#The Irish Lads Hogwarts AU
rtgamebutsheep · 2 years
So. Kevin playing Hogwarts Legacy.
As a trans man, I was so proud when RTGame publicly said that he would not be playing the new Harry Potter game because he doesn’t support JK Rowling. His community is the most supportive place I’ve ever been in, and since Kevin’s community has been really supportive as well I kind of assumed he’d do the same thing and not play it.
Maybe that was a bit of an unfair assumption, but it’s just kind of common decency, you know? When you have a community like Kevin’s, where a large portion of it is LGBTQIA+, you’d think that it would make sense not to play a game from a franchise made by a transphobic person.
And the fact that he took the sponsorship, as well?? Like, obviously the big issue is that Kevin played the game, but you’re getting paid for it too?
I’m just absolutely gutted. I really want Kevin to address the fact that he played it and apologize, or take the video down, or do something to acknowledge this at all. Because otherwise, I’m not sure I can stay in this community, and I know a lot of other people feel the same.
I love the Irish Lads. I love all of their channels individually, I love all the AUs, it just felt like a place of genuinely good and uncancellable content. (Is uncancellable a word?) But now that’s been kinda shattered, or at least cracked in a part of it.
God I hope RT doesn’t get canceled somehow, that would be my absolute last straw-
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mollymarymarie · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for tagging me @squintclover you treasure ❤️😘 i'm gonna make this a keep reading, because i get wordy
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
In total, I have 39 works on Ao3
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
so i didn't know this but apparently i have over a million words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I don't write for HP anymore, but that's the majority of my fics. I have a few for the marvel universe and two weird real people fics (which now give me the ick so i won't be writing those anymore either)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dear Your Holiness (lots of people share my priest kink apparently)
The Road Not Taken (for the angst, i'm sure)
The Lad That Loved You (it's my oldest wolfstar fic)
Bird Set Free (figure skating, Yuri On Ice, what's not to love)
When It Counted (this one sort of surprises me, but it's amortentia-based, so I think that aspect is the draw)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! not as often as i'd like but i do read them all right away, i have notifications for ao3 comments turned on. in that way, i get to enjoy them twice!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a short oneshot called Midnight about Halloween 1981 and I have another one called Where The Willow Don't Bend about Remus being a ghost at Hogwarts. I think those both end pretty angsty
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In general, all my fics have happy endings. i go to fiction to escape the fact that almost nothing in life has a happy ending so i don't really like ending stories with anything except happiness. I really like the ending of We Can Pretend - they're in love, they get to be together, they're in Paris, their friends are all there with them, they're singing Nat King Cole to each other on a balcony while coq au vin is on the stove. fantasy scenario tbh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
sure do. i won't list it. one thing that happens (which isn't exactly hate, but it makes me laugh) is when people criticize the fact that wolfstar are mentioned as having greys in The Road Not Taken because they're only 28/29 so they can't possibly have grey hair lol (i definitely had greys by that age, 100%)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah most of my fic is smut, but i'm sort of getting away from that. the TENSION is the best part, in my opinion.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nah, not really interested, i guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. my fics have been put up on other sites without my permission but my name was still attached to it, at least.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few! usually DYH. it's always nice to have someone ask for permission to translate.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, mostly because i'm a control freak lol
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
it used to be wolfstar (kinda soured on me for multiple reasons, the biggest one being JKR is a piece of shit and getting associated with her works is not fun)
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
back when i was watching Preacher, i was (still am) obsessed with Joe Gilgun, so i definitely have a Proinsias Cassidy fic in the WIPs somewhere that will never get finished, but i do go back to it from time to time because, i mean, irish vampire. give it to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
do i have any???? people tell me i do tension well. maybe that?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
first of all, NOT PLANNING AHEAD, figuring it out as i go and then having to go back and change a bunch of shit when i inevitably fuck it up. also, commas. i use FAR too many commas. i won't be stopped.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have a few fics that i have done that for. with French, with Russian, and now with Portuguese. it's difficult, Google Translate will only get you so far, but i LOVE languages so much. people will usually politely correct me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OH TRUTH BE TOLD the Good Charlotte fandom, i am not even joking you right now. wrote an ENORMOUS self-insert fic for me and my friends with the members of Good Charlotte (i was with Benji, obviously) at the age of like 15 and the plot was SO fucking ridiculous. i mean. john mayer was there, ville valo from HIM was there (the main character had dated both of them before benji, of course). Elijah Wood was in there at some point and i think he was a murderer???? i should do a dramatic re-telling of what happens in this fic over tumblr (i will not post it, it is so so badly written)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
truthfully, i think it's Dear Your Holiness. i wrote that just after losing my grandmother and all of the conversations about faith still sort of hit me in the gut even now. plus the tension is really nice, i love the idea of a heavily tattooed Remus, and it's the music of my teenage years so it's very sentimental for that reason, too.
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revrads · 3 years
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'Kevin is a very skilled dueller, Hufflepuff's champion and self-proclaimed 'Duelling Master', mostly because he learnt Incendio on his 1st year and he's been using the same spell ever since but as time goes by, the fire gets bigger, hotter, and more explosive. No other students want to duel Kevin cause holy shit the dude's fucking psycho. However, only one student dared to stop him, Daniel, also of Hufflepuff, having to learn Aguamenti just to stop this raging torch. Though, he can't seem to control the water spell as every attempt to extinguish the fire would always lead to massive flooding which caused more harm than good'
Hey more Hogwarts AU
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hannasational · 3 years
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here is part two of the moodboards based off of @slseabury‘s irish lads hogwarts au!
part one
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revrads · 3 years
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"The Lads are deemed the worst students of their year, destructive and chaotic even to the point one of them (Kevin) was expelled. Somehow they end up becoming five of the most successful wizards in Britain and Ireland.
Daniel would later become the archivist for the Ministry of Magic, the Charms professor, and an author of his own books.
Kevin ended up becoming an Auror as a way to channel his aggressive nature and a D. A. D. A professor, teaching at Hogwarts with Dan, inseparable as always.
Sean, despite his fear of heights, overcomes it and becomes the seeker for the Irish quidditch team the Kenmare Kenstrels.
Daithi took over his parents' potions shop as one of the top alchemist in Britain. And Brian gets transferred to America for further Healer education"
Aftermath of the AU? A story? Maybe? Idk lol. Anyway, here's a doodle I made in my off time. I've always liked the thought that these guys, no matter how much trouble they caused, would still be more competent than many in their age. I might finally draw a full piece later on after I finish some other drafts lol
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revrads · 3 years
Hogwarts AU Headcanon
Part 1: How They Met
Dan and Kev met in Ollivander's and became instant best friends the moment they got their wands together.
Even though his parents told him to not worry about it, Dan has trouble with expectations on his status as a pureblood. He gets picked on by other Slytherin purebloods. First time on the train, Kevin socked the kid picking on Dan
Kevin, a half-blood, gets called names alot and didn't expect Dan to say anything in return but Dan decided he's a better company than the other purebloods anyway
Together they're sorted in Hufflepuff. Both were hat stalls, Dan was either going to be placed in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff and Kevin wasn't even supposed to be Hufflepuff, he's either Gryffindor or Slytherin, but in the end it worked out
Contrary to popular beliefs regarding calm and collected Hufflepuffs, Daniel and Kevin are the most chaotic and destructive duo ever (and they were roommates)
The moment Kevin mastered the Incendio charm, he immediately went to set every house other than Hufflepuff on fire while Dan tries to stop it using Aguamenti but ends up flooding the place anyway
They end up in detention so many times the professors were like "oh fuck not them again". Usually it's Kevin and Dan just gets roped into it either on accident or on purpose
Séan is the loudest thing to have ever existed in Ravenclaw tower. He usually screams and yells to himself when he's alone in the middle of the night doing homeworks or reading cause he couldn't sleep and the tower is lonely. During the day, he has trouble speaking in his "inner voice"
Some nights his hyperactive yells could be heard throughout the whole castle and it's usually at 3 am
He went to detention a few times and was met with a sleep deprived professor. He ends up with the other two
Brian and Daithi are like anti-Dan and Kev; They're only chaotic to themselves. They have the typical Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry but are still somehow best friends
They'd joke alot but then the joke would turn into tiny insults and seconds later would turn into actual brawls with wands ready or even fist fighting. But their brawls were never bad enough to inflict major injuries
They end up in detention with bruises and cuts, ft. Séan, Dan, and Kev
They later bond through detention and made their own group. Dan stepped up as the self-proclaimed "leader" of said group cause though he's the youngest, he's the one with half more braincells than the other
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revrads · 3 years
More Irish Lads Hogwarts AU part 2: Daniel and Kevin's Misadventures of Chaos and Hufflepuff Loyalty
Roommates. They're roommates
Kevin mastering the Incendio charm and setting everything on fire while Dan tries to put them out using the Aguamenti charm but ends up flooding the place, causing more damage
Kevin managed to master the animagus spell on his fifth year and, unsurprisingly, started going around attacking assholes from other houses as a red panda, acting all cute and soft then proceeded to scratch and bite. No one would believe the mad student yelling about a loose demon red panda roaming around.
Dan covers up Kevin's messes like an expert (which he is) and wouldn't leave a single trace. He might not have mastered much combat spells but Dan is an expert in concealment charms and extension charms, he's especially an expert on the fidelius charm, mastered it when he was only in second year
They're immensely loyal to the Hufflepuff house so when someone messes with a junior, they'll fuck shit up. That and they'll fuck shit up in general
Dan is in the gobstone club out of stress. His parents suggested he join a more education-centric club but after much consideration, and Kevin's constant push for him to "have fun", he decided to join. It worked well and he decided it's good for his mental health
Kevin is in the frog choir out of Dan's insistance. "That guy can sing as good as he could burn down the entire castle" was how Dan recommended him to the professor leading the choir. Sometimes he plays for the orchestra
Detention is a frequent thing, at least 3 times a week. It's like a doctor's appointment. Usually it's Kevin's fault and Dan gets roped into it cause they're two halves of a whole idiot
Since Hufflepuff is next to the kitchens, Kevin would drag Dan in to try cooking new recipes. Sometimes the food turns out decent, sometimes not, sometimes it's the chocolate lava cake
Daniel loves Care for Magical Creatures and secretly keeps a bowtruckle in his pocket named 'Truckles' and a niffler named 'Kevin Jr.' cause the little shit won't stop stealing his pocket watch
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revrads · 3 years
The Irish Lads Hogwarts AU that nobody asked but I'm serving anyway cause my obsession with these chaotic Irishmen has been revived once again:
Kevin (Hufflepuff - Half-blood)
Wand: Spruce wood with Phoenix Feather, 14 3/4", Flexible
Patronus: Weasel
Animagus: Red panda
Favourite subject(s): Defense Against The Dark Arts (D. A. D. A) & Transfiguration
Least Favourite: Flying & History of Magic
Daniel (Hufflepuff - Pureblood)
Wand: Chestnut wood with Unicorn Hair, 13", flexible
Patronus: Siberian cat
Favourite subject(s): Care for Magical Creatures & History of Magic
Least Favourite: D. A. D. A & Potions
Sean/Jack (Ravenclaw - Muggleborn)
Wand: Dogwood with Dragon Heartstring, 12 1/4", Brittle
Patronus: Basset hound
Favourite subject(s): Charms & Flying
Least favourite: Flying (it's complicated)
Daithi (Slytherin - Pureblood)
Wand: Ebony wood with Dragon Heartstring, 14", Brittle
Patronus: Chow chow
Favourite subject(s): Potions & Transfiguration
Least favourite: Herbology
Brian (Gryffindor - Muggleborn)
Wand: Larch wood with Unicorn Hair, 13 3/4", Unyielding
Patronus: Buzzard
Favourite subject(s): Flying & Astronomy
Least favourite: Potions
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revrads · 3 years
Daniel: Guys being a pureblood isn't that great. We're literally the dumbest people alive
Sean: Not thay great?! How can people who managed to control magic be the dumbest people-
Daniel: Pureblood wizards shit on the floor before toilets existed
Kevin: ...
Sean: ... I see your point
Daniel: ...
Kevin: Do you uh, still, y'know-
Daniel: no
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revrads · 3 years
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Angst? Out of context angst? Idk lol, but I wanted to doodle this out, a part of my story
Anyway, some doodles on my Hogwarts AU. Something happened in 6th year, a disaster that caused them to turn backs on each other, especially on Kevin. In this moment, Kevin, for the first time in his life, felt his life crumbling before his eyes in the form of Dan's yells
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revrads · 3 years
Hogwarts AU Headcanons: Injuries
Dan has troubles with maintaining his emotions and stress, sometimes they affect his spells, performance in class, and life in general. One of the reason why Dan hated any subjects that included intense physical activities (like, D. A. D. A and Flying) is cause he has problems maintaining his stamina and would easily collapse. 5 incidents happened and Dan would be damned if he would repeat it again
Kevin once fell off a broom when he's trying out for Quidditch. Broke left arm, cracked right arm, messed up his shoulders, broke both feet, and cracked his skull. It was the first time he was vulnerable and he hated it. Kevin has the most scars and wounds out of them. He's reckless enough to jump into danger head first. One wound couldn't heal and it left a nasty scar on the side of his head, a wound from basilisk fangs and poison
Sean is generally the most cautious. Most of his injuries were from falling off the broom or something but they weren't fatal. One time he did jumped from some few meters from air and successfully broke nearly every bone in his body. However, Sean has one wound he couldn't heal and it's the blinding of his left eye in 6th year. There weren't any scar, it left green catarac like rings and thus blinded his left eyesight
Daithi is reckless and hot headed but that didn't mean he's bad at keeping himself from injuries. In fact, his injuries to date are plain bruises and burn marks from working and experimenting with Potions. At some point he experienced some very minor chemical radiation but through several healing spells and medications, he could handle it at least
Brian has the least amount of scars but that doesn't stop him from being targeted the most. He's not fragile, far from it, but the amount of times some evil entity target him is ridiculous. Most of his injuries are minor from scratches to the more serious ones like head trauma, but other than that he's mostly clean
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revrads · 3 years
Hogwarts AU: Sean
Before the lads, Sean already had close friends; Felix and Mark, both from Gryffindor
Felix is a pureblood and Mark is a muggleborn, like Sean. The three of them met on the train to Hogwarts. Mark and Sean were getting acquianted in their own compartment and heard a boy got kicked out of his by his "friends". Said boy was Felix who they invited to sit with them. Mark was wary of Felix cause of his status as pureblood but loosened up the moment the Swede treated his new friends to sweets
When they were sorted, Sean begged the sorting hat to put him in Gryffindor but unfortunately, he was placed in Ravenclaw. The first few nights alone were hard for him, lonely and quiet. He befriended other Ravenclaws but they just weren't the same. So he started yelling, talking to himself, and laughing loudly during nights when he can't sleep, making a company of himself
Of course that's disruption of peace which resulted in detention, where he first met Kevin and Dan
In 3rd year, he drifted apart from the other two and began hanging out with the Lads more
Sean is part of Ravenclaw's Quidditch Team, a seeker too. Despite his fear of heights, he managed to rise to the top as the best seeker. He overcame his fear with Brian's help and with newfound confidence, he outflew the rest
At first, Sean was the most wary of Kevin due to his reputation of destruction going so far as to distance himself from him despite being in the same group. A life threatening situation brought them together, Kevin's loyalty and honest intentions showed true and Sean began to trust him and later fully befriended him. Hell, they play together in the Hogwarts Orchestra
Weirdly enough, it was Kevin that Sean hung out with the most. The two were in sync with most of everything and sometimes during trips around the Forbidden Forest, Kevin and Sean would be separated from the group and do their own stuff like climb on trees and rafting. Everytime they went rafting, the mermaids in the lake would pay them a visit. They seemed fond of them
The moment he was able to cast his patronus, Sean would constantly summon it, a basset hound, just to take it for a walk like a regular dog. The patronus didn't mind and decided it loved Sean so much he indulged in it
As a muggleborn, he's constantly harassed by the purebloods. It stopped the moment they realize; a) he's associated with Felix, a pureblood and the duelling champion of Gryffindor. And, b) he's associated with Kevin, the duelling champion of Hufflepuff and an actual psychopath. They're mean but not to the point they want to die
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revrads · 3 years
Wait what about the group picture you posted with an eye patch over Brian? (I'm assuming it's Brian because he's wearing Gryffindor colours)
Oh that! That's just a normal minor injury after falling off a broom, typical Gryffindor Quidditch stuff! It's not as bad as it looked, just a small cut on the eyebrow, but he and Daithi thought it made him look cool and badass so he wore it most of the time just to look like he had a big fight
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revrads · 3 years
Can I ask what happen to Brian's eye in your Hogwarts AU?
((I'm assuming you meant Sean since Brian has nothing wrong with his eye actually :D))
It's something that happens later in the AU actually! It involves Sean being temporarily kidnapped by neo death eaters and later getting struck by a very weakened confringo curse directly on his left eye. It's not strong enough to blast his head but it is strong enough to cause permanent damage and blindness. The catarac ring appeared soon after as a result of coming in contact with a lethal curse
If you're wondering what it looks like, it kinda looks like having an actual septic eye
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revrads · 3 years
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The Irish Lads Hogwarts AU but Kevin's Wand Is Constantly On Fire
I'm back on my Hogwarts AU Irish Lads bullshit. Originally I wanted to do more of this but I briefly lost interest because of university and Hamilton, but now I'm back! I'll be posting some of my headcanons for this AU and I'll try to post more content of this AU or The Lads in general (expect alot of Kevin and Anna too cause I've been watching Anna alot these days and my heart just- 🥺💞)
So what'd I miss folks? :)
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revrads · 3 years
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More Hogwarts AU but it's a little doodle
The Shy Ravenclaw Girl Meets The Chaos Bastard Badger Child (ft. Their friend, Dan the Mom). Aka, how Kevin and Anna met in a series of unfortunate events
I might make a full story out of this AU in the future idk lol
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