#The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul
scoobydoobaday · 8 months
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The Scooby Doo Show S01E03 - The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul (1976) Hanna Barbera Productions
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Scooby-Doo, "The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul"
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dirt-cinema · 2 years
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the scooby doo/dynomutt hour (1976) | the gruesome game of the gator ghoul
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makaientjluvdaprince · 11 months
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I just watched The Scooby-Doo Show 1x03 "The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul"
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cindyscreenshot · 7 years
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scoobydooaesthetics · 7 years
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The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul
The Scooby Doo Show Season 1 Episode 3
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Gator Ghoul
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“Bad animal ~ Alligator” © Steve Wu, accessed at his ArtStation here
[Although nobody could have known it at the time, The Scooby-Doo Show episode titled “The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul” was the beginning of the end for the franchise, or at least a signpost towards a major, decade-spanning slump. Why do I say that? Well, “Gator Ghoul” introduces Scooby-Doo’s “funny hillbilly” cousin, Scooby-Dum. Introducing the wacky relatives of your already most comedic character is a desperate move at the best of times. But this instance paved the way for the expansion of the Doo clan, which lead to the creation of Scrappy-Doo. Who is not only the most hated character in the Scooby-Doo franchise, he may be one of the most hated characters in all of English language media.]
Gator Ghoul          CR 6 NE Undead This creature resembles a bipedal alligator with luminous eyes. Its skin is grayish and hangs loosely from the bone in places.
Crocodilians are among the animals that most commonly eat humanoids—their habitats often overlap, and alligators and crocodiles are masters of stealth in the water. On rare occasions, a crocodile might eat a humanoid that has indulged in a similar repast—a cannibal. Crocodilians that die with a cannibal still in their guts may rise as a gator ghoul, a reptilian undead horror that craves the flesh of humanoids above all other things.
Gator ghouls remain in the habitats they did when they were alive, but shun the company of live crocodilians. They emerge on dark and foggy nights to find humanoid prey, and are not shy about entering settlements or even buildings to do so. The light that shines from their eyes while they hunt mesmerizes and incapacitates, leaving a victim helpless until the gator ghoul sinks in its fangs. The scenes of gator ghoul kills are grisly affairs, with blood splattered and limbs torn asunder by their awful death roll.
True ghouls keep their distance from gator ghouls; the larger undead are barely sapient and decidedly antisocial. Gator ghouls do not hesitate to eat other undead as well, although they disdain skeletons for meatier fare. They are challenging from the perspective of necromancers to control, as they are stubborn and gluttonous at the best of times. If two gator ghouls cross paths, they will usually fight to the death, the weaker being killed and eaten by the stronger. 
Gator Ghoul          CR 6 XP 2,400 NE Large undead Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +10, scent Defense AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural) hp 65 (10d8+20) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +10; channel resistance +2 Immune undead traits Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. Melee bite +11 (1d8+5 plus grab), 2 claws +11 (1d6+5), tail slap +9 (1d12+2) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks deadlights, death roll (1d8+7 plus trip) Statistics Str 21, Dex 16, Con -, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 15 Base Atk +7; CMB +13 (+17 grab); CMD 26 Feats Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Stand Still Skills Perception +10, Stealth +9 (+17 in water), Swim +15; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in water Languages Common (cannot speak) Ecology Environment warm marshes and freshwater Organization solitary Treasure none Special Abilities Deadlights (Su) As a standard action, a gator ghoul can cause a 60 ft. cone of bright light to emit from its eyes for up to 1 minute. All living creatures in the area must succeed a DC 17 Will save or be dazed as long as the light shines on them, unable to move or take any actions. A creature so affected can attempt a DC 17 Will save on its turn as a full round action to break out of the daze. This daze effect is broken the round the creature takes damage from any source. A creature that succeeds its initial saving throw is immune to the deadlights of that gator ghoul for the next 24 hours. A gator ghoul can stop this ability as a swift action on its turn, and can use this ability three times per day. This is a mind-influencing compulsion effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Death Roll (Ex) When a gator ghoul succeeds a grapple check against an opponent of its size or smaller, it deals bonus damage and knocks its victim prone.
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You know something... I kinda want to make a list of the gang’s family members, any interesting details about them, and how rich each of them are. I kinda want to track what we can infer about the character’s backgrounds from their families.
John Maxwell - Daphne’s Uncle - Movie director. (Never Ape an Ape Man)
Uncle Nathaniel - Shaggy’s Uncle - Owns a mansion up in Boston that was able to comfortably house the gang and the Harlem Globetrotters at the same time. He’s presumably pretty rich, but isn’t adverse to doing some physical labor (he built a covered bridge by himself). He’s lived in this house for a long time, so he presumably inherited it. (The Lochness Mess)
Scooby-Dum - Scooby-Doo’s Cousin - Is a bit of a hick. Pretty dumb for a talking dog. Lives on a floating restaurant with his restaurant-owning owners in a swamp in Georgia. His owners were on the cusp of bankruptcy when the gang showed up to help them out. (The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul)
Uncle Shagworthy - Shaggy’s Uncle - Owns and lives in a castle that he shipped to the US from England! He’s hella rich! A jewel dealer. (Scared a Lot in Camelot)
Uncle Matt - Daphne’s Uncle - Owns a ranch with a sizeable herd of cattle. (A Bum Steer for Scooby)
Unseen Uncle of Velma’s - Lets the gang borrow a boat... Which they promptly crash and wreck. (There’s a Demon Shark in the Foggy Dark)
Uncle John - Velma’s Uncle - Owns a cabin by a lake and a pretty nice boat. Likely a historian by profession. (The Curse of Viking Lake)
Dave Walton - Velma’s Uncle - Border guard. Possibly a hobbyist historian or archeologist as he can read Chippewa pictographs. Also friends with said Chippewa peoples. (Watch Out! The Willawaw!)
Olivia Dervy  - Daphne’s Aunt - Probably retired, but lives in the penthouse of a hotel. (Make a Beeline Away from That Feline)
Unnamed Uncle of Velma’s - Dermatologist with his own office. (What Is Acne?)
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whyareouilikethis · 6 years
Monsta X as Scooby-Doo Villains
Shownu: Charlie the Robot
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-do I really have to explain this one?
Wonho: The Snow Ghost
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-he thicc
-also hella strong
-could bench-press a Great Dane
-either really smart or really dumb (there’s no in between)
-pretty damn creative
-tries to act scary ... not usually effective
Minhyuk: Witch
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-not subtle
-makes others do the heavy lifting
-ready to screw everyone over if it was in their favor
-except their sidekick ... probably
Kihyun: The Ghost Clown
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-can (and will) manipulate others to do his bidding
-do not spite him
-it will cause serious repercussions
-always one step ahead of everyone else
Hyungwon: Mummy of Ankha
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-fashion sense on point
-skinny legend
-having none of anyone’s bullshit
-will fight to get what he wants
-low-key petty and extra
Jooheon: Zombie
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-“excuse me I'm walking like zombie”
-the witch’s sidekick
-forced into doing what others don’t want to do
-smarter than he appears
-gets upset easily
-appears scary ... not actually that intimidating
-sometimes the things he says do not make sense
I.M.: the Phantom of Haunted Isle
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-basic TM
-runs away from problems
-10/10 laugh
-squares up
-actually pretty smart
-ends up getting injured somehow
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{we do not own any of these gifs}
{also this was made in honor of their most recent comeback ... so that’s why there’s a gif of the alligator ghost (from the episode ‘the gruesome game of the gator ghoul’) above} 
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mykclassic · 3 years
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mykclassic just watched a show his official rating : The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour 1x03 "The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul / The Great Brain... Train Robbery"
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scoobydoobaday · 8 months
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The Scooby Doo Show S01E03 - The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul (1976) Hanna Barbera Productions
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Scooby-Doo, “The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul”
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cnselfinit · 5 years
The Scooby Doo Show
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3:00 AM The Scooby Doo Show The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul
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I just watched The Scooby-Doo Show 1x03 "The Gruesome Game Of The Gator Ghoul"
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cindyscreenshot · 7 years
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valmos · 5 years
Scooby-Doo Show 1-5 . It starts.
Episode 1:  High Rise Hair Raiser
Monster: The Specter.of Ebeneezer and Ghost  of Netty Crabbe
Interests:   It is weird how much of this intro I remember  and how much I don’t. Oh dang, it is Scooby-Dum.. at least I think that was his name? Don’t think he ever appeared in anything outside of this series, but guess I’ll  find out eventually.  Actual episode time, the gang is eating at Sam’s Pizza (open all nite). Shaggy and Scooby’s favorite indoor sport is eating. Scooby eats an entire pizza worth of raw dough. Velma has a new VA, this will take some getting use to. Shaggy is interested in finding a job, Daphne thinks this is a good idea as they are running low on money. So I guess the gang shares finances? Construction work with no experience required? What year is this again? 1976. Shaggy offers Scooby a slice of pizza before they leave, but he is too dizzy from watching pizza dough being tossed, Shaggy eats  it. Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby are given a job, but Shaggy and Scooby try to quit after learning the construction site is haunted. Velma and Daphne are sent to investigate the history of the site, because women can’t work on  a skyscrapper but a dog can. “Anytime is a good time to get scared” -Shaggy. words to live by. Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby leave the construction site to do to Ebeneezer’s old house, where Shaggy find a book called, Black Magic: Spells and Other Near Weird Stuff. Shaggy turns himself and Scooby into monsters, neither of them notice. A man who runs a lens shop lends the gang a large, and probably expensive lens, for nothing more then just signing it out. Scooby and Shaggy vibrate a door  to a bakery open, they setup a cake and sing happy birthday to the monster. Trap time, but the monster  overhears the plan, hi-jinx ensues. Scooby is made an Honorary Police Dog... in a pizza, which he eats by himself, except a single green olive that he flicks to Shaggy. 
Episode 2:  The Fiesta Host is an Aztec Ghost
Monster: Ghost of Katazuma and a stone golem  
Interests: The gang is  in Mexico going to the town of Cinco for a party (ugh) (Also seems weird to be driving so deep into Mexico just for a party? The Aztec Empire was in what is now southern Mexico, right? Then again the gang is nomadic, driving around in their van, stumbling on mysteries, so whatever.)   Shaggy just slips his sleep cloths over his normal outfit, sleep cloths come off like 15 seconds later. Scooby puts on a mask and scares himself. Velma claims to be able to read Aztec writing, and she can read whatever nonsense they used in the show. Velma bribes Scooby with a Scooby Snack, but Shaggy eats it, Velma gives Scooby another. Freb comes up with a plan to scare the monsters, it fails. New trap plan, it fails and traps the gang minus Scooby, but they get out of it with zero problem. Scooby and Shaggy make a large burrito... out of a tablecloth... 
Episode 3:  The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul
Monster: Ghost of the Gator Ghoul
Interests: Scooby-Doo hasn’t seen Scooby-Dum since they were puppies. Despite this, they have a massive elaborate handshake that lasts 30 seconds. (Side note: Is Scooby-Dum’s name Scoobert Dum?)  Scooby-Dum wants to be a police dog. Shaggy and the Scoobies make and eat some spicy fritters. Shaggy steps in left over raw fritter batter and gets stuck, giving Fred a plan to catch the monster, also barefoot Shaggy for you foot fetish freaks. The trap works. Shaggy and the Scoobies eat more fritters, Scooby-Doo eats Shaggy’s shoe. 
Episode 4:  Watt a Shocking Ghost
Monster: 10,000 Volt Ghost
Interests: I always thought this was a Where Are You monster. Somehow this monster really disturbed me as a kid? Anyway, the gang is in their winter cloths. Shaggy and Scooby are excited to get to town to eat their ... fifty millionth hamburger... ??? Hamburger place is closed though. Velm offers Scooby a Scooby Snack, he takes the box and downs four(? hard to count) of them. Shaggy cooks some hamburger patties on the ghost, they run away, but Scooby comes back to eat them. The gang finds sunflower seeds, Velma finds their placement here mysteries as you would only expect to find them in a birdcage, or a petshop Daphne adds. Where sunflower seeds not a popular snack item at this point in time? Shaggy did eat them and confirm they were sunflower seeds, so I am confused. The petshop in this mountain skiing town has monkeys.. Velma confirms that the sunflower seeds at the pet shop look like the ones they found at the power plant. (???) Scooby eats some of both and confirms it as well. Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby interrogate a parrot, Phoenix Wright stole from Scooby-Doo. Daphne and Velma are used as bait. The trap works.
Episode 5:  The Headless Horseman of Halloween
Monster: Headless Horseman
Interests: (This episode aired on October 9th, and while none debuted on the 31st, one did on the 30th.) Shaggy is dressed up like a vampire, but has his normal pants.  He robs the Halloween party’s food, including potato salad, fried chicken, corn, pumpkin pie, and for desert pizza. Scooby in a horse costume eats it all. They are at the party because they are friends with Beth. Scooby-Dum is here... in the horse costume with Scooby-Doo, even though there isn’t that much room. (Shaggy also calls him Doo’s brother instead of cousin).  Fred is a pirate, Velma is a witch, and Daphne is a fairy. (I like how Fred and Velm’s normal cloths influenced their costume design) There is an animation error for like a second where Scooby-Doo has four eyes, it is terrifying. The Scoobies’ horse costume is ruined. We see Beth, she is dressed like a pink cat. Everyone changes out of their costumes only 7 minutes in. Shaggy and Doo get scared by a raincoat and orange bowling ball. “Scooby-Dum, where are you” It took about half the episode for the uncostumed villain to appear.  A trap is set, it fails.
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