#The Denny's Verse
rouge-666 · 4 months
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One more Denny's to add to the Denny's verse. I notice there a lot of denny's oc, official art of Ash, Thad and Lena but not Lexi. i wase to lazy to draw her outfist so i just draw the head x)
For my oc, i just imagine her to be a little gremelin with candy and cherry lolypop on her pocket.
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livwritesstuff · 5 months
Hazel posts a tiktok that starts with a view of Steve folding laundry.
Hazel: Pop
Steve, looking warily at the camera: What?
Hazel: If you and Dad got divorced–
Steve: Oh, come on, Haze.
Hazel: No-no-no-no, just hear me out.
Hazel: If you and Dad got divorced, how long would it take for me and Moe and Robbie to Parent Trap you back together.
Steve: *very long pause as he clearly considers the question*
Steve: Why did we get divorced?
Hazel: A dumb reason, like in the movie.
Steve: So how long has it been since we last saw each other?
Hazel: Well...no. It's not a shot-for-shot remake of the movie. You'd probably be, like, co-parenting or whatever.
Steve: How long have we been divorced?
Hazel: A long time. Since I was a baby.
Steve: *another pause*
Steve: Yeah, that...makes sense.
Hazel: Okay, don't be rude.
Steve: Who’s dating someone else?
Hazel: What?
Steve: The dad in the movie is dating someone else. So which one of us is the one dating somebody?
Hazel: Oh. I don’t know.
Steve: I bet it’d be your dad. You know what – you wouldn’t need to Parent Trap us because I’d already be trying to get back together with him on my own out of spite.
Hazel: Oh-kay we might need a part 2.
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wordto-thewise · 4 months
I think my favourite thing about Paige is, in season one, we know her as this passive office worker who just up and finds the courage to help the people who kidnapped her after she witnesses a very law-backed atrocity. And you think how brave and/or insane it is of her, to go from smiling along with a human sacrifice to impersonating a police officer!
And then you learn her dad's an accomplished and previously convicted con man. If anything she probably could've impersonated a cop better if she wasn't so rusty.
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cookiesandcantarella · 5 months
Relistening to tsv and I don’t ever see anyone talk about how quickly Hayward changed his tune from “I’m going to apprehend this dangerous criminal” to “I’m gonna help my new buddy Paige start her cult.” Yes, he was in a desperate situation and turning her into the police wouldn’t have helped. But plan B is birthing a god???? Were the rabbits not lesson enough? The years of seeing all the ways gods can ruin lives? HAYWARD. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
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thekhaninglass · 4 months
Will never be normal about Paige’s sucky dad calling her ‘daughter’ all the time as opposed to her name that she chose because on one hand it’s affirming but on the other it constantly reminds her of her tie to him, that she can’t leave him and also that he paid for her transition.
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mintytea-exe · 1 year
Dennis may not have been the perfect father to Paige but g-ddamn is he iconic for this
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bunchofbunniez · 2 months
HES BETTER!! He’s making an effort and isn’t that something? isn’t it beautiful how he died praising his daughter? He died changing his ways and helping her
he did something beautiful and he lied about it so she could escape
he is incredible, that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard
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julesdap · 9 months
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DENNIS: (dying) Keith... hey... Keith... NESHITE POLICE OFFICER: (increasingly furious) What? DENNIS: (mockingly) Fuck the bronze.
parts i & ii
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rustycopper4use · 26 days
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Sarah’s as spiderman
Berry Bug @rozeliyawashereyall @piffany666 @lunaritychuwolf @ghostfrog28
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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Some WIR-Verse Hotel Transylvania pokemon antics!
1. Murray with Harry, Mavis' timid little alolan Marowak back when he was a Cubone. I like the idea of these two getting along, since Harry's a ground type that evolves eventually into a Fire/Ghost type, both if which are pretty up Murray's ally. Plus...this found family seems the type where EVERYONE looks after the kids and pokemon, not just their parents/trainers.
2. Ericka has a female Indeedee named Magenta. Though Mag is probably a MAID at the hotel, female indeedee are supposedly good baby sitters. Ontop of this, both Lurch, Mag, and their daughter Audrey know a pretty powerful Psychic - the pokemon move equivalent of Vampire telekenesis. So, here's Magenta using her powerful psychic powers to stop some of the hotel's smallest residents from causing trouble before throwing them back to their parents. Bonus guest stars include @lovelylivelyv 's Jack Nephalem as a baby, Fiona the Ogre baby, one of the Dronkeys, Nala, Gary the deleted Mogwai, Dennis, Sunny, Winnie, and Meteora Butterfly.
3. Couldn't resist drawing Frank and Dave, Johnny's Low Key Toxtricity (Named after Dave Mathews' band, who's logo is on his necklace.) They just fit together BEAUTIFULLY.
4. Both Incineroar and Zoroark love children, so I had to draw Ericka's Kitty-Cat and Drac's Lulu with some of the hotel Kids. Special guests include Meteora again, Mac from Fosters, Winnie, Dennis, Sunny, Baby Blobby; and Mavis' baby indeedee, Audrey. (Named after Little Shop's Audrey Fulquard.)
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @serial-serializednovelreader @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @wingingfromthezing @ebevkisk @kittyball23 @deathfangirl9 @heartsong1994
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merelymatt · 8 months
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Duolingo you cannot do this to me so soon after I played back through The Silt Verses
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crimeronan · 9 months
Hi sorry I'm still thinking about your dennis tsv tags from yesterday and idk how much you care but maybe you'll appreciate that I've been haunted by the idea of him showing up in paige's god-sent dreams. Like it's not him of course, he's dead, but the tree bursting through the old farmhouse with the remains of cops skewered on its branches, torn between praising her (daughter, therefore beloved, but to the god also muse, prophet, hierophant, creator) and spewing the hatred for humanity that such a saint couldn't help but have, all mangled and twisted together in what's really a great encapsulation of their relationship. Awful! ... anyways.
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wordto-thewise · 4 months
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TO ME this is about how there is no difference in growing up in a persecuted faith and growing up by the (law) book. The Legislatures and the Katabasians get the meat. The top's on the top, wherever. Everyone else has to resign themselves to soup.
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callalillywrites · 6 days
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I got the chance to see The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (and then bought a physical copy because I loved it).
When this scene came on, Marjorie's just so damn gorgeous in that green Cleopatra dress. She lit something within my muse.
I couldn't help thinking about how my Alphas would react to their readers if they came out sporting this dress.
Let's explore, shall we?
These are all set in my It Takes All Packs to Make It Work verse.
Alpha!Jake (and Beta!Steve) would absolutely be tackling Angel if she came out of their room with this as her Halloween costume. Her every wish is their command at this point. She may or may not get the chance to show it or the matching costumes (Caesar & Marc Antony) she got for her guys that night.
Alpha!Bucky would probably drop to his knees at the sight of Precious in this dress. It's not her usual style as she prefers something a bit less revealing yet feminine. Something more like this Goddess costume that she wore their first Halloween together. He'll definitely be possessive and protective all night long.
Not yet here but are coming soon...
Alpha!Frank will know his reader is up to something as she's always looking for ways to keep him on his toes (and make him fall even harder for her).
Alpha!Curtis, our smitten kitten, will absolutely adore his reader in this. It's not because she's not drop dead gorgeous in his eyes because she absolutely is. It's because he's so damn proud of her and how she's coming out of her shell after the rough times she's had with her last alpha. (She's sadly going to have it worse than Bucky's Precious.)
Alpha!Ari will be glaring at everyone who dares look at his reader. He made a promise to an old friend, and he's not about to break it by letting anything happen to her.
Still debating their future in this verse but just in case...
*Alpha!Colin would be glued to his reader the whole night and trying to show her how much he can and is willing to change his playboy habits.
*Alpha!Dennis Baker would just be proud to be on the arm of such a beautiful reader whose attention is on him and him alone.
Alpha!Sam Wilson would be flirting like crazy even though he's long since claimed his beautiful Omega.
*still debating their statuses as alphas but anything's possible
Not in the universe, but I've been craving an Alpha!Steve of my own.
So, for him, he would be a mixture, I think, of several alphas above. Proud to have his reader on his arm, absolutely glaring at others who dare look at his reader, and just all around flirting with her, especially after they've been together a little while and have long since established their bond.
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ianthewife · 12 days
banging my fist on the padded walls of my cell THIS PEOPLE ARE DESTROYING ME get me out of here call the ambulance please my chest legit felt heavy from Paige and Dennis’s conversation in ep. 26 somebody help me this complicated messy heart wrenching father-daughter relationship is accosting me mayday mayday mayday—
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misstrashchan · 1 year
(Suddenly a little unnerved)
So wait, did I hear that right? A, uh, sacrifice.
PAIGE draws a knife.
Well, why do you think I let you come out here with us, Dad?
You wouldn’t-
You’re joking. Aren’t you?
PAIGE chuckles at him as she walks straight past him.
Limited but meaningful, was it?
We hear her gasp as she cuts her palm. We hear the blood dribbling down as she walks, spreading it across the monument in some kind of pattern.
(She stops, bandaging her hand.)
(Chapter 23 I'd Howl and Scream In Victory)
There's something oddly fitting to me about Paige using her own blood as a sacrifice instead of her father's to birth a new god that she can believe in. Paige said to Carpenter in the previous season that she never found a god to believe in, but her relationship with her father and how she describes it does (to me at least) reflect the other characters relationship with their respective gods.
"And when I tell you yes, you'll praise me, in a sweet and loving voice, and ask me for just a little more, a little more for something else that needs to be taken care of. I'll tell you yes, more often than not. I feed your love, because I need to hear it, even if I can never quite believe in it."
(Chapter 7 It Carries Few it Drowns Many)
How she needs her father's approval, his praise and love to be certain of herself, how much control she felt like he had over her life, and needing to "feed" his love with money, and it never being quite enough to ever satisfy him because he'd always ask for more eventually, much like how the gods constantly demand sacrifices to feed them. It definitely clicked when Paige's dad Dennis himself said it
"gods, people, we all need to feed on something!"
And why he specifically is present in chapter 23 and openly opposing Paige's idea of a new god. He represents the status quo of the gods and their system to Paige specifically that she wants to challenge.
"You give so you can take. You help so you can hurt.
You’ve never done a single thing for me that you didn’t make me pay for."
So, using the blood of herself is like bleeding an old god to birth a new one. One that Paige can actually believe in, as she believes in herself. She as a person is meaningful as The Many Below's first sacrifice, but limited, and wants to grow beyond that through the god she's trying to create and what she wants to accomplish. It's something she wants to be apart from her father and everything other god that exists in this world.
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