assured him, sweet.
But her husband and ex chuckled, shaking their heads together.
"I didn't," his friend corrected him.
Harwin half-smiled, embarrassed.
"Well, now you do," he told him. "And just between us? You are Jace's favourite."
Rhaenyra stopped rubbing.
"We don't play favourites here, Harwin," she pulled away from him, very serious.
He smirked, though he could see Laenor inflating a little. Jace was going to his old college to study the same thing Laenor had studied, and wanted to be near him for those 4 years! Most teens would cherish freedom as far away from their parents as possible when they were in college.
"Not a lot of kids can say that they have this many parents looking out for them," Joffrey reminded the group. "They know they can always come to us for help and support."
Everyone turned to Laenor, waiting. Well, he was the only one who hadn't agreed with it yet.
"Alright," he sighed. "Sure. It's going to be good for the boy."
They all relaxed.
"You're free to visit whenever you want," Harwin offered him. "All of you. You might need to bunk up, though. I don't have that many empty rooms."
They all chuckled.
"I'm sure we'll find hotels around," Rhaenyra told him. "I've always wanted to see snow."
"Careful not to freeze to death," Laenor quipped. "Gods, I still remember living with you during winters. Laenor, is the thermostat working?"
"Harwin, this feels like a morgue," Harwin joked.
She squinted at him with faux offence on her face.
"Joffrey, you know you can use the fireplace, right?" Joffrey added. "It's winter."
Everyone chuckled, and they turned to Daemon, but he pressed his lips together.
"You're not going to hear anything from me," he shook his head. "Nope."
Rhaenyra smirked.
"Dragons are not made for the cold," she said simply. "If you're going to live with Jacaerys, you'll have to prepare for that."
He smiled.
"It's a sacrifice I am willing to make," Harwin decided.
They all agreed, at last, and Laenor stood up, ready to leave when Daemon called their attention again.
"Just a detail," he added. "We have been having conversations about sex with him for a few years. Jacaerys is allowed and actively encouraged to have condoms in his bedroom. If he wants to be with someone, it is best that he does it safely."
Harwin's face burned in embarrassment.
"Oh, gods," he covered his face. "That is so smart and so not something I wanted to think about."
"Hey, if you had done that we wouldn't have him," Rhaenyra pointed at his face. "I'm not ready to be a grandmother."
He covered his face, embarrassed, and Laenor chuckled, walking past him and patting his shoulder.
"Add lube too, to make sure," he told him, now more amused than anything else. "We never know which dad he is more like."
Before he could react, a loud knock sounded on the door.
"I'm hungry!" Joff announced, sounding very upset. "Luke doesn't know how to make my sandwich!"
Rhaenyra giggled to herself.
"And that's our cue."
Harwin opened the door, finding Luke by his side.
"I did literally the same sandwich," he defended himself.
But Joff pouted.
"It's not special," he argued. "I want the special one."
Luke looked from his brother to Rhaenyra and Daemon.
"I don't know what the special is," he told them. "I used all of the same ingredients."
"That's on me," Daemon sighed. "I need to teach you how to add the magic."
He shifted Viserys to Rhaenyra's arm and picked Joffrey up.
"Come on, let me make the sandwich special."
They walked out, and he turned to her, frowning a bit confused.
She shrugged.
"It gets them to eat the yucky vegetables, and it's his secret," she told him. "I haven't found it out yet. Good luck.
. . .
“The Christmas War” is being posted on my Patreon two weeks before it comes to Tumblr and AO3! To have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhuntersseries​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Christmas War - Masterlist
Summary: Rhaenyra invites Harwyn to spend the holidays at Valyria, so he can spend it with their boys. And Laenor. And Daemon.   Now all three of Jace, Luke and Joff's fathers are in a single house, and trying to compete to be the favourite one. Warning: Everything that comes with Daemon and Rhaenyra being married. Modern AU. Valyria is a small country and is the UK to Westeros' USA. Fluff. Christmas. Hurt/Comfort. Children. Past loss of a child (Visenya). 
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Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10
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