#The Dragon of Storms (Ty Zia)
maddmuses · 5 months
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"All this airbending stuff's STUPID easy!"
Zia then proceeds to do the most basic, scuffed "Korra-Style" airbending that you've ever seen. The fans only make it look slightly good.
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maddmuses · 5 months
Ty Zia
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(FC: She just looks like her grandma, when I have commission money will be getting some art done
Aliases: Zia Nationality: Kyoshi Islander (Earth Kingdom Fringe Territory) Ethnicity: Earth Kingdom (South-Eastern); Fire Nation; Air Nomad Relatives: Air Nun Dralha (Great-Great-Great Grandmother), Ty Kou (Great-Great-Great Grandfather), Ty Fuu (Great-Great Grandfather), Ty Koto (Great-Grandfather), Ty Lee (Grandmother), Suki (Grandmother, Adoptive), Ty Len (Father), Nana (Mother) Age: 18 (Born 156 AG, Year of The Dragon)(Circa end of Book 4: Balance) Affiliation: Kyoshi Warriors, Airbenders (Association, Informal), Clan Ty (Lee Branch) Profession: Kyoshi Warrior
Fighting Style: Chi-Blocking, Kyoshi-Island Traditional Martial Arts, Tessenjutsu, Airbending Ranks: Yondan Chi-Blocker, Sandan Tessenjutsu, Niidan Kyoshi Martial Arts, Second Tier (out of thirty-six) Airbender
Appearance Zia is frequently compared to her grandmother, more or less being the spitting image of her teacher at the same age. Unlike her grandmother, she has a preference for the color green, and is often seen in the color to some degree, even when not in her Kyoshi garb. On most other occasions, she will wear blue robes and layers in the typical style of locals.
A key distinction that her metal fans bear from those of the other Kyoshi warriors is an engraving depicting a dragon, referencing the sign of the year of her birth.
Personality Friendly enough, though with a habit for blithe sarcasm, Zia does not so much share her grandmother’s bubbly personality, or her affinity for spiritual things. Be it a result of her upbringing in the remarkably aspiritual region of the earth kingdom, or simply being more concerned with earthly things, such as becoming a warrior, Ty Zia has no ability to remark upon or perceive auras prior to her training. Still, she’s often the first of her troup to meet strangers with a smile.
Mischievous and prone to a good joke, she’s frequently “conniving something” when others observe the airbender in a thoughtful moment. Puns and slapstick are types of comedy that she’s particularly keen on.
Overall loyal to her homeland and the people there, Ty Zia expressed almost no interest in becoming an Air Nomad, or in allowing the other two benders (younger girls from her village) on the island to join the New Air Nation either. This sentiment of loyalty extends just as far to those who earn her friendship… Even if it’s not something earned quickly.
Biography Born in the era following the avatar’s death, the member of a fire nation noble house, though with no ties to that land itself for a generation at that point, Ty Zia is a Kyoshi islander through and through. Kyoshi Island, aside from being isolationist in the era of the 100 years-war, is something of a cultural melting pot from even the era of segregation between nations. Kyoshi, for who the place would become named after and after who much of the culture modeled itself, was multicultural, the daughter of a former air nun, and in this sense Zia was seen as similar, with an ancestor from nearly 200 years prior also being an air nun who escaped the nomad genocide. But its proximity to the south pole, being among the southernmost “Earth Kingdom” settlements, while sharing water with the fire nation archipelago, meant that many cultures and traditions would be shared through osmosis.
Zia, on some level, felt this through her own family’s culture growing up. Though her given name is more in-line with a “traditional” name of the region, her surname was remarkably fire noble, and the through line of air nomad influence ran into the traditions and values of spirituality and the martial arts that her father and grandmother instilled into her when she was a little girl.
Growing up in Matsu Village, the same that Suki was from, Zia’s fascination with the Kyoshi warriors was essentially on-sight. Her first memory, from when she was three, was one of her sneaking a peek of the typically-closed sessions in their dojo. Her grandmother, Suki, led the exercises for the then-warriors with a stern and parental tone that she was unaccustomed to, but also intrigued by. And she would begin copying the motions she saw, until caught by her father Ty Len. Affable and encouraging, he promised that if she wished to be a Kyoshi warrior, that if she put in the work, her dream would come true.
She would begin to receive rudimentary martial arts instruction at age four, though nothing particularly harsh, progressively ramping up to age 9, at which time her training became “serious” and she would begin to study under not only her father, but her grandmother Ty Lee, too. This regiment of martial arts would be supplemented with fundamental weapons as well, a wider range of training than Ty Lee had practiced as a child, with methodical intent to familiarize herself with the weapons used by the Kyoshi Warriors when the time came. And as she entered adolescence, she would become a Kyoshi warrior in the tradition of her grandmothers, even if her martial arts training had only just begun in the eyes of her father.
On one occasion, while she was eleven, Zia met a fire nation noble boy named Jinn Yoshida who had come to the island to request her father’s permission to court her, as evidently this boy’s father had attempted to betrothe his son to several of Zia’s cousins in the fire nation, in hopes of curying political favor through such a marriage into the Ty clan, to no avail. This notion did not last long, and Ty Zia did not ever realize that it was Jinn’s intent to try to marry her, as she was far too interested in “throwing rocks at him” when he expressed a passing interest in her training; a misunderstanding as she had assumed he wanted to learn chi blocking, and attempted to replicate a footwork drill that her father had run her through years before.
At the age of fifteen, as Harmonic Convergence occurred, Ty Zia, along with two younger girls who were training to become Kyoshi warriors themselves someday, would manifest airbending. Excited, but perturbed, Zia would immediately begin barraging her grandmother with questions, while her training would somewhat expand to include some basic movements and forms that Ty Lee could recollect from her adventures with and against avatar Aang, though fifty years is quite a long time for information to become lost.
The island’s isolationist nature meant that communication to the outside world would be slow, even in the direction of Republic City, but the mumblings of Dai Li agents kidnapping newfound airbenders in the night had come quickly. Even if going to Republic City to train under Tenzin was something she might have wanted, the girls could not be taken from their parents so soon, in her mind, and with mumblings of what was going on outside of their island, Zia would initially double down on this policy, even well into the time of the “New Air Nation” and its broad acceptance as a force for good.
Abilities and Powers -Airbender: As a consequence of Harmonic Convergence, like all other new Airbenders, Zia is able to manipulate air currents and gas particles through her will and movement aerokinetically. Due to Kyoshi island not reporting Ty-Zia’s manifestation of her bending, or those of either of the two airbending children on the island at the time, she has not undergone any traditional training. Zia’s airbending resembles that of a “rudimentary” airbender who is only capable of moving the air around them, but not being of it or understanding, she is at roughly this stage through training and understanding martial arts, while teaching herself how to move the air. This technical ability can be compared to Zaheer, though still lacking in a lot of the philosophy and spirituality that made him a prodigal learner of the art. Accordingly she could be said to have mastered the first tier of Airbending training, and is coming upon the completion of the second without instruction. In practice, Zia’s airbending is often about striking at a target’s weak points to break their stature and forms, in a similar fashion to the Kyoshi-style mentality in their hand-to-hand, and on some level her chi-blocking.
-Chi-Blocker: Studying under her grandmother and father, Zia’s tradition of Chi-Blocking is from the later Air Nomad one. Though not as peerless and practiced as her grandmother, Zia is highly-capable and is on a similar par to Ty Lee by the time she had begun instructing others, and is for all intents and purposes a master. At this time she has not yet learned of the final suite of techniques from her father that would allow her to formally accept the title, though.
As a student of Ty Lee and Ty Len Ty Zia’s foundation was intended for direct confrontation in close quarters, modified to account for the use of her weapons as a Kyoshi Warrior, she is able to chi-block precisely enough to use her warfans, rather than her fingers. In some cases, with certain larger pressure points, she can chi-block with a larger and more blunt instrument, like the side of a shield, though it’s often more practical to simply strike hard and true with that weapon.
Typically considered in the range of soft-style application, the broader martial art resembles leopard-style kung fu, and the actual chi-blocking procedure and fist-arrangement, is a highly advanced form of the foundational martial art. In reality her fighting style is very hard, including many kicks and strikes with her various joints (elbows and knees), as well as eye raking and gouging; while taking to a hit-and-run tactical variation with acrobatic movements.
Tessenjutsu: A martial art which makes use of a metal fan, particularly as a slicing, blunt, and blocking instrument. Modeled after Kiyoshi’s use of the weapons, as well as traditional fire nationer ideas of the fighting style, movements with her fans can be both wide and sweeping, or compact and quick, in Zia’s hand.
Thanks to her having obtained airbending, Zia is able to use her fan to enhance the force and cutting power of air displacement that she generates. As a “signature weapon” of the kyoshi warrior, and her personal preferred option, Ty-Zia is likened to a maven in the fan-wielding arts. She will often casually flip and flit around with the weapon in a toying fashion, and will often fan herself regardless of the actual temperature of the room.
-Martial Artist: In a broader sense, in both hand-to-hand and weapon-wielding arts, Ty Zia is a highly-skilled fighter. Due to Kyoshi Island’s traditional martial arts resembling those of the island and nearby airbending populations more than those of the mainland earth kingdom, her fighting style is overall keyed more on various animal-like stances and high-power strikes, rapid combinations, and acrobatic movement, along with some elements of circular movement defensively, while ultimately leveraging an opponent’s weight and strength against them to maximize these factors. When wielding weapons, however, it is very much emphatic on stability and maximization of power in strikes, with positioning and technique specifically keyed to fighting as a part of a group. 
-Acrobatics: Though not as inhumanely agile as her grandmother was, the fundamentals of her style are built around high-mobility, being able to run fast, jump far, and weave easily between others. Without airbending she isn’t apt to be found cartwheeling and flipping over enemies, but she’s certainly outmaneuvering most of them.
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maddmuses · 5 years
Muse Directory
Original // Fandomless
-Alexzandra: The 6th Warden, designed by The Archons to protect all of life in existence, and foster it into the future. But sometimes, does being a guardian mean being a destroyer?; A Crimson Angel From Beyond The Stars (Alexzandra) (She/Her/GNC; Pansexual)
Multimedia // DC Universe
-Conner Kent: The Kryptonian clone of Lex Luthor designed to emulate Superman’s DNA; Y’all Need a Hero (Conner Kent) (He/Him; Hetflexible)
-Martha Kent: The eldest daughter of Kon-El, known author, and local witch; The House of El’s Magical Gem (Martha Kent) (She/Her; Bisexual)
-Alexandros Prince: Son of two worlds, and two heroes, he seeks to find his way in the world; Athena’s Champion (Alexandros Prince) (He/Him; Pansexual)
-Caroline Kent: Daughter of Earth and Mars, heir to the El legacy; Kiss my fist bad guys! (Caroline Kent/Kara-El) (She/Her; Bisexual)
-Terry McGinnis: The Future Knight, Bruce Wayne’s true successor as Batman, and Neo-Gotham’s new defender; The Dark Hope of The Future (Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond) (He/Him; Heterosexual)
-Cassandra Cain: Best Batgirl, martial arts extraordinaire. Might actually be the best; Orphaned Wing (Cassandra Cain) (She/Her; Demisexual)
Multimedia // Marvel Universe
-Peter Parker: Your Friendly Neighorhood Spider-Man, one of the world’s most dedicated heroes!; Your Friendly Neighborhood! (Spider-Man Earth-14320) (He/Him; Hetero)
-Thor Odinson: King of Asgard and her greatest warrior, Thor is The God of Thunder and intends to be Asgard’s final monarch. Empowered by his father’s spirit in a new Mjolnir, he acts as both ruler and avenger; The New All-Father (Thor Earth-14320) (He/Him; Eschewed Labels)
-Ben Hardy: The illegitimate son of Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy, currently the cat burglar and supervillain Ricochete, and the future her Black Spider; Gonna get what’s mine (Ben Hardy) (He/Him; Biromantic Demisexual)
-Rachel Summers: The daughter of Jean Grey and Scott Summers from a potential future, one of the most powerful psychics, and an avatar of the Phoenix; Future Phoenix (Rachel Summers) (She/Her; Lesbian)
-Gwendolyn Poole: Marvel’s original Pinkie Pie, and everyone’s second favorite 4th wall-defying merc; So I'm having a hard time getting uh; comic book universe citizenship? (Gwendolyn Poole) (She/Her; Bisexual)
Multimedia // Avatar Universe
-Avatar Li of The Fire Nation: Former Crown Prince of The Fire Nation, and now Avatar-in-Training, they’re finding their way in the world. What will be there for them?; The Third Wave (Avatar Li) (They/Them; Asexual)
-Ty Lee: One of Azula’s Triad, and later on a Kiyoshi Warrior. A skilled Acrobat and Chi Blocker, she can identify the qualities of your aura just by looking at you; Circus Freak is a Complement (Ty Lee) (She/Her; Homoflexible)
-Ty Zia: Ty Lee’s granddaughter and first airbending Kyoshi warrior in all of history! A bit sassy, you’d better watch out for her left hook; The Dragon of Storms (Ty Zia) (She/Her; Homosectional)
-Zaheer: The master martial artist, and airbending leader of the revived Red Lotus. A spiritual man and revolutionary, Zaheer assassinated the Earth Queen, hoping it would help restore the world’s balance; Enter The Void (Zaheer) (He/They; Asexual Hetromantic)
Multimedia // Critical Role
-Keyleth: The Voice of The Tempest and designated swiss-army-druid, Keyleth is the HEART of Vox Machina... Well, bleeding heart more like it; Your Purpose in Life is Only What You Make of It (Keyleth) (She/Her; Pansexual)
-Scanlan Shorthalt: The Kingslayer, Aes Adon, The MEAT MAN!!! Scanlan is a Bard and certainly keeps the spirits, and if you ask him the meat, of Vox Machina raised through their adventures. Recently divorced; Oooh. Shut up and Shoot That Hole! (Scanlan Shorthalt) (He/Him; Yes Please)
-Vax'ildan: Champion of Ravens and known multiclass hoarder. Not of this world, he serves the Matron of Death, though occasionally is known to intervene when the situation calls for it;  Dagger Dagger... Dagger (Vax’ildan) (He/Him, Omni)
-Vex’ahlia: The most powerful member of Vox Machina... By merit of Trinket being her partner. But seriously, as Coinmistress of the Tal’Dorei Council, and designated carpet bomber of Vox Machina, you’d best be careful to stay on her good side darlings; We don’t do anything with dignity (Vex’ahlia) (She/her; Bisexual)
Multimedia // Disney
-Anna of Arendelle from The Noble Family of Holstein: Sister of Queen Elsa of Arendelle, and daughter of King and Queen Agnarr and Iduna. A daring princess, she will not be stopped from throwing herself into danger for her subjects, or the ones that she loves; Go ahead. I won’t judge (Anna Holstein) (She/Her; Bisexual)
Multimedia // Gundam Franchise
-Domon Kasshu: King of Hearts and Champion of the 13th Gundam Fight Tournament. Champion of Neo-Japan and savior of Earth. Gundam Fight Readyyyyyy... GOOOOOOO!!!!!; Take This! My Love!! My Anger!!! And All of My Sorrow!!!! (Domon Kasshu) (He/Him; Fightsexual)
Multimedia // Rick and Morty
-Jessica: Just your typical popular romantic love interest? Hardly. She has seen eternity, and it was silent; Fuck Off I’m A Time God (Jessica) (She/Her; Pansexual)
Anime // Boku no Hero Academia
-Ashido Mina: The chipper and athletic first year, her acid quirk is super cool!; I Wanna Go! That Looks Like Fun!! (Mina Ashido) (She/Her; Lesbian)
-Son Rin: Intense, young, and beautiful, this second year is nothing like anyone who’s come before; Time to start this with a bang! (Son Rin) (She/Her; Pansexual)
-Iosefina “Sefina” Wataru: The HOT granddaughter of Katseru Wataru, she is often compared to her brother for having a rather MAGMAnamous personality; Stay out of my kitchen, or quit your bitchin’ (Sefina Wataru) (She/They; Panromantic Demisexual)
Anime // Bleach
-Isane Kotetsu: Captain of 4th Division and the greatest healer of her generation; The Amiable Amazon (Isane Kotetsu) (She/Her; Lesbian)
-Rukia Kuchiki: Soul Reaper of 13th division and world-famous artist, well-known best girl; Frozen Tears On Porcelain Cheeks (Rukia Kuchiki) (She/Her; Omni w/ a woman lean)
-Byakuya Kuchiki: Captain of 6th division and head of the Great Noble Kuchiki Clan, pink is a lovely color, and pink just fucked you up; King of A Thousand Swords (Byakuya Kuchiki) (He/Him; Omni w/ a male lean)
-Isshin Shiba-Kurosaki: Former Captain of 10th Division, and proud dad of three. Mostly wandering around the world in his self-appointed “Golden Years”; Doctor in The Streets | Daddy in The Sheets (Isshin) (He/Him; Demisquared)
-Batsu'unsai Katori: First Captain of 8th Division and commonly known as “The Scalpel”. A front-runner and pioneer in many of the modern sciences and studies engaged with in the Soul Society today, she is precisely the kind of monster one would expect to find in such a position of such a world; Seireitei's Serial Killer (Batsu'unsai Katori) (She/Her; AroAce [Sex Positive])
-Yūyake Kuchiki: Heir apparent to the Kuchiki Clan and local spoiled brat. Well-loved by her family, but worried about her future as a noble; A Fiery Bow Among Alabaster Snow (Yūyake Kuchiki) (She/They; Genuinely unsure)
-Shoyo-Fēng: Daughter of captains Kotetsu and Fēng, she suffers from serious anxiety and is strangely powerful for it; Two Plus Four Makes... Seven??? (Shoyo-Fēng) (She/Her; Flighty and prone to picking up significant others)
-Rikō-Fēng: Brother of Shoyo and son of Isane and Soifon, he’s a protective and caring young siblings... Though he seems to care little for most others; Clever Bee... (Rikō-Fēng) (He/Him; AroAce)
-Futatsu-Fēng: A young and beautiful assassin from the Onmitsukido, ;  The Elegance of The Black Lily (Futatsu-Fēng) (She/Her; Omni)
-Tenchi Zaraki: Son of Kenpachi Kenpachi Zaraki, a martial artist in 4th division, though maybe not traditionally first-rate; The Tree That Grows Slow (Tenchi Zaraki) (He/Him; Bisexual)
-Yamato Von Zieger: Agent from America, Seated Executive, in charge of Living World’s Patrols for the Americas; American Soul Reaper (Yamato Von Zieger) (He/Him; Pansexual)
Anime // Digimon
-BlackWarGreymon/Kuromaru: A digital monster reborn after the reboot of the digital world by Yggdrasil. Once a warrior whose sole purpose in life, it seemed, was to fight his new life merits the search for a new purpose; My Strength is My Final Gift to You (BlackWarGreymon/Kuromaru) (He/They/It; Digimon cannot engage in sexual action, i.e. Kuromaru would be somewhere on the aroace spectrum)
Anime // Dragon Ball
-Son Goku: The saiyan from earth, ally to good, nightmare to you; Saiyan From Earth (Son Goku) (He/Him; AroAce/Fightsexual)
-Son Goba: Daughter of the hero Goku, and the next generation of Team Dragon; The Next Defender (Son Goba) (She/Her; Chaotic Bi)
-Broly: The Legendary, once-in-a-thousand-years, demonic saiyan of Universe 7; The Legendary Super Saiyan (Broly) (He/Him; Demi)
-Barb: The Queen Mother of all saiyans. The previous Queen Consort of Planet Vegeta... Before it blew up; Mother of All Saiyans (Barb) (She/Her; Omni/Strengthsexual)
-Gine: The mother of Kakarot, and the progenitor of a legend. Secretly a descendent of The Legendary Super Saiyan Yamoshi; His Kind Eyes (Gine) (She/Her; Bisexual [woman lean])
-Cell: The perfect warrior, a bio-android created for the sole purpose of achieving perfection, and killing Son Goku. Of course, he’s gone beyond that now; You fool! Don't you realize yet you're up against the perfect weapon?! (Cell) (He/They; AroAce)
Anime // Jujutsu Kaisen
-Kasumi Miwa: A student at Jujutsu High School in Kyoto. Famously useless... Unless you give her a cool af sword!!!; Useless Miwa Speaking! (Kasumi Miwa) (She/Her; Bisexual)
-Mai Zenin: The younger of the twin heirs to the Zenin clan, and a student at Jujutsu High School in Kyoto. She hates her sister, and she’s not shy about it; The Lesser Part Lost (Mai Zenin) (She/Her; Problematiq-bi)
-Maki Zenin: The elder twin heir of the Zenin clan, and a student at Jujutsu High School in Tokyo. Cast aside by her family and made an outsider, she’s out to prove herself, and to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer despite her heavenly pact; The Unseeing Blade (Maki Zenin) (She/They (Literally Two Bitches after [SPOILERS]; Bisexual)
-Nobara Kugisaki: A student at Jujutsu High School in Tokyo. From a small rural village, she’s returned to Japan to meet someone important, and to experience the world outside of her childhood; Living in a Lonely World (Nobara Kugisaki) (She/Her; Gayz4MakiLesgooooooo)
-Satoru Gojo: The Strongest Sorcerer. A once in four-hundred years prodigy with Jujutsu Abilities that are so rare and powerful that even those born with them individually are often killed as children. Now a teacher; Infinity is Everywhere (Satoru Gojo) (He/Him; Demi)
-Yuta Okkotsu: Second year at Jujutsu High, he has only lived in the sorcerer world for a couple of years, but with his unique sort of haunting he means to stop suffering, even at the cost of himself; I may be cursed but I will never let that define me (Yuta Okkotsu) (He/Him; Bi)
-Yuji Itadori: An anomaly in the Jujutsu world and the vessel for Sukuna. Recently enrolling into Jujutsu High School in Tokyo, he pursues a renewed purpose in eating Sukuna’s fingers so that someday they might be destroyed along with him; The Shrine’s Guardian (Yuji Itadori) (He/Him; Asexual Biromantic)
Anime // Naruto
-Itachi Uchiha: Master of Genjutsu and the bringer of his own clan’s genocide. Likely the strongest to ever do it, Itachi would be instrumental in keeping Konohagakure safe, even when branded its enemy; Master of The Sharingan (Itachi Uchiha)  (Ask me about my main!AU) (He/Him; Biromantic Asexual)
-Naruto Uzumaki: The jinchuuriki of Kurama, and a shinobi of great renown... Well, most of the time not quite yet. Eager and energetic, he’s seen as something of a knucklehead, but whent he chips are down he’ll never back out of a promise, or run away from a fight; You'd Better Believe It!! (Naruto Uzumaki) (He/Her/They; Pansexual) (Ask me about my canon divergence)
-Sakura Haruno: The head of Konoha’s Medic Corp. and healer of Squad 7, she is the Beautiful Ninja Maiden who crushes her enemies; Cha!! You’ll never stop me!! (Sakura Haruno)  (Ask me about my canon divergence) (She/Her; Later-In-Development Lesbian)
-Yamaneko Uchiha: The cousin of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha, and a focal point for the clan’s potential future. Feeling abandoned by her peers, she has a chip on her shoulder, and a desire to show up her contemporaries; The Uchiha Tigress (Yamaneko Uchiha) (She/They; Bisexual w/ a Sapphic lean)
Anime // One Piece
-Luffy D. Monkey: The captain of the straw hat pirates and future king of the pirates! Eater of the Gomu Gomu no Mi and lover of adventure; If you don’t take risks you can’t create a future (Luffy) (He/Him; AroAce but overall sex or romance disinterested but not repulsed)
-Nami Bell-mère: Renowned cat burglar and member of the straw hats, she won’t be stopped until she’s made a map of all the seas... And gotten a few Beri along the way ;3 ; Tangerine Queen (Nami) (She/Her; MoneyPansexual)
-Toru Akiyama Tōru Caushān : The World Government’s Golden Dragon; The Burning Dragon (Tōru Caushān) (He/Him; Demisexual Biromantic)
Anime // Shonen
-Judai Yuki: The heroic duelist of destiny; Gotta Get Your Game On! (Judai Yuki) (He/Him; AceAro)
-Seto Kaiba: Master of dragons, and defyer of fate; Dragon Master Transcending Time!! (Seto Kaiba) (He/Him; Homoflexible)
-Yuharu Kaiba: Daughter of Mokuba Kaiba, and successor to the Kaiba legacy; Blue-Eyes White Heiress (Yuharu Kaiba) (She/Her; Pan)
-Shiro Minamoto: A young Obelisk Blue student and duelist who struggles with his own identity and desires from life;  Samurai Master of Dragons (Shiro Minamoto) (He/Him; Demi)
-Josuke Higashikata: Protector of Morioh and Local Stylish Teen (tm). Stand User and master of Crazy Diamond... He’ll heal you as long as you don’t comment on his pompadour; WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT MY HAIR!? (Josuke Higashikata) (He/They; Fabulously Jojo)
-Korosensei: Destroyer of the moon, the ultimate teacher, and former reaper. Don’t let his grin fool you; Calamari Mentor (Korosensei) (He/Him; Chaotic Straight)
Anime // Seinen
-Diane: Queen of Giants and Sin of Envy (The Serpent), Diane is a serious threat in a cute (but big) package! Seriously, stay out of the way of her maul, and her love life, if you know what’s good for you; Spitting Venom in My Lyrics I’m The Serpent Sin! (Diane) (She/They [Distinct Cultural Concepts of Gender]; Pansexual w/ Femme Lean)
-Escanor Castellio: The Lion Sin of Pride and strongest holy knight. A man whose power rises with the son as he becomes the pure embodiment of strength;  Who decided that? The only one who gets to decide such things IS ME! (Escanor Castellio)  (Ask me about my canon divergence) (He/Him; Lover of Beauty)
-Panty Anarchy: The elder of the Anarchy Sisters, a pistol-wielding badass who wants to sleep with 1000 men while on earth; Angel of Lust (Panty Anarchy) (She/Her; Heteroflexible)
-Stocking Anarchy: The younger Anarchy Syster, armed with a sword, or a fork, you’d best be careful not to piss her off; Angel of Gluttony (Stocking Anarchy) (She/Her; Homoflexible)
Anime // Sanrio
-Retsuko: A red panda accountant trying to get through her daily grind. She’s eager to find a way to cope with the workplace, and find her fulfillment in life; Screaming Roaring Satisfaction (Retsuko) (She/Her; Bisexual)
Literature // Fantasy
-Drizzt Do’Urden: Ranger of the North and most famous swordsman in Faerun, this Drow elf struggles with his identity and the way the world sees him, for his appearance;  For Me I'll Use My Scimitars (Drizzt Do'Urden) (He/Him; Vaguely Demi)
(Note: Any interactions with these muses and muses from this verse or of this sort of verse will be tagged “Problematic Wizard” and cw; Problematic Wizard. If I miss any please lmk so I can rectify that miss.)
-Donovan/Donna/Don Greyback: The son child of Fenrir Greyback, Gryffindor Quidditch player; The Full Moon Boy (Don Greyback) Alpha Wolfgirl (Donna Greyback) The Last Greyback (Don Greyback)  (Genderfluid Any/All; Woman-oriented but open to anything)
-Hermione Granger: The brightest witch of an age. Future Minister of Magic, and premier House Elf-rights activist; I mean, it’s sort of exciting isn’t it? Breaking the rules (Hermione Granger) (Ask me about my canon divergence) (She/Her; Lesbian who dates a lot of transgirls)
Video Games // Kingdom Hearts
-Sora: The hero chosen by destiny, but not destiny’s first choice. A Keyblade Master in all but name, he has traveled to numerous worlds, and has asserted himself as the protector of all worlds. Able to attract and connect the hearts of others to his own, he relies on the light of his friends to guide his key; The King’s Soaring Imposter (Sora) (He/Him; Bi)
-Roxas: An anomaly of heart, the nobody commander of Samurai, and Sora’s other. Fighting to find his own place in existence, he defies the notion that a nobody is simply a memory, or parody, of someone who once existed; Blades of Promises and Endings (Roxas) (He/Him; Bi)
-Vanitas: The True Unversed, a boy whose heart is the fragments of another, dark emotions personified, his sole purpose (as he sees it) is to reunite his broken heart so that he may escape the prison of his existence by forging the χ-blade and reuniting with his former self; The Source of Suffering (Vanitas) (He/Him; Fucked up)
Video Games // RPG
-Zack Fair: Future hero and second wielder of the Buster Sword. Soldier 1st Class; Actual Human Puppy (Zack Fair) (He/Him; Pan)
-Cloud Strife: Third wielder of the Buster Sword mysterious mercenary. What does his future hold? And does it have to do with his enigmatic past?; Master of The Seven Blades (Cloud Strife) (He/They/Her; Omni)
-Tifa Lockhart: You know, she’s objectively best girl. And she punches great too!; The Seventh Heaven (Tifa Lockhart) (She/Her; Pan)
-Mei “Mai Fuller” Fukaya: SOLDIER 1st Class and Gunblade specialist, Mei comes from a pauper background, becoming a proper hero like her idol from legend; The One-Woman Firing Squad (Mei Fukaya) (She/Her; Bi)
-Squall Leonhart: Chairman of SeeD and master of the gunblade, Squall is the hero who traveled through time to stop the witch Ultimecia; Grieverhart (Squall Leonhart) (He/Him; Pan)
-Geralt: The White Wolf, the greatest witcher, the Ravix of Fourhorn. A legendary witcher, Geralt wanders the world, killing monsters, and stopping evils; The Butcher of Blaviken (Geralt of Rivia) (He/Him; Horny)
Video Games // Baldur’s Gate
-Karlach Cliffgate: The Fury of Avernus. Karlach was one a simple commoner in the city of Baldur’s Gate until one day, when her ancestor Zariel had her brought to the hellfires of Avernus to act as her champion. Following a daring escape, she now travels, seeking respite from the consequences of her escape, and for something to replace the hell engine that is now her heart...; A Golden Retriever From Hell (Karlach Cliffgate) (She/Her; Bisectional)
-Minthara Baenre: The Merciless Soul. Minthara was once a member of the Lolthite cult in Menzoberranzan, but inadvertently escaped her fate when leading an assault on another cult dedicated to a deity called “The Absolute” that had attempted to convert drow from the city. However, her life changed when one of the cult’s leaders cut down her men, and took her heart. Now an escapee of two cults, she is wandering through life, seeking a new purpose; A Drow Outcast Unlike The Other (Minthara Baenre) (She/Her; Lesbian)
-Shadowheart: The Dark Justiciar. A young half-elf who remembers very little, other than her devotion to the dark lady, Shar. Dedicated to following through and her allies, she seems to struggle as she unknowingly walks through two worlds; Lady of The Twilight Faith (Shadowheart) (She/Her; Pansexual)
-Zesaer Xorlarrin: A bhaalspawn of most unusual origin, her entire life seems to be steeped in conspiracy, mystery, and sorrow. Now a wandering deathsinger with no memories, she must compose the next verse of her life with no recollection of the chorus; The Lady of Seldarine Sonata (Zesaer Xorlarrin)
Video Games // Devil May Cry
-Dante Redgrave: The Legendary Devil Hunter, son of Sparda, and multiple Hell-Bowl Champion of The Nine Rings; Adventures of The Wacky Woohoo Pizza Man (Dante Redgrave) (He/Him; Hetero)
-Madonna “Donna” Redgrave: The daughter of the Legendary Devil Hunter, new owner of Devil May Cry, and well-known headache to both heaven and hell; My Lady of Sparda (Donna Redgrave) (She/Her; Bi)
Video Games // League of Legends
-Ahri: The Vesani gatekeeper, alluring and deadly, she subsists by consuming the souls of her lover... But still? Probably worth it; If you'd like to play with me you'd better be sure you know the game~ (Ahri) (She/Her; Dominant)
-Briar: A Blood Golem with a ceaseless hunger, she has escaped from her prison, and now wandering Noxia, if not Runeterra at-large! But watch out, she’s hungy; I’m Hungry... I mean... Briar (Briar) (She/Her; Bisexual)
-Settrigh “The Boss, Sett”: Half-Vastayan, Half-Noxian, All Badass. A pit-boss and warrior, he will do anything to ensure his mother has a happy life, and that his people don’t have to put up with Noxian imperialism; Glad I Don’t Have To Fight Me (Sett) (He/Him; Fight me!!)
Video Games // Fighting
-Bi-Han: (WIP)
-Hanzo Hasashi: Sometimes a man, sometimes a specter, always a bad-ass. Member of the Shirai-Ryu clan, he dons the identity of the ninja warrior Scorpion to seek both vengeance and justice alike; I Let Go of My Rage and It Saved Me (Hanzo Hasashi) (He/Him; Demi)
-Kuai Liang: (WIP)
-Reina Mishima: The semi-legitimate daughter of Heihachi Mishima and the latest of the Devil’s Legacy to rise. Nobody knows what her true desire is; The Purple Devil (Reina Mishima) (She/Her; Fightsexual/Pansexual (Sapphic Lean))
Television // Animation
-Danny Fenton: Young Danny Fenton, he was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine; it was designed to view a world unseen (He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom!) When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit, but then Danny took a look inside of it. There was a great big flash, everything just changed, his molecules got all rearranged! It was then that he knew what he had to do, he had to stop all the ghosts who were coming through, he's here to fight for me and you!; He’s Gonna Catch ‘em All ‘cause He’s Danny Phantom (Danny Fenton) (He/Him; Pansexual)
-Dan Phantom: Old Danny Fenton, he was just 15 when his family were tied to an unstable machine, it blew and every just died! Now a teen orphan he turned to Vald Plasmius, desperate to tear his emotions out of him. But all it did was make everything just change, and his ambitions became all rearranged. Now the domineering ruler of the earth and ghost zone in the future, the phantom within intends to turn all of his dark emotions onto the world that denied him his own happy future; I Surrendered My Human Half A Long Time Ago (Dan Phantom) (He/Him; Baby Bi)
-Lee Ping: Secret spy conspiracy theorist. He was framed on his first day back at school for the biggest prank in history, and now he’s gotta find out who did it, to prove his innocence; Now I Gotta... Go It Solo (Lee Ping) (He/Him; Love Me Hate Me But It Ain’t No Lie Baby BI BI BIIIII)
Television // Live-Action
-Kwon Jae-Sung: Cobra Kai’s newest bad boy, and the “next generation” of The Way of The Fist. Watch out, or you’ll catch a heel to the face; Kill Their Heart (Kwon Jae-Sung) (He/Him; Bisexual)
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