#The Inheritance Trilogy
lyra-kane · 12 hours
"I respect other people's opinions"
Also me when someone doesn't like my favorite books:
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kit4strophe · 2 days
wait we have SIS… what if it spells out “sisters” smth and it’s ab libby and avery in someway. i will CRY.
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graysdarling · 2 months
i believe that grayson hawthorne is the most un grayson hawthorne whenever he's drunk.
"but... why won't you kiss me? :("
"because youre drunk, gray."
"oh. but avery kisses jameson whenever he's drunk...”
"because he's drunk 24/7."
"but i want kisses too... if i get drunk 24/7 will you kiss me too?"
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midiosaamor · 4 months
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this is literally jameson and grayson
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asheliiii · 4 months
i have a feeling deep down that the whole graysonlyra thing is going to be like this:
lyra: you are the most annoying, over-privileged, rich white boy I’ve ever seen. the minute i get even half a chance I am going to put your head through a fucking wall.
grayson: 👁️👄👁️
also grayson: damn she’s kinda cute when she’s yelling but i’ll never tell her that and instead bottle all my feelings up and stick it up my ass 🥰❤️🥰
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clarissaweasley-10 · 1 month
Grayson: What does 'idk' mean?
Lyra: I don't know
Grayson: me neither..
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inmyheaddd · 5 months
grayson hawthorne childhood bsf to lovers head canons
a/n: my first posttt!! grayson hawthorne ily if u have any advice pls lmk!! also will be taking requests if you have any 🤍
wc: 1.9k masterlist
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you both come from very prominent families in texas, so it’s no surprise that you spent countless events and parties within each others company.
you and grayson were in the same nursery
there are multitudes of pictures of you with the brothers as babies/ toddlers, some you forgot even existed 
as you and the hawthorne brothers were all similar ages, you often found yourself ditching the adults and the formalities of the event and hanging out separately -usually in the treehouse.
you weren’t really chatty or outgoing per say, especially compared to xander and jameson. however, around them your shell would fade a little bit. 
grayson was still quiet around you. one time when you were 12 and he was 14, you were climbing up the tree house with a broken arm, (you were too stubborn, and slightly embarrassed to ask for help) he himself was walking towards the tree house from a distance. he sees you struggle, and runs to help you without any hesitation.
you offer him a smile and small “thankyou” when you are both up.
he’s already halfway turned, nods without making eye contact, and then he walks away. 
you and grayson didn’t hit the best friends level until around 14/15
you didn’t talk to him as much as you would with xander, which is what led to xander noticing how many things in common you and grayson had.
he would subtly (not subtle at all) tell grayson about recent things you were doing 
“yeah, she’s into photography… just like you! isn’t that crazy?“
“did you know that she plays cello? just like you!”
“i don’t play cello, xander“
“violin, cello, same thing! you could take pictures of violins together! tell me how many other people on earth you could do that with… none! because she fascinatedly enjoys the same weird things that you do, except she does it better.” he paused, finally taking a breath. “you could learn some things!”
grayson slowly started talking to you more and more in group settings, and you both became more comfortable in each others presence
one time, you needed help with an art project. you had to design your own fictional apartment and create paintings, posters, photos, and furniture unique to you. 
you were not the most creative person at 14, but heights country day had high expectations. 
after 3 days of no progress, you called grayson explaining and asking for help.
to your surprise, he agreed to do it and over the next few weeks you both worked on it.
you started to involve snacks and watching movies (ends up being background chatter whilst you talk) or just talking in the times you worked together, to make it feel less like an appointment and more like friends talking and helping each other out.
one time you suggested you play music ask background noise, and to his surprise you two had extremely similar music tastes. another thing for you to talk about!
as one of the requirements for the project were your own photos, you and grayson would sneak pictures of each other without the other knowing, and one time went out together for the sole purpose of taking photos of surroundings. 
jameson liked to call that “the ultimate first date for nerds”
you and grayson both repeatedly insisted it was not a date. (grayson would go all out and beyond if it was)
during these few weeks you became inseparably close, half the time you hung out to work on the project, it was long forgotten within the hour. 
you soon realized you started to develop a small crush on him.
after you turned it in and got 100, you took a chance and asked him if you two could go out to celebrate. he was extremely happy for you and your mark, and agreed.
you decided on going to the park and have a celebratory picnic, not so subtly accompanied by xander and jameson about 500ft away who just so happened to be coincidentally walking by! 
the awkwardness once present many years ago was long gone, and you two were laughing and talking like there was no tomorrow.
to anyone who didn’t know you two, they would’ve never even guessed you were as quiet as you were around other people. 
around eachother, you felt like there was no pressure to perform, put on a fake face, and any over thinking. 
xander and jameson were genuinely surprised, and thought you two were secretly together, and asked grayson about it a few days later 
“so! me and xander were casually strolling through the park as one does, and we just so happened to see you and a certain someone!”
graysons infamous eyebrow arch appears with a monotone, “and?” 
“you were more smiley than i’ve ever seen you in my whole entire life” xander deadpans. 
“do you have something to tell us?”
“yeah, why would you not tell me and jameson you two were secretly dating!”
“we are not secretly dating, we were celebrating her 100 on the project we worked on.” 
“oh yeah, the ‘project’” xander says in air quotes, dragging the oh with an inquisitive look on his face
graysons face is expressionless as he stays silent for a second. “i’m done with this conversation” grayson says as he walks away.
“you know gray, it wouldn’t be so wrong if you liked her. you deserve someone good for you.” jameson calls out. grayson pauses for a second, and continues to walk.
hes always liked you, he just didn’t want to ruin the one good thing he had going for him in his eyes. every time he lets someone in, which is rarely, they end up gone.
you were inseparable best friends, always getting mistaken as together by older adults, or getting told that you should be together. 
you and grayson swap annotated books all the time.
youd make fun of him for his over analysis of the lines and characters, whilst your annotations would often be “no fucking way” “I KNEW IT” “this psycho bitch” “WHAT” “aww”
he’d make fun of yours as well, but secretly, it was his favorite part of reading the books you’d give him, never failing to make him smile.
he went with you to homecoming, his suit and tie matched your dress and he gave you a matching corsage; all a total surprise to you
literally everybody thought you were together 
he held your shoes for you when your feet got tired 
after the party, you went to an icecream place and talked for hours still in your outfits. people looked at you strangely but you didn’t care because you were both too infatuated with eachother to pay any mind.
on movie nights you two would have together, you two would always look at eachother at seperate times, turning your head when his eyes are about to catch yours. 
when you’d fall asleep on the couch next to him, you’d somehow wake up in your bed 
when you watched the notebook together you noticed him shed a single tear whilst you were crying your eyes out
your crying immediately stopped when you saw it and relentlessly teased him for it as he says “he’d never cry to a romance movie”
when nash would come home he’d always ask grayson if you two were together yet.
you had liked grayson for around 3 years now, and you thought that if he liked you he would’ve said something by now (doesn’t make sense when you’ve liked him for 3 years but said nothing, but it’s ok) 
so when a cute guy in your math class asked you to prom, you agreed.
he ended up being 3 hours late, and when he did show up, he was dancing with another girl the whole time.
you didn’t even like the guy, so why were you so sad? you didn’t know.
you exited through the back door and sat in the parking lot. xander noticed your absence and called grayson right away
sitting in the parking lot with your knees to your chest, mascara threatening to run down your eyes, you notice a car pull up
upon further inspection you realise it’s grayson’s car.
you stand up and walk away and he jogs towards you, calling out your name.
you turn around “grayson? what are you doing here” you say with a light shake of your head
“what are you doing here.” 
“it’s my prom night?”
“no, i mean out here. why aren’t you inside with everyone else?”
“i was just getting a breather, drunk teenagers am i right?” you said, followed by a slight chuckle. “well, im going back inside now, you can go.” you point back to the door with a slight quiver in your voice.
you start to walk away as he’s still standing there.
“you always look down when you lie, you know that?” 
you stop dead in your tracks and turn around, “what?”
“whenever you lie, you look to the side, look back up, look down, and then look back up again.”
“what? you’re talking crazy grayson. just go home, i’m fine.” 
“there you go again, side, back up, down, up again.”
“how’d you even notice that?” you say with a star struck, almost in awe expression on your face.
he walks closer to you “i notice everything about you.” 
you’re at a loss for words, just silently staring at him while he keeps talking
“i notice that you always smile at people, even if you don’t talk, you smile. i notice that even when someone has wronged you numerous times, you’ll show them kindness. i notice that whenever you’re struggling, you keep it to yourself. i notice that you also insist on doing things yourself unless you absolutely need assistance, so you don’t feel like a burden, and it drives me crazy. you drive me crazy.”
you’re genuinely dumbfounded, not knowing what to say, too many thoughts jumping in of your mind you settle on “i… i don’t do that.” real smooth
“do you remember that day in the treehouse?” he pauses, “you broke your arm, yet you still tried to climb it.” 
you lightly laugh “yeah i was like 12, i thought i could do anything.”
“you were still you.”
your face stills, and you notice something unfamiliar in the way grayson looking at you, something you’ve never noticed in his eyes before 
“gray, what are you saying, what does all this mean?” 
“i would spend my entire life noticing all the things you don’t know about yourself, and remembering all the moments you forget. because that’s what my life is. it’s you.“ he’s breathing heavier now, and pauses again. “and i’ll work every single day of it proving to you that you don’t have to be alone. you are the one that showed me that, and you’re the one who needs to hear that the most. i’ll work everyday so that one day so you can see yourself from a lens that isn’t tinted with doubt. i’ll work everyday proving to you that i love you.”
by the end of his confession/monologue, he’s standing right in front of you inches away from your face you’re in genuine shock for a few seconds 
“say something. anything” after a beat of silence, you reply
“you know, i kept all the photos i took of you, of us, from that one art project years ago. it’s in my um, it’s in my special box.” you say with a light laugh
a smile starts to appear on his face “your what?” 
“my box full of things that i love, and never want to lose.” you say in a quieter voice, looking at him straight in the eyes. “i love you, grayson, and i never want to lose you.” 
he reaches for your face and kisses you like you were the air he breathed, kisses you like you were the only person in the whole world, and like his life depended on it. he kissed you, and suddenly your world felt a little bit lighter. 
from that point on, you were together. you never explicitly told anyone you were together, not secret, just private.
a few weeks later, you two were walking around the hawthorne house, holding hands when xander and jameson pass by 
“how do say they aren’t a couple when they do things like that!” xander exclaims pointing at your interlocked hands.
jameson rolls his eyes annoyedly with a smile on his face, “they’re practically married at this point.”
grayson turns around and looks back at xander with the faintest smile on his face “oh, we are a couple,” and continues walking. 
“i so called it”
this is my first ever tumblr post i hope you enjoyedddd 
if you have any advice/improvements give them!! 
i have a part 2 started of what it’s like actually dating and it’s more head cannons than storytelling - this was def story/background heavy - lmk if anyone’s interested!!
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lil-luvxo · 1 month
lyra and grayson head cannons!!
so i'm new to writing so sorry if it's bad or short I just couldn't think of more 😭 anyways enjoy these:
when they first started dating it was awkward when they had a date/ran into each other but once they talked/hugged the awkwardness instantly disappeared. it doesn’t happen anymore tho
they exercise a lot together to prevent the other from overworking 
lyra does this with grayson and his work by sitting in his office and giving him hugs + head/nose kisses when he seems stressed 
i think its canon that they are both insomniacs so when they can’t sleep they cuddle/stroke each other (sounds weird but like on the hair or arm 😭) and talk about what’s on their minds
their both good singers (i hc that lyra is anyway for gray its canon) so in hawthorne karaoke they do duets sometimes and shock everyone 
graysons’s hand placement makes lyra blush and feel so safe - sometimes she’ll hold his hand where ever his hand is or will just hold him back
at events they’re joined at the hip because gray doesn’t want lyra to be alone or in awkward/uncomfortable situations
grayson is a morning person whilst lyra likes to sleep in but their both night owls
gray takes pictures of lyra literally all the time some of them just being her laughing/being natural whilst others are like posed 
he uses them as his wallpaper then 
they have a “can i have a kiss/ can i kiss you” “of course you can” kind of relationship 
he loves watching her dance or finding old videos of her dance because lyra just looks so happy and beautiful 
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avery in the grandest game is giving percy jackson in the heroes of olympus
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slarxsa · 11 days
Savannah is much better than me if I was locked in a room with Rohan we would NOT be making it out of there.
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rxsewqter · 10 months
Jameson: I have a crush on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is because you're not going to like it. Grayson: Rip the bandage off, Jamie. Jameson: It's Avery. Grayson: Put the bandage back on-
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izzy-prizzy · 14 days
grayson "i stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror.." hawthrone
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kit4strophe · 18 days
hey! quick petition to re-kill tobias hawthorne sign below!
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graysdarling · 22 days
〡𝓖. hawthorne ˎˊ˗ sfw headcanons.
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- summery: sfw headcanons about our favorite boy!
- warnings: idk none
- words: 2.1k
- voicemail: this was requested by @kit4strophe here! i love gray twirls hair
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
grayson would be the type of guy to definitely show affection. not the big kind, but the small kind. holding each others fingers while you get the groceries, feet touching underneath the table while you talk to avery and his brothers, a few hands around your waist from time to time. he’s the kind of guy to think that the smallest of touches mean a lot.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
oh, it would take a while to be his friend. he has major trust issues and is not the most friendliest person out there. (not that he cares.) though, when you kick down those walls of his, he would be that kind of best friend that’s sensible. stopping you from making mistakes, helping you study, looking out for you. he would totally be overprotective of you. he sees you as family, how could he not? (it definitely isn’t because of another reason.)
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle)
the shock you would feel whenever you see that he actually likes to cuddle. not that much, of course, but in those perfect nights when he can’t sleep and you want to help him sleep? he’s as close to you as possible. hell, half the time he doesn’t even realize he was pulling you closer to his chest and digging his face into your neck. he’d never admit it of course.
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
once he sees that you’re the one for him, he’d want to settle down. he won’t care where, as long as he’s with you, he’s fine with it. he’d also be the one cooking and cleaning. you’d want to help, and sometimes, he’d let you. but other times? nope. he wouldn’t want you to do all of the cleaning and cooking when he was right there. especially if you don’t know how to cook. he would never let you in the kitchen after what happened last time.
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he would not want to break up with you. the thought of being away from you physically pains him, so whenever he had to break up with you? what, are they trying to kill him now? if he had to break up, he wouldn’t be the one ending the relationship . it would have to be you. the words couldn’t even come out of his mouth. on the other hand, if he had to break up to protect you, he’d be selfish. make you hate him so you could move on quicker. even if it breaks his heart, he would do anything for you.
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
he doesn’t know how to react to marriage because of his mother. for half, he thinks that marriage is important and wonderful. the other part of him thinks that marriage is useless. but, if he heard from avery that you want to get married, you better bet that he’s—about to have a panic attack. hey, can you blame him? after that, he’d totally be okay with marrying you. anyone else? hell no. but he began to realize that your name with hawthorne at the end of it was starting to sound good.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
i could go on a full on RANT about how this man seems like he’s sharp and rough. he wants to be. but with you? he’s just a lovesick puppy. he takes care of you, like you were his most prized possession—which in his eyes, you were. (in the most non-sexist way.) at first, he treated you like that because he was afraid. afraid if he was too rough you would leave him. but now? it’s just an instinct. he likes to be gentle with you. sometimes he’s rough, but that’s rare.
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they it what are their hugs like?)
grayson isn’t the type of guy to hug you twenty-four seven, but, he is the type of guy to give you the most amazing hugs ever. at least you think so. back hugs and tight hugs where he bends you back a bit are his go-to.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
grayson says i love you in different ways. when he squeezes your hand three times; i love you. when he puts a hand on your knee whenever you’re anxious; i love you. when you’re lying your head on his chest and his arm is around your waist; i love you. when he started to try when he actually says it, it would be on a date. a month after you two got together. it was perfect—the two of you were on a walk, leaving a date. you just looked too beautiful underneath the trees while the lights shined against your face—it slipped out.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do if they’re jealous?)
i don’t see grayson as the type to get jealous. hell, he barely gets jealous. he knows you’re loyal and he knows his worth. but, the few—very few—times he is jealous, he’s quiet jealous. he doesn’t say anything vocally, but he does touch you more. a simple hand around your waist or on your back. most of the time, that was enough. that, and with death staring at the dude who decided to try to hit on you.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
he has two types of kisses. long, passionate ones that make you breathless and lean into him, or short, small ones that make you giggle and smile. he doesn’t have a particular spot where he likes to kiss you, but he’s fond of forehead kisses or just real kisses.
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he’s literally so nervous and doesn’t know what to do around children. he only likes a few type of children. when he’s with those, he’s soft and gentle, making sure not to treat them harshly or to make them sad. definitely spoils them. he tries to hide his frown whenever he has to leave them, but you totally see past his fake face.
m = mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
peaceful, calm. he’d spend a few minutes just staring at you, looking at your sleeping face. he wouldn’t wake you up, though, and instead he’d get up and do his morning routine then make breakfast for the two of you. (he denies whenever jameson or xander asks if he could have some) and then wake you up so you could have some.
n = nights (how are nights spent with them?)
perfect. at least he would think that. it depends on what the two of you are feeling, but most of the time, you’re forcing him to watch another episode of your favorite movie series with him before he forces you to go to bed. when you’re not feeling that, he’s trying skin care with you. don’t want to put face masks on? he’s setting a bath for the two of you. other nights, he takes you on dates. whether it he to a fancy restaurant or a simple picnic date while looking at the stars; it’s perfect.
o = open (how would they start to reveal themselves? do they say everything at once or start slowly?)
oh, with grayson, definitely slowly. just some facts about him here and there, letting you slowly get to know him while he comes out of his shell that he (secretly) desperately wants to come out of. (even though he says he’s fine with not talking to anyone) whenever you start to remember the facts and reminders he told you about himself, he practically felt him fall faster for you. maybe, one night, when it’s just the two of you, he’ll come clean and tell you everything.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
it takes a lot to get grayson hawthorne angry, but when it comes to you, he’s like an overprotective dog. it might not seem like it, but whenever someone tries to walk all over you or talks shit about you he’s already planning their downfall. now, with you, you’ve never seen him angry before. playful angry, yes, or maybe a bit annoyed, but not full on anger.
q = quizes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention or do they kind of forget everything?)
he never forgets anything. if he feels like he’ll forget, he’s taking pictures. pictures that make him feel like he was there again; the way your laugh sounded like in his ears, the way you smiled, everything. he sometimes brings up the details that you told him and whenever you look at him with wide eyes, he just looks at you curiously. of course he’d remember everything about you. he was your boyfriend. what was he, a thirteen year old boy?
r = remember (what’s their favorite moment in your relationship?)
definitely the date he took you on before the two of you had your first kiss. he took you to one of those fancy restaurants—but one that wasn’t too crowded because he knew how you get with a lot of people—and turns out, he’d already made a reservation for the two of you. he would push out your chair so you could sit in and push it back in for you, like the gentleman he is. he’d be the one ordering (if you want him to) and of course he got your order right. if you were a picky eater, he made sure that anything that you didn’t like wasn’t on your plate. then, after eating, naturally, he payed and grabbed your hand as you got up. once you got into his car, he couldn’t help but to feel excited. he would take you to his favorite place, the place that only the two of you know about. your place. and he thought that that place would stay his favorite forever.
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
like i said, grayson is like an overprotective dog. he’d make sure that you weren’t doing anything that would get you hurt and would not take the shit people say about you. your life before his. though, he couldn’t lie that it does make him happy whenever you want to protect him too.
t = try (how much effort would they put in dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
are we talking about the same person here? this is GRAYSON HAWTHORNE. of course he’d put so much effort into the dates, just to see you smile. you’re going on a date? boom, reservation, music, ect ect. you want it to be small? boom you’re watching the stars with him. your anniversaries are coming up? the bed’s filled with rose petals and on your bedside table? a large bouquet filled with your favorite flowers with bags underneath it. barnes and noble, dior, the whole thing. half assed dates or presents are not in his vocabulary people!
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
overthinking, sometimes not telling you things. also kissing you a lot. definitely a bad habit.
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
when he was a kid, he was insecure. that trauma was with him growing up, which only added on-to his everything about me needs to be perfect mindset. but with you? insecurities gone. of course, sometimes he’d be worried about how he looked in front of you—does he look bad? is it too much? do you find it embarrassing?—but with one smile of yours and words, immediately gone. he was safe with you and he knew that.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
yep. do i need to say anymore? of course he would. you’re his world in his eyes and without you? absolutely destroyed gone dead gone.
x = xtra (a random headcanon about them)
GRAYSON HAWTHORNE LISTENS TO ASMR PEOPLE. well, at least he used to. it stops him from overthinking at night and lets him actually sleeps. when the asmr doesn’t work, he swims. (he never tells anybody about it though, you just found him listening to it on accident)
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like in a partner)
emily laughlin.
z = zzz (whats a sleep habit of theirs?)
he literally needs physical touch to sleep. he doesn’t know why, but ever since the two of you got together, he can’t sleep without you. just light finger touches? he’s already asleep knowing you’re by his side. you aren’t there? he’s staring up at the roof, practically counting the seconds before you come back from your trip.
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 @reminiscentreader @nqds @never-enough-novels @imaseabear @tornqdowarnings @flowers-for-em @alwaysthefangirl @luvv-danielle @sheisntyou @inmyheaddd
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midiosaamor · 5 months
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: grayson hawthorne x fem!reader.
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: grayson hawthorne has a long routine for the morning; but his half-asleep-willing-girlfriend will make it all better.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: fluff, pet names, sleepy, female reader, forehead kisses, waking up early, swimming (are those even warnings?), use of Y/N, softie grayson (?)
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒: 1073
𝐀/𝐍: bro reader is me. also idk i saw this on a fanfic or like a headcanon with grayson but i forgot who made it?? TRLL ME WHO IT IS SO I COULD KNOW AND TAG THEM GRAHGG??
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: @reminiscentreader @nqds @never-enough-novels @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys @evaswarner @sc11vb @sophiesonlinediary @starrynightsxo @f4iry-bell @his-littlefox @viivdle
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grayson hawthorne has a strict morning routine. wake up at 5 to swim, swim until the others wake up, take a shower, get dressed, get coffee, and do whatever grayson does.
now, having a girlfriend who hates mornings, though, makes his routine have some… holes in it. though, whenever she said she wanted to do it with him, he couldn’t lie that he was happy with it.
“are you sure you want to wake up with me tomorrow, love?” he asks, looking at you nervously. you grin at him. “yeah, i’m sure. plus, i’m tired of not waking up with you in bed, so…” you trail off.
grayson lifts an eyebrow before sighing. “okay, but if you’re too tired to, just tell me and you could go back to bed, okay?”
“i know, don’t worry!”
now, you know that he wakes up early. but you never knew how early.
“love,” grayson says as he lightly shakes your shoulders. you groan tiredly, turning on your side. “Y/N, you said you wanted to wake up with me.”
“yeah, but i never knew how early…” you mumble, your eyes still closed. he chuckles lightly. “you said you wanted to, right?”
“then come on.”
sighing, you blink your eyes open before rubbing the sleep from your eyes. you look up at the blond above you and hum.
you wrap your arms around his neck and close your eyes again. “‘cmon, pick me up,” you mumble, digging your face in his neck. grayson tries to hide his smile as he puts a hand behind the small of your back and picks you up with him.
you wrap your legs around him as he walks to the walk-in closet and sets you down again.
you yawn, rubbing your eyes as grayson gets out his swimming trunks and your bathing suit. “do you want to swim with me?” he asks, looking up at you from his crouching position.
you shrug and say i don’t know with your mouth closed. he rolls his eyes at you, amused as he takes the swimming clothes.
you watch him as he takes his swimming trunks and walks into the restroom with them. you frown. you’ve already seen everything, why does he need to change in the bathroom?
but, you suppose that him sleeping without a shirt is a reward itself already. even though the reason why, was a whole nother conversation that you two already had.
soon, he comes back out with his swimming trunks on and you grab your swimming suit and walk into the restroom.
you tiredly—slowly—change into your swimming suit, the feeling of the fabric against your dry skin making you feel weird. of course, it’ll feel better once you're wet, but still.
you toss your dirty clothes on the wall, where a piece of it opens and takes the clothes before closing again.
you snort and roll your eyes. rich people. walking back out, you see grayson making his bed with two towels on his shoulder and if you were any other person, you’d find this weird, cleaning while he’s in his swimming trunks.
if you were any other person.
he spots you walking out and straightens his back, offering his hand to you. smiling—still tired, surprisingly—you take his hand.
he smiles back and takes you out of his room and to the swimming pool. he swims until everyone else wakes up, he told you. you wonder how long that exactly takes.
all of the rooms are still dark as he makes it to the swimming pool, sliding open the see-through door.
still holding your hand, he steps outside and to one of the pool chairs, putting down the towels on top of it.
you hum and sit on the chair, bringing your legs to your chest.
“do you want to stay here?” grayson asks, lifting an eyebrow at you. you nod at him. “i’ll go in later,” you say, making him form a little smile at you.
he was never one to smile, but he always does when he’s with you. it brings toy joy; especially when it’s a full-blown smile, one of those rare ones.
you watch as he gets into the pool and begins to swim, going from the end of the pool to the other end of the pool, swimming in laps.
you watch how his back muscles move as he moves his arms, his biceps flexing. you blink and look away from him before he can see you staring.
even though you two are official now, you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed whenever he caught you staring at him.
especially in situations like this one.
it was a little while later when you got up from your chair and stepped to the edge of the pool. grayson glanced at you sitting down, before making his way to you.
he’s over there before you even got your feet in the water, putting his hands on either side of your thighs. you put your hands on top of his own and lean down, kissing his wet forehead.
he wraps his arms around your hips and puts his head on top of your chest, making you wrap your arms around his wet neck.
“do you want to come in now?” he asks, his words slightly muffled from your chest. “yeah,” you hum, moving your legs back and forth in the water, both beside his hips.
he nods and trails his hands down to your bottom, pulling you towards him before he backs away from the ledge, bringing you with him.
you squeal as you wrap your legs and arms around him, the cold water making you freeze. “it’s freezing!” you exclaim, squeezing your eyes shut. “jesus—how are you not cold, gray?”
he chuckles and kisses your forehead. “i’ve gotten used to it, flower.”
a few moments later after swimming, kissing, and hugging, avery walks out with jameson by his side.
“stop flirting and come eat. breakfast is ready,” jameson says, smirking at his brother. grayson glares at him and slowly brings you down from where you were.
you had tried to see how long he could not breathe from underwater, but of course, he had to try to impress you and was under there longer than he should have.
of course, he didn’t tell you that, though. after all, he needs to beat you in the pool games tomorrow—which, of course, he’ll never admit to liking.
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gandergaal · 20 days
I had a dream epiphany that the girl Grayson kissed at Harvard was
(Spoilers tgg)
Calla Thorp
Pretty sure that the kiss is actually not gonna matter at all. But that could make a very interesting plot. Donty'a think?
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