#The Golden Palace by Artemiseamoon
Could you recommend some Vikings writers?
Oh, of course I can sweetheart!
I’m Ivar-biased, because of course I am, but here goes nothing:
You probably already know of @honestsycrets, @lisinfleur, @therealcalicali, @whenimaunicorn, they are fantastic writers and overall fantastic people that make the fandom what it is.
@peaceisadirtyword has written fantastic pieces on Ivar, everything in her masterlist, from Pity to First Time and everything in between, her work on modern!aus is what sold me to the idea of a modern retake on Vikings in the first place. Her fics are some of my all-time favorites, I still go back to reading them quite often. Marry Me still makes me all mushy inside, and I’ve probably read it tens of times.
@youbloodymadgenius is not only a lovely person that I don’t know what I did ot deserve the support of, she’s also an incredibly talented writer. Again, her modern!aus are incredible pieces I find myself thinking about through my day. Of her most recent, What Could Have Been and Angel’s Touch are masterpieces, and All Those Things still holds a big part of my heart.
@rosepetals-flyingbirds is also an amazing writer, with some of the most intriguing and original ideas I’ve come across. I’m currently reading Blue Eyes and it’s honestly so damn good, do yourself a favor and dive into the possibility of a ghost!Ivar, it’s sublime I tell you.
@artemiseamoon is almost single-handedly responsible for Oleg owning a lil piece of my heart now. Her work isn’t only incredibly well written with fascinating and developed OC’s, she’s also so damn good at switching between smut to angst to fluff to everything in between like it is nothing. Reading her work is a delight, you don’t want to miss The Golden Palace, trust me.
@maggiescarborough is making such a good case for Alfred in my book, she’s an incredibly talented writer whose every work is filled with the adoration she has for the characters (really, if you like Alfred, go to her masterlist right now, you won’t regret it, she probably loves him just as much if not more than you) Biggest Alfred fangirl I know, and biggest sweetheart too. She has amazing pieces on many characters though, this piece on Ivar mended my broken heart, and she’s written a heartbreaking story on 6a Hvitty getting some help. Can’t forget this one, Gods, this one lives rent free in my head since last chapter istg.
@xbellaxcarolinax is incredibly talented, and incredibly dedicated to her work. Her series Forging a Heart is one of my all-time favorites, I still think about the finale and get emotional, it’s just so good, and you learn to love every character within the stories she tells. Heartbreaker is a story I’m currently reading and holy hell, you really don’t wanna miss that one if you like modern!aus, trust me.
I know I am going to forget people, I know I’m leaving out some fantastic pieces I haven’t mentioned, and some works that have broken/mended my heart have not been mentioned; and I’m sorry.
Speedrun of some of my favorite creators that I failed to mention above because I am a mess: @tephi101, @flokisdaughter, @inforapound, @gearhead66, @punkrocknpearls, @kingbuckyx, @fuchsiagrasshopper, @pieces-by-me, @nukyster-blog, @fairyofvoid, @mrsaugustwalker, and so many others.
You’re all amazing people and I love you; and incredibly talented creators and I admire you so much, this corner of the internet wouldn’t be the same without you!
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artemiseamoon · 4 years
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The Golden Palace
Pairing: Multi! Oleg x Ofc , Ivar x Ofc
Chapter 1: Blood Red Moon and a Winters Sky
 | Words: 825 
All chapters here  | Next chapter 
Summary: Seraphine (ofc) adjusts to life as Prince Oleg's mistress. As everything becomes predictable the arrival of a Viking King feeds her desire for excitement. 
Warnings: Viking era fic so canon topics like kidnapping, that’s about it for this chapter though. If you don’t like stuff like this, skip this one. I generally do not write non-con, for many reasons, so made it that the Ofc is kind of into Oleg but also hates him. Sex scenes may be angsty but still consesual. All chapters will contain specific warnings at the top. Other chapters won't have a pre-essay, but wanted to cover all ground here and now. Overall this fic is: Adult 18 + only, Mature content, and Sexual Content
Credit: Gifs; Oleg one is not mine, credit to owner| 1st one is mine | Banners and Boards: Me 
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Seraphine knew this was coming; the dreams started a full cycle before his arrival. They were always the same. 
Overcast skies; the blood-red moon above. A chill in the usually tropical air. The thunderous pounding of horses hooves against the ground preceded by a crimson mist; figures of men upon the horses with strangely shaped dark hats about their heads. They scream in a language unknown to her. In the background a laugh, a laugh-filled with menace and dark brown eyes looming in the clouds belonging to a face she could not see. 
This day was coming. The kingdom knew this as the neighboring lands were hit with the plagues of war and terror. They spent months planning exit strategies, defense, and recovery. It seemed to pay off in the beginning. They were winning against the intruders of the night. 
Then the fates turned. Since Seraphine was a child, she saw three visions for herself. The one in which she was in the process of fulfilling; the marriage to the very unsavory and rather repulsive King, a great ally her father and people needed. Second, she leaves the place she calls home to set off on her own. Or third, being uprooted and taken to a new and strange place. 
At the start of the battle, she told herself she would leave. To avoid the marriage despite the wealth and status it would bring. The wedding was to be in 2 moons time before the intruders came. Though, as the battle continued and things began to look dire, she knew the third vision was increasing in strength. Being her father’s only daughter, Seraphine was one of the first to be hidden away for safety. 
However, staying locked away did not sit well with her. A group of people was assigned the task to save the young, help them escape. If the young could be free of this, they could rebuild and start all over again. 
Seraphine knew her life was at risk to lend a hand for this cause, but their lives mattered more than her own in the grand scale of things. This was the deciding factor. She escapes her cozy hideout, past the guards to help with the escape. 
As the group successfully got the last of the young out, the brutal men dressed in heavy black and furs gained on them. It was chaos. Breaking away from the group Seraphine makes her way to an alley leading back to the underground tunnels to the palace. 
Nearing the corner, and overcome by sadness at the state of her home, Seraphine is distracted. As she rounds the corner, she runs right into something, that something she would realize was a man. 
Standing tall and still like a statue, his unusual dress made it clear he was one of them. Seraphine takes a step back. He grabs her left forearm, she can see a large sharp weapon in his other hand. 
A sinister smile dances on his lips, making his dark features all the darker. 
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“What do we have here?” He asks in a language she doesn’t understand. 
“Let me go!” 
Seraphine yells in her own language as she pulls free from his grip. The strange man acts quick, pulling her back to him. This time her back to his as he clasps his free arm tight around her torso. He leans in close, she can feel his hot breath on her ear and the side of her neck. 
“Come. Let’s go home, pet.” He whispers. 
Again, she can’t understand him. She looks up at his face and realizes his eyes are the same eyes from the vision. The eyes looking in the background belonging to a face she could not see.
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This place was cold, the chill felt deep down in her bones. Unable to stop her shivering, Seraphine feared she would fall sick or even die in such harsh conditions. 
The man with the starless eyes layered her in furs. She assumed the words he spoke to her were to reassure her she would get used to this, but she couldn’t be sure.
Upon arrival, his home seemed bleak. A large looming settlement among white skies. Cold tones of grey marking the walls and buildings. The townspeople dressed similarly to the men draped in heavy layers. Was there life here? What about the Sun? Did dance and laughter exist in such a severe place? 
Once they reach his palace, a burst of color appears. High ornate walls and designs. Elaborate archways and fabrics. Was the palace containing the only color of this place? The appearance of color and gold warmed her chilled bones up just a little; it was a sign of life and something similar to home.
The man, after insisting she drink some tea, takes her on a tour; speaking to her in his language while holding her arm tight the entire time. Two looming guards behind them like shadows. 
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Late December thru January WIP list
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- if you don’t see one of your favs, don’t worry it will be done eventually!
- this list is subject to change & grow
- going forward I’ll try to upload new things to A03 at the same time (artemiseamoon)
- my A03 is kind of a mess, so I need to do some cleaning up & editing but it’s there
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Final chapter (s)
Sugar & Sin (Max Phillips x Rene )
The Golden Palace (Ivar x Séraphine | Prince Oleg)
Outshine the Sun (Frankie x Desire)
Queen of Poisons (Ezra x nyx)
The man with the dark eyes (Pero Tovar x reader)
Terms of Enchantment (Pero Tovar x reader)
Riders on the Storm (TLK x Vikings x ofc)
We All Have Ghost (Agent Whiskey x ofc)
Moondust (Ezra x ofc | Duke Leto )
Sinners & Saints (Logan Delos x ofc)
Finally complete autumn prompts from fall 2021
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So, The Golden Palace is fucking amazing and I can’t stop thinking about it
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I’m not any good when it comes to moodboards and stuff, but I love this story (and its aesthetic), and I had to try something. @artemiseamoon​ I hope you don’t mind these, a poor attempt to show love/appreciation for your amazing work!
Istg, each time I started browsing pinterest I found something that reminded me of your story, so I tried my best doing something, whatever these turned out being.
I hope you liked them, and again, thank you so much for sharing such an intriguing and amazing story with us, I can’t wait to continue it!! Sending you my love ❤️❤️
The one I like the most is the first one, and it may or may not be because it reminds me of chapter 3 😉
Here ya go, the other pic of your faceclaim I have 😉
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artemiseamoon · 3 years
I have yet to come up with a name, but here’s a board for Séraphines home 💜
Al’ard Dhahabi (the Golden land)
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